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Belly landing - Edition

Previous thread: >>483389863

>Official site

>Fan created content

>Wiki with info on tech trees, weapon systems and game mechanics

>Tech trees with foldered vehicles

>Old forums archive:

>Guides to Air and Ground battles + MEC

>Guides on missiles, radars, radar warning receivers

>Guided weapons statistics

>What tanks have thermals and their generations

>Someone sending you runes?

Fix Type 10 acceleration
Add Mitsubishi F-2!
Add the Hornet because it's cool

Thread theme: https://youtu.be/Z_DSgJ1FsCo

>Dank Bants

/wtg/ radio
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catch my vikhr
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clearly there was better shitbox to add over avre
anudda year
anudda sale where I buy notin
fuck ya mudda anton
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Catch my VT-1
give me one tausend dollars
>level 5 friend sends pic of lvl 131 aced pz3 f crew
what should i tell him
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>anton says thanks
Suck him off, you won't regret it.
Elaborate a bit
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>2 kills
>13 fps
Is the Saab J35XS Pack worth getting gameplay wise? Wanna use it for grinding tip tier Swedish aircraft
the cope is real lmfao
this is a recording
2 kills SO FAR LOL
what are some highlights of the french air tree? some hidden gemeralds perhaps?
All the foreign aircraft plus the VG.33 and the reserve with 20mms
GI is kinda fun
Fokker G.IA is very fun
new clips or old?
Mirage IIIE
Hunter F.6
>absolute giganigga engine
>2 9Bs
>both at the same BR as the F.1 without either))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
here's a super fresh one!
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Sale anxiety time once again. Help me choose:
T-72 TURMS: Have BMP2M and Object 292. TT only ground out to Rank V.
Type 96AP: my current main nation. At 9.3 in TT so spitting distance to 10.0 lineup.
Challenger DS: have Bhishma partly researched. At 8.0 otherwise.
Leopards: Love germany but no lineups past 8.0
M1s/XM: Kind of like USA but got nothing past Rank IV
Type 16 FPS: Love Japan but stuck at Rank IV. Also heard it has a shit round.
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turms is cringe rugroid shit, ztz based, challenge cringe, leopards cringe, abrams cringe, type 16 based
Going forward I'm simply going to assume French players saying their shit is bad is just gaslighting to gatekeep people. 2 IRCCM missiles that are 100% kills with jack of all trades flight performance plus good guns and a ton of countermeasures and you niggers were saying this was bad? Literally nothing can kill you
>jack of all trades flight performance
That just means you don't have the performance to exploit people's weaknesses but they can easily exploit their strengths.
You can pick the fights you want which is all that really matters
get the ZTZ96A (P), it's not as pleasant as it used to be because of all the sufferbunkers running about but you'll reach 10.7 decently fast with it, MBT2000 is an absolute gem
>shitters don't arc the missiles

Magic 2s are still heavily underperforming btw and are the only missiles that have been heavily nerfed since day 1 to keep them from raping everything
Missing 33% thrust
Missing its seeker shrinking before launch
Missing its 50G overload

>2 IRCCM missiles that are 100% kills with jack of all trades flight performance plus good guns
You mean shit that only works against literal shitters
Also the F-4S is a far stronger buy because the nerfed multipathing, you fly to center and get 4 - 5 kills because you can't hug the ground to dodge SARH
You can't, you aren't fast enough so you can't just fly away from F-16s and MiG-29s and your acceleration is bad so you can't high tail out of a dogfight after bleeding the enemy of their energy.
>You mean shit that only works against literal shitters
So the people at any BR past 9.7.
F-4S doesn't research the French tree. Why would I ever buy that unless I want to play mutts.
Good thing I've only seen 1 of those. Feasting on salekeks currently.
M1KVT/M1128 Wolfpack are great vehicles but it's not in any way worth dealing with fucking dogshit American teams. No matter how hard you try, be ready to drop your winrate 10% (I average 60% in every other nation, can't crack 50 in KVT). The only premiums in this game I regret buying for this reason alone.

T80UD>TURMS. Won't be on sale til the anniversary around November though, unless you're really desperate to grind USSR I'd just wait.
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Fuck naval spawns.
>Spawns a hydrofoil pointed at an island at 90 knots
>they turn left 10 degrees
>entire team T-bones them and everyone's small ass boats start doing kickflips through the air
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>Free TT vehicle (despite Sweden already having 5 others IFVs to choose from in their TT)
>Meanwhile VBCI 2 30mm is a 9K GE vehicle
>French has not a single TT IFV

TURMS is the only good T-72 if you didn’t get the Moderna. But the new T-80U premiums will be better purchases when they eventually go on sale
I just bought the Challenger to go with the Bhishma myself, so I wouldn’t call you an idiot for making the same choice. No idea if it’s a wise choice yet though
rasism obviously
gonna get worse now that HATO has elected a lowlander as its puppetmaster
You don't deserve tt ifvs
Nope, Drakens are broken in the bad sense of the word. They have so much drag they go from mach 1.4 to 500km/h in single turns.
Wait for a premium Viggen or Norwegian F-5F to take the J35XS' place
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>90 days till next patch
>frog c*astal
>130 days till the patch after that one
>benesux ground slop
it's looking grim
Play something else and forget this trash game exists lol
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>new patch
>game doesn't have sound when going into a match and getting freezes at random making it completely unplayable now
I'm really glad I've been meaning to take a break from this piece of shit.
So how do I get premium on sale? Do I have to buy golden eagles first or can I go straight to premium? I really don't want eagles sitting around.
The Challenger would be my second choice after the Type 96. Britain used to be my main until APDS got nerfed.
>They have so much drag they go from mach 1.4 to 500km/h in single turns.
I don't think this is physically possible irl
I have. I played exactly three hours after patch dropped and went back to playing balatro
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>tank barge
>AMX-30/Leo and Leclerc/Leo2 lineups
>dutch boats before the year is out
we eating good
it isn't, at least without the plane ripping itself apart. stuff like, drag, rip speed or wing overload are editable data (you can make biplanes fly at mach 2 lol) which usually aren't specified in flight manuals or performance charts so good luck proving gaijin the plane doesn't behave like it should.
I just hope some autist digs up documents on 57mm HE-VT shells
Premium time isn't on sale currently
But when it does go on sale, whether you are paying with GE or dollars/GJN depends on what you're buying
The biggest premium pack you can buy for dollars/GJN is 180 days. The biggest you can buy for GE is 365 days.
Buying 10k GE to buy 365 days of premium with GE when it's 50% off, is more expensive that buying 2x 180 days of premium at 50% off, (for a total of 360 days), directly with dollars/GJN
>only now realize that the Type 16 that I wanted to get is only Rank VI
Do I still go for it? In any other tree I wouldn't give it a second thought and would wait for a higher Rank premium to go on sale, but the Type 16 in particular has so much going for it.
>good backup in the premium Type 74G when GE premiums go on sale
>lack of backup for the premium Type 90B (except for the F-5E FCU)
>Rank VIII consists of a whopping two vehicles (which is why I somehow missed that the Type 16 and Type 74G are both Rank VI)
If not the Type 16, I'll probably get the Mirage F1C-200.
Good to know. Thanks!
I got the fuji and after playing only chinese tanks this reload time feels like a cheat code lmao
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Interior views on vehicles with transparent/no windows (i.e. trucks and half-tracks) when?
it pretty much is
curious as to why they didnt have VT, apparently the swedes did, makes me wonder if the duch had them too
gonna guess anton isnt gonna throw a VT bone like he did to various destroyers that couldnt have possibly had it
I like how poopy and its clique like to pretend it's somehow not a massive advantage over everything else in most situations.
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Isn't there actually a driver view that no one uses?
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I would imagine they did, the 57 mm L/60 (the naval gun) and L/70 (as found on the Begleitpanzer) used the same ammo.
But I'm not fluent in french so I have no idea how I'd go about googling if they ever did.
some vehicles have driver view inside cars some have it outside
4 second autoloaders are absolutely insane, it's hard to describe how big of an advantage it is until you use them. Check out the Object 906 and Japz ka2 if you haven't yet.
How's the Doppler filter on the premium Mirage's 530Fs? All the vids on YT are from before it was introduced so I can't judge how well it works.
It puts the camera in front of the windshield and is has EXTREMELY narrow camera limits (lest you see the "low-quality" assets up close, nevermind that they objectively look miles better than bomber placeholder cockpits that are showed right in your face) and an awfully low FOV.
I want to plap plap plap Andouposter
it has no Doppler filter, it gets one chaffed
>impostor abrams+tram
>just turms (already own su25k (and t80ud and 2s38, and a talismaned 292 lmao)
>just type16fps
its not about the dosh, its about being sensible
still... the fuck do I buy?
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can anyone buy me a F104 or a Draken? This year was bad so i don't have spending money
ID is 1007035
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>inb4 r*ddit
It's the first result google gave me and it illustrates the point well enough.
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....thats what my gut is screaming, lol
guess im passing this sale then
It's been my go to for the last few sales, like I genuinely do want a shiny new premium tank, and I make enough money that $30 for some pixels is whatever, but I get to actually scrolling through the sales and like, why? I don't actually want any of these vehicles.
I’ve used it more recently than 7 months ago and have had my missiles easily chaffed
What do you even want to do? I mean type16 is the only logical one. Paying for a abrams is just sad and a T72 too?
dont know how reliable navweapons is, but they list the french as HE only, swedes have HE, VT, and AP listed
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What was it about decals from referral rlinks again? You can only activate 1 each hour?
Once you activate it, it'll be up for 1 hour, and you won't be able to override it with another link so if you accidentally open the wrong referral (you have their decal, you don't want to support them, etc) you'll have to wait an hour.
>linking reddit
slit your wrists
Personally think the problem with prems nowadays is that most of em are just a better versions of existing TT vehicles which is just boring as hell. Kinda miss when they actually made exotic premium vehicles like the Turm III, like hell imagine if the AGS was the US's top tier prem instead of 2 fucking abrams.
good meme
No. What's the next step of your master plan?
what do the french even call HE-VT shells? The whole Variable Timed moniker was a ruse to throw off the germans in the first place
Ram 3.7 In should get HE-VT
The problem is there's a big community, some want premiums to be unique and interesting so they have a reason to buy them, others want premiums to be reskins so nothing is actually locked behind a paywall, then there's the issue of what to use for event vehicles, and as usual Gaijin chooses the most boring, milquetoast options possible.

At least the 2S38 is interesting.
>fusée de proximité
but that's a general translation, I'm sure the inventory name is something else
>cant set time fuze with scroll wheel
whats the point?
sometimes, I get banned for calling russian for what they are
good, get fucked
Fox 3 ruined top tier air.
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>autoloaders finally modelled
>they are spall sponges
>carousel autoloaders don't have ammo 7/10 times
I wonder why
Also the 530F DOES have Doppler filtering.
>"accelLimit": [
A block inside "distGate" not found on any other pulse SARH (R-3R, AIM-9C, R511, non-super 530).
>fr*Nchoids cry and piss and shidd about thing
>turns out they had thing all along and were just bitching for the sake of bitching
many such cases
Grippy E when?
Mig-23 got stealth buffed just in time for the sale ))))

what is that maneuver called?
Volvo roll
>MiG-23, MiG-27 — speed loss in a forced turn has been reduced, automatic correction of the wings sweep angle has been reconfigured to improve maneuvering at average speeds.
And if you remember that these turn rate nerfs are accomplished by giving planes a shitton of drag, you'd understand that they can only improve speed retention by reducing that drag and, consequently, improving the turn rate. This cycle will never end so long as they want to both nerf the turn rate AND improve energy retention after that while using this lazy method of adjusting FMs.
So is it a nerf or a buff
You talk much with saying a lot
It's lazy practices that lead to unplayable planes with both dogshit turn rates AND ridiculously bad energy retention as well as the inability to bug report the latter as it literally can't be proven, that's what it is.
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Yeah you might as well not have posted anything at all if you can't give a normal reply
I can still tell whats going
we need to go LOWER
I'm sorry you're such a simpleton that you can only think in terms of "buff" and "nerf" with no nuance or in-between.
Defyn says it's a nerf
literally who
the slayer of /wtg/, although according to his comments he is wrong and it's a buff
He also still lives in Sons of Atilla patch day and thinks the 29SMT is significantly, almost incomparably worse than the other MiG-29s in a dogfight. It's not, they're all extremely close to each other in that they're equally dogshit.
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which one?
in no particular order:
i feel like you might be putting me on a bad path
Thank you, not-useless anon
MiG-27 on release was so fun with the 30mm in air and R-60M
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Where are the rest of the CV90s?
Depends on what nations you play? The F-5 is essential for Japan, the BMP-2M is nice for the Russian 10.x lineup, the A-4E is great if you play ~8.7-9.7 US
Mig29 and Su27 are the best dogfighters in the game
It's the ragebaiting swigger, don't mind him.
>everyone I don't like is the same person
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coming after the binnish MTLBs
Indeed they are but rusgroids are dogshit at the game
already am at the f-15 for japan, i put it on the bmp-2m
>sideskirts so large they scratch the floor
What were bins thinking?
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>1hr left of p time left
Losing premium was one of the best things to happen to me in snoreblunder, I no longer feel obligated to touch it outside doing dailies.
When they’re going to add the Rafale F4 and the Tranche 1 EF which all should be equal in performance
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except for the important factor of the Rafale raping everything with MICA IR NG
>cut afterburner
>do a flare flower
>NIGA IR defeated
The BMP-2M is beyond trash these days though
Stock grinding it is genuine torture that doesn't even pay off because more often than not you get killed by flanking MBTs, rocket rushing helis or plain CASgroids
this goes for everything in a stock grind
How does Gaijin justify the s*ab 105g still being 8.3?
It's the best IFV in the game, what the fuck are you talking about about?
changes in geopolitical climate of last two years have not been taken into account, expect appropriate changes soon
I wish they didn't have this retarded rule where premiums need to be at least 2 patches old in order to get discounted. I want the Christian II, not the fucking CV90105.
they need to hire a better map designer holy shit
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whats wrong?
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What? Are you telling me you don't like flattening out ever map, blocking all flanking routes and putting a red zone on every vantage point?
The CV90105 is the second best (first one is the CV90120) light tank in the game why would you want a premium leoshart when you get two for free?
been a while since I've got fan mail
who cares
Good job Ludius
>that's now considered fan mail
wish I could return to the perma shitstorm of 2014
what I told you the "fan mail" part was nothing but a bait to get you open the thumbnail and see that I've made ribs?
>SHARTQ faggots patting themselves on the back for killing low hanging fruit
That's right.
centauro 120 is superior.
If you do challenges\BP you should B-run for the SKR-7
I had it on an old account and I wasn't good with it. I need something that can afford getting hit without exploding immediately.
this >>483606903
SKR-7 makes around 90% of the naval tasks easy as hell to do
IRIS-T says hi
>write PL in the chat
>polish in my team answers the call
>shoot his engine
That was peak fucking gaming
Wirbelwind or ostwind?
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>he thinks shit-T is any comparable
That's an odd way to spell PUMA/KF41/CV####
But whatever floats your boat
Personally i always TK, target and generally grief the wykop shitters.
Wirbelwind for no skill
Ostwind for learning skill

Wirbelwind has a better volume of fire and you need to engage under from 1.5km under but it needs to reload.
Ostwind has less volume of fire but can fire without reloading and has a bigger shell obviously.

I used them both a lot, as for now i prefer the Ostwind but if you don't want to learn it wirbelwind is goated. Also consider the zestorer
premium time not being on sale is such whoreshit
Unironically the flakpanzer or HalfTruck
If you sit in a cap you can fire nonstop
Ostwind is better in every possible way, IF you're not an aimlet
i do have a few boats through warbond shop now
what makes the SKR-7 better than the rest?
>zestorer wiki page is just broken/not filled out
Have you learned to dodge Fox-3s you shitters?
very high RoF HE slinger
ridiculous ability to absorb damage
generous matchmaker
Zestorer is very bad at anti air though, it's also 6.0, at that BR the only good one is the Ostwind 2
The CV90105 is good but there are a lot of better light tanks
>Centauro 120
the mk103 are incredible at AA fire
what makes the Zerstorer bad? when the Kugelblitz thrives?
Brokenly OP for its br and has been for years. Basically a post war destroyer fighting wartime wooden patrol boats mostly. Haven’t played much since the dm change but it used to absorb even battleship salvos, had an absolute black hole dm. Fast firing guns that annihilate most of what it sees, can quickly cripple and repair lock destroyers at a higher br than it, shreds anything the same br or lower. Also gets the best rank modifier for event score while being able to fight reserve
SKR-7 is the most handheld coastal warship in the game, and it sits there with a lot of perks on top of that.
Extremly good rate of fire and reload, it has only HE and HE-VT shells that are good against ships and awesome against planes at 4,3. Extremly fast rangefinder and overall mobility. It also has some rockets that you can spam and they SHRED ANYTHING under 2.5km. And i mean, if you find yourself between 4 reileigh light cruisers and they are under 2.5km, you can actually kill all four of them.
This will not happen obviously, but it has those kind of capabilities.
Torps are shit.

This said, it also sits at rankV of the coastal tree, so if you run it at 4.3 with something like the Smely for challenges naval challenges, you get a RankV score multiplication by using a fucking 4.3 lineup. Oh and it also gets the frigate spawn.
>absorb even battleship salvos
don't know about BBs, but I've had SKRs (bots -1 and player -7s) eat my 6" AP and HE like it's nothing
>magazine black, is of fine )))))
Name one thing the MICA does better than IRIS-T. Aryan Thulean magic = IRIS T, Mohamedan rock throwing "science" = MICA
rate of fire
small magazines
Also every BP (if you are interested in them) has shit challenges like this (picrel) and usually the SKR-7 are the best way to clear them, excluding sometimes when you get the "Do kills with torps" challenges, in which the japs long lancer torps are the absolute best.
Today i cleared this challenge in 3 matches, under 40 mins
>dude just notch 5 missiles coming at you at once from 5 different directions
They end up as gaijin bots at top tier fairly often and I’ve seen them eat multiple Jap SAP shells before. Things got better after unrepairable breaches and whatnot but it never should’ve been eating shells that erase heavy cruisers
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So it does nothing better
Not surprising coming from Jean Bart Mogambe
EF Typhoon > Rafail
IRIS-T > Mida
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Vehicles for this feel?
anything tier VI and up
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VL MICA when?
ground launched
25km range
50g thrust vectoring
First jets that get flares and good missiles (MiG-21SMT, F-8E, etc) and up.
so is british air just fucking awful to grind out with their premiums or what?
Right after it's made into a telar system
Cute fairies OP.
>want to play japan
>think about buying the type 16
>bugged round, 9.3 (10.3 uptier hell)

do i just get the fuji instead
Have fun fighting 122s and 2A7s you can't kill from the front
You grind a better tree
skill issue
i already have top tier sweden and i'm working on russia, flipping between china and japan
i thought the round for the fuji was fine
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South American tree when?
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Feels good to have grinded the majority of trees a few years ago and I never have to buy a premium again, condolences newfags

yeah your top tier premium options before this update were:

> worst 11.3 phantom ingame for $70
> single worst 9.7 ingame (flareless subsonic that flies like shit) for 9090 GE
> (removed premium) sheepfucker sandnig base rocketing supreme copy paste for 9090 GE as well

This update it got slightly better with a trolly MiG-21 that has modern missiles and avionics, but as a grinder its still kinda ass and not worth $75 total (on sale its fine).

I still recommend getting the Wyvern or Sea Vixen on sale, and putting a talisman on the squadron Sea Harrier FRS.1 since it gets four AIM-9Ls and regularly faces flareless planes that cant do anything against you (like J-35D, F-4C, Su-17M2, etc.)

those plus a few months of premium account on sale is cheaper than a british $70-75 premium jet and a lot less painful
Yup, classic. Mica NG doesn’t even exist lol and by the time it will, the 6th gen FCAAM will be out
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>i already have top tier sweden
>have one chance at life
>be finswede
Can someone explain how the actual fuck can the front plate of the Somua deflect a shot from SA47 from around 0.3 range while aiming downward in my AMX TO100?
It's fucking almost 300 pen, and with how tall the AMX is relative the the front plate, the effective entry angle would be like less than half if shot straight, yet the game gave me a fucking ~30 degree reverse-upward bounce.
You can do it with the F4J but it's best to base bomb (take 11 x 1000lb bombs) but then can join the fight after you've dropped them all, your radar is good and the skyflashes are great in short range head ons so you can often catch people out who go straight for you thinking you're nothing more than food. With all the premium bonuses you'll earn a shitload on a good mission.
is it not just food for radar missiles at 11.3?
i'll look into the squadrom sea harrier, i'm not that good with cannons which is why i'd shy away from the wyvern or sea vixen

>im not good with cannons

You're gonna love the sea vixen then.

It literarly has no guns. No gunpods, no built in cannons, nothing.

Instead you get the single best air-to-air missile at 8.7 on one of the best flying subsonic airframes with one of the best SL and RP multipliers ingame.
>is it not just food for radar missiles at 11.3?
tbf it might be now, I played it a lot with the multipathing values before the update and would just fly under them all when in an uptier.
A6E or A10 for CAS?
A-6 is better but it doesn't get a line up so youre uptiering 10.3 america or moving it to 11.0.
>Sea vixen
Problem is it's just boring gameplay.
The gun is simply too small, no plane survives a single hit from the Ostwind, not even bombers, also the fact that is heavily exposed means you're unlikely to survive a plane gunning you, you also have very little ammo, also the Kugelblitz has no reason to be 7.0 BR at all it should be 6.3 at best, if you can aim, the Ostwind 2 is the superior AA until the Radas SPAA
What the fuck.. i was waiting for this sale and no sale on premium time or golden eagles?

oh really? well fuck, maybe i'll get the sea vixen to grind up a bit then. is there a TT vehicle to switch to once i get to up to higher ranks?
I feel you. I don't understand why every sale has to be different. I don't want any of the bundles but was hoping for premium time/GE.
They never discount GE.
for me i cant use the german 37mm cannons, the velocity throws me off but i can use the wirbelwind and the kugelblitz very effectively
maybe i should use the ostwind some more and get used to the velocity, it just never clicked in my brain though
but the hvap, at least last patch on the mk103 used to light planes on fire quite often for me, but it did like to just pass through quite often too
its a mixed bag for me
>They never discount GE.
Yes, yes they do.
summer sale is packs/bundles only, pretty sure it's been like that since the beginning
He's most likely talking about GE prems, not actual GE.
I remember distinctly, buying a pack that gave you GE at a discounted price and also gave you bunch of premium time. was called flowing gold or some shit.. i have an emblem from it.

again, either talisman the squadron Sea Harrier or just fuck around and find which TT vehicle you enjoy the most at higher ranks. i personally found the Harrier GR.7 to be fun to grind with before they moved it up in rank.
summer sale has always been packs
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Where T-18 with twin 40mm Bofors?
Where Me-410 with 40mm Bofors
>play sim props
>fucking nothing happens ever
>play top tier jets
>get shot down right after takeoff
this isnt fun at all
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can someone please post okuunigger doing the yuugi's spellcard... i wanna laugh
>check forums
>bongs talking about how the eurosharter is the bestest plane evaarrrrr
>check eurosharter sales
>every first world country aside from the three who wasted money developing it buys F-16s or F-35s instead
how do bongs convince themselves so thoroughly that their dogshit isn't just that?
Where are the German B/T18s? They were designed by German Heinkel engineers (which founded SAAB) who moved to Sweden to avoid the Versailles dictate
Sweden founded Germany
There was no Germany until Sweden made it
Clearly a mistake
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Mine just came in today too.
So what's the response going to be like?


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>sale is all (all) topslop
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vehicles for this feel
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>/v/hu faggot actually finds his way to /wtg/ after getting his ERP thread moved to /vg/.
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Where Swedish 75mm donkeyvagn?
The issue is that the Teen series are far more cost effective, come with US technical and material support and and you might even get local production / assembly.

So for Airforces with small budgets it's a good option, assuming you are at least on somewhat alright terms with the US.
A full BR increase
Why strap a cannon to a donkey?
You see those things on the cannon? the round things with spokes? They're called wheels.
Why not strap a cannon to a donkey?
No idea but it’s a talent that gives endless entertainment to the rest of us so hats off to them
what part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand
the part where it keeps getting infringed upon
That's a simple one, his tank had more élan than yours.
So he can say his enemies got ass blasted
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I have 0 use for this shit
is it any good
F-4S worth it now that shitters can't fly 70 meters above ground and avoid almost all radar missiles?
fucking criminal that it's 10.3 with M774 with the T-80UD being 10.0
rugroids need to be exterminated
P-47 is my wife but if you already have any one of them in any tree I wouldn't bother it's nothing special.
skill issue
it's not skill issue you dumb rugroid, it's overtiered with an underpowered round compared to the competition, it's an exercise in frustration to play
everything you face can lolpen you everywhere from any angle and i can't return the favor
it needs to be given M833 to even remotely justify 10.3
yeah I got the br*t one
it's hilarious for head-ons and helped for grinding up to the lancaster in a few days
but iunno if I see myself needing the ussr one when I already did the grind and the il-8 exists
it has about the (if not better) performance of every other thing in 10.0 - 10.3 at least on my pc. If you cannot make it work it's your fault, not because the T-80 is krok magic to you. I bet you never ever played a T-72 \ T-80 in game. A M1 Abrams can react WAY MORE effectivly to what happens than those tanks
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Worth it?
forgot pic
Never buy GE vehicles unless they're 50% or 75% off bro.
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it really does not have the same performance
it's a glass canon with a bad round, a fucking terrible combo, it's the only premium i seriously regret getting and i'm probably going to spend my GJN on the clickbait
>but glasscanons work fine
it can't be played like a 10.x range MBT, it's got the same playstyle as some leopard 1 whilst everyone else gets to enjoy tanking rounds and clicking center mass
i don't even do bad with it but it's fucking trash to play and a complete waste of money because getting a 9.0 round on a 10.3 tank is illegal for america
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damn muttoids are already crying about the eurofighter and it wasn't even announced. You should go and ""enjoy"" the F15CMSIPII for the time being and start crying in 4\6 months at least
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dunno what to say to you man, you should really go play some T72 or T80. As for me, i let numbers talk
The planes on the right had the worst service lives in all of aviation history
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>shoot back
>donkey refuses to go forward
bam, no recoil
Not much. The lock range should be longer, but it's artificially nerfed for pretty much all MANPADS for balancing reasons and only matters against helicopters.
Regarding the overload the bug report is completely worthless as it doesn't address Gaijins line for reasoning for the currently chosen average overload at all. Guidance algorithm and if the control surfaces are actuated gradually or only in bang bang mode does not at all affect the ratio between maximum overload in the maneuvering plane of the missile and maximum average overload. In fact you want bang bang controls for maximum average overload, or at the very least control surfaces that are actuated fast enough to get close to it. That however does make the missile bleed more speed.
i will never play russia as long as this game is a russia won copesim with egregious handholding from start to finish in their tech tree
>inb4 they actually saffer
if you don't want to experience another part of the game that's on you, but stop talking about shit you know nothing about because your very little handheld and one-way experience matters nothing you donkey. I swear muttoids are becoming more retarded than german mains. Whatever you want to say next post stats, i did.
Also no, USSR doesn't suffer, and USA and Germany do not really suffer. Italy suffers, israel suffers, bongs are in a better place now but they were real shit.
>durrrr you cant talk about game balance without letting your hand get held into a blackhole by gaijin first
kys you fat retard nigger
>israel suffers
ah, kike it is, isn't it bedtime for the JIDF?
the only nation that suffers is sweden
what's the best loadout for the f1-c200? i guess i'm going to be doing some base bombing as well as hitting people with the magic 2s
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>istant reverts to ad hominem
of course, expected from a muttoid. Shame on me for trying discussing with a subhuman
Is there one of these with French jets instead
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nah i've got this last one with the usa on top and another one i'll put down at cooldown
>russo-kike deflecting after ignoring arguments
should've known
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oh nvm i've got another SPAA flavoured one after this
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Does the Kfir Canard have other in-game camos? The kike triangles won't go it for me.
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If you have others please share
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Decals are a thing, you know.
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>play Israel
>complain that there are jewish symbols
You realize France has better Mirages and America better everything else right?
I've never seen that big of a coupon, and iirc the P-47s are relatively cheap already, so I would. I scooped up all the GE P-47s during one of the last anniversary half off sales and don't regret it. The premium razorback German one they phased in is kind of a piece of shit but it's still a monster with the teams you get. The Russian one is even better.

If you have any trouble with the early P-47s, get used to turning on MEC and using 0% radiators(up to 10% on desert maps), 85% pitch, 90% mixture and it becomes like 10-20% better and never overheats. The auto control for that particular line of planes sucks balls.
hmm ok man
do those sales come often?
Set dates are around May, game's birthday around October, Christmas and New Year.
You can get coupons for 50% and 75% by playing but they're rather rare.
Unconfirmed but I've only had them drop for the more expensive prems, so you'll still drop a hefty amount of eagles if you do end up using and buying with them.
More often than your birthday.
>there are people who shoot in third person
good idea, in a game with a lot of fences where a fence being in the way completely fucks your aim
no fences in the sky lil bro 8-)
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Uh, yeah?
>planesissy forgetting his place
My place as a planeGOD is sitting on tank trannies like they're my throne with my massive balls draped over their eyes
Oh hey, I got that coupon a month ago. It's a good plane for GRB, fits into 4.3 and 4.7 which are both good lineups. I don't generally like P-47s at all, but it's a solid bomb truck and can take more damage than your average prop.
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Did they fuck with the strela?
define "fuck with"
missile not tracking properly
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two more weeks until BP/grind blogs?
>homosexual fantasies
didn't see that one coming
>tank tranny
>homosexual reality
that is the single ugliest looking plane that i've ever had the misfortune of seeing
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Post funny. NOW.
if its ugly you're searching for, try looking at pre-war bong bombers

yeah the 200 GE camo (also unlockable with kills) is a US Navy agressor camo for the F-21 (US agressor Kfir) that has US Navy roundels instead.
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Only the funniest for you sir.
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Oh boy I love these.
>BP/grind blogs?
what's this
They do work, but the ostwind splits planes in 2, the 20mm just set things on fire and occasionally break something
Wirbel has more of a psychological effect at this point.
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holy shit this is retarded
It’s the obligatory SKR-7 challenge they throw into every pass since clearly one of the devs has a hard on for it
I don't get why such a harmless vehicle has so much reputation honestly, even in the same tech tree you have the german truck with the 37mm autocannon who can front plate virtually everything at it's BR which is a much more brutal vehicle in the right hands
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you had that under control
if he interfered you'd bitch about him getting in your way or stealing your kill
it's also low tier like cmon anon
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I use the driver's camera all the time when I have the turret pointed behind me and I'm driving straight and only need to make a slight adjustment so I don't fall off a bridge or something.

Mostly use it on the ZSU-57-2 but I use it on other things on occasion.

I kinda wish it was more used but whatever I know I'm a weirdo.
the first 3 battlepasses were great, i've not bought any of them since you had to naval challenges to get all of the things.
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Its so over for me lads.
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and you can only use coastal vehicles on this one
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lmao I did this in one match with the MC-490
Skill issue.
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>3 years passed
>no memorial for 2and900
There’s a coastal only challenge on pretty much every pass I can remember, and almost always the easiest way of doing it is the SKR
what nation did he main?
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__ ___ ____?
Pretty solid as long as you don’t get uptiered, not much of a lineup. Still can perform but isn’t as braindead as it was at lower brs when less people knew to shoot the turret and you had more to run it with
>No missiles/F&F/no missiles
>better than the BMP-2M
Anon I regret to inform you that you're profoundly retarded
What vehicle would Varg use? I was thinking the VIDAR since it's Norwegian but technically it's a filthy gook mobile made by Koreans. 1A5NO2?
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> MC-490
nothing in Italy Naval researched
picrel top right
I don't have either of them
He is a sovietphile, defo a T-55 or BTR-ZD
>only one backed up by statistics
jesus christ its over
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Shit, I only main Sweden, Italy and USA. I guess Finnish T-54/T-55M will do.
German coastals tend to lend themselves pretty well to challenges
big guns, fast boats, useable torpedoes, it has the lot
>late-ww2 to early cold war used to be my favorite BR
>it just keeps getting more compressed every update because gaijin just wont fucking move top tier up any further
Anton cannot suffer from an unfortunate accident soon enough
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this is not for you
why do you keep posting that as if anyone cares
>I no-lifed this game harder than you im so l33t...
not something to be proud of
Why do you think it generated so much seethe that vatniks and chinks had to make their own cope images.
i think the post means that it's meant for his discord e-bf erp buddie(s)
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I think SPAA players that spend more time looking for and shooting at enemy planes are underappreciated and arguably the most important part of a team.
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>it's another episode of watching my 75mm solid shit hit a gunner's clavicle and not kill him
why are you playing bongistan
I have a KD of 8 with the M247, it's crazy how much performance is improved by the VT Ammo, even with the limited quantity you can carry.
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I'm suffering through sw*groid dogshit in a Ikv 73 that I have for some reason
deserved and more
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I'm going to start teamkilling more
is 2C just a meme tank? people keep following me and using me as protection
on the other hand i keep one shotting everything
pain, mostly caused by blue enemies
It says that's a M1A2 Abrams.
It's great if you know how to play it and avoid tiny infantry maps.
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Remember it's not teamkilling, if you get your team killed ;)
>avoid tiny infantry maps
yeah bro let me just use super f4 90% of the time I queue until I get a map that actually benefits my tank
seems like a game design flaw to me
nigger behavior
>feeding a fr*nch"man" to a chadtalian
highly based
victim complex simulator 2024
What'd he do to deserve that?
lmao seeing how much russoids cry about the F-15 now this image is pathetic
>F-4J(UK) has a much higher win rate than the F-4S
>both "suffered" the same during the MLD era
what gives?
F-4J(UK) wasn’t added till well after the MLD meta
Nigger the F-4S came out a patch after the F-16 what the fuck are you talking about
battles are not often mixed until 12.0+ so sometimes you will not have American teammates when you play the F-4J(UK), where obviously you can't avoid it if you play the F-4S
Probably nothing. Blueniggers are scum and will behave like it whenever it suits their fancy.
no such thing lmao
thanks snail
More people bombernigger with the F-4S than the br*t*sh one
More people own the F-4S as well
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>Russian players are outperforming their american counterparts despite fighting uphill in the snow both ways in every metric
Explain yourselves americans.
Russia has the best tanks in the game
Russia has the best jets in the game, they outperform everything else in every way
Any skill issue aside the US gets more mirror matches than any other nation, so they still pick up losses from winning
>Americans perform the best at superprop BRs according to this chart
Obviously this chart is totally divorced from reality because that's not true.
I don't know why Germany, Britain, Japan, and China are all missing cells at the top too when only Germany doesn't have a 13.0 jet right now.
>Explain yourselves americans.
That shouldn't matter since it's reporting individual player losses rather than reports of teams containing USA. The chart suggests that the USA players are deadweight while the presence of other nations is a stronger indicator of success.

Granted there's also something fucked up with the thunderskill data since it only seems to be reporting old planes that were upgraded with Fox-3s rather than newer ones like the 27SM.
It absolutely would matter because those players are what make up those teams. Thunderskill US player draws the short straw and ends up on the bad side of the F-14 missile wall that’s a loss in the US column through no fault of anyone’s. Two thunderskill US players end up on different teams and automatically that is a US loss added to the tally. Remember the red here is largely in the 50-60% range, a perfectly even wr would register as one of the worst performing brackets in the entire chart, anything that draws it to 50% will make it look terrible
How are the foreign players managing to put up better numbers than the americans when they face up against the missile wall?
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rat eat rat world
damn lucky bastard
I’d say they aren’t really. US at 11.7-12.7 and 12.-13.0 sits at ~55-60% based on the chart. It’s about as high as it gets and would very probably be much higher if it weren’t for mirror matches dragging the win rate. If 1/5 US matches in that dataset is a guy on the wrong side of an F-14 mirror match it is going to drop the wr by 20% when it’s recorded. The more US players queue the closer it drops to 50/50, well into the red, even if the F-14 is completely unbeatable
>average germoid teammate
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What should I expect?

Keep in mind, I haven't played any plane above 10.7 BR.
>mark 50% as red for some reason
>USA is always on both teams
>USA cannot improve beyond 50%

really make think
Obama 2
Please stop posting this fucking awful chart I can't take any of the stats its trying to convey seriously with its retarded color scheme.
Again, it's player loses not team loses
When are we canceling Malzi for racism?
Okay so if its still America vs America every match the stats are still going be pointless since 80% of matches are American jets vs American jets
This is the only game where I'll get the same map three+ times in a row one day, then zero times at all the next day. Do they rotate map selection based on the day of the week?
You're still stuck up on team vs team. Not each team is going to have an equal distribution of american players or will result in an equal number of american wins and loses.

Example: A 10 american+6 russian vs 4 american+12 french. No matter which team wins, it's not going to generate an equal 50:50 win:lose for USA players on thunderskill.
It won’t, but it will certainly drop a solid green 70+% wr into the 55-60% bracket which is colored to be read as bad, and will ensure it does not leave that range as long as mirror matches exist
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That 12 french team is never going happen and you're being willfully ignorant if you really think literally every top tier match isn't going be a majority American players vs American players because surprise surprise, the nation with the best jets in the world has the most players in the plane game.
Thunderskill is has and will always be a retarded metric for information
>Not each team is going to have an equal distribution of american players
No I understand that, I don't think you understand that in aggregate, over a large number of battles, there WILL be an equal distribution of Americans on both teams if America is on both teams.
Sometimes I wish that this game was actually russian biased.
>I wish that this game was actually russian biased
>MiG-23 dominates for years
>Su-27 dominates for over a year
>R-27ER is still the best SAHR in the game by a large margin
>BVM still the best overall MBT at top tier
>Pantsir still the best SPAA by a large margin at top tier
>2S6 is 10.7 while the fucking OTOMATIC and type 89 are 11.3
>A T-80U at 10.0
>2S38's damage model being fucked to shit for two years
>Object 279 being undertiered for years and being able to see WW2 or immediate post war tanks
>Strela at 9.3
>Ka-50/52 dominating for years with its still broken damage model
>literally a fictional Cruiser with the Kronshtadt
>costal is literally pointless with the existence of the SKR-7
I could go on
I'm fucking tired and mixed up the Mig-29 with the su-27 but you get the point the r-27er is retarded

it has been USSR+USA vs USSR+USA since the MiG-29 got added as well.

Curious as to why USSR's winrate isnt red as well.
>I could go on
Allow me:
>T-54's dominated top tier at the time for years
>slavchimps cried about being unable to lolpen the maus from anywhere until its armor got nerfed
>the moment the M46 got added with a shell that could combat russian bouncy castles they screech until it gets nerfed into the ground
>IS-6 dominated its entire BR range despite its stats being complete fiction
>Obj. 279 dominated its entire BR range until it FINALLY gets rightful nerfs
>IT-1 was completely invincible in a hulldown position because the missile it carried on top wasn't counted as an ammorack for reasons
>russian ATGM's get fantasy performance for years despite being unreliable in real life
>TU-4 completely dominated its entire BR range for years and is solely responsible for the bomber limit in ARB we have today
The list goes on, These faggots have the gall to pretend like they haven't had their hands crushed into atoms since this game came out.

bait used to be believable dude.

>MiG-23 dominates for years

You mean how the MiG-23M was so bad on release, they had to give it R-60Ms to compensate? or do you mean the MLD, which only dominated for 6 months before the F-14A got added to wipe the floor with all of top tier

>Su-27 dominates for over a year

Su-27 was added in december of last year. it has only been 6 months dude. And a competent F-15 player can kill beat it any day of the week with almost no effort

>R-27ER is still the best SAHR in the game by a large margin

and the platforms that launch it are limited. The N019 and N001 radars were dogshit, thats why gaijin gave them R-27ER to compensate. Also the MiG-29s can only take two R-27ERs, while you had US planes with 4-6 SARHs for years before that. USSR gets their first plane that can carry more than two ERs, and its instantly screwed with a borked flight model, underperforming radar, and subpar competitiveness against competition. You couldve just hugged the deck and negated the ER like any other radar missiles. Also a few months later Fox 3s got added.

>BVM still the best overall MBT at top tier

lol. lmfao even. it had decent armor until recently and thats about it. Other MBTs have better reload rates, better mobility, and since the 2A7 and 122+ got added, better armor as well.

>2S38's damage model being fucked to shit for two years

1.5 years. it was added November 2022

>Pantsir still the best SPAA by a large margin at top tier
>2S6 is 10.7 while the fucking OTOMATIC and type 89 are 11.3
>A T-80U at 10.0
>Strela at 9.3
>Ka-50/52 dominating for years with its still broken damage model

gotta incentivise players to buy the 6 different USSR top tier ground premiums. its the same thing gaijin does with US top tier air and their 5 top tier premium jets.

>literally a fictional Cruiser with the Kronshtadt

30% laid down, its as real as a Ostwind II or a F-5C with flares (COULD exist, but not in the way gaijin shows)
>reddit spacing
>The list goes on
Western MANPADS work the same way as the Igla, because they look the same.


POST Seeker doesn't get access to the "contrast" mode mechanic because it uses UV/IR seeker instead of MWIR/ SWIR

>Su-27 dominates for over a year
Are you some kind of time traveler from bizzaro world? Because the Su-27 was always the very worst of the 12.7 planes, and it hasn't even been out for a year.
The only point that I'm seeing is that all SARHs, 27ER included, were non-meta because of strong multipathing and that the actual meta was furballing with fox-2s.
I'm missing the point where the 29 ever dominated, much less for over a year.
>guys the 27ER isn't even a good missile
>guys a thrust vectoring meme R-73 isn't even good
Why are slav chimps like this?
You're just ignoring how THE top dog was the swede grippen which didn't have 73's or even any SARHs of note?

The 27ER would have been dominating the meta if we would have had today's multipathing for the past few years. But we didn't. So all radar guided weapons were cucked and everyone fought with fox-2s'. The 9M and its relatives were always better than the 73 and magic 2 because their IRCCM actually works at ranges greater than ~1.5km, which made them ideal for farming kills in the furball.
>reddit spacing
Not an

Ruspigs literally make memes about how handheld they're gonna be and how hard mutts will cry when they stomp them but then immediately turn around and act like victims when gaijin doesn't fulfil their pathetic revenge fantasies
where those memes at?

reddit or whatever it's called?
right here
why did you even post it

tho, you seem obsessed with something
incredibly weak deflection + cope
sadly its 3 day ban when i post em
>30% laid down, its as real as a Ostwind II or a F-5C with flares (COULD exist, but not in the way gaijin shows)
Don't forget the Radkamfwagon that can actually turn its turret or the missile on the flakrad that it doesn't actually have irl.
Germany is easily the biggest beneficiary of imaginary things.
If this game had started in 1950s and there were never ww2 tiers then East Germany would be a subtree of USSR (if even that lol) and West Germany would be a subtree of the US
There are only two playable nations in War thunder. Italy and Britain. Acthually not.
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>or do you mean the MLD, which only dominated for 6 months before the F-14A got added to wipe the floor with all of top tier
MLD was better than the F-14A until literally this patch
>b-but AIM-54s
Gimmick missile that never killed anyone but the dumbest gorilla niggers alive; the MLD was faster than the F-14, accelerates much better than the F-14, could not wingrip like the F-14, had a slightly better instantaneous turnrate and significantly better sustained turnrate than the F-14, and has a better gun than the F-14 albeit with less ammo. The most significant advantage that the F-14 had was that AIM-9G/H were and still are much better missiles than R-60Ms, but typically only two are carried.
Germany lost its relevance after World War II, along with Japan. Neither a good fleet, nor planes, tanks are useless against CAS. Helicopters are no match for the 16-spike Israeli Black Hawk.
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>have stupid idea for a meme "Thunderer" build on 27SM
>Gonna phone the matches in and poke static targets with Kh-29s from a gorillion miles away to cash in my thunder wagers that were collecting dust
>4x R73, 2xR77, 4xKh29
>do a test match. can these missiles lock and hit static targets from 20km away?
>launch 4
>3 hit
Guess that's too far away for consistent hi-
>check the replay
>the 4th one got shot down by a spamram
>still get more air kills than my teammates and come in 1st place on my team
>Playing on useless nations.
>MLD was better than the F-14A until literally this patch
- f14 out rated it
- f14 had better SAHR and better radar set
- MLD had all aspects (flared with one tap of the flare button)
- f14 had much better range on its IR missiles
- f14 had ARH
- phoenix had so much explosive it ignored multipath since it could destroy your elevator if it hit the ground nearby
- f14 was faster
Naval is actually dead now, unless its moffet farming it's 4 real players and 8 bots per team

Shame cause even though its not fun or exciting, it's the best naval multiplayer game out there.
The Kron was never remotely close to existing as modeled and never would’ve been built as it is in game, both due to soviet industrial shortcomings and the design having changed from what is shown before cancellation
All of this is wrong of course except for the R-60M/AIM-9G comparison. MLD rated about 2 degrees per second better, (it rated as well as the F-16A did until the F-16A was buffed), and is still faster today. Also phoenixes, like every other missile in the game, do not explode when they hit the ground, they disappear without exploding; it has always been this way except for a period that lasted about a week earlier this year.
>goygaming had a gem that would forever mog WT
>they randomly decide to murder it
>war thunder naval is currently the best multiplayer ship game since wows is dead
battlestations 3 when? midway and pacific got me into the ship autism
there is something soothing about flying the KI-109 as a bomber hunter and just obliterating bombergroids with 490g of tnt...
Having used the mirage f1c to grind most of the french tech tree
The 530f is so easily chaffed that it sometimes feels like normal flares act like chaff, sometimes the missile also launches straight forward like a tiny tim without attempting to maneauver. When it doea work it feels good though
stop using bombs
stop using CFTs
the F-15 was never meant to carry ugly obese shit like that
have some respect for the greatest air superiority fighter ever made
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All they gotta do is revert that godawful fragment change, it wasn’t even this dead during the great La Royale magazine fish off

>MLD has better gun than F-14


also you are gonna casually ignore how the F-14 had better radar, better SARHs, and overall better kit for its missiles and avionics, which was the main cope US players had about the MLD, since the F-5E back then could still dance on anything at top tier meaning dogfight performance was irrelevant until we got things like the Mirage 2000 and later the F-16s. Also the F-14A could one circle the MLD and win if you used manual wing sweep. it just ran out of energy after doing that and was a sitting duck to any other planes nearby. Remember, the F-14's AOA was overperforming for a good year until we got the F-14B and gaijin decided to nerf the F-14s a bit shortly after.

The AIM-54s may not have gotten kills but they were still meta-changing. i have clips of the F-4E vs MiG-23 era and hugging the deck was literally not a thing before AIM-54s. mutts will get a plane that literally redefines the meta and still cope that its somehow irrelevant.

>inb4 "reddit spacing" because no actual response.
which premium jet do I buy so I just skip the grinding prop for 200 hours part and straight into hating high tier gameplay?
I'm looking at that F4-s on sales now
F-5C is at a more forgiving BR but is more of a traditional gunfighter
Wow, a top dog for a whole 3 month
For how long Nig29 was the king of TT ARB? Year?
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>play 11.7
>80% of my team dies to AIM-54Cs
so uh
this nigger machine is going up right?
>BF 109 chasing me while I'm in my G4M1
>shoot at him with my 20mm tail gunner
>from 1.5km away I manage to blow away most of both of his wings
>he continues flying
>he fucking turns around near one of our bases
>he fucking flies back to his airfield as if nothing is wrong
german engineering is truly to powerful...

teaches you radar kinematics, missile employment, and BVR combat (reading your RWR, working the radar, longer range defensive techniques, etc.) Its a missile bus tho and dont expect to learn anything about WVR combat
teaches proper dogfighting, energy retention and conservation techniques, how to aim guns, flight performance weaknesses of enemies, and how to be a monster at close range. Dont expect to learn anything outside gun range tho; your IR missiles are subpar, you have no radar or radar missiles.

Generally, if you just want to grind, the F-5C is the way to go because even the dumbest gorilla nignog using his dick on a laptop trackpad can do well in it because its BR is more favorable and the plane in general is one of the most handheld vehicles ingame (fictional flight model, overperforming damage model, almost no heat signature making any missile easily flarable, fictional flares and AIM-9Es it never used, and more)
>match starts
>do a 360 and walk away
>missiles run out of fuel
>proceed to have a normal game
It really is that easy
Update, he made it to the airfield only to crash and finally blow up
missing 60-70% of both of his wings he flew for 5-6 more minutes than should have been possible honestly
Which tank girl would Utena molest the most?

MiG-29 was added in the same update as F-16. the MiG-29 was the better dogfighter in most regimes but its missile selection (R-60Ms and R-27R) made it subpar against the US missile spam of AIM-9Ls and AIM-7Ms with superior radars.

a few months later it got R-27ER to make up for the shitty radar. still didnt fix the problem since the meta was IR missiles, since old multipath meant you can dodge a ER as easily as any other radar missile. most F-16 players figured out how to use the airbrake to get around the G limiter by now

a few weeks before Sons of Atilla update, the MiG-29 had its radar fixed and buffed finally.

four months later, the F-16s have their G limiter removed, all MIG-29s get a major flight model nerf, and AIM-9Ms and R-73 are added. F-16C becomes new king of top tier until F-15A and Gripen are added in a few months.

>For how long was NiG29 was the kind of TT ARB?
i'd say a month, between the time the radar got fixed until the flight model nerf. There is a reason during the air supriority esports tournament, almost everyone was running F-16s.
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>got the sixtieth kill with five seconds left
rare [Battle] enjoyment
what is the best way to keep the plane steady and able to aim the turret?
shit is so wonky
like if I attempted to pull the nose up so my turret can shoot behind me
but the plane will keep trying to leveling
turn off auto leveling in options
>a few months later it got R-27ER
It got R-27ER in a week after release (if not ON release)
>Also phoenixes, like every other missile in the game, do not explode when they hit the ground, they disappear without exploding
How come I can damage bases with Phoenixes then?
>The chink flags
Cherry on top, highly based
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they made the announcement post that its getting ERs the day after the update, but it didnt actually get them until a patch after a few weeks (iirc early january?). it was at least one month from Apex Predators release until it got ERs iirc.

nvm i was mistaken about the announcement, it doesnt even say its getting ERs, it says "the devs are considering adding the R-27ER" still as of that post.
>i have clips of the F-4E vs MiG-23 era and hugging the deck was literally not a thing before AIM-54s
Thos things dont have pd radars. Players started to hug the deck after pd radars got introduced
>Thos things dont have pd radars.
TISEO when?
fire hazard
what should I bind mouse wheel into?
Well, you don't
Here is a video, December 24th, and it already have them. It took whole 4 days.

the Viggen, F-4EJ Kai, and britbong phantoms were all present in the MLD vs F-4E meta. those had PD radars.
total lightnigger death
is naval good yet?
Eternal reminder.
>MiG-19PT vs F-100D - relatively balanced - 1:1
>MiG-21F-13 vs F-4C - mutt domination - 1:2
>MiG-21SMT vs F-4C - Soviet domination - 2:2
>MiG-21SMT vs F-4E - relatively balanced - 3:3
>MiG-21bis vs F-4E - skewed towards Soviets - 3.5:3
>MiG-23M vs F-5E - mutt domination - 3.5:4
>MiG-23MLD vs F-5E - Soviet domination - 4.5:4
>MiG-23MLD vs F-4J - skewed towards Soviets - 5:4
>MiG-23MLD vs F-14A Early - skewed towards mutts - 5:4.5
>MiG-29 vs F-16A ADF before R-27ERs - mutt domination - 5:5.5
>MiG-29 vs F-16A ADF with R-27ERs - relatively balanced (and the best state top tier ever was) - 6:6.5
>MiG-29SMT vs F-16C - mutt domination - 6:7.5
>Su-27 vs F-15A - mutt domination - 6:8.5
>Su-27SM vs F-15C MSIP II - mutt domination - 6:9.5
Mutts are, historically, 58% more handheld than the Soviets AND the Soviets didn't have the advantage ONCE in the past 2 years.
>F-5E is a snoozefest since everyone runs away
>phantoms just fucking suck
>play F-8E
>have fun
>grind entire tech tree
>play 13.0
>usa vs usa FUCKING SUCKS
>back to F-8E
they ever made a crusader with PD radar?
why do you brag and gloat when you think your wunderwaffe will be handheld because you fell for propaganda then shit your pants and cry and endlessly seethe about mutts when your wunderwafe turns out shit like it is IRL?
>MiG-29 vs F-16 ADF with R-27s
>best state top tier ever was
Bull fucking shit, it took them adding the F-16C to finally fix its flight model while at the same time consistently making sparrows worse every update
Also your stats are bullshit and probably pulled from thunderskill
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too bad your ground fucking sucks
>immediate crying
Love to see it
Plane game
you're riling up the thirdies, anon, don't cause a major chimpout
Everybody can just run away from f-8e too...
Yes, the F-8J.
which country do I play if I just want to hold W and click at things?
maybe for plane too
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How did WG ruin WoWS? I never followed that game but I know it was really well regarded for a long while.
lots of people will tell you it was submarines, or the aggressive monetization, or the CV rework, but to me the game went to shit as soon as it left closed beta because I was a DD main and thats when they added radar and hydro, and nerfed IJN torpedoes
>carrier rework
It was surprising at the time how they fucked up SO bad after such a good track record with WoWS but it stopped being surprising the second they announced the "SALIVA URINE" paypig packs - that alone made it perfectly clear WG was always ran by braindead retards and all "their" accomplishments were in reality Lesta's all along with carriers/subs being obviously forced on the devs by the Marketing DepartmentTM. The fact Lesta's departure DRASTICALLY accelerated the game's downfall only made it obvious to just about everyone who's still had any doubts before.
ok wargayming shill
whatever you say wargayming shill
>>MiG-29 vs F-16A ADF with R-27ERs - relatively balanced (and the best state top tier ever was) - 6:6.5
must be a newfag because obviously the best state top tier ever was in was the original state, mig-25bis vs. f-86f-25
I mean they have a shitload of employees in Kyiv so it makes sense
speaking of, what happened to the modern carriers in wt
haven't seen a rb map with them for ages
like clockwork
War Thunder?
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How gluttonous is it to ask for the CV9030Fin to be 8.7?
Do you guys think I'll be fine playing USSR ground without any planes in my lineup at 8.0+? I want to play their tanks, but I'm not very motivated at all to grind their air tree, and it seems like their SPAA is quite good overall.
i've played ground for years without planes
who upset the r*ssoid beast, and what 6.0 vehicle should I use to make it more upset
behead everyone involved in the development of the 30mm b*shm*ster
Panther F
>>MiG-29 vs F-16A ADF before R-27ERs - mutt domination
Are you really going to count 4 fucking days?
he can't fuel his persecution complex if he doesn't
>get aim-120s
>climb so I can toss them out from higher energy
>put enemy missiles at 90 degrees on rwr
>amraam gets me anyway
I thought that's all you had to do to notch? Am I retarded?
bro, your chaff?
Forgot to mention I was dumping chaff too
Yes it's all your fault, definitely nothing to do with the implementation of the update, pidor
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I rabu T34!
obsolete junks of hunk, navies are outdated concept and only the imperialists and MIC monkeys cling on to them
this is the kind of thing i'd say if my countries only carrier was rendered permanently inoperable by accidents
What's up with those random pop sounds in air vehicles
don't you ever get the urge to take to the skies and shoot down enemy planes who are raping your team?
>junks of hunk
>claims navies are obsolete
you're imagining things
forrestal and ark royal are still present in naval EC and SBEC, baku is gone altogether because of the baku incident
you just seldom see them because the only maps with them that's still on rotation are the big spain (rare) or malta (who cares)
What BRs are actually fun in ground?
Why is the PE-8 harder to kill than the B-17, lower BR than the B-17, and has better gun turrets/bomb load than the B-17 because of the 5000kg meme bomb?
4.0 Russian
Because it's significantly slower and far easier to catch. Also it only has better gunners from the rear, it's nearly defenseless from the front and below whereas the B-29 can always point at least 4 flamethrower shiddycals no matter the angle.
no, either spaa or just go to next match
>come do the chat dirty work for us goyim
>you will have a great task at hand
>you want a reward for all the hard work we should be doing?
>too bad
i already know loads of queers will do it though
Okay but I said the B-17, not the B-29.
redpill me on Mig-23ML
>hard to kill
Do you fly in a perfectly straight line behind the PE8 when you're trying to kill it? The thing can barely turn without breaking apart
My bad, the points still stand for the B-17s, just to a lesser degree.
Zoom zoom, missiles, can bomb base, russian, can get Su27
legacy BRs
in theory the Pe-8 should have one too, but its used en masse by complete shitters in GRB who kill their teammates more often than their enemys, if they get to drop at all
and its (somewhat) worse in most ways to the Fortresses so the lower BR isnt entirely based on )))))))))))))
>without breaking apart
nigger what? I've seen that piece of shit dive straight down for like 4000m and it's wings dont even wobble
not worth it after nerfs, you face f14s and just get bodied. just use the mig-21smt
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And what was the state of balance when there were mig-15s vs sabres? The pic implies it was fair and square.

wing sweep and thrust vectoring nozzles on a planes which have them. On top tier it can be useful to bind thrust axis to easily turn on first stage afterburner without going full afterburner. But simply relaxing thrust axis control sensitivity would also work good even without rebinding.
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What is the most undertier premium in this game?
I only play this game once every other days so I thought I could just buy one premium and just play that
>obsolete junks of hunk
can't be, russia wouldn't waste time o junky hunks
should i grind italy or sweden ground trees? italy has more variety and has light tanks which are super fun but i hear sweden is just better
italy has much better air all things considered
>lowest offer
>highest bid
guaranteed laugh
>the Russian Navy should be able to build a promising aircraft carrier
>our aircraft carrier should be armed with Su-57
>As one of the greatest and most powerful military powers in the world
>at least four aircraft carriers would be required
they can't even build a ship larger than a frigate, nor maintain the only carrier they have
Sweden and it's not even a contest, you're comparing THE best ground tree to THE worst.
While that margin is quite big it's not super uncommon for somewhat rare items. What matters isn't the highest bid but the price it last sold for.
I'm still mad they nerfed it, the G.I on release was so much fun
Now it compresses like a motherfucker and it's so hard to get guns-on.
The only thing I was looking forward to got fucked ;_;
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>authors nationality
you know what, frog bloat their line up so much that they have almost as much as burger, both air and ground
but no one still ever play or talk about frog
its always bong or swed
i wonder if sweden is gonna get the finnish f/a18
italy is more fun
>it was real in xer mind
Yes but probably without the BOL pods so mutts don't chimp out in the forum
why is italy bad
Has the AI gunner been fixer or does he still shoot OPPOSITE of the enemy's direction? I recall some i think jap suffering from the same issue and always having to gun down the AI planes myself because yes, i play objective, fuck you gone do about it, take off?
They never made a non-meme MBT.
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How does it perform in air RB? Is the flight performance similar to the TT su25?
Dogshit MBTs
Their light tanks are fun but not effective except for the Centauro
The AI gunner's been fixed, yeah. He now actually shoots at targets.
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what's there to talk? it's not like the addition of Benelux planes brought anything ground breaking or ah-mazing to the table that we'd want to endlessly yap about, fokker is nice but everything else is just same ol copy paste from other trees. MICAs are fine for what they are, honestly use them more in GRB than in ARB.
Ground is the same as it ever was, vextra is fine and workable at its BR.
No one wants to talk about naval
So why did they make the ahistorical M1 KVT instead of the M1A1 KVT?
They sold an M1A1 HC premium half a year later....
Italy is pure fun and joy.
All memes considered, sweden is just a glorified pony freakshow, most of the tree doesn't even have a proper lineup.
>play ARB
>run into a guy with 15k games combined between the B7A2 homare/SM.92 and the B18B
>lowest wr on any of them is 70%
What the fuck causes this kind of autism?
>overtiered DDs and dogshit BBs
cant keep repeating the same thing for a year
>100% copy pastas since release
you could be pedantic and call the Vaquelin and Guichen new additions, but thats it really
>no copestals
no longer true

and thats about all there is to talk about in terms of french ships, maybe throw in a couple 'WHEN????' posts, but given that only a very small portion of the tiny naval playerbase actually plays frogs its barely noteworthy
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The B18B was hilarious at the old BR, but yeah, sealclubbing gets boring very quickly.
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Been looking at female modern PFPs...
Beauty and lovable with propaganda twintails
Blunt and rude but loving shy girlfriend
Cunny fox with laser eyes, a beast in bed
Waifu senpai that will mock you lovingly
Extrovert and energetic waifu that will take you anywhere
Athletic tomboy in body and mind
Sophisticated woman that will go to wine degustations in paris
Wild but elegant blondie that loves traveling
Jewress that will ask you to record her IDF tiktok reels
Smelly troon negress that will ask for reparations of muh slavery

Why are mutts like this
>>overtiered DDs and dogshit BBs
>cant keep repeating the same thing for a year
Why not if it's true? They'll also forever lag behind the behemoths of the Yamato/Iowa (or Montana)/Lion (or N3)/Sovetsky Soyuz/H39 (or H40-44) with their puny 12 380 mm peashooters on the Alsace (literally just a Richelieu with an aft turret).
its got pretty good flight performance, but not good for ARB
better for GRB or AEC
do watch out with negative Gs, in the right conditions -1 is enough to rip your wings
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french and russian ones are my favourites
>tfw no italian femboy tornado pilot gf
Click-bait or KVT?
So, why merkava 3 is 11
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>Why not if it's true?
ive done it in the few weeks/months after La Royale but 95% of replies was
>lmao naval
>play mutts
and given that copestal still hogs the bottom BRs, we're never gonna get a shot at decompression so its unlikely to change

>They'll also forever lag behind the behemoths
yeah that sucks, the obvious solution is to go with papershit but im really not a fan of that hackjob solution. i'd almost prefer the tree just stopping earlier than others
then again, we're a long long ways away from the final battleships, Mutsu sparked a little hope that we might be moving up soon but its been fading fairly rapidly. so not something im worried about in the present
given how they've been ignoring high tiers (other than copy pastas and DOA battlecruisers), i wouldnt be surprised if we actually started moving backwards in time
as for the current meta, i could live with a 1047 (assuming we'll get a dutch line in the naval trees at some point)
na they're cucks
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royal slampig pfp soon
>it's another 'yaknigger prop makes NO FUCKING NOISE' episode
Fuck this anti-gravity fucking silenced murder machine.
is russia still molesting top tier?
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>Gaijin will very soon add a banana-themed clicker minigame to the hangar, in the form of clickable stacks of bananas. It'll have three stages, I assume you'll have to click each stack three times for the rewards, but that's just my guess.
>As for the rewards, it's in the form of decals and decorations. There may be others, but these are what I can see.
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eternal flight
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Video games?
>instant pigger seethe
you love to Z it
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north korean tanks in russian tree when
Unironically no sooner than Soviet F-5E, M2A3, Strf 9040C, AMX-10RC, Leopard 2A4, Leopard 2A6, M1A1SA and Marder 1A3.
>sav nigger pens my T-34's engine
>my entire crew dies from overpressure
>check that nigger's ammo
>APHE with 890g of HE filler
What the fuck?
>b-but what about ruZZia
>he doesnt know about the monke x kim link up
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I DO know, the point still stands.
heh,,,,,,,,,,,, sorry zigger
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Banana 3D decor for tanks fucking when?
so never, gotcha
Will this game die anytime soon?
thinking of get into this game
I tried this game years ago but never really progress beyond the first few free planes
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looks like we're, at least partially, past the "mbt with a flag in the background" decal phase
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>die anytime soon
Prob never, there's pretty much zero competition to the game and yes, WoT / WoP isn't one because they're a joke. Just make sure to pick a nation you like anon and enjoy.
no, games like this never really die
it'll go into maintenance mode at absolute worst, and that's still good 8 years away
it's easy to play and beloved by boomers and young third worlders, it'll never go below 20k players
China has probably sent in some troops like everyone else but for the most part they're just sending russia supplies
Is it better to get premium from a tree with no full line up like Sweden?
so I dont have to deal with the dogshit air tree?
or is it the other way around as in because sweden doesnt have many planes you can easily get to high tier easily?
compare to like getting US's high tier premium so you can grind all those variances faster?
do i finish the us or ussr ground tech tree? im on 7.0 for both of them
>bragging about finishing off your own and staged copeganda
And I can make a compilation of cockholes getting blown to smithereens by FABs.
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is there any reason to get these talismans in the BP shop
I've got a few rank 3 tanks that could all use talismans but I've got no rank 4s yet
say AKHMAT SILA misha, or your moms chechen boyfriend will hit you again
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You are in a unique position where they could actually be useful, if you have no rank IV tanks, you unlock and purchase only the vehicle you want talismanned, then buy the box, forcing it to go to that tank. Usually it's worthless because it'll go to something that you don't want to play.
>another chimpout about the same homo war
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yeah, I played next to no ground before going through like most air trees and figuring out where I even wanna put crew slots for tanks, what nation to play etc.
now I'm basically looking at this for research
IS-2 is gud ?
Unfortunately there's no obvious pick there, if it were me I would put it on the T-34-85 or Jagdpanther, the IS-2 is really not that great, but it is playable if you want to. Panther and BTR-ZD would be good as well.

Also a tier IV talisman is not the most useful thing in the world, it doesn't take all that much to get through IV and V, so I would set yourself up to do this again at tier V or VI
6.3 IS-2 has very big and easy to hit weakspot.
6.7 IS-2 is very strong but then you'd only have a 50/50 chance of talismaning it.
Soviet SPGs suck because no gun depression.
T-34-85 can be good if played right but it feels a little underpowered.
Tiger II P sucks.
Panthers are as overpowered as ever.
M109 is fun but I'd rather play it in a nation that gets matched against Germany not with it.
Jagdpanther/JPz are as good but do you want to spawn a turretless SPG all day?
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yeah I was just thinking about it in terms of another talisman pickup, I would've been fine with like a tiger talisman and then just staying rank 3 for a while cause the tank grind seems fucking horrendous
t-34-85 might be nice tho i guess
haven't been here for sometime
so what happened to that touhou avatarfag?
Which one?
the one from that tranny furry clan
I genuinely can't tell them apart without from their avatars, which one did xe use?
the blond one
are panthers comparatively braindead to play
just makin sure
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The fox in the white dress? Xe still posts sometimes.
Yes, your hull is undeadable, turret face is trolly, faster than similar BR mediums (T-34 and Sherman), one shots 80% of what it sees. They don't have anything that's stand out incredible but are just really good all around, especially the ones after the D because they don't have the hand cranked turret.
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I found a mig on a rooftop
it's good but german teams are so bad. it'll probably be OP on a russian team
3D decoy
panther is probably the best ww2 tank irl
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oh hi Juan Carlos I
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bye bye Juan Carlos I
silly looking boat
What the fuck is that piss ugly thing?
It is
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oh hey, a Mistral
most racist ship ever build
There is a reason German players have the repuation they have. They get a tank like Panther that is almost indestrcutible from the front and they get themselves killed anyway.
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when is gaijin adding the mig-130
fingolian premium to svens?
the only Spanish aircraft (actually only harriers) carrier
Top tier air is now the worse mode in the game. I'd rather play naval of any tier than that.
They added submarines.
Then they buffed submarines to absurd degrees because historical subs get slaughtered by surface combatants. Subs travel at 20-30 knots SUBMERGED, are immune to sonar outside 2km(normal sonar range is 3-5km), take reduced damage from EVERYTHING, can spot as far as a destroyer at periscope depth while being unspottable outside <5km themselves, can fire torpedoes even faster than magical 60s re-arming DDs, have acoustic homing torpedoes in fucking WWII and are so absolutely broken that if you do chase them down, their damage reduction allows them to ram DDs to death.

Subs completely buttfucked the game and wargoyming refuses to reverse course so they hemorrhaged over half their stable playerbase and are now forced to come up with more and more ridiculous ways to extract what tiny whale wealth remains(battlepass(shit), auctions of rare premiums, auctions of early-acess to new superships).

Yes I am mad, the game was fun if arcadey and now it's just hot garbage.
>get Hetzer, jagdpanzer IV, premium 4.3 T-34
>become unkillable
finally, it's like i've crawled out of the fucking shit and can do /anything/ again
post you-know-what
obviously it's not but it's more resilient than anything else at this BR. the scariest shit is KV-1s and it can't pen the upper front plate, and the transmission eats lower plate shots.
dick pic?
>Tiger II P sucks
Why? You just have to play it like a fat Stug and it works just fine
Even in a full downtier there is not a single tank even can not pen its turret face. Even 75mm Jumbo can if it loads APCR.
are sound mods a big deal at all? feel like you could get some real cheaty mods
Did you guys buy anything in the sale? Shamefully I've already bought all the packs I want which are on sale currently.
they're banned from tournaments because some madlads literally changed some engine noises to voice synthetizers saying
>leopard leopard leopard
and such
the LOS based sound engine actively hampers being able to abuse sound mods though
it's also the reason why some tanks only start making noise after they've already killed you
Still pondering the J35XS and the Mirage F1C-200. I originally wanted to get the Type 16 instead of the Mirage but I recently realized it's only Rank VI (because the Japanese Rank VIII is literally 1-line tall I somehow missed it completely) and it's kinda mid anyway.
>want to play with someone
>people would expect VC because it's easier to coordinate
>don't have a mic, also shy
>highest rank on my new account is 2.7
Nah, nothing worth buying.
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>no mic
>new account
Anon you are playing with a lot of people
>People would expect VC to coordinate
Yeah that is all they expect, that's what coordinating is. I don't know what you are asking for you want some silent orbiter to follow you around every game watching you die?
This. I want the Christian II but I'm not paying $70 for a virtual tank. I had the CV 90105 on an old account and I was trash with it. They aren't even putting premium time on sale. Might just uninstall until November desu.
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What is different about the F9F series compared to F2H?
>Will this game die anytime soon?
It's slowly dying because recent updates have been complete shit and the lack of quality control from gayjew only makes it worse.
>thinking of get into this game
Do you enjoy suffering for no benefit?
Do you enjoy being placed on teams full of the stupidest mouthbreathers alive?
You aren't missing anything, Avoid this piece of shit like the plague.
Damn, the new Steam recording feature is great.
>don't HAVE to use GPU encoding (by far the biggest advantage over Ngreedia/Wangblows Gay Bar which force you to waste FPS)
>handles HDR perfectly fine
>comes with a nice clipping tool to boot
>keeps track of rich presence
>isn't a third-party annoyance like OBS, fully automated
It's just a couple of features short of being literally perfect (exporting in webm, disabling sound, adjusting quality on the fly, estimating and limiting file size).
Just download it and try it bro. Bear in mind the most fun in the game is lower tiers and the higher you grind the worse things become in more ways than one.
The good part of this game, what is now called "Air RB", has already died and been replaced with an animated corpse
>It's slowly dying because recent updates have been complete shit and the lack of quality control from gayjew only makes it worse.
All that did is push the playerbased back down below the covid boost.
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the OG wallpaper in case you like it
>>don't HAVE to use GPU encoding (by far the biggest advantage over Ngreedia/Wangblows Gay Bar which force you to waste FPS)
Shadowplay, Relive, whatever the fuck Intels option is called and every other recording program offering "GPU encoding" use the video encoding/decoding encinge of the GPU. It's a fixed function unit that can do nothing else and is usually used to decode videos you watch to save on power.
That's why using that to encode your recorded video costs none or at the least significantly less FPS than using your actual GPU or CPU to encode the video. If whatever new recording feature steam has costs little to no FPS it does the exact same thing.
>>handles HDR perfectly fine
so does OBS
>>keeps track of rich presence
>>isn't a third-party annoyance like OBS, fully automated
You're aware you can add OBS to your autostart tray?
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Dunno, gamebar suits my shitposting needs just fine
What the fuck is this shit
used to be in the same situation you are, just bite the bullet and do it. People generally won't bother calling out your shit plays if you're a newfag and you can avoid all the social shit by only talking about shit relating to the game

>no mic
just buy one on amazon, they're like 10 shekels
100 clicks and I got a decal. Nothing at 200 or 300 though.
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>-insert busted vehicle i abused- got nerfed?
>no problem, i just migrate to the next :^)
anything 11.7+ in arb right now is the most digsgusting experience, i knew phoenixes would be far too stupid with the multipath nerf, maybe if i could SEE the missile coming at me i'd be able to pull up and notch in time but nope!
What, this banana shit is real?
How can I lock and guide mutliple targets at once with my radar?
For Fox-3s
TWS, lock, launch, switch targets.
the hetzer fears the high explosive
>SPAMRAAMs were already making DCS a snoozefest so who could have known it would also happen to niggerthunder?
did you really believe this shit would be fun?
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Soon I'll have it complete, only missing ~200k RP for the Otomatic and ~450k RP for the Gripen. Though I wonder if it's even worth adding the latter and uptier the BR by .7 with it.
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God if only my Mirage 4000 was 12.0 I'd fucking obliterate these subhuman F-14s
Can you set time fuze manually and not with rangefinder
racist question
Just notch bro
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Don't notch. Don't even try to notch if you're going up against the phoenix wall. That's how people are getting blown up. You can't notch multiple ARH's launched from multiple angles simultaneously. Bait them into launching that initial fucking volley of Fox-3's then just do a Split-S and go cold while spewing some chaff in their face. You need to survive that opening salvo before you can turn back around and fight the rest of their team.

You only want to notch if you have a high degree of confidence that it's only one guy shooting at you.
Is there any company dumber than gayjin?
I just got the Mirage 3e am I in the "cancer" range yet? I may just stop here or earlier if things are this bad.
Any wectoid rat's den that worships troons, fags and niggers.
Cancer range starts at 11.7 (or 10.7 in a full uptier) when you face F-14s.
the indie stone
10.7 is when youre taking a risk by playing, but shouldnt see THAT many F-14s
11.0 is no go, youre pretty much gonna see F-14 every games
i'll be honest, i'm not sure what you mean by "go cold", just turn around and head the other way while chaffing and re-enter the fight after a bit?
I made a mistake by leaving kurnuss 2k spade for later, didn't i
Nah, it's workable. I spaded my F-4J a couple days ago, just fly to the side and rocket some bases lategame. Bring some sparrows, they're quite lethal now.
Kurnass 2k can' carry sparrows
This but my Mirage 2K SC5
Very fun with stock magic 1s!!!!!!!!!
What, why, are the Israelis retarded? You|re just bringing AIM-9s and a boatload of HVARs then I suppose. Climb to the side and rocket the respawning bases when no one is paying attention.
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the cry baby dev is the owner
Yes, i turn the engine off in a dive.
Should've looked up.
It has python 3
Well, that's better, but you should probably still play it as described
What frog jet to talisman to grind the copy paste worthless subtree?
Basically just turn around and run the fuck away. Depending on range to missile you can probably even abstain from using the chaff.

There's 2 ways to defeat an ARH missile. The first is to break its lock via some technique like notching, physically obscuring yourself behind terrain, or using chaff. IMO you should think of chaff as degrading the quality of the lock and that it will only break it if conditions were kind of poor in the first place.

The second way to defeat an ARH is to drain its energy. Defeating the energy necessitates that you're not too close to the missile launch. You don't dare attempt to go cold against close range missile launches such as those made within visual range. But for BVR launches, there is time to just turn the fuck around and run away. This fucks with the missile's ability to keep up with you since its motor can only burn for a few seconds while you have many minutes of fuel. Diving to lower altitudes fucks it over more since the thicker air causes more drag. It especially struggles to keep up with turns once it is coasting.

Phoenixes and 120's are similar in that they give america a first shot advantage that other nations can't match. In my experience the best options to deal with it with inferior missiles are to just play on defense until they've blown their load, or try to sneak up on them like a rat via low altitude terrain masking by hiding in canyons or behind mountains. The risk when going cold is that the enemy plane will pursue you and make subsequent attacks from progressively advantaged positions, but we just have to hope that our teammates threaten any that try that. It also helps that 99% of american players aren't actually playing smart and instead are just blowing their loads by leaning hard on their range advantage to shoot first and collect free kills.
I just think that it is a poor plan to try to notch the first volley of ARHs whether they're phoenixes or 120's. There's just too many missiles in the air, and your window to notch is too narrow to notch multiple missiles from multiple angles simultaneously. Especially since most planes facing off against phoenixes lack quality RWRs.

The phoenix can't pull very hard, so you can dodge them with last minute evasive maneuvers. However that drains speed and you can enter a situation where the act of dodging the first phoenix slows you down enough that the second or third can hit you.

Going cold or diving behind some prominent terrain feature is the only option that will reliably let you defeat a whole fucking cloud of ARH's flying at you from slightly different angles from approximately the same direction. That or successfully multipathing, which is a lot harder to do these days.
Mirage 2000-5F
All of this doesn't matter when the subhuman mongrels on your team all run head first into the enemy team and die 1 minute in
mirage IIIE
Yes, that's a problem. Phoenixes aren't that hard to defeat. The americans are right in that they're not that good at killing fighters that take proper defensive action against them. The problem is that there are a lot of drooling retards that just fly face first into them. Then the they surviving teammates are disadvantaged since they're outnumbered.

That said, what else do you expect anon to do? Run head first into the phoenixes and die too?
Anther thing people don't seem to take into account is the INS, and so get caught out not changing their altitude while notching and so still end up flying into missile then wondering how it still hit them.
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Is it? I haven't touched 11.0+ air unless there's a jet I want, since I still prefer ground, I fucking hate USA after how shitty the teams are and granted the sales are on meaning I will have to fly the J35XS, but from what ever since the multipath nerf I can't just hug the ground to beat F-14's and F-16's anymore no?, and I've never been a big fan of missile jousting.
In what world is Gaijin dumb? They probably making more money now than in the past 12 years.
>but from what ever since the multipath nerf I can't just hug the ground to beat F-14's and F-16's anymore no?
Multipathing is still POSSIBLE but it is no longer trivial. Between the reduction in multipathing height and the fact that many trees are still mega-trees, the margin for error between evading the missile via multipathing and colliding into trees is thin enough that it is often impractical to multipath if there is any variation in the terrain level caused by rolling hills.

If there are big enough terrain features then you can try to sneak up on the F-14's by hiding behind mountain ranges or within canyons.
Battlestate Games
curiously they're russians too
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Eagle Dynamics
>make a good simulator
>sit on a golden opportunity to just add optional mouse aim and EXPLODE it in popularity by monopolizing the very lucrative niche of modernshit combined arms simcade without even sacrificing your core audience
>do literally nothing with it but pander to boomers until what once wasn't even remotely completion catches up and now has the monopoly on the aforementioned lucrative niche and it's too late for you to do anything
Isn't ED Russians too?
Yes, multiplayer military vehicle simulation is literally a Russian genre.
>War Thunder - Russian
>DCS - Russian
>IL-2 - Russian
>WoT - Belarussian (close enough)
>WoWS - Russian
>sit on a golden opportunity to just add optional mouse aim
They aren't, Gaijin holds a patent on their mouse aim system and would require royalties if Eagle wanted to implement it.
IL-2 Great Battles has it and it didn't have to pay shit.
How can you have a patent just to be able to move your mouse about to direct a plane? Would be like having one on moving a joypad left or right to steer a car.
Who thought that obj292 at 10.3(0) was a good idea
but they did, according to anton

It's almost like WT has a Russian bias.
Project wingman has it too and i really doubt dev paid for it either
Single player game, not a direct competitor like DCS is. And you're just assuming they didn't pay.

Because that's not actually what happens in WT, you move your mouse left and the instructor rolls, pitches, and corrects yaw all seamlessly (mostly) that's the system that is patented, and it's the reason mouse aim actually works.
Wow, didn't know that, good piece of intel. The question then is, why didn't ED get it, despite being better off financially than 1C.
It's really funny how people try to deny things that are easily looked up

Because DCS with mouse aim would be a direct competitor to WT. You don't license the golden goose to the competition, or you charge so much money that it isn't worth it to them.
wait the banana thing is real?
They hold a patent for THEIR mouse aim system. DCS can implement their own (better) solution.
And if Gaijin accuses them of copying they'd have to open up their code to prove it in court.
People always blame russian incompetence and greed for these milsim-lite multiplayer games' flaws, but I can't imagine a world where a company like Activision, Bungie, Riot, EA, etc develop a game like this and make it less shitty and greedy than what we already have.
DCS is a full sim, if they ever add such arcade garbage I'm f'ing off from their game. Simplified aircraft is already garbo enough.
>no legal events except for Gaijin paying the maintenance fee
It's also an American patent which is totally meaningless to Gaijin's Russian competitors. They made this patent probably to prevent MicroProse from re-entering the space, because MicroProse could blow War Thunder, Il-2, and DCS out of the water if they chose to, Falcon 4.0 with the BMS mod is still the best modern sim you can get and they released it in 1998.
It would be, at best, the same gameplay-wise but somehow, someway absolutely bustling with fags, niggers and troons.
Nigga MicroProse of the yesteryear is well and truly DEAD, the new MicroProse is just the name/logo holder that has absolutely nothing to do with the old one other than MAYBE the general type of game they publish.
>(better) solution.
And that's the sticking point, a better solution doesn't exist, others have tried their own mouse aim systems and it's always trash. If you've got an idea I'd recommend you patent it quickly because it'll be worth plenty of money to some dev somewhere, but until then Gaijin owns the simcade world.

Do you really think that they filed the patent that is the basis for their monopoly in only one country? Are you stupid?
Nah I think it'd be a lot less grindy with a lot more cosmetic microtransactions.
I'd rather cope with the grind than see the brave and stunning black bald transwoman Shaquila N'bawe on people's profile icons or whatever.
Tiny Combat Arena begs to differ.

>historical/semi/fictional camos/liveries distinction don't exist anymore
>I'm forced to see anime garbage everywhere, purple leotards and what not
yeah, way to kill the game
anime weebsite
It's fine in arcade, but in RB it should be forced historical camo for that battle. A fucking white/blue tank is just as jarring.
It's dead in the sense that they went bankrupt and were then acquired, but if that's what dead means, then it's been dead since it was first acquired in like 1993. It's a meaningless distinction.
TCA also was not one of their projects, it was a one-man hobby project that MicroProse agreed to publish under their name for what was probably a very small sum of money considering the circumstances.
Ah yes because the BASED and TRAD Russian devs would never ever release a profile icon with a black woman in it would they? Dumb polposter.

Purple leopards are also already in the game, another dumb polposter
USS Joe Biden when?
USS Barack Obama when?
Doesn't look like a 150 kg "lesbian" troon with facial hair to me.
she cute tho
Also that's 1 out of how many profile pics again?
>inb4 that one pic with a male nigger
At least that one's ACUALLY historical, unlike WE WUZ SAMOORAYS AND SHIET.
I can disable semi-historical and fictional camos from appearing, you illiterate 3rd world chimp mongoloid.
obama definitely deserves a ship but it will probably be another decade
Profile pics are based on real pics. Are you unable to understand the topic these replies are addressing, mr. ESL retard?
They need to be dead first, so 10-20 years for Obama, maybe 5 for Biden.
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paypig obliterator lineup
>to obliterate the paypigs, I must become a paypig myself!
why do russian tanks get thermals so late compared to other nations?
why is ur SXXI spaded but not S2
You're starting to learn the truth about russian bias.
>manpads can see thru clouds and trees
they didn't develop them as quickly or effectively as the west. And even when they did get them (AGAVA comes to mind) they didn't put them on tanks for a while.
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get obliterated by paypig teammates lineup
T80BVM is the best tank in the game
because it's a piece of fucking shit
>mfw getting absolutely ERADICATED by Slavs, Swedes and other superhumans from the match in my INFERIOR mutt engineering while gaijin prepares to give me even more favorable br changes
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Is Hobart worth 299GE for the task I missed?
Patents last a decade. WT has been out longer than a decade.
Where the fuck are your expert crews?
it wouldn't make a difference with 90% of my team being gone within the first 5 minutes
I will expert crew shit when it matters
Read the thread retard
It matters for yourself? How is playing with shittier crew enjoyable? You're losing something like .4 seconds on the reload of your M1, your survivability is garbage and it takes forever to repair something.
No, lol
You could easily fight the patent as it's clearly too vague and broad. And having an interpreter for the players inputs and translating them into playfield actions goes back further than WT.

The reality is that nobody gives a shit enough to make a competitor.
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twenty years
To add to the discussion, patents need a degree of specificity to them. You can't patent general ideas such as a 'plane', 'joystick', or 'mouse aiming'. It can't be simply 'I point my mouse and the planes rolls, pitchs and yaws in that order towards the cursor'.

What Gaijin holds is a patent on their code (which is only one way to program the airplane to roll, pitch and yaw towards the cursor), but, as it happens for software, there are many ways of achieving the same results with different algorithms.

To pinpoint on this, many games that had their source code released had to had proprietary libraries and algorithms removed because.. well, those libraries weren't open sourced. The solution was simply releasing the source code on the game with alternative algorithms. For instance, the sound system and stencil shadow volumes were patented on Doom 3, John Carmack simply coded an alternative solution (which iirc was better than the original).

If you took that to court you'd need to show that the competitor used your system, thus infringing on your patent. This isn't so trivial as the court would get access to both codes to compare them, besides all the money on lawyers, you risk leaking your code, you can even lose your patent if it's found to be too 'bland'.

My take on it is that Gaijin's code isn't so trivial as just a control system, it's prolly lenghty code and quite ingrained with the whole flight physics system, which I'm guessing you also get access to if you decide to use their system. Besides, it has years upon years of fixes for weird glitches and the likes. If you want a quick solution, it's the path to take, I suppose.
>My take on it is that Gaijin's code isn't so trivial as just a control system, it's prolly lenghty code and quite ingrained with the whole flight physics system
We already knew this though, it's the instructor and its flying your plane for you using a joystick you can't see. That's why it's not as simple as "make plane go to mouse pointer" and why nobody else has done the same thing.
These are the people who outsource all their fucking models. It's not as if some big brain coders ever worked at Gaijin. If the slavgroid on fiver so can a real human being.
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Aimo Allan Koivunen (17 October 1917 – 12 August 1989) was a Finnish soldier in World War II and the first documented case of a soldier overdosing on methamphetamine during combat.
>Koivunen had trouble pulling out a single pill, so he emptied the entire bottle of thirty capsules into his hand and took them all.
>He had a short burst of energy, but then entered into a state of delirium, and lost consciousness. Koivunen remembered waking up the following morning, separated from his patrol and having no supplies. In the following days, he escaped Soviet forces once again, was injured by a land mine, and laid in a ditch for a week waiting for help.After skiing more than 400 km (250 miles) he was found and admitted to a nearby hospital, where his heart rate was measured at 200 beats per minute, triple the average human heartbeat,and weighing only 43 kg. In the week Koivunen was gone, he subsisted only on pine buds and a single Siberian jay that he caught and ate raw.
>He spent time in a Foreign Legion training camp in the town of Sidi Bel Abbès.[8] From there he was transferred to Fez and fought in several battles against the Berber rebels in the Atlas Mountains.[8] Because of his service in Morocco, he was called "Moroccan Horror" by Finnish troops
>Juutilainen wanted to encourage his men to keep fighting and to be brave by being an example. so he carried a rocking chair into the frontlines and led the fight from it while grenades were exploding all over. later on he admitted that he was scared as hell but that "someone had to be an example to my [poor] sinners".
>He served as the division's commandant for a year. After that, before returning to the field army, Juutilainen served from May 1944 as commander of the 31st Prisoner of War Company. The transfer to that unit was due to "continued drunkenness and the beating of a man under his command in April 1944",
>That's why it's not as simple as "make plane go to mouse pointer" and why nobody else has done the same thing.
That's... not quite what I wrote though. The patent describes quite lengthy diagrams for a specific flow of control. You can't do the same, but you could just program it differently, if you felt like using the resources for it. Just like it happens with real Fly-By-Wire systems. We have plenty of those, each calculating controls differently but still ultimately controlling the aircraft.
But alas it's just easier to license from them rather than deal with all the hassle from all the bugs that'll come out. Especially if you can't afford years of ironing out your own code or just want to make a quick buck.

I don't see much of a case for Gaijin desu, unless it's exactly their code. Solutions for controlling aircraft digitally include real fly-by-wire and other games using both AI controlled inputs and cursor movement. I'm quite certain those would be brought up, as well as showing that the 'roll, pitch, yaw' order are not something Gaijin invented, but rather the way airplanes naturally fly. They can't patent coordinated fly, they can't patent input order, etc.

tl;dr planes are niche and companies don't care.
I've ended the enemy team on high tier games just waiting in SPAA. They all second spawned in air.

Shoot down Apache's as soon as they take off, smash attack drones and intercept nigger jets.

Easy money
I have more kills with the Oswind 2 than with any 6.7 tanks, it isn't by choice though
German 4.3 lineup with the do335 is literally the most fun i've ever had in ground RB, with the exception of the beta when you could drift the T-50 and ram it into other tanks and kill them. genuinely having fun. it only goes downhill from here

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