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Previous >>483570673

>Falcom Games
>Pastebin (aka music)
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>Games, mods, saves, pre-patched translations
>Translation patches for Hajimari, Oath in Felghana, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2

UPDATED: 06/26
>Latest Famitsu scans on Legend of Heroes: Kai No Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
https://weibo.com/7793024731/5049659431324758 (Low Res)
>Trails Through Daybreak II logo leaked on PSN
>Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- WebCM 2 Trailer leaked
>CLE Releasing Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- CN/KR .ver on 26th Sept
>Leaks of Ys vs Trails in the Sky: Alternate Saga port/localization in development
>Demo for The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak is now available on PS4 and Switch!
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- website is live
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II coming to Switch on July 25 in Japan
>Falcom Announces New Tokyo Xanadu for Series 10th Anniversary
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love renny
Kuro is woke garbage
Kai is Kuro 3 and woke garbage
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I love the picnic squad!!!
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I love Fie so much.
So now that Towa won the Crowbowl, where does this leave Vita?
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Gluttonous little piggy
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come at me reanfags
I hate the picnic squad!!!
I'm going to buy the Vita x Towa ''fight'' because I know that Vita will win in the end and headcanon anon will lose
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>Vitafag preemptive coping
Day of the noose is coming for you in September.
René to Crow and Rean: 勿論、〇〇の〇いも一切(?)付けないことをこの場で〇〇させていただきます。
Elaine to Van: ...... Maybe the truth is, we're just getting better at hiding. (……本当は、取り繕うのが上手くなっていくだけなのかもね。)
Nadia to Lapis: Now's your chance to show the always cool picnic leader what he's got! (いつも澄ましたピクニック隊リーダーをギャフンと言わせるちゃーんす!)
>first character shown off for the game
>still hasnt even been full revealed yet
She'll probably be revealed the same time Crow and the other C7 guys get revealed.
Quatre has her favorite hair color
Falcom are really gonna gaslight Rufus into being a pedo just like they did with Agate huh
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Now that the Elaine romance is confirmed canon, how are we coping, harembros? I can't believe all that teasing was just bait. I hope Van won't get too overshadowed by all those guest characters, at least.
I've been crying all day. It wasn't fucking supposed to be this way...
>now that Towa won the Crowbowl
Coping femcel.
>cucklaine romance
Coping Vitafag.
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Aniesfags will ACK just like their girl is going to
Is there a bigger cuck in the series than lil Ronnie?
How many times will Cao need to beat up Ronnie?
Kevin to Campanella: By the way, you, Almighty Conflagration, and Oathbreaker are already in the red list to begin with, ok? (ちなみにお前と劫炎と破戒については“前提”としてレッドリスト入りやからな?)
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He embraces it
Me too
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>ellroy is so bad that the church has him on their shitlist with mcburn and campanella
Very based.
Uh oh. It's going down.
have we even seen him once in kai promo materials
what is he up to is he even in the game
amazon sent me an email saying they're delivering the game 10 days late, even though I pre ordered forever ago :(
In the end, Towa will die alone. It's destiny.
The schizo reanfag shitting up the last thread is the falcord user Green Grass
Lapis: It's elegant and cute, isn't it? Rufus helped me choose!(優雅で可愛いでしょう?ルーファスが一緒に選んでくれたんだよ!)
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Do you like blue haired heroines?
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Campanella, vtuber slut, Jolda, and the hat guy are the only Ouroboros members so far. Harwood has a model so he's undoubtedly going to be in Kai and up to no good as usual.
Where is all this new dialogue from anyway? I thought the only recent leaks were the webCM and NISA's kuro 2 logo
>fufus chose a sexy outfit for lapis
Those Albareas are very strange.
Famitsu scans
Rufus: I can do it--- Without an ounce of hesitation. I'm a "bad guy" after all. (私はやれるーー何の躊躇いもなく。何せ私は“人でなし”だからね)
my king
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she lost
It's hilarious how we see Van, Rufus, and Kevin all being based in this recent news and then there's Rean being a dull faggot.
reanfags are unironically losing their mind imagining hearing rean say "haha..." and say shit like "oh no im just a beginner i'm nothing compared to you" to everyone he meets
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Meet my papa!
renny cutest i love her
So now that the domino effect finally started taking its course, when are we getting next news drop?
Surely they'll go to their usual old schedule and do it every 2 weeks.
Elaine: We can't let the Society get what they want---- No matter what their plans may be(結社の思い通りにさせるわけにはいかないーーその思惑がなんであれね)
Kevin: You know, don't you? --- That you are the enemy of the world (Zemuria), a villain. (判ってるんでしょ?ーーあんたは間違いなく世界(ゼムリア)の敵で、悪人や)
so when are falcom gonna drop this "special announcement" theyve been teasing for months
Rean could be fucking CShaters' mothers and they would be nitpicking his technique.
why do reanfags try to push this whole le ebin chad angle with rean when hes the most boring flat nice guy doormat character ever
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This is going to be wild.
is nina part of the vanbowl?
Kevin: We have the Saint on our side. No matter what extraordinary powers he/she/they may use, there's no way to escape. (こちらには聖女もおる。超常的な力を使っても逃れる術はない。)
So Nina isn't a villain?
She looks pretty in this outfit
Elaine won
Helping Kevin doesn't necessarily mean there won't be a conflict with her and the popefags late in the game.
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Who is this in the party with Kebin and Na-chan here? Doesn't quite look like Swin
Are you telling me that Nina is strong and yet she did nothing to stop Oathbreaker in Nemeth Island?
By Aidios... kill Nina and bring Emma... at least she saved (almost) everyone during the destruction of the Gral/Reverse Babel
Agnes is the main heroine and wins, this was known since Kuro 1.
it is swin
I'm so tired of the side a/b shit.
looks like su-chan to me
They don't want to write a real coherent plot so they split the chapters in half so they can just shove in more character cameos.
Hoping that Kevin means just that.
If you want church evil, play any other jrpg ever
if you dont think church evil is happening sometime in the future you are coping hard
What happened to fagcom.
I’m tired of picnic squad
Side a/b with Kuro/Church/Class 7 is ok
I know that the woke arc is going to make the church evil. But only the western church, basically the Aidios guys will be evil and the Alusha guys will be good
Lapis: The year 1210 of the Septian Calendar--- So, next year. (七陽暦1210年ーーつまり来年だね。)
Lapis to Van: Oh, Van! This cake looks really delicious, doesn't it? (あ、ヴァン!このケーキすっごく美味しそうだね?)
i hate the side a/b shit because it just makes everything feel less unified
instead of your main crew going on an adventure around the country everyone just splits off and does random shit. just makes it feel like its not a real game.
Kai so far just seems like a disjointed mess with a multiple different subplots going on instead of a cohesive story. Even Kuro 2 was more focused than this appears to be.
Hajimari was a mistake.
Play with the same characters with limited moveset for hours is way worse
Sky SC there’s side a with Estelle (boring filler) and side b with Joshua
Hajimari did it better, to be honest.
From the start it was clear that the three paths were telling the same story from different perspective, and it didn't feel disjointed.
Even the was Cufus is introduced is through Rean's story.
3 paths telling 3 different stories that leads to the same conclusion is the right way to do a game with multiple POVs
Kai being Hajimari 2.0 is very disappointing.
>Van will seduce Lapis using cakes
Falcom went all in on "Duuude it's Rean and Crow!!!!" selling Kai while neglecting everything else.
Hajimari Structure is good
The problem is the shit story and the shit new characters
Also there’s a lot of unnecessary characters
For the last dungeon only Rean, Lloyd, Rufus and Lapis are relevant
Swin and Nadia are forced into the mess
Crow also for piloting another Tyrfing but it’s not that relevant
Emma and Tio for magical/tech support but also not that relevant
Feels like Falcom didn't understand why Hajimari worked. After Kuro 1 didn't meet their sales expectations it's like they tried to course correct without thinking it through. Kondo was probably like "Well people liked Hajimari so let's just do the routes again and make another randomly generator dungeon to run around in" but unlike Hajimari it doesn't feel like they built the games around these ideas.
Kuro 3 being similar to Kuro 0 is not a mistake
It’s the natural upgrade
Swim: Back when I was in the Garden the overseers would warn me a lot to "be more careful with him/she/them than the enforcers from the Organization"(庭園時代、管理人たちから注意されてたよ。「結社の執行者以上に気を付けろ」ってな。)
Swim to Mint?:Y-yes...... I have also heard a great deal about you though(あ、ああ……あんたの話はこちらも結構耳にしているけどな。)

That's it I guess. There are some others but can't really make out the characters
>ouroboros getting treated like a bunch of clowns again
That's fine, as long there's an actual throughline. It shouldn't feel like you're just faffing about until you meet at the end
ebin masterminds bwo... totally not team rocket...
love how kondo admits in the interview that they have no fucking idea what the next arc even is
yeah you're really getting excited there bro
What a faggot, stop adding pronouns like a fucking retard. I hope you die.
He already admitted in the past that they had nothing planned out with Calvard so it's not surprising to see the next arc meeting the same fate since Falcom is incapable of addressing its issues under the retarded leadership it has.
So basically it's confirmed that all the continuity bullshit is well it's just that, bullshit.
I still hope for Cedric mc of the last arc. He's perfectly set up to be. but they'll probably go wither easterner Rean
its a shame kai is most likely gonna be kuro 2 again. since imo kuro 1 was great.
The impression I get from Kondo's interviews and this is something that he's kind of hinted at for years is that Falcom leave literally every single decision until the absolute last possible moment. That's why you get things like THE STRONGEST never having been mentioned before Kuro 1. Honestly the more Kondo talks the worse my perception of them gets lmao.
bros I think the garden is more dangerous than ourokek...
Rean will beat the STRONGEST
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Kuro 1 was a fluke considering the previous 5 games and the following 2 all being shit.
Cedric would be perfectly set up as the protagonist of the last arc, think about it this way:
1.Royalty, important bloodline, they can chuuni him up with whatever powers they want
2.Even with training he's not going to be overwhelmingly strong
3.Prodigal son story/redemption arc is already set up, including with Kurt promising to return him.
4.He already has a mini-harem with Shirley and the vtuber chick
if falcom wants high sales why dont they idk try a duel global/jap release?
It’s amazing how Kiseki is only “good” when they are not advancing the main story
Kuro is an incredibly mediocre game that you big up because it's a setup game and right after Cold Steel and Hajimari
>make a series where this grand continuity is the central gimmick
>plan absolutely none of it out
haha... that's our falcom...
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Rean's rematch with Shizuna will be extremely difficult for him, so there's no chance he's scratching someone that's even more powerful than Shizuna.
He upgraded meme unification and he knows how to hold back so his Unclouded Eye X will see through it
Clearly this is how Shizuna successfully ambushed Rean and broke his tachi.
She held back until the last second.
>plan absolutely none of it out
They did plan out Sky and Erebonia, but then decided to do Cuckbell before Erebonia which derailed the entire series and it never recovered from it.
Y'know, I just don't get why people consider Kuro woke lmfao
Next time when you play an RPG, read the text, you might find out
By that logic they didnt plan out Erebonia since 80% of the arc is about Crossbell
It doesn't even appear in the first half of the arc, so that's 50% off. If you count Hajimari as Crossbell, that's 40% still. And Crossbell is not that major a part of CS3, or even CS4 to be honest.
I'd say 80% is not about Crossbell, 20% is.
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Is Noel officially forgotten?
she was never known in the first place so no
She has a great ass
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Crossbell saved the series thoughever. If they skipped Crossbell like they originally planned, Kuro would be selling -30000 units by now
tl;dr, it's full of whitey bad, also has a bunch of on the nose things like how race bending historical figures in movies is OK
Lapis is so sexy...
Bare shoulder...
doll's armpit...
You're already going over to Crossbell in CS2 and they constantly talk about Crossbell politics in CS. Lloyd completely hijacks the game at the end and is the only thing people remember about it
By Kusoeater standards then Crossbell should be the best arc by a mile. But the arguments only apply when it's about defending Kuro
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>completely hijacks
His section is maybe 30 minutes long and it's the only part you ever set foot in Crossbell. Being generous, I'd say 25% Crossbell then. And most of that is Hajimari
I don't like how Enami draws female faces
jwu, can anybody give me quick rundown on Kondo's interview?
Elaine really been confirmed canon? When?
so what was even the point of hiding hermes' face
Whatever you want to believe
I think it’s probably a good idea to avoid conceptualizing everything to an autistic degree to prevent burnout and also to keep ideas fresh. That said it felt like they went back on what they had already come up with for Calvard and made something else entirely (similar deal with Erebonia but it at least seems to color within the lines). That and it seems like there’s not the same general scaffolding for ‘Act 2’ of the series as there was for the first 3 arcs. Some of the ideas they developed in Sky 3rd are some of the strongest in the entire series, yet in Reverie we got a Freddy cooking door
She looks so mature now. Oh and that tight gap holy shit.
>Rean is going to end a kissless virgin as his harem slowly gets stolen away by the rest of the cast

Can we have proof, please?
I get wanting some flexibility, but he said they don't know who's going to be the protagonist of the next arc
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>Kevin: You know, don't you? --- That you are the enemy of the world (Zemuria), a villain.
>Rufus: I can do it--- Without an ounce of hesitation. I'm a "bad guy" after all
Wet works mission.
Kill Harwood
Kill Hamilton for betraying the Church and Epstein and turning to heresy
It came to me in a dream
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At least he has Jobbings to keep him company
Whatever you want to believe
Rean and Lloyd will appear in the final arc and have their love interest pickable, since at that point there's no continuity issues
The two most based characters in the series teaming up guarantees Kai's greatness
Haha I like how Lloyd looks so confident after the humiliating defeat, I guess having rean by his side ups him a lot.
>haha can you believe that the hero doesn't just spend the whole story moping about his defeat in Act 1?
What causes people to make stupid posts like this?
Falcom wrote themselves into a corner in the same fashion FFXIV did never actually wanting to kill any characters off
Seething Lloydkek
So? Lloyd isn't mc blade mcsteel, he's a cop that went to a police academy that learned self defense and got a small power up
big wide anies hips...
She will win
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If any other class 7 members are returning it should not be Emma or Gaius, it should be Sara.
Gaius is the only one that has any business appearing.
Sara is a bracer and Fie’s guardian so she deserves to appear. She is also one of the best written characters in cold steel and that’s a fact not an opinion.
I think that’s alright desu, build in the big picture stuff first with regards to setting and institutions, then fill in smaller scale things like the cast. The problem is that Falcom doesn’t really do the former anymore so there’s less cool lore threads and the elements they do introduce just seem like asspulls.

I’ll give them a pass on not having a protag decided though because LoH 10 won’t come out until after the Sky remake and Kai 2
In his head. The Kondo interview specifically mentions Van, Agnes and Elaine as a trio.
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Ain't nobody got time for that
Sara is redundant when Fie exists.
>with Erebonia
Kondo already said a long time ago while they didn't have everything for Erebonia planned they did have a general idea about they even thought of crow as far back as SC check his wiki Trivia if you don't believe me.
Same could be said for Gaius but you want him to appear anyway.
They probably planned till cs2, because cs3 introduced so many retcons and the writing of the game was getting worse.
>They probably planned till cs2,
That isn't true actually since Vita's actions about Rean ad Crow fighting wasn't answered until CS4 and the fact she already know about "THIS world" which CS2 did hint at
You mean the Rivalry they had at the end of CS2?
I meant the general idea was planned till cs2 or am I the only one who thought there was a shift in tone and writing quality after cs 2?
Yes well pseudo Rivalry but yeah
Kondos plans for erbonia were for Rean to find all of the students in a 20 hour segment CS2 and rehash the concept except this time you find Rean and then find all the students again in CS4
> So father, for my sake please turn into the mastermind that plunges the Republic into the depths of hell in the next game
> My daughter turned into a delinquent!
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Wtfrick bros Anies lost...
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Renne lost
the "people" is just one brazilian monkey
>I the only one who thought
I'm pretty sure you could make an argument about the curse actually being in CS1 hack they said in CS3 it was weak before Rean killed the holy beast of earth hence why you didn't see black misty in first game hack you know those two merchants who were fighting in Celdic over a stole? what if it was the cures? I mean they both could have went to Otto and asked him "why do we have two permits" instead they choose to yell at each other.
I mean I guess its technically true the curse was still weak so the black mist isn't visible.
it should be emma and her ''wandering witch plot''
emma wants to find more details about mcburn and is his natural counter = mcburn returns
with mcburn the zemuria plot can move forward since he is the ''guide light'' of ouroboros
emma is also linked to celine a future holy beast and an anguis = vita returns
all the 7 anguis together in kai is not an impossible dream
the only reason they didn't give a redemption arc to vita is because (she did not wrong) she still loyal to gm and we don't know the reason also she knows a lot and would be weird to have an ally that knows too much not saying a thing
there's also a bonus: more vita and crow interactions = towafag mad
After cs1 for me. I still think CS2 is the messiest game in the series
>hose two merchants who were fighting in Celdic over a stole? what if it was the cures? I mean they both could have went to Otto and asked him "why do we have two permits" instead they choose to yell at each other.
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Its news time!
That's my point you can't say it wasn't plan in CS4 when it was all the way back in CS1 especially when they knew what each Sept-Terrion would do he even said that in the part 1 interview a few days ago remember?
what kind of mess did crow get himself into now?
CS2 actually had an intersting message to it, I thought that "no matter what you do, it was pointless to begin with" was an intersting idea for Rean's and C7 character growth in the sequel which sadly never happened. Even I'll remember you ed song loses all its weight and meaning after cs3: https://youtu.be/yFM5r5vS6Eg?si=-TL13S9zRegBXjRB

CS2 dispiction of civil war was god awful, but there were a lot of interesting ideas underneath.
I think the broadest of strokes were planned. Osborne feels like he was planned to turn out like he did since Azure. The curse feels like it was probably an idea by then because it feels like Osborne pretty much describes Ishmelga's desire in Azure.
But it's obvious the Ironbloods had no real thought put into them, and I doubt they were thinking of the Great Twilight as well. Same with most of Class VII.
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Caochad will break and remake Ronnie like Weissmann did to Joshua.
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what if mare somehow got a real body and won the vanbowl
cao ni ma
Ishmelga is such a mediocre plot device that you can use it to replace almost anything that happened before CS4
Mare will possess Yume and take her into space and be part of the final boss
why is he so untouchable? is everything part of cao's multi-layer plan? why was he made to be so powerful?
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dogshit writing
Aidios herself has blessed Cao because she loves her favorite child that much.
Because Falcom understands that Cao is carrying Kiseki on his back at this point. Quite frankly it's a lot of pressure.
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We still don't know to this day what Mare really is...
How did falcom even manage ot fuck up Kuro 2 so much? They could've easily made it a comfy character driven game, where falcom could reveal most of mysteries from Kuro 1 and make Spriggans have more interactions that will forge their bonds even further. Instead we got a fucking MIND TRAVEL, Re:zero deaths and Su-chan Na-chan retarded drama.
They went in with no plan besides stalling for a third Kuro game that ended up getting canceled for another Hajislop game.
I wonder what they'll even do with the final arc, considering they still have no idea about it.
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Even if Dragon Aaron's power surpasses everyone else's, Cao will still find a way to dunk on him.
holy shit what if Gaius is Cygna...
i bet you he wont even get a cool form like this in kai
He most certainly will. It was alluded to in Kuro 2 that Leroy was very much in the know of his son's destiny with Taikun and what their "blood" is telling them to do. Aaron will break his limits in Kai and power up further in Kai through Taikun.
when we'll get the box art for Kai no kiseki revealed?
It's annoying since they were floating the idea around for Kuro 2, showing that it could've turned out very differently.
Kuro 2 connect events were one of the best in the series and it had some nice character moments is where falcom really shines. If kuro 2 was all about that, being another set-up game, but without retarded time travel plot device it would be great.
Yeah but we needed the Picnic kids and their Garden drama.
Are y'all done with your daily melties yet?
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>Kuro 2 connect events
Yeah they were great other than Quatre the v-tuber.
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Yeah, that one threw me out of the loop.
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Breaking news!
quatre is kind of hot as a girl ngl
No, stay on your containment board and stay there.
Rufus mentioned that he spread out his assets, I wonder if he has shareholder stakes in companies.
yeah its fucking stupid what they did and it seems like we still wont get shit about mare or more character development for van and co.
i really like mare and i wanna know more about her.
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Ronnie needs to cuck Maxim
Reminder that Calvard will inflict a heavy defeat on the Olivier alliance by crushing Cassius. Hermes and her super AF or Yun will be responsible and Richard will rebuild the front line in Cassius's place
That's pretty much why I will continue to despise what Kuro 2 was and shit on Falcom for what they did with it. They pretty much kneecap the potential to grow the Spriggan crew and now they're going to half-ass it in Kai because it's the conclusion to the Calvard arc. What a waste of a cast.
Yeah I don't think Gramhart is gonna just keep quiet about that alliance. He'll make his move against them very soon.
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Oh no!
I just want Crossbell to get wiped off the map. Erebonia getting its ass kicked would be a nice bonus though.
Why does Lapis still has doll features in her arms? I thought the Marduk© bodies were anatomically accurate.
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Renne is excited about getting more cocks to play with.
>Kuro 2 connect events were one of the best in the series
I barely remember then...

Meanwhile I will never forget Laura's rape scene or Emma Astral Sex with dickless Rean or Alisa friendzone...

Sorry but CS2 bonding events are the best
They show more about the characters and the towns at same time. The main story sucks but cs2 bonding events are peak
Dolls are superior
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Jorg does what he wants and he is not going to forgo the doll joints on his precious customer.
And Lapis likes being a doll
You can tell Paulette might have eventually given him a chance if Maxim didn't come back into the picture.
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Lapis having no joints would be an admission that Marduk technology > Rosenberg technology and she's too prideful to admit it.
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The question is whether Hermes will capture the Courageous II and the Arseille II as prizes of war.
This will be intended to show the enemy armies that further resistance is futile and that there are no more aces left up their own sleeves.
>I will never forget Laura's rape scene or Emma Astral Sex with dickless Rean or Alisa friendzone...
Laura cave rape was memorable because of the shock factor and because it was memed the shit out of it on /fg/. In the end those connect event don't amount to anything since they aren't canon to begin with.
>The main story sucks but cs2 bonding events are peak
You described cs4 bonding events, I can't even fucking remember any bonding events from cs1,2,3 because they were really bland.
The only one I remember is the one from CS3 where Jusis begs Rean to get all the noble women that want to marry Jusis to lust after Rean instead.
Why do you think Hermes would do that? Does her interaction with Crow there say as much?
>Why do you think Hermes would do that?
Gramhart did not enlist any other western nation into the plan and powered up the army as much as possible, therefore hostility is expected. Hermes was given a super AF to that end as a super pilot.
>Does her interaction with Crow there say as much?
Not in a vacuum no. But dragging out a soldat means the issue has to be grave.
Crow and Hermes are obviously gonna totally bone after fighting each other.
>Gramhart did not enlist any other western nation into the plan and powered up the army as much as possible, therefore hostility is expected. Hermes was given a super AF to that end as a super pilot.
I see your point. We still would need to know what Hermes' circumstances are with Gramhart's plan.
>Not in a vacuum no. But dragging out a soldat means the issue has to be grave.
Is it not possible for them to be training?
>We still would need to know what Hermes' circumstances are with Gramhart's plan.
Fair enough
>Is it not possible for them to be training?
It's possible, but training to do what, and why with the top of the line military tech of their countries?
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I can't bear this gacha...
>It's possible, but training to do what, and why with the top of the line military tech of their countries?
Could be a joint training session in order to foster better relations? The countries were enemies for the longest time.
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The better Kiseki animation gets, the more it looks like pajeet tiktoks.
his neck for a second moves so fucking fast
Intern animation slop
>itt: /fg/ decides it knows exactly how Kai will play out and that it will be the le worst game ever
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Video games!!
The curse made rich old men do things to Renne, they're victims just as much as she is
Kai will either save or kill kiseki for me, there's really nothing in-between especially if they want to redeem Kuro 2.
Kuro 2 already killed Kiseki for me. I have no faith in Kai.
Only trailsfags could spend 60+ hours playing a game that's mostly character interactions and come to the conclusion that it was too rushed to give you enough time with the characters lmao
I'm giving it one last chance because I just want to see whatever ending Van and co. will get.
>Kai no Kiseki
>Farewell, sales
thats what you people always say
The worst thing is having to listen to Kurofags saying that the Spriggans didn't have any screen time when they spent two games being useless
A third game only for this shit cast? NAH
Kuro 2 is a payoff game, not a setup game.
>True Hurricane
That's really the last time for me unfortunately, I enjoyed kuro 1 and wanted more of the same adventure, but then kuro 2 came out and completely mindbroke me and /fg/. Kai is really their last chance to recover and its odds isn't even that great considering that kuro 3 became a hajimari type of game.
You never see Nayutafags complain and they only got one game.
It didn't answer any of the questions that kuro 1 set up, if anything kuro 2 added even more confusion.
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Feri I'm going to shove Alusha's guidance up your ass if you don't stop mentioning it every few sentences
/fg/ was already mindbroken by Kuro 1, 2 just got memed on for the funny parts like dudeweed and Towa getting fucking shot.
>questions that kuro 1 set up
say this to sky 3rd questions that still haven't been answered to this day
It was payoff for not having enough questions
but the church is back babyyy
Literally nobody played 3rd. More people played fanlated Kuro 2 than played 3rd.
Heroes don't kill.
I feel like Kondo remembered about Kevin only after kuro 1 poll "on who you want to see in kuro 2" and Kevin got 2nd place.
He did well on the hajimari poll for the same thing too
pussy faggot
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As someone who only played Kuro 1 and enjoyed it, is Kuro 2 really that bad?
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Emma when?
no. the time travel junk is stupid but its still ok
>is Kuro 2 really that bad?
it's not that bad
it's worse than THAT BAD
Van's future husband and Gaius' future wife are so cute
care to elaborate? Because I only know of retarded death scenes, time travel and that kuro 2 doesn't move plot that much.
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Which one of these are mostly likely to happen in Kai?
>Elaine will die
>Hermes is Van's daughter from the future
>Rean will job to Shizuna again
>Van and Kevin bromance
>Van will become a fully awakened Vagrants-zion
>Nina is a good girl, but the church is still le bad
>Ka-fai in Anguis
>Canonical romance for Van
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Juna and Kurt when?
Killing is the easy way out, the pussy way out.
Second part of Kondo's interview is up
*kills u*
Kiseki spinoffs for the rest of time after the series ends confirmed
>+Good pacing for Act 1/2
>+Better gameplay than Kuro 1
>-Almost zero character development for the Spriggans except a relevation about Quatre followed by the generic I accepted myself arc
>-Renne, Swin and Nadia presence in this game is underwhelming and they drama are terrible.
>-The main antagonist is the worst in the series
>-Shit Intermission with Battle Royale again but this time all the characters are dumb and the Time Rewind is cheap
>-Fanservice... A lot of fanservice
>-Time travel gimmick is the worst offender
>-Van is ruined by this game. He is dumb and unreliable
>-Act 3 is the biggest piece of dogshit I played in any JRPG (I lost braincells during this part)
>-The erosion is a worse version of the curse (sure it doesn't ruin the lore like the curse but the reason behind the erosion is dumber)
>-Elaine, Rene and others NPCs are more relevant when they are not on-screen
>-post game dungeon is not fun
>-What's behind D and B is probably the worst codename for an antagonist ever
>-Uninteresting School Festival
>--What are the new additions, specifically?
>Kondo: There are a lot of characters this time. All the members of the Arcride Solution Office are there, and there are also many guests... I would say they're not guest characters, but guest teams (laughs). So, as a place to train such a large number of characters, we have of course prepared a facility like the Fairy Garden Castle (Märchengarten) that appeared in Trails of Cold Steel II.

It's gonna be a bloated garbage, fuck you Kondo.
So yeah the AI renaissance only lasted for a day whats gonna happen to all the AI art not that big companies are shutting down OpenAI?
i see so it brings back a lot of retarded shit from cs3/4/hajimari and somehow makes it worse. I'll still play it when nisa release durante's port, but i won't hold my breath.
>>-Fanservice... A lot of fanservice
this is a good thing redditor
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Now you're just like me.
>──As for the characters, it's been a hot topic that popular characters from previous series will be appearing. Kondo: Some of them have been released in PVs, but that's not all of them, so please look forward to further information. Of the characters that have been released, Kevin seems nostalgic, but he hasn't appeared that much, so it's a strange feeling.
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hebe la-chan...
>Sky FC +SC Remake (one game, no 3rd even as DLC)
>Joshua is the main character and it's a harem game like the CS quintology
>-- I'd like to ask you about the latest game in the series, "Kiseki: Trails of Fire," which will be released in September. Production seems to be nearing its climax, but what percentage of it is complete at the moment?

>Kondo: About 75-80%. Right now, I'm having a hard time recording the voices. It's been about three months, but there are so many characters, so it's not going as planned. However, all the data is already gathered, and it's just a matter of finishing it up. There are many new additions, so we may improve the system a little more.
trails of fire...
Kondo and estimating percentages. Name a better duo.
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You guys told me Lapis couldn't age.
>but there are so many characters, so it's not going as planned.
Yup Bigger roster then even Reverie confirmed its gonna be crazy
I get to play Joshua while he's going solo and fucking Josette? Lets gooooooooo
new body
I wonder when we'll get s-craft showcase on dengeki.
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Kevin's cool
Why does Kondo like White Witch so much but seems to be constantly pissed off with Emmadev...
>This concludes the range that we decided to do at the beginning, which is the Liberl Kingdom arc, the Empire arc, and the Republic arc, but there are still some parts of the series that we want to draw a little more, so "Kiseki" will continue in the future. However, it has been going on for 20 years already, so I don't think it can go on for another 20 years... Above all, most of the mysteries will be revealed in "Kai no Kiseki", so I've been talking with the staff about how the true ending is finally in sight.
Damn they really plan to answer all of the mysteries of these games.
Poor La-chan
>Above all, most of the mysteries will be revealed in "Kai no Kiseki"
I highly doubt it.
They will be revealed, not answered
Me: ChatGPT, generate me a game that is just Persona 3 Reload but less cool

ChatGPT: *makes the Trails series*

Me: Cool now make it gay and lame

ChatGPT: *makes Kuro*
Zemuria always repeats itself and whenever it comes to a ''bad ending'' the world resets but some remnants of the past are marked somewhere and that's why some people can see fragments of the future (they are seeing the past)
Genesis does not go back in time... it advances to the next cycle
It's the only way devs have to avoid creating a lot of plot holes with ouroboros goals
(and that doesn't involve stupid situations like ''it was all a dream/simulation'')
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>Dad walks in
What a cop out, it basically was just avengers infinity wars
Kondom is a AoT fan huh
>how the true ending is finally in sight.
Did he say true ending?????
Trick question: if the garbage can is full, where do you put Kuro 2 fans?
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The guy in the backseat
It’s basically everything wrong with Kiseki in the form of a game
Bergard used to look so different. Quite the redesign he got. For the better.
Why are we fighting our master, reanbros....
You don't put them anywhere you just end their miseries and kill them off, same with the cold shit subhumans.
>. So, as a place to train such a large number of characters, we have of course prepared a facility like the Fairy Garden Castle (Märchengarten)
So.....You didn't do it huh?
Kai no Kiseki is 4 games btw *raughs*
........No I'm a coward.............
I had no idea Kuro 2 mind broke so many people. YIKES
That's trails fags in general, they don't care about the gameplay,they only care about walls of repetitive text and mindless fan-service.
I like how it looks as if Lapis is staring down Kevin to assert dominance. And as if Kevin is cowering in response.
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Because he's a naughty old man who needs a spanking!!
Are dengeki and famitsu Kondo interviews different or the same?
So looking back, how was it possible that they made Rufus sympathetic after all he did?
Rufus did everything right... Fufu...
Literally anyone can become a sympathetic villain turned ally. This is the kiseki series after all bro.
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It was absolutely necessary.
There is nothing to be angry about.
I will buy Crossbell tomorrow from the summer sale
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cuz he's a gigachad
same if it's cheap
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>Kevin is here because something bad is happening, or there is a target like Weissman that he should go after
Kevin choosing someone dead to assist him means that this is a black op.
Off the books, everyone is liable to get used and would not get approved of by Estelle or Lloyd or Rean.
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>See a snippet of the character feature page on Kai for Lapis
>One reply says that Lapis's dresses were made by Rufus as a hobby

He's truly a man of many talents isn't he?
Wrong you put them in the FUCKING TRASH

Put Kusoeaters into the fucking trash, but kill and behead every single coldshitter.
I hate that everything is just modeled after modern times in real life, even characters like Rufus who used to have something that was either unique or at least not just normal real life clothes.
So who is the target?
>kill cold shitekikes
>dump their bodies in the trash on top of the kusocucks
It's a perfect system and would lead to world peace
I'd make dresses for her too given the oppurtunity.
Just get with the times old man.
I did but Kiseki shouldn't have.
The predictable answer: Harwood (discretion and keeping it secret from allies is not needed for this though)
The questionable answer: A traitor in the church
The ugly answer: Gramhart or Hamilton
The really awful answer: Van if Vagrant breaks out
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It's back now if you don't want to watch a reupload
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There are a lot of characters this time. All of Arkride Solutions office is present, and there are a lot of guest characters... rather than guest characters, maybe guest team(s) would be the right term? Haha...
As we have such a vast amount of characters, we are preparing a system similar to Märchen Garten in Kuro no Kiseki 2 as a place to develop characters.
As for how we handle story progress, to match the large amount of characters, the game will be split into parts like Hajimari no Kiseki. Like in Trails of Cold Steel 4, there are also cases where the teams can be switched while progressing through dungeons.
Hajimari 2, here we go!
CLE's english Web CM which I don't get what purpose it serves.
This sounds very intriguing. Another epic, large-scale "everyone is here" adventure.
Olivier alliance?
They've been doing this since Kuro 1 ps5/steam release, CLE even translates their page and achievements in english on their steam page, I just don't get what's the point? I remember that 2 years ago anons were happy that CLE might overtake NISA and will start releasing their version in english... haha look at us now. NISA won.
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Aniessisters... it is completely over....
Didn't Anies mean that Elaine will be THERE with her, so that Van-san wouldn't worry?
>We are preparing something to announce around the anniversary so please look forward to it
The anniversary was like a week ago WHERE IS IT
It's not just Van who is stupid in Kuro 2, everyone is, to set up the deaths for instance.
That scene with the black pillar is just unforgivable
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Finally, please say a few words to the readers and all those interested in the Kiseki series.
Kondo: First, I'd like to thank you for the past 20 years of support. Kai no Kiseki will soon be released. As mentioned before when talking about Kai no Kiseki, as it is a work that depicts the climax of the series, many mysteries will be solved, it will be worth the wait. We hope you will enjoy it.
> これでリベール王国編と帝国編、共和国編という、最初にやろうと決めた範囲が終わりますが、シリーズとしてはまだもうちょっと描きたいというところがありまして、今後も『軌跡』は続いていきます。
With this work, we will have completed the things we initially wanted to do with the Liberl Kingdom, the Empire and the Republic. However, there are still things we want to depict in the series, so Kiseki will still continue.
Although it has already continued for 20 years, another 20 years is not very likely... above all, most mysteries will are solved with Kai no Kiseki, so the true end is increasingly in sight. This is being discussed internally with our staff.
> せっかくここまで続けてきたシリーズなので、僕らも最後まで走りきりたいと思っていますし、そこまでやるからには、少なくとも自分たちが納得いく形にしたいと思っています。
We have been working hard on this series, and we also want to finish it, but if we're going to go that far, we want to be pleased with the results ourselves.
We absolutely do not want the end of the series to amount to nothing. We are doing our best to ensure this does not happen, and ask for your continued support.
Probably just a testing your resolve thing to be honest.
That's the issue, it can be read both way.
"Don't worry Van, I'll be fine with Elaine" or "Don't worry Van, you'll be fine with Elaine"
I'm more leaning to the former though.
>there are also cases where the teams can be switched while progressing through dungeons.
The Kuro tier answer, some unknown DG cult member who is also a white supremacist
Goodbye sales....
>introduce new characters
>resolve almost none of their overarching personal problems
>instead of finishing their stories after the biggest filler game in the series, make another Smash Ultimate just two games after the last one
Trails is in a sad place right now
The dengeki stream will be tomorrow.
>Everyone is here!
>Not everyone is here
My hype for this game increased by a million percent. We'll get to see all our old and beloved friends again! It's like we're back in the Cold Steel era again, as if we never left in the first place.
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I hope Ban leaves a baby in Elaine before he dies
It was true after all, Kevin does have a different va now, it's Kazuyuki Okitsu (voice of Jonathan JJBA)
Would you shut up, kai no kiseki is coming. You'll probably get your answers by then.
Just decide for yourself, and if you'll enjoy it, you will.
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Jotaro and Jonathan in one game.
I hope that we get new POV beach date scenes with all the girls, like in Reverie, too. They were easily one of the most memorable things about that game
We'll have to see.
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Aniesbros this is not looking good...
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>“You May Now Kiss the Bride!”
>Kevin and Rufus' group get to go around exploring ruins to find ancient secrets
>Rean and Class VII get to go to the mountains and fight Ikaruga and Yun Ka-Fai
>The solutions office..... gets to track random anti-immigration mooks....
Shafted again.
It's so over for us...
cute and canon
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>Back in my Garden days, I was warned by the overseers.
>They said to be more wary (around you) than around the Society's enforcers.
This might be in reference to Kevin?
Ka Fai is probably pulling bullshit to hone Rean into a true EL1B master to take it beyond his teachings or some shit
Crow will cheat on Rean immediately with Van's biker astronaut sister
>Kincaid: Naturally, I pledge here not to partake in any sort of observation or monitoring.
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>“You know what you’re doing right? You are, without a doubt, evil and a enemy of Zemuria.”
Harwood seems like his main target, but I wonder if the church also asked Kevin to keep eyes on Van.
Heretic Hunter kekvin....
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>Let's go! Super ultimate hell onion-san!
Na-chan's so cute
Na-chan's so breedable
>Harwood seems like his main target
Or maybe it's Campanella.
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Chardin District of Edith. There's a casino. Lots of generic NPCs.
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yay, casino mini-game bros we're back.
Who's Judith's costar?
Judith's nice big tits
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It's Shahina.
Shahina, the arab girl from Kuro 1
I think it goes like this:
>By the way, you know that, you, the Almighty Conflagration and the Oathbreaker are added to the red list by default, right?
I'm not very familiar with kansai dialect
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>Oh, Van! Doesn't this cake look delicious?
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it does...
Van will never be able to have another sweet again around Jolda, La-chan, and Na-chan
The maid's tits are huge
Is there a lore reason why none of the other S rank bracers have shown up yet, despite the world almost ending multiple times?
Haha... wouldn't you like to know?
Because if other S rank bracers are at least half as capable as Cassius in sky then kiseki would have ended long ago, since most of the incidents with ouroboros clowns would be resolved way too quickly.
Lapis-chan life-like texture...
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Falcom website has been updated, the WebCM 2 is also back up.
Dengeki stream tomorrow
Lapis discovers BL
Off solving even more world endinger threats offscreen
I wonder if we'll get another webcm in July and full story trailer in August...
Yes you are correct, they are probably on the bible bashing papal guards shit list and they won't hesitate to kill those 3 on sight.
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Don't think there will be another web cm, this one they can have all they way to launch unless they get a new one in like september.
More likely they could have a short PV in the end of July, which isn't that different to a web cm in practice.
They just won't have it attached to youtube ad.
Otherwise, start of August will likely have the mini OST preview.
Her childhood friend and school sweetheart, Van, and she have overcome the numerous incidents that have occurred in the Republic, and as a result, they have been able to build a relationship in which they come to terms with each other, one step at a time, while still understanding each other's positions.
>Agnesbros we lost...
We'll just have to wait and see.
Is kevin's face model literally just van with green hair?
CLE has an English version of the WebCM2
Van was always just a lazy Kevin with blue hair.
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Fufu you can't beat the 7th Anguis.
blurb on Rene
>While he cooperates with his childhood friends Van and Elaine, taking advantage of each other's positions, he also warmly watches over their relationship as an older brother figure.

>However, as Project Startaker moved into the execution phase, CID's resources began to be concentrated on the project, and Kincaid's own position made it difficult for him to maintain the same relationship as before.
I wonder if their is still the possibility of kai 2, as I feel their are lots of events to cover in one game, unless Kai is long as shit this game it's going to feel rushed.
Kai is probably going to be 150h minimum, it'll be as long as Cold Steel IV, if not longer.
after all this time, do you even need to ask this question?
falcord fags, stop stealing our pictures. I know you're all too mentally retarded to have any original ideas of your own but there's no need to copy pictures and pass off it as your own.
Since he's coming to Anime Expo, some people could ask him if the Calvard arc will be finished with Kai, and if there won't be a Kai 2. Dunno why he wouldn't answer that if Kai was truly the last game with Van as a MC.
Yeah you know what after cold steel 3 most likely, but I wonder how bullshit cliffhanger will be.
Even if it's Van's last game, he will appear in future games just like ever other protagonist.
There's a lot of crossposting between here and the reddit, why is that?
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some people in Europe have gotten their copy early.
NSP might leak early, shame PC users will probably be last to play

last to pirate
From the demo how is NISA's translation for daybreak?
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>Trails to Walk.
>Retributive Tower.
>Trails through Buckbreak
>The Grendal's All Yours.
>Beauty's Blade
>Archeozoic Big Hole
>holo cores
>bear the grendel
>shard swelling
>erika talks like a californian twitter femoid
>no na-chan or su-chan
>renne refers to herself by first person instead of by name
See: >>483681905
Haladrin you are pathetic, you played CS3 first in the series. holy shit that's just embarrassing.
repeat this after me on falcord
to all anguis
I might just play the fan tl, because holy hell how do you add that much more dialogue.
You don't own those pictures
You can start Trails at any arc's first game (FC, Zero, CS1, CS3, Kuro)
Green Grass and Haladrin are falcord faggots who posts here on the regular. You both have been exposed as discord users.
By thinking that you are a better writer even though your job is just to make a translation legible. It's like if the cleaning lady suddenly starting remodeling the kitchen lmao.
shut up Green Grass, you shitted up the thread enough last time. Continue and we will destroy you.
>About 75-80%
Is he saying the game is 75%-80% done with only 3 months left before the release? And most likely even less, since they probably need to print discs. This isn't a good sign, is it? Seems like we'll get a big corrective patch or new content after the release like with Hajimari and Kuro 1 and 2.
You know, I knew something was missing from this thread's Falcom discussion
>more Trails
>any other Falcom series
>side media
>discord drama
There it is.
We've seen the butts of all the female characters on this cover
we are 100% getting Kai 2.
>Grendel stuck on moon in space
>hard cut to black
>To be contiuned in Kai no Kiseki 2 The end of Saga
>play the damn fairy tale until the very end
I'll bet most locations besides some dungeons are reused from throughout the series, the only new tracks will be some cutscene and battle music.
>Grendel stuck on moon in space
>hard cut to black
>Swin in a cave looking for refractors
>Roll's voice: "Can you hear me?"
20 years and he's still unable to make a project without fumbling around.
how the fuck has kato not fired this hack yet?
we're gonna get grandmastered again, just like the end of hajimari
Estelle boomers… we’re forgotten
Anies may have lost Van but she can still win Rean
nah we want the lesbian route with Renne.
Rean with Shizuna naturally to continue the 8L1B bloodline.
It's the falcom way, work all the way until the last minute!
You can never trust the percentage anyway, but from the way he talked it seems like it's mostly voice recording, adding those voices and bug fixes and maybe some QoL stuff.
What's even the point of being an Estelle fan on /fg/ in 2024? You people are pathetic. Me? I'm a RufusGOD.
This, but a Skyfag or Crossbellfag that didn't enjoy playing CS or Kuro. Maybe it's time to let go, doom anons...
i can't believe kondo admitted kai is struggling, pre-launch, when we've seen how this lack of focus can manifest with reverie being incomplete at launch.
this is a clown show.
lapis looks cute, eh?
Since NISA's Kiseki inception(2019), they have released:
>Cold Steel 3
>Cold Steel 4
>Soon to be Kuro 1
>Later Kuro 2
Kinda impressive actually.. (not including Ys games, 3 soon)
We'll have to wait and see.
swinshit and nadiagarbage need to disappear, easily the most forced characters in the series. Lapis can stay because she cute.
swin is so boring. time to sacrifice him to the corn
Calm down, Van. You had your chance and you blew it. Now the Picnics will have to help salvage your arc again.
Just noticed a small detail in the new screenshots for kai that doesn't really.
Falcom have stopped using PS4 screenshots for the website as can be seen on the UI in the shots.
Last Update it was PS4 version, but this time it's PS5 version instead.
on paper it's impressive, but zero and azure are riddled with issues, and hajimari released an absolute mess.
i suppose that's the trade-off
FYI, Nadia is teasing Lapis about getting Rufus's attention while at the beach, so the meme is alive and well.
>Green Grass
the guy who made the original pastebin was a discord troon as well although i dont think xhe comes here anymore
why would kondo even admit that even if its true lmao
man some of the shit in this interview is just baffling, kondo just does nothing but make falcom look bad
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Don't forget the part where they don't keep the changed names consistent
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>As for how we handle story progress, to match the large amount of characters, the game will be split into parts like Hajimari no Kiseki
Kondom sucks cocks. There's no reason to care about new characters anymore since they're just going to get shoved to the side for returning characters that already got 5 games and more than enough screentime. Hopefully this shit flops hard.
go away discordtroon, you are not wanted here.
Who even are the villains of Kai? What is the plot even about beyond muh rocket ship? What is the goal all these protagonists are even working towards?
>Who even are the villains of Kai
White people
> What is the plot even about beyond muh rocket ship?
White people are bad
>What is the goal all these protagonists are even working towards?
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Have you considered that maybe nobody cares about ASO except /fg/?
it wouldn't have been a problem if kuro 2 actually developed the characters so that everyone is going into kai with mostly completed arcs but because they completely fucking wasted an entire game we now have to speedrun everything in what will realistically be 1/3rd of a game because the other 1/3rd will be dedicated to all the guess characters and the last 1/3rd will be marchen garten filler
that poster is not even /fg/ he is a discordtroon
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I hope kai ends on such a shit note and flops so hard that it will be on a hiatus indefinitely
If they gave Lloyd and Estelle their own routes in CS4 everyone would have lost their absolute shit at them taking focus away from Class 7 but now that Rean is the one doing it suddenly it's okay.
Reanfags are absolute fucking scum.
falcord faggot spotted, you're not even hiding it.
go back to your little pathetic shitbox and lick floofy's feet or something
you have absolutely no leg to stand on considering you are a talesfag.
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I'm gonna wait for the full trailer before I start dooming about it. If the trailer barely focuses on the Spriggans then that's when you know it's fucked.
I don't mind having multiple sides, but I would have liked at least two games where Van was the sole main protagonist. It's kinda unfair for him since every protagonist of a main arc, Estelle, Lloyd, and Rean, had at least two whole games dedicated to them before reappearing as more secondary characters. I'm thinking Falcom doesn't have much to tell with Van besides his demon aspect, and there wasn't enough room for his character to grow.
Seems like it's going to be terrorists and Ouroboros. Not sure which group the masked guys are from.
nice subtle attempt but I know you're samefagging to make it seem your retarded opinion is the majority. go complain in falcord instead.
Take your meds retard.
ironic coming from a pathetic talesfag that doesnt even have their own general on /vg/
the masked guys will just be filler mook robots they can reuse combat animations from the main characters for and make quick padded boss fights out of
probably made by marduk and either deployed by them or stolen by ouroboros
I don't know what that is or who that is, schizo
The villains are
Rene Kincaid
Pope Faggots
Anti Immigrant Terrorists
If I had to pick a likely main antagonist of Kai, it would be Nina Fenly.
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Ouroboros, cringy white supremacist terrorists, and lots of robots again just like Hajimari because every antagonist not being a real character is what made people like Hajimari.
kuros villains are all such nothing
they're so underdeveloped that it's just so hard to care about them doing anything
Rene Kincaid and Nina Fenly are probably lovers and Rene Kincaid is a mole in CID whilst his true allegiance lies with Nina Fenly and the Papal Guards.
>marduk collects data from märchen garten users
>ouroboros steals the data and uses it to build robots
explains the aaron robot, not the melchior robot though
Marduk would have observed what happened in the death games, they managed to hack into the Celestial Globe after all.
Why does Falcom love this whole like fake fighting people thing? How is it satisfying to fight someone who's just a robot or being mind controlled? It's satisfying when you fight someone who actually has their own real agenda and motivations that conlfict with the main party not when they're just a robot programmed with [character your know]'s techniques.
>van gets the lloyd hajimari treatment and is forced to be a janny for the absolute worst subplot in the whole series in what is supposed to be calvard's climax
>falcom couldn't even be assed to give kevin his own part, forced to play second fiddle to cold shitters instead while they all bully him
I swear Kondom is mocking Kisekifags by making Kai Sen 6.
There are no "Kisekifags" anymore. The only people still playing this shit anymore are Senfags.
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>Can't write one big story with 500 characters
>rather write mini stories in routes instead
im tired jimmy
and ive been tired since haji
How do you know it is a robot and not another <C>?
It's cheap drama with minimal consequences.
Idk man
Crossbell managed to do it while involving almost every single character from sky minus zin
Somehow they cant do it anymore?
In ancient Greek folklore/mythology, Zeus the god of the sky and thunder is Hermes' father.
I know bro, i played God Of War too
I want Wazy, Arios, Alisa, Elliot, Emma, Jusis, Gaius, Millium, Sara, Sharon, Juna, Kurt, Musse, and Ash to be playable in Kai. Playing as them with the Kuro field action battle system would be so much fun.
No stakes and moral greyness makes for a safe corporate product where nobody is offended
this is why we have 50keki now becaus everything is just so sterile
I wish Mare was around more outside of the main story bits
Well now you're going to be seeing even less of her. Falcom doesn't have space for characters that aren't from Cold Shart.
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Today, I will remind them.
Van won't survive Kai.
So is this an upset Lloydkek spamming the thread or is it just wokefag
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why are they always brown
Erotic fairy sexoooooo.
>cock in my ass is so peak - brown guy
love these videos
Basically the only people that care about the series still are westerners
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I think I know who this is.
He is Hux Montaigne, the main villain from Sunshine Agnes and an evil magician/wizard.
did they shrink nadia?
/fg/ hates nothing more than seeing someone enjoy something they don't enjoy
yeah, she Kevin's knee now
People already getting their Kuros. Hoping somebody dumps their ps4 copy
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sex with lapis
if we went back to just being one game behind that'd be nuts
Furthermore, if this is Hux Montaigne then he is also likely the 5th Anguis as well. A Magician seems likely Ouroboros would have amongst their Anguis.
whichever all-encompassing label protects your bubble the best
after all it has to be one guy that never sleeps and spends his entire day specifically making sure he posts things you disagree with
since this is a private gathering of friends it couldn't possibly be multiple people with differing opinions, no, it has to be one singular really evil guy who's to blame for everything you dislike
Hux Montaigne = Hugh Mongus in NISA loc
>Walking Rosine to the church after school
>Listen to her try to save your soul
>Its ineffective but you find her attempts to be heartwarming
>Stick around to help her with her church duties
>She asks you to distract the kids so she can get some cleaning done
>After an hour of playing with them you find her watching you from afar with a smile on her face
>Finish up and lock up with her
>It's night out
>Convince her to take a detour on the highway with you
>Lay out under the stars and listen to her gush about Aidios's blessings
>Try to convince her to do something with you out of Aidios's sight
>She's flattered but gets a bit huffy because you implied there was anything Aidios couldn't see
>Brush your hand across her cheek and remind her that it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission
>She kisses your cheek and embraces you
>But you feel something sharp poking your dick and look down to see a crossbow with her finger on the trigger
>Rosine [spoiler makes a very clear warning in a cold and kind voice against pressing your luck any further
>You hope she doesn't notice how excited that tone makes you
Because it's not kurofags complaining, it's SEAnigger senfag gachacucks that can't offer a coherent thought about a character they haven't spent over 200 hours with complaining
or he could be, you know, the magician tarot card haha
McBurn is the Magican tarot, aka Enforcer I
>Forgot a single bracket
Aidios forgive me but I'm morally obligated to kill myself now
I'm European and I hate Van, what kind of label are you gonna hide behind now?
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What is the RAT up to?
>Split into parts again...
who is the retard at falcom thinking it's a good idea
You I can call just a retard
Kusoeaters are the biggest CShaters tho?
Don't make me expose you, apologize to me RIGHT NOW.
I'm sorry you were born with less brain activity on average than a pigeon with half its head bitten off
They all have such beautiful hair
It's pixels anon, it's just pixels.
What if kai by some miracle does actually develop van and co completely to make up for kuro 2?
Kaijimari no Kiseki
It'd be surprising but I don't expect it unless the game is 100 hours long with minimal fucking around with filler bracer shit.
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Talesbros... we will teach Kai no Kiseki a lesson

There's no Talesbros in this general.
sure but I don't know how they'd do that with this all-star ensemble cast. if they do like reverie (they will) and do selectable routes those are not long enough to further develop the newer kuro cast.
You will cry once hatman is revealed to be the 1st Anguis.
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Wait, what's trance?
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ayyy lmao if you say so.
umm bro you forgot my nigga weissman
"Kai is mainly about Van and his friends"
>also kondom
"Kai is Hajimari 2 with a split story"
Why does he lie so much?
alive anguis only.
>rufus gets to pamper, dress and cum inside this all day every day
lucky guy
Certain characters can use the S-boost bar to trigger 覚醒/awakening during field battles for an improved moveset
Van can turn into Grendel, Judith can probably turn into Grimcatz, sword autists can probably use spirit unification, the church can use stigmas
actually I was looking through your reddit profile and I feel absolute pity for you
I feel like if I expose you it might lead to suicide so I will be merciful
r/falcom itself already turned on you last night anyway so maybe cool it down haha
umm don't bring up my reddit account out of nowhere?
>the newer kuro cast.
They already had two games anon
Each class 7 member had less screentime to be developed in CS1/CS2 and yet they were better developed/explored by the writers
It’s not the returning characters fault that Falcom chose to transform the characters into retards for the sake of a time rewind plot
Feri, Risette, Aaron, Judith, Quatre, Elaine... they all received a good amount of screentime in Kuro 2
Bergard is the only true victim
kuro 2 doesn't count bwo. I said so.
Cause he's a fag
Kurofags want the entire series to revolve around the solutions office
they are akin to a cancerous growth trying to take over
>Each class 7 member had less screentime to be developed in CS1/CS2 and yet they were better developed/explored by the writers
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Will there be a 5 hour long dungeon inside Gramheart's house that you need to split into 4 different groups to navigate through
if someone really wanted to play like 2 days early, it is most likely possible to transfer the files from the switch/ps4 version to the pc version
I hope not that was awful in cs4
I hope so that was amazing in cs3
I'm looking forward to Kuro 2 coming out in the west and the reaction being completely different from how it was on here
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>I'm looking forward to [HEADCANON]
How come CSfags are pissy about Kurofags complaining about Kuro's cast getting ONE game to themselves before having to orbit CS characters, but they're more than happy to cry about nu Class VII completely replacing the old class? Kuro 2 and Kai are even worse than that since it'd be like Estelle, Joshua, and Lloyd taking up 3/4 of CS3 and 4 fighting Ouroboros and Osborne while Rean and his group have to dick around playing with Nidhoggr and the Northern Jaegers for most of the game.
because they want Sen era to come back even though most have moved on
>haji is kino
>/fg/ hates it
>zero is shit
>/fg/ loves it
>azure is shit
>/fg/ loves it
>kuro is kino
>/fg/ hates it

>/fg/ hates kuro2
>kuro is ???? k i n o
>>kuro is kino
>>/fg/ hates it
not true at all. we are mixed.
Holy Shit..
The game is not even here yet and so much drama from the Kusofags
anyone here who doesnt think kuro is kino deserves to be banned. it's literally the greatest jrpg of all time
KEK kurofags are on the brink after seeing Rean for 2 seconds
Japs have bad taste, all of class 7 should stay dead
Van, Elaine, Shizuna... all of them introduced in Hajimari so Kai is they 4th game
Anies too!
It’s not even better than a mid Tales of game like Vesperia
why doesn't tales have its own thread? surely it's popular enough.
it'd keep this place a little cleaner, too
the tales fandom doesn't have to leech off 4chan
they have their own forums
Japs unironically thought Azure was the holy grail of JRPGs
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Only posting the Rean bits, since no one here bothered to buy this week's famitsu. The rest is p93.
no... we left this behind... why did you REMIND ME???? I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE I FUCKING HATE REAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my top 5 wishlist for any returning characters for Kai
>5. Millium(only if she has big boobs just to rub in altinas face)
>4. McBurn
>3. Anelace
>2. Ein
>1. Richard
>Skyfag is a paedo
Not really, Millium would be like 18 in kai
>angloid filth calling anyone a pedo
Why did you list them in the reverse order is this a third worlder thing
the truth about Kuro 2's general reception in the west isn't going to be 'THIS GAME IS FILLER NOTHING HAPPENS' it's going to be "this game is so much fun, i'm glad i played a more self contained story"
and you know it
It's unironically over kuro bros, Van and co. might get shafted for only the 3rd parr of the game in favor of more fanservice and rean wanking, even if falcom manages to reveal every build up from kuro 1 it will be rushed with unsatisfying conclusion.
Fuck you Kondo and your shitty fucking "ideas".

>Haven't played the #TrailsthroughDaybreak home console demo yet? #AX2024 at Entertainment Hall E-85 will be the perfect place to check it out!

>After you've completed the demo, fill out a survey to receive an exclusive gift!

what's the gift, /fg/?
of course it is because the fanboys love slop
they praised sen 4, they praised hajimari and they'll praise kuro 2
english voice actor surprise appearance idk
isn't the prologue demo like over an hour long

The gift is you get to handshake one of the ugly fat English VAs and thank them for their service
Hopefully it flops and Kondom finally gets sacked for multiple flop games in a row.
Sen 4 might be one of the worst jrpgs ever made, but at least it feels like a proper conclusion to its arc.
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amanda lee, agnés' english VA will suck your dick for 10 minutes
It easily could have been avoided if kuro 2 was all about finishing the loose ends from kuro 1.
Hajimari has amazing combat so of course it was praised.
FUCK. i've come to the conclusion that even though many of you asshats agree with me about kondo killing trails with his incompetence, no amount of moaning about it makes me feel better about sinking 5 years of my life, hundreds of dollars and thousands of hours into a series that the literal CREATOR has lost interest in, before even rewarding us with answers.
it's like if "lost" went on for 12 seasons and answered even less than it did.
i really need to drop this fuckin series, before it kills me, bros
You'll never drop the series cause you're an addict.
he's latest interview kinda killed all hype for me, his answers, his demeanor during the photo

him literally telling us that zero was just a cashgrab to jump on trends at the time, him telling us that he just makes shit up along the way

i mean we all kinda knew that but for him to outright say it... bruh...
we all had our headcanon that this series was meticulously planned from day 1... but it wasnt... at all..
They found the last genesis in Kuro 2
>we all had our headcanon that this series was meticulously planned from day 1... but it wasnt... at all..
I was never under any illusions that this series was planned at all but I at least thought they cared about making it. Kondo's interview bascially just spells out that they just copy whatever is trendy at the time and they never gave a damn about the series.
thank fuck i'm not the only one who noticed those things. kai was the one last hope i had that they'd answer things meaningfully, after the shitshow of hajimari, and what i've heard of kuro 1 and 2.

but yeah, i noticed that shit, too. his glum fuckin face in the photos, his confession to makin shit up on the fly, the creative bankruptcy. i tried tellin people about it a year ago; no one wanted to know. called me negative so i gave up on em.
they'll have to engage in some powerful cognitive dissonance to pretend they've enjoyed kuro 2.
big hugs, bro
how many more times are you gonna post this?
It should've took them 10 hours or so, but Kondo being a fucking faggot made the last genesis into a goose chase with multiple parts. If kai doesn't finish Van's story in a satisfying way, i might as well stop caring about this shit series and hope that his last arc flops even harder.
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I was telling you all this about Kai when Kondo did those interviews in like January. He sounded like he couldn't give any less of a fuck about Kai and kept talking about how he just wanted it to be finished ASAP so they could move on to other projects. Now with this new interview and him looking like he wants to kill himself in that photo with the 20th anniversary artwork it's only proved to be more true. Kondo and Falcom do not deserve any loyalty.
nta but i think the first time i noticed the anime-pop-culture pandering was the harem shit in cold steel. didn't know if went as far back as lloyd jobbings' arc.
it's a good thing kato's in cryogenic storage. he might just fire kondo for these retarded confessions
The reason why falcom isn't changing things to suit your retarded tastes or gacha era asian teenager standards for writing is because they've clearly identified that getting their games out into other markets is the key to making profits. They just happen to suck at that massively
Cool, so you're leaving then, right? Off to greener pastures? To other franchises that bring you joy?
Bye bye!
i believed you, anon. i was in the trenches with you, sheltering from the flying dildos of the toxic positive western weebs who couldn't swallow the blackpill
noooooo stop discussing the series you grew up with and used to love!! you're not allowed to criticize the direction!!! kys nigger
But that's not the only loose end. Several characters like Risette, Aaron, and Feri haven't even finished their arcs, and there's various other things like whatever Grimcatz, Mare, and Grendel are. Kuro 2 could've dealt with most of this, as could Kai if it actually focused mainly on these characters instead of diverting most of the game to more Rean and Rufus wanking.
You could've at least tried to not type exactly the same way
we're venting, bro. helps to have a community of like-minded miserable fuckers to moan at together.
also yeah, final fantasy and nier have kept me very occupied
As long as Falcom keeps making the best turn based combat system in the medium, I dont care how bad the story gets.
>two people agree.
>must be the same guy.
you're a literal black transexual talesfaggot that spends his days posting on r/falcom about how much you want Rean to rape you
stay quiet before I expose your bitch ass
So it's probably true that kondo axed kuro 3 in favor of combining it with hajimari type of game. I won't hold my breath, but we don't know how much screentime and focus spriggans will get, so far trailers are mostly about returning characters with a big focus on gameplay, I just hope it's all for the marketing reasons. All pictures on xitter YouTube and their official site show Van and Agnes as the main protagonists, but can we sue kondo if they get sidelined?
>you're a literal black transexual talesfaggot
literally none of this is me??
So will they actually add anything to the farten garten this time or will it be just as barebones and empty as it is in Kuro 2?
Senbros, I'm thinking we've won (again)
why are we assuming Van will only be a small part of Kai? by the way Kondo talks it seems like it's a Van Game first and foremost
fingers crossed, I await the release and ppl playing it
Because we got shafted in Kuro 2 and we know Kai is doing the Side A/B crap again. Not falling for Falcoms shit again.
You aren't venting or criticizing, you're moaning the games don't appeal to your very narrow and autistic needs and "threatening" to leave and when no one gives a fuck about you leaving you act offended
Mistreated wife energy from you cucks, when I don't like a game I move the fuck on I don't spend YEARS bemoaning the state of things as if Kondo even browses this place and will read your posts
If you don't enjoy Kiseki just FUCK. OFF.
You sempiternally depressed jaded pieces of shit just want to spread your misery because your ego is sooooo fucking out of control you can't deal with the fact that other people enjoy things you don't
Miserable fucks, you are disgusting and vile
90% of it is Senfag gaslighting so that they can turn around and make posts shitting on Kuro 1 like this >>483695435
It's probably a marketing strategy. It's most likely going to be Van's side plus the guest side in each chapter, so Van's overall screen time should be higher than any guest character. They are using returning characters to attract players back to the series, especially since I doubt Kuro 3 would have topped 50k again after the two-year gap, being PS5/PS4 only, and shitted on by jp fans for Kuro 2.
His famitsu's interview make it seems as if Rean wasn't going to be in Kai at first, but maybe I'm reading too much into this.
Because despite Van having 85% of pov in kuro 2, it doesn't really feel like his game until we finally beat that faggot Auguste, then it goes back to Van and Red Grendel. Kuro 2 is basically Van getting hired to help resolve swin and Nadia drama, while looking for the last genesis.
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Nintendo agrees
yeah it all goes back to kuro 2 being such a fucking nothing game that it feels like they have to go extra hard to make up for lost time
but because its a falcom game you know it's going to have obligatory filler up the ass
and on top of all that they decided to split every single chapter in half to focus on guest characters who already had their arcs completed so that leaves them with even less time
i dont know how anyone can look at that and think "yeah it'll be fine"
Anon, you haven't enjoyed a single Kiseki game since 2011. Literally fuck off already, this is not your comfy place anymore.
Because they just did this with Kuro 2.
Kuro 2 was 90% Van
The Spriggans had plenty of screentime in Kuro 2. Falcom just chose to do nothing with them.
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Whats Rene saying here?
it's not narrow and autistic to expect a series to answer pertinent questions after 20 years, or to be annoyed that the creator admits he makes shit up as he goes along, or to point out how miserable he looks.
but thanks for trying, generic /fg/ contrarian #304
He’s saying the CID won’t have surveillance tracking them.
This basically, aside from Quatre and a few connect events that teased us with future developments.
>"Please, for the love of Aidios, fuck off back to Erebonia and let us finish this arc in peace."
sorry, that one wasn't for you.
it was for the miserable bastard >>483700431
Okay good thanks .
>I've done my investigation, but I didn't your relationship was like "that"...
>enjoying Falcom in the Falcom general makes you a contrarian
kek you're absolutely unhinged
you can bang out the loose character ends from Kuro 1 in a chapter or two. It's not like it needs a whole game to finish their arcs. that's ridiculous
Yeah but you have to factor in the inevitable padding that Falcom puts into every single game. They're not just suddenly going to not do it this game.
Vanbros don't lose hope yet, maybe side episodes won't be that long and will be similar in length as Swin/Nadia in kuro 2. Let's wait until story trailer drops, it usually spoils a good chunk of game events.
That’s the definition of rushed.
4chan should start letting us use webp screenshots I'm tired of going to meme generator all the time just to upload pictures here.
will kai have side quests? or minigames? they haven't really actually showed off anything about the game yet except what characters are in it
bro your webp/avif image converter extension?
That's a good point why can't we just post the source image anyway?
Minigames will be carried over from Kuro 2, no idea about side quests.
Crow and Rean feel like such a couple in this screenshot. Their height difference only further helps to emphasize their masculine and feminine roles respectively.
It's only 70% done 3 months before release by Kondo's own admission LMAO. I expect they're going to cut many corners to make the September release.
>bro your webp/avif image converter extension?
I'm retarded so I don't know how to do that I use a chrome book
fuck off schizo, literally nobody wants you here. vent on falcord instead you retard
Pretty sure we'll get all mini-games from Kuro 2 + casino mini-games as well.
>Minigames will be carried over from Kuro 2,
god i hope not kuro 2s minigames are legitimately some of the shittiest in the entire series. that fucking uno game sucks cock, basketball is crap, the hacking was okay but way too basic and the stealth shit is the absolute biggest waste of time they ever added to a kiseki game. they all need to be scrapped completely.
A girls only oil wrestling minigame would be fun
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uhh you don't have to be tech savvy to do it. if you use chrome/firefox look up webp/avif image converter. then when you right click images you can do pic related.
all we need are
>Kuro 2's fishing system
>Pom Pom
>Vantage Masters
and i'm a very happy man.
Lovely breasts, Anies!
set image as desktop background
i dunno why they scrapped vm, it was 1000x the minigame seventh sharts is
Anies will try and get into Rean’s pants after Ban kisses Elaine.
quite a few people agreed with me, bro.
seethe more.
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snippet of mine
slut should stick to her own age. Perhaps Quatre, Kurt, Renne, Odette or even Albert that 4 eyes boy who has a crush on her.
Tokyo Xanadu
Kyoto Xanadu
Anies' perfect tits saved us once again
You, yourself and yourselves. You've been samefagging for 2 days crying about Kondo and Kai when it's not even out. Get a life twat.
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Van seems to be going all over the places, TELEPORTING AROUND bros we're so back.
see >>483688628
see >>483688628
see >>483688628
And only because Ries hasn't appeared yet... Simply saddening.
You can literally define all of the ASO members in one or two words max

Van: Self-loathing (I guess he gets cars and sweets)
Elaine: Tsundere
Agnes: "Ban-san..."
Judith: Movie star
Risette: Robot
Quatre: Insecure
Feri: Naive
It's okay when Sen does it.
>no Ries
>Kevin gets paired with picnic squad
>gets constantly bullied by La-chan and Na-chan
Kebin bros...
the main character is in many different places? no...
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why does everyone forget Bergard...
you can do that for like 99% of the characters falcom has ever written
>Van: Self-loathing (I guess he gets cars and sweets)
That's Rean's shtick desu, Van is a hypocrite who afraids to get too close to others and doesn't like when the debt goes unpaid.
kek first it was he wasn't in enough places and was only gonna get an hour of screentime and now he's in too many places. you people really will do anything to bitch and moan
>edith again
>langport again just to jerk off cao
Oh boy, exciting. Meanwhile Rufus goes to ancient ruins and Creil, and Rean goes to the mountains, some grassy field, and a Calvardian military base.
>Rean is rehashing CS2 except on the other side of the border
Truly taking the spotlight away...
I can't wait to talk to all npcs in all 12 districts of Edith each chapter, talking to all npcs is the best part of Trails. You are not a true Trails player if you don't talk to all npcs.
Of course. Notice how the narrative changes with every news drop. These faggots just want to bitch about ANYTHING, they don't care what it's about. Kondo could make an announcement right now that Van's group will have 85% of the playable screen time and they'd just move on to bitching about the next thing immediately.
>Meanwhile Rufus goes to ancient ruins
Van's first gameplay trailer is him, Anies and Bergard exploring ancient ruins...
They haven't given me any NPCs worth talking to since CS1 admittedly I only ever played Kuro 1 with the spreadsheet and I skipped all the NPC dialogue
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I wasn't bitching thoughbeit, I do like the fact that Van will visit a lot of different places, but I wish we could drive Van's van to get there...
I like the comic artist who sits in Bermottis
The cyclist in Riverside
The Pop idols
the girl who always manipulates her mom at station street
the sister in station street who always lechers over women
many more npcs like those
I don't care about your npc autism bro. I'm gonna play my way
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hell onion
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The man
Hermes is so lucky
What team are you guys planning on running in Marchen Garten in Kai?
>Vanfags turn out to be the most destructive and vile of all the MCfags
Imagine actively praying for the series to die an agonizing death because... previous arcs' characters return, something that has been a staple of the series since Zero! LOL
4 copies of McBurn(I am cheating)
You don't really think even /fg/ was dumb enough to fall for your falseflagging do you
rean crow rufus kevin
whatever bullshit broken characters get me through it the fastest
should I play Hajimari on Abyss mode for my very first run of it? Also does it stack with beating the game on Nightmare? I heard the very first boss was horseshit
Rean, Arios, Richard and Anelace.
>I'm retarded so I don't know how to do that I use a chrome book
using a chromebook is already retarded enough
Idk if they'll nerf Van in Kai, dude built like a power tank and even with s-craft spam nerf in Kuro 2 it's still way too easy, he and Anies alone can manage to clear most of the bosses.
you can do abyss on your first run but it's really unfun since it just turns battles into 30 minutes evading tanks / rng checks for the first hours of the game
nightmare is fun though since they actually adjusted the values this time around making the game not completely piss easy
not sure what you mean about stacking though
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Yeah, yeah, everything you don't like is a bait and I'm the same guy that's responsible for every single post that upsets you
I know how you operate already Vanfag you deny reality every waking second of your life
Rean with Shizuna, Fie and Altina harem
Rean, Shizuna, Elaine and Agnes
>I'm the same guy that's responsible for every single post that upsets you
Well am I wrong lmao
MTL > ESL MTL > XSNEED > dogshit > NISA > geocucks
Whatever you want to believe
Whatever you want to believe
Whatever you want to believe
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