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Previous: >>483629134

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


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>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
Jinhsi has lesbian fingers.
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Jinhsi's 3d mole OWES me sex
>they still think firepag's gonna beat wuwa
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Here's to another shit thread
>7 hour long maint
Wuwa bros
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Ming? Chao?
how many pulls do I need to get my wife Jinhsi anons?
farm your tubes
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Jinhsi is for handholding you animals
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>Implying coomer brainrotted hagpedos spend
Only loli banner can save wuwa, the sooner kuro realizes hagpedos don't spend but loli chads do the better
Hotfixes and their consequences.
I wanna pluck all of jinhsi's eyelashes out. They unironically creep me out because they make me think of those furry moths.
She can hold my cock.
Like 150 at the most
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Where is the event tab?
160 is the worst case scenario
Can I guarantee the yandere if I roll ayaka?
How possible is this scenario?
5.7% chance
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Bwos... When can I roll for my jade beauty wife?
Below 100% and over 1%
Hi. I'd like to let you know that the girl with the bandaged eye is cute. I hope your game does well, bye.
Stick with blue shitcive. Your kind don’t bring any money
Wuwa is the smiling friends of gacha games. Made by pedophile redditors, for pedophile redditors.
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Maintenance will last 7 hours.
Need to prepare free rolls for all the upcoming mistranslations and bugs.
I only have 106 so It's probably over for me...
its tied to the left most button on the overhead screen
Are going to have to wait until July 22 until Chang Li?
>7 hours
Do they have SEAnigger slave labour in charge of maintenance?
i remember 8 hour maintenance modes
but it was usually for mmos and big patches
Maybe sooner if hoyo will announce something big at that date.
There's like 15 more gold orbs coming plus coral shop plus everything you get from 1.1 quests/exploration, so by the end of her banner you'll almost certainly have enough to get her even in the worst case scenario starting from 100 rolls.
That buff only persists for Jianxin. You can't swap out. Only shield+heal is team-wide, unless I'm missing something???????????
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Without her weapon she is a BRICK.
No pre-download?
Is it because unreal engine limitation?
You'll win the 50/50 bro, I believe in you.
You're getting like 90+ rolls in 1.1 bwo
I'm used to 6 hours
Most people pull the 5 star around 70 due to the 64 soft pity.
If you're lucky and win the 50/50: 70ish
If you're unlucky and lose the 50/50: 140ish
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I had to pull up a map to get my last Noctemints, but I did it bros.
Master Chef in 1.0.
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Are you fucking stupid???
The HEALER SET, the moment you heal anyone you are given a teamwide Attk buff.

You equip Jianxins healing fist weapon, punch an enemy 1 time, EVERYONE in your team now has a 20% attack boost for 30s.
Its that fucking easy.
we aren't mainstream enough for predownloads
also my guess is we can start downloading when the 7 HOUR DOWNTIME STARTS so that is predownload in a sense
That's Camellya's supply dude
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Saving up seed for my wife Camellya
What's the benefit of predownloads exactly. You're just downloading now vs downloading later
now do it in your second account bwo
>No drip marketing for 1.2
>Being stingy motherfuckers with leaks
Do they hate building hype?
The game's not planned that far ahead bwo.
They're still working on it.
It mainly benefits people with slow internet connections. They have it ready right away instead of being stuck waiting hours while everybody else is playing.
Some of us poorfags have shit internet connection.
>he thinks it will only be 7 hours
lol kuro is fucking incompetent, expect 12 hours at least.
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maintenance is not really going to be 7 hours is it? They're just saying that to be safe for first patch but if there is no issues it will be like 3 hours max right?
This one?
>Marketing for characters 2 months away right before the next banner drops
Why? That's the dumbest fucking thing ever.
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Isnt it easier to just run it on verina or Baizhi that way you don't cuck yourself out of a really good moonlit sub DPS
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Poorfags and australians benefit from it.
I expect it to be around 5. The game launched about 2 hours early.
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Exactly that one.
Too far for hype.
They still want to sell 1.1 characters, advertising stuff right now is just stupid, this isn't MHY that has leak problems.
You build hype a week after the 2nd banner of the patch, this forces more people to spend money if there's a character they like in the next patch.
Genshin has never exceeded their 5 hour maintenance time.
Surely Kuro can match that.
If it's so dumb then why does Mihoyo continue to do it?
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MHY leakers are another appendage of the marketing wing however
To get ahead of leakers? Meanwhile wuwa leakers are incompetent as fuck.
If they don't drip the characters the leakers will. That's something you can't stop from leaking. Footage is an entirely different beast. In the beta server their UID is plastered all over the screen so leaking footage is very risky.
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Moonlit is too slow for her.
It requires her building concerto energy.
Her field time is just too garbage, its better to just turn her into a pocket Venti that buffs as well.

Healing set all with energy regen.
Now she's always ulting clumping enemies together and buffing teammates with 1 punch and swapping out.
Don't have to worry about her outro or anything, just clump and punch and fuck off.

If you're having immense DPS loss because of enemies being too separated that set would be the best bet for her.
>wuwa leakers are incompetent as fuck.
Just give them time.
>If they don't drip the characters the leakers will.
Except there's barely any leaks in WuWa.
Where is it now? We barely know anything about the future.
Entirely different to Genshin and HSR where there are regular leaks from 2-3 patches ahead.
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The only point of marketing early would be to get ahead of your own Leaktrannies at a substantial detriment to your own sales.
Kuro doesn't have such an issue at the moment.
Need anything else explained to you with rocks and crayola or was that it?
what time is the maintenance?
There were plenty of leaks just no leaks of combat footage. We had both characters full kits, all their animations, leaks of their banners and 4 stars on them, leaks of the the free pulls
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Are F2P people hitting UL50 yet?
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18 doros from now
Watch the boys season 4 with me bwos
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How's the powercreep looking bros?
Does Changli and Jinhsi change everything?
Damn, If Sentinels are going to be Archon tier important to the story, meaning we will have one every X.1~2 patch, leaving the first nation is going to take years...
>Substantial detriment to your sales
Evidence of this?
>where there are regular leaks from 2-3 patches ahead.
This rarely happens. There hasn't been a big leak like that in HSR since all of the 2.0 story was leaked. There's only small crumbs past 2.4 right now.
>No event
>No banner
EoS soon
That's just datamined beta stuff of the next patch.

Yes, because Shaoji got mad the story was leaked.
how does her counter work? I can't tell whether it's supposed to negate damage and I'm being weird with it or if it just reduces damage
And leakers are already telling people not to expect far off Natlan stuff. There's next to no Natlan leaks right now.
We could always just jump around nations
It does negative damage and you time out.
In the first place isn't the area we are currently in only one or two provinces of not China?
honestly they better give us more compensation for the enormous downtime
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If I spend Waveplates on the Crownless, I should just get like 20 Echoes of her.
Why would anyone have evidence of a problem that is proactively being averted you dumb SEAnigger? That's the whole point of my post how are you even alive being this stupid?
I'm going to time my stamina to land on 180 so I can 3x the new boss right after maint
>Slow energy buildup
>Trash on field
HUH. Compared to what ? a main DPS yeah no shit
Greenman got mogged and powercreept by jinhsi and changli. He already gotten the venti treatment in just 1 month.
I'm almost 49 and I haven't refreshed with astrite. Used most of my solvents tho.
Get back to grinding Gweilo, any further complaints and the next 10 crownless drops will have 0 crit to them
>still has self grouping while the others don't
relax nigger, there's nothing to do in the game anyway at this point
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You can spin the lack of "substantial" leaks as a good or bad thing, depending on your narrative.
However, it's a pretty simple fact that it's literally been 1 month since release.
Not a lot of time to get shit going.
>using Crownless
am I missing something
use dreamless
press E or hold left click whenever you get attacked, make sure to have 3 pink bars so you can get full shield bar.
Slow concerto enery build up. Intro and outro is essential and she's too slow to other supports and subdps.
How have mihomo sales been negatively affected by leaks? or are you going to waffle like a dog when you don't even get paid you indonesian vermin?
Sounds about right, im 3k EXP from 49 too and have played every day
How long does this take?
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when does the tower and shit reset?
I haven't touched it since UL30 and I don't want to rush it in 5 hours or whatever
When will the animetroon stop samefagging?
If you are ul 40 you will faceroll every stage first try 10k in 3 minutes
10-20 minutes
leaks havent affected mihomo in the slighest, fontaine actually flopped according someone who works at mihoyo, no hes not a leaker nor wants to be, he just tells us stuff.
>source: trust me bro my friend said it
yeah i know, its up to you to believe or not but its true.
Oh god I was worried I was about to pull an all nighter
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Why don't we have a cool widget like hsr?
I'm UL 45 and I barely got 40k
I think you are retarded, the only sub DPS i can think is better in some cases is Yinlin.
Maybe your monk is not build idk
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Compared to a sub dps like Sanhua and the like.
3 hits and Sanhua has her outro and is ready to fuck off.
Or Mortefi who is also super quick to build outro.
Jianxin recovers too much commitment and her forte develops way too slowly which is what gives her the most concerto energy, too bad it also forces her to sit her ass still for 15s and tank hits.
Sure you can plop the turtle to defend you, but you shouldn't be using the turtle for yourself it should be for the main dps that you're going to outro.
And her outro ult buff isn't that good either and its honestly a waste, its better for units like Sanhua who again has an outro you ALREADY fucking want so you're getting more bang for your buck by having a set also require her to outro since again, YOU ALREADY WANT HER TO OUTRO since its so good.

You don't care about Jianxins outro by default, you just now care because of the moonlit set, which again just makes her bleh.
Give it to a unit who's outro you already fucking want and double up on it, rather than feeding it to a unit who's outro you don't care for.

Personally though, I have my Jianxin built as a main dps.
why would i want this
Would that give constant heals or is shield the only way to grant heals from her?
I don't think we can even redeem codes outside the game.
>why would i want a quick and easy way to check shit whithout logging in
I hate QOL too
I'm trans and Filipino, is this game for me?
the Huanglong nation It's divided by 6 regions which every region has his own sentinel
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Where's the excitement? Where's the hype?
I'm plenty hyped. I'm even calling off work friday so I can spend time with my lovely Jinhsi.
Do you really want youtube thumbnail face reactions in this thread?
You guys don't just hit 9k and leave?
I bought the monthly, this shit is going to add up if I keep going, isn't it? How many monthlies do I need to hit at least one pity? 4 months?
Yes because I want updates and that's a small price to pay.
What would you need to check? I'm not autistic enough to care about being at 240/240. I just log in once a day and that's enough.
idk man everyone was pretty hyped when this dropped
soft pity is 65 so 2 months
the only thing you need to keep track of is stamina, and even then if you can't keep once every 24 hours in your mind without a digital slave brand you're actually retarded
EU bros... Isn't this type of ship already up when we wake up? Where is the new patch?
Reminder to use 2 3* echoes with atk% main stats and roll for resonance skill damage substat on Jinhsi.
It's the night before my wedding anon, im just nervous.
I thought it's 18 pulls for one month? Less if you misuse the 300 lunite?
25 hours
add in your normal dailies to that, you will be doing them r-right?
>just realized we don't have a hoyolab equivalent
Why not? Surely servers aren't that expensive.
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1 monthly gives you 19 rolls. Though I wouldn't count its value in times needed to hit pity but rather the marginal utility of being 20 rolls off a character you want and the monthly giving that to you.
>and roll for resonance skill damage
no. it's not good on her. She has so much bonus damage that it really gets diluted. You're better off with flat attack.
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No, the first weapon doesn't grant constant heals.
You punch once you get healed and your entire team is buffed for 30s.

If you're dying and getting ass raped by enemies, then yes it isn't recommended and you should just shield and heal.

In either case I recommend a main dps Jianxin rather than a support Jianxin.
For the simple fact that her shield just takes WAYY too long, if something is going to take that long I prefer it if it did a fuckload of dmg too, you don't want to spend that fuckload of time just to heal people and do negative 0 dmg.

And her shield scales off of ATTK, so essentially the stronger she gets the better off her shield will be and your survivability.
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I don't eat pagpag. Is this game for me?
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You're read for 1.1, right, wuwapags?
you can buy like 6 months at a time i think, and you will get the 300 lunite currency for each one up front
Let's remove unnecessary zeroes
Shells divided by 100
Stamina divided by 10
Gems divided by 10
Character/Weapon Level divided by 10
Account rank divided by 5
Echo level divided by 5
Man, I'm counting the rolls I get from buying monthlies exclusively, I'm not going to sugarcoat it with other earnings.
So it's at least 4 to 5 monthlies for 1 pity then.
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Gacha game is a biological weapon aiming for your fertility.
Instead of feeding your future wife, you feed your non real wife instead.
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Weapon banner
>Excuses for lacking basic bitch QoL
We have kuro interns ITT
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Anyone else unable to load news and notice?
>I don't eat pagpag
sounds like something hoyopag seamonkey would say
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Doing this event is giving me fucking cancer.
It's not even the DPS checks or whatever.
It's the fucking auto targetting revealing itself to be absolutely dog shit.
>Starting a family in this economy
At least put the poll title in the image
This game needs a legendary tier character like HuTao. Otherwise, Genshin will keep living rent free in my head.
dude, I'm not pro Mihomo but if you're posting poll from a channel with Wuwa related names then no shit this happens.
Game isn't big enough I guess.
I think Genshin only got it after 2.X patch.

Then it's not for you, but it's not a reason to say you don't want a QoL feature, that's just stupid.
fuck meant to type >gachage family
Who is it for? Can Jinhsi use it?
Poll title was vote for worst gacha
I want it for Taoqi who in turn will help Jinhsi
>Stacked af 4 stars
Changli's banner is going to stink with how dogshit the rest of the remaining 4 stars are
How are you this bad?
>Putting a shitty gauntlet on Jianxin to proc healing
>When Jianxin already applies healing
I think you're the stupid one, bro.
Very pretty weapon
Skill issue.
I never locked on to target anything just spam the intro skill or do whatever gimmick it tells you
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Changli's 4 stars actually work better with Jinhsi herself.
>DPS checks
You wouldn't even consider this if you just read what the levels gimmick was.
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>comparing 1 punch to proc healing to

>basic attack 5 times
>obtain full forte gauge
>hold heavy attack for 5 hrs
>now have shield
>wait 10s for shield to start proccing its healing
Abuse the stage buff nigga, you can get 90k fairly easily with some resets
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My Taoqi support dreams will come true
Ahh shit, this sounds pretty good.
Get to see if C4 makes yangyang actually have purpose outside MC orbiter.
Camellya is the only character I can see being a mega hit like Hu Tao or Sparkle. For now at least.
>no blue nigga on 4 star rate up
It's just Mort, the other two? Eh
Jinhsi's banners are stacked
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fact checked: true
okay bro
Taoqi is possibly Jinhsi's second best support after Yinlin
Baizhi also has coordinates attacks so she's not a bad choice if Verina isn't available.
R5 autumntrace vs R1 lustrous razor for Jinhsi calcs?
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Camellya more like Ca-SMELLY-a
Why do people talk about pairing Changli with Encore?
Sanhua's buff is better for Encore and Encore doesn't do shit for Changli
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>none of the units in Jinhsi's banner is good with her
For what purpose.
>Baizhi also has coordinates attacks so she's not a bad choice if Verina isn't available.
Except everyone has Verina thanks to the selector ticket, the only place where you might use baizhi instead of her is probably the tower if Verina is out of stamina.
Precisely. You can't use Verina on every team there.
>the avatarfag is replaying to himself. Again.
when will this end?
bp weapon was like 3% better but the razor is free if you still have the box
What are you building units for if not tower
Every team wants verina, and Jinshi can use non-verina supports the best
Is Chixia a trial character in illusive realm lv 4? Mine's level 20...
>brick, brick, fag
lmao. its clear which character they mean to actually sell and which is just the throwaway filler of the patch
When tourists stop giving the tranny (you)'s
Im not using tuners, i'll just aim for the needed main stats and then stop there.
Sure thing, sanhua coper. Changli kicks her out of the encore team
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>there are people here who used their weekly challenge runs already so they won't be able to farm Jue
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>Jinshi animation soon
>needing Verina
Imagine needing to use the ugliest, most boring character
Are you guys seriously planning to finish Jue's story in one sitting? We're at the end of the week by the time the event comes out, might as well use up the weeklies with how tight our plates are due to tacet field bonus
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>Imagine needing to use the ugliest, most boring character
But enough about Jinhsi
Oh no! Whatever will I do without the mats none of my characters use?
probably not, i will just get her talents as high as i can without the materials, which is still lvl 6 just not passive and no extra stats for a few days. I prefarmed a bit
is it pronounced jue or jue
Nah. I put Camellya around mid-high tier, not top.
bro, no one gives a fuck about the shit story, everyone will skip it
yes but every team wants Verina thats the point.
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Stinky neets will finish it in 1-2 days and complain about no content as usual.
el juan
post kots
jue like jueves
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Why haven't you spooked me yet you stupid fucking kot.

I want to build you up and prove to everyone that you're SSSSS+ tier and the Bennett of Wuwa.
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What if it's good this time though
only if you're talking about the og design. the new one is trash. looks like a genshit character, f- tier
its pronounced like jewy
What is with chinks and incomprehensible verbose writing and walls of text? It's in HSR/Genshin too.
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I hope there is a skip button throughout entire 1.1 story so I can complain faster
most chink writters are influenced by their wuxia, cultivation, xianxia shit which is walls of text explaining what ridiculous method a character used to become really strong.
it's pronounced jueh
This but with textbooks
They seem to have average higher IQ than the average westoids and especially SEAnigs kek
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>Chink was rank one in revenue at launch and two weeks after.
>one month later
It's over bros.
I will, I doubt it's very long.
I'll play the story, roll Jinhsi then uninstall the game.
STOP let the faggot have scar... And a pedo bait.. So i can save for Tsubaki.
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>male unit surpassing a female
More like WuGAY
no shit, put her up with the 1.1 casts at least
Isn't Crownless better than Dreamless?
who is the chad 6%?
Yeah the reason to drip before the cbt is because the 1.2 beta *will* reveal who the characters are for that patch. And either the leakers get those eyeballs on their social media accounts, or kuro gets them. Mihoyo obviously prefers the latter, I'll be a little surprised if kuro doesn't come to the same conclusion.
i thought you pronounce jue as jew wtf
East china.
Indonesia of course.
one is a prologue boss, the other is the last boss of the current version, you do the math
>4 (four) upcoming characters
Is this all wuwa has to offer?
What's next?
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Is this okay for Encore so far? I was hoping for Atk%, but I haven't had much luck with echo farming.
scarsisters we got too cocky…
>as a doctor you failed to rescue as a warrior you failed to defend
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Im not pulling for Jinshi so whats the point
Are we excited for 1.1?
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Die in a fire you humblebragging faggot
>character is coming out
>bro you need 2 dupes and the sig or they are a brick!
gachatards say this for literally every character
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God bless Tectone our guy for giving this game free advertising.
>either the leakers get those eyeballs on their social media accounts, or kuro gets them. Mihoyo obviously prefers the latter
why would mihoyo prefer kuro gets the eyeballs
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How long until maintenance?
Male Rover bros? our status?
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How about a round of applause for the true OG DEMONE KIM for carrying this game on his shoulders since launch?
So is the game actually dead? I wanted to spend for Jinhsi but this looks pretty bad.
>If Sentinels are going to be Archon tier important to the story
God I hope not, archonwank fucking sucks in genshin. Mostly from a meta perspective, the playerbase's childish insistence that archons be OP fucks up the meta. But it'll be annoying from a storytelling perspective too.
It's usable as a temp piece? Far from optimal, those 3 bonus% are useless
>used it for memphis
wuwonned and waifupilled
starts tmrw 6 am utc +8
I bet wuwa wouldn't have turned into such a massive success w/o all these content creators turbo shilling for free. They get content at least tho
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I like practical and simpler design. Not something that look like it take 30 minutes to wear. Seriously.
>communist runes have a special gimmick that makes text read like poems
>hack writers use that gimmick to make their clusterfuck of ideas look like a masterpiece
>other languages don't have that gimmick, so the story reads like an image opened in notepad
Never played Genshin but I hate it when the big important story characters are trash from a meta perspective and the meta is full of random literal who joke characters. The other way around sounds infinitely better.
This was before the chinks caught on, now they are shilling the game like usual after the Jinhsi trailer, if bilibili views is anything to go by
Archons are shit now, bro.
Sovereings are the new metakings.
We are canon, they can never take that away from us.
Are you dumb? Just kill dreamless in 2 seconds and you'll have your guarantee.

The weekly guarantee is only useful for overlord bosses, and even then you have to wait a minute before spawn unless you're farming two of them.
If they moved their main fanbase to Japan and South Korea, we might just get more coomer design.
Gotta move the HQ first to Singapore or Japan though.
how tight is anko manko?
How do you know jue is not a domain
>doing my 15 weekly echo drop
>lost the 80/20 two times in a row
I want to kill myself
How would a main DPS who doesn't offer any team-wide buffs, or even next-character buffs, be the Bennett of WuWa
Bennett is Bennett because percentage-based buffs age well. That's why he's still good years later.
Lingyang could be the best DPS on release and he wouldn't have that kind of longevity. The best you could get out of "proving" that he's great is a year of Diluc Gaming and then giving up the shitpost because he's been powercrept to oblivion.
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Just because you got powercrept doesn't mean you need to be upset.
Wrong, snowbreak global literally still falling behind despite coomer design update.
The only region where it gain almost 20x revenue after coomer update is in china.
Then, it would be good by gacha standards. If i want to read a good story, i would go to my local library.
Majority of this general are waifuGODS and one yumeGOD (the femanon who posted her 5 copy jinyan). Yuritroons will gaslight you into thinking that femrover is the straight man's choice but xer isn't fooling anyone. Xer got btfo countless times, resorted to samefagging and falseflagging but still failed.
He's been repeating the same shit since the game came out, ignore it
They need to hire Japanese character designers and story writers. Chinese devs just don't get the genre.
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Main heroine status?
Theres quite literally no marketing for snowbreak anon, wuwa on the other hand tho
>Jinshit as the first banner
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No, Skill and Liberation suck for her. You want ATK% and Flat ATK.
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doesnt changli work well with her?
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>none of the cutscenes shows yapyap
Ummm....Is yayap gonna be replaced and no longer be the poster girl?

Furry Paimon and Jinhsi seem like the more likely candidates of being the new face of Wuwa.
because they're secretly bwos
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>bothering with mobileshit ranking
You're talking to a (you) whore. Keep in mind this is the same retard that unironically does "pity building".
what do the numbers here mean
Powercrept how? She'll be the sub dps for Chang.
She will be revealed to be the goddess. Trust the plan.
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Sorry, but Sanhua is just TOO good.
Encore is just powercrept.
Did they ever fix that Sanhua bug with one of her dupe-passives giving double the outro energy it was supposed to?
>PC gaming
I don't have S6 Sanhua so Encore is still better. YOU LOST
>no Jianxin SS-tier
fake news false list
Changli wants a lot of field time
It's the reference sheet I've been working on to help me figure out whether flat attack is better than bonus% damage for a given character.
The entries under Basic/Heavy/Skill/Burst are the character attack value at which bonus% becomes better than Flat Attack.
So, for example, if your Encore has at least 1234 Attack (the displayed value on the character page), then Basic% will provide more ATK than flat ATK will.
So for Skill% and Burst % to be better than flat attack for Encore, your Encore is going to need to have over 4000 ATK.
Just thinking about the process to wear these clothes everyday.
He's a calamity boss, just like Dreamless
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Reminder: none of the characters are for (YOU). (WE) are meant for IT.
Sanhua doesn't powercreep anyone because she spends ~4s on the field.
That's like saying that grenades powercreep rifles.
isnt her weapon supposed to be much better?
>he's doing weekly and not waiting from Jue
Instead of 20/20 Jue you're getting 10/20 after the patch drops.
>Jew > Aix
my +25 CritC CritD Aix nyo...
Considering they can make items appear and disappear at will, it's as easy as that.
Funny with the last minute change to Jinhsi's kit, Sanhua is dogshit with Jinhsi.
And some fag even said she's good because her buff is general and not specific element damage. What a retard.
I hope (it) turns into a cute loli.
this website is so bad
BP weapons aren't even worth it at this point wtf
get your standard 5-stars you want, then just roll the standard weapon banner
>That's like saying that grenades powercreep rifles.
They don't? I'd rather get hit by a rifle than a grenade.

You can probably run 4/4/1/1/1 on Jinhsi and offset the lack of spectro% with resonance skill dmg%
We're talking about Chang retard.
>The other way around sounds infinitely better.
If you try to simply release balanced characters, you'll end up with some above average and some below average ones. The subpar ones could be fixed with buffs.
If you deliberately try to make certain characters very strong, they'll probably end up either average or totally broken. If they come out broken there's no real way to fix it in a gacha. It's a dangerous balancing strategy for the long-term health of the game.
She wasn't that great with Jinhsi before, but they did indeed make her worse.
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>dosent even bother putting the BP weapon at R1
>Dosen't even bother putting 4* weapons
>Dosen't even bother putting 3* weapons
The state of Wuwa TC is literally uber dogshit. Worse then even genshin in v1.0
How do I install the mods with big naked boobies and tiny little cunnies?
That's because they're all worse
Hi retard.
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fuck you
YES fuck you
You felt for the psyop
Killing genshin is easy. Killing HuTao as a character. Now that's a real challenge.
Which website is this?
>incel pandering jewtoube channel has incel viewers
Color me surprised!
She got powercrept hard by fatui dyke though
That may be so, but no infantryman is going to give up his rifle so that he can carry more grenades.
Burst damage is great, but it doesn't replace the primary tool.
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I hope (it) turns into Koksal Baba
Mobile is far more prominent in Japan and gacha world in general.
PC is small time.
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Is this better than yayap?
you are comparing a sub dps slot to a main dps slot retard bro
There is no point in putting 2 sigs there.
The list should be six long, her sig, BP wep R5, the standard 5*, the best 4* R5, the best 3* R5
But get this: 3 grenades and they magically respawn in your pocket after a while. Not bad, eh?
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WuWa 4* weapons aren't any worse at this point that Genshin 4* weapons
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>best 3* R5
Can you mod out the ult scenes yet?
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Nice meme but you are comparing apples to oranges
The turtle is a Calamity boss, gwo.
what's the point
Yes? Good job pointing that out?
4* weapons in this game are unironically junk. They seriously fucked up compared to HSR and Genshin. You're usually losing a whopping 30-40% dmg by not getting their sig. Literal monkey paw with the 100% rate.
Follow the thread retard. He compared her to Sanhua because someone wanted to use Encore as a sub dps for Chang.
That means they are really strong but not busted level on which there can only be 1 of each
Thanks, just helping you out by poking holes in your poor counter argument.
So emotionally unstable retards who invested in those characters don't throw a hissy fit that their character is not T0
I don't entirely disagree with you, but we're literally on the FIRST battlepass. You're not seeing an R5 battlepass weapon for a while.
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Jiyan w/ signature weapon
Jinhsi or Changli sub-DPS w/ standard 5-star banner weapon
Jianxin (buff/ light heals) w/ heal 3-star weapon
>pic related
Weird argument then because Turtle drops its echo 100% if you kill dreamless before it.
Which is exactly what Jué will do, too.
Just find the hidden cats in the fierce struggle stages, bwo
HuTao is still the number 1 money making machine of genshin. Those number don't lie.
>Yangyang support
>Provides neither a heal nor a shield
Yes the turtle domain.
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Are we winning son?
I don't think you'll ever be able to do that without a ban, that's changing game logic.
There's nothing more cringe than voice actors attaching themselves to games like these.
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Why would you use Jiyan and Jianxin together.
Both are AoE, better to hand Jianxin to a team that sucks at AoE.
Jianxin's AoE sucks cocks.
is counterwoman so low because she's bad or because she's just weird to play
Nigga, all your chart says is that Stringmaster is literally 41% better than Jinzhou Keeper, the f2p option.
You make no sense. You do not need the weekly echo guarantee for calamity bosses. You can farm them at 100% drop rate.
>disables zoom in
>character is still animation locked
Whats the point? its not a jpg gacha where its a video you can cut out.
Jianxin is the best support assuming you don't get hit and even if you make a mistake, you can recover.
AoE in general sucks cocks.
Enemies get scattered way too easily by your attacks.
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Dosen't provide that much damage either
Prydwyn is evaluating her on her suction + energy outro, neither of which are great.
The logic is already in the game bro. The cutscenes don't play when you ult close to walls or other objects obstructing the space around you. The character does the animations without cutscene.
Bros calm down it's just 15 Assrite
These dogs make you close the game after every update. What makes you think they have the tech for predownload?
>F2Poors rolling multiple accounts just to pull new characters ingame
I weep for the SEAthirdies
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Any other ticket Chad's that are holding onto their ticket like me
I wish YangYang got a better kit. She's pretty much the de facto marketing character that everyone saw for years and she sucks cock. Now she's just a sleepy voice waifu that you'd only be exposed to in the story.
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Yes, and not just that. I haven't even rolled on this one.
Why is watching a cutscene better than just watching the actual animation play out? There's no reason not to have an option to disable it.
Stringmaster is 21% better than Augment R5.
You will get Augment R5 eventually simply by virtue of collecting garbage while using your free pulls.
That kind of spread between the best R5 4* and a signature weapon is fine at launch. It's comparable to Genshin's Staff of Homa R1 vs Dragon's Bane R5.
>Not sea
>Still don't think this game is worth spending more than 5 dollars on this game
Not renewing my subscription either shill. I wouldn't give a fuck it goes eos after a year.
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She isn't, and not with Jiyan.
Jianxin boosts ult damage which is WORTHLESS on Jiyan.
I am waiting to see how Jianxin holds up in endgame before I C1 her. This seems strong for shielding utility.
>he doesn't know
when's the new patch, sirs!
>Firefly releases
>5* sig is 10% better than the literal free option
>Jinhsi releases
>5* sig is 40% better than the gacha 4*

WTF did Kuro mean by this?
Because not everyone is autistic enough to care about something like that when the end result is the same. The only difference it makes is the illusion of control you get.
5pm central it shuts down then 7 hours after
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>aero has monopoly on suction
>literally every other element is a damage text skin
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Spend now. Hehehebe
wtf why would they maintenance mode during prime time US hours?
Augment is the BP weapon dumbass. You literally need 5 BPs to max it.
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I feel like people are using Jianxin wrong.
You either use as as an Ulti bot to help clump enemies together for your main dps.
Or you use her as a main dps unit.

Stop trying to use her as a support, she can't replace Verina.
Her shield and heal is something you should only use in a main dps role.
around 24 hours so we'd be playing it right about now
>having less options is better
yeah the 4* wp in this game is fucking DOGSHIT besides the support one
thank god the standard 5* exists and they are easy to get
>burger hours
It's fine I can sex my wife instead
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Sounds like she has no role, desu
That's just how it goes for these games. Notice how Eu server resets are always better suited for NA.
Na literally doesn't matter, they don't give a fuck about burgers. It's not like they spend money on gacha.
Anyone got the list of image MD5s for the anime avatarfag?
>Stop trying to use her as a support, she can't replace Verina.
>Her shield and heal is something you should only use in a main dps role.
Why not? If she's buffing my team's ATK with the heal set and I can quickly shield and get heals going, why would I sacrifice a slot to someone like Verina?
Less if you buy the premium. It gives you a item to enhance the weapon.
Make the mod if you're that bothered by it then autist, but you wont because all you do is bitch and moan in a mongolian basket weaving forum.
Well, I'm retarded.
>could just roll standard 5-star once and beat it
why even bother with the BP except for materials?
Same thing as Anemo?
5 dupes of bp weapons only results in less than 10% improvement
Don't buy the premium bp
I think CN has one. I vaguely recall some minor drama because they found out that Kuro copied Hoyo's EULA word-for-word.
>If she's buffing my team's ATK with the heal set and I can quickly shield and get heals going
Because it isn't fast.
You're spending considerable amount of time basic attacking to fill her forte gauge.

Then you're spending even more time using her forte gauge to generate your shield.
Then FINALLY you can fuck off to someone else, all while doing negative dmg that whole time.

Whatever buffs your team got from the healing set is offset by just how long it took to complete that rotation.
Is my mouse broken or is the hold attack for this game really sensitive? I keep accidentally detonating Encore.
lmao, getting a BP wp to r5 is prolly going to cost you most time and investment than just pulling for a signature, it's just not worth it. they are barely better at r5 (if at all) than the standard 5* at r1. the standard 5* is just the way to go in this game if you are not planning to roll for signature
although you do get a few "free" rolls on the weapon banner each patch so you are going to get one eventually
Correct, I would've made it myself if I wasn't also a retard.
S6 drops the charge time down to 1 second for max shield
>You're spending considerable amount of time basic attacking to fill her forte gauge
C1, can't relate.
I love my retard Taoist wife.
You're correct. Unless you plan to collect every character in the game like Pokemon, I think it's best to get the signatures for your main dps. Having 3 dps with 3 signatures is better than having 6 dps and zero signatures.
Same thing happens to me Encorebro. The games fucked.
Who said anything about getting full shield? I'm casting my ult, performing some basic attacks, doing dmg in the process, shielding for a second then swapping back to my main DPS and getting 10-15% heals every second for 6s

Yeah it's less optimal than Verina but I'm getting a DPS/buff/healer all in one unit freeing up a slot for someone more interesting in that place.
How quickly do you fill up your gauge at C1?
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I'm addicted to the x2 echo field bonus
God the regular bonus is trash
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Her skill tree literally has to increase her crit rate.
Its obvious support role wasn't made for her, she is an AoE tank with a lot of survivability.
Lost coinflip and had to skip Yinlin signature wep already meaning she's at literal half power. If I lose the coinflip on Jinhsi I'm dropping this game lol.
She's at 1/4 power because she's being piloted by you, but that doesn't seem to bother you lmao
>metacucking ever
Why don't I have Baizhi?
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Today was a fun day.
I'm getting Jinhsi and her weapon tomorrow.
I hope all the F2P are there to see it.

See ya soon. :)
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>didnt roll S6 so she's at 1/8th of her power
bricked bwo
Maybe you're clicking to fast so the button couldn't actually release and it was registered as heavy attack.
It's not that easy to accidentally use heavy attack, I usually have to actively hold left click for more than half a second.
I use Encore and Rover most of the time.
U have to do 1 roll on beginner banner
If u crashed out your game to escape the tutorial roll u missed her
>why would a Chinese game company based in China have their maintenance period during the early morning-lunch hour in East Asia and SEA
>How quickly do you fill up your gauge at C1?
Four basic attacks
If only male rover looked remotely close to that in game.
Are you a boomer that can't do 10ms clicks?
Firefly has dogshit damage celling it's all hmc
holy fucking shit seriously? she's essentially a healer at that point.
>Have more stamina
>Everything cost more anyway
What's the point? Illusion of "more resources"? False advertising?
S6 is like a 100% increase retardgod. Signature weapon is basically half of an S6 in power.
Gwo, their servers go down and get updates atleast 12hrs ahead of the NA servers.
how do you get it down to 4 basics? I fill up my gauge in 12 so 100% more chi generation would be 6 attacks.
Reminder to save ur 15/15 drop rate for jue and your 3/3 weekly on jue
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I believe Genshin Impact (2020) would be more up your alley.
She is a portable battery with a pull thats about all she can do
Prob cuz the alternatives are so much better
>t.Massive taoqi fag
Your intro skills adds to the gauge if you hit an enemy with it.
could be worse, he could be aether.
Where'e the Jinshi banner?
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I'm hitting UL50 right after the update, it's gonna take too long to raise Jinhsi/Changli anyway and I have more important characters to boost.
ummm not according to my prydwen seanig website bwo
oh okay I wasn't aware that counted nice
easy enough to shield in a rotation with those 4 attacks? I wouldn't even bother shielding all the way, just the sliver they give you for holding attack for a second or whatever.
I can do around 6 clicks/second. So yeah not that fast. But this game doesn't even require you to spam mouse clicks at crazy speed.
Multiple reasons:
>DEF% scaling unit means she requires a lot of resources (max leveling and separate echoes)
>She has weak concerto regen and wants a character that has very very good concerto regen on the team to fix it
>No skill-damage scaling unit yet, this changes with Jinhsi and Changli, expect her to go up a tier or two
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Camellya has some pull skill in the leak even though she is havoc.
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People here are really underestimating Jianxin.
She's an extremely good main dps just by herself thanks to her AoE and survivability.

She demolishes shit even at solo.
Forbidden word
Everyone can solo the first 2 levels of abyss bro...
Doesn't Yinlin have half of her damage tied to her skill?
Spectro Rover and Chixia also scale well with skill damage.
Thanks anon
channel is really banned?
>floor 2
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Only if you have a 5* weapon.
>3 characters for floor 1 and 3
>Floor 2 clear matters
I don't really get how it works but people who broke 4chan with bots in the past caused certain word combos to be blocked forever
Some other boards have special banned words
>She's an extremely good main dps
I love her but compared to the real main DPS characters, she really isn't.
I hope to get S6 one day, though. THEN she becomes a main DPS.
Jianxin is going to be underestimated until everyone S6s her and realizes what she brings to the table on ez mode. If you know how to play her, S0/S1 is more than enough.
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>bro you have to pull for weapons they'll be at half power!
>don't pull
>still get 18/30
>only down 3 pulls a patch
I'm scared of pulling Jinhsi too soon... I need my 4* dupes...
>3 pulls per patch
The weapon will practically pay for itself in only three years!
You'd have to do the whole story to get to him. By they time a new week will be up.
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I was testing out Encore.
And even with Sanhua she can't complete floor 1.
That is why Jianxin was there, I regret building her.
Encore is total SHIT and only viable with a 5* weapon.

Nah, Jianxin is legitimately better than every other main dps outside of Jiyan.
Her AoE is a Godsend.
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>a week
I'm gonna reach him in less than 5 hours unless they delay it
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FireGOD chixia is alot more fun to play and can clear the trash floors with ease as well. The monk will stay in the basement unless Kuro adds her in the Illusive Realm pool.
bro, we're at 21/30 minimum... just uninstall you're ngmi
Fuck it and fuck the meta. After all this talk about Jianxin being able to shield and heal and DPS in one unit I'm gonna spend my selector. Hopefully I'll s1 her eventually.
You're supposed to no life the game after the story is up so you can bitch about no content and shill other irrelevant games
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Oh yeah?
Encorebros we're getting bullied...
No, it's just Encore who is clunky. Yinlin also has a detonate and it works fine.
Let's see.

Launched with a resin cap of 120. A full day was worth 180.
Weekly boss: 60 (30 discount didn't originally exist)
Overworld boss: 40
Domains: 20
Layline: 20
9 domains or 4 overworld bosses per day

Wuthering Waves
Launched with a waveplate cap of 240. A full day is worth 240.
Weekly boss: 60
Overworld boss: 60
Tacet Field: 60
Forgery: 40
Simulation: 40
6 forgeries or 4 overworld bosses per day

Genshin has since raised their cap to 200 but they haven't improved how quickly it generates. It's still 1 per 8 minutes. 24 hours is still only 180.
Why would I want that?
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She doesn't have a good 5* weapon.
Once a good 5* limited fist weapon shows up that Jianxin can take advantage of.

She's going to skyrocket in powerlevel.

>shows only Jianxin able to solo those floors
Ummmm ESL bro???
I had the problem at first, too, but then I stopped spam clicking so aggressively. Haven't had a problem accidentally blowing my Encore since the first week.
It's hilarious that her best weapon is actually a 3-star heal. Easiest R5 ever.
I do. I plan to spend it on a standard 5* that I won't have in my collection. So rn it will either be Lion or OmAnko. We will see who I get when I lose my 50/50 coin toss when I'll roll for Jhinhsi and Changli.
They said you need 5* weapon to solo, which is not true. The biggest bottleneck is having AoE with just enough damage to beat timer
>Took the Aaltopill and went all out with the upgrades
>Realize hes shit at S1
My resources... No...
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ESL bro, learn to read.
You need 5* if its with another unit.
I don't have a 5* first weapon, who the fuck is using a 5* fist weapon for their Jianxin???

Jianxin has AoE so she doesn't need immense dps to clear towers.
Unlike every other unit that has DPS issues so they need immense firepower to clear, hence why you NEED stringless for encore to solo clear shit.
The weapon is shit and it's shit for Jianxin.
You're using it to proc the healing set effect. It would do exactly the same thing if you gave it to Yuanwu or Lingyang and equipped them with the healing echoes.
You effectively don't even have a character in that slot. You're running two characters plus Rejuvenating Glow.
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Autobattle is rotting your brain bwo
It's just paypigs trying to brick f2p
Star Rail
Launched with a trailblaze power of 240. A full day is worth 240.
Weekly boss: 60
Relic cavern: 40
Trace Cavern: 30
Overworld boss: 30
8 trace runs or 8 overworld bosses per day

Star Rail has them both beat.
>tranime avatarfag baiting people into getting brickxin
>it's working
holy kek this shithole has no future
>patch drops when most americans are asleep
it's over
>Pull weapon
>Don't pull weapon
what the fuck bros who do i believe?
>You effectively don't even have a character in that slot. You're running two characters plus Rejuvenating Glow.
That's the point. Verina buffs+heals with a little DPS without having to play Verina.
Timezonelet bro...The patch for the NA servers start at the afternoon and end late at night.
Good and useful weapons are safe investment.
explain this video then?
>You literally need 5 BPs to max it.
Isn't that 3 BPs. BP weapons can be Syntonized with dupes and special Ghinko leaf material you get from buying BP. So second bp let you to get it to S4 and 3rd BP will max it at 5 and you can pick different BP weapon.
trust no one not even yourself
Jianxin is actually good though and there's been plenty of proof of that even itt. You'd know that if you built her properly but instead your resources went to some gay dragon
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The only reason I built her was because I could just give her Jiyans echos and swap between the two.
Its literally the best thing ever.

Unironically glad she ended up being useful at the tower with little fucking effort on my part.
you mean maint
Believe in you who believe in yourself
I will pull for weapons ONLY if there are no characters that interest me. With jinhsi, camellya, and fuloloulou on the horizon I'm skipping weapons unless I get very lucky
If you're F2P you lose rolls for characters while maybe getting a few hundred astrite extra a month in return
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Posted my UID and no one even added me.
dead game?
Just wait for the free weapon gacha pulls that we're getting after a few days
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Encore's problem with that floor, and a problem I think every single-target DPS is going to have, is going to be the three Roseshrooms. They'll laser you down without any kind of support, and without AoE you can burn them down reasonably quick, and the lasers force you to dodge constantly which really fucks with you.
Jinaxin is kind of uniquely suited to it. I don't think it has anything to do with what weapon Encore has, that floor would just suck for her to try and solo.
She's at least S2 here, most probably S6. Even Lingyang looks fine at this level.
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If you actually cared about the character you'd give them their best in slot personal weapon even if it's just 10% boost compared to weaker one. Just skip some characters there's only 3 party member slots anyway you don't need to have all of them
>Finish exploration quests
>City isn't burning red anymore
>Fog disappears
>Rain's gone
Nobody liked this changes in genshin. Why the fuck did they decide to copy the same mechanic.
>Doesn't show S level
>Those minmaxed Echoes
Put them on YangYang or Aalto and it'd be the same.
Do whatever you want. Not like there is any content to whale for. No, the 2 extra rolls you get out of tower 21+ is not worth it.

Roll for what you enjoy.
He also has the 5* gauntlet at R4
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The problem with Jinhsi is that you sort of HAVE to pull her weapon as a F2P or you're screwed.
Jinhsi only offers pure raw dmg, she isn't like Jiyan that AoE sweeps, or Yinlin/Changli that can boost another unit.

All Jinhsi has is raw dmg, which is the fastes and easiest way to get powercrept.
If you get Jinhsi without her weapon you're easily making her get powercrept a lot fucking sooner.
>faggots live rent free in xis head
your gig brainrot is showing xister
Patch would be dropping 1 hour 21 minutes ago tomorrow. Most people would be asleep.
don't play on asia server next time
Your friendlist in the op?
weapons are more compelling in this game because 12,800 equals only a 50/50 chance at the the character you want, vs a GUARANTEED significant damage boost.
She's S6
You can see that he uses parry during his forte channel and instantly gains a full-strength shield. That's an S6 feature.
I really regret skipping Jiyan since he is still the AoE king. Who should I pull for if I want to fill an AoE slot?
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Only real answer everyone else go home.
weapons are guaranteed nigga
just dont roll as often and when you do grab their weapon while you're at it

alternatively can start with getting enough weapons/weapon types that you can pass around to other teammates but the reality is a lot of signature weapons are made for the characters themselves
I dunno why this discussion about weapons is that important. Free to play should be close to or have their 2nd 5* weapon from feeding all their standard pulls into the weapon banner, which they should because the standard character banner is cancer after your guarantee banner goes poof. I had shit luck there but still found enough standard rolls to get my 2nd 5* weapon around ul 34 and am about halfway to a 3rd choice.
You chatgpt bot is broken again, bro.
You always roll for the weapon. You need that extra damage to get 30/30, it's an investment that pays for itself over time.
It's only the retarded anime poster spamming. There's no pvp and the most of the game isn't hard and the hard stuff rewards aren't mindblowing. spend on what you want.
Only true until you have 1 weapon for each of your use cases.
If you have 3 sword DPS on 3 teams, you only need 1 5* sword. After which pulling more characters/dupes is better. Extreme example.
But I just don't give a fuck about that. I wanna pull her to cellect my waifus and ntr Sahua, Dragon and Changli.
you definitely luckshit. You aren't getting 2 weapons from free blue orbs after using them on the guaranteed character.
Nice humblebrag on multiple early weapon pulls,I literally had no 5* weapon until UL45 because getting Verina from standard picker went all the way to pity, this was before the targeted picker was even a thing.
Well no I didn't, 1 was the free box
So when is patch 1.1 releasing..
after the maintenance ends
23 hours and 30 minutes
There was barely enough rolls for the Novice+Beginner banner if you didn't get the character early bwo
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I'm UL 48 and I STILL don't have a single 5* weapon.

And no, I'm not opening the 5* box yet.
you got the box at ul34?
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S-surely the standard 5* blade is enough right...?
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+250 astrites have been deposited to your account thanks to your glorious 30* clear instead of 18*
This shit is what you're sweating over?
enough for what?
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>S1 Alto
>Inferno Rider echo
Comfy exploration
Sorry but what do "Cleave, Coord and Hard" mean in this?
>0 five star weapons
lmao you will continue being a 18/30 shitter even after ul 50
Yinlin is better aoe since you aren't a 2* character with no aoe without ult like jiyan
time to move chixia posters down a few tiers. how unfortunate.
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>update on Friday
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kek triggered
Enough to do it.
>less than 24 hours till the patch
my anxiety is growing
21 is reachable 24 is.. sweaty region and 30 is mega whale base, but true a pull and a half aint worth sweating over
What's the best way to build Jianxin? I have her as dps with Aero set
Fym? if you can 21 you can definitely 24, literally the same tower level
I'm 12/30 you skill issue retard.
Do the selectable concerto-based libs in illusive realm match their characters? Like, is yuanwu's shit?
best use of her is soloing floor 2-3 on left and right tower so you can save resource instead of building 3rd team
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dead thread dead general dead banner dead patch dead game dead studio
Why would you admit something so embarrassing
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I'm 12/24 cause I don't care
how is it possible to be THIS bad lmao
Danjin sucks
-My cock
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And you'd still rather spend your time here than your own general
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Ummm bro...?
Don't you mean 12/30???

You hopefully gotten past the entry towers haven't you...
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Roll for what you enjoy the most, not for "meta". Only retards roll shit they don't really want to play.

I 18/30 tower with S0 4* characters at UL40. I can get a few more stars with higher level. Not worth sweating over.
She's versatile you can build for support or damage, but since you're already locked on aero I'd go aero monkey set crit, double aero 3 costs rest atk, prioritize crit and atk substats. Fuck the ER you're supposed to get those from substats when on-fielding her. Autos are just for building ki to charge attack really. Make sure you have monkey or full ki ready before using liberation, her charged heavy attack shreds when built for dmg
Gone untill patch it seems?
>Not worth sweating over
think of online strangers' approval bro
danjin is not a whore
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>people picked Encope from their selector
>skill issue tards exposed themselves
I bet they don't even get it.
lording over plebeians is a good time
All bricks that I don't need
Convince me to roll for Jinhsi..
patch is 0600 tomorrow china time, and supposed to finish 6 hours later.
how are you not 18/30? im barely playing the game and i got 18/30 last round. 4* wep btw too.
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Nah I thought it was boring and stopped in the entry. In first few weeks. I got better characters that can clear now but I don't care. Good luck convincing the laziest poster on this planet.
Don't. Give your rolls to me instead.
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>people rolled stringless for Encore just so she could be powercrept
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are you ready?
she is a redhead, which automatically makes her a whore
I'm pulling the weapon, I don't care what others think I'm going to make her as strong as I can. Idealy I can also pull Changli but she's by far a secound priority.
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>pulled encore on 4th pull on standard banner because retared
>still pick encore on selector
she is my destined
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I regret picking Encore over Sephiroth n g l
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I used corals for her
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>Changli banner has Baizhi, Mortefi and Taoqi
Its over
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not looking good bros, this is from 2 days ago, yesterday was the same
tards min-maxing in single player gacha games like it's a fucking mmo. no wonder they make so much money.
No, I have all of my waveplate cubes saved up though.
I got 20 boxes, and my Spectro/Spectro echos tuned, except for Jue.
it's okay to be shit at kusoges, don't cry now
I picked Encore from the starter banner...

then I did this...

I still have my 5* Ticket...
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>Taoqi dupes
god yes please i only got 1 from Yinlin's banner
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Only zoomies care about numbers
Prove me wrong
Stockholm syndrome is one helluva drug
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Uma won.
>Yeah bros i'll get Jinhsi, her weapon AND Changli
F2Poor enthusiastic behaviour
I cast a spell on you to transfer all your Taoqi rolls over to me and all of my Baizhi rolls to you.

The spell is activated by reading this.
Can't wait for the Wuwa tears of everyone losing their 50/50 to Jinhsi.
I'm rolling Jinhsi though? Only whales are rolling Changli.
Just for the sake of tower too because there's nothing else to do, this really is just genshin all over again
Baizhi is pretty ducking meta in that illusive shit while taoqi is... Well.
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Can't be me cause I'm rerolling.
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>he doesnt like his pink cow
more for me
the spell is cancelled by reading this and looking at the thumbnail
Taoqi is better than Baizhi in SU though
..even more meta? Taoqi's probably the strongest character in that gamemode
All the furry boy pull screenshots are going to be highlight of patch day for sure
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I still need Calchudo, getting Encore/Jianxin dupes wouldn't be bad either.
Who cares, it's piss easy with any character
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I'm not spending a single cent on this dead kusoge. I'm gonna milk it for all it's worth and then dump it like the kusoge it is and move on to something else and repeat the process.
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nuh uh
>bad in illusive
shes literally one of if not the best
Bro what, they're both goated there. Bell and rider runs both, once you realize there's hidden cats on that game mode it's just over
Baizhi with turtle is much stronger and more comfy.
>Roll on Jinhsi
>Lose 50/50
>Now have guarantee for Changli
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I want to roll...
I got one shotted by that faggot Mephis at the end on the highest difficulty too many times without turtle.
But enough about ToF
Where did the events button go?
Is there any reason not to spend all of the currency during an illusive realm run?
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>they STILL refuse to seek enlightenment through means of proper cultivation
You will never make a breakthrough like this
Seek a proper master and maybe one day you may see the light
I did buy the 3k gems pass, but yeah I don't really expect to hit everything as F2P.
What of it?
I don't mind not having every unit on the first banner...
Really fucking weird patch schedule everything is gone but there is still over 24h left to 1.1
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Should i get the stringmaster? How likely that weapon get powercreeped? I need it for Phrolova
bro the banner ended already
>Jué's passive got giganerfed
Fuck, I was going to use it on my Spectrover. Havoc Rover reigns supreme.
Can you use echos to upgrade other echos?
oh ok
time to become a giga-whale (in illusive realm)
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>Violently Inhales Copium
You have to clean the shop completely before the update anyway
It's starting to look like Mourning Aix is better than Jué.
where do you read the datamine
no I meant the fake currency that you use to buy upgrade items from the dude
no, why would you think you need to hold it???
How long till maintenance?
REALLY?! Are you fucking kidding me?
Still nah, you have to max out your echo abilities in a single run for astrite rewards anyway
I thought maybe it was like side order (splatoon roguelike) where unspent amounts get converted into rewards at the end of a run
Translated from Chinese

Using the Sound Wreck skill, summon Horns to leap up, dealing 48.64% Diffraction damage to the target and raining down Lightning Thunder, which deals up to five segments of 19.46% Diffraction damage each to surrounding targets. Horns then hovers downward to attack surrounding enemies, dealing 48.64% Diffraction damage twice in a row.
When you cast Sonic Skeleton, you gain "Blessing of Light" for 15 seconds.
While "Blessing of Light" lasts:
-Your Resonance skill damage bonus is increased by 16.00%;
-When your own Resonance skill hits a target, the target takes 16.00% Diffraction damage once per second, this time as the character's Resonance skill damage, for 15 seconds.
Skill Cooldown: 20 seconds

So ~250% damage rating + 240% over the course of 15 seconds. I think Mourning Aix has that beat with its better buffs.
Do you still enjoy echo farming?
Never did, never will.
I've never farmed echoes
I showed the 1.1 trailer to my non player friend and the first thing he commented at is Changlis' bewbs,its too big
what was the number before?
Sure. Getting real tired of merging echo though.
your friend is too gay
>echo farming
>when the only thing gating you from 30/30 is level 90 cap
I haven't farmed any echos in a while, most of my units are set and I don't have any exp pots for the ones who arent...
The old passive would've been really really food on Spectro Rover.

Summon Jué to leap into the air, dealing 48.64% Spectro DMG to the enemies and bringing forth Lightthunder. Lightthunder hits up to 5 times in total, each dealing 19.46% Spectro DMG to the surrounding enemies. Then Jué spirals downward to attack the surrounding enemies, dealing 48.64% Spectro DMG two times in a row. The Resonator equipped with this Echo Skill obtains 1 stack of "Blessing of Time" every 6s, stacking up to 3 times. When the Resonator performs Resonance Skill, 1 stack of "Blessing of Time" is consumed, dealing 64.00% Spectro DMG to the surrounding enemies. The enemies hit receive 16.00% Spectro DMG per second over 6s, stacking up to 3 times and new stacks extending the effect period. The damage dealt through consuming the stacks of "Blessing of Time" is considered as Resonance Skill DMG. CD: 20s
See I like this, nowadays all you need is a pair of circles and now your attention is completely fucked beyond repair
Changli NTR hentai is going to be crazy
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Do i trash this?
The merging system is so retarded why can't we merge 20 at once??
Just explode already
We need more loli characters if we want to win bros
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>stand on fire
>no damage
nice game retards
That's not the point. You still want ATK% on their echoes. You can reuse Calcharo's echoes on Yinlin for example, or vice versa.

Taoqi can't do anything with Danjin's echoes, or anyone else's.
Reminder to not spend all your stamina before next daily reset and NOT do dailies after reset until after maintenance. 1.1 doubles union xp from dailies.
Your Sanhua is going to enjoy that one when combined with 5* standard sword
>2 dead stats
Might wanna replace that in the future, it's usable as a temporary piece though.
Sanhua burnt pussy….
Resonators are tough. Also she's just drying her cunny of the gushing juice from seeing an old man.
If you upgrade rover skill, does it upgrade for both spectro and havoc or only one?
>dead stat
What are the alive stats?
that's amazing
They're all separate.

Everyone wants in order of importance
>crit rate% = crit damage%
>energy regen%
>flat atk
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Is the event tab not working for anybody else?
I feel bad for anybody that wanted the sol45 5star weapon as they can't get it anymore
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Not skill damage = good.
they ran out of money. no more events
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>everyone can solo first 2 level
I'm sure your unko or kakarot will die to laser and that stupid lizard. It's probably my skill issue but clearing solo and party is totally different, full party makes it easy because everything melts and you don't feel anything but when you are trying to clear solo you need to dodge, no outro intro or energy source, you are spamming basic attack hitting like a wet noodle and a single laser takes out 20% of your health
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newfag here. How does the 3-cost echo pity works again? If I killed 1 and it doesn't drop echo, then to ensure the next guaranteed drop, I have to kill 2 other different mobs first...?
Do you get something for beating an illusive realm boss within the time limit?
The new version is better, as spec rover would not be able to stack it anyways. Too long cooldown.

Also it should still be good if you want rover to support Yinlin. Though she's on the bench for next version.
if youre unironically saying this, it's 100% your skill issue brother.. i understand if it's floor 3, but floor 2...
niggas acting like two high roll crit substats are easy to come by and then there's atk% too
Sweetily >>>>>>>>>>>> this loli retard
lewd zapstring with legs or onahole bottom?
You just don't get your skull caved in, they power up after the time is up
Energy regen and flat atk are NOT above bonus damage for chars that largely use one specific damage stat. We've been over this.

40 flat atk is on a typical char a <2% damage boost. (especially with buffs up)
10% bonus damage is for a typical char a 5% damage boost for that specific type of attack. As long as half of your damage comes from this type of attack, it's better.
Different skill set.
That’s just dumb
Flat attack will be less value when you reach max lvl
that explains why i'm dead
I mean, it literally tells you on the screen
Her calculations are for Encore. This will look different for Jinhsi/Changli btw.

But Spectro Rover's resonance skill is 6 seconds. Or I guess that might be too tight of a window to stack 3?

Is 50% the threshold for this then? I guesstimated with would need to be 70%+ for the bonuses to be better.
Flat atk has the advantage of being more universally usable across different characters, too.
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Compared to what, retard.
Not sure what you mean by different mobs . You can kill 2 more of any 3-cost echo even the same type as the first.

Kill > no drop 3 times. Next kill is guarantee echo drop.
Imagine the smell
Did I stutter.
>/vt/rannies woke up
buy an ad
18 hours
Newfriend here

Why is Baizhu good in illusive realm? How do you deal damage with her?
>getting mogged by a vt
I did restart playing genshin to roll for Sigewinne, obviously I got her. But idk. I'm pretty happy with the current outlook moving forward.
>for encore
It's S6 encore and stringmaster kek, with heron and other buffs too. It's literally an unrealistic situation.
You pick inferno rider and spam basic attacks.
Once you get the card that summons a meteor, you win.
I too love posting on 4chan how I live my life trough someone else
Anon your base attack is <600
most Flat atk rolls give 50 or more, and are better than weak % damage rolls. At least untill you hit UL 50
True, I don't know why everyone calculates with all buffs up.
I will never use Verina, she looks and plays like shit.
Whaled echos with daily full refreshed stamina doesn't count btw
Stupid faggot nigger. What does Taoqi's skill damage deepen have to do with echoes?
If anon I replied to was trying to list reasons for
>because she's bad or because she's just weird to play
Then what the fuck does her outro have to do with it?
Her outro provides 38% skill damage deepen. That's listed as a negative because
>No skill-damage scaling unit yet, this changes with Jinhsi and Changli, expect her to go up a tier or two
But we have units that scale well with skill.
You gorilla nigger
What does that have to do with echoes
Autist meltdown
Learn to read
Taoqi is literally the best support for Jinhsi. Your list is trash.
uh oh melty
>bonus % is good!
>flat is better!
what's the truth? ankobros speaking here
>I am illiterate and introduced a non-sequitur into an aside from three hundred posts ago
>omg why can't you follow what I'm saying
Eat glass
When do you use intro skills in illusive realm? After other chars use their bursts?
It depends on your build and team.

Nobody was talking about her outro skill damage deepen you retard. It was about the cost of building her up. Again, learn to read, I am not taking you by the hand and leading you through this. Think for yourself.
There's no achievement for completing depths of illusive realm r-right?
Do the higher skill levels have different relative % increases or is it about the same from 1 to 10?
a-anon... i...
sanhua + verina
You have 1k base atk at lv90.
Flat atk from 3* and 4* echoes (not counting substats) are 350.
1* gives 36% atk.
You can use this formula for damage
%atk: 1000 * (1 + 36% + %atk) + 350
flat atk: 1000 * (1 + 36%) + 350 + flat
Calculate it yourself.
Why is there so many retards putting it off until last minute?
Didn't you niggers complain about no content for the past 2 weeks
I might have missed the last bit of weapon XP, but at least I wasn't retarded enough to miss the Echo EXP and mainstat echo selectors from illusive.
Wrong. Base atk 1k at lv90 with 5* weapon. You invest for tomorrow, not for today. Only animals do that. Humans know delayed gratification.
>Getting doujins
thanks anon, i love you and your family
why can't I get in the funny suzume door
Does that mean the Changli banner isn't coming out right away and we'll have to wait for the Jinhsi banner to end first? That's bullshit dude
Why the fuck are you even skipping free fun?

Start here, where anon posts a chart about Sanhua and Encore during a different autism fit.
Anon asks why Taoqi is so low on the chart.
Anon lists three reasons why Taoqi sucks.
First, she scales with DEF, which means an independent echo set that no one shares.
Second, her concerto regen sucks and restricts her team comps.
Third, no one scales with skill damage, and here are two upcoming characters that change that.

For you, my ESL friend, the implication here is that Taoqi's outro skill, which buffs skill damage, is not utilized by the existing characters.
You stupid fucking cunt.
What weird mental gymnastics did you have to do to think that that third item has anything to do with echoes. Why the fuck would Taoqi want skill% echoes? Her echo problem has to do with DEF, not with skill damage.
Fuck you.
first gacha unironically?
You'll need to become God's strongest soldier and resist the urge to pull on Jinhsi.
Yup. No exploring the new area with her either which SUCKS
I'm not reading all of that shit autist
Cope, learn to read
>first gacha unironically?
first gacha unironically?? frfr no cap?
>using "unironically" is zoomer
This nigga isn't even a boomer he's from the silent generation
Your petty surrender is accepted.
Yes but they have to have at least 1 lvl in them I think.
That only gives some people 3 hours before reset tho...if there isn't a delay
NTA but I've played probably 2h per day on average since launch and I only had time to start it yesterday, I still have plenty of stuff to do.
I dunno how people zoomed through shit so fast.

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