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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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>Current & Upcoming Content
[New Champion] Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds
[Rain Shepherd] Milio and Fizz
[Anima Squad] Illaoi, Aurora, Yasuo, Xayah, Seraphine (Legendary), Miss Fortune (Mythic Variant), Yuumi (+Prestige) & Leona (+Prestige)
[Primordian] Bel'Veth, Briar, Rek'Sai & Aatrox (Legendary)

>Latest Patch Notes
>Latest PBE Patch Notes

>Builds/Account Stats

>Model Viewer

/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
thanks nonners, appreciate the real thread
looks like she fucks brazilians irl.
are gaming chairs worth it?
any comfy chair that's good for your back is
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it's another episode of the draven trying to be le edgy draven player
good luck babe
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Briar won
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I'm setting this as my new phone wallpaper. Please tell me you have more like this.

>Captcha: Jax
won what?
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wtf riot
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NTA but she won my heart a long time ago and now she won a new skin
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I hate this forced win/loss thing the game puts you through
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unleash the fish
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played against this nigga last night
I was playing Samira and his L9 jungler perma ganked & dived me, I was 1/10 at 15 minutes with my team completely not giving a fuck about my lane.
Managed to actually carry the game ending it with a quadra 19/12, he proceeded to have a meltdown postgame saying how I am a handless talentless faggot playing Samira and that I should hang myself
I miss smurf que for moments like this.
gaming chairs are bait
my god he's still fucking going
>Get put in top
>Pick my champ
>By simple virtue of being Blue side, enemy counter picks me
>Cannot play the game at all.

What a fun role.
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nice real thread
come hang if you wish
this Soraka almost made me have a melty.
*takes a sip*
my friend said op.gg is the only trusted site regarding winrate but the site looks fucking dogshit
her name
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Post your emote wheel setup
>akshan to this day rocking a 52% wr and is even S tier
why is this allowrd
oopd the
was meant for
this dork.
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I think it was "ICARRYDEADWEIGHT", it's just cut off there because all caps.
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>click king greys stream
>he is The Problem but hes raging about his team out loud and in the chat
every time
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12 game winstreak, haha....
>cant self insert as yasuo and post yasuo
>really like yasuo
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don't drink it
I used to shit on plat and below for being hardstuck(still do if you played the game back before matchmaking was blatantly rigged and are still the exact same ranked) but matchmaking has actually gotten ridiculously good at rigging games. back in season 3-7 it was literally unheard of for diamond+ players to lose games in gold, the way gold and objectives worked and just the overall state of the game allowed one single player if good enough to just completely take over the game. but after years of slowing the game pace down to a crawl and spreading the influence required to win as much as possible it made it so diamond+ players can legitimately get unwinnable games in gold. a 30 kill diamond+ 1 trick does not have enough pressure to counter act 2/15 jungle and 3/24 bot lane against 1 or more objectively powercrept champs. the game is in the most absolute worst state to try to take ranked serious, if games can be rigged at the lowest ranks for the best players, it is beyond easy to just throw an autofilled jungle in diamond and coinflip every single player into playing 100+ ranked games for absolutely no reason other than retention
this is cope because i am a d4 stucker and I can shit on plats and golds with ease with fucking swain yuumi bot
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tranny game
>schizo-infested late thread stays up
yea he's 100% the janny, cya guys next week
the players on NA suck dick
yeah obviously if you play 10 games you are gonna win minimum 7 of them, but the mere fact that you are forced to lose even a couple of them is insane. try not to show your stupid in your next post again
the worst thing about adc is having to lane with a support player
mage supports are absolutely the worst players in league by far
skillshots, map awareness, roam timing, just consistently the worst decisions possible in lane phase
such a shame cause adc is such a fun role when you dont have an idiot next to you
he pops the fuck off at times
my favorite part is i know the whole game my team mates are fucking losers
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aram is cozy
I agree. I just wish I could choose my champ in aram. Or at the very least, choose like 10 champions and it's random from those.
>emote wheel posts are made by discord fags
fagposts made by faggots, not surprise
Have a guess who I main ^.^
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you can always play yas but post other champs
I could have it like this too but I like my bee emotes too much :)
shit game mode because the game has way too many bad champs to ever random a good comp
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So what exactly did I do wrong here? We're suppose to look at the game and not blame our team, but improve ourselves. But I'm not sure what I need to improve on when this is the score
i guess, but am i really worthy of doin that?
>You who also has 9cs/pm while participating and killing alot

This is called "Losers Que"
you don't have to avatarfag
i honestly dont enjoy it, i get its a less serious mode and theres some upsides to it but theres stuff that just makes it miserable
certain champs just make the game unplayable and if you got unlucky with your comp then its just sitting at your tower waiting to be killed

but by far my least favorite thing about ARAM is the fucking hexgates, it makes comebacks almost impossible until respawn timers get REALLY long
>get wrecked early game
>finally ace the enemy team
>oh boy time to push and get back in the game
>hmm nope the whole team is back to defend their tower in 2 seconds :)
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woah chill with the conspiracy theories anon just needed to carry harder I recommend a CHALLENGER COACH to fix that problem
im going to say this one time for you, because you dont seem to be one of the typical people spamming this shit
but you are stuck in the rank you are stuck in, because in regular, playable games, you make mistakes that throw the game and you lose
pay attention to the close games you lost, thats where you find what you need to improve on
or stay trapped in bronze or whatever making posts whineposts forever
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guys join my stream im playing vex it's lonely with only two of s
where is facecam or mic
oh gross nevermind its a man, dont join

who the fuck watches men play the game? so gay
where is the lissandra from
I think this is the 5th time you have fucked up your (you). Dummy.
aw thanks honey
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it becomes uncozy when the enemy team gets multiple tanks and they don't take any damage but they also oneshot you with heartsteel
Mods range ban blacked poster when since he's obviously will dodge all bans?
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Here's your new top laner from Zaun
that nunu skin is kinda ugly ngl
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poppy ult should have a lower CD when you just use it as a knockup
there's literally no reason for her ult to be less impactful than something yasuo gets every three seconds
are all poppyfags bad at critical thinking? knock up isn't comparable to a move that hits enemies off the screen.
>you just use it as a knockup
no YOU just use it as a knockup, which is why youre stuck in shitlow
ill become a girl for u
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Soraka my cute wife
Pls understand, Azakana brain.
yeah baby
You choose to not fully charge it up and get a knock up instead. That's the trade off you willingly choose.
i guess that wouldn't be that bad, the knockup is really weak compared to just full charging it and winning a teamfight, even in lane i think it's usually better to full charge it
I'm getting owned by a squishy champ that built tabis I deal 0 damage now until my legendary
>posts the one game i did bad in
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>most telegraphed ult in the game
>easiest to cancel ult in the game
>can be body blocked
>inconsistent in hitting groups
>most of the time it's more useful as a basic knockup
>all just to knock an enemy away for a few seconds in a game where instant AoE insta kill ults exist
how is this okay?
this clip will always be relevant
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nuh uh
do something, they're tormenting the fish
your champion is already turbo broken even my demented grandpa could play her
are you fucking retarded?
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>he stood near a wall
you are just bad
im sorry
>champs have drawbacks
You're too stupid to be playing an easy champ and still bitch about it.
implying i need to be near a wall for this stupid bitch to statcheck me with a singular ruby crystal
post op.gg
poppy is a counterpick champ so she gets to have a higher wr than normal
>48-50% wr
truly the monster terrorizing league
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Unleashing the Sharp Q+E+W+R in them.
Your age is catching up to you, old man.
Raka made me rage earlier. c: I was playing red form Kayn and she'd seem to know when I was about to exit kill someone when I was in ult and she'd ult. And then any time I was in melee range, perma silenced.
That's very mean. ;( My mom called me senile, Shenical called me foreseen Azakana and now I got you saying this to me. Elderly abuse.
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that's better, now, let's get stabbing
>the one site that has anything above 50%
>it's just 51% on support
crazy broken
so we're pretending poppy isn't ridiculously op atm or is /lolg/ still filled with silversharts
>foreseen Azakana
Brutal, yet hilarious.
poopy is one of those wholesome chungus champs so they arent allowed to be criticized
>50% wr is now ridiculously op
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Just stop aging lmao
>Shenical called me foreseen Azakana
Based Shenfren
this game makes me hate asians
what a faggot race
the dash canceling part of her W is probably the most balanced part of her kit
lolg is full of iron-silver poppy otps who hate absolutely everything about her kit and should just play a different champ but refuse to because shes their waifu, same reason they all build retarded items that are obviously bad on her
we literally have like.. . 10 people that fit this exact description
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so fvcking real.....
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That's a good Soraka. You should have killed her first.

But wait. We don't have the knives anymore.
there is literally nothing that can out you more as pisslo than posting wr %
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It appears Poppy's superiority has led to some controversy
You're telling me people here actually play yordle champs don't just jerk off to them?
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Soraka Has a horn, and Nami will slap them with her tail.
>nooooo, you can't just post actual data, if i hate a champ then they're BROKEN
>doubles down
I'm going to touch my penis to this image
nice repeating digits, sup diff
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So apparently Briar is indeed playable in the PvE mode but you have to beat her in a boss fight first to unlock her
is building bloodsong on ranged supps actually just troll?
ok but when are they gonna release it, I got 12 days to finish this pass and I'm LEVEL 59 OR SOMETHING
if ur not bard or senna yes
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The Head Knife is ready to go. But don't forget that she have a super hoove kick too.

Save that for the trash thread.
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These Chroma’s are quite disappointing and I’ve seen a huge amount of discourse on twitter about the design team just slapping a bunch of random colors together and calling it a day.

If we have the opportunity to give feedback on these chromas I definitely think we should, as the base skin IS SO DANG GOOD! The chromas need to live up to the expectation!

I will use the Event chroma (second in the top row) and base if we don't get any changes
Which chroma are you using?
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Ive heard that the anima squad event is happening in 2 parts so Im not sure, but the game mode is supposed to come out on the 17th I think so hopefully the skin will be available around that time too
why would bard opt for bloodsong over celestial, sleigh or even zaz'zak?
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>super hoove kick
I need to see it in action
zakzak is so fucking shit you don't even build it on mage supports, sleigh is mediocre & he doesn't really need celestial since he's tanky and slippery enough so you just play for utility with bloodsong
im gonna beat her domestic violence style
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Be a good person
The day this general stops role-playing, being avatar fags, posting the same shit 24/7, is the day this general improves. But unfortunately, you guys care more about jerking each other off than gameplay.
I use it on two offmeta supps but I'm not gonna tell you what they are 8)
Yeah that's never going to happen. That's why I don't come to this general very often. Basically none of the older generals are useable. They are all mentally ill tranny avatarfag ritualposters. I wish the OSRS or League generals were useable but alas.
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yah /osg/ is kinda slop and everyone there is basically just schizoposting desu, it makes sense since i doubt anyone there isn't maxed
side note but i hit my 10 death powerspike and it was NOT enough
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BAM drop kick a mother fucker
>play arena
>teammate runs in immediately
>dies 1v2
>leaves game
awesome thanks riot
>kg going to a party with his normie friends
wtf I thought he was an incel
I hate when people just unga bunga straight into fighting every round instead of playing smartly
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Been that nigga since I came out my mama (woo)
Thankin' God daddy never wore a condom (woo)
Prove 'em wrong every time 'til it's normal
Why worship legends when you know that you can join 'em?
These niggas don't like me, they don't like me
Likely, they wanna fight me
Come on, try it out, try me
They put me down, but I never cried out, "Why me?"
Word from the wise
Don't put worth inside a nigga that ain't try
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Briar won
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nice, Soraka is scary in this pic
i keep getting afks
guys help
he's the janny, you're just going to be the one getting banned
he's been banned around 5000 times
Just online buddy
Well she is a reaper.
buy a laptop and play with your feet.
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let's go reap some chips
i WILL play her support
i WILL run out of mana after 3 spells
i WILL be useless in lane

i don't care.
this WILL happen if the character actually resonates with girls
she will, simply because of her cute bunnygirl aesthetic
>playing arena with chips/dip/liquor
I'm finally having fun
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ngl this skin is GIGA gay but I guess that's ok they make skins for gays too and not just for me
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Fuck yeah, anon! Just don't get your keyboard and mouse dirty.

Nun will survive this massacre.
yes but he moves to another mcdonalds immediately
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since when league is fun?
Soraka's not wasting time I see
>literally type in the chat no leash
>bot leashes anyways
>enemy bot gets level 2 first
>enemy double kill
Really epic for my internet to die on the last game of the day
What the FUCK COX
Vanguard got rid of pretty much every single one of them with the exception of the spam and perhaps 3 people. The ritual posting is just 1 post which can be filtered and doesnt go anything further. The porn and rping I wanted it to stop too since there is a trash thread but people actually didn't seem to like that idea so whatever. Also this game doesn't have much to talk about, at least 2 years ago there was the card game and wild rift and other things at least elsewhere but now it's gone back to strictly PC league.
>ISP has a gay name so you won't call them and complain
200 iq play honestly
how do you climb out of gold? seems like every other match someone on my team isn't human and goes 0/17 so im hardstuck
we must ban all of finland
really? i have to restart my entire computer for an update? how greedy and slimy are these people going to get? i just wanted to play a fucking aram game before i go to bed and i'm forced to wait 30 minutes for my old ass pc to start back up? absolutely disgusting. i said fuck it to the vanguard shit because i never turn my pc off anyways, but really? the game needs a full system restart? fix your fucking shit you disgusting cockroach sewer rat humans
Kill some niggas
Don’t get killed by niggas
Get objectives
Don’t let them steal blackie
nevermind launcher was just glitched
im the second cutest sion in the world after baus
probably turn off chat and fix your baby mental
I had a gaming chair but it was just uncomfortable, got the usual herman miller now and it's been great.
>dota had only 2 unpicked heroes in the last tournament
>league had 79 uncontested champions
lol lmao
Rookie numbers, it's only gonna get bigger.
i mean in the past it would be like 120 or so
actually a big improvement
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do you think im kidding? these guys are from two different games and idk how im supposed to carry consistently when theyre in my lobbies so frequently
Get a duo.
how do i get more gold lolig? i wanna get my 0/10 powerspike on yasuo but i get 3 items so so so so late
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lmao this guy actually spammed till 6am what a sad existence
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>0/10 powerspike
anon normally id assume youre just doing the meme but you seem a bit slow
0/10 powerspike is not real
there is no advantage to feeding
play safe and farm up
im trying.. i played so safe that my first back was my first item.. even then i only got my 3rd item by 30 minutes..
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Which one of those are worth unlocking?
Damn this game has no fucking glance value
make sure to last hit properly when POOSHING

I'm assuming you're running TP instead of something memetastic like ignite
I think it's hilarious Jungler is the least played role when LoLfaggots made fun of Dota for killing jungle.
Non of them I presume.
Mf and Sona if you're a coomer but yeah.
mf and sona.
yah im tryin to last hit everythin properly.. i only had like 190 cs by 30 minutes maybe im pushing too hard in the midgame.. for reference i had about 100 by 11 minutes which was a lot better..
can BRO win today?
what is bro doing

sorry i feel icky saying that
If you still think in 2024 there is any skill difference among any rank in league you are legit braindead. Every moron knows everything about this game and how to win, the only difference is putting in so much time that your losses start to not count, and that at higher ranks you got actual teammates.

Carrying has been dead since 2017.
>Every moron knows everything about this game and how to win
you dont play the game
lord morgan will carry believe
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Shit game
Shit general
Depends on how much fighting is going on yybh - in the lower leagues people fight at random so your cs is likely to be low.

Try to get more jungle camps though, it's okay to take the camps in the mid game just make sure your jungle creature isn't near them because he's gonna get livid and smite it for no reason.
i guess yah but i dont like to join a lotta fights till i get 3 items because yasuo gets strong at 3 items apparently.. so basically i dont rlly do anythin the whole game
also in lane when the enemy jg doesnt have a projectile i can block i skip wind wall till like lvl 9-10 is that bad
i really wanna figure out how 2 get like 8-9cs/min 'cause id basically get my items 10 minutes earlier which would be pretty huge
Learn to do trades that scare the enemy into leaving you to CS, instead of trading for kill opportunities.
in the midgame too? it feels like once your tower is down the enemy toplaner just shows up and you either fuck off immediately (they will not push the wave at all and you will both lose cs) or you stay and get run down and killed in like 10 seconds, do i need to slow push more to make a reallly big wave that'll bounce back?
wake up dumb bitch
>enemy laner rages all game
>adds me after game
>starts spamming me to link my main
>do it
>immediately unfriends me and logs off
honestly wonder what goes through someone's mind to go through all this then just log off, like what outcome would make you feel good about yourself if you did this
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Thanks anons!
any tips for heimer? i do really well sometimes but damn near feed sometimes and idk why that is
as a high level player like myself, the biggest issue I come across is the fact that even though you know something, you know when to push, when to initiate a fight, how to approach objectivs, yadda yadda.... you could know all of this, but there's another filtering level you have to go through - does your team have the exact same info and skill to support any of those motions? Endless times you would go in on a play knowing it would work since you've seen it a milion times and have it all calculated, just to be left in the dirt by a guy that was like "fuck off, im going back to farming"

...so, when the fuck are they adding voice comms to the game?
>265 games played
>48% wr
>gold 2
unironically just drop your weird ego and watch some videos on lane state and you can climb too brother
you have to bush cheese or your champ is unironically dogshit, you either have shit roam as mid despite absolute prio or you tax your adc for no reason as supp
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He is a champ for weird autistic niggas who only play him and nothing else, don't bother listening to anyone here's advice, they are just making shit up and don't actually play him
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Just play top and put towers down??? It ain't that hard sister.
>See God King Darius more than God King Garen
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Woo go anon!
pls respond i cant learn on my own..
As Windyman 1 you're most likely unable to outduel topchuds in the midgame (unless you're a god) so your best bet is to pick skirmishes along someone who can enable your ult imo.

Forget about cs'ing your split isn't that good, and you don't need 3 items bork is enough to be <relevant> you're not gonna carry fights with it but you can def participate.
i don't know how, i don't know why
but this furfag shit is hot to me
but like actual real life faggotry disgusts me
what do i call this
im tired of bot always being the priority position what top/jgl champs can i play as a fake sup that doesnt give a shit about the adc
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Couldn't tell you.

But do feel free to enjoy.
Wow another game lost because I had the audacity to get first blood lvl 2 topside
Hmm so i should play around my team a lot and just hard shove sidelanes so i can get prio and leave faster? I find it very hard to like help in teamfights i guess since theyre so random at my rank, its rare that there will even be a single fight around an objective past 2nd drag, maybe a grub fight if youre lucky but most likely itll be a jg doing it with no prio or vision and getting fucked
i love you
garen has a good skin that costs half as much and Darius has 100% shit skins so people just yolo into god king
Poppy, Shen, Tahm Kench, Malphite, Pantheon, errrgghhhh... Maokai, perhaps Sion.
You can try toplaners bot too like Yasuo, Jax, whatever.
yasuo is a toplaner is korea only
you're a furfag just a terminally online one, not sure if that's better but it's certainly not good
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So you do.
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How's it going, /lolg/?
Not in midgame obviously.

The thing you gotta accept is that in League right now "equal" states of the game are pretty much gone, you are either currently steamrolling or getting steamrolled, there's no inbetween.

If you're getting steamrolled, you have to pay attention to the map and where your braindead teammates are drawing the attention, if they're constantly botside and drawing attention to the drake pit, you can spent time top for a bit CSing and pushing, as the enemy team is gonna be also focused botside to kill your team, and the opposite applies.

If you're steamrolling, you can see which sides of the map the enemy is scared of walking in and reliably cs there.

Also, most important thing, do not subscribe to the fag idea that the person with the highest CS number wins. Gold income is reliant on so much more than just CSing and you can easily lose games by focusing on CS instead of actual win conditions. As long as your gold income is good for the match you're currently in (so ur not drastically behind items compared to ur team and the enemy), do not throw everything away just to CS. A lot of the time its better to just spend time waiting for opportunities and making map space for game winning teamfights. Even during laning, there's better things to do sometimes than focus on CS. Not being in obvious kill thresholds is much more important sometimes than just having a higher number than the other guy. If you play champs that cannot bully their way out of laning phase, it might be smart to play the lane super passively, even if it means being behind 30 cs, you can make that up later on. As Yas you automatically become impossible to 1v1 by non tanks/juggernauts in late game so u can stress about it even less than most.
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good, how about you?
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Just another late night of LoL. Wish me luck in my normals, I'm practicing jungle Diana.
it's over
league of legends is finished
Very good.
good luck then!
I see.. i guess im probably focusing on csing too much then even if i stink at it, when my team probably needs help killing the enemy adc and stuff like that, one unfortunate thing about yasuo top is that your team never has a tank and as such has 0 frontline and ive noticed we lose to that a lotta the time, when i play champs like rammus i literally go in like 1v3, instakill someone while 0/10 and just ult out vs like yasuo it feels like i have to channel my inner kr pro player to have a hope of getting a single kill if my team isnt already stomping the fight, im lucky too because in my elo even lane bully champs are bad at managing their wave so i just freeze and go even in cs unless im playing stupid (i usually am)
i will try and focus more on being in position and stuff rather than inting to try and rush my 3 items for my apparently nonexistent 0/10 powerspike..
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I just did my promos for the skin and every game was complete fucking shit, what gives and why is it literally worse with vanguard
also I got autofilled on 2 of 5 games, second role on 1, and main role for 2 which is completely fucking retarded
I mean... the game's still competitive and you're still queued with 9-8 other strangers, just no cheaters about. Also I presume a lot of casuals just dropped ranked or the game in general post vanguard so you only got the addicted players with insane sunk cost on board now.
I mean my sample size is 5 but babyraging (artistically avoiding nono words ofc), afkers, running it, and straight up leaving happened in every game
people babyrage and leave and run it down in norms a lot, none of my ranked games today have had an inter or leaver or even rlly anyone flaming that much but when i play norms with my friend someone is awful in every match without fail
Hanging in. Hope your games go well.
hello girlies
you're the only constant in your games
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>My lanes are hard running it with zero enemy jg influence
>I have 100% KP
LOVE JUNGLING YES. Thank *god* I have chat off.
maybe I'm just getting the business from mmr reset after not playing for years then, but in plat3 or whatever the fuck I'm in now it was pretty shit
>don't get the role you want
>don't get the champ you want
>don't even get a 5v5 game
I don't even care if someone gets called a fucking faggot retard, that's literally what the language filter (on by default btw) is for
>sabotage new champs voice and personality because "lol autism"
bravo rito
well I won all five of them by an enormous margin so not sure what autistic projection you're going for anon
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Morg is cute. I'm more of a Kayle fan but I like Morg too.
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Many such cases.
fat kali tho
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This is why I stick to mid. I can push my wave and roam to make impactful plays by myself.
probably the only champ in the entire game that actually needs a remake
do you have the nah id win kaisa edit by any chance?
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Very glad that the FAGGOT that kept posting jailbait got banned , good riddance, finally can thread in peace.
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Oh my GYAT we hard carried this game on bot
you're the cutest sion.
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Aye, I know.

Man, that twitch got HUGE. Glad you made it.
those two are intentionally feeding. report those fucks. It's all you can do
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>2/14 smolder
smolderino bros, not like this..
you're the only constant in your games
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No more yasuo its 2am
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I love her laugh
What's the over/under that Aurora will be disgusting in pro play? Her ult seems incredibly powerful, both in giving her insane teamfight value and in making her slippery. Her waveclear seems really good, her damage seems good.
wont be played, there's no cc and she only can immediately bounce twice off the walls of her ult basically, no room for mindgames as it ends too quickly
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Only games that give a dopamine hit are these comebacks
>feeder gets put on enemy team so you can prove the constant

is there any better fucking feeling in the world?

told them to kill themselves again after that one too
>72-99 in quickplay
you fucking suck bro
i want to fuck you
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We've seen some Corki/Tristana/Yone/Akali last split and we've seen a TON of raw damage output this split for mid with very little interest in hard CC or soft CC. Trist/Corki have been dominating midlane this split. She looks like a really cancer champ. Just the ult alone seems like such a solid engage. Late game teamfights, one ult of hers can lock down such a huge amount of people so that the team can pour all of their ults onto them pretty easily. She might not be a new staple like Hwei after his introduction, but I feel like she'll see play.
kill yourself kalista fucking faggot
youd be better off as mulch kill yourself faggot
So you do.~
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>Get put into mid
>Completely and totally buttrape a gremlin Tristana mid player
Yeah, that's much better.
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>ADC consistently picks ezreal, jhin or smolder when i pick lulu
why does this ALWAYS happen?
you've missed the part where champions like corki shit out damage way out of enemies range consistently, and part of Aurora's design they already mentioned - the range of her spells is medium to low, they've made sure to include stuff like a bounce back on cast to justify the low range, stuff like that wont fly in competitive, giving your opponents the opportunity to get in range will immediately get countered
>42% wr
>in norms where you literally pick your champ beforehand
holy shit kek
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And what are you going to do about that, hm?
i am moving towards your general direction rn. oil up.
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Guys, no fucking way. Someone actually has the fucking Ahri skin. I'm crying rn
In educational videos I see challengers struggle to win in bronze/silver. They still carry, but it's nowhere as gapped as you would think.
that's not the expensive one
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Well, now. Do feel free.
still awake at 5am? nasty boy...
It's for the silent fujo audience. Gays just play their agp champs.
>furfag lives in austin
big surprise, now try talking about league of legends instead of pining for a gay meetup.
Eh, what can I say. Sleep's been a bitch.
they punished him because he spoke the truth
you can't show nipples (female)
wouldnt be if i was by your side x)
I didn't see nip, maybe I didn't look hard enough.
Either way get rid of the softcore gay porn as well.
Why doesn't Vex have any good skins? She got the worst skin lines in the whole fucking game. Empyrean and Dawnbringer.
She has a hole.
Because nobody wants her, Rammus, Ivern, Maokai, Rumble or Heimer to take up a slot in the good skinlines.
She's consistently one of the lowest pickrate champions in mid lane.
Flop champion.
Because Riot doesn't know what to do with her, sadly.

I wish she got more, but it is what it is.
Flop champs dont get good skins
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Oh I get it. Aurora's aroace.
you're the only constant in your games
Rape correction. One cock, and she's pumping out billions.
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Also, League is a marathon.
can they just leak the fucking nautilus prestige already Jesus CHRIST I don't care about gooner squad skin#29944
Hope you die in your sleep.
What compelled you to make this post, anon?
What compelled you to make this post, anon?
leave Ahri alone please
>What compelled you to make this post, anon?
My curiosity about you randomly posting a hostile reply to an innocuous post from 4 hours ago.
what if he hopes Ahri dies?
Well I'd have to question his motives then, since I fail to see any benefit whatsoever from Ahri's death.
that wasn't me anon
We love Ahri on /lolg/
I am ambivalent on Ahri.

I want Warwick to rail me, though. Made last game really rough to play through (once he actually started getting drags instead of getting them stolen by jinx ult).
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the only thing your useless "dick" is correcting is the world record for smallest peen xD
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ai kat
so true bestie
all her good skins go to wild rift
i like empyrean vex
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time to climb :D
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I feel bad for you adc solo players in pisslow. I'm smurfing off-role because my main got a 2 week and holy shit these supports are literally braindead. I don't know how people do it.
>implying you need a support in pisslow
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okay, after objectively analysing my 14 ranked games this season, I found out:
>wins: 4
>losses: 10
>number of games where I've been hard griefed (teammate intentionally losing us the game due to emotions despite being in an even state at that point): 8
>number of games where the enemy hard griefed: my lane opponent might have got mad for dying 10+ times then they possibly soft inted x2
>number of games where I had to play with an autofilled support: 3-4 times (one of them was adc/supp main)
>number of autofilled supports on the enemy team: 0.5 (the guy played fiddle supp but he mains it)
>my jungle pathing top: 9
>enemy jungle pathing bot: 9
(one of my 14 games was played on mid, I didn't count jungle pathing in that game)
>lost game in champ select (some of these are my fault for losing but note that some of these ended up being wins): 6
>won game in champ select (some of these ended up being losses due to inters): 2

I've come to the conclusion that I'm in the most disgusting losers queue that anyone has ever witnessed in the history of the game
considering that I don't type or ping my teammates and they start griefing in an even or winning game state makes me think that I can't prevent these ints from happening, thus the losses are not my fault, in other words I am in losers queue

my question is: how do I make it stop?
how do I prevent my teammates griefing for no reason in ~57% of my games?
What about softcore straight porn?
Support completely dictates the lane ever since Riot made the role so overpowered for shitters who can't play anything else like 4 seasons ago.
Jannies delete that on sight, probably as they suppress the urge to vomit, so we don't really have to worry about that.
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>"the toxicity goes down as rank goes up!!"
>playing norms with full diamond team except me
>top goes afk because jungle won't camp him and jungle starts running into the enemy team and dying while emoting because he's asshurt that the 0/3 afk top called him silver
someone lied to me.
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Doesnt apply to low elo though because those retards are just wasting spells, cant punish, cant farm, cant roam, cant manage waves, cant properly recall, cant position and so on
I can have an actual NPC as my support and still carry games in low elo
In other words: git gud, nigga
how low you talking?
My experience as elo goes up people will flame loads still but are much less likely to completely troll, sell items etc. you can mute them and play on as normal as they still want to win
No one above silver cares about normals
has anyone here streamed with facecam
no you are delusional
king gay
entering lolg and flirting with the 5 different lux posting sluts
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>knocks you out
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>top locks in Tahm Kench
>think to myself that we actually have a decent comp
>tahm starts building AP
god this game is so unbearable sometimes, especially when a troglodyte like him leaves us to deal with the enemy bruiser he fed
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seraphine must be the most disgusting looking girl ever when shes bare naked
like you genuinely have issues if you are attracted to flat chested anorexic looking girl, you might as well go fuck a twink and call yourself gay, thats more respectable than being with a flat chested whore
>seraphine must be the most disgusting looking girl ever
yep. hideous champ.
3 days of June left, time to order a butt plug
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>ew so gross!
jungle main btw
i literally want to vomit looking at that 3dpd
she should get a dick transplant and be a boy instead at that point
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fucking pool party Leona has more clothes than this shit WHAT IS THIS
jungle main btw
adc main
>ugh, a cute girl. disgusting
>she should have a penis
Anon... I think you might be gay. I'm sorry
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it's a coomer skin that manages to be sexy without going overboard and dropping into 'dumb and silly' territory instead. korean MMOs should take notes.
look at that highway between her eyes
holy fuck you have issues if you find her attractive
not only are you extremely gay, but you also play the class that literally requires a designated babysitter to function. (seraphine is still an ugly monster tho)
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thats just you projecting your faggot ass ideas on everyone else
Seraphine despite looking a bit artificial is fine in terms of looking like a girl, to be honest girls are supposed to be thin and have smaller breasts since they're young.
It's just modern times how girls are just thicker and look a bit older than they are. As for twinks, they are also young and hence look like that but it's also the case of the male population having lower test in general these days. So it's not her looking like a twink, she looks like that because she is a girl, twinks are supposed to look a bit more masculine but then again, low test and youth.
>Implying the average adc experience isn't a 1v3 with your support playing for the enemy team
If any of you played ADC for a few dozen games you'd drop 500 LP instantly
>babysitter is shit
>the baby cannot function
sooo... the babysitter is a crucial part of your lane?
Yeah the model that Irelia was made out of and that actress from that vvitch movie and that new black mermaid actress all have eyes that are incredibly split apart I don't know whats going on with actors and models these days.
You use babysitter as a term implying that the role is easier because it's getting help when 9 times out of 10 they are either useless or a detriment making your job even harder
yea, so botlane is completely decided by which nanny is better. adchildren are defenseless without their parent-for-a-game and rely on a complete stranger to make their day tolerable.
adc mains are bratty maso subs
That's what makes ADC the hard mode of league and what makes ADC mains more impressive than all 4 other roles, since the ones that can consistently climb with that disadvantage go through significantly more obstacles than other roles
female girls are outdated, serafemboy is the future
there's nothing impressive about being a masochist. nobody thinks you're hardcore for practicing the league equivalent to BDSM and asking naafiri to whip you while yuumi watches. they just think you're weird.
t. game journalist

By that logic there's no difference between completing a game on journalist difficulty or impossible difficulty.
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botlane is decided by which retarded baby (support) is worse
They really just need to remove all damage from the support role. If you don't have to compete for your gold, you don't get to have damage. Can't count the amount of times a Zyra/Pyke/Ashe/Senna ends up with more gold and damage than the adc without having to farm a single cs.
>They really just need to remove all damage from the support role. If you don't have to compete for your gold, you don't get to have damage.
ok, based
>Can't count the amount of times a Zyra/Pyke/Ashe/Senna ends up with more gold and damage than the adc without having to farm a single cs.
oy vey don't touch zyra/senna
To be honest I don't think so, the adc should be able to peel and trade damage themselves instead of only focusing on csing in the lane unless the enemy botlaner/s are low.
If I as a support see our minions are of full health and the enemy adc is leaning towards right clicking the canon for bonus gold and then go in for the trade, I also expect the adc to trade or at least when I'm being targeted the adc to follow by using me as a target to go all in on initiating damage to exchange.
The most difficult thing about botlaner is just synergy and understanding the intentions of the player you roll with, either you have to follow your tank engaging on cooldown because they demand it making you lose some cs time to time or you have to peel yourself because your lulu perma shields you and sits behind you, or you just sit under tower because both are just clueless. It's just that one aspect and having to be a team player about it. But you can't succeed in that all the time and failures are to be expected.
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The only person who can make this stop in my experience is jungle, speaking as a jungle player. It is about tilting the enemy team first before yours gets tilted, I notice my winrate skyrockets unironically if I can collect 1 or even 2 kills first before the enemy jungler does. It doesn't matter if I proceed to suck afterwards or if any laners suck, if you can get very early kills whoever suffers from the consequences will be tilted the entire rest of the game even if someone else on their team is carrying.

Just play jungle and duel over crab, if teammates are dumb and won't rotate immediately gamble on a gank, if all pushed in, back and beeline to a lane to gank. You as a laner have 0 agency in preventing the griefing, next time you investigate this data look at the junglers and see which gets the first kill and then who wins. First kill to which jungler is the lynchpin of a game's mental. As a laner, best you can do is pick something with a little cc and set up for gank and tell your jungler you're baiting right at the very start to facilitate fb.
I wouldn't mind it if everyone suddenly turned gay.
Actually I would prefer it.
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Breakfast eaten. What little I had to do, done.

...Guess I'm playing more league.

that's not the issue. the average support player is too braindead to even trade
atleast one support will just throw their primary cc ability out max range at a random point in time hoping it would hit the enemy regardless of minion healths, map state, wave state, cooldowns etc.
if trading was even possible to do with most support players, then adcs wouldn't complain
when the support player tries poking max range with their only peel ability repeatedly, it makes the job of the adc 10 times harder
either that or the support player won't even fucking walk up to trade. for example enchanter players don't even autoattack during trades most of the time even if the adc initiates it correctly
the issues you are describing can't even manifest in the vast majority of the games because support players are several levels below what you are describing in terms of skill or game knowledge
Do you like rek’sai
>tail is solid
>shadow has a hole in it
Magic powers anon.
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does it go much further than that you feel me?
>worst skin lines in the whole fucking game
that's not primal ambush
Also botlane picks are a bit inconsistent at the moment so you may get some unusual champs in the lane time to time which will be difficult to play around with since it's nothing anyone's used to and they will be slightly punished for not knowing about what each spell in that champ does or their cooldowns for it. Not every game will be a twitch lulu so you're expected to play around those picks to the best of your abilities.

I think you give support players too less of a credit honestly, like I know I've had some who don't even ward but this generalization isn't very good. I try my best to peel even when playing Soraka since you can easily win trades with the heal and peel off q and throw in 2 quick aas, I'm sure some supports just don't know about it because theres just too much in this game to learn and support is a beginners role which to be honest you should try to communicate it through too else they'll never learn.
When I first picked up Janna because "she's like Soraka" I was told by my adc that I could press q again to launch the tornado instead of letting it hang there, communication is key of you want players to improve or at least learn because the response in it would differentiate between a well poisoner or something who just needed a poke.
Also the player can't really stand to read their spells mid game because people will complain about afk etc.
kg. anyone else would get doxxed
king grey and bloomsbury
we need more fags our population is too high
why did he stop coming here
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I'm trying to pick up a new retard-proof champion
Heard Naafiri is easy to play and she does sound kinda fun
What's /lolg/'s opinion on her?
irl stuff I think and just not playing the game much
He hates whiteys
list all the good things about this place and we might figure out
be mine
bro if you take any elo and you put any other role's mains on support role, they would perform way better than the support mains on that given role. if the non-support main tried to win and knew the champ he was playing, he would do better than his support main counterpart in their 2nd game on the role most often but by the 5th game on support role they would be outperforming 90% of supports in that elo effortlessly
most support players who are below master, just ward the same places at the same timers every game early game
they don't make correct decisions, they don't look at the map etc. the only way to differentiate between "good" supports and bad supports is if they follow the pings of their teammates who are much better at the game than them or not. that's literally all you have to do as a support to climb outside of high elo these days
ton of supports don't give a fuck about suggestions or what their teammates type because there isn't an obvious way to prove that what they are doing is bad on that role. you also can't communicate well with someone who only plays support because they simply don't have the context to what you tell to them. they won't know a ton of concepts that go into a certain tactic you want to implement so their decision is based on faith, not analysis
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She's designed to be an easy to pick up assassin for newbies.
Her biggest issue is how so much of her power budget is in her Q. You NEED to land the double Qs, and the thing is so fucking thin.
She got a buff recently to her dogs that seemed to make her stronger though. She is still fun to play assuming you don't get bullied out of any snowballing.
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guess the MMR
found my new goon video
good morning /lolig/
how did gnar die 17 times as one of the safest toplaners
Maybe, I dunno I mainly play support but it does get a bit stuffy or boring so rotate to adc and jungle. Personally I do quite fine in every role except for maybe top because my champs have been made redundant. Though honestly I've seen a fair share of idiocracy from other roles playing support. But yeah I'm not high elo or whatever so I'll just agree and pass.
he kept trying to dive poppy in lane (and ended up stunned under her tower every time), got picked almost every three minutes by poppy and naafiri and almost always found a way to go in 1v5 during teamfights and get blown up.
erm get reported chud, enjoy your chat restriction and low honor
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would anyone like an early morning stream
i woke up early bros..
today ill play more yasuo top probably, i like him
The more Warwicks I run into, the harder it is to not let the degeneracy slip.
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No! I am waiting for godpolak to stream.
i will watch your stream
less vapid whining true
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so called manly adcarries when i put a crown on them and call them my princess
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do you only stream because jelly asked you to? or is this a passive aggressive thing towards kg
>accidentally coughed up my last antibiotic pill
fuck. champs for this feel?
>gain +25
>lose +26
its so over
mundo cause hed gib u a new one
teemo nigga cause no one likes you and everyone wishes you were dead
I presumed he streamed because I made a list reviewing streamers in lolg and people seemed to want streamers.
>one or the other
maybe he just enjoys it
oh no god please no I'd never type that in game
t. Veigar
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>the late game role has no impact in the first three levels! reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
the absolute state of adcucks
I was thinking of starting to stream my high elo games but I don't see much reason to lately. If this thread isn't dead it's being spammed by the same creatures that drive people away. Most people already left after Vanguard for some reason too.
*before vanguard
uhm ok...?
cool blogpost brodie
Can anyone explain why Taliyah is so TRASH that fucking Veigar is a lane bully against her? Even with Kayle I have an easier time against Veigar. Should I quit this champion?
your entire viewership doesn't have to stem from lolg
diamond isn't high elo
high elo (gold 2)
I'll watch you.
What role and champ do you play, how high are we talking about, can you mic? If not that's fine too. I'm a bit busy this and the next hour but I'll be sure to join after.
I main Aurelion and Anivia

It's NA GM. I run into the popular streamers pretty regularly so you've probably already seen me a couple of times if you watch those.
any cuties wanna play aram NA?
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drop opgg
thread isn't the same since daymon made it
thread is always shit unless I make it
>made it
he finally start taking his meds or something
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Cry more lmaoooooo this baby crying over a videogame on a messageboard
He found a gf and left the chan
>shitposting schizo can get a gf
lolg had no excuse
Yummy kittens schizophrenia I will murder you all oofxx
>I made a list reviewing streamers in lolg
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Now that the dust has settled, why cunny owns Middle East?
*spits on you*
try making better posts
>mental booming in champ select
what a mess
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so, sona lost her title of the biggest booba?
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i enjoy it
even if it's only me and one othter person most of the time :)
>jungle asks for adc
>adc tells him no
>jungle has a mental breakdown about how hard he'll ruin the game
>support advises to move to EUNE so that he won't get autofilled
>kassadin tells everyone to get shot irl
>nobody dodging
is this a sign to stop playing league for the day? unreal shit
MF has always been bigger boobed than Sona ingame anyway
did you really hate us?
I still can't believe that this isn't edited and that riot decided to change the splashart to give her more thickness and increase the her breasts size, it's like they hired a lolg to work on they champion design
>it's like they hired a lolg to work on they champion design
idk man rabbit king has been talking to me about her a lot on discord recently
he hates the abilities and how she doesn't seem to "hop" at all
>it's like they hired a lolg
lolg would've made it 10x as big because they don't know how to stop
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>autistic x mute in a booba fight
who win?
Yeah he was funny, maybe his gf finally did come back to him lolz. Good for him.
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Tell him hi from me, hope he's doing alright
>be me
>permastuck emerald
>buy low elo account to inflate ego and dunk on them
>usually solo carry the games playing top
>always nice and friendly in chat
>after a game get a friend request from my seraphine supp
>she wants to duo
>i agree and we go on voice call, turns out its a girl
>later exchange discord and talk there sometimes
>one day sent her a snapchat on the beach
>''uhhh i didnt know you were ripped lol''
>few weeks later met up with her at a hotel

being /fit/ is a cheatcode when it comes to egirls. key is to really be funny and cool in chat so they warm up to you. i've found three more this way since then.
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>I hypercarry on Vex
>inting brand bot invalidates my advantage, because he permasplits for 45 minutes
>we lose because he never once shows up to a teamfight

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lolg would have made her cute and funny
which is hilariously more in line with the "lithe hyper mobile mage" theme than some random gigantiboobs bunthot
>being attractive and charming helps make people be attracted and charmed by you
yes lmao
Sona model is much smaller than normal champions so she automatically loses
>cheat code
do you think having sex is some kind of achievement you need cheatcodes for?
>lolg would have
lolg can't write their way out of a paper bag let's be honest
Hit me up if you look like Xayah irl.
>he fell for the common e-whore
every single ahri i see has the paypiggy skin it's crazy
I literally cannot play this game for shit
but I have a gf
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Pic related is literally me
Does this also for girls(male)?
works even more
It's funny that all the posters that said "no one is going to buy this, only the 0.0001% of whales in the game" disappeared when the skin was released and all the threads there were posts saying that they saw someone using the skin in their game, all the reddit/twitter movement of "boycott and ban ahri" posts also disappeared
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We need this
It took an hour to sell 650000 worth of the skin

anyone who thought this wouldn't be a gigaseller was coping hard

Crime City Nightmare Vex should've happened by now, but they haven't done that skinline again. Sad.
It's Ahri, the premier waifu champion, who has been allowed to be broken and top 2 midlaner in the game for about 3 years in a row now, plus it's Faker who is the only proplayer every single retard normie knows, plus it's basically that Genshin design style Asia fucking eats up like it's nothing.

Literally who the FUCK is even remotely surprised that this shit is selling like hotcakes? Like what the shit there are probably enough hardstuck Emerald Ahri mains (they're really good bro it's not Ahri trust me) that think they're going to be the next hot pro to finance server costs for three decades.
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how do you report someone for boosting if they aren't in your game but a streamer?
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My perma ban appeal ticket has been closed and I got no response. Bros, is it over ? Do I try next year ?
>jungler is autofilled
>tell him to just dodge so he loses less lp
>he says no
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>queue for ARAM to have a comfy relaxing match
>enemy team has Zilean and Akshan
>current year aram
>fun and relaxing
I usually play Yone but I feel like doing wind man classic today.
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How will their esports team suffer from this blunder?
>play kassadin
>do well
>least or 2nd least damage on the team
it do be like that
the only time they have ever reverted perma bans was once in like 2018 when some dude posted his perma revert success story on reddit which ended up getting riot support flooded with "pls unban my account". only like a lucky 2k people that were first to ask got it before they realized it was a problem and cut it off. it doesnt matter how many years its been, perma is perma to them.
I only watch weird OTP players nowadays.
So its gone forever ?
Morgana too.
>slow start late game assassin
usually what happens, adc spents a full minute shooting the enemy tank support and tank top lane through their combined 10k hp while you instagib their mid/adc for a combined 2.5k damage and they think they had more impact than you in post game to cope
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more than likely, you only options are to become an eceleb and tyler1 it, wait for the game to actually be dying and their last ditch effort to retain players is to unban all accounts, or hope that some system error on their end wipes their ban records. it doesnt look too good dude.
> or hope that some system error on their end wipes their ban records
When was the last time this happened ?
that's only 1300 units
That was two Warwicks, back to back...Riot's really trying to ruin me today, huh.

I knew what I was getting into opening that link, but did it anyway. I'm just disppointed.
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is it time to take him into ranked?
Do it. Kayn's fun.

Well, you knew. Got no one to blame but yourself.

>jungling in quickplay
like a quarter of a step above playing against bots. if ranked is 35% jungle players 65% autofilled retards, QP is like 5% jungle players 95% autofilled retards
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This shit is gay
Post some good catboxes instead like Poppy or Briar
>Have intense stomach pain mid match, have to go to the toilet
>Come back
>-29LP + LP penalty for next game

Might as well he's one of the few junglers that have good presence throughout the entire game.
most of damage is earned through laning phase, and early game kassadin can barely kill creeps
plus he's weak as shit
plus if you hit tanks then you're doing something wrong
do ya thang lil ro, do ya thang, not int, hit that 16 and lose because damage creep has gotten to a point that hypercarries can barely carry games 1v9
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one of those kind of days lol
Hard to believe that considering how incompetent the devs are... pretty grim
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Heres the catbox Briar you asked for
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that's a good one
*draws your main pregnant*

holy inbred LMAO
autistic and downs
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getting better
b-but men can't get pregnant
lets try :3
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i'm still under lvl30 i can't play ranked yet
based game enjoyer
Based Briar enjoyer
you go Briar, show that hussy who's boss!
players in my normal games are sweatier and angrier than in my ranked games
Always have been.

holy sexo
everyone is a bot compared ot me
Where is the finnish BBC poster?
under my desk rn
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what makes viego d tier?
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I'm addicted to the Anima Squad's PVE mode on PBE, I hope you can level up the pass by playing this mode when it comes to live because I'm only going to play it
>drawn furry
>puts a human cock
He's not, that site is just shit, rioters said it's very inaccurate and to use lolalytics instead
winrate too low for such a high demand in pick/ban
It's the same site that ranked naut D tier, when pros play him all the time as double support.
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I love boobs.
ill get you pregnant
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>ally says they're on their way and to engage
>I engage
>their pc disconnects at that very moment and they walk to base so I die
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Thinking it may be time for a nap.

You're welcome to try.

Bit of a weird blend of the two, but eh. I'll still take it.
so what site is trustworthy then
How can it be inaccurate when it just pulls data from their API?
>sample size: 4 games, 1 remake
>Manly men want to see girls
>Sissies want to feel like men

Looks right to me.
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>>Sissies want to feel like men
dumbest post of the day award
because the api just provides data, the data is processed differently by each one of them
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It's time
u.gg is just "processing" it by averaging it. There is no way its wildly inaccurate.
2xko looks so bad and souless
cool, different sites show vastly different stats time to time
Shes in the GAME game?
how would you know he's finnish
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reminder that Nami is soft
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sorry for late reply dont know what he means but he says thanks
ill be in your dreams
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i think you're right
thank you friend
he means "thanks бpaт" = "thanks brother"
Be in my bed instead
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well now I gotta play some milio
how do i play lillia? I pick her, i clear well, then I do no damage, have no real cc to gank with, and lose every 1v1 in the jungle. I feel like I'm missing something. Do I just powerfarm and avoid the enemy jungle?
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he will be buffed next patch
Her gums are bigger than her teeth
>Irelia into volibear
>The worst matchup Irelia has
>Hes retarded fortunately, has no idea what is wave control so he just perma pushes and we farm for the next 15 minutes
>Jungler comes once
>I finally get BORK, go for 1v1
>He cant die, so we go back to farming
>I get flamed for not doing enough
>We lose
>26hr thread
lolg is dead
yone is fucking trash
It's fine desu, it's only like this because it's not being spammed.
shut up yasuo
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Post (not necessarily) fresh webms.
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Good luck anon, yasuo top is not very good ive heard..
>my main ability is aoe why am I losing all these 1v1s
>my R kay is broken, how do I cc them
>I can't find Blackfire Torch and Liandy's Torment in the shop this champ has no damage
get a grip, man
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I have only 2 webms of my games.
This one is me stealing baron during my Soraka/aram only days.
jellybowl is active again
>he will be buffed next patch
really? nice. do we know what they're buffing yet?
Will she still be soft when she has to fight?
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is Lucian mid still good?
literally the only fun ADC in the game
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And this is vg vs vg, I didn't perform that well, I don't know why I made it.
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she may be soft, but bullets aren't
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Dotards have IQ below 70.
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why will yuumi get a crystal rose skin? who will marry her?
>dabsnigger posting boring clips again
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>dropping to 35 hp and surviving
>jinx panic ghost
>soraka going melee
>missing ping from jinx
>tilted barrier pings
montage material
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you misspelled trans
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Good. They'll getting it now.
sometimes I think "hey that was cool I'm gonna make a webm of this" then I watch it again and it's just a standard CC lock
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who? there's no one to shoot
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The post didnt specify quality requirements
what a delightfully pragmatic little fantasy. The kind that comes from someone who experienced quite a bite of trauma and has to cope. Reasonably
>who will marry her?
zeri or twitch
mundo top is actually too comfy
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>cat and mouse couple
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This is true and it has no explanation
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>Get autofilled top
>get gapped
>still win from jungle and bot carrying
>type in all chat "gg top diff" before nexus explodes
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>Q range increased from 1000 to 1200
>W recast range increased from 700 to 3000
huge! sounds a little too insane, even. either way I can't wait. thanks bro
until you meet either aatrox, fiora, olaf, tryndamere, nasus, or gwen
but otherwise it's nice
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Wild Rifts first ultimate skin will allegedly be for Yone
one day i will
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yeah, we can't just go out and start shooting people
yone is one ugly mofo
they process data differently. see >>483729661
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How do you fight Teemo top? I'm literally just grabbing crumbs on minions under my turret and didn't get a single gank top. Didn't die though but nor did he. He's literally at the third top turret 16 mins in.
yes I saw that and that explains nothing.

"They process it differently" could mean anything or everything. It could mean they manipulate it, or it could mean that they selectively interpret some samples a certain way over others. It could mean...

If they all simply pulled the same data from the same api, they would mirror each other. There's no need to "process" it because it's just tabulation of static statistics at that point.
doran's shield + second wind + refillable
stay even in exp and you outscale on almost any champ
>didn't get a single gank top
go next
I miss xelayz he was my favorite poster and autist
Phones have the storage space for that?
what does it mean when you filter for emerald+?
it means a different thing on each site etc
yasuo top has a 49% wr in d2+ kr, which means he either sucks as a counterpick or is an okay toplane pick
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Most of the sites DO process the data exactly the same, however they don't pull the data at the same time so there are slight differences. The stats on those websites are not real time because pulling a large amount of data is not something they want to do constantly.
Lolalytics is the exception and it explains the difference on the site and provides a "winrate delta" to compare to every other site. You can subtract the winrate delta from the main winrate stat to get something similar to every other site.
Yes, filtering. I can apply a filter and remove the filter and the data stays the same. It is not processing data of any kind because that data has already been accounted for by the time a filter can do its thing.

If I do this on other sites, ideally, the rankings, percentages, etc should be within a small margin of each other when it comes to any inconsistencies.
my phone has more RAM than my 2017 notebook
your jungler was a subhuman ape which means you lose no matter what
built different
remember when anti-vanguard schizos pulled data from u.gg that showed a 60% drop in games while every other site showed only 5-10%?
yeah i remember
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i hate playing support, i'm never gonna do this shit role again
>inb4 who asked
I'm not a Yordlefag but I wanna fuck Poppy silly
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thank you for your informative post
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who asked
Why did you post this image
Well. What are we going to do now?
thank you for realizing that it was not for you.

Kindly never play support again and please encourage those who feel the way you do to do the same.
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who asked tho ?
why is wr getting all the skins holy shit
soon theyll abandon league to focus on wr full time
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contain your libido, yordles are not for sex, they're cute magical creatures
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I guess we'll wait, no point of going postal for now
lulu is lame
Thankfully I will finally drop this game once and for all if that happens, my fav champ looks so ugly there... did him dirty.
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Are the Choco big tiddie girls free in Shurima?
Who did you play as? Soraka? Leona? Blitz?
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>pbe down for two hours
I was having fun
Play him ADC, mid or top if you don't like.
I play Swain support because mid is too boring and top is cringe until I get so upset I want to be left alone and play Swain there. Mid is boring so I don't like him there, etc. I don't know why you don't like playing Swain bot because he can get so much stacks and easy hooks there!
Lulu deserves love not dick
you'll have to do better
I mean, like, you can play as better support and get a better experience. You don't have to give up so easily. Not all your adc will be shit.

Blood fish and Reaper Goat SOON.
he's a pretty fun support, have a lot of strength to help mid or jungle without even leaving lane or while walking back, and your roams are pretty good, your teamfight is extremely good, peel decent. If you don't have fun with swain then you should def just do another role and never look back. Imagine how boring playing some dogshit like soraka janna or lulu would be
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blacked spammer is 80% of this general and he's not here right now
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autistic bunny x autistic piranha
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god damn i actually didn't notice that until you pointed it out
holy based i wonder how he copes when he cant post
j/k i dont think about him at all
>3rd week of LCS
if I don't get a fucking capsule or if I do and it's a fucking emote then I'm done with this shit
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>Teemo was always under my turret
>Never in the middle of lane or underneath his tower
>He's constantly pushing and never froze
>Not a single gank
So I should just hope for a better match next match?
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relax, we need a victim
there literally isn't a champion in top that "loses" to teemo. Even if you're a fucking retard just don't die for 12minutes then farm him
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No i explained myself wrongly here, the champ is not the problem, i just fucking suck at the role, im usually jungle and just wanted to get decent at another lane to spice things up but it backfires, i'll try mid or top next time, thank you for the tips anyways
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From the first day to this, sheer greed was the driving spirit of civilization.
why bother when Brand, Karthus and Seraphine are just better in every single regard
his aa kinda sucks to farm with if you get trapped under turret
what the fuck are you talking about bestie
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How do we fix Renata Glasc?
I love you serasissy
sorry im not the poster serasissy
*makes out with you infront of lolg*
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don't say such a scary thought. it's especially spooky because it feels plausible
she doesn't need fixing
she's not even the least picked support
whos contending for the jellybowl this time?
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This is how you carry as support
you can have a filled toplaner AND adc but still win
>ap malphite
he doesn't even deal that much damage
literally a noob trap
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this sylas got his panties in a twist and said
>i cant lane vs him
imagine losing lane to a malphite as sylas
gemerald players are something else, man
But who will it be?

By putting her in a mini pencil skirt! Everyone loves looking at legs.
make her does damage, if i wanna a tank mommy I play leona
I love *dies* poster
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i’m uninstalling if i lose my next game
I hate niggers
If I get one of my accounts to honor level max will it help me in my next perma ban appeal if i use it as proof that im reformed ?
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champs to play using one of this?
why not?
that's just silly
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if it's jungle gap it doesn't count as a real loss
we know ahri
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well, we got lot of champs to choose from
roll the dice maybe?
Not the same brand but I use a mouse like that
Watching gay twinks on xhamster
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i am suffering
i cant get a winstreak without getting a loss streak after
i am sorry to my stream
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Ara-- quickplay time.
>report random people at the end of the game
>always get a feedback report even if I reported someone who was quiet
pretty funny
rated battlegrounds in world of warcraft
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this game mode will kill my potato pc
what top can i blind pick for when my faggot support or adc won't swap me
good, about time they stopped catering to poor retards
Just play your onetrick.
what happened
i got filled.
Kench or Mundo. Something that scales
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>buying expensive useless peripherals
ksante you zesty ass nigga
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gragas, I've never seen a gragas top fed or being useless even though he lost the lane
high elo people say aatrox but I don't know desu, he has a high skill floor and ceiling imo

I personally just pick whatever I feel will give me the most fun
We playing Cait bot. Entire team is a mess again, we will try to do well, yes?
do adcs like being called babe? not in a flirting manner but in an friendly manner. tried calling mine that just now after they thanked me and they called me boo boo. does it raise their moral?
>high skill floor
huh? it's literally piss easy:
>Q2E wherever side the enemy goes
>passive AA
>use R whenever possible
done, you won the lane, congrats
I like it more than SR. Occasionally though you get some guy banned from ranked taking out his invective on ARAM people, always gets x9 reported cause we ARAM folx don't cotton to sourpusses.
now compare that to the average top lane champ
If my support called me babe i would afk
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average top lane champs have hardcounters
aatrox literally has only one, irelia, everyone else is playable
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I miss her bros
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No, I'm not "a support tranny", I'm a support player.

And I'm also not here for your sexual release so treat me like an equal.

And, oh, just because I play Janna and Soraka you don't have the right to call me "babe"... I have an IGN for a reason.

unironically this
okay but can you stop running it down now please? i didn't even type anything
tell 'em gurll
*snaps fingers sassy queen style* dats right hun
can't go wrong with Riven
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Lux players
>this is average
I am dying alone
now post your profile pic
use to go through one of these bad boys once every 2 weeks back when GunZ was the shit kek
Akshually we all die alone in this cruel world
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i like to call my adcs "incel" and "redditor" regardless of if they're doing well or not. most of them don't even react.
must be gemerald or above where adcs/jg have learned to muteall every match
hail of blades gragas
yep. gemerald-diamond mmr. some of them aren't muted though and they respond with :( or make a rude, report-worthy comment about my icon.
>get very fed as yasuo
>irelia has already gone 0/5 to the enemy diana who just solokills the entire team for the rest of the game
so tru babe
Just set my balls on fire
time to play Tristana as ADC
tfw you couldn't get a penta because one of them ragequit already
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thank you to everyone who stopped by
i think we had more viewers this time and it was more consistent
fr though thank you everyone, you make those miserable games more enjoyable. I only hope that I don't make it as miserable to watch as it is to play lmao
i'll post if I stream again later tonight :)
whats your twitch
youre so obvious and cute my love
youre so obvious and cute my love
kys asap

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