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>M. Bison Gameplay Trailer and Guide

>Year 2 Character Reveal Trailer

>The official Capcom Pro Tour 2024 website is live

>S2 Balance Patch

>High level replays

>Street Fighter 6 Frame Data

>SuperCombo Wiki

>Fighting Game Glossary

>Footsies Handbook

>Use Fightcade to play ST, A2, A3, 3S, CVS2, etc

>Daigo drills (warm-up routine)

Last Round: >>483503284
>Japanese Ethan/POOPji
Mods, 80thou this nigga and new thread.
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His art kinda sucks but calling him Pooji is a bit too far...
Is Ryu still the most honest character in the game?
Guile is
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His art is not even the issue (even tho he doesn't have deep fundies and is carried by using pretty colors/chibi-simple style) but his comic is peak Japanese """""humour""""" and flanderizes Juri and even the other characters a lot.
>t. Pink Guile

The Juri Comic is another example of wasted potential. Is so painfully unfunny and forced.
if he's so honest why does every ryu player play like...... that
Honestly, they should have hired a western artist and give him creative freedom to make better jokes.
Dude is not only Japanese shitter with no sense of humor but his art style kinda blows for most of the time.
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My sexo wife.
>That time the """joke"""" of the 2 panel comic was that he was too busy playing SF to actually draw
If it was a Western Artist doing this shit they would get so much shit, but weebs can't stop slopping that japanese artist cock.
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THEIR wife.
Theres 2 anons who fight for her.
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His comics are more enjoyable with Eri Kitamura's voice
how long until people stop playing akuma?
>one of the most popular shotas
Broski's twitch chat is acting up again
I'm actually surprised how many weebs are even here. I thought blacks would be based to at least be vaccinated against japanphilia.
He is a japanese pooji that draws a little bit better but still fucking sucks and doesn't deserve his job.
Nigcels don't really represent your average black male.
That said, Japan works overtime in their public psyop so its never too surprising when terminally online niggers of any race slop for Japan.
>I'm surprised by weebs on 4chan
I hate this reddit colony general.
You jerk off this shit game and only spread your faggotry.
>I'm actually surprised how many weebs are even here
lorewise whos the stronger one between ryu and ken?
Man, Master rank is really grim since the last time I played. I swear it's no different than plat
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Juri's Husband boutta beat Bison for giving his wife PTSD
ken was never anything more than a green mario
You mentally stunted obese faggots clearly do not even use this site properly if thats what you think.
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Sorry for being a brainlet, but I just did world tour and I need someone to help me clear something up. Did I understand correctly that this "new" bison was the leftover body after he was defeated in SF5? And was essentially his own person like SF4's Abel? And instead of letting Bisons soul control him again, he instead absorbed bisons soul instead so now essentially a new person but with the memories of OG bison?

Or did I completely misunderstand the situation and it was all just Bison all along
you need to go back to your containment board
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mike bison and Balrog have full voiced lines
Based Hubby but CHADson aint no jobbing bitch like FRAUDkuma
You nailed it on the head
Back up bum who’s basically in his own solid snake simulation.
His own life memories, not important. He’s shaped into the real Bison
I want a new super gem fighter with chibi designs
Old Bison => Akuma
Nu Bison <<<< Akuma
Ken beat ryu both times
Alpha 2
SF3 undecided
SF6 no match yet
Ken 2- Ryu0
It's kind of well thought when you think about it. Because the real Bison is too much of a threat to the world so they'd have to kill him again and people wouldn't be able to play him again in future SF games
So how's the steamchart looking bros?
Smash timmy just Yappin
He is angry!
It really depends on the game, I think canonically they switch a lot but atm it's Ryu because he's reached enlightenment and controls the Satsui-no-Hado.

If you want to get deeper into it, Ken is more talented, in the SF games where he's taking his rivalry with Ryu seriously he's typically the one who is canonically stronger than Ryu in those games. But Ryu is an autist who lives and breathes self-improvement so whenever Ken gets too busy with his family life or company Ryu overtakes him.

Full autist mode : My guess is a focused Ken who takes his training seriously is about equal to a enlightened Satsui-no-Hadou controlling Ryu.
thats inevitable.
average skill level in master will drop as more and more bad players move into it.
only MR matters, and even there there's caveats, like region, current season and how far progressed it is.
Insane that crabs lost yet again
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Episode 11 (and Mai waiting thread)
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Ken had sex
Has a kid and still bent ryu over
Fuck that orphan smelly hobo ass nigga
Ken is the real face of SF, let’s be real for once
go back
Calling an artist Poopji is the equivalent of saying the hard R n word to blacks, to deny holocaust to the jews, to call hispanics mutts to their faces, to call Japs bugs and chinks... is the ultimate slur. Even worse than all of those combined btw.
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Sex with an albino snake
>Bisons basic bitch combo does 7k+ damage

So this guy just touch of deaths Akuma on counter hits I take it?
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Sorry, albino snake only wants Laoshi's dick.
>SF has been strifing away from weebculture since SF4
>Finally made a SF entirely for black people
>Mentally unwell spergs stuck in the past cant process that
I genuinely think they are stuck in some weird timeloop in their mind, like some braindamage issue that caused their retarded head to think its summer 2014 everyday.
You are NOT Japanese little bro, I'm sorry.
And not a woman either.
jesus christ go1 is 1900mr already. punk is gonna get bison to legend in like an hour
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I can fix her
Is it true that Vega and Balrog are in World Tour?
>Beast/animal + anal
Optimal combo.
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Full voice lines from their VAs and their names can be either or now
>Vega, but I’ve gone by Balrog before..
>it matters little compared to my title of one of the four kings of shadaloo
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>"Bison will be shit because no EX reversal!!! Game is just slime!!"
>Bison has throw invincible, plus on block EX headstomp and wake-up drive reversal
>Turns out this is very fucking good in combination
>His offence is as disgusting as it's ever been and his damage is high
>He's already being considered top 5 by people and potentially scarier than Akuma
/sfg/ is the most retarded general on this site
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They actually brought back Norio Wakamoto in WT. This Bison has a different VA, because he really is supposed to be someone else.
World tour is such a labor of love, desu
I mean Kojima did it with MGSV too but nobody praised him for that
Ah, I was curious about whether they had WT models or not
Given that it's just artwork and they actually brought in the VA's that's a pretty good indicator they're both being considered for the game in the future
>he actually says bison
JP is a goodmatchup right haha.... right?
say yes....
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I need you Mai
Yeah, guess it means I can expect Balrog(Mike Bison) next year or year 4
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only retard here is you for collating both pre-launch and day 1 conjecture about a character as well as going for the /vg/ is one person meme
I'm the first person to think that swapping name of "Vega" to "M.Bison" or "Gouki" to "Akuma" was extremely retarded, but now it's too late unfortunately. I say Bison because it's less confusing
Not even Dudley had a voiced artwork and text lmao
I know it’s early in the morning but Dudley Niggas are now fucked
Oh wait I'm retarded haha
You meant Wakamoto. Yeah it's a funny
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I think the english names are more fitting, Vega suits dictator and claw both pretty well but Balrog for claw just sounds wrong
Mike Bison is really funny though
For one, it's 'conflating'
And people will shitpost about the game no matter what, just fun to remind them how retarded they are
The game is having a cake and eat it too moment so it matters little now about the names.
collate and conflate are both for combining information, though conflate is probably more suitable
Conflate is most often used in the context of unintentionally combining two things, collate is more intentional
Whats going on here?
Also highly breedable AKI
What am I missing
It doesn't seem that good besides maybe EX, which is punishable on block
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Her hips are incredibly sexo ingame
Made to be gravid...
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Best SF newcomer since Juri
hey /sfg/ who are your resident shizos/personas?
Fuck off, nobody wants thread drama
I love AKI and her personality is fun but I hate that 95% of her identity is being a FANG simp.
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They really thought this through. Wakamoto was getting too old and they wanted Bison to be brought back without being killed again. So now they have made this similar scenario with Piccolo Daimao and Piccolo jr where the new version of Bison has absorbed the memories of his old version but still is his own person. So happy they didn't just drop Wakamoto, I hope we'll be able to hear echoes of his voices here and there.
To be fair like 90% of FANG's personality is being a Bison simp
Lmao, you're a genius. I've been thinking of how the describe the situation of the current Bison but your piccolo comparison is 100% succint, it's exactly that scenario.
scissor kick looks fucking demonic judging from go1's stream
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Here are your hitconfirm windows for Bison, courtesy of @RichardWinz
Have fun with real Bison again after years of weird molasses SF5 Bison
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I've rewatched Dragon Ball recently so it helped.
We have a new shota poster if thats what you mean
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>hmmm yes today I will wakeup reversal with bomb on me :)
Street Fighter has no shotas, though? Except young Ed, I guess.
i noticed go1 only anti airs by air to airing, is his cr.hp bad?
Air to air was by far Bison's best anti air in 5 too, his jMP is ridiculous and juggles on hit
There is a plan to turn all shotos into shotas desu desu no kappa
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Bison should be one of the best characters in the game, and I don't care about anyone saying otherwise.
Simple as.
bison shouldve drive rushed on his horse
>Season 1 was JP's reign
>Season 2 will be Akoomer and Bison's
dee jay walked so bison could run
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Mother bearing hips....
remember when people thought DR would get nerfd
it's virtually unpunishable because of the distance it leaves you at
they nerfed honda headbutt but then put in scissor kick without charge
Long range drive rush isn't the issue
For Deejay it's that he can sway afterwards, for AKI and others it's that they can overtake their fireball.
For most of the cast drive rush outside of 2-3 character lengths to force a strike/throw mixup isn't that strong
How about speed
You pieces of shit actually doomposted enough that I dont even want to log in.
Fuck you.
Acting like the game is unplayable 3 hours into the release.
>B-B-But he has a tuh tuh tuh touch of death combo ag-
Shut the fuck up, just shut the fuck up holy shit I dont care.
It's still not that big an issue in that situation.
You can react to Deejay/Bison's drive rush at that range and press whatever disjointed button of your own to check it.

But yes, I agree that doing the "Correct" thing and getting outplayed by Deejay or Luke doing sway/suppressor is infuriating. But it doesn't happen THAT much
didn't read
its a video
Go1 just passed 2K MR on Bison....
Didnt click simple as.
What about if they do it midscreen and you can't react at all because you're a reactionlet
Yeah, it's slimin time
Unironically the only thing you can do is daigo drill style training to get better at reacting to it completely randomly at least some of the time.
Against a player it'll never be truly random, and so you'll be able to get an idea of when it's coming at least a little bit more

Reactions are almost always improved by anticipating something
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>Long range drive rush isn't the issue
>For Deejay it's that he can sway afterwards, for AKI and others it's that they can overtake their fireball.
>For most of the cast drive rush outside of 2-3 character lengths to force a strike/throw mixup isn't that strong
Holy shit you got me
Did they buff Gouki?
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him and zangief got nerfed
It's actually sad how little anyone tries to play a ground game in sf6
Define 'ground game'
thats just how the game works and that was capcoms design intent.
but enough about akuma
>I'm Vega
>but some call me Balrog
Lol they're really going for this double name thing
>has less health than other character
>I still cant kill him in one hit
one thing GG did right is making these "low health" characters actually have low health
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They actually nerfed him lmao. Oh brother, zanku was already dogshit
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>zanku was already dogshit
you're trying really hard and for that, here's a (you)
Any DPs already beat all of them clean, if you don't play a DP character that's not my problem. Literal skill issue
Yes, she needs Laoshi's poisonous semen as a daily dose.
they buffed Juri
>if you don't play a DP character that's not my problem.
You're retarded if you believe thats sufficient balancing.
>"oh you're not running a shoto?"
>"guess I win again!"
unalive yourself fren
ok, it's Bison now mashing scissor kicks instead of df.HP, when's Terry again?
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My guess is that Balrog is going to join Ed and JP is going to replace him.
>I....I have to think about when and how I anti-air? I can't just........crouch brainless?
Only one of us should kill ourselves here friendo and I think that's you
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>Opponent has demonstrated their reactions are too bad to stop me dashing or drive rushing them down
>They get mad and complain about me not playing 'honourably' or 'playing the ground game's
If you were good enough to stop it I would be forced to, but you aren't and so I won't.
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thank you for again showcasing the thread that you're retarded and that your opinions dont matter.
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Lol JP
Works for me
*continues to spam air fireball so you rage quit like the bitchmade fag you are*
So what you're saying is that Bison is back to how he always should have been
they did?
blud is replying to a shoto player willingly
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scissor kick wasnt a motion in previous games
the issue with gg is that even normal health characters get 2shot by good characters
He has psycho crusher now so I don't care, it being a motion is a strict buff to Bison. :)
What SF you played that had motion scissor kicks? The 3DS one?
How is the Bison and Akuma matchup? Who is favored and by how much?
the psycho crusher works nothing like in past games.
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What do they mean by this change?
>parry input
>forward input
>p parry activates
>you now have to do forward input twice to drive rush
now its
>parry input
>forward input
>p parry activates
>forward input activates rush
quiet shoto faggot
So the OS for a perfect parry fireball is now just Parry+f instead of parry+f f?
Oh nvm I'm dumb, I get what you mean now.

So it keeps it consistent with the parry+dash input no matter when the fireball actually interleaves with those inputs. That's a really nice change for something that could be a bit annoying
no you still have to do two separate forward inputs its just that your inputs dont reset between first press and p parry activation
it means its easier to os now but its the same os
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Kek Bison's world tour art is a Terminator reference
Isn't that arcade? I did all of his content in WT and didn't see this pic yet
Oh maybe it is, I'm just at work and scrolling through twitter
Anybody here play in a Japanese arcade before? Any idea on how to get an "Amusment IC card"? I can't find anything about how to get one.
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No too poor to go visit Japan
sucks for you because its insanely cheap right now (and extremely crowded tbf). i live here and the amount of whites im seeing is unreal
>soul power aura on his normals
>hit effect is still psycho power purple
>he doesnt actually have any soul power move at all
imagine if theyve given him something crazy like lvl2 soul satellites super
it's ok Jiyuna
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grappler mains, which stick should i buy, seimitsu ls-32 or ls-56?
Akuma is still busted as fuck tho
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tongue status?
Does this mean that when someone parry a max range limb on dhalsim they can't immediately drive rush in after and punish me for playing my game? For example, if AKI parrys Sim st.mp or st.hp and drive rush after can I beat her out with another limb or do I still have to resort to preemptive 4mk/3hp or just block?

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Nose firmly embedded between cheeks
no it means that its easier to drive rush now
whats Bisons best whiff punish buttons? This mfer slow as fuck
bison is a cr.mk drive rush character
Your top tier status.
Give it to me.
bison is gay
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Squishy bubbly butt
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Most swarthy Spaniard.
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Many, many such cases
So after Bison which of the 4 kings is coming in next? Rog, Vega, or Sagat? I mean, we all know they're coming so lets not pretend otherwise.
Almost certainly Vega in season 3
vega has just released you slowpokes
>barely any different
>now this time it only has windows support
for what purpose
They'll either add sagat so they can do that stupid rock paper scissors shit they did back in SF4 or Balrog.
Really hoping for the latter.

Jivers sisters....
Bruv is dropping knowledge
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ProblemX is a capSCHOLAR
i dont get whats wrong with this clip? kens damage?
why wouldnt a command grab lose to an airborne move? lvl1 wouldve won that
The more I think about it, the more I realize I would be diamond already if I anti-aired more.
There are still plenty of shitters in plat I need to abuse that are still afraid of the ground.
Who's that in the back?
Sagat would honestly be so braindead in this game I don't want him in. His fireballs will be so easy to zone with everyone will be god playing as him and his fireball drive rush would make Guile look honest.
>default dummy is Ed with ending's color
Vega. Balrog is not getting in because everyone wants Dudley and he is generally the better character & better for black representation since he is not a walking embodiment of negative black stereotypes like Rog. And Sagat is too ugly to follow up Bison, a pretty boy like Vega is a better contrast.
they should add adon instead
I thought he was as fast as akuma the fuck?
>showing new character's tech before EVO
this is why Mena wins
We have told you to do the drills
>his brit accent with that dogshite mic
Don't wanna take you seriously yet
his walk speed, I meant his buttons
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>opponent has a 24-win streak using M. Bison
>beat his ass
>dont give him the rematch
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Chunbros we're free. Juri took on the mantle of jobber.
and I told YOU I dont know what daigo drills are and that link is broken desu
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Horse Lore
>V Bison came out with no Psycho Crusher
In retrospect, what the fuck was Capcom smoking?
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spinoff game they weren't thinking
making a top tier for 5 years
i thought v bison was more fun than iv bison
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I never played bison in any street fighter.
>New Bison is just a fighting autist like Akuma
>Doesn't care at all about Shadaloo
>Confirms that he was a disciple of Soul Power together with Rose
Good stuff.
Yes, Dictator in a new body. Still getting use to it.
so.... the horse has psycho power now?
whats with bison and forcing his power on others like a reverse vampire?
>tfw fucked up and forgot to buy DJ's Outfit 3 before the sale was over
Well damn
>6 bison came out without teleport dashes, psycho inferno, psycho blast, psycho reflect, psycho charge and hell's warp
what the fuck were they thinking?
>Jon Streets does not become Bison's best friend
>He becomes his horse's best friend, gaining Bison's approval
Yeah I'll take it.
I think it's because I wasn't juggling 20 different characters but ranking up Bison's friendship and style levels felt flimsier. The world tour segment was trash while his Arcade story was satisfying but short.
>watching lacari choke with cammy in 1400 mr
>sonic sol writing literal essays in chat "coaching" that nobody is reading or cares about
When does a lolcow become not funny and just sad
Making a good game.
damn so vega is season 3?
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Does Bison have an unlockable EX costume like Akoomer did or nah?
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bruh that sounds like more shit than JPs toolbelt, which I argue is the main reason most people dont pick him up or at least the lower ranks dont.
then why did they make scissor kicks motions and turned him into acrmk drive rush character with his drive rush being the fastest and the longest in the game?
Because fast Bison is fun.
Twitter balances fighting games, this has been known
im extremely horny now
When they're addicted to drugs or gambling or raping their mom
not over video game shit lol
Wait is nakayaman planning to release the 4 king in order of their US name swaps?
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>OD psycho crusher take 1 bar from your opponent
That's pretty strong honestly
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I await the return of webmposters
Cammy and Chun still live rent free in Vega's head
did you just say "take"?
as in take from their gauge and add it to yours?
They made Gief's MK a normal button instead of being a janky uncontestable poke, how awful
havent seen any streamables in a while
of course not anon
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dr into slide
makes sense.
why would a grappler that needs to get close to you have an extremely safe poke in neutral?
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>tells you go out and find Balrog and Vega
>ask him where to look
>he immediately proceeds to start kicking my ass
That had to been an event you were scripted to lose, Jesus. I swear his damage output and defenses kept increasing the more damage I dealt to him before I ultimately got wtfpwn3d
He doesn't need it, that's why.
His buttons are already extremely good
>want to do WT story
>hate WT
>dr into slide
brother, every shoto does that
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Do WT!
I think its pronounced, Sh*to
meanwhile bison was one of the most popular chars in sfv
Imagine if people talked about other characters like Zangief
>Ken doesn't NEED standing fierce so it should logically be gutted
honestly the premise is appealing.
its like a street fighter yakuza game albeit stripped down.
Im just not a fan of the motion input restrictions put on specials and the ramped up difficulty despite being overleveled in some cases.
imagine defending redditgief
I played like 2 games of SFV when tried to get into fighting games for the second time before uninstalling.
SF6 is my third and by far longest lasting attempt.
>Go find Balrog and Vega
Sorry Bison, they're never getting on account that SF6 is a 4 characters per year, 2 guests per year game.
Zangief's toolkit is already very adequate for navigating neutral, which isn't meant to be his endgame, that's getting in on top of somebody.
Ken's entire gameplan, and that of all shotos, revolves around having flexible neutral tools to play around your opponent.
Some archetypes get complained about more than others, are you new?
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This doesn't answer my question
>bison has the best drive rush
>and motion scissor kick
>and psycho crusher
>and slide
>and head press
>and normal walkspeed this time around
>I'm not the man M. Bison and I'm tearing away from the past!
>By the way hit up all these people who say they know M. Bison also my name is M. Bison now
So is his character arc really just going to be that he's getting the gang back together? Kind of a let down.
hey he uses the same Bison colour as me
yes, in sf7 they will sell regular bison as dlc
There was a question?
oh shit there was. Im a chronic coomer y'see.
a tried and true degenerate.
Nomad of /trash/ and lover of all things lewd.
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I'm not sure if this kid is a boy or a girl
>the best drive rush
they removed DJ from the game?
I dont think that kid is human
He's Bison without shadaloo.
I can see him being relegated to an antagonist, but never a worldwide threat again.
>distance being the "problem"
so they didn't
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For me, it's Jamie!Bison
Isn't this guy into some degenerate fetish or something
I remember going from
>Nice, cute shortstack OC
>Oh, that's weird...
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>Vega cutscene is voiced
Yep, he coming in the next Season
>8 winstreak modern mbison player doing his placement matches
nah i'm good
i really like the priest bison outfit
someone should make it into a mod or capcom should make it c3
Bros, I've had enough. I don't want to play against any more bisons or akumas.
plus the npc that walks to vega
How much of Bison's kit is charge vs motion? I prefer charge characters
have the servers shit themselves?
Is the daily peak from all the Japanese logging on over?
>Balrog... Vega...
Come on, are they really going to bring that nigger back. We haven't had Dudley playable in a decade now.
50/50, supers are all motion
Head stomp
Mine placement
Scissor Kick
All his SAs.
>Oh, that's weird
like what?
Straight up I didn't pick up on anything but Im pretty desensitized to the raunchier shit so it may just be me.
I know its not scat or related, my coomer eyes would've spotted that shit lol a mile away
No fucking way was Deejay's DR always this short. How fucking hard did they ruin him with the S2 patch holy shit.
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For me it's Cammy Bison
You will never have full charge chars in this game because of Modern Controls.
it was always this short
they didn't change it, what makes it busted is how quick it comes out

Bison is broken
welp, Im gonna hit the hay without so much as touching bison once.
Honestly I dont know if I should play him when I get up or just continue with my JP
>low health with lvl 3
>ex dp blocked
*closes video*
ai cant make coherent looking skulls like that
fuckers literally did Cammy Bison art and scrapped from the game for another Hokuto no Ken + shitty movie epic reference
a year ago maybe.
ai has expanded since then and now can even do fingers.
but there are some things that are obvious such as >>483558086 look at HER left shoulder
>another Hokuto no Ken
Wait what was the first reference?
Goukibros? Why does he get to have more HP and damage?
Marisa tier damage isnt normal
Everybody loves Bipson
Nothing wrong with it. The pic is also older than a year ago
>Nothing wrong with it.
>he cant see it
I genuinely worry about the future generations...
>not liking "You got this Juri!"
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Ah, Balrog is voiced too
Is it just me or Bison's crMP timing to cancel into psycho crusher is super weird?
>because everybody wants
Capcom could not possibly care less about what "everybody wants". Makoto has won poll after poll in all markets since SFV s1and she's still no where to be seen.
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>SF6 hitting tekken's all time peak again, over a year after launch
it's okay, you were wrong about when this pic was made and about the left shoulder. You can back down now, you can still save face
DAMN this nigga rich
alpha bison also had no psycho crusher but the projectile instead.
SF6 bison arguably has no psycho crusher either, because that shit is nothing like a real psycho crusher.
bad anon!
no more (you)s.
Kami6 can't stop winning
My bad, the star is behind her hair. I was wrong
>falseflag samefagging
I accept your concession.
motion kicks are because of moron controls.
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Ah, another character with fast DR, plus on block normals, safe specials, moves perfect for walk back jump scare, and un-antiairable jumps. Lovely.

>losing to Modern
blud really recorded his low level (in any other SF game) Chun gameplay
only chargers with two charge specials at most like guile.
Yeah it felt off when I was trying to DR off it during trials. It was a bit better when I cancelled quickly.
The fake Vergeben leak was real. We will be getting Sakura and Mika with Vega.
if you weren't a newfag, you'd know it's from the sfv era
I honestly wonder if some of these leak did have valid information but then Terry and Mai were bumped up for season 2 to coincide with Garou 2's release
To me it's Sagat. Vega as you can see here:
Still has his SFV design. They haven't made a new one yet. Balrog:
Has a new design, and they haven't shown Sagat outside of this pic that doesn't mean anything:
If they had changed Vega to be brown haired or something like that, they would want to start hinting at his new appearance. See how season 1 DLC all hinted at Bison, how world tour and arcade art hinted at costume 3 for a lot of characters and so on. Adding him and making him look different from an in-game cutscene that takes place in the present wouldn't make much sense, and they don't rework cutscenes like that. Balrog has a new look, so maybe he is in. Sagat we didn't interact with I think and has been weirdly missing. If they were hiding a new story development or a new design, that is a way of doing it.
must be a day ending in y then
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Bison winquote against Lily hue
>both of them got special themes too
Enough sf2 dick sucking Nakayama
moderns can be a considerable threat when someone who knows what they're doing uses them.
Before I watch Bison's story mode, lemme guess, it does nothing to advance the plot or any character's arcs right?
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Confirms a bunch of lore like showing his master. But overall nothing much.
Juri jobs
The pulling power of Gouki vs Dictator...
Bison has a master?
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I swear to god if I have to hear one more twitterfag saying
from that garbage garbage movie that no one gave a fuck about until now I'm going to go insane.
Yep, same master as Rose's also.
>no one gave a fuck about until now
the movie still makes capcom money lil tim
>stretched out aspect ratio
*closes video*
The film is enjoyable shlock, next you're going to say you didn't enjoy Big Trouble in Little China
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That's the end of that
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its just balrogs SFV costume with the jacket off.
Shows voice-over of Boxer and Claw . So they're a possibility for Year 3...
i though kicks were negative. Just getting here.
>a few thousands of bucks
They're negative but unpunishable if spaced moderately well
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lol poor Fang
be kind to giefdoomer
How anti fun is Jebailey for fucking banning Bison at CEO
Why does it feel like absolutely everything that Bison does is safe? I'm not gonna buy him just to check his frame data.
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Why does his psycho crusher have such a fast startup?
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Can a zoner brain play him relatively well?
I tried to play AKI yesterday and almost threw up
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>getting defeated that easily by an amnesic and weakened Bison
Well well.
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Truly a Cassandra of our time
based Nakayama avenging Chun
Street fighter 6? More like poop pooper poop.
wait, is this from the storymode?
Least immature kami6 hater
>I'm not gonna buy him just to check his frame data.
why not just go to the website?
....to my penis
Drive rush? More like poop rush? Drive impact? More like poop impact.
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>could have had cammy bison feet
>get regular stinky old bison instead
Playing a character without a dp feels horrible. How do you guys do this?
his event is not part of CPT, let it rock. it's a glorified regional
rick did the right thing for the people travelling to cb, jebailey should do the same
Did he die again?
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It's time for men.
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this jiver would have a stroke if he was around to see Bison's SFxT taunt
M. Bison is interesting, he feels simultaneously like one of the most difficult characters (anything psycho mine and backfist combo related, j.mp juggles, OD psycho crusher juggles, no defensive options outside of general system mechanics like Drive Parry and DR, lots of room for combo variety and optimization) and also one of the most retarded ones (braindead Deejay-tier Drive Rush, retarded knee press pressure, most of his specials safe, one of the best sweeps in the game)
>usa bison
nigga what are you doing
They didnt nerf enough about Gief. I’m pissed
>DI into level 3 on 2nd round
Closed the video cane's believe i wayched that much of this absolute shitter playing
>shinvergeben leak mentions a "new african/ME character"
>terry+mai leak mentions a newcomer from africa (also menat)
>Nakayama himself says they were making a newcomer from africa before settling on Elena
Shinvergeben leaker also said his source just saw concept art. Not uncommon for companies to plan passes/new characters long before they actually show up. We'll only know if Sakura shows up with long hair.
Oldheads hate this design meanwhile it's better than anything new ever brought to jive
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>Durr so this is like phase 2 of a final boss XD!
Why is Luke so unserious? This is our protagonist?
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ken is the sf6 protag
the real SF6 protagonist is...........Ed
Luke is a dark souls gamer
luke is a side character in his own game.
>Sakura with long hair
Please no. Hope it's fake.
aussies are cunts, i'm always getting bmed when they see my low mr
Is there some cammy bison concept art that I haven't seen that you guys keep talking about
Makoto will have short hair, trust the plan
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Uh bros Bison's crHP is a lot like prenerf JP.....
mai is the vega function and terry is the balrog function
I really like the idea of a new Bison body being a younger version of himself
I guess Capcom just wants to be safe with SF6.
Punished Venom Bison
If I was in world tour I would go to china town and when I located li fen, I'd go up her and crouch down and pull her spats down with my face right up in her ass. When she screams I'll already be crouching and charging my head stomp and use it to jump to a nearby roof and make my escape before chun li gets me.
>akuma releases
>terrorizes everyone
>immediately release bison
>he triples the terror because hes even easier to play
>have to wait half a year for hat ken
great game
he'll be more busted than both of these combined
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just woke up and read the patch notes

>shinvergeben leak mentions a "new african/ME character"
I wonder if the character mentioned here might be referring to Ignacio, the kid you're tasked with fighting in order to find Vega (Claw).
link the patch notes please
Why can't I hit the OTG 6HP in Bisons meter dump combo? Do I have to micro delay after the ex stomp or something?
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line keeps going up
broski drones think this change will affect gief in the slightest... don't worry, retard, it won't. gief will still burn you out in 2 blockstrings and build a shit ton of meter in the process
guess your favorite streamer just wants to farm engagement on twitter
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>i-it's stil going up!?
Holyyyyyyy Bison just made Tekken his bitch
why'd they add throw invincibility to a bunch of AA moves? is this game going to go the way of jive where everyone has at least one throw invincible DP?
Ofc it's still going up, Americas are getting up now you absolute retard. Why are you watching lines instead of playing?
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If you think that's bad don't look at Akuma's changes
It's a nothing change, if you SA1 on block or parry you're getting mcFucked anyway
because you could airthrow some airborne antiairs
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How does he keep getting away with his normals being totally untouched? Only time he's been meaningfully hit was his 5HP scaling which was part of a broader trend across fighters.
Nigga wtf is Bison's drive rush
jamie back to z tier... and to think i almost made it to gold
lore fidelity
Is it just me or did they give heavy adamant flame more pushback? My burnout sequence..... gone...........
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>walking through the streets of metro city
>see this naked man sleeping
What do?
>Why are you watching lines instead of playing?
NTA but I'm at work
i haven't bought Season 2 yet, Terry and Mai are kind of lame
jive had a lot of good redesigns and new designs
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Is it time....?
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this character has absolutely nothing going for him anymore
why did they even bother releasing him if they were going to gut him like this
>Fix his retarded corner jank with teleport which was clearly an oversight
>Make air hadoken slightly less of easily the best fireball in the game
>Akumafags have a mental breakdown
He went from top 3.... to top 3....
Whenever I see a dumb post, I have to remind myself that 99% of /sfg/ has never reached 1600MR
>they fixed akuma's buggy moves
it's literally over, he's z-tier
I fucking hate modern controls. They completely ruined the experience of trying to learn the game and weren't balanced at all for lower ranks. Luckily most players were retards trying to use them but I still hate them, it felt so unfair for people to be doing shit nobody else could do and with the click of one button. Even now it's frustrating to play against as it's a completely different matchup and nothing like playing another human
>I'm sure making a character is very difficult
dude really said this about Tekken lmao
Should I buy the Season 2 pass or just Bison?
>for you it's the most important spike in the history of your video game
>for Bison it's Tuesday
The problem is SF6 content is extremely weighted towards the middle of the year, right now. SF6 will only get two more characters up to next April or May.
but it's Wednesday
and harada only talked about soulcalibur
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they should have just made "modern" controls a style that some characters have, similar to Ed in jive
characters should just be designed around being only available with classic/motion inputs or modern/directional, no having two control schemes and damage profiles for each character
SF6 Guile is unironically designed to have 'perfect' defense in the hands of an imaginary perfect player. 5MK is never getting touched.
>perform a ten-hit combo three times
Okay that's easy
>NPC won't stop FUCKING JUMPING every time I jump in
It's worse when you consider lidia is a reused asset.
omg guise how do I do a 10-hit combo??
I feel bad having paid £25 for the elden ring DLC to be a lot of reused assets, how the fuck to tekken players deal with buying the same game and the same DLC time after time?
Yeah Capcom targets idiots like you with their slop so go for it
speaking of Elden Ring DLC...
WT? try to catch them with Hondas H Hundred Hands Slap or Chun-li S2
Lel they just went full anime with the DLC
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wow that startup makes it a really useful move!
>still playing Juri
No reason to play her in this game if you want to win.
its alright for pve. havent tried it in pvp
You'd be surprised, long startup can actually mix people up in souls pvp
not impressive
>buying dlc for a game that was already bloated with filler content
simon says is free, timtim
>dark rolls pvp
I don't get how people like charge
It feels so awkward
I thought everyone hated Lidia
can you even use it to bosses when they move too fast?
Lots of SF6 characters are like Abigails but just because they look different their damage is suddenly fine. Retarded design.
I just like the series buddy
it tracks and has a bunch of hyperarmor so yeah, but against some bosses you'' just die in the process
what's the point of making DR -6 if half the cast can still get a 4000+ damage combo off it
just make it -5 already
i do to that's why i dropped elden ring after the 20th godskin apostle and generic enemy give a boss healthbar
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It's to give characters without an EX DP a committal option with get off me properties, it's not a replacement for EX DP
it stil has more unique bosses than most souls games too though. i just don't do that content
assets from my last software
people already downplaying 80% combos because "just don't reversal if you have mine" lmao
you had since SF5 to learn not to press a button when you have a mine
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based momochi?
i like how you can tell in real time when v shifts around because something is popular
we always hated from vappa
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Love SF5
Love SF6
Simple as
the last time from shit wasnt popular was the original demons souls.
you shiteaters really try to keep this retarded strawman alive but you just defend bad games and hide behind sales.
I'm already spoiled about the final boss of Shadow of Erdtree being Radahn but I'm still annoyed about it. Is it at least a brand new moveset? Does it feel "earned" for a base game boss to have top billing in the DLC over the Messmer guy?
And yes I know this is /sfg/ but asking this in an actual ER thread would be a fucking minefield lol
Being employed sucks sometimes, when ER came out I was in college with online COVID classes I could easily skip.
dark souls became popular with 1 and people started complaining about roll autism since 3
and it got much much worse with elden ring
Messmer is way more fun, actual final boss is just cancer
ah yes the cult videogame Dark Souls
you're supposed to talk about your simon says simulator here 'mmy
Can you try saying what you just said but in English, cheers. It's like some genuine lobotomy patient over there.
Really like bison but i wish they weren't playing things safe, atleast try to do something different with the story, i dont want to see shadaloo again
messmer is a mid game boss and is completely irrelevant to the story despite being much cooler
first phase radahn doesnt have anything interesting that wouldnt it in his base game fight
2nd phase radahn feels new because hes constantly attacking, teleporting and exploding
see: >>483568383
He literally says he doesn't care about shadaloo anymore.
SF6 is a celebration of all the things Matz and Nakayama love about SF/Final Fight, and now broader fighting games.
In that regard, it succeeded at pulling in a lot of new people and making the boomers happy
you won't, every bad guy including Bison said they don't give a fuck about Shadaloo
You guys are missing your buzzwords, you should try saying stuff like "goyslop", "ESG", "assetflip" and such so you can truly signify your belonging to the prestigious trve /v/ gamers group. Simply nodding your head and saying "Elden Ring? heh... they haven't made a good one since Kings Field I'm afraid" isn't enough.
i dont care about shadaloo so feel free to call me bison or shadaloo and make sure to tell all my shadaloo goons that im back i dont really care though b-baka
Use Deejay's gatling or whatever it's called
They love final fight so much that they don't even have a playable final fight character.
I like all the games in the series, get your strawman ass back to /v/
I see, but like thematically or narratively does it feel appropriate and/or satisfying that he is the final boss?
I'm guessing the concept is he's the memory of "prime" Radahn like Owl Memory or Sword Saint Isshin and therefore the most powerful guy in RR
I need INFO
when Cammy gets ready to receive him in her bed
2025 i guess
well... its really lame and stupid
miquella uses mohgs body to ressurect prime radahn and then charms him to be his husband
I'll be in graduate school by then FUCK.
Anyone know if it's easy to balance deep end school life and fighting games?
i'm 32 and it's not that bad just do not get kids then it's well and truly over but you get something in return at least i guess
"tell my friends I am alive" is not the same as caring for Shadaloo.
lol 90% of fg players have a job and they still play
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This game's popularity in Japan is demented. 50k for Bison wtf
Thank you, I am ever grateful for your parted wisdom.
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it's literally outselling everything in Japan, I'm surprised Capcom hasn't made a Switch port to get the kids too
Why do I have to turn crossplay on, enable all connections and set matchmaking to worldwide to get ANY matches? When it finds a match it's often someone very close to me (50ms) anyway, so what the fuck is its problem?
game barely runs on piss4, the switch would cook itself
they will (if they already aren't) port it to Switch 2, 100%
they will once switch 2 launches probably. i think that leaked?
Modern M.Bison is really fun. All 3 of his auto combos are insanely good/give a lot of freedom. He easily has to have the best in the game.

And like I know you guys hate Modern but it's truly a god send that with zero labbing you can just pick up a brand new character and just go have fun in rank. Couldn't do that in previous games, had to spend 2-3hrs between trials and muscle memory drillin before you could just play a char & you weren't even planning to main said char.
It will probably come out for the Super Switch next year
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seeing Street Fighter 6 as number 1 with Luke's face is always funny
Reminder the best player of SF6 who has a regular office job is Brian_F. That's as far as you can go without full time practice. His JP has a losing record against Guile.
i shouldve specified why he does that lol
he wants to use radahn to cause an eclipse...why and what does it do? no one knows hahaahaha bravo miyazaki
The Popeye effect
Even outselling Elden Ring damn
miyazaki step up ur game, g
>nerfing yourself with Modern
Capcom already has the /sfg/ audience.
>get the kids too
nintendo has like 90% marketshare in japan its not just kids
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>Balrog is not getting in because everyone wants Dudley
Who is everybody? crackas & trannies on reddit? Only dorks are checking for faggot ass Dudley. Real niggas rock with the OG Rog all day.
he switched to Ed
Is it humanly posible to transfer save data from a game to the exact same game on a different console?
Dudley is the same shit as Makoto or Menat
>it's literally outselling everything in Japan
Over and over again zoomers here expose how little they know of video games. Yes, SF6 is popular on Steam. But Steam is irrelevant in Japan. Nintendo is where it's at. And no, SF6 isn't outselling Nintendo games.

I really want you to jump off the nearest cliff.
No not really
if your jump gets anti-aired
that means you can literally never jump ever again
>Reminder the best player of SF6 who has a regular office job is Brian_F
Weird way of spelling Chris Wong
people are just bored of each boss in modern souls being a glorified rhythm game chart
god fucking dammit, well atleast they should release like an upgrade edition...
explain Noah the prodigy or Phenom
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How is this game so insanely popular in Japan yet everywhere else it seems to be a lot more even? Like what the fuck made it catch fire like this there
Can bison TOD Akuma?
they got the touch
Ever heard of this term called "marketing?"
aggressive and succesful marketing. it not being on switch and it doing this well is actually the crazy part, nintendo is REALLY dominant in japan. if it launches on switch 2 i think this will end up being the best selling sf game very comfortably.
Japan was smart to attract the weeb normies with the V-tubers tournaments and other things
America stayed behind with the usual "yo let's make an online tournament with the best players in the world"
If you can make anything explode like SF6 did then you have a very successful career ahead of you anon. Companies would love to have you
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I am not paying 30 dollars plus tax for two guest characters and a nigger from a meme game.
Does greenluma or creamapi still work?
Japanese players host events for casuals all the time instead of focusing on the same 5 niggas like NA does.
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>America stayed behind with the usual "yo let's shill trannies, people love that shit"
well companies like capcom have huge marketing departments for a reason.
it was probably easier to get the japanese big name streamer on their side than the american ones.
the american ones will charge out the ass for sure. capcom even talked about that in some shareholder presentation.

that also doesnt help. absolute waste of resources. capcom USA should be liquidated.
>i think this will end up being the best selling sf game very comfortably.
There's no way it isn't already
literally just pay kai cenat to play it for a week and sf6s online population will triple
>calling Elena a nigger
I'm not helping you
You never played as her or against her lmao
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The streets are saying Modern Bison is better.
Street Fighter (2) is an OG arcade/SNES franchise, it's already established with Nintendo roots and in Japan you have TV commercials, street ads and SF6 merchandise everywhere. It's not rocket science, it's just another party game being heavily marketed. And the game in general is praised to be "the most approachable (dumbified) SF game to date" so it can be played by anyone.
they work but only offline
you will get unsupported content notification if you try to queue with a character you dont own
SF pros like Daigo and others went to other games (FPSs, MOBAs, gachas) and IRL streams for a while. They got fans there and then came back to SF. Then people like Bonchan did things like this:
and other ways of trying to build up local communities during SFV. Then Capcom had the Street Fighter League Japan during SFV which was a live team event that brought in a ton of viewers, unlike the western versions that are recorded. With SF6 you had the pros coaching vtubers and streamers for meme tournaments, which as Sajam showed with his similar meme event for Tekken, brings in viewers. They also promote it more there, I vaguely remember someone, maybe Jiyuna, showing some food at his grocery store branded with Luke or something like that.

tl;dr: combination of marketing and pro players being smart and investing in their own community
Oh, that's fine
I just wanna lab them, this season pass is embarrassing.

Thank you
he has to like it though. elden ring probably got like 1000k sales because of kai cenat gushing over it.
>not only could we have had fem bison, it seems like it was the main concept for a bit
feels bad

apparently you literally cannot walk 5 minutes in tokyo without seeing luke or ryu's face plastered on a poster or sign somewhere
They always say this then every moden player but one drowns in pools.
>There's no way it isn't already
Lmao, what the fuck? Why the fuck do you kids here keep talking about vidya when you know so little about it and spout stupid stuff like this? SF6 has sold maybe 3-4 million, it's nowhere near the number required for that.

Don't you retards have any alarm bells in your head that prevent you from talking when you don't know shit? Why do you engage in conversations you are clueless about? Just kys.
I live in Japan, next time I'm in Tokyo (where I live it's definitely not the case but that's true for anything) I'll do some investigative journalism for the thread and try to find LukeGAWD in the wild.
Man, SF6 players like you are idiots
imagine telling someone to kill themselves over making fun of your corporation
fucking retard
I finally can use those try a character ticket or whatever they're called for Bison since I had the Ultimate Edition of S1
Do you realize "pro players" are part of Capcom's work force? Their job is to market the game and compete on the side.
just did bison trials and i feel already bored of this character
niggas are reacting to this like classic can't do the combo too on top of not having gutted normals
The worst thing is not the "online tournament" part. Japan has mostly online tournies these days. It's the "let's just do one fucking format forever. Has NA even tried setting up a single team tournament for SF6 since 2023?
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Sagat looks too much like him, it could also be balrog but he’ll be joining Ed, and we have AKI so FANG is less likely
Even is she isn’t a king
It is still an excellent button anyway, and still hard to punish at long range.
t. been playing Gief since release.
highest selling is like 6mln or something like that, if it's at 4m it's pretty close considering it's barely into its second year off a 5-6 year lifecycle
stop being proud of being old retard, you virgin millennials are so cringy
pro players:
>Akuma is an unstable tournament character because 1k less life really matters in this game! Even though 1k is less than a throw, a bnb combo or 2 hadokens, basically nothing

also pro players:
>why play classic when modern's only drawback is dealing less damage?
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How shameful am I for playing modern controls?
Im Dyslexic and hit wrong buttons in other games all the time, but Modern just helps me narrow it down
I play Juri, if that throws any judgement to or from me
holy fucking based
Japan doesn't shame/discourage Modern or insult ppl who use it, their community actually promoted Modern to attract the vtuber crowd and many of those vtubers got pretty good which signaled to their viewers that you can get good in this game too which translated into real sells. See what happens when your community isn't actively discouraging Modern Controls.

Like this morning I just saw torimeshi, Japan 1st or 2nd best Sim, learning Modern Dhalsim so he can effectively coach a vtuber who use M Dhalsim, in contrast, the 'best' Dhalsim on the east coast, zafierino, went on a rant a few days ago calling Modern baby food & saying it needs to be banned.
you should kill yourself...

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>Marketing schizo is back with his cope because Capcom keep fixing all his other pet hates about the game
zaferino is a cornball. takes this shit way too seriously look at the prices for his "coaching"
post your boipussy and it's ok baby
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>Sagat looks too much like him
It's time...
Shut the fuck up retard, different versions of SF2 sold 15 million total and SFV sold 7.5 million copies, SF6 is somewhere half-way to SFV's numbers. Claiming SF6 has already sold more than any other SF game is completely retarded and you're a fucking idiot.
does it not bother /sfg/ it's now revealed bison's closest henchmen balrog and vega are not loyal to him at all and live normal lives until he decides to pay them
>are part of Capcom's work force?
Bonchan did his thing thanks to Redbull, not Capcom. Capcom was extremely retarded with their marketing back during SFV. I can credit them with the SF League at least. But things like their beginner tournaments, team tournaments, locals and more are all thanks to pros not wanting their livelihood to depend on a dead game.
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time to watch punk get bison to legend while only using 3 moves while i cant get out of diamond
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It was always his time
Since the street voter event he’ll be coming sooner than sagat
i'm not sure if that applies to letters and numbers or not, but assuming it doesn't apply to numbers, you could maybe try assigning numbers to buttons instead. would remembering 1, 2, 3, and 4, 5, and 6 instead of LP, MP, HP, and LK, MK, and HP? i think Tekken notation is like that sometimes.
Genuinely i can count on one hand the amount of times i have had Akuma’s lower health matter. Most of the time he was either put into a checkmate anyway or got hit by something that could convert into a short combo to kill him anyways.
The biggest example was a video i saw titled “thank god he has 9k health” when it ended with a Jamie with full drive killing a cornered Akuma with a jab.
Nobody cares about SF League or what Bonchan did with Redbull, that's not how marketing is done. Even people here couldn't tell you what Bonchan did with Redbull because nobody cares and especially casuals won't care.
I like to suck pro cock
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>plateau at Plat 3 for weeks as Cammy because I'm a scrub
>figure I'll try Akuma
>D1in less than a week
I'm literally robbing points because I have no idea what I'm doing, everything fucking combos LMAO
Is there a lore reason he cant use the tiger shot?
chance we see terry at evo?
>Im Dyslexic
Femshep? what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be busy going on a witch hunt to get men banned from attending tournaments.
1000% guaranteed
Akuma and Bison back to back is kinda crazy indeed. Sadly Terry is the next one, my only hopium is that they add bunch of new shit to his kit.
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He ain’t no bitch as per the lore
would remembering that be easier, i mean. sorry i'm baked and didn't finish my thought there at the end of my first post. lol
i was just about to ask that, you asshole. my answer... definitely
>saw someone happy about the Gief nerf because “thank god st mk is easier to whiff punish now”
Jesus fucking Christ niggers cant read patch notes.
Nah like my dumbass hands forget what buttons where in certain games, like example is I hit square often in souls games by accident and wasting estus
Anon, Femshep is a fictional character
Turns out Mai is the better Kimberly and top 3 of the whole roster
Play what you like stop caring about other people and have fun
That wasn't the first game where he didn't have easily accessible Psycho Crusher in the moveset
It's cool Capcom let's you try DLC characters with the rental shit
>move doesn't reach as far
>this means it will now whiff more often and you will be in range to whiff punish it more often
you seem to be unable to use your brain thoroughbeit
I mean theres some pretty notable strenghts and weaknesses
A strong DP, but giving Bison a free trial, I noticed on Modern motherfucker dont got his slide, imagine that
Hurtbox and frame data is unchanged, you are never going whiff punish it at max range.
M Bison's most inconic move is Honda Headbutt reskin lol
Does Tekken have a similar feature? If not SF won
in 5 they let you buy characters with in game currency
>Nobody cares about SF League or what Bonchan did with Redbull
SF6 is massive in Japan now because the pros have been building a scene since SFV. The SF League gets massive numbers there. They get FPS streamers and shit to restream it. Casuals definitely care. And then the casuals can join in the fun because they have a lot of casual tournaments.
There are only like 3 or 4 Street Fighter characters and everyone else is a slightly tweaked version of one of the movesets
I play classic, but when I recommend the game to friends, I always tell them to play modern, if they like the game, they will naturally switch to classic over time.
it used to go behind the opponent even on block, it was cool
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The Rental shit is cool and all but I have a hot take
All fighting games should let you play as DLC characters in Single Player Training mode
Chun Li
That's all SF characters ever
Cold take unless you're Japanese and sucking corporate dick is part of your culture
Function Fighter 6
you know whats even better?
getting enough free currency to buy five seasons worth of characters at launch.
but retards actually cried about that so now its time to pay out the ass.
*2-3 characters with ingame currency
What is Combofiend up to these days? Did he pog at the MvC collection announcement too?
Please stop talking. The actual marketing is done on TV and in the streets where the normal consumers are. Only tiny amount of people care about esports scene or "pros." While SF6 had a successful launch with millions of dollars on the line, it barely made any difference to esports viewership numbers. The esport of SF6 is only relevant to a very limited number of players.
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Yeah that nigga Rog still getting to the money, and he look clean doing it.
why is Bison just a cr.mk into drive rush character
the game is... good
because this is SF6 and the only other archetype is slow fireball into slime
Is this kinda saying hes not coming back?
Dude only fought for money
punk said bison doesnt feel like bison...
>punk doesn't like the fraud neutral skip character
Rogs can never have enough money
He'll spend it all on chains and cars in a week anyways
which of these is zangief?
Probably because he was only familiar with V Bison.
Bison doesn't have a fireball.
>motion scissors
>old HK is still gone
>psycho crusher doesnt cross up anymore
yeah fucking obviously.
completely different character now.

punk played SF4.
Bison is dead
Why is no one talking about how cool Bison's DI looks
Frank West returned
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because game bad
a nigga named mike
CapGAWDS feasting
the proto fireball drive rush
Oh yea I can't wait until they release generic polish lady that's a clone of Reina...Whoopie.
bison was my least favorite in SFV and the one major reason why I could never call the game great.
now every character plays like SFV bison and I fucking hate it.
>now every character plays like SFV bison and I fucking hate it.
??? no they dont
>punk played SF4
And won nothing because he sucks at traditional fighting games.
I have a physical japanese copy of the game if i buy the dlc on my region will it work?
*turns green*
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>Punk complains about Bison
>Problem X is completely in love

I stand with the mandem.
every character in sf6 is a plus frame dispenser?
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My tongue lapping-up Cammy's shit-encrusted asshole. Simple as.
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He was like 14
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just raped Juri
Maybe Nintendo should have made a competent console instead.
yes they do.
bison ex ball is basically the slow ball into slime meme.
ex devils reverse is the exact same mixup as raw DR.
>Bison punches his arm and yells at it to calm the fuck down in his continue animation
>refers to himself as an "imperfect vessel" in the give up animation

What does it mean
>Both Boxer and Claw have VA's and new themes with the Bison WT update and show interest in re joining Bison new org
I just don't see how this isn't a soft confirmation for both of them in s3 at this point? I mean what cope argument could a skeptic make here?
https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/713322?page=2 i think nintendo is doing alright
its not rape if she lets you
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ponder the fragrance
juri will kill bipson this time :)
He's still that mentally, if not lower
John Streets....
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I want young Rose
Should I play Bison or Guile
could easily be spread out over 2 seasons, but yeah either vega or rog is in s3.
Why should psycho crusher cross up? Give me a reason other than it used to cross up. You want Claw's walldive to function how it used to too?
>punk played SF4.
Yeah, I played it too but I wasn't familiar with Bison either because I was dumb and young and only liked to divekick my friends with Rufus
I'm glad they're finally clarifying the Bison/Rose shit because it was always confusing
this is mine:
Sorry you'll get ......Menat.... for Season 3
i wish bison got his jive design for c2
How the fuck do they still not have a release date for fucking Lidia?
>Psycho power is just Soul power in the hands of someone whose soul has gone mad.
I like it.
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You make that sound like a bad thing
Kyat my beloved
they're not even doing another battle pass, they're 100% changing their post launch schedule
i mean all its missing is the dress
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So wait, what the hell is his name then?
Not true, Famitsu, saying, “If you play (Street Fighter 6’s) arcade mode, you will see that Bison is the real Bison. He does not have a new body.”

Dev's clearly state that this is not a new body. You can even see the cracks in Bison's arm where he got fucked up by Ryu. It's the same Bison with the same body.
That post-launch implementation of the Tekken shop was honestly the worst thi g they could've done to attract bad press.
Kat for season 3 plz
>motion scissors
>neutered crusher
>no demon flip grab
>neutered demon
that is a really good reason so I dont really have to bring up another.
vegas walldive is already nerfd by the existence of delay wakeup and straight up cant function like in ST anymore.
Bison's mines are the biggest horse shit since Ed's flicker
>I have many names
Clearly Satan.
they're just referencing the localization differences
Guile if you enjoy throwing a ton of fireballs
Bison if you don't
>Akuma punish counter heavy palm links into his level 2
I think this is optimal.
Akuma's air fireball actually got nerfed significantly. There is now only a small window of it that can beat a DP
bison's f throw looks so fucking bad
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It looks like a judo throw, wdym
i have the season pass but cannot select bison on steam. anyone else have this issue?
>delay wakeup
no such a thing
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Pathetic jobber.
lmao that's p good Capcom
If you have the season pass you already have bison
Didn't Nakayama confirm they brought Bison back for story setup? So what's the story going to be exactly? Bison old Shadaloo vs Ed Neo Shadaloo?
Sex with Bison
He's so half cooked and half assed, they really wanted to push him before July.
bison in sf4
>fastest walkspeed in game
bison in sf5/6
>6 bison slow
blud is walking in sf6
>Call me whatever you please, I don't even give a fuck anymore
The absolute state of Capcom writing, but there are people who will swallow this AAA slop anyway
feels like the window to go from back to forward for psycho crusher is insanely tight. i have to really press it extremely fast compared to honda headbutt and blanka ball.
But who actually revived Bison?
Rog was always like that. Vega still likes him though
punk said making scissor kicks a motion was an l move from capcom...
anyone getting accidental dashes when resetting the training mode state? it's a new bug i think
>Kingdom hearts 1.5-2
I thought 3 was more popular
They didn't really have a choice because of Modern
Juri sf4 story: wants to fight Bison
Juri sf5 story: fights Bison, loses, he removes her eye
Juri sf4 story: fights weaker Bison with amnesia, loses again
this bitch is a jobber
KH3 was garbage
Blame Modern.
>it's okay if you call me by the name that's commonly associated with the ugly guy I really fucking hate
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What's the issue with this? Looks exactly what a shoulder throw should look like, even down to stepping past the opponent.

Ryu's is a fancier version of this where he turns and brings the opponent with him, Bison's uses the leverage of his hips and their captured arm
they could have made psycho crusher a motion move instead
Kingdom Hearts died with 2
juri's only allowed to beat up chun and cammy
10 months before we get the next Street Fighter character and its fucking Elena.
people will bitch about anything regarding 6 even going so far as to make shit up in order to whine about it
Bison is too strong only characters like Ryu/Akuma/Gill can beat him
and Vega
bison's level 1 looks so bad, his legs don't even connect with the opponent and he's bouncing off like a spring
It's slow and looks stupid because the opponent is just standing there after getting their arm grabbed. They should've made it faster like his old forward throw.
why does the game look better here?
Yeah people are capping hard. His bthrow is fucking sick in this game as well.
this is truly cringe
I like kh3...

>everyone ages except the villains
yeah but in the meantime we get Mai's juicy mommy milkers with pulsating vagina and removable semen collection tray. so it's not that bad
and Nash, maybe Rose
He pulls them forward and off-balance, look harder
She can't even do that anymore
it looks like hes throwing a mannequin lmfao
+ having a sluggish, 'realistic' animation on fucking bison whos constantly doing flips and zooming around is lame as fuck
Yeah and it's still slow and looks like shit. Scissor kicks also looks like shit and so does his level 1. They need to stop trying to make every animation keyframed like a real motion-capped movement because that shit just looks retarded applied to moves like this in a Street Fighter game.
Thats literally the sf4 throw
It looks fine, he staggers them when he yoinks them and it happens in a few fluid motions.
Half the CAs depend on the opponent standing still with their guard down during the scripted segments
Nash is that strong?
no, that's just nashfag larp
Elena is more hype than Bison

>muh boring legacy character who's only in because he's been in almost every installment of the series

I bet you want Balrog and Vega too.
>Half the CAs depend on the opponent standing still with their guard down during the scripted segments
yeah they look like dogshit
sf4 throw is a 1 hand scoop that lifts the opponent of their feet and then throws them away
why yes, i do want a second villain to be added to a roster that has exactly one villain in it.
>but juri
flanderized, not a villain
>but akuma
not a villain
>but aki
not a villain
Why not good ol Urien
Literally all of those save Juri are villains though.

In any case, Urien would be a way better villain rep.
i would be delighted to see urien added to the cast. unfortunately we need to spend an entire year advertising kof instead pls understand
akuma isn't a villain just because he kills people in fights. i guess ACKi is but i generally don't acknowledge her existence except when she's onscreen because jesus what a horrible fucking design.
holy fuck these bison combos are aids
just one charge input is annoying enough

get rid of these
yes, probably with sirn mixed in

he's not slow in sf6
bisons j.lp looks bugged lol

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