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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7095 - Hot dip Edition

>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS - Summer Game Fest Trailer
>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS confirmed release date is October 25, 2024
>Sonic X Shadow Generations will be getting an animation

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has been announced for December 20, 2024:

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog 70 - 3 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 71 - 31 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 72 - 21 August 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2024 - 11 September
Sonic the Hedgehog 73 - 18 September

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous Thread: >>483643414
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briniging the discussion here.
If Shadow showed up more in IDW, it would be a case of "I'm surrounded by idiots" just like Prime because that's what sega would make them write when he's present and Ian and Evan don't want to have Shadow here telling their ocs that they are stupid
Enemies to frenemies. With benefits.
Shut the fuck up. All these characters are made for sex.
I rebuke you.
We already have Lanolin for that, and Evan butchered her character.
Ok, here you go:
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Thank you Iizuka-Heika. Emperor of Shounen. for mandating Shadow.
>Ian and Evan don't want to have Shadow here telling their ocs that they are stupid
I feel like they'd be fine if he was wrong about it, but the issue is that so much of the plot revolves around the characters being retarded that if Shadow got to criticize them it would basically just be them listing off their own writing mistakes.
Espio is the mediator, that's the point of pairing the completely humorless and dedicated ninja master with a hyperactive kid that shows a lot of promise and a skilled detective that makes a lot of poor financial decisions.
If anything, the Chaotix need a tech guy since that's what they were struggling with the most in ShTH, getting technology to work.
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I rebuke you for being a puritanical asshole who has chosen literally the WORST fandom to be in to be a moralfag. That's like being a homophobic Cher fan. You are retarded and should be deeply ashamed of yourself for being retarded. I hope big sits on your face and you're forced to eat his asshole while zavok plows you
so what you're telling me is lanolin would cum from having shadow around
this rocks and you rock
I will pray for your soul.
Wasn't Charmy deceptively good at computers?
God created Sonic for sexo. You will be very disappointed when your judgmental ass finds out heaven is full of degenerate furries and Sonicsonas.
Over the past year, your art has improved vastly, not to say there was ever a point where it was bad. In fact, it has always had this pleasant bubbly feel to it. I always look forward to seeing your posts.
All of your shipping stuff is extraordinarily cute. It makes me happy to see them. You're an inspiration. Godspeed.
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i told you to stop posting sexy things fguck im going to get hard
What are the chances of a shadow spin off series?
He's as good as Shadow is, that being both of them just hit the computer and it magically does the exact thing they need it to do.
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do you have a dogshit autism fanfic that you hold close to your heart, /sthg/? I found this one sonic x gr15 fanfic a while ago and I love it so much
>writing is barely legible
>music selections for every single scene
>characters repeat themselves and very clearly speak in that autistic way
>planes and helicopters are specifically labeled by their model every single time they are mentioned
>sequel to forces
>shadow asks sonic to help fight with the resistance but sonic tells him to fuck off so shadow sends the entirety of GUN after sonic, sonic destroys them and recreates city escape just to join the resistance anyway afterwards
>ryuko from kill la kill shows up midway through
It's so funny
Shadow X Rouge because I want ShaDAD pointing a gun at people looking at his daughter's tits.
Silver X Blaze because I like the contrast between them.
Vector X Vanilla because MILF HUNTING!
Knuckles X Shade because fuck Ken Penders.
>only reason he's good at computers is because he wanted to host a minecraft server to play with friends
Relatable desu
Alright here are my favorite ships

Sonadow because of sa2
Shadamy because of sa2
Shadouge because of 06
Shadally because of Archie
ShadArmy because of Shadow the Hedgehog
Shadowlin because of sthg
Shadria because of everything
Shadoom because I hate peace
Shaduckles because it's hot
Shadgeta because I like crossovers
All of these ships are fucking amazing and I hope at least one of them becomes canon. I love you
Yet they're just fine using Surge's schizo rant to list off their problems with the franchise and Sonic as a whole
"AAAH This whole thing is a fucking circle of you and Eggman's bullshit and we all gotta suffer for it yet the world loves you for it!"
and then Kit's schizo rant at the end
"Neither you nor Eggman care about us, you only care about your selfish ideals!"

So it's okay to use their own OCs to bitch about the the game characters and the world of Sonic but a game character can't dare punch back and rant at how shit the OCs are? How arrogant and self serving, why do people think either of these two are any better than Penders just because they tow enough of the corporate line?

And now we have Lanolin who just exists to absolutely shit on the game characters and be a self insert just like Surge and Kit for their own grievances with the franchise, I'm sure Whisper will be the same where as Tangle will not because she was mainly created by sega, hmm, I wonder if that's why she went from endearing genki slight retard to existing to just say something stupid, be useless and forced to bow down to Lanolin and Whisper's schizo whims so they don't "look" 100 percent like bitches.

I know it was just as bad in archie where they were entirely self indulgent in their fan fiction being better than the games but in IDW it reeks of bitterness and resentment that they aren't getting the endless cock riding they got almost 10 years ago. They've fucked up so badly people have more respect for Ken Penders now when for 2 decades he was billed as the worst thing that happened to Sonic media because he killed the old series with his schizo edgelord ideas, killed Archie with his absolute refusal to take corporate dick and made it so if Inzuka has to interact with the western fanbase that he has security detail with him to immediately shut a person down if they dare bring up any western media.
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Since we're posting ships and whatnot
Sonic x Tails (boiwife)
Shadow x Maria (Incest is based)
Knuckles x Rogue (I don't hate it)
Silver x Whsiper (hetero, fuck off dykeshits)
Surge x Kit (Since their based off Sonic)
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>incoherent Eggman babble
What the fuck did I just read?
The word of God.
Sonadow is my favorite, thank you
Well now you've just forced my hand.
>Knuckles x Rogue
So, what's the sauce for this fic?
Whoops, Rouge
Don't really think about the bat a lot
>Hates whisper and tangle being the dykes that they are
>promptly incorrectly uses they're right after like the backwoods retard they are.
Reboot archie feels like a fanfic by a sperg who is happily obsessed with sonic and IDW feels like a fanfic by a sperg who is reluctantly obsessed with sonic.
>Have iphone now
>Could download this game
>Don't want to because of fears of getting attached to Ariam knowing she'll never appear again
I hate the way sega makes characters, why can't they be like Mario where nobody gives a fuck if anybody from the RPGs or sports titles ever show up again?
I'm pretty sure reading it is actively killing my braincells but I find it very amusing. God bless drooling retards.
This is a very pessimistic take, but I can't really prove it wrong and that makes me sad that we managed to get to this point.
i would be ok with disney buying sonic simply because disney will pull dead characters who debuted in a background shot of a 1990s direct to dvd sequel meanwhile sega can't be assed to use one of their most popular modern characters
>Knuckles x human woman
so fukin zased...
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did we just crack the code
shadow doesn't show up much in idw because shadow would practically be mandated to bully everyone the way lanolin currently does because everyone in idw is emotional and stupid
so what you're saying is shadow and lanolin should fuck and the next issue of idw should just be 30 issues of straight up shadowlin porn
Mario fans DID give a fuck, before the series lost its balls in the 2010s like sonic did
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>already starting with a song
if sega is this militant about sticks, the freedom fighters are cooked
We don't see lesser known characters either for legal reasons, or because we already have more popular characters that still aren't getting much focus as is.
I fuck with it. I prefer this and Silvisper
Sonic x Tails
Blaze x Marine
Surge x Kit
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Stealing your corporate mandated fangirl
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Don't forget Amy x Cream
Kit x Marine x Tails
Surge x Sonic x Blaze
the fact that people have already seen the sonic movie 3 trailer grinds my fucking gears
Based poly shipper.
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crackship thread
That sheep from IDW, did they make her a lesbo like those other two?
You really don't want Amy near.
Not yet.
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no, she officially would have babies with shadow according to ian
I've learned not to trust what Ian says.
but i am ian
Surge x Sonic x Blaze
Got to be the worst OT3. Both forced as fuck girls to pair Sonic with.
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Is Sonadow a crackship if there's a literal game coming out named after the ship?
why is rouge like this?
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Fuck this is gay, pedo, and boring.
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garbage general
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sonadow the hedgeship general
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Shadamy is not a crackship. We got shipping year of Shadow on his birthday.
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i want to be able to have save files for my dreams
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>No ShadowxAmy Generations
Sonadowcanon won
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>sonic gets captured
>the shitty friends decide they need to restore the economy and become an independent nation and only after that will they try to save him
This should happen in IDW.
Life is one big game. Dreams are bonus stages. And
The bed, toilet, and fridge are all save points.
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>Ariem the dream weaver
>Trip the sungazer
>both are guardians
>both are isolated
>both are compared with knuckles
>both have powers that are vague and ill defined
>both are connected to ancient civilizations that had way more power and technology than current

This is suspicious as fuck yet it will never be elaborated on because both their games didn't break records so we aren't gonna see either of them again. Even if Trip could simply leave her island and Tails made it so rather than projecting one's self into Ariam's corner of the dream world made it so she can project herself through the relic to interact with their world in person.


You know why Mario fans don't have rants like these about their characters?! Because Nintendo keeps them fed on a healthy diet of Mario Parties,Karts and Sports titles!!! If we had a Sonic Riders series that included all these characters modern and classic people wouldn't act like this either because even if they're excluded from mainline adventures they still get to show up in the world!! SEGA!!!

Fuck, Fuck!! I hate that I keep getting interested and attached to sonic characters it's not like they're attractive, well written or that good but they have things about them that I really am interested in! I AM NOT TSUNDERE FOR SONIC CHARACTERS AS A WHOLE
Let me guess: M*bius?
Why did Sally dream about marrying knuckles
No, I censored it as to not break a rule
NTA but only rule I can think of is GR15.
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It's always ashame when tsuns can't admit their true feelings.
Why did Sonic?
This dumbfuck fanbase will bitch about the cast's gameplay in frontiers/dream team being too close to sonic but wonder why shadow is so popular
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Good, more of this
Ironically, it looks like they're merging knuckles emerald hunting back into sonic's gameplay
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>This dumbfuck fanbase will bitch about the cast's gameplay in frontiers/dream team being too close to sonic
who did this
Is it wrong that I got a boner
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no, this is normal.
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Should I?
yes, they have animals inside them
Sonic is forcing people to come out
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Sonic Forces (you to be gay)
Team Freedom Fighters
>Sally and Nicole

Team Benched Freedom Fighters

Thoughts on these teams?
Just stop caring about those characters, it's that simple but Sonicfags are just way to obsessed about every single character ever made
by that logic we should only care about sonic, eggman, shadow, amy,knuckles and tails and to a minor extent, rouge, big, vector, silver and blaze who only get to exist because of uwver and uhooo flame kitty flattie! erotic! tsundere! erotic!
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Sonic and Eggman are the only ones that matter.
Team I-care-about-them

All we need from western canon.
Yes, why mald and obsess over characters you never gonna see again
If you like them so much then make some fan content
>All women
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I just saw porn of blaze getting mating press'd by a human followed by amy getting the same treatment I'm angry that made me horny especially before work. I hate /v/ so goddamn much
*nasally voice* what on mobius
why it makes them cute
which thread?
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Sonic and Eggman produce garbage
what if the newfound popularity in Sonic from the movies and upcoming Knuckles show makes Sega reevaluate rejoining the console market? Shut up, let me dream.
Team Vault
The console market is collapsing right now with Microsoft about to drop out and Sony barely hanging on. It'd be another SEGA Saturn
Why the fuck would Fiona team up with Mina and Rotor
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>they start singing about Tails's penis
Nintendo wins again.
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Team Edge

>raise the price of games during an economic downturn
>refuse to lower the price of home consoles mid-cycle
>fewer platform exclusives
>major AAA titles getting one release per-gen due to protracted dev cycles
>younger consumers accustomed to mobile gaming and older consumers shifting to PC (which already has integration with Microsoft's existing catalog)

Just to name a few
they would all try to kill each other
You can't comprehend their love for each other.
what did anon mean by this?
He likes playing Heavy in TF2, and waifus Amy.
Is Lara Su Chronicles ironically better than IDW?
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spent all night thinken about girls again....
Sounds dreadful.
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Archie Sonic went through more trauma and suffering than any other Sonic could imagine. He doesn't fuck around.
Yep, mobile and PC won. Millenials will die with their slop boxes.
How should branching paths work in Sonic games?
Should the top path always be the fastest path?
Should there be routes that are objectively better than others?
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thank you god for tortuing women monthly.... they deserve it....
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Fiona's tobacco flavoured kisses!
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Shut up, faggot
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Even this one?
Find the computer room!
Mina or Fiona....
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You're living a fantasy. There is no Easter Bunny, there is no Tooth Fairy, and there is no Sonic Adventure Remake or Sonic Unleashed PC port!
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I actually don't think branching paths adds anything to the game. If I fail I should just lose time because I have to repeat the section, or just die.

I think it's fine if a section has multiple ways to get through it, and this changes based on character (flying, wall climbing, grinding, etc) but I don't think that "branches" are necessary or enjoyable for multiple characters. Even if you were playing as a specific character, I think I would prefer if that character had a variant of the stage built for their abilities explicitly.
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cute.... cute!!!!
Being send to a lower route feels less punishing than dying on the spot. There's a reason Sonic has the ring system instead of being an one hit kill platfotmer.
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Sega would fuck them up anyway
In the classic games yes, but in modern games you usually just die, which I agree sucks.

I think it'd make more sense to respawn quickly with a smaller penalty instead.
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No, YOU shut up!
Fuck you!
You mean asshole!
Next thread should be #7098
Big Booty Big
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OOC for Espio
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Kek, someone traced my AI slop of Blaze the gyatt, I didn't know it was so good. It's the second most voted "art" of Blaze in weeks next to another one by the same artist (which also contains traced AI art - also made by me) at 621. I won.

women shouldnt write sonic
women shouldnt draw sonic
leftists shouldnt write sonic
leftists shouldnt draw sonic
transgenders shouldnt write sonic
transgenders shouldnt draw sonic
jews shouldnt write sonic
jews shouldnt draw sonic
sonic stuff for this feel?
No kid wants Amy in their happy meal
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botched it
women shouldnt write sonic
Why not, you sexist
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Why can't 3D games also put a lower route below a higher one?
cause you suck at it because you are intellectually inferior than men and write shit, and because you're a woman if anyone criticizes you for writing shit you're either going to double down purely out of spite (typical female behavior) and/or cop out and make excuses to avoid accountability and maybe start crying to manipulate people into feeling bad for you and at the end the story never gets better, you cant even let one try because she's going to continue latching unto sonic like a fucking tumor who doesnt know when to fuck off
sonic the hedgehog content for this feeling?
>typical female behavior
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kek if true, but i wouldn't definitely say that it was traced, especially from you
>intellectually inferior
>and write shit
men can write shit as well
why won't she hump my leg?
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more likely the AI unoriginally copied the same art twice
I'm just using the terms as they are properly, also at least I'm not using pseudonyms to post ai art as legitimate lol.
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post blobians that are made for human men
are you pointing out the irony because i doubled down since the first time i posted that women shouldnt write sonic and havent shut the fuck up since?
well i didnt say that men cant double down and be stubborn, im just explaining that women have a tendency to grossly mismanage situations and act belligerent out of spite if someone offends me rather than take the rational course of action, they instead act STUPID wich benefits NO ONE but because the other side is also getting fucked they're okay with it
spiteful stupid cunts literally destroying society and my fucking sonic because someone asked them to make a sammich while her fiftieth boyfriend got drafted to get his genitals mutilated in ukraine by slavs in a trench because um patriarchy um uhhh lgbt uuhmmmmm let me inject lesbians into sonic and write about my daddy issues this is such good sonic content!!!
men tend to write better stories despite being able to write shit
glowie.snoyence.jew.gov says:
>The average numbers of neocortical neurons were 19 billion in female brains and 23 billion in male brains, a 16% difference.
>In our study, which covered the age range from 20 years to 90 years, approximately 10% of all neocortical neurons are lost over the life span in both sexes.
Nah, in order to get THAT blaze, you need to combine a bunch of specific loras and prompts, I guess he used the same AI art I had posted in Civtai (where you can also use the same prompts to generate similar art).
Honestly i would be surprised if i find out that most artist DON'T use AI slop for their art.
AI can make good imitations of the art, but it fucks up small details like hands or some background looking weird. If you can trace overall shape and edit out all the weird mistakes you will get some nice looking art
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sorry i make typos when im fuming cause im in constant seethe mode cause im such a sex crazed incel
fuck evan fuck flynn fuck sega fuck 2010s fuck zeti fuck wisp fuck mania fuck classic shitters fuck iizuka fuck the usa fuck sonic
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Did anyone get a change to play the SxS Gens demo?
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sorry i was too busy fuming at life and god because i havent had sex cause im such a sex crazed incel and shadow is going to lose his faggy wings in the very same game he got them in because we cant have cool things anymore tmnt barney mlp mickey mouse clubhouse franchise for ship faggots who jerk off to horse porn
you know what im fucking stupid, this is a kids franchise, women should write sonic
fuck sonic and fuck my faggot ass for caring about it
only women should write sonic
im so mad cause i dont get pussy grrrr im so sex crazedd
fuck evan fuck flynn fuck iizuka fuck sega fuck sonic
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no they can't
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ok so when are we getting that Whisper filter?
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>tfw Sonurge is more popular than Sonangle
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females must suffer....
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Sonurge is perfection.
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>Espio doesn't know who Tangle is
>Vector is into Vanilla
>Espioyume isn't real
>Blaze is like a sister to Silver
Can you really call it the Espio bowl if only Silver is capable of winning it? It's kind of a predetermined outcome, the only way Silver doesn't get with Espio is if Espio remains single.
>Blaze is like a sister to Silver
Sure, Sonaze bro...
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so angry
Espio is like Shadow where he's no interested in dating in the first place. He's all about his grind
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Sonic characters for this feel?
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Just got around to reading part 4. Why is Heavy King laughing here? What's so funny? Is he being sarcastic? Am I missing something?
maria the bbc slut as written by a strong powerful swedish female cop woman who doesnt need no man and has her house paid for and owns her car and drinks lots of vodka and cats
I think it's Sonic laughing
>drinks lots of vodka and cats
shit comic for kindergarteners
shit franchise
you know what i meant
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Now that could be mistaken for Sonic
Silver's the one who called Blaze his friend.
>You're my friend... Right?
>hur dur no second chances
its eggman and this whole story is retarded
they should have just put him to sleep and axed him if they wanted to be humane
they should have KILLED the eggman with a headchop and then neo metal would have reincarnated him with the emerald as eggette
shit franchise
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That makes no sense. Sonic isn't there yet.
That pretty much goes for all of the main male characters
Romance was never the focus to begin with
shit character
shit comic
shit writers
shit games
shit music
shit fans
its all shit
>"Next time though, consider yourself a paperweight buddy..."
Sex with this one
why is SONIC getting attached to a ROBOT
Tangle would never cheat on Whisper.
Whisper on the other hand...
Surge was right.
everyone is wrong cause its a shit comic writen by a fat ginger bitch who cant figure out her own gender and caters to the mentally ill
but at least she has sex and i dont!@!!!!!!!!
shit franchsie
Tangle likes to watch.
A Shadikal fic I stumbled on
>Shadow gets sent to the past in a experiment
>Mixes in some archie echidna stuff
>Shadow is anemic during most of it
>Tikal gets tortured far too many times
>Enerjak comes in and trounces both Black Doom and Shadow at the same time
>Then Hyper Shadow beats him up
Crazy ass ride.
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hmmmm, questionable consent under brainwashing and hypnosis
shit characters
fuck i shoulsnt have wokn up today
how do we kill all shipfaggots?
Sex with that rabbit
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Only DTM.
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I have returned, and so is Daily Spankings
Make everyone siblings or parents
shipfaggots love inceset retard
Not me, I'm not from Alabama.
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Good morning. I (Espio's human wife) love my beautiful husband.
>Espioyume isn't real
I love incest and I hate shipping.
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Cute ship.
Would you stop posting this as though Sonic letting Eggman and Metal go didn't cause the Metal Virus arc in the first place, or that killing Eggman and Metal wouldn't have prevented the Metal Virus arc from happening?
Sonic did the wrong thing, he even made a bad future that Silver had to undo.
Would you get the irony?
Cut off all effeminate aspects of the series
No more tiptoeing on romantic shit, kill it
women no longer have a main focus
Shounen roots, focus on THAT
It wouldn't kill off shipping completely, but it would certainly improve things
You can never be too sure here.
This is my favorite ship. Every time I see it my heart goes "yeah this is good for them, this is endgame".
To be fair, Eggman didn't account for the Deadly Six to appear on the surface and command the zombots to accelerate the spread of the virus world wide.
This is a "I can't believe they got away" laugh.
post the edit
Starline wouldn't have brought the Deadly Six if the Metal Virus didn't exist.
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Sonicbros, are we Depressednic?
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>found my holy grail after all this time
>inside was just a drop of water
>find the rest in a normal glass sitting on the counter
Flynn tried to kill Sonamy but was ultimately rejected. If that doesn't tell you that ship is powerful, then I don't know what will.
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of course
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He's the only winner in all of this
What I'm saying is that Starline brought about the metal planet future; the Egg future would still exist if it weren't for him.
that's no Xspio
that's Heroespio
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The X production staff were able to get the Heroes models early while it was in production. And the first episode the Chaotix appear, Heroes was released in Japan.
Starline bringing the Zeti is just part of the future Sonic caused.
The specific action that caused the bad future that Silver saw after Forces was Sonic letting Eggman go.
That lead to him being kidnapped, having his memories restored, creating the Metal Virus, Starline bringing the Zeti and the virus consuming the entire world.
Amy redeems Zamasu by convincing him to give humans a second chance.
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It's been glaringly obvious that X was the dumping ground for their internal ideas for the games. It makes the absence of a Heroes arc all the more jarring since the Chaotix were only brought back to help solve the Neo Metal Sonic case but in X they reuninite Cream and her mom.
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I can see what you mean, especially with how both Heroes and X bring back Shadow with no memory, but handle it differently. While a heroes adaptation would have been cool, i prefer how things turned out. We got a few fun and original stories out of it. It's more memorable than the rough adaptations of the adventure games we got(Though I prefer the sa2 story told in X over the game)
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/sthg/ world, what really grinds your gear about the Sonic franchise?
Archie comics.
Not the comics itself, just its fandom.
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Post-2006 Sonic design
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Elitists who believe their perspective is the ultimate truth. I hate gamefags that shit on the comics for no good reason while the games are not even that good or consistent lore-wise.
Silly to have a robot do that, I think.
Archie fans. Really put the fan in fanatic.
The absolute refusal to recreate the classic game physics in 3D. Even when whitehead gave them a custom engine to work in 3d, they made superstars instead.
Westernshit comics will never be equal to the games and deserve all the hate.
And yet the good future came through the Annihilation of the Virus, not Eggman.
Ok deluded gamefag
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>"I'll pop your balloon!"
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oh wow
I have a feeling Stanley wanted the Comic to be its own continuity as opposed to follow the games events; setting Eggman up to be an invader from another world and there was never any other humans on the planet. That way she and the other artists don't have to worry about the conflicting human designs over the years and have to remain faithful to all of them (which is why it may have been mandatory for them to have a 3d modeler on board).
Should've disabled everything below its head.
>t. troon
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>have a feeling Stanley wanted the Comic to be its own continuity as opposed to follow the games events
Because it was supposed to be non-canon
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Why did they decide to backtrack and make the comics canon?
It's adorable how Bean cares so much for Bark's safety.
Brand unity
The Virus wouldn't have been created if it wasn't for Sonic letting Eggman go, they inarguably cut things way too close.
Killing Eggman gets you a good future too and much easier, he'll be dead in 200 years time anyway.
It's canon adjacent at best.
No, it's canon
You're adorable.
Cope holy shit
No, I'm not. There's nothing endearing or enticing about me.
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Boost gameplay.
It has lead to the absolute death of level design and level interaction.
I also fucking despise that it causes a distortion to the level music - usually the best part of the games - made worse by the fact that you're intended to hold Boost the entire fucking time. God fucking dammit.
D'awwwww look they are kissing isn't that cute
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she should suffer....
Archie Characters created by each writer

Mike Gallagher: 59
Angelo DeCesare: 15
Ken Penders: 250
Karl Bollers: 63
Frank Strom: 11
Dan Slott: 27
Romy Chacon: 6
Ian Flynn: 189
Evan Stanley: 4
>ecelebs share contrarian opinions that people here share
>still makes 4cucks seethe
the charges officer?
how can i make that renard kid less of a wimp?
Force him to eat worms.
Renard versus Earthworm Jim?
Hedgehogs and t*nrecs should not be allowed to date.
What r u talking about
Sonadow is the best Sonic the Hedgehog ship easily
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>Guide Auto-Fi to the end!
There's a reason why its called the world's most way past cool comic
The Sonic games like SA2 feel like they are way more way past cool than the comics in feeling desu despite that this was never their tagline
First I'm hearing about comicSHIT being canon. Far as I'm concerned, if it doesn't appear in the games, it's not canon. Anything said by fags at IDW or Sonic Team doesn't really matter until it bleeds into the games.
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Groovy! Well done!
Tangle isn't in Frontiers but was mentioned. She was called a freedom fighter in sonic forces mobile. So basically, a freedom fighter is technically canon but not the Knothole Freedom Fighters.
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What are the best sagas/arcs from the IDW comics that are worth reading?
My honest opinion: Metal Virus, Scrapnik Island, Neo Metal arc, Imposter Syndrome.
I think if you come in with medium expectations, the whole of the comic is alright at minimum, but pretty good at best.
They should both date humans.
Keep expectations low when dealing qith one shots stories, except the Claasic onea that are nice.
Nothing beside Scrapnik. The comic is total dogshit.
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Yes! He won
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I LOVE Straight Shotacon, SOO MUCH
Try individual issues next time.
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Sonic characters with this feel?
This series probably needs a ground zero reboot and for people who actually care about the series to join Sonic Team to be saved
Surge should date Sonic Man and Sonic should date Surge Woman.
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I need to have sex with him and also marry him and have sex with him forever.
>this series needs a reboot
Tried 2 times, doesn't work
Whats the name for male cunny?
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wild and silly
So what exactly would "Classic Shadow" gameplay be anyway? You can already use Time Stop with a chaos emerald in Superstars (among other things).
Give me the edge give me the darkness i am just obsessed with it
homing attack or something idk
Sex with underaged mobian boys
How different would Sonic's character be if he was an adult. In general.
Not at all.
>Surge Woman
Drawfags pls
Just use ai
>Homing Attack
Sonic can do that with an Emerald Power in Superstars.
Surge Woman is black
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>Shadamy because of SA2
Dude they had O N E interaction together, what the fuck do you meeeean??
Sonic but he can hover like Blaze does in Rush.

Not exactly a glowing recommendation there. If mediocrity is the best that I can expect from these comics, then I might as well not even bother with them.
Is it okay that Kratos character got changed in 2018, even though God of War creator David Jaffe didn't like the decision. This isn't about quality of the character, more so the idea of changing it in the first place. Because I want to see how this applies to Sonic.
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It's just blackface.
I didn't played god of war after the ps3 one
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Surge looks better without that thing on her face.
Surge Woman is Indian.
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How would you introduce the Metarex in the main series?
Even Sega thinks we're toxic.
This can't be real.
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It's from one of the many leaked sega slides.
What am I looking at?
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Whisper... why are you hanging out with Blaze and Silver...
>Toxicity level of the community
What does that mean?
Not sure why you're surprised, Sonic fans have a dogshit reputation.
It means what it means.
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>Chao guardians
Tikal is getting her chao gacha.......but its a Netflix exclusive
Monkey paw'd!
Literally "the Sonic community is fucking wild so we have to be extra careful with them compared to other IPs"
Which is, of course, correct.
This happened before she was superglued to Tangle's ass.
We're a bunch of schizos
It means the community is full of degenerates, autists, chuds, schizos, retards, haters, etc. You name it.
Surge after correction.
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surge moments before correction
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So no gameplay ideas for Classic Shadow or has Superstars effectively given it through Emerald Powers?
>even SEGA knows Sonic fans are shit
This explains why they're so desperate to appeal to normies. The fanbase is not worth listening to.
then I got nothing
>Steam Summer Sale has come
What game will you buy, anon?
Surge was built to be sexually abused
>What? You wanted a Chao Gacha didn't you?
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Nothing, since the day steam dollarized the prices in my country a yearr ago i haven't spend a penny on it, getting games here is impossible now
I only pirate stuff
Gaben you reduced me to this!
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Ace Attorney.
>the next mobile slop is football shit
Who the fuck asked for this?
So like an air dash? Already an Emerald power for that in Superstars.

Probably Dark Souls. Gonna see what the hub bub is with that.
Based pirate and Fi poster.
None, my backlog is too big and forever growing.
Ive said before that they are attempting to replace the current fandom with a more tame one.
.........but that takes all the fun away.................
Then I hope they don't succeed.
Steam Summer sale is going on and Frontiers Deluxe is $24. Do I grab?
why deluxe
Hey, didn't sega had rule about female characters that said they couldn't have whiskers tufts because it was the mobian form a mustache?
I mean we're talking about IDW, but still.
Espio x Rouge
What extra stuff do you get from Deluxe?
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>Fiona... I watched you aside! I didn't stick up for you before - but I won't repeat the same mistake again!
The reason I don't pirate games is because I don't want to lose my memories of them, having achievements and screenshots neatly organized makes it harder to forget about them. Maybe I should start pirating them again, since its just not working that well. Well that, and Steam and Epic are way more convenient than piracy.
some memory tokes for amy, keys, gears, leather shoes and gloves for Sonic and digital ost and artbook
Doesn't sound all that interesting. Standard is just $20
>achievements and screenshots
You need to be 18+ to use 4chan, kiddo.
Dark Souls isn't on sale (WTF) but Sekiro is. Bros, what am I in for?
Fiona's fox pheromones are overpowering your senses. You can't trust her.
save it for gas or something like that
I actually had $22 in my steam wallet from selling tf2 skins
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i just bought Sparks 3 instead of Sonic Frontiers
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I just bought Superstars and 3D Blast
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Can you guys buy Mario and Luigi Brothership next?
I really want that game to be a success.
Just bought SA2.
I have enough money left for either SA1 or Lost World. So, your recommendation?
This just means they're ugly women with an unshaven womenstache
I hate Sparks level design
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SA1 and it's not close. Don't even look at Lost World.
Then download the BetterSADX mod.
Sonic looks like some weird mutant cross between Modern and American Classic.
just turned on sonic advance 3

what level should i play
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i dont own a nintendo console and i never will
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Her reboot design is better but I liked the cheek tufts
Cute pic but why are minas breasts so massive
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Sonic characters for this feel?
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A projectile? He had Chaos Spear as part of his moveset in 06 and Shadow Generations seems to feature it heavily.
But the reboot design has

the stripe
Reminder that Sonic having serious stories was always agreed to be a mistake. Sonic games have always been about a cartoon blue hedgehog who fights a fat evil scientist, not about le epic OCs with shitty gameplays and CRAWLING IN MY SKIN plots like SA2 and Shadow and 06
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Bratty tenrec, needs correction.
is that mina ripping fiona'sclothes off so tails from sonic advanced can surprise sex her
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>wake up
>see this

wat do
SA1 and SA2 are fine though, things only got questionable with Shadow and 06 and both were hampered by their own respective reasons.
I kill you.
Tails and Shadow are so lucky man
>>"What you you see is what you get, just a dumb cunt who loves when guy's kick the shit out of me and spit on me and piss in my mouth. I Surge the dumb cum dump!"
take my meds, im obviously having another dementia episode
grab mina's face and start kissing her
its ok because she did the same thing to sonic
I like "I'm what you get when the stars align" better than "I'm what you get when the stars collide".
this artist really did a good job of keepimg mina's mono eye but still making her face look like some how to draw manga shit and i love it
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Here's your meta era, sir
why its called the Meta era
I go past them to fuck Bunnie right in front of Antoine
I had a long winded fanfic idea that Mina was Sally's "Tails".
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All in on self referential (mostly self-defacing) humour to try and get youtubers on their side.
Is frontiers worth giving a try? I saw it for $20. Haven’t played a 3D Sonic since Unleashed so I wasn’t sure
So many problems in this series are just infighting with fans with no relation to the games or series as a whole. It's all opinion based with no objective reasoning.
After Meta Knight from Kirby.
It's pretty chill fun
Personally, I find this backwards. IMO, SA1 Tails > SA2 Tails.

I like SA1 "Believe in Myself" better. I like Mechless Tails with the gameplay incentive of "RACE SONIC, BE FASTER THAN THE FASTEST THING ALIVE" because it reinforces his classic role and why his name is "Miles Prower", and I like how his arc is executed overall. I will say that bits of SA2 Tails from a narrative perspective, like the fake Chaos Emerald thing with it causing Sonic's "death", to be very great additions, though.

But overall, SA2 Tails being stuck in the mech feels like a massive disservice to his character in a way that did serious damage. It creates the image that Tails' ability to fight is reliant on the Mech, completely overwriting every single previous appearance. This bled over into Sonic X, introducing entire generations of fans to a Tails that never fights without the Mech. Then in the post-06, Solo Sonic Meta Era, Tails' "uselessness" coincides with all of this to create a version of Tails in everyone's minds that is just a mechanic and nothing more, completely weak and frail without the Mech or some sort of Tech to hide behind.

SA2 Tails is WRITTEN very competently as a major contributing and active factor on the Hero side, but the surface-level fact that Tails is in the Cyclone with the Mech-Shooter gameplay completely destroyed that very narrative for the foreseeable future. SA1 was the last real time where Tails resembled his classic self in a 3D game with the emphasis on using his Flight to race Sonic through the levels. The last real time where players are in control of a Tails whose abilities center around Flight and fighting with his own physical capabilities, in a 3D game.

Heroes stuck the Fly-Types in the tower form, and Tails' only attack otherwise is the Dummy Rings, which return in '06 in-place of his Tail Swipe. And now in Frontiers, he throws Wrenches and is the only one without a homing attack. SA2 is where this all started.
It's great tool for learning how to create mods for games. It's a shit game however.
>t. Zoomer who owns a switch
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It's actually pretty good.
FINALLY an actually decent core 3!
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ackshually I'm a zillenial.
"always agreed" by who?
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Sex teraphy
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this is real
The most I've ever done with AI is take colors. Otherwise I don't want it tainting my work.

No anon. The term you are looking for is referenced the proportions and poses
Yes, i remember clapping during this scene
Games were self-aware in such a way that it was afraid to be sincere like it used to be in order to avoid being "cringe" and getting ridiculad by Youtubers.
Good they fixed Shadow square head
sonic 3 merchandise leak inbound
I'm fine with it when ocs outshine canon characters am I alone
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Sonic characters with this feel?
thanks for the reference poses
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Chin up Surge
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Ugandan Knuckles.
Surge would mop the floor with him
That's illegal.
Ugh........ i love him.... I need some elias draw ideas
Elias kissing Sonia
Silver should've slapped Amy after she slapped him in 06.
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bro she even said please do not repost...
He would literally scrap the metal virus off her with no mercy just so he could have it
nta but theres like no good sonamy art maybe she shouldn't be into such a niche crackship if she doesn't want it reposted
Sonamy Channel should stop calling any ship he doesn't like a crackship. Crackship isn't even an insult.
I hope you are being ironic
I thought AI was trash for learning drawing, I bunch of butthurt 'artists' were shitting on that premise the other day.
Technically speaking, sonamy is a crackship itself.
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If only Eggman wasn't a evil (actually just butt hurt over a dead girl) the metal virus would be a benefit just look at what a perfected augmented version did to Surge&Kit

How characters react to Silver's flirting:
Blaze rolls her eyes, because she already heard it multiple times
Whisper feels too embarrassed and slowly puts her mask on
Jewel politely gives him a fake phone number
Surge laughs her ass off and then beats the shit out of him
Tikal tells Silver she has to use the restroom and then goes back to the Master Emerald
It works on Tangle
Espio just wants to chill and not give a fuck
Nah I don't even like sonamy but its the best ship to the developers and many fans.
Child Elias and Sally having a tea party. They never got to know eachother as children so I thought it would be sweet.
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Zeena the Zeti.

What do you think?
Kek I know he used to go to bed I tears
What if they kissed?
I think it's trash for learning how to draw yeah, but I know your ape brain can't understand that not all artists are the same.
Her hips are fucking insane and it’s the only cutscene in 2010s Sonic that is ingrained into me that isn’t the baldy mcnose hair scene
She's cool and pretty I guess would fuck
Ok third rate artist
Whose better Ian Flynn or Pontaff
That moment where she whips around and you can briefly see her butt
I'm not an artist. I just know compartmentalizing groups of people into a subset of specific behaviors and beliefs of people is something sjw trannies do.
At the very least Ian is familiar with the material.
I'm not sure what she would've said or done if Sonic just left it at the half hearted apology he gave.
Lanolin and Rouge would have to get out her way
She didn't slap him though? She just challenged his worldview
So did Eggman invent tech that resists zeti mind control already?
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movie shadow leaked
I don't want the opinion of a bypasser.
I'm being isonic
Ian Flynn you've got this you can do amazing things on Shadow Generations I believe in you
Aging male feminists with zero game adopting anti-flirting zoomer rhetoric is so fucking cringe.
No but the technology to block there emp wave is already a thing so why he doesn't install it to his goofy ass robots is beyond me
There was a painting I'd a Minas back with a wide ass and Avery detailed muscular body and I cannot find it
It's more or less the issue characters devolved by Sonic Team and no-one else.
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>Lanolin when her son from the future tells her that Shadow is the father
>"Did your dad give you gun training? Yeah? Good."
Sonic much changed aside from getting a yellow muzzle and fixing his eye markings
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That's so nice of you to say Anon remember everyone rooting for you too :)
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Does it means that Lanolin cucked Blaze?
>"Hey! You're not Sonic!" *slap*
You're a fucking idiot.
Thoughts on Silvaze?
the sonic 1&2 soundtrack isn't enough. has anybody from this fandom been neurodiverse enough to produce a fandom-quality sonic 3 & knuckles soundtrack, in lieu of an official effort from sega.
I was thinking of when she stopped him from killing Sonic. Yeah you're right.
>sthg having a power of friendship moment

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I don't like how this is looking so far but fuck it
something something fist bump, you are shitting on me and i'm shitting on you
I don't get it Has Shadow ever interacted with the IDW girls?
At first I liked it until sthg made me hate it
....was she designed by Sonic Team?
If so, then there's a good chance we may see her again.
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I like Sonaze better because it has Sonic in it and everything that has Sonic in it is better.
Mina when no a
What could have been the fun game version of Sonic and Sally got ruined by mommywife crap that hurts both characters.
So they didn't really make much changes from the movie 2 stinger?
Ive been using sthg for years you presumptuous little troon
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/sthg/ collectively running out a content Anon for no reason
how am I supposed to like it if these two aren't even from the same place nor time
>Shadow Generations lets you slow down time
>Sonic 06 lets you slow down time (with the red gem)
Interesting, guess 06 had some ideas. The game really had potential.
Which one of you faggots is Boruto's dad?
Theyre star crossed lovers (they could rekindle at any time but Sonic is a dick and he would rather just hint about it without telling them anything)
/sthg likes to play favorites to be honest
There is no reason for blaze to be in the future Sega was just retconning shit
Serious stories in Sonic is good. And Archie is the continuity that delves the deepest into that, which is why I have an affinity with it.
Silvaze is Shipnic approved.
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>e-dick measurement competition for how much time you've spent in this shithole
Pic rel. it's you.
Ian :)
Probably the best example of tell don't show in the main series.
Mobius 25YL = Boruto
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Leaked package of a Sonic 3 toy. If this isn't fake, it may be our first look at Shadow since the post-credits.
>m-my dilator got covered in feces again!
>Someone called me out on being a socially impotent tranny!
What is Lara-su chronicles then?
if shadows movie muzzle is that piss color and not copper like sa2 shadow I will be let down
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>>m-my dilator got covered in feces again!
>>Someone called me out on being a socially impotent tranny!
Dark Mobius
Jim Carrey its still on this movie i see
Forming a unhealthy bond with Ian!
Blaze is in 06's future because Silver can't actually win against Iblis.
He can't kill it and he can't seal it within himself.
Boruto is gay?
Of course Robotnik and Stone still haven't fuck on screen yet
Should I see a therapist about my deepening love for Amy in the hopes I can be cured, or do you think that some things a man has to take to his grave?
boy cunny = bunny
They could have easily introduced a new character to act as a sacrifical scapegoat and never be seen again. but nooooo, we must ruin the timeline.
>ruin the timeline.
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Blaze was in rush in 2005. Why was she in the future in 2006?
Imagine if they had given Silver a Tails that permanently died in 06 for him
Amybros... Rougebros...
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Nah probably basically Naruto adopts a cyborg with god powers cause they share the same trauma it backfires and the kid becomes obsessed with him
The Sonic timeline is beyond fucked at this point. There are far too many contradictory things that are considered "canon." The blaze issue, two worlds, superpowers, comic and prime shit that is OOC and doesn't fit anywhere, the moon, separating classic. You're not gonna unfuck this
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males don't have cunnies....
I hate it so much. I schizopost about how stupid and unworkable Silver/ Blaze is at least once a week. I'm probably the reason this guy
>>483733909 hates it.

It's worse, it's "show then tell".

>*does literally anything*
>we're so in sync haha

Literally any pairing between any other Core 5 member or their supporting cast is better than this. Yet everyone needs to go out of their way to tell me how fucking special Silvaze is.

There are crackships with more substance than this.

This is the fundemental problem. Blaze in '06 is simply not Blaze. The canon doesn't make sense and she's written as another character. Silver literally became another character in canon (reintroduced in Colors) and characterization (UwUver). The basis if their relationship is purely textual and based on characters that don't exist in canon nor in writing.

It just annoys me just thinking about it.
Would they be on par with him in terms of strength?
They could've just not invented Iblis, Mephiles or Solaris.
Sol Emeralds
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Is this Ian Flynn you and retards on Twitter talk about?
What about the people that like Silvaze? I think they deserve to be able to like it. I don't care which ships are objectively good or bad, I just ship what I want.
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>They've fucked up so badly people have more respect for Ken Penders now
You are a gold mine of laughs.
Yeah Silver seems like the type to only team up with a heavy hitter no weaklings even uwuver would be like this
You can argue that every character in 06 is written like another character
No chemistry. Forced.
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blaze has 1 friend and 1 ship and its cream
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What would Silver think of this...
>Blaze in '06 is simply not Blaze. The canon doesn't make sense and she's written as another character. Silver literally became another character in canon (reintroduced in Colors) and characterization (UwUver). The basis if their relationship is purely textual and based on characters that don't exist in canon nor in writing.
It didn't occur to me until reading this that 06 Silver and Blaze only exist for one game and ceased to exist as characters afterwards, and I feel like I took mental damage from the implications of this. Modern Silver and Blaze are stuck to each other despite only wearing the skin of characters that looked like them, how horrifying
you mean marine
Uwuver would fawn over Whisper
Rivalsver would side with Surge
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Silver shippers are mostly women and women fundamentally twist and turn characters into a mockery of themselves, its perfectly A ok to complain about them
Silver training the diamond cutters arc
The movies, IDW, and prime are the new norm, get used to it
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Can you draw him as either Paul Atreides, or a Mentant from 1980s Dune, please?
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I spent a whole day ai generating a self-insert story where I date and then marry all 3 at once.
Elias kissing Silver
uwuvwr would keep a mental note of Surge tho dodging while in such a delirious state is impressive
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>the stripe
That's fucking cringe bro. Not for AI generating a story or self-insert fanfiction or roleplaying and whatever, but because haremshit is poison to the soul. Be faithful.
I know, i should have made the butt bigger and sweatier......im sorry....
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kills them on accident
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He would talk to Sonic about his wife stealing Whisper's Wisps.
>underhanded desperation attack made by seething normal
>effortlessly dodged and countered with her hand in her pocket
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>mental damage

That's what I'm saying, man. I got hit by this when Generations came out and Blaze mentioned remembering Crisis City. I felt like my brain short-circuited when I realized how insane the Blaze/ Silver/ Nega situation is.
I think it's a mistake
That's why Surge is based and Whisper is cringe. I don't understand why there are 0 ships between the two
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>butt bigger and sweatier

Please don't say things like this I'm trying to be abstinence
Blaze/Silver/Nega situation makes sense to me
As much as I feel bad for Whisper I can't lie that was pretty bad ass of Surge
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this >>483738124 but like picrel
Destroying Metal Sonic wouldn't have stopped the future where the Metal Virus existed from happening. Starline would have succeeded eventually, just later.
Sure, Ian, sure.
So powerful it's not allowed to exist.
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06 Blaze isn't the real Blaze, they really tried to retcon her character to make her subservient to a failed shill, that is why ill always trashtalk Leechver and his failed game
The inconsistency
>love Shadamy
>hate humanization
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should knuckles be sally
>setting Eggman up to be an invader from another world and there was never any other humans on the planet.
Where are you getting this from?
You personally only seeing 06 Blaze as subsevient to Silver is your own problem, Blaze didn't do shit because 06 is a badly written and un-focused mess
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>Ian Flynn: 189
That doesn't sound right. Where are these numbers coming from?
I'm ambivalent to Sonamy myself (because Amy is my waifu) but if Flynn tried to kill it, it's because he just wants to do far worse to her character. Flynn and co. want to turn Amy into another boring girlboss without deeper emotions, whose feminine traits are diminished. To this end, having a crush on Sonic is seen as her being too "reliant" on a male character. Modern western writers don't understand that you can have a strong and competent female who is also kind and passionate, and emotionally invested in people she cares about.
>Far as I'm concerned
You're not in charge of anything so it doesn't matter what you think.
Don't kid yourself. You're a Sonic fan, mediocrity is all you've known.
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So Honey do's not have the personality of fohting vipers honey because that's just an assumption gleaned by fans
Yeah, mid ships are usually bigger.
Dunno, just a presumption.

Still humans will be a non-factor as the artists wanted to pay homage to all of the OCs in the Sonic community.
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They want Shadow
I don't like the ship either but I would never want for it to be decanonized. Sonamy fans deserve the stuff they are getting from the games, the original creators of the characters are on board with it too. I guess this goes both ways now. They tried to kill SonAlly a few times in Archie, and now the same has happened to Amy. Most of the attempts seem to have failed.
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Its the truth though, he was made to be the next Shadow before even taking into account how the fanbase would receive him, now Blaze can't even use the villain she debuted with because the retcons make him not worth using
Tails can fire little tornadoes with an Emerald Power.
Knuckles throws projectile punches with an Emerald power.
Amy throws hammers with an Emerald Power.

That shit is covered in Superstars.
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>children's book
>game that also says he is from the future
With how out of the way Knux's plot is in SA2 because it's just get the ME shards again, I can see Tails and Amy getting more screen-time than Him. Plus, the show probably made up for the lack, and Tails needs more after Knux took most of his screen-time previous.
You read my >>483738124 mind.
06 Blaze is such an anomaly.
>best controlling character in the game, no contest
>has the least amount of playtime out of all the characters, even Amy
>no one but Silver acknowledges her existence, not even Sonic
>is one of only two characters in 06 to remember 06, the other being Sonic
>is one of only two characters in 06 to die on screen to half of Solaris, the other being Sonic
>is the only playable character in 06 to not get their own segment in the last episode
>all of her later appearances with Silver are defined by them being together in 06
>Blaze being in 06 fucks with the minds of fans to this very day, almost 20 years after release
>thanks to her absorbing Iblis, Blaze is arguably immortal
I think we should be open to non-canon spinoffs that take the characters in wild directions, the way Batman and Wolverine get to do.
Sonally, despite being limited to archie, got a marriage, kids, 200 arcs dedicated to fleshing it out.
Sonamy doesn't really have that. Sonamy has people chuckling in interviews about them dating, twitter takeovers. Sometimes they're printed together on a valentines card? Oh and they go on offscreen dinner dates??
I feel like there should be an AU where sonamy is fully explored.
Sonamy, all things considered, is harmless and serves Amy's character far better than the people who want to kill it off definitively, like I said in my previous post. Often, the motivations of people who want to kill off Sonamy are just so that they can get away with completely warping Amy as a character or so that they can peddle something far worse for Sonic himself. Sally was a gigantic mistake and her impact on Archie Sonic's character was wholly negative.
I agree. They can have their cake and eat it by having alternative continuities and stuff like that like Marvel
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Yes, retcons are the issue, that is what im saying
the secret is that they barely fucking think about what they write and the sonic franchise has zero care put into actual storytelling and the primary drive is just ripping off other successful franchises
I disagree, and don't want to talk about it. I just saw a relation there and wanted to point it out.
He's been writing Sonic comics for nearly 20 years, they stack up, especially considering a lot of these were made for the reboot where he was globetrotting in the Unleashed arc.
Also keep in mind that this list was probably gathered from a Sonic wiki and that they'll count the most minor of characters with a name
Sonic-related media having bare minimum lore consistency challenge: IMPOSSIBLE
Sonamy is like a Tom and Jerry dynamic, it's not a "will they, won't they", the humor inherently comes from the chase and the way they act. It's fun and cartoony, you can't really treat it like a normal relationship because these characters are not normal people. They're weirdos and they have a weirdo cartoon relationship where Sonic runs fast and Amy tries to keep up.
>Is it okay that Kratos character got changed in 2018
It didn't get changed, he just further developed. People who usually say this ignore that he was able to develop fatherly attachment to someone again. Jaffe is an idiot, he said "I don't want these characters to grow", despite having Kratos grow in his own story. He's just salty it wasn't him that did it.
it's weird that the only active sonic au right now is the movies and everything else is officially canon.
other franchises that dare call themselves a franchise are juggling like 30 continuities right now.
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Why post that image then when one of the sources is tertiary at best and the other one is part of that retcon. Honestly you could probably make an image of the 2012 3DS badge saying he's from Blaze's world and Tails saying he's from a future and that'd help your point more because those are both in the same game.
>the humor inherently comes from the chase and the way they act.
I understand what you're telling me but this genuinely only applies to about 14 years ago and no further than that. I wouldn't even know how to describe Amy and Sonic's dynamic in lost world onward.
Little girls like both. Shadamy's base is mostly female.
I remember becoming a fan of it back when I was around 12 or something because I thought Amy was cute and I self inserted into Shadow
Well I guess. But he's a different character now due to his development. I just thought there was a parallel, though not exact, that could be drawn between changes to Sonic's character that had been made in the past, to Kratos. The creator disagrees with the choice of developing Kratos in this way, but the fans reject him because they like the new direction. Something different occurs with Sonic, where it is more mixed the reception, and the creators haven't really said much about the different variations of the characters that exist. Some people hold the perspective that the creator should have the final say on what the direction of a character would be.
Now this is a doctor I would seek
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I like it because it gives Bulgeta / Saske x Sakura vibes and frees Sonic from the burden of the fan girl.
i self insert as sally acorn and sometimes lanolin
That's because they're trying to hide it because people complained and wanted them to act 'normal' despite the characters not being designed for that at all. Personally this series has been so dead for the past decade (it has only gotten 2 (two) mainline titles since 2014) that it's hard to take time seriously. You still see them act the way they used to in things like Channel, and Forces tried a little (Amy surprising Sonic by yelling out his name in that one cutscene) but it'd be nice to have a competently-written main game again.
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My main issue with it is that you claimed you drew it. Just admit you used AI
Sonic is too much like an american comic book IP where every game lead by a different person is forced into a pot of shit they call a canon
Those thighs can save lives
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I self insert as Sonic which is probably why I don't like Sonamy all that much. It breaks the illusion of Sonic as being some infallible guy, and shows that he sometimes isn't perfect. It ruins the power fantasy of being a supersonic hedgehog. Sonamy fans probably if they self insert at all, do so as Amy. That seems like a much more flattering position to put yourself as in the chasing dynamic.
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I'm faithful to the harem.
amy rose with heavy eyeliner wearing a high cut dress and strappy heels
i will pretend you're sonic from now on
They should just DBS it and have the games and comics do their own thing and then SEGA only ever pays attention to the games because the comic is doo doo dogshit
He wrote it anon
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I the most powerful poster on /sthg/ just spent $200 of my work bonus on Sonic games.
I refuse to self insert because I respect the characters. I want to honor who they are so I seek out and embrace what makes them different from me.
The lack of humans is editorial/Sega directed. It has nothing to do with the writers.
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i think the games should focus more on putting sonic and his friends through absolute hell. I loved watching him struggle in frontiers but it wasn't enough.
I need to see them mindfucked, tortured. Make it a nightmare just to get to the other side with a smile.
Amy please...we're in public.
Probably but if so it's counting separate entries for different versions of the same characters, not to mention ones who don't have a name too.
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Not in the comic.
Calm down Ian
Self inserting as any character is cringe. You aren't them, you're you. Just make your own character and go from there, it's not that hard and it's way fuckin cooler.
>Sonamy fans deserve the stuff they are getting from the games
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The scene where Sonic is covered in the goop but still manages to pull out a smile and move forward despite his obvious pain is the best scene in the game
Probably because he doesn't open his mouth but still
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Good night.
>sonic covered in goop
>It breaks the illusion of Sonic as being some infallible guy, and shows that he sometimes isn't perfect. It ruins the power fantasy of being a supersonic hedgehog.
The "fantasy" of SonAmy is that (You) are SO GOD-TIER COOL that your dream waifu is literally throwing herself at you, yet being so cool also makes you "above" such things because you've let go your earthly tether and become wind
Sounds like a Silver game to me.
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I think hell shouldn't be in the games but there should be hell allegories. I think the cute designs of the characters should be purposefully used to juxtapose the dark nature of the setting.
I think the death of Maria should have set the stage of the future of the franchise. One where it's not a safe fantasy world you want to live in, but ultimately still visually welcoming.
It should still carry the general vibe of being cool, action-heavy heightened reality with little focus on interpersonal drama but I want a sense of dread, especially towards the end of the game.
When Dark Gaia looms I want to hear that he once killed billions. I want to hear about the families of the people who died as a result of the solaris project. I think the Koco could have been more explicit.
Hints and crumbs of it. Not nothing. Maybe they deserve more.
based, that's exactly what I want to see more of. Not exactly but I want to see the vibe.
My problem with a lot of Sonic content is it either doesn't feel like it's challenging him or they go too hard in the other direction and make him a little bitch about it.
Ok wait this is based actually
This is what Silver is for. I think a Silver game would open up with a short, non-explicit cutscene of characters doing a last stand or suicide mission in Silver's bad future is a great idea to set the tone.

I'm fixated on this idea of Future Gemerl losing Cream. It's just too juicey.

Yes, you get it.
The difference is Sonic's changes aren't the result of development nor was it written with that intention in mind. 2018 Kratos was written with the events of the previous 3 games having happened and shaping his decisions. Sega handled Sonic way more haphazard. That's why so many peopled creamed their pants over Frontiers acknowledging past games.
Because it's an alternate timeline, but that was still his intention.
Batman is above it all. Sonic runs away from what conceptually is either a nightmare or perfection, and only one of these should ever make a paragon of adventure flee
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i want the sonic characters to be crunched and squeezed
>or they go too hard in the other direction and make him a little bitch about it.
This is literally the main problem with the Metal Virus arc, and watching Sonic cry about his failures to fucking Tangle, only for her to do the Sonic-ass pep talk seemed like Ian knew what he was doing. Literally trying his hardest to tear him down just to make him sad and relatable, even though Sonic is all about inspiring others and keeping hope regardless of the situation at hand.
The idea is that Sonic runs from Amy because he never wants to settle down in a real romantic relationship because it goes against his freedomn and Amy in-turn does not want to slow Sonic down or restrain him in any way because what she genuinely wants is to be with him on his adventures, and that's what makes their chase work in the "long run".
I thought SEGA lifted that mandate; though I would buy that IDW have that rule solidified.
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So THAT scene from Nope?
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I call it goop because that's what the cyber stuff looks like to me
>Because it's
Not in the comic.
>No argument
I accept your concession anon
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Didn't get enough sleep last night Sal?
Someone make a new thread.
Bake it yourself.
>Cream dying at the beginning of a silver game
>I thought SEGA lifted that mandate
How would you know that?

>Q:We haven't seen any sign of GUN in the comics. No human or animal soldiers, or even mechs. Not even during events like the metal virus. Were they still in ruins from how Eggman defeated them in Forces, or has it simply been a creative choice to not show them just like the humans?
Ian: It's been more editorial direction at this point.
Kyle: Editorial or licenser direction?
Ian: Little column A, little column B. That can't last forever. Where have they been? Again, we don't see every single event from every corner of the world every single time, they've just been conveniently off stage this entire time and as Tailstube has implied, Eggman severely diminished their forces so the GUN of old of SA2 as far as I know is not operational like it used to be. What state they are in now needs to be explored.
What we've seen is that despite Starline's best efforts and repeated attempts he couldn't get Eggman to change back, and the only thing that made it work was Metal reminding him of his past. We've been shown that Starline couldn't succeed, and Ian saying that "Oh, well it WOULD'VE worked, it totally would have just taking like a little more time." Is obviously damage control.
one of my favorite recent movies actually
Starline is Snively in the body of Finitevus
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>IDW is bootleg Archie
do u have the pic where everyone cheers at elias but goes silent when sally is held up?
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Then he shouldn't be running
Was it damage control over Sonic having Tails fix Metal Sonic in the first place?
i think you guys need to calm down you're getting kind of dark
>What we've seen is that despite Starline's best efforts and repeated attempts he couldn't get Eggman to change back, and the only thing that made it work was Metal reminding him of his past.
What we saw was Starline himself saying Eggman was slowly transitioning back to his old self with his creations. We already say that he was making some progress, just slow. Ian's statement just proves the ultimate conclusion if Metal Sonic didn't play a factor.
Why are Sonic fans so cringy? Obviously besides me.
Sonic WANTS to run, and he doesn't want to have to slow down for anyone or anything. He likes those that can keep up with him.
Same. But that scene still haunts me.
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I don't need to come up with another argument, your answer hasn't changed and that answer isn't in the comic.
The point was the Sonic is to blame for the bad future Silver saw after Forces, which is true.
Then he shouldn't be running from her
Why is this picture so funny
No you dolt, it says that he's gravitating back to his own machines. Remember when he said he was making "Eggmanland", only for it to be a tiny little play park for kids designed like his old robots? That literally means nothing in comparison.
What do you think he should do, then?
Run with her?
As long as Amy is chasing him, they already do that.
>it says that he's gravitating back to his own machines
Thanks for repeating what I said. Starline wouldn't say he's gravitating back to his old machines if that was already there from the start of his sessions. That Eggmanland was just designed like that, meanwhile in that scene he reconstructed a motobug completely the way it's suppose to be, just with different functions. It's not the same thing dumbass.
>I can't come up with an argument
That's what I said.
No, that's what I said.
>I don't need to come up with another argument
Now you can't even remember what you just said.
He called himself Mr. Tinker. A toymaker that wanted to make funny robots that looked like his old ones. You are grasping at straws for the slightest possibility that Ian MEANT for his writing to be moronic, instead of just fucking it up. I'm not going to argue with someone who willing pulls the wool over his eyes like a moron.
I don't need to /= I can't
You're the one who just said "no argument" as if that makes you right, when it didn't, you tried to end things early but you won't.
Eggman definitely being brought back regardless of Metal isn't in the comic, podcasts are not canon.
You're the only one grasping to deny a simple conclusion for some strange reason I can only guess at. You can plainly see the comic make the implication that Starline was making progress on returning Eggman just that it was not as fast as he wanted. Ian supporting that by confirming it doesn't suddenly make it damage control just because you disagree with it. You can run away if you like but don't pretend it's not because you can't form an argument.
Different guy, but here you go.
>You're the one who just said "no argument" as if that makes you right
Only after you posted the same thing while deliberately ignoring what I said. Do I need to remind you?
>>Because it's
>Not in the comic.
This is showing you didn't care what I said and refusing to argue what I did. You're the one who tried to end it early, You're only changing your tune now because I called you out for it.
>Eggman definitely being brought back regardless of Metal isn't in the comic
That does not disprove the alternate timeline of him returning if Metal Sonic coming back wasn't a factor. We already got the implication as I've shown already. Your opinion on podcasts doesn't hold any weight. You're not the writer.
whos elias
>merchandise actually use eggman real full name
That's kind of awesome.
>that yellow skin

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