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No Fighter Currency Edition

Previously on /mvsg/: >>483413620

>Game's Introduction

>Latest Patch Notes

>Multiversus Official Twitter

>What is MultiVersus?
MultiVersus is to be a platform fighter featuring characters from multiple Warner Brothers intellectual properties.

>Didn't this game come out already?
It did, but on early 2023 they announced the beta game would shut down for it to be developed into the final realese that came out on may 28th 2024

>What has been changed since open beta?
New modes focusing on single player and cosmetics, here's a full list.

New characters
New stages
New moves for characters
New universal parry technique
New PvE mode
New engine (UE5)
Rollback netcode
Gleamium earnable through means other than money

>What are the new characters?
Joker, Jason, Banana Guard & Agent Smith

>What platforms is it on?
The game can be played on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series consoles. The game has cross-play as well as cross-progression.

DONT FORGET !! This game is a live service & it's still undergoing constant development! We can only go up from here!
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Six more days until the big patch....
dead game lol
Fuck those weeklies, put Jonkler on the rotation already, that's like 2 levels right there if I stack it with the 2200 exp weekly reward.
chances are he's gonna be on free rotation like the last few weeks of this season, if not the very last week
5880 players
6538 same time yesterday
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well you see people are busy watching twitch streams for those sweet drops haha
>THE joker
It's over mvsisters... We lost
Which special perks were removed from beta?
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Bring it back
>Guilds Tab
It was already all so perfect man
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is there any mission that lets me play with a Rick and Morty character? I have a weekly quest with them and I don't own them (or have any desire to buy them tbqh)
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>POV: You are a Warner Bros executive in a board room meeting, you ask where all the money went for this multiple verse game went and this stupid gook nigger just stares back at you with this look.
wtf was this? It looks so SOUL, what were these points for?
>all the old placeholder icons for future content
>removed along with half of the actual content
I miss you, Beta
I miss you so
>characters rotate
>I own all of them
The real reason people are so mad at how GARBAGE the game is now is because it used to be good in beta
Should I buy the jonkler for that accumulated, sweet sweet 3k BP EXP since this shit is going down next month? Doubles decides
Where's this from and what's the unedited version?
Joker fucking stinks, dawg. There is not reason for his overhead to be THAT fucking large.
I wonder how badly LTG would beat the living shit out of this little Tony nigger...
His entire moveset just feels like a fucking cone the length of his body in front of him. Zero fun to play against, win or loss, skill be damned, it's jsut not fucking fun
God I miss the beta UI so much, I miss being able to enjoy the game and events
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>absolutely fucknormous, monster sized jab
>pulls you the fuck closer to him
>so even if you're on the edge and get clipped by it HAHA FUCK NO FAGGOT, STILL GETTING STUCK IN THE COMBO
I still get mixed up every now and then by the fact that Events and Missions are their own fucking categories instead of the natural idea of just "go to event, see missions for it underneath" or something - especially when the Events tab lights up saying to claim something when what it actually means is go claim your missions for it then come back to THEN claim rewards
Are up A and up air different sizes? I saw the visualization for the grounded one and it didn't even reach ground height behind him
Why does every twitch ad have a gay couple or lesbian
You're an idiot. Fighting games have a notoriously low player based on Steam, platform fighters even less so. Multiversus is still high on both Playstation and Xbox spending charts. If you have cross play enabled, you'd be getting sub ten second matches at any time of the day, like I do.
Joker? Takes more skill than Harley
why do all bugs players use salt emote?
same reason there's always at least one nigger or jeet
literally just jews it's always jews
The fucking crowbar overhead is absolute aids

I'm genuinely surprised that they haven't released any nerfs in the preceding patches for him
Because they know just how fucking angry we are when we fight them.
Why are you still getting twitch ads? There's alt player addons that still work for event progress (I think the one I use is literally just called "Alternative Player for Twitch", or Twitch5, or something) and twitch-specific adblockers in TTVLOLPRO (which admittedly can muddle up drops sometimes)
The actual answer is because its aids June so corpo has to pander to get retards to think businesses care
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 just added their own Squad Strike. Now Multiversus is the only one out of the big 3 to not have a KoF-style mode.
There's way too many times the active frames should've registered a hit but his hitbox was made by some retard that you cannot get a hit on him. Seriously, why the hell are my attacks unable to hit his body after a dodge, but when he attacks, he does it in a sweeping motion so it's always a guaranteed hit unless I'm literally too far away? The fuckin fish attack is positioned horizontally so I can't tell how it's going to connect. All that's left to do is pray to whatever god that it doesn't fucking hit me if I'm within combat distance.

Don't even get me started on the crowbar spin, That shit is fucking ass.
whats that?
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Joker is an astonishing balanced character. I have no issue when I play against him unless my opponent's a very skillful player anyway (I play as the Joker)
this game is going to fucking die if they don't speed up their character release cadence. There isn't a single character I want to play outside of 3 or 4 choices.
Lebron connects a hit and just gets sent flying away for some reason
Dropping all the characters for that season at once feels bad for everyone, right?
>There isn't a single character I want to play outside of 3 or 4 choices.
Which are...
Other fighting games have low player counts because they are hard to get into or old, or both.
This game has a low playercount because the devs are retarded. Sure, the 150k wasn't going to stick, but the 10-15k was.
squad strike is a mode from smash ultimate where each time you get ko'd you respawn as a different character
like most of smash's mechanics, the idea is taken from an snk game, more specifically the king of fighters series
Lois lane sex
Jason and the DC characters. Zero love for everyone else. Would like to play Tom and Jerry, but their playstyle doesn't suit me.
>this game is going to fucking die if they don't speed up their character release cadence
is there a point in releasing new characters when nobody can afford to buy them with fighter currency because the asking price is doubled for a month
I hate these bazooka missions but as soon as i level up my bp twice i’ll have enough to buy joker and i’ll get rid of them
nigger-made game
You can't contain him for much longer
>Hit videogame
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release the rooster you fucking cowards
>the DC characters
Could you be more specific? That's 6 characters. Or do you just prefer regular human proportions?
>no more freecam mod so i can check out his gigantic ass in training
who even cares, ded game
You have about a 0% chance of earning 1 dollar worth of currency from leveling the infinite bp tier. So every mission you do after finishing bp is definitely not worth it so there's no reason to play besides fucking yourself over for the next level up event by continuing to play for "fun"
>wasting currency on jinkster
it's like less than 1 bp level, it's not worth it unless you really don't care about the upcoming characters either
You got christmas cookies based on your match performance and whether or not you were wearing a holiday themed skin. You would then use these christmas cookies to purchase various christmas themed rewards. Ringouts, banners, profile icons, and a shitload of quality skins.
is the game fixed yet

show me one of velma's hitbox animations and i'll tell you
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When are they gonna put Hitler in the game?
isnt that just the kid from MAD
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That's literally Hitler.
was multiversus gonna be a traditional fighter ?
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i dunno dude....
I feel like this was fan art part of a moodboard
Literal Hitlers are old hat. Metaphorical Hitlers are all the rage these days.
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This could be us but PFG plays too much.
Looks nothing alike
Who the fuck is that in front
Who tf is in the middle, some youtube pedo?
Zoomer spotted.
I'm 31 you idiot, that motherfucker was never relevant
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>blossom and dexter
are already in
>johnny, grimm and courage
are most likely in
>numbuh 1 and bloo
will probably be in at some point
>evil con carne guy, time squad guy, lazlo, cow and chicken
will never be in due to irrelevance
>double d
will probably not be in due to danny antonucci holding the ed's full rights
>I'm 31 you idiot
So a zoomer. Generation-Z. The cutoff point for millennials is 37.
I want deedee
>are already in
where i dont see them
You are delusional
>will probably not be in due to danny antonucci holding the ed's full rights
Why would he not allow it? EEnE were in plenty of other CN crossover games.
You're fucking trolling dude I've never seen that faggot.
check behind your ear
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Leave the Iron Giant to me
Because the game is so shitty that he'll say no you're not allowed to use them.
Fortnite changes their UI often. Hopefully Multiversus does the same bc I don’t like what we have now
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>Why would he not allow it?
doesn't strike me as the type
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Danny's one of the few talented people in the modern animation industry, shame his newer show ideas always get rejected.
mvs has good a good artstyle and pretty faithful writing. It's not something like that situation where they make a whole new thing using the IP and change some shit. It's a crossover game and he would get paid royalties for it most likely.

I don't really care either way, I just don't think mvs would be the thing a creator goes "NO YOU CAN'T USE MY CARTOON"
>sponge bros
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post battlepass progression
im almost done with this horseshit thank god
i don't know how u fags are already done presumably without macros.
that would require booting up the game for the first time in days
finished it today. I am free.
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>approaching first peak hours
>10% drop from yesterday
i am predicting a max peak of 7.3k today
This. BP rewards are pretty shit all around. Don't care for Uber Jason as I'm not even remotely a horror fan, and he sucks dick as a fighter in his current state. Would have cared about it based on prestige, but PFG have proven they don't care to keep prestige store items unique, so who gives a fuck about earning prestige?
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i’m at 66
tomorrow i get my most wanted skin for my main
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IT'S okay, as far as we are blind to the console side of things, we can assume it's alive and that's just fine :)
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almost there, two days left for me I think. Almost saved up enough FC to buy three new fighters when the next season drops. Haven't spent anything on this game.
No one cares about Smashlikes unless there are established characters involved, hence the rosterfags.
The only reason Rivals made it big was the workshop essentially turning it into MUGEN, which at this point is what the casuals expect.
How do you get that much fighter currency?
betacucks have it easy anon.
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>we are blind to the console side of things
bro... it fell to #7 on ps5 and is completely out of the xbox top 10. and that was for the week ending june 15. it's definitely dying on consoles too
Literally doing everything the game has thrown at us so far, rifts and all. I think I started with 4k?
I just recently unlocked the moon walk taunt.
i have fighter tokens and literally cannot spend any fighter currency or see how much one costs. How much was Joker?
shoulda played the beta, buddy
Danny's hit with a severe case of Curmudgeonitis. I really don't think the Mvs artstyle would translate faithfully in the actual game, also, I don't know if he's got bad blood against WB, but knowing him, it wouldn't be out of the question.
I don't trust those numbers, it still takes less than 10 seconds for me to find a match with other 3 console guys, if it's dying then it's not as bad as people say it is.
no comic creators are extremely out of touch and know nothing of video games
I'm looking at you Dark Horse Apex Legends...
>has pretty faithful writing
bwowww, nawr rr wawrrrrr....
These are gonna be a looooooooooooong 6 days
no one reads the text for rifts
Yeah, all rifts taught me was that Reindog can fucking talk. Which makes it hilarious he has no voice, lines, or announcer pack as the game's shitty mascot. Real top quality
then why add the text at all? are you saying they are artificially extending your gameplay by having you mash through this shitty dialogue every time, and not including gem loadouts but including random red/green rifts in the middle of your purple rifts?
Looks like the Marvel Comic “Power Pack”. Don’t know which specific book though
I don't feel so good bros... Nick Allstars 2 just 41x'd their amount of players
It was an original character made for the MAD segment this screenshot is from
>don't play beta
>you're cucked severely badly making it way harder for newer players to get into the game
Why do retards do this
what? you mean you get REWARDED for being a BETA TESTER and TESTING an UNFINISHED PRODUCT? no way!
How the fuck am I supposed to remember some fucking shit that probably aired for 30 seconds when I was like 5, I even read mad magazine and I dunno wtf this is
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I'm fucking alpha testing right now I fucking deserve some shit god fucking dammit!
>shittiest photo ever of all time
yeah thanks for showing us whatever the fuck that is schizo
>he doesn't know
You don't know what a cd is lol
>MAD TV Series by Warner Bros
>started in 2010
>the screenshot is from season 3 in 2012
Yeah I was already long since done watching TV by that point, I was out of high school and goofing off doing other shit.
ahhh shucks man I guess you'll just have to spend money to catch up with the beta players ohhhh noooo that's rough buddy but if you give me your credit card information we'll give you those fighters for you
Oh, I stopped watching TV entirely in like 2005. That looked older than that. I'd always rather play a video game than sit and watch some dogshit.
>started in 2010
its way older than that captain retard.
MAD is but not their stupid fucking Cartoon Network crossover shit you drooling moron, sorry I'm not familiar with your calarts-era posterboy demake
>20s matchmaking
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>beach party Death with nothing but some tight swimtrunks on
>or a speedo...
I kinda dont feel like doing my dailies guys
do you think there will backlash when they release the 4th of july harley reskin?
nigger gook game
they should make the characters free like overwatch 2 did because it wss bleeding players. turns out people don't buy skins for characters they don't own and it makes the battoepass less palatable because half the content in it is unusable. how can you expect players to be excited for a new character knowing they won't play it without copious amount of grinding?
Why would there be?
because people spent 75k prestige for it to get handed out to normies.
Don't, every second spent on this trash is a waste of your life. Might as well smoke crack and shoot up heroin if you want to torch precious time off your life clock.
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That's on them for impulsively buying day 1 shit.
Rule number 1 about f2p shops: There will ALWAYS be something released later that you actually want.
i already told you it's clearly telepathy, anon-kun
imagine they did add voicelines for reindog though. who would you pick to voice him? a really deep and threatening-sounding voice would be pretty funny, get Clancy Brown on for it
dee bradley baker will play reindog.
Mike Tyson. No real reason other than that the lisp would be fucking funny knowing who it was
They should get the rock to play reindog. His popularity took a hit after normies realized he's the fakest person on the planet, but he can win them back if he does Reindog.
>normies realized he's the fakest person on the planet
Lmao what happened
Lied about trying in N out burger for the first time, then proceeded to go on Joe Rogan and fence sit on literally everything brought up. People were saying it was more like Rock was interviewing Joe.
>There will ALWAYS be something released later that you actually want.
played beta day 1 and the only potential skins i've given any fuck about since Fern aren't out yet (RRB and Crow Rick)
Watch them hold back crow rick for S8 premier.
What the other anon said, and also Youtubers reinforcing negative opinions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ITeHQoRziM&pp=ygUXY3IxdGlrYWwgZHdheW5lIGpvaG5zb24%3D
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I second this. the massive datamines and the trailers really didnt do them any favors
I can't help it anon, he could skin me alive and it'd still be hot.
SoT_Stream if you want the drops minus ADHD chat and annoying talking assholes.
also people realized he's a piece of shit who started buying way too hard into his own hype. he hijacked the dceu, got cavill removed from the witcher series, then people realized his contracts literally forbid him from ever being anything but a mega virtuous hero that never, ever loses on screen.
black adam burst his bubble pretty hard
Also people found out that in his movie contracts, he's not allowed to be shown losing a fight.
They'll be holding off both Pickle Rick and Mr. Meseeks until mid season 8 of R&M. WB ordered a tie in episode. Watch.
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how are my favorite doomers doing today?
Has anyone got the rainbow ringout from twitch?
I'm inside his fucking asshole
Isn't the colorway different? You'd still need to get prestige to get the red and black one
That's based giga chad behavior. It's The fucking Rock the "Dwayne" Johnson bro he earned that.
Dale is a complete coward who would never actually get into a physical altercation with anyone
>That's based giga chad behavior
What are you 12? That's lame as hell.
oh you know me, im jus doomin
"no, i can never lose a fight on screen" is the most virgin thing ever and omce you know it how is he supposed to carry a capeshit movie? you know he's contractually invincible, imagine having the rock in infinity war and he couldn't lose to thanos
NASB won
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>then people realized his contracts literally forbid him from ever being anything but a mega virtuous hero that never, ever loses on screen.
That's so fucking narcissistic I don't know whether to laugh, clap, cry, or cringe. Maybe all the above.
Not that anon but Katie from Power Pack, meme edit after Gwenpool canonically groomed Julie by accident by retarded writers and got banned from anything Marvel after the LGBT event last year or 2 years ago cant remember, so everyone made edits making the Power Pack being groomed
Dude wrestling is for fucking 5 year olds he's just playing his role. And it's a contract. Wrestlers got fucked over like nothing and tossed away like trash, watch the Jake The Snake documentary. I literally only respect The Rock for life because I remember being like 4 and hearing "do you smell what the rock is cooking" and thinking that was the coolest shit ever for some reason so I don't care.
what are hockey man's three fastest buttons
Air nootch
Forward air
Uh, up b grounded maybe?
Sleeping bag, stomp, nair
>Deaged Johny Kent
LMAO they dont wanna show the gay ass version even in pride month
Johny and Damian had one of the best runs in comics and DC threw it all away, also weird version of Damian on the green hoodie
Probably because I thought rocks were like cool and mysterious and didn't know what inside them
he can't even be shown being at a disadvantage at all. imagine the black adam vs superman movie knowing this and how hilariously bad it would've been.
>Use The Rock black adam variant
>Teammate absolutely demolishing me
>Struggling to take even a single stock
>At 120 damage, desperately trying to dodge
>Enemy comes in for what looks like the killing blow
>Their player model suddenly explodes
>+3 stocks
>noooo there can never ever be a character that cant be at a disadvantage every character has to have character flaws noooo
Bro said he wanted a movie without conflict or stakes.
Bro said the movie starts and then he wins the end.
Bro said he wanted a box office flop.
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>Get enemy team of WW & Harley to their final stock
>Game freezes entirely for 6 seconds and becomes noticeably laggier
You may have won the match, but you are no winner.
You would never even be 0-2 he can't be at a disadvantage... wait so multiversus broke his contract confirmed. Let's sue.
>thought the beta UI needed a little work
>the shit we have now
I'm sorry...
You think it's impossible to have a movie be entertaining where 1 guy mogs the fuck out of everyone the whole time? That would be awesome especially if it's the rock.
To children, yeah.
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I just realized what my weeklies are
Fuckin you too, huh? Over the weekend I was really fucking struggling with some matches SUDDENLY lagging out when I got my opponent to their last stock. Wish I was just coping but it was obvious.
i trade u
Four fucking Joker bazooka missions, god damn it...
the sickle swing thing? weird, it looks slow as hell. it's faster than side B?
or is it like smash cloud where the swing hitbox starts at a useless spot and only hits in front after his "slower" moves would?
Now that the dust has settled, I really despise the new "critical" hit sound effect.
Should have stuck with what they had in beta, but I guess they were afraid of getting sued or something?
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Every single screenshot I've taken in this game has been of menus. That's what it's all about.
it can be entertaining, the rock made an entire career out of that shtick. but when it's a contract you shatter the illusion. it's like a wrestler telling you the match is rigged before fighting. everyone knows already, but it still breaks the illusion
Ok, so what's wrong with making movies for children? like I already said, wrestling is for children, so his career is entertaining children. so, that takes the top priority. thus, his contract is childish.
joker vs pennywise on the subway stage never ever
It's just his fastest move for sure
He didn't tell you though, you looked it up. They never say wrestling is fake before the match. Same shit to me.
the state of those banners and ringouts. you poor bastard.
Btw you know the rock has lost a bunch of times right?
most actors don't have a "can't lose" clause. there's a chance they could. the rock will never lose.
you just need to know that and you won't be able to fimd his movies interesting anymore
Is this new or something?
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>Complete BP bonus tier
>x50 currency
Stop being disingenuous, nobody's saying that. There's lots of movies where the lead rarely loves. But the Rock genuinely enforcing it than anything else is fucking lame and shows how far up his own ass he is.
Are you sure he makes his own contracts? I thought contracts were usually someone fucking you over. If someone wrote a contract where I cant lose I'd be like fuck yes.
perk currency FUCK I ruined the bit
*rarely loses
my matches are so sweaty now that it's kinda boring
I don't wanna sweat in this janky ass game where I can't even turn down my input buffer or swap neutrals
Pick your poison:
>one-sided slaughter between living god and cannon fodder (Black Adam, Rick, Jason)
>"battle" between superhumans who launch each other through buildings to no visible effect (Superman, Wonder Woman)
>Preparation Man already set up his victory with impossible foresight (Batman, Joker)
>blatantly cheating (Shaggy, silver-age Bugs Bunny)
>doomed by the narrative (Tom, Taz)
>rules constantly change (Morty, Steven)
He's in fortnite and shit dude there's no fuckin way he's personally writing out his own contracts and personally handing them to EPIC
it's 45% chance of perk currency, 45% chance of fighter currency, 10% chance of gleamium
so you essentially have a 45% chance of getting literally fucking nothing
i'm just going to stop playing once i complete the BP, it's not worth it
I'll take the superman wonder woman option because it's fucking awesome
wait, holy shit. people werent joking about +50 perk currency...?
morty is genuinely the character i hate fighting the most
>jab spam haha you can't touch the floor
>earth spike spam haha you cant touch the floor
>projectile spam haha you can't touch the floor
>dodge spam and just run as soon as you focus attention on them
niggers each and every
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the multiverse needs moms
Yeah might as well pop up a picture of fucking goatse every time you complete an extra level instead or show fucked up traumatizing gore or delete system32 and reformat your ssds and hds
Shes busy sucking off gummypuss.
no it's all I've gotten from it
why are there no steven taunts in the store
i have gleam and nothing to spend it on
>joker hot air balloon daily rift
no i dont think i will
just bait out the earth spike and approach while gun is on cooldown
still more generous than i was expecting, 55% chance of something good every tier, better than the rest of the pass which is 90% garbage
am i the only one who likes that boss
i dont understand how. easily the most boring thing in this piece of shit mobile game mode.
This keeps happening to me too but I know in other games I started lagging at a disadvantage and I really didn't do anything so it could be a coincidence. But. They really seem to be doing it on purpose. But I actually don't think they are and the game just lags so often that you have confirmation bias.
>play 10 times as rick and morty character
>play 10 times as steven universe character
20 matches to throw.
because i really dont feel like relearning any of these fuckers in this new engine. especially not rick or garnet. fucks sake.
just dive off a target minigame
how much gleamium exactly
Lagswitching is only going to make you lose worse because you have to focus on that and now someone better than you is playing in slowmo making it even easier for them
Can't wait for nick all stars brawl to come to gamepass and get more players than mvs

Losing jumprope instantly works too if you want less controller input.
10% chance for 50. So very rare. Lol very rare to get something that doesn't help you or add up any significant amount at all.
thats the plan stan.
sure is fun having to move from the end node back to the target smashing node every single time
sure is fun carefully and deliberately pressing the x button to make sure i dont accidentally purchase a fucking skin
>get hit by projectile from offscreen because the retards at pfg think I need to see the inside of my character's asshole in 1v1s

thanks guys, the camera is definitely not zoomed in too much
Is dwayne the reason black adam is so powerful
It is literally the same thing as nothing
Reminder that it doesn't matter if PFG removed triple jump since blagadam can fly twice if he wants.
Why did they make lebron so bad? Racism?
ww vs supes would be neo vs agent smith
He's the reason he's in the game to begin with
id say it's probably the really big hitboxes actually
Reminder that B. Adam is a heavy character, next to Jason and Superman.
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Remember that Sora getting into Smash Bros brought more hype and attention than NASB or MVS ever did.
Disneychads stay winning!
lebron doesn’t have the “human” tag, clearly we should cancel tony
>Nomura and Square secure big W
See you in KH4 when SDG are sitting around while Dwayne The Rock Johnson sings Youre Welcome.
That's fucked up, clearly casual racism just ingrained into the devs to not even consider lebron as being a human. Yet joker, an evil villian, who doesn't even exist, is considered human to these scam artist devs.
I've had this hustle guys stream up for the twitch drops. Every time I've checked in over the past hour, hes been getting absolutely demolished by Taz as Harley. Are all streamers this bad?
Yeah I was watching void and he looks like my day 1 Tom and Jerry coming from melee as a Falco main.
I have personally thrashed several of the literal who sub-100 viewer streamers. It's pretty safe to assume anybody who needs to put TTV or Twitch in their name to get any attention is a bottom-level shitter, with very few exceptions
Made me check would have been hilarious
void is actually good, T&J have a weird playstyle. Watch him play batman or morty
it took every ounce of self control for tony to avoid tagging lebron non-human
I feel retarded for not being able to do the Taz ToD combo even though its just forward jab neutral. Am I missing something? It doesnt seem like a dodge is involved.
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drop request im in the mood
>see reindog
>white stuff dripping out rear
Batman seems as as fuck but I respect the morty
Bunny girl harley
Velma grabs a rare gem and her tits grow massively!
Garnet gets horny
velma with the big tiddy
Morty's mom coomer skin in multiversus
arya batman
marceline sweaty with abs
You're not retarded. You just have what I like to call "beta fingers"
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Why the fuck would you do this on stream hoooly shit I should be streaming this
So anyone else here been logging on every day to do dailies/events? What are your gem levels at? I assume you get more exp for doing your daily rift crates at a higher level but I just got all 4s with a few 5s and some of the crushing fights are kicking my ass.
Any find Tom's feet sexy?
a random multiversus character with a chainsaw
why is harley yellow
Dude is trying to rely on Harley's jump hammer lmfao. So telling.
Horribly. I'm really hoping we get Sylvester because I really, really want a solo cartoon cat without the T&J back-and-forth gimmicks just so I can ogle him all match.
You do get more exp the higher level you do the dailies
seconding but with gizmo or jason
She likes eats a dog every night
Can you repost the summer breast expansion requesting you fulfilled
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They look kinda similar to Bugs and I love Bugs' feet. I think they should put him in heels for a skin in season 2.
hang yourself if unironic
fuck you anon, cartoon animal paws are p e a k
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I guess?
I'm a footfag but there isnt a single bit of this shit I understand. Fucking furfags are the worst.
Theyre cute.
Mystery solved.
>dunking on enemy team
>eventually they ring us both out while they're on their last stock
>the finn pathetically spams the salt shaker after taking seconds to find the right emote
lol finn players
Retarded character vs retarded character
this but the other way around
This buy Harleyfags
when you're in burnout you should have 10 stacks of weakened
pfg should include a little 'did you enjoy playing multiversus today" button
speaking of burnout what the fuck is up with black adam players, almost every single one I see is in burnout for the entire match
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>Me and a Jason VS Joker and WW
>Immediately think it's over
>Somehow we manage to clutch a win against the two cheesiest characters in the game
they should add this and give an optional comment prompt
every day I will add "got a 1v1 PvP mission"
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>this fucker is gonna get Taz nerfed
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Morty and Finn SEXO!

Or if that’s too fast for them how about them playing video games in their pajamas?
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>mfw queuing into Cromulons
>mfw queuing into Throne Roome
>mfw queuing into The Court
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>get matched with garnet player
>pretty competent and we win a set
>uses GG emote at each win, I do the same
>get matched with them again
>same deal, win a set of 2
>get matched a 3rd time, but on opposite sides
>we emote at the start of the game and GG as usual
This stamp is so comfy and makes me less stressed when I use it on a win.
I'm sure most niggers will stick to salt emoting and teabagging but I will remain chill.
Even if it doesn't do anything that shit made me feel so much better turning off OSRS for the day
Fuck you, no fun, im mad
see you tomorrow
morty sucking on them titties
Is this Zackary? I dont see it.
I'm terrified of this and Reindog, there's only a handful of people fuckin picking him, and I personally account for like 8% of his current w/l stats because he is all I fucking play
It is
is Garnet's perk still missing
>Didn't get the double ringout achievement during the beta
>Not even sure if achievements still work in this game or if that's fucked too
Right here. Weird it aint on e6
I could see trophies being totally fucked in limbo if they were in progress in beta.
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reindog pulling down Harley's hotpants like the old coppertone lotion labels
iidk im an arya main
they work. I got the double ringout one about a week ago
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Achievements still work, I got it through the melon steve rift.
Does Boo-T of Armor banner look different to anyone else?
Like.. lighter? Brighter? Not as ominous?

It'd be nice if Lebron didn't have three years of start up for absolutely no reason.
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>Second BP bonus level
>50 more perk currency
PFG: We're giving players a shit ton of perk currency so that when they unlock new characters, they can easily customize their character's perk set
Gamers: How do I unlock new characters?
PFG: You use fighter currency to unlock new characters
Gamers: And do we get a bunch of those easily?
PFG: No.
PFG: We're giving players a shit ton of perk currency so that when they unlock new characters, they can easily customize their character's perk set
PFG: btw there's only like 5 good perks and 3 of them are all in the same slot
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nothing is more satisfying than reading a retard's dodge and getting a kill off it
I can think of quite a few things.
Like being appropriately rewarded for the time you put into a video game.
That looks like the game cyborg played in justice league action

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Why doesn't Batman call the FaZe Clan to get him out of the game? Is he stupid?
lucky rabbits footjobs
What the fuck am I looking at here?
There’s so much fucking WB shit that is ongoing or coming out soon and we’ll see none of it in multiversus
>my adventures with superman is still airing
>batman has a new animated show in august
>the suicide squad isekai anime airs next season
>same for the rick and morty anime
>that netflix tv series is supposed to get a second season this year
>joker 2
>new looney tunes movie
>new scooby doo in japan show
>fionna and cake season 2 and the adventure time movie in development

But here we are in shark week. I can’t wait to see all the new t-shirts in that big update
Which one of these idiots was the one who was scamming people into a child trafficking NFT scheme?
>He doesn't know
Which Netflix series are you talking about?
Gremlins: secrets of the Mogwai
I don't know, man. I don't know.
terrible fucking lag lately
I went up a really autistic reindog earlier
that fucker shits out damage, hope I never run into another one again
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Get rein'd on.
>no more cocknballs mod for this taunt
why even play...
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At some point you really should just learn to stop streaming and kill yourself.
I'm done.
What the fuck dude
I'd dip at 2 losses. What the fuck is this guy trying to accomplish getting his ass beat so many times?
>Sanest Harley main
If Taz is doing the infinite ToD its understandable that stuff needs to be nerfed, if its just doing normal stuff then the ttv faggot is retarded
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How would /vg/ feel if they added a mechanic where you can hold down neutral dodge and you'll dodge everything while your dodge meter drains? Good or bad idea?
Taz was never all that bad. His projectile and down attack are laughably bad though, his down attack is worthless as an armor break move.
>Harley getting dommed by a Taz
Makes sense
if you’re not trolling this would be a horrible idea because it would make reading dodges impossible
If you suck sure.
Would still be a terrible idea even if this game had grabs like it should
He's been really rude too and we all know that if manages to win hes gonna take it that hes better. I woulda dipped ages ago.

did somebody say 0-30 matches
>If they delayed the initial release until 2023 this would've been a WB anniversary game
We were so close...
idk how you can play harley or buggs and be so cocky
>play fern
>get a finn ally
>disappoint him by fucking up the spacing on high fiving at the end
yeah we're retarded so what
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I bought the Taz toon skin because of this stream.
I like how it doesnt radiate red and actually looks normal with enemy colors.
You people laugh but it's the only way to improve. You can't be afraid of losing even that many times in a row
reindog sex
he's playing the character with the second lowest skill ceiling ahead of banana guard
nah thats shaggy harley would be like 4
He's not doing the technical infinite, but he is doing the really hard to get out of jab neutral combo. It's not the infinite but its still the only reason hes winning.
Loop and infinite aside Taz needs buffs, not nerfs.
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No he doesn't his neutral air and up tilt are bonkers even without his infinites
nta, he needs adjustments so you're not incentivized to just spam a few moves that either aren't trash on their own or combo something retarded
sometimes i will shoot my opponent a message before the game starts. get in the head you know.
I mean that's most characters isn't it? There is no incentive to not spam there 2 or 3 best moves
Who.... who tossed that gem in there anon?
Not my thing but based, anon. Deliveries are rare even in fucking drawthreads anymore
this, why would i use steven’s commital and small neutral punch when i could use his uncommital and big forward air
because drawthead are filled with necroposters that spam the same bad requests
whew lad
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>It was me the architect
>>play fern
>>get a finn ally
>>disappoint him
Sounds like his entire story arc.
Doctor fat… i mean fate
it's just really obvious with taz, that's all.
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he's literally me
What the fuck is taz's infinite people keep saying he has?
jab neutral attack or jab neutral special repeat
Jab neutral special.
I kinda wish he was more of an echo fighter he could have a green knight transformation like IG
for the remaining 3 players on this game: how does everybody feel playing IG? personally, i can have fun sometimes until i go up against some faggot who runs away and spams dodges all game, or until i face wonderwoman/shaggy
my buddy plays him sometimes and thinks he’s one of the most fun chars
We are in the worst fucking timeline
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Nice fuckin tits!
Thx man
he's pretty annoying too, his side attack and neutral air extend behind him so he can be behind you facing the completely opposite direction of you and somehow still hit you as IG.
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>Spoiler on image
Wtf I didn't enable that.
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Green Knight would make for a great boss but I wouldn't want him as a Fighter. If we had to have him in the game because they spent the time making the model and just like Banana Guard they want to make the most of it. I would want him as Green Knight the entire time. No transformation gimmick needed.
dont ever reply me with AI slop
what a waste of a slot
give me ICE KING give me MARCELINE
he still has a bunch of easy ToD's you can literally true combo neutral air into neutral air into neutral air into up air and kill at 0
We want Patricia Heaton from everybody loves raymond
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and it just
Anons be honest, simple yes or no answers
Are you going to/Have you already quit playing after completing the battlepass
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Mostly yes. I'll do the event missions if I see a skin I like but thats it and those will take 1/10th the time to do.
i’m not quitting until smith
so, once the pass is done in like 2 days, i will come back when the next rift drops
I plan on completing the pass and then waiting until there's enough rifts to get the Matrix Bugs skin. After that I'm done until S2. If nothing about the game improves by the time S2 starts, I'm uninstalling and not looking back.
300 perk currency omg :o
when do the store items reset
when can i fuck bugs
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I will never abandon this game or give into the doomposting.
If I can force myself to slog through playing Fortnite for the past 4 years then I can stick with this shitshow for all it's worth. RIDE OR DIE.
I can rp him for you in my discord dms
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Fortnite is SO much nicer when it comes to it's grinding and prices and quests though.
-Someone who's been playing since chapter 2 season 1
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>anon when the game announces EoS within a year
>are most likely in
I wish we could speculate in the long term with this game....
Taz players did this.
How is cow and chicken irrelevant? It isn't. It's about as popular any old cn shit that people remember like dexter etc
If this game had 200 tier-long BPs then I would definitely be more upset, but only being around 70 levels for a 2-month-long season, and with every mission being relatively easy to do unless it's literally broken, it's at least "fine" for now. It'll probably be better next season to, so I'm far from giving up hope.

I refuse to believe this! I WILL NEVER GIVE UP.
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What? Like this?
What have you done..
I remember seeing the pilot for adventure time years before it became a show and liking it but then I found out the person who made it drew gay edd ed and eddy porn so I stopped watching in season 1 because I hate that so much and I hate them
that was the creator of steven universe silly
Sounds based of them but that wasn’t the creator it was just someone who worked on the show
Oh well they pozzed it
>mfw Tony ate all my Brefmints
Steven Universe was created by a talentless trust fund calarts adult child and rips off dbz and the only reason they ripped off dbz was to try really hard to make their child grooming show look cool by drawing dogshit calarts dogshit and ripping off dbz to groom children
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Sorry not sorry
Wow I'm a faggot child groomer I think I'll rip off dbz like a 1st grader and draw tranny as fuck calarts shit to groom children and take the essence of dbz and use it for evil to rape children said Rebecca Sugar who is a rapist pedophile talentless hack
Dude what if we made dbz but drew it gay and tranny as fuck and the main character was a fat mutt groomed tranny and everyone in the show is a degenerate tranny
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You could've just said you didn't like the giant ladies dude.
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malachite is based thoughever
Even his shitposts are AI generated. That's just sad
>Why did they make lebron so bad
they're afraid of him being too good like he was at the end of beta
lebron's side b used to beat shaggy's 70% of the time
Throwing hrt at steven universe fans
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I'm only into image AI, whoever that schizo is, he is not me
How is stating a basic fact of life that steven universe is tranny as fuck schizo?
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finn and bugs players get the rope. morty players are all spergs. batman mains are truly the only honest players in the game
>easy kills off the top
What does naruto have to do with multiversus?
Marceline and PB making out dead center in the season 2 splash screen will SAVE the game
(Both characters will come with 30 different outfits and pfg will make a morbillion dollars)
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Reddit continues to suck off the devs instead of being honest and making them get their shit together. This is the biggest red flag for knowing your game is about to die. Many such cases. Sad!
Hes right though.
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>about to KO a jason as jason with my up-air
>before my second stab hits, reindog pulls me away
We won but jesus christ why
kill yourself
what patches is this cocksucker talking about
half the shit they did so far was trying to get the game back to its beta state
I hate playing with teammates that have "help" abilities
i only leash to pull people out of combos or to bypass edgeguards, tf kind of retard dogs you getting that leash you in a fucking advantage state
don't you have anything better to do than doompost all day?
Unironically never should have shut down for a year, it would have been better to slowly update it while remaining live and taking feedback from players.
it do be looking like a mobile game so I wouldn't be surprised but I cannot imagine playing this on a phone without a controller especially in 1v1s, the on screen controls would take up half the screen
retard take
nta but it's not doomposting since it's really dying so it's more like redpilling retards like you
it's not redpilling it's literally just retarded whining and negative speculation because you for some reason want to feel validated in your self pity
as I said it's not speculation, people are saying the playerbase is dying and it is really dying, retard
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game will be fine
look at this plant
it's not dying at a dramatic pace especially considered the new season isn't even out yet, stop being such a little bitch and go fucking play the game if if you want to save it instead of sitting around here crying or if you're just here to shit on the game then just fuck off and seek healthcare in canada
if only missions didn't require specific characters or specific skins and playing once you're done with them was rewarded...
it made sense from a marketing perspective and the marketers did a good job getting over 100k people to start playing the game again even if only for a few minutes

what didn't make sense is switching to UE5 and basically fucking the entire game up to the point that people immediately dropped the game after playing it
You're the only one trying to actively save that garbage game though by sucking it's dick on 4chan of all places
Go play the game instead of sucking it's dick here gotta up that playerbase count before it's too late, little bitch
Townsville isn't that bad a stage if you're working with Mojo's bullshit instead of against it.
>minus 500 players per day isn't a dramatic pace
holy mother of cope
just fuck off, why are you even here
what is the fucking point of your life
>nooooooo don't make fun of my dying game!!!!!!
You're the one who needs to fuck off to reddit and discord little troon, this place isn't a safe splace for troons like you
>throw bomb point blank
>ringout 3 people and almost myself
it does make me kek sometimes
I'm enjoying the game and I'm playing a lot every day. I have a reason to discuss this game in this thread.

Why the fuck are you here? If you hate the game, and you don't think it has any chance at all of surviving... why the fuck are you in this thread and not in a thread for a game you actually care about, faggot?
>/v/ schizo who sees troons everywhere
>enjoying video games
Why do you hate fun?
this game isn't fun faggot
I'm having fun, maybe you're just broken due to too much masturbation.
if it was fun people wouldn't drop the game in masses
the game is done for I don't see how they come back from this
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doompsting is very valid
>can only like a game if it's popular on reddit
>if my reddit sisters don't tell me a game is better than hrt I won't play it
>I absolutely REFUSE to play a game that has less players during euro hours
i'm not interested in playing a game that's dying, sister
well then go play fucking apex with your reddit buddies
nah not interested either, you should go back to cry about people saying the game is dead and keep yourself in your safe space
I mean that's exactly what you're supposed to do to begin with.
I'm here to actually fucking discuss the game. Discuss news, mechanics, characters, datamines, events, rifts, skins, etc. I have reason to post here, I'm still enjoying this game and I'm still having fun.

Why are you here? You're literally spending a bunch of your free time shitting up a thread about a game you claim not to like for seemingly no reason. You could be in a thread about a game you actually like, instead of being a negative derailing faggot waiting for people to give your validation in your pitiful complaints. Maybe go to their official fucking forums or something if you want your complaints to actually fucking reach someone who cares or where what you say will actually matter. In here you're just an annoying crybaby.
i'm here to discuss the game and how it's dying so fast faggot, you're on 4chan this isn't a safe space so you crying bitch can go back from wherever you came from
Yeah, I like it. I always see his Bombs as an opportunity to deal sudden spike damage to enemies.
I've been here for 17 years and I'm not going anywhere and neither are you so learn to make the best of it instead of being an incessant faggot.
17 years and you still are retarded enough to think this is a safe space lmao kys
I will keep shitting on this game and you
r crying won't change a thing bitch
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a philosophical question, who is more retarded? The man who acts retarded or the man who insists on arguing with him?
What a fag
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I'm not asking for it to be a safe space, I'm asking for you to please stop being an attentionwhore
They'll enjoy their game until it drops to 1000 playerbase and the game is put to EoS
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I don't care how bad Multiversus gets, I am NOT playing Brawlhalla.
Also you and me for giving them attention
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fine, I'll stop replying to him. It's still too early for my dailies to reset or for my friends to be awake to help me with the insane rifts so I don't have anything to do for a few hours
Then they will blame the death on people who didn't supported the game purchasing toasts and t shirts
>please stop redpilling me don't remind me of how dead the game is i'm crying pls!!!!!
lmao you lost bitch
based and this
reminds me of people spamming helldivers threads with "lol look at these playernumbers time to go EDF" while completely ignoring that literally no one on this gods green fucking earth gives a single fuck about EDF
I wonder if anyone even purchased toasts with gleams that's the most jewish thing they've ever done
i tried it at the very end of beta when things were an absolute shitshow. hated it.
My uncle works for mvs and they're planning on releasing a turbo mode and a volley ball pvp event game mode, also they're planning on making golds come back in the game
Damn you got any socials I can follow?
they should be purchasable with perrk currency, then we'd actually have a use for perk currency and people would actually toast opponents for GG
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I'm thinking of buying picrel for melee, if the game was designed for this layout, it's best enjoyed on it right? Only tried on keyboard so far but that kinda sucked. Or I suck, I dunno.
It's a replica with a USB cable. Anybody have any experience with it? Isn't the quality shit for 16 dollars?
Buy an old official nintendo one or one of the smash 4 nintendo ones, 3rd party gc conches are ALL dogshit unless you're paying hundreds of dollars for a custom made one (those use official nintendo parts anyways)

I have two I owned when I was a kid, they're shitty cus of just how old they are (left stick snapback) but my smash 4 nintendo one is still perfect and I use it whenever I play melee
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Pro tip do not use Arya teleport or Batman grapple hook on BA
This kills me. I know the struggle of getting to use the dagger.
it's shit, get a real gamecube gamepad
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Who should I buy?
Save for marceline
strike is a lot of fun. >>483683131
You can't see my ringouts, shut up.
lmao, I respect it.
Hard to take gameplay screenshots for me cus I use a controller
Steven has the most unique playstyle.
>Townsville becomes a slideshow
>Banned from matchmaking
>Bugs main
A tight rope
I can’t wait to be done buying the entire roster i should have played more during the beta
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This is the only tier list you need
put batman on ok and this list is fine
According to your list the 3 characters i use the most are top tier so i’ll believe it
I think some moves needs a slight nerf
>Normal combo and dash attack last hits can easily kill at lower values due to the knockback on the last hit
>His DPs are too safe, low recovery/startup frames, high priority, heavy knockback and huge boxes making DI very difficult (can also be charged OTG and combined with up attacks for easy elims)
>Dive kick has a ton of priority, low startup, can easily be jump cancelled, into other move without dodging, DP for example
>Can get in with grapple from far away with almost no repercussion and making opponent waste dodge meter every time
>Can control neutral with a boomerang and bomb that OTGs into combo and forces akward situations and makes the opponent also waste dodge meter
>His air down attack has wonky boxes
Honestly its not much of a change compared to the other stuff i can dig from other chars
I feel my boy Tom has never been in as good as a position now in term of game balance, I really hope they leave him alone unless their changes to other characters heavily impact him somehow
no they don't
he's fine
>summer bash challenge
>win wearing summre skin
>game of thrones
its so fucking over for me bros
>Be on Space Jam stage
>Do mystery van with velma
>Broken wall on the left side
>The van cant go up so it goes to the right side
Its all so tiresome
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Seriously what the fuck is this shit. TONY YOU BETTER CHANGE THIS SHIT IM NOT BUYING THAT FAS LOOKING GOBLIN SKIN. better not fuck up my event rewards.
Its so fucking dumb, but probably its optional like the last quest in Jason's questline that needed summer styles
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Heh... looks like it's my time to shine.
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>Create a Jack in the Box with The Joker
I've been playing joker since reset and only gotten 1 point on that per game, I have no fucking clue what it means because it doesn't progress from doing downb
Idk lmfao
volleyball pvp event would save this game
just being able to play it 1v1 with your friend sounds like a fun way to pass the time until we get actual content
Is it possible to unlock agent smith?
july 10th (unless they delay it which wouldn’t surprise me)
You have to hit with the air version of down special. It's fucking stupid, I know. They made the same mistake before with the "pogo with The Joker" challenge.
>bought joker
>cleared the stupid bazooka weeklies
>cleared the jack in a box mission
>play as a summer character
>requirement: game of thrones

This shit is worse than joker and any other requirement so far, at least you can grind for joker you could get the free t-shirt but there’s 1 ONE fucking game of thrones character in this game, i don’t have it and even if i did im not buying the fucking skin
I forgot
>Dive kick and be moved in horizontal direction for easy KOs due to high priority and highly safe
His dive kick is fine and super predictable and easy to parry get good bro
when you are out of the stage no, specially on 2v2s
Just 6 more levels and i’ll finish this fucking battle pass
>>Can get in with grapple from far away with almost no repercussion and making opponent waste dodge meter every time
if you can't parry this slow ass move on command you deserve to lose to batman desu
Any move is predictable by that logic, I'm talking about framedata, boxes, priority how safe etc, this move can be used on edgeguard in the same way as Bugs safe, and no I'm not talking about just spiking but in the whole context as Bugs safe due to the high priority it has wonky boxes etc.
Also on neutral this kick OTGs and leads to combo
okay someone needs to explain how Jake is supposed to "not have priority" cause whenever i fight one he out-trades me every time (Jason) and when i used him myself killing people was a cakewalk, with moves like most of his normals and like Horsey winning every interaction
Agreed for Iron Giant. He's both overpowered and underpowered if you've gone up against him and played as him.
Jason has no hitboxes has HURTBOXES.
Horse is the only move that has priority iirc but still loses to disjointed hitboxes but with some moves it just stops due to pushboxes colliding and being bigger somehow on some moves like with WW shield, Shaggy tatsu, a some Morty and Garnet moves cant remember (all on startup, not active frames)
Jake is a mess overall you can't get a hit without getting damage specially on armored characters (you gotta use armor pierce all the time).

In that sense I also forgot to talk about active frames but I'm too tired to talk about it.
>this move can be used on edgeguard in the same way as Bugs safe
Bugs safe is way better, as it's both way faster and harder to react to but also because bugs can still move during that time and do other moves while batman is just stuck on that slow dive, it's a good move but it doesn't deserves nerfs, or else batman is just going to get gimped
>Watched Twitch yesterday to claim the drops
>Not even pros use like Void use Parry
Honestly Parry is such an underused tool, in a real match you will most likely dodge all the time
Yeah pro like kouto said that parry is a bait move and that it wasn't rewarding enough to use, and it also leaves you vulnerable if you fail
I've won so many matches off of a single well timed parry it's nuts, and I rarely see people do the same to me
the only thing stopping me from using it more is the shitty input buffer
Ok well I'm a pro and I think parry is great, just don't whiff it lol
I get so many kills off parrying near the top of the screen when I would have died
Batman is not broken, but it has small stuff that goes against his archetype check this, it says he has low weight and the highest speed like an Assasin, has high speed and knockback on some of his moves, but has a ton of aerial mobility high combo value and pressure like an Assasin, and free neutral stuff like a Mage, but it can be easily fixed just adjusting some values.

Batman is a Bruiser btw too tired time to sleep
i get that but i feel this reasoning is made with a "vs WW or Shaggy" in mind, not with a "vs the whole cast", cause Jake doesn't have that many issues against most of the cast, again unless they're WW or Shaggy but that's pretty much every character. Like tiers at this point are just WW and Shaggy matchups more than anything
and i think it's why every other character needs to be buffed to their level rather than those two being nerfed
Remember to watch the first episode of harley’s new anime today bros there’s fucking nothing to do in this game but luckily the multiverse is huge and has infinite harleys for us
tfw all this money wasted to boost the suicide squad game that turned into a flop
maybe it was also planned to boost multiversus who also turned into a flop
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I need an isekai harley skin right now tony it better be in the big update
fuck harley
Clussy harley better
I can't see them successfully buffing 20+ characters in a meaningful way
honestly the difference in tiers now imho is all down to "character has proper frame data" and "character has proper hitboxes" (bonus point, "character has armor on his moves"), buffing them in this context is literally just fixing them cause low tier characters are just artificially bogged down by devs being retarded rather than anything actually wrong in their kit
Well, fuck them
If you use optimal setups like that perk that gives you a platform using neutral dodge you can't parry on the air, let alone parry offstage
She just looks like a discount togasa here, but you do you.
It's way easier to nerf a very documented issue than buffing an entire cast with future uncertain interactions anon
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>get daily missions
>Play 1v1 PvP games AND play 2v2 PvP games
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I'm not buying Jinkler OR Arya OR Arya's summer skin just to get a Harley skin with a shark model attached to her head. Eat fucking shit, Tony.
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>can't do two of the 3 event missions
Tony needs to hang himself over the GoT quest.
Beach ready OR GoT would be fine. Having a quest that requires two specific things meaning you are literally forced into buying one character and one skin isntead of having options is beyond dumb.

I hope the game goes EoS before Season 2 and warner bros holds tony personally responsible and sells his family to the black market for organs.
neutral b needs a couple more recovery frames because theres a dumb tod thing he can do with it and like 3ish extra frames of lag (even just on the grounded version) would probably fix it
other than that his moves are all pretty reasonable and hes good mostly on virtue of winning neutral and having really good movement rather than having one or more obscenely broken move(s) he spams

the stripe-morty-batman area is probably where they should be aiming for characters to be, their braindead options are usable but not particularly strong in terms of damage/kill power which means they dont feel like shit in the hands of a new player but they also dont just win for free and you have to actually learn how to use their kit to get the most out of them
>Beach ready OR GoT would be fine
no it wouldn't
adding p2w to fucking events quest is disgusting and should never happen
TFW I just want courage in the game but this game will EoS before he even gets in, fucking pain
fuck Courage
gibe Katz
>Skin is summer themed
>It looks more like from school theme or some shit
No wonder why you anons prefer the WW skin way better
Anon the summer superman skin is free (and harley too)
courage pisses on katz every episode
oh no you have to play the game how awful
1v1 is dogshit Tony, stop forcing to me to play it.
Yeah you can't get carried by your mate in that mode
Yeah, I have no idea what the fuck they meant with all of that. I think it was more meant to just be "young girl not having to follow dress code" but they glued on the stupid tag system after the fact and needed to justify it existing, so now it's a beach skin.
AYO dis a muhfuggn goo gam n sheeeit wen yall ain't got no muhfuggin azz nigger all up in yo gib gob an sheeeeeit wen u juz tryna jez p da fukn game n sheeiit and yall kin jez smoke a fuggin blunt an sheeit cuz dat be making da game a lot mo funner an sheeit you know what I'm saying muhfuga bix nood an u can smoke crack n inject heroin am shit to make it be even way mo funnyer an sheeit an we wuz black adam an sheeeeeit
green and pink is really an ugly match
It was more a beach skin before they added her stupid black underlining. The original leak of the skin showed off her belly
I really just want dodge to be toned down and burnout to actually be a punishment for mismanaging your dodge meter. Right now it comes back way to fast even in burnout. Or just not let people even dodge while in burnout.
>Beach summer skin
Why is thia a thing in every game, is it an American thing?
Do not fucking buy that shit you might as well wipe your ass with the money and insert it into a paper shredder then burn it then bury the ashes. Knock off gamecube controllers are always fucking horrific unimaginably bad unusable broken buttons everything just so fucking shit DO NOT DO NOT DOO NOTTTT BUY THAT DO NOT
The only global buff/nerf they can do is disabling the priority system so stuff cand trade, and adding hurtboxes to disjointed hitboxes that are not projectiles
That would level everyone a bit without much effort
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Yeah I'm not buying the Arya summer skin. This mission is a paddlin.
Dude create a jack in the box man just create a jack in the box with joker haha you know his jack in the box creation ability that isn't in the game and no button exists to make this happen haha just do that and please please please please please buy this super retarded ugly as fuck looking skin for a shit character you don't have and the skin is fucking retarded and has some weird black shit and no one fucking wants this and no one is going to complete this mission
Why are tom and jerry a zoner, but they have insane run speed as well? This char is so fucking obnoxious, esp whatever move that paddle ball is.
jason is so fucking fun to play
>7.5k peak
Pretty damn close
yea, I'm not gonna say he's OP but he's fucking annoying to play against and I'd rather not fight one
>>483592105 (this was my guess, very close but went over)
Who do you actually want to fight?
Easy to combo
Easy to combo
She can't win so it's free
people in 2v2 suck so fucking hard I have to carry them with fucking JASON
Not a TJ main but he has a lot of cooldowns, super difficult combos, can be KOd at 30/40 by a corner charged side smash, 60/70 by an up smash and you can kill most of his kit by killing Jerry, so kill that mouse before he can zone.
He is annoying because he is a zoner but he is one of the few characters that are balanced.
Another day another few minutes of spamming up air on crushing rifts
any character who doesn't have a long as fuck combo or the ability to spam shit from across the stage and then run away when you approach them
idk spamming paddle pall for juggles doesn't seem that difficult. Feels like steve in ult's uptilt.
Easy rifts get no gem XP, experienced 2xp, Crushing 20xp, insanity 200xp, and looney 1250xp, some rifts dont have insanity enabled so you get pennies randomly every day
Oh no gotta make sure he doesn't have 1 good move
bugs bunny is so op
He seems to have more then 1 good move.

His upair is very dumb, so is nair.
>tfw just got level 60
only 10 more levels and i can stop playing this dogshit game until i can get agent smith
It's kinda crazy how much more fun the game would be if we just removed hammers from everybody's kits
And remove input buffer so it doesn't feel extremely mentally retarded to play
Yeah that move is retarded but has a lot of recovery low damage and you can double dodge or side profile for easy punish, you get your dodges back
>Dude create a jack in the box man just create a jack in the box with joker haha you know his jack in the box creation ability that isn't in the game and no button exists to make this happen
Press attack button instead of special after summoning the curtain
>Create Jack in the Boxes with the Joker
You actually need to get KOs with the cannon in his down special
Very clearly written, I know, but I just figured I'd reiterate what was written by the mission text
Thanks, seems like it would be easy to farm on rifts at least
You mean this >>483707836
Down b in air works idk but that's him doing le ebic funi fart lol these jeets think farting is a jack in the box
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>successfully create a Jack In The Box with The Joker
>don't know how to run a fast food franchise
well shit.
I have no hope for this big update. All kinds of shit will break.
So after testing what you need to do is use jokers down special to create the box. Then you need to press NOTHING. If you press the x for jack in the box or the y for cannon the kill won't count. It has to burn through its entire timer then the cannon will pop up and shoot. Then that has to kill for the quest to progress.

I know I know, very simple
tfw I'll never get paid minimum wage to shill for a multigorillion dollar corpo over public media channels...
to be fair he's not really wrong, i also finished the Jason event early while also starting a day late. Issue here is that today i got 3 missions
>play as a cartoon character - 200 event xp
>BUY JOKER - 600 event xp
>BUY SUMMER ARYA - 600 event xp
and i can't do 2 of them, so it's 1200 event xp i can't get. While with Jason's event there was maybe like one 200 xp mission i couldn't do for the whole event
Shaggy’s fine, but apart from that, this list is good.

Well, I think Tom needs a nerf or two but beyond that, this is fine.
Shaggy is broken and braindead easy and super strong
I actually don't think you need the kill.
You just need to let the timer burn all the way through for it to count.
You and Jason, the meatshield damage-sponge, won against a Wonder Woman and a Joker??? JOKER???

Nah, this gotta be bait. There’s no way you won.
All you have to do is press down b in the AIR AND HIT THEM THATS ALLLL YOU HAVE TO DO
debating on whether the velma bundle is worth buying or not because that banner might give people the wrong idea
>Jack in a Box
Not quite, try again or the mission won't count it
LOL LMAO morning baits are the worst
Yeah if you have that sitting amongst your banners it's not a good look
Win wearing a shitty skin
If you get filtered by the literal Mario of this game, then you’re probably just bad at it.
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>Play as a human character: 0/4
>Finish quick rift with Lebron
Can someone explain why Joker needs nerfs? I’m not really familiar with why there’s so many grievances against him.
why even have a mission like that?
people bitched about missions requiring X character in the beta and then PFG fixed it, these dumbfucks decided to double down and require X character with Y skin

god forbid people don't play every day or have every character
damn this company is fucking stupid
Not even close to mario who is balanced in smash while shaggy is a character a retard can mash with and win their first time ever playing
his disjoints are retarded and he wins every 1v1 tournament
Just don't do it in the first place, a challenge, ahem, fucking weeklies, shouldn't be locked behind a play X character/Use Y skin. It's bullshit and makes people not care.
Hate when my teammate is shit fucking faggot
why doesn't the banner version have a skirt
Yes if you suck ass and decide to play and make me lose then you are a faggot
i love little girls they make me feels so good
>hitboxes on his body too
>can mash
Holy shit, you just actually fucking suck. Like genuinely fucking suck if you think that. Shaggy isn’t broken as IG or Taz, and you can literally predict when he’s going to use his specials. Just fucking dodge.
Please sir I'm begging you buy the skin or I will be fire sir and my famely well starf ser please buy it man please. PLEASE PLEEEASSEE .AN PLEASE FUCKING BUY IT PLEEEEEASE PLEASE PLEASE YOU ARE A MURDER IF YOU DONT PLEASE
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ToDs, gliding disjointed hitboxes with tons of knockback, horizontal loops that can KO on corner, easy to pull combos that with a final hit that has a lot of knockback, armor break start combo into ToD
Shaggy is more like Cpt Falcon but he doesnt have armor, a projectile, or can release a Falcon Punch at will with tons of range, armor, hitspot, and piercing properties whenever he wants, and doesnt have vertical loops with tons of knockback.
Ples ser the whole village starveng you will buy the skin damn now bloody basterd!
Please sir i am realy begging please sir just buy 1 skin please if this skin stays at 0 buys I will be fire ser plese ser save me ser please have mercy ser I beg of you ser plese pleeeeese serrrrrr I am on my hands and knees serrrrrrrrrrrr
Do people really think so? Can kind of understand, yet would we be having this conversation if it were A Pup Named Scooby Doo Velma on the banner instead?
i already bought fern the other day rajesh please offer more good skin please
Maybe your company shouldnt have hired 90 people to do nothing. 3 new characters in a year with less features than before? Ew
PLLEEESEEE SERRRRRR I am face down in mud surrounded by my goats they are starving ser please my goats ser they have malnorishing ser we well not be able to feed our villege if you do not purchase the Google play card ser
base lebron doesn't have the human tag
it's retarded
all his skins do though
I am in the mud and crying sir in my tattered rags ser have mercy ser have a kindness ser plese you will buy now the skin ser say you will buy the skin ser please buy it now ser go buy it now please ser please ser do it you will buy the skin now ser please please ser please...
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it'd be worse because then you know it's supposed to be child and not chibi
give me the money and i will buy the skin
>Lebron has the tag in other languages
>Only American Lebron is not human
I am wiping away my tears ser you say you will buy the skin ser please go buy now the skin ser buy it yes I give the money after you redeem ser I give you my word ser redeem the skin now hurry you must be velly velly have much speed ser hurry ser redeem now bloody benchod
Shaggy does have a projectile, dude. His sandwich.
Wtf projectile does Cpt. Falcon have?
I meant Cap Falcon doesnt have all that
You can parry in the air. In fact it's better than grounded parry because you can kill someone who's juggling you.
no no no no money first you give me money first then i buy
>Candy cane has absurd reach and knockback.
>Up B hitbox starts before the balloon even gets blown and launches you farther than Bugs' baseball bat and Harley's hammer if it does connect.
>Due to how easy and quick it is for joker to combo you from a side A into an up A into an up B your only retaliation is to delay your dodge for when he tries to catch you in an up B, but if you do he can just cancel and immediately counter that.
>Rocket launcher can be aimed basically the entire arena away and does like 20-30% if fully charged along with the explosion having a fairly large range compared to other explosions with a slight lingering hitbox.
>He can also just shoot it at his feet.
>Boomerang card that even if you dodge it it homes back in on him to hit you again.
>Three card throw that reaches a mile away and hits you for like 15%.
>Slide has priority in most cases I've had to deal with it.
>In general knocks you back fairly far.
>Hand buzzer has super armor.
One other move also has super armor but I can't remember which one, I think it's the candy cane? Point is, every part of his kit is deadly, the only thing not that deadly is the fake teeth due to its range, I don't believe it has super armor, and the enormous delay he has if he misses.
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Joker's up attack has the largest reach in the game. Rick's up attack is longer but it requires more precision to hit while Joker's crowbar does it in a sweeping motion that makes it nigh-impossible to attack him from above especially in a game where nearly all the fighters' down air are either way too short or way too precise to hit.

Most of his combos lack any punishment at all. He can just spam any of his moves with abandon because they can cause a brief enough hitstun to loop back into another combo. There's a very good reason why the Beta had the Attack Decay mechanic implemented to prevent a broken character like Joker from being cheesed.
technically rick has long range spam and an escape but even if he knows how you're going to avoid his projecties his punishes are pathetic
Wait is it a candy cane or a crowbar?
thank you for the money i will take your mother on a nice date now
>Boomerang card that even if you dodge it it homes back in on him to hit you again.
Wow so it's like
Sorry dude, the enemy dodged your projectile so now it's literally worthless. I don't care if you did the reverse projectile move. It's not going to happen.
Oh don't worry if the enemy dodges it. It'll come back and you don't even have to do anything else. It'll work just fine sweety :)
No wonder he hates the clown.
Not if you use that perk which is used in most optimal setups, if you try to air parry with that perk your bar gets drained and you get not parry or platform, in fact it never enters the dodge state (white shade), you can try it.
Not to mention some moves are pure bullshit because even if you dodge an attack, he attacks fast enough that it doesn't really matter and you still get hit regardless.
Oh what is matter ser? You are poor? You poor baha fucking bevcuff chod. GET AWAY FROM THESE PLACE damn poor son of whore your mother is a group
I see. Are there are characters with touch-of-death loops that require the dodge platform?
Exactly just like the OP anon with the tier list says Joker breaks his own archetype with no drawbacks
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Well Top Dawg anon has not posted it yet so...
Funny that scooby is in the cover but not in the actual game
Candy cane was up A, crowbar/baton is the side A or dash, whatever it is. I just got a bit confused.
I buy skin and it is more fun than elden ring ser
i fuck your sister? i fuck your mother and sister
You do not fuck mothar and seestar you damn buy the fucking Google play card now dam basterd and redeem the skin NOW BLOODY BENCHOOOOD!!!!
>die early first stock
>alt f4
why do morties use the stalagmite to send the grenade backward over their head. what is the point
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>Win wearing a summer skin
Okay that's fine, I have the free summer skin for supes
Literally incorrect the challenge wants you to down b in the air and is written incorrectly (probably just an AI generated thing where it took the move name from down b and nobody bothered to test it since joker uses air downb a lot in combos)
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>game came with him unlocked
>only character I play
Well? Let me buy her
Dogshit game the people who made it should be raped to death
I genuinely think shaggy should be kept as strong, him and banana guard are the only free characters for crying out loud (free rotations don't count)
Why, yes, my only maxed character is Tom and Jerry. How could you tell?
Need this, but Arya. MV Arya is a cutie but gets no sexy big tiddy art.
Buy the bundle, become Powerpuff Girls main
Failed to give toast
Failed to give toast
Failed to give toast
Failed to give toast
Failed to give toast
Win using the shittiest skin available in this entire game with a dogshit character that no one has or wants. Now.
Buy the shittiest skin in the game with your money fucking now
i wont faggot, you do it
7k3 peak today
What's the matter? Poor? Lol you can't conplete a simple challenge lol you suck at this game.
okay but why do i need clown squad garnet
It's a challenge. you are challenged to buy the skin. so I guess you aren't capable of completing this challenge because you aren't good enough. Of you were good enough then you would complete it. But you suck at the game so you can't complete this 1 simple extremely easy challenge. Challenge failed. You lose.
You do it faggot or else you're a poor faggot
I did buy the skin and it's so much fun it makes the game soo much better having this skin and it makes the game wayyy better than elden ring just having this skin it changes everything and makes the game be version 20.5.11 instead of 1.04
ok then i'll just stop playing the game like 93.5% of the other relaunch players did
Nice, now buy more faggot
>game still has bad hitboxes
It's kind of crazy how the one thing everybody complained about was hitboxes. And it's the one thing that they just didn't fix. Black adam's hitboxes make no sense, iron giant's hurtbox makes no sense, bugs hitboxes make no sense, harley hitboxes make no sense, joker hitboxes make no sense. And yet, nothing gets fixed. Nothing. I really want to talk with Tony 1 on 1 for at least an hour to just marvel at this stupid gook nigger's thought process. I knew chinks were retarded, I didn't know they could be this fucking stupid though. Like everything they did to release from beta has been a complete fucking downgrade and it's just hilarious how this gook nigger STILL got greenlit funding and still has his job and managed to fuck up this atrociously after the community was extremely vocal on the simple hitbox and balance issues. I just really want to hear this babbling gook nigger's little process, i want to hear what fuckshit explanation he has for destroying his game.
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Which shitcoin is this?
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ticker: MVS
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>be Fern
>get Morty ally
>suddenly win easily against characters that usually just piss me off
Okay yeah now I get it. Their synergy is pretty good.
jesus fuck every single teammate I get is just sitting on the other stage doing nothing and the moment the enemy goes for them they die in one interaction
I just witnessed a Bugs die at 0
You too please
yesterday i had a black adam sit at the side and spam projectiles while i got 2v1'd
>play my free lvl0 harley in a 1v1 for dailies and power pledge
>get destroyed by the tryhards of the tryhards
>play my free lvl0 lebron in 2's
>get paired with a god against two kids who have missed the part about dodging in the tutorial
Also, these half to almost full circle pseudo instant moves gotta go. Harley nair covers way too big of an area.
Sir no patch until tuesday sir pls understan
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How the fuck did you clear it? I've been making Jack in The Boxes in Rifts and it hasn't done shit.
Down b in air, the mission was ai generated by jeets from fiverr so it has nothing to do with the actual goal you have to complete
if a mission doesn't work always assume it wants you to do a different move instead
Pretty sure your first matches with new characters are bots, if you can manage to juggle them with up attack they are bots
>play 2v2
>block all 3 niggers
Is there a rift that lets you play as the jinkler or do you have to purchase him?
Nope, gotta buy him.
>play an animated character
>harley, from the beloved comic books and cartoons doesn't count as one
>lebron does
>joker isn't animated
Thanks man, I wouldn't have figured that shit out with how fucking specific the title is. Can't believe they fucked up this badly.
Why wouldn't you get one of the most fun and OP characters? Jingle jangler is one of my favourites and I still have 9k fighter currency after getting him.
some skins for characters that already animated don't count either, velma's jungle skin is missing the tag for some reason
Because her MVS character is real. Have you not seen her nude 3d model?
Current Harley is comics Harley, different story than TAS Harley, same with all DC characters in MVS
Joker is boring and being OP isn't fun
I want to fight not press two buttons and win
>jason was on rotation despite being a premium battle pass reward
>they still haven't put joker on rotation
kys tony
I don't have enough fighter currency.
They put Jason on rotation because most players got him for free anyway
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Lebron's three hit side attack is purposefully shit? At high % the second jab literally knocks your opponent behind you.
stop mashing jab ape
literally everybody elses side attack combo can be mashed 24/7 regardless of %
He's fun and creative. Stop being mad and bad.
Who did you buy? Or have you not been doing your dailies, bud?
>didn't get any of the sm4sh gc controllers
>didn't get the 4 port gc usb hub
goddam it
yesterday from today is yet another 500 players loss
>patch 20.5.11
>To ensure the Warner-Sony merger goes smoothly, Multiversus devs have been removing any fighters who originate from "media with problematic elements" patch by patch
>Community is just relieved for end of oppressive Foghorn Leghorn meta
>Only playable character left is Reindog
>To compensate, Reindog now has 80 battlepasses for unique perks recreating the movesets of every removed character
>Devs announce his removal next patch due to Lebrondog being a "tone-deaf racial stereotype"
>Game now consists entirely of daily login bonuses
Bloodlines Wonder Woman for 720 gleamium or 96 Toon Squad Bugs for 640? I have 1000 gleamium from completeing events and the battlepass
>I have 1000 gleamium from completeing events and the battlepass
keep them for the next pass
>you need to grind rewards to grind for more rewards
>miss one and you're fucked
new plauers drop quickly because of shit like this
>thinks EoS won't happen before season 3
Thanks anon, I had a good laugh.
I wonder what Tony's family will say when he finally ends his pathetic life by blowing his head off with a shotgun. I wonder. Will they make him canon to Multiversus and add in his own character/skin to commemorate him? Or is he kinda hated around the office as the stupid gook nigger he deserves to be treated as? Who knows. All I know is that Tony Huynh, you're a stupid fucking nigger. Kill your self now.
why are quests like this? beta had a system to not give you quests you can't complete, but now qiests boil down to "SPEND MONEY IN THE SHOP" and it sucks so hard. does this shit really lead to more sales?
>both famously known for getting in your face to use said jab combo
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>go on steam
>see this
Fair enough. I'm only buying the skins I want when they go on sale. I do want to sink money into this game, but not yet...
It won't, no matter how much you doomers shit post. Console is where the player base is, not PC. If you don't have crossplay enabled, then that's on you.
>shaggy does some super obvious telegraphed move
>position to punish it during endlag
>teammate runs into it and extends the move for another 3 seconds because shaggy's moves all have infinite hitstop
>you die
every fucking time
Zoinks! Why don't you play 1 v 1
Is anyone an unironic wonderwoman main? Some of the most intense matches I've had are with her against sweaty beasts.
nta but 1v1 is kinda gay
yooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 50 gleamium from the infinite tier I'm fucking riiiiiiiiiich
New You Know What
1v1 is not a real game mode
Only if you're bad at spacing and not being able to predict moves.
Recovery anon recovery, there is no official FGC term for endlag
no silly recovery is getting back on stage :)
wheres my mvs discounts
got shadow of war at least
You have to kill with down b, not just spawn it. I got it with the regular canon just killing an enemy on an easy mode rift over and over
Mad love harley DOES count, so you should purchase her immidiately
This game was created by a pack of wild feral botched clones of mutated baby crippled brain-damaged monkey niggers

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