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Previous: >>483578904

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.3 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html

>Version 2.3 Preview: "Farewell, Penacony"
>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Firefly Trailer — Embers in a Shell
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars"
>Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth

>Current Character Banners: (Firefly, Ruan Mei + Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992036
>Current Light Cone Banners: Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest (Destruction), Past Self in Mirror (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992142

>New Drip Marketing:
>Yunli (5* Physical Destruction) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29523146
>Jiaoqiu (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29576382
>March 7th (4* Imaginary Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29661298

>Web Event: "Re-ignite the Divergent Universe" - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619challenge-1sw0o4/index.html

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

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>/hsrg/ Thread Template
Fav song?
Hope Is the Thing With Feathers, has really been growing on me.
Firefly is cute but Yinlin is beautiful and sexy
I hate Robin's songs. Not a fan of the person they found on Fiverr to sing
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Firefly love!
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for me its https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TursZNv5dA8
I don’t know how to make this a webm but I thought I’d share it anyways
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Why yes I skipped the fire DPS midpaz to E2S1 my wife firefly.
herta space station really has the best music genre, electronic but breaking out the groovy hammond organ for bosses
Why were people making such a big deal out of Sunday fight?
I defeated him pretty easily and here I was preparing for the worst.
Pre-patch Aventurine was harder desu.
when are they going to add another difficulty to echo of war
I can already see this game dying after Firefly banner. She is a beloved character, more beloved than other characters. Firefly is literally our Elysia.

>The writer of Elysia in HI3 is Shaoji
>Her arc ends, she disappears from the story
>HI3 dies

>Everyone loves Elysia
>The writer of Firefly in HSR is Shaoji
>Everyone loves Firefly
>Her arc ends, she disappears from the story
>HSR dies

Just go to the official hsr account on x and see how many likes her drip marketing has compared to others (it's the highest so far). Just look at how many fireflyfags post in those threads, and there's an image circulating showing that she's the second most popular among chinese and korean players, only behind Elysia.

Elysia had literally killed HI3, although I already suspected that Firefly was capable of doing the same (because there aren't any characters as interesting as her after her) before noticing this pattern.
Do you not realize you have to roll 3 characters to get the most out of the follow up team compared to 1 with acheron? As far as i am concerned all 3 comps clear with full stars with ease.
mono foxian will save the game
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Acheron is so much uglier than Raiden Shogun its like they actively wanted to sabotaged her. They really need to add skins to this game or something
theres only 2 playable fox characters in the game though? 3 if you count jinqiao?
Behold, the three dindos.
SAM's theme goes hard as fuck
Feixiao and 5* Tingyun soon
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Any tips for this shit?
Who is the dps?
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Fofo forgotten…
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They should give us enough Tingyun variants we can run a full Tingyun team
well there's 3 actually, unless you forgor Fofo or Yukong...
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From the recent tracks, this one is really nice, first time in moths that I changed train's theme to something.
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Save for the Snek.
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Fox love!
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Now this is epic
yukong ult spam
Not rolling fox homo. I rather good using SW or Pela this is why I rolled E2S1 mei
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I'm losing my MIND attempting DU V5. I always get the most useless blessings and equations and I can never get 8 blessings of a single path to enable the 3* equation. I've tried Clara, RatPaz, Acheron, DoThags, Firefly Superbreak, everything. I'm this close to whipping out the Jingliu and Seele as well just to truly be able to say I've tried EVERYTHING.
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>As societies have modernized, fertility rates have declined very substantially. In the pre-modern era, fertility rates of 4.5 to 7 children per woman were common.
>During modern era, women on average have 2.07 children during their lives. At lowest point only 1,86 kids.
>A human female would ovulate multiple times in her regenerative window between 10(earliest possible pregnancy) - 51 years(Latest possible Menopause), 38 years of fertility total, be that as it may, pregnancy takes several months and ovulation continues averagely following a couple of weeks. This will give multi-month span between conveyances. May land at most extreme, a hypothetical of a 42 pregnancies per life cycle. On average, however, only around 15 pregnancies per average human female life-span if taking daily life factors into account.
>Bosenmori Mei is an Emanator and a Black hole which implies: She's either Immortal or Her life span exceeds average human's greatly. >> Menopause never hits.
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >> doubles the amount of potential pregnancies.
>Bosenmori Mei is capable of supplying herself with nutrients through consumption of Nitrogen and Helium from local stars. Effective Value of a star depends on orbit's diameter, the size of the Black Hole, as well as the size of the Space Body that's being consumed: Can be as little as a few days, or it could take millions or even billions of years to consume a single star.
>Bosenmori Mei, if supplied with enough cosmic mass, and, assuming she will be impregnated right after each time she delivers, is capable of giving birth to 60 to 80 children each solar century for several Billions of Solar years!
do it on the normal setting so you dont get bricked on final boss in the last herta shop get the jellyfish curio that sells all your blessings
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I still havent gotten an attack chest piece for Firefly
Basically you want either Jiaoqiu or Yukong as your second support for Feixiao with Tingyun and Huohuo. This could also be completely wrong if they give her some kind of ult gimmick…
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What exactly is the problem? You have had plenty of time to get those characters by now. Day 1 players should have at least 15 5*s on their account.
How do you finish off SAM in stage 10?

Like wtf, how much HP?
I already use Acheron's A team.
Kafkabros.. it's over...
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been having this track on bg since i've heard it while doing DU
Why did Bronya and Seele flop?
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I will never swap our Parlour Car off of Space Walk
We stand against ill repute
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I'm actually saving for Sunday. Can't believe HSR is actually convincing me to roll for a male.
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Are you taking Combat or Occurrence domains?
Honestly, it feels like I can always get enough just taking combat the first few, doing adventure domains and then buying out the store and overriding.
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probably the only fight outside sunday I really like replaying, especially with the audience cheering with his dice phase & him shouting "ITS ALL OR NOTHING!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNKh7OxgoMA
Wow. To think we'd even see the day... Trailblazer next somehow?
>saving for a character that might end up being completely different
how the fuck did pagpagfly not reach 100+ tiktok hours after all that shilling
Svarog's theme goes hard.
abandon thread
fujo infestation

i repeat, abandon thread
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Negroday will be the first male harmony and the second Ruan Mei for break teams
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Second HMC you mean
No need to talk about yourself in 3rd person.
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>no ATK chest
>no SPD boots
>no ATK orb
It's well and truly over......
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Gods strongest normal male design vs randomly plastered in boob window
I thought the leaker mixed up Moze with Sunday
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i got e1 clara from standard and the new banner is she worth building? i could use a phys dps.
I'm like a radical mathmatical animal
livin in a concrete jungle just literal
survival of the fittest, menace, innocent or criminal
battle with me you'll slip bananas tropical
we all pitiful egoistical animals
pain is the vitamin and money is the mineral
u need lil bit more than a miracle
to get yourself out of the valley up to the pinnacle
>use all my resins for Firefly pieces
>they're all garbage
I'm going to piss on your grave, Da Wei.
I don't think that's possible cause a lot of firefly art is drawn with the trailblazer
>Thinking it won't be for crit with him applying a debuff called Exacerbate increasing crit chance and crit damage against enemy
Woops Acheron support.
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Because they were carried by clapbait, they're just Seele and Bronya again and only did the motions as such. Acheron actually manages to be different enough to be more interesting than those two pieces of drywood.
Yunli is powercreeping her next patch, if you don't plan to roll on her you can build Clara instead
What is your biggest fail and what is your biggest win

Fail: going all in to E6 Xueyi when she first came out. iamnevergonnafinanciallyrecoverfromthis.jpg

Win: The after effect of going all in to E6 Xueyi. Pic related
Void Archive when?
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Yes she's so broken mihoyo had enough and is releasing Yunli directly to powercreep her because nothing else worked
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Only good thing to come out of Luofu (along with Fofobusters)
Absolutely based [C]had
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>not getting both
Kinda gay ngl
Dread it, run from it, the HSR male boob window arrives all the same
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Glowworm-chan love!
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What's with the monday spam
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i had used like 50 fuels so far and i haven't gotten past 149spd...
if they go all in on a 'fallen angel' design i will roll 100%
i hate that i am a sucker for that shit but it is what it is
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We champion our renown
It also works in Clara's favor since she'll steamroll the MoCs and PFs shilling Yunli and she gets an actually good cone now
characters were definitvely the weakest part of Belobog
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I saved a lot of art
I am posting the art
This is an imageboard
always occurace or reward if possible because combat is a drag and I can't do adventure on phone and my PC isn't here currently
I'll try combat I guess?
They better make Sunday (forma de Stellaron Hunter) the most broken male character yet because I actually liked him in the story. I can't justify rolling for a male if he's mid.
Hanabi wo mistenaide..... onegai.....
Honestly outside of the trailblazer quest I quite like the laofu stuff like aurum alley and the ghost crew, if the tournament is anything like those I have no problems with space china
I'm not pushing my FF SPD too high because for every bit I add to FF I need to add more to HMC and I can't be bothered.
Aye, combat gives you 3x blessings that you have a bit more control over
I imagine it'll help, occurrence feels like a crapshoot to me
Firefly's technique should practically auto-clear it anyway
why are there boomers here?
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It's, like everyone has been saying for the past week, completely rigged. It's just significantly more noticeable because the stats they're rigging against are some of the worst stats to get on any other set.
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Definitely my favorite Robin song
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Do we have Jade's numbers yet? Quantum erudition FUA just sounds fun to play
Behold my immaculate taste.
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Me and My wife.
>first male harmony
Stinky Stelle player
I saw someone saying that the higher ups at the IPC are really followers of the Voracity and I have to say it really makes a lot of sense

Also fuck the IPC all my homies hate the IPC
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HSR Bronya and Seele are extremely unappealing, I never understood why people were into belobog's main story so much, I guess they only remember the flashy cocolia segment. Characters like Sampo, Serval, Natasha, Hook, Clara and Svarog were nice too, the better part of belobog were really the sidequests, character quests and hidden events.Also the only remotely good Yuribait in this game is Fuqing and nothing comes close
Cool sister but no need to be defensive about it
How hard did they fuck for both of them to end up in bandages
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Every song on the Radiant Feldspar is so fucking good, it's insane. Relaxing as hell. Honestly, this whole patch has been great for music, between that and the abyssal shadow music.
Sunday is HSR's Sandalphon
you're trans?
I'm finally done with the clockie statue after doing all of the mind control side quests... Now my HMC can stop being literally 1 energy shot from getting their ult.
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Hanyabros, 4pc Messenger, DDD, and FotA an okay setup?
Was there no intro quest to the new SU stuff with Screwwy or Ratio or something? I skipped to unlock it so I wouldn't miss the weekly rewards, not knowing they were pointless, but now that I've done all the story it's still just there with no explanation.
I thought there was an implication they were just higher-tier Orderfags, but I could see Voracity too
>for every bit I add to FF I need to add more to HMC
Why? They will get energy from enemies broken anyway
Why did you think people cared about the two most boring members of Belobog in the first place
I forgot how good Svarogs theme was
>occurrence feels like a crapshoot to me
Actually true. All I seem to get is money related occurances, and at that point I only have like 150 bucks.
Turn based games are the boomer genre
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Yes, I'm female Trailblazer(futa).
Fail:Rolling for Sparkle to make a monoquantum with my E6 QQ that ends up being a brick on most modes, had to run double sustain and the team gets me to SD and GnG high diff stages but I still thought Robin would've been better Harmony.
Win: Skipping Robin to E0S1 Firefly and Ruan Mei instead. Ruan Mei decided to come twice in a single tenner.
Wake me when we get our own Belial.
So you can get their ult up before FF, RM or Gallagher and boost their damage with superbreaks.
playable sunday better have mind control mechanics
we already got cheated out of kafka's
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Going around using this shit on people made (you) feel more like a stereotypical villain than Sunday ngl. Hentai villain trailblazer when?
She is fine for PF, and you could give her Yunli's LC
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it's very comfty, sometimes i have it also while taking a nice stroll, hope they keep making osts like that one
>Playable Sunday gets a katana for his skill and basic aswell
There's a bit of introduction with Screwllum but you didn't really miss anything
I got a bit more conversation from Screwllum about it after doing the thresholds (or maybe just as a result of leveling DU up) but it's really just him walking in and setting up shop out of nowhere
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You just meet Screwllum in Herta's testing room and then he takes you to the ship so you're not in Herta's way, that's it
>Stelle as the Futa
Pleb tier. Especially if the girls she's paired with are smaller
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Love this meme
He's with you now bro.
Who was the History Fictionologist that created Gallagher, and why did they? What happened to Razalin, she just ran off somewhere and died?

Why did they end Penacony like this, there was a plotline here that could've easily fit in and filled a patch and tied everything up perfectly. Was going back to the Xianzhou really that important?
What did IX do to you bro
They're saving this for dark Trailblazer abusing clockwork powers. Stay tuned for the R18 DLC.
>Rolling for Sparkle

Looks like bro didn't take his mono gremlin pills today
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Trash list, kys.
I'm hoping they keep it simple instead of schizo lore dumps. Tournament arc is as anime as you can get so that would be pretty hard to mess up. I mean Aetherium Wars was fun.
Yaoshi down and Nous and remembrance up
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>4 resin
>4 fuel
She doesn't love you.
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>punished Tingyun
>Annihilation jobbers
Dogshit list. IX is literally /ourAeon/.
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Nous doesn't deserve to be that low
Yeah, it felt pretty strange that they blew off the implications of it in the story
Does farming relics get better at max trailblaze level? I'm in the mid fifties right now and I get only 1-2 golden relics per run. That seems like nothing.
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Unironically wanted this just so the Tumblr refugees who kept bitching about Firefly and her fanservicey interactions would look like hypocritical retards.
>IX this low
Absolute clown
>Aha not being S

When it comes out that Sparkle was a emanator of Aha the whole time I bet your tune will change
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
Lots of IX sympathizers... We love the Amber Lord here.
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>punished Tingyun
True, because it's Phantylia. The fox is dead.
The entirety of Penacony's OST is perfection, but it's hard to beat the king
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Here I fixed it for you
i can't see stelle as a futa in artwork she works better as a normal girl
fofo thoughever...
Unless you are fighting a boss her own super break will be enough, and even against bosses you will get so many turns that your dmg will probably be higher than making her slower for that ult
Gallagher will absolutely be able to attack again during HMC's ult thanks to the delay+RM's ult
SAM is a fucking joke.

MoC stage 12 is easier than stage 10 with SAM by miles.
Firefly is the powercreep unit going even beyond Acheron.
>My brainwashing is good actually
Wow it really is just like Persona 5
The stonehearts being the only true believers of preservation would make a lot of sense and the ipc civil war would be kino.
>IX that low
Kill thyself
Oh, I got that part even from skipping, I just thought there'd be... more.
>IX in D
End yourself kid
Or don't whatever
Where is my misinformation nigga at
honestly penacony after 2.0 felt like a bunch of crib notes stolen from P5R
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The homo art with Caelus would reach biblical heights and I don't think /hsrg/ could handle it.
>What happened to Razalin, she just ran off somewhere and died?
Disappeared while trying to research the memoria black hole that you see in Dreamflux Reef, presumed dead
We simply don't know about Gallagher, just that the guy knew Mikhail
You mean super break is the powercreep mechanic
Bro relax and slop up some burgerinos to soothe the pain!
>muh IX

Boring ass blob should fuck off
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>biblical heights
She added nothing to this arc. She pretty much was like Gui in the last arc. Adds next to nothing to the main story of the arc, has an annoying EN voice, and is an off meta unit that people simp for
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It even had a casino setting
Ummmm Persona 5 much???
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My wife is so cute...
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Why does /hsrg/ hate him?
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Stop playing that knockoff SU
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Did he grow the crow wings? Are those Gopher Wood's wings? What's the deal?
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Based as FUCK
Not a fan of his skin color
He's a boring Aeon. He doesn't even like his followers so what's the point.
IX should be at least S since it's a very blatant reference to Azathoth from Cthulhu Mythos or even Gods of Pegana's MANA-YOOD SUSHAI.
I agree Qlipoth should be S just from the fact that I gives 0 fucks about the IPC wagecucks.
If you didn't notice, they also completely ignored implications of what RM is doing, for example, so that's hardly new.
He is just uninteresting, lot of other aeons have a way more entertaining lore.
I'm a big roguelike nerd, and I've been clearing it on V6 for a few days now, and the more I get used to it the more my success rate improves. I find that trying to enable the 3 star is usually a trap. With a decent run you won't really need it until the final boss, and if you save up your fragments you can use that chance to reroll for a potentially better 3 star that you naturally enable. Same goes for blessings. You should constantly be balancing your resources and figuring out what you need.

You might be dipping too hard into damage, that's another trap. Some teams bring respectable damage to begin with and should prioritize defense, others really need to grab all the damage they can. For example, a generic FF team should do very well, there's a lot of bias toward break in the DU atm. But that instead means that you should try and patch up your weaknesses, the lack of healing, shield, and sustain. I think with FF teams now I tend to bias toward prs, abn, and rem because grabing a strong weighted and maybe a lucky equation or hunt blessing is enough to make FF deal some bonkers damage, most runs instead end when Ruan Mei gets one-shot or something.

Meanwhile, Archeon teams I feel like need to grab more damage, but much less defense because Adventurine is so effective. You just have to feel things out - if you're 0 cycling a random enemy, maybe you've gone too Glass Cannon.
His path concept is boring and feels very generic.
Nanook feels like the last boss of a game but it actually turns out be a simply mid boss.
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literally who?

>I guess they only remember the flashy cocolia segment.
Yeah, which is still really cool. But man if I didn't enjoy NPCs more than the main cast. HSR always had really good sidquest though, even in the space station.
>is literally in universe Satan
>monkey paw deals at kiosks on every planet

I wasn't going to, but I'm all in on Jade.
He's the designated jobber aeon made to be defeated via the power of friendship just before EOS. Hard to get excited about him.
They do acknowledge it though, March and Himeko say how creepy that is but when push comes to shove, they immediately ask you to use it. It was funny.
Canonically, no one except for RM and Ratio and maybe Screwllum knew what she was doing.
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His dark blue vest looks like wings, and Robin has wing-like design around her waist too, so some artists took that idea and ran with it
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We love IX here.
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>mfw Robin starts singing
We know nothing about him except the fact he's le DESTRUCTION man who wants to DESTROY everything because everything SUCKS, and that's a pretty boring fucking concept without some characterization to go along with
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She literally saved Penacony by giving everyone a happy ending. All the pieces were put together by her and she orchestrated everything from behind the curtains
>biggest banger hasn't been posted yet
Is everybody in this general deaf or what?
Is it better for either Firefly or Ruan Mei to get their LC rather than going for an Eidolon? Not sure how best to allocate my resources
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I love IX. Simple as. I collect all Nihility units, even bricks.
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why is huohuo's tail on fire?
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chispitas love
I regret rolling for Naganohara Yoimiya
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Taco Bell
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post Misha
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Belobog's main story was nothing special, it was a lot of the side content that made it really charming and memorable. Going in the closet, getting your shitty tongue stuck on the fence, the posters, all the optional content inspect dialogue were really good. And like everyone else said too, Wildfire + Cocolia fucked hard.
If you rape enough people, could you create the path of rape and become the rape aeon? Discuss.
I meant more in the broad plot sense. At least, I didn't really get a strong impression as to the history of this weird clockwork magic aside from being shoehorned in as part of the "yeah I imagined Clockie and he became real, also you have clockwork powers I guess" exposition, and that latter point wasn't elaborated on enough for me.

Possible I just missed or forgot that part of it, though.
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That's the best part, all Nihility are good.
Love this blob like you wouldn't believe.
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that's not a tail. It's Mister Tail
We love nous here.
That's already probably under Destruction or something. But it is kinda odd that there's no particular Aeon that's simply for malice/evil.
Might wind up falling under Voracity or the now-defunct Propagation, you may just wind up as a pathstrider/emanator OR like the Knights of Beauty. Imagine being the Rape Emanator.
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>Ying Xi Ping
>44 the reddit
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Each gacha pull, a tale of desire,
Yet Yanqing arrives, igniting my ire.
With each flash of light, my dreams drift away,
For the hero I seek, must wait another day.

The screen lights up with his icy stare,
His presence so small, his presence so rare.
But my heart sinks low as I see his face,
Yanqing, oh why must you take this place?
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I got 2 LC Memories of the Past, Should I super impose it or give one to RM and another one to HMC since I don't wanna roll for RM's LC?
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>Ages 12 and up

Not gonna happen higger. This is why we need to seperate ourselves from the giggers and higgers on /vg/. I say we start our own thread, We'll call it /srg/, Star Rail General. That'll show those action-slop faggots whose boss
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>Imagine being the Rape Emanator.
it is still worth grinding for 4pc watchmaker or is there an upcoming new break set that would powercreep it?
I love the vocal parts of Pedujara, reminds me of Ar Tonelico. Wish the entire song had the vocals
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So far he's kinda nothing, he wasn't involved with any other Aeon's story since he's one of the youngest and the first Lord Ravager we interact with is Phantylia who was essentially fucking around and throwing what should've been an easy win. It's kinda hard to take Nanook seriously as a cosmic threat when the Antimatter Legion, which is supposed to be the extension of his will, was presented like this.
I suspect this will probably change once they introduce someone like Zephyro who isn't fucking around.
If anything, I'd classify it under Elation.
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You have to actually keep her passive up if u want the auto cleanse anon.
>staring at your soul
>thumbnail has her facing to the side
shit video, do better next time anon
There's not other set that gives you a team wide buff so one of your team should have it. With the usual FF team I'd probably say RM should have it.
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what's wrong with pulling for meta?
It'd need to be very busted to be worth it and you probably already got pieces from Acheron/Ratio farming.
who on Earth is saying there's something wrong with that
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>Monodrama mogged a bunch of peak-popularity Genshin character demos in views
How did spinkle win so bigly?
What set is the best for her?
new one > fua > boxer > disciple?
menhera is hot
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He's a nigger. Both in looks and in generic wanting to destroy shit.
He's destruction done wrong.
Before creation comes ruins. But this guy just want to destroy everything permanently.
Still remember how people used to say Lynx was great....my half assed Gallagher mogs her
I really regret not starting out when she was on rape up, now I have to save for her rerun.
the voices in my head
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Anyone who complains about powercreep instead of just investing in their core teams is doing it wrong. Firefly is the new hotness now that "can never be powercrept" just like Acheron before her and Jingliu both of them.

All you need to do is invest in like 3 core teams and you can clear all content. Will you 0 MoC no, but you don't get more jades for zero cycles so as long as you can 3 star it who cares.

Just roll for who you like and stop chasing the new "meta" unit. Also invest in a DoT team it is the only team that truly can't be powercrept
No one did. Maybe coping in a Monoquantum team but she was a Natasha sidegrade.
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Almost the exact same relics as Clara.
Playtesters are using the new FUA set for her.
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>Before creation
it wasn't story focused like Acheron or Firefly's so anyone could enjoy it for what it is
>it is the only team that truly can't be powercrept
please stop jinxing my Kafka investment like this
I went to Applebees for lunch and the waitress said I can’t get two 2 for $25 for myself so I had to order only one 2 for $25 and get the other one to go.
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mfw I have to go back to world 3 to farm fleet of the fucking ageless for ruan mei because firefly doesn't want keel
tell them Firefly mogs them
Rude my wife is not fat
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I will carry out His will.
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It's called forced consensual sex
Have you guys noticed that Aventurine's theme is now officially called "Hell is Preferable to Nihility"?
your not farming the new break effect for RM?
this tier list was brought to you by the IPC

You can clear everything with anyone. If you pull meta over characters you like you won't enjoy the game for long.

Watch FF meta pullers cry when super break gets cucked in a patch or two by unbreakable enemies. But FF lovers won't care as much because they like the character.

Meta changes every patch. Your love for a character can be eternal.
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She's only great for Clara or Blade for a cheap ass team for earlygame/ early-endgame
Otherwise, she has no use. Not even in Mono-quantum
Didn't know they had internet in the biblebelt countryside
No you won't nigga you're married to HARMONY forever and ever in the meta now
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>The diviner girl
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they said
>toughness lock lmao
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Gameplayfags are in the minority here because there is no autism itt. People don't realize that playing the game with the best build is more fun than forever coping. You create artificial difficulty when you try and force a character that doesn't belong. We all know not to use Yuna in early game FFX. You don't use Shana in LOD. You don't use a bad monster companion in FF13-2. You don't breed monsters without leveling them to get their skills and stats passed down in DQM.

Yet faggots here will false flag and tell you that your dogshit account is "SOVL". They never played an rpg. They are retarded shitposters. Meta is the only way to play, it's a fucking gacha game.

But still, you should only roll for characters that are cool Like Argenti or that make your dick hard like fofo
>I will carry out His will.
>Absolutely jobber
Yaoshi is S tier, because she’s hot.
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minneapolis is a big city
Aiiiiiie how will I go on taking 2 extra cycles to clear MOC
>Think this is strangling
>Just cute cheek squeezy art
:D good ending
shes already at 200 break effect idk if 40% more does anything meaningful
also I'm already done farming that world for firefly pieces
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Please respond.
Unless they are going to make new boss have crazy high effect res or put out another dot detonator unit that idk make the detonated dots crit then I don't see how they take her out the meta

Mommy isn't going to go out and get milk anytime soon. She will always be there to hard carry you on one side of MoC or PF
Oh shit, didn't know they had applebees in canada
He looks more like a recolor Blade than TB
I know this is a reference to some fucken obscure poem again
>No one did.
I remember people on videos and stuff saying how she was almost like a 5 star, but her heals are dog shit and now Yunli's cone will make her only team synergy worthless...she will probably drop to the same tier as Natasha next patch
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Best Yunli team in your opinion?
Nooo Robin got shot again!
>Who was the History Fictionologist that created Gallagher, and why did they?
He was real at some point, but that was during the watchmaker's time. Long ago, so normally people die. Micah turned into a dreamscape meme to continue existing, Gallagher used enigmata powers. But once he was seen through and his task was finished, he disappeared.
>What happened to Razalin, she just ran off somewhere and died?
Did you not pay attention to the Clockie event? Basically sacrificed herself and died, just like Misha believed Tiernan did. And if you did all the answers in your sticker book, it's revealed that the person you were talking to was Razalin. But she disappeared after the last page, probably because Penacony was saved.
>Why did they end Penacony like this, there was a plotline here that could've easily fit in and filled a patch and tied everything up perfectly.
Nah, Gallagher is done. He already says he will die, he made a final toast, he gets an official death in a sidequest, the bar lady has a feeling he is dead, you toast to him over the graves of the other nameless and he left a goodbye letter in the express. It's honestly funny how much they repeat that he is dead. As for Razalin, I felt her fate was missing in the entire story. But it could always be addressed in a trailblaze continuance, it's not crucial to the main plot of Penacony
you make it easier to hit 160+ speed with RM though
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I finally found the evil fofoposter...! Shoo, shoo! Outta this thread!
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It's already implied his Path all the way down to his followers are simple, nihilistic, evil goons who wants to kill people so others hate them enough to get them killed.
Besides we get implications very early on one of our friendly factions sought to just get him killed, and according to IPC intel, it's in the service of the superior evil destroyer Aeon (Terminus the Finality)
Yeah probably, though don't Cogs work for RM?
Reminder that if they decide to do that, it'd also fuck over Acheron and Ratio users so they can't really touch that.
I straight up would have stopped playing if I didn't have Kafka. God I couldn't imagine being at such a disadvantage.
Are both S1?
If so just use them for now and superimpose them later when you get more. Ruan Mei can cope with cogs in a superbreak team too.
>Make dots count as separate damage and effects
>said separate damage is halved and enemies have increased resistance to DoT application specificaly
There, enjoy
yunli/fu xuan/robin/sparkle
Better to superimpose and give cogs to RM

Yunli, bronya, sparkle, Ting.

Everything. Fucking. Dies. No shields or heals needed. They just keep refreshing yunli to have 80 turns and constant ults.
Okay, RM gets the cock.
I'm pretty sure I'm the reason fofo is popular here. For months I was the only one posting her. I was the only one making fofo OPs during and after her patch. Literally no1 cared about her but me.

I love my daughterwife fofo. fuck ryonafags
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Robin/Sparkle + HuoHuo + Tingyun. This can 0 cycle with E0S1
Just finished the new story
holy KINO
He is gonna beat nihility aids and BEAT the purple blob ass.
Me and Yunli.
>when she was on rape up
Nice freudian slip anon
>Final Fantasy is known for its traditionally compelling gameplay, not its characters and story
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Fofo is returning in 2.4. you have been warned
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Interesting take I happen to have all of them and their cones
Wake me when Tail is a solo unit.
>Haveb;t used her since getting E6 gallagher and aventurine
Fofo is an unironic brick
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"Pagfly" heh
Thanks, I appreciate early notice that I can skip all 2.4 banners
I do think TB and Nanook are related in some way and thats why the Stellaron doesn't really affect (You) and why Ellio needs (You) specifically to bring him down.
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I will roll her and I will use her in DoT.
I will also roll for Joaoqiu cone and get Silver Wife for it.
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Look at this guy. He thinks he owns the right to houhou. The truth is, she doesn't even know you exist buddy.
no thanks
pure healers aren't viable in this game
Think with Robin and Topaz. Because you can time Yunli's counter, you can always hit the boss. Clara sometimes didn't get targeted. So maximum use out of Topaz, while Robin just has good synergy with dual FuA teams.

Enjoy your peak unga bunga gameplay then anon!
sparkle(with cone, her cone is a huge upgrade over f2p options here because it reliably affects counters) or ting in the last slot is the most general
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>he didn't spend 300 hours unlocking all the arena bosses and crafting his own gear with boss mats
>he didn't progress to 2x then 3xap weapons and turn blanks into better weapons than ultimate weapons
>he didn't make auto-haste auto-pheonix - auto-megalixir accessories from scratch

Couldn't be me
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not everyone has severe autism, anon
I skipped Robin...
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Final Fantasy 12 is the best one and a masterpiece
Are most Sunday art on X (formerly Twitter)? I can't find that many on the usual boorus
Shikanokonokonoko koshi tantan
>people skipped the dreamjoy memoir text
Scammer Cup is disappointed
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I'll get her E2 if I have tickets to spare
Sorry I was busy playing other games
Is a mono-fire team viable with Firefly?
I have her on my second account, is she that good?
The first good post with an Huo2 picture attached
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Most art in general is unfortunately on twitter but yes
You're playing without HTB and RM so no not really.
I'd have to roll 8 speed on the orb + rope to hit 160, guess I will give it a shot, maybe get lucky with some FUA sets for Yunli
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That sounds awful, anon.

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>using boorus for male character art
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I found it unbelievably boring when I was 10 but I loved tactics so I might appreciate it more now
Changing how dot work in damage cal seems like a lot of work to nerf what is clearly the devs way giving people an out in clearing endgame content

If one team has to be evergreen then I am fine with it being our mom. Now if only they give us a mommy sustain so we could have a true mono mommy team
Firefly has no other options. Use her only one team or get carried by Himeko in PF. Pick your poison.
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very fast dog running at incredible hihg speed
FFXIV is the best final fantasy, top five for music out of all games, and the best story in any game in existence.
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unironically one of the best star wars movies now that the franchise has been ground into shit
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>Scammer Cup is disappointed
Wait does it reveal more info? I read all the event text, but scammer cup was only in the endless mode. And I kinda got burned out on the horrible presentation of the text, so I just skimmed those. I thought it just said that Gallagher liked to do enigmata stuff, but that was already kinda clear from the main story flashback
Tactics Ogre is the best however.
>expecting tongue
Firefly is a serial girlkisser
Trails of Cold Steel >>>> any FF
post build please.
based fofo
mono-X isn't a thing in this game, besides mono quantum (which literally only exists to justify using Silver Brick)
you can't be serious? The sense of progression is second to none. Even in 2002 you could do other things while mashing the X button. Just like in star rail you planned a build and slowly built resources. You gear up, steamroll bosses, farm a specific set and build gear just for the capstone boss. Then steamroll more, farm more levels. NUMBERS GO UP AND UP AND UP

if you don't enjoy that you don't belong here. Star Rail is a progression based JRPG that takes literal months to gear a single character. You come here and you dare to talk shit on a real game. A game that only asked you for your time and attention. You compare that to some bullshit chink gacha game that only wants your money and nothing else?

Fucking faggots, I swear.
Good I need her at E1 the cheese in SU has shown me how much better she is with 3 charges. By far one of the top 3 E1s in the game up there with BS and RM for sure
Are the trails games actually good or is it pure ironyposting because of that one guy
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>if you don't subscribe to my schizo headcanon you don't belong here
Just get really autistic with the gambits (programming) to do silly stuff. I actually like the original even though most people prefer zodiac.
I tried them and didn't like it. But I can understand why people like them.
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yess 50/50 aint fail me yet
I agree but only if we're talking about the zodiac edition
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>44 the reddit
I stopped caring about them in a narrative sense once Cold Steel started. Hasn't had the same spark in a while. Gameplay gets better but I hold that in lower priority to characters and story.
I only played the first part of trails in the sky and the beginning of chapter 2 but I really liked it. Wouldn't know anything about Reanposting though
it reveals a huge amount of the history of the penal colony, which gallagher has been hiding inside allegory and cartoons all these centuries. though since he's an enigmatabro a lot of it is multiple choice and you have to use your judgment. there's more nuance to enigmata than just making shit up, smuggling suppressed real history is also within the path
As much as I want to get into it, I know I have to get into like 4 different games and I don't have time for that.
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Refine it give to Ruan Mei and roll Ruan Mei LC for the TB.
No this is NOT negotiable.
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wish I had more BE%...
>has all of the autism in the world
>builds the same meta team as everyone else instead of doing something interesting
Which FF are you talking about?
44 belongs on 44chan. It's right there in her name.
Akshually it is 3 + 2 + 5 + 2 (more to come in this) + new arc soon games.
>>483611281 (samefagging)
i agree about the shitty presentation though, if someone's datamined it much better to read it there. it's having to scroll the text boxes that makes it garbage, really
Very good build hot damn.
They're good. The Sen games have problems because its way too long of a story and it has some really, REALLY stupid moments
God stop being so full of yourself and read what bullshit you are saying here.
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Trails sucks ass
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You WILL come back for 1.1 right bwos?
>it reveals a huge amount of the history of the penal colony, which gallagher has been hiding inside allegory and cartoons all these centuries
I know it reveals the history, I read all that. And it was not Gallagher who made the cartoons, but the watchmaker. Unless there is something about Scammer cup that I completely missed. The worst part is whatever you reply, I can't fully trust because of Gallagherbros here loving to make up fake information
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I'll keep rolling for her light cone since I think I'm closer to pity there and then I'll switch gears and attempt to get Ruan Mei
should I max out all traces after the basic ones first or farm relics for the perfect mainstat and substats?
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hot as fuck.
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Is there a belly part of this sequence you're not showing us... or even better, a puking part?
i will be back for my wife Jinhsi, but now, go back
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Bronya for coomers is more popular than bronya for yurifags.
nothing changed.
X's post game is the most autistic of them all but the chocobo balloon challenge was fun. The actual main game gameplay is probably one of the better ones in the series too since bosses aren't nowhere near as juggernautable as they usually are, some of them you actually have to adapt and use different strategies which is a novel concept for Final Fantasy
thread kinda nice lately not many shitposters I guess they have to fight the other game now
nah, my will to play ran out after I completed the shitty scar quest and unskippable sheep story.
real sheep are wuwa players btw
I will try it out again I guess
Already quit it a week ago
Wuwa is so much better desu. Sorry Honk bwos
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Okay I just threw some random shit together but where do I even start improving her?
VIII > VII > X, these are the only FF's worth playing as well
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If only we lived in the perfect world...
It feels like farming relics in this game just takes too much stamina, I can't even get the main set piece I need let alone the right mainstat
You have quite the timing anon
Only if you like cuck shit. I hear Trails in the sky is pretty good, but once I heard the MC in cold steel cucks the MC in sky I was off the whole series
You're rolling for Feixiao aren't you?
Sorry I got filtered by the stupid side quest puzzle that they decided to put in the main quest. Actually managed to be less interesting than the Luofu
You were lied to....
Completely unironically all of them are insultingly boring before you get to Cold Steel which are the only actual good games.
history fictionologists can put history in fiction just as much as they can put fiction in history, basically. that part was always gallagher's project (in close collaboration with mikhail the whole time, of course)
>Are trail games good
I will come back when they add another smol character, and NOT until they do so.
I don't follow leaks and don't know who that is. My ranking is the successful person ranking, internet spergs have their own
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Surely you mean VI>IX>VII
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My progression would be:
4/4/4 -> correct relic set
6/6/6 -> correct main stats
8/8/8 -> minimum sub-stat requirements
10/10/10 -> hardcore min-maxing
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>shit weighted curios
>shit equations
>no nihility 45% break efficiency blessing
>still clear level 6
this team is just too busted, I was expecting to have to grind out the tree and get lucky with blessings/equations.
CS ruined the series for good, although the first two series are great, just play them and pretend that everything after that doesn't exist.
They did my boy Lloyd so dirty.
wish we had a playable character like beerus
why are they so afraid of non-humans in a space game?
>Only if you like cuck shit. I hear Trails in the sky is pretty good, but once I heard the MC in cold steel cucks the MC in sky I was off the whole series
Hum retard? Estelle is the MC of sky, and she has a pretty Shoujo-esque romance going on with Joshua who's her adopted brother and deuteragonist. They are also together for the rest of the series and she's one of the only girls not lusting after Rean, you were seriously miscommunicated with
If you didn't beat a SNES FF then you don't have an opinion on the Final Fantasy series
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thanks, that's really helpful
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Hey, isn't the symbol behind the eye that shit they always use in Genshin to represent the gods...? The mora one?
>FF-tards seething in /hsrg/
am I imagining things or did they nerf these stupid niggers' hopping
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Me in the right
Huh, that actually makes sense that Gallagher would be involved. Still would be crazy to let a history fictionologist be involved in writing down history, but guess the Watchmaker would be able to control him. Hate how much they hid that fact then (assuming it's real). I read all the Hanu books, read the whole event and still missed that.
>throw random shit
>where do I start
geez I dunno anon, start with cleaning up the random shit to her bis relic and orbs..
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I got bored
Stelle > faglus
I beat SNES FF but I forgot most of it because I was nerding out on shit like Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, Xenogears and Lunar Silver Star Story
What is your gender?
I use this and still didn't clear, granted I have awful luck with rolls.
>not even one of the bearable games
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This but OG FF1 on the NES. Which has the best gameplay and dungeon crawling out of them all, unironically.
I call this the ironic weeb 3x3
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Gallagher will be back right?
The Bartender made it seem like this isn't the end of him.
>Ultra Moon
Only the Ultra-Necrozma fight was interesting, rest somehow had a worse plot than SM
>New Vegas
I hope you're not a tranny, don't know how that game attrac so many of them
I beat FF4 on the GBA
great game, the class change is pure sovl to this day
and Lingsha will make it even better
Hey, fuck you, TTYD is a good game. The rest you're right on.
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How do I get rid of the ! on this thing?
It's annoying my little gaymer brain
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Of course, he has to come update our logs on the Express.
I only have Dendy, PSOne and PC...
destruction path upgrade when?
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Makes sense, since all of them are connected to the same universe.
You're 19 years old
>P3 deload
>Any FF post X
>Fucking endless cutscene double dipping 3DS pokemon
>Copypaste of Harvest Moon
>XCX because you need to be unique and don't want to put XC1 or XC2 on it
What a shit list
>Ultra moon
Holy shit taste
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weeby female (former male) list
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Why do his arms do that? It seems like it acts up and he has to drink to make it stop.
Have you tried fake clicking it? Then later restarting the client
That solve most of the glitched notifs for me
P3 Remake kinda sucked, PSP version is still the best.
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Ultra Moon had the best endgame because you could use Z moves and Mega Pokemon but you don’t want to admit that
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I couldn't get into stardew valley even when my friends tried to guide me. The only fun I had was fighting stuff in the mines and I'd rather just replay terraria for the 30th time
>Only 3 Tendies
Impressive for a 44kek
Which one is the best relic set for Clara now?

I liked the original trilogy.
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It does not have Groudon so it's a bad game.
Enigmatic fucker probably just fakes his own death to fit in
I'll give her a 50/50 if Lingsha turns out to be meh
>in the right
In? As in... inside?
Fes is way better, fully controllable party members and skill cards completely break the balance of the game
Nah fuck Z Moves, 2nd worst generation gimmick behind dynamax
This isn't very good. If you wanna just use him as an SP printer, you should equip a cone helping with that. Otherwise you should really have 130 break effect.
Also part of his appeal is how easy it is to get 100% effect res. For a sustain really dang useful.

High speed is fun and all, but isn't really helping with such a build.
wtf XD was the best pokemon and it's not even close
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Ultra moon had the best endgame because it had the funny wormhole game. No HSR minigames compare to wormKINO.
Based but PMC wants us to forget Colosseum/XD for some reason.
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Fuck off
You should try the Crossbell games, they're great.
Yet it was still a pokemon game
Firefly's slow ass banner killed the threads
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>It's been like 12 years but people are still doing this >XD shit
Singlehandedly destroyed any discussion of that game for the entire history of /vp/, it's insane.
Megas > Gigantomax > Z-moves
Tera is weird, I don't know if I like it or not. I barely used it in my Scarlet playthrough.
If we include spin-offs Explorers of the Sky clears and it's not even close
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Sorry but I'd rather play with the more interesting MC than a walking brick.
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Best Pokemon game was Shadows of Almia
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I'm too busy gooning to her to post
>actual Nintendie is here
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This was the best pokemon
/hsrg/ - Pokemon nerds general
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Still my favorite
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Best Pokemon game is Digimon
I'm almost done playing catch up on 2.0-2.3 but Jesus Christ, were the cutscenes this bad on Space China? There were points it was nearly 30 minutes of exposition before regaining "control."
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>his Rayquaza was shiny because it's supposed to be Yasuke
I kneel
Look at what western games like Dragon Age have become, and then I dare you to insult Nintendo again.
Maybe his real form
plot twist: it's a cute little girl
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whut owlbert is the IPC mascot?
Why is Black Swan following us
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This, Gale of Darkness and Explorers of Sky were the best ones. I dunno why Gamefreak is so much worse at making Pokemon than other companies. Even shartflop's Pokemon ripoff is better than modern ones.
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Jade Guide
4pc Quantum > 4pc Duke if enemy is Quantum weak and there are additional sources of DEF shred in the team if not both sets are about the same.
2pc Inert Salsotto
Signature >> Peaceful Day S5 > Eternal Calculus >= Seriousness of Breakfast > Peaceful Day S2 (For MoC Purposes)
Signature > Himekone > Genius's Repose S5 (full uptime) > Eternal Calculus > SoB (For PF)
Her signature LC is 25% better than Eternal Calculus.

>Relic Stats
Body: Crit Rate
Boots: ATK%
Orb: Quantum DMG%
Rope: ATK%
>Stat goals
As much crit as possible since she gets 120 Crit Damage for free from A6 Trace.
SPD is not a priority for Jade at all. She wants to be slow since debt collector reduces stacks on her turn.

Overall best team in MoC is Clara/Jade/Robin/Sustain or Argenti/Jade/Tingyun/Sustain. Sustainless with Tingyun on Clara team is also doable.
Best team against wind weak is Jade/Blade/Bronya/Sparkle with Blade being Debt Collector.
In general usage, Jade can replace Ratio in RRAT and you can use Topaz or Aventurine as DC (Debt Collector), but Aventurine feels better to play. This team drowns in SP so there are teams that are more efficient.
Can also play Hyperspeed Pela w Tingyun and HuoHuo for max solo FuA but I dont know how viable it is at E1S0 considering her damage.

>E1 vs S1
E1 is mandatory if you are not using a blast unit with her doubly so if you plan to use her in the MoC. S1 only if you really want to crank her damage up.

>How does the team work.
Just have a fast DC so that you can build stacks for Jade. Should be trivial with the 30 SPD that Jade gives the DC.
Seeing this tweet is what made me pick the game back up after only playing it right at launch, the sheer outrage at their own retardation made me curious about the character and the game again.
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I played through that last year and had a blast, but it definitely needed a sequel to iron out some issues.

Good man.

What really? That's some cool attention to detail.
I dunno, he's actually quite likable for a male character.
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Had some really cool ideas but doing all the scenarios was super long. Some really cool ones though like teaming up with just Nobunaga to conquer the entire continent.
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>has no argument so he has to resort to using western games
You should be glad there is still a little bit of board culture left. 4chan got absolutely destroyed by tourists over the past decade, with many injokes just forgotten or even outright banned (I still don't like the fish, but it can never get posted again). Having these small things still left from a better time should be treasured
That was sarcasm bwo...
were the dog statues in random places a collectionable
Archaeology is like astrology for science fags anyway
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>36/36 MoC
>11/12 AS
>10/12 PF
I didn't get all rewards but honestly I'm pretty damn happy with how far I've managed to get on all these end game modes. I've only been playing for like 3-4 months so I think I've done ok. Took me like 6-8 months to get my first 36* abyss in Genshin.
I fucking hate Steve Jobs.
>finally get the super break equation right before the final boss in my V6 run
>final boss is Sam
>he's fast as fuck and outspeeds my team by a metric fuck ton
It's so fucking over
Not really, but yes he works for IPC
Finding 4(?) gives an achievement
Based incest lover
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...Well, fuck. You're right. Maybe I'll be a little nicer to >XD. Fuck, I miss old 4chan so much.
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Oh... well it still makes sense and is a neat idea.
>I still don't like the fish
Wait which one Sakurafish or Suzakufish and what the fuck happend?
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why did you pretend to like soul silver?
I miss dubs
the absolute fucking NIGGER tranny mod that ruined /a/ banned sakurafish
Aetherium wars season 2 doko
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What if my Clara is slow?
>pokemonposting was on topic after all
Heartgold was always better and Ho-Oh has a better theme
>had to settle with 11* on PF because I don't want to build DoT bricks
Yeah, DoTkeks can fuck off
Can you go one minute without being a racist incel?
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has hsr ever released a limited 5star this weak? wtf is genshin doing?
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Yunli will end up really strong just like every other /hsrg/ doomposter unit (except Robin she's a brick) I can feel it
Based Juan
no because everyone should hate that faggot. he's the same guy that also banned SCP threads and tried to get Library of Ruina weekly threads off of /v/
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Emerald is the best Pokemon game because lf how retardedly hard and contrived it was to complete the national dex. I loved the challenge as a kid.
Robin is FUA bis though?
Topaz I guess? Maybe Argenti if you squint.
>STILL no Erudition sets
>Heh... this is how I'll gain influence over another Xianzhou fleet without working for it
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For me, it's Miror B's theme
Since the private server guy updated their server to 2.4 beta we already saw multiple 0 cycles with Yunli today.
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I adore everything watercolor
>Can't even clear MoC 7 or PF2
I'm proud of you but I also want to ask you for advice because I feel retarded.
KING yuan at it again...
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Can I get the (you)s too?
Is S5 perfect timing actually good on Gallagher or am I getting pranked by prydwen?
I know he gets that effect res eidolon
There's nothing interesting here, though.
Save for 5 star snake! Your limited replacement for harmony mc!
>3 instead of 2
The Germans will now lynch you.
based except for cold steel
>le souffle
german/polish/russian core
>already saw multiple 0 cycles with Yunli today.
And all replies to them were along the lines of
>damn yunli looks kinda trash huh
Topaz, Ratio, Robin, FX team can't land Ratio's skill FuA consistently due to lack of debuffs. Even Ruan Mei helps with the debuffs.
>your Aventurine?
>your Topaz E1S1?
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Their matchmaking battle will be legendary
My favorite event, I hope we get a new one soon and with PVP.
>Your limited replacement for harmony mc!
I like using HMC though.
I'd roll for a RM replacement though but that's not happening.
that's a good song
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It's honestly sad how bad /a/ has gotten. All the fun memes and threads got banned. Just overrun with generals, as bad as pre-/vg/ /v/ was. And mostly filled with mainstream shounen shit. I completely gave up on /a/ when nobody even recognized the naruto copypasta
I wish there was some secret methods but it's mostly just been unga bunga with Acheron and Firefly. I've got the perfect Firefly team of HMC, RM and Gallagher and Acheron with Pela, Guin and Trend equipped Fu Xuan and the 2 of them just carried me through everything. Everyone is E0S0 except for RM cone that I caved and rolled to equip on HMC.
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>4 fucking tiles that could even have feebas along all of route 119 changing every day AND they have a 50% chance of even yielding feebas
>The shoal cave mysterious shit you needed to do to find the ice cavern with Snorunt
>Bagon hidden away in the furthest reaches of Meteor Falls
>Jigglypuff on that one obscure, squirreled away clearing on that early game route you could only get to by surfing
So good. Fuck, man, I wish they'd give stuff in games that's hard enough to figure out that you need to talk to other people again, shit felt magical.
Would you like if the pokemon event was yearly thing on hsr?
>0 Cycle
>Look inside
>Cracked Robin + Sparkle + Aventurine/FX
>damn yunli looks kinda trash huh
suprisingly not so I think doomposter were busy somewhere else
Cope sissy
Yes, it was really fun.
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If by retardedly hard you mean that you needed 2 GBAs, a Gamecube and like 5+ games then yes.
Holy Shit.
Based because of Cold Steel.
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Why should i roll Yunli when Claras svarog animation is cooler then a retarded midget that can't even wield her greatsword like a greasword?
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>Bunch of boring-ass games
Here, but what a weird list. Half of it is boomercore, aimed at triggering the zoomers. But then you put Cold Steel and Spyro on it
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Give it a couple of years, I'm sure we'll get an actual dogshit tier limited eventually
I think a lot of events should be made regular. I miss that one mining event on Jarilo and I unironically liked the merchant events on Luofu.
Yeah, Gen 3 was so fun to complete the Nat Dex, these days it's pretty damn easy and you can't even complete it since some mons aren't in the game.
I'm surprised she isn't standard like DOAya
>I miss that one mining event on Jarilo
Please don't tell me you actually enjoyed that pushing nonsense.
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My favorite Pokemon games are HGSS, Diamond and B1W1.
I've yet to play B2W2 yet so the list is subject to change. I doubt playing/finishing the SM/USUM, SWSH or SV games would change it, however.
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>blade enjoyers clenching their asses
I've got the same stuff but I'm missing RM and Fu Xuan, guess losing those coinflips are going to haunt me. Ah well.
I did, the closest thing we had to a puzzle until 2.2 and 2.3 clockie perspective puzzles
NTA but I enjoyed the event, it was like one of the fun parts of my job.
Pretty sure he meant that dungeon crawler event we had in 1.2
The music was great
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>Likes that
>Forgetting Hexanexus
I hate you on a personal level.
Yeah I try Firefly without RM and it's really not as good. If you can try and get her before her banner ends I'd recommend it cause I doubt we're going to get another break focused harmony any time soon. Fu Xuan isn't as important. Anyone can fill that roll. If you've got Geppard or Sigga they could probably work.
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But Spyro is PS1 game thats pretty ancient!
Yes, I did.

B2W2 is a better experience because of the new available Pokemon, but I still dig BW more for the narrative direction it was trying for and the focus on the gen 5 mons.
Get on BW2, it's actually better than the first game and ties it up nicely, everything after that is worse sadly.
Hoenn will always be the top for me.
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Indeed. I remember the day I got Jirachi off Pokemon Channel, and how I asked everyone at school to trade region exclusives with me. I also remember having to plead to the one kid whose parents had actually taken him to the deoxys event to get him to touch trade his deoxys. Pokemon lost its soul when online trading became possible and it's pretty sad.
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3 patches of FuA shilling coming up. Hope you didn't skip
are there any good puzzle games out on steam?
besides Riven
I've been using Trend geppy but my Acheron just doesn't seem like she's doing a lot of damage. not sure if my Relics are dogshit or if I should just pump more investment into the supports traces.
Maybe if they actual took some thinking, they stopped just as it got interesting, then again i blame not-china boring me out of my mind, i have much fonder memories of Belobog
I can agree with everything but gothic 3.
What the fuck man
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Nope but I skipped Topaz
Is the new erudition LC in the Herta Store, Eternal Calculus good to get? I mean usable by Himeko or Herta?
>Says this
>When freaking CS is on the list
Your opinion is irrelevant.
Who's the artist? Is it the same as that one Jade with Aventurine and Topaz on a plate? I like their style.
How significant a difference is E1 RM? Is it worth it and is it very noticeable?
actual vietnam flashback
>you forgot to turn on rail
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Mine's built kind of shit but she gets the job done. My Pela and Guin have no investment in traces beyond Pela's ult being maxed. If you've got enough EHR on both of them to proc a debuff every turn that's pretty much all you need.
Banjomori will suffice
It was my first Gothic game. I actually enjoyed Elex 1 while hating all the Risen games for some reason as well.
? HMC will always be stronger than any break support since super break stacks. Gallagher is the first being kicked out, then RM
im using her for my dothags since banjo is busy with my superbrick comp
Nope, don't think so
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BW2 also has Champion Iris
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you're old and you smell bad
I feel sorry for Topaz skippers. Everytime I see that alien pigger running up the stock arrow during her ult it gives me the good feels.
it's pretty good
but Herta's cone is easy to get
and Himeko's cone is practically free
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>narrative direction it was trying for and the focus on the gen 5 mons.
I'm still a bit iffy on the gen 5 mons (Scolipede and Serperior my beloveds tho), but I loved the story. Especially how gym leaders were characters in the plot and not just randos. The graphics are also my favorite in the series with the 2.5D overworld being higher quality than Gen 4 and the 2D animated sprites being just orgasmic quality. Soundtrack is a banger too!
>Hoenn will always be the top for me.
I liked the Hoenn remakes more than Gen 3 honestly. As the last games before the physical/special split it feels like a huge negative that cucks a lot of mons from being useful, compared to gens 1 and 2 where it's
actually beneficial most of the time with dumb shit like Gyarados 100 special attack in gen 1 and elemental punches Kadabra soloing most of Johto in gen 2.

Honkai: Star Rail Xueyi love
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This thread is really comfy and I don't want it to end. You guys are really good when you're not being retarded shitflingers, you know that...?
Sure, but just a weird choice. It doesn't fit with the mostly RPG selection. And feel like it's not the popular platformer from that era, think I see Mario, Banjo-Kazooie or even Crash more often. Kinda feels like it's there just to bait furry reactions
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For me it's her ass during exploration but hey number go up is fun too
All good things must come to an end.
Is it better than Breakfast on Herta? I've got the BP one on Himeko.
We have been over this multiple times.
The majority here is 27+.
I really want to finally finish DU V6 because seeing FF do multiple goddamn attacks because of the Hunt Blessing is making me itch getting her E2.
The lazer puzzle SU adventure domain is such fucking shit, i hate the animal that made the camera angle some tilted garbage instead of top down like it should have been
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Post HTB build please, especially 160+SPD.
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Does your FF have the "Is expecting tongue" image? That's cute, if so.
Ok s-
>especially 160+SPD
Never mind. Also why do people use full watchmaker on HMC instead of RM as HMC needs the SPD more for 2/2 BE/SPD?
free 5*>free 4*
Too bad you ruined it by posting Raiden
Every FF beyond X is shit except XIV
>Soundtrack is a banger too!
That fact that low HP had a whole song was pure soul
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I need more speed
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I liked the mini-games the most like flying or boxing minigame or sergeant penguin underwater levels or chasing the black mages.
I think it has nothing in common with Mario
Only played PSP one where you ride various monsters.
Its good if you're using Glamoth lets you reach the 160 speed. With some luck and Ruan Mei you can maybe get away with attack % boots. Much easier to get attack % boots with crit stats than a speed one.
it's easier to keep up the 4 set buff with HMC I guess
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I fucking hate the planar mines so much, and yes, i am running double RM cone settup
Herta's space station was an absolute mess of a "tutorial" and did everything wrong that made Honk 3 garbage later on, aka too much techno babble with too many meaningless words for the sake of introducing concepts all at once. WuWa has the same issue.
Space Walk literally kept me playing because I was like yo this is a bop.
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>150 spd without 2p hackerman and/or 2p pagpagni planar
how the fuck
Ideally you use it with both (like me) because Firefly goes through the 2 turn duration of the buff really quickly
so, are we sirs playing with a controller or nah?
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I'd probably want a better ball
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StelleGODs won
>thread has turned into /v/
Firefly really killed /hsrg/ off huh
>Xillia 2
Based. I need to finish my ToDR run
Starring my man Ludger Kresnik
You're alright clarafag, what did you think of neo?
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It's crazy how much it sucked as a tutorial. I only recently even got the treasure from the HSS because I didn't even KNOW the other parts of the station actually had shit to do in them like puzzles, treasure chests, etc. It shunted you through them so fast and discouraged exploration so hard that it just never even occurred to me.
>Xilia 2
Exquisite taste
If you’re a PlayStation baby, it’s not that hard to end up seeing and becoming both a fan of platformers and RPGs.
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sorry bro, I didnt really properly grind watchmaker relic since I was focusing on getting a good debuff set for acheron
I liked it
You get watchermaker while farming the Acheron set.
Absolutely based, are you the Etna guy from before?
explain yourself
2 DoT hags + March + Gep is EZ mode with a few Dissociation/Freeze and shield blessings
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I'd put Hamtaro Ham Ham Heartbreak on my 9x9 if it wasn't so embarrassing
>Aha emanator
>her emanator power is to turn people into bananas
Someone post that hilarious banana BS.
I don't have Geppy can Fu Xuan work in his stead? Or FireMC?
>Fire Emblem Gaiden
I've never heard of anyone liking that one specifically. why?
I cheesed it with Remembrance Elation Xueyi and Ruan Mei
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I could NOT fucking understand the control scheme when I tried to start that game, god damn. It was such a clusterfuck. It's a real shame, it seemed right up my alley, aesthetically.
Firefly killed the game and the general
Yinlin is so pretty :)
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>that many people liked xilia 2
You guys are alright sometimes
pouring one out for the best Dadwife Ludger
>somehow even have shittier luck than bennett
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hee hee hee... now that i've got everyone in the thread talking about stuff they actually like, it's time to get everyone BANNED!!!
Then that would entirely depend on the enemy lineup and their frequency of attacks.
>xilia 2
My man Ludger is so dripped out too
Little girl enjoyers should play Musumaker.
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Stelle is literally me
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I wanna try the game now, but what's wrong with Xilia 1?
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This thread is making me realize I really haven't played many videogames. I'm graduating my bachelor's soon (thesis presentation in 1 week) and I think I've just about ran out of time to start properly playing a large variety of games so I can fit in with my /hsrg/ bros.
I've wasted the past 8 years watching Anime instead of playing games. I've watched over 3k hours of Anime. I could've beaten all the /hsrg/core JRPGs in that time...
nothing wrong with it
I just liked xilia 2 more
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Two weeks
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Did you get firefly her cone bros?
I like Xillia 1 more. I think the ending being a meme choice and a super forced bitter sweet thing rubbed me the wrong way.
holy based claraking
We hate Glowworm-chan here.
protip, modern games suck dogshit
they pander to trannies and the mentally ill, unless they're exclusive JP games
anime is far superior unironically
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What ARE the /hsrg/core JRPGs? What feels most similar to HSR?
It's easy to remember things in hindsight but the game really starts out with.
>oh no there's stellarons
>there's also aeons
>and emanators
>and pathstriders
>and paths
>and planets
>btw these guys are from the legion of doom
>we're from the legion of travelling
>not to be confused with the legion of bounty hunters
All of this happens within a span of, I don't know, 15 minutes? The terms are thrown at you and maybe briefly glossed over - "Oh an emanator is a pathstrider who got glanced at by an aeon" - except neither of these other two terms were properly explained which gives it a circular logic feel. You just kinda roll with it but it's word vomit for the sake of getting these things out of the way and not because it's organic.
yeah i fell for the speed debuff meme
homotranny melty in 3... 2... 1...
1 is fine but 2 felt better besides some parts that would spoil the story
Personally, I find depth (time in one game) more impressive than breadth (time in different games)
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Haven't tried with either. The freeze and shield blessing to clear debuffs are pretty huge in helping to survive some berserk turns. I swapped to SV for SAM.
Lol no. Maybe on the rerun
It's never too late to start, just start with older games, SNES games are still top tier to this day.
Just go for the cameo ending lmao
yeah, it's sucks for Ludger, but I really liked happy ending sprinkled with tragedy
Kiseki, because that's what HSR is based on. Interrupting turn order with your ult is just an S-Craft from Kiseki. Play Sky first, then Crossbell, then Cold Steel.
Yeah I did because for this banner I got
Firefly was supposed to be E2 but I lost all 50/50s in this banner. So I got scared and got her S1 so now it's FFE1S1.
All in 350 pulls.
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Of course
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Do I need to play 1 to play 2?
Honestly I felt bad for him but it's also really fucking funny how shit things get for him and so fast too.
>Start the game in massive debt after getting fucked over by the american medical system and finish it dead
All that in the span of not even a month.
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to fully enjoy the story and character relationship? yes
but you can still enjoy it as standalone experience
I kind of wonder why chink games are like this. Wuwa had the exact same problem with throwing a million chink names at you in thr first hour that it completely made me check out and ultimately uninstall.
Never play ColdSteel, that game literally spits on the two before it.
Zoomer who loves video games at a surface level
Millennial who is trying to show off and hasn’t enjoyed a game in years
When the ironic weeb becomes a weeb who loves video games probably 26
Damn that's like five whole wedding rings
I heckin love Other Games General
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I've spent way too many hours on World of Warcraft private servers. Just in the past year I've spent like 150+ hours and I didn't even manage to reach lvl 80 and start raiding on either of my toons.
Also wasted way too much time on League over the past decade. Haven't played it much in the past 2-3 years at least. All my friends started reaching high diamond, master/gm, and one of them even challenger, while I was missing Thresh hooks and flaying in the wrong direction. Glad I'm out of that shithole.
ABSOLUTELY. 2 is a direct sequel to 1 and pretty much the entire party is returning party members from 1.
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>>483619927 (me)
also i forgot to mention the gameplay filtered me hard so i went back to genshin
nyo, it's not that much better than the herta cone, and this game actually has strong units releasing frequently, don't want to waste pulls. maybe in the future if firefly stays relevant.
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This LC may show the fall of the Propagation, but part of the lead-in to it was that the Iron Cavalry proved unable to make a difference against the Swarm, and the other Aeons had to intervene just to seal it.

It's basically saying she and her "siblings" entire reason for existing amounted to nothing from the beginning, and that's just painful. It's time to roll for the cone bro.
Finally a good fucking post, Minty
Better than me. I wasted my last 4 years since covid break watching vtubers
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Better than me, i don't even play or watch anything i just spend all day laying in my bed shitposting on this godforsaken site all day everyday then i sleep
Have you considered suicide?
With Jiaoqiu I wont even need Acheron's cone nor the fag(Aventurine) right? Might be a cycle slower but its alright.
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>Jiaoqiu LC has 60 EHR and more Def shred
Is it actually viable for Silver Wolf (E1)?
Can I have some more art next thread?
why did we get gazed by nanook again? I forgot
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>hasn’t enjoyed a game in years
Actually, recently I surprisingly did.
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Honkers in Star Rail I honk while railing said honker
I'm glad I'm not you
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Of course. Anything for my Fireflywife.
just play Nobeta already bruh
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>silver wolfs is 24% EHR
>black swan is 40% EHR
>jiaoqiu is 60% EHR
the light cone powercreep is real...
Watching other people play video games is probably one of the saddest existences out there
vtubers taught me about love so it's alright
someone is spamming CP in /wuwa/ YET AGAIN
Man I really wish we got more showcases of that cone on other characters. I've been waiting for someone to use it on BS in a DoTcheron team or Pela in a normal SW+Pela team. Are there any anons here who has setup the beta willing post some showcases?
Doesn't grow into a hag. Disappointing!
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Perfect for Pela and you can throw tutorial on SW
you can but the base chance is so fucking low. Compare it to sw's lc that has a 100% base chance for the debuff. 60% base chance is shit
Consider the newbie's R18 RPG
No R18 patch so i don't care
1-3 Huohuo star rail general
4-6 Stellaron hunters
7-9 IPC
0 Argenti
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You can still play games, just not ones that demand regular training to keep up like mobas, mmos, pvp fps, fighting games etc. Pick a jrpg and play a few hours in weekends, you'll enjoy it i promise.
Do you get more synchronicity points for doing thresholds or can you just ignore it after you clear V6?
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LMFAO. They didn't even last a day.
>first half is a regular rpg
>second half throws sex scenes at you like every five minutes
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Oh hey there
Don't worry anon, watching cute girls playing awesome games is a great passtime. Better than even beating them yourself.
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I got her E1S1 so far and at 71 pity on a guranteed S2.
Damn I miss this game, maybe I'l try it again for the first time in like 10 years.
I don't have Tutorial that's why I ask because I want Silver Wolf. Joined in 1.6
I just want the EHR and she can land it I believe.
New thread
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Plants Vs Zombies 1 (for PC) is one of the greatest games of all time
No clue about the calcs but it looks like a solid idea.
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Everyone should play /v/'s favorite MC and his games
How many Youtube hours did we get in Japan?
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I watch vtubers and still play vidya, no amount of trannies shaming me for doing either of those will stop me
both are cool robinbro
Alicesoft's conquest games are pretty damn fun.
>Pokemans updated to include fyxestroll garden and Penacony
>Get to see spirit soldier's dumpy at all times
>Get to have Geno Saurer as overlord spirit
Idc if it's predictable or boring, make it happen Hoyo!

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