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>Dawntrail Info
>Patch 7.0 Preliminary Notes

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

All Worlds Maintenance

>Bakers, remember to update your subject line to Nigger instead of Endwalker.

>cant remember a single ebin from endwalker or shabowbringers era
Why are the new ones so forgettable?
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>/xivg/ one week ago
>everyone agrees that homoginization and dumbing down the game by removing job identity quirks is a bad thing
>/xivg/ today
>everyone praising Endwalker for changing everything to 1-2-3 build spend with 2 minute CDs and no RPG elements
I hate /v/ tourists so much
are any of the porn catgirls switching to femhroth
>perfect legend makes a mistake
>/point and /laugh at them
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dawntrail snackbros, how we holdin up?
my femlala's giving this a shot while the expansion downloads
Listen Tyrone making every job one button and having builds is bad for the game and doesn’t improve it at all
>go to the balance and pick this specific build or you’re kicked from parties
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bro that is pure sugar..
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Final boss
Soken does it again lads
why do they need two literal days to update to again?
sounds like you have memory problems and are going to reply to any names given to you with who?
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This is a pizza I made yesterday for Maintenance Eve. It is very delicious. Jalapeno, red onion, yellow peppers, bacon
honestly dont remember the story to any of the ew patch quests
My femlala is just drinking diet coke theres something wrong with you sis
Incompetence with software developers, same thing as why most things have been archaic for years with this game on the backend
>why is there no rpg elements in my furry porn simulator
I don't listen to that manlets music anymore
he ran out of motifs to rip and pass off as his own
I loop better music in the background
FFXIV is rated T for Teen, come back in 5 years
How does my femra look lads? Is she pretty?
yea i figured it would be about this
Why did I press on the fucking image
And the winner of the Endwalker Trials poll is: Barbariccia! Now let's cap things off with a final poll to determine /xivg/'s favorite trial by pitting the winners against each other.
No multivoting this time, let's make it definite.
looks great anon but why are you american
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Man this adventure themed DLC sure got weird
Looks delicious anon, you made the dough yourself too?
Will laugh my ass off when the game releases and there's like five femhroth players in the whole game
lotta floppies to copy
is a fucking retard who has never worked in the field some chudcel using endeavour thinking hes a big hackerman because he's not like the other kids who use timbuktu
How does the demon core work and why did CLOSING IT cause radiation?

>shitty 90's industrial
game is dead
From the order of the files, I'm pretty sure that music is for the 99 trial, not the 100 one.
very good, what do you think about my sunnie
>this game on the backend
grim. will they ever do anything about it?
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looks good sis.
malera here, snacking like a champ. might leave soon, don't wanna get msq spoiled.
my femlala will wear grunge outfits and smell worse than usual

this is my expac
>armchair server techs thinking they know better than the people working at SE
I love this genre of poster so much
When every other major online game in modern history can update the game with one hour max of downtime that excuse doesn't work on the small billion dollar indie company needing two entire days
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Literally same background btw, so here you go - your main expac villain
No, I rarely make dough nowadays because the cleanup is not worth the effort. They sell pre-packaged dough balls at the supermarket that are cheap and can make 2 pizzas.

Chose the white racial and spawned in my home city of NA
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>New girl is a robot slaved to a futuristic city
lol, I guess they're ripping off Metropolis for this expansion.
>Clicking on a spoilered image during leak period
Bro this is on you kek
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Might change hair
>another loli villain
me, a hrothgar, holding every hrothgal up by the hips and spinning them around telling them they're beautiful in my dream
Cause Japan cant into computers.

It will always suck that every class is 2 min CD based cause it makes them feel all samey but at least it means things are mostly balanced. And yes i know there's dps rankings and all that but its nowhere near as bad as wow or other MMO's
my sunnie has dead fish eyes in the benchmark. We do not like this
My dick is not ready for the hrothwive sluts. once this thread is graced with their presence it will be so fucking over
>random yahoos on 4chan knowing more about these things than employed gooks who have always been tech illiterate
its not a stretch in the slightest lol
the radioactive reaction only occurs when the two sides touch, imagine it like connecting two wires together. IIRC the reaction would then bounce around in the closed sphere and multiply the power, kind of like a microwave (have to close it for it to do its thing)
>Sabotaging the OP
Great job, retard.
post your hrothgar.
There should be three trials in base expac, no?
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okay guys i’ll see you after i finish msq please stay safe and remember to take care of yourself these next few weeks <3
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loli Necron uuuuuuooooohhhhhh nihilism and despair erotic.....souless gaze....erotic....!
/xivg/ is 50% good boys and 50% naughty boys
>ACK we're supposed to avatarfag for dawntrool
meds faggot
the same as a nuclear bomb but at a lesser scale. when you a lot of fissionable material really close they start bombarding each other, destabilizing atoms and creating fission. a nuclear bomb just uses an explosive charge to compress them really tightly and cause a lot more fission rather than just some gamma flashes
It’s definitely a stretch none of you know anything about how their shit works and pretending to is laughable.
Don't you people ever get bored of idling in Limsa? Not even trying to judge or anything, I'm just trying to understand how some people seem to have no qualms with sitting 6+ hours in one spot just chatting with the exact same group of people about the exact same things every day
I can understand talking on Discord with your friends and acquaintances since that's something you can do on another monitor or in another tab/window while doing something else, but the people who actively log in just to sit and talk strike me as even weirder. Usually if I log into the game I do so with the intention of actively playing it.
The pure dps balance between things is about the same in retail WoW, the main thing that sets some specs apart compared to others and makes people stack them is the utility they bring for specific moments in boss fights and XIV has made sure to try and get rid of that.
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Yes well done for leveling all fates to level 3, well done.
shut the fuck up newnigger go back to twitter

Whos dick i gotta suck to get into them dataminer servers nigga
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i just sit and do other things
learn how to datamine and contribute
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>i said do the fates
Yeah, and that particular song is listed as ban_02 out of 4, only after the music that's probably for Valigarmanda, so it seems like it'd belong to whatever the 99 trial is.
>none of you know anything about how their shit works
SE doesnt either to be fair
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I mean, I often say I love hrothgals and femroes, so you shouldn't be surprised
bros idk what to play I launch games only to quit in 5 minutes
nothing hits my brain quite like this game
Name of the Loli Villian?
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>Yoship's idea of content

this sounds like the equivalent of someone taking a shit in my ears, soken did the cancer kill you and were you replaced by a fucking skinwalker lmao

so, if you closed a demon core in a room with nobody in it, would the room be basically irradiated and inhabitable, or would you only be fucked if you were in the room when it was re-opened
I'm logging in
Let me in... LET ME IN!
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All of the best songs came from 1.0
No I don't like ass rock
Well like in EQ2 I could spec my swashbuckler to use a shield and play a tank role (there was even a raid that required it), I could spec to have longer reach than normal and kite otherwise impossible fights like group content with only a partner or even solo in some cases. You could spec for things like being able to let your whole party avoid an incoming AOE, or spec into being an AOE damage dealing monster because they got tools that let them cleave in front of them, you could spec for crazy utility like turning their slow group-wide stealth into something faster than mounted speed... That's just stuff I remember off the top of my dusty old head. I still used all of my kit regardless but how I was specced seriously altered what kind of content I'd be best suited for. And that's just some variations of a single, "pure DPS" class -- that game had fully specialized classes like how a Troubadour was primarily for buffing caster classes and a Dirge was for melee classes, stuff like that. I've played a little WoW and it's a totally different beast being "specialized" in that game, since as I remember it was basically just pushing frost bolt until your fingers bleed.

>Meaningful specialization works a lot better if party members can be changed out depending on the fight, but good luck applying that to an MMO.
I posted about that here >>483566004. It's not about hot-swapping players for every fight, it's about letting everyone have their own moments to shine and be the best for something.
second life is similar
Soken music is only good when he apes pre-existing themes that he didn't make
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Why are you still idling in Limsa instead of Tuliyollal or Solution 9? Even any DT areas are better.
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>5 whole threads
Work on your backlog, what are you doing here? You're free for two whole days.
i am anti basedfacing right now this is very upsetting to me how dare you say this about our japanese savior of mmo music
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Oh shit real spoilers getting dropped. Byeee for real now
listen you dumb fucking retard
the only floppy you've ever seen is your fucking microdick
takes a long time to copy that much data over
they're doing their best ok
and they're smashing it way better than that other GAAS shit you're hyping up ok bro whatever literally nobody who matters cares about what palworld is doing
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i was completely confused on how best to use F3's firestarter proc and i didn't want to ask the balance
so i did the math myself under the assumption that F3 inside of AF3 was better because of how strict the new fire phase is going to be in dawntrail. it seemed to me that the benefit of getting firestarterproc out of paradox guaranteed meant an easy way to get all 6 F4s in to use flarestar without the restrictions of the astral fire timer : simply pop firestarter F3 to restart your timer since it costs no mp, and get the last of your F4s out and then flarestar. ez pz.
also the idea that i would get a guaranteed thunderhead meant i could do thunder > f3 for movement every single firephase.
this could only be the intended solution, as yoship intended.

and then i did the math and saw my folly. you have to recast F3 out of ice raw and it's a significant (102 dps) loss.

of course theres stuff like 40s swiftcast and triplecast to make sure it never comes down to that, but it's nice to know there's a method that doesn't involve ejecting completely out of fire phase and losing flare stars.
anyway some nerd shit

>on F3 in AF3 + F3 restart vs transpose F3
using F3 proc in your current fire phase means you must use a raw casted F3 later after ice, and you can't transpose it due to the mp cost becoming 0 only when using it to swap elements.

>the F3 inside AF3 to continue AF is 187.2 dps
>F3 raw out of ice to restart AF is 74.2 dps
>the F3 out of transposed AF1 to restart AF is 145.6 dps

while you gain 41.6 dps staying in AF3 when you use F3proc, you lose 102.1 dps in the raw F3 later because you have to raw cast a second F3 out of ice. (3.5s cast + 2.5s GCD at 6s combined vs 2.5s GCD instant cast)

also theres the thing where you can just raw dog F3 out of ice and not use the AF1 bonus or the free MP cost associated with firestarter in which case you lose 40% on the F3. it's cringe don't do that.

if my math is wrong then kill me ack
I’m considering going lalafell with the DT fantasia. Was a viera but I’m getting tired of the hair clipping with every nice set, the lack of hats, and the weird gamer neck.

Might as well be silly in a silly game
The best Soken track(s) isn't from XIV.
>it's about letting everyone have their own moments to shine and be the best for something
So you're going to design every fight to include elements that let every specialization "shine"? Sounds like a mess.
Have you caught someone using mods in their portrait yet?
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Yeah didnt read. Going full spell speed

You know what, thats fair,
nothing i feel like playing at the moment
What armor is that? I want my cat to look like this
>thinking xivg uses limsa
you're actually a tourist
t.gridania bench user
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>DT title screen
I'm taking a break. Swapping between SMTV and Elden Ring daily is taking its toll.
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uematsu > soken
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blocks youre path
Pag'lathan or something, comes from the dungeon you fight Lunar bahamutt in
They should make a pictomancer weapon that looks like pizza.
This isn't even arguable, but some contrarian somewhere will be upset.
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good. youve had it too good for too long
this is not fair. uematsu is literally the greatest of all time. that's like trying to compare a golfer to tiger woods or a skater to rodney mullen
i need smut of her immediately
literal fart sample at 1:03
Even the best "soken" tracks that aren't ripped from others are straight up not written by him either.
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>not even "GOOD'" benchmark anymore
it's over
>balanced game like we have currently and jobs play kinda similar
>builds matter, you get attribute stats back, jobs will be kicked and banned from pf if they’re bad that patch
Encounters stay as difficult as they are with all the body checks still in them.
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For me it’s https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uvM5Cnpkhpo&pp=ygUQdGl0YW4gbG9zdCB0aGVtZQ%3D%3D
top looks like the pagl'than top from the dungeon
shoes look like the calfskin rider shoes
not sure what the leggings are exactly but there's lots of stuff that looks like that
>significant (102 dps) loss.
dont care
>This isn't even arguable
Xivfags say 1.0's music was bad all the time
the room would be safe afterwards, the demon core isn't actually releasing a ton of neutrons or creating a lot of fissionable material, it's just mostly gamma rays. nuclear weapons don't actually leave much radiation either because they're finished in a flash. what leaves stuff radioactive is either scattering radioactive isotopes everywhere or transmuting nearby atoms via neutron bombardment into radioactive isotopes
I'm really sick and tired of all the shit taste niggers with their "muh dark mode, muh curtains drawn, muh darkness and black and bluughhhhh".

If you let the sun shine in once in a while you wouldn't get flashbanged so hard when the colour white shows up on your screen.
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this is a thing in LA
they are advertising on buildings
You want to really spice up this thread? Compare Soken to Yoko Shimomura.
Solution 9 music
In XIV? No, I already said several times I know it would not work in XIV. The party sizes are too small and also every fight is silo'd off individually. In ye olde days we actually had to clear our way through dungeons and do all of the fights within the same instance for raid wings, and it was okay to not be the necessary class for one fight because you'd be useful for something else somewhere within the raid zone. You're also moving the goalposts because we were talking about "How do you specialize without being reduced to one or two buttons?"
can you post the 3rd theme from the job actions trailer/ the launch trailer please
they've done that for a few years there
>Encounters stay as difficult as they are with all the body checks still in them.
Maybe this part was the problem all along
It's a lot easier to have gameplay variety in an easy game
im excited for solution 9.
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Taking my last opportunity to say - spoiler free - that I want a fat hrothgal wife.
if you closed the core with no one in the room the thing would get so hot it would be glowing blue and entering the room would give you such a large dose of ratiation that it'd breakdown your organs and leave you dead within the week as they melted into diarrhea. If the room wasn't impractically ration proofed, the raditation would leak out the the rest of the building and potentially further, making the whole effected zone a no-man's land

The guy who accidentally closed it for a second died afte 9 days. re-opening isn't the danger, it's when it's closed is the danger
nah eat a dick
The man struggles to even compare to Mizuta lmao
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beg for your life
the material inside the core is highly radioactive, what the other anon said isnt entirely correct
the spheres are neutron reflectors, which can trap the neutrons from the fission inside the core leading to more fission
if you get to a critical point of the neutrons in the core and chain reaction -> woosh ,leathal dose of radiation in less than a second
Literally built for midlander penis.
>He plays a female character
>His sense of humour is "ironic" and "loud = funny"
>He claims to be bad at socialising but he's just a cunt
>He posts initials in the thread and larps as an e-celeb
>His personality is "lol I'm tired/depressed/on drugs/in therapy/drunk/my parents are divorced"
Wow you're so unique.
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So, how long of a delay are we expecting after 'launch' before you can actually log in?
This will be my maliddie and his future fel hroth wife
I’ll get some visual improvements in 7.0 too right? They didn’t leave me out did they?
Soken's best track(s) isn't even from Final Fantasy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNVU5CXnq3M
>In ye olde days we actually had to clear our way through dungeons and do all of the fights within the same instance for raid wings, and it was okay to not be the necessary class for one fight because you'd be useful for something else somewhere within the raid zone
Why shouldn't I just replace you with someone more useful once your job is done? Changing party comps between bosses was not uncommon in MMOs.
yo nice post layla west/miya molkoh can you post click ennui's too?
i missed you colgate..
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>Quaid...start the reactor...
30 minutes if you try to login right after the maintenance ended
>sketcher sneakers
You hide in the dark because you fear the light. You fear Him.
kill yourself
spoilers are out. be careful.
>XIV has made sure to try and get rid of that.
Yeah that is the one thing ill never like about the current state of things even if i try to find a positive. I will never forgive what they did to AST. The biggest negative from EW to me will be they leaned too much into the "Just take a break :)" mindset. Not only from the way they redid jobs or content but also fighting mechanics, making it easier to jump back into for those that haven't played in a while. Was there any boss in this expansion that didn't start with a room wide aoe.
Alright thank you. I've checked on the wiki and it seems correct, just with different legwearand shoes.
>lvl 80 dungeon
still a long way to go
But the players keep getting better at the game anon so the devs have to make it harder to compensate for that. Hard jobs and hard encounters seems to be what people here want
my current understanding is that you always want to transpose Firestarter F3 but at the same time this makes your first three F4s extremely strict because you lose time to the GCD so you can't squeeze in four F4s.
but because paradox is instant cast that shouldn't be a problem now technically
Thanks friend!
Youre not expecting any delays to it going live? Brave!
this is what plays in the background during mikki plap videos
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who cares i am skipping every cutscene anyway
this isn't some f2p game, people pay money, they want to play the game
wanna get plapped by a + once the game is on?
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>extreme mounts are wings
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nah eat a dick
do you know
Pfft, I could tank it
i love liora!!!
Because there was enough room to bring everyone and not have to hot swap people out. I mean, think about it, don't you see it plenty here in /xivg/, the complaint people have that the biggest hurdle to statics is scheduling and availability? That's only with 8 fucking people. You did not, ever, have a full 40 man raid and also have hotswaps for everyone on standby waiting to come in and do one fight and then leave. You're on some shit if that's how you're remembering the good ol days, or WoW was completely FUCKED if that's actually how it went in that game.
meant for >>483568020
born to dilly dally
forced to lock in
No thanks.
Where ?
I don't know who that is.
let me step on you
i love asian girls with wide round faces
they want it till they get it, then they bitch the devs don't know what their doing and should kill themselves, just a circlejerk at this point
i know its not gonna happen but it would be funny if that ended up being an emote
>tanking on a Swashie
Lol. Lmao. Yes. Ninjas can in theory tank a dungeon too in XIV. EQ2 is from another time anon. Don't try and compare a pre WoW MMO to a post WoW one. It just doesn't work. Comparing EQ2 to XI? Sure. But comparing it to XIV is like comparing Morrowind to Elden Ring. Both are great RPGs. But you cannot compare them on mechanics.
But Jesus is my nigga tho?
I love miqo'te moon face girls
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you can, but it leaves a stacking debuff with no damage cap and a stacking healing reduction
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ifunny logo on the bottom
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Cmon bros keep the leaks flowing
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god damn piss fetishists when they aren't contained in Balmung
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one day we'll get yoshida on a joker arc and he'll be wearing the Harada shirt
I'm leaking from my cage right now
>He plays a male viera
>His sense of humor is dry and sarcastic and he loves bad puns
>He claims to be bad at socializing but is actually just boring
>He doesn't post initials or his character ever
>His personality is "I wanna fuck femra pussy"
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Mhmm MMO players never know what they fuck they want even if they get exactly what they bitched for they’ll still cry about it. It’s nuts
I can't wait to abandon my current post endwalker character and start a completely new one this weekend.
don't rip her face off she needs it
Post proof right now. Noballs.
I was just giving an example of how specialization can be done in a meaningful way that doesn't pigeonhole you into just a couple of buttons. That game was chock full of specialization and niches and I loved it.
>Lol. Lmao.
Look... it was AT LEAST as effective as monks and they were actually a """tank""" class.
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beast master npc weapon has been found
The problem is that when you make the jobs easy outside of raids, jobs become fucking boring the nanosecond you leave raid content
Hey! This is ALMOST me!
>beach episode confirmed
i think it would be based
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fuck you
no story content should stay easy, the optional hard content exists for a reason go do it
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No that is pretty much every fight, even the raid that YoshiP showed off in the live letter opened with Raid wide/Spread/Tankbuster... pls look forward to it
Soken's entire schtick is that he's a jack of all trades master of none. Comparing him to say Kenji Ito, Yoko Shimomura, or even Motoi Sakuraba who all have a very distinct style that they excel at which makes them feel more consistent with their compositions. Soken has a lot of hits and misses because he jumps around a lot and doesn't really have a style of his own.
You have to spam it on twitter all day every day to make it happen
Damn bro, thats hypnotic!
>tfw no Minfilia, Venat, Ryne or Gaia in bikini.

What were they thinking.
that's literally how we got the 2 minute meta and then they whine and whine and whine despite it being an objectively good change from the former
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DT beat.
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I'll probably be lightening up the eyes and skin tone (barely) in the end using the free fanta. Considered also switching to blue colors at some point because of a random test of something else entirely unrelated. We'll see in two days!
from the shadows, i come
>swapping jobs/subbing people out
>"i'm bringing in my alt for the next boss"
no fuck you, jesus christ
we need mains with gear you fucking trash goblins
we need to get gear onto our mains. i hate you motherfuckers making the fight so much harder by bringing in half-assed characters.
there's a reason the second half of a wow patch is such a disgusting slog when people are geared and decide they don't want to play their main anymore. the entire raid becomes a shitfest full of shitters. and wow is so much worse because it's such a numbers game more than a skill thing.

god am i SO glad that bosses have phases in this game because there's no such thing as "swapping out a job" mid raid, wasting 10 goddamn minutes of prime raid time summoning their asses in. fucking ye olden days raids with wings for bosses was shit because you'd trek through a bunch of adds and then wipe for an hour and have to reclear the fucking trash again. and whatever dumb fucker thought putting epics in trash can go fucking kill themselves because you'd always have to leave some poor schmuck to deal with the loot, and 9 times out of 10 you have to re-do a loot roll because were mid fucking combat and can't pay attention to that shit right now. fuck wow, fuck old games.
Narutard suncat wife....
Stop watching fagtano
no jobs should be harder and raids should be easier.
its concerning how cbu3 has yet to make a raid tier that surpasses midas.
my racist chocowife *smooch*
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There's always fan art...
update with DT
update without DT
where's the content?
yeah, he just sucks
For the Nier Raids is the music composed by Keiichi Okabe?
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>the man who put krile into a bikini
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this is not power of your creation
I will go into the raid unprepared with no research
I will expect you to fulfill you obligation of carrying me
I will leave the party as soon as I get the drops I want
Shrimple as
this is an extremely cute and pure cat, i can tell i'm an expert
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wait a minute,
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I can't believe they're adding sex in dawntrail
Buddy I'm just autistic about music, I've never watched one of his videos
>raids should be easier
>when the playerbase is better at the game than at any other point in the games history
>”raids are too easy Yoshida make them harder!!!!”
>now we have hard jobs and hard encounters
You guys literally do not think ahead at all regarding these suggested job changes
I don't mind easy content that much when the jobs feel good to play. I can spend 20 minutes on a training dummy, I'll be fine spending 20 minutes in an easy ass dungeon.

The problem with healers is actually that they aren't engaging on a training dummy. Same problem for while low level sync sucks, you lose all the things that's fun about your jobs. Every job should have something to weave in sastasha and every job should have their core rotation complete at 50
Show us bikini Alisaie, coward(s)
Your first expac release?
>I will go into the raid unprepared with no research
Oh no oh god shieeeeeeeet how dare you play the game as intended
In their darkest hour, the people of Alexandria had found comfort in the belief that physical death is not the end, and through the miracle of electrope, that belief was made reality. Yet everything comes at a price. Determined to sustain the Endless no matter the cost, Sphene has chosen the unconscionable course of massacring innocents. Seeking to prevent her from preying upon other reflections, you and your comrades prepare to send your souls into the Meso Terminal, where a virtual domain generated by her memories awaits.
>or WoW was completely FUCKED if that's actually how it went in that game
Most guilds maintain a rotating bench on top of the minimum roster required for the raid both in case someone doesn't show up and so they can swap players in and out depending on either their loot requirements, or potentially fight requirements
>>483568776, >>483568836, >>483569031, >>483569106, >>483569116, >>483569158, >>483569525

that's like the most basic limsa catgirl glam
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This is Thancred
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tell me about this semen demon
nope, why I'm skipping dt till last 6 months and get it all at once, learned my lesson
Ehrm, fellow wowfugee? It's expected that you watch at least 5 different streamer VoDs before you enter any content. If entering *gulp* s-savage.. you must at LEAST complete the simulators successfully 10 times prior per mechanic. That's just called compassion for your fellow raiders.
Music critique is always so funny to read.

I mean, it essentially boils down to "I like how this sounds" but people will write reams upon reams about a bunch of pseud bullshit to pretend like there's a science to good music. "But muh music theory!". Blow it out your ass, midwit.
>gives urianger a hard on
He turned into a real boomer
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Well fucks sake man idk, people who have to minmax everything ruin stuff yet again, I guess. In my day we just filled the raid up and any extra raiders who showed up for the night got a little bonus DKP for being on standby in case anyone had to leave early.
The Interphos: A world free of suffering and loss... This earnest wish, made by the young Queen Sphene in her final moments, was realized centuries later in the form of Living Memory, the twisted paradise behind the legend of the golden city. In order to obtain the aether needed to sustain the sanctuary’s recreated denizens, Sphene has shed her conscience─the memories she had as a living person─to arise as within the Meso Terminal a terrifying entity possessed of absolute authority. Thus empowered, she now seeks to initiate interdimensional fusion and harvest the life force of people in other worlds, and it falls to you to stop her before untold lives are sacrificed.
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do you mean the dps sage they did that with samurai as a tank for duty support recently
I miss my femroe very much...
I miss the orc mod, too...
Her tusks and pointy ears were super cute
music theory obsession is what makes soken sound like shit
Y'shtola isn't like those sluts so it hits different.
>wuk has cover and her own LB and all sorts of weird stuff warriors don't have
>intrepid job
that explains it
He's evolved and progressed into something from his lesser stage. As expected of Thancred.
Remixed by a Amh Araeng pleb good who doesn't get no credit, otherwise tracks provided by Monaca with the exception of Kaine which had oversight from Sano.
So the armored soldiers are Alexandrians and the hyur leader is Sphene??
I have not seen a catgirl wear summer even glam in almost 2 years

Meh that’s kinda mid
my anonymous smooch kang...
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damn this track is bussin yo
is there one here who is NOT following ishtoller's rhules?
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At any rate, the discussion of specializations has been fun to think about the old days, if nothing else. It's gettin too spoilery in here now so I'll bid you gentlemen adieu and see you in Tural or in like an hour when I get bored and come crawling back for more shitposts
Looks like this board needs more highlander representation.
This time its us that are doing the invasion.
Based cyber Hroth..
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you thought i was a fool
but now you see NOW YOU SEE
nice. So the tracks should still be pretty good
what the fuck is this gay shit
get monkeypox and die
At any rate, I'll be castrating all futas in Yawnfail.
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>Y'shtola isn't like those sluts so it hits different.
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these leaks have me wondering why I even preordered or why I'm still subscribed even after all the disappointing official news about jobs, encounters etc. so far
that's also my reactin whenever I see a basic limsa catgirl
Suck the natural chocolate from my dipped banana.
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Consider gooning.
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rife is rike a merody in my head
Y'shtola looks like she smells like ass
if there's anything i actually dislike about the 2 minute meta is how much it encourages you to save up resources for super burst. Spend 60 seconds doing nothing but gauge building and stockpiling, no fun allowed spending it as you get it.

Now the QoL change of having skills that gave you gauge now instead give you free use of gauge spender means we're gonna save gauge even more for the super burst, and you only get to press your fun buttons once every 2 minutes
This is straight up disney shit like stormblood ending
Then unsub and uninstall stupid bitch. You won’t though and will continue to play the game all expansion long until the next one. You’ll still be here bitching about it while still logging in every day. If you were actually disappointed you would stop playing the game entirely
so you can keep staring at naked catgirls and femra
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Here we go.
oh no no no
i kneel
I bet half this thread won't even play DT until their modgolembeast abomination is fixed.
alphinaud will be the one in a bikini
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why do we need 48 hours of downtime for this...?
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>grown man blush
with the 2 day downtime, mods will be up day 1
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Japan has fallen
Thigh slider in 8.0
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All of them
Mods are gonna be up day one
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The real question is why aren't they giving you time back during maintenance
I shan't be partaking in DT's story until like 8 weeks in anyway, I got other shit to play, I'm speedrunning with 3 macros to skip
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that's a lot of projection that doesn't apply to me
unsubbing right now seems like a good idea though thank you
>krile dressed sluttier than alisaie
there will be blood in the streets
Why do their facial expressions all look like they just got done filming a porno?
because that's the agreement you made with them
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my maliddie looks and acts like this
bro don't cut in public wth
Because it’s in section 5 of the TOS that says they won’t give you time back for scheduled maintenance you stupid fuck. Name ONE MMORPG that gives you sub time back for planned maintenance you can’t because it doesn’t exist
why are they still using .ogg files?
jesus man, thats rough
Why is Urianger making that face?
more femhroth art please
It's still stupid.
he's autistic
Name one MMORPG that gives you sub time back for planned maintenance
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I can't wait for DT screenshots
This sounds like Disney music lmao
These are all gonna be pfps, Estinien and Urianger's especially.
he is about to star in a dreamworks film
background character
>cute and wholesome
become MC
>horny slut
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>S-She won't die
"m-muh apologems!!!! give me back my one dorrar for lost sub time!!"

okay wang, go back to your shitty genshin
what the fuck is this black church music
NTA but what exactly about the leaks made you decide the expansion won't be up to your standards?
There's going some sort of story and we got some boss datamined, I don't see anyhing extraordinary either way
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forget urianger, what's going on for thancred to look like that
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where the FUCK is the theme they used for the S9 trailer
it's not the city's actual theme
shut up please you always have the worst fucking takes
go play gw2 "muh zero downtime" dumb faggot your character is dogshit already and will look even worse in dawntrail
kindly fuck off
It's cute that Alisaie and Alphinaud have matching outfits again.
Skipping all cutscenes, somehow DT ended up being the worst of all possible worlds and I'm supposed to be HOPEFUL that the criterions, DD, foray, ult, alliance, and savage don't follow suite? I dunno..m
you mean a abba ripoff of black church music
Tamed some tribal hussy with his penis.
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3rd times the charm...
I hate how Estinien isn't the badass he was from Heavensward anymore
Maybe it was night theme
i hope the vanadiel raids are fun
What's the best swimsuit for raen?
Unironically G'raha is more manly than him
for anyone getting infected by the brainworms of people dooming about DT, just remember these are the same people who think EW sucks, and they have closed their heart to life's pleasures
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the music really doesn't live up to soken's usual standards
the final boss being the fetal alcohol syndrome ascian is just sort of predictable and boring
it's nothing particularly awful or anything it looks very much serviceable, I guess I was just expecting a bit too much out of desperation since I'm experiencing major burnout with the game right now
97+ Dungeon probably.
calm down bro they added shortcuts for those quest objectives
gay and corny
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>no topless alphinaud
I'm refunding my game
>the final boss was an ascian
>the city of gold was an ascian superweapon
this game is cooked
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you’re going to love this
trust me
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that creative studio 3 polish
this is... not it...
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EW is pretty mediocre all things considered. A couple good moments don't can't carry that story.
Humiliation ritual
holy hell
He has been a comic relief character since stormblood
hello catman that was nice to me at the Christmas mixer
I remember you wanted to recruit people for something like an FC or similar, how did that turn out?
Is my tanned maliddie allowed to colonize as well or will he be colonized with the rest of the the tans.
sar... please....
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the message in picrel rings hollow when the devs won't stop shoving asscians and ancients into fucking everything still
Because sometimes there are more important things than being correct. Like standing up against ultra-villains like Zepla and Macchi who have been criticizing our game for years. We will NOT let them win. Endwalker was goated and always will be.
Your obessions with irony and sarcasm has destroyed your ability to feel pure and honest joy in your heart.

The song is great, it fills me with hope.
Reminds me of Amenaesis, god cant wait for Soken to die, what a piece of shit composer.
>Sorry that you did not let yourself enjoy peak fiction, better luck for dawntrail
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Why is there shit writing coming out of your new expansion, xivg?
I dunno this is my first paid sub game ever. It just seems incorrect and completely sucky to charge people money to play a "live service" based on a clock timer, then during known maint, not just credit 2 days. I heard old ass wow used to, but that's better my time, and getting rolled over by companies was a normal thing.
>Charr hands wrote this
Gw1 was better, 4 pawer.
looks like she gets her back blown out by black men
spoiler warning
wuk lamat dies.
i mean everyone does eventually
>peak fiction
Oh its a troll.
damn, 51% of the time it happens every time
The song is mediocre as fuck and you can already tell the final cutscene is going to be some corny shit like SB that ruins the entire finale
Do we know her name?
Nigga it literally sounds like a bunch of fat black church women
>we are going to a new land for new adventures
also yoshipiss
>here is the same shit we've done for the last 8 years
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Just 2 more days for Turali maleroes!
Free to play gacha games reimburse you for maintenance.

FFXIV has no excuse. "B-But muh TOS!" Who wrote the TOS morons?
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Last zone looks good
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>she actually does become the hokage
welp I no longer care about the plot
XIV will never reach the quality of HW again. You'll be lucky to even reach Stormblood
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I wish
they don't have the balls to do this though
sometimes I'm reminded that there are people here who will enjoy literally anything that gets put into the game
Kinda of reminds me of that city from Bayonetta
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Caged femras
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i will instead post a xaela in the worst swimsuit
I don't know who that is.
Also why the fuck do I keep clicking on spoilers
hey retard, ever have a power outage? does your internet ever go down? do you get reimbursed? no you stupid faggot, you signed a contract
both gw games were absolute dogshit much like your tastes, your faggoty ass fat character on a race that no one plays and no one likes (oh look, something you have in common with charr), and pretty much every rotting post you've ever made
thought it was the chinese that cooked dogs
Does anyone know if Kuja males an appearance or mentioned?
>some corny shit like SB
Final Fantasy is not for you.

>Nigga it literally sounds like a bunch of fat black church women
So? It sounds good. I like it.
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>it really is just 6.1 all over again
Why can't nothing fucking happen for once, does everything need to be a world ending disaster by the Ascians...
it sounds like shit just like all of sokens shitty motif remixes
not everyone here hates life and the pleasures it brings
Cant wait to visit here once during the story and then never again
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NO! We DON’T like this! Don’t you understand what this means?? If a simple swimsuit is more titillating than our mods, then why are we modbeasts in the first place?? Why play FFXIV?? She’s basically flat. WE DO NOT LIKE THIS.
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how does it feel knowing the msq will never come close to picrel again
I actually fucking hate this wtf
Okay now tell me Zenos is back, he can still save this.
>bad guy mcguffin is Zodiark
>bad guy is Ascian
>final zone is Amaurot
>conflict with bad guy is repeat of Emet and Meteion
So DT is just SHB and EW greatest hits without any soul at all? Jesus, how bad is SE's financial status that they desperately need to cater to everyone who started after 2019?
>skips all cutscenes and story
Feels good.

Wow another “Immortality Bad” story. How daring
Suddenly bringing back Zenos doesn't sound like a bad idea
im dotn care i just want to plap hrothgals
We get it you're an EWbab
crazy how people play a final fantasy game without going in ready to enjoy some fine jrpg cheese, and then get mad when it's exactly what FF has always been
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>they went for the most generic ending possible
I hope side content has good plot cause holy shit man
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so am I supposed to be hyped or not
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trust the plan
I play with NPCs now because it lets me more comfortable watch cutscenes and read dialogue in Japanese.
i don't really care
I need a hag femra in the leopard print bikini
>last night before maintenance
>skip drinking so i can play the game and prepare
>go to sleep early for once

>maintenance day 1
>feeling good about how i handled myself last night
>no ffxiv to occupy my time while working remotely
>strong strong urge to get really drunk during the daytime
actually the cheesy shit is good, it'll chase off all the wowfugees and other undesirable shadowbabs. this expac is for the real fans.
i was going to skip all the cutscenes anyways cause the story has been shit and i just want to level my jobs to 100 for raiding
>Wuk Lamat is literally Mary Sue
Everyone in this game is a Mary Sue
you literally save the day because you're the super special reincarnation of the Goodest Guy Ever
Swimsuit Y'shtola gave me..."inspiration".
I never gave a real fuck about seeing spoilers but at the same time I don't understand why people go so far out of their way to find out everything they can beforehand
did anyone post the krile blowjob cutscene leak yet
ops located
it's your choice, don't let vg make it for you
Being better or as good as 3.0 MSQ sn't hard, especially since the first third and last third are pretty slow. Now being better than 3.X MSQ? That will never happen again, pure lightning in a bottle. Start to finish is one smooth motion of all killer no filler.
>the cheesy shit
>chase off all the wowfugees
Nobody tell this nigga how much they loved all the other cheesy shit in this game
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>self insert mary sue character voiced by a tranny that does it all then saves everyone and makes them happy
Who the fuck is writing this
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I warned you all about Wu Lmao but none of you listened
Save us from the ShB rehash story
I don't care for DT story that much since EW left a sour taste but some people are genuinely so pozzed they see the story as an obstacle to go back to mindless grinding.
I feel like we're making preconceived notions based off of datamined dialogue.
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The plot heavily caters to shadowbabs, though.
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>49 TEXT_KINGMD120_04931_ALISAIE_000_002 Erenville's mother is a floating machine. Right─that makes about as much sense as everything else thus far.
marvel ass writing lol
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>/xivg/ mad that the new character who is imports to the plot is actually important to the plot and does stuff to impact the plot.
Wuk Lamat is the easiest way to tell if someone is using EN or JP voices. She sounds much more likeable and energetic in JP, all the people hating her are using EN
Can you fags stop posting story shit like the fags you are and start posting shit like mounts, minions, weapons and gear? Swear to god the leakfags in every game have the dumbest priorities.
>twitch stream afk thingy for a chokkopur mount
>6 mountain dew bottles for a mountain zu mount
>drive nearly an hour to some boba shop i haven't heard of for a porxie king mount

7.1 patch will reveal wuk lamat has a girlfriend and is planning to marry her, but they had a falling out recently, and you help them get back together
Aren’t you the faggot that scoops shit out of miera asses with plastic crotch spoons
>search for any sign of blitzball

This would be one of the best times to add it in too. I haven't seen anything on updates on housing limits either, are we expecting those later on in 7.1/2?
dawntrail isn't complete until there's a cutscene where t'owa is standing hands on hips with every hot ebin i've ever wanted to plap, kneeling behind his sunnie+, collared and leashed and begging for sunnie+ woob
>Erenville's mother is a floating machine
lol what the fuck
ew kek
Any leaks on that green catboy, Koana? Is he cool or will he also try to kill us off?
nah. you got no taste. being discerning about what you enjoy and thinking critically about what you consume is important.
>Right─that makes about as much sense as everything else thus far.
alright niggas, time to leave the threads
see y'all in two weeks
>that first line
Not only this doesn't sound like Alphinaud at all, it's also so fucking stupid what the FUCK
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anon im begging you to respond to me.
Do you know this cat?
the marvel cinematic universe and its consequences have been disastrous for modern writing
loaded question
assumes too much
So has it already been datamined who will be the new king?
Name one sub based MMORPG that gives you time back for planned maintenance. You cant
That's because the first line isn't Alphinaud you fucking retard
You're being unrealistic. Ascians may be defeated, but all the plans they put in motion are still ongoing and need to be addressed. Emet namedropped all those locations for a reason. There are 4 more potential calamities to prevent that may or may not be on auto pilot.
Man am I glad I looked at spoilers for this expansion.

Now I won't be disappointed and I can just enjoy the ride. Wuk Lamat as Dawnbearer? Come the fuck on...
Wuk lamat
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The good
>3 new jobs
>peak class identity
>peak job action design
>comfiest hubs
>fucking flying

The bad
>red scrips were weekly fucking capped
>first tier of savage nearly killed the game
>TP was still a thing
>fucking diadem

It was aight, would do it again
I didn't know I wanted this until now
I doubt Demoncrawl anon is here now, but I remember what happened on that stage now. I was using an item that shoots blessings (flares except they create sanctified tiles instead of burning and reveal but don't kill monsters). I had missing HP so I tried picking up a heart, which caused the sanctified tiles to kill every monster revealed by the blessings which, because of the stage mod that makes monsters attack before dying, caused like 40 monsters to attack at the same time, with the stage power being doubled each time. That's also why I got that achievement.

Man I love Demoncrawl.
>literally explains that her brother will literally nuke the city if we gang up on her
>her plan is to 1v1 him
are you a retard?
Okay but how do you even write an antagonist stronger than Zenos, Zodiark and Endsinger?
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You don't. WoL is holding back the entire time.
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It's pretty obvious she's XIV's Yrel. As log as she fucks off after the expansion is over I'll live with it.
You can't. We are going to revert back to Thordan and start all over
>Nah I'd win.
do you whisper people to change their outfits you glamtroon
>tranny tranny tranny
you guys aren't actually using the english voiceover right? It's a meme yeah?
Simple, the WoL is just getting older so foes are naturally going to be more challenging even if they aren't Endsinger-tier strong.
The MSQ is the only thing in FFXIV worth caring about.
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That’s the neat part, you don’t have to.
Is there a new deep dungeon?
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Blame hardcore raiders
I feel like 98% of people who play this game forget the WoL has a temporary buff or something. Even Zenos was juiced up on Hydaelyn crack during the final showdown. It's incredibly easy to make a grounded villain when you aren't doing shit that requires all these mcguffins being fed direct into the WoL bloodstream for a couple minutes.
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You already gave the perfect example with Endsinger, you introduce them out of nowhere mid-expansion with zero foreshadowing after mogging the first two previously and then give them inexplicable insane powers that allow them to do anything but still be beaten by a dude and 7 goons he summoned from his ass and/or the power of friendship.
Thats the whole point of dynamis, WoL is weak shit and can only "toe-to-toe" the big baddies when everything is on the line. Its shit but it'll forever be the explanation, like when the old guy with the dragon at the beginning of ShB wiped the floor easy with WoL + friends.
i use the english voices i dont understand japanese and i dont care about trannies
neet a hroth to sleeve my lalaboy....
>Everyone rapes my ass, so that means I shouldn't complain when my ass gets raped
Is that really your argument, bootlicker?
I want an xivg EB because deep down a lot of you are really sweet and worthy of loving and caring for.
One day one of you will find me :)

By letting XIV die
Imagine if Soken were capable of making his shitty music sound good like this. baka.
Most people skip non voiced scenes, do you really think they'd read the voiced ones?
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>game down for maintenance
>2 ixali dailies away from having all beasties done
I failed... I'm not worthy of Dawntrail
do you like miera
Why would I play in a language I don’t understand? Of course I’m using English voiceover. If you play with any other voice over and aren’t using their text as well you’re just larping
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BLM bros I'm crying even thought I don't think I have this job past level 20
>Rhalgr's Reach gets FUCKED big times
>jobs to Zenos
the WoL does NOT care about ala mhigan lives confirmed
>I was just expecting a bit too much out of desperation since I'm experiencing major burnout with the game right now
Taking a small, perhaps long, perhaps permanent break might be the best then. Not feeling forced to login every day just because you're paying a sub will make you realize wether you'd be happier coming back to playing it, or playing something else
demoncrawl fans... there are literally threes of us...
i like firefly the most, there are some really hilarious degenerate item combos with the reveal reveal/burn effect on firefly 2.
>Okay but how do you even write an antagonist stronger than Zenos, Zodiark and Endsinger?
You write an antagonist that you can't just punch to death.

Like social issues or the collective trauma of a people.
>these leaks made me hyped up for dawntrail
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>this is ffxiv in 2024
litterally me two days ago
You still haven’t named an MMO that refunds sub time for planned maintenance bucko, chop chop!
I just wanna fuck Alphinaud to be honest. I love that little slut. I'm jealous he fanboys over Estinien. If I were Estinien I'd be pounding that bussy every night.
>48 hour maintenance
What the fuck do you do in this time
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I.. like this..
My MCH and GNB will look good on this
troon bike
Hey... wanna get boipregnant with a hroth litter?
You still haven't explained why you're defending a megacorporation stealing your money.
Why have I been fine going months without playing this game but now that it's down for two days I feel like I'm losing my mind.
Jesus christ this is cringe
The only thing important in XIV is the story so you want to be spoiled for the entire story and ruin the experience. What the fuck kind of logic is that?
Wait what is everyone reacting t- AAAAHH

Japanese software development, folded 1 billion times
gimme any DT bgm!!
you were not playing by choice, even though it was there
now that there is no choice, you desire it more than ever
it's over
don't bother coming back
Undeniably canon
Is it hard to mess around with textools to see the songs?
the faggots on Balance are afraid to post the songs
I would lick Alphinaud's body clean
Losing a dollar of sub time isn’t the end of the world for me.
>suspected schizo announces they are leaving the thread to avoid spoilers
>not getting schizoed today
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Ranjit was the closest thing to a bona fide warrior of light in the First until we show up. He's a monster who's been alive for centuries.
>not doing a monowheel
I hate this game
>data miners are hard at work
>hrothgals can wear all hats
>fiera still can't
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If you were short $1 paying your sub, Squeenix would tell you to go fuck yourself.
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>spoiler spam already
Guess I'm leaving xivg for a while
respect to your schizo for still giving af about the story to avoid spoilers
keep trying doomposter, keep trying lol.
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Many such cases
>last dungeon is going to be amaurot 3.0
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Here you go king, enjoy
You'll just go to sleep and forget about it
Namedrop them, coward
>The only thing important in XIV is the story so you want to be spoiled for the entire story and ruin the experience. What the fuck kind of logic is that?
Because I knew Dawntrail would be slop so I spoiled myself ahead of time so now my expectations are at 0. Now I can just play the MSQ with an open mind and enjoy the enjoyable parts, and not care about the trash parts.
Then I would just get a dollar so I could afford my sub wow so hard man. You still haven’t named a single MMORPG that refunds sub time for planned maintenance. Now stop avoiding it and name one
want to erp over discord
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I wish femr4 were actually this cute
Post the track from the launch trailer please
>550 TEXT_VOICEMAN_07005_A8_000_002_NONE_VOICE All the sights I've yet to see.
only the moral yet choice, loser!
no he was 86 years old and his adopted sister was a minfillia
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you ever wonder why we’re here?
dont tell me that Wuk Lamat is the new Ruler of Tuliyollal
Alphinaud butt naked with me in the shower
Why are you autists so desperate to ruin everything you interact with? you prove my diagnosis of anhedonia with every action you take in relation to the entertainment you consume and people you interact with
even if the game turns out shit, wouldn't you rather experience it for yourself? you're gonna play it either way...
what happens to the serious green haired catboy?
So you're fine with a company stealing your money even though they want every penny before you're allowed to play? You sound like you'd suck a cock if someone threatened to twist your nipple.
What is this auracite nigga from outer space
looks like ultima (orbonne) but shittier
Kitten… daddy’s dripping pre…
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>inb4 it reuses the animations
you learned that word a couple days ago and now you just want to find an excuse to use it
Yeah if it’s planned maintenance like this it’s fine I don’t really care. Now name an MMORPG that refunds sub time for planned maintenance
Thank you kind sir
Are you surprised?
>even if the game turns out shit, wouldn't you rather experience it for yourself?
I will.

But now I know not to get my hopes up or get invested in Dawntrails story. Knowing it's dogshit allows me to enjoy it more. The pain always comes in going in blind and hoping the writing is good and then being disappointed.
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underwhelming, dressed like a widow, is it a hint?
this is canon
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other trial mount
Cute highlandee, would rail
>dawntrail not even out
>/xivg/ already doomposting and predicting eos
nothing ever changes
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femra... real..
didn't ew add time because of the delay
of course not a Mary Sue is always gonna win even when its the most dumb storywriting
I don't really follow your train of thought or understand what you're even trying to say here but coming to assumption that you ever cast f3 during AF3 tells me you don't have a deep understanding of the job to begin with
>Yeah if it’s planned maintenance like this it’s fine
It's worse that it's planned.

They knew they'd be stealing 2 days of your sub time and said "eh, go fuck yourself".
nah man
you're just really stupid and uneducated. sorry you need a thesaurus plugin to roleplay
anhedonic is the word that's already becoming the defining adjective for gen Z's melted pleasure centers of the brain
this feels different to ShB/EW's leaks...
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Here ya go!
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It’s really funny the only games people mention when the discussion of compensation for maintenance comes up are free to play gacha dogshit games but they can’t name an actual MMORPG that refunds you sub time for planned maintenance. Really funny people here
Emet was too popular so now every villain has to have a sob backstory and smile and you after you beat them and all is forgiven even though they massacred a billion people
>only the moral yet choice, loser!
>picking the niggerbun choice
1 is the only right choice, so you don't try to appeal to either of the 2 of the worst new characters in recent years
they are not, you're just a retarded nigger that can't type a password in correctly
its just 1 guy lol
It's really funny that people who don't work for Squeenix, don't own Squeenix stock and don't get paid by Squeenix to shill for them are here in their free time defending them.
>they're already re-using the Hephaistos model
I remember the time when dimension hopping required whole Crystal Tower what the fuck
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Unfortunate you gotta wait a while before your next shot~~
Sorry my sleep call/goon schedule is already full for the next month
You are the reason people don’t respond to male characters
Uhh is this supposed to be wings on your character or something?
This is some dungeon meshi tier ending but villain gets to live
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>planned maintenance known about for months
>know well in advance when it is to plan around
>anon doesn’t plan for it and seethes on 4channel as if he and his lineage have been personally scorned
Ysayle did it first
>he missed the Live Letter
new mounts
option 2 is literally the most azem like choice you dumb fuck.
Name an mmo with a paid sub that regularly goes down for days at a time for maint.
ok anhedonic ass
No they added time because the login queues were fucking atrocious, not for any delay. They gave 3 weeks of sub as a result of the EW launch queues, not because of maintenance for the expansion.
And so is 1
>don't respond to male characters
i wasn't that poster i just wanted to know whether this cat likes male characters, that's a fair question to ask for a response
My eb never makes pictures of us but they do with everyone else.
You will not be doing the plapping. You will be the one getting plapped as she pounds your pelvis into dust
contrary to what people say, queuewalker was just so fucking bad and embarrassing with the long queues and 2002 errors that SE gave everyone free game time
>there's another DemoncrawlGOD itt
>and they're another firefly enjoyer
Maybe I really should spend the tokens on it...
>so they gave a refund
let me make 20 more posts screaming the same shit
My EB only makes pictures of us while i make pictures with him and everyone else.
>haven't gotten my code for the full game yet
Should I be concerned bros?
>You are the reason people don’t respond to male characters
>when it's an obvious shitpost
this grapecat is terminally retarded
so we don't actually know where azem went
we just follow in their footsteps, finding echoes of their journey across the shards
we might even just fight them directly, ascians seem to be long lived.

and endsinger might be a universal threat but she was from eitherys, we don't actually know what lies out there in the universe, that could be pure dark dynamis instead of a entelechy.
we also don't know what meteion's wish did. she sang a song of hope into the darkness, but it didn't erase it all. there could still be a dark dynamis demon out there that will fight against the song of hope.

the universe is also 33ish % aether, and i can't fathom to believe that eitherys is the ONLY aether based planet.
you can also directly pull from other games, we haven't gotten that ff7 shinra/sephiroth angle yet, or crystal chronicles or war of the lions
you could even dip into octopath and bravely
they might start small but you could spin the beginnings into a bigger threat over a few expansions.
shame you can't recolor mounts
I would 120% do TRON colors
>Just don't play the game for a month before the expansion comes out, that's way simpler than Squeenix refunding you for 2 days of sub time
that's not cool, using the r-word like that. Please be better
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Ysayle wasn't the main antagonist and gets thoroughly BTFO by based sigma Hraesvalgr. Her death also wasn't handled well and was some poor execution from the writers and the character to try and right some wrongs. Her going "yeah sorry" in the hut like she wasn't screaming for her pretty dragons to eat everyone in Ishgard last patch was bad but I guess the devs needed her toned down a notch if she was gonna join the party.
go back newfag
>login queues bad
>people literally couldn’t play the game when it was online
>they gave sub time because of this
>DT maintenance is planned and has been known about for months
>not a random thing that popped up so no refunded sub time
That’s the difference please learn it before you spew dumb shit in here again
>hasn't gotten code yet
>I'd rather eliminate the potential for my being surprised, and even my imagination's ability to fill in blanks and invest me in a narrative, which is the SOLE purpose for consuming narrative-driven media, than deal with the potential disappointment that may or may not have come depending on the direction and rhythm of the way the story was delivered
it's over
I remember talking with a young musician recently about the evolution of video games, and making the point that they'll forever be a minor artform until the need for audiences to learn how to operate a baby toy (controller) in order to properly appreciate then is removed. He countered this with "well, a lot of people just like watching others play them".
There is no point for creatives to give ant amount of a shit anymore when their slave audiences are this ruined.
Ah yes
The obligatory foodslop filler - my favorite
>males are cringe faggots
Gonna recreate this image with grapecat
>we might even just fight them directly, ascians seem to be long lived
Azem was sundered. We would be fighting outselves, considering we are like 7 or 8/13th of Azem. And since none of the ascians ascended us to our seat, the true Azem is kill
i don't really follow your train of thought but coming to assumption that you don't follow tells me you're stupid to begin with
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Yes, I enjoy male characters. I was more so saying that those kind of negative-charisma lines only come outta male characters.
my miera would never lose to hrothgals
19 more to go
>those kind of negative-charisma lines only come outta male characters.
You can't be this much of an absolute fucking retard lmao
>when it's an obvious shitpost
those are usually the most honest things people want to say but can't without layers of irony
You can't just use words that have loose to no fix definition to try to sleaze your way out of arguments, nigger.
They really don't
Final Fantasy XIV, April 2017
>6/13ths azem fights against our 7/13ths azem
I forgot to do x4 and x5 patch. Its over for me isn't it? It will take hours to find people queuing that shit
New reoccurring BIG BAD will be outer space Ultima-like auracite niggas, mark my words.
The dimension merging "key" is auracite and we will learn more about it in post-msq patch story.
Stop replying to them and give me your data for >>483576423 so I can make it when ploogs are back.
It’s the catboy
Wol isnt that strong
was controlled by a pure amateur that literally had to fight against the collective soulless inside a dying god husk. fandaniel zodiark imo was maybe weaker than hades lore wise at that point.
idk, but he was a powerful enemy
her power were literally emotions. as long as you held onto your wield and believed in your convictions you would have won given enough time. Her only way of killing you is to make you give up.
>one day of sub time
>game was down for two
>meanwhile WoW can just seamlessly release an expansion while players are still in the game
How can XIV compete?
dommy or subby?
>I'd rather eliminate the potential for my being surprised, and even my imagination's ability to fill in blanks and invest me in a narrative, which is the SOLE purpose for consuming narrative-driven media
If your story has to rely on being "surprising" to engage the read/player/watcher then it's not a very good story.

All my favourite stories were more enjoyable on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th time I experienced them. Never the 1st.
There's only 1/13 shards out there. We should fight the singular shards to get stronger
the over the top stupid sounding black-coded aryan lines are the funniest ones though
no you just don't think it's as cringe when it's coming from futa because they're playing a female character
you are actually retarded
Yoshida said DT wasn't written with a long or short arc in mind so they're just doing whatever until things start clicking. That's most likely what will happen anyways.
You know which other MMO has given out free play time?


…Yeah, didn’t think you wanted that. FFXIV is still the best MMO and way better than WoW. If you like your game so much, just go back. The rest of us are fine with FFXIV as-is.
ah jesus christ i totally forgot we never fully dealt with the auracite bitch
she's clearly got even athena wrapped up in her bullshit, with the ink of blackest night thing
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Lemme guess its good when a futa say it?
blizzard is a department of the cia so they have top tier r&d
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>woman stares at a dumpling for 4 minutes before eating it
>man stares at something for 4 minutes before eating it
People forget that when we face the biggest foes they're either handicapped or we have tons of help.
I'm not that anon you were replying before, I merely replied to your stupid question. I don't really care for the day refund, I just find weird that they didn't do it this time as it's the second time we have 2 day maint since.
Writing an erotic story about my WoL and a cute rava during maintenance :)
>spoilers get dropped
>Every ebin leaves
>They are bitching about the quality of the thread on discord
This is a tatse of what you faggots have been doing since SB

What happened to your cocky "didn't read" energy?
Bunch of disingenuous, Cheeto hand smelling non ass wiping right havin bitches.
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A power contract and gas line is consistent and has availability. You are correct, you do have a signed service agreement to pay say XX.00 dollars/mo forced by the city even if you use say 0 of said service. It's a TOS skill issue cause local laws typically always dictate (chapter bills per state) if said utility service is not available within XX time. You shall get compensated in full for said service fee per time disconnected.
>Blah blah
My viewpoint is that it's lame and they should do the same for games when known maintenance outages are coming.
>Both GW games suck
Arguable, both games did extremely well in areas that are amazing. Mount system in gw2 blows away every MMO mount. The story felt like it was kinda cut short after you join a faction in the vanilla campaign though. But credit is due on the 10/10 transmog system, Dual dye channels, initial combat synergy between classes, and multi FC joining process.
In gw1 the entire skills system was superb because the way things counter balance, synergize with other classes and skills is something other games struggle to do. Also it had a sick heroes NPC (TRUST) system where you could customize their skills, AND, get a load of this IF you Alted, you could buy. "mercenaries" who were all your other characters AND had all their skills you earned, and you could bring them in dungeons / instances.
Both games have their shortfalls, alot has to due with funding though. But they were and still are pay once and play forever, which is great.
Grape, theres a bunch of tourists here currently Your bit won’t go over well right now
>man bad
>trans dripping horsegock with sloshing chunky nuts good
Yes. We LOVE this.
Oh well
I've survived Zero slop. My body can more directionless garbo I think.
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But I paid! I bought the game! Where's my code!
>immediately assumes I'm talking about plot
>does not know the difference between plot and story
That's not what I was talking about, at all. it's OK, 99% of your generation is the same way.
you can't just say that without posting logs
take some fentanyl and set yourself on fire cultist
not trying to feign superiority, but it's always been strange to me how spoilers get under people's skin so much. does it really impact their enjoyment of the game that much? never really bothered me, i can still get into it.
Stop samefagging your forced namefaggotry, you failed abortion endfetus art paypig.
>retard didn’t read the emails sent
If you could rub your two brain cells together for a moment and read you would already know they’re sending codes out sequentially from when you bought the game
What are the recommend Settings for DLSSTweaks?
its his heckin bit bro you don't get it he's a funny l'fah 2.0
>I need story to surprise mee, I need horrors to jumpscare me, I need action to go BOOM and BANG and BWAAAH or I can't enjoy it
Nigger you are so fucking stupid
I'm 32 dipshit.

If your writing is ruined by spoilers, it's not good writing.
Replaying sonic adventure 2
Any femlalas wanna let me hit?
why are they chuckling
Oh no someone is dropping spoilers how can I ev-
Oh okay.
Good morning Endfetuses.
who are you quoting
Oh god they think they're clever calling not Garnet "Sphene"
How do I get in these discords
>the post he made with his identity implicitly attached
>the seething "anonymous" post he really wanted to make, one pass timer later
You have to do the hardest thing ever for a 4channer to do, ask for an invite
If a story is truly good, then spoilers wouldn't ruin it.
beg appal
the jannies are gone no one gives a shit
I feel crazy cause I think this is pretty cool. I think industrial rock/metal for a high tech dystopia city is wild.
i think there are elements of it that may be diluted (such as big plot reveals), but what really immerses me in a story is the quality of the writing, interactions, etc. spoilers can't ruin that.
>Sorry my sleep call/goon schedule is already full for the next month
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>it's another story where WoL exists just as a weapon to some literally whos
Looks like Yoshida didn't learn anything from 6.X story reaction
Let's hear the next one
>anon has skipped the entirety of the MSQ up to this point
Uh bro? The WoL has been a weapon for someone the entire time
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>Remembered that we once lived
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It’s cringe from anyone, cock haver or not
These are always hilarious
>FFXIV has no excuse
The excuse is that it's not a fucking gacha that needs to keep its gambling addicts happy
Recycle at bump limit

Because the base infrastructure of their servers and engines to this day is quite incredible. The people from 20 years ago knew what they were doing
if what I wrote makes your brain go to such a retarded, soulless place, it's over for you. your mind works like an actial nigger's, trailer trash. stop projecting. there's no point in you consuming anything beyond its wikipedia breakdown.
why even bother replying with something this sad and embarrassing, that simultaneously misses the point? go reread harry potter or something
I bought a storyskip.
Shouldn't take you that long to edit. Rule 1 of samefagging is to be prepared if someone calls you on it.
You shit on the janny for ages and now you're crying for his help?
Who do I ask?
Yeah I understand that. That's what I usually expect from a good story is the interactions and quality of the writing. Big plot reveals are more of an extra for me, since they are just fleeting moments I'd feel.

just curious for now
Spoil this for me please
preasu understandu
>That much effort into a discussion
Pass me on that
>I can enjoy the story even if it's spoiled
>You can't
Are you mentally a 14 year old girl or what?
>he thinks ANYONE will die
oh no...
>zoom zoom? words I haven't heard? must be a quote
I'm quoting ur mom, btw
Krile better fucking die
>someone "dies"
Anon I...
do not squander it the legacy i leave you
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Please good god take out krile and wuk
>Why was shadowbringers the best expansion
No lalafell
You low IQ retards really need a main character to die to enjoy a story?
where's hauchefaunt and moenbryda then?
I need Krile to die to enjoy the game as a whole.
>I can't recognize that a first-time ingestion of a piece of media is a completely different form of media than rereading/watching it afterwards
>everything is a flat, linear, one-note experience with no emotional development or nuance
Are you mentally a 30 year old man with aspergers or what?
redditors are kinda funny on god ngl

Dom unless you find me in the right mood.
you're not my mom
If stakes don't get higher every quest I will call it a shit story simple as
Its genuinely embarrassing how hard the writers kerp bringing this up. Emet's final moment in 5.0 has lost all weight.
GoT ruined a generation
to be fair, Thancred 150% should have died in Shadowbringers
nice, might say hi on my male character sometime. promise no negative rizz lines
>whole ultimate where you time travel to save him
Looking forward to it, dork~
It would've been a good point for him to die but he's a fun character to have around so I don't mind it. The scene is also heavily misinterpreted as him dying when it's him accepting Minfilia died.
Likely either on Dynamis if we're there, or after world travel opens up. Enjoy the early days of DT
you fuckers want a character to die just so you can complain how you'll be constantly reminded of their death
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>big bad inhabits friend
>is responsible for thousands of deaths and destruction
>can't just put a bullet into the back of his head
>we have to save him
>destroy every other person that's inhabited with a big bad
I hate japanese writing
>>whole ultimate where you time travel to save him
Oh, that non-canon ultimate that is a fantasy of the Wandering Minstrel?
kys kindly
how would he die? he was basically a spirit you dumb fuck
>no like a final fantasy
Five different FFIX songs used and the only one they remix is fucking fairy battle? I'm starting to hate soken too.
>everyone agrees that homoginization and dumbing down is bad
So why were there people last week singing the praises of using xivcombo to turn other jobs into 111 combos?
>full screen scores 7100
>full screen windowed 11000
Why is this? How can I fix it?
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Why do you want lalafells to die so badly? They're so cute. Is it jealousy? I'd be so happy if the entire MSQ consisted only of lalafells.
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>Kanchelle Loreux
>late 20s pedophile, friends with spooky who self admitted to raping a little girl he babysat as an adult
>tried having sex with an underage catboy player in real life after pegging them in erp and growing attached
>joined in the last patch of shadowbringers because of asmongold and is a gremlo/rich spamming twitchfag
>obsessed with aether and especially vik, spams about him and his eb every time they post
>shitposts and stalks random posters like sophie ss klaris and jill behind their backs, bragged about it on the discords before being banned from all for /pol/-related mental illness
>made a fake dox and message images of a biofem ebin that rejected him, spammed it until she stopped posting
>makes fun of ultimate parses and people without clears, is grey and can’t clear savage even with plugins
>has a meltdown in the thread more often than he clears content
>doxed a random non-xivg static lead because they won earrings in p9s, then replaced him for melting down over it
>has a reddit under deagledad420 where he crossdresses and pretends to be a 156cm biofem but he’s a 178cm man from new hampshire named lucas
>skinwalks and spams in trash about trannies, has been caught in mass bans
>now makes trans porn with shotas crusty and macchi and spams it in the vanilla threads
>shitposts lewders on aco with fart and dickgirl spam because he can’t post his sodomy pics
>spends hours every drunken night digging up shit on his thread enemies (approx. 90% of xivg posters) in archives until he passes out
>got caught banned on flist falseflagging the thread enemies he melts about and threatening to kill people with his guns like he does on xivg
>still schizzes and melts over blue miqo’s existence and can’t use the filters he spams
>spams updated dox pic with a fake image of himself
>brags about spending years of his adult life spamming /xiverp/ to death >>475150523
>stalks the thread for mentions of his name because his online presence is his life

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