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LAST: >>483366917
any gulagites needing a Deadcock invite?
So Act III will open on the 30?
Just swapped to Russia server and everyone is way better, wtf?
I hate your ball of light guts. Do not play this hero.
Funny, every time I run into an Io they're super proactive
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What is it about the Russian condition that makes them unable to use their brains at full capacity? This guy is feeding the entire game and wondering why his team is hesitant when their carry is constantly dead.
Which heroes can solo tormentor when it spawns?
Templar Assassin
i just pick rubick every game now
i like the idea of picking rubick but i'm trash
i play meepo
Pudge impersonation https://voca.ro/1eCDDVrT7Kvn
yea no
his name says captain stupidity, so
doesnt work like that anymore, its through steam
whenever someone abandons i leave the game regardless of how my team is doing
I have one Deadlock invite but I will only send it to a .edu email address due to botting.
you will have to pay me to play this shit
Damn.... i don't know chief. You guys aren't that group known as anonymouses? you'll hack my steam in 3 seconds.
its hot garbage

auto aim out the ass too so the shooting part is minimized. what was the point? oh, right, to sell me cosmetics

cosmetics of black women and a tranny
isn't there a hag with a ghost hand that's pretty hot?
What happens at profile level 301? Do you get a new border color?
man her fuckin animation looks like a crippled ass cystic fibrosis retard that shits in her pants
Remember when slacks and sunsfan jumped ship to Artifact then had to come crawling back lol
cant wait to watch everyone try to do the same shit with deadlock
deadlock isn't gonna die the same way artifact did lol it's made by icefrog
sent you an invite
ull be fine, i reckon
Artifact was made by a guy who is, for all intents and purposes, about a hundred times more successful than icefrog.
>hundred times more successful
pick one
>ull be fine, i reckon
>fluke into mtg
>didn't even stick with mtg's development, just left after a few years
the difference is icefrog turned dota from a pretty popular wc3 map to what it is today. richard garfield shat out mtg and left to do other shit.
>be you
>be brown
>can't parse sentences in english
>respond anyway

sopa de macaco jaja
just to remind you deadlock was a passion project of icefrog he developed for years
just keep that in mind when the gameplay will be released
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remove 2 from d2g and just change it to deadlock general, simple as
/dlg/ sounds great
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So it's Invoker usable now?
>the difference is icefrog turned dota from a pretty popular wc3 map to what it is today.

no, he did not, eul and other people were instrumental to that and icefrog absolutely was not the one to make it popular

i have been around video gaming since 1986. that was the first game i played. yie ar kung fu

im going to tell you a secret

deadlock is going to fail. it really doesn't matter if icefrog made it. the game is not compelling

heres another secret: don't ever worship designers. things are always made by a team, in a time, at a place, with a certain psychosociopolitical environment and a certain zeitgeist. people like you bought a game called "Mighty No. 9" you might be old enough to remember that
Deadlock won
>deadlock is going to fail
Im sorry you bought hundreds of goypass levels over the years and you are mad they are abandoning the ship. At least you can sell them like unusual TF2 hats...
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wtf am i supposed to do with these after the act is over
valve really should've thought this through
>pos 4 picks invoker
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Maybe they do the same as the first act.
You can use your emblems in the secret cave for more candies and rerolls
Nah I consider that money the cost of admission. Couldn't care less

The game just isn't good and seeing sweet baby invade valve of all places is so sad
just play for lategame
he's goated with his innate get all the denies
>The game just isn't good and seeing sweet baby invade valve of all places is so sad
not sure that's what he said anon
if a video game doesn't cater to your preferences then there's nothing wrong with not playing it
>t. is black
I wouldn't even know deadlock exists if I wouldn't check this thread sometimes how come it's half of what you niggers talk about?
source: sweet baby
I unironically blame americans for everything bad that's happening
dotards are known to be insecure
deadlock will fail if they continue with the dota-smite-paragon bastard homunculus they've created because it really doesnt cater to anyone
dota fags will never stop playing dota (unless valve murders it), shooter fags will be filtered by creeps and items, the broader retard masses will ignore it because it's been intrinsically linked to hero shooters
baffling it made it this far teebeeaych
>deadlock will fail
good, but soon and fast thanks
deadlock literally won, tf2troon
why are underlord's portal minions so retarded
just have fun brah
i usually use the 'random bullshit go' attack
just make sure to spellsteal from the best candidates and pick the 25% stolen spell cooldown talent
you cant do much with a slark dark pact in comparison to crystal nova or shackles
they didn't come out of a book
dumb vatnik
I unironically blame everyone else for everything bad that's happening
what secret cave
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he didnt go whorish exort so wasnt that useless
>play offlane support
>always get core items near 25 min
>watch high lvl players
>minute 25 items are nothing but consumables
life as a support in high rank seems pain and misery
Anybody played sand king after he got buffed a little bit?
It will be a free steam game, even if it dies it will be kept on life support ad nauseam.
1 game im already tired of this game especially because it was stressful as fuck
back to league, troon
higher mmr than you ever will be
doubt it, leaguetranny
it's anonymice you dumb fucking ESL
What do you build on offlane Underlord? Cause when I go Shivas or Crimson, Pipe Greaves and rod of Atos he feels underwhelming as fuck. Just like aura and root bot. You aren't doing too much beside that on him.
harpoon scepter
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crimson -> aghs
pick one auratard item per game, the first item timing is all theyre good for
building a 35min pipe is retarded unless youre playing 5 and everyone already has shroud
Why do you keep posting this webm? I don't get it.
>play a game
>pos5 Terror blade that doesn't even buy wards
>play another game
>pos5 tiny
I fucking hate role tokens
>Pubbie Silencer builds MoM without grabbing the facet
>MoM disables his glaive passive

I hate brownoids so fucking much
thats literally what a ypipo would say
i just bought 30min pipe 3rd item and couldnt agree more with that anon
beyond worthless beyond pointless
Love me some tordede2kmmrlini
Kunkka mid just got raped by an attack speed techies mid who had the inventory facet, he was sporting several wraith bands, rushed maelstrom then skadi, lmao.
Yeah its a cancerous meme build but at least its just a techies
>Mason only picks Clinkz and Weaver
I thought he was a good player, but he's just hero boosted.
hero puddle
>ignores the constant sniper and PA picks
Dishonest and cowardly
He has like 5-10 heroes he picks that require no brainpower. No matter how bad they are or how bad the matchup or what lane he's in he still picks them.
and yet hes 11k and u are not
11k lbs maybe lol
Do you CM would enjoy sauna springs or skinny dips in ice cold frozen lakes instead.
you're supposed to both no?
Im not sure, apparently she hates hot stuff becuase of Lina.
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This is probably how it goes with the temperature. Both sisters skinny dip.
Based Gondar and Riki enjoying the view.
They are such sluts they even have the word and don't mind.
it's riki & gondar's ward
It's not, otherwise it would be invisible like them.
I bet Treant is there too
Nothing wrong with that. Play with heroes you know how to. Picking counters just because they are counters is how fucking excel nerds play games and absolute faggots. Guy sounds based.
New Marci Lore.
when is she getting removed
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Here's your 17 minute sniper bro.
theyll do it gradually, starting with her clothes
What do you guys think is the max number of heroes this game should have?
at least 500
is alchemist support cringe?
>Picking counters just because they are counters is how fucking excel nerds play games and absolute faggots
The same could be argued of hero pools, it's basically a midwit tryhard tactic, a player could just be compensating his lack of general game knowledge by relying on their hero pool, but yeah sure, after a certain level you need to do both sides.
But if a player is low mmr and hero pooling but can't climb then the pool is probably holding them back from actually learning the game.
The ringmaster
whatever happened there
spring 2024 bro
They probably didnt account for facets and have to test his interactions with 130 heroes again.
shiranai sore wa
Is the second QoP facet viable? How do you build it so you don't get fucked?
Ursa (you must use overpower and wait for the second one to go off cooldown)
Slardar (has to be lvl 12 min)
Templar Assassin
Troll Warlord
Razor (first stack a lot of -armor with ult)
Meepo (eats them for breakfast, off cooldown)
? Lone Druid
? Techies (not sure if the mines need to be lvl 2 now)
qop enjoys getting fucked tho. thats her whole shtick.
>acoustic guitar
>Mongoloid language
Yeah nah, NAH!
1(one[singular]) voodoo mask or dagon and you heal back all the damage on a creepwave and your ult if you hit 2 heroes minimum
>dota fags will never stop playing dota
Deadlock is solely made to poach Overwatch and Valorant players
stacked game for masao
Around the end of Crownfall obviously
>add MOBA elements to a card game
>it bombs
>double down even harder and add MOBA elements to a TPS

gee i wonder what's gonna happen. surely, icefrog will know how to make a completely different genre of game!
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you mean like shartifact 2 and blunderlords?
Too bad Marvel Rivals will be a thing.
It looks like it has everything Deadlock doesn't and that's incredibly surprising considering it's some chinese mmo sweatshoppers vs Valve, maybe it will be a wake-up call for the latter.
But we also do live in a world were said chinese mmo sweatshoppers have become the cream of the crop in game design by simply doing their own thing while the western industry collapses, so who knows how it will go down honestly.
i like picking pudge and hiding in the treeline while my core gets beaten to a pulp
>try to steal the playerbase of a super niche casual (despite the developer's best efforts) game and a fucking CSGO clone

i hope you're kidding because i've been playing overwatch for years and they go NUTS at the mere sight of any sort of CC. They're gonna get ptsd from the first 20 minutes of a deadlock match
god i love futa elves
kill yourself faggot
Taking a request.
kill yourself
cm squatting over a snow man with a huge erection
Hoodwink beans
>about a hundred times more successful than icefrog.
They guy who did nothing of note except Magic The Gathering 30 years ago VS the linchpin developter of one of the top 5 competitive online games in existence?
Staggering bias aside, does Gargield even gets MTG royalties anymore?
lina's feet and/or armpits
Paradox's paracock...
>my players are shit
>picks sniper 4 and griefs his team
Gorgc was right about Mason
He's handsome and better than him at the game?
>Mason is the lowest ranked player on his team
>obviously he gets to play support
>seethes like a kid and picks sniper and griefs
people here defend him?
>not on me
this nigga high as fuck
sounds based to me, he didn't get his role so he griefs
valves fault for making a shitty draft for immortal players
What counters weaver?
sounds like Regina Spektor
Why are pro players allowed to grief without the fear of being banned unlike us normal players
>disable him
>he is now low HP
>he ulties
now what?
Do you really need to ask this question?
It shows how stupid you are you know
They can do that because Valve gives them an unreasonable draft system
That means Valve doesn't give a shit, they literally stated do whatever you want with this system and figure it yourself
Back when they introduced it
Pro player griefing has been going on long before the draft system
look who is stupid now.. LOL!
Not taking requests
hahaha you got owned anon
that permanent regen shit is the most perverse incentive i've seen in this game. necros will literally hold ult like they're last hitting a creep
>gets ks'd by necro and cries about it on 4chan
actually the kill got away
>the player who only plays carry with a tiny hero puddle has to play support because he's the lowest MMR
>support is the highest impact role best suited to a high skill and flexible player
lmao even
>try to predict the outcome of every game
>record your prediction success
>if you guess better than 50%, double down every game you think you'll win
>if you guess worse than 50%, double down every game you think you'll lose
Why wouldn't this work?
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>18 fucking times

The skill has like 100 second cooldown at level 3. This means 18 times is 1800 seconds or 30 FUCKING minutes of spamming your ult as soon as you hit level 6 and getting 18 kills some fucking how before the game is over. Rarely if ever does a fiend gate teleport result in more than 1 or 2 pick offs and imagine pulling this off 18 times in a pub game full of retards.
you can get this in as few as 2 fiends gates...
>there are 3 enemy teams that will die instantly around your gate
I'm already irate can you stop being retarded.
try better disables
more damage
better coordination
or a combination of these so that the result is that Weaver has 0 HP
does this demand kills
I feel like a lot of the time they actually count assists even if they don't explicitly state it
>disable him
>he's now no HP
>he buys back and feeds again
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i'm tired and i hate this hero..
You mean the counter the every single hero in the game?.
Now how do you catch a fully invis hero with max movementspeed with disables?
Vision, coordination, better skill usage. using your cognitive abilities to predict movement
>uses BKB
Now what?
guys...arteezy retired and streams elden ring now....
Use defensive items/skill, use better disables, better coordination
Its not rocket science, just be a better player
literally who?
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It is truly over...
How are you going to outrun a hero with max movementspeed that has put a bug on you that requires you to hit them 5 times or they'll slowly kill you?
>feind's gate
Depends on the hero, situation, team, position
But generally being better works

The question is why are you acting like weaver is some 60% winrate hero
>weaver's counter?
>just stun and kill him
WOW THANKS ANON! No other hero is "weak" to this!

53% winrate as a support, yeah that's totally fine.
>25 viewers
it's so over
>53% winrate as a support, yeah that's totally fine.
? Is this supposed to be extraordinary? He's meta but not super OP, plenty of other heroes like that
whykhyrkrym is whate saars
He's a core hero that has 53% winrate playing him as support event tho he is not even close to being a support hero.
It shows how stupid broken he is that you can just pick him as a hard support and roll over games with him.
>Ephey gained like 1K mmr the past month
>currently at 8.6K
Why aren't you climbing at a speed of 1K mmr/month?
This isn't league buddy, but now I understand why you're so confused
In dota there are not designated support heroes
You can play anything you want in any role you want as long as it works
No generally a pos5 is meant to help the team with providing saves, support and help the core heroes. Just look at any other support hero.
Problem with weaver is that he's so busted you can just pick him, easily win the lanes because there's nothing the enemy can do against you and then you just play as a core even tho you are a support.

Then win most of your games playing now 4 cores even tho you are a pos5.
going to a concert with slutty Lyralei
not enjoying the game really
was 8.4k before patch
Your headcanon is not true sorry leaguebab
she should be having sex with me instead of playing some dead game
Saars, when can I redeem the patch saars
The Frosts of Icewrack, where is

Look at how dead inside he looks.
nah I aint giving that washed up views
post pic tho
now MLG columbus... that was REAL dota, not this crappy nu-dota where geniuses like rtz can't succeed because the patch is for idiots
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Where is our Act III /b/ros?
i didnt realize how many buffs visage got in 7.36 actually i apologize
>recall on familliars
>dont have to resummon to get dmg from leveling ult
>aoe Q
>16% dmg reduction for first 4 levels
I kneel
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le no ti or riyad face
kek the slav is really coming out there
You should get extra gold for last hitting the ancient.
He was still better on Warcraft III tho.
Idk never played dota 1 but in early dota 2 the familliars lost dmg with every attack so thats actually psychotic to think about in nu-dota
League koreans last year finally picked AD carries as support and completely dumpstered the game. When will leaguechads realize a support doesn't need a heal button to be a support.
Watching Dota pros play other games is actually enlightening. They're so fucking stupid. I think Singsing is the only one I've seen play other games and not be a retard.
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>those fucking bags under his eyes
grim, dude is basically a walking corpse at this point
his winrate is being dragged down entirely by the no-micro facet
if you can play visage (i can't) he's good right now
how's he gonna shart this one?
start as a wretch knowing nothing about the game
choosing that facet should give you soft ban for entire day to re-think your life
no behavior/pool punishment just a reminder from valve
His aura was better, much like Mercurial had a better aura and a better ulti, I remember when Mercurial was released she had a really strong ulti, if people killed her illusions they took 300/400/500 flat damage, it was funny as fuck to watch fools killing themselves, void passive too backtrack used to be actually good.
the loathsome shart eater ending
now thats just fucking beyond autistic to call spectre that
i used to have some nike mercurials they were sick
damn rtz is smaller than mason
i like playing magina, yurnero and barathrum
Doable with chen

Just remember to be extremely greedy and not to use your ultimate to try to save someone else, plus fill your inventory with good items instead of having 1.8k doing nothing
you'd have to eat a lot to be bigger than mason
Is that really meant to be a surprise, the guy's a blimp
when is grubby playing the dlc
i really wanna see him die over and over to these gay ass bosses
Watch him play terraria lol
did the grubster rage quit terraria too?
yeah lol
Why cant invoker just have all the skills on an individual button
Fuck this invocation shit, it should be more accessible to newer players
How about you access a rope for an easy way out?
Don't worry, Valve will eventually turn him into a league hero for you so he's no longer unique.
I hope so
I like the great magician aesthetic but its a pain in the ass to play
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oof, even twitch zoomers are shitting on shartour, bros...
I like the giving birth to healthy child aesthetic but somehow u were born
why would zoomers even watch him?
jesus fuck you smoked him
>enemy sand wraith has a 15 min mock
>call someone a nigger
>behavior score updates immediately after the match
>lose 500 points
I played dota on warcraft 3 for years and I have only played dota 2 for a month or so, I remember most names from warcraft 3.
wow, literally 1984
ive been playing doturd 2 for like decade and a half at this point almost, and i still call the shadow blade "lothar's"
literal brownoid behaviour.
I called Shadowfiend "Nevermore" and he did not understood I was talking to him, I hate zoomers.
actually white person behavior
dota 1 players are white
the only people playing dota 2 nowadays are south americans, SEArats, chinks and slavoids
>dota 1 players are white
back in the day dota was played by white people
you weren't there to know, that's fine
dota wasn't always a subhuman game.
slavs ARE white
yeah ok.
*looks at all the peruvian and slav dota 1 vods*
yeah? and you could see a lot of white person vods too
fast forward to now, it's all subhumans.
I'm not saying ONLY whites played dota 1
I'm saying whites PLAYED dota 1
ok pajeet
posts like this make me wish every dota 2 hero is a black woman from here on out
amerimutt moment
amerimutts are brownoids tho?
man ancient apparition feels like ass to play after the patch, death rime is literally doing nothing holy shit
amerimutt moment
I got the STR debuff and went 4-4-1 which seemed to work, but make sure you've got a tanky lane partner that deals magic damage (cent, primal, spirit breaker) because otherwise you're not going to be doing much.
>Someone highlights cent
>I pick Pugna
>Guy locks Slardar
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HAHAHHA rtz's face on the stream

i shouldnt even laugh holy fuck
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grubster bros ... we lost to Marvel Strike Force
psg here

people used to wear that same tshirt in like 1998
str debuff is 1.25str x DR-stack
meaning you can go (cf+ib+iv) ~15 stacks max, thats -18.75str meaning -412hp at max level
thats fucking garbage lol
i took the cold feet aoe and felt somewhat useful because the game went ultra-late and i could apply cf to everyone without popping linkens/lotus/mirror
How the fuck do I win games as SF mid? I kill my enemy midlaner, I take his tower. I roam with shadow blade and drop a big ult and get two kills, but after that everyone just puts sentry wards in lane and now I can't get kills.

Also I'm talking about unranked here, so I can't coordinate plays with my teammates.
you dont buy shadowblade and go euls+blink to burst shitters
If you can't gank you have to farm. SF is just naturally fast at shoving a lane before heading into the jungle to clear a stack. Late game even if you started with spell damage item you can still right click well as SF.
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>meaning you can go (cf+ib+iv) ~15 stacks max, thats -18.75str meaning -412hp at max level
>thats fucking garbage lol
yeah but at level 12
so next phase where? I need to find out what my wife is up to
...doesnt that even counter his ult by lowering the actual hp you need to shatter since its %hp based?
it just seems so fucking shit
>..doesnt that even counter his ult by lowering the actual hp you need to shatter since its %hp based?
The STR reduction wears off before the ultimate does.
hm ok, i still think its hot garbage
aoe cold feet isnt that much better but at least it has its uses
wait where did he go? was he worried about losing viewers to rtz?
2-7 day
rtz can't even get half his viewers LMAO
dota 1 hero models are much better than dota 2 ones

yes i know that its actually wc3 models i dont care
gives me an idea, what about undying offlane + aa soft-sup
-str fiesta
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>deadlock got at least 20 new heroes before dota could get 1 new hero
it's over
What's with the obsession, it's not interesting
How do you cope knowing that you will never have anything like TI8 ever again?
alri, grubster
you mean ti3/5
I'm just saying no one cares, do you honestly think anyone wants to talk about him in a serious capacity?
well rest in piece doctor disrespect
god i hate zog normies and their stupid thoughts
Undying players are shit though, hero literally got a passive to feed faster
wait he even copied mason's character
the TIs in small theaters were the best, small venues just make everything better / more personal
Act 3. Ringmaster. Bird Samurai. Underlords shoutout.
what happened
what happened
the reason he was banned came out by some leftist fired twitch employees who i guess can leak w/e the fk they want and think they are good people
so what's the reason
google it..
I don't want to poison my algo with eceleb shit anon give me the qrd
He was talking on twitch with a 17year old and 300 days old little kid
hes a pedo retard
>ed came out by some leftist fired twitch employees who i guess
eceleb fellating trash, take this shit somewhere that cares about it
I guess he wasn't very transparent about that one.
Sex with Hoodwink.
>two people arguing about each other on the enemy team in allchat
>report them both and get double good boy points
heh.... nothen personel...
game discussion is the worst kind of shitposting
I wanna shoot the shit with likeminded individuals
/d2g/ is a community that has grown past discussing the deadge "dota 2"
I will give you another trick. Dont mute anyone, and check scoreboard later in the game, if someone is muted it means his entire team reported him so slam another report on him.
good shit twitch reading all the private DM's someone sends, i'm sure thats totally legal everywhere
youre either in your early 20s or have no self-respect
This guy complains about ecelebs then cheers while reading about some retard reporting people in his unranked games
how come everyone runs dying light on phoenix support? would the extra damage and healing on sun ray not be better?
so the attention seeking nigger is smurfing in 3k when there are no popular streamers to snipe
god i fucking hate inkop so much, hopefully reddit catches onto him and gets him banned
Bratan you are demanding people stay on topic in a thread about a game that hasn't been relevant in 10 years, on a finngolian deer nut-crunching website
You LITERALLY play dota and you want to talk to me about having self respect
Ok inkop
This is false. I call someone a Nigger 9/10 matches both via text and voice and I RARELY get a penalty to my goodboy points, currently sitting at 11,712 or something close to that.
I play on SEA and Japan servers.
So yeah, the point deduction is not automatic, you are just playing in a region filled with entitled nigger crybabies that probably report you every time because you said the nono word.
you fellate a guy that hasnt ever been relevant in any capacity, in a thread about a "dead" game this retard doesnt even play
why dont you take that shit to one of the gacha or vtuber generals? the "people" there might actually care about that garbage
Not him but you were born after the turn of the millennium
I go graves, aghs, pipe, crimson or both depending on the enemy lineup and then shiva. He only feels good to play in the early game, in the late game you just stand there and make your team unkillable by existing and annoy enemies with the pits. It's really not for everyone but I enjoy it.
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I'm guessing this week or next week or whenever act 3 drops? I don't really see them dropping him in act 4, since what the fuck is act 3 gonna have? Act 1 as the event itself, act 2 was the big patch of the year, act 3 should be hero and act 4 should be the conclusion with a PvE or TI compendium.
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>team goes full early game (zombie viper witch doctor )
>team understands we have to win fast
>with 3 mana boots and 1 mekanism we push first rax at 20 mins
>we control enemy woods for the next 10
>we win

this just happened instead of the classic shit where pos 1 and pos 2 think they have to farm for the next 50 minutes when we stomp 2 lanes.

very enjoyable to see this ending once in a while.
>pick dawn phase2
>enemy p2 picks phoenix/silencer
i like to play her but shes so dependent on your support not being afk, your teammates not being retarded (walking out of the circle) and needs shard to actually play the game as offlaner
ive heard people have success as support, but playing her as sup just feels wrong
>zai is a general manager
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>Pick dawnbreaker
I love that some nigger can press a button to put my ultimate on cooldown, at which point I have to use it as a ratting tool or farm enhancer
League of legends hero pickers getting dealt with
Dota is healing
dawnbreaker isnt a lol hero
slark and mk are lol heroes, maybe void spirit but he lacks a heal
deserved for posting shit anime
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I only just realised there is absolutely no reason she would be naked
>classic lol hero artistic design
>skillshot q
>gapcloser w
>literal 3 hit triggers effect passive
The only thing that isn't lol-cided about dawnbreaker is her ult
Airing out her balls.
>dawnbreaker isn't a lol hero
>global aoe healing and bkb piercing stun
>three hit passive
>three hit Q with integrated crit
>a walking fetish design
sure she isn't and I suppose Hoodwink isn't one either? or void spirit?
>streaming a mobile game for less than 1k viewers
He will return soon.
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is there a good reason why dawn is ever clothed in game? she's a star golem, why would she care about clothes?
when will you draw lina again you stupid hack
Game is more and more reliant on picking the "better" heroes than ever before, I hate it.
Every game is a one sided stomp, it's no longer fun.
What is this guys obsession with sweat
>classic lol hero artistic design
yeah nah, misses the double-d-cups + generic anime face
>skillshot q
eh, not really a skillshot
>gapcloser w
lots of heroes have a gapcloser, the range is actually pretty damn short
>3 hit trigger effect passive
idk bro, lol design is 3hits on same enemy, dawn doesnt have this, neither does slardar
isn't she a robot? why does she need to look lik that?
it's called a fetish and you probably have some too
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Vladislava Galagan cosplaying dawnbreaker, huge clit included.
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There is nothing sexual about a waste-product and if you think there is you legitmately have some wires crossed, I won't judge too harshly but it isn't right
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I was too inexperienced and lazy to bother drawing fabric. Also I redrew that Marci a while ago.
I wanna redraw the Dawnbringer but it requires some effort and motivation for a hero I don't really like.
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Oh I thought you were gone, glad you're not
>best guy friend
that's a weird way to say boyfriend?
yea and some people are into "women" with penises theres all flavors of fucked up in this world and you will never understand unless you are one
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>futa out of nowhere
uhhhh something you wanna share with /d2g/?
A penis has a very sexual connotation, I get it there's "weird" fetishes and then there's WEIRD fetishes, he should be thankful he lies somewhere inbetween, not even going to start on the gaping asshole thing...
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He's busy putting estrogen into the water by the Ancients, case and point being KotL wearing a tutu in the ringmaster poster, and Anti-Mage being a woman now in every game.
Also just a guess but them deciding to help kill Dota off for Deadlock by getting rights to make an ICP arcana for ringmaster is taking longer then expected. Violent J dark carnival ringmaster voice set coming.
I'm glad fuTA is dead
i can't believe tinker had a strong dispel on his shield
what the fuck
Nevermind I'm blind and not thinking
is she actually that tall or is the guy actually shorter?
I love girl cocks (in 2D)
My dog ass streamer is dropping back below 11k...
based /g/entleman i also saved a few good ones
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>Valve advertises their recording feature via killing Hoodwink
Does skywrath not have a way to earn free armor anymore?
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r8 my highscore
>meme arrows
The new clockwerk cogs are fucking retarded he can drain 100% of your mana in the early game after you bounce like 5 times in the same power cogs cast
And how does he get you in his cogs? He just walks towards you. So just walk away lmao
An ogre magi facet called Headache where all his voice lines are 10x louder for the enemy team
A gyrocopter facet where his name is put in the sex offender registry.
>not kotl
Your ideas are weak, kys
They're both old. I'm sure you'll find bot their names in a list somewhere.
Aw nuts!
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What in the sperm?
rtz beat margit in under an hour
how long did it take u dotards?
Imagine making so many spelling mistakes that you felt you needed to save this gif.
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New Ench facet: Truly Untouchable: Enemies cannot select Ench, what do you guys think, it's fresh, it's unique, err they can't see if you have wards, that's about it
Could be interesting if they gave her some sort of hard cap on her max HP
No they can still right click her they just can't click her and see what items she has, maybe it could blur out other stuff too
>Faceless void in my team
>He picks the time zone facet
Surely this lose will be my fault
cool name
Your idea sucks now
pick brew and obliterate towers its the only way to salvage it
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Give me your hoodwink drawings extra points for fully colored.
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Ok fine we'll go with the enemies literally cannot target her at all so you better hope you picked heroes that can ground target in the draft, I cannot imagine any possible way this could go wrong
Maelstrom and cleave
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Ah but what are you going to attack off of, some sort of creep from the jungle that is with her? Nonsense
New facet


Post the deer tits already
well is it late june yet? act 3 tomorrow with the reset?
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There isn't anything you haven't seen before
Surprise me post rares
late june is june 30th 23:59:59:99999999999999 fucking asshole
just a beta and FREE GAME
paradox of choice is making me unable to play a hero for more than one game in a row. choose my main and end my suffering. I've narrowed it down
weaver op
>lina is in the game
>simp over other redheads (one of which is a deer)
i will never understand /d2g/s capacity for wrongness
thats a nice 'za
lina's voice actress is blonde
Enchantress' voice actress is redhead
Lina's a bitch and not even a real redhead, just a ginger, hell yes I'm picking the deer (which is not a negative)
she literally does not have feet
at least windranger also has feet
so dk's illusions don't apply his orb anymore but incapacitating bite works on broodmother's illusions?
i fail to see an issue
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Yes thank you, Lina doesn't have hooves either, I forgot to mention that
dk had his patch now time for others :)
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It's not too late to quit this slop and move on to a cerebral game like MTG.
rather play fucking wow
Same idiot
hello valve
hello valve
its thursday, where is the patch
hello valve
hello valve
hop on deadlock
>mason AND rtz copying grubby's games
yeah grubby won
i don't see them playing terraria
I can't, nobody invited me
hopefully he goes back to divine where he belongs
where act 3
Add me on Steam.
I like your work, I wish you had social media or something to contact you/see the rest of your stuff
>mason scratch and sniffed his balls on stream
>no memes like Zyori
mason looks like the kind of person who'd do that sort of thing. zyori didn't.
>zyori didn't look like the sort of person who would sniff his balls on stream
>mason looks like the kind of person
A MAN??????!!!?!
hes done worse
jubei won actually
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My wife, PA, should fuck that ghost whore Muerta.
mason is based
zyori is a fag
I'm better than you at PA
That is all
they look like they frot and cum on each others delicious hard cocks
>stop sharing art on reddit
>Russians stop reposting it on steam community forums
Is there a way to play lone druid that doesn't involve being a complete dead weight to my team after 30 minutes?
Only TA has one in that pick.
what a bummer... I would have loved to see PAs balls rest on TAs shaft...
not really unless you consider cancerous ratting with scepter+bkb+ac a gameplay
it's a thigh job too
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can you dodge games until you get radiant?
or maybe you can only do that in party queue?
did anyone take a picture of rtzs face/eyes while streaming elden ring today

holy shit fucking g r i m
what happened
dude looks like his soul has left his body is all
maybe youre imagining things
rtz has a hot skinny asian gf and a lot of money (i think)
this is a /d2g/ poster we're talking about, all they can do is hate and complain and not talk about anything actually game related
>rtz has a hot skinny asian gf and a lot of money (i think)

his gf is not hot at all...having an asian clinger is not worth anything bro

he has failed...his entire life represents total failure to himself. you cant fix that with trite concerns
he's been a dota pro for 10 years and never won ti
you can tell this upsets him
>he's been a dota pro for 10 years and never won ti

*almost anything relevant whatsoever
>Pull creeps
>Core shows up to kill my jungle creeps even if they're kobolds worth 6 gold each
>Enemy creeps suicide to our tower
>Full wave pushes all the way to the enemy tower again, so the enemy farms under their tower
only ti is (was) relevant though
welcome to 5k mmr
>be pos4 and pull
>the pos3 walks up and stands in the pull or crosses its path for no reason

>Lina's attack range is 670
what in the goddamn
ngl pretty easy game.
I finally made it out of low priority, how can I climbed to 3k behavior score from 1k since I cant play ranked? I'm tired of single draft
I really dont get how I am supposed to tackle this game as a new player. Trying to queue for all pick or single draft takes damn near all day and playing turbo just has one team steamroll the other right after first blood.
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you arent. spend 5000 hours. congrats you arent new anymore. slightly

You have to have been playing this game for 10 years a tleast, dota allstars experience preferred. Otherwise, we don't want you. I can direct you to some other games opened to young folks if you'd like.
play another game
What server?
What are some (Good) unusual support picks/builds?
I queue for both EU west and east
you have to queue EU West, Russia, or EU East because you're a new account and that's where all the other new accounts play
i think US West and US East is dead in unranked, but once you calibrate for a rank, the queue times for US West and US East are pretty quick, like a minute or so
just telling you all this because no one ever told me when i first started playing in 2019
so pretty much, you have to play EU or Russia servers for a hundred hours until you calibrate for a rank
weekly rerolls will reset in 9 hours right?
man its so hard to get 10 wins a week
You (kind of) don't
This game has a lot of shit you gotta know
Heroes, spells and passives, innate abilities, facets, talent trees, items - and that's just the surface
I would avoid this game as a new player or not recommend it to new players, not because I hate the game (I still enjoy it time to time), but because the learning process takes a lot of time and can be repelling to someone who just wants to play a moba
But if you're interested in the game, this game is best played and learned with a group of friends who dont care about wins or losses and just want to meme around
Play against bots
dont even waste your time doing this. just play in unranked games. you arent going to ruin anyones game as a new player

bots dont teach you anything as they do not respond or fight intelligently
This, and bots frequently shit themselves by doing stuff like the entire bot team teleporting mod the moment you cross the river and then fucking back off immediately to their lanes
just read what your spells do and then use them
the amount of new/herald retard clips ive seen where they just dont use shit is ridiculous
you can figure out when to best use the spells later
>it's a "game that would've gone fucking great if the two supports swapped lanes but they didn't so it all went to shit" match
Have a Marci doodle.
Looks like shit
Very cute please make more
Kill yourself
man that's just sad... like I'm at a loss for words that's really just sad
butthurt brownoids
Wait diffusal blade doesn't kill warlock golems anymore? I thought warlock had a voice line for that
ya mama sad
Yeah he says
but valve removed it
Yeah but that's not really the point here

this made me actually lol
Still not sure how good aghs is
When I play against it it's the most obnoxious shit ever, if it's on my team it feels like it does nothing
He does look like he posts on /pol/
i like it, it has like a cute calvin and hobbes kinda style :)
think about it this way anon: at least we know which posters are retards!
Who, you?
Oh true true, I don't mind some retardation every once in a while, hell it can even be funny but those posts were just sloppy
caught another one
Turbo's the fuckaround mode basically. So you shouldn't care about win/loss in there too much.

You are new, you are going to have to learn the basics from scratch. So stuff like laning, macro timings (laning phase, brooooool phase, endgame phase), every item, and every hero ability, and every hero ability x hero ability interaction combination. It is a lot to take in.

My advice would be to just pick some simple looking carry, and then play a couple bot games just to see how shit unfolds at your own pace. People are going to jump down my throat about this but I think being able to just stand in a moving map and exploring on your own time is immensely helpful to start. Pick up some Observer Wards, put them in enemy territory where there are big white markings on "mountains" on the map. Get a feel for how much vision you (and therefore, the enemy team if they put wards there) can see. Once you feel like you know where all the jungle camps, towers, shop locations, and played a couple rounds with the bots, try going back in a game and see if you see things differently.

After that, it's looking up videos of people talking about laning phase, camp pull timings, maybe last hitting tips, mechanics, and probably videos of both fails and cool plays.

If you're the DPS type, pick a carry, watch some guides on how to do well on them, watch some people playing them competently, and then play like 5-10 games on them until you feel like you understand them when they're good/bad/in-between. Picking up a new MOBA is a lot of homework but you can take it one step at a time. Don't expect to git gud before you finish like 1,000+ games and like 5-10 games on every hero each. I wouldn't recommend going into ranked or caring about that shit until you feel like you're an expert.

If you're the support type, well, you're gonna have double the homework lolol but it's productive and useful knowledge IMO so it's worth it if you care about helping the team in ways other than heals
*tickles your wiener which causes you to release your grip*
*runs away*
impregnating hoodwink...
That was pretty insightful thanks. It's not like I am a total stranger to mobas I played some HoN many years ago and some League as well. What was just really bugging me is how the queue times just seem crazily long and whenever I do find a match 9/10 times it's against people with over 500+ matches under their belt. Sure it's unranked and all that so that's bound to happen it just feels really weird to me is what I was trying to get at here.
...ephey was supposed to be the first to touch this cock.........fuck..........
Cute artstyle, would love to see your take on TA
do you guys think ephey is a virgin.....
Ranked curves are a bell curve. Meaning the quantity of players in the bottom and top ranges are going to super low and minimal. I can't speak much for Valve's matchmaking, but you are probably in a new player pool and there aren't new players queuing non-stop, so after a while, Valve is putting you with low rank shitters who are also waiting for games. Don't worry too much about them.

Once you play enough games and Valve decides you aren't a "new player" anymore, you will probably see faster queue times. I saw that you said you were EU so you are probably just suffering from being on a new player account since EU is more dense population-wise than most other regions.

If you played HoN, you will probably see a lot of overlap with Dota (since they used to share devs and design concepts) so it shouldn't be too hard on you to pick shit up then.
literally who?
i know ppl here probably wont believe this is true but there is a substantial contingent of good looking women in their 30s who are virgins

women are just totally different about stuff like that and can be really frigid either naturally or due to life experiences
I thought women were like aphids and all born pregnant?
whoa, aphids are born pragenate?
damn turbo is full of herald 1 noobs, first time trying this game mode since hon/wc3
that patch...
Yeah the whole game isn't a complete mystery to me, sure lots of things have changed and there are some major differences still. I guess I'll just spam more games and get properly calibrated then.
>good looking women in their 30s who are virgins
muerta is a conceptually bad hero whos kit doesn't work in fights against conceptually good heroes like jakiro or axe or whatever

Muerta isn't even difficult to counter
should've leaned harder into the trickshooter archetype
her q and e fit it but her ult is just "right click harder" and her w is just league of legends
seems to me a lot of immortal players dont like truly being in immortal from what i noticed i wonder why is immortal matchmaking that bad seems like the sweet spot to be if your not going pro is divine
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I want to be Drow Ranger so BAD!
There's too many account buyers in immortal but campo santo thinks buying accounts to play at a rank you don't belong and didn't earn is fine despite buying and selling accounts is against Steam's terms of service.
Making a secondary account is allowed but campo santo doesn't care and will ban you if you make a second account to play at a rank you've already beaten and could easily reach again if you intentionally grief your matches to lose mmr for some reason.
cant tell you, its a secret
Been playing for 5 years and I still don't even know what his skills do
Good. Rubicks keep stealing my W and using it at 0 charges.
THE marci
crazy only was saying it cuz i know some immortals players smurfing in ancient/divine maybe in one of these arcs valves addresses the issues
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i went hung over in the bank and they kicked me out, but i sold some cs 2 cases and now i have enough money to renew my goycattlegroid+ and finally play some dota to escape the woes of my hellish life and imminent suicidal thoughts
>Team calls you bad
>Lose game
>Avoid teammate
>Next game
>Its against teammate
>Beat him

Is there a better high?
why don't volvo want to stop win trading
are you russian
>better high
yeah old fashioned, clean as a whistle heroin
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where's hotfix for this retard?
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Do you even have fun when playing Dota?
no, you?
just a few more hours for rerolls to reset then I can feel there's a point to playing the game
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I want to try Deadlock too.
its fun for like 15 min maybe but then the enemy has blink silence hex abyssal and i cant just hook them and they die in a dismember
bonus points if they have linkens
post your steam then, retard
no, I just wondered because you said you were hungover
yeah, i think it's fun trying to climb and get better
I have no faith in Valve but I have been feeling the itch to play it for no good reason too. Then I look at TF2 and think otherwise.
>want to play 4/5
>every game my mid loses lane
>not embellishing, i had one of my mids win in 10 games
>still going 50% winrate but the games are so hard
>begrudgingly pick mid
>win lane every game and win 8/10 games
why the fuck is this so hard for people i'm just picking lina and spamming spells
i cant wait to play it and stomp the valorant and overwatch kiddies
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Nothing worse than trying to play some Dota 2 and some whiny white faggot hops on the mic and starts crying.
its worse in deadlock, since no one reads the chat in that and people only sperg on mic
its even worse than half of the base for now are passive-aggressive redditors with meek voices
he's probably whining because you're inconsiderate and dogshit at the game, which is much worse than being a whiny faggot
I know it's popular to hate on things in here but I don't think the game looks appealing at all
I hate reddit faggots
>I come bot to gank
>I ping, I tell them I am going to gank and get ready to initiate
>The two whiny white fags in lane are too busy getting into a piss match
>I tell them to stop typing and to fucking play
>They act like typical entitled white boys and start screaming in their nasally voice
Total zoomer death when?
when i play Leshrac and i get shroud, shivas, bloodstone, and euls, i feel like i can 1v5 the whole enemy team
>mogged mid
>rages like a nigger
>muted by the game
>cries on 4chan
You can't make this onions shit up
like aesthetically? cause that's the case for me
an upcoming 3rd person shooter by valve sounded neat but the characters look unoriginal and soulless
cry about it shit skinned monkey and when you're done rope yourself.
What the fuck are you talking about you retard?
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miss me dotards?
i did for like a week when the patch drop and i just came back after a year of hiatus.
i can't force myself to open the game now
Yeah I looked at the character roster and thought to myself that I'd wanna play as none of these characters. Besides I'm not looking forward to yet another hero shooter.
i thought invites were through email
they changed it so you have to be friends with the person you invite
it was only through emails last month, and you had to wait like 4-5 days for an invite
now its both, you need the guy on your steam friends, but you also get the invite on your email, but its pretty quick now, like a few hours
>win 55% of games
>get commended in those games
>lost 45% of games
>dont want to lose
>so vocal and trying to win because it is for mmr
>as a result, reported in 45% of games
>losing behavior score
this is so fucking reddit. i am muting everyone from now on and if the team cant direct themselves then they can lose. i will stop trying to help huge ego retards and meme builders. they can stay shit for their entire lives and continue being giftwrapped mmr. fuck this game.
Funny, I never got reported for giving people advice. Maybe you should stop acting like a shitstain while doing it?
no, i think i will continue to be an asshole to retards that inconvenience me.
and that's why I never have chat enabled
because youre a retard?
I'm playing Dota so yes but you seem to know a thing or two about retardation
if people are consistently reporting you game after game when you lose and try to 'help' you are probably being toxic, or annoying at best
yes, i am. because a) toxic is anything that you dont like and b) it's toxic to be mean but its not toxic to waste peoples free time by taking ranked games unseriously
>taking ranked games unseriously
holy shit you really ARE retarded
>complain about others
>cry when others complain about you
Which way, dotard?
if they were complaining about
-my item build
-my mechanics
-my map movement
etc, i wouldn't mind at all. thats criticism i can use4. but if your primary complaint is
"waaaaaah they weren't nice to me on the internet and got mad when i played cm mid or some retarded shit" then i cannot hear you
I didn't know the obnoxious faggot competition started already
>waaaah you're obnoxious and GAY!
i also dont care come back when you have something important to say
Man competition is tough this year. Don't forget about us when you up there with your gold medal.
So you're straight up saying you are giving them no advice and just bitch at then and then they report you
And how that's so unfair and they should stop whining
i will continue to not let you get the last reply because i know you care deeply about it
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case in point
i go like 5-0 in 10 min but the enemy nigger brood is tryharding even though they lost all lanes with his silence every time i dive so instead of being a 15-20 min game its a 35 min game
I only care deeply about your well being anon. I hope you are doing good and staying healthy!
oh and i got 14 mmr for this game
i would feel better if pigs would get out of ranked games if they arent playing to win and go to unranked where they belong
It's okay anon, a lot of things may seem unfair and out of your control at times but that is just the little bit of spice that keeps life interesting, if there wasn't any disappointment in life joy wouldn't be nearly as great of a sensation than it is.
Give it to me straight /d2g/. When does act 3 come out?
Whenever Gabe wakes up after eating twice his weight in funnel cakes. So in like 6-12 months
5 minutes
what does clockwerk do after 18minutes
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how much ozempic does gabe take
why do snapfire and underlord get ravage as normal abilities
hookshot the bkb dude or guy who is channeling a spell
cogs (optional) and rub on someone with battery assault
rocket flare to deward
One Ozempic every 3 hours.
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Throw it or keep it?
this is hilarious
enjoy your low behavior score
Update, finally queued after paying my goy+ but since in a 3rd worlder the electricity randomly stopped and now i have to play lp, we were losing anyway because i had a russigger juggernaut pos 4 that farmed carry items and the enemy troll was fed so who gives a shit
I would 100% kill myself if i didn't have money and a nice pc,
I will grind lp now and quite possibly buy 2 grams of cocaine and hire 2 escorts tonight, i already speed ordered octopus risotto and 2 bottles of wine.
Money does help
nobody cares about your blog
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These invites for the china tournament are bizarre, I wonder if some teams just said no though I do like the idea of Nouns being the NA team now
I am the lowest MMR player here
I was looking at that image thinking "what the fuck why are all of them Direct Invite even though they have different logos"
mine is 700
second lowest
you read all of it
pudge is too strong
i like monkey and pudge this patch
i love when valve satisfies my leave carry/offlaner to die and roam fantasy
how do you know when the pool has lotuses
you look at the pool and see if there are any lotus flowers available they are hard to miss
Why are our drawfags so fucking slow
deadlock isn't real, you are falling for the psyop. nobody would make a game with such a terrible looking ui in this day and age
tbf dota characters are often a mess of overcomplicated designs unless you're drawing them without any hats
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ephey > nattea > sheever
I'm reinstalling, can I still play the 2014 radiance carries (Siren, Ember, PL?)
Is Radiance a buildable item, I heard it was nerfed?
Did they fix the stupid bkb tax where every carry has to build it because CC is retardely strong?
Did they fix the Blink dagger tax where half the units in the game need it to funtion?
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one week away still
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Sending Deadlock invites to fellow dotards, ill be on for the next hour or two, post steam if you want an invite
I wouldn't wanna draw for this thread if I was able to. Makes me appreciate the ones that still stick around even more
he has looked like that by a long time newfriend
you dont have to be friends for 30 days or whatever?
nah, they removed that requirement after they launched the EU servers, invites are almost instant now
nattea for casual gamer gf
ephey for autistic dota gf
i miss sheepo...
Early kills mean fuck all if they aren't the enemy carry and shutting him down. Ultimately this is a strategy game. You killing some shitty support 5 times means fucking nothing but 300x5 gold, which is the same as staying in a lane for a while or doing ancient camps for a few minutes. Sure that support has fucking nothing but supports have nothing to begin with and it's the carry you care about. This is why it's frustrating to lose after a score lead because your team just killed a bunch of supports a dozen times in a row. Means nothing in the end.
Okay I get what a host, an analyst and a caster does but what the fuck is content?
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>Pick Spectre
>Avoid putting even a single point in dispersion until level 17
>Don't get a blademail
>I can deal damage instead of being a melee creep that tickles whoever attacks it
Why is it so hard for everyone to play this hero?

Is it the torte guides?
their cores have 30 deaths brother
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Way to miss the point. Early. Kills. Mean. Nothing. FB is just a gold shot to one guy. Even if you suicide died 10 times at level 1 the enemy gets fucking no exp.

Timing of the kills matter.
0-15 min kills = mean nothing
15-25 min kills = mean something
25-45 min kills = means rax or victory
45+ kills = win

Strategy game. Not a death match game. Russian IQ is holding you back faggot.
Sheever will always be my tall, Dutch queen and I will never betray her.
Ephey looks like a Israeli Mizrahi...
Coomers are so pathetic holy shit.
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you are so fucking stupid
Retard expects me to know the ins and outs of his shitty match. Kill yourself. No one cares. Stop treating your flaws as everyone elses.
Sheever please, you have to leash those jugs harder than a Puck smurf leashed my 4 allies, think of the viewers
So you're trying to say that your horrible laning doesn't matter because your teammates will carry your ass for 45 minutes untill you've farmed 6 items anyway?
i literally told you the story of the game
go buy another account why don't ya
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psg hurr, noticing thread by thread some people still need deadlock invites

i will invite anyone who adds me to friends (now required)

just send me an invite and let me know you want in
you have to be steam friends to invite now
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Fuck it, I want to believe.
Yeah, though no idea why you'd project your shitty performance so hard in your reply.
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it works
no shit the games already dead in alpha btw
its like a mix of people going 0-20 and some going 50-0
>some going 50-0

that was me
i played exactly one game and figured its not for me lmao
havent touched it in about two weeks, id rather play dota tbqh
who would have thought an uninspired mash mash of other games would be dead in alpha...
not inviting weebs
i have like 30 or so maybe
i think it needs a major overhaul gameplay wise
its uncompelling, does not feel fun or exciting

superstar designers do not exist. Well, maybe Hideo...but that's about it
I'm not a weeb.
but unironically interest in Trashlock
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I bet all the bombergirl posts I see in these generals are from a single person
nattea looks a leather bag
I want to play the game and not shape my opinion based on 4chin.

Yeah, I'm doing too much avatarfagging. I'll stop one day.
bruh it's the same fucking hero shooter slop we have been getting for years
>hero shooter
braindead zoomer
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Yeah, but Gabe N...
and Valve...
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>decide to watch nightfall replay
>he's constantly panning camera into fog
why are russians like this
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wtf is this garbage i cant see whos realö
Yeah and it's been years since they released a good game in other words Portal 2.
I think the lina, rubick, and shadow fiend arcanas are the only ones that aren't ugly as fuck
the old arcanas until CM are fine
techies is when it started going downhill
also I want red akasha to step on me
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Dota is fun. Maybe the game will be fun too.
>cm arcana
it genuinely looks like something out of a fucking korean MMO and this effect is multiplied for each immortal you add to it
i can't believe i'm saying this but the fucking dog persona was a step in the right direction artstyle wise
The Techies Arcana started bad and then retroactively became the worst Arcana in the game when they got rid of nearly all of its features.
Act 3 today
ok bro, enjoy your low poly base skin then lol
I envy your optimism
>you have to pay for high res models
What is this bs.
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We gonna make it, buddy. There's always a new day.
Oh this isn't about being depressed or the fear of never going to make it, I genuinely envy your optimism for modern gaming.
>low mmr carry player picks spectre
>has the least gold apart from pos 5
wow so this is the power of immortal draft
I also think like you. I'm too tired to not bet on the right horses. But it's always good to try something new or at least see if anything has changed.

The world is always changing. It's hard to believe that things are still the same.
Why is Gorgc such a tilter?
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Because it's fun. Look how crazy his chat gets with his tilts
>live deadlock games to be watched
>can't play myself
what the fuck
based amerishart retard
switch the servers to EU
>clockwork presses w on you
>he attacks one (1) cog and you pinball around until you fucking die
epic hero
not to mention they also have venge dark seer and earth spirit
white people in NA servers play worse than peruvians 99% of the time
How the fuck.do I climb out of the 6k MMR trench?
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Act 3? Ringmaster? True sight? More cardio bunny arcanas?
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I love this nigga so much
good post
I forgot they made dark seer universal

he gets 56 damage and 20 attack speed from a heart lol
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>Think WD with the FREE Radiance is cancer
>Try self wards venomancer against a double melee lane
voodoo facet wasnt even strong before it was nerfed.
then he dies to literally anything due to being a stick with legs.
based retard
It's still strong, I've been using it to split push under smoke.
Though now, trying to manfight with it at level 1 will get you killed even harder than before the """"nerf"""".
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i just use the dog
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me playing mid
That's illegal in most states, Anon.
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listen here you little shit
Dota was better when I was still able to cliff farm to bangers like this
pick veno and take the ward facet
you'll farm faster than your mid
It's okay she can consent, if she didn't she'd frost bite your dick off.
>pick veno and grief
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>just steal your carry's farm bro
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you jungle u fucking idiot
you're taking all the unused farm while your carry gets free levels in lane
Holy shit Russian language sounds like such utter shit. They always sound like they are in perpetual reverb with the pitch turned up. Utterly fucking feminine language and when you remember these faggots fuck each other in the army as initiation ritual it all makes sense. What a country of flaming faggots who hate themselves.
You only getting that now? The entire country screams small dick energy...
>Utterly fucking feminine language
True, Russian women sound hot
hearing russian language just digsusts me, fucking ugly language and ugly alphabet
portuguese somehow makes me create more saliva to the point where i either spit every 5sec or choke, another fucking disgusting one, no other makes me feel anything
god i fucking have brazillians and russians
getting this assblasted over something as inconsequential as a fucking langauge, what kind of retar- ohhh wait this is a /d2g/ poster, nevermind
>teammate picks slark



>teammate picks Slark
>gets blown up by all the aoe magic damage on outskirts of the fight
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>Win early game so hard in all lanes teammates develop brain damage through the game and start throwing it
>Get blamed as well because i didn't develop brain damage and decided to feed as well
>Lose at the end
every fucking time man
Slark needs buffs
All the nigger fish heroes should be removed
>slark is either shit or busted
>slardar is either shit or busted
>tide is gay because lmao free dispels
>le fish lady of pressing R and leaving
I swear Ctrl+Ping doesn't work. No matter how much you tell them you're not near them or that they're out of position, my team doesn't listen.

I love this game but I hate the players
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>me the axe
>mvp goes to the fucking sniper
lmfao what the fuck
Show damage done
Me 42k
Sniper 36k
surely it's act 3 tonight
CAPTURE and dont edit it
Why? You're trying to fucking pin point who I am. I'm cutting my name out for a reason bro. You're one of those schizo's my dad's creepy uncle warned me about.
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You already gave all 10 heroes and all total networth of the game, if anyone wanted to track you they already have all the necessary info for it
that's true as anon demonstrated
add me and lets play some dotard bros
Deaths and winstreaks are important for the MVP. Just having fewer deaths is considered better for the MVP metric, even if you have a higher KDA than him.
MVP depends getting the gimmicky achievement things that each hero has
Its almost impossible to get it on some heroes and easy as fuck on others (like Sniper) (like get a kill with Assassinate or something)
They haven't they rolled back the free PMS for melee heroes???? there is literally no reason for it to exist because they have like 2k hp by min 10.
Same with Zeus, if you are going to give him a free fucking forcestaff remove his ability to deward entirely.
fucking nigger campo santo.
mageslayer vanguard slark will be the new offlane meta
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>adding someoen from 4chan
i hope you guys don't do that
What a pitiful individual
I think this game has way more smurfs than most people realize
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Our queen is streaming
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i'm perpetually offline and quite literally do not have friends so i never check any of the social features
this literally can't affect me
singsing really let himself go
Ringmaster tonight
>14 viewers
thanks the chinkest chink i've seen
what happened to her eyes
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Ugh this is going to take me at least 150 games, if not more. Now I remember why I never finished.

The entire enemy team bought Blademails against me too so I'm guessing they're not going to make this easy for me in general. Sucks. Thank god I don't need wins to get the stats to count though (I think).

Don't know how I'm going to finish the cavern crawl stuff while I'm doing this too.
you incels would need to be incredibly lucky to get a girl half as good looking as her lol
wouldn't you rather interact with your 14 viewers mox?
>act 3
>releasing this month
Late June = June 31 :^)
Late June = June 79th
late June.... 2025.
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>late june
I don't know why you're all crying now, wait another 6 hours or so when it would normally be released
it's not like it's gonna release in 6 hours either
>be American
>play on Eu West for a change
>two Russians keep talking in Russian on their mics
>someone says "English please"
>one of them says, "Ohh, English... Wasup my nigas, wasup nigas"
>they go back to talking in Russian
wassup nigga
Yep russians are based
i just played with at least 2 unnumbered brits
they were so fucking bad
okay ive added warlock into the dota voice mashup script im doing

instead of summoning golems he summons black people to do his bidding lol
russians are niggers; what's new
use the monkey golems in the video
No wonder they were brits, besides all Brits play fucking League anyways
I could see it happening, it's not like they have to have a patch with it this time, I can also see it not happening, it's just too early to start complaining already
>it's not like they have to have a patch with it this time
ummm bro your ringmaster??? your bird samurai????
those are being added to deadlock instead sorry
Let's grub 'n roll.
Which hero do I play to impress terminally online femboys to say hi to me
Let's rock 'n grub
>they delayed the act again for no reason
>when they've been teasing the damn bird for the entire act and ringmaster is supposed to come out this month (allegedly)
that seems even less belivable, every act has had something to stand out so far. first one the new cavern crawl, next one the patch. it'd make sense that this one is new heroes and the next is the finale.
also i made this really funny plot point i hope im able to get the voices done for it, basically lich is gay for skeletons but straight for flesh people, so he fucks both clinkz and CM in the script
why can't you just tell him bro...
Am I misremembering or did Dota 2 not used to have mana bar on opponent characters? You used to have to click on their character and manually check their mana right?
psg here

that was me i made all those groups
Yes. that was and has always been the case.
Its literally casualizing the game even further.
and a stealth buff to anti mage.
The bird is going with Venge to Icewrack I believe though I'm still not sure if his icon is actually for a hero and not part of some dumb minigame or something, he also doesn't look much like a hero but maybe something happens at the end of the act
Bird samurai will either be an event only thing, or a juggernaut persona. (which makes no sense really)
they changed it in 7.36 so that you can see everyone's mana bar
I'm not sure how I feel about it, desu
Anyone watching the CCT Dota Series? I'm taking a shot every time they pause the game. It's getting better and better.
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i miss grubbie
........how long until they have a little 3x2 grid showing all a player's items in miniature icon form over every hero guys......?
chuckled out loud heartily
it's so strange because he seems like a half decent guy, but I don't understand his appeal at all.
feels so good bein a grubhaterchad
maybe if you make a paint chart showing how much you love him, he'll come back
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>need agility tokens
>pick agi hero
>pick BROOL meta or some cuckport
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>go on twitch
>see grubby on the followed channels sidebar playing other games
>things that happened in anons head (russian)
Jugg has enough stuff already and I doubt they've been working on anything as it took them forever for the Venge and Sky stuff, plus he has no connection to the bird guy, he just showed up in act 1. If Ringmaster had been released by now I'd say Act 3 would be a teaser for the new hero but I can't see them trying to announce something while he's still not out, guess we'll have to wait and see

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