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>SMT VV Trophy List

>Vengeance OST scans

>SMT V & Vengeance sold over 1.6 million copies worldwide

>Megaten Fusion Tools [For real fusion autists!]

>Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 soundtracks will be available for listening on digital streaming platforms soon...?

>Funny photo featuring Alice

Previous Thread:>>483512281
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Sahori's thread
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i love him so much
Dazai is the only character in V that isn't completely autistic
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Young man.
no one is autistic in V they are just japanese.
Metaphor won.
They did it, brother. Even the word "mutilation" was there. Hail Atlus! Hail Victory!

Troons SEETHING, someone go tell Nahobino's english VA. Maybe she'll neck herself on stream and push them up to 70% suicide rate.
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Which one is Eisheth?
i get motion sickness very easily. Should i play vv
>make a good strategy
>lose long term
>just try to burst the boss very fast before i die
Atlus said they made changes to VV's camera to prevent motion sickness.
Sahori is the prettiest girl in VV, there I said it
I also get bad motion sickness but not from video games. VV doesn't seem that bad though, the camera is relatively smooth.
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what ever happened with the vesk thing?
There y'go
That's just how black women look
more like hagface, she looks like 70
What a beautiful girl.
It sucks how she died so quickly in the original, but I'm glad that now I'll play VV and get to enjoy more time with her, heck maybe she'll even be one of the new party members!
She's really important in the hidden third route you unlock
wait, she dies? i'm still in the fairy village...
Yakumo is plapping me in front of his snake gf and it's very disrespectful to me
Are you serious or just fucking with me?
I just beat Lahmu in VV and I'm still coping
Yeah, you have to beat every route on both canons on godborn hard mode then you unlock a third route where Sahori survives and becomes the neutral goddess.
You need to play on the Godborn difficulty to get it
but can you have sex with her?
Wait... He said he only does that with me...
He's just fucking with you. Sahori didn't even get new art for VV, they just removed Lahmu from her portrait.
post your godborn completed save file.
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excuse me?
What's crazy that there's actual unique art of Sahori out there that they could have used for VV as shown those shitty tours about V development history, but they didn't for some reason.
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>still hasn't fixed the OP
So just beat the game half a dozen times on the hardest difficult to unlock super secret extra content? Thanks anons!
This is so exciting, is like that time in school a kid told me if I beat the elite four 100 times I could become a gym leader, too bad I never had time back then!

Stop baitposting bro
How much does a sacred prostitute charges for an hour?
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This game has really good shots that make for good wallpaper. Happy that it's on PC
nothing needs to be fixed
>Sahori is the neutral goddess
>Atlus said transphobe rights
I can't tell which one of you is a schizo, like the rest of you I haven't played Vengeance. Someone help, I'm so confused.
Both are true
This is reality.
I didn't bother actually clicking the link until now kek
I think Doi believes in Aryan race supremacy, that's why he makes everyone blonde.
I'm going to try making Alice, Belphegor, and one other for Yakumo fight. I haven't decided on the third
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Started with COV and am a bit slow. Reaching the end of Area 2.
Does COV have something like the Maria alignment quest fight in COC which needs 85% or so compendium completion?
Maybe if metasnore does well we'll get classic dungeons back rather than open world meme
That same quest is in CoV, yeah.
The next poster is Nekomata.
It has all the alignment exclusive quests still
is that a translation error or she wants me to see me?
What a trustworthy young lady.
I never noticed that. It could be technically correct but it is very awkward sounding.
all of your magatsuhi for 10 mins
what's the best way to get exp in godborne brahs?
There are far worse ways to die desu
the exp dlc
Pay up
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Everyone can tell on an instinctual level that blonde is beautiful
zamn lucifer looks like that?
Ishtar really needs a redesign.
Fuck off.
queen of heaven, more like WHORE of heaven lmao
>heavenly ikuyumi has a power of 506 with debilitate on the enemy
Is it over STRbros? Should I respec MAG?
I think lunar hurricane and paraselene blur still hit harder and can crit innately but at least magic got a pretty strong single target option this time
NTA but he's right. It's not faithful to her mythology.
>does less damage than paraselene blur
>paraselene blur can get more damage from pandemonic feast giving it 2 extra hits
i prefer coom than faithful to mythology
you could have it be both
It's not but she's supposed to look like Lucifer because she's a morning star deity. If you want a faithful Ishtar, you have Innana.
holy shit... VV won...
>If you want a faithful Ishtar, you have Innana.
Huh, no. That one was designed entirely for her role in 4A and isn't faithful at all either.
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Just finished Qadistu 4 for my Hard Luck build. Damn, what a battle. Every demon was dropping like flies, though the MVPs were definitely Lahmu, Black Frost, and Vritra. Lost count of how many summons Lilith got off but that fight had to have been at least 40 mins judging by my save time after all the cutscenes.

Choosing Wrath Tempest was definitely the play even when Nahmaa was out. No way Severing Bite could have gotten me the turn economy crits I needed. When I say down to the wire, I mean the last two Light gems on the last two turns I could salvage it. Glad it’s over and got the new Beano form.
Is there a mod giving sahori a micro bikini yet ?
Please link the thread when you make one.
Kiss her better.
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I, uh, think Doi didn't understand the assignment.
What's the problem? I see four qts
right is too black
>3 out of 4 are reusing the same animation
Lazy fuck devs
so does lucifer's innate skill boost critical hit rate for all skills or just normal attacks?
Sex with louisa ferre.
SEX WITH mimans
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I think Doi SUCKS.
Hardest non-superboss fight in the game.
the thread was linked you fool
>kushinada fucked protofiends
Did susano-o watch?
I found tiamat the hardest ngl. harder then shiva
Susanoo was the protofiend
>one of Mastema's skills is literally called "Seething Mastema"
I can't fucking breath lmao
The point is that Susano-o was always a protofiend in V's lore, created from parts of Izanagi's essence, alongside Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu.
What's to stop me from taking Yoshitsune all the way to endgame? I need the hassou tobi crutch
Also is the pandemonic feast innate as incredibly good as it sounds on paper? I hope there is an endgame demon with it
Cherub has it with a unique piercing multi-hit skill to go with it. Yoshitsune is good against anything that doesn't resist phys. I consider Cu Chulainn to be better because he has a 100% crit chance attack as well but it also has pierce.
Will Dx2 ever die?
Everything dies. Don't ask stupid questions.
Godborn is balanced around the mitama dlc
It's not looking good bro it just keeps getting more and more content.................
they had unique idles when they debuted in nocturne, too
when a 2000s pc game has a better final boss battle than a 2024 jrpg by Atlus
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Yeah, Pandemonic Feast is great especially when paired with Omagatoki Dance. Vritra has both, Cherub has PF and a unique piercing multi-hit Light move, and several demons can make great use of both. Red Rider, Zeus, Alice, Metatron, anyone with Glacial Blast/Ragnarok/etc.
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Nuwa sexo
It seems extremely inefficient to have the human body be supported by something gripping the skull like this, like it's just asking for the neck to snap at the first sharp move, and once that thought occurred to me I couldn't shake off that doi just wanted to draw a hot woman with her legs crossed and then said "fuck it, I'll just glue something inhuman and that'll be the design, it'll be fine".
I like it and think that it’s a cool and unique design, most snake ladies are just human torsos on top of a snake tail.
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Does pandemonic feast mean lunar hurricane min hit is 5, which is enough to make it equal crit murakumo, and having more agi makes it even higher
Well, where is the naked Tao?
do demons even have bones to break
>beano could fuse with the commander type(amaterasu) and become even stronger
>beano could potentially fuse with all amatsukami at once and become izanagi
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It's time to goon
Anyone have a NG+ save fille with Lucifer? Don't want to have to go through Godborn to get him.
It’s time for you to go back.
Your porn is shit, I’ve seen better stuff on Deviantart.
Don't tell him what to do if you can't make your own Tao porn.
nta but I could try and it'd probably be better than that gross shit
their asses are so weird they look like bread rolls
>he made that shit
If true that’s even more embarrassing. Lara Croft’s pentagonal titties are more arousing then the shit he posted.
>>make a good strategy
Maybe the strategy wasn't as good as you thought.
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i'm poor even in a video game
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B-Bros...what's Beano doing to Tao???
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I suggest Black Frost
>103 damage
It's hot and makes me want to cum. Cope.
It’s a good thing her body isn’t human then
Raidou is never coming back, eh?
Mmmmhhhh tasty bread ass....
You got more?
I don’t get why they nerfed Trumpeter. It was a solid end game demon with its resistances. The resistances compensated for the fact that Trumpeter’s signature move is kind of useless in boss battles. Now the highest level fiend seems really lackluster.
i didnt read the description, i thought it was strength based almighty skill ;_;
I'll fix him.
Seethe, tasteless faggot.
Yes but with different characters
I haven’t played the Raidou games but I’ve heard that they have alignments like mainline, which is pretty cool, but do they actually matter or are they just there for flavour?
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>Battle -primordial goddess-
The thumbnail made me think of foreverial tiedup delitized
Naked Yuzuru
So alignment in SMT1 is based around the demons you kill and summon? How the hell are you supposed to stay neutral and be able to grind enough levels?
first game doesn't, second game does and they do matter
Fuck I forgot that existed. I got nightmares from that. I'm literally a gurofag but that image scares me and makes me feel uneasy
Now I wish I didn't post that picture
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I hope you think abot it every time you look at it from now on
I find it really weird that the Nahobino doesn’t try to kill Abdiel after the fight in Shakan. I feel like you frequently kill demons for less than Abdiel has done at that point.
It’s based on your choices in game and which healing services you use more often. If you go to a Law faction place and heal up you’ll get points in Law.
You can track your alignment by looking at your little character icon on the GPS-esque world map. If it spins clockwise, you’re Law aligned, counterclockwise, Chaos, and if it stays in the middle or shifts from side to side you’re Neutral.
now that we have African demons, what mythology would you want in megaten next? the new designs of obscure or previously not in megaten have been consistently my favorite new Doimons
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slenderman demon, jeff the killer demon, sirenhead demon, momo demon
I wouldn't even be mad if Slenderman somehow got into SMT. It's a cool,simple design.
the turbo granny quest was so fun I can see them doing shit like that with these too
skibidi toilet demon
you mean Hanako
the dorm music is too scary
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I want a Newfoundland Fairy because no one knows we have deep Newfie lore over here. Since we are so isolated we kept all the european fairy mythology to the point older generations will unironically believe they're real.

Ok. If chaos is supposed to be the good guys, why are they always represented by loser school shooter edgelords? I’m pretty sure randy stair was actually a displaced chaosrep.
SMT fags back in the early 2010s would have kicked your fucking ass for saying such a thing.
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All three alignments are based in some ways and cringe in others.
>2 Digimon gachas dead already
>The SMT gacha is still up
digimon is pokemon at home
It probably doesn't cost much to maintain and it seems like they just use it as a testbed to add new 3D models to their bank anyway.
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Man, this guy is something else...
I wonder if you can mod those tracks Kozuka made for SH2 anniversary soundtrack into the game
if you can I might consider buying that game the next time it goes under heavy discount
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is this guy okay?

what is this larp?
why a hero would burn in hell?
Who even is this? Go back to Twitter nobody cares.
do you think trans people should be allowed to live?
wait how am I supposed to fuse demons if most of my stock are hot babes that I don't want to let go
That was me, no they wouldn't
You don't let them go and use your spare essences to give them better skills and grimoires to keep them up to your stats
What fight should I tackle first in CoV Taito?
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Hitler is in the mormon Celestial Kingdom, he is a god and has his very own planet.
He was baptized by proxy in a temple in London in 1993, (94?) and married to Eva Braun.

Mormonism is pure SMT stuff desu.
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>MC, demon dog, main girl, hot goddess
SMT1-2 bros, we're back
This is actual obscure esoteric knowledge, thanks anon
After you get the 3 keys in the 4th area in COV, how many hours are left until you get one of the endings? I assume only 3-4?
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a bit less if you won't do any more side quests
I see. The icon does not turn clock or counterclockwise which means i am in neutral. Which is weird because COV only has Law and chaos endings. I'm curious how things will turn out, ideally i can get both endings without having to play the entire game again.
Apparently you get to choose who you want to side with if you're neutral (someone mentioned that a few days ago in /smtg/) and also, according to powerpyx guide only some main story choices affect ending and not side quest choices so who knows

So might be even possible that icon movement has no effect on ending like in CoC
I can confirm that side quests do affect the icon. The Futsunishi/Adramalech quest for example: i was on chaos and i made a separate savefile to test it out and after siding with Futsunishi or that sword demon guy, the icon stopped turning counterclockwise and moves left and right only.
But whether i get to choose the route, or whether all this even matters, i dunno. In a few hours i will know tho. I noticed some demon haunt quests like Norne give a choice to side with Law/Chaos, those might affect the icon and potentially the ending
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those treasures are gonna be a little rough
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you can just walk past them
SMT fans are easier to prey upon...
Digimon chads know how to tell gacha shit to fuck off.
and let them fucking live?
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...This is Idun, right? Am I fucked?
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>wow fenrir's a cool addition i wonder if they'll let him be really big like he is in myth
>well azazel's pretty neat, i'm sure they'll make a big deal out of him
underwhelming implementation of these sh2 models desu
should have fused more demons earlier
Does Hayataro fall off? Fixed his weakness and now he just tanks everything while drawing aggro.
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At least I've got her at a pretty cheap price
he's starting to suffer a little by lower 60s, but I also haven't fed him any grimoires/he's still 53
I think as luster candy/debilitate start coming in he'll more or less be irrelevant
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How do I get there?
>Gurr and the other 2 Horsemen didn't even get their showcases
I'd rather have SMT V do the same as they did in IV with the human characters instead of having them using a stock slot
Anyone can tell me where to get this scene? Haven't got it and idk how I can miss this
>screen temporarily went black while casting Omnipotent Succession
>alt tab, screen no longer black
>no error logs
christ almighty that better be game-specific I just got this set up
>instead of having them using a stock slot
They don't take space in your stock. They add one extra space for themselves while they're in your team.

Personally, I really didn't care for how SMTIV/A tried to implement human characters. The only issue with the way V implemented them to me is that they're useless in New Game+. Should let them keep their levels.
>The only issue with the way V implemented them to me is that they're useless in New Game+
also it forces them directly into your active party, sending your summoned demons back to stock
they could've done something sane instead, like opening the party formation screen when they join, or prioritizing putting them into stock first, only placing them into your active party if the slot is empty
I never liked how IV did it. They never felt like part of the team, instead like you were fighting and they were sitting in the back occasionally lobbing a spell over your head. It was so disconnected. My only problem with V's is if this is gonna be a thing now then party size should probably go up. Early on when you don't have demons with varied move sets yet it is easy to lean on the girls. Though this would be somewhat mitigated if you opened up move slots faster.

There's only a couple of times they get thrown into your party without a chance to switch them. Dumb but never screwed up a fight for me.
>My only problem with V's is if this is gonna be a thing now then party size should probably go up.
I think he could work if we came back to 3front/3back party format. By having the turns shared by each columns, it could be possible to have a fast paced Press Turn combat with more party members.
so in godborn mode they just force a level 9-30 to your team in a 150 boss fight?
I should've been more clear and said :IV:A because while they were never on par with MC they were still helpers that helped me in a bunch of ocassions, i don't really want random humans using a slot of my demon team
It only wastes two half press turns to switch them out
I will not be fusing Idunn
I'm surprised that SMT and Persona doesn't have a female protagonist now that chinks and koreans constantly complain that they are being NTR'd when a waifu interacts with a male character, even when that male character is the self insert.
Because noone wants a female protagonist
Weird, because in some games I heard they deleted the male MC because it offended the hardcore waifufags or something.
I'm not saying it's a super massive flaw, just that it's an instance of poor implementation
a simple prompt like 'so-and-so joined. would you like to change party members?' is such an obviously better way to handle it that it's mystifying this wasn't done
Ma-ya is the protagonist of p2 EP but its not for waifubait reasons. Smt if... also lets you pick the MCs gender
SH2 exists
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>Demeter have 2 sides.
Denuvo got fucked up
What was the point of Goko besides being a plot device?
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>pre-release people shit on the Yakumo spousal abuse scene
>its kino
>game builds his whole story around hypocrisy
never listening to this place again
One cases i know about this is from a yurifag game
What was the youtuber that said SMT V had a better story then IV? Or the best story overall? I mean SMT V OG
Probably wanted to involve another Buddha after Matreiya lasttime in IVA, but then got cold feet on actually making him an antagonist.
Me. It was totally me who said that, and will again say they're about even desu. 4 has more going on but very little amounts to anything. Thematically weak with a likeable cast. OG V was practically the opposite.

I can kind of see the idea of making a Buddha refuse all combat. You just need to actually make that an interesting point not a let down.
Nice tits for a hag
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Nuwa was a mistake
Her red flags are big, but her boobs are bigger
>nuwa doesn't even get mad at him, just makes a coy remark
> Sacrifices herself to protect him from tiamat
she's so fucking loyal, and she knows that if she doesn't stay by yakumo literally no one would. It's really commendable
Yakumo is why human supremacists are a meme
Eh, the mythologically "correct" design for Nuwa is actually her Nahobino form, which is just a snake with a human head. I'll gladly take design where the snake body ends in a full human body, over the Nahobino form.
I really hope they do a game with focus on urban legend additions again like the OG Soul Hackers.
The only mistake was Yakumo not living the dream and some half demons with her.
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oh fuck
/v/ thread is saying that it isn't, it's only the first step to try to crack it.
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Sorry Yakumo but she deserves better and you're getting cucked
Lahmu is sexier
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He'll get over his trauma... eventually. and stop being such a big tsun
Groomer snake hag
>Atlus finally creates a neutral rep that's flawed and interesting
>unceremoniously kill off his Knowledge and write him out of the plot completely
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Like all centrists, cucked and irrelevant.
what is your opinion on smt 5's soundtrack? many seem to like kozuka's work but for me personally it's very.. mediocre. there's highs but then there are these very lows as well. one good example is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZUbP8vZZrs where at 0:29 the electric guitar that kicks in sounds like what would happen if you'd hand a guitar to a retard and he'd shred the fuck out of the guitar string trying to grind it to dust. these kind of ear rape-y parts throughout the soundtrack are just awful and ruin otherwise good songs.
that only happens in CoV
>that only happens on the route where they made him interesting
no cap?
Aren't they both asian?
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I like the area themes a lot. Shinagawa and Taito/Ueno especially.
I think the main battle themes were the worst part of the OST but the eastern god theme and battle origin slapped.
Idk if Vengence improved the ost haven't played it. I'm taking a break from megaten games right now. I play them too much.
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>I think the main battle themes were the worst part of the OST
I think overall it's ok, nothing on par with past games overall, but this is a series that peaked with the Xbox/PS2 stuff. Only bad song is Satan's theme.
have you even played original SMT V?
P3P has a female protagonist.
Yeah they were shit. Like I said though the boss themes were excellent and made up for it.
Is there any other SMT game with Sahori x Lahmu type scenes? Sadly it was the only time I got excited playing this travesty.
Fucking uhhh smt if.. and the OG dds novels and ova
Do not tell me what you think is a good battle theme because I might kill myself
most new battle themes go really hard
there are 20 new battle themes in total
Unless you consider Daielith on the same thing or with Hazama with his sister, not a lot
yes, I went from thinking he's alright in CoC to being an actual character in CoV even if the devs don't want him to shine
battle origin
here's a man i agree with. thank you. i'm not too far into vengeance. so far i think i've heard only one new track which was ok.
agree with the ps2 era peak. thank you.
I want a girl to do this to me so bad
Anon that would suck ass
How would dying instantly suck?
not if you suck her ass first
I completely disagree. They heavy distortion and reverb add an incredibly thick atmosphere to the whole game. I hope Kozuka keeps filtering people by getting even more experimental next time.
I like this style. It's pretty distinct but also sounds like what you'd expect from a modernized SMT soundtrack, it feels like a good successor to what SMT 1/2 had going even if some of my favorite themes are still from those games.
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>haven't even done this fight yet
Is there some reason it's available?
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the joke is that he promotes demon segregation yet his wife is a demon
You accepted the quest that unlocks the fight from the Bethel researcher
>Is there some reason it's available?
Because they don't appear in Vengeance's story, but they didn't want to leave them locked to Creation, so you unlock them through that VR battle.
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Still holding on strong week 2
fellas I think I've developed autism
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VV won.
I’m guessing 40k sales on PC which is very strong for a jrpg.
those seem like pretty good numbers for a single player jrpg
good for you. wish i could enjoy the soundtrack as much as you do. i'm all for experimentation but going balls to the wall crazy just for the sake of experimenting can (and did) go wrong at times.
it is distinct. there are good songs too. if only he cleaned up some of the messy ones. also i should listen to smt 1 and 2 osts again.
Very good numbers. Overall it's good for AAA
it peaked higher than the FF7 remake
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Thanks. Turns out you can do the battle before accepting the quest, then turn it in afterwards.
VV isn't AAA
I wouldn't say it's AA either.
Perhaps somewhere in between. I don't really want to see SMT become AAA anyways, it would just mean we'd wait even longer for games
For me
It's Tehom's battle theme
It's AAB
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*Lahmukabah's theme
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Fair enough.
Any tips for the group Qaditsu fight?
bring reserve demons and slowly chip away at the Lilith sponge whenever the other 3 are dead. that fight is basically France 1916
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Kill them one at a time then kill them as Lilith resses them while slowly damaging her. If you want to cheese, use Tetrakarn to eat up their turns since hag always goes 2nd then focus Lilith
Bros...we're reddit.
don't care about this, I don't work in marketing. I wanna breed my demons
at least we aren't discord
It's over
>add more sexy demons
>stray away from fujo
>get better numbers
like poetry
Does bino take Yoko's futa cock?
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Never let all four be on the field at once because that lets them use their special move. On your first turn take one out with omagotoki critical. Naamah is the easiest since she’s weak to physical. Lilith will revive the other Qadistu, but they come back at half health and are easy to focus down from there.
I'm a massive fan of Kozuka and he's one of my favorite vidya composers ever, and I think it's the only soundtrack that comes close to IV. the use of leitmotifs is specifically the highlight. the "ear rape" and the experimental feel suits the game very well. I'd say some of the songs in the base game are a little bit badly mixed but that issue isn't there in VV at all.
overall I'm happy they let him do whatever the fuck he wants, and he makes whatever he feels like it. I like everything Kozuka has made in his career. from the junes theme to dancing crazy murder. the fact that it makes people a little uncomfortable is a testament to its quality, megaten should do that. take Konishi for example, he fills the guitar rock void of meguro but most of the tracks he made for V were imo very boring.
plus Kozuka makes a fuck ton of music, you are sure to find a sound you like somewhere in the game.
megaten overall never had less than fantastic composers but I'll suck off Kozuka till the end of time it's like the music is made specifically to my tastes
where is this from?
someone in /pg/ is leaking a bunch of SEGA investor info which is apparently what the mystic leaker used to release info.
how did you guys feel about the qadistu jerk off instructions cutscene
I knew the game was rated m but I still didn't see it coming honestly
I like his stuff, i liked more the IV:A ost, my favorite are those chill.atmospheric or heavy themes he makes, i didn't like much the ost of the DLC because it didn't went in those directions
could you link the post since I can't find it in /pg/

They didn't post the whole thing.
probably an old thread. /pg/ moves three times as fast as /smtg/ as the games are more normie/reddit focused
Fits in with everything being said lately, Sega wants mobile games to be tied to subscriptions going forward
good answer my man. i'm happy you enjoy kozuka's music as much as you do. even if i'm not as big a fan of him, i do respect him for doing what he wanted. i've definitely found bangers in both 4 and 5's OSTs.
>the fact that it makes people a little uncomfortable is a testament to its quality
this sentence is a bit weird though. why does uncomfortable equal quality?
>Sega investors & marketing general
go to /biz/?
>Persona 2 image on the slide
I doth not believe
Why do they separate ANime fans from Primary Atlus fans?
It loops back there further into the area.
idk but anon your hair is beautiful
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No wonder the rumor of P6 being marketed on Nintendo or Xbox was floating around
>higher population in PS4 than PS5
absolutely state of sony
50% of all active users on PSN are on PS4
PS5 was handled awfully, right after Jim Rian got kicked out, PS2 games and PS3 titles are coming with actual care about anything other than movie games
The PS2 emulator is shit, it actually runs games lower resolution than the original PS2, there is no PS3 emulator coming anytime soon unless it’s gonna run them at 480p
I respect your feeling about the music as well. I can see why some people don't enjoy it, but I don't think it's a bad thing. there's a middle ground and I think Kozuka even does that very well.
>why does uncomfortable equal quality?
think of it this way, it's the sort of discomfort that comes from experiencing something you don't know how to adjust to or don't expect, ultimately making you enjoy it less at first. this was my experience playing nocturne for the first time, I came back to it later and it suddenly clicked with me. this has since then been my standard expectation from megaten. I want it to give me new audio/visual/gameplay experiences that stand out and feel unique, that's why it's good that it makes some people uncomfortable. a sort of acquired taste.
I can't make much sense of this but thanks
How is your computer running PS2 emulator in less resolution than a PS2 ? Mine run no different than my PS2
The IV and Apocalypse ost genuinely feels horror and dreadful while being action-y, it's a mix of feelings hard to portray with a literal jpg turn fight game and music like this definitely helps selling the setting where humans struggle to survive and fight back against absurdly powerful beings
It's unironically better than them making two games at launch, and the rest being remasters on the PS4
The PS5s emulator of the PS2 it fucked up tomb raider and sly on it
Ah you meant the PS5 emulator, i got it wrong somehow my mistake
Has anyone done the battle where you newd clotho lachesis and atropos? Whats the best way to deal with the boss because when i try to take out the dis the boss always uses phy block and luster candy
DDS is very much in the realm of what you describe, and why it's one of my favorites. Not just music but the setting and visual design and everything. It's very different from everything of it's time and even today
>SMTVV switch did slightly better week 1 than Elden Ring DLC (PS4 and PS5)
this is exactly one of the main reasons why I love Kozuka's work so much, the service it does to narrative and atmosphere cannot be understated. the only other games that have soundscapes close to IV and V are SH and P2. I genuinely don't think anyone else could absorb all the good ideas and melodies and styles in megaten and advance it one step forward as a composer.
nude & lewd moirai sisters!!!!
Japan superior taste of turn-based
Turn-based? More like turn-BASED, am I right
I haven't even bought the Elden Ring DLC yet. Souls games take a lot out of me and I don't feel ready for more yet despite not having played ER since launch. Those games are phenomenal but exhausting
alright. i get what you're saying. i experienced this with "bury the light" from dmc 5, but the reason i came back is because i wanted to know why people liked it so much. if only i had the same reasons/motivation as you. i think i was just being stubborn and finally after listening to the song for like 10 times i started liking it.
I was looking more forward to the OST than.the game itself in all.honesty and I wasn't disappointed.
Vengeance for reclamation is one of the best normal battke themes in the franchise.
I also love how all the normal battle themes seamlessly go transition into eachother.
>Welcome to the cathedral of shadows, where all demons gather. What shall you be fusing today?
What do?
Fuse Lilim
Elden Ring in Japan is held back by only being on PS4/5
Need to summon a Lilim irl for because of reasons
DDS overall is pinnacle of PS2 era ideas and also Meguro's best. I see what you mean, I think Kozuka still hasn't had his own peak like Meguro has, despite liking his general style more than Meguro.
For me its the Oldsona and Majin Tensei guy.
Whistle out of tune and get kicked out.
How are the sales for SMT W?
It sold over 500k in the first 3 days, will probably end up being the best selling SMT game
I don't think V was in the charts after the first week, this alone makes me think VV's sales will have longevity too
Alright, granted it already fell off the sales charts its second week so likely no legs outside of Japan
soul hackers 2 is 75% off, is the price/value ratio finally worth it?
SMT is bigger in the west than nippon now
It was worth 60.
Fuck off tranny
Fell to 28 in the UK. Which isn't great but there is next to no market for jrpgs here to begin with. So I think it'll match V's total after a few months.
((they)) locked away Mara behind DLC don't reward FATlus for that disgusting behaviour
>Yuzuru and Tsukuyomi
>Dazai and Abdiel
>Nuwa and Yakumo
In an alternate timeline, we could've had NINE routes. But that's the power of hindsight.
NINE lost.
I wish atlus would do less routes but make them feel distinct
The key isn't less, but shorter.
IV:A law and chaos were short but they were joke ends
Dazai removing his "sucker" hat scene must be preserved in the National Archives of Japan.
It is the epitome of forward-thinking intellect, an historic moment that the country itself can be proud of, with comparable dimensity in societal importance as a biblical revelation for the christian civilization.
Truly, truly fantastic......it shook me to the core.
this but with unironic sincerity
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Khonsu and Miyazu
Lahmu and Sahori
Sex with Dormath while she pants heavily
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Man I loved the music changing through shinjuku. Going from this weird demonic paradise, to fucked up cities and then somewhat intact but taken over by demonic structures. Beautiful.
What happens if Sony pulls out of Japan entirely
oh fuck yeah
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My wife
Japan is getting a console bundle for SMTVV and the switch lite
Total Nintendomination
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>switch lite
Raise the power.
Is it a unique design Switch?
I wonder who also shares personality type with Alice. This one and a couple of others, like the one where she talks about the mc appearing tired or wanting to pat their head sound like they're some generic personality quotes rather Alice's specifically.
The lite is one of the best handelds on the market
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>Strength-based Almighty
Wait, that sounds fucking great.
Can I frag Mitama with this?
It's carried hard by the games because the specs suck ass and so do the joycons
Sure you can
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They actually resist almighty, but if you're strong enough you still can. Personally I tried once and it took three almighty moves just to kill one lol, but I also don't think my setup was optimal
True, it's comfy though
you will now use this move for the next 30 or so levels have fun (though, phys attacks with higher crit damage are great too)
>it's not almighty
Yes hello I'd like to request reparations.
DDS dubbed or undubbed?
Dub is really good like IVs
Not the other anon asking for advice, but holy shit that Qadistu team fight took forever. I am ashamed to admit how many light and elec gems I had to use...
i'm gonna miss my proto-fiend husband and the demon haunt music change did NOT help
gonna buy ringos game
Lilith has too many HP in that fight if you ask me. Especially considering she can endlessly respawn her adds.
Who is the best demon dad? Koshimizu, Aogami, Dagda or Lucifer?
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>feel like I should try Matador now because I'm slightly over the recommended level
>crits and kills Feng Huang from full HP before i even get a turn
>can't land a single hit because no Dekaja or even Sukunda
I was that anon. I somehow got Lilith stuck in a loop where she kept repeatedly summoning Namaah and I would 1 turn kill her so the fight wasn't that bad, still took ages though. Used a shit ton of soma/chakra items too so that's annoying but I guess that's what they're for.
They made him strong to remind you of Nocturne
the really fun thing is his new innate makes him able to 1shot your shit at random regardless of level
Why does Odin HAVE to die in CoV? It's so pathetic watching him disperse into Magatsuhi and seeing Zeus go "whatever" and teleport away.
Zeus had to be alive for his sidequest, but Odin didn't. Really, one negative point of Vengeance's late story is that there's little logic beyond people surviving or dying after the battle aside from production stuff, like the Nahobino not killing Abdiel in Shakan, just to kill her and Dazai in the Empyrean afterwards. Because they wanted to keep her around to use her fallen form in a boss battle.
No story reason.
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Piece of shit lying map guide
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In terms of turn based RPGs VV is only really competing with Paper Mario right now, I guess on PC it’s technically fighting Baten Kaitos but no one’s buying it.
How the fuck did I miss Baten Kaitos coming to PC
0 advertisiment
No marketing, that and no incentive, Namco has said if it does well they’ll push for a sequel but if a sequel gets made it can’t come to PC
I can fix her
I've seen that line from mu shuwuu too
Demon innate skills are cool, the new Vengeance tools let me destroy Demi-Fiend with magic.
Oh, makes sense.
It's actually heavy damage, it's described as medium because they don't expect you to have high almighty affinity by tge time you get it
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If I pull that hat off, will she die?
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The Japanese Nationalist that make up Atlus will never bend the knee to the chink and gook menace.
Also don't forget about Filipinos
what is wrong with chinks
I don't see anywhere else saying this
I don't get why Dazai and Abdiel didn't kill V-kun even though they knew Aogami was dead at least just to make sure. Didn't base V confirm that the Demon/Human combinations aren't necessarily 1 to 1 pairings? Even so it's not like humans are literally zero threat when there's psychos like Yakumo running around and devil summoning programs exist.
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who knows
Dazai's whole thing in Vengeance Canon after his change is really more "power = justice" rather than anything else. And by that point he saw the mc as weak and powerless, so irrelevant. Even his last line before dying is recognizing the mc's justice since he won the battle.

Applying God's laws was just an excuse to go in this power trip. Note that Abdiel goes Fallen in Vengeance just because it makes her stronger than her Angel form, but they don't even talk about becoming a Nahobino or taking the throne. They don't have the same motivation they have in Creation.
Yakumo just needs to summon her again. Tsukuyomi probably wouldn't mind giving him a demon summoning program.
desu they dont need experiencet o do it
I guess you could say dazai wanted an excuse to spare his friend...? but if that was the case then he should have killed tsukuyomi not yuzuru. I dunno man
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>Yakumo at joji temple
>feeling bad for neutralshits
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I hate Jack Frost
how can you hate perfection?
I want PM Koshimizu to fill my holes
He specifically stops Abdiel from killing you which I took as him pitying you a bit. He considered Atsuta a friend but he was a direct threat to him while you were at rock bottom, better to let you off and be on your way. It also doesn't seem like any of the angels really fucking get how Beanos work either.
While I don't have much hope for mainline in terms of story, I have high hopes with their combat. Off the top of my head the stuff I'd love to see in the next game is stuff like
>make more innate skills
>make bosses have unique magatsuhi skills if they bring that mechanic back but with a different name
>add skills that are similar to chaser skills from EO for more synergy autism
>change some skills for bosses in every difficulty especially godborn
If I ever outright say I love VV, it's because of the combat and I can see them finding more things to add/improve on it. Ailments being viable is already a great addition to the series.
i held off doing hell biker for way too fucking long and i gotta say i'm actually surprised they added tsukuyomi lines for beating fiends
so if Atlus is planning on putting all their games on switch 2 will SMTVV get a patch or is it just gonna be abandoned for P3R and Metaphor?
I don't think link skills would work well with SMT as long as the game sticks with both sides taking turns in battle. A link party would be way too consistent since you don't have to worry about your linker getting killed or disabled by an ailment mid-round.
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God damn did he have a model in DX2?
Does anyone know how many demons can be added via mods? Or is there no real limit?
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I love Alice.
Nope, this is entirely a new thing
guess he upscaled textures and stuff by himself
Going from the mod description they're filling in the unused demon slots which is around like a hundred. Don't know if they can't go over that or if it's just a lot easier to do it that way.
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what stat is king in DDA?
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What a genuinely hilarious character
This might be the most completely unserious alignment rep ever written
I unironically love her because of her angst
She literally is asking to be raped into submission
Your dance + pandemonic feast bro?
We could've seen like 8 numbers.
this is kino
Man I didn't even put a dent in the qadistu, staying alive is easy enough but I'm barely doing a scratch.
Nice. Hope someone make quests/story mods.
Wondering where all the self insert megaten fanfiction is at…
Okay so apparently it's been discovered that SMT VV codename during development is "Pleiades". Does this mean anything that relates to the story or gameplay?
My guess is that the most important women in VV, the four Quaditsu, Tiamat, Yoko and Tao add up to 7. Pleiades being a 7 star cluster/Greek 7 sisters.
Is P5R worth 25$?
You will get your time out of it, but the gameplay is very easy/breakable even if you don't intend to. Challenge runs with it to solo'd most things in the game (Okumera cannot be solo'd due to how it's designed)
Is P3R worth $43.74?
I mean people have solo'd Nocturne so it's not saying much.
I just have reservations about the social managemnt stuff. Seems like it can get annoying and boring.
Fuck no. That trash isn't worth it if free.
just play FES. it doesn't charge extra for The Answer
You can skip most of it and go to the ingame Gym to raise your stats instead. You aren't forced to do any of it unless you want the party member abilities, which aren't needed.
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yeah but play it on hard
that game isn't even worth 20
Are Charge and Concentrate any worth using VV? Heard they only do something like x1.8?
If Koshimizu could save Tao/Yoko then why didn't he save Yuzuru?
>ps2 hd mod
>worth $43.74
Tao/Yoko were dying, but not dead. Yuzuru was clearly dead already.
he was unconscious
sorry, meant for >>483751034
when reallocating points, are balms accounted for?
You can only reallocate points you put in from leveling up+bench
I want to FUCK mirai. I want her butt on my lap and my hands on her thighs.
That'd be gay
ok i wont buy persona 3, i will wait for it to be pirated or SH2 price (15 dollars)
Just emulate FES
Should I give everyone in DDS at least one Hunt skill to maximise Atma gain?
she's a teenager, teenagers are edgy retards
there's no way omagatoki dance is worth building around right? like yeah it's potentially the most amount of damage for one turn (without strategize shenanigans), but i feel like you'll just be losing out on damage on the rest of the turns
No, enemies can more easily dodge it
I like P3R more then fes because I can control party members. I really hate fes for that reason.
Yes it's very fun watching numbers fly everywhere.
Works on my machine
should've played P3P instead then
Critical can also miss so what's your point?
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why i can't use it?
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example #2
It's used outside of battle
oh shit
It doesn't work how you think it works. It doesn't prevent escapes.
You cast it on the field and it only prevents the low level mobs on the map from running away from you and makes chain battles easier.
gonna make a yosh*tsune
damn i forgot my reading comprehension reps
Does anyone know when Tsukuyomi median becomes available. I read it was when you reach Taito, but that doesn't seem to be the case for me. I'm a little worried it might be a bug.
Ill probably play it as I must play and beat every megaten game. Ill try out femroute since that's the only time I can.
No, you have to reach the Temple and trigger the bench conversation at the Temple.

I wanted to use it against Odin and Zeus.
I got it after entering temple of copypaste enemies
Is charge worth using in vengeance? How much is it increasing damage?
Oh that's pretty lame, the game is almost over at that point, and there's still one more Tsukuyomi essence.
It's only 1.8X so it sucks
Has that been tested in Vengeance or has everyone just been assuming it's the same?
That's fucking retarded, it's literally worse than just doing two base attacks. What the fuck were Atlus thinking?
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I know she's a generic Saint Seya reference, but I can't stop loving her bros, look at her poses
Mana conservation
Game has been out for 2 weeks, it's been tested
Basically it's for conserving mana but you have better options like restore
Mana conservation is gay, it's better to end a fight than prolong it
Some moves are extremely expensive and you can only sued them like twice, which isn't enough for a fight.
What his tax policy?
post mod
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Another one literally asking for it
justice for Sahori
literally who?
How can you call a saint seiya reference generic when its not that popular
Incrheemental taxes-ho!
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mid-blink screenshots are a wonderful think with games with anime art styles
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fun as fuck.
I like to headcanon that she skates, it fits her rebellious attitude
It's not her skateboard, it's always there.
Yoko is the worst fucking release girl
I don't care
Yeah we know you don't care about facts.
She is not worse than Alex.
It's CoV exclusive. After entering Taito, go to the Bethel Hindu enteance in southern Taito. You'll see Yakumo and chat with him about Nuwa's disappearance/death. He then leaves, citing his run for the throne is over because the Knowledge he has is useless without Nuwa to claim it. After that, go to the Medical Center and talk with the researcher to learn more about Yakumo's upbringing. Some new optional dialogue pops up in Tokyo, but head back to your school to see a cutscene between Yakumo and a high school girl. Finally, go to Jozoji Temple for the cinematic cutscene. This is also how you unlock Nuwa for fusion without going through CoC first.
Just let me imagine my chaos wife shredding the board please, Vfags have headcanon'd far worse than this.
Ok, I'll allow it...
Pretty cool.
That's cool
I did it!
Good job, you beat the filter boss
wasted potential edition?
Golden Apple vs. Sakuya Sakura vs. Light of Order
Sakuya Sakura is broken as fuck and makes mana management way easier. The other two are also stupid but they can't compete.
Yeah, it's really good
>spam it
>runs out of MP
>switch in another healer with luster candy built in
its that easy, sakuya sakura is definitely the strongest one though.
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masakado is really overpowered as fuck as a summonable demon.
also did nuwa fuck yakumo when he was a shota?
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Why are you literally getting upset at a game that's made for children in mind?
fiirutaaad, gaijin
Someone should mod Sandman into him
Sakuya > Tao > Idunn
SJ Ouroboros is getting it's first 3D model as the next addition to DX2
wow, literally nothing
Probably gonna just save my gems but thats a good addition
dogshit fanart
Do you think two qaditsu take each of his dual snake peni
me and my wife
Looks like shit.
Here we go...
he's castrated
Brave and stunning icon for transfolks
only not in the USA
Sex with Oni
Big Brute Cock
DDS2 battle bgms are all so fucking good, Meguro definitely peaked there.
Pretty cool, hope he does Homer Simpson YHVH also.
>Homer Simpson YHVH
ok that's now an imagine in my head now.
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probably the same as nahobeeho
This is why I voted for Black Frost.
Wheres the agrat porn
>For some of us, fiction is our reality

How can someone say something like that, and not realize they need to change something in their life?
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Nice subquest, seems like they still kind of remember SMT1
Cooming is a disease with little recourse or internal clarity.
You'll need to comission some
nyami nyami's cute noises
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Getting to that waypoint? The hardest shit in this game.
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>He didn't unlock the Flyhobino powerup
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what did she mean by this?
>Says the girl that constantly whines about wanting to go home with the most annoying VA in the game
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Alice is a huge brat in VV
brats are for headpats raidou is the brat in this scenario
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Just beat Shakan and it was alright (decent aesthetics and cool concept carried it mostly) but they really need to work on dungeons if it's an element they want to keep including. More unique enemies, more forced encounters, less spamming stupid amounts of the same three enemy types in a room in a (mostly failed) attempt to stop you from hopping over/running past everything.
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whatever she meant she better hurry up and do it, I can't take the suspense
Which demons are the STR kings for the end game? I will NEVER use gay pansy magic spells.
maybe siegfried if you make use of his passive
zeus too
for me, it's Vritra + Red Rider + whatever, and Nahobino with a Madness Nails setup to best use Pandemonic Feast and Omagatoki Dance
If you wanna get really cute you can take advantage of Horus/Orochi/Odin etc. swap buffs on a setup turn
The problem with dungeons in V/VV is that they're basically the same as the overworld but with even less varied architecture and missing a bunch of mechanics. The shops being integrated into the save points means effectively the dungeons were no different from the overworld aside from being more boring.

Another problem though, but I mainly saw this with some new Vengeance demons, is that it's clear a bunch of the new demons didn't get running animations programed so they just pop up and stand in place.
why dont these retard just use a demon to fly beyond the circlement?
Hello, where can I find that Orden music patch for P1 PSP?
What race would eggman be?
I would lick Yuzu's dirty pits
I'm level 50 and have been putting all stat points into strength. Currently at 100 stre, 38 vit, 33 each agi and luck. Do I ever go over to agi or luck or just keep plugging strength?
Because the writing isn't good, so they don't even question these possibilities. At least with IV they gave a explanation for what happened to people that used their demons to fly to mikado(They get shot down by angels)
Angels will nuke the shit
based speedreader
depends, are you on hard mode? if you are you need to put some points into vit or you're gonna get one shot, if your in normal mode just keep dumping in str.
Do you guys prefer COV or COC take on alignment?

Personally, l liked that COV's was based on gameplay but COC's endings generated more discussions.
Yeah just in normal mode. maybe I'll try hard when I do Vengeance route. This is the first time I've played V. I feel like I normally go first and crit fairly often. Will keep pumping strength then
I didn't speedrun though.
wouldn't desperate people try anyway?
Soul Hackers 1 3DS dub or undub?
CoC was really bad. CoV has a bias for Tao for it to be good
The normalfags would get gunned down by the SDF
The blasphemous might of the Nahobeaner....
Young man.
Dungeons are fucking garbage without random encounters
The ability to fast travel back to heal and buy and sell whatever you want whenever you want also defeats the entire purpose.
Why didn't the angels cast hama on people to see if they're humans or demons in DeSu? Are they retarded?
don't question the bad writing
just consume like a good goy and fap to yuzu armpits
We need more MegaTen Journalist characters
idk but the law rep is hot as FUCK.
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not a new historical low
it'll be -80% off at some point
Stay here chad.
I'd say SH2 is worth 15 bucks.
They should have payed me to play Soul Hackers 2.
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Oh no....the demon that does nothing interesting but say unfunny dick jokes....what a dealbreaker....
I love xcom, and I loved the persona 5 characters. Would I like persona tactica?
i don't like the "two routes" approach so i guess i prefer CoC
Only if I can kill them
It's very different from Xcom, but it is good
Two routes is good because it prevents people from going Neutral.
Can you come up with a more original line?
Yeah, probably. It'll probably be a bit too easy for you, even on hard. I'm terrible at XCom and similar games but got through Tactica pretty easy.
Not like it matters when Tao's route is the neutral route anyway LOL
Looking at a calendar on the wall in the classroom, the year 202X that SMTVV is set in starts and ends on a Friday. That means the game is set either in 2021 or 2027, probably the former. I assume the calendar was the same in SMTV and I just didn't notice it, though.
How long till the recency bias ends
How did the fujos feel about Tsukuyomi replacing Aogami?
Hopefully long enough to run you off for good
I saw you can get 2.4 million macca if you do the choyida boss rush data fight at level 999 with omagatoki luck.
But like others said you gotta cough up the mitama dlc for max efficiancy.
I liked Tsukuyomi more than Aogami so it was a nice surprise.
we need a...Strange...Journalist...
I been here since /smtg/ inception, I ain't leaving
not every demon is weak to hama though
Start the battle with full gauge and omagatoki dance setup and then switch out your demons.
Switching demons only costs half a press turn anyway.
So you'll still have 4 actions to buff and whatever if you switch all 3 demons.
Actual execution obviously Vengeance. But, yeah, theoretically I prefer the usual three way split over just two.
How soon can I get the purple bean? I want the new outfit ASAP because I'm not a big fan of the original design.
Takes a little bit to get it
They weren as fun as the samurai squad, but I did like how Tao and Yoko argued for/against the choices made during quests.
Okay, I can work with that. I really love the look of it.
Recency bias against what? SMT V compared to previous entries? SMT VV compared to V?
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Which one should I pick?
hard if you enjoy getting critted and dying on the first fight
Hard if you want to have fun
Normal. Hard is poorly designed and something actual Nocturne fags don't recommend.
Psalm 55:22.
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Americans ruin everything they touch.
I tried hard once and it just made every encounter an rng check.
So you either runback to save for every little progress you made making you overleveled for the boss since you'll be constantly walking to and from save points or lose hours of progress since you got critted 8 times in a row from a back attack.
I'd say play the game on normal and switch it to hard for boss fights.
Is there modding resources for Vengenace (PC)? There's a mod I want to make/publish but I don't really know how to interact with the game files.
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Enjoy the next few days, fag, your months almost over.
Very few games are worth playing on hardest difficulty, especially JRPG's. It is a self-cuck for people with no self-worth, who need to torture themselves in a game so they feel like they're important when they say they beat it.
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Behold the villain of Dx2.

Godly Vanitas.
Seethe amerishart. Nobody likes large basketball american asses except for amerikeks. The entire world realizes there is something deeply wrong with you.
I saw some people post screen shots of some program that let's you change a demons stats/affinities/base level/stat growth rate and the same shit for skills, but no idea where they got it from.
What kinda mod do you want to make.
Would fuck it
That is just a cheat engine I'm pretty sure (so yeah technically a mod).

I'm going to mod it so that when you open the menu the field music doesn't stop playing. I find it jarring to have to hear the menu music start up every time.
Show me Anguish
What’s your is mine!
I mean I can kinda get it, because nocturne's difficulty does fall off a cliff once you get a decent phys skill, but it's just a shame that most hard modes aren't all that well balanced.
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Are there any more special interactions like this?
Yeah there are a good amount of them in the game.

I'm sure VV added even more.
Yeah, there are a bunch and this game added more. Like Black Frost and Jack Frost or Cerberus and Orthrus.


This video has all of them. You can check the list if you don't want to watch it outside of the game.
If this was in VV people would praise it as one of the best designs ever made
Nice, I will try to get them late game
To be fair it’s doesn’t have any mythological figure it’s based on, so they can be as liberal as they want with a demon themed after the word for vanity/emptiness/futility.
This looks like shit.
We get it, you love men
where the FUCK is the abscess that grants the last skill slot in SMT V vengeance route
It's the abscess near the area where you fight odin.
It should be on the bridge where siegfried is chilling
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Which Tsukuyomi had the better design?
Nice scene
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Wish we got to see humbled yakumo in action and not just shoved to the background
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Really should have added him as a guest. All animations area already there so I don't get why he wasn't playable.
Can we all agree Eisheth is the most erotic qadistu
agrat in cutscenes looks like shes just permanently uncomfortable which is much more erotic
namaah is chunni as fuck for someone who gets her ass handed to her twice and I love her for that
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Alright, I know she can be summoned from the compendium this time around. But if I go Chaos, will she retain any boosts I give her the next time she joins my party (either on CoC True Neutral or CoV Law)?
How bad is SMT4A in Apocalypse difficulty?
Is it actually fun or is it just pure bullshit and I should just play on War?
You get to choose between Compendium stats or resetting her when she joins in the story.
Enemies have an innate Agility buff on Apocalypse, so there's that.
Reminds me of how Khonsu Ra and Miyazus scenes are voiced in COV as they sought revenge and to let Yuzuru reincarnate sooner.
Why doesn't the compendium allow you to choose whether to summon the baseline demon or an updated version that you've registered?
that sounds like shit that'll make you just miss for the sole of telling you to go fuck yourself and lose your press tirn.
From what I understood it's miss and crit hell.
You really need to build your playstule around sukukaja and agility, but not sure since I never played it on apocalypse myself
It does, press the shoulder buttons
I hate that Apocalypse difficulty is the only way to get a game over if Nanashi dies.
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isnt there an app you can buy that also does it
Oh shit, you're right
Completely forgot about that, haven't played 4A in some time.
It’s fun if you've played the game before. The agility meme is overblown, pump it in the early game to like 40 or 50 then put a point or two in it on every other level up and you’ll be fine.
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i don't get it
Her lovers had a nose fetish.
yabusame, matador, loa is seriously insane for mitama farming
both early game units
Cleo was apparently a drop dead gorgeous lady who had a huge honker.
People fought wars for her and her huge honker of a nose. Had it been smaller perhaps her beauty would be uncontested and there'd be less bloodshed in the history books.
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>want to make Fortuna the ultimate Force/Support demon
>realize I need both Force Pleromas and she has two weaknesses due to being an early game demon
>also need Killing Wind, which I have no essence of at the moment and is only on one demon
The woes of loving a demon no one remembers. Do I really have to wait until I get Nuwa to start this passion project? I don't think her Essence obtainable outside of chance
why are temple of eternity mobs so tanky
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>The woes of loving a demon no one remembers
Yeah, tell me about it...
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is a reference to her lore description.
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>The woes of loving a demon no one remembers
I want my egyptian cats so I can have an entire party of pussies. I exclusively carried Bastet to the end of 2 because how broken Jesus, his mother, and Satan are.
kys furry
She's saying she's a jew. Without her trademark nose the shadow jewry of the world wouldn't have put her in charge.
>playing 4A undub
you say as if exists a universe where dub should be considered
im enjoying vengeance's dub
Fucking retard.
i enjoy erin yvette as yoko
>trannylation fanfic text
>voices speaking the trannylation fanfic text
it's not even the same game anymore
it sounds good to me
Same because I'm not a weeb
Exposed monke ear
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Would you accept?
English dubs for animu games just sound cheap and secondhand if you will. would Rather listen to the jap dub if anything.
Same, but I enjoyed the IV and IV:A dub eventhough I never would have played it dubbed if I could switch between english and nip
I could have played IV:A in nip, but didn't think to mtsekf that there were undubbed CIAs
they arent anime games you fucking retard
same shit bro, the devs pictured you playing with japanese dub and whatever VA idol anime actress, not fucking monica rial and her fat friend
Are VV's routes too lefty? Normally Chaos is more libertarian and Law is more conservative and even Neutral just ends up being status-quo. But VV's Law and Chaos are just socialism and anarchism.
Imagine if japs called western games cartoon games.
That’s how dumb you sound.
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I wonder who is behind this post
western games with voice acting prioritize western voice actors, Japanese games with voice acting prioritize Japanese voice actors. its not a weeb thing, i just would rather have the original voice acting if anything.
Fujos love melodrama so it will go down well. If he wasn’t Aogami’s brother and it was a new demon trying to cuck him there would be outrage
I'm not Fujo but I like him as a backseat driver. His experience and wisdom was nice to Bino
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can someone help me? how do i get this chest..
Does anyone know how to fuse Mithras in vengeance? I’ve been at it for hours and can not find the fusion combination, they changed it from the standard game.
I think the plan was to make aogami a woman but this would turn the MC into a tranny so they give up
Well that’s a given, but english dubs have had a select few notches under their belt in the past, like Cowboy Bebop, companies and the people in charge are just inept and passionless. Look at V’s engdub cast, look at it and weep.
yeah i just fully expect english dubs to always be an afterthought, there are few exceptions like you mentioned but theres also some Japanese games that expect you to play them with an english like bayonetta, no more heroes, death stranding etc.
That’s usually because the japs that want their games to have english voice acting at the forefront actually give a shit.
that exclamation mark on the map is a rail that alice can reveal.
you need to unlock him first, in taito amon gives you a quest to fight mithras and asura together, after defeating them you have to fight amon and then you unlock all 3 for fusion.
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okey, i'll investigate after i fight this girl
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I mean he kinda already is.
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you're perfect the way you are already
I think the plan was to make the mc female, but they decided against it.
Or at the very least doi wanted a female mc.
shes going to grow MASSIVE JUGS
a female mc would be a good way to make me never touch this series again and be free of fusion autism
Just found it, I was looking at the fusion calculator and saw the special requirement and was like “ah”. The real kick in the nads is this is the only quest in the game that doesn’t show up on your map until you talk to the dude first, which is why I didnt find it naturally and was going mad. Also no indication on the fusions, they fucking substitute another demon if you don’t have the required quest lol.
Does smtg have a rom compilation?
There’s definitely unmarked quests that exist besides that one.
theres like 5 unmark quest anon, where you need to talk to someone that just has a speech bubble.
i will make the next thread.
>eed to talk to someone that just has a speech bubble.
>Anonymous 06/28/24(Fri)01:34:37 No.48380102
then poist it you fcking retard
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maybe is a reference to how she looks in giten megami tensei?
Amanozako is my wife
what a fucking mess of a post
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Now I know your time zone
>doi wanted a female mc
>kozuka thinks aogami is a mother
We could have had milf yuri
Strange Journey Redux or OG?
New bread
Non-existent unless you have money. Naamah is gonna get all the lewds due to being an early game boss
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I'm more annoyed dub!Yuzu is voiced by Nepgear rather than OG P3 dub Yukari.
he misses his wife...
best way to explore Tsukuyomi as a character even if it costed Yuzuru

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