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>What is /feh/?
This is the general for discussion of the Fire Emblem Heroes mobile game.

>Event Calendar

>Fire Emblem Heroes Links and Guides

>Summoning Cost Simulator

>New Trailer

Previous: >>483507454
Goldmary soon!
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Have you thanked your trans representation in FE today?
Nowischizo is trying to kill /feh/ after killing /feg/
Why does he hate fire emblem so much?
Kek just remembered Engage flopped bigly
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No but I did filter your image after posting this reply
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kek just remembered you posting this again
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And yet I already filtered your MD5 filtered image, you know why? You’re autistic and feel the need to announce your filters. No one cares chud.
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It's a shame her new special is just 2 CD but she's still going to hit like a truck with Celica. Guess I'm skipping summer 2.
kek rosado tranny is a 4chan passfag
He literally pays to post on 4chan
He also paid for Engage kek
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Who's rolling?
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Engayge is shit and will never buy it.
I'm VERY tempted because it's the first female Emblem, it'd work great with my Gullveigs, and I liked Celica. The blue lineup is also the only good lineup on the banner.
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I don't care for Gully but this warp shit is gonna make her super fucking annoying.
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Yet you bought orb packs and they went to the biggest budget game in the series anyway
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>murder some poor SOB
>warp again
>murder some poor SOB
>warp again
>murder some poor SOB
>warp again
>murder some poor SOB
It's free real estate
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You're not excited for 5+ attacks with Warp?
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>So, what's your type?
Kek just recalled Engage flopping
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Canonically sexy young girls!
Neither Armored Blow nor Warding Blow ever got tier 4 versions even though Death and Darting did and it's been so long there's no point in introducing them

Defiants never got tier 4 versions

Triangle Adept never got a tier 4 version

The only tier 4 Brazen is Atk/Spd

They never made Spd/Def or Spd/Res Push, not even the tier 3 versions

They've yet to make tier 4 Form skills

They surprisingly never made tier 3 Session skills despite giving Blade Session to Summer Larachel who was a demote

There's no tier 4 Pass or Obstruct

There's plenty of Fighter skills without tier 4 versions like Wary and Bold(yes Weaving Exists but it's not exactly Wary 4)

Renewal 4 doesn't yet exist(honestly that should have been BoL4 instead)

Sudden Panic, Windsweep/Watersweep, Breaker skills, Vantage, Aerobatics, and Wrath are all without tier 4s

Panic Ploy and Pulse Smoke don't have tier 4 versions

Nearly all of those are book 1 skills too. What would be some ones you'd like to see made?

I'm surprised they haven't made Pulse Smoke 4 yet. With EIke around they can have it be a Scowl effect in combat and then an after combat effect.
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I expect to see you with a +10 Celica on your shitveigs, otherwise you can fuck off.
Reddit spacing, didn’t read
I'm gonna wait for the next banner to appear before choosing to summon, she doesn't seem too crazy.
Engage ruined my fucking life
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You could already so something similar with NY Seidr, but yeah this is a huge boost for her first turn and coupled with NY Seidr she can basically zoom all over the field.
>NYSeidr can now warp in between two units, kill a third, and stall the first two on the next enemy phase
>Celica also then gets to attack after that
Kek just remembered Engage ruined someones fucking life and flopped too
Kek just remembered all Engage banners flopped to the bottom of the rankings
Don't know who the fuck it is besides that it looks like a broken haired Seidr but it sure beats Nowi slop
That was a weird post. I wonder why he autistically shouted that
Meant for >>483662278
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Yeah it sounds very good. Which means some irrelevant shitter in the Brave banner will shutdown those mechanics.
Meant for >>483662779
>Felix will have Atk/Spd Obstruction 4, a branch of Bulwark that prevents Pass skills
We just got this shit with Still Water and Life & Death, after all.
Would this emblem be good on Thief Nina
theoretically yes
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Oh christ, is this why no other unit ever got Canto Recall? Engage was done since 2020, so IS definitely knew Celica was coming.
I don't think its an emblem that is bad on anyone.
But i clearly favors galeforce based characters like Edelgard or Gullveig best due to the movement and/or high special count
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>slap some shit like Aether on Nina
>she warps in
>kills someone
>gets to warp back out because fuck you
>gets to do this every turn
This little slut needs correction.
I'm rolling then
Warp Bubble is gonna feel mandatory after this, any possible unit in the game being able to warp to your ass over 5 spaces is gonna suck. They don't even necessarily need to attack the enemy they are using as their Warp Beacon, they can warp behind that guy instead and attack their allies, so its not like baiting such a unit is necessarily a walk in the park.
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>Gatekeeper stocks rising to cuck Engaged units
>Nina stocks rising to double-warp
>Gullveig stocks orbiting the moon
What the fuck are they going to put on Summer 2?
Solm Summer
A good Vanaheim team can still bypass that by playing around with Heidr and NY Seidr before making any Gullveig act with it.
The solution is probably going to be a new skill that stops your turn
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I can stop autoing at this point right bros?
You fucking cuck
I want to boobs sex Nina
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Only the boobs?
I barely have any orbs left and still need to get the fanservice summer banner since I prefer sexy outfits instead of powercreep. I don't even know if the Emblem effect would be good with my units since I don't PvP
So you want paizuri?
What's it called when you run between her butt without putting it in her butthole
Pathetic. Why did you even bother to autobattle?
If you're going to get Gullveig then yes, it's an ideal straight upgrade for her.
It's an objective upgrade for Summer Gullveig, but you would need to have the Gullveig before getting a Celica.
Can someone dumb down Resonance for me? I don't understand all that text.
User does self damage to themself, will be about 10% of health or 4 HP if you have like 40 max HP.
Attacks do more damage based on the amount of HP lost
Attacks do more DR piercing based on the amount of HP lost.

Effects caps out for units with max 50 HP
Why do we keep getting Nikke OPs? It's not funny.
Punishment for resisting the merge.
June 8% is typically reserved for unpopular characters or males, previously Eliwood, Seliph, Xander, MByleth and Guinivere were sent out to die in this slot, what does it mean that Celica gets this slot despite being more popular + waifu?
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>it'd work great with Gullveig
Holy shit I didn't even think of that
one of these does not belong.
>I like Celica
>shares with Caeda who I use
>shares with Ivy who has a good attuned skill
really hard for me to justify not rolling
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as it turns out, not everything will always follow a players perceived pattern.
>they acknowledge how Engage fucked up Celica's hair color
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Now post Engage's end-card, where Celica has dark purple hair, despite supposedly having the same shade as Roy.
So can Celica kill Emblem Ike or not?
>there are people who think left looks good because le soul or some other made up bullshit
Without BoL4? Ehh, maybe. WITH it? No fucking chance.
People are gonna start putting hardy bearing mages on their AR-D again
Vantage strats dead before they could even come back
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Memekeeper fags in shambles
Only with Celica, he still blocks everyone else.
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Myrrhtards broken into pieces
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But once Celica kills him, her Engaged buddy is free to hop in.

Honestly was surprised you can still use the Emblem Unit while they are Engaged.
Even more surprised Emblems can Engage to each other
Less of those exist than gatekeeperfags.
>Reddit Friends
Go back
>But once Celica kills him, her Engaged buddy is free to hop in.
This all depends on the mode. There's a good chance that if a team already uses either Celica or her partner, they might not run the other one for reasons such as scoring.
But yeah, a bunch of pre-VoH AR teams will run this on both offense and defense.
>I hate anything and everything that other people like
Being a hipster isn't cool anymore, you fucking loser.
Engaging Celica to her husband!
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So it...... wasn't her time.................
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>her husband
What's with the OP?
Look at how disgusted she is by Chudran
She just can't believe Kiran is ready to go another round already!
some other gacha's shitposters want to advertise their game.
>Already? Jeez, you're like a puppy.
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I have 1600 orbs for summer Celine or maid Celine.IS, don't fucking fail me.
LDimitri with Celica's ring sounds fun
What the fuck is with this warping?
Since I'm a t-18/19 shitter that only plays on beginner/intermediary, I think I'm safe from it in arena.
I hope they'll deactivate this effect in her LHB, I don't think I have a means to deal with it otherwise.
Book 8 mid ticket quests end today for those who havent completed them.
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emblem celica and banner
very late but i fell asleep
Catherine's gf came home
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Is it worth foddering Edward to my Emblem Ike even if I only have one and he has perfect IVs?
in case you had any hope for echoes summer. that ain't happening
I haven't pulled a SINGLE Tailtiu in several months. Just GIVE ME ONE.
Do you have multiple arcane units? I stuck it on Ophelia and used her dupes to give it to 3 people
Prease roll for warp bubble
just realized celica has Pass build in too.
so much for gatekeeper
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These are my rearmeds, plus I have a spare of Eitr, Chrom and Alfred, which rearmed could I give Edward’s skills to without wasting his skills or the rearmed’s skills?
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>Nikke OP
Anis my beloved!
>without wasting his skills or the rearmed’s skills?
Obviously Ganglot, since she can get inherit, Buffer, GLR and Breath of Life at the same time.
I'd also recommend you stop thinking about the rearmed skills. All arcane weapons are unusable garbage that can only make already bad units slightly less bad. You should only think about rearmeds as fodder duplicators.
But the duplication is only worth it if you have and/or are planning on rolling more duplicates of a rearmed.
Well, I only have 1 Ganglot but I’m not too hot on her, and her axe is for slow units right? I also haven’t actually finished the spark so who knows maybe I get another Edward
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Doot love
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We lost BIGLY
So, guess this means Valentia summer is a big fat no
pretty much. but i think most of us never expected echoes to get a popular banner anyway
Chikischizo must have gone crazy
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engage wins again!!
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So. the emblem effect gets stopped by warp bubble but not Celica herself. you can only hope your far savers survive it.

...is this why valentine Myrrh prf skill gives warp bubble to both her and a friend?
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triple chiki combo
>2 hours
felixchads we eatin good tonight
Clapped him
Would you take your cuckbait waifu and fuck off please and thank you.
Wait, L!M!Corrin still stops her warping even tho she has the pass thingy, right?
>Celica ring
Cool now my armor shitter can move.
Watched this and the guy praised being able to romance everyone as female Alear.
No, pass lets a unit ignore any kind of anti-warp effect
Celica prefers going to nude beaches. She wasn't gonna put on a swimsuit for this one exception.
>lives on an island the majority of her life
Shes probably sick of it
>more unconditional warping bullshit

quitting does look like a more and more viable option
>that flag
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Don't look oniichan~!
Too beautiful for the modern FE audience.
dont look at what?
BoL4 doesn't help Ike tank Celica at all, how do you come to that conclusion?
Just slapping Aether on it doesn't do anything unless you can actually trigger the special, and movement wise it doesn't increase the threat range of ranged cavs it just makes them ignore terrain.
Emblems and their consequences have been a disaster for FEH
Is it more important to spark Micaiah or Sothe?
Engage and its consequences have been a diaster for FEH*
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Celica is going to sell BIGLY
Should I fodder Edward straight to Emblem Ike or use Ganglot as an intermediate? To give Ganglot all of Edward’s skills and then giving them to Emblem Ike would require me to sack 2 Sabers, one to Ganglot and one to Ike, I have them but they are my only sources of Shield Pulse fodder
Reminder that this banner of the month is usually a sacrifice between summer banners
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eermm but more people will roll on it than gullshit's banner though?
reminder that summer banners are always trash
Why would you ever want to merge Ganglot aside from skills duplication?
Instead of giving BoL4 to her, give it to a good attuned/rearmed like the free Peony or Caeda
>Godlike reflexes and buffer 4 on Ike
he really doesn't need them
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What does merging her have to do with this anyway? I don’t really want or need Ganglot
then it wouldn't be an engage hero, these are pure powercreep, they obviously made that choice to give it a boost
Wait I think I get it, giving BOL 4 to Peony then allows me to give it to Ike alongside Atk/Spd Unity, Cross Spur Spd and Atk Oath Echo all at the same time? But wouldn’t that waste Edward’s Godlike Reflexes and Buffer 4 fodder because Peony can’t learn them?
The point is you are very unlikely to want to roll more of her and you'd be sticking a skill you want to dupe on her.

The only way this makes sense is if you have got lucky and accidentally pulled a bunch of her.
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If IS was hoping to draw in the crowd who have been starved for SoV (for years!) with this Celica... would have worked if it was SUMMER waifu with Mae and Boey and Alm, kek.
>people will be putting hardy bearing on tanks now
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Everyone was predicting Celica for the harmonic but this debunks it.
Is there anyone else we could get for the harmonic? Is it possible we're getting a duo (forth in a row)?
Is it wasteful to use a rearmed hero only twice and then have them disappear without merging them to restore the inheritance?
Also wait, what is the point of using Peony to give the skills to Ike instead of Ganglot if Ike can’t use the echo skill at the same time as Great Aether, and if I don’t plan to merge either Peony or Ganglot anyway
You can only use them once. You can't use a 0 merge rearmed twice to make them disappear, they just cant give their skills out again after the 1st time
That’s what I mean by using them twice since they disappear forever after the second inheritance right?
That is not how it works.
You get one inheritance, then they sit in your barracks and cannot do it again
FAlear and FKris.
Oh, I didn’t know that, so after you use the inheritance you must merge them using another copy which hasn’t used their inheritance to “recharge” their ability to inherit? I’ve never foddered a rearmed or attuned before so I actually didn’t know
She's so sexy
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maybe some SS character since they are often on summer banners
That’s why her name is sexnaki
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who the fuck could they even add anymore?
Like half the SS cast has a summer alt
Why is there even a debate, ita gonna be an Engage summer for #2
We're talking about what non-engage characters will appear, dumbass.
Amelia needs her first alt
Marisa hasn't got shit in 5 years
Tethys as harmonic backpack for dance button is always a good choice
Ismaire for some hag mom duo

Myrrh already got an alt recently but she could be on another summer banner in the future
she should get a summer alt to show off her tight teen bod
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just pulled 5* edelgard and veyle back to back with golden tickets from that one banner that expires soon
i didn't even want them
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They're too scared to put lolis on summer banners anymore, sadly.
Not seen in pic: Basilio french kissing Celica behind a palm tree, while Alm is oblivious on another part of the beach.
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...making out with Faye.
based Alm x Faye enjoyer
Celica and Lucina color sharing!
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no problem
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Myrrh's draconic pussy
Nothing to do with feathers tho
Do I actually need to save Godlike Reflexes and Buffer 4 fodder or can I just give only Breath of Life 4 to Attuned Peony?
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>reddit friends
3HRTs be like
>Our characters are super deep!
And then make shit like this
Is Flayn the most flanderized 3H character?
Engaging a unit with Celica has the side effects of transmitting 8 different STDs to them
Neopuritan slop
Fuck off. She's a pure virgin.
I just remembered book 8 exists, I thought that was funny to bring up. Kekaroo.
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My favorite part of new Celica alts... seeing how SEXO the damage art is.
? What does one thing have to do with the other?
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Lissa's tight little butt
you guys talk about sex too much
99% of damaged art is really fucking pathetic at this point
Was made for DarthMarth's cock
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I want to see her pregnant
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Why are you obsessed with random commissioners? That's rather gay, dude.
You CAN'T make jokes about serious things, chud.
By the fanbase? That might be Edelgard.
By the developers? That's Sylvain or Ingrid.
Waaaait a minute...this isn't the NtrIKKE: godess of leaving you for a fat and middle aged diver general
Because he's based and responsible for like 90% of Lissa art coming out after 2020
Cringe and floptastic
Book7fags be like
>Our characters are super deep!
And then make shit like this
Obviously untested, but Attuned Lucina with DC seal should be able to b8 and tank Ring Celica and kill her in retaliation, correct? I mean, why wouldn't she?
>attuned Lucina
we have an attuned Lucina?
Forgot to mention, but this is for the LHB tomorrow.
Shit, my bad, I always confuse Attuned Caeda with Lucina, sorrry.
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book 8 is good, actually
The whore of Talys and slut of Zofia...
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Ratty is cute, and it's nice to see them show how the Askr/Embla relations are improving, but it feels like it came at a cost from ratty. She's been a triple agent but it feels like she hasn't really done much, despite the helpful information being used to help stop the healing hands. she hasn't really had a big moment yet, but there are still 5-6 more chapters left.
How bad was the Lightningfag's meltdown when the trailer was for Celica? after so much favoritism, Lightning might have to go through all of 2023 and 2024 with no alts LMAO
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Am I doing this right? I know Ike won’t actually be able to use the echo skill but I still want him to have it
>Laraedr's "real plan" was to kill Kiran
>so he sent Ratatoskr to fail to kill Alfonse
>could have just possessed Ratatoskr and stabbed Kiran then and there
I just don't get it.
I have no idea what she does, and have only heard hit or miss things about her abilities. Some say she's amazing and flew under the radar other's say she gets clapped like everyone else and got powercrept immediately.
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It's going to be Engage + 3H. IS knows Engage can't carry for shit so they'll force in Bernadetta and Felix in the summer banner
The only problem is the Alfonse wank.
But every book has that Tom some degree
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How this shit hasn't been cancelled yet is beyond me. IS must have paid big.
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there might, keyword being "might", be more of an explanation to his "possession" power later, if there hasn't been one already that people are forgetting.
Stuff like that happens in books and media where unexplained shit happens that can leave plotholes until explored later, but FEH's story taking a year to complete 13 paragraphs makes people get restless.
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cute sommie.
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>lists two infamous floppers who get outsold by engage every time, even among iphone users
bait used to be believable
remind me, who won cyl?
>more of an explanation to his "possession" power later, if there hasn't been one already that people are forgetting.
He already possessed a queen of another nation, as well as a random nameless guard in the rival nation.
There's a theory that it worked on Henriette because she might be related to Laraedr, but if that's the case then it means he should DEFINITELY be able to possess Ratatoskr.
>Be able to possess Ratatoskr
The plot twist is that she's adopted.
sorry, I didn't think you were an autistic sore loser who would move goalposts to a metric nobody cares about the moment anyone told you which characters can actually carry, unlike bernafloppa and floplix. retard.
Kek just woke up in the night and remembered engage flopped
Lmao, the autistic sore loser is going to shit its diaper for years once the cyl8 numbers come in and it becomes undeniable that 3HRT slop flopped, again.
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People keep mentioning the so called "Alfonse wank" of book 8...
I don't see it, being honest, I don't see this "Alfonse wank" anywhere in this book.
>a metric nobody cares
yeah it only doesn't count because engage lost badly, lmao
If Engage sweeped you would have claimed that it is the most important metric.
Sore loser
You know she seethed when she had to make 2 posts kek
>People keep mentioning the so called "Alfonse wank" of book 8...
The first several chapters were all blatant Alfonse wank.
IS just realized that nobody gives a fuck about him, so they hastily rewrote the story to try and recreate the Gullveig craze with Heidrun.
ratatoskr complimented him at the start so it ruined the book for schizos that can't stand his name being mentioned.
What does she mean by this? Does she intend something that might make me afraid of her?
Wow you’re actually super fragile
Have you seen that bird? Pure terror right there.
She is a war criminal and a groomer.
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I always get a chuckle when I remember that iphone troons have a massive sampling bias towards 3HRT, based on december powercreep "supposedly" ranking several "flareblitz12 tiers" above february SOVL several times in a row. But in reality android gigachads and people who simply roll after the first 12 hours got february's total to 5m just like dec.
Nice word salad schizo
She's a br*nded
It's either that or the loli discord schizos. We lost the OP war a long time ago.
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Because moderation never does anything about the guy who makes OPs here and spams dozens of Nowi pics, because he paid for a pass.
If you simply flipped the characters we would have
>december engage, extreme powercreep, the advent of every single unit having DR and DR pierce, holiday spending at max
>grosses 6m
>3HRT in a slot 2 months later no one really cares about, weak units
>grosses 4m
It's so sad.
Sir, I would like a steak with that word salad
It's a genuinely fun, well-written adaptation. Them being in the thick of the Brodia stuff (and expanding on it) is probably helping with reception, since good moments for a lot of the top Engage favorites (Ivy, Diamant, Alcryst) are centered here.
You weren't supposed to point that out
Probably because no one cares that’s why it shouldn’t be “pointed out”
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>february's total to 5m
Are you talking about February of LAST year?
Genuine question, taking into account that in CYL you vote several times, how many people really voted last year...? Because if CYL participation is low, using that as a popularity metric is totally retard and on the same level as a random magazine poll.
Isn’t it the worst selling manga in the whole publication?
> using that as a popularity metric is totally retard
It's always been retarded. It's just a shitposting metric.
I, um, uh, uhm, I swear I don't even understand this post! Just fucking stop it!
No? Reception seems to have improved over time because the mangaka hasn't shilled out "please support the manga!!!" fanart for months now. It still needs its support, but it isn't in the state that it was.
uh bro why are you ignoring this >>483718440
>how many people really voted last year...? Because if CYL participation is low, using that as a popularity metric
It depends on what scope you're using the poll as an argument for.
"For the franchise as a whole," probably not. But it's a good metric for "the remaining players of a dying phone game."
You weren't supposed to...
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Your favorites all flopped and lost to Felix and Bernadetta
CYL8 had 413,896 votes, divide that by 7 and you get 59,128 voters.
So definitely not on the same level as a random magazine.
CYL is literally the biggest voting event in the franchise
But what if Gullveig was my favorite?
But Chrom and Robin win CYL before both of them?
How much 3H-brand powercreep will it take to save Floplix and Floppadetta?
Even Flopleth lost to Corrin and Gullveig despite the 1 year handicap, which is downright embarassing. After this year's inevitable disaster they will have sufficient reason to cancel CYL for good.
Especially if it achieves their goal of avoiding the Engage sweep, which they already tried once by rescheduling it.
And a certain schizophrenic retard will instantly start typing and screaming when it reads this.
Not as much meds as it will take to calm you after the last Engage flop
Holy cringe!
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Celica's desire for red unit cock is so strong that not even warp bubble can stop her
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I dunno
How much powercreep will the CYL Engage winners have for people to roll for them?
...................oh wait!
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>By the developers? That's Sylvain or Ingrid.
This again? Chudvain gets no pussy bro
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>3H-brand powercreep
Did it ever really have much? The only examples I can think of off the top of my head were FEdel and then arguably LManleth right after.
Other than them, I don't recall Fodlan units ever being particularly standout. Summer Femleth had a Windsweep gimmick build, but even units released later were sometimes worse versions of earlier units, like Summer Hilda being an objective downgrade from Base Flayn, or LFemleth being worse than LManleth in every way.
>when you got so mindbroken by CYL you now want it to be cancelled
What's this mental illness called?
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which of last years CYL units has aged the worst?
Being an Engaygie

>59,128 voters

/feh/ takes this seriously... eh...
Is that you?
Do you really think that there are more than 50k active FE fans still in the community? please.
Most of those votes were from 3H fans coming back to vote for their favorites.
After Engage FE only has like 20k fans at most
>Nowifag is making the Nikke OPs
So what's the schizo thought process behind this? Fill me in, it sounds interesting.
No wonder 3Slop always flops, they don't even play this game. Attracting the persona fanbase was a complete and utter mistake.
No, the retard doesn't care, she genuinely does not play the game.
She once tried to argue that Felix is actually stronger than Lucia.
All the powercreep is centralized on the lords, but it only gets people to summon for Edel and Dimitri, no one summoned for legendary Yuri or Summer/Wind Tribe Claude.
He hates this franchise and is actively trying to kill all discussion of it.
That sounds believable.
Why would they play a game that only releases Engageslop units?
Femui is just a save armor in an ages where nukes reign supreme.
Soren has his save gimmick which is supposed to be really good for SD.
Robin is a solid sword with a unique buff so he always has value in that sense
Gullveig is a solid offensive nuke.

The answer is probably Femui, unless everyone is just using her wrong.
>All the powercreep is centralized on the lords
Huh? Their bases were trash, even at the time. The Braves were also all bad except for maybe BEdel, but she still died to Year 1 units like Selena and Hana. Their Legendaries were also shit outside of Manleth. The only notable seasonals they've ever had were Summer Edelgard and then the Winter Lords units from this last year, but they were worse than units that came before and were quickly crept right after anyways.
Femui, easily. She's just a generic save armor
no wonder everyone calls you autistic. you can't even do simple logical reasoning. when felix and spring bernie flopped, were they secretly engage units all along? fucking worthless retard.
They didn’t flop, retard engaygie
I remember back when everyone was scared of Lucia.
But then nobody had anything to worry about, because she's a Tellius character and nobody rolled for her.
boo hoo nigga
engage flopped and will never win cyl
cope and seethe
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Kek blast
You'd see her often as a raid boss in SD.
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So will Ivy be the one they move to spamming alts of? She's probably the closest Engage has to a Camilla.
I'm guessing she'll at least get a Legendary in December.
Little Engaygie shook and in denial kek
Possibly. But like most players, I don't play SD, so that microcosm doesn't concern me.
Arguing about a made up thread personality is very weird
and felixschizo's meltdown continues... because he didn't expect the calendar which said "emblem hero" was telling the truth...
>So will Ivy be the one they move to spamming alts of?
probably. somewhere between camilla and Sonja i would guess
>Engage flopped
>discussion online slowed down significantly 1 year after Engage released
>youtube views for FE videos have gone down since Engage released
>Engage didn't win a single CYL spot
>all Engage banners flopped
Get help tard
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>expands your audience
Nobody Ivy is an engagebitch and will stop being relevant after IS changes the direction of FEH next year and will stop making shitty ass Engage banners. All the feedback they have received so far will make its effect after august this year
I used to join the thread in making fun of him. but it stopped being fun a little after brodia outsold his favorites. now it's just sad. he staked everything on felix and SYLVAIN of all things. that's like beating up a toddler.
You say that, but we just got ANOTHER Sonya back in October or so, and she's not relevant in the slightest. Tharja got an alt last year, too, and we just got a Camilla.
I think IS are a little biased in favor of making reprints of the "kinda-evil punk-goth woman" and Ivy is the best choice from Engage.
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I see Engagefag (singular) is getting anxious for the moment Engage summer releases and it flops massively. LMAO
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>Another year of no remake! Whoo!
Nobody else takes that retard seriously, why would you? Every time he goes "this time Engage will stop outselling my favorites" it never happens. And he's been shitting his diaper while crying for 17 months.
Sonya isn't actively hated like all Engage's cast though
Fuck off
Suicide is the cure for your failure.
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Engayge has never ever outsold my favorite. Cope and seethe.
Stop ban evading tard.
Kek just remembered Diamant and Alcryst lost CYL to a 3H side character
Keka rekka roo
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I do not get it.
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all side characters that have won CYL. Every other winner is a main lord or villain, with the only real exception being Camilla.
How did Fodlan do it?
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>"kinda-evil punk-goth woman"
By keeping Maeda and Komuro away from the writing room
Just use W!Dimitri. They won't give her the hardy bearing seal this time around since her kit has desperation built in, so should be an easy turn 1 or 2 vantage sweep with him.
You might be right.
hired better writers and character designers
Technically yeah you are, but you may want to give Peony something like Fireflood Boost 3 or something else that Ike can actually use instead of the dance or spur or unity since those are all pretty useless for him. His base kit finish is also obviously fine but it could be nice to have the option
Powercreep was a lot more contained for most of their units, but FEdel warped the meta around herself, and her and BEdel were everywhere. You could check them with certain units, but there's no denying FEdel shitchecked most units at the time. SEdel introduced Assault Troop, and the winter lords are disgusting in terms of powercreep, which just shows how bad it is if people are saying they suck ass only six months after their release.
Relatively new account, from the 5 remaining characters I didn’t roll from this rateup which one should I pity?
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I quit, but came to see your reaction to Emblem Celica. Thoughts?
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I simply cannot imagine a Byleth/Shamir romance in Hopesverse, the lovey dovey merc relationship angle is conveyed so much better with him and Shez.
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Catherine doesn't have any abs though
Her pecs™ on the other hand are massive
>but FEdel warped the meta around herself
She did, which was why I listed her. But it was never anywhere near as bad before or after that. Even SEdel was easily checked by blue mages, which is how it SHOULD be instead of the giga omnitank shit we have with units like EIke or VLyon. And FEdel was just a colorless post-refine Brave Hector!
Fodlan has rarely if ever gotten powercreep, and arguably the only one who does get it are the latter-half of Edelgard alts (Fallen, Summer, Winter) but even the latter two of those fell off quick or already had counters.
So I disagree with the original statement of "3H-brand powercreep," because we're talking about the same 3H that had Seiros, one of the worst mythics ever who didn't even buff herself with her own skills that counted herself towards its limits.
Having a large enough voterbase to force in characters that are "mistreated."
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FShez is basically everything that Leonie and Shamir SHOULD have been. If IS announced that Shezleth was canon, I wouldn't be upset at all.
Gonna be a flop
Go away now
Gullveig or Edelgard, probably. Veyle is also kind of nice for her C skill, but she isn't anything too amazing, and I don't know enough about Camilla or Sanaki to really comment. They are both probably solid nukes in their own way.
>Felix and Bernie
Reminder that Felix got his base in BEFORE winning, and Bernie already has three units.
Lysithea and Marianne would have also inevitably won as well, anyways. Even if Bernie won that first year, Lysithea would have won the next year and Marianne the year after. There's basically nobody else that COULD have won. Even if Femleth won sooner, the other two would have just slid in the subsequent years.
Veyle? More like epic fail hehehahakekaroo
Gullveig if you didn't get her Summer version, otherwise Edelgard.
Ignore Sanaki entirely, she's a worse version of Gullveig and DEFINITELY a worse version of Summer Gullveig.
Camilla and Veyle are useful, but they're already crept. Heck, Fallen Veyle is better than Mythic Veyle, and Fallen is in the normal pool so you can get her by accident someday.
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Bad banner. Now fuck off.
>can add "long walks on the beach" to Gullveig's hobbies
how many people who vote in CYL even play the game anymore? Bernie shooting up to 19k, defying any other expected drop in votes like previous years and having more votes than previous winners, is beyond strange. I think the only time it has happened before is for 3H release and maybe meme keeper.
>books 5 and 6 made players drop the game
>book 7 caused people to come back
It's cancer, but everything is these days.
You actually can't. She floats.
>Femui and Gullveig outsold the previous CYL
Astounding, really. They should get more alts.
Femui and Gullveig harmonic would slap, but both were already leads and there's no precedent for a character headlining two duos, or a duo and a harmonic
Is Fallen Lloyd any good?
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>denied a Shezleth duo because of retraded Byleth/Byleth duo
I understand Sothis/Byleth duo that makes sense, but what the fuck ISIS stupid fucking dumbass company
Shez/Wayu duo
>drop occultist strike and give summer gullveig pass 3
I am the greatest tactician
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You're right, but given IS's recent patterns we're probably getting Heidr & Gullveig as a duo. So Femui needs a new alt. Maybe Teatime, where she's dressed as a maid like Felicia and Flora?
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Femcorrin and Gullveig bath time
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You know in your heart that we're getting a Pass seal soon.
To be fair, you don't need much powercreep when you can solve most problems by chucking FEdel at it.
Thinking about it, it might be more accurate to say later alts have the centralized powercreep, or maybe we don't consider older stuff powercreep because they had actual counters, or were mostly designed for phase, or maybe i'm just sick of Edelgard getting alts that boils down to "fuck your favorites," i don't know.
Thinking about all the old alts made me realize, actually realize and not think about it and go on with my day, that something changed in IS' design philosophy for units, the weapon triangle may as well not exist nowadays.
Watch out for Takumi's comeback.
That's what I thought a week ago, but since they released this ring now I guess they might decide to not release it precisely because of Celica
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ilyana should look like this
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It's probably more like
>Teatime Corrin
>Valentine's Heidr
>Bridal Gullveig
>Bridal Corrin
if IS wanted to actually make money.
Bonus points for bringing back Plegia.
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Just realized that because of Celica (who's a threat because of her resistance to warp bubbles) using desperation double special, people might want to run hardy bearing on their tanks. But because of that, vantage sweepers might make a comeback because there won't be nukers with hardy bearing on that defense.
They're very gay and they refuse to give bridal alts to lovely characters.
Valentine Heidr might happen because of the whole ongoing father theme (and we're the father lmao)
Shamir is for me
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Yo R-Dawg how come you complain about vandalized OPs but you haven't complained once about the Nikke OPs?
>They're very gay and they refuse to give bridal alts to lovely characters.
If IS REALLY wants money, the next Bridal banner should be something like
>Gullveig/Seidr(possibly both)
The quotes are there for a reason, i don't think either of them are mistreated, but the ones voting for them do, Bernie really, and considering her fans didn't even summon for her spring alt, they're right, just not in the way they expect.
3Hfags came out in force after Bernie got """robbed""" by Gullveig and Corrin. He'll, the only reason they don't have double digit winners is because IS swapped Byleth and Alfonse.
Which is the more iconic dream team?
Magneto + Storm + Sentinel on MVC2
Shamir + Felix + Nam on USVS3
And then some penis for the TT because we can't have that either
>and considering her fans didn't even summon for her spring alt, they're right, just not in the way they expect.
Yeah, berniefags are jackasses that don't roll. But the CYL poll isn't about who you'd roll for, just who you'd vote for.
>3Hfags came out in force after Bernie got """robbed""" by Gullveig and Corrin
Now to be fair, Bernie would have won if Gullveig didn't exist. Her win was basically inevitable, even more so than any Engage winners or a few of the lords like Azura. It's just that her fans are chodes.
Why don't they do interviews like these anymore?
I originally put "tt: whothefuckever" but removed it. The last two years were Alcryst and Robin, so I'd expect something like Diamant or MAlear.
He's going to ignore this post
>Valentine Heidr might happen because of the whole ongoing father theme (and we're the father lmao)
You corny faggots said Bride Seidr was gonna happen because "bro she was pushed so hard as a love interest", fuck right off
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> is because IS swapped Byleth and Alfonse.
I believe him.
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After the Felixschizo nerfs coming this summer, I don't think he's going to remain in top tier.
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Since Summer Gullveig was mentioned, I did some pulls and managed to get her, so Edelgard is definitely the one I should pick for the pity?
Except in the support he says it usually works. Why do people get so mad that he has sex around here like that guy who kept saying he had a small dick and was an incel who could never get a girl.
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Edelgard rapes a lot of content. Amazing in PvE. Still good in Aether Raids.
Summer Gullveig follows the trend of "original unit but better", so if you have the summer version there's no need to spark the mythic now.

Congrats on your snek.
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>it's well understood that marth is the gullveig ring
>they make a gullveig with 2cd on her special
>and right on time, make another ring to let her ignore gravity now that marth is no benefit
celica is also the gullveig ring
It's the usual D**cr*stfujo, she now seethes at Sylvain by association.
It's only matter of time before she throws in Dimitri into the mix as well
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>canon at all
based retard
Weird how nobody +10s the emblems though.
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Weird how you haven't answered >>483727349
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This time for sure I'll take you seriously. This time for sure.
I'll answer that question when a single Gulltard shows me a +10 Emblem Marth
Stop noticing things.
Sex with Nina and Ophelia
And Loki
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Well at least we know who's been making the Nikke threads now.

>FE4 remake will be announced in September 2022 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in February 2023 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in June 2023 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in September 2023 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in June 2024 Direct
Aw dang it!
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>felixschizo is so mindbroken by the repeated flops that it's trying to butt into other conversations to complain about its archenemy
Literally Raul 2.0
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Not worth it to give her Sothe's arcane right?
She's pretty much doing the same thing already.
can the mods fucking do something about this guy already?
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idc thread drama i only love snakewife
masculine urge to give LCorrin laguz friend
Oh that's right, Ingrid was also on the flop powercreep banner last year that paled in comparison to Brodia's huge profit. Lol!
Byleth bros you're gonna wanna see this
>was thinking about buying orb bundles for celica
>go to the compile limited manuals menu
>it's all 3houslop
>the devs are still begging me to like 3houslop
>decide against buying
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I'm getting FOMO over breath of life 4.
do you think it'll be a skill of one of the missing book 8 ocs?
Maria Sivenkova and it’s assbaby spawn was just raped by the Russian soldiers for the 9284738394873th time
can we call celica's ring jetpack
>first female ring
>it's Celica
She is Cockring.
Big snek titties
First, nice.
Second, yeah keep rolling colorless but if there's no colorless then you pick red.
God I love boobs so much
You'll get drained off orbs fast if you roll multiple colors. +10ing a 4* focus should take between 300 and 600, if you haven't played for years I'm sure you can get that many from uncleared story chapters.
If there's no colorless then pick red or green, both have good fodder on top of being good units. Blue is meh.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh, mods?????
You're so corny
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everyone is here
Just when one stupid bitch had stopped melting down...
Anyone else see retardly broken abilities and units like this and feel all motivation to roll flee them? Like it should be the opposite but it isn’t.
For me, it's not that they're broken, but that they're long.
Hilariously, Celica's warp ability is the shortest effect next to her new prf weapon and inheritable skill.
What I miss?
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Cute milky goat
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Remember when this banner came out and the few Nailahtards in existence were seething
I haven't rolled for fodder in eons. Every fodder unit I have is because I free rolled them.
Imagine being the guy that rolled for gambit, and then buffer 4 comes out, then potency comes and then laguz friend comes out...
All in less than a year
"Canon married characters" on a bridal banner will always be fucking retarded.
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Kek I put Cuckold King Barf in a chastity belt and cuck cage for this HoF
I didn't really give mine a y kills either
Kek just remembered Nowi has less alts than Henry
Do you get Ascended flowers from this
kek just remembered Gullveig won CYL on her first try

kek just remembered Engage couldn't do that
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Should I forma Lego Marth if I can get some good skills on him? My buttplugs are collecting dust
The cuck sucks
He wants to forma Marth, not your dad

Um... What the Bacon?
Looks like Raul made a mess!
Faggot king Marth is such a cuck it makes your dad look manly and people almost believe you're biologically his
Raul did that? >>483747473
Raul is so based
Nothing can stop R-Dawg when he's on the hunt
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I did NOT fuck that slut bitch I am LOYAL to my waifu Sonya I mean Tharja I mean Kiria I mean errr FUCK
Pretending not to know what happened
Lysithea raped her with her futa cock
Futafags get a complimentary noose to wear around their necks
I'm not sorry that I hurt your feelings
I'm not sorry I want to put a noose around your neck
Your scrawny manlet ass wouldn't be able to reach my neck without a step ladder
I'm 6'1" and 260 lbs
I'm raping you beforehand
I doubt that, shrimp
How tall are you.
I picture Lysitheashitters as manlets
No way a single one of her fans is over 5'7"
6'2" 261 lbs :)
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Yep. Now I know you're a shitter too afraid to post his real stats
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Congratulations, Anon. Now what do you plan to do?
based! Enjoy your new mommy goat!
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I'm glad to be the father of gullveig and nerthuz's children
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Summer Citrinne soon
lol I get it its funny because her personality is she is rich
I knew he would reply like that. So simple minded.
What's the point of +10ing units in 2024?
You could very easily get one copy with just the free orbs and it would have the same gameplay viability. What do you get out of merging them?
>What's the point of +10ing units in 2024?
esports and waifufag epeen
>What's the point of +10ing units in 2024?
Only if it's your favorites.
I've been +1'ing everything for years, and I have every unit I wanted AND they're +1 AND I have thousands of orbs for emergencies.
Yeah but even if you waifu the character what do you get out of arbitrarily raising their number to 10?
I used to understand it when it mattered but now it just seems pointless.
What's the point in getting units anyway? They're gonna be powercrept the following month anyway.
There's a bit of a difference between getting a unit so you can play as them and rolling for them eleven times for a stat boost that doesn't actually do anything. Merging in FEH is basically worthless, it doesn't give you new abilities like in most gachas.
And lots of people are aware, that's why every year we get new lows in rankings
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Somebody is going to get mad over this
gambling addiction + being a secondary to the FE series who only likes five characters
Kek who? Felixschizo?
There isn't one that's why FEH is dying
There's no incentive to roll for anything these days other than characters you like and they keep making content for characters nobody likes
quick the thread is dead make fun of engage
Don't forget they've always funneled content into the same 15 or so characters, many of which don't have fans (Kagero, Igrene, Selena) and the rest being lords where the time between each is big enough for people to save and use the excuse they had years to save
to show off your E-peen, to force a shizo narrative, pvp scoring, and to spoil your favorites.
In a sense it feels nice to complete and fully deck out a character, but it isn't needed.
Don't fall for the schizo meme like I did.
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This nigga lookin' ZESTY, this nigga lookin' MOIST, he's got sugar in his tank, he's light on his feet, he's a Ill bit fruity, he plays for the other team, he dances at the other end of the ballroom, this nigga theatrical, this nigga good with colors, this nigga gonna coordinate yo curtains wit you cushions and that shit gonna look good! This nigga lifts shirts, this nigga on the down low, this nigga be a tollet trader, this nigga gardens uphill, this nigga packs fudge, he's a friend of Dorothy, he feels the love that dare not speak Its name, he loves to dance, he's of the Uranian brotherhood, he indulges in the French vice, he has an antipathic sexual Instinct, he's fluent in Polari, he's a refugee from Sodom, he's on the wrong bus, he bats for the other team, he's temperamental, he's 'one of them if you catch my drift.
>and to spoil your favorites.
They aren't real, they aren't aware of what they're doing and you're not "spoiling" them in the sense of making them better because the benefits of merging are minimal.
there isn't one but gambling addicts pretend there is to justify how deep into the hole they are
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>engagefags be like "this gameplay fire"
You're taking a bit too literally but I probably should have described it differently.
Was Quan really this much of a dick? I'm playing Thracia for the first time and August makes him sound like the jerk of the world.
I don't recall him being a dick at all in FE4. Perhaps August just has a bad perception of Quan.
In older FE games (and 3H) characters had these things called personalities and opinions which were not always based in fact and were based on their subjective experience of events in the game. Characters do not always like each other and their opinions may be misguided. This concept made be hard to grasp if you're only played Fateswakengage where every character is gimmick + avatar worship and there are no character dynamics.
Clearly you don't understand the deep blossoming queer romances and how they relate to society today
>and there are no character dynamics.
There are character dynamics, it's just everybody has to be friends and worship the avatar together. An otaku might headcanon two characters being friends and if their relationship ISN'T milquetoast friends that could hurt them badly.
That's is why you had people sperging out over Ingrid not liking Dorothea for example. Otakus get big mad when you don't leave all avenues open for their headcanons.
Does his opinion get contradicted later?
August and Dryas have polar opposite opinions and never agree with each other. You're not supposed to take either as fact but come to your own conclusions. Dryas glazes Reinhardt but August calls him a child killer.
No one cares about your dinosaur hetshit characters
What did he say? I don't remember August even talking about Quan, all that comes to mind is when he talks about Leif's grandpa about the fight he had in the Thracian river
He kind of is. Quan is one of the more layered characters relative to his screen time in Jugdral. His first impression is that of an earnest knight, a loyal friend, and a loving husband and father, and technically none of that is false. But that's to people he's actually on good terms with like Sigurd and Ethlyn.
Like, compare his dialogue with Ayra in Verdane. He's actually low-key kind of a cunt to her. He interrupts her multiple times when she's trying to tell her story, which would have been rude even if she were a common vassal, much less the princess of a sovereign nation. Even actual villains like Manfroy and Arvis will usually let characters they're talking to finish with their saying before responding, with like the one exception of Arvis panicking and cutting Sigurd and Deirdre off at Belhalla - and that's because he's afraid of her remembering and has a practical reason for doing so. Quan is actually just a dick to Ayra for no real reason. He's not really insulting, exactly, but he has basically no patience and just jabs at her until he gets the information that he needs. So if it's people he doesn't personally care about, Quan's actually a lot less charitable or knightly.
Then there's just how he treats Thracians, who he basically just refers to as subhumans. He calls them hyenas, which you might sympathize with more at the time when he says it, but later on the game makes it clear that these guys just live in an utterly awful country and have been treated like trash by most of the world and made it so that they basically have to turn to the measures that they do to even be able to survive. Him having such little sympathy for suffering people that are literally his neighbors and just treating them like garbage is a pretty heavy clash with the knightly image that he first comes across as having.
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I don't know, I only got halfway through the game before my comp died.. It could just be an unreliable narrator, or perhaps he's lying to Leif for whatever reason.
>Yeah but even if you waifu the character what do you get out of arbitrarily raising their number to 10?
Personal satisfaction that you gave them more attention than the new power creep shitter. How can you not comprehend this?
There is only one character i would consider rolling to +10 on release, but she isn't very popular so I don't expect her to get anything, for anything else it's mostly sparks, getting merges for rearmed or attuned is something i'll consider if i like the character and need the fodder for something, i also still kinda need to merge a light mythic and a astra mythic for scoring but since i haven't dropped out of VoH with +15/+18 it doesn't seem pressing, the stats on emblems from merges could be nice but for marth it would mess up some of my fury setups otherwise getting Ike to +4 would allow me to stat match some of my characters for others the hp can be just enough to hit 66 hp for hex traps.
And ultimately, that's just what sets him apart from his best friends. Sigurd is kind to everyone, loyal and charismatic, and really will try to hear just about everyone out. Eldigan goes a step further and is the pure epitome of a loyal knight, dead loyal to his country and working to protect the commoners who suffer most from war, and will literally go try to reason with his mad king knowing full well that he's going to get executed for it, because he sees no other option than to serve loyally. Quan is really only charitable and gracious to people he personally cares about, is less fair to neutral parties, and is a bit of a cunt to his enemies.
>Dryas glazes Reinhardt but August calls him a child killer.
>but August calls him a child killer.
He's literally right, though
...You get personal satisfaction watching a meaningless number go up?
Attention? They aren't real, they aren't going to thank you for it.
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I guess i shoud stop playing video games
>watching a meaningless number go up?
literally the appeal of every rpg
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You think you're smart but you are actually one of the most braindead people I've ever had the misfortune to interact with.
If you can't understand a simple concept such as what I explained just kill yourself now. You are completely worthless and only make the people around you have to suffer from the drain that is your miserable life.
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Sex with Prince Inigo of the Halidom of Ylisse...
Jesus Christ you fucking murdered that guy
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Sometimes... You're alright, Nowifag
not him, but I think the idea is kind of like decorating an area you can appreciate and show off, or decking getting building your own top of the line PC. It's a little personal shrine that you can look at and enjoy. It looks nice, performs nice, and some people take a bit of pride in having something like that.
*Same fags*
Kek clapped his ass
>erm life doesn't matter love is just chemicals
Nerdy ass nigga.
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>yfw he power creeps himself
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Grinding a new account is so damn tedious.
pic unrelated
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If a draw friend could fix this for FEHags, much appreciated.
You have to beg in an actual draw thread
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sexy princess
Is Felixschizo still crying its eyes out because we got another Emblem Hero?
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Fuck off
Inject air
Kek, Nowischizo did NOT like people bringing up his gambling addiction
He really is the same as Nick. Only coming here when something he hates gets content, which in Nick's case was Dimitri+Rhea
mental illness attracts mental illness
I've seen all kinds of FEfags in there, most prominently of all Gullshitters
Hippity hop? More like flippity flop.
Gulltards are tertiaries that don't spend money on FEH since they're poorfags
/feh/ & /feg/ continues to be the worst general on board
So leave
But summer gull was the best seasonal banner this year?

I can tell you haven't been in generals that constantly get spammed with child gore and cp.
>But summer gull was the best seasonal banner this year?
It wasn't
Unfortunately I can't when it's the only places to discuss FE
>generals that constantly get spammed with child gore and cp.
Mind naming those generals?
>he doesn't know
Any funny Shamirschizo or Felixschizo meltdowns recently?
no but we've been laughing at the guy who freaks out if you make fun of engage
Not interested in your reddit chart little bro
Concession accepted tripbro.
Bro wants cheese pizza
That's literally all that happens anymore. Felixschizo defends itself during at least 90% of its waking hours. Unemployed behavior.
please delete this, for the sake of shamirschizo and Felixschizo's mental health
>every single Gullveig banner has been a success
So will we see yearly Gullveig alts now?
>carried by double mythic
>carried by braves
>carried by Hrid
Bro thought he was smart
Same. Fag.
Nta but I've seen cp on /gig/.

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She just can't stop winning.
>Gullveig "carried" by [literally Gullveig]
>>carried by Hrid
You could have said Olivia instead. Summer was basically the example that Gullveig could have carried CYL7 and her Mythic by herself.
Basilio made Gullveig his Fifth Heavenly Babe
Well he's a Lysitheashitter so it makes sense
Kek is that why 90% of gullshit art was begged for in a draw thread
Reminder that even with 3 alts Gullshit still doesn't pass the Ignatz test.
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Genuinely insane how much more popular 3H is then everything else
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Don't care
Still love Gullveig
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>that don't spend money on FEH since they're poorfags
The Gullveig banners are consistently some of the highest-sellers in the last year.
You're thinking of Engage and Telliusfags, people who didn't even buy their own games, let alone spend on their banners.

It told players that they can absolutely get better-written characters than what FE already had.
It's not really 3H, but just 3H lords plus Byleth
You lost badly
Little engagie shook
There's a few others that WOULD sell, but IS rarely makes alts of them. Plegian Dorothea STILL gets fanart.
Not as bad as Engage lost
>The only good banners we've had this year pre-summer was 3 Houses Lords (which was 2023) again
>And the first Emblem hero + Lumera
Man it's impressive how hard Book 8 has fallen.
kek just remembered engage flopped
The NY banner also probably would have ranked as high as Ivy, were it not for the earthquake.
So we're definitely getting a Solm Festival banner next January, yeah? Like what other desert regions are left? Jehanna? Almyra? They already did Wind Tribe from Fates unless ISIS unironically brings it back again.
>Everyone has queer sex in Solm
kek just remembered ratatoskr scored the worse out of the OC freebies
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kek just remembered Ike isnt gay
>Reinhardt that low
Didn't you guys say that people love Jugdral?
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Look I like Seidr too but do you have a single favt to back up that claim?
IS are too pussy to do Nabataea, since it'd be a 3H-themed festival. So probably just Jehanna and Solm left.

Reinhardt was popular solely because he was a 3* unit that was good and easy to get.
IS proceeded to make a 5* Limited version that is now impossible to get.
They probably don't understand why nobody rolled.
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The trinity of sex
>do you have a single favt to back up that claim?
Look how well it did on the US side. Nips stop luxury-spending whenever a natural disaster happens, so it's easy to assume it would have ranked 20 places higher on JP. And the earthquake was like an hour before the NY banner released.
The Reinshart meme is dead, if Engage did one good thing it was finally kicking him out of the CYL top 20
kek just remembered Seidr didn't make the top 20 in CYL 8
when they release a 3slop powercreep banner, tons of people quit. the January dropoff is famous.
Only dense says that.
kek just remembered to take my meds
I've seen the nude version of this
Where can I see it?
Is all of Almyra desert?
I thought Nabatea was more desert
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Yeah but we got this funny image out of it.
IS made 3 different 5* Reinhardts, all of whom were mediocre. So not only did they make WORSE alts, they also made them paid. They absolutely did not understand why he was popular in the first place.
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You're right, you're right.
>Nips stop luxury-spending whenever a natural disaster happens, so it's easy to assume it would have ranked 20 places higher on JP.
Headcanon, the fact that it ranked in the 60s is already proof that nobody stopped rolling
It's actually pathetic how a popular character from the most popular FE game ranked lower than a literal who like Seidr.
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bro you tricked me AGAIN I thought this was /nikg/
>Retard can't read
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I also have this funny image
reminds me of the 3h academy lord banner. an infamous hyperflop. maeda shouted in rage and vowed to give them premium powercreep from that point onward. and the FEH financial gain turned into decline.
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Nobody started rolling either
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She got that cunny game going strong
Kek this
As if all the fucking hikikomori spending on gachas give enough of a fuck about natural disasters to stop spending anime tits, unless it's an earthquake that knocks their apartment down kek
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Your brother's goofy faces is the only thing I like about Book 5.
kek just remembered how the Russian soldier described the look on assbaby spawns face when it found Maria in Sivenkova’s corpse
60s isn't much higher than the 80s. As an example of how Top 100s work, go look at CYL. Compare the difference in votes between 1st and 10th with 60th and 70th.
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>4'0" bodysuit titty mechanic girl with a ponytail
I'd fuck her.
KEEEEEEEEEK Seidr really is a failure
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I also have this one. All that commission cringe from the Larceifag and she got bested by Heidr, who hadn't even appeared in the story by that point.
My favorite felixschizo moment was the time he had a 4 day meltdown over engage getting a hall of forms event.

Kek that was hilarious
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>tfw there are minimal chances that we'll ever see Dagr's giantess mom
There are a lot of Fateswakening-era fanboys who can't take the bitter pill that in most respects Three Houses brought much needed improvements to the series. Fateswakening lowered the quality to appeal to otakus and 3H returned the series to form.
He really does start screaming about "Felixschizo" whenever anybody mentions 3H or Engage
Are we sure he isn't a bot?
We need a Doro Gullveig.
There's desert in Almyra but considering we never actually set foot in Almyra, we don't know how much of it is all desert. The region is definitely meant to be Arab influenced.
The bertincord is discussing a suicide pact if engage summer is real just like gullveig summer was.
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>NY Nerthuz double special apparently happened months ago
Oh no. I don't want to have to wait so long for goat butt.
I thought it was Turkish influence and not a whole lot of turkey is desert
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You keep getting ignored so here's a reply you're so desperate for.
They do it specifically to single you out and hurt you.
Rotomdocs already made one
There are two.
A tier: Three Houses
B tier: Emblem Debut
C tier: NH banner for one of the only popular Engage girls
D tier: Shit seasonals, popular NH banners, popular legends
E tier: EXTREMELY shit seasonals
F tier: ???
G tier: Shit legendaries and somehow Thracia's NH banner
H tier: Average new heroes banners and EXTREMELY shit legendaries

Looking at it like this they really do need to go back to making more 3H stuff or at the very least stop wasting seasonal banners on meme shit.
I still don't know who "Felixschizo" is or what he does and I'm kind of afraid to ask
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Summer Yunaka
Summer F!Alear
Summer Boucheron
Duo!Goldmary and Etie

Enjoy death.
nobody knows
I don't think it's the seasonals that are the problem, but the character picks on the seasonals. We just got a Gullveig seasonal and she ranked like one place higher than Ivy did.
What we need is to stop wasting slots on "characters" like Lyon or Nel.
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Veyle's feet flopped
lmfao the january drop. No wonder 3H and its infamous dev favorite powercreep got such a bad reputation.
But I thought she was the anti Bernie vote?
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Boogeyman some schizo has been trying to force ever since Felix beat Diamant and Alcryst in CYL
It's really transparent too, you can check on the archive and see he started doing it literally the day after CYL, before CYL Felixschizo didn't exist but then apparently he magically does after Felix beat some pathetic faggot's boy toys

Ask him why Felixschizo didn't exist the day before the CYL results got revealed and he'll run away.
Honestly....same. In my mind, Shezleth is the canon Byleth ship and Byleth just meets them if you get the single ending
Your parents ignored you

This but with me and Gullveig instead
How much did February gross
>ISIS unironically thought a banner where all the women were canonically married to another man and got impregnated by said man, and a fag from Tellius was a great idea for a banner
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Weren't you banned again earlier? Why are you back?
its crazy there have only been two fodlan units this year, I wonder if they're doing anything for the 5 year anniversary next month
So this is why your name includes Schizo in it...
>retards still think IS cares about sales when they make banners like these
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I forgot this banner even existed.
>no lord
>all married women and one furry fagboy
>every woman here was on her second or third seasonal
We could have had Plegian 2.
Claude on his way to impregnate Leicester maidens
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>Juno and Igrene have multiple alts
Sometimes I genuinely do wonder how IS decide content, this is like if they made a Danganronpa gacha and every other unit was this nigga
Shit is just baffling
The only explanation I've seen that makes a bit of sense is that FEH pass gives them enough baseline revenue that the game can float by no matter what content they make
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My ass has informed me that there will be a Feh Channel in the middle of July to celebrate Three Houses's 5 Year Anniversary!
Hey retard. Schizo. Freak. Now that you screamed in rage for 21 hours, did the devs remove Emblem Celica?
They'll make up for it with Attuned Edelgard and her far savior echo.
Looks like shit like memes 3wc steals
This thread has many shitposters, but his among all of them his shitposting angle is easily the most stupid.
What even is the logic?
>My favorite characters lost to some irrelevant side character so my nemesis is the one that is actually seething, not me
>average banner rank drops by another 15
>Sometimes I genuinely do wonder how IS decide content
They just make alts for characters they personally like. Simple.
What's so hard for you faggots to understand? If they cared about muh popularity/muh cyl/muh sensortower they wouldn't have given someone like Karla 3 fucking alts.
I'm confused, who has asked for Emblem Celica to be removed and where are the posts saying this? Is this guy hallucinating?
+10 dual savior Mudochorinos would be a new world of arena cancer
You just reminded me that Tormod and Juno have alts
I guess your name must be fucking retard schizo then
>I'm confused, who has asked for Emblem Celica to be removed and where are the posts saying this? Is this guy hallucinating?
what do you think

juno has two, she was on the bridal banner a few years back as well
A yes my favorite FE characters, literally and who
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>Y-you're the seething one
>Juno and Igrene
Why stop there? Altina literally isn't even a character, not a single line of dialogue in the entire series until her Mythic in Heroes, and this was her THIRD unit in FEH. She's been in two harmonics now!
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>they made a Tormod unit
>didn't give him alacrity
>they didn't give him any laguz synergy
what a soulless banner that was
what will they show?
That's Amalda and Sleuf from Thracia 776. They're units you recruit in the canon route. You're welcome xxx.
>that one time felixschizo actually tried saying IS makes decisions solely for sensortower ranks
>the 12 hour, iphone only, purchase only measurement
>as if they can't access actually useful metrics like total orb expenditure
I nearly died laughing
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>Sometimes I genuinely do wonder how IS decide content,
The devs don't even hide how badly they play favorites
Not only that, the fifth Bridal Banner was themed after Juno's wedding (even though it was just an excuse to get Catria as the lead of a harmonic).
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My wife was a demote and you're still bitching
>Thracia 776
nobody played that
But 3H literally appealed to waifus by copying Persona's calendar system and essentially be able to groom your students.
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Sanaki nudes
>FEH meta: Engage and Chrom
Believe me, we all wish you did.
I think that's a Dragonball chick. Android something.
So how many of you are IS stakeholders?
What's the next Nikke OP gonna be
That's Android 18 and Shulk
Maybe if you werent a failure at everything in life youd have the money for the iphone you wanted and could play Heroes.
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>FOUR male Robins in the last year and a half
>only one Female Robin in that time
>it only happened because it was a duo with Chrom
Why do they hate her so much?
Yes. Lyon and Camilla from FE Engage. No wonder everyone calls you schizophrenic.
Nobody I think people just want content people actually want to spend money on hope this helps xxx.
Ranni is the Edelgard of Elden Ring
You WILL get Brave Grima and you WILL be happy.
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>FEH meta: Engage and Chrom
There are 3 Engage units in the S and A rank
Out of 13
You are obsessed and pathetic
Would a Fire Emblem souls like be popular?
Everyone being your other personalities? They don't count.
I kinda will, and I kinda won't. I really hope it's "Grima but Robin actually overcame the dragon and took back her body, but with Grima's powers."
It was a joke nigga calm down
It's just Maedacore characters
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It's because you're gay.
Eirika and Camilla are in Engage.
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The same schizophrenic retard making both these posts, oh my god he really is raul 2.0
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Because to IS, only dragons sell, so they need Grima to possess Robin every time to boost sales.
Only if they get the actual gameplay down and not just a shallow facsimile of it with shitty floaty combat and bad animations like 99% of Souls wannabes out there.
>Because to IS, only dragons sell
Then they should start making dragon alts of those YTikis they keep spamming, because the current ones sure ain't working!
that's just because like 90% of content this year has been engage and new units immediately make old ones obsolete
Can Lyon even kill shit anymore with BoL4 around or is he just there for the duo button.
Dude you're fucking cringe af
Because that's all they've released in 2024, really.
He's really going to have multi-day meltdowns every time there's a new Emblem Hero huh?
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I'm confused, this guy keeps saying people are upset over Emblem Celica but nobody is? Is he alright?
Engaygies are eternally seething.
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Imagine the sex…
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I don't blame them after the Failix+Ingrid+Rhea flop. It's proof you have to appease the players and ignore Twitter Personafags.
>Why does the less popular Robin get less than the more popular Robin
Don't be like a Mamuifag
Pretty sure he got banned again earlier.
the anti-felix guy is having a psychotic episode again and hallucinating posts
Waiting for the Nikke thread
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Guess that means the end of Engage since its wannabe persona (but gayer) kek.
Watch the extremely vocal tripfag mysteriously not complain about that OP
4:1 is a pretty clear ratio.
Meanwhile, Mamui gets an alt every time Femui gets one, and he won't EVER win CYL.
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Stop noticing things
It's over
Someone make another thread and report the xenoshitter one
I'll tolerate Nikke but not xenoshit
why are you using literal off topic threads
people are here to shitpost, not talk about teh game.
That's Lyn you spergs
Should've stuck with the Olivia shitpost Lil bro.

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