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Blue haired magician girl gets restrained edition

Previous Thread: >>483442584

2D Hentai games (Hentai RPG, Violated Heroine, H-Action Games) General /hgg2d/ former /vhg/




>/hgg2d/ Game Archive - IPFS Edition



>Nifty translation tool by Anon:

>RJ Gallery SCRIPT

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Please wait for page 10 before making a new thread.
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where feetge?
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This smug fox needs correction.
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RJ01170054 This any good ?
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Post RJs from h games based on vtubers or have a focus on streaming.
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I like games where you break toys. can we have more games where you do that? where you do it with a side character or npc for the sake of it.
fuck off back to your board vtranny
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nonose goty soon
Is lost chapter worth?
I feel like i've heard about it a while ago
isn't the cover art traced from another game? not a good look for it.
>finally, a day without karrynfag spamming
>get rararanigger instead
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you owe us for keeping you alive
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Is this the sequel to Amane-ge that we need?
no nose
no blob
no shame
How do I cope with my 4 inch zako
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Can't wait.
I welcome evil games with mindbreak, abduction, confinement, vore, forced impregnation, please more please. I'm going to have to play the older beelzebub and u-room stuff
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I only play lolige!

to the anon that asked me if i played doris's game a while ago, i finished it and i wish it had more ge to it. either more touch/feel or some kind of city management where choosing the fuck location changes the amount of resources you receive. for being the only greek lolige i can think of right now, its passable and i want more.
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Become a femboy
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If I don't get a Iroha and Yuna threesome scene in the full game, I'll be very sad.
You know, what I actually love about the harem farm game is that it has a lot of body variety, I love completely average bodies like you cant even imagine
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I would like a game where you play as an american celebrity and use your influence to offer jobs to girls, but you're secretly trafficking them to friends as gifts and favors? If you get caught you use your connections in the police station to bring in a body double and rope them. Because you're an american abductions and kidnappings are easy to sweep under the rug so later on when you've built up connections you start going to other countries for scouting and to pick up souvenirs.
Threesome? I'd settle just for seeing them make out and squish their breasts together.
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is that...?
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It is what it is.
use your magnifying glass you little slut
Labias aren't vaginas retardblob
Which Doris? El Dorino?
On one hand, I like that the new art style makes Nazuna look older to match the time progression. On the other hand, she looks like she's gobbled a thousand dicks.
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Don't listen to them, it is! Lewd!
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Lovey dovey cohab with OL game?
I can't believe you got the translated ver this early!
Holy shit!
Thanks anon!
What game was translated?
Blob bin just got updated.
Get seedin'
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The bin...
Natives bin is top bin.
Know your place blobs
I need more games where besides a standing CG there is sprite sex going on too
Anon's Review for RJ162946 - Thug Hero Party / Dark Hero Party.
Obvious NTR warning. Unlike "good" NTR games where you can avoid it if you play well, like RJ392812 or RJ241553, this one is unavoidable.
You play a weak guy who quickly comes to curse his own weakness. But the plot isn't written "well". A "good" NTR game has the stuff happen because the player/character made a mistake, or perhaps a singular/few malicious actor(s), not as a result of god / the world itself being basically purposefully designed to shit on the guy. He canonically gets strong enough to beat some monsters, but in one of the endings where he retires to the village as a mere villager he's forced to be subservient to the village chief just to get by despite being able to actually run a store / basic self defense at that point, which is to show that it's just needless suffering-porn. I could go on but you get the idea.
The art is... acceptable? It has a decent style but no good scenes in my opinion. Nothing noteworthy about the music, except that during the first NTR scene it decides to blaze some discordant sound to really hammer in "LOOK BAD THING, YOU GET IT RIGHT? WELL WE'LL MAKE SURE YOUR EARS DO TOO!"
At no point do I feel a connection with the MC, so the NTR aspect falls flat. I felt bad for Aina, one of the side characters, but a she's not a love interest per se, that was "me the player", not "me as the MC".
Unsatisfying is perhaps the best word I could use for this. Do not recommend. If you want a decent game with good art or whatever, take a look at one of the earlier linked ones instead.

>unsatisfying in almost every regard
>failed to make good use of the plot, art, and characters
>decent RPG battle system usage surprisingly
>3/10 would not recommend
Is RJ01050555 any good JOPbros?
Shit review with shit takes.
>because you're american kidnappings are swept under the rug
ESL-kun please stop fetishizing us.
On the off chance you're an american holy shit broaden your horizons.
but Femc gets fucked regardless in raiohgar too
thanks anon you saved me from wasting time.

How is it? Can I avoid NTR but stil enjoy the sex? Like in the fox girls one?
Can you really fault her for doing that though?
The princess had the best scenes, 8/10 purely because of her being turned into a pregnant whore.
boobies lol
You can avoid the bad ends, which is the main thing thing. Also if you speed by enough I think she only gives a blowjob?
Basically, the thing with DHP was:
>endings 1-2: give up / suffer as a pleb
>ending 3: get killed
>ending 4: decent ish end where you run away with demon dragon loli
a break here, where in order to get the next two you don't need to just have beaten the game for the flag to trigger on a global save like other games, you needed to have continued on the same save file. That shit made me beat the boss an additional 2 or so times until I figured it out (was just reloading previous saves).
>ending 5: apathy end, world ends basically
>ending 6: rebirth, i.e. cycle restarts, everything was largely pointless, MC still dead

Ironically this made me appreciate Nebel Geisterjaeger's ending more.
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americans are depraved sex hungry ghouls who go to foreign countries to rape. They rape their own they rape their neighbours they rape their children and livestocks as expected from the people decended from goat fuckers.
We need more games based on the american rapists they're more depraved and crueler then any jap writer could imagine. While the rest of the world thinks up horny situations Americans enact it. OOO american on american rape slave games please,
I hate it when newfags parade around their shit opinions. Your whole review was filled with subjective opinions on stuff you don't like.
There are a few scenes of sex w/ MC. The scenes are simply outright better, even. Though the girl is a bit more stupid (i.e. the reason it all happened in the first place, won't say more because obvious spoilers).
Which is a primary thing, for me anyway, in a game like that: is it enjoyable even without the porn elements? And that one is.
However that's largely because of its occult setting and I'm a huge sucker for that.
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She probably trained herself a lot between awake and thirst. Like Rabi did between blight and colony,
There's nothing you can put in a review that's not subjective, outside of bugs or glitches. If a combat system is lax or punishing, it's entirely subjective. As is the art style.
Arguably plot details could be somewhat objective, to the level of "there is or isn't plot", but once you get into details of it being good or not you're back to subjectivity.

If you think it was badly written write one yourself to show me the proper way oh honorable one.
thanks anon, one last question, I kinda like netorase, so I dont mind the heroine having sex with others, can you have that happen but still get a happy ending or have it happen without it being relevant to the plot?
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This one too!
What if M. Night Shyamalan made an H game. What would be the plot and twist.
Pre-existing sex-stats that are added after a story event where it's explained the main character had a secret backstory.
How do I win Miko Chans Training? I always end up getting shot.
There IS a netorase option there, and there's a mechanic for it to affect the ending.
Basically you have the option to film the happenings and sell them for money.
If you make over X, it affects the ending. If you make under X, it doesn't.
>I forget what X is.
She's not aware of it though, you're basically selling voyeur videos.
All optional of course.
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I want a WW2 game.
thanks, added to backlong then anon, bless you
I just had an horrible realisation... how the fuck do the centaurs in lets go my harem give birth if the fetus is so far from her pussy...
You didn't play the game.
Mecha musume games where?
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Closest we're getting for a while is gonna be Coolsis. And even then, it feels like she did an armor-purge.
there's a walkthrough in the folder
Those are the bad guys from Nymphoria..
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you'll have to settle for this one. It's a bit mediocre.

Her suit look retarded, I hope coolsister redesigns it
tanetsuke ojisan
jizz geezer
breeding old man
sneed the seeder
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>there are no spiders
THP is a good NTR game
It has a simple intro that shows the relationships between the MC and the girls, briefly showing their personalities and charm.
The RPG gameplay is not built solidly but it was used as a storytelling tool to show how powerless the MC was. It shows his effort and perseverance to get stronger which still fails him in the end. The game IS despair/suffering porn, you just dismissed it as such and said it is a bad thing because you don't like it.

The plot is no masterpiece but it vividly expresses the malice and violence of the world that the MC experiences. The scenes were hot too, they're just not soulless NTR scenes but they had nuances that spice them up. Like that part where Aina needed to be rescued and her scene progressed every time you failed or that part where MC was put in the adjacent room just so he could overhear their sex sessions.

I'm not saying that reviews shouldn't be subjective at all, it's just that your review just says "game has this, I don't like this". Unavoidable NTR isn't necessarily bad but you made it a core point of your review because it's not to your taste.

Seriously, what is with newfags and larping as game analyists (terribly)? Is that a /v/ thing?
>game is entirely sold on being a flesh cave with cum pools and enemies that grapple onto her
>halfway through, everything is replaced with kobolds in regular stone hallways
What a fucking ripoff. And he's doing it again with his new game.
first game I actually bought
Is RJ01192488 any good? It looked like shovelware to me from the images, but then I see it has a lot of sales.
Is it good? The dev's train games were too barebones.
you tell me
it is good for what it is, you get to sleep rape them all in mating press, besides touching, fella and cumming over them, also you can undress them at your will, perfect for a fast fap
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Eroflash's suimin games look great but they're pretty barebones. If you like undressing sleeping girls, touching them and fucking them then it's still pretty good. The art and animations are great.
I do prefer his multiple scenario games more.
>but then I see it has a lot of sales.
well yeah it's only 440 yen, literally the price of a sandwich in japan
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It's weird. Gameplay wise it's not hard as long as you remember that cheap card draw is broken.
The true final battle is great.
jannies dont look...!
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look safe to me
Is there any new avoidable ntr kino? I feel like NTR hasn't had good shit in a while. Just waiting on Dungeon and Bride full game (I don't play demos.)
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Cute Karin.
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games where americans violate innocent fish?
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You love to see it.
You took the time to actually write one so I'll give you my respects for that, though I still have no idea why you keep calling me a newfag. If it was left at a simple "we have differing tastes" or even "I don't like the review" that'd be something I would have no dispute with.

Your "simple intro" is apt, but it's nothing beyond "we're childhood friends". It does nothing to set anything up, only presents it as such, there was better set up between Imos and Aina. It sounds like I'm agreeing with you here, but I'm not; as "simple" is also "effective". A simple meal quells hunger, an insufficient meal does not. I will agree on the rpg gameplay part though, that was me expecting something else than what was presented.

>review started off better but lost its legs once "the scenes had soul" was written. 7/10 review, good but could be better.
Anyway I'm done thinking about the game, comments noted for future reviews.
As to why I do this, it's a bit to kill some time and post stuff, nothing more. /v/iggers live in your head too much, I don't even visit the board.
>animated sekuhara
That is clearly a proud nip fish molester. How dare you misrepresent me.
What I love to see is a healthy amount of all of those counts
But all attributed to one man who was nice to her
NTA but I felt nothing for Lotia either, it's too thin
that's because it's some cheap design made probably within 10 minutes in koikatsu material editor
nip molestors are an abnomally, for americans though its in their nature.
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>nip molestors are an abnomally
You filth
How dare you mock generations of carefully curated nip (japanese not nipple) perversion that survived the fall of kingdoms, shogunates, and even their empire.
The Japanese are proud perverts and have a colorful history that is just as ..... VALID..... as everyone else's
typing valid made me laugh, its over for my brain
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Groped one time? Yeah, no. This won't work for my virgin run. *hits load*
JUST as valid? You dishonor their proud samurai souls. They are the peak of perversion. A chinaman could only ever hope to one day raise up to the FEET of proud Nippon eroticism. And an american? Don't make me laugh. My own kinsmen could never hope to achieve that level of quality.
Newfags can never tell how we know they are new.
I do that too, anon.
Which is why for RJ406400 I got irritated. Virgin run is doable but not unmolested run, it's a scripted event. Good game btw for any anon yet to play it.
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>visit japan
>get instantly groped
japs are wannabe perverts, It's like why americans love making videos about how they're the heroes of ww2 when they effectively did nothing until the last minute and swooped in to steal the glory.
Or how that nerdy kid dreams about beating up the jock and kidnapping his girlfriend to make into his sex slave.
Funnily enough I liked RJ406400 specifically because I enjoyed how you could have a guiltless (by nukige standards) ending without exempting yourself from sex. Aside from the obviously marked NTR events which even then don't doom you because you can sell the NTR orbs off
Ordinarily I am a massive retard who feels really guilty playing corruption games to the point where I'll do a purity run by accident. In this one the whole point of the corruption, assuming you get the good ending, is the FMC getting more honest with her boyfriend.
It might be the first time shoehorned avoidable NTR actually improved an H-game. I'm unfortunately not a big fan of how the dev's next FMC looks though
>Virgin run
Nah, your FeMC is already used goods before the game even fucking starts. Garbage.
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Cute Karin.
She can only have children with humans, that's gross and disappointing
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Wow really? Dropped.
It's alright. I'm a believer of ningen supremacy.
>FMC is an untouched virgin
The only kind of game worth playing
I hate Vyner.
Will you do it with full game?
ge has in depth pregnancy? it goes into my collection
Fair. Maybe I should have said "unmolested run".
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Need more games where girls become mistresses.
Is there a nice boy for the FMC to settle down with or is it all just rapists and molesters as usual
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He seems like a nice old man.
need more ge where femc just walking around then suddenly gets mating-kiss-pressed
I have to confess. I haven't played even 10% of the games in the bin.
>download bin game
>rip assets
>decide "nah"
I've played a good 25% of the bin by now.
It doesn't even matter. I'm literally retarded with an IQ of 79 and yet people in this thread treat me as an equal.
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Himecut supremacy
Whoa look at high_scorer-san over here.
I'm glad Bell survived.
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/a/ what are you doing here?
If anybody is playing the recently released RJ01215952 Dragon Academy Ace, I finished the MTL'd script for it the same I did for the trial

https://gofile.io/d/xeq4oy Same thing, just copy to main directory but save the original file as a back up
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About to start my first (blind) play through of Fumika's Fumikas. Wish me luck bros.
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I wasn't going to, but now I might. Thanks anon!
I was trying to translate RJ01138122 using https://github.com/DazedMTL/Sleeping-Princess-in-the-Attic/tree/main

it says just drag n drop the files in the game folder but doesn't seem to work, I'm missing something?
remember to never give up XD
I just realized you asked. Good timing, here >>483660858

Really, I am doing this mainly for my own personal benefit but I figure why not share it
Didn't ask
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Just remember, it's not supposed to be a grind.
>play a few hours some plotge with some sex here and there
>End the day fapping to free fuck ticket

Am I the only one who has a game for gaming and often a game for fapping playing at the same time? one gets me in the mood and the other makes me coom, I always play 2 at the same time one of each type
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Nei for me. Any games with this?
My first round virgin Demon Lord undefeated victory says otherwise.
I coomed countless times to this game. A shame the shota hadn't been replaced by an ojisan to thoroughly split her cunny apart.
I know I'm probably retarded but neither of the bin's links work for me. How are people accessing it?
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Not only do I only buy lolige, I only buy lolige with the "Petite" tag in order to artificially boost it compared to other tags.
give me a fan translation or shut your hole

>inb4 learn japanese
Pretty smug for someone on mating press range.
I don't give a shit. Every time a new game comes out on dlsite I can give it a week and search the RJ number and a translation is available. That shit's magic.
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Didn't ask
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For me, it's braids and glasses
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Need one man traveling with one woman adventure games.
Just making sure, but there's no save file fuckery with Fumika right?
Like, save before scene, lose, see rape scene, save as file 2, continue from file 1 and it's still counts as virgin?
And I see stuff about cheats, is that an explicit thing that I won't accidentally walk backwards into? Like I saw a sword for sale for zero that instantly defeats weak enemies. And now he's gone for some reason.
YML best doubles*corege (I am simply too retarded to MTL through the mechage though)
Enjoy all your braids and glasses heroines letting their hair down and getting contacts, because we can't have good things.
>Kagura changed "My Secret Summer Vacation 2" to "My Special Summer Vacation 2"
I guess it's because of the all ages version, otherwise the original title wouldn't make much sense. If I am not wrong it will be released in 5 min on Steam
>If I am not wrong it will be released in 5 min on Steam
>9h left
wtf, Kagura changed their release hour? they usually unlock games by now
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Fumika is used goods.
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God I hate Vincent games.
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>Enjoy all your braids and glasses heroines letting their hair down and getting contacts

How barbarian
Fuck every single dev that pulls that shit
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In Youmaen, I'm missing some diary entries and, apparently, album data. They're the only achievements I'm missing. Any idea what I'm missing? I chose Salvation and didn't do Ruin but I apparently got all the endings?
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games with great loli bjs aside from Nahato's game?
Uhh, I'm not actually sure. I swear I had the full diary achievement pop up as when I went in to view it so I stopped hunting them, but I just checked and I'm missing it too apparently.
How did you get the "Pretty mature..." and "I can eat without any problems, you know?" diaries? I'm apparently missing those ones. Unfortunately I don't have any that you don't have already, so I can't help you there. The only thing I can think of is maybe a diary that requires another diary event to be read before it can trigger like the chicks one?
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So I dug around in the files. What you're missing are
Atfif-chan's bite- "That tail Atfif-chan is s so proud of is unrestrained... She eats a lot more than you'd expect, so don't underestimate her, okay?"
Nazuha's pickiness - "Nazuha-chan is the biggest eater in the class and eats absolutely everything. But there are foods she doesn't like. Teacher, can you do something?"
I want you to eat a lot more -"As you can see, Agnes-chan always eats very little. I keep worrying that maybe she's not getting enough nutrients..."
Even if you say it's red... - "It happens a lot in stories. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work that way, Milty-chan."
I don't like that I love that. "I see Nazuha-chan has overcome her difficulties together with Rabbi-chan. It seems they're getting along better than before... Thank you, Teacher."
What a long tongue... - "...Well, succubi are such creatures, to begin with. But I think that was a good reaction, Teacher"
I want a cat. - "Nazuha-chan can be very jealous...but she's a good girl who apologizes afterward. But...her sense of beauty is a little peculiar, it seems."
Based on the descriptions, it sounds like they're mostly lunchbox related?

There's also
What I love: Teacher and Demon's extract, which use the "...The Magical Diary is your property, you're not obligated to show it to me...
But feel free to consult me about any major concerns you may have, okay...?" line several other food route entries use.
All My Neighbors are Convinced the Female Knight from My Rice Field Is My Wife
I believe Pretty Mature is from feeding Homemade Lunch to Rokusai. Eat Without Problems is from feeding Spaghetti to Primula.
I figure there might be a bit more specific-feeding. Like Homemade to Emeth and Hinako, but I tried feeding them the things they liked with info from Aril but no dice.

Awesome, these are good leads I can use.
So that's Atfif, Nazuha, Agnes, Milty, Nazuha+Rabbi, Deathroll, Nazuha, and something during the Food last-days.
>Eat Without Problems is from feeding Spaghetti to Primula.
Oh shit, I didn't even consider girls might have specific premade food diary events. The snacks it just kinda happens, and 9/10 I found myself buying one of the two 10/40 split foods.
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Also "I want a cat" is probably related to Aril+Nazuha considering Aril's love of cats.
I can confirm "Nazuha's pickiness" comes from feeding her the store bought salad. Probably also a pre-req for the Rabi+Nazuha one if I had to guess.
I'll see what I can do and report in on Friday. I'll also go through my ripped cgs and see if something isn't familiar, see if those give me a lead.
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>solved a puzzle that was based on hiragana
yeah, you can say I'm a bit of a gamer
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Games like pic-related, but made by a native Japanese living in Japan?
youmaen anon never came back for that 100% btw

I'm really glad they're getting a sequel
MTLplan has tabs on doublecore's shit so I doubt any non MTLer is gonna pick クニークルス
I don't blame him. Translator++ nearly broke when I used it to open up the files to snoop for those missing diaries, and it looks like a fucking nightmare inside. One of the event files I looked at was only four lines of dialog until I clicked one of the text boxes, then suddenly another 50 lines loaded in. Never seen that happen before. This shit genuinely is cursed.
No, not really. I might've in the past, but I've come to the realization that these status screens are a scam, they're damn shallow and represent nothing interesting at all. In a corruption game I wouldn't mind seeing one such static screen at the beginning, just for the sake of clarifying the heroine's experiences, if she has any in the first place. Better yet, just naturally present her as completely inexperienced instead of wasting time making these. But over the course of the game I don't need for it to get updated with every insignificant detail. I'm not going to pretend that I know who that number 37 was, or that 272 times groped and 483 pussy climax has any meaning to me at all.

All this does is deceive someone into believing that there's more to the game than there actually is, that its in depth and complex. It isn't. It's shallow and boring, just like the example provided. She's a turbo whore. Some scenes might be hot, but the game as a whole is garbage.
Yes, but brain is happen when number goes up. More numbers to go up means more happy.
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I don't mind dropping the numbers, but it would be nice to at least have/keep a record of the FeMC's firsts and her thoughts on them.
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so very unique
cute girl
That's a good compromise, actually. Just have a simple status screen, like so:

Vaginal: Inexperienced
Anal: Inexperienced
Oral: Inexperienced

Add whatever else is deemed appropriate, and update it only once with her first partner. Simple and probably more meaningful than seeing some ridiculous number count, unless it's a very specific slutge/nukige, where the heroine is meant to be repeatedly gangraped for days on end, and degraded into a meat toilet.
Cheers, friend.
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Need some actually good cohab games.
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more ge for this feel?
How about a (sexual) body count? It's an actual thing IRL that some people care about and could actually keep track of.
She is fucking the local hobo camp, right?

Fumika is canonically not a virgin, but you DO get a large NG+ score boost for doing a "virgin" run for your first playthrough.

And there's no REAL in-game cheats, really. The only cheats you'll run into are stat boosts that aren't super game changing (for plot reasons).

And yes, the Sword of Death is good. You need to do like 5k flash kills on enemies for NG+ points.
>Fumika is canonically not a virgin
Didn't know this, consider me filtered. Who took her virginity?
Her futa sister.
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A man wrote this
Tell us more sherlock
Actually, I was just talking about the virgin status.

The parts of sex stats I like the most are virginity status and who took her first time.
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OP-game gives huge Luna vibes.
I like the cock sizes history on Serena ge
showing length and girth and shapes differences between some random men, some big nigger, some pig man
it really is good autism stat
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Or maybe you're just gay and like cocks
Yes. But it's still a nice touch.
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is the new update for lost chapter any good?
ci-en pls
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sub-par fell to the discord circle jerk trap, unfortunately.
I have finished RJ01192692. It was pretty disappointing.
Gameplay was very poor. It's very short and fairly buggy. The stealth mechanics in particular sometimes result in an enemy seeing you, taking a step right next to you, then failing to trigger an animation and forgetting that you exist.
The scenes were okay. There's a decent variety though it's mostly just orc with some human and only 2 tentacle scenes. The second girl does have some scenes but way less than the main girl.
For story idk I skipped past all of it without reading. I don't know if you can get a proper good end since I only saw bad ends.
Overall I'd give it a 3/5 the h wasn't terrible and at least the gallery is unlocked from the start (though you need to play through a bit to enter it) so you don't have to bother playing it if you just want the h.
add me on disc lostplanetairman
This game seems like kino. Reminds me of daiteikoku in a way the combat works. Why is no one talking about it?
MTL doesn't work
I have played the previous one Raizin 7 and tried the new Raizin 8 one. It's...pretty difficult to pick up without basic knowledge of Japanese due to the sheer number of different terms and mechanics. Raizin 7 had the benefit of having a basic UI and text translation patch but no such thing exists for Raizin 8.
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Appreciates your review, personally, I also think THP is one if not the weakest entry U-Room made, mostly because I just didn't feel anything from Lotia getting the main focus, she was by far the least interesting of the heroines there, and because the climax of the game resolved around her only, I didn't enjoy it as much as I should have.
On the opposite, I really found the other characters charming, and was really hurt each time Tori would get fucked, and I felt like Aina would have been a good partner for Imos.
It's one of the rare game that makes the MC actually powerful enough to do something about his situation, so there's that too.
Personally I would give it a 6/10, it does NTR still way better than most games, at least in my opinion.
As for why you're called a newfag, well, you used a single wrong letter.
wtf did she just call me??
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SEX with Alcy everyday!
Why is visa/mastercard-kun so anti-2d?
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>Rams your cervix
Think of the 2d children!
i am, and its making me uohhhhh
the chosen people do not like you UOHHH-ing at 2d children
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Because (((they))) hate competition, especially when said competition does not harm real people.
todd howard wrote this
I need something plot based and turn based to relax after erdtree, which one should I play?
Honestly, play the hero was never seen again first, Alcy's game is more fun when you don't relax and play it on Crisis in my opinion, but this is not what I would play to relax.
oy vey!
Considering its score you didn't even have to try it yourself to confirm that it's bad.
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Did anyone play RJ261180? I'm stuck an the end of the prologue, don't know how to progress. Not sure if that's a bug or I'm missing something.
How do stave off the fact that I'm turned on by /hgg2d/ itself?
What took you?
i will release my wegge lolige that you wouldnt even know its weg
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Why did Kagushit change Secret to Special?
Also the text is already out of the text box in promo-art, great stuff.
Release on steam in 4 hours tho.
that looks fucking disgusting like (You) why would you or anyone ever want to play that?
We'll know it's a weg if it's not released in Japanese on dlsite first.
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because secret implies infidelity
and people on steam are puritans
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They don't want dlsite to show up when googling the name.
Copy-pasted bodies and shallow progression. Success is all but guaranteed!
Jews, unironically. They want people to buy western porn so they are trying to kill everything from amateur porn to 2d porn to Japanese porn.
>My Secret Summer Vacation is banned on f95 for some reason probably because there's a shota and a loli character
>Summer Memories is allowed on f95 even though there's a shota and a loli character
The latter is popular so they're biased.
fag95 doesn't actually have rules. they have individual moderators claiming individual threads like little fiefdoms.
Fuck off back there.
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Always bet on the Fox.
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Look at this clearly college age male specimen.
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Who ask
One game has you play as a shota with an uncut cock which focuses on building friendships and relationships, and the other has a shota with a scrote that looks like a raisin and focuses on the destruction of a household at the hands of hypersexual spoiled brat.
Unironic jewry at work here.
Mary has hit them a few times. They remain quite strong though.
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I wish summer vacations were real.
Your fellow SEAniggers
name 1 rpge that's on par with princess sacrifice
doesn't even have to be an hge
(i can't, you can't)
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Why aren't there more netorare games with the premise of the male MC (played by (you)) building and developing their relationship with their childhood sweetheart over the course of years but then watching it get corrupted and destroyed in a matter of days by an assertive playboy?
Never played Princess Sacrifice. Is it even translated?
Just buy the game if you want to play it. It's cheap. I don't see what the big deal is.
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Because that kind of plot is dumb.
but i am british
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Nta but I already bought it in JP, i just want the eng patch.
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>saggy tits
Does Feena have lovey dovey scenes? I don't remember.
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You should buy the official English version to support official translations of independent H-games!
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I'd say the closest you get is letting Demea take her virginity so not really no.
just play rougelikes
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I said "more", anon. I've already played Scars of Summer and its derivatives to hell and back. It's such a simple premise yet few seem to know how do it properly.
I only play 2d hentai games that have minimum 3GB of size.

Guide -

First, it should go without saying don't remove "unlearn-able" skills. They are always better.
Second, any cleared heroines make can new game plus easier. Randy requires you be an enhanced hero(NG+).
A good first/second clear is dating Desura, Mina Tougou and Mira.. because they are all friend ticket/random starters.
Third, the characters you dated/used the most are the endings. Saves will show the top 3 heroines on your save.
There are cases where you could max lets say... Mira and she doesn't appear, she might be bugged.
Fourth, Mint requires you to never get Lawerence and Christina. Linda is fine. Mint triggers on remaining day: 89.
To get the VERY first girl(Liara, end 23) you meet in the game you have to save/get Lawerence or Christina.
She triggers on remaining day:110. this is also the day you have to skip for mint.
You can also actually get sword lady on 150, by skipping to the day and having less than 8 people.
2 of her cg is her "not joining" in the castle.
Fifth, explore all nodes, before going to the different looking ones that looks like an exit/road out.
You can miss Rowling , Vanessa and others easily if you don't know what the exit looks like in each area.
It's more noted you can miss Siscarna, who can make your hero half demon.
And Fremya, who requires you to go to the house in the forest.
You can also miss Tiramis by not doing the sewers and finding the heart. she joins if you have it first on the next floor.
It is highly Recommended to go to the sewers and forest before everywhere else.
Last but not least, Rinshang requires any citizen. This can even be Iscar. The female citizen(woman) has a cg.

Mira's H scenes are the most annoying to get. use her in the prarie . I still don't know the triggers.
She is scene 34-35 and 38.
>literally lives on an island
seanigger, and im a LANDchad pole
the original creator of summer vacation game is probably crying in his sleep since this is what his creation has become.
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I hate long prologues. Just get to the fucking!

But seriously, I think most h-game devs realize that they just can't write interesting romance stories so they'll throw in a quick establishment of a romantic relationship followed by the usual generic blackmail NTR setup. There's nothing wrong with that, most h-games exist for a quick fap. Very few actually have some kind of ambition behind them.
>You need to spend 2 hours grinding and winning cricket battles before you can start the ero part of the game

Nice video game design
Autism compelled me to do that in Kirsten's game. Thing is though, I actually had fun because you need to carefully approach certain boss battles that can do ero attacks.
sounds like kino
He already published one game through Kagura so it must have been a profitable enough venture.
Kirsten's game is for giving birth to literally everything and making a reverse harem though.
I want to play a parody h-game about these 2 cumdumps.
i always clear games on virgin route before starting a slut run
More games should be based like that.
You bought it in JP... yet you want the EN patch? The fuck kind of logic is that? Man, if you don't wanna buy it just say so. You don't have to justify shit. All I'm saying is that it's cheap all things considered.
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who is the SEAnigger
the gachafag
Don't call someone's daughters cumdumps!
the anti gachafag
anon I was talking about https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boku_no_Natsuyasumi
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Your childhood friend
the gacha neutral fag
Oh... yeah. Well, in my headcanon Summer Memories helped to bring the attention of Westerners to Boku no Natsuyasumi series.
I know about the Youtube video.
who are the famous /hgg2d/ posters?
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>I hate long prologues
I thought a case this severe of shit taste was incompatible with life. Solid buildup is what makes a netorare story memorable and truly stand out from the rest.
who are the infamous /hgg2d/ posters?
for me, it's polcaman and sex with alcy (everyday)
Absolutely agree.
did not aske
A prologue isn't necessary in the first place. Pacing and story are what matter. Prologue is just a type of introduction that can be omitted or replaced by dynamic interactions between characters and getting a grasp on things through actually playing the game and interacting with the relevant cast.
Why is she so sweaty wtf
Brevity is the soul of wit. If you're not making a work of art where you want to express some kind of an important idea then don't waste my time.

Also, never liked that manga. Shota NTR is always a little pathetic. Wow, you're taking a woman from a literal child, what a big man you are.
because she swam in the SEA
The chair is a serial rapist.
i cannot say their names
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>Wow, you're taking a woman from a literal child, what a big man you are.
Hot-ass 11/10 w*men shouldn't be going after kids, then. Get brutally cucked, shotashit.
>Wow, you're taking a woman from a literal child, what a big man you are.
Das right. Even better when the woman crushes the shota's balls or makes him get feminized.
All cucked shotas grow up to be fat ugly bastards. It's the circle of life.
There needs to be more revenge NTR, maybe something along the lines of:
>shota has crush on local nee-san
>playboy shows up and NTRs him
>years pass, shota becomes a playboy himself
>steals now oji-san former playboy's wife
or something like that
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Why is this game always at the top of Fag95's trending games list? I remember playing the FanTL ages ago and it seemed like pretty unremarkable slop
There needs to be more NTR games where the daughter steals her dad from her mom.
Naw, the cucked shotas grow up to become the cucked high school students and later cucked salary men. The fat bastard evolutionary line goes bully -> gyaruo/yaricircle dude -> fat bastard.
Why does there always need to be a desire for revenge? Just forget it. Cut your losses, there's more fish in the sea.
That's the sensible path, anon, but it doesn't make for a particularly interesting story. Revenge is dramatic.
that isn't one
The fat man is fucking those fish too. He is a master baiter.
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There needs to be more games.
did karrynfag get banned
>thinks "lingerie" is a type of bread
A woman after my own heart
>there's more fish in the sea
and an even larger sea of ugly fat bastards and chad playboys priming to cuck them from you
ntr rouge-like where you get cucked every time you losege?
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We already have "daughter stealing Dad from Mom" at home
Which one has a pensi?
Do you think himecut just means long black hair?
but it was my fish...
Futa is gross. Unless it's futa on female.
Male on futa is better. Especially when the futa has a small quick shot penis that leaks cum every time you thrust into her womb and prostate.
That is literally the gayest thing I've ever read here and I'm always here on Fake Rabi Fridays.
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Not enough games with the girl on the right
What the fuck were they thinking with Winter Memories? It's just a blatant cash grab that takes away everything that made Summer Memories good.
On that note, since it's Summer, any other good games like Summer Memories and Scars of Summer?
Summertime Saga
Ricca's game has the same vibe. I just wish the enemies did not look like they are from minecraft.
Boku no Natsuyasumi
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I strongly agree. Unfortunately it is well known that most Japanese people have terminal shit taste so the main girl will always have the worst character design and archetype.
Natsu's treasure Hunt
That one where you fuck the cousin
Uhh idk if it all has to be country side shit, but stranded on an island sounds pretty summer like too
What's wrong with it? I didn't hate Winter Memories. It definitely felt more like an oversized DLC than a full fledged sequel but that's what you get when the dev has to make a game out of an obligation rather a genuine passion.
we have a ton but I do like the two canelaposters, the spammer and the drawfag are cool beans
What made Summer Memories good for me was the corruption/build-up. Winter throws all of that out of the window.
Well, maybe if Boku had a completely different harem it would've been a bit better.
Virgin Fumika run is getting pretty tough bros...
It doesn't help that I don't know what to do.
>first person you meet gives you slight quest to beat bandits
>too strong
>go level a bit
>come back
>beat them
>lol no? they're still kidnapping people
>go back, beat them again thinking it's a thing
>it's not, it just loops
corruption/build-up is the correct answer
The bandits are a metaphor XD
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battlefuck moveset ideas go
list games with good corruption
Unfortunately there's not many good slow corruption/build-up games. Can probably count them all in one hand.
the bandits are a metaphor
there's a progression map
you didn't beat it
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Best preggo loli-centered game?
Bonus if harem or femdom
>turn undead
VGH soul my ancestors leveled in RO like this 20 years ago
I kinda regret not doing the jobber route in that ge first. I don't have any desire to replay it and lose that one fight.
Which game would you say has the best rpg system and combat? What is the final fantasy or persona of 2d hentai games? I actually want a game that feels good to play instead of jerking off in 10 minutes and deleting it.
i want a slow corruption game
Why do nips hate pegging?
princess sacrifice
Wish we had a FeMC RO H game in which you could job change and shit. Rebirth/transcend would be cool with hymen regeneration and reset H stats.
Hopefully with more ningen scenes than monster ones too.
dumb newfag, this is a himecut
A better question is what people love pegging?
those into hard femdom
Is Lilipalace better than tales? In Tales, I softlocked myself at the final boss because I couldn't beat him, and the game doesn't let you leave the dungeon once you start the fight. It's a shame because I really enjoyed it
soon it won't even have to be black
Short spikey blonde himecut
And there's nation who loves that a lot?
All western ones
There may not be a country, but a people, one in heart and soul
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Gents I need help any of you know the sauce
himecut is flat bangs.
that's clearly a part.
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>open picture
>scroll down
>see this
This is how you ruins shoes
West and East is subjective. They're just social constructs. If you're in Japan then America is to the east of you.
>They're just social constructs
>society is a societal construct
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SEQUEL series
>Not saving in multiple slots
I forgot how the boss fight went, but I vaguely remember losing a lot of times until I found the right strategy.
the Mediterran is the center of the Earth (It's in the name, Media Terrae), Everything is east and west relative to that.
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Aaah, I love hag games! I wish I was a shota squeezed by a big beautiful bosom!!!
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Who is your favorite hag?
Ur mom. Gottem
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Your mom
New GOOD games when?
Right NOW, you just have to find them.
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This one.
11one game?
In 28 hours
give up
It's here
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Brother you trolling
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>kino has arrived
No, I'm not trolling. The link is correct but requested pornography was deleted.
aye homie why she be havin those thuggas behind her?
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Now come to think of it, I've not seen a single western childhood friend game. Is childhood friend not a thing in the West? Do you guys just spawns at the age of 20 or something
>Do you guys just spawns at the age of 20 or something
I have/had amnesia, so basically.
If it is not weg, your gf will get preg'd
We're too busy fucking our hot moms/sisters according to /weg/s.
a JP dev once said "i've been a lolicon since i was a loli"
Which dev? Need slutty femdevs
>Is childhood friend not a thing in the West?
Forrest Gump happened and roastie childhood friend has become the norm for the west
besides, friend's hot mom or sister is better anyway
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>B word
The East uses NTR to highlight the betrayal, the corruption, etc. It focuses on the emotional despair of the man. I know there's other kinds but this is a general summary I'm not writing another paper on this.
The West uses BBC as one step removed from bestiality. It's about the degradation of the woman.
They satisfy entirely different nuances.
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ello me mates;)))here is your mate williem back to teach you how to weggle your willy like a willy wegging bishop;;')) ohoy me mates;;))) now some of oyu guys are confused on how to weggle your willy eh???so u wanna be a willy wegging star,big deal.u gotta learn the willywegging game in 5 easy steps.cumon me mate lets leurn to weg our willies together with me mates gordon charlie and bill and even lilttle cousin nicky;))


GRAB the willy!!you have to wait for it to turn into a sasuage stick, dont worry if it doest happen in 10 seconds like me!!!just grab an issue of your beano comic your mummy bought you at the newsagents, flip to a page with minnie the minxes bum and bbengin wegging your willy!!!

step #2

move your hand up and down your willy,ur getting there me mate;)))if possible do it with your mates in your tree house so your mummies cant see or hear you!!aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!;)));)))


you will be feeling your willy about to explode!!!!!it's going to hurt a lil;;)do dont worry;)))because your willy is going to EXPLODE!!!!!!!!!!!just shout AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MYWILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and there will be goy wee wee verywhere thhat is very goeey;))if you finish before your mates then help them by wegging THEIR willies;)))
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Didn't-asked-chan tasukete
what the sigma is this?
Western Erotic Games (WEG) have carved out a niche that celebrates creativity, storytelling, and a bold exploration of human desire. Unlike their counterparts, WEG often prioritize narrative depth alongside sensual content, weaving compelling plots that engage players on multiple levels. These games are not just about titillation; they seamlessly blend adult themes with intricate gameplay mechanics, offering a unique gaming experience that challenges conventions and pushes boundaries. From visual novels to interactive adventures, WEG developers exhibit a commendable commitment to craftsmanship, evident in their attention to detail and dedication to delivering immersive, thought-provoking scenarios that resonate with diverse audiences.

Moreover, WEG foster inclusivity and representation, embracing a spectrum of sexualities, identities, and fantasies in their narratives. This inclusiveness extends beyond the content itself, influencing the community surrounding these games, which values respect, acceptance, and constructive dialogue. By championing diversity and empowering players to explore their fantasies in a safe, consensual virtual space, Western Erotic Games not only entertain but also contribute positively to the broader gaming landscape, challenging stereotypes and enriching the medium with their unabashed celebration of human intimacy and emotion.
>one step removed from bestiality
uh ooooh
Some one is insecure.
I assume that you think BBC is the direct opposite of NTR, where instead of focusing on the male despair, BBC focuses on the Bliss of the women, and are now trying to cope.
Pretty gay anon.
Thanks for reminding me its summer vacation for kids.
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You wanna fuck kids doncha?
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Bikini loliges doko?
Kids are disgusting, and im glad less people are making them.
didn't asked + you're gay
fucking gay kids....
making kids with gays....
making kids...with kids
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Can anyone suggest me some funny comedy ges?
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I searched RJ176691 and it wasn't it
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is this skyrim
guess ill play divinity original sin by larian s.
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Thanks to the anon who uploaded this.
my game will have no text
you wont be able to tell
Games where a cat is fine too?
the bandits are a metaphor
nobody tell this poor soul
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>needs correction

Needs breeding.

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I wish I was a shota.
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>fujo author seethed so hard that she stopped her cute girls just talking manga cause it was more popular than her yaoi works
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Kagura announcing exploding Imouto DLC the stay both translations of the DLC are done, sasuga, fox-chan, have fun stealing TLs with a trash UI again!
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the stay > the day*
Wow, posting drunk doesn't do me any good XDDD
Still not as good as that one woman that made a whole manga just to shit on a dude that rejected her
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I hope we get some pregnancy stuff in thirst. Nazuna wanted a child in awake.
daaaamn, what's the name of that flash with that art style ?
I think Fumika sucks
and rimjobs
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That Time I was reincarnated as an Orc
Taima Miko Yuugi
Sequel games
Lambda Neros R
TsuKINOmizu games
Which blob gives the best blobjobs?
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I told you that a virgin run was a mistake.
Inching out a full party victory is a much more kino NG experience.
Have you ever found "good" AI sloppa?
I wish I was a sexy onee-chan.
Maliceblob probably, she's always hungry.
No. It's impossible. I now mentally blacklist all games with AI tag, yes this includes """partial""" AI use. Hgamedevs have been very slow and sloppy lately and I will not have them use AI as an excuse to be even lazier.
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Kemonobros, when will be our time?
There is nothing wrong with partial AI use. That is no different than using an advanced image editing tool.
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any bets on how long it'll take to come out?
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Maybe in a year or two when pic related comes out.
Good creators like EMMM or Hakika would never use AI.
Do I have to play blight and l.depth? Can't find them in fag95.
it is GEMMMY you caveman
That's retarded, Gemmy is a woman's name
when everyone who bought it finishes the 200 step post-game adventure
These days when they announce something it's usually not that far away.
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furfags delenda est
Considering it took 2 weeks for a single guy to both rework the entire translation of the base game and translate the DLC, I'll say Kagura will take 8 months to a year to translate just the DLC.
Each sequel game is in the bin and the sequel repo, the latter which I don't have the link to
games for this feel?
Please replace games with the proper term "Kino"
seanigger hours
why the artist doesn't hire a good colorist?
>it actually did get translated already
God damn I must have checked like a few hours before it got released or so. Is the DLC any good? Worth starting from scratch again or does the game have a NG+? Haven't played in so long but I'm pretty sure I done everything in the base game, even optional stuff like all panties.
Out NOW!
Fuck Kagura though, download when
It's just a stylistic choice. Sister Travel is by the same dev and it's colored.
The DLC itself is hit or miss, it basically gives more content to Kasumi, a bit for Yui, and of course some scenes for the Imouto, but that's basically it. Just wet dream scenes for Kana and Yukari.
It gives a proper ending to the story, though.
The game does have NG+, so if you've played the fan translation before and not the inferior Fox release, you should be able to start with added bonuses, yeah.
You can just load your save from post the onsen event though, as the DLC almost only add events past it.
One more thing, I'd suggest you to download the "prpr" translation and not the one in the main post of fag95, it's overall more faithful to the original and better translated.
>playing shitgura games on release
waiting for the 9 updates because they have no QA
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Reminder for the proper HGG2D word usage

kino = game = super duper good = NTR
gem = good ~ kino = futa = POC ~ NTR
coal = bad = ningen = loli = shota
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not my problem if there's steam DRM
>Especially when the futa has a small quick shot penis that leaks cum every time you thrust into her womb and prostate.

Games or doujins where a man gets a futa pregnant?


thank me later
Does this one also have a shota cousin you can experiment with?
Thanks anon.
Is this NTR?
I wish steam had tags for this stuff
Cousins were both girls from what I remember, but there were boys in the kids group obviously.
I can't remember if there are scenes with them since I wouldn't do them anyway, but the previous game did so I imagine he would keep it?
Wow anon, you are so brave!
Is this a bot?
this, I only care if there's still gay shit
/h/ thread is fucking dead so >>>/h/8080278
>only wet dreams for Kana and Yukari
Not sure if I will go NG+ I'm now remembering how much of a fuckin' slog it is to grind up in this game.
It's on ESL95. Do not download from hgg2d (virus).
And here's a link with a prepatched version:
>I hope we get some pregnancy stuff in thirst. Nazuna wanted a child in awake.

Tragically, Haikika seems to have no interest in doing pregnancy stuff.

Tried to get something each time he was open, rejected every time.
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He doesn’t like pregnant bellies I think. Even though he was willing to draw pregnant Olivia for a Mother’s Day pic, and he put pregnancy mechanics in L.Depth. Plus there’s lots of babymaking talk in Innocent Rules since a bunch of the monsters have sex for breeding purposes. I don’t get it.
Thanks Anon!
>He doesn’t like pregnant bellies
based, shit fetish
>artist with shit style has shit taste
damn what a shocker
Pronant won btw.
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Be a good blob.
I bought it when it first came out and didn't have a score. I see now that it's pretty low.
>summoning the eternal seether: catniggerposter
can I get a happy canela or two? this week was a shitfest and im feeling kinda down and I ran out of coffee so no morning coffee to bring me peace for a while
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Hag games onegai
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With or without NTR? If without, then look in a different medium.
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I only have very few canelas
Either is fine
Isn't the censorship just an extra layer in his games?
At least it was in the first one, hopefully an uncensor patch can be done (if Kagura's patch doesn't already do it, maybe it does I didn't check)
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Kag' ver isn't censored.
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palace is worse for sure. I vaguely recall being able to get stuck on the short route split section since you need a specific ailment resist accessory for the boss of both routes, and if you're missing one you're boned. The end of the game is pretty boring too once the main girl gets triforce since it's a a pretty decent chance to proc the full party hp + mp restore effect on it so fights boil down to spamming your slot machine and not missing too much.
Where did Cless's levels go in-between games?
she donated them to poor orphans. what a saint!
Are long blunt sidelocks also a requirement? Or would you say long hair with blunt endings front and back is enough?
ok but where are the games with non-black himecuts?
I imagine having a female friend is a foreign concept in Japan so they think of childhood friend as someone hot and not the ugly annoying outcast from the girls clique
>He doesn’t like pregnant bellies I think.

Truly a tragedy. Next time he opens his skeb some anon should offer a big pile of money to get him to do it.
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Check out this one as well if you missed her >>483683576
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Malemc wholesome ge that has a completely optional side sharing/nts scene that you can completely ignore?
These are the hottest scenes, I want to get to know a girl for hours of wholesome gameplay and after I'm actually fond of her see her having sex with some hobbo at my request.
Should I finally play canela's ge?
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cute nelas
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Vanilla JC games please.
I havent been following Captain Syroskies Ci-en for some time now.Has he come back and if yes is he actually making anything?
List for previous thread
>Succubus Affection
>Forest of Blue Skin
>Excessm games, like Parade Buster, Smash Boy, and YUME-SAME
>Three Charms series
>Milking Farm/Succubus Farm
>Lose Hero in the Castle of Succubi
>Dragon Princess is Hungry
>Summer Memories, and Winter Memories
>Incubus Quest
>Innocent Rules
>Succubus Mama
>TeiTei Tales of Tei
RJ376772 if you mean bodytype wise
>RJ376772 if you mean bodytype wise
>proceeds to post JS
Not that guy and I am not complaining, but is that really what you meant?
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He's making a dungeon crawler with a shota MC with Kirsten and his sister(?) as allies, his SRPG is on the backburner
yes, he's making a short game dungeon crawler game about painel's backstory (camo with Kirsten), and then a remake of his very first noelle game while he continues plugging away at sikorsky emblem in the background
I think the sister is the mc, actually
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Does this count as himecut
No such thing
Is the middle a flattie or a boy?
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>npc rape
>mind control
The profane trinity of kusoge
when will fate grand mama finally be finished
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Ok what's the notable difference appearance wise?
Would dog princess be JC or JS?
Actually, Hero of the demon has exactly that, the game itself is a bit lacking tho
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Top row is the only acceptable definition.
I don't claim to be an expert but mostly boobs size and body proportion/height.
She looks like JC to me, or at most late JS, which can blend a little bit.
NTA but Dog Hime is inbetween.
Mini Elf Forest is clearly JS.
I see.Do we know if the anon that TLed War demon or anyone for that matter will also do this?
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Correct. Colour isn't the concern. It's specific and defining features are.
Oh and on the same note, Lost Life's girl is JS.
busujima is in no way a hime cut
Are there non-tentacle scenes in this? Impreg?
imagine if those were zombie tits
It's a flattie, she has dick cheese cleaning scene in the demo
Sad how rare hefty tits like that are in these games.
Anything similar to RJ184230?
souls of knights translation when?
rip in peace ya-ho...
I wish he'd stop drawing fridge-bodies.
>Taima Miko
>Moral Sword Asagi
This any good?
>try out monster nest because it sounds like exactly what I want
>scenes so far are just short animations with no dialogue
Do the side girls get any scenes though?.
Kinda like the more robust looking bodies but yeah get what you mean
Thank you
Does it confirm Kirsten's canon birth count?
Fuck... I really wish his art wasn't so ugly
Sounds like you have a sovl issue.
on his way to become hakika
This gives me a virus detection. Is it a false positive?
Where did you download it from anon? That's more important than the the game itself.
If it was from dlsite itself then yes of course it's safe. If it was from some shady chinese bot site well maybe you should rethink your decision making.
your PC is trying to save you
From dlsite
Anon I know reading is hard for people here but this general is for 2D!
Then it's fine. I do find your tastes questionable though.
Based artist
god help
Men can do that too
Captain Syroskies is not gay and the dlsite description says the flattie is a girl.
Are you saying Hakika is gay?
u wouldnt say this shit to him at lan, hes jacked
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He is bisexual, so 50% gay.
Western roasties can never have hime cuts even if the shape is correct
>Are you saying Hakika is gay?
Might as well blot all of them out since himecuts are nonexistent in good H-games. All this talk about himecuts is offtopic.
I'd so more about 10% gay.
his "men" are pretty feminine though, theres not a single masculine man on masculine man scene in his game
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I will fight you.
out of 10
he likes bussy, so he is a pussy
speaking of gays, most female hgame players are fujos, right? So shouldnt they play mostly yaoi? Then why arent there any prominent yaoige
wonder if a nip artist could make a better version of this meme that actually looks fappable
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I won.
worst clymeme game so you didn't
I wonder how many inside jokes devs actually have. I know alot of them probably dont speak english very well but its strange how the most popular "meme" dev is the guy doing scat-only
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Okay anon I'm terribly sorry about being offtopic, here let me add "game for this feel?" so it'll be on-topic just like every other shitpost on 4chan
only good clymeme game so you have
Rionigger lost hard.
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This seems worrying though. Should I just attribute it to Japanese coding incompetency?
>only one rioge and it's short and mediocre
I will find you and rape you, don not disrespect the only noblelady game we ever got
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do try
3D in 2D thread. You're the virus.
just open it in a sandbox
what could go wrong?
I sincerely doubt dlsite would knowingly be selling malware in it's products, so yes.
If you're concerned you should contact them about it though.
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Rio you say?
Games where I can slut out my party members?
wow massive gaper
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demons roots
she will never blob
What's the best free and lightweight Virtual Machine software? VirtualBox?
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>Game is about sexing vtubers who also do part time prostitution
>After knowing each other for a bit they starts talking about their depressive life and shit
>But the game only has like 6 CGs for each girls so no wonder why it flopped
you know I actually should go back and finish demon roots, does the whoring in the sex land affect the ending somehow or is the sex (besides loss) completely disconnected from the story?
Recommend me some kinowegs
vmware is free now if you're on windows
oh fr?
russian roulette
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>tfw there are devs with good idea but they are too retarded to make something good

The ONLY good game of 2024 has been released
fuck off zoomie
Translation never ever
Aren't they just streamers?
Aside from some NPCs acknowledging the girls' sex escapades it doesn't really affect anything.
nigga shut yo ass up? fucking hawk tuah spit on that thang for not letting me boolin in this general bout them hentai games yo
hell nah chill chill
Happy pink made me realize I enjoy camwhore games.

Too bad everyone elses were awful
One is a game streamer
One is an online ero artist who also do onlyfans for money
One is a bored housewife
One is an inspired voice actress who do just chatting for money
aight thanks anon
What you get for spoon-feeding off-topic retards.
chill bruda it is hgg2d culture. You will get used to it
Most of them
kino for this feel?
Is it proper to stop playing for the day once you nutted to the point you are dry?
no, now go play plotge with less sex density until you are recharged and keep going
If you're weak sure.
NAS Coal post
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The game is not that bad story wise.
I mean here's one of the girl.
She wanted to be a voice actress but her parents won't let her so she ran away. Rent a small apartment then doing streaming for a living. Got all depressed and stuff and also starts prostituting.
Then you come in, fucked her a few times, she talks up about her sad story, you pat her on the back, she regain confidence, fixes her shit and try for voice acting.

The game would be great if it wasn't for the fact that it's just a super shot game with only 6 CGs for each girls.
it would theoretically be "gem" if one could withstand hours of edging
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schoolgirl confinement games need more. bite her legs, pero pero. stuff her holes with vibes and beads. pleas for mercy unheard, sister shoved with her droppings
I have been eyeing games with vtubers/Streamer girls for a while but everytime I want to try one, like the vtubers grooming one or this one they turn out to be obscenely short and not worth time
Sounds kinda evil.
RJ01144461 should be out tomorrow btw.
I'm a good blob, so I don't play corruptionge.
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Tbf this game is not really about fucking streamers but more about scratching that "I can fix her" itch.
The closest streamer game I can think of is that magical hag girl game
not american not evil, american is evil inc. all game with people bad but not american not be evil. kankin games vanilla torture is vanila
That's when you start playing your plotge or grindge instead
>I can fix her
maybe I'm just too much of a prude but some things you can't fix
I'm hyped, I'll MTL it
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You made me remember that bicycle torturege. That shit killed my confinement fetish forever.
Considering I was playing Dragon Academy Ace which has a structure of a Dragon Quest game but with ero and stat raising, I was effectively playing a grindge with ero
>That Time I was reincarnated as an Orc
I really need to finish this one, I even ended up purchasing it on Steam

>tfw when I was young I could edge for 3h without any issue
If I do this with my actual age, for whatever reason in the next day I have diarrhea kek
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It's a good game
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>checking up Steam promotions
>reminds me of Shining Force of megadrive
Anyone tried this game?
I need more humongous-orcdick-piercing-tiny-cunnyge
Looks like she just goes along with whatever you say without any shame at all? Boring
I've brainrotted to the point h-ge are a chore, how do I reclaim the past me that would read hours of dogshit VN's for a crumb of cg?
See >>483730590
Nvm, I just saw a few reviews of people complaining that the art of the game changed for worse.
no, you can take care of non-h gameplay things as you're charging for the next one
read hours of dogshit VN's for a crumb of cg.
Fair, but beggars can't be choosers. Maybe he'll make a another game in this style.
Best part? The CG looks like fucking shit
NTRbro btw
new fairy circle ge
What is that outfit used for? Is it used for many scenes?
Are there more like it in the game?
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I think it's the clothing the characters use in the slut park
How do I achieve long ears like this?
stretching them with my cock
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I need an NTRge where NTRman can time travel and steals the heroine at various stages of her life mainly cunnystage until the OL stage
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Inb4 "hgg2d bros I'm stuck and don't know where to go please help me"
shut yo ass cuh
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game with this feel?
>sta purachina
Rance X
Steam summer sale is here!

Looking for games with shota, any suggestions?
I already finished it with MTool back then, but the texts were translated quite shitty. I also noticed a few changes to the menu compared to version I tried before

but I honestly don't remember anymore how to properly finish kek
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we need more games with girls whose eyes are covered by hair and look nerdy and insecure
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Seeing proper texts will be worth a replay
That arts ugly
Wish granted, she turns into a normalfag before her first scene though. I hate this so fucking much.

Why can't I find the first one on steam?
it's still shit regardless of text
Ive played at least 3 games where this happens and I hate it every time
>Nerdy shy girl gets turned into slut by chad
its cruel because its too real, bros...
>find game with girl like this
>It's about "fixing her" into a normalfag

Everytime I want to find the dev home and beat him
Sometime this year, but the real question is if it's even wroth it? It just adds 2 sex scenes per side girl, is all. Very mid.
Kagura just released the second game, stories between both game honestly don't really matter. Maybe F95 have the link for the first
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>aggressive and cock-hungry OL
Sorry bros I'm going to be under a rock for a while.
Different MCs or no? Any continuity?
It's in the bin, anon. It's been translated for close to a decade already. Go find out.
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Don't talk like that about same face/art character of P.+
dont kink shame if people have a fetish for bad art
Need more OL games. Need games with hangy tits. Saggy tits.
Same studio or just whatever modeller as that corrupt guard game? Looks the same.
I don't remember it being a necessity to play the first, though I liked some characters of the first game that doesn't appear in the second
Same. Whatever they use it looks mediocre. The animations are even worse.
>as that corrupt guard game? Looks the same.

Apparently he started messing with Live2D in that guard game as a test ground for then release this one back then
All his games look the same anon. He's basically been reusing assets he made over a decade ago to this day.
It's actually kind of impressive.
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wait, when the fuck did this happened? https://store.steampowered.com/app/2997980/Natsu_no_Sagashimono_What_We_Found_That_Summer/
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Wow they are literally me!
Is it as bad as the first game with copypasted bodies and bothersome event progression?
So do they ever have some kind of plot relevance?
Need consensual tentaclege! (If not consensual right away, at least the girl eventually lusts after it)
Agnietta drained my balls, that shit is great and everyone should play it. But I need more!
Thought it was NTR with that title and characters like that.
But nevermind after looking into it I lost all interest.
lots of ero being released in Steam this year, I guess nips finally understood that they can get extra money with old work
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aaaaah he added the first boss with double restraint animations, my diiiiiiiiiiiiick
>Lucky Ice Cream
>I have eaten about 40 and still haven't seen the prized one
They nerfed this shit, I remember getting one every 8-12 tries in jp version
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yes. and I'm glad, can't wait to have fun with her again.
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Does it count if another girl is controlling the tentacles?
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I'm liking her game so far.
Are there any lolis in that dev's zombie dungeon game?
the city's pretty cool, dev did a good job of making edo feel huge as fuck considering it's the capital of a nation
Pretty sure all his games have lolis.
this is clearly bait but fuck you
himecut supremacy and this ain't it
Yea it was a good game. The combat got too grindy in the 2nd half of the game that I had to cheat but everything else was good. Also big fan of games with several alternative short endings where you just give up on the main plot and run off with some dude
>boss is a pile of tentacles in a tube
>his grabs are pulling each of the individual girls in and holding them there
>scenes when both get pulled inside
I wonder how the dev will keep this up for future bosses? Hopefully the dungeon gimmicks stick around.
there's loli character but you can get a generic NPC loli for the dungeon
Did it get translated?
Kagura doesn't even try with the names sometimes.
It's a Roto bit and fat joke, so name him Rotund
>Calls himself an oldfag
>Can't name 5 good slow corruptionge
>jump king lolibaba ge came out RJ01199136
>rating: 4.00
It sure did seem shit from the demo so not surprising. Hopefully the dev copies a good game next time.
is it a good slutge? do you have freedom for her virginity and how much fucking?
Hopefully it has a gallery and a way to insta-unlock it. I can see myself getting tired of such shit "gameplay" quickly.
Grace, Zeven, Mischief War...
vanillage with constant threats of your girl will be stolen if you fail throughout the plot?
No one can do that because 5 good slow corruptionge don't exist yet.
yeah the h seems decent but I certainly wouldn't want to play a shitty game like that.
>Can't name 5 good slow corruptionge
Best one is when you started accessing /hgg2d/
>Vanillage that isn't vanilla
Art stuck in the netherworld between quality and sovlful. Pass.
My cunnybros rage
My cunnybros correct
My cunnybros UOHHHHHHH
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>He did virginity run in hentai game
red lost
leaf won
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I don't know if she can turn to a slut yet. Her events mostly end up with her becoming submissive so far. I especially like the part where she gets exiled on a penal island and she can exchange food for sex with the exile leader.
It seems that you can choose the scene she can lose her virginity to but there aren't virginity variations to the scenes so far except for an early scene that requires her to be a virgin.
Red...give me a blobjob...doko.
Yep, it warms the heart
That's why I call it lovey dovey ge instead
Vanilla seems to imply to some people that proper fail states aren't allowed
The VNDB "Pure Love Story" tag for example permits stories with lots of depressing material so long as the point of the story is obviously about a relationship conquering all of it
That being said I don't understand why people immediately think of NTR when it comes to a fail state. Like just make it a melodrama and have the girl fucking die or turn evil or something and now you can have the savior fantasy but without NTR art or content packaged into the game
They don't exist yet
I know a grand total of two good slow corruptionge one of them is an unfinished weg which has been in alpha for years
Both of them would be more financially successful if they were nukige slop, you have to have an extremely high IQ to appreciate slow corruptionge
Noelle is the goat
all other ge fall in comparison
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Any actually good age gap vanilla games that aren't incest or fantasy?
thp: killed
>That's why I call it lovey dovey ge instead
Okay newfag
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Contribute to eraMegaten.
Thanks for reminding me that I wanted to play Noellege
Am I supposed to download the 1.03 version in the bin and then apply the 1.05 patch myself?
Did you reply to the wrong post? There's nothing slow about Noelle's game.
That's newCHAD to you
What do you call it then
only if you blob doko
Actually you make a point, recently I played the fox girls never betray one and it had the lovey dovey tag despite a lot of sex with mobs involved, but actually makes sense given the endings and how its treated in world
What's with the influx of vanillafags?
games with pigs
spoonfeed me you fucks!
do your fucking job already!!
not my fault getting raped pretty much instantly kills you anyways
rimjob first
Anons do you have any Hag ge recs?Except captain syrosky and that one game with the 4? lolibabas(Its called youkai lolibaba smt smt) and ofc the bin.
I like vanilla cause seeing the characters bonding and having a happy end makes ME feel happy.
Rinko's game
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Leaf doesn't even have an HD EMMM-style blob, pathetic!
Grand ende 2 baka
No one corrupted them yet
overcoming hardships with your main girl are K1N0
Is there impregnation?
Too ningen focused
Are there blobs?
Only with humen
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why are they wearing turtleneck sweaters?
esp if it's a w3g
it was cold outside
Fucking flipfag stfu

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