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Previous: >>483237193

>20th Interlude Story Campaign:
●June 21 ~ June 28 JST.
▶Login Bonus: 2 Summon Tickets and 9 Hellfire of Wisdom.
▶Taigong Wang: 2 SQ
▶Dobrynya Nikitich: NP upgrade.
▶Both interludes will be open to everyone.
▶The AP consumption for all interludes will be halved.
▶The chance of achieving a great or a super success will be doubled for both servants.

>20th Interlude Story Campaign Summon Pickup:
●June 21 ~ June 28 JST.
5* Rider Taigong Wang
4* Rider Dobrynya Nikitich
Both Permanent.

>Summer2024 Support campaign to complete the Conditions of participation:
●~July 5 JST.
▶NEW Limited Missions: 5 SQ.

>Dancing Dragon Castle! The Deep Sea Princess and the Two Jewels Pre-Campaign:
●Event starts: Late June.
▶Login Bonus: 3 SQ, 1 Golden Apple, Heroic Spirit Crystal (5 ATK & 5 HP) and 2M QP.
▶Event bonus servants will have their interludes unlocked for everyone (~ July 3 JST).
▶Event bonus servants will receive a 20% increase in the amount of bond points per battle (~June 26 JST).
▶AP consumption for the Strengthening Quest of the event bonus servants will be halved.

>CBS FGO Fes. 2024:
●June 28, 18:45 JST.
▶Retweet Campaign: 14 SQ for 70000 RT.
▶Cast: Rumi Okubo (Elizabeth Báthory), Ayako Kawasumi (Artoria Pendragon)

>Lilim Harlot(Rerun):
●For current PUs and dates see previous threads or the links below:

>/fgog/ Friendlist spreadsheet:

>Pastebin for utility links:
not like this sisters
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this shit is kinda roasting
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What has been your biggest disappointment in these nine years?

For me it was the Waltz collab/Grail Live
Summer 6 for me
Summer 8 being a LB6 Summer (fake)
>gets all opinions from /a/
Ok, I will admit that one made me laugh.
I swear I had this same roll once
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>check the last thread
>Tfw all these AI memes are so on point
fae summer
riyo collab
I feel like I cant be disappointed by riyo collab since it was as shit as I assumed it would be
Fucked up thing about fae summer is how Nasu hyped it up as being a big sequel thing.
Didn't nasu said it was just a simple summer?
That's what I mean.
No you didn't
No, I mean you're meant to treat everything Nasu says as a lie so I flipped around what he said about the event.
>3 fae summer
Nasu really fucked up
>What has been your biggest disappointment in these nine years?
Sakurai having relevancy
>Nasu really fucked up
You can apply this to literally everything he's ever done for FGO.
I liked the riyo collab even less than Waltz, but I have to admit that the latter's announcement felt like getting punched in the teeth.
Imagine an event with Loki as the main villain who manipulates Thor into fighting you. Your allies would be ratatoskr, freya, mimir plus one/two filler servants. Loki attempts to usurp the throne of asgard and become the next "Odin" but his plans endanger the planet and we can't have that.

Loki plays both sides and tries to get Gudao tricked and nearly killed by Thor early on but they are saved by ratatoskr who figured out whats going on and tries to get chaldea into asgard to stop Loki. You have to battle Thor halfway through and snap him out of his trance but by that point Loki has already won and taken control of asgard. Loki uses gungnir to deeply wound Thor and imprison him. The group to escape and form a new plan to fight Loki who now holds Odin's authority. Ratatoskr reveals the location of Fenrir who is chained up,
however the wolf is already dead because Loki predicted this and killed him beforehand. Gudao summons hessian lobo and uses a part of Gleipnir to chain summon Fenrir into Lobo and "enhance him with a conceptual advantage". Guiding it to asgard, there is an ironic twist where Lobo/Fenrir kills Loki because Fenrir see's Loki as "Odin". Loki in his last moments unleashes the World Serpent to kill chaldea but Thor, who is still deeply wounded arrives in time, and you both team up to beat it.
Saber wars in its entirety
Servantverse as a whole is just a waste
nah it just felt too forced
>Imagine an event with Loki
Imagine Nasu trying to hold back the urge of mcu referencinos for the whole damn thing...
You do realize Sakurai is in charge of Norse right?
Very tough question within fgo, but its persistent complacency and inability to capitalize on its popularity with more videogames or even a decent anime is probably the most serious one.
I'm also pretty let down over Requiem going mia two updates in since it actually looked kinda cool
Summer Morgan being a anniversary servant
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Even worse...
in spite of everything that summer is ages better than the last two
imagine giving a summer event to the whole okeanos/septem cast
that already happened, its called summer 2
>Summer Euryale and Stheno
I would be happy desu
Draco is Sakurai's writing/Servant btw
That's not saying a lot, and at the same time, it says TOO much.
As surprising as it may sound umu wasn't the only female in septem
>Only got liked because of a event that was made by a guest
that says a lot about her
umu and?
me? for Enkidu
Post (you)r favorite GudaSaba
I like Hakuno's design over Guda. I'm both of them anyway so I don't care who BB fucks.
sita not being added in Arcade (or in general).
Waltz Collab is an above average event solely because we got a bunch of cool new skins for free out of it

>But the story
I skipped it just like half of events

Biggest disappointment is the release of Castoria she really ruined the game
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>Biggest disappointment is the release of Castoria she really ruined the game
Shut up fag
but sakurai was enkidu's scenario writer
No one cares about CQ content any more since solemn defense spam breaks everything and 4 years later she's still every bit the same broken farming support she always was
And? you could do that with waver + tamamo anyway
>Tamamo and waver is on the same level of invincible comp
Lol lmao even
>Putting words in my mouth
I'm not saying they're on the same level i'm saying you could do that with those
No you absolutely could not, neither waver nor tamamo have teamwide hard survival and even if they did half of CQs have pierce invuln now
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Yeah skins and gameplay are the best parts of fgo.
Go back to /alter/.
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fsf is written by Narita and Babylonia was written by nasu right? so isn't sakurai there because of arcade?
this was released before arcade existed. likely sakurai just had some part in the character concept at some point around 2007-2013
Arcade did not exist.
And Enkidu is from CCC which both Nasu and Sakurai wrote.
He never left
>out of nowhere
fuck off georgie
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For me it's Artoria.
The problem of the waltz collab is that it's a collab in the first place.
any collab that is not tsukihime
i just really want to play as enkidu in a 3d fighter, even if it's a shitty fate musou
kirei as a servant
mid as fuck
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don't let georgie see this
He's actually Kizu.
alright georgie stop falseflagging
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He can see this
One kid banged proto Merlin
One kid got reject by Cashitoria
What will the third kid do?
Kizu literally parrots Georgie's stuff from 2021.
You will get your Tsukihime Collab eventually stop your bitching
I don't even want that, I just think that the collabing with yourself shit started to get out of hand.
Can I bring up alignment memes for fun? Why is Iyo Evil?
because she was vilified and that's how history sees her
I see.
Any recent alignment memes other anons might wanna bring up for fun? Surely it's a harmless enough topic.
Jannu horta being chaotic evil is a meme
The conclusion of these 7 LBs, no definitive answers only more questions. Feels like we didn't move an inch.
It did fit her when she debuted in Orleans, she's just grown as a person since then
We just had to kill 7 different timelines. I don't think we could get any answer from them...
We only got more questions in 1-6 but 7 had us move about an inch I'd say.
Then we instantly got slapped back about a mile.
>she's just grown as a person since then
Yet most of the servants in that aligment dont, funny how that works
Wasn’t the event written by a guest
Well, most of those servants don't find out their existence is a fabrication and they're just a crazy dude's OC donut steal
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>Draco is Sakurai's writing/Servant btw
not true lol
Do you think the other writers even know what the plans for part 2's endgame are?
If they did they wouldn't have been just as bad at building up to it and addressing its blob of dangling plot threads as their main writer is
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Are there any other gacha as empty of content as current FGO?
No but there's a million other gacha with so much content that it's a chore. I've played and dropped like 10 of them.

Content is a double edged sword.
Obviously, yes.
Nasu will rewrite it to reference elden ring dlc
That's the thing about fgo. It's always being rewritten to reference elden ring.
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>Marisbury did everything because he wanted Galahad's bussy and be his husband
By the time fgo dies will Nasu have written anything even half decent?
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>new Prillya chapter was already delayed two months
>slated for release today
>but now the digital version delayed because KADOKAWA has been grappling with system errors all month

Fuck sake, I was hoping to get my fix before Dawntrail launched.
I mean if Nasu didn't write anything half decent, you wouldn't be here, anon.
Roman... not like this...
Where would I be?
My loyal Shield and Master of Chaldea
Both your deeds will ever be praised in song
Now the vow will be honoured, and my servant soul will return
So that he may be my consort.

My servant
At long last, you are returned.
Master of Chaldea
Aspiring savior of the earth
If you have known sin, if you grieve for this world,
then yield the path foward to us.
To I, Marisbury, and my promised consort, Galahad
Wouldn't DUDE fit in better kek
Man, elden ring was full of gay shit.
Hotel hazbin also full of it
Nasu gonna go full gay route now, I will kms
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Oh, that's why. KADOKAWA was hit by a massive ransomware attack on June 8th.

...Jesus christ.
I dont get this Elden Ring game, cause I live in a shithole
It is a waifu game, or what? What about Ranni and whichever girl you can supposedly marry?
It's your usual soulslike crap
>It is a waifu game, or what?
It can be, depends on your choices.
>What about Ranni and whichever girl you can supposedly marry?
That's one of the many endings, anons are talking about the DLC story where its final boss went full homo for a blonde shota.
It’s an rpg game, yeah you can marry Ranni. What I was talking about was the dlc story, I know there was some hints that there was some gayshit in it but now the story revealed it was all for a man ass. It’s bad because Nasu will probably going to write some gay shit as well.
Shota Oberon then
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>Kintoki has an out of control monstrous form
>Never used

>Shuten Doji hints at an out of control monstrous form
>Ibuki gets introduced, immediately taps out
>But Shuten has ANOTHER monstrous form of her own that...!
>Never brought up again

>Raikou has an out of control monstrous form!
>Also an out of control psychopath form!
>It's the final boss of her introductory event!
>And her first interlude!
>And her second interlude!
>And brought out as a cataclysmic threat in Heian-kyo!
>Ushi Gozen finally comes out and is summarily dispatched.

>Sei Shonagon hints at an out of control monstrous fo-

STOP IT. ENOUGH. FUCKING ENOUGH. WE'RE NOT DOING THIS FUCKING THING AGAIN. Sei isn't even a Sakurai character and she still has the same goddamn deal as all these other fucks! No, I don't give a fuck what's up with Ibaraki and his mom and Yu Narukami either, enough ~HINTING~ at things with all these Heian cocksuckers, just WRITE their goddamn plots already!

But wouldn't it be fucked up if she had a monstrous form?
>Sei Shonagon hints at an out of control monstrous fo-
Please tell me this is just shitposting to go along with the rest of the post...
Her brother murdered a dude during a rights dispute so they sent like twenty Genji guys to capture him, but he somehow managed to murder all of them too with vague allusions that he turned into something not human during the fight, so they sent Raikou and her boy band to take him out, which is the explanation for why she sent Kintoki and Guda to shack up with Murasaki in Heian-kyo instead of hosting them herself, she feels awkward dealing with the Genji.

The vague allusion is that there might be something non-human in her family, so she ends up wondering if she might end up turning into a monster somehow.
>>Sei Shonagon hints at an out of control monstrous fo-
She has what ? Well I would love to see it if she can bully Douman
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Of course, the literally who nip writer has a super secret super powered super form... of course...
She's pretty famous.
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Why is her face red? Did she looked under Tiamat's dress?
>Ibaraki and his mom and Yu Narukami
Still betting my money Tsuna is her brother and not some guy simping for her mother
That was a retarded theory from people watching too much Oni Slayer.
Yeah, I feel Heian Kyo itself made it pretty clear he was in love with Ibaraki's mom and not her child.
I don't think Kintoki or Sei mean anything beyond "they have some oni blood" & Kintoki has enough that he could flip out and go berserk. Ibaraki and Tsuna's deal is also fairly explained in Heiankyo; the only piece of information missing is what the fuck happened the day Ibaraki first appeared. But we know about Tsuna's deal (was in love with her mother & has conflicted emotions towards Ibaraki as a result), and we know Ibaraki's deal after that night, and how that informs their dynamic.
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>still haven't given my account to aniplex for the 4 tickets
Bros... Should I?
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What is she looking at in her phone?
bro you are missing out on FOUR potential 5* servants
Never give anything to Sony, play GBF instead.
Why are people acting like nasu references everything from a game or a movie he’s watching/playing
Is there some kind of draw back to linking your account?
Just giving Sony your info.
Also some anons are scared they're gonna get banned
It does seem like he made Tonelico playable just so he could have her reference Ranni
Why would you do that though? We've been shown since 2014 that they can't protect themselves online for shit.
What if the aniplex account is mandatory in the future?
that way, they would filter out all the gaijins
Just a meme that people like to repeat.
The only way to avoid this possible scenario would be to implement it in the account for the NA server.
Technically they did ban accounts for the Heaven Feel's screening CEs.
Why do that this late into the game?
Because there's still 10 more years of content ahead
Or a merger for a unified global server, so NA won't have to always wait two years.
That will never happen because Lasagna's soba noodles code will break beyond recognition trying to achieve it.
>unified global server
So us JP players have to read Albert's translations?
With the shit Sony's been pulling up lately I can't even put that past them. I'll be free at least lol.
but bro
your money spent, your servants, your... memories
JP already struggles to get the script in time and you want them to have it translated the same day too?
Inmensely retarded
I didn't want Draco anyway
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Draco is by Nasu
Tiamat is by Nasu
Purin is by Nasu and Sakurai
Setanta is by Sakurai
Noah is by Meteo and Nasu
Fat shrimp.
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>Fat shrimp
65kg of pure dragon meat in her tail
Full of protein and zero fat, perfect for workout
it's even perfectly vegetarian and gluten-free
I rushed through and finished the event's main story, was there a second grail for any of the post quests or can I say fuck it and stop?
Kiyohime is going to lose to Gakumas swimsuits...
>Purin and Melu
I'd rather them thanks.
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News doko?
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This is nice.
I like that Beryl's hand goes straight to choke (you) but Kadoc's hand stops it.
He started his career because the Evangelion opening really moved him
He got all the early lore for his universe from a
japan only WoD clone that he was playing called beast bind
F/SN is clearly Battle Royale
CCC is full of Bayonetta shit
He rewrote Camelot because he went to a Maaya concert
Babylonia ended up the way it did because he saw Shin Godzilla
>He started his career because the Evangelion opening really moved him
Not to mention how TYPEs are extremely obvious Angel ripoffs
>He got all the early lore for his universe from a japan only WoD clone that he was playing called beast bind
No shit? I thought Nasu was just an early westaboo who read 90's WoD and copied his vampire stuff from there.
You niggers still have doubts about how fickle the mushroom is?
Where do you guys use AP to farm bond when you're out of stormpods?
why is the roll censored?
What was it?
>He rewrote Camelot because he went to a Maaya concert
FGO plot was also because of a Maaya song. Scrap inspired Roman's character and the theme of the game (before he cooked part 2).
I can't imagine myself manhandling her anymore
>I thought Nasu was just an early westaboo who read 90's WoD and copied his vampire stuff from there.
Not just the Vampire stuff, he obviously lifted the werewolf stuff and mixed it with "some" vamps. The White Wolf Mage shit is VERY similar too.
Literally read how that cosmology works.
Oxford or the event'd 90++ if it's good
I recognize, not in order
>Sola Ui 4* CE
>Frankenstein's master from Apo 4* CE
>Arcueid's master from Extra 3* CE
>The 3* CE of the gae bolg sea monster
I can't make out the rest
I just thought Antediluvians = DAA (now reinforced with Idea Blood = diablerie) and Gaia = Gaia/Wyrm but now that you mention it from the little I know about Mage yeah there's a lot of similarities there.
Thanks, I don't get the context of the image but I'm guessing it was a pretty bad roll
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Cowgirl with 100kg dead on top of you
I have ancient mage of ascension books. while lacks signature characters, Solomon is one of the ascended men who joined God in a transcended existence after his death. No idea if Nasu knew that.
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Cowgirl with 100kg Draco* on you

wtf purinbros..
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Censored Ciel by Sony
Why does Edge make people 5000x hotter?
Ciel Negro
Did they censor the CG of Arc getting dismembered?
I imagine gore is fine compared to nudity kek
It's hilarious.
Westerners are afraid of nudity over gore.
It's the opposite for Japs.
>No shit? I thought Nasu was just an early westaboo who read 90's WoD and copied his vampire stuff from there.
I looked it up and WoD didn't have a Japanese release by the time Nasu was writing, meanwhile the ripoff did.
>Although set in modern society, non-human demons such as werewolves and vampires do exist in this world. However, only a few people know of their existence. Many demons have abilities and skills that far surpass those of humans. Some demons usually take the form of humans and live in human society while interacting with humans. These are called half-demons.
>More powerful demons can create small worlds (called "Dominions") that embody their egos, and demons that have reached that level are called "Dominators." In fact, the Earth, where humans and demons live, is one of the Dominions, called the "Earth Dominion."
>Whereas Arthur is protected by the night (He is of the pedigree of Alto, Artemis, and other such Goddesses of the Moon), Gawain is the blessed knight of the sun. The color of the sun radiates out when Gawain uses his Noble Phantasm, and it represents the suns rays. Galatine’s prototype was Caladborg. Caladborg was as long as a rainbow, and had enough power to cut off the top of a hill. Caladborg was a magic sword that could shoot out light like a rainbow.
>While King Arthur was ruled by the movement of Artemis, the goddess of the moon, Sir Gawain drew his strength as a knight from the sun.
>It is said that his power are at their greatest when the sun is at its zenith.
>If King Arthur was seen as the personification of the moon, then Sir Gawain was the harbinger of the sun.
>If you look up Alto (アルト) in Japanese, you come to a translated excerpt from: Barbara G. Walker : The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets (Harper & Row, 1983), as expected
>The Helvetians sometimes called Artemis Artio. The Celts abbreviated Artio to Art. Bear King Arthur's wife. The god of medieval witches, hunting god Artio is called "Art's son Robin." According the Irish, Art was a male divinity; however, the first traces were a goddess. In particular, the name indicates a bear goddess. Art has been introduced into Christianity as St. Ursula.
>There was once a king in England named Arthur Pendragon. He was the legendary king who staunchly defended the British Isles from the invading Saxons for a long time.
>The name Arthur, written in the Roman fashion is “Artorius," the feminine form of which is “Artoria." In other words, this is Saber's true name.
i wish i could erase every trace of walker from this earth
Saber lore is cool
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Tsukihime: A Piece of Blue Glass Moon is now available worldwide!
>not on pc
don't care
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Post good uncensored fanart
>Still no Mastema Servant yet
why would they release Mahoyo on PC but not this
Because they want at least some sales. Granted, it looks ike it'll be on sale during the NA anniversary.
fuck you
I hate seeing all that BA art out of nowhere.
Maybe FGO should release some content then
Personally I hate seeing how BA cannibalized most of the fan art scene, but it is what it is.
Is a collection of these CGs somewhere out there (not EXH please)
>I hate seeing all that BA art out of nowhere.
And I hate seeing you post the same ten pics or so every thread but oh well
Also didn't ask
I love seeing all the pregnancy doujins
wish we got that for FGO too
It killed comiket turning it into a corpo number wank which is depressing. Also how they let chinks buy Akiba station and advertise like that, day by day a hobby that represents Japan is being taken over by filthy foreigners.
New Prisma translation is already out
nips only have themselves to blame for letting chinks take over the space
It’s depressing, the BA girls are so shit and completely over-saturates the art scene. I honestly hope that retarded company is paying the artists to shill their retarded game. BA can’t even draw dimes no matter how many characters they release.
Soulless trash and no personality outside of a few generic qualities.
Servants can’t get pregnant unless incarnating them.
>paying the artists to shill their retarded game
Didn't someone on twitter recently release "fanart" of a character before they even got revealed on stream? I'm not sure what game that was but it might have been BA or Genshin
On exhentai.
That was for bunny toki like a year ago
I don’t know, I don’t care about genshit or blue shitchive.
That controversy was retarded since she existed as an NPC long before being released.

Its like saying Marie Alters art was paid for.
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new event release yesterday, this NPC appears, already has more Fanart than the majority of new playable characters on FGO released over 1 year.
why can't FGO do that anymore?
Because paying artists to shill doesn't generate sales
>why can't FGO do that anymore?
Your girls are shit, BAnon
>People complaining that artists dont care about FGO and wondering why
Do you fags even play this game?
Gee maybe our 2 months of nothing might have clued you in
I was going to call you a schizo because nobody posted in 30 minutes but I see that I just had a lot of posts filtered.
It's literally the fault of the fanbase.
The Madoka gacha died a death from old age and what did Aniplex do? Greenlight a new one.
Maybe if the fanbase wasn't constantly trying to keep a comatose game alive they could have nice things.
Yeah bro, I sure would love more "surprise mechanics" in the new game. Like paid-only characters or PVP or balance around NP5 you retarded fucking monkey just neck yourself.
>decade old game
>devs don't give a shit
>writers half ass it
>content comes out slow as fuck
You tell me?
One day while looking for art I got some nip artist posting about numbers on my feed. That he thought he'd hit his followers ceiling but that when he drew BA stuff he got 30K more followers. With numbers like that artists follow the money.
That is just how it is. Just personally all the artists that I followed drawing FGO and AL all draw mainly BA now. It is just the "thing" whenever BA gets old and something new comes out we will watch it happen again to BA.
Meanwhile BA's head writer left the game.
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>actual waifu game get popular
>cuckge is dying and only cherished by characterfags who still have hope (until Sakurai'd/Nasu'd/Higashide'd etc) or fujoshit/yumes

Honestly BBfag from /alter/, the fact you still have hope in your life is your most admirable attribute
The also lost a few artists to chink companies.
game is already built around NP6 lol
enjoy your unvoiced 5 year long filler arc with zero animations while every artist in the world dumps you for korean trash
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Will we get dark skin hotties summer this year
why the term cuckge makes me laugh
>he fell for the class score meme
Death would be an easy way out for a subhuman like you.
>I-I actually prefer to NOT play the game!
nice argument retard
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the head writer who wrote volume 1 chapter 1&2, volume 3 and volume F leaves BA (but remains as supervisor during the transition) and the one who wrote volume 4 becomes the new Main writer
and their Art Director has also changed
Man I hope they won't it won't turn badly for BA.
and they leave BA because Nexon is going to send them to another game
>9ml is the art director
>gave Dress Saori to mx2j anyways
>turned her into a stick
shit game
Grail Front is a proto PvP
Hwansang had stopped drawing characters the day he became art director and had given his characters to other artists (he only drew the event CGs and some L2D (because L2D are not always drawn by their own artist))
the fact that 9ml becomes art director could mean that we will no longer have any characters drawn by him
GudaBB gives me strength to push forward, that and GudaSaba fans.
Why should it matter to you if you're willing to settle for AI slop.
Agartha, too much time wasted on shitolfo and that other faggot.

I loved the idea of Penthesilea being at a good level of fighting against Megalos Heracles destroying each other as savage berserkers.
Who else besides bbfag? Morganfag and melufag? Ushifag?
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Cute cat mom
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Who's the cat bloke getting murdered on the left?
for god sake BBfag from /alter/, he's literally insulting you and you didn't get it
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>Their only good writer walks away
Guess Nexon will need to pump more money into the fanart shills.
My point still stands regardless.
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>horny design
>let's make her kekbait

also holy fuck the AI is fucking roasting
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holy shit
Maybe AI isnt so bad
..too accurate what the fuck
/alter/fag welcome
>Panic-writes fanservice
When was this?
Last chapter
some of her characters valentine which were considered "not for (You)", Skadi summer/Purin for example

I guess OC2 also count? but considering she decided to nuke avengers, lol, lmao
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Kot is in heat.
I'm glad your posts are as rancid as always
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That, and the ones from yesterday, are really accurate wtf
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Kingu when?
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FGO was always a cuckge
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Well that was crazy
Congrats! Is that NP3 now, or higher?
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Thanks bro. 120 incoming next opportunity.
Nice, good luck with the grind!
I haven't been here since the mahoyo collab when they announced we'd get 2 dead rerun months
What have I missed
stream in few hours
>only 300 gold Zerker monuments left
Some more of the anni CEs were revealed
New Kiyohime costume incoming
Four whole new interludes and SQs for everyone except Jack (again)
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The character /fgog/ hates the most.
I don't get what this dude is trying to accomplish.
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The things I would let her do to me
>Say "fuck it" and tried to brute force the challenge quest with Draco and two Castorias
>it worked
Deceptively shrimple...
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the best
Perseus still not being added
Is anyone else having slow loading on every summon?
Download the extra assets from the game options
Where did the 15gbs come from my app is already 13
>>CBS FGO Fes. 2024:
>●June 28, 18:45 JST.
Odds of disappointment?
Depends how much you want to fuck Otohime.
It's hard to be disappointed if you don't have much hope going in
Just watch me.
Disappointment? You niggers have hope?
The worst they can do is reveal a nip literal who that isn't a Kiyohime alt
If you want your already exceedingly low expectations to be crushed that badly then wait one more month
>Kiyohime alt
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Is this pairing actually popular?
There's like two artists that like pairing them but that's it. Also pretty funny that they completely missed the point of chink Itachi's interlude.
Every character has like 2 artists carrying them, that's just present day FGO.
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Why can't they just hack Lasagna and be done with it? They've hacked Sony, Steam, Capcom, Kadokawa, etc.
they should hack lasagna and leak all the future content
If lasagna got hacked the culprit would surely be Garfield.
Haha, just kidding.
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It's over for /fgog/...
I thought a high Iq is needed to understand nasuverse?
Shut up georgie
Don't other franchises usually do that? to say that if you didn't like the story it's because you're not smart enough to understand it or something like that.
I hate shrimps
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When she see Nemo or Astolfo before Aurora got summoned
Me, do you rike it?
What did Nasu see in this author? She has nothing, nothing!!!!! Someone should slap Nasu in the face and tell him the harsh truth
Urashima Tarou.
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>middle one
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don't say it
I always count on her when fanservice comes too far to the point it is disgusting.
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That's my wife
it's fgover
Let me guess, your FGO wife is Morgan?
I hate BA so much
Servants for this feel?
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Its like the highjump moment; its using a physical action as an allegory of ones ideals or way of life.
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HF truly is Redman approved.
Bros, the slut fox is used up...
Rip Buster.
At least Castoria has weaker replacements. Koyan doesn't have any. Same with Oberon.
>the slut fox is used up
there is always her other version...
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Most likely next chapter
>Ilya retconned herself into saving Pandora in the past before this crisis ever happened
>Because of this Pandora was cured of her evil, and was never alone
>Pandora was retroactively saved in the past, solving every problem in the future
>Now Pandora pays it forward, and saves Ilya in the future
>Pandora's box contains 10,000 evils and one good thing, the thing in the final box was always "hope"
>even a fairy (for some reason Ilya became a fairy in the past) could not survive thousands of years since the age of myth.
>She survived by being stored within the box
>Pandora simply lets her out of the box, now that Pandora can control the box.
>This causes a second retcon since Ilya never died, so Kuro comes back to life
>Everyone lives
>The end
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What release(s) does /fgog/ recommend for Babylonia and the Solomon movie?
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UTW is dead and everything has been translated by the cartel ever since, there's no choice.
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Reminder that Galahad has ALWAYS been Marisbury's Servant btw, Marsbars is the one who summoned him (supposedly impossible but Marisbury is the chaddest). The pieces are all coming together.
>Jap event

Beni Alter costume for sure this time!
Redman seriously said Shirou is a pussy that can't even stand up without help and Shirou goes 'yeah but look at all this pussy that picks me up though.'
Redman died a virgin lmao
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New art for the stream
Bro, you can make an Aniplex account for FGO through the game itself that asks only for your mail and password, that's it, they aren't using the account system for weeding out the gaijins, and honestly I get the feeling that it's not like they want to do that either, otherwise the FGO Aniplex account system would require a Japanese phone number and address or such.
Dracofag and that one shithead necrobumping Okitafag
Redman was Fate route Shirou though
Clown spotted event ruined.
Next disappointment station: Ann*versary.
Whatever the hell happened to the Italianschizo that used to piss everyone here off? That bastard who is associated with Yatsu003
I am still convinced the new servant is going to be a japanese writer/poet
I could see that
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QRD on this? I haven't been here for a while
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>Izumi Shikibu gets added for maximum Heian poetry wank from Sakurai
It isn't.
>Archer Sei
We are getting a banner right, RIGHT?
It is,
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Nuh uh.
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Was busy af, can I still make it if I start the rerun now?
Fateroutefags prefer the Realta Nua version so still a virgin.
>Marie Alter
>Kiyohime costume
What are the chances of them completing the Taneda trinity and also giving me summer Mata Hari this year?
Yeah, buddy.
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it's finally time for us to get this Japanese textile wholesaler
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Anon, I...
@ me when the new apk drops
Personally I think that Sita not getting added to the main game is the best thing for both of them.
We all know what couples end up like in this game, both would lose whatever personality they have left and be stuck as one single joke until EOS
Their relationship is already pretty much Rama's only personality trait even without Sita here, though.
Rama's latest brief appearance was already a "Sita never ever" joke
The last time I saw Rama was while reading the Indian lostbelt and at least there he had more of a personality than that
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I cant really pinpoint which part of fgo was the absolute worst but the specific point where I realised that the game was gonna continue staying absolute shit and not improve at all was when they split LB7 in half with no rateup for part 1 then suddenly put in nitrocris alter when they had absolutely fuck all for January besides new year and JP gobbled the slop up and it went straight back to number 1 on the sales chart. Like why would devs ever bother spending time to improve the game when they have emergency glass break servants they can release to get instant sales
>incomprehensible fanservice
>old TM lore
AI is still shit.
Hey. They also say that he loves bananas. This game refuses to let you forget that fact.
Is Thea really fucking smaller than Yui?
Going to sleep cozy tonight knowing I'm not missing anything not watching the stream.
Retcon truly is the most powerful Nasuverse ability.
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How did ビリー get romanized as 'bury'?
opposite direction
You think Nasu wanted it as 'bury' in English from the start and messed up the katakana?
Almost as powerful as offscreening
He's always wanted particular depictions in English and katakana is always the afterthought if the English is locked in
Has he talked about it before? My impression was that Maris was meant to be Malice or at least Malis, and Kirschtaria -> Christaria.
>My impression was that Maris was meant to be Malice
There's a wholeass short story by the Juliet larp event writer scenario of the foundators of two Chaldea titled "Malice or Romance?" This was foreshadowing a bunch of shit about Moneybills' Chaldea concept is different from Roman's.
There's no "waifus", the setup is centered around the power struggle between the membre of a royal family ruling the land the game takes place in. One of these members want to fuck his little brother. Your job is to kill every single one of them to seize power. Doing Ranni's quest will have you become her consort and lead to the best ending (but not for that reason). This is a fromsoftware game si it has a grand total of 23 dialogue lines over 150 hours of gameplay and most of the lore comes from vague allusions in the item descriptions.
Yeah, I've read that one and that's what I'm saying, it seems there that the katakana's correct and it's the English that's wrong.
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>Shiki loves white women
>Shirou loves white women
>Kiritsugu loves white women
>Guda loves white women
>Hakuno loves white women
>Manaka and Ayaka love white men
What is Nasu and Takeuchi's endgame?
Takeuchi loves white women and Nasu is getting cucked.
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>salem manga is going to reveal an Endgame Abby design....
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pls no
What is the deal with Ushifag?
>He doesn't know
Mohg confirmed not a pedo in the DLC
He was raped by a femboy
Shut the fuck up georgie
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Father forgive me for I have sinned.
We also had a Foxtail update but people ignored it. People don't seem to discuss or post its updates.
>There's no "waifus"
Yes there are. Melina, Millicent, Ranni, Hyetta, Fia and the snake.
No one likes Foxtail anymore since the fucker ruined LB6 summer.
Hakuno is a self insert so making him the MC of a manga ruined any chance of this manga working
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Just kill and pull the plug already after 10th anni, Lasagna.
>And I hate seeing you post the same ten pics or so every thread but oh well
THIS. Draco and BB fag made me realize how little fanart their girls got. Ironically, Jeanne Alter, Melt, and Abby have way more, yet we don't see them spamming as much as the BB/Draco fags.
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Still waiting for Violet's NP and Kazuradrop's bio in Foxtail...
Dude, go to sleep.
Let's be real, nobody expects it to be good.
The BBfag is posting his commissions, dumbass.
Pretty sure Draco and BB gets more art than Abby these days anyway
I hope it's a tower event
If it's just another
>mission/farm node
Shit again I'm gonna be sad
>BBfag is posting his commissions
we didn't ask and don't care

>Pretty sure Draco and BB gets more art than Abby these days anyway
delusional bbfag
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Still waiting for them to find a way for Kazuradrop to throw up Melt and see if they can save her before she gets digested.
NTA but
Abby barely gets art nowadays

Fact is her fans were lolifags and they're the most disloyal motherfuckers
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News doko?
Shut up, BBfag. You are annoying and the worst poster in this general, along with the dracofag. Always spamming the same crap.
>costume events
thats all
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I work graveyard, it's the middle of the afternoon for me.
We can't use pixiv to funpost anymore
AI art ruins the stats
My wife Kiyo is the best anyway
What was that framerate!
your mom
raincoat kiyohime looks like a cunt
Raito... ban...
Gremlins on screen
fuck those uggos where's rieri-chan
it begins....
my fav time
>where's rieri-chan
dead I hope
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>wishing death on someone else for no reason
how miserable do you have to be
Hope your children get cancer cunt
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>how miserable do you have to be
I browse /fgog/
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Koyanskaya summer incoming, I feel it.
Worst visual
>nip gag event
I sleep
>please visit our expo or interact with literally any of our other worthless media
Sex with dumb buddha
gag this *unzips dick*
>not even 50k
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This is the Anni main visual
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i think the game is dead
>Kawasumi with the translucent shirt
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what killed the hype?
>frogposting outside /v/
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that kagetora needs to be more crazy
japs don't use youtube....
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Oh look at all those relevant FGO characters... and Saber, in 2020+4.
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Yes they do
it's the otherway around, what is there to be hyped around?
hopefully this event gives us something
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How is Pako doing it? He's finally started making feminine looking designs again
That's a man
So, we really are going to get saber wars 4?
I'm still waiting for Saber Wars 3.
I hear Rumi
I mute
Since when does Takeuchi draw lips like that? I've noticed it with Kenshin and Summer Castoria.
Koyan >>>>> the rest
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Good va wasted on Shibata
That's not Pako.
That's K-SUWABE. His recent activity was drawing an armored NPC for GudaGuda 2023.
so forced
The comment was to the guy I quoted, I just posted the art to go with it to save on posts
nicovideo is literally dead right now because of the kadokawa shit, they have no choice but youtube or that periscope crap
Ah, okay.
I recognize this artist
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>kadokawa shit
whats that
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Kuku spotted
Shibata isn't even playable though
will melusine ever get an event where she is the main servant ? I feel like she would solo it herself
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tonelico not artoria
After the Grand Saber LANCELOT
women are killing this game
I miss Wakaranai
No Aurora? Fake news
It's Hawatoria
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Oh no no someone's gonna freak
>don't tell Aurora-sama
KEK same pose
Yes they always ruin everything
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It has never been that popular since its first chapters because... you know.
I don't understand what the artist was trying to do here
Isn't that Percival?
I see you're stuck being absolutely retarded kek
Pako caught the chicken-leg disease from Lartoria's artist
why are we in a fursuit and why does melusine have that ? NASUUUUUUU !
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Fgo okaa san
Sherlock Holmes...
Is he really wearing Detective Edmond's clothes? Kinky.
redrop is so fucking overrated
>in 2024
massive security breach causing them to indefinitely pause a bunch of things including nicovideo services. theoretically this should cause youtube viewer count to go up because they have no choice now
Those legs are waaaaaaay too long

Remember not to skips realism kids. Your anatomy will degrade without it
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>the chicken-leg disease
Abby's artist is the first one that comes to mind when it comes to thin legs.
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It should've been bat schizo not literal who priest...
Abby is supposed to look like that THOUGH who asked for THICC Abby
Ughh so many shilledflops getting more stuff
bitch is crazy
what's the point of these PNGs?
>Only RAITA CE confirmed to be the Kintoki one
Guess next year will be Ushi-Gozen then
Choose your party
they all looks fucking nice
also remind me of YGO for some reason
Nah it makes perfect sense when Kuroboshi does it, skelly loli is her appeal. But big tiddy Lartoria with chicken legs??
Why do they make a big deal out of those random art, are they costume or they just milking content on stream
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>Thinking Ushi Flopzen will get shit
You kneeled again to Melusine btw, that's all your shitposting's worth.
Lossless compression.
Anni CE.
I'm waiting for the full party list
to get the morons excited BECAUSE LOOK AT THIS ART OMG IT'S SO COOL they can't make real content
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Fucking Japs I can't believe they were the forefront in tech in the 80s, the Plaza accord fucked them up hard
Ushi-Gozen will get one, yes.
Last wear was so much better.
It's too detailed, they'd have to strip it way down. But goddamn would I ever fork over the fucking money for it
Six of them >>483821597 will get live 2D treatment and a full voice experience
Takeuchi really disappointed with my wife Morgan so I will pick Oberon

You clearly care since you bothered to reply in a particularly unfunny way

What you meant to say was
>I care and I don't like thing
There retard, I fixed your own grammar and spelling for you. Make sure to speak appropriately next time. It makes you seem unhappy otherwise
I possibly can't hold so many Kama CEs, every year the choice is so obvious!
Alter can do it no problemo
Almost 9 years and OG Redman still doesn't have an anniversary craft essence. It mystifies me.
>Their newest rep got ignored for anni CE, no stage, no dimes
>Gets an entire stage, multiple anni CEs, yearly events and the latest servants are NEVER ignored
Feels nice
Another Alter figure incoming.
Honestly this art looks way better than his card art. Very steampunk.
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love me some raitabortions

simple as
Takeuchi is too busy drawing Saberfaces and Mashu, please understand
me aburrooooooo

Copying my speech only shows I live rent free in your head. I don't imitate you because I don't bother to keep your pattern of speech in my mind.
It would be a waste of time.
Why do you keep calling me a name I used to prove you're a retarded schizo who would fall for anything?
That's not my real name I explained already where I got it from
they never changed the stream format huh..
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>Aoi Yuuki is an anniversary guest
Didn't see that coming.
That can't be true... is it?
Takeuchis lazy
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Only Emiya Alter has one.
GudaGuda is gagshit and thus palatable
But after Keikenchi leaves nobody will write for it and Nasu has specifically intervened numerous times (including FSR) to keep it out of mainline lore

That is the fate of GudaGuda shit. To be forgotten. Meanwhile Heian lore is written by Nasu's protege and guranteed to be supported forever
Nobody cares about FSN shit anymore not even the devs, bury those shitters and let FGO characters get CEs for its own anniversary
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I'm still waiting for a Lip CE or summer variant. If Wada is too busy, I would even take one by Takenoko at this point.
That's sad as fuck. We need a 5* redman
Buy card games
imagine fucking spending money on a fucking april's fool gag card game....
Medusa, Emiya, Cu don't have one.

And you know exactly why that is the case.
Remember when Nasu said Medusa was his fsn waifu? That filthy lying mushroom...
Lip will never get anything because Takeuchi is scared of the censors
And guess what? Someone will.
FGO will live forever.
Gil doesn't have one either.
What do these four have in common?
>accounto rinkingu
fuck you
Gil Caster has one.
Can we get rid of Mash once and for all?
I can't imagine what goes through the peabrains of these nips as they shill acryllic landfill crap and stickers and gay little lanyards for the 80th time while yelling sugooooi and clapping as if they've never seen acryllic crap before or little toys
>Riyo being shilled during Anniversary like every year means something

You're just spouting nonsense now
Waver, (Regular) Gil, Iskandar, etc.
Takeuchi will just draw Mashu and a Saberface. The ONLY exception he made and I almost fainted, was Muramasa. Nasu must have hold a gun at his head.
I'm talking about Gil Archer, and he's probably referring to Medusa Rider, Cu Lancer and OG Emiya, all drawn by Takeuchi
ciel for anni confirmed
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>Our streams are used to shill inferior games crap
It's hard being so charitable with such failures.
flop remnant
When was the last SSR male Takeuchi...?
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From the original FSN cast, Nasu does seem to like Rin the most, followed by Rider. But Takeuchi's obsession with Saberfaces is the reason why we don't get that much stuff from him centered on them. Unless they get adopted by another artist, like Ilya, we are never getting stuff like Summer Medusa.
>80 dollars for half a VN
are they right in the mind?
kek, I can see it, but no thanks, I want quick Castoria (Odin)
>ciel for anni confirmed
confirmed? I mean that was my guess unless Tsuki collab is next year.
This is why I pirate that shit
5* Redman will use "Malevolent Shrine"
You know I think this Anni is gonna be great
Anni typically doesn't have this much focus on it
When they were doing this shit last year all the focus was on Summer
Now it's on Anni
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aria quick revival, believe
they cant be that gay
can they?
'member Saber Medusa? It seems like she always gets different artists for her variants
>next year's fsr rerun
Are you? I saw you in the comments.
>When they were doing this shit last year all the focus was on Summer
Which sucked because of Foxtail bias.
>FSN remaster in switch
>Shirou next to Sakura
I would just assume that its going to be batman, they love sucking off old story chapters for anniversary now, maybe he'll even have a lazy swimsuit outfit for third ascension too.
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>I think this Anni is gonna be great
>FSN coming to Steam, official English translation
Was this announced already? I haven't heard of it if so, this is pretty big news
>he still thinks reruns exists in 2025
>or that we get anything new during reruns
no i also saw that comment
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Woah Amakusa.
No. He's probably an event by nasu, where he finally drops his beast profile.
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Pls buy dlc3 to find out
>aria quick revival, believe
no, I want nothing from that fujofest nipwank game
I'm imagining a world where somehow FGO didn't exist and nobody realized what the Line of Gold was until now.
ages ago, FSN remaster with english TL

also please let this steam end before i have to leave for work

>Was this announced already? I haven't heard of it if so, this is pretty big news
Most of the fandom is sleeping. But yeah, this is news. Although it was inevitable, the moment Mahoyo and Tsukihime got official English releases. About time.
No matter how bad is this event, remember to look at Guraburu's
I'd rather have the other three kingdoms twink tbdesu
Which figures are /fgog/'s guesses? Haven't been here since last week.
What kind of moron would be excited for a FSN TL nowadays
>clown sei
Did frog guess who the silhouette is?
>we are going to fail the retweet campaign
>New Servant is more VTuber Heian Poet shit
Who asked for this?
So obvious it's not worth guessing
99.9% Kiyohime
Believe in the bots
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Sakura won
5* Super Kiyohime
Costume Kiyohime + Japanese writer/poet that's on the far left in the silhouettes.
It's already at 75k.
we know how events work fucking 2 san
It's over two tweets we passed it already
>Ryugu castle
That's where...Otohime is.
>emiya CE
neco-arc spotted
well you got half your wish kek
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>jing ke relevance
Jing Ke CE!
Lol. Lmao, even
Fuck, Jing Ke won't get an alt this year
Lakshmi in the back
Tomoe is in the middle for people who can't tell
Tomoe is cute.
Too bad her VA is human garbage
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Just a costume...
>fgog is so dead literally everyone migrated to alter they even follow the live there
This art doesn't look very 5*-ish
>didn't even have the confidence to make Super Kiyohime a 5*
>Otohime as a Kiyo costume
I'm happy.
>Kiyo costume
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Just a costume.

pls buff her...
>tomoe CE
My wife Kiyo is relevant!
Literally said it was a costume a week ago idiots
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are those the one from cafe typemoon shit?
?????????????? Who the fuck is this
>Girls Work servants
Holy shit
Who asked for these vtuber servants?
They're HibiChika from...
my quartz are safe
This is an L for everybody
Azumi-no-isora (阿曇磯良) is a shinto kami of the seashore. He is considered to be the ancestor of the Azumi people. He is worshiped at a number of shrines, including Mekari Shrine (和布刈神社) of Kitakyushu, Shikaumi Shrine on Shika Island,[1] and Shiga Shrine (志賀神社) of Tsushima.

Azumi-no-isora is considered a (lesser) sea deity hired as navigator to bring the emissary Takenouchi no Sukune to the Dragon King (i.e., Dragon God, Ryūjin) in the late legend regarding the loan of the tide jewels to Empress Jingū,[2] attested in various foundation myth documents of the Hachiman cult.[3][a]
Boring servant tbqh
Magireco looking bitches
Fucking called it.
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did you rike ?
The green one looks like Sanae from 2hu...
>those cafe girl designs from a million years ago
but... why
I sleep
its so over
This Lostbelt needs to be pruned.
Thanks for saving my quartz, I guess...
Weirdly Takeuchi's art has more soul.
Quite possibly the floppiest least exciting worst 5* I have ever seen
Even 5* Heian poet would have been better

Meteo...go back to fucking writing Requiem not this shit
tertiaries everywhere
Were these guys on the mystery niggas sheet for this year?
Game is on the decline, holy shit
It pisses of /frog/ so yes.
is this anmi????
ew what the fuck
looks like shit from some generic gacha
These two were voted once 5th best TM official couple. They are dykes.
Who the fuck are those
>actually HibiChika
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They wasted Anmi on this? Also they announced the Kiyo was a costume ages ago
>those bows
Yaaaay my quartz are safe
so when are we getting the anni servant?
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So i guess different servants gives you a different genre of adventure?
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No idea who they are but they look cute and it's a 2 in 1 so I don't mind.
Comfy event all things considered.
Yeah, they were hidden in the middle
>this post
>/alter/ newfags utterly confused
During the Anniversary.
Suomi on the front page!
looks like >>483824197 put through an AI filter
On anni, retard
why did they include a costume among the silhouettes
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>Caubac Alcatraz CC
Hello there, I'm nobody
new years most likely
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Wooooo aniki
Fuck off, doomposter
FGO has fallen lmao
Do you honestly care?
we chinese gacha now.
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>rice farmer sisters REBRANDED
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She fits on silhouettes btw
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Not sure what Takasugi and Tiamat re supposed to be?
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>are those the one from cafe typemoon shit?

>Girls Work servants

Honestly, they are obscure as hell, with Carnival Phantasm being their most "famous" appearance. But like they are really scrapping the bottom of the barrel by making these girls 5*.
dios mio
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>Anons calling Anmi AIslop
They learnt off her...
Will we get Holy Sculpture Hibiki Triten or will they go full joke servant?
did they secretly kill off nasu or something? what the FUCK is this shit
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Bob and Gray tomodachi interaction again.
what the fuck is "anmi"? I only know of anni
is that europa and the twins?
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oh oops I thought they were the same, it seems my memory failed
my fault meltbro
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depends on which memes
Tmitter is better than anything they put out since FGO started so yes
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Dont roll on bait gacha summer is after it
Cool CM except for that ugly bitch Tlaloc
Why is he so cool?
"2-san: summer event will start right after anni9, so make sure clearing OC prologue"
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Honestly who the fuck are these two
no fish would bite for this bait, not even an old tmfags
Dude has art even worse than Oberon
She's only getting rolls if they're the quick support saviour.
They were the MCs of the mobile website TM back in the 2000s.
>But like they are really scrapping the bottom of the barrel by making these girls 5*.
The game's like 10 fuckin years old, there's only so many characters in the Nasuverse they can use, of course they're getting to this point
it was during new year
Literally no one is tempted by this filler gacha
Friendly reminder they could have released a moneymaker like Ciel and they chose to do this instead.
Cute girls, that's all I need to know.
dual servants suck
If Kiyohime plays the role of Otohime, who will play the role of Hoori, another servant or Guda?
Are you insane, retarded or both? TM has hundreds of characters outside FGO.
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>we are forgotten
As an actual artist I am 99% sure this is AI art mixed with actual art. Worst Servant ever off that alone fuck FGO uninstalling
But they didn't so they don't give a shit about ciel
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artist name, has made characters in other gachas notably suomi from gfl and eyja from arknights
And I see that she retweeted the FGO Fes stream, so its confirmed to be her work.
they would do that for anni tho
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They're saving up on fsf and fsr servants to maintain hype for FGO2
Nah, the Pokemon twins are still fairly close to my heart. In and out of gameplay.
>tfw Morgan gets all the shilling
post your art or you're lying
How many cocks do you suck on average?
>alterfag only know about that.
Even assuming that she's a money maker, why would they randomly release her before anni instead of actual anni.
Are you retarded? Don't you know how human spending habits work? Guilt and gratification?
I expected nothing, but I certainly didn't expect to see these two again.
The good news is my quartz is safe until summer
Gote servant when?
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There's was another one in which he wears pilot googles so probably something related with robots
>Mysterious Orient
>Urban Fantasy
No idea what's tiamama deal. Being Isekai into an Strawberry Cake episode?
>Thinking anyone will roll for such irrelevant filler
evens roll
odds save
>dude we want waifu Servants, not maleflops
>get waifu Servants
>no not like that
/frog/ moment
Honestly it's good she didn't make an original design seeing this overdesigned mess. Some artists are only good at rendering not designing like Yoneyama Mai or Pikazo
Normally I'd be mad because I hate type boomers and all they represent, worthless shitters.
But those two are so obscure they can pass off as a new servant and nobody will look deeper into it. But there's probably going to be a school uniform ascension I can feel it.
cute and they should interaction even more
This retard doesnt know who anmi is and said "actual artist" meanwhile anmi is big in gacha gaming back then because her artwork before ai slop begin to shitstain your brain.
Im not even her fans but i know her since im making "art" too.
AI garbage

Now that's actual ART
Only start decision they've made recently
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The lighting is wrong
The ropes are wrong
They're using AI to finish small details and as a result it looks like crap
>FGO original characters in the first half of 2024 are only from OC2 with 2 alts
Not looking good
Quick np.
Pack your bag your sq is safe fgog
>I hate type boomers
Nasu panders to them constantly.
Ushi-Gozen is an FGO original. She appeared in FGO in 2016
As for why she looked different, lore says she can alter her appearance to look like anything she wants
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Tezcat and Sexo en la ciudad for the new CM. And some other servants nobody gives a fuck.
Sisters wake up and stop replying to the schizo shitposter
We knew since the FSN anniversary stream in... January? February? Did they finally give an announcement date?
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fgo is all about that overdesign
I love AI art
post skills
Because most artist only do illustration unlike Yoneyama and Mika who graduate in art school with design degree
Gogh is SOVL incarnate don't ever critique art again
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>Kuku was the servant wanted to shill
>ended up being the bi-monthly flop
Many such cases
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>loli first ascension
Well well
Basically better Ushi-Gozen since they focused them on looping
That said still suffers the same issue as Ushi-Gozen, much stronger competition exists.
gogh was designed by AI though
If you think art school degrees hold any value at all you're a complete fucking retard. They are worth as much as Social Study ones
believe in mexican summer
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>Tialoc and Xu Fu in the PV
Swimsuits confirmed
>Another character from another typemoon series became servant
Bro nobody cares about your flop, bringing her up every post isn't going to make people care
Yea just like Locusta is a loli you fucking retard.
You misunderstood me. Yoneyama and Mika are shit at design. Look at spider girl and Fire Emblem Engage. Then there are artists like Takeuchi who is shit at rendering but (used to be) good at design. Also Oberon's artist whose name I can't remember right now
that guy mean those 2 are shit at designing anon
Really, this is what we get for summer?
City's designs are that good, to the point I consider her the most popular female of the year she was released. Hoping she gets a summer variant or figure. Although with so little competition left, chances of summer City are high.

And well, everyone liked Tez character-wise. Most popular male from the year he was released.
it isn't. There's too much complex geometry/anatomy for it to be.
The only thing that's really off is the left side of the red ribbon but that could easily be human error because it's a clusterfuck design with an ugly style to it.
The real answer is it's just a cop-out "we want the vtuber audience" design using nu-age watercolor impressionist type styling. It vaguely resembles AI because something that AI can do that "looks less AI" than the other 2.5d type garbage it can produce.
t.fag that's a bit more than ankle-deep in AI image gen
>City's designs are that good
They are completely garbage, she's the worst design for that LB by far. Burned 4 copies of her
Are they any good????
>Alter Ego
>right after tiamat
lmao even
>AI art servants
fgo is cooked
Even add Andromeda it's only 2, new low literally
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From her artist
I thought they would release a clapbait servant for the anniversary, but I can't even clap to this.
lmao you clearly know jack shit about ai if you think there's any limit to styling
>schizoing out about a gameplay comparison
Retards they're both 2024 Quick NP AoE Extra Class Servants with a Buster/Quick focused kit
>Azumi no Isora
Ah, that fish guy from SMT....
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They should've let her draw some sovful ballerinas instead...
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Mika seems trained for branding with flashy stuff that can be eye-catching.
Being "good at character design for a gacha game" is a different skillset than "being good at character design."
Yes it is, there is some skill that only you can learn in school retard

Most design arent for everyone i get it, i saw those design were unique unlike others that makes it stands out even people just spit on it
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3rd and FA are locked so here are skills with 1st and 2nd ascension
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>Otohime obsesses over (You)
I never said there was a limit. There are, however, EXTREMELY common types of styling that people use because they're luddites who don't do their own training. The people calling this AI are knee-jerking because this is one of those more common types of styling.
Owari da
Sorry you wasted money on that useless piece of paper that 70% of professional artists didn't bother getting, dumb fuck.
This is the year for Summer Shuten, for sure!
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kiyofags won again
Why are you repeating the shit you were complaining about?
>some skill that only you can learn in school
such as?
>locked 3rd ascension and FA
Yep we're getting Triten
Kiyohime's buff gives her a modifier against burnt enemies and that effect they gave to Setanta and Scat where you gain 10% NP on attack, getting kinda lazy adding that again honestly
Mystery nigga update. They are in there.
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Summer Beni this year bros
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The costume is literally Otohime, even in the story she gets a Otohime nameplate.
I guess Guda really is meant to be Urashima Taro/Anchin for how anonymous they are as figures. Self inserts overlap with the self insert.
But yeah Otohime is for (You).
If school were cheap, everyone could be smart ass like you faggot
I don't understand
Weren't you bitching about your boogeyman saying "yawn" why are you doing it now?
I feel bad for you Ushi-Gozen gets mentioned and your brain forces you to react

Couldn't be me
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bros... explain this pls
>schizo parroting another phrase of mine cute in a gay obssessive schizo way

Too bad you're probably ugly as fuck in real life since you spend all day here
>black panties
Based Bob
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I feel like this event was written with OC2 references in mind since you're suddenly managing a sweets shop/cafe and the two new girls are your maids/workers
A retarded art degree holder can't even into basic English comprehension here >>483825770

Thanks for proving my points fucking LMAO.
Gray and bob thigh hehehe
liberal arts or classic arts are all for low iq, high iq study STEM
They seem fine I guess? If you want an AOE quick you're probably better with Rikyu or if you really want that alter-ego classing Douman.
If they want duo servants they should've released Sella and Leysritt.
We learn to create art, not arguing with (you) using perfect english retard.
based abbybro
Hibi and chika comes from something written by OKSG (who is also the writer of sei), so I think there is a 90% chance that the event is written by OSKG
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The ascension no one remembers
You don't learn shit in art uni, why don't you answer this guy? >>483826740 Also point is you lot are basically illiterate retards
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why is there a shot of bob's panties and morgan's armpits in the new tvcm ?
after BBalterfaggot
Its not just learning, honing your skills and copy others is like a cheap bargain if you pursue art.
If not maybe making art isnt for you, but you could still enjoying it.
alive yourself and stuff that bird
This but for this >>483827646
abbypedos are based though
Nah, they're just as retardedly cringe as BApedos
low test
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The only good post to grace this cesspool of samefagging corpse of a general.

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