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Previous: >>483581941

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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Jinhsi's game
These underage lolis are BUILT for big Ruzzian cock
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I prefer to call it wuwa3.
So you don't have examples of sequences/abilities being inactive?

The wording on Jinhsi's S2 is
>Jinhsi recovers 50 Incandescence while staying out of combat for more than 4s.This effect can only be triggered every 4s.
>While staying out of combat
So just wait 4 seconds before starting the tower.
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I love my secret agent wife Yinlin.
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I am gonna empty my balls and wallet for her and no one can stop me.
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What happened? this place normaly crawls, what got leaked?
based ChangliCHAD
I'm going to pass on her, but collect naked pictures of her
Changli's blacked debut tape
None of jinhsis sequences make her earn stacks faster.
We seen several times in the ji hsi video of her reaching around 30 stacks quite effectivly and 50 stacks twice in the video.
She's looking really strong bros.
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>1month in people STILL don't know how the tower functions

>So just wait 4 seconds before starting the tower.
You'll wait 50hours and the passive wont take effect because PASSIVES ARE TURNED OFF UNTIL THE FIGHT STARTS.
And once the fight starts you can't be out of combat.

Is this your first gacha game you dumb shitter?
Do you not know how the tower operates?
How braindead retarded are you to not realize that you can't even switch characters and then think "GEEZ GOLLY BY C2 EFFECT WILL TAKE PLACE".

Unironically stupid, Genshin works in the same way, passives DO NOT WORK until the tower is activated.
Call yourself a stupid dumb bitch.
She looks like wifey material bros.
/wuwa/ is really fucking stupid. The whole "/general/" naming convention is supposed to be shorthand for the name of a game's general. This is the Wuthering Waves General, hence it's /wwg/. /wuwa/ is just nonsensical retardation.
You still fail to provide an example. Should be easy to name one, no?
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My sexo wife Camellya
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i've been playing shadow of the erd tree bwos. its good.
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wuwu wawa
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Redditors leaked from the Nikke threads
She looks like she'd sing a lullaby for you, make you fall asleep and then do the most unthinkable, the most degenerate acts with goblins and orcs while you're sleeping in the same room.
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Look, i get it ok? I too rolled for Ayaka on day 1 and regretted it for 3 years. But that doesn't mean you have to seethe at Jinshi because of your PTSD.
Jinshi is everything Ayucka should've been.
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Yeah, get out of the tower, activate any ability that grants a passive then get your ass in the tower.

Show me a single situation where you start with more than zero on your forte gauge or concerto when on the tower.
You have zero concerto, zero forte, and full ult.
That is what you ALWAYS have in the tower.
You don't gain anything nor will you ever until you start the tower.

Enjoy rolling for your brick and then getting BTFO.
How many more days?
>high heels in deep snow
Is she fucking retarded?
Only 8 days until ZZZ bwo!
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Pre-download FUARKING when?
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>decide to roll for yinlins weapon
>get back from work
Why would they make it expire before the new banners arrive? do they not want money?
Ayaka was crazy strong thougj
Jinhsi single handedly mindbroke the tranime poster before her banner even released, how can you not roll for her?
This game is becoming boringer and boringer with each passing day...
>sexiest unit isn't a real nikke
it's not fair.
>Changli is ntr-bait
>Jinhsi is dragon cock bait
save for Camellya
hoyo does the same thing so I guess they're just copying there, no clue why they do it though
>this is what passes as "gameplay" in other gacha
No wonder why Genshin became so popular 4 years ago, they were the first ones to introduce actual gameplay to gacha "games".
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Jinhsi is going to brick so many accounts...
>FOUR chest tumor banners in a row instead of loli banners
Retards at kuro think mommyfag coomers spend money when they don't, FGOs highest grossing banner was loli, why kuro won't learn the lesson and release limited lolis is beyond me
I cant believe Shifty still isnt playable.
is there an hour countdown somewhere for jinhsi? I'm too dumb to into timezones
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I'd really hate for more people on /wuwa/ to premabrick themselves by farming shitty sub-optimal echo sets like Lingering Tunes, so consider this your PSA... DON'T FARM LINGERING TUNES. IT IS A BRICK. Farming this set has diminishing returns and will eventually lead to bricking your account. Again, FARMING LINGERING WILL BRICK YOUR ACCOUNT. Please take your account's health into consideration when spending resources. These are resources that you will never get back, and in the early days of WuWa you want to make every resource spent count! Focus on farming optimal sets for your characters even if they take more time. While it might be time consuming in the beginning, you will soon find it paying off as you're getting 19/30 in the tower, securing your accounts future in /wuwa/. Please, be responsible in how you farm. DO NOT FARM LINGERING BRICKS
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how long till roll
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>goblins and orcs
Umm, did you mean Hoochiefs and Hooscamps?
>hoyo does the same
downtime is like ~4hours not 2 days
maybe it landed like that because of the speed up patch
Bro your jinhsi.party?
Don't have any true "out of combat" passive ability to confirm whether it triggers in tower or not, but I don't see why Jinhsi's wouldn't. You *are* out of combat.
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begone you filthy AI
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This was the best I could gather in the time I had, I'm not going to make it bros, enjoy Wuxia Wife without me....
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how rude
that chin would cut my throat in bed
It's counting down time to when maintenance starts so add +7h to that
there's more than enough coming in the patch to guarantee her bro, even if you just won yinlin
is that S0 Jinhsi? That's insane. I've only seen whale Jiyans hit a around half a mil in a buffed ult.
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us cunnygods will have our day eventually
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Daily reminder, people rolled for Stringless to hand it to Encore.

Just so she can be powercrept by a sword user no less which you can use with your free 5* weapon box.
Gacha characters are physically not allowed to change outfits until they get a new skin/character release. The boots stay on.
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This should be more to your liking
>Use cunny core and breast milk Li on the same team
Damn, big deal
Anko was free and stringless is for my Yinlin after change comes out
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Couldn't be me, I'm rolling for Changli and giving her my FREE standard 5* sword (of which I have 2).
I can just give it to my Yinlin after Anko gets downgraded to cocksleeve.
giggers have some insane brain rot from all the worm banners in their game kek
is lingering tunes really THAT bad anon?
Should I even bother rolling for Jinhsi if I don't have Yinlin?
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It's a brick.
You can use mort or redditman
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Roll for who you like, or Lionboy will spook your rolls and suck your dick
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I'm just giving her the standard rectifier (and if I get something better I can always give it to verina). I will not get a gun dps soon so I can just wait to get it even if it's a better weapon.
she has a lot of decent subdps options, so long as you have verina (which everyone should) you're fine
Rejoice wuwa, Furina flopped and slopped HARD.
Spectro rovers sequence passives work just fine in tower before fight.
I was even able to check the stats to make sure they were active.
Don't bother, Jinhsi ONLY works with Yinlin. If you do not have Yinlin + her sig weapon Stringmaster, do not bother rolling for Jinshi. Also do not bother rolling for Jinhsi if you do not roll for her signature weapon. You will do a wuwillion% less damage and your account will be banned.

I repeat, you have to have Yinlin, Stringmaster and Jinhsi's weapon in order to roll for Jinhsi. If you do not have those things your Jinhsi will be a brick and you will not be able to clear tower and receive your 100 asterite every 2 weeks. You will literally lose 100 asteriate. So don't pull for her.
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>mfw they fuck up maintenance and we get more free shit
the only reason this guy is even worth pulling for is because he's the most attractive male.
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Solution: don't roll the sword user since she has the exact same role as anko.
Yinlin is only the best right now for the lack of another limited off field damage dealer, and if you're f2p it's better to focus on 3 carries for the 3 teams rather than one extremely strong team.
>he's the most attractive male
holy worms
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Yeah I rolled her weapon. I also have 19/30 at the tower. Do you have 19/30? Didn't fucking think so.
Ouch, lmao
>inb4 b-b-but that's different!!!
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>Unironically stupid, Genshin works in the same way, passives DO NOT WORK until the tower is activated.
>anime poster is retarded
Serpent spine's passive builds stacks before starting a chamber.
I hope we get more energy cubes, if i get jinshi on my 50/50 theres a lot of shit i'll need to grind even with my prefarm
Thanks for the info, I will get Changli instead.
genshit brain rot, check yourselves
doesn't count!
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Show me a single fucking time where your forte gauge, and concerto don't start at 0 you fucking faggot.
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>only 19/30
>roll for a character
>cant use her for 5 days
this is stupid
But enough about genslop shartpact
>Let me just move the goalposts
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finally, death
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19/30 is the cut off for F2Ps. Anything more is whale territory and doesn't count.
Should I play Punishing Gray Raven if I like Wuthering Waves
>p-passives don't work
>passive work
>D-doesn't count!!!!
>WUUuuuwaaaa..... *slobbers*wwuuuhhh pretty....
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I for one can't wait for the invitable;
Earnest anon's you're replying to an unironic blacked aids homo who does nothing but shart out the worst and dumbest possible takes for attention.
Should I play Punishing Gray Raven if I like Wuthering Waves
Taoqi alone is worth both Yinlin and Verina.
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Didn't think so.
Enjoy spending $1k on your BRICK.

I can't wait to see your tears as you roll for Jinhsi.
I expect each and every one of you to APOLOGIZE and call yourselves a stupid bitch when I am proven right.
jinshi or changli?
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Nice, I've been playing Crazy Bus. My brain is starting to hurt but I think i'm close to winning
She's not, but appreciate a fellow optimistic pink cow enjoyer
Why are people still replying to it? Surely it's just discord trannies jerking eachother off, right?
I think this has to be up there for the most brain damage in a gacha general, the only place I've seen more brain damage is /wowg/
I will wait a bit. Hear me out. What if, what if...the girl after her has even bigger boobs? Did any of you think of that?
Depends on why you like wuwa.
If its because of the hologram fights then you will probably like PGR.
If its literally anything else then probably not.
Xer is shitposting jinshi because she comes first, "it" will shitpost changli next and claim jinshi was always a 100% must have
I'll save your posts for Friday for when I show you that after waiting four seconds in tower, Jinhsi's forte will POOF immediately fill upon loading into a tower stage
there is 0 chance an unit gets better with wawu combat system because there is next to 0 synergies between characters and elements
what you see is what you get
>Kuro doesn't even try to hide their favoritism with Female characters anymore
>Male characters in the limbo, female artists dropping their game
WuWa is unlikely to be the genshin killer
Every time i check in here this week the tranny is bumping the thread seething over our wife
I will roll if she has cool high-skill cancels, otherwise I skip because unlike changli her breasts aren't big enough to substitute for no personality.
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i did all my tacit fields. what should i do today?
>WuWa is unlikely to be the genshin killer
And that's a good thing.
Took your time CN to post a Jinhsi gameplay leak.
Jinhsi prefarm
Guild wars general enlightens you to the hills of man
ZZZ will be the genshin killer.
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>open with support
>stack buffs
>switch to dps 1
>switch to dps 2
this surely wont get stale after 2 more months
>video starts with her having full forte gauge
Uh, guys?
Ascension mats > weapon ascension mats > skill mats
Whatever you do not have enough of
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>Implying kuro won't dip their hands in the Yume/Fujo market when wuwa is in a good position
They get Scar, angst general, and the teased scientist guy with the robot arm, what more do foids want?
It's her E2.
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Who's the March of wuwa?
Who's the gremlin of our heart?
The game at its currency stage is pretty soulless.
Yes, the forte is full at the start, and then once she uses E2, it gains the graphic showing you can use the nuke. Thanks for telling me?
>males in limbo
>women >>>>>out
What a time line to live in. I'm here for it
>Gets cucked and fucked by the KING and chinkified
it's got a very niche combat system, you either love or hate it. and like what thatother anon said, if you'll enjoy weekly holo and tower with niche combat system, then sure. bossfights, especially newer ones, are kino as fuck.

the game is kinda ass at the beginning though. only starts to pick up momentum past Chapter 9, once you get 3 cope teams, and once you unlock harder version of weekly holo.
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Encore didn't even last a month for her to be powercrept.

How long till they all commit Sudoku.
I'd only start getting concerned if there's no male character in the 1.2 drip marketing.
>didn't even need to dodge of parry a single boss attack
yeah fuck this powercreep
ZZZ can't come soon enough
But genshin doesn't have any males?
Save wave plate pots for U50 to farm Jinhsi's mats. You get a significant bump in ascension and skill mats at U50, but very little credit bump.
Jinhsi is a honorary hebe
What are you talking about? By E2 I mean her second dupe. She starts every battle with 50 stacks.
You say this like the starter 5* in any game last past like the first 4 limiteds
you roll the next big titted char, dont tell me you cant sacrifice some buckeroos can guarantee your favorite girls anon
C2, E2, R2, this is a mess. Thought you meant one of her E ability, of which she has three.
Damn look at her Forte meter when shes in her floating stance, she is perfect bros
Encore Hyperreal will save fire
they could start by not massacring the already small share of male characters on pgr
we want his pussy back
She's still teen. Still hebe.
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So its a fully duped Jinhsi?
Which means she is BRICK.
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Who's the Little Gui of wuwa?
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March is not ugly.
What do you mean? Even considering the very basic sinergy, we need to get:
Actual good electro main dps
Coordinated attackers, spectro/skill support
Fusion sub dps (encore is a main dps)

Elements are basically implemented through intro/outro/forte interactions, like reverse vape gives 50% dmg when you attack an enemy with hydro than switch to a pyro and attacks, a character with outro that has increase fusion dmg will do the same thing with the same rotation.
I seriously have to sift through 2000 echoes and manually lock them, just to be allowed to pick up loot again?
This is so fucking retarded
So how's the taoqi stocks bros?
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900 years worth of semen...
>yinlin doing 546 dmg
>jinhsi doing 150k
what the fuck is this shit bros? you told me Kuro respected my time
what can I prefarm for her?
>I'll pretend that female players matter in the grant scheme of things
Always a good (you) farm. Here's one from me.
AI slop
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Its a fully duped Jinhsi...
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>when pic rel is the most based male, not even chinks shitpost him
Kakarot is for the shounenGODS and they can give more of them
is it just me or is more than half of jinhsi's field time watching her echo and lib animations
Takes less than 15 minutes with the filter
Global never ever. Fuck, I'd even take JP release...
the boss material (mourning aix) or some broadblade user upgrade material
This looks hot on the surface, but the modeling looks really bad. Looks like a homeless crackhead stripper
f2p jinshi nuke is lower than havoc rover
why does yinlin do less damage than jinhsi without even accounting for her 150-400k nuke wtf?
Yeah that's the only reason I'm leaning more towards Changli
Seems Jinhsi's "optimal" rotation is to just shit out all of her nukes as soon as possible
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Why are you calling Yinlin a main dps???
Have you never been to /gig/ or /hsrg/ before? This place is shit, there is no denying that, but I don't see people here spamming scat, gay porn or gore when they have a "melty"
Yinlin is a sub dps. She doesn't have main dps numbers. She never did.
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Imagine rolling for Encore sidegrade.
A melee brick at that.
A menopausic obese hag with more mileage and baggage than your average lyft airport ride.
Couldn't . Be . Me.
uhh bwo, the fat fr*nch canadian theorycrafter got 24/30 on his fucking no-pull account yesterday, and he only has 6 characters
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>hu tao pic
Certified /gig/gertroon. Get the fuck out of this place already you fucking nigger
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This anon is BASED.
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What do you mean?
Don't I have to go like 3-cost fire boost, then click the ones with fire set, lock
then repeat for each element
then lock probably all ER%
then lock 1-cost with... I don't fucking know... 20 of each of everything? Probably keep more attack types for the elemental sets
Probably keep hp 3-costs, and even attack. Those are rare

this is just too dumb
I meant a main dps for her to support (better than calcharo). It's a list of future characters that can make each unit better as a counterpoint to:
>there is next to 0 synergies between characters
i think some of you should stop basing your entire personality on hating a game made for literal children
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This looks so soulless.
look like some sunday afternoon MMD project
>AI slop
>genshitter sees a bikini for the first time in 4 years
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it's a homo from gig. pay it no mind
>>hu tao pic
Anon you might want to get your eyes checked
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>0 posts in gachagaming
heh this GAYm is dead
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Encore with her liberation is basically melee retard
And chink tamamo is hotter anyway
I'm an ankolet...
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Jinhsi bros, hope you haven't been neglecting those "resonance skill DMG bonus%" substats on your echoes. Changli will probably look similar.

>He's maining a character that does not have more than 60% damage in one type and thus has one less useful offensive substat
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We loooove Mihomo around here
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>starts the fight with forte gauge full
Ummm chat??????
>cuck game
do I raise my S0 cow for those two
not even a genshitter but that shits soulless as fuck

t. dohna dohna enjoyer
Okay that looks a bit better, but the stomach/waist looks too elongated. It's like she got spaghettified by a black hole for like a picosecond.
I would say Snowbreak's models are better in this case
You want S6 cow because her damage is actually good for a support. But she will work with either.

You might get filtered by her playstyle though.
All the female players are getting the boot from gachas, is not only wuwa.
The chink waifufags woke up, I give those femcels two years.
Do cucks unironically enjoy this plastic AI look?
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bros i suddenly imagined myself as verina when my bf texted me with sweet morning greet
People are arguing that she didn't full but almost full. I guess you can build up your forte and keep it between battles.
>weapon ascension mats > skill mats
aren't these always the same
or do you mean the weekly boss drops by skill mats
>beta test
>cant test S6
Go for the R5 concerto weapon that's what im doing with my cow
I'm pretty sure that its the case for a lot of characters and people just haven't noticed, Kuro is adding tags to the characters in 1.1 because the ccs have gone full retard and keep mislabeling the characters. For example Encore is tagged as a main damage dealer, basic attack damage, and you can definitely tell that her basics hit like a truck compared to everyone else.
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> I guess you can build up your forte and keep it between battles.

No you can't, you fucking retard.
Holy shit, have you never used the tower?
Call yourself a stupid bitch.
NTA but Genshin's system is different anyway. I'm not saying whether or not Wuwa's is the same, but the only thing Genshin disables before starting an abyss floor is character passives, specifically. Weapon/artifact passives (Husk, GT) still work and can be pre-stacked, but any passive on a character's kit is disabled. This is why you can't even use Mona or Ayaka's dashes before you start a floor, the have regular runs. And Genshin didn't even properly reset CDs until recently; prior to that the only thing Abyss did on reset/entering was give you full energy. Skill and burst CDs would stay the same as they were before entering, or before reseting a floor.
Wuwa seems to do a full reset (resets Concerto, passive stacks, CDs and forte). I do not know if there's anything you can pre-stack before starting a floor.
I don't really care either way in this particular argument, I just wanted to provide some more context so it's clearer whilst you guys are arguing.
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Unironically bricked
holy kek, the gigger seethe every time someone posts those webms
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We won Jinhsi bros
holy coomercel slop
Cuck Frontline 2
The duality of man right here
Fujoshit can fuck off, they don't even play or put money in the game, they had their chance with Jiyan and he almost bankrupt Kuro that they were forced to release Yinlin a week earlier to save their game
So good riddance
lmao cuck game
Weren't you just arguing that passives don't work though?
Soulless coomerslop
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You're right they are the same, just that you want to use them on the weapon first before you use them to upgrade skills.

Weekly boss drops should always be farmed whenever possible.

It's not the case for most of the characters. The damage spread across all of them is kinda balanced. Jiyan takes the top with about 60%, but everyone else's is 50% or below. Here's Encore.

A balanced damage profile is pretty bad because you can't build those bonus% substats on your echoes since even flat ATK gives more DPS.
Girls Frontline Line 2
It's not bad but you're showing it in a thread of the game that has best in game models on the gacha market.
this, no wonder it's dead in china
NTR game
I can't believe I got cucked by a duck
>that they were forced to release Yinlin a week earlier to save their game
So good riddance
chinkcel narrative, Kuro was shitting itself because of ZZZ release
go back nigger

nice quads tho
holy powercreep batman
>Remember that one guy saying skill dmg is only ~50%
The waifu xcom? Is it out in Global finally?
she's the top dps in the game and this is only her S0
Weren't you arguing that she was S0???
Now call yourself a stupid lying BITCH
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>Game flops
>Dev start trying
May be, just may be, lets just SHUTTHEFUCKUP and not chase the normieturd crowd and be satisfied with what we have?
Mihoyo set the standard for these types of gacha and that is NOT a good thing
don't you guys get tired of shitposting and complaining
When will these sub dps shit end
gb2 /hrtg/ faggot
So Changli is fire support?
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Are we rolling for Jinhsi cunny bros? I will since she has a hebe charm I can't resist.
>The waifu xcom?
>Is it out in Global finally?
Global never ever
even skip for chang
odd rollan
dubs skip both
everyone wants to be the genshin killer
everyone wants the global audience
everyone fails
>wuwa welkins can be purchased repeatedly
...so in theory i can have 3 wuwakins active at the same time?
>replying to enkek
>Wuwa seems to do a full reset
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I don't like it when people roll for units I don't like.
Fuck off, horsefucker
You are too
>uma cunny
>all hags
What did he mean by this?
You DO NOT want resonance skill damage on Jinhsi. It's additive to element damage and Jinhsi herself has a lot of element and skill damage. The skill damage from substat is barely noticeable.
The priority is still crit > atk >> liberation > skill
no retard, they just add on to the time remaining, just like in genshit
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Well that standard is proved to be a glass castle time and time again already.
Lets see how Furryknights2 and Azur Promilia learns from this.
China is chasing Western MMO market's shade. I still remember all the WOW killers especially from NCSoft.
They stack (up to half a year), same as genshin.
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my wife's feet
EVEN weapon rollan
ODD skip wep
Nobody really knows and people are still arguing about it, she appears to be an on-fielder or "main DPS" but her outro buffs fusion characters and it's basically useless on Mortefi but pretty good on Encore.
Maybe some 1.2 DPS will be her support, but it seems more likely she's something of a hybrid, she can be a field hog or support Encore. Her fusion deepen expiring on swap is the main thing that makes that outro weird, if she is a real "main DPS."
I will use her with Encore regardless myself, but I'm sure the metatroons will get uppity about how that's wrong.
judging from the seething, this general just wants this game to be genshit 2 lmao
if only...
Yes anon, now go buy 50 passes and get 4500 asterite per day.
Chasing the mihoyo audience is like trying to get people to swap off their iPhone, it isn't going to happen.
what game is this? it looks better than wuwa
Go back to trash and stay there, shitskin.
The feet of a sovereign...
Encore was a mistake, it's attracting pedos like flies in the shit
You have 5 substats per echo. What the fuck else would you build other than
>crit rate%
>crit damage%
>flat atk
>resonance skill bonus%
she's hebe enough to appeal to me yes
You can have a max of 6 at the same time for a duration of 6 months.
generic japslop with no gamplay

guess im sticking to 5* free weapon
Are people so mindbroken they can't accept that you can have two people doing damage in a team
ER would be better. her ult is very expensive.
even skip until male
odd skip until hebe
Is this general nothing but endless fighting and pointing the finger at one another
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the digits are wise, let me try

evens eat banana bread for breakfast
odds eat tide pods and drink motor oil
Why not?
they also point the finger at m*hoyo
Liberation? ER? Resonance is very bad on Jinhsi.
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you cannot escape us
Hopefully the tags will end this, just need to shit on anyone that doesn't use the proper terms from that point on, if even Kuro is getting annoyed at the mislabeling of characters it must be pretty fucking bad.
>waifu xcom
That's Troubleshooter
When does this release. I want horse gacha kino and I want it NOW.
with jinhsi you have no choice?
hope you cultivated digestion skills anon.
Yup, this is 100% getting censored in global.
Kill encore, make Femrover/Male rover flirt with the same sex
fixed the game
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It won't. Because it's used for shitposting and shitposting ignores facts and logic.
Why is most of the art in these threads AI generated?
Why are the little girls showing theiir bellies?
incelpandering game so the only "real" art we get is SEAslop
Should've kept PGR's tank and amplifier tags for characters
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I'll be there to dab on your grave at the funeral Anon
it's in kuros best interest to not let people label their characters because it's got a huge impact on if people pull
jinhsi is more of a burst damage dealer than a main dps.
why are you always so aggresive and try to make points by referencing Genshin a completely different game
out of all wuwa posters I dislike you the most
Depends how good she is at energy gain in general.

Her liberation damage accounts for only 18% of her total damage. Why would you want to boost that?
Because real "artists" gave up. AI is simply superior.
Troubleshooter doesnt have jap dub, i am not listening to fucking gooktalk.
Is that a Tenshinhan referencce?
Wait, I remember this game being in portrait orientation.
ai generated genshin clone
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Have an updated one.
Coombait won't save it from its sins of being cuckshit with awful gameplay.
this thread is like 50% people who don't even play the game shitting the place up, it was the exact same in hsrg for a while. All we can do is hope zzz grabs some of the flak in a week
this looks great cant wait for global.
Ruzzian CHAD pedophiles comprise most of this general
wonder if they will cave and add the oath system back in
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arre sound the saem
chinkcels killed the game because a character had a male penpal
Tell that to Kuro. Those are the official in-game tags for each character. They classify her as a main damage dealer and not burst damage dealer.
he looks gay
Okay mathlet. Don't write anything if you have absolutely no idea about how shit works.

Thanks. As always EVEN FACTORS. Saying her most used attribute is shit is like the most dumb and idiotic thing you can spout.
>b-but what if I get too much dmg%
Then you FUCKING go with a 3 cost ATK% echo. IT'S NOT HARD.
I don't think even Hoyocucks care about that game so it probably won't attract that many shitposters past the first few days.
We might get 2 weeks of peace here between people talking about the patch and ZZZ coming out, but then it's also likely ZZZ "players" will come here to shitpost and argue about how ZZZ's gameplay is better.
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Encore haters being obsessed cringey and pathetic as usual. She literally carries this game and it wouldn't have survived the first week without her, this is a fact.
Ignoring every other problem the game had huh?
Sounds based to me. All women in gacha are for me and only for me.
Hopes for 1.2 characters?
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the tide pods will clean out the motor oil, I trust the digits

evens go to the hospital after brekky just in case
odds go to the sex toy shop to buy 50 dildos and superglue them to my body
It will save this game
BAsed, bless your heart i'm too dumb for all that shit
uma always had sideways view for the concerts
Genshin is bad because its genshin and not because it does "Certain" things bad. Its an overall flawed construction that loses to several already existing games
>Open World is inferior to Dragon's Dogma and TES in exploration
>Movement is worse than Hulk the Incredible from PS2
>Combat is worse than Divinity OS1 since they don't even care about their elemental system anymore and just release characters with gimmicks that simply override entire element property like Nahida.
And on top of that: no fanservice. As sterile of girl skin as a muslim street.
Genshin was literally NEVER good. It was a rotten water seller in a village that didn't even know what water is prior to said seller appearing.
Wuwa needs to take own route or at least try to copy a good game like DMC.
the only thing I hear is ntr frontline so if it has other issues I don't mind hearing about them
1.2 beta recruitment has started in CN
Either we're getting the 1.2 drip or the leaks from the beta soon.
Ever heard about le epic internet trolls? Zoomers just can't stop feeding them (you)s.
Both skips so I can get Jinhsi and Changli and start saving and not have to swipe.
I actually want a cool male DPS.
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I never made it to a concert. I rolled, didn't get the horse I wanted and uninstalled kek
I cant wait for the Chibiko expy
I remember hearing the game wiped your c: if you uninstalled it
I personally have a feeling it'll be camellya + scar but I can't be sure
>trying to reason with a schizo
shit is pure kek
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pretty sure unless its something completely different that it'll be camellya and scar
Why would you want to boost resonance skill damage by 2% per substat line?
Go back to elementary school and learn arithmetic.
Please delete this clip
This is a sub-dps general.
You only bring out Calcharo for his ult and he's still a main DPS.
It will be Geshu Lin followed by Camellya.
Then kuro are kinda retarded. The way they built incandescence she's a burst.
You can tell she is not getting paid enough for this shit
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even at low difficulty the timings on this guy are insanely tight, pretty fun
Whos going to tell the Jinhsi copers that the one in the video is S6
It might be cringe, but the fact people are doing stuff like this bodes well for wuwas future.
Scar then Phrolova so i can save for the Cum queen
We should all hope so. If an S0 can hit 400k then that's absurd.
>Another broadsword user
They'll surely space Geshu Lin out... right?
I saw 440k
Please be this. I'm skipping 1.1, so I can roll for best general and provolone.
the digits hate you, jianshitter
>Why would you want to boost resonance skill damage by 2% per substat line?
I think you got brain damage from that pink vtuber mathfag video. Do the calc, I'm not leading you through this.
it's fan made... gigaretardo
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Who's the Liter of Wuthering Waves?
I like playing anko. Her cute and cheerful energy sustain me.
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I don't know if I have enough rolls for both camellya and donut.
But isn't that more the reason to release in west?
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>Jinhsi has a nuke ability that dishes out a big burst of damage

>they classify her as a main damage dealer and not a burst damage dealer
Lol sure mathlet retard. Go prioritize resonance substat like the fucking retard you are.
>hehehe he doesn't know that this no-name e-girl from fuck knows where is actually a fan of my favorite anime gacha game and literally did this for free
If that makes me a gigaretardo then I'm fine with being a gigaretardo.
please understand, translation team takes budget
you should have noticed this in wuwa
evens have a smokko
odds buy a drink you've never tried from the servo
Did i miss anything or is Calchudo the only 5* that doesnt have a single dialogue or cutscene in the game?
I never said to "prioritize". You're getting upset over a strawman argument.
Must be a bad build then because the because there was an image of s6 jinhsi doing like 1.3 mill
Written out of the script.
giga based
Who's the Dorothy of Wuthering Waves?
>game built off their back
>game turns their back on them
>it flops
Sounds like mica got what they deserved
That was from before her nerf I think
he got "rewritten" out of the game
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Chiwa Saito
That was illusive realm.
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I just beat it on max difficulty by spamming dodge lol. Never parried him once, they should make a boss that actually needs you to parry
There was never any 1.3mil jinhsi damage it was all theorycrafting nonsense. The first actual gameplay video of jinhsi was today, that's why no one had actual calculations of her or knew that some of her stuff could get animation cancelled.
Why do devs keep testing the chinkcel? He's too powerful.
frick off with your limitations let me use all my characters in the new illusive realm
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They're talking about this. It was posted a while back. It's illusive realm.
I'm fighting him severely underleveled so I need to land the parries or I get dps-checked pretty hard
But...why? How much stuff did they delete out of the game? What the fuck...and why? I thought it's only prologue and Crownless.
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This is based.
Baizhi had a character quest IIRC
extremely based
I guess it didn't fit with the story rewrite and they didn't have time to go back and change his. Time constraints lead it to being scrapped.
Will people really spend 13k astrite for an extra 100?
Is She the same size as Taoqi? Because Taoqi's seem bigger. Or is it me that's blind?
Changdoro Miko my beloved
No idea, probably needed more time to rewrite t to fit with the new story and it didn't make it in. We'll probably get it in a future patch...maybe.
good point, none of these make much sense.
It's not about clearing tower it's about getting the best for your wife, stop being a metafag
what are you talking about
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People are just too lazy to go and find art so they would rather prompt 7 fingered slop.
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>I thought it's only prologue and Crownless
Literally verina, is even a blonde as well
All the character stories got scrapped except fucking Lingyang, and that's only because he errata had been worked on for a long time. Blame the beta testers who complained that the MC was bullied too much. Now look at what Kuro is doing. Jinhsi is all but physically fucking you.
(You) also met Danjin in the CBT and she acted like an unhinged lunatic.
Yeah, useless stat like you, retard.
For fuck sake...
You mean more than that escort main quest?
CBT1 was apparently written by that Snowbreak writer that has some kind of agenda about sneaking in cuckshit and shitting on the mc for no reason (probably the kind of pretentious retard that hates (you) pandering), Kuro probably decided to nuke everything from orbit to avoid any risk of something slipping in.
Even if it was the s6 multiplier increase at max incandesce only dropped by 500%
Not nearly enough to drop a figure from 1.3 million to 400k
What is the point of Sanhua doing that when Jiyan is right there?
Cygames is the one publishing it, so I doubt it
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It's called an investment, it will pay itself off in only 260 weeks.
Holy fuck this is cool. Why did the faggots at Kuro scrape it all?
Has it been confirmed?
I can really.tell if it's illusive realm at all. Non to the pinks looks like the grass there.
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Cope. Over 70% of her damage from resonance skill. It's useful.
Lingyang was changed too, he was a little cocky shit, now he's a nothing character.
girls front line 2 basically destroyed any chance of CBT 1 going live.
Jesus...all those animations, All those voiced lines... gone like that.
Did no one stop to think how fucking weird it's going to be when the game suddenly throws All characters that you never met before in that defend the city quest?
ill luckshit it from the free pulls
Blame the eternal chinkcel
still don't understand why this game is so popular in japan
girls are a bit generic and the game plays itself
That's even more worrying.
Yuanwu literally came out of nowhere. Taoqi at least got introduced during it.
Oh, don't worry, you do meet them. Just barely. Like how you meet Verina in a flower field to make the black flower, and that's it. Next you see her, she's being a field medic.
Blame self-insert fags.
she got nerfed
Fuck Cygames
Self-insert chads saved this game, cuckold.
japs have shit taste
nothing new here
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>prefarming jinshi
>now I have permanent red dots because verina uses the same world boss
>Anko fights Scar in the CBT
>instead of this and crownless kino we got fucking avengers assemble
I hate everything modern so much it's unreal.
>People sees 960k on jinhsi tc chart
>assumes that means how much her burst will do
A lot of you guys are in for a rude awakening, she's not going to powercreep the game by anymeans but she'll be good.
Already discussed that here>>483614956
I'm asking if it's confirmed illusive realm
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Should I actually level discount Narmaya for my magistrate?
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what massacred the hype?
Just ascend the wood loli you freak
>the game plays itself
you think the average overworked sallary man gets off work and wants to fucking sweat his balls doing ToA?
No they want to romance girls like it's a dating sim.
I thought i missed something when he appeared in the battlefield
No, self-insert fags are the ones that want everyone to suck their dicks all the time. We could've had at least a unique story. Now we get... well you know what we got.

Play her a bit first. You might get filtered by her playstyle.
They were supposed to be siblings IIRC
both have the sheep theme
what stopped them from making the cast shit on you less but keeping the kino?
Taoqi is there too, it's just retarded
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>Written like hoyoslop where the mc gets treated like shit
Good fucking riddance, anyone defending the CBT1 shit needs to fucking leave, there is a fucking reason that the only people defending the story during CBT1 was reddit hoyocucks, it was absolutely awful and would've killed the game on release.
I know the different between a rotation caoc and specifically a nuke calc.
Usual mihomo cencorship, pandering to gay furries. I think those 2 would be the main points.
the Disney Pixar cutscenes and Nicole getting absolutely butt raped by censorship
a lot of people clearly don't which is why they're underwhelmed by seeing 180k-250k nukes on a s6 jinhsi.
I want my actual schizo loli...
do you level verina her traces? I mean the ulti does fua damage more dmg is never bad right
Horse racing is pretty big in Japan, and no the game doesn't play itself. Doing a single training run takes like half an hour. In the early days where was a time where it took like an hour. Depending on the training scenario there can be a bunch of micromanaging going on.
the same people who were complaining about the cast shitting on mc (chinkcels) also complain if the entire cast/story isn't sucking you off 24/7
Verina is technically better but literally every team in the game wants her.

And taoqi is second best, and she suffers less then other carries without her.
Retard. Stay a shitter.
>game plays itself
I wish. the dailies take over an hour
you're probably better off using taoqi in your current team and giving the magistrate verina, I think she's very fun though
Nothing, ignore the chinkcel schizo.
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so i was looking at jinhsi and i started thinking doesn't she look terrible for tower of adversity at s0?
That makes things 100% more interesting. They haven't run into each other yet so far so I hope they keep that dynamic.
how many character quests were scrapped?
>I have no argument so I have to repeatedly call him a retard and have a total emotional meltdown
I'll take that as a win. Last response to you.
S6 Jinshi only does 250k with nuke? Wtf?
Like I get the animation is cool and all, but this is just unnecessary. All this really does is just push you to be more willing to join the Fractsidus since they don't treat you like shit, but we know that isn't a option since they aren't the "good" guys.
If a playable girls isn't for (You), then rolling for her makes you a cuck
simple as
I agree, but they over-corrected
Yeah, I'm thinking I'll just skip the story from now on. It's okay if they wanted to change directions, but what we ended up with is pure garbage compared to what they already had.
what do you mean only? I do 1k with a basic atk you do 250times my damage with 1 button press
Hope you all shat on them in the survey for the dogshit story btw
nta and genuinely interested. 70% resonance damage is not a flat increase, do you have in-game numbers on that?
act 1 and 2 are shit, but from 3 onwards its alright, seen worse.
My wife seems to be the subject of a lot of controversy. She is majestic
Are you high? Gacha stories are all pointless trash. I'm skipping.
I just want fun gameplay and to collect and raise waifus.
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>chinkcels took this from you
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Actual lolis are proven to be a good gatekeep against twitroons and normies
Let the lolicons post verina's pussy, it's better than all the homo/troon posting in hoyo generals
sooo how do I build Taoqi? DEF, Crit damage?
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Clearly they already failed with you, dumb wannabe normalfag.
I shat on them for the start but the rest was alright
Nobody else does damage even close to those numbers right now. People are blowing their loads over a 50k Havoc Rover ult.

I dont think it remains, if i understood correctly, none of encore's stories talk about her having a sibling
her damage and support skill scale off DEF, build other substats around her liberation i would say
I played her in Elysian Realm and hated every minute of it, it's why I've kept her at level 1 even though her breasts are massive.
Did you miss the 400k in the video?
They played it too safe with the story...nyooooooooooooooooooo
>70% resonance damage is not a flat increase
Not sure what you mean by that. What I meant to say is that given her rotation, 70% of her total damage will be considered resonance skill damage, mostly from casting her 3 resonance skills. Roughly 18% of the damage will be from her liberation.

Both. 4* Dauntless Evernight then you can go
>crit rate%
Preferably moonlit. Heron is important. You can maybe use Geochelone at S5 though.

>other substats around her liberation i would say
At S6 she does roughly equal amounts of liberation and basic attack damage. ER% is what would be most useful on her at that point I think.

Then why would you want to build her. Don't pull nor build characters that you don't like.
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So I'm absolutely terrible at timezones even when using the tools for it but the server should be up again friday morning for EU, right?
ER is what i meant by build around her liberation
Yes, goes down around midnight and comes back up around 7am or so in central europe
That's what we have been trying to explain to the retard but he clearly has a bone to pick with chinks and i assume it's a GFGfag mad that the chinks tired to kill his game.
It looks cool but it would have killed the game even worse than the ambiguous result we got simply because everyone would have hated Jinzhou and its characters and since there is no way we could have got branching off (ie. join Fractsidus or black shore, leave Jinzhou to itself) the railroading to help Jinzhou would have left a lot of distaste.

The result we got isn't exactly the best, and it really didn't need to go 100% on the other sense or throw away a lot of animations, but it's better in the long run because you can fix it instead of killing the entire game.
Your mom goes down at midnight
You don't. She Has the curse of big boobs character. She's shit, absolute bottom in every tier list.
Jinhsi bros are we playing through the story first to unlock the new weekly boss or pulling as soon as the banner drops?
Jinhsi can hold up to 40 Incandescence.
When Jinhsi is on the team, all nearby characters on the team gain Eras in Unity. When characters with Eras in Unity deal Damage with an attribute, Jinhsi gains 1 Incandescence. Damage of the same attribute can provide up to 1 Incandescence every 3s.
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Shit for some reason i thought the Limited Banners would end at the same time as Reset. I was stocking up to get the StringMaster Weapon dammit
Hope this isnt one of the games where rerun banners take half a year to show up
Well yeah it is underwhelming when a simply Calc says she can do 250k at s0 with a shit build
You did yourself a favor. Never invest too heavily in 1.0.
I'm definitely pulling on my dick as soon as Jinhsi drops
50 stacks: no buffs: 185,175
25-30 stacks: 147,680
50 stacks with Verina buff: 414,711
25-30 stacks with Verina buff: 277,527
Even if I were an AI, it wouldn't make me any less correct and (You) any less retarded. Idk what kind of cope this is.
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soon bro, you only got to wait until friday until shes out
verina doubles your damage?
must be some tower buffs too
isn't it thursday night for mutts and spics?
I'm rerolling.
so, are we sirs playing this shit with a controller or nah?
Old kit. It's 50 now and coordinated attacks give 2.
Probably does when you factor in her deep buff + the massive attack buffs she's giving with the healer set.
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what happen, they told me genshit was dethroned in japan!
full moonlit? alright
i'm so fucking done, i'm becoming a NEET in 1.1
Umapyoi strong
Japan is irrelevant, when shit like Uma Musume is at the top.
Have you noticed how pedos are pretty much like furries?

>Will not shut the fuck up about liking cunny
>Makes being into cunny his entire persona
>Will bitch and whine if a game where young girls could potentially be included doesn't include them or their role is small

Both of these types of subhumans deserve a shot in the head and their bodies dumped in an unnamed ditch. I've just found this correlation funny
>raise her
>rush story when I get home from work to unlock her giga passives and start farming jue
Yeah you're probably right. I just thought it might be worth to get a DPS 5* weapon for each type and then maybe support ones since they're guaranteed and im using 3 Catalyst users atm lol
>ZERO douyin hours
>less than a day at #1 in JP
urina flopped and slopped kek
How do you feel about Discord? I heard some people say hat would be better than Dauntless because of her rotation issues
uma musume has been top 5 in world rankings before with jp only so it isnt as irrelevant, releasing in the west soon too
You done staring?
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Good, Encore should have NO cool scene.
She's trash.
case in point
>Have you noticed
Nope you are just obsessed with them so you see them everywhere
Reminder to not listen to the shitter and roll resonance skill damage. The only 5 stats you should roll are cr cd atk% atk and er. This applies to most dps.
Exactly, why would I be feel inclined to help these people after all this distrust when from the getgo I haven't done anything to warrant it. If Sanhua/Jinhsi can't even trust their own General or Border Security director...what does that say about them?

Scar or Camellya showing up and being the opposite would just make me want to go with them especially when Black Shores isn't even "bad". That being said once Scar does show up the story does improve and is passable. Hopefully since we are getting into things that had more time to be planned out 1.1 and beyond will be a lot better.
I jerk off to Jack though
Another thing to note: she gets max stacks in 8 seconds.
you lost
>Japan is irrelevant, when shit like Uma Musume is at the top.
CN = Dungeon and Fighter/Naruto
USA =Monopoly Go
Skill DMG% is fucking trash for Jinhsi when she can already effortlessly reach 80% ele DMG bonus.
Don't have news open, but maintenance starts at like Thursday 6pm EST and lasts for minimum seven hours, ending at Friday 1am EST
>USA =Monopoly Go
That can't be a fucking real game?
DNF has always been a money making juggernaut
>global announced
>suddenly everyone loves umaslop now
Nvm it's just normal monopoly with modern looks, I assumed it would be like pokemon go, but somehow monopoly.
US having slop like candy crush, fifa and madden at top has no right to talk back lmao
Everyone else is retarded. It will be two characters we haven't seen yet.
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Are you ready for KINO?
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Monopoly is more fun than actual gachas.
People are thirsty for a gacha made by real humans and not chinky bugmen
Does she mark Rover?
not suddenly, uma has been big for some time and the anime did well in the west too, the game alone has ranked only with japan multiple times before
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What about EU
Yet there's a retard arguing otherwise.
It's S6 jinhsi in the video, so you have the ER set+S3,Verina Outro, etc
Monopoly is the lamest board game
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Reminder to NOT build the stupid little potato if you're pulling Changli. Don't get baited by double fusion meme.
>real humans
Do you know how much it takes to reach a pity in that game? oh boy, oh pal...
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Look all you want but no touching
hard work pays off only 40 rerolls
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Cute hagbird
its 6 to 13 hrs UTC +8 june 28th, so yeah, tomorrow night for americans
Man, Japan's got some weird looking horses
umasume has been huge for atleast 3 years, even in the genshit boards people would always meme about how they lost to a horse racing game
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Sorry but your board games are legit the most boring shit out there.

Better ones will come. That's the only guarantee.

I think it's bad. First off, at R0 it gives you 8 concerto every 20 seconds. That's not enough to reliably outro her. She also doesn't want THAT much energy regen. Heron fixes that nicely with the hold -> switch trick.

Having a character like Sanhua, Yangyang or anyone else that is really good at getting concerto (Yinlin maybe?) is vital for Taoqi. Because whatever build you go with, you'll have to take a hardswap without concerto sometimes. Switching to a character like that "fixes" her concerto.
Jinhsi might have special synergy here since she gets to outro twice. I'd need to test it, but you can probably get Taoqi's outro 100% reliably with that, without the need for discord.

Make sure you're ready to build Taoqi though, she wants lots of resources. She scales well with her level, so if you want her to do damage you need to cap her level. Not to mention the additional resource cost of farming another moonlit set with def%.
how about gacha monopoly
Super jealous of that second one, bro
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>candy crush
I didn't see HSR at the top though
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>heavy atk dmg
>basic atk damage
>no crit
whos going to tell him
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Are encorebros the retards of this general?
How's your progress at getting gud?
>Hopefully since we are getting into things that had more time to be planned out 1.1 and beyond will be a lot better.
I think the same, we simply jumped over the "and then everyone trusted the Rover" and moved with the actual plot.
They also don't have a .8% rate though
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no blows below the belt please we're frenemies
kill yourself /vt/ranny
Good explanation. Thx bro
>lingyang starts sucking you off
how to stop this guy from bricking my rolls?
How many hours until maintenance?
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Ahhhhhhh I still can't do this fucking bird
stop rolling
36 hours
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i finally realized the people asking for pre-download are the ones that get 1.5kb per hour data streams, instead of the gb chads that make up pc users
>math is nothing but made up numbers.
Would it really? In genshin china the traveler became immediately an outlaw suspect of killing their dragon god, and in star rail china the trailblazer were suspect of aiding terrorists (stellaron hunter). That is just following the same pattern of being suspects until an important character (jinhsi) comes and bails you out (though I don't know if they went too hard on antagonizing you compared to the other two).
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Bro bro you don't understand her basic counts as resonance his pokeman is actually gigagoated fr
Yes, it's worse at 0.75% for a 3* character, while the pity is at 200 (TWO HUNDRED) fucking rolls. There is a reason why Japanese government had to introduce an entire law, just to stop Cygames from scamming people.
Sounds wrong
I will roll Changli just to buff Encore's fire damage.
post more ankoCHAD
I don't see any.
Maintenance starts in 24 hours. Scheduled to be 7 hours long.
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24 hours, and 30~ hours until the servers go live which it'll probably go live an hour earlier if it's anything like their release window. and if they just copy hoyo 1:1
24 hours
based and same
fuck the schizo falseflagging encore as anti-changli
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Why would a maintenance ever be 7hrs long?
The replies to this post are amazing
homotranny, are you blind?
Sanhua and Verina do that better for cheaper though
XIV's maintenance for Dawntrail is 48 hours.
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>10gb update requires 2 days
what is an XIV's?
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no, he's right, maint starts in literally 24hrs with a duration of 6 or 7hrs
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instead of causing yourself brain damage asking what time every 10 minutes you could bookmark this or something

it took me 1 minute to find on google.
>squenix got fucked by expansions so hard they're taking two days to prepare
How long until maintenance for westcoast chads?
Or you could just not be RETARDED and read the ingame notice
i'll be honest, I really dont see changli powercreeping jinshi's trailer date with (you)
Those shorts are doing something to me.
maybe its being filtered as I have a pretty strict filter, i don't see any either.
So when does maintenance start?
Kuro's in-game notices are super shit since they don't convert it to your local computer's time, when 90% of their playerbase is retarded and dont' know how to convert timezones or even google how to convert it.
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Who are the strongest units lorewise.
3* are 3%, PU would be 0.75% so 3/4 to get spooked
Retard here. If i want to get good high quality screenshots, from what i read v-sync should be off. I dont know all these technical terms so im not sure, anyone else know the best settings for screenshots?
>In genshin china the traveler became immediately an outlaw suspect of killing their dragon god
Now remember me if i'm wrong because it's been 4 years but it really wasn't the characters that you roll for that suspected you, in fact all of them believed you quite readily and helped you prove your innocence. On top of that here we also have 2 factions that are gunning for you that are simply much more coherent in their attempt to win you over, the other issue is also that the amnesia origin is still there; we don't have convenient "he was there at the wrong time", you have no idea why the fuck you are there in the first place and just followed Yangyang.
The other issue is that that was after Mondstadt, here it was the first thing that happens after you start the game and get kicked out from heaven.

Again it's not that it couldn't work per se, it could work if you edited and fixed it way better than how it was presented but this is comparing a mythical actual worked out story to what was in CBT vs what we got now.
24 hours from now
try to pay attention
Her voicelines put her on par with it imo
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Maintenance doko?
convert what??
just subtract the +8 from where you live you can't be this stupid
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Aalto is the worst male character in the game.
>Stupid tranny calling others stupid
You don't get to question others when you're illiterate.
>Uma on global
Enjoy the love live troon rejects.
Jinhsi at the top of the chart, brickyan all the way past rock bottom, even below ganxue the fucking receptionist.
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The Lucia expy
No it's Jiyan.
don't let the homotranny hear this
Could you upskirt the 1.1 characters in the beta? If so what were they wearing?
Asking for a friend
Space chinks were almost boringly reasonable.
>Hey your timing is super suspicious, sorry for the inconvenience but could you wait here while we figure this out. We're not accusing you of anything we just want to make sure.
vs wuwa
>You're just some guy but we've decided you're the cause of all our problems and we've decided you deserve to die because we're a bunch of fucking retards.
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I have some mid echoes on Encore, but she's incredible, and extremely easy to pilot. I feel like I have to work way harder in the tower with Yinlin/Calcharo than I do with Sanhua/Encore, and the clear times are usually pretty similar.
Genshin never ever took the throne in japan, FGO always sits on its throne whenever they release something that isnt filler.
For now besides rover it's probably jué, followed by changli and jinhsi. We know nothing about the god girl.
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Rover lost to Yinlin multiple times.
She is NOT strong lorewise.
It's beautiful...
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She was merely pretending.
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Rover lost because he had an erection, no fair
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I haven't booted up WuWa in 2 days now. I realized that Genshin with action is not the type of game I want to play. I would rather play PGR and PGR-likes, or just normal action games.

Go on without me bwos. I wish you the best in your WuWa adventure.
I had her on my initial account before I rerolled, and she was excellent. I'm still sad that I don't have a character like her that my small brain can just unga bunga and get results. She had a really unique offering that I miss. I can't wait until she shows back up so I can use her again.
The situation is different.
They were rounding everyone up who was at the site as a suspect in Rex Lapis' death. Not you specifically.
the game tells you rover was mostly playing along most of the time
Has science gone too fat?
Atleast PGR's future is secured now that they have the wuwa bucks to keep working on their passion project.
even mihomo wouldnt go to such extents to delete story and they did delete stuff in genshit.

just drop the eos date. this shit is timed
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By the end of the quest her electricity just tickles your balls
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>Rover TOTALLY strong guize
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Based and true
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>tiktok girlies are talking about yhan now
when will he be playable...
Which general is this again?
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yes, and right after that the game tells you you recovered and could be broke free but decided to lay low
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I'm sure she has some kind of optimal combos and cancelling you can do, but I find huge success just mashing basic attack and watching the funny numbers pop up. I had a combo string end on a crit for almost 10k, and that was the largest damage number I've seen in the game yet.

With Calcharo, you definitely need to be aware of his combo string and animation cancelling to both stay safe and do damage. I wish I could unga bunga with him. Even after practice, I find it's really hard to get three heavy attacks off in his ult.
the HSR Firefly fanclub general
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pagfly plopped flopped and slopped
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I want you to call yourself a stupid dumb bitch.
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My Rover hasn't lost because they haven't wasted their time with Yinlin's quest
uh-oh, /trash/ melty
>been gone for 3 weeks
>Kronii is still here
Which one of you retards invited this faggot from /trash/?
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>it's up
Time to make MOUTAINS of porn
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Where is event bros?
Firefly broke you
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CN bro's figured out the damage numbers in the clip are Version 1 of Jinhsi using S6R1-5.

We are currently on Version 3 I believe where S6 was nerfed, but in Version 2 S2/3 were buffed.
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>missing out on the UL
Taoqi is such a slow bitch
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If I desperately need the rewards then I can do it later, but for now my Rover is a based sigmachad who doesn't lose.
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Maintenance when?
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>proved right
You can apologize to me now.
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stop replying to the anime shitposter
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I will give YapYap my (you) instead
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If he's posting normally and not shitposting then there's no reason not to respond to him, that promotes healthy thread activity
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She doesn't even talk that much why do we call her yapyap? I will not stand for this yapyap slander.
this guy is singlehandedly making us faster than /hsrg/, kek
I also really liked her heavy attack with the gauge full where she charges over like 3s and then does the big funny number.
My biggest flaw as a shitter in these kind of games is I never like to swap characters out and just sit on one forever fighting stuff. But when I hit that it gave me a really good reason to swap so it kind of 'forced' me to get used to the swapping system and use it, while rewarding me with the big damage and cute voice line.
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Pretty sure Rover lost every exchange against Scar.

It always involved being saved from outsiders.
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>If he's posting normally
so never?
Cute YapYap
post more
no matter how much you homotrannies shill them, no, i will never roll for m*les
what the fuck is this triple jump hacks?
They need to put in Encores aalto voice line when she dies.
plunge attack cancel you can go even higher with taoqi but no one actually plays her
To be honest the only one you would want to have is Jiyan and ONLY to get a early kill on the mephis hologram that's about it. We all gonna beat that hologram with any comp when we reach lv 90 so w/e
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Why can't I enter the door bwos?
Gook YapYap?
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Kinda same this is the first "action" game i've ever played and i'm slow as fuck with my reflexes. The concerto audio cue helped a lot in easing me to swapping because it translates to big number and time slow.
These days i quickswap like a coked up zoomer and just killed my first lvl 6 hologram.
Based gambling enjoyer
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I don't even know what quick swap is haha...
Holy gachabrainrot !!
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Shixia the npc for that one side quest, told me to go behind the waterfall but then she disappeared. did I glitch out my quest by fast forwarding time?
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Ok, seriously, when do I unlock the sex scene with my boyfriend here? I think we've been on enough dates by now.
can i have aa Danjin T_IconRole_Pile_micai_UI.png
seriously it's been two weeks can i get something other than cat rescue?
I'm so glad they changed Chixia
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i gotta ask, excluding the cool action scenes how bad/good was the cbt 1 story?
where is the Jinshi banner...
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Even better, I'll give you a raw, uncooked Danjin.
Very exclusive.
Better yet where is maintenance?

She's pretty ripped now that i get a closer look :^)
I went to take a rare shower and this thread barely moved. This is a deader general than Geshu Lin.
Just how much of a loser are you?
3 hour thread it was going unusually fast but at around 700 post the entirety of eu went to sleep
Pretty garbage considering how even chinks didn't like it
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Geshu lin is alive though? They cancelled the drip marketing to not spoil him being playable in 1.2 with codename donut (leak).
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Yinlinbros... it's over for you.
You're officially in the Female Medium folder instead of being in the Female Extra Large folder. Fake hag detected.
You mean they canceled him entirely because chinkcels run this game and can't handle males existing.
Yinlin would NEVER
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Don't reply to it
Do not give it attention
>You're officially in the Female Medium folder instead of being in the Female Extra Large folder. Fake hag detected.
Everyone knew that anon
>1 month in
>Thread still unusable
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I didn't, my roll schedule is ruined now.
meant for >>483627653
i'm new to reddit
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Baizhi is the only true hag in this game so far.
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Don't care. Still snorting her pits.
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She has the ass of a fit fat woman
Her eyes are so sex, I mean all of her is but her eyes especially.
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>fit fat woman
what the fuck did i just read
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Aalto is one lucky MF
Also why does the camera feature produce shit quality screen shots
good. she's a young, still fertile college girl
is 1.1 giving anyone else anxiety?
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Baizhi actually shares her extra large folder with one other character
But it's mostly empty, with her real model being in the female medium folder. Makes me wonder if her old design was more hag sized.
I'm sure our american sisters can explain what bodytype is that
take your pills sis
Well rip.
You can always make a new account and start anew I guess if that bothers you that much.
he means the ass of ebony cutie
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You're not making mine better by pointing it out every thread
Are you a teenage girl? What is there to be anxious about?
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When will they add housing, farming, and marriage so I can live a comfy life off the grid with my wife?
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I can't read this without laughing
Sorry bro but that simply doesn't existhere. The women are either Paris Hilton skin and bones or Walmart cart rider 300lbs. There is no in between.
I don't know but I'm almost hyperventilating
mine's bigger
loong horn is loong
in what folder its that shit? give me the root mother fucker.
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