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2XKO alphalab playtest confirmed in August 2024.
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marvel blasterz when?
I'm improving.
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I'm not.
why would it be called blasterz
Someone should beat up an fgc member already, timmies are getting to comfy keyboard warrioring their way into higher positions in the fgc
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'jamDAWGAWD would beat your ass, he used to coach wrestling
No thanks, Shilljam would get a bullet in the back before I'd give him the time of day
the sajam horde are eroding the fgc....
calling every game with assists Blasterz isn't actually that funny
you subhumans are really scraping the bottom of the barrel
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>party mashing is the recommended way to play
cant wait for this turd to flop
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e-celebs that feign caring about the genre are really gonna shamelessly shill this slop
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finna gaslight these coons to their breaking points
goth yordles owe me sex
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Jinx won
It's so sad that he's only tied to one gimmick.
playing the loud nerd ghetto black in japan can only get you so far and was eventually going to die off. Majin obama's days are numbered
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Apparently auto combos are in 2XKO but only as a fuse system thing. I'm conflicted because on the one hand its auto combo cancer, but on the other hand this shit will be non-existent in moderate to high rank because you would actually be gimping yourself by choosing instead of the other infinitely better Fuses.
Oh, so you can play with training wheels on but when you become less of a shitter you can switch to something that gives you more power. That's a pretty good idea.
I think this is a nice way of handling it. The scrubs get to keep their shitty auto combos, but since they're sabotaging themselves by picking this they will be stuck down in bronze or iron or silver for the rest of the games lifespan.
remember that stream where the drunk jappa girl was cheering him on at the batting cage? wish that was me doods, finna move to japan
Jinx is a degenerate and posessive siscon
>combo length reduced
>early combo damage increased
>at the same time add autocombos
Cheering WHOM on?
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>publisher buys publisher, promises will do nuthin
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what are we going nuts about today?
perish pedo
majin obama
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since when do you TRANNIES care about Nitroplus

Cygames buying them doesn't affect you at all
tits too big
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Pick yourself up.
Nen Impact did it first.
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we need a fighting game with jive neutral but a vappa roster. would be kino
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Could a fighting game rougelike work?
well square made a fighting game dungeon crawler in the form of tobal 2, so probably
sounds like shovelware that would be outsourced to some chinese company
vappa loves unfun characters, THOUGH
>challenge accepted. come at me
Why does Jiren talk like a redditor from 2011, bros?
>darkstalker gyals
>SF1 unplayable characters
>turd strike freaks (Twelve, Oro, Necro, Remy)
>SF4 Onomorphs (Hakan, El Fuerte, Seth etc.)
>Final Fight characters
sounds a lil kino icl
how much did they pay him for this?
Redditell is never coming back
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The funniest thing about the FGC is that it could easily be better, but most people are satisfied being corporate bootlickers and ingesting whatever goyslop is thrown at them
I would almost feel pity for you pigs if you weren't so disgusting.
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you subhumans defended paid WATER for years.
MFs DIED behind that shit lmao

I swear this is like a religion to you retards
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Good hardware that doesn't lag or melt your USB?
Space in the venue for casual play so you're not just sitting around watching others play for half of the tournament? (something you can do on twitch)
Running things on schedule?

Apparently all that is asking too much even though you're already paying 2000 dollars up the ass to get there. I've been to shitty indie band concerts that charged less and were better furnished.

y'all really going to bat for Jebailey and Tiher? What are they paying you?
Maybe Switch 2 will shake things up if it's powerful enough to run modern fighting games so they can use that as the standard since Nintendo hardware tends to have low failure rate (my only failure with them was a non-functional Wii at launch which they shipped me back within 2 weeks after a quick fix).
A guy died at Defend the North of dehydration because water cost money and he didn't want to pay for it. This was in 2019
Or maybe it was East Coast Throwdown

Some Jew York tournament
I remember I met the white girl who created this show at a con once, right before hazbin hotel was released, I just told her good luck and congrats on the show
And before you ask, she is def snow bunny tier
Sadly I doubt this will be the case because Sony basically owns Evo and the FGC at large now.
Xbox runs a bunch of these games better but we're still forced to use overheating sony consoles
next you're going to ask us why we don't talk about rick and morty
>Autocombos do less damage
>Also removes the slot for a more useful fuse

I see nothing wrong with this.
You guys talk about Family Guy, Spongebob, and One Piece a lot.
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Nitroplus Blasterz
Arcana Heart 3
Chaos Code
Street Fighter V
Samurai Shodown
Soulcalibur VI
MVC2 (Fightcade)
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown (RPCS3)
Aquapazza (RPCS3)
Tatsunoko vs Capcom (Dolphin)
Vampire Savior (Fightcade)
Ultra Street 4

NA East

Would anyone like to play for about 30 minutes?
sure i'll play some vf, make a lobby
Sorry, I got a message from the illuminati right after you made this message. But I can play with you in about 30-45 minutes.
remember when gootecks almost beat up poongko on stream because he kept tilting the camera to show gootecks apartment when he was supposed to be spending donations for a better studio
VFags so desperate for crumbs they fall for fake leaks
new emezie just dropped
is he spittin?
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
I just did some research on this shuckle person.
Is she really that flat?
nah, shouldnt be forced to not play a cool character because the ESG writers cooked up some retarded story
blade runner 2049 did that and we all loved it
are you implying theres something wrong with being flat?
No Sagat. But we get Sagat in a wig.... A FUCKING BLOKE IN A GODDAMN RED WIG
No not at all, just seeking confirmation
Still around? I can play VF5 on RPCS3 now.
I could seriously see them doing that. Having a story update in SF6 just to kill Ken and then replace in in SF7
Is finally growing a spine?
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It took me 1500 hours to figure it out but i don't think fighting games are for me bros. It wasn't fun while it lasted, sayonara.
Will 2xko have vanguard bros...
what happened, babe?
why would I say onara
This shuckle person would be best suited for JAV one day. Japanese AV scouters would pay an arm and a leg for flat chested short asians
some of you guys watch way way wayyyy too much porno
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>lag or melt your USB?
Technology illiterate posting in /fgg/
>Space in the venue for casual play so you're not just sitting around watching others play for half of the tournament?
110% agreed, with clear signs and hats:
>These these are casual setups, wear the Casual hat, you will be timed. Leave the hat when your time is up.
>Running things on schedule?
Multiple people had their controllers damaged by overheating PS5s at Evo 2023.
Nuclear take? Gooning your little brains out to hentai until your nuts fall off is not actually healthy.

Might need to cut down on that.
Disney bought Marvel, Fox, and Star Wars and you all celebrated
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You now remember the female DJ with huge fake tits that was at Capcom Cup 2018
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2XKO will soon be the only fighting game that matters in the FGC.
finna main annie and zoey
who will the roster actually have? this is very important in getting me to care
they just announced the roster anon how did you miss it?
theyre putting in all the nonhuman female characters as well as genderbending and/or monsterifying everyone else
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kinda yikes, don't they have any HUMANS? Not all of us are freaks jacking off to goblins and pawglins and mawglins or whatever you schizos call it.
>everyone who has played 2XKO says the game is really fun including Broski
>/fgg/ still in denial
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>Ignant Rizzy X
who the fuck is this
>who the fuck is this
He's your future husband please don't be mean.
2XKO and Street Fighter will be the only fighting games that matter you mean.
When did sajam turn black?
Always do the opposite of what timmy says
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crapcom le fell off
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Another one!
he looks Italian
from James Rolfe to that ghost nigga on Beetle Borgs
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DR1 unironically still looks good. It was so far ahead of the game for how early if came out in terms of graphics.
MT Framework was black magic compared to RE slopgine they use now
know he enjoyed dat
morrigan but with short, jet-black hair
Finna sniffmain shortstack Yordles
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Lilith but with long, blonde hair
why is morrigans other half a short girl with a big ass though
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why are you guys always so horny?
not short, not morrigan, cringe
why not?
Because what else would she be? The exact same as morrigan? What would be the point in making a character almost the same as the other? Two sides of the same coin and all. They're supposed to contrast and complement each other.
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she got no breasts at all tho, like they gave her nothing there shes got the shuckle chest. even that art gave her a lil breast shes got nothing in game
i love these types of images because you don't eve have to make the worse version look bad by capturing it at a lower resolution than the better one but that won't stop timmy's 'tism
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Also, lilith isn't short compared to morrigan. She's canonically only like an inch shorter.

High test, hyperactive libido.

She just a later bloomer. And she's got it where it counts and that's what matters most.
why does ass matter more than titties? Serious scientific question.
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If you know you know. If you don't you don't.
a bitch built like a P can never be attractive
I've jacked off to Anri Okita a few times
this shit dropped off a cliff once they escaped
Timdem talmbout P but they ain't never P'd on no bitches
morrigan sucking my P at night caught that midnight bliss
Whoops forgot my name
VF just needs a lot of new sniffs in order to compete against tekken, VF is a sausage fest at times
you guys already have Eileen, what more do you need?
It needs personality. It's a great franchise but it's also as bland as white bread, it's the american cheese of fighting games.
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Virtua Fighter has no drip.
>A loli
>A goth
>A 3rd world woman
>a goth
you guys already have Goh and Jean
Rule 63 em and them we'll talk
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You niggas cry about Sonic's wacky friends all day, but now you want Sega to add wacky WWE characters hitting each other with rubber hammers in Virtua Fighter?!?!?!?
After the dimensional merge.
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SEGA ruined an entire generation of autistic people
I want to make interspecies babies with rouge...
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>we could have had Fem Bison
this reminds me of that time Kuji complained that Tekken characters weren't expressive enough
everything has to be a crazy ironic rick and morty saturday morning cartoon for you autismoids to like it
Smash bros....
if we had female bison you people would be posting about trannies even more than usual
If you can only have one in a girl big ass with flat mogs cow with no butt, it's not even close.
Obviously having both is better.
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I have never obsessed over trans people in my life. Also I love Seth why would I dislike this?
the vf guys seem to be doing pretty well mentally
niggas will look you dead in the uterus and say goyplay isnt more important than kikeback
I don't mind having a fem.bison because it's the only character where changing bodies is part of his thing, but this design is bad. I'd rather have that cammy bison or some other doll-style thing.
so you expect me to play with laggy PS4 wifi spicniggas without even any rollback? I got my fill of that in SFV
>you expect me to play with lag-
laggy third worlders are still laggy on rollback
you dont even play 2 bar connections in new jewback releases lil nigga
rollback makes miracles. A 2 bar DBFZ Mexican is a 3 bar Strive Mexican
Back when DBFZ had delay, I mean
jewback is better because.... the opponent teleports around instead of my input being delayed by less than a 10th of a second
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For me it's big jiggly tiddies. Fgs could use more of those
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CEO this weekend vappas
'ggas talmbout jewback but they never finna backshot a jewess LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO
I have standards
'immy said 'ggas like that shit makes any sense
'gger said 'immy
You guys say VF designs are bland, but all y'all jack off to Sarah anyway
'immy seethin'
*jacking of to vanessa
her model only exists for samus sfms
Her best rendition is in DOA and she is just an archetypal blonde chick.
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are you genetic dead ends still hung up on white women?
As sane as picrel, maybe
who is a safe ebw?
who is a real ebw?
does laura count
safe: vf5 vanessa
real: vf4 vanessa
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*look it up*
how was this allowed?
if sean counts then laura counts
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I recalled, we laughed the fuck out of that in my local.
That's not why I'm ridiculing 483627897
And you didn't play her game.
shuckle is hung up on white men and you don't call her anything...
years of arcade operators putting vf5 machines away did a number on her tan
shuckle needs to join JAV company for her to get any white men action in her life
>shuckle wants a white chad
Clayton is literally right there
He really does mog real movie stars in some videos. And then you combine that with the sexy voice, and he's the smartest person we have ever had in our scene. He really is a real life glitch.
All four of them will please the Cheez.
clayton bot is top 3 funniest niggas here
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remember when fgg was alive and such?
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/sfg/ split off successfully at last and it was over
i didnt want to believe it but when evo rolled around and this place was still slow as fuck, i knew i had to accept the reality
does anyone know how to get a haute42 board running with a retropie setup?
jappas can pour all their creative soul into making fighting games despite lacking in art or programming skill. Meanwhile /fgg/...forget it.
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That obviously looks better than any art created by anyone here, nigga, stop lying.

This is like the people shitting on Rob Liefeld's art that have never even picked up a pencil.

All of you wish you could draw like this.
If I made a fighting game, you would start crying about the character designs immediately and try to get me fired from Dominoes
meds, schizo
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Did you know you can design a character without making her a little girl that you want to brutally molest, thus leading to fewer people hating you on principle? Shocking concept for your kind, I know!
funny ahh nigga
>No abs
Not my leona!
>no [party fetish]
not my [party function]
Cris posts about his fighting game all the time and you incels ignore him
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Just form a crack team of gamedevs from fgg to make your game
gonna end up with 3 idea guys, a trainingboar and a nigga who just went through a python crash course
Just beg shuckle for art and you've got a CRACK team then
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you retards stalk doxx and harass anyone that posts here even years after they leave, then have the nerve to complain about the lack of fresh original content
Why would I draw some shit for a bunch of schizoids that will then go nuts because Ryu's headband is the wrong shade of red and call me an autistic cringelord because I animated Chun-Li doing the taunt that's actually in the fucking game?

Sorry, but you retards get the deviantart rejects you deserve on here because no one else is desperate enough to get your attention.
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bro really popped off with this costume design
what happens when the idea guys cant agree on an idea
ft15 to see who is the more right opinion haver
remember last evo japan when you niggas started talmbout spiking what was that about
Would take peach first then samus, 2B and tifa in that order.

You're not wrong shadowcheez.
who the fuck is shadowcheez
but on which game?
Cheez's imaginary friend that he can use to either blame for anything embarrassing or to just use when he wants to say something twice
Get a load of this new 'immy
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Just don't act like a schizo tranny like picrel and you won't need to worry about your public accounts getting leaked
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Jappas make pure kino like Hinokakera. Only smartniggas make games
Tomboys are something so great...
We call those lesbians now, Cheez
ft15 to see which game
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Still collecting lore
Fighting game doujin where your black best friend plays your sister in street fighter and your sister picks Cammy in her lewdest skin while your friend picks Balrog. Your friend then proceeds to shout "IMA GIVE YOU DAT BBC" as he relentlessly beats on Cammy.
ST in that case
Is this what happens whenever Baron visits Cheez and his sexy sister?
Actually they're called bisexuals
What will Ellie's doujinshi be about?
rip bozo
the only sexual you get is the kind you have to buy lmao
KOF, SC and VF all pronounced dead
okay this one got me
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And the only sexual you get is the trans kind, lil timmy
that was a pretty weak response
Yeah I get bussy from Bridget a lot, ngl
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That weird ass nigga isn't laying a finger on my sister if he values his dick at all.
Trust me when I say he knows his place.
Fakecheez, the real Cheez has never once defended his sister
Bridget is a girl chud
I respect Bridget's pronouns but that doesn't stop me from enjoying her bussy
Femboys have bussys. Trans girls do not.
Bro what the fuck is this shit?

Do you feel proud of yourself for flaunting your mental illness?

No one wants to see your bbw bear booty folder, sicko. Keep that shit to yourself. I could have gone my whole life without knowing your weird masturbation habits or what makes your dick hard, but nope, you just had to be a freak.
who gave cheez the n-word pass, doe?
Until she has her bottom surgery, she still has a bussy, which I greatly enjoy
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Clayton is unironically the funniest case of a fighting game player to date. Here we have an secretly anime nerd/weeb with the skills & galaxy brain to pull out unique combos and tech that makes schizo's seethe all the while looking like fucking Fabio
damn i just got no desire to learn tagshit. warra shame
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Some of you fighting game players need to stop watching porn
Cheez already paid for her surgery. Bridget's pussy belongs to him.
Does baron even like white women?
tell me what color fur polar bears have
Most if not all of his characters seem to be based on and/or have the mannerisms of white women.
White coded brown women
can clayton explain why bison had both psycho crusher and scissor kick in sf2 felt weird he has 2 forward moving specials
you like white coded horses too, bronycheez?
one's slippery, the other's for pressure. both plus his slide establish him as insane as he is volatile
Thanks clayton makes sense.
nigga said slippery
fake clayton found
you didn't snap at the beginning of this post
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So sad fascists cannot realize they have schizophrenia.
rofl, and /neog/ failed to export it.
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Will a F2P traditional fighting game ever work and how?
It was good while it lasted
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I think ALL fighting girls should have definition in their buffness
fighting games are already basically the same as f2p live service games
>primarily multiplayer
>new characters, stages, and cosmetics as extra income
They'd just need to actually provide continuous content updates and cosmetics. As a point of comparison (relevant to 2XKO) Valorant releases a new "Premium" skinline every two weeks (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtJt38PhTOE here's the most recent one) as well as a battlepass with maybe a dozen more basic weapon skins every two months.
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We already know you're a loser, timothy. No need to sound the alarm.
Her name is Kimberly...
Her name is ugly berly
Don't need to watch it but yeah, you can find a community for many retro titles with good netcode and things like MVC getting released as there is even normie interest in this stuff. Plenty of really good modern titles and now Riot throwing their hat into the ring, things are looking good. Only problem I see is baby mode control systems creeping in
>Plenty of really good modern titles
you gotta love timmies+she/theys that bitch about how hecking bad modern fighters are while reminiscing some dead anikuso they mashed in for an afternoon 10 years ago
who does that?
the goat
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Are you twinks ready for Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising to have Saya, Ruili, and Sonico as guest characters in the next season pass?
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What's wrong with an ammo system?
Persona 4 had that with the robot girl and you all love that game.
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most modern fighting games are made to be streamer bait for vtuber zoomers so that's why I dislike them and just play Third Strike now
Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Ultimate All Stars is objectively the best VS game in existence.

And I'm tired of pretending it's not.
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>But Dictator's HP is gigantic.
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People have made games without being an amazing programmer.
People have made games without being an amazing artist/animator/composer.
People have made games without a budget.
Why are you different? Go on, tell me.
i want to make a good game
my ideas are too ambitious
You can only do that through practice, like anything else.

Everyone's is. Reduce the scope.
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who said i want to make a game?
it's not contrarian to hate watered down fighting games with oppressive party mechanics designed to make twitch zoomers pog out
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All the right moves.
>party mechanics designed to make twitch zoomers pog out
If I did that, you trannies would immediately start crying it doesn't have rollback, say my character designs and story are cringe, say that my loli grappler is too strong since you people hate grapplers, et cetera

Basically, you retards only like success stories after they're successes. If you subhumans met visionaries like MacFarlane, Moebius, or Toriyama when they were still in high school and hadn't made dragon ball yet, you'd see his sketches and story ideas and be like "my nigga in christ, go to wendy's, this is the edgiest bullshit I've ever seen lmao *snaps* that shit is going in my cringe compilation"

It's like how y'all MFs shat on Katawa Shoujo before it came out, then you all immediately started sucking its dick once it became known as the wacky epic based grassroots 4chan Visual Novel

All of you would sabotage the project in the womb if you so much as reared your ugly heads. And you know the funniest part? If I showed any weakness or vulnerability at all, asking you to curb your aggressive shitposting or to help me financially, you'd go "I'M JUST TRYING TO BUILD YOUR CHARACTER NIGGA, AINT' GIVING YOU SHIT FOR YOUR NEWGROUND FLASH GAME LMFAO" So until you can give me at least 5 dollars on patreon a month, I would prefer you to stop asking this question.
Just...stop being a pedophile and maybe people would want to support you? It's not that hard.
is this another filler bot episode?
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Yeah it's great that you think making some shitty unity student projects where you click on a png of bart simpson and he turns into a pixellated explosion gif is "making a game", I mean it is, but it's not the same kind of thing as making an actual fighting game with lots of different characters and well-designed gameplay that people will actually want to buy.
Timmies SEETHE at this post every time.
If you can't be an adult and handle constructive criticism, that's really not my problem.
Grow up and be a man. It's not my responsibility to wipe your baby butt and change your diapers, incel.
No one is obliged to like any of your whiny edgy Linkin Park bullshit and that's okay. In the real world, you can't get the epic heckin bullies to leave you alone just because you asked. Either fix the problem or stop crying like a little bitch.
If we coddle you for the rest of your life like your parents did, you'll just end up being the next Chris Chan. Don't you get it? We're quite literally saving you with enlightenment.

Now get to work, boy. Chop chop.
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Kamone puts like 5 lolis in melty blood and you people still support him

Why should the good people of America, UK, Brazil, Mexico, etc be exempt from this?
Made for the Cheezcock.
fake, cheez only likes big assed mature women like morrigan and lilith
pedro tried to sneak brazil in there
how is calling people nerds and incels and retarded and making fun of all their ideas constructive criticism?
You "people" sent death threats to Davido Kun, the Leetstreet Boys, SonicSol, and Mickey Lin for following their dreams, but now you're telling me to do the same thing? y'all just a new lolcow, be honest
Just don't make some cringe autistic weird furry deviantart schizo loli edgy invader zim sonic recolor OC bullshit and we won't care? It's not that hard, my ninja.

If you haven't figured it out yet, the reason bullying exists is to punish bad behavior and encourage others to understand social cues better. We do these actions to help you and educate you into being a better person. This ain't rocket science, kid.
this is making me deliberately not want to make a game out of spite
It's literally just a shitposting bot script. This guy called 'jini set up an RSS bot to make shitposts in the thread at set intervals. What you're seeing is an entirely fabricated interaction.
This is his plot to make fgg become the next /sc2g/
or perhaps to invoke the dead internet theory? One of the two.
who the fuck is jini and why do i not care
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yanderedev tried making a game and yall told him to kill himself and even his hero mike z made fun of him
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The Palworld guy made an innocent nice fun game for kids and you people threatened to kill him over and over and tried to get him sued and claimed he used AI and basically all kinds of nasty things

Just face it, you people are awful monsters that want to destroy everyone at semi-random at this point like that lil nigga that went to the American smash tournament and randomly got accused of fake rape that didn't' even happen, but still got preemptively banned in 3 countries
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They ruined her though.
Yes. I'm replying to myself calling me an incel and then replying to that calling me a tranny over and over on 5 different IPs so I can make the thread look more alive as chatgpt rights slight variations on my posts for me
I'm ellie.
yanderedev is a weirdo he doesnt count
Doing something you were already doing isn't spiting anyone, timmy.
hang yourself
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I'm a gamedev and have made multiple platofrmers.
I was going to make a godlike fighting game that was a mix of 3S and Strive, but after seeing how dogshit the FGC is based on fgg, I'm just going to make a smash clone

You fuckers brought this upon yourselves
you dont need to switch IPs anymore, the count has been gone for a while
whos to say i wasnt? i have a plan for what i wanna do with my game, but i dont like you so you dont get them or the game, fuck you
nope, boobs bigger and more jiggly and she actually looks like a white woman instead of some anime character
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The MT Frameworks remake of Dead Rising looks godlike. Why did Capcom use the horror engine for SF6 instead of just making the game look good on MT Frameworks?
>innocent nice fun game for kids
are you sure about that?
What does the fgg fighting game play like
good riddance
She looks fat.
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Would you really make such a rash decision based on fgg shitposts? This is basically the worst part of the FGC and not representative of the actual community. People are much more supportive of each other on places like kappachino, the twitter community, discords, et cetera. People here are just trying to maximum (you)s by writing outrageous posts. I'm fully convinced half of the people that post here don't even believe what they say and just say it to get attention.
Like the guy ranting about trannies definitely jacks off to tranny porn, for example.

And the guy saying nigger over and over almost certainly watches blacked.

People here are just starved for the attention their parents never gave them and believe there's no such thing as bad publicity.
now THIS feels like an ai post
>Like the guy ranting about trannies definitely jacks off to tranny porn, for example.

Celeste is a platformer and everyone loves that game.
I want to be FUCKED by Nen Master
multiple people have posted their fighting game concepts on here before. did you miss those posts?
/fgg/ loves the new B.Jenet since she looks like Miss Piggy now
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wish her game was alive...
not ai, that's just a ggg npc
she has a dick?
>he doesn't know
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FGG is full of niggers confirmed, only them like fat white women while thinking they are thicc or pawg even though they are closer to a barrel than a female.
calm down timmy
reddit is three blocks down
hate pedoniggas bringing their disgusting shit to fgg
>Under Night II is 50% off
Is it worth it?
nobody is playing it which is unfortunate, its really good
I bet there are a lot of autists playing in my region.
if 50 players counts as a lot, or if you wanna join a discord specifically for this, go for it
Should I buy The Witcher 3 instead then?
>try uni, its anime street fighter dude
>get hit by fullscreen normal into 60 second juggle into reset, into 60 second juggle, into KO
if you want the fighting game get the fighting game, but youre more than likely gonna need discord
if you dont wanna deal with that, dont bother, get the witcher
i said nothing of that sort i just said it was good
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i remember that uni shill saying it was ok for the game to not have crossplay and shitty lobbies
keyword anime, of course its homo shit
Is The Witcher 3 better than Baldur’s Gate 3 though? Maybe I should get the latter even though it’s more expensive.
ive never played either, couldnt tell you
Why did you even reply then? Imbecile
because i was first given the options of uni or the witcher, and given the external factors of the game being dead i suggested the witcher over uni
If you don’t know anything about The Witcher 3 you shouldn’t have recommended it then
probably shouldve just said buy something else in general then, my apologies
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We always loved B. Jenet, lil TIMTIM
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not familiar with this characters, but how can this 2 pilot a fighting mecha?
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who's next?
niggas gonna reveal jinx like she wasn't shown in the first dev talk
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gameplay design: clayton, sirlin, max
character design: baron, shuckle, ellie, emezie, viddy
programming: james chen, mike z
marketing: broski, jiyuna, majin obama
This is absolutely chaotic. Tbh I think Clayton is a good marketer as well. Sure a lot of people hate him. But have you ever heard him talk about a game? He has real passion when he does, and you can tell he knows what he is talking about.
if shuckle made a game itd be an fps
... only one sniff?
There's two women in that pic.
you heared him
niggas said heared
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what are we going nuts about today?
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a finnish timmy made a game that looks like THIS and is now a millionaire. It's never too late to start.
this was a fad and hes probably dead by now
>if you hate xyz, you secretly LOVE xyz
this is such a tired leftist meme.
It's funny because if people applied the same logic to you, you would be going nuts or at least recognize how stupid you sound.
All of you people rant about how much you hate Christianity and how the traditional family model is so evil and outdated. But to imply you're secret a Christian with a family is completely nonsensical and silly, as I know you can't have butt babies and you never even opened a book that wasn't Harry Potter, let alone a bible.

If anything, it makes your side look worse because it implies that your side is so cancerous and embarrassing, people would rather larp as hardcore westboro baptist church members than just join the epic loving and accepting gay movement where they immediately get more rights and privileges and free money just for existing.

Do you see the flaw in your logic yet?

Now, I hope you DO accept the light of Christ one day, but we both know you're a LOOOOONG way away from that conversation and aren't ready to be a big boy and accept His love any time soon. But regardless, I'll pray for you.

Have a good day :)
They want to show off their new tech in their new engine.

But a SF4 re-release in the optimized NT Frameworks? I would pay 70 CAD for that.
this is REALLY beginning to reek of ai
an sf4 re-release would expose the game for the turd it is
transexual tumblr amy
homophobic nigga amy
homophobic christian amy

Are these all the same guy or what?
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i'd have her VA the protag of my game if i had the money...
finna save this for later
mandem said her
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Are we excited for the new DOA girl?
you could say that about most games
lol, no. its specific to slop like vortex slop mash poor and the deranged cultists that pretend its better than it is, sort of like cvs2 cultists
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All of these people have incredibly different ideas, so you'd get an absolute clusterfuck like 2xko with a million different grooves.
Clayton groove would be GGXX 10 thousand hit 1f link bnbs with no beginner combos at all
Sirlin groove would be easy ST with 3 hit combos that do 40% damage.
Max groove would be Third Strike parries and UMVC3 combos where you set up some shit between rounds to hit the opponent in the next round.

This would not be balanced at all.
you havent played many fighting games if you think sf4 is uniquely trash
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quid pro quo

if sf4 was so bad, why did you retards shill and exclusively play that game for 6 years straight?
nta but i dont think its UNIQUELY trash i just think its fucking bad
mvc3 was exposed at evo
sf4 pending
cvs2 pending
turd strike pending
"Ladies" first, troon
not trans kys
Bot post, bitch ass jewish nigga. Thanks for the (You)s. Hot day in Israel

turd strike got hit at evo japan when top 8 was yun vs yun
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>those designers
Your characters will be:

BBW O cup 50 inch ass milf giraffe grappler in a slingshot bikini

Hairy bara 40 year old musclegut grandpa shoto in a banana hammock

Barely legal 18 year old femboy twink rushdown in pink yoga pants

African woman in her 20s that punches you in the dick to pop v-trigger while wearing a loincloth

Insane mentally ill eyepatched goth girl in her 30s that smokes and has a pet gimp slave that she abuses for attacks while wearing a dominatrix outfit.

I really wanna hear how you make all of these characters somehow fit into the same world
which namefag will design a loli character for me, doe?!?!?!
better diversity than capcom at least
>majin obama
not buying
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How so? SF6 has two blacks, two hispanics, 6 east asians, even an arab and a south asian.
What more do you want?
who keeps begging for blanka to come back
>What more do you want?
a more appealing graphics engine
sf2 boomers like DSP

No, I am not kidding
I don't like fighting games for their complexity or depth.
I just enjoy playing as the biggest chad in the roster beating up women.
Game for me?
white women
karnovs revenge
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Fantasy Strike.
Alternatively, Tekken.
>hear diversity
>first thought is what ethnic group a function belongs to
Why are Americans like this?
niggas talmbout diversity but they aint never done anything diverting with no bitches lmaoooooooooo
gawdemzie would bring back v-trigger and make his character based around it, so yeah, that's already more diverse than slime rusher dix
cheez for a demon loli
fear for a loli catgirl
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Put in a buff cat bitch and I'm sold, NYIGGAAAA
emezie defended capcom for 6 years during jive, yet now that SF is back on top his warped commitment to jive prevents him from reaching salvation.
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my fighting game would have a girl that looks like this
GAWDemezie is balanced about SF6.
god i want to make a character just like her
..............what's wrong with miss piggy? she's one of the most beloved muppet characters....
Why does she have to be a cat instead of human?
Does Miss Piggy count as furry?
shes a puppet
what would her name be?
Jenny or something I don't know yet
do her crewmates pass her around or nah
seething kek
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some of you jack off too much
i haven't jacked off in 2 days
i haven't busted for 4 days until i got bored and did it to paag javs
mega-gay comment and liar. You would be pumping baby batter into Krystal fox from Star Fox daily if she was your GF
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little timmy doesnt know I am just gonna make some /fgc/ saigado manga where kensou rapes all the SF and kof girls and I will use AI.
ellie.........no one even mentioned strive
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Some of you are really gonzo
This one man is responsible for the majority of all we know in games. He really is jesus.
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Should I buy UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH II Sys:Celes or Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song?
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CEO starts tomorrow bruhs
what if I want little white babies instead?
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The Steam Summer Sale has begun.
Multiple fighting games are on sale now.
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that fat ass nigga gabe has millions of niggas blowing money on games they'll "play one day" wish i was born in a relatively wealthy family a bit before the tech bubble popped so i could collect free money while stem timmies do all the work
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Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps and make your own business, lil nigga?
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>h-he was a weirdo
and what are you niggas?
Be honest, that's just a justification MFs use to go nuts over someone.
If you really think "but he was le weird" is an excuse to harass and send death threats, then you probably shouldn't be recommending that to people here. I promise you people here jack off to way worse shit than the Eva girls like him lmao
Depends, do you want a fighting game or an RPG?
Pochaco game when
>starts talmbout fighting games
>mentions hitbox instead of arcade stick
so is stick just dead now? completely replaced by hitbox?
>so is stick just dead now? completely replaced by hitbox?
Only if you're a timmy
isnt gachikun a stick player
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Daisuke made a 3 year old girl with a lizard tail and two monsters growing out of her back that is also a weapon of mass destruction and you all love him........
More than that, he made her the wife of an adult and she had a child. No wonder why he loves Bridget so much, tranny lovers are pedos.
What is your character named?
Dizzy is an adult, gears age like dogs where 3 years is like 21 years
That's pedo rhetoric.
>She is mature for her age
>She looks like a kid but she is actually 1000 years old.
>She has a special condition, she is an adult
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people shit on ideas guys saying ideas are not rare or special, but let's be honest
most people are not creative
half of you are inidian slave class workers that just follow orders

You can call an idea stupid or cringe or whatever, but it's at least usually workable and a starting point

Put 5 monkeys from fgg into a room and they will spend an hour coming up with a single line. And that line will probably just be a copy of something they saw in the Street Fighter movie anyway.
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kamiblue and peak of fighters aren't on sale
nigga you are an esl spic trying to shit on indians, kill yourself
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even most artists aren't creative. All that asian hoe that Zero sued ever draws is fanart of Nintendo characters or self portraits. y'all make fun of Rob Liefeld but that nigga created entire worlds in his head.
Most humans have zero internal monologue and just act like animals on pure instinct. Give them some slop from McDonalds, access to a smartphone and 20 hours of wacky tiktok clips a day and they're satisfied doing nothing of value for 50 years. You're going to be flipping McDolands burgers yourself for most of that time then get off work and make nothing. That is your life.
I have my green card now.
Shuckle just draws herself as a white NPC and you all love her
Timmies will use real world logic to define otherworldly laws of time and courtship to deem them problematic. Schizo tier logic thinking everyone ages the same as a humans LMAOOOOO
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Thinking about DOA again.....
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Nigga.... Dizzy even acts like a child. She is portrayed as naive and immature. It would be like fucking a retard.
Daisuke's intent was obvious there.
who is your favorite character?
>the Eva girls
the fucking what
I saw some guy's rant on Yanderedev and he went off ranting about how the guy wanted to fuck Asuka and Rei very angrily for a few minutes before he got to the part where he flirted with that chick
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if you put an infinite amount of monkeys with an infinite amount of computers in a room and give them an infinite amount of time, will they eventually make fighting game kino?
either way its just funny to laugh at yanderedev for me mostly because over the course of what is soon to be 10 years i believe, hes barely made any progress on what is at the end of the day a shitty unity asset dump
how do i become creative?
Be reborn with THE GENE
Get rid of your inhibitions.
A lot of people are hung up on what's "right" or "logical" but if you want to make something, just do it and worry about the justifications later.

Like let's say you have an idea and it's like I WANT A GUY WITH A SUPER GIANT SWORD THAT CAN SPLIT MOUNTAINS IN HALF. Sounds ridiculous, right? But just keep working on it until you can build something around it and have it "make sense" at least in the sense of "internal logic." That is to say, it doesn't have to make real world sense, but you make the character has his own moral/logic system. In real life, you probably wouldn't want to split a mountain in half due to the destruction it would cause, but in his case, let's say he's in a world of giant evil monsters and he has to use this power to stop them and save people even if it causes some collateral damage.
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Timmies thinking they can phase into a display monitor and speak to the drawings on their computer.
Niggas are that fucking schizo they think they can pull a reverse Sadako LMFAOOOOOO
If someone drew a picture of a little white girl lynching a black guy, would you say that's not offensive just because it's a drawing?
Of course not
As such, drawing pedophilia is also wrong.
This shouldn't be hard for you to understand, kiddo.

And that's why Lunar should be in jail.
>little white girl lynching a black guy
damn that's hot
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>thought crimes

...i thought you trannies loved guilty gear?

But now Ky is a groomer?

What happened, did the Saudis invest in ASW and now you hate them or some shit?
hot take: Some thoughts should be considered crimes. They're usually indicative of something you're considering doing. This is like saying free speech allows you to yell out BOMB in the white house
If Chun-Li, Pai Chan, Leifang, Xiaoyu, Xiangfei, and Jam teamed up could they conquer the world?
They would need to bring Litchi to stand a chance
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i've never considered harming a child because i jack off to cartoons. are you the same type of retard that thinks you magically turn into a serial murderer because you like playing cod and fortnite?
COD literally supports the US war machine and gets children killed, so it doesn't matter if you personally never killed anyone. You still financed a system that results in bombing runs of Yemenite towns
This expert at drawings here thinking depicting violence, racism, bigotry is the same line of offense of a 2D robot/alien/otherworldy/ghostly girl getting an upskirt shot.
Holy mother of schizos take your meds
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lol? You were going to say that regardless. Who would be retarded enough to admit to being a pedophile when that gets you killed? You're going to repeat this "rhetoric" until you're blue in the face because it's the one thing you're allowed to say. But you can't fool me, boy. I know your true nature.
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Bombing is a necessary evil. Hardworking Marines and PMCs shoot at brown people all day to keep your tranny ass safe from getting stoned to death by Samir and his friends. Show some damn respect.
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Is that what the Jews told you to justify attacking Palestine?
You're being misled and the innocent Arabs are being slaughtered en masse due to your negligence and defense of war criminals.

Also, most PMCs are literally criminals, they want to keep a Forever War going so they can keep making money no matter how many children have to die for this to happen. Literally welfare queens with submachine guns.
>"If you buy the new COD, you're hecken killing the childernorinos"
I assure you the average COD consumer is going to give a damn about if their money is being funneled partial towards war efforts
The Juans, Tyrones, & Chesters in COD just want to shoot shit in a good ol bang pew pew TDM
Next you're gonna tell me that if Karen's buy Starbucks, they shoot ICBM's directly into Palestinians
they do
the average white woman would slaughter tons of middle eastern kids for starbucks
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>war crimes are okay because I'm ignorant to them
So if you "accidentally" sell weapons to a school shooter, you don't feel even a slight hint of guilt?

That says a lot about your character as an awful human being.

You might want to reflect on that.

Remember what we fight for every day.
Having two from ASW seems imbalanced. You could add Hsien-Ko, Mui Mui or Mian, Xianghua though. Drawing a blank for the other two companies. Would someone from Dynasty Warriors count despite not being a fighting game?
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>Starbucks establishments opens their rooves with a hatch mechanism to launch ICBM's from the US to Palestine every time Karen buys a mocha latee light with peppermint syrup
You funny nigga, cartoon watching aah nigga
Idea Guys are cool but they should have an understanding of fundamental game logic for their ideas, otherwise you end up with art pieces instead of games.
This is actually a good example of how the left can't meme
Not as much as text as usual, so I'll give the artist credit for that, but the orange shirt guy is unironically correct. This is just used as a justification by them to get away with continuing to be an awful person. no one actually needs an iphone. It is a luxury item. They're feeding into the complex that allows the corporation to continue being terrible by supporting them.
You don't need to call people niggers and faggots in COD either. Quite literally a luxury item. The leap of logic to "just leave society" is a rather extreme one and not really relevant to the point that these fake leftists will buy luxury goods they don't need and then complain about the company abusing them. It's like the people that support rainbow capitalism and then cry about how the company didn't support them after pride month, not realizing they were just being manipulated like lab rats (what all capitalists do.)

That's why the right is beating us, as they can produce information in a much more entertaining and snappy manner instead of just making a snarky shitpost with no actual solution. Sadly, we don't have our own Stonetoss.
how did we go from Dizzy being a wacky deviantart OC to blowing up spicniggas with nuclear bombs?
isn't that just guilty gear's story in general?
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Why didn't these communist niggas just buy a Xiaomi phone instead of an iphone?
It's Chinese just like them.
Forgot to mention an example of each. Too much ideas guy without fundamental game logic: Hideo Kojima
Idea guy who thinks of gameplay on top of his ideas: Shigeru Miyamoto
But Kojima made his own engine....
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So, they didn't make her a fatass on purpose.
While the Fox Engine was impressive (before it got scrapped", I'm still pretty biased against Kojima's Film background and wanting to make things more movie-like than game-like. In the last few years every time he makes a public appearance, it's with some Hollywood celebrity.
It's unconfortable to see him, Geoff and Peele sucking each other's dick on stage.
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Amish niggas get along fine without Starbucks, iphones, or McDonalds.
Just admit you love shitposting too much to give up your toys for your "principles"

Don't believe me? Look at how much all of you pretend to hate Elon Musk but then still use his apparent literal transphobia alt right hate site instead of going anywhere else.
But this is a place run by an old Japanese man.
where do you think our trannies come from?
Mei Fang
Clayton would be Hideo Kojima in a sense, both lack the skills to create a game by themselves but have the vision to do so
Clayton with MS Paint - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alWs8dvlI3Y
Kojima with Legos - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6aPAncMHKA
Funnily enough, both if left to their own devices and complete control would make something too eccentric and drawn out. They both require some sort tard-wrangling in order to ensure progress is made in development even if their ideas are "cool"
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I pray that chud gets brutally murdered every night, he ruined Twitter for everyone.
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...pray to what?
Dafuq to y'all trannies pray to?
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I think it's been in phases
Way, WAY back in the days, before most of this generaral was even born, it was Tina
Then Momiji
And now days, with the main games not being all that popular, i really like Sayuri in terms of porn
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None of you have principles
None of you are honorable

If Larry Fink offered you a million dollars to make the main character of your fighting game a fat tranny spicnigga, you would take the deal without any remorse.

If Mohammad Bin Salman then offered you a million dollars to host a tournament for that game with his slave women bringing the controllers onto the stage for the players, you would agree to that as well.

Then the ghost of Hitler pops up and asks to be the spokesperson for your game in exchange for 2 million Marks, you would say yes and then exchange that for Euros immediately.

Don't lie.

All of you are subhuman like that.
Casey Kasem (voice of Shaggy) left Transformers because he thought that the Republic of Carbombya was an offensive portrayal of Arabs.

He also refused to voice Shaggy in a Burger King commercial because he was a vegan. That's actually why they made Shaggy a vegetarian in some later versions of Scooby Doo, to get him back on the role.
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Everytranny pretends they'd be some civil rights icon if they were born 50 years ago, marching for civil rights, and hanging out at black panther parties, but we know all of you would be calling people niggers and faggots because you were afraid of being actually counter culture. Those things were called counter culture for a reason. They weren't popular. None of you would risk your reputation like that. You would be the same corporate bootlicker you are now just doing what McDonalds and Coca Cola told you to.
Read your favorite book
then combine ideas from it with 3 other books
The parts you like, anyway.
This man is describing Cheez and he thinks we wouldn't see it.
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>This man is describing Cheez and he thinks we wouldn't see it.
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is it fun acting crazy all day and night?
No. I don't want to live this way anymore.
>fighting games need to be improved-
No see, I'm smart. I didn't buy Soive.
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>sf4's online is not good, capcom should implement GGPPO
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I'm convinced some of you people have zero impulse control at all. You just see a shiny new thing and no matter how bad it actually is, you want to be part of the group, so you HAVE to buy it. It's like a crack addict having rocks waved in his face. No greater thought, just a little monkey grabbing his dick and jacking off to the next fat white girl he sees before he swings off in the jungle somewhere.

I now understand how live service and gacha works.
dayum jab jab super on pad is killing me in cvs2
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i haven't played a fighting game in months
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timantha really got her feelings hurt when we told him to get an android instead of an iphone
I remember that time Novril said he was going to boycott every fighting game that didn't have rollback... that he wasn't already interested in. So I guess he used to just buy games even if they didn't think they looked that cool just because they were fighting games.
niggas in here arguing with ghosts
Fookin ghosts, the lot of ye should go away!
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unironically, LTG's mental state would have been saved if he didn't play games with bad netcode online. he's a complete wreck now because of that

This also applies to SonicSol. I think that too many years of Kagemusha drove him over the edge
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Daigo said SF3 sucked, SF4 sucked, SF5 sucked until the tail end, bro has spent about half of his life playing games he doesn't even like as a job.

I can't imagine playing a video game I hate for 6 years straight. You know, a video game. Something that is meant to be fun and enjoyable.

Why do you people subject yourselves to this shit?
I regret not getting into fightan early, i bought bbcf when it was on sale a long time ago but didnt really do anything without till now and now everything sucks ass.
you can still play a lot of the older games on fightcade or discord with people.
BBCF still has some players even in the wild.
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im learning vsav and having fun nigga go play your game!!!
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Being a corporate bootlicker because of your "fear of missing out" is not a noble trait to have.

The FGC cried nonstop about SFV, but it was still consistently the most popular game for a long time in the community. People complained complained complained, but did they actually stick to their guns? No! They bought ALL the DLC, entered every tournament, played the game online all day, et cetera. The belief was "things are bad now, but they'll surely fix them in the future to reward our loyalty." But of course, this is stupid. If they see you're loyal even though bad times, why the fuck would they have a reason to fix what they did wrong?

And your reward for letting them piss in your mouth over and over is.... Street Fighter 6, a game that looks like shit, plays like shit, and has hundred dollar nigga turtle DLC.

That's what they think of you. They're not gonna learn anything if you reward their bad behavior.
chat gpt dead faggot general
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>looks like shit
SF6 is beautiful, thoughever?!?!?
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Yes I know, I meant that I wish I was there when it was first coming out and was the new hot thing everyone was talking about, I just dislike being late to the party. Of course I can still learn the game and play it now and there's literally nothing stopping me but I just have fomo like a retard
if it makes you feel any better, the game just went on sale, so a lot of people will probably be playing it for the first time soon and you can share that experience with them.
Will it act funny if you start writing faux-C# at it?
I am that monkey and I will jerk off
That's only two people like that here, the "stfu chudcel" poster and the ellie poster
Clayton is a genius and we all know if he got to make his own game it would be based af. I remember him when asked he multiple times said himself he didn't think he could make a new game all by himself and would be better at just reimaging current games and improving on them.
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Reminder that Mina was RUINED in SoulCalibur VI. She got turned into a dumb crybaby who can't do anything without Hwang, whereas in the old games she was the one who saved him in his SC1 character ending and became a cool big sis for Yun-seung later on.
sfg: Bison is pretty good. Plenty of things to explore in the lab with him. Not sure of his viability yet, but I am certainly going to continue improving on my technique with this character


Wow. I wonder why this board is dead now.
They wanted to make her more vulnerable and more wife material...
jiyuna said bison was a party character, so i know this is fake
Jiyuna is a casual masher so he doesn't know much about SF6
He should stick to grifting in dead anime games
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Can you guys stop coping about platform fighters not being fighting games now?
Riot just said you were wrong. Dead wrong.
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Consent is for weak men and trannies.
riot said also fps games like cod and battlefield arent multiplayer online battle arenas but here we are
overwatch is definitely a moba at least
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Dragon Ball Z Battle of Z was a moba for real. You had to do teamfights just to beat one guy and take advantage of buffs and play around cooldowns to not get killed
Dota clones are so bland that their genre name could be used describe any PvP game.
I prefer Gabe's name for the genre, Action RTS.
Like Guilty Gear 2?
that's just proto-Smite now that I think about it
thots on the new doa thot L bros https://youtu.be/ZRFdMWM9RCU
Gabe is busy SAVING mobas with CHADLOCK
then he will save fighting games next
finna beat my jr to this bitch when a timmy animates her getting plapped by one
we could've had 2 extra years of jive
She became good wife material the same way Rothion is good husband material.
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This is you guys talmbout SF4 and UMVC3
This chink ugly as a motherfucker but she finna GET SNIFFMOLESTED NIGGAAAA. Thanks Capfags
why would you rape an ugly woman?
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why is steam telling me about her and I can't download the damn game
pikaCHUUUUU pika pika PIKACHUUU!!!!!!
I can't imagine getting paid to make animal noises for 20 years straight and being a main character on top of that
how does she do that without going insane?
She plays a brat now. Also she does have other voice acting roles.
She used to voice zatch bell but then missed the finale because she was pregnant
you're retarded
wish I could get paid to say "I am groot" over and over for a million dollars every few years
Fight Angel any good? It's on sale.
I don't recall it being particularly good, but it's only 5 dollars
One in a million genius
drawings aren't children
Don't try to use logic on timmies they will never understand it
nobody makes doa sfm doe it's all tifa and gatcha bitches
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Steamchart posters..... I kneel.................
If you masturbate to a drawing of a man, you are gay. If you masturbate to a drawing of a child, you are a pedophile.
You aren't sadako timmy, you can't jump into your monitor and jump into anime world...
sharty fart just sold 500k looooool
The video game community in general is rot with coomers. It's an epidemic.
Literally how do I get even ok at fighting games? I can practice in the training room for hours upon hours, but the moment I play another actual person my brain melts and I forget everything.
shame project lmfao won't be on steam so we can't chart post
steam should find a way to hide player count from retards.
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the balance isn't good at the top level, everyone drops their mains to play Johnny Cage/Khameleon
the powercreep in new kameos is pretty bad too, they should have stuck to balancing a smaller amount of them
fatal blow animations are just too long for how often they happen, fatalities are so played out, this stuff makes playing online sluggish with so many long animations (kameo throws are a bit much too). I only like the brutalities because there's more finesse to doing them and the animations are nice and short. Also the character animations in general are very rigid/stiff, they don't have a nice flow to them like other fighting games
but I also strongly prefer back to block in my 2d fighters, I only like MK because of nostalgia (oldfag 90s kid)
The attraction is what counts. You can be a pedo and not touch a single child in your life.
quit trainingboaring and play other niggas
The important thing is practicing specific things that give you trouble. If you're bad with anti-airing and notice it in your replays, for example, then focus solely on that in your next match. Your most important goal is to land the anti-air combo. Once you can start doing that consistently move onto some other thing youre' bad with. Just keep going and going until you run out of things you are bad at.
Who should I play in BBCF
I play Marisa in SF6 and Baiken in Strive and Yuri/Luong/Mai in KOF XV
I like beeg damage and I like hot women
where's the boobs?
The femboys I see have them bigger.

Or Makoto
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literally me
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No muscle? Not my thigh fighter girl
nigga really posted that pic talmbout muscle
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need dat
need dat
i dont know if makoto has the biggest damage, but she IS hot so go ahead
although if youre looking for characters more reminiscent of those already listed and are at least okay with playing dudes, id say susanoo would be your pick for marisa, hakumen for baiken, es for yuri, maybe nine and litchi for luong and mai? not sure
so how do you set up filters exactly, just looking for a way to stop seeing these stupid retarded buzzwords that keep being spammed every thread
What retarded buzzwords
you know what.
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No I don't know

yes you do.
rent free
that doesnt answer my question
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refute him chuds
We can't read your mind, ____y. Just say it.
just dont be sissy bitch. no real nigga uses filters
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>fighting games?
*Kof14 joined the chat*
kill yourself
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no seriously where are the fighting games?
look at this faggot
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41% yourself Mantha
have i ever told you the definition of insanity?
>tekken 8 on on 50% sale
I don't know how bad this new MK game is MK11 was already bad and NRS players are notorious sycophants so this game must be a really, really, never seen before level of awful.
You're living it. Fucking clown world.
have any of you ever stopped to think that this is why this gen is fucking dead
why do you think this shit gets posted in the first place? the other anon was right, they will make another /sc2g/ out of us
tf is this timmy talmbout
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none of you are funny or worth replying to
you're not interesting
you never had an original thought
you're not creative
you're not intelligent
you are a slave dog

now shut the fuck up and make my burger, niqqa
what is this?
Once Bronycheez buys 10 copies Capcom will have NO CHOICE but to make Marvel vs Capcom 4! Screencap this post!
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>I'm going to make friends
>Join the 'cord
>See discussion happening
>Have no idea what to say and just read what everyone else posts
i am also an observer
>start typing some shit
>someone posts what you were about to say but phrased better
The goat
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i have secured employment
how much does it cost to build a PC that can run sf6 and t8?
no more than 1k probably
hate this shit
happens irl too
you finally think of the perfect thing to say and some fag says it .00001s before you do, and now you can't say it without looking like you are trying to one-up or copy the other person
fucking dogshit ass social mechanics
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>>483854791 >>483855032 >>483855482 >>483858216
Y'all socially retarded. No need to pad yourself in the back.
TFH is on sale?
Finnaboutta clap some horse cheeks with the BCC, nigga.
fuck you basterd benchod bitch
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See, you're still getting worked up about someone calling you emotionally challenged. NGMI.
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how do I raise my EQ?
Do I just need to become a sociopath?
i will cut you and feed your entrails to my lizard, putida fera
what are we going nuts about today?
fuck of pedophiles
die paedofile
>literal reddit tourist seethe
kek. have sex with kids, incels.
anti bullying laws ruined America
now half of you are basically retarded and can't even go through life without setting up an echo chamber. it's why so many of you are alt right trump cocksuckers that get triggered whenever you see a gay person or a nonwhite.
this is the direct result of you being coddled
back in my day, we were forced to learn different viewpoints, but your parents fucked your minds up with propaganda and now you're just ignorant and close minded children in arrested development
almost pitiable if you weren't so proud of being a racist sexist poltard
You monkeys revel in stupidity
As expected of populists
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gay people are objectively a bad thing to have in society
so are pedophiles
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LGBT rights basically ruined America
now half of you are basically retarded and can't even go through life without setting up an echo chamber. it's why so many of you are communist stalin cocusckers that get triggered whenever you see a white person or a straight guy.
this is the direct result of you being coddled
back in my day, we were forced to learn different viewpoints, but your parents fucked your minds up with propaganda and now you're just ignorant and close minded children in arrested development
almost pitiable if you weren't so proud of being a retarded anus loving tranny
You monkeys revel in stupidity
As expected of socialists
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The psychopath is funniest, because emotional intelligence is not grown through fear.
Oh wait, you're also ESL, oh no, poor tormented soul. You won't also make it to heaven.
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So do I raise my emotional quotient by jacking off to Sonic hentai? I'm not sure how that would help, but please explain the logic to me.
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so is fgg just a case study on the horseshoe theory?
half of this board thinks that leftists have all the power and that the zionist jews are pushing for tranny propaganda
the other half of this board thinks that conservatives have all the power and that the zionist jews are pushing for warmongering and army propaganda

So is the answer just Jews or is it beyond that?
we really need that pokegirl FG...
Why do we give a shit what the devs of League of Legends think? Because they're making a freeware fighter?
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they will take over the FGC very soon.
And you will KNEEL, boy. Best remember that.
você estará na pira você que se associa com as feras!
Let's pretend there's a new Marvel coming, that this Marvel bundle re-release is Capcom doing the Capcom test to see if it's worth making a new game. If Disney come to the table, these are the X-Men rosters they're looking to promote, largely cashing in on '97. On top of this, add Cable and Storm, who are getting solo books.

Are we happy picking a Marvel 4's X-Men reps from this page?
>krakoa was so hated they had to relaucnh with like 6 different x-men books

But yes.
It has cyclops, wolverine, and magneto so it's good enough for me
>implying I don't know about League
She's only in Project L because she fell the fuck off in League. Katarina probably next. Wouldn't be surprised to see Sivir too.
>Emma Frost because fuck Jean
Yeah we're real happy. Maybe chuck in a Sentinel? I dunno, I haven't been keeping pace with the comics
idk i never cared about the marvel side besides shuma gorath and blackheart
who's the trigglypuff coming in over Juggernaut's shoulder? Is he new?
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There are people ITT that legitimately believe Disney bought X-Men to nurture it.
I'd hate to be this naïve an retarded.
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Fighting games
It doesn't have boobs.
Mortal Kombat was always the kinda trashy party fighter with fun lore.
The lore's all fucked up and they're pretending to not be as trashy as they actually are.

Besides, since every other mainstream fighter has started to copy MK's style of play, what's the point of MK anymore?
What did other fighters steal from MK? the barrage of 50/50s? Or did you mean some other thing?
Literally nobody said 'nurture'
>Let's pretend tax write-offs aren't a thing, and lobbying supreme court justices doesn't occur. How do we as a community reclaim civil rights propaganda in a media that bleeds users faster than one trick ponies?

>Are we happy picking a megacorp's astroturf?
nobody likes you pedophiles
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Good lord. Every fucking thread is the same shit, same posts, same replies, same buzzwords, over and over again...
How do you guys keep insisting on this insanity? for what purpose? are you happy doing this? Honest questions.
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>doesn't even have to try
wow it's just like in the show
Kek. have sex with furries, incels.
I just ignore the shitposts and talk to myself and see if I get any (you)s
we watching that good ass tekken
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why they go into match to button check after they already did it it menu????
Most of the matches aren't great, this looks like orange or red ranks, that King vs Reina was awful.
CEO actually has some names in the bracket, shame it's not a CPT premier.
guilty gear strive
tekken 8
m bison 6
yun 3rd strike
beatrix versus rising
Even at launch, Beatrix wasn't the most dominant character.
is yoshi a guest in tekken or soul calibur?
Yoshimitsu is a name sake, and also the name of a sword. Both Tekken and SoulCalibur have a Yoshimitsu from the same clan (but obviously, it's not the same dude).
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fun fact, theres three fucking yoshimitsus, two of which were from soulcalibur
beatrix the dominatrix?
It's like Final Fight characters in Street Fighter, they are not guests if they are from the same universe.
>akuma wasn't a guest in tekken because he's part of the universe
that sounds like a haradaism that he would actually say
like that time he gave himself the reward for longest running video game story line about the same family of characters or something like that
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when's the granblue esports world cup?
which furry bitch we jacking off to today?
sarah jessica parker
let's invent our own furry woman today
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Finna break my BBC jr to giant pink rape lizards. Palworld fg when?
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do arcades outside of japan even buy games like these?
fgg could make a fighting game with that amount
I'm going to need more than that for bouncy pawg sprites
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and I'll need twice as much as you want for my bouncy futa sprites
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how many fighting games are currently in development on fgg anyway?
If a fighting game had bouncing dickbulges, I think that would cause problems with the age rating.....
censored garbage
Cris is the only real developer here
what makes someone a real developer?
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i dont get it i hate myself more losing to my friends than i do strangers shouldn't be the other way around
Cheez was right, trannies should be eradicated.
During the Steam sale, should I buy:
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R
Or are they all absolute trash?
less trash and more, completely fucking dead
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This setup
every character in kof feels the same but you never hear gayton complaining about that
the last real fighting game
……was SF4.
y'all forgot to remind me sajam brought back will it kill...
This is the real fighting game, nerds:
But of course you never played.
what is this supposed real fighting game
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the reason you can't make fighting games is that you spend too much time playing fighting games instead of reading books and watching movies
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that tweet is funny as fuck, hope it's a shitpost
i understand being weird about the amount of games that are inspired by other games, but the tweet at the bottom just fucking confuses me
so what are game designers not allowed to be inspired by other games anymore??
Amazing example of a nigga who makes an agreeable point that you realized they stumbled onto by accident from the most retarded rationalizations imaginable.
What finally woke you up?
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Nice logic
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if I made a game based on the anime films and light novels I like ala kojima, all of you normies would be crying
It would be too real for most of you
He seems like one of those "games can't be hecking art unless it becomes more like literature and film!" types that has absolute contempt for game design as a concept. According to him, YiiK is an amazing game because the devs directly cite Murakami and Pynchon as inspirations.
my fighting game is based on a bunch of anime shit as well as functionally being heavily inspired by blazblue, does that make my game shit
>fighting game made by people who only watch movies and TV with no understanding of the genre itself
that's how you end up with mortal kombat
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The cooler Morrigan.
If you lean to close to the formula of Street Fighter II like Fighter's History, you might run the risk of being sued.
Nigga thinks everyone can become a Hideo Kojima by reading moby dick 30 times while listening to Beethoven. Bro's take is too retarded to realize we live in a digital age with phones and games to distract us in every waking second and wonder why the games coming up are made by timmies that were beating their shit with bricks watching pokemon growing up and then call that shit it having "media literacy"
Actually true

Data East won that case history revisionist R tard
Why you niggas trying to make me hard with your images? I'm a grown ass man. You're making me, a grown ass man, hard with your image posting. What are you trying to accomplish with these intentions?
anime is just slop for kids, that's even worse than video games
Might as well say you were inspired by Teletubbies
...honey did you forget what site youre on?
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Yoshinori Ono was just some random sound design guy and he went on to create some of the best fighting games ever made.

Shigeru Miyamoto was some random intern they hired and he went on to create one of the biggest games ever made.

Satoshi Tajiri was some random guy obsessed with catching bugs and he went on to create one of the most popular franchises in the world.

Masahiro Sakurai was just some random intern that liked mashing specials against spicniggas in KOF and he went on to create the biggest fighting game ever.

You don't need talent or reading a million books to make something compelling. Just get up and do it.
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FKD was inspired by Teletubbies and you guys all love chaos code
Producing something.
>just randomly be in the right place at the right time bro
>just get lucky bro
timmys bring up kojima and go "HE HECKING WATCHES NOTHING BUT MOVIES AND MADE SUCCESSFUL VIDEO GAMES" completely ignoring that kojima loves games and understands games too and doesn't despise the medium like ilk such as david cage and neil druckmann do
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Miyazaki: Anime sucks now. It's just a bunch of redundant shit made by guys that only watch anime. They don't go outside and have real experiences. They just want to copy some shit they saw 10 to 20 years ago. Anime was a mistake. Fucking otaku.


Black man on twitter: [Same shit as Miyazaki, but about video games]


Hmmmm and you guys claim y'all ain't racist? that really made me fuckin' think....
Except Sakurai never mashed against "spicniggas" in KOF, I doubt he even went to Mexico or 3rd world countries before making smash
>Miyazaki: Anime sucks now
So it is.
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The difference is that anime is a narrative focused medium, so yes it is detrimental if you have niggas doing nothing but watching mill produced garbage trying to make stuff. Video games are GAMES. If you don't understand what makes a game good/fun it doesn't matter how well read or how much hecking kino you've seen. You'll just make shit that people will ask "Why isn't this just a book/movie/comic?" when they play it.
it's a euphemism, timmy
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A lot of video game developers now are actually failed filmmakers. The whole reason that The Order 1886 exists is because some guy submitted his screenplay to a bunch of studios, they didn't like it, but then Sony decided to make it into a PS4 game.

That's why the actual game part is mostly uninspired and just a single player clone of Gears of War. The game was secondary because the guy was more concerned with film and writing than making an enjoyable game.

This is also why IGN is mostly failed film critics giving high scores to walking simulators.
Why is the "hecking" guy always so upset?
They brought back Adventure Time now.
hang yourself
Kuroko next thread?
But how are you supposed to know what makes a good anime without watching other anime? You can quite literally apply the same logic to video games. These aren't unique mediums.
>"My hecken anime medium isn't taking inspiration from literature kino!"
>"My hecken digital entertainment media isn't taking inspiration from media kino!"
Two completely different things.
Next you're gonna tell me the niggas that made Pac-Man and Donkey Kong weren't kino at the time because they tie in Lord of the Flies elements in their game
The Pokemon art nigga literally says he would not be a success if he started today and was only in the right place in the right time because no one cared about art in video games back then since his audience was retarded children consuming slop
do you guys just ge tmad about random twitter people all day?
Fixed it for you

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