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Last: >>483509534

Zenless Zone Zero's Version 1.0 Pre-Release Special Program, "Welcome to New Eridu," will air on June 28 at 19:00 (UTC+8)
https://www.twitch.tv/zenlesszonezero (EN)
https://www.twitch.tv/zenlesszonezerojp (JP)
https://www.youtube.com/@ZZZ_Official (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/@ZZZ_JP (JP)

>Release date:
July 4th, 2024 on PC, PS5, and mobile

>44+ Trillion Pre Registrations
>Pre-Register for Zenless Zone Zero:

>Web Event


>Official Twitter Account:


>Lycaon Character Demo

>Billy Character Demo

>Nicole Character Demo

>Anby Character Demo

>Nekomata Character Demo

>Grace Character Demo

>Koleda Character Demo

>Rina Character Demo

>Solder 11 Character Demo
we won /三Z/ bros
/三Z/ forever
long live /三Z/
/三Z/ /三Z/ /三Z/
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I want Anby to sit on my face while she eats bugers
Zzz stickers
I am cute like Nekomata
Feel like these should be in the OP
>already occupied by OP vandalschizo pre-release
Let's hope whoever bake next thread put these in the OP
Looks like the z is running really fast
What's vandalized about it
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Lucy is here
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Please don't ever forget that CBT1 Nicole is the true and untainted Nicole
Oh shit maybe her and ceasar are the 1.1 banners
And retards said mihoyo will never release her.
>SONs of calydon
>it's all women and they even scrapped the pig on whom the faction is based on
great, this is what happens when you pander to waifupags
no variety in character designs
>pig mask

shizos will headconnon her as a BDSM pig fucker
>sexo short pants
What about lighter he is a guy and most likely from sons of calydon too
Assuming this is drip marketing we should get another character tomorrow
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Also looks like another new char teased on the ZZZ website
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>"Luciana Auxesis Theodoro de Montefio"
What were they thinking? But I guess this proofs it's a "spanish" or spic faction?
There's no way she doesn't bwo
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lighter has no pig theme unlike lucy and ceasar

he could be a different faction. There is datamine of another character called "burnice" so "lighter" might be the same as her as they refrence "fire" theme.
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*blocks your path*
Where do you think you're going, nerd?
Oh, shit I can't wait for Big Boss.
Wtf is this shitty general name?
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That was quick.
>no males

this game will be a flop. we all know we need sexy males with open chest. I will make a post on r/HSRhusbandomain to seethe with my fellow femcels
>biker themed faction
>only one character looks like a biker
>the other two are nun and knight
chinese character designing geniuses
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Look at the back of his jacket
it's called subverting expectations, gweilo
Lucy JP VA reveal
Wait WTF another sassy loli?
>every faction has 3 character
>lucy, new loli, lighter, ceasar

y-you dont think they will scrap Ceasar right?
She's not from this faction. Retard
Drunk Sassy loli this game 16+ so alcohol is allowed i guess
making unironic shitposts like >>483660929 is the funniest thing to see because it's always the waifufags who cry over the littlest of things, even when the game has females that show like 90% of their skin
factions have 4, not 3
although new girl's hairstyle looks kinda like caesars...
Cunning Hare has 4
Belobog has 4
Gentle House has 4
>tectone already saying this game is for pedos and tell his followers to not play the game as it will fail

what is our plans now, ziggers?
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>every faction has 3 character
Shitposter kun.. Not like this
oh no bros...yurifags gonna attack this game because CBT2 remove yuribait text
Yup he's part of sons of calydon
Bratty JP voice, perfection.
>Dress like biker
>Noble accent watakushi desuwa
HEBE FACTION WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They seriously scrapped the pig character for the pig faction
Absolute fucking RETARDS
Why would I care about bold drama queen?
ummm...where is the 4th slot?
my stupid i forgot the pic
lol it would be funny if one of the slots is the pig boss
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we're back in full force once they leak the idols
You know they can just add more whenever they want, don't act retard
see >>483661208
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the character designs in this game are already boring
first they butcher nicole and anby, then they just forget good character designs like billy/soukaku/ben and proceed to shit out more of the same black/red themed characters that are hardly interesting or stand out among the rest of the roster
the angel idol group is the only upcoming faction that has some variety in colors and theme
We already know you are a retard.
the game being for pedos is a based and his fanbase is awful, simple as
Total furry death.
三Z is healing.
Didn't this raging lesbian just got BTFO hard with that retarded tweet about Firefly
Are we being raided by tectone audience right now?
So many retarded posts and too fast
>people seriously wants the pig
nobody wants an ugly ass boar, stop shitposting you fuckers
>red and black schizo
just don't play the game if you don't like the designs
uh oh, triggered SEApags in this thread
hoyocum must be really delicious for all the SEApags
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Shut the fuck up, nigger!
she was smart unlike envi. She kept quiet and people moved on to the next ragebait.

honestly idk why that green slime got involved as he wasn't even targeted. Now he shot his streaming career and get like half of the views he used to
I want him though
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Are you really THIS dumb or just a retard?
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the whole black and red thing is too blatantly untrue for anyone to fall for it
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>no Qingyi reveal
>1 slot left that said coming soon
ah yes, thanks for proving me right that each faction will have 3
Can we all send emails to hoyo telling them we don't want furries??
We can get the animal fuckers out
shut the fuck up retarded nigger
trust the plan bwo...
she will be have faith
feels good knowing the furdog is going to knot your account and you can do nothing about it, tiny dick SEApags
>ONE loli character gets dripped
>thread comes back to life

yup, ziggers are just pedos. grim
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>ah yes, thanks for proving me right that each faction will have 3
Yeah. You're a retard.
too late there's 2 already, with more to come
>”we want the russian audience” - Mihoyo, 2024
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I'm a pedophile yes
belobog is an exception because it reference to belobog in HSR and that was the 4th honkai impact so 4 character.

it's basically a one off homage
I want more furies and cunny so we got less shitposter, seem most normalfag that browse this site only here to post unfiltered shitpost.
not even trying with the baits
paggies are so bad at this, must be the low iq after eating trash food
so who will be the 4* lighter or Caesar since they both have models already
it feels good that you will rot with aids
true and factpilled

how is this bait, hmmm? Thread was slow and the moment 1 loli character gets released it gets swarmed. Not even the Rina or Soldier 11 pv got this much traction
I would assume the one male character in the sons of calydon would be 5* but perhaps my expectations will be subverted once more
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Last (you) for you retard.

ZZZ and HSR are not connected. Already confirmed.
New character official revealed vs characters we've known about for years.
lol keep crying
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Didn't he horn post at Yunli reveal? You can't even make the excuse "oh I didn't know she was a kid" because unlike certain short girls (Fu Xuan for example), she actually looks like a kid. Not to mention that he advocated the hardest about how even if character isn't underage, if they just as much look like it, you are weirdo if you are attracted to them just bc they look like children. Yet when it came to pic related he backed down on it "I didn't know. Anime ages make no sense." Fucking hypocrite.
Cucktone not sending his smartest doomer
Caesar is like Koleda - leader of faction.
She will be 5 star
>You can't even make the excuse "oh I didn't know she was a kid"
that's exactly what he did and it worked
kek SEApags are already seething this hard over ONE furry character while the game is filled with a dozen females showing skin
it's gonna be amazing seeing them seethe until eos since the furdog isn't going anywhere and will eventually knot and ruin their accounts
He was making a point that Yunli and Fu Xuan have the exact same body type yet for some reason everyone is allowed to lewd Fu Xuan and you’re a pedo if you lewd Yunli.
What do you even expect from a guy who farm views on Drama videos.
Who gets filtered by WuWa (((difficulty))
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wait till another drip tomorrow
paggy melty
it will be another son of calydon
Like I said, he also was the loudest how actual age of lolis/hebes don't matter and that it's all about them looking underage that makes you weird. Meaning, even if Yunli wasn't said to be a teen, she should still be in "no-no" territory according to this fat fuck's logic since she does look more underage than Fu Xuan or SW despite sharing the same body model, and Kektone called both of these girls "pedo baits". Funny how his logic switched when he was put on the blast after this fiasco.
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it's over pigbros, we lost...
unlikely for there to be one as it's livestream day
Good morning sir, plese do not redeem the furry sir, send betiful white girl on zenels zone zero sir plese be doing the needful
Isn’t furries banned in China?
AKF journey literally a chink game.
nah they always drip all characters coming for the next patch, so they will reveal another tomorrow we just don't know who
>vandalized OP
Too hard to use /zzz/
kek it's a pajeet seething about furries
what's the matter pooboy, don't you worship elephants, monkeys and dogs or something?
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remain strong, you must
vandalized how? we decided on this
ok, tectone dickrider
I can already see the seethe when the next furry character gets announced
They are. It's weird how they aren't reported to the CCP for promoting homosexuality.
>Pagspammer going full shizo, in the hijacked thread
next thread use /zzz/
It was decided /zzz/ last last thread, no one in the right mind agree on using moonrune
>Filters normies
>Femcels and faggots get the ick
If this is what it takes for the cancer fandom of good games (Genshin, Star Rail) to get filtered then yes, that's what we are.
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>Game using trigger spastic art stlye
>Furry bait characters
Fucking based.
Tectone was the worst thing that happen to gacha games.
But I found hilarious that he refuse to drop genshin for good - because he knows that nobody watch his videos if it's not a genshin video or drama.
>ANOTHER new female

C'mon...Where are the slutty MEN?
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>general infested by schizos already
>my post with screenshot of how [you know who] said FX was "pedo tier" got shadow banned
I see that his D rider got to be a janny as well

I won't be surprised if this doesn't get posted either
No it wasn't, that's why last thread already had the current op name
yep, it doesn't matter if by that time the game will have like a hundred lolis showing their tummies, they will still seethe hard over that furry and then in the same breath accuse the femcels of being snowflakes
zero self awareness, a trait commonly observed in turdworlder pajeets and paggies
No. Stop lying

It's /zzz/
There won't by any furries in the game. They don't sell.
>Russian 4chan already using /zzz/

Even they are behaving better than you.
this wouldn't have happened if we had used /NNN/ instead
lycaon is already knotting all the females in the game, tiny dick brownoid manlet
This is a reason against it, actually
>There won't by any furries in the game
lol anon it isn't healthy to cope this much
So what? Limited furries are a must skip and I can co-exist with them animal fuckers as long as I get my cunny characters. People who seethe over trash they don't want to roll are mentally ill. I wish Star Rail released some slop so I didn't feel like I need to roll every banner.
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>new zzz news?
>Hoyo bad mode ACTIVATE!
Didn’t they just release Boothill and about to release Jade?
Unfortunately we have to deal with mentally ill mutts and SEAmen
Ok u literaly homo.
I'm not a furry but I think it's silly to complain about them when you know what you are signing from the beginning. they can't even complain about bait and switch
i was hoping they would start dripfeeding angel idol group first
the other upcoming characters besides miyabi all look boring with their black/red color theme
hoyocumslurperniggers need not reply
kuroshills on emergency mode triggered by cunny
>one day until livestream

We will not ZZZ on the job.

Let's keep the thread alive and prevent the hype from going to zzzero!
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I was agreeing since they're cunny and we need more cunny but you're just the black and red schizo
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i wanna sex the fuckfox
>Lucy's VA is mutsuki
I wonder if baggots will play this gacha or they will get filtered by the wolf.
But enough about WuWa
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Can you blamed them?
Their game is failing in their own country.
more cunny cuz tectone hate cunny
>red/black schizo
your opinion don't matter
Just make a new thread with non vandalized OP
We will migrate
seapags already shitting up the thread huh
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but a significant amount of /wuwa/ is pro cunny?
Black Swan wasn't a must pull unless you were DoT fag.
Sparkle also could be skipped easily since she brings nothing other than Bronya upgrade (and more teams want Bronya more still ironically). She was no RM.
Aventurine was giga skip banner unless you were:
>newfag lacking sustain
>FUA sunk cost fag
>his faggot
Nothing about him was "a must" pull. It's Gepard upgrade and that's that.
Then you had Boothill in 1.2.
Jade is about to be filler patch after Firefly, and whole patch after them is even bigger filler (literally limited Clara and fox dude that only exists to shill Acheron since the butched his pre-beta kit that made him universal back then).
the general is not fast enough yet to split like that the side with more shitposters would win
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>which general are you from?

>How much do you think ZZZ will make in July?
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No we are not, kys pedo.
more cunny because I like cunny as well, his retarded ass being mad is a bonus though
you still replied which means my opinion clearly mattered, hoyocumslurpernigger
thanks for the (you)
don't click
it will kill your mother
/wuwa/ is but not the general audience outside 4chan.
>has tectone image saved on his device
fucking yike
he can't speak for a game he's getting unironically filtered by the difficulty of lmao
Why is there so many people from /hsrg/? Refugees from the imminent china slop arc?
I wasn't talking from a meta standpoint but rather attractive characters you can roll for. Discounting Boothill and Aventurine, we gotten banger after banger in character designs.
shart rail is simply a boring game with non existent gameplay and chinawank
>can't beat MH world withou defender gear
>Can't beat sekiro within week
>give up completing elden ring dlc
he isn't that good lmao
can we get a version of the general poll with multiple choices
no I simply can play both
This game is perfect for when Star Rail content dries up. The last 3 or so weeks of Star Rail have absolutely no content to do.
>TecGOD new video is about zzz
>every comments calling it coomer game or pedo game
its over bro, OUR guy hates this game.
Ok now this is a character I would roll for. We are so back.
>Refugees from the imminent china slop arc
This is me. I'm tired of space china ships. HOLY SHIT MOVE BACK TO BELOBOG.
why do you retards shill him so hard
the next thread should be /Z/ and the 三 will be implied
>KAKA URINE attractive and cool while talking for 5 hours about necking himself and le sad story is considered le kino!!!!11!1!

Yeah sorry but Luofu blows the shit out of Penisloppa.

Unfortunately because 4chan is contrarian they will do the opposite by praising shit story.

You already know it but because your pride and ego is through the roof right now, you will disagree even if you agree with me on the inside.
It's /zzz/ just let this thread reach bump limit
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so tell me what character you think will be revealed tomorrow, lighter or ceasar?
playing this and hsr is extremely manageable
I'm even playing wuwa too
>It's /zzz/
No it's not
>femcels hate furries
>normal people hate furries
>only gay homos like furries
what is the point? they don't make money
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do it faggot lets settle this right now
WW being "difficult" game has to be the biggest meme. The only remotely "difficult" thing in it are holograms, but that's more because they are made to be on bs mode in which their stats are ultra inflated and you get one shot if they tap you. That would be like saying that DMC5 is hard game if you play "Hell and Hell" mode with that same bullshit but for entire game, and DMC5 is harder as whole and might require more skill compared to entire WW despite being the most casualized DMC game to date.
Sorry, Kuro shills. Your game is as hard as Genshit on average. 1 mode doesn't make your game all of a sudden Ninja Gaiden/Sekiro of gacha.
I like 三Z because the 三 is like China and Z is like Russia and they’re doing the handshake meme.
lighter is scrapped along with nun
>normalfags hate the gacha
>Femcels hate the gacha
why they censored the game again?
probably lighter
nobody wants to see the censored slop that caesar will become
it will be /三Z/ or /zzz/ there's no choice other than those 2
Yeah, don’t know what’s up with the shitters so intent on defacing OP. You should probably make /zzz/ a couple hundred before bump limit so we can migrate instead of betting on making it first
>it's gojoschizo, /hsrg/ resident
of course
because SEApags dont deserve good things
CCP. ZZZ was only delayed because the chinks forced Hoyoverse to censor the game or say bye bye to their license.
>lighter is scrapped
no shot he and the nun already have models and animations
I’d feel bad if he wasn’t such an unlikable moron, doing holograms underleveled has been more fun than some actual (non-gacha) games for me
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>select multiple gacha mains!!!!

ok fine, new poll that you can select multiple plus added gfg and alg

>femshits get censored
>furry is still untouched
FURGOD saving /zzz/ by keeping all the paggies away
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>they don't make money
Hopefully they’ll make less censored stuff now that they have a pass
The game will shut down in a few months making 0 dollars if they don't heed my feedback. CN players are starting to riot and make jokes about the gay furry.
Furry gacha don’t make money because furries spend it all on fancy cars and expensive suits instead of anime pngs
>hsrgger desperately trying to force his shitty meme on this general
there's a reason people want to gatekeep the usual hoyocumslurpers from this general
He's getting filtered by everything. He now started joining in on powercreep in HSR narrative (after denying) it because he got his ass handed to him in that new end game mode. He went from "skill issues" to "it's powercreep" real fast when he couldn't just beat something. Funny thing is that he has all the meta NEWEST characters, yet couldn't do it. Yet you had fags who did it with older units that aren't Acheron and Sam.
by playing this game you're automatically one just so you know
you are the most important person in the world, ugly tiny dicked brownoid manlet paggie
Don’t pin the behavior of one samefagging nigger on an entire general
>Lucy is a nijika expy
It's over
some of us play a game without religiously cocksucking the company that makes it
not everyone is a homo like you, bro
Gacha tards don't want difficult game. They want standard difficulty game which translates to "hard" for average gacha tard. WuWa is just standard difficulty.
The best proof is how fast these gacha tards get filtered by any non-gacha game that has the supposed difficulty that they supposedly seek to test their skills out.
Take this bald tard as best example: Constantly goes on and about how WuWa is le difficult compared to baby game like Genshin and how this is something that he always wanted... runs away from ER's dlc when it proves to be too much.
I saw Lucy model with no hat and replaced with ahoge, will there be customize options?
Still can't vote. My home general is too small, slow, and irrelevant to even be an option.
Well there's literally no gameplay discussion ever in any of the /hsrg/ threads. All they do is seethe about genshin.
That should give us all an insight on what to expect from their immigrants.
Just say the name bwo
>Constantly goes on and about how WuWa is le difficult compared to baby game like Genshin and how this is something that he always wanted... runs away from ER's dlc when it proves to be too much.
and he folds at any wuwa content you can't blindly metafag through too
Ngl this kinda lookin like a flop bros...
there's a reason anyone with a brain just calls him a bald retard, he's never contributed anything of value to the communities he tries to mooch off of
Good, snowbreak general is comfy as fuck because it flopped.
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>previous thread literally had some retard saying ALL the leaked characters would get censored
>Lucy's design is exact the same as the leaked concept art and model
>+new cute brat announced
And just like that we're back.
It's literally this easy.
Too bad they can't delete the wolf from the game, so you all won't ever experience true general kino in a Hoyo game because of loud mentally ill faggots/troons like these:
Is Lucy a hebe?
Don't forget the bear too.
seapag melty
>Refugees from the imminent china slop arc?
Pretty much, four fucking patches of nothing but wuxia shit, I'm rolling for Jade and fucking off from HSR until a character I give a fuck about comes back.
You coomers are the problem.
looks like it
>that post
>calling anyone else loud and mentally ill

This isn't le epic 7. Stop using these retarded terms like bwi, bwo, gro, gwi , gwo, etc

Go back to le epic 7 if you want to keep up this retarded behavior
Seek a therapist if you think fucking animals is ok
Geez I wonder why players from a mihoyo game are in the general of another mihoyo game
I'm not cooming until we get drip marketing of the robocunny
no one is thinking that but you, homo
>That post
>Too scared to even give a direct reply

Many such cases
calm down bwo
Cry about it
My bad, sis
yep, the SEApags are seething
too bad none of this seething will remove the furdog from the game who will ruin countless SEApag accounts by just existing
that's how you keep the SEApag trash eating brownoids in check
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But the Idols faction...
keep malding zoophile
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>ppl blaming imaginary SEA pag enemy
Are the seapags in the general with us right now?
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When will this general find peace
Probably the same person posting in /hsrg/, you know the one
pagpag meltdown
I'm glad this general is actually alive, was expecting zero shitposting when people said its a flop.
See you guys during livestream.
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I'm here and I'm excited for the game, I wish we could get some Waterkuma designs for Blue Archive.
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Cat posting will be on topic thanks to her
Hard in a gacha would quickly devolve into making people spend more money to solve that problem so I can't really say that a super hardcore gacha ever sounded all that appealing. Unless it were a mode that forced you into premade characters or whatever.
Idol faction next. Cunny overflow.
>seapags hate furries apparently
>furries are ugly and degenerate
i don't see the problem?
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We'll get our robot after the boar biker banners for sure, 1.2 is gonna be the CLANK patch for us.
drip soon have faith
lol the seapag is actually triggered
El Gato Sexo...
Brother... Everyone hates furries
most of wuwa's difficulty is just landing precise parries and the like, not really dps checks unless you're trying for crazy stats to compensate for being bad
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Oh shit you can pinch their cheeks now? NICE.
paggie samefagging
Something about this animalistic, dark-skinned girl makes me want to colonise her and make her a respectable lady wife.
furfaggots mindbroken.
Their hardest hologram boss literally debuffs himselfs to death if u can consistantly parry him. Its unironically skill issues
This game looks awesome, i would say my worry is that they might pander to shipfags and permanently ruin the entire fucking community on any website but they already pandered to furries and i don't think these two are that far from each other even though i've never had experiences with the latter
pagpag mindraped by furdog
>not really dps checks
>challenges with damage sponge bosses with a time limit
>colonise her

You will end her pure blooded lineage permanently. You get off to this?
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It's literally this girl from Waterkuma's art bro
furries and shipfags are the same. it will be bad
Biker faction
Idol vtuber faction
...Probably the nun faction?
/vmg/ is unironically the place, better slow and dead than whatever this retardation is. Leaks are the only worth these threads have.
Why not /zzzg/
>hates shipfaggotry
>plays hoyo games
why are you even here, pagpag?
She has boobs
She ain't no loli
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>bronya ai doro schizo has arrived

Just great....
why are you so dog semen addicted that you have to defend your husband lycaon. fucking faggot
Hot, only the weak minded gets filtered by this.
That pig is LITERALLY ME btw
Whoa I was already sold. You don’t need to try and sell it harder.
I've been fighting holograms with cope echoes and 10 levels under the recommendation, it's not a dps check
It's padded, trust me on this one.
Yeah, especially since its the worst kind of furries, the fucking gay ones. I'll still play the game but i sincerely doubt these threads or any discussion outside of them about this game will be sane
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Does your game have a Raiden as per Mihoyo tradition
ive read women recountings of having sex with pigs it seems hot sisters
no one here is thinking about fucking dogs besides you, homo pagpag
very funny to see you SEETHE your brains out over things you hate in hoyo games, in a hoyo game general
because he's a shitter defacing OP
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Does the larger normie crowd know this game's art is lead by Waterkuma? What version do you guys think he'll start integrating BBC-coded lolis into the game like his other art?

Baffling that they hired this dipshit, at least hire a degenerate with some actual taste like blue archive does, this shit is just vile and disgusting
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>Its problem because XXXfags and it will fail
Why /vg/ echo chamber always making up their own scenario that never become a reality in the real world?
Not really. WuWa isn't hard, but for somewhat difficult content that it does have (holograms), it's pure skill check over whale check. See said whales raging on these holograms because their maxed out characters can't just one shot them and be done with it.
The only thing better unit/limited does for you here is give you somewhat better start. It's like upgrading moves or gear in other games. Yup, you are stronger now with those, but no amount of max upgrades will save you if you can't play for shit. You are still getting your ass beat.
This is just vanilla elfxorc porn
ive seen women having sex with pigs, l don't get the appeal.
Preasu understandu, self awareness is non-existent among turdworlders.
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>loli gets captured by pigman
>fast forward 5 years and she is mindbroken by pig cock and looks like this now
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>BBC coded lolis
Is this all you guys ever think about?
"Ah yes, let's see which loli I like will be cuck by BBC"

This is not normal behavior
>all this bait
>the only (you) they get is from other shitposters
a bunch of delusional people here believe they know what they are talking about
it's because furries don't play or spend money on gacha games? i'll be laughing when it makes zero profit because it will
It's an hsrgger who also spams this >>483668382 in every zzz thread. That's why it is important to gatekeep.
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If you care about sales (shizo territory) genshin CN revenue tanked thanks to shipfags.
It's literally one anon who is a nigger. Don't mind him.
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Sex with this thing
HSR does have powercreep, but it's hilarious that he is the one trying to push this narrative after AS filtered him.
He is acting as if he went in that mode using Seele and Blade and not fucking Acheron and Sam. Two of the most recent characters that are most to blame for why so many people have started to see HSR's powercreep as an issue.
Explained this then >>483664972
would you rather pigs or dogs if you were a woman
Of course it's this green thing called fofo that is attached by BBC NTR mindbreak
The state of this fucking general, it has to be shitposters and raiders, there's no fucking way its staying this way after the game launches
they will cope when zzz makes just as much as the other two hoyo games
paggies will continue to seethe since they desperately want this game to flop so that it "panders to them"
Didn’t women on TikTok recently voted they would a bear over a man in the woods?
>just saw lighter animations and he does a shoryuken with his robot arm
man that's cool
Why is she doing the bat thingy from Octane?
ok homo faggot
a bear is gonna kill them sis
it's just one pagpag crying about the furry while ignoring the girls in the game
maybe he is gay since he also talks about having sex with dogs
It will stabilize to be more or less like /hsrg/, relax.
>the general devolved into this sad state over a loli drip feed

How did this happen?
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Honestly, I never seen people talking about furry, homo, yuri, self insert or shipping faggot outside of the internet.
It mostly twittroon or 4chan, so I guess both of them are the same person.

i never meet anyone in real life who play this game just as autistic as you guys, its fucking sad just to loot at you guys.
>homo faggot
I like the way she carries herself, immensely sex
chinks play on phones, and wuwa runs like shit on phones.
raid ongoin come back later
>sees male character
>immediately thinks about sex
why are pagpags like this?
Chink was rank 1 in revenue for 3 weeks straight, did the game suddenly became full of shipper faggotry in the last week?
Tectone viewers raid
FUCK, this design is clean af, makes me diamonds.
Where are those from?
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>last thread 759 replies
>current thread 300+ replies
All you need is one unmedicated person
I literally thought it was a Boothill refsheet. Do they have any original bone in their body left?
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here's a webm for you anon
show me her updated design first
Nah Lighter looks actually cool just like every other zzz character
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>Finally a hammer use...
>lump of fat

that can't be good for the shoulder
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all you need is one seething brownoid thirdworlder
are you blind anon it looks nothing like him
the only character I can't really get behind is the bear honestly
>clean character design vs overdesigned male vtuber
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Don't play hard anon... I know you have an Adult Women fetish.
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he uses sunglasses while fighting
My expectation is low. I expect boredom and yawn inducing gameplay. Surprise me.
I only gonna pull for cunny, just like my BA account.
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We WILL be getting our own Raiden on 2.0 right??
>Rank 1
It was rank 5 and went to 15 in two days, chinks were doomposting hard until kuro forced the early yinlin story and banner because yumes = negative sales.
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How big is too big?
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Based. Glad the girl with the bat is pretty hebe-ish at least
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Bear are cool, gacha game need less twink male character, its such a fucking boring cliche.
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last webm this one looks kinda funny
Lmfao is this the same fag who used to seethe over male characters in hoyo gacha? I remember he used to larp as Aether in /gig/. No idea why he is in this general if he already knows what he is getting into.
>Chink was rank 1 in revenue for 3 weeks straight never happen
I was talking about the one on that screen shoot you retards.
We were comparing both of these
It was from APPMAGIC right?
You can't fool me because I keep the tab open every fucking day.
This honestly looks worse than Luka in HSR.
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Welcome back, K'
they should scrap lighter
he is too cool for this game
She is the reason I want to play zzz since cbt1
>You can't fool me because I keep the tab open every fucking day.
holy kek.
gap moe
It will looks good once they add bunch of eye raping SFX just like shit rail.
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brutus just got her
Tetcone is right, this game is a shitty coomer game.
Glad he will never play this shit.
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Post more she's my wife
how many hub areas are there? sixth street and brant street are all i know, and it seems brant street is very empty compared to sixth street
lumina square looks interesting
there was also one area called ballet twins, which also looks like a hub area
this is a fur dog general
my balls have been drained solely by the sound vibration
>you pick female MC
>you are forced to hear male MC talking to you all the time
I don't like this...
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she's a SnS fag
That's what you got for trooning yourself.
This is a siscon game.
unlike Genshin's mind numbing dailies and domain fights built to waste your time, HSR dailies and farming are like 5 minutes per day and it autoplays
we have so much free time when there's no story content you can't even fathom
as for why, cool new guaranteed banger Hoyo game with a great style
Same, but with Ellen.
>wanting to troon out in the first place
Kill yourself
i was thinking this
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look at this cool shield slam
forgot to add, there's also a new area that they will reveal tomorrow
lumina square, i think
is that also a new hub area?
I'm deeply saddened by this game not having two buttons attack
furGODs will keep this game alive
furDOG will save /zzz/
The sisters are NOT HAPPY
Daily and domain fights are less than 15 minutes as old player now thanks for the 4.0 QoL.
The only person who still drowning in content are new player because they literally need to clear all 4 years worth of quests.
I literally can open both genshin and SR at the same time and clear Genshin faster while SR still doing auto fight in the background because I can't sweep my relic hunts.
Meanwhile a single artifact domain run only take 22 seconds.

I wished I can disable SR burst animation because that shit took fucking forever in auto mode.
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I wonder if his arm makes a rev sound like nero sword
How many do you think will convert just for Lighter?
No, and it probably won't have a Kiana either. I hope they make this completely separate from Honkai and the fanbase infested with toxic shits.
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Good taste
you mean like how fu hua plays on hi3?
i am disappointed hoyo never made a character as fun to play and as cute as her ever again
we will see if he is drip marketed tomorrow
>Fu Hua out of nowhere

This is 三Z, not hig. Go wank your Fu hua somewhere else
lighter is scrapped tho
males not allowed in hoyo gacha
Loli gunslinger where
>using the defaced shutter thread name
Edgy Katana user doko
there wont be lolis in the game
only hebes and mommies
this is a straight man's gacha unlike gayshin and gay rail
it's that hsrgger who has been forcing his lame meme on this general
bwo your Bwade?
You were warned, but considering the awfully mihoyo track record they will pic her anyways.
Enjoy the wise wank.
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this one is pure sexo holy shit
>nahidaschizo is already here
I want all giggers to be filtered from this game. I couldn't care less if I have to ally with furfags if it means they fuck off from this thread
Kill yourself higtroon
>unironically browsing these subreddits just to post screencaps here
you should stay there since you seethe about males just as much as them seething about females
Miyabi should be released on the first year I bet.
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you don't rike ze no gamu no laifu?
>Hebeshizo already denying Lucy and nekomana as lolis
This piggy is extremely cute and her thighs are extremely fat
Your Acheron AKA Raiden “literally bleeding from the eyes” “yaps on and on about finality when a dying man asks for her name” Mei?
YWNBAW. Go back to your dead as fuck dyke game
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funny how the only ones who shill /zzz/ and not the many other better names are never there as the thread dies to make a new one
almost like they aren't committed to keeping the hype from going to zzzero like us
I wonder which one will be "canon" this time.
>inb4 someone points out this being the first game to have both canonically operating at the same time
Yeah, but which one is "CANON"?
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brothers lets pray she doesn't get censored
It's Belle
this is why it is important to gatekeep
all the usual shitposters and ritualposters from the other hoyo games are already here, seething about the same things that they didn't like in the other hoyo games
imagine playing through genshin and star rail, just to cry about males in zzz
i just don't get it
Is this from the latest CBT? If it's older then chances are she is censored.
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You never know when this game will release a canon girlfriend like Firefly. Don’t brick your account by picking the girl avatar.
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yeah these moveset has been canned I'm so sorry..
>Pre CBT1 animations and thong
Pre CBT1 Anby also had a thong.
Dw none of that will be in the game.
>Fucking black thong
Even I like her but I think Hoyo cant release her like this...
Exactly. And knowing the Hoyoverse track we will get someone for (You) eventually.
nicole is the only one who should get her censorship reversed
i dont care about the other bitches
The only official video that has shown gameplay with the MCs was the TGS 2022 special video. And it's part that MUST be played by Wise (if you picked Belle it will swap to him because Belle is trapped in a Hollow and it is Wises' job to rescue her) so... I'd say Wise?
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and this is truly the last one, I'll sacrifice all of you so I can have her uncensored, hope you guys enjoyed the webms
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The male MC of this game isn't a sissy, so there's no reason not to pick him.
Got it. I'll pick the girl and name her Suguha like I did with "Lumine" and to "Stelle". Thanks!
It would be a brick anyway because you're forced to listen to Wise if you pick Belle
you already know she's not going to wear a thong once shes released. Hoyo could've went the Snobble route and registered the game as 18+ but they didn't
If you want to laugh, anons were warned in hsrg.
You can't name Belle/Wise like in genshin/hsr. They have their own canon name.
god star rail and genshin look so ugly now
zzz looks so much better, thanks to waterkuma's art direction
the game just looks so aesthetically pleasing to the eyes at any time of the day
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>nun is western religions figure
>most anime media make them sex demons
Jesus lost
Your sister is literally with you 24/7 yapping beside you.
Post Caelus getting princess carried
There is a shit tons of gods in genshin, bro.
>I get a cute imouto that pests me over text
Sold. Picking MaleMC as the starter.
You can only name the inter-knot account Belle and Wise will use, but not the characters.
You already know there is no god. Stop pretending.
That's a false statement.
That's what I'm saying, your FOR YOU is your sister and she will be with you till the game goes to EoS.
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Thanks a lot KING.
Too bad the chances of not being censored are close to 0, we will be lucky if her breats stay the same size and modern hoyo just won't allow panties anymore.
It's like I said yesterday... as depressing as watching someone burn the Mona Lisa...
So what's the cannon knot names then?
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This is the part that HSR players don't tell people about when they shill the "canon girlfriend".
That's gay. Also
They knew what the fuck they were doing.
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>Literally caelus but green eyes
I swear, you shitposters are dishonest as fuck.
Samuel girlfriend bros...
Trans coded BBC coded girls.
They are so cute, I will be rolling for all of them!
We all know who the support is in this relationship.
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ain't rolling for anyone until the robot comes out
paglus bros, wtf is this
But, there isn't. The only so-called evidence you have is either a scroll or a storybook depending on your religion and neither are valid claims.
It's clear they made the animations with the female character in mind first, and then copied the dude over them.
I don't think ZZZ will have this problem since the male and female MCs exist at the same time.
There is no evidemce for your existence either. You are not smart. Shut up.
Umm shart rail sisters, don't look...
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No, he's right, Wise looks infinitely better and cooler.
Iirc it wasn't pre-entered, so there's none? The thing is Belle and Wise lose their original inter-knot account called Phaeton at the beginning of the game, and make a new one in response. That's the one you pick the name for. So if you wanna go canon, that'd be the name probably?
Did PSO2 not teach you anything? DO NOT FIST THE ROBOT GIRLS!
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>Ahem. Attention New Eridu citizens! There's been some strange rumors floating around in New Eridu. A strange and unknown cult seems to be roaming the city late at night. Their members dress in red and black attire, and carry with them a very remarkable symbol: a barred eye with three tears. If you spot them or get approached, please flee to safety and report them to the authorities.

This was the datamined description of lucia's faction
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Please keep this general clean and quiet
Ellen is sleeping
KEK waifufags are so pathetic.
Why did they give her the Rosaria treatment?
>herta poster already here
dont you /hsrg/ have wua to shill?
so that's why she's a slut
so she belongs to a different faction and not sons of calydon?
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That's some Egyptian shit on her weapon
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Man ponos went into woman vagoo. The end. BOOM!
Wake up
Ellen Joe Biden
wuwa was always the waiting room for zzz
Someone needed to be made an example of.. it was unfortunate
to me, both lucia and caesar just look like they belong in some different faction
but caesar is already confirmed for sons of calydon, just like lighter
billy and nekomata also dont look like they belong to cunning hares
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Zensored Zone Zero
If you poured hot coffee on her tail, will it hurt?
1.1 will literally mog ZZZ the fuck out
Yin and Yang. Light and Darkness. Male and Female. Good and Evil.

Theology and religion are a deeper subject than your stupid brain can ever brain can comprehend.

Kindly shut the fuck up or I'm gonna kill this thread.
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>the slow increase in thread activity as we approach the release
What happen to mogging genshin lol
don't care not playing it
you shouldnt be here if you believe in god
this is a highly sinful game about sexualized waifus, religioncuck
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You are going to regret that decision
Do people unironically believe this?
I can be wherever the fuck I want, and I don't mind waging a crusade wherever I am.
>3 limited character banners in a single month just to stay afloat
Roru. Rumao eve.
kek you are nothing but a faggot incel who can only talk boldly while hiding behind a screen
it's also the usual shitposters. God, I fucking wish ZZZ wasn't made by Mihoyo so the /alter/fags turned giggerniggers stay inside their playpen. Maybe the inevitable furnigger spam will make them fuck off
Hey guys! Want proof that religious people are nutjobs? Look no further than >>483673324.
>I'lL KiLL tHiS thReAD!
Yikes, and I thought Amy Schumer wasn't funny.
Evidence? Coincidence? I. Think. NOT!
Caesar uses a literal bike tire as a shield
1v1 me in chess you son of a bitch.
Shut the fuck up nigga. You sound like a legit schizo right now.
Shut the fuck up both of you cringe motherfuckers
You started it. I don't care. I will kill this thread.
i already filtered all of the furfaggot pics. you're just inviting more homosexuality into your den of degeneracy. i hope you like knots for eternity :)
Gooning right now
>genschizo is getting so desperate he's now trying to derail the thread with random shit
There you are with that dumb shit again. You're not gonna kill anything but yourself...and maybe some school kids judging from the vibes your posts are giving off. Seek help.
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I play both, dunno why I'm not allowed to play another hoyo game.
The outfit of some characters reminds me a lot of splatoon outfit design
I will kill your enjoyment and make this thread a religion WAR. Keep replying. You dumb atheists are nothing but my food.
I can't search this in the catalog, why not just stick with /zzz/? It's simple.
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I agree
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it's a win for me well you can just mod her on release
>he can’t type Japanese
Holy /pol/ tourist. Anime website.
its made by wuwanigger so less people talking about this game.
go away gigger faggots
Nice try but that's the final version as decided democratically by the people.
Try searching for "zzz" and then come back
And it's also supposed to filter out normalfaggots, see >>483674506
Can't type in Japanese or Chinese? We don't want you.
>its made by wuwanigger
What do you mean?
>New Eridu
>Figure it’s based on a Japanese city
>Google it
>First City of Sumerian

What does it meeeaaaaaan
Kill yourself faggot
That's why your game will flop.
Uh oh
The best part about fansa in anime videogames is knowing that Giggers don’t get them, and it’s important to appreciate vidya fanservice, so that you can remind Giggroes that they can’t have anything good in life. They’re allowed to have underwater bubble pants, homosex banners, breast mascectomies, and horribly designed catladies. Hey, that's some pretty good fanservice content... Not that a gigger would know HAHA HAHAHAHAHA
Actual nice discussions, less schizos and more coom.
Their game is dying, moving their 1.1. launch date a week sooner to avoid ZZZ doesn't helped.
The unknown God made genshin impact a cultural phenomenon, and yet, I still keep seeing these dumbass atheists. SOMEHOW
This thread remind me my of my first week in HSR general, falseflagging shitposter everywhere.
They died down soon enough.
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oh no!

The downfall of this game will be the rap, no one actually likes that kind of "music"
If it's a war you want, then it's a war you'll lose.
>Last last thread was not the same name
>last last last thread also not the same name
Uh huh
I never lose. 1 vs trillions, and I will still WIN.
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post her ass
Sounds kinda Mezopotamian.
What kind of retarded point is this? Yes, it was decided to use this name 2 threads ago.
which one should i get?

the disk with a 2 on it or 0x0 disk?
We were trying names and we found the perfect one, next thread will be /三Z/, and the one after that, and the one after that, until EOS.
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Only God can help me. No humans are qualified.
where do you find the key to type this 3 lines rune? I dont see an option on my keyboard
just do a poll, but you niggers are scared that the name you want will lose
You just did. Speaking of Mezopotamian that must mean Ellen is Tiamat because she's an honorary Pixar mom with that amount of cargo she's packing back there. Any other character has one like this?
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>2 threads ago
You mean the thread that most people agree to use /zzz/ and literally one(1) person mention 三Z
You are weak 三
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Why both of you niggers acting like a fucking retarded 12 years old?
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OHNONONONO The trilogy is starting
>Why I quit genshin for wuwa
>Why I quit wuwa for ZZZ
>Why I came back to genshin
>going by how often something was posted
Are you retarded? That's no way decide things, anyone could post the same thing over and over again.
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decide the thread title
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Jenshin riajuu are not allowed in this thread
You conveniently forgot to mention that the post with /三Z/ had multiple people agreeing with it
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I see, which is why you're being a bitch behind your device spouting empty threats as if you have any leverage. You remind me of a certain wacko in the Love Live threads who will pop up any time you mention Emi Nitta. Your "god" is clearly failing to help you, just like every other person who makes the same outbursts.
1v1 me in chess you stupid bitch. I am not your Mirror.
hrtgfags are KILLING this game and general
Literally only 5 replies
least obvious potted polls
I knew you niggers would say this once you lose
This bitch about to be the next Jean for me
>hot af with a big ass
>standard banner character
>won't get her until four years into the game after a bunch of Koleda (Keqing) Lycaon (Diluc) and S11 (Mona) dupes
I just feel it in my bones.
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lore accurate size
Just make a /zzz/ thread right now.
We'll abandon this one and migrate.
Fuck degenerate ritual vandalized OP
You saw the poll results, you an shut the hell up now
三Z bros not like this…
next thread will be /zzz/ then
Soukaku my beloved
No thanks. Chess bores me. Plus I already claimed your queen here and assraped her multiple times with my bishop, so what the point in repeating done history?
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Just select her then
eh few month you will get her don't forget your roll from beginner banner count so that is 50/300 unlike HSR where they made it seperate
Will this be the general to reach new peaks of schizo melties?
三Z was actually filtering retards.
Enjoy your schizo furry gay troon fest I guess
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/zzz/ will filtering you, that's good enough
We love gay furry porn here. /sarcasm
Yeah yeah you like cock
Good job inviting the redditors in guys, they'll love /zzz/
White baby factory
>1/6 chance of getting the furry
What an odd thing to say
He will be in mint picking duty just like my C4 Diluc.
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Jeebus is a lie, and there is NO god! cope.
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Now do a pinky swear, if you make new thread without /zzz/, your mother will drop dead
The characters in this game are made oth BLACK people in mind. yts lost
>White baby factory

do people actually get a hard on her about colonization and snuffing the pure blood gene lineage of people like nekomata, ellen, or miyabi permanently?

you guys are weird
i lose twice to gepard on 1.0 HSR this time i will avoid the ice homo any girl is accepted for me since im maining anby until zhu yuan
That does not change the fact that you are a fucking LOSER. Athrist scum.
Your tiny yt pecker can't compete
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Which of you actually likes the game and plans to stay?
Another lose for atheist scums. Tell me. Have you ever win anything?
GEEEEEEG cope some more, no nigger ever was called master. Ellen is canonically BWC property
me. I've been following this and hsr since they were announced
Just kiss already
as long as my chuuba gf Sweetily is playing I'll stay
I'm only staying for my wife Ellen. Also HOLY SHIT is that Moon from the hit video game Pokemon Sun and Moon™?
The future characters look a lot better than the launch roster so I'll be around for a while, hope that trend continues.
It's me, I censored the game
I watched the gameplay clips, and I'm not impressed.

>Implying this thread not infected with many schizo
It doesn't help anything
Isn't she from pokemon.
>Have you ever win anything?
You mean *won? Yes, I have won many things, including this debate.
Nintendo gon' sue somebody.
The penguin is so fucking stupid I like it
>at least 7 hsrggers ruining this general
Winning required a goal. Some type of accomplishment. What have you ever accomplished?
this game is a casual mash fest as reported by most players that tried CBT3
the hub also feels a lot like splatoon, that's why i hope there are tons of different gameplay modes to keep the game refreshing
arcade is cool, but there should also be some combat modes
None of you are winning anything arguing about this shit in /vg/, fucking mongoloids
>Mihoyo became so popular the only way to start a console war faggotry is by falseflagging it with another mihoyo gacha.
>Everything else won't work because they are irrelevant or near EoS.
Can't wait for the Animal Crossing clone and second funding for another Nuclear Fusion reactor.
>i want this to be hardcore!
hardcore in gacha games are stupid. You want to know why FXIV is so popular? because it focus on the casual audience.

They tried pandering to hardcore and it almost killed the game.
>wiNNiNG reQuIRed A GoAL
This is you.
if the future character designs are good, then yes
that is usually how it is for gacha games
the launch roster is great, but the upcoming characters aside from the idol faction and miyabi all look dull and uninteresting
I'm not wrong.
NTA. Can you please elaborate? How much casual mash fest are we talking here? I've played
Which game does ZZZ resemble in terms of gameplay most from this list?
why are religiousfags like this?
go play cuckold simulator instead of shitting up a sinful gacha thread
God is omnipresent. There is no escape.
come back when he inevitably gets princess carried by a Gundam GF because it's a certified gold mine
I'm retard I meant Aether Gazer
>hardcore in gacha games are stupid
You're stupid, D&F made $270 million in CN last month and it's a direct competitor to ZZZ.
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we will not ZZZ on the job.

Let's keep this thread alive until livestream. We will not let the hype go to zzzero
according to someone I know, it apparently plays like Honkai 3rd APHO without the jumping mechanic so from his assessment I could maybe guess its a mix of old Honkai 3rd and PGR
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>Vinnie the squeaker decides not to rat his boss out to the feds
>He won a second chance at life
>Organized crime has no goal but he still won
>god loses to common sense
THIS is that chinese game topping the charts? wtf? it looks like shit!
Game is just not punishing at ALL and enemies are hp just sponges on higher difficulty
I thought I told you to get the fuck outta here dood!
If you can never against me in a 1v1 fight then you can bet. God is greater than that.

No humans can beat an AI. God is also greater than that.
Gameplay isn't the focus of the game, story/aesthetic is
Don't like it? Leave.
I will stay
> I could maybe guess its a mix of old Honkai 3rd and PGR
>old Honkai 3rd
But old HI3 is pretty fucking difficult (compared to other mobile games) it actually requires some skill and brainpower to play not a casual mash fest, look up Fuhua combos.
Yeah and it's way cheaper to make and maintain too. The revenue of Genshin and HSR combined is losing to DNF is hilarious.
"god" is also a sore loser, it seems. Look kid, you play fighting games? Like I said, chess bores me but I'm down for some fun competition. We can play Street Fighter 6 or Tekken 8 if you really feel like having a "1v1 fight".
what the fuck is going on in this thread… new cunny looks cool ig…
what is it about dnf that is so good? the devs must be really happy seeing so much money roll in for such an easy to maintain game
>weakest story of all hoyoverse game
>story is the focus
what did he mean by this?
I dropped Arknight because gameplay is boring.
I dropped Blue Archive because gameplay is boring.
That just the recent one that I remember. Plenty that I'm too lazy to list. I dropped it all due to boring gameplay.

I still play chess tho.
>two lost /pol/ bots start arguing because the algorithm picked up “Eridu”

I fucking hate this website.
Probably nostalgiafags game
/三Z/, my beloved.
God can predict my movement with 100% precision. No humans can do that, not even AI.
How old is everyone here? I'm suspecting people under 21 with the posts being made.
Unlike zenless zone zero, the combat is actually good and has more depth. Has fighting game inputs
it was the fanbase all along because Hoyoverse is a stronger brand name than Honkai now
also expect the mass exodus of retarded children into ZZZ when the grifters inevitably start to push another "genshin bad and we were sexually abused by the lack of free trash tier fivestars" and "honkai star rail is literally dying because Loufu is not 2.0-2.2 production value and there is totally no way a 3.0 is coming in like six months" narrative
so expect nonstop spam about how "the 1.2 fivestar powercrept ALL the 1.0-1.1 characters" and how they are all cope now because "look at my spreadsheet about my cool new 1.2 DPS character all hyperinvested as the YouTuber told me to do", with the obligatory "oooh are you angry because of my lil flex bro?" for anyone taking the bait
the "community" is doomed to be another pile of "Hoyoshitters" and you can either get used to it or fuck off you special snowflake
>>weakest story of all hoyoverse game
How bad is the story exactly anon? Please elaborate.
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I’m 25
So you don't play fighting games, I take it?
DnF literally one of biggest 4chan online game long before gamergate shit, same shit with Puzzle & Dragons.
But I bet most of you doesn't even exist yet back then.
Story skippers are so fucking stupid.

Imagine going into WcDonalds, and you skip all the menu, tapping your credit card furiously, then just grinding chips because of the endgame burger, then standing on the table and screaming there’s no food because you’re full.
>>weakest story of all hoyoverse game
that'd be hi3 and genshin
All of those you mention only exist in the internet retarded community.
None of my friends or people I know who play gacha games act like that in real life.
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25, I only post my wives.
I played it, but in the end. It's no different than chess. Once the game is solved. It's over.
Why does Self-insertfag so retard? There's no (you) here. There is no problem if ship sister, furhomo, or anyone else if they want to play this game
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Food analogy
filtered lmao
RetardKING....... the sibling you pick is still (you). But I wouldn't expect anything from someone so extremely braindead that they can't self-insert in general
Then I guess it's time for me to turn on my PS5 and teach you a lesson even your "god" can't teach.
Easier to just fight Me in chess.
Belle and Wise are their own characters. Don't like it? Leave.
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god isnt real
people who believe in "god" kill others who dont believe in their "god"
this has been well documented throughout history
no REAL god would tolerate this
go play cuckold simulator on steam, muttoid incel
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>Gameplay isn't the focus of the game, story/aesthetic is
>Gameplay isn't the focus
>of the game
Write a book or make a movie. Preferably a book. I like books.
I don't like reading a book when I want to play a game.
You can cope however much you want. They're still self-inserts for the player. Being able to name a character or not has no effect on that.
My irl name is Belle. I’ll be playing Wise.
I worship the God of War. Which is the God of the Bible.

God is real. God made me
>no argument
as expected from godfags
your "god" sucks my dick lmao i piss and shit on your "holy" texts
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This is a "game" with VN-style storytelling and gameplay as a secondary focus. Pick it up with mihoyo, not me.
I beat 100% you retards in a chess match, and therefore.

Nobody cares. If god is real, then you can deal with it when you're dead.
If he isn't, then congratulations, you still wasted your time screeching at religious people.
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New bread is coming up. Please make it /zzz/ as showed during the vote!
>muh chess
pajeet please stop shitting up this thread, we don't care about your 30 gorillion gods
fuck off
I will do the opposite, not because I dislike the name, but because I don't like being told what to do. I own this fucking place, bitch
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gem it up
The most High God made me the Champion.

I'm the King of Gaming. Bitch.

None of you can beat me in chess.

That's a fact.
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Chances of our livestream tomorrow being as cringe as WuWa EN livestream?
these are all reddit lurker votes doesn't count
you never see them post they only upvote
Joe Ellen...
Joeee Ellen...
Joe Ellen...
Joe Ellen.....
You have... 1 YIL.
Don’t you have something better to do like spamming kakaurine
I do, by not spending money on mihoyo gacha.
But the criticism is valid and will continue to be leveled.
I'm not necessarily directing this next part at you, but more at people in general:
It takes a special kind of cock-sucking corporate shill to actively OPPOSE a skip button, as though letting the people who smash the space bar to get through the text as quick as possible already DON'T READ. They DON'T READ now, and letting them skip the whole meaningless scene so they can go back to smacking things isn't going to mean they read any less, and it certainly isn't going to stop you from reading as much as you want.
oh great, aetherpag has started seething again
Isn't it a Da Wei stream?
Why is this thread 5 times faster than the last one? Who's botting?
Just kicking out the furries. Letting them know they aren't welcome.
Unless your name is Magnus Carlsen, there's probably some anons who have a safe bet at beating you.
They announced Lucy on their twitter
It's Marge
somehow that 1 loli drip leak managed to attract all the pedos so they are now all here
I can beat Magnus Carlsen. Probably around 1 in a 100 match. But I can beat him regardless.
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>Chances of our livestream tomorrow being as cringe as WuWa EN livestream?
As long as it doesn't have an overweight male youtuber cosplaying as a woman, I think we'll be good.
smells like a rrat
Hoyo will have VA doing the program not random fat trannie in woman cloth
The Rat is the champion of the zodiac race.
nah it will be a dev stream with the special participation of dawei
Remember to number the threads going forward
Maybe if if you get unlimited time, and Magnus is restricted to 10 minutes total, and he is required to play bong cloud opener, you might beat him 1 in 100 times.
it's aetherpag seething about things he doesn't like in hoyo games, in a hoyo game general
he just doesn't get the clue
>700 posts
why are we fast now?????? i liked the comfy threads
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Just because I like tight child pussy doesn't mean I'm a pedo
/zzz/fags are having a melty and invited all the redditors and bots in
You're actually mind numbing retarded if you like numbered threads. Autistic even.
because BWC won
Another female gets knotted by an animal
Waifucucks just can't catch a break
I can use Magnus as a stepping stone to build the ultimate path to victory.

All lose is merely a path toward solving the Game.
me too bwo, this sucks. we need to filter more
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hi3 was lesbian shit from day 1
genshin went full fujo
honkai let us down

looks like ZZZ might finally deliver the goods
Not numbering threads is peak sovllessness. Just look at generals like /gig/ and /hsrg/ and how shit they are. It's because they don't number their threads
kill yourself homotranny
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Yeah. Even people who never get involved in drama started shitting on her.
She fucks that red thing? I didn't know that.
ZZZ Males prefer animal pussy, you're a cuck too, faggot.
as a cbt player I only have one issue with the game and its LOADING
there are just too many fucking load screens in the game and it gets annoying FAST when you're doing dailies and shit, they need to either tune that shit down or make it load FASTER
>Chinese zodiac
A little too yellow, ain't you, boy?
I'm pretty white.
kek now this faggot is also here, gemmy threads ahead
put the game on an ssd you dumb motherfucker
unironically it was the furry dog who was keeping the threads comfy by gatekeeping the usual shitposters, but now everyone is here to thirst after used goods like lucy
ofc u like that homo
That explains the school shooter overtones.
yes, very much
you can just tell he goes bazonkers on her tight pussy with his virile piggy cocku
Von Lycaon OP will filter the shitposters
Fuck them kids honestly
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Yeah, I'm the type of fanatic that will kill you and your entire bloodlines in times of chaos.
>/gig/ during Nahida story quest
>My prediction came true
furDOG will save /zzz/
trvst the plan, Z bros
Good job /zzz/fags, you invited all the mentally ill freaks in.
This is /三Z/ say the name right tourists
>actually hoping a dog will save this general
it won't because i'm here shitting in it
most mentally sane godnigger
i shit all over your "holy" scriptures and piss on your pathetic "god" while you seethe online and do nothing KEK
Remind that you fucking lose
No more excuse
I mean, it's obvious that she does? you think a woman would just hang around and do nothing around that pig?
>early thread
>another vandalized op by hsrggers
shant be posting
let it die
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>Game isn't out for a week
>Thread autism and schizos already setting in
The future is bright for this general
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Make actual thread, I'm not using that
If ((evolution)) has a personality. You can call it GOD. Those who stand agaisnt God will all perish.

Evolution wills it.
it's all thanks to hsrggers taking over since their game is not even worth playing
Not everyone is your boogeyman, schizoid freak
it's over
expect granny panties at the very least, pray for the animation to remain untouched
sure buddy then there's the retarded
-talk to npc and try to skip through the dialogue boxes
-walk/swim to place
-talk to npc again slipping through dialogue boxes
-next quest is escort some shit
-next quest is talk again
the QoL that skips your dailies is pointless 99% of the time because you have cleared that whole fucking map for gems already
why are you coping so hard, genshitter?

meanwhile HSR daily activity is literally just let the relic or calyx node on auto a few times then send it an assignment on phone, then claim the daily objective,
see you tomorrow
>the QoL that skips your dailies is pointless 99% of the time because you have cleared that whole fucking map for gems already
Clear all events, only take rewards as much as the daily need.
Done, you are cleared for the next week until next event came out.
I'm not saying its shorter, but its literally easy to cheat and for new players its not a problem because they got more than 4 years of content that will clear their daily 24/7
funny how she got popular enough after years of irrelevancy now that every cloutchaser tries to attach themselves to this fucking non-issue made up by Twitter kids hoping for some relevancy
suffering from success
funniest thing is the next stream had tourists trying to stir shit up in the chat only to get nuked on sight by mods and the people wanting to actually "check source" found nothing wrong
this is the rare streamer that's actually minding her own business and is inoffensive so there is literally nothing to feed drama with in her content
Also, I bet once I'm done with alll ZZZ main content I bet clearing all 3 games, genshin, SR and ZZZ dails wont' take more than 30 minutes.
Today I'm just done with SR and genshin daily and it only take less than 20 minutes, meanwhile AKF Journey daily still going on for another one hour.
All of them played on a single PC.
and it's not even a loli, the BA fags are just so desperate for fuckable 3D loli that they contacted yellow fever and now call everything with the build of an average Asian woman a loli
truly desperate times. when is blue archive 3D to save these poor souls?
NGL it's funny as fuck at least
but no, Hoyo people are not this retarded
I mean EN VAs can be really cringe some times.
i had her fbx on unity for a good time already, uploaded to Vrchat and had some fun cunny ERP ;3
>Eridu was the world's first city
>New Eridu is the first city to be founded after the hollows caused the apocalypse

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