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Previous: >>483657174

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


>/wuwa/ Friends List

>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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Yinlin love!
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Wuwa? Wawu?
How many rolls should I risk on Jinhsi's banner to get 4* dupes without getting a 5*?
I have about 200 saved up right now.
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for me its my encorebwos
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You can do 6 x10 pulls safely after that the soft pity kicks in
I'm trans and Indonesian, is this game for me?
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>chinky stinky game
lol lmao
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>40 ascension mats for lv 80
WIll /wuwa/ share some Jinhsi mats?
HSR is down the hall and to the left.
Isn't the chance to have gotten a 5* after 60 pulls something like 44%?
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My wife and her gf
but we have manko and vergina
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I hope you guys got reroll accounts ready in case you brick your main account.
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Impregnating my sexo wife Camellya
Fuck no, there is no way in hell I'm going to do the story and 100% every region again.
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Damage formula
([Character ATK * Weapon ATK] * ATK% + Flat ATK) * Hit% * (Elemental% + Bonus%) * Deepen * Crit

You can move the multipliers that are irrelevant to the question off to the side, and we can ignore them. We can also ignore Elemental, because you always want it, it's a main stat only, and it's static. There's no optimization question.
([Character ATK * Weapon ATK] * ATK% + Flat ATK) * Bonus%
>Flat Attack applies to all of your attacks and increases all of your damage
>Bonus% only applies to some of your attacks (Basic, Heavy, Skill, or Burst)
>Bonus% becomes more valuable the more ATK you already have

So what matter is how much of your damage comes from a specific attack type, and how much attack you already have from level/weapon/atk%/flatAtk
Encore is pretty straightforward. 45% of her damage comes from basic attacks. Basic% is a stronger than flat ATK, but flat ATK is stronger than Heavy/Skill/Burst%.
Holyshit. I just realized crit dmg in this game should be subtracted by 100 before doing calculations. So if your Yin Lin crit stats are 80:160 (per the 1:2 ratios guideline), your true crit stats are 80:60, and thus, you have detrimentally bricked your Yin Lin.
Sure if u in SEA
post hands
Yes. They display the modifier, not the extra damage.
"160" means that your crit does 160% of the normal damage, i.e., the damage is multiplied by 1.6. This is the normal and correct way to display it, and Mihoyo is wrong to do it their way.
You should aim for 100% crit rate first anyway. Otherwise your damage is unreliable. You don't want your ult to not crit.

Some retards here actually think this.
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>Redo all the quests
>Redo all the Exploration
>Rebuild all my Echos
>Rebuild 6 characters
>Pull 2 limited weapons
>Pull Yinlin
>Already spend real cash on the account
Yeah rerolling is not an option anymore we stuck here now
rerolling is pointless
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We are all averaging out to the same "account value per resource spent" anyway.
Only thing you can do is skew it in a certain direction by choosing what to roll for.
Thanks, I needed this. Should be in the OP.
You mean is displayed like in any normal video game, that's crazy coming from a china game
I'd way rather swipe $100 than go through all the progression again becuase my time is valuable.
Rerolling only makes sense if you're a third worlder living in poverty and somehow have enough free time to grind all that shit.
Are they gonna patch he drop rate for echoes or remove it?
Should i farm the bosses like crazy now?
>my time is valuable
Yet you're posting here. Curious.
Lmao, I can easily get $100 a week so I'll just swipe instead of going through all that bullshit.
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20 hours 40 minutes
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>Common Core math claims another victim
You can also just buy an account and let some pinnoy waste his time for you
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Wewu !!1!
1.1 characters are the last batch of good design characters.
Kuro dumped their utmost beautiful characters so the game would not fall off and die in the first month of release.
There will be no more mommy and Ojou material.
There are just ugly characters left like Scar, Phrolova, Camellya, Xiangli Yao, etc.
It will take at least 6 months for new designers to catch up to the current story.
what's this retard yapping about
Doomposters have gotten uncreative
is this true? is that how it works
Hoyoshills found their newest cope
Buy me 10 monthly and i will suck your dick
That's $5 per monthly which means 50 blowjobs. Hope you got some decent kneepads.
I'll do it for just 1 monthly
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Do i hoard my waveplates so i have full stamina once maintenance is planned to be over or spend it in anticipation of Kuro fucking something up and extending maintenance?
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How do people have enough characters to make teams for the end tower mode?
It seems easy if i can use whoever but the limits make it near impossible
Give it to me straight bros, Jinshi or Changli if I need a third DPS for tower? I have Yinlin, Kakarot and Jianxin for 5*
Don't let your waveplates cap
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You can use Encore for Fusion DPS, who else are you gonna use for Spectro DPS?
You can make do with 2 character teams

Doesn't really matter, pick whomever you like more
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I rolled for Yinlin without owning Calchudo just because we're getting electro rover this upcoming patch and I'll make her into a maindps with Yinlin, now that's kino
Since you have Yinlin but no Encore, I'd say Jinhsi is safe bet here
Maintenance douko?
electro rover next isn't even confirmed and it might not even come until several patches later. maybe even as late as 2.0
spectro rover
>Thunder rover this patch
>they haven't seen the latest CN leak
thanks anon!
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Is Scar really gonna be a playable unit? I mean he's a boss character....how could that happened..?
i rolled for yinlin for geshulin electro
That's a pretty big gamble, for all we know electro Rover could end up as support since she doesn't have that niche yet.

Not like it matters, Yinlin performs well everywhere.
I should've used the selector for anko desu, I don't even use calchudo anymore
Half the PGR roster is boss characters
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I thought I'd be whaling on this game but somehow I can't bring myself to spend money it. I dropped like 10k on Genshin and 30k on Star Rail but the low quality of WuWa is what's holding me back from spending on it.
Anyone else like this? It just feels bad to drop stacks on some MTL knock off.
I'm still mad about Signora.
shit bait
wuwa puzzle is pushover,
Genshin puzzle is exhilarating.
>I dropped like 10k on Genshin and 30k
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>use the 3cost echo coupon from the event
>tune it
>immediately bricks
I can build a fucking house with how many brick echoes this shit system is giving me.
It's funny because genshin is the inferior and outdated looking game, their models are laughably bad going by current year standards
If you don't feel it's worth spending money on then just don't.
If you don't feel it's worth playing then just don't.
Simple as that.
That may be so, but I still end up jerking off every time I launch it and see Shenhe bouncing around.
what happened with genshit/hrt now? why are hoyotroons in full panic mode?
I dropped a fat string inside your mom's vagina.
Didn't even charge me guess she's the true f2p experience.
/wuwa/ is really fucking stupid. The whole "/general/" naming convention is supposed to be shorthand for the name of a game's general. This is the Wuthering Waves General, hence it's /wwg/. /wuwa/ is just nonsensical retardation.
You only really need like 6 characters.
>1 to solo floor 1-3 on each side, so 2 total
>a healer to provide buffs for those 2 in 4th floor, so 4 so far
>maybe another dps for 4th floor if you aren't confident soloing, 5 total
>anko and verina to duo middle (maybe the extra dps too), it won't get you any stars though unless you just whale out, especially since it isn't monkey boss anymore
Shenhe deserved a better kit than what she got, taxed for being obscenely hot I guess
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Will Kuro use bots to shit on ZZZ when it release?
That's not a brick (yet)
they use it to boost their views instead
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Nah i cant relate at all, when it came out i insta dropped 250 europesos due to how high quality it was for a gacha game it really truly does feel like a normal game and not a gacha at all. Maybe i should try more Kuro products (?)
The devs cant seem to stop giving us free shit so i haven't had to use money for now, maybe it changes in the future who knows.
I haven't had performance issues at all and i also truly do believe the people who have performance issues are third worlders with no money to afford a half decent system.
I doubt
for what purpose? it's out in a week yet no one gives a shit kek
I feel like the rest of the cryo roster is the problem, rather than her kit.
That and mihoyo hating cryo.
For me i’m waiting for a sexo, yin lin good but i got lucky
Changli is whatever
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>View bitting
Trust in the process bro
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>Jihnsi slowly becomes more scaley the more you come onto her

Question is, why does that seem arousing to people? Genuinely asking
>3/5 garbage stats
>low roll crits
holy bricked
Post genshin loli sale
That one didn’t even go up lol
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If you have to ask you wouldn't get it.
Predicted-to-be-the-highest-selling-gacha-banner-of-all-time bros...
Do you elitistfucks just stop rolling when you see anything lower than 10% crit rate and 20% crit damage or something when echo exp materials are fucking scarce?
We trusting bro we trusting
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>Would you still love me if i was a lizard?
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I jack off to worse
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You don't?
It's basically free you can always just exchange astrites for tubes or buy the supply packs.
I haven't gotten a single early 5* so far from all my pulls.

I also lost the 50/50 for Yinlin and had to go another pity for her.

I better start "averaging" real fucking soon.
I roll in batches. The ones that get dead stats like flat DEF get fed into the survivors at each stage.
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>Shilled for months
>Paid actors
>24 days
>Losing to Jenshin at its worse flop moment
>when echo exp materials are fucking scarce?
They're scarce cause you level every piece of shit to 25
>echo exp materials are fucking scarce?
they're not when you don't max out bricks lmao
If you got
Everything else after doesn’t matter
Real talk, for 3 cost if I don't see crit in the first two lines I don't even bother continuing, for 1 and 4 cost it's the first line. I just go back to the mines and farm a new one. It's not like I think the echo you posted is bad but it's surprising you even bothered taking it beyond +10.
>Abhorrent nonsensical post
every. fucking. time.
Whatever happen to wanting ER% right
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No idea why you didnt reroll. Why continue with a bricked account?
Even if you end up spending you would've saved like 300$.
Depends on the character wether you want it or not.
Everyone who deals damage wants crit and attack.
I'm rerolling tomorrow bros, wish me luck.
I'm not rerolling tomorrow. Don't wish me luck.
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You talking about HSR?
Can I use my level 60 4* sword to level my 5* sword? Or will the ascension caps kill the XP gained?
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I wasn't able to buy out the event...
good luck i wish i could reroll but im not 100% the map again. honestly jinhsi looks so good.
Ok who's going to tell her?
The entire reason I rerolled in the first place was to get an account that would never need to be rerolled again
Is that recent ? i thought firefly was going to blowup the charts
I actually find 100%ing the map the fun part since I get to play the game more. It beats echo farming for me.
Oh no no no Flopfly hahaha
>Genshin can only beat Wuwa when there's literally no rate-up on
He's rerolling for Jinhsi. Probably set up his accounts with all free pulls already so he'll just log in and wish.
uhh /hrtg/ your response?
I already rerolled for yinlin. Doing it again is pointless. I have enough to get the characters I want (probably)
Same bro. I procrastibated on this game until the last day of these events. That illusion event is really fun though, i made Yanyan, Baizhi and Rover broken with a bunch of skill buffs
Why are you even using Genshin to fight again HSR? it's useless
It will. Luckchads will average out to average luck over time, and so will you. If anything, your pulls can statistically only improve.
it is but i running around looking for the last % in some areas really iritated me with how useless the lootmapper felt.
I agree with you entirely though I don't bother echo farming.
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>They take pride in Jenshin being above us instead of their own game
I know that WuWa is succeeding because the general has slowly become more and more useless as the retards that infest popular gacha join in.
Same I also did it in one shitting with Jiyan.
Why rover is not allowed in Illusive? he is my only DPS
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Why is HSR part of the argument in first place? The game plays nothing like wuwa and genshin.
/hrtg/ has always been here thoughever
rover had to be spectro
imagine losing to jenshin at it's worst flop moment. hahahahaha how will hrtroons ever recover
Spectro Rover is allowed, Havoc is not
>Why rover is not allowed in Illusive?
He is but only in spectro form for some reason
Shut the fuck up and take the loss retard.
Most of the stuff is universally applicable, but the modifications that the mask guy makes are specific to the character kit.
Not all characters have those yet.
I got fucked because I can't play as Encore for some reason even though she's my strongest with near perfect +25 Echoes and playing it on phone where its hard as fuck to Dodge attacks.
nta but I'm curious, if you see atk% and energy would you keep going?
My Rover wasnt built but i used the trial characters for all the runs.
Seems like the other anons are saying you can only use 1 type of Rover
Spectro Rover was fun though, i got buffs to make my charge attack skill throw out multiple swords out so i spammed the shit out of that
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99% ofGamblersQuit Before They Hit It Big. Always roll +25.
It's genshin ebin falseflag trole xDDDD
They do this all the time when they run out of arguments
Encorebwo.... echoes don't apply in Illusive Realm..........
Nope. Because if the odds are actually rigged (and they probably are) getting crit later is still harder than getting it out of the way earlier.
Anon, echoes don't matter in IR. Only character and weapon level matter.
Encorebros being retarded IRL isn't a meme anymore..
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Say hello to Nyahsi the new Magistrate of Nyazhou
I had Crownless though and was melting everything???
But we won and you lost
>hrtroon called out for being retarded
>deflects to muh gayshit falseflagging
every time man kek
I will now roll on your banner.
erm I thought firefly was gonna to break all the records and earn half a billion??
Hey guys. I'm playing this game in a shitty 5G connection, why am I facing connection issues I wouldn't see when plugged to a cable coming straight out of my modem?
That's a 2/5 echo at best
Type substats are trash
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Much appreciated
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>He doesn't know that crit rolls appear more frequent after 15+
You're one trick-ponies, it's literally hard not to notice my little genkek what's the point of your reply otherwise?
I accept your tearful concession in advance.
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Events doko... content doko...?
I'm getting into FFXIV. Wuwa was fun while it lasted.
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Guys the door doesn't work, is it bugged?
Finally...I get to play my wife tomorrow...
>all of gig lives forever rent free in his head
that sucks bro
But that's just a game about rape rabbits and potatoes
come back tomorrow please
Gone. Reduced to atoms.
>no alloy smelt
>no podcast
>yinlin gone
>yinlin's character quest gone
I honestly don't understand why they bothered to remove alloy smelt. it's not like it was a fomo thing like with yinlin and podcast.
bro so kuro really said? we're just going to let all events run out a day before the patch drops? like really?
Goddamnit I'm not making it to Jinhsi. VPN topup workaround still works?
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>sub 1K
it's ROVER, EoS soon
Worked for me a few days ago.
your reroll accounts bro?
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How does it matter ? if you weren't done with the events you clearly didn't play the game at all so who cares
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Lingyang banner in 19 hours
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This game will EOS or I will die before I do that ugly cunt quest. Fuck that stupid bitch.
How can they outsex 1.1 in the future?
Excluding Camellya
Changli wants crit rate inferno rider if you're going for her cdmg sword yeah? Might as well get to using these 500 tuners
Nah I don't have the energy to start from zero. I just want to pull and fap on Jinhsi
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this desu. I've only been playing for a week and I managed to get the last couple of limited items of illusive realm an hour before they stopped being available(had to speedrun all the bosses for first time clear bonuses to get to union level 30) and I pulled yinlin 3 days in. f2p btw. only thing I regret is not getting in sooner to have 100 podcast level. only made it to 35.
Jinshi will break the sales record
>Changli's crit damage sword
They changed her sword from ATK% to Crit DMG%.

Ankokeks would you like to explain 0:38?
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what about it
Jihsi will beat Firefly sales
Whats the source, anything i can find points at it being atk% nobody say anything about crit dmg
They need to streamline dailies with more tasks that don't involve using waveplates so I'm not forced to do things I don't want to in order to complete them.
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Why can’t you guys just enjoy the game without worrying about sales
Stupid Encore, ruining a perfectly good empty pot.
Change language to chinese to get current version, english translations are fucked everywhere. Not that it matters in this case because the main stat is cdmg regardless
You can do the task without taking the reward (and consuming the waveplate) and it will count.
Anon you don't need to claim the rewards for it to count for the daily...
Bro...? You don't need to spend waveplates...? Brick status?
Only bricked anon itt
>get to spend all of my wuthering wave pl8s on Jinhsi skill mats today because the Tacet event ended
Thank you Kuro
just reroll lil bro
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Doing Gods work, anon.
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kek botted comments from grannies
Does she turn into full on Jue when she comes from getting creampied?
5* standard gauntlet for Jianxin or 5* standard pistol for Mortefi? My monk is wearing hollow mirage while Mort has cadenza, I'm teaming them up but not sure which option is better when she's the damage dealer..
Bros where's my patch and wife? I thought it would up by now...
Just hold out for a better 5* gauntlet down the road
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Based totally real gilfs in my area just helping my game out, nothing to see here
I think Cadenza will work just as fine for Mortefi
Kind of a waste on him if you could have a 2nd sword instead
Gun it is then, thanks
It seems to be slow so it wont happen in real time. I like to imagine she slowly makes more and more Bocchi sounds when she gets more embarassed

It's the only arguments mihomos can make because their game is the least bit entertaining to play.
What's with Bocchi voices and shapeshifting?
Did anyone do the calcs on how many pulls we're getting in 1.1?

I don't mean the stupid image with fucking "livestream codes" included
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SEX with girls! Female SEX!
Grannychads run this general
Sex with ______ posters
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Rollable granny when?


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I had a dream when I had cute fat brown gf... She was sitting on my lap and not gonna lie, she was kinda heavy...
>need to pay bundle
What the fuck is the function for lunite then?
That's a scam
Most excited for Crownless hologram
How fat we talkin about? Slampig like Cowqi or fat?
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this is your average wuwa player..
Rolling on the gacha. Is this your first gacha or something?
>mortefi + cowqi in the banner I will be pulling
I'm not clicking that shady link.
what's their discord bwo sounds kinda nice ngl
Looks fine for a first large patch.
Where's the stuff about the buffed tacet fields?
>10 bucks for 7.5 rolls
Come on
Might as well buy the BP instead.
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Like a fat piggie, I couldn't embrace her...
is aright if you wanna scratch the itch w/o killing it i guess
Grannies play Wuwa????
I kneellll
>7 and a half pulls for 10 dollars
>2700 astrite
Not looking good bros..
This is actually dogshit though?
$10 for 7.7 rolls, if you could buy the pack multiple times, which you can't, then you would need around 9 - 10 packs for a 50/50 coinflip or 18 - 19 packs for a guarantee.
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>all these f2pag replies
When is 1.1 coming out?
I dropped this game 1 week in, looking to see how many QoL they added
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Suzi is going to stream wuwa tomorrow!
monthly pass > battle pass > top up with bonus > these bundles > top up without bonus
So these are for heavy whales.
>event tab completely gone
It's so joever.
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mmmmmm, from 2 days ago before you say theres maint lmao
Also we don't care.
>Can only win when Wuwa end their banner
answer the question
>can only win
my dude being 70 places below is not even competing lmao not even in sight to be called a competition
which one the panic mode one? i posted this so you stop pretending people is in panic mode, we just come here to see you cope and pretend this game is doing great lmao i dont even play genshit but is hilarious how you wukeks lie to yourselves, at this point this board is the laughing stock of vg
It's okay bwo, me too... fuck crownless reeee
you ever look at something and it makes you wonder if you really are in the right place or genre? this seems like a terrible deal is gacha just not for me?
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It means you are poor
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Why did no one tell me Aalto is fun to play? I wonder if he can do damage.
now post that again without crying lmao
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So how is this going to work?
Can you get buttfucked by RNG and miss the asterite?
>needing to pay
Just get 7 copies in 1 ten roll, bro.
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Jinhsi soonâ„¢

Most likely not, it would cause too much issue
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Will Jade save HSR monthly revenue we will see. Not looking good HSR xisters, not looking good.
maybe you're right actually anon, wuwa has been fun but maybe it's sign this isn't for me. hope you bros enjoy the patch.
Remember that until recently most gachas were idle .pngshit games, and people would still spend thousands of dollars just to make their .pngs better than someone elses .pngs in a game that they would play for 5 minutes a day on their way to work.
It's not supposed to make sense, it's just an outlet for Chinese wagies to spend money so they can feel slightly better about themselves.
It's practically impossible to have perfect stats. The odds are incredibly low you'd better off buy lottery. This general is stupid as fuck.
My guess is that if you max out one of the rewards, you won't be able to roll them anymore, so you'll get everything in due time.
>rolling for every new slop
You know you just need one DPS right?
Save for S6 of future DPS character and their S6 weapons.
Lizard baby will be forgotten in 2 weeks.
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For some reason I couldn't play more than 6 days with this game, I think something is missing. When I started Genshin I literally couldn't stop, I remember playing at 3AM on weekends even when I had zero resin, but it had fun stuff. I think it was successful because of the covid shit and I was relatively new to this kind of genre. After hopping into WW I feel nothing, but a reskinned game with a few gameplay changes, but that's all, I don't feel the "magic" in it. I hope this will change when Promilia comes out, otherwise I'm pretty much done with playing gachas.
you will get all rewards but spinning determines the order most likely
You need 3, bro. 1 for each tower.
Have you calculated how long you'd have to save from and s6 and one copy of an signature weapon?
also doesn't tower of adversity fuck this plan over anon? ]
by the time you have 3 s6 the first will be powercrept.
Right, we never seen stuff happen in other games
>t. future jinhsi rerun saver
ZZZ literally next week bwo, it will probably blow your dick off.
I haven't started yet
What hot babes have I/will miss
>Save for S6
Biggest brainlet in the thread, never give advice again
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>Luckchads will average out to average luck over time
This is cope. LuckGODs never stop winning.
Yinlin is the only one you've missed until she's rerun.
You're burned out of open world gacha. Try something different.
What is the second best weapon for Yinlin?
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You cannot skip the yapping in genshin, in wuwa you skip your way through all the bullshit and get straight to playing the game.
That what you say happened to me in HSR, i did play way more hours a day but did not necessarily enjoyed every min wheres in wuwa i had a blast cuz i was actually playing the game and not waiting for the units to stop yapping
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You missed a man who seeds you and a knife eared woman with poor morals, you’re just in time for the best girl.
Cosmic ripples | the standard weapon banner 5 star I doubt you'll ever get a situation where a 4 star weapon out performs a 5 star.
standard 5* rectifier
my BBC is so hard for Changli
>Rolling for gameplay

LMAOOOO enjoy never being able to keep up with powercreep
I don't play HSR but I really like this girl's design.
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The literal best girl until Changli release. If you start now your account will be bricked for months
I've never seen an established gacha run one of these events and not allow you to get all the rewards as long as you participate fully.
That said, Kuro seems retarded enough to bait for "devs listened" points once again.
So I take the free katana and then the caster weapon she is using from the standard gacha, right? Also is Jinhsi worth rolling for or should I just save up for Changi?
He needs S3 to do decent damage
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Bwos where is my jade beauty wife?
I've pre-registered, but I have no big hopes, especially because it's mihomo and already censored the slut I wanted to play.
Might be a burn out, but I also stopped playing BA, which was kinda comfy, but felt like a chore after a while. I guess this applies to every gacha in existence, so I might have look into something, that isn't requires daily login and other shit because of FOMO.
All the yapping made me quit Genshin, it was insufferable. I genuinely liked the game, but with a simple shit, like unskippable conversations totally destroyed my will to continue playing. I haven't got so far in the WW story, but I couldn't skip too much there either, so I lost my interest in it too.
did you play gachas before genshin?
what gacha would you reccomend if wuwa is the only gacha i've ever played?
Once you get out of the tutorial phase you can skip nearly all conversations
Play Tears of Themis
Don't be jealous of my future proof S6 Yunyun later
Whoa, all of his resonance chain actually seems pretty nice when compared to some other units. Darn, I only have him at S1.
Nah, it was babby's first one. I do played however GGC, BA, and AL.
Definitely not Genshin, unless you like to read light novels every 10 steps in an open world game.
That's good to know, once I get my new TV I might go on with the story. At least there's no annoying flying rat repeating every single sentence.
Do you use any healers alongside her?
What's your favorite aspect of WuWa? Most of my well liked gachas can be treated as VNs with gameplay tacked on. I wouldn't recommend those to you if you liked the combat here, for example.
>Hoyonigger can't read
Color me surprised lmfao
zenless zone zero
>I haven't got so far in the WW story, but I couldn't skip too much there either, so I lost my interest in it too.
it's shit before scar shows up, the chinese beta testers caused them to trash CBT1 story which looks far more interesting for generic, for you glazing.
most anonying thing is it's a mid story that's badly translated that they didn't intially let you skip and due to shit programing you still cant skip certain sections.
i don't mind the story being for you slop, i don't mind the dogshit translating, i mind being forced to sit through it though. don't know what the fuck they were thinking.
1.1 only has one act it’s going to be short as fuck and jinhsi does not get a companion quest?
So what is the point of rolling for anything in this game? There is no synergy between characters, there is no need to use any combo pieces together and then there is no content required me to get Aero gunslinger that can buff crit (for example)? Are Kuro seriously hoping that the majority of people will stick because of new characters looking cool and glittery?
Yeah bro just roll the same character 7 times instead of getting 7 completely different characters, that way you can see bigger numbers pop up on your screen which is necessary because not-big numbers make you feel bad or something
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So with all of this, I can play on the PC at the lowest settings? I don't know shit about building PCs other than I'm not supposed to eat the thermal paste.
They're probably going to stagger the story. Or at least they should, letting you finish it all in one day would be retarded.
>jinhsi does not get a companion quest
no because she already has a boyfriend
Okay, i just installed the game on my phone and got all my initial rewards i got from my prereg account. I want to play wuwa seriously now but i am worried installing it on my pc. How fucked am i to install this tencent anticheat? I play on deleting it every session through cmd so it wont secretly start running again or some shit. I dont work on my pc so how safe am i in regards to getting hacked/blackmailed by chinks? I also think that there is so much competition and money involved l, if these anticheats did shady things it wouldve been exposed long ago. But on the other hand the chinks have a blackbelt in coding.
>>483690363 (me)
then it's not really the "gacha system's" fault, it's regular live-service games burnout, very common stuff
you can't enjoy wuwa because it really is just genshin with a different combat system, that you don't find entertaining
you most likely didn't start genshin thinking of it as a primarily gacha game, but rather an open-world rpg, and considering mihoyo's high production value, knockoffs just don't feel good to you
Roll for the sake of gambling
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Trading 10 of these crit dmg pieces of shit for crit rate ones, any takers trade function for coop when
Holy shit I didn't know danil is that high wtf...this implies that not only yumes whaled for her but all kinds of whales tf
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>got an actually decent cope set built for Jinshi until I get a decent Jue drop
I'm feeling optimistic, wuwros.
Is the mouse accel still present in the game? I have a controller though, but I suck at playing on it, because I'm a PC gamer from the beginning.
It's okay if you get a tin-foil case for your PC. Works well, just like the tin hat for your head.
Is Jinhsi the Liv of woowah?
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Characters, Story, the gameplay is good, but I'm not really interested in it so much. I just treat it as a VN with playable scenes.
I know a lot of people didn't care for the story, I enjoyed it. Some parts are interesting, some parts aren't at all.
After doing all the quests and exploring 100% I just stopped doing anything but dailies, I've no interest in holograms, echo farming or tower of adversity.
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holy dead general
the 100% gold echo drop is only when you are UL50 right?
>dps checked
the skip button. I don't need to deal with shitty chink writing compared to the "other" chink games.
bro, nothing is going to happen to you. If the chinks do spy on you, it's to steal technology from big corps, not to blackmail some literally who from Minnesota just relax gweilo.
The furry salesmen are here, I'm out
all jokes aside, give me those anon, also trading will be pog, i'd imagine sea gonna be rmt trading echos lmao
>high production value
When will the preload be available?
So I've read here than changli's personal weapon is worse than the standard 5* one. Is it true? And also are Kuro really going to continue with the 2 released a month thing going forward?
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Kek. Now that there's competition they literally cannot sell a character just because it's a fucking loli and make the kit suck balls. They actually need to make another nahida to stand a chance now
Yes and yes.
her weapon is her bis
>dogshit gameplay
>weaker than a male
LMAO get real lol. If coomers were actually funding that shite game then Chlorine's banner wouldn't have flopped.
Yeah, it's not the gacha part that's bothering me, but the forced, minimally required playtime and rewards for daily logins and such.
Oh nyoo it only sold 1 billion dollars instead of 1.5 billion dollars oh nyoo....
>So I take the free katana
there is not a single katana in the game
>And also are Kuro really going to continue with the 2 released a month thing going forward?
I doubt they have the manpower to keep it up past the first 6 months or so.
Changli's weapon is better than standard 5* for her but the gap isn't that big.
Yinshi on the other hand...
Anyway you should wait for people to really test her out since currently everything is in theory only.
There are no Yangyang fans on /wuwa/.
Klee sold like hot creampie cakes despite being absolute dog shit to play kek. That ain't flying anymore in 2024.
Everyone caring about meta and power, and isn't retarded, left the game already, or stopped caring. Genshin wants to be casual, and casuals don't care.
>And also are Kuro really going to continue with the 2 released a month thing going forward?
Probably not, just a little push to not get stuck with only 7 5* characters for the first months i guess.
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Nice I guess
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What will you do if next character in 2.1 is black?
I also just realized there haven't been new lower rarity characters. Why are they so retarded for real..
Oh aright that's giga
black. lives. matter.
Thanking god that i can save.
male or female?
hebe or hag?
shota or old man?
i need more info
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This post is fakke news
My experience with similar events is that rewards are random but pool of rewards is limited so if you roll enough times you'll eventually get everything as long you dont miss to many oportunities.
Dark elf or the warrior type female sure why not so long is hot as hell
Jinhsi looks boring to play though
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I want the ice cube echo.
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This game is becoming boringer and boringer with each passing day...
People rolled for the loli because the game was new and no one knew she was dogshit plus the previous banner was a literal homo.
I'm gonna S6 my Yapyap bro
>AND Forgery Challenge
I was actually needing to upgrade my skills
Very nice
My issue with dei shit isn't black/brown characters, it's ugly characters. Make them hot/cool/cute and I don't give a shit.
>1.1 only has one act it’s going to be short as fuck
G o o d
Hopefully most of the quest involves actually doing stuff in the world instead of listening to chink bitches ramble and suck you off.
>new hologram
please no
What can I prefarm for Jinhsi?
kuroturds' special
post erotic looking images of my wife yinlin
Goddess Lucia sure has some nice tits.
Because they're fun and/or likeable
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watch them cry when their bad meme graph doesnt reflect reality, jingliu and dhil didnt sell that much compared to this grapth, how in hell are they pretending dhil sold more than acheron lmao acheron is by far their biggest revenue, dhil and jingliu sold way less than ruan mei and barely are 6-7th in revenue with new characters being put up there with ruan mei like revenue, i bet this graph is something else entirely but wuwakeks pretend it is to cope about firefly
This game have story ?
Chloride was a flop. Why didn't that help?
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Posts gameplay
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genkeks explain yourselves
Can a healthy child born out of sibling love?
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>He typed this while crying listening to firefly theme
I hope you chose female Rover, otherwise it's going to be a bit gay when hologram Crownless comes for you.
>Prydwen owner is a pedophile
Like I said, if you aren't RETARDED you quit or stopped caring. Never said there aren't a few retards left.

I have no Furina, and will never have her. I don't care about her. Neither do I care about the hydro guy that's supposed to be good. I myself am a perfect example of a casual Genshin player it likes so much. That new girl looks ugly. Not gonna pull.
Yangyang and rover are not siblings
Just like the owners of the USA. Btw why the fuck should I care?
tic toc, 3 days till revenue come out?? are your buttcheeks clenched for the cope? what is it going to be the cope when both hsr and genshin do 80+ on mobile only and wuwa 35m
what is it going to be the cope when both hsr and genshin do 80+ on mobile only and wuwa 140+ on pc only?
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oh no no. White man quitting for zzz
>On one hand, the developers' decision to give out compensation can be seen as a goodwill gesture to reduce tension among players. On the other hand, some players view it as a manipulative tactic to prevent backlash. Both perspectives have merit, and the debate reflects the complexity of handling game releases and community expectations. this went on for a few minutes until they decided to stop talking about it. Of course, there were no moderators present to intervene and stop them or suggest taking the conversation to direct messages.
Why do normalfags write like this?
Do they have no conviction? Umm... uhhh... both sides have merits guys...
But that's Rover and femRover?!
nigga i can't read all of that
Taking a side is bad, fence sitting good.
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Damn that sounds like a Kuro issue to me i got not stakes on that company
I do hope you are at least a Hoyo employee btw cuz would be kinda cringe if you are doing this for free
how many children did he rape? is he in jail?
>gibs as an apology is now somehow bad
Genshin was their first gacha
That's because Genshin was the first open world gacha. The exploration is exciting when you start playing, but then it falls off immensely, same for similar games like Wuwa. These days I never run around just exploring anymore because it's generic asset slop anyway, be it in Genshin or Wuwa.
If they're a cool guy or a big booty bitch I don't mind. I get the impression there would be a chinkout over in Asia though.
I like how the retard who wrote this document went into a random tangent about how not everyone in Russia wants to go to war with Ukraine, Kuro is being racist against Russians because they shut down the Russian discord...
Then he posted this article as proof that Russians are good people?
Wtf is this schizo shit lmao?
Bros I don't want to get a job...I don't want to be physically and verbally abuse for a non livable wage...
Literally don't bother playing any open world ever again. Or even any video game
ohnononono he doesnt understand the 140 figure includes the already counted 70m on release with mobile and pc combined, he fall for the dumb ccs click baiting
Why are you shilling your channel here bro? Nobody is going to watch this shit.
mucho texto
wheres the free gibs
Hey, you sound like a Genshin white knight redditor!
well, kurofags are ex-mhytroons so it checks out
it's 4chan, everyone shitposts here for free
>Make content people that watch your channel don't care about (just look at his HRT views in comparison)
>Hop off when your demographic in fact don't watch your stuff
Wow, who could have seen that coming, i give him 2 months before he also drops ZZZ.
>since you are 17
TOP fucking kek discord moderators not even once.
Then don't work is literally a waste of time
I would get the same money without working
mstashed quit asweell i fucking hate these guys
Hitting too close to home eh? Can you imagine your first video game being free to play chinese BotW reskins? Oh wait I suppose SEAniggers don't have to do that kek
KEK my sides
It looks like she is being cocky and dodging him at first with her hands down and then gets knocked tf out a long with the camera man by big gorilla
grifters gonna grift but too many already left wuwa, mtashed dipping out was hilarious, not even a month before he claim burning out and not making guides anymore lmao not even i expect a month only
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i have never played genshin but nice try
Well this is why we are in 4chan.
Powertripping is not possible here.
I hope there are more scum like prywden.
Do fraud!
It's fun for the whole family, and even good for children if you start with something simple like return fraud. Truly the thinking mans career!
Didn't that retard quit PGR shortly as well because he couldn't do this one challenge and then he make a video shittalking the game and then he deleted it after everyone clowned on him?
Left is sovl
and some boring ugly hoe on the left I guess
But you play a lot of free to play kusoges because you can only play games on a phone. Is that correct? Reply to this message with a tinge of seethe if yes
It's going to die, there's nothing to fucking do.
Genshin had much more content and quests, companion quests at launch.
Wuwa had too, but the retards deleted it before the launch.

I really don't understand what the fuck were they thinking. Launch is the most important thing, you need to lock people in. And what did we have? One companion quest, fucking one.
Can Changli dodge in mid air more than once like Jinhsi does?
Anyone expecting something different from mtashed is stupid
>He doesn't know
Cute newfag
He always talk about challenges and difficult content but got filtered by PGR lmao
you clearly have no money to play botw because the only thing similar to it is the plains on first map lmao they dont play the same they dont focus on the same and they dont look the same past the plains, wuwa in the other hand copy 1:1 hsr intro cinematic and literally every menu and currency hsr/genshin have, is insane they use the exact same numbers but have worse conversion rates for currency aka it costs more to buy pulls in most countries compared to hoyo, if you wanna argue gliders and stamina are botw wuwa has that too but even worse since you cant even change the default glider
not really, i play ww on my pc
I'm just here because it's socially acceptable for a grown man to post chibis and make a post that says nothing but "woowa!" and no one questions it.
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nobody who respects themselves or their own time will ever read through all that drama. If you ask my expert opinion, that's gdoc just another tactic of mihomo shills to divide the wuwa community with some inane drabble thinking that we'll care about their gay drama.
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Lingyang and Jiyan were both there though?
Because posts like that are usually the best in the thread
I skimmed through it. It’s just stupid discord drama. They used the Prydwin shit to bait CCs into covering it.
Only one of them is pernament though. Another question is why did they think time limited companion quests was a good idea.
wuwa community is mihoyo ex players, the entire wuwa threads is how their game was about to kill genshin for 2 months and when it didnt they got butthurt about people from other generals mocking them, this is tof 2.0, wuwas ccs are already quiting after a month and viewership is entirely kektone at this point lmao
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>Only place this has been posted is /here/

Literally kill yourself drama farming faggot lmao, go take that shit to reddit if you truly believe everything here is true and fact.

Go to r/gachagaming to get your free karma
>Genshin had much more content and quests, companion quests at launch.
Tell me how do i know for sure you didn't play genshin on release.
People beat everything in less than a week and it was also full of bugs. Phone performance was trash as well or are we forgetting about genshin cooking phones back then
Don't care, i am pulling because She Has big boobs.
Miss me with that meta homo bullshit.
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True, what we need is more doros. Only doroposting can save us now, it is our lifeblood
>not on reddit, not on other forums, in fact first time it has been posted is here

lol this is some next level schizo tactics
>patch won't be out by the time I go to sleep and wake up
>Go to r/gachagaming
Bro? This is r/gachagaming
If i remember correctly the Guoba girl, wolf boy, Lisa and few others had quests.
The one thing that was lacking at launch with Genshin was events.
The game on the left is a success and is still getting played by a lot of retards worldwide. The one on the right is LOL LMAO level of retardation.

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>1.2 in two months
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>new expansion going to drop tomorrow
>Hoyoniggers having absolute melty ITT
I love it when the clowns work for free while Im waiting to roll for Jinhsi
>[Absolute Pulsation] Featured Weapon Convene: Boosted Drop Rate for Ages of Harvest
Wait, so weapon banners aren't guaranteed now? Why would the drop rate need to be boosted if it's guaranteed?
6 weeks between patches is normal.
he says hes quitting because he has to spend 20 minutes in the game every day
You are just as retarded as they are.
is funny because the animations are so insane that in combat you cant see shit with her because of the visual clutter lmao i guess wukeks love not knowing whats happening on the screen as long as it is pretty, cn already complain about this on changli, imagine putting that many effects on literally spamming left click
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>Just realized that everytime a new big update is about to go live, some "OMG DRAMA" gets spammed in the thread

this can't be coincidence
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They post more than actual wuwus... This place won't be worth coming to until after ZZZ release
And i don't want to belittle Wuwa. I am genuinely upset that wuwa had quests, but deleted them all without any alternative, just because of some chink cucks.
Now Calchudo isn't even in the game. Taoqi at the city defend acts like She knows you, without ever meeting you, that blue fedora guy just appears out of nowhere...it's just a fucking mess.
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Whats a doro?
>he says hes quitting because he has to spend 20 minutes in the game every day
honestly, that's a good reason to quit.
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Don't worry about it. They'll drop Z after they realise it's wuwa but a lot worse
If She's not Scar's sister anymore then what the fuck was all his monologue about? Who's the black sheep? Who's the shephard?
...It is giga flashy and all you do is right click. LMFAOOOO
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wrong. part of the wuwa community are some pgr lads who hate themselves, hate the game, hate kuro but just can't stop playing kuroslop, like me because we've already been programmed to tweak in boss fights. ex-genshin ccs who tried to transition to wuwa have been filtered because you actually have to have a frontal lobe to play this game. i dunno why you even bring them up they're just parasites who go to the games which are the lowest common denominators to leech off of normies for clicks.
So the entire 1.1 patch gives 2700 astrite? Holy fucking lmao
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>They'll drop Z after they realise it's wuwa but a lot worse
But then they'll be back here, a fate worse than daily revenue chart posting
Don't think, feel
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Beginning and the End
Alpha and the Omega
stop it....your demoralization tactic is working....I don't want to play wuwa anymore......
kuroshit deserve to go bankrupt
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>You are just as retarded as they are.
Dance monkey dance kek

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We only need this game until Promilia, enjoy the while you can.
Get real. I only decided to give PGR a chance again because yostar decided to go full retard with aether gazer. And I liked the game until I started to see the actual problems of the studio itself. gugugaga is just a hilarious out of season joke and I cannot wait to see it lose 90% of its playerbase.

Kuro are just retards. They don't deserve anything.
can't wait for when he has to spent 20 minutes on ZZZ everyday and he quits that too...but not after making 5 or so videos on how great the game is.
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I don't remember making this post
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Me but with hsr. I'm gonna play both ap and ww. I really need a reason to uninstall hsr... It's so boring.... I can't take it anymore....
when does it come out? im deseprate
I can't find any sfw sexy erotic images of Yinlin. All I find is hentai. Why so?
>If i remember correctly the Guoba girl, wolf boy, Lisa and few others had quests.
Werent those part of the main quest?
Wuwa has the equivalent with Jianxin, Encore, Aalto and Verina.
>game already made back it's full production value from Yinlin's banner alone.
The game can eos within the next hour and it still won't change the fact that it won bigly and is still actively milking it's retarded secondary playerbase lmao
When Promilia comes out HSR is off the window bro i'm up good that day
nah they id something, there was more bugs, broken text and removed features from beta apart from the quests, they for sure rolled back or did something stupid, i know they fire the UE person in charge, we have the 120 fps option in game and many other things that were in beta removed, they for sure messed something up, i didnt have stutters either during beta and on release it became unplayable for liek 2 weeks, im so far behind because of the game not running for so long is not even fun.
I am waiting for girls front line 2.
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I haven't saved much of those but you can have this bwo it's on the house
That last sentence. Holy based ccs are so cancer. I hate youtubes algorithm shoving them in my face just because i wanted to look up 1 video about Wuwa

come on now, we know wuwa compared to genshin and hsr has a lot more time grinding, it can go up to an hour if you do all your farms vs like 10 min in hsr genshin, this is just daily chores apart from regular stuff so why would i want to spend an hour doing dailies in wuwa, may as well download wow again
Translation from seethespeak:
>I am a braindead turd based faggot with geriatric fingers and I can't use them for PGR
Btw imagine seething so hard because you're shit at video games that don't play themselves you're samefagging
No. They had their own quests. For example Guoba girl had cooking contest or something like that.
holy shit no active events, no active banners no content. What a fucking dead cashgrab gacha
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Am i the only one who don't care about these 3DPG spam they are doing ?
Do we have the comparison that matters beetween Taoqi and Changli?
>femrover not rowing the boat
missed opportunity
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I quite like this one
Why are gentroons so addicted to dilation?
another day of thanking god almighty i dont play genshin
Google says early 2025, add some months delay, so I'd say in a year or a bit less.
One is a full fledged whore and one is pretending to not be a whore and failing horribly.
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Look at her showing off her slutty armpit
Needs cosplay rape correction
It's so fucking tiresome. At least She Has big boobs.
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kuro games must be doing a fujo purge or someshit. Korean fujos are mad that jinhsi does in fact likes rover and are calling it a harem game. The very same retards who "quit" PGR due to the lucia powercreep and her design, making their beloved lee useless while also quit drawing art for it but keep on posting about it. They thought that they'd be safe in wuwa but they got btfo even though they drew all that fujo art.

It was hilarious to watch. Another fun note is that the fujos like the suffer porn cbt 1 story.
oh yeah bro every genshin hater cc too that tried transitioning got fucked by the game, they all scream how they loved hard content and got filtered by the game, kektone himself pretend to be a hardcore player that loves souls games and the nigger is crying how he cant beat tower and is going to wait to overlevel it, this insuferable cunts need to go back playing easy games, they all bashed genshin for being easy but wuwa is too hard for them, kinda ironic that a woman "sweetily" is moggin all of them doing encore solo clears
Taoqi is not going to cheat on you.
That's the only thing that matters.
Changli.. well, she looks a certain way that makes her more likely to do unwifely things to (you).
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This is my favorite /gig/ cope
Of course not but normalfags eat that shit up.
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>Kuro BTFO trannies
Maybe i will buy some packs when 1.1 after all
>1 day till patch
>no pre download
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And which one Has bigger boobs? That's what i was asking, you homo.
Naked boobs pressing against each other? Artists need to get off their lazy asses first
things will be better once people realize CCs are full of shit 9 times out of 10
Still sad they rerwote this kino
Just got both the lolis from the beginner banner. Still got my selector card and the other beginner banner with guaranteed character. How important are dupes in wuwa? Should i get other characters or dupe one of the lolis 2x?
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well said bwos
>fujo art....
>with jinhsi...
that yinlin banner must've changed things
I heard Crownless was supposed to appear outside of this tutorial fight too?
but she's a thot for (You), anon.
Incels deserve genocide for this. Btw did you know you can yell 'death to all incels' at a crowded mall and no one cares?
I can't believe fujofats are self-inserting as Jinhsi wtf. I thought their kind hated pretty women?
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Sea hours.
Free milk time.
Vanilla, banana, strawbelly, watermellon, or yoghurt?
YuriCHADS dunking on rotten 3DPD
no kidding, ccs in china get clapped if they start pushing drama like kektone, i do like how they actually behave knowing people despise drama niggers on cn, tired of ccs in the west drama shittign on every game, the asmongolds and tectones are everywhere in the west always looking the same like ugly maggots with adirty beard in every single game
You should spend all your standard rolls on the weapon banner now and never bother with the beginner banner again
Uhhh proof for these claims?
I have never said anything about pgr's gameplay but do go ahead, sis.
You can yell basically anything at a mall because people will simply not interact with you because you are a crazy yelling guy
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Still mad they removed these titties.
early dupes are worthless, doubly so for standards
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Any fellow F2Poors saving this next patch?
I got my Yinlin Wifey so im happy until another pure sex character comes out
They only hate pretty women if they're designed for straight men or made relevant and powerful in the story. If it's a pretty girl that's a side accessory for some gay shipshit dynamic then they suddenly like the character because they can self-insert.
You're posting about three deparate things and relating them to one another. In the first place why would fujos complain about Lee being powercrept if Lee is a yumebait, and what does CBT1 story got to do with fujos and suffering porn? It was a harem story. I think you're trying to push your own narrative here. Be objective next time.
Crownless is so weird now. Dude is the most advertised boss, yet he dies in the tutorial and then shows up before Dreamless again to die in 1 second.
I am going to cosplay as crownless soon
I need to work out my ass, what kind of exercise is good for that?
>Yuritroons btfo
>Fujotrannies btfo
This is the perfect game for me. They should still pander to yumesisters though, I don't hate them
She looks way more tomboyier now.
Which is a good thing.
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Why did I get a boner after the tummy kick?
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>steal Ay*ka's design
>make her prettier
>it works
Based chinks stealing from other chinks. John Kuro please steal Furina too and make her prettier with a G cup and my life is yours.
Considering lowering my SOL3 Phase down to rank 4, as I want to use some of my other teams who are level 60 still. How different is the drop rate from 4-5?
Here drink Taoqi armpit milk
because westerners are just addicted to drama. Why do you think Asmongold and Tectone just don't play games anymore? They make 10x more money/views just "reacting" to drama so there is no incentive for them to actively play the games. Hell Tectone probably only "likes" wuwa because it competes with Genshin and Genshin lives rent free in his head.
I mean just say it once really loudly while looking at your phone when there's a lot of people around you and no one will report you for hatespeech. It's absolutely fine to wish death on incels if you don't get the memo already
Her current size fits her new design better.
no kidding, he has the design of an actual endgame antagonist and he mogs so hard, most of the other bosses look mid compared to his second form lmao they should put the electro nigger as the first boss
I agree that She looks better now, but i want the big titties too.
In fact i would take the worse old design over what we have now just because of big tits.
Tomboy with big tits. Which gacha Has this? Literally none! They had the chance to be the world first.
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I thought we would be getting Changli's banner before Jinshi...
Yeah because the incels you're seething at are better in life than you and don't care that you're a mad person in the middle of the mall. They'll just call the cops on you.
How much of a difference is there between Taoqi and Yuanwu sub for Jinhsi?
>In the first place why would fujos complain about Lee being powercrept if Lee is a yumebait

do you know how fujos work my friend? they ship lee with other male fags as well as pretending to like the characters when they're fucking meta slaves, they don't understand that you can still play the character

> CBT1 story got to do with fujos and suffering porn?
the fact that they like that the characters don't suck the MC's dick
he likes wuwa because there is clicks to be farmed as simple as that
and he is still clever enough to trigger the mentally ill minors that play mihoyo games with basic level shitposting
beating up chixia for 5 sets
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yeah, i guess westerners got adicted to the yellow press with the media and require their daily dose of e-celeb drama or hollywood drama, is insane how the western cc sphere is not about something something drama than the games, the best ccs tend to be asians speakign english, they are the ones with actual guides and math on the games
Translation from seethespeak:
>Yes you are right sis i am shit at playing a non auto game
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...you just intrinsically know she'll tighten so bad when you punch her abs while you do it with her
>the fact that they like that the characters don't suck the MC's dick
but they still do in the end. They would have just hated it still.
I swear Wuwa gave me an armpit fetish that I didn't know I had before
Whatever makes it easier for you. At least I don't have to defend some Chinese company for free.
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You all sound like people with mental disabilities, and I don't even say that to be edgy, you sincerely remind of me of cavemen." Big boobs! I wanna fuck big boobs! You. You smell good. Lemme fuck big boobs!"
These are even bigger than Taoqi's, arent they?
God...give this size and say to some future characters.
What are you even talking about, girls are famous for not caring about meta because they don't do endgame content anyway. I think you're just cherrypicking one or two no-name accounts from Twitter and generalizing them. And in CBT1 people still sucked MC's dick, I think you're lying here trying to create this fake correlation between people who liked CBT1 story and fujos.
Taoqi+Yinlin should be better than Yuanwu+Verina but if you don't have Yinlin Yuanwu is alright.
lately kektone lose viewers if he plays wuwa, he sometimes tags himself for wuwa but is doing some drama with genshin creators or reacting to videos, he legit drops like 5k viewers playing games and playing any other game that is not kuro or hoyo kills his views, he did a sponsor video the other day about a random game and had like 10% of the views he has doing genshin drama, he will never move on.
this is my favourite troupe in gacha generals
How are yurifags btfo'd? Looks like they eating good. Stay mad lmao
I think its just something you learn to appreciate on a women as you mature. Not until my 20s did i start to notice pits and tummy
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Well, thanks.
>Better at life than anyone
Kek you gave me a good laugh anon thank you
Welcome to modern 4chan.
Big boobs is the sign of progress you fucking homo. Niggers and cavemen like ass, white civilized men like boobs.
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>ummm why are you calling them fujos instead of yumes? you do realize there's a difference, right chud?
no one cares you stupid faggot, stop pretending there's any meaningful distinction between retarded femoid #1 and retarded femoid #2
So you're full of shit then. Okay.
okay? What are you going to do about it?
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You are pulling for me, right anon?~
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What other gachas do you play /wuwa/nkers?
nah bitch i aint pullin out
>Big boobs! I wanna fuck big boobs! You. You smell good. Lemme fuck big boobs!
Yes, my female Rover is gushing already
Good for him. He found a way to exploit retards and is actively doing it.
I want her to give me a nursing handjob while she sucks on a brown man's penis.
Yeah just like the mihomo faggot defending it's master tooth nail ITT despite only being paid 1 stellar jade per 1000 post kek
Hopefully the artists will give her inverted nipples.
you clearly haven't been keeping up with the fujos anon, here's your last (you)
yes mommy
Furina with a G cup would be pointless and wouldn't get the same crowd that liked her in the first place.
I hope the artists make her nipples hard as rocks until I put them in my mouth.
im pulling for jinhsi, if i did not get her i'll pull changli
I have no idea what you are talking about.
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Explain how yuri is BTFO when we've been getting yuri ads for five days in a row.
Guys, we're a little wu right now, I'm gonna need to see a bit more wa energy from you all.
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Small boobs! I wanna fuck small boobs! You. You smell good. Lemme fuck small boobs!
Was making her look like a generic NTR hag part of their plan?
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uuuh male rover bros??? where are we
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I pull based on where my dick leads me. Changli is going on my team whether or not she's good.
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Yuss madam
Whatever femoids want to believe to make themselves feel happier. It's not men invading female spaces whining and crying about getting handouts though.
It's actually so easy for an asian foid to cosplay as jinhsi since most of them are small or flat because of malnourishment lmao
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The Big 4
Genshin, Arknights, R:1999
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But lets not fight each other. Both yuri and waifufags enemy are furries and fujos. Never forget that. Once they are gone we can murder each other instead.
>1 stellar jade will be sent to your in game mail after 180 more post(s)
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Why would anyone waste their time "keeping up with the fujos" are you mental?
The characters still sucked your dick, except it takes 30 minutes to get to that point instead of immediately. People who unironically believe the opposite are just regurgitating shitposting without having seen the actual CBT1 story.
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>hags get posted
>thread speeds the fuck up
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i'm something of a nikker myself
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Just Uma, Gakumasu, and another small game which I won't name. I've quit many others like PCR.
Just Genshin, I really don't want to play more than 2 gachas so if I ever pick up another I drop one. I dropped HSR way before WuWa released so I didn't have to drop one shit time though.
Generic himecut girl and non robot Vera aren't that big
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Seethe faggot
Incelgods won
This is our game, bitch
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BA and HSR
Reminder to not let your waveplates cap during maintenance and brick your account.
Link to the mod, please
>Wheels on shopping carts be like
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Male Rover bros we are not canon
>obvious baitpost
>tranime reaction img
>get 176 (You)s
Yeah no wonder the tranime schizo won't leave this place since you niggers can't stop giving xem attention.
my dickkk please have mercy
incels are clearly doing something right since they are in your head rent free. Go have sex with one or something, then they'll stop being a incel!
Why does she smile like THAT? You know what I'm talking about. It's creeping me out.
I don't want to get cucked bros!
This general is getting too fast for me bwos....
What's her role?
DPS or subDPS?
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In the story
The game with actual manly looking men?
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Used to play FGO and HSR but dropped both.
Milk cow and sex slave.
>I don't want to get cucked bros!
Too late bwo~
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You're playing an anime game on an anime basket weaving forum. Not sure what you're expecting but this game is weeb central and will continue to pander to weebs.
I am proud that you saved yourself from that hell
Nah they can ask their moms instead lol
After over a year of no gacha slop i started playing HSR like a month before this dropped. Its alright, i just auto play it so i can scratch my gambling itch
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Why are you assuming things about her when she's yet to interact with the rover?
You will never EVER get your cringe Crownless cutscene and I was personally responsible for telling Kuro to delete it.
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>dropped HSR
>Fujimura Ritsucuck
>Male bend rover
Imagine missing out on a hot playable anime cunt to be just some lanky twink lmao
Absolute retard. Unironic twitter braintrot level of retardation.
>not for (you)
don't care
Blacked in Genshin soon btw
Twitter is the place where women go to cry about incels though as if every failure in their life was caused by some dude jerking off to anime girls in his basement.
>read her voicelines
>super for (you)
man...totally isn't a seething retard trying to shitpost or anything...
Name a foid in shart rails who's for (you) other than pagfly. (You) can't
With for (You) characters such as Kafka and Firefly flopping hard, Mihoyo has no reason to release them anymore
Fucking hell Aeather looks so fucking gay holy shit.
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What is he thinking?
Gender dysphoria or a bara faggot?
The eternal question
sloppy seconds with mommy!
Like how you won't ever get the taste of a real vagina?
>Kisses a random guy in the official HI3 manga
She's a slut, not a queen.
Is her gameplay as simple as it looks?
>auto for chi
>press e to block damage, get chi and do damage
>get maximum gauge
>burn it all down while holding leftclick
>auto for chi
No one wants your yeast infected cunt and that's why you're mad.
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you just know which game the troons play...
How is that game still at the top despite that happening?
Himeko was a launch character bro
You can definitely tell that a SEApag made that picture
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Based. Wuwa bros need to stand together and stop replying to bait post
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Sex with Jinhsi
We (you included) are in a taiwanese basket weaving forum, discussing a chinese gacha slop. Did you expect sane people here?
she's a support, u can build dps with her of course but it won't compete with real dps
>She's a slut, not a queen.
What's the difference?
Yes but remember to use your liberation to group all the enemies before holding left click
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it's over...
>at the top
how do we tell him?
Isn't it just HRT the prequel?
No that's not age.
Can you guess what that number means? ;)
Himeko's limited version will still not be for (You)
I'm a real woman
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i mean this is just some random guy but cn complained about this too, efects go harder than the boss and you cant see shit lmao i dont know about you but i preffer cleaner fights that alow you to see your character not teleporting all over the place leaving fire
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Is Changli for (you) or for (the streets)?
Star Rail and AFK Journey. Thinking of dropping the latter when the Gazettes run out and I reach AFK level 1000.
For (me) in a (back alley) of a (busy main street)
>make for (you) characters
>limit their gameplay usefulness to specific teams
Why are they like this?
>he thinks Kafka is the MCs mom
>i prefer shitty boring animations with no flash or flare for the sake of cringe metafag gameplay efficiency
No one cares
She's for me
Based. Show tits.
Tits with time stamp pls, also be my gf
The number of pairs of chromosomes you have, the normal being 23. A sign of mental retardation.
Took me a while to realise that was complaining about SFX and not SEX.
Illusive Realm was so full of SFX you really can't dodge shit with full Inferno Rider cards hurling meteors and flames everywhere
Find out during her companion quest
Does she still need crit and attack like every other character or do I go for other stats?
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Yes sis. Trans-women are real women.
You are valid.
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She marks (you)
Why don't you read her lines and find out?
If only you can use that trivia knowledge to get laid roru
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How much longer until Jinshi bros
>he needs to dodge in illusive realm
That nigger at the bottom needs to turn off volumetric lightning. I was getting flashedbanged by it in illusive realm because the sun was so close to the horizon.
Hags with a focus on tits are always just made pure slut dommy mommies with little variance and they get mostly BBC and NTR art.
If you want to use her in that role then it’s fun to pair her with someone like Mortefi who continues to attack off field while she’s doing her hold attack.
Alternatively you can use her as a grouping bot and ignore her hold attack, just go all in on her resonance liberation.
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Fuck, why can't I have a cosplayer gf? Even if she becomes "boring" I could just ask her to dress up as a different character and it feels a new experience again. Someone shoot me.
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who's gonna reroll with me tomorrow?
Yes, go crit and atk, she doesn't scale off any other stat
If you want to clear stage V with full Inferno Rider cards during release week, yes
It's today, but yes I will reroll with you bwo.
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>New patch about to drop
>Sudden influx of dooming and seething
Every time, doesn't even matter which game you play.
same reason why you can't have a regular gf
You and yourself alone dumbass, imagine wasting time 100%ing only to reroll
Her design choice makes her looks like she's for (everyone) besides (you).
Okay, I will roll Changli
hahaha we have the changli sex brainrot man
yeah they look good but jesus christ why in the name of god on a game that requires visual cues to parry and dodge, even yinlin has too much and i cant see shit, maybe younger people has no problems but i have poor eyesight lately and it trully kills my eyes playing this game for a while, never had that problem with other gachas i usually just disable glow and thats it.
The entire psych ward
>l-leave my kuro alone
Dont tell him about the turtle echo
>Release a big tits hag
>People headcanon her as a slut
Why is it always like this with these types of female characters?
Regular gf might not dress up as a video game / anime character and maybe she'd also laugh at me for asking her to do so. It's not fair...
Doesn't happen to /akg/ in case you need your precious safespace
i legit turn everything off but still, i had the same issue in warthunder and desert maps with high effects lmao dead by self flashbanging
He's not alone, I prepared 100 accounts to reroll today.
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I just hate how reddit /wuwa/ feels compared to other gacha generals. It just sounds like half the people could be asmongold or tectone viewers and whose experience with anime only extends to cowboy bebop and One Piece.
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How many hours to maintenance?
Why wouldnt you roll like right now or yesterday? What if all the pre register rewards go away
mental illness
>15 stellar jades to be deposited to your account
when can I roll
>big tits = seducing men
shrimple as.
how much longer must I wait?
It's the smile bro. I'm telling you.
The sussy smile of an unfaithful wife. Pretty common in Japanese literature.
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jianxin bwos are beating the dumbass allegations with this one?
First time on 4chinz during the summer? Guess which group of people have too much time right now
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to be fair changli has that smile from the girl in NT00 netorare series lmao
Cultivation went to wrong direction, was she meditating at food tables to achieve that chest
Yeah those communities of so called normalfags are full of it and take it with them everywhere they go.
People like you are why I have such large number for ID despite starting at day 1. Pls kys
>N-not me
It's fine to admit your retardation
FGO because I'm a Fatefag and hate myself.
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I'll have the last laugh when people brick their accounts by getting Lion'd.
Man these girls are cute. Outfits look incredible too. Why aren't other gacha like wuwa? Link related.
It could have been worse, (you) could be playing gbf
But then they'll have the birb mommy so who'll be laughing then?
When your main focus for liking a girl is tits then you probably don't care that much about the actual personality of the girl. Hence why Jinhsi is the one getting all the actual waifufags.
No, you are mentally ill because of your obsession with 2 random wiggers. fucking kek
Still me cause they lost a 50/50 and are rolling for a hag.
Looking at gbf now, I'm actually glad I never got into it back when it was popular. So, yeah, I agree.
im still pissed off and regret every minute i spent on GBF,
holy shit
I don't care about the random wiggers, I care about the hundreds of thousands of drones that infest everything they touch. Especially when there's so much culturally clash between Eastern otaku media and what these drones parrot.
Wuwapags are a subbreed of m*homopags. Both of you are the worst people on /vg/.
Yup, people who complain about dailies taking way too long in other games have no clue how bad it can really get.
I hate big boobs.
theres no qrd, the game was, has and will always be absolute horrible
Still not "playing" whatever cheap coom.png autobattler you're "playing"
There's a reason they call it Grindblue Fantasy.
Cute haircut
Nah, it's one step up but not as bad. Most people here sound like they came from MMOs rather than other gacha games or related media.
I saw Asmongold play this game so I started playing.
Imagine having to spend hundreds of hours to build a single weapon grid for a single element every few months
so this clip got removed because mentally ill players complained about the girls being beat up?
but when they ingame fight endgame bosses their waifus also get beat up a lot
how is that any different? Logically their only course of action would be to not engage in any combat at all

why does a company even listen to these people man
Can we new thread now?
Just don't freak out if they put Encore in a swimsuit
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is really her, yumi from nt00 oof the ntr allegations wont die
Or maybe yoi're just too stupid of zoomer to understand the sophistication of the gameplay.
No we counter invade and take over /gig/ and then /hsrg/ next.
Doragon love
dead game
I started playing because I saw Asmongold do the Blackshore quest Anko and her playtest during the boss.hav0p
The waves...have wuthered...
I'm sure there's a lot of sophistication behind pressing the auto button and waiting for the game to do its thing.
say the magic word
Woops that was my captcha, I should go to sleep soon.
that would be very based because anime is trash and a complete waste of time
>proving me right
Mash more buttons, retard.
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So is gacha but here we are bro
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what form of entertainment isn't trash and a waste of time bwo?
I'm gooning to Yinlin again
learning combat sports to protect yourself and those you love
having sex
Sounds like what a gun is for
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When does maintenance start? When does maintenance end? When does the new banner start? I want to roll already.
A potential waste of the next 18 years of your time and money.
Unless youre a fag, then you just get AIDS.
Hows the game shaping up? Feel like it's here to stay or go the tower of fantasy route?

I don't want to start until we know it's sticking around.
ToF was already pretty much completely dead by this point, in contrast people are actually hyped for the future of wuwa to improve.
MD and arknights
genshin has slower climbing and stamina draining from sprinting and 100% unskippable cutscenes. Of course content is gonna last a long time when you have all these mechanics that stretch out playtime. Multiple times I literally spent half an hour of just cutscenes in sumeru nahida quests and fontaine trial bullshit
>not leveling Chixia

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