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Poke The Toads edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-56
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM
https://handbrake.fr <- who the fuck uses handbrake in 2024

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Any good minigames?
realizing I missed the chance to be a teen father
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The player will get to play a daily sudoku puzzle in the newspaper.
my game sucks
Is it weird if I have diablo style active abilities in a first person game?
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Shamelessly reposting progress since it was end of thread. Just need to connect the nerves and ill be able to move on from the shoulder to the rest of the arm.
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>no (you) to progress for past 3 threads
>got fired today
>gf's got period
How could this day get any worse
tell me more
Are live action trailers worth it?
you could get you'd for this post a lot, hope things get better.
give me ideas for collectible items - power ups - gadgets for a mech game
a mecha codpiece
God I fucking hate shaders.
What is vec2, 3 and 4? Why does the code look like it's reversed? Also I don't understand how I can utilize math functions like cos and sin in shaders. Fuck I hate it so much it's unreal.
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Finally adding rain. This is just how the visuals will look, though there's 10 different levels of how strong of a rain it is, from a light trickle to an absolute deluge. Something I had to do though was make the opacity inverse to how much it's actually raining. If there's little rain, it's fairly opaque. If there's a ton of rain, it needs to be almost invisible. I still need to come up with sounds for it, as well as make it so the rain makes creatures wet.
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Interface female voices
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Thanks anon
go through this website, it will help(no it isn't a literal book)
The rain is decimated by the bitrate, even when visible it's just blobs.
cockpit decorations like fluffy dice or bobble heads
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Yeah I realized that right after posting.
>though there's 10 different levels of how strong of a rain it is

Would you happen to be stuck in feature creep? What's questioning is your phrasing implies there's no 2 states, from light to strong, and a slider just going from one to another.
Did you implement 10 states manually? For what purpose?
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Can I make characters like this with MetaHuman?
already covered on that one
>go through this website, it will help(no it isn't a literal book)
Thanks. I think it'll be a tedious job.
Plog/Progress count for the last day. might have missed a couple and not named them all well...

BlueSandDev spacegame 2
Pixel icon game 1
Norbutal 3
Frosh shape of fantasy 1
Posterized isometric crpg 3
Wodopom 1
Cris tank game 1
Seamless wood texture game 1
3rd person shooter from spurdo dev 1
3d dwarf fortress terrain gen 2
RE fan Lady model 1
Comic polygonal 1
Capsule knight 3
Unreal Daggerlike 2
Painted Daggerlike splash screen 1
Damascus 1
Pink cube 3d platformer 2
Gloop Engine 1
Maniquarium 1
Cleaver girl 1
Dungeon gen with whitecube 1
Pink witch stickman platformer 1
super lowpoly characters 1
(a)woken 1
Yellow road slides 1
Bodysim nerves ue 1
pixel knight with rain 2

27 projects.
first turn japanese
those? all gonna make it material.
The time it took to make it as many as it is was negligible compared to if there were just two. Moku absolutely suffers from some forms of feature creep, but I don't think having varying levels of rain is one of them.
>pixel knight with rain 2
Do you mean my game Moku?
*typo at comic polygonal. that's Cosmic yellow gasmask-ish thing
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does this shader cause blindness?
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Make it a gif that changes colors every frame and you might have a winner.
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die loser
based but its only a capsule because its a prototype of course. once I finish the concept art for the main character il get rid of the capsule for a body. Going for the crow country FF7 capsule body parts ball hands tho for sure.
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B-, good effort. I'll send this to my uncle.
this game is low key sovl
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How does one get on that sweet sweet blackrock deal?
That video was a fun one. Watching it again made me wonder, since the texture CDs are abandonware you'd probably be fine if you used them in your game, right? It could be a cool nod to those old games when making your own retro 3d game. It could also help nailing the look.
The premise is its a CoClike but dwarf fortress autism.
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it's actually starting to sort of feel like a factory game... pictured is a resource network transferring fuel pellets from storage containers to engines. First time I actually have something worth showing as progress
Unironically, no. Metahuman isn't that morphable.
Pretty sure you need an audience of millions first. They're also losing money so bad that the board started raising questions.
If I've got audience of millions I don't need to be bribed anymore
I don't know it, what is it?
>3 (three) daggerfall-likes
best era of agdg is here
Finally bumper carts is in.
Funny how that works. Yet the greedy suits running large publishers are never happy with the amount of money they have.
Yeah I know it's just placeholder, it's just how I remember it for now. got any names in mind?
Cool stuff. Keep it up. Feels good to watch.
hey cool I like factories
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So after playing Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance (my first SMT game), I really really want to get into game development (I know some coding, but the rest not so much)
I wanna try to make something similar to SMT (turn-based monster catching in 3D). I'll try to make a MVP and see if I actually wanna try to make a full game (I assume its going to be extreme amounts of work)
I have to learn modeling, so I'm currently going through the Donut tutorial for Blender on youtube. When it comes to game engine, I haven't decided yet but I'm leaning towards Unreal.
Do you guys have any experience with it? Is it easy to work with? Thank you in advance
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Progress: I made a sound tweak file that hotloads in the running game, so I can balance everything as I hear it. Has a little upkeep, but it's way more convenient compared to having to edit the sound file for base volume, and gives me more options when it comes to how much to randomize the volume/pitch, etc.

Cool, the connections remind me of Harvest: Massive Encounter and the Creeper World games. Though if it's just gonna be conveyors later that's fine too.
In the industry, is there devs specialized in building debug tools?
that's engine dev stuff
tools programmer if they care enough
thanks friends, I hope the fact that the factory is also on a ship might be appealing as well

they will be tubes because it doesn't really conceptually make sense to use conveyor belts, as much as I love them so
A factory on a spaceship? Yeah. I'm all in, baby. Playing next DD it's in.
>I hope the fact that the factory is also on a ship might be appealing as well
boat ship or space ship?
next DD since it's still just a glorified tech demo but I'm starting to add actual game mechanics instead of the foundational stuff

I get the impression you'd prefer a boat, it is a space ship, but ideally won't be traditional space in the sense that I don't want big empty nothing everywhere
>I get the impression you'd prefer a boat
no, I wouldn't play a boat game. I've had panic attacks on land thinking about the ocean.
CoC was an old school text adventure transformation sex game made by fenoxo. The game play loop was exploring random areas collecting items that would transform you if you ate them and fighting monsters/people/demons/furries that would rape you/ transform you if you lost to them and could be raped/transformed/stolen from if you beat them. The goal was kill all the demons and dig up all the demon cum so the land wouldn't be so rapey anymore. Until the furries started paying him 5000 a month to make horse/fox furries the main goal of the thing. He was also clinically retarded when it came to coding so everything was hard-coded in the worst possible way. My body map can literally accommodate infinite body parts into the menu. His couldn't accommodate 2 different types of tails. This is mostly a spite project for that reason but when I'm done ill have the grand daddy of all transformation style games set up.
If you want to make it by yourself go with godot or unity. Unreal is good for visual scripting/blueprints
Any engines that have a Unity-like dev experience but have double precision coordinates?
>Fuck I hate it so much it's unreal
At least you don't hate it so much it's godot.

Also. vec2 3 and 4 are just vectors, or lists of numbers of a certain length that get used for different things, like A vec2 might describe coordinates on a texture, a vec3 might describe a position in space, a vec4 mostly gets used to describe the red green blue and transparency of a color.
I want to start a new project: Voices of the Void like but you're the commander of a Solar Power Satellite (SPS) or general purpose space station. It will be a lever, knob and switches-like with satisfying clicks for switches and such. But I'm not sure if I want to go with Unreal or Godot. VotV is UE and I want to learn UE to be able to go into the industry proper at some point + UE might be better with dealing with space-scales, but Godot is just easier, more lightweight and there are absolutely no strings attached.
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>If you want to make it by yourself go with godot or unity
I thought Godot was a meme when it comes to 3D or did I get trolled
I want to do a game like that too.
Progress post instead of chatting.

Cut tons of content:
- items
- equipment stats
- equipment powers
- currencies
- random Opportunities roll
- the "roguelite shop" feature
- lots of Opportunities
- player stats (ATK/DEF/CRIT/MANA...)

- Instead of climbing Floors, you gain Power (player level)
- The whole game is now about avoiding DEATH (there's avoiding dying, but I'm speaking about avoiding DEATH)
- The game is now Arcade instead of a Roguelite RPG

- Close that build for DD
- Adapt my Codex so that it's full at the start, with only 1 or 2 pages of simple instructions (instead of getting full as you go).
- Add a True Victory path (a twist)
- Art Design
- Polish
- Sound Design

I'm also heavily considering changing the name of the game since the direction changed so much. I'm gathering names and will see how it goes.
Actually sounds like a kino rpg.
were you the guy anatomy posting about lymph nodes?
Idk I use Unity, my only advice is focus on coding and working in the engine over modeling UNLESS you plan to use your prototype to find a coder.
Godot has optional double precision, but you have to compile the engine from source using cmd argument "float=64" or some such.
how can I make my top down game without somebody immediately labeling it as an RPG maker game?
don't make it in rpgmaker

What is double precision in short? Why do you want it?
Nice. I haven't see Treasure Seeker in a very long time. I don't even know if you lurk.
I've been reading a lot of projectrho and looking at concept art for nasas Star-Raker
You can tell it's an RPG Maker game because it has 4 frames for movement.
Make it with Wolf RPG Engine
This >>483685659 is RPG Maker

You gotta find an artstyle, and have some mechanics/systems untypical of what comes stock. The only thing that makes an RPG Maker game a RPG maker game are the stock assets, the loud as fuck retarded title menu, and the battle system.

Add some colors and style, 2-3 mechanics. Just make a cool game who cares if it's RPG Maker.
I don't like how Godot is structured.

Using doubles instead of floats for the coordinate system means you won't suffer from floating point errors and can work with a way bigger world without having to come up with hacks to avoid those floating point errors. Mostly relevant to open world games, flight and space sims and such.
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My game is jank as shit and I can't fix any of it.
It was actually really fun all things considered. I just wish fenoxo wasn't retarded and furries didn't exist to pay him so much money. Though if the furries started paying me 5000 dollars a month I'd make a furry fork of my game too desu. >>483685672
Yes. I was also posting about a reverse parser for complex description functions and menu states but that was some months ago. I actually have to refractor a bunch of code eventually when the time comes but its just not worth it until I've finished the main body graph and can start giving the body parts reasons to exist. Beyond because I can.
I stopped lurking hard for 6+ months because the quality of the threads was wearing me down.
No idea if it changed or if it's me but I came back monday, and it's been a lot more pleasurable.

Also thanks for your comment thumbs up.
Projectrho is cool. I haven't got far enough into for when it starts getting technical, but I usually look at the practical stuff like the inside of Endeavour, ISS and cockpits of airbuses, jets and older fighters.
furfags ruin everything as usual

that's why you need to bully them
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Again had that nightmare about failing a math exam at highschool
10 years passed and I still get them
Wonder why there are no popular horror games about it
After a quick search, Flax seems to have it. No idea what that engine is like, but it's c#.
it's good to take a break once you notice it

this place isn't good for you
>Wonder why there are no popular horror games about it
probably because it's not a common fear
I'm more more into eldritch body horror myself so the main meat of the transformation is extra limbs, organs where they don't belong, eyes, flesh tentacles, etc. But I will likely build the functionality for furry transformations in the source code but not enable them until I'm being payed a ransom price by furries to do so.
Bold strategy, looking forward to how it pans out.
For me it's nightmares about essay exams or not finishing essays in time
are you gonna separate a build for this and the old one
they seem so different
by pandering to them you are part of the problem.
Failure is already in horror games. You have to solve a puzzle in a timely manner.
I understand but they're the only ones who pay out for this kind of thing. First and foremost I'm a capitalist. I hope my game can stand on its own merits as a roman/lovecraftian body horror transformation game but if I can't get income otherwise then I won't have an option. I work 60 hours a week at a hospital as a night laborer I don't want to do that forever.
You call them hacks, but they're the solution. Using doubles won't solve your issue.
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How does /agdg/ feel about the GZDoom game engine?
That seems alright. Looking through the documentation it seems to have the basic features I need.

>Using doubles won't solve your issue.
If I finish it as a product even if it's shit, it'll be major.

Not really. I have backups of the project file, if I ever need something back I can go and pick. For now the goal is to complete this not even thinking of the mess I keep in, behind curtains.
for the downloads page is will there be two builds
forgot to clarify
that's not so bad I keep having dreams about hostile ayylmaos invading earth on their RGB UFOs
Did not think of it. I guess while the game is not done Itch is a good place to just post builds in chain. But once I'm done I don't see a regular reason to keep several versions. That would be confusing and this is no project worthy of having an historical presence I think.
When are you going to tick the Windows checkbox for your zip file on itch?
>had a test recently panicked for a week then had 3 nightmares in a row about failing it on the night before it then failed it
Any zoomers ITT? What games have you enjoyed recently and what are you making.
this has literally NEVER been true in all of history.
rich people become rich because they are solely driven by greed
No. This is a boomer neighborhood.
I will be the first one once I get my audience of millions.
The tree moving with the wind but not the grass is weird.
Nice job
One of those things is undisputedly your fault, you understand.
Now chief
I do, creamy pies all the way
Thanks brother.
Aboot the same what the feelings are towards Open Morrowind engine
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R8 my sphess ship concept art.
You are doing a good job anon.
How do homing projectiles generally work in games? Are there any checks after the initial one done at instantiation?
>Player Fires Projectile
>No valid targets at time of firing so the projectile moves forward
>Valid target appears 1s after projectile is in motion.

What should I do here? Make it follow the target or not?
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before vs after
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oh hes comin alright
Upgrade in everything ASIDE of the trees
I was never trying to make a 2003 game. I'm making a 1998 game and that's final
Move the homing code to the projectile so it does the calculation after creation instead of before. It's called object oriented programing for a reason.
Could make it two different types. For example
>>heat seeking
>actively looks for targets in the direction it's flying towards
>doesn't track perfectly
>explodes on a relatively short fuse
>needs a lock before it can be fired
>tracks target better
>won't change targets
>flies until it collides or gets destroyed
not an /agdg/ game
Thats what i have currently, the question is more in regards to what should be the proper behavior of the projectile if no targets are aquired on time of instantation.
Is this a good setup for the beginning of an rpg?
>simple enter name and pick between some characters
>20 lines of text giving you some context on story and/or objectives
>tutorial combat
>tutorial for world navigation and/or puzzle solving
I think it should take about 30 mins tops to go through all this.
We feel fine, thanks.
Give the projectile a target detection range
Blend the grass and dirt textures
The heat seeking idea is brilliant actually. Thank you.
It's project arcane you cocksuckin crustmuncher

Just don't go for 1995 game, bad things happened that year
In real life they just follow the firing arch if they aren't locking onto anything. Guided missiles will try to lock on to stuff if they can but that depends on how robust the engines are.
>>20 lines of text giving you some context on story and/or objectives
ain't nobody gonna read that
>30 minute tutorial
zoomies will drop out at minute 2
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I have one, it's more about what the player actually wants to happen if the projectile has traveled a certain amount of time without an intial target.
I'm going with Unreal Engine
Whats the cutoff then? I was aproximating 30 minutes from game starting till player's on their own. Most games that are heavy on handholding have hours long tutorials.
Also I don't mean a fixed tutorial but a "tutorial level" with some tooltips and help here and there.
i had an idea before i went to bed but i forgot it
If you forgot it so easily it probably wasn't that interesting.
Either optimize for a story or for gameplay. Your proposition seems to be gameplay first, as a standard RPG would first setup the context and the story before introducing you to the mechanics.

But that's not a definitive formula. Figure out if your game is about story or gameplay, how long it'll be.
To answer your question it's a good setup, but if there's a story be sure to progress it already before triggering each phase of tutorial.
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How does your design docs look like? Have you fleshed out your story, enemies and objects and general game?
Or maybe you're just going with the flow, you may have a faint idea what your game will be about. I'm interested to hear how you guys go about your game development.
just kinda rolling with it. no design doc or anything concrete.
I also do this. No design doc, I just make shit up as a I go along. The closest thing I have to documentation is a folder full of cool images for inspiration.
I thought about this a lot. I think it’s best if you examine it in 5 minute intervals. If it has 5 minute of nothing but text happening, reconsider its structure. Some oldschool players will give the game a set amount of time, knowing that RPGs need a little time to get the gears going, but that is not an excuse to drone on.

Personally my game has something like 20 minutes. And explains mechanics in 3 fights. With some story/free roaming between them. Then there is a break with an NPC, where they can ask about any detail they are unclear on. Finally another fight to test them.

I also came to the conclusion that turn-based games simply need a tutorial. In a real-time game, you can just press the buttons one at the time, and deduce what they do. Since one button usually makes one thing happen. Meanwhile in a turn-based game, several things can happen in a single turn. So learning purely by experimenting is far more frustrating and less efficient.
I feel like the images are not to scale.
I think that if you play pixel art games at 1920x1080 you should simply perish and I should be allowed to cap the resolution at x3
It's still very incomplete. There's nothing fleshed out. But it's supposed to have everything you listed eventually.
>ideas in head are RAM
>try to push the idea towards a finished product
>playtest ideas in my head
>when a brain wall is met, time to dev

>whiteboard prints become ROM planning function (modular and visual, useful when head RAM is full)
>Asana becomes ROM key steps split into tasks to reach key steps
>paper becomes RAM tasks (can be ROM when a project is ultra small, or just born)
I agree, the old trees look much better.
Porn games?
I have a long ass text file where I write down random ideas for characters / quests / lore / mechanics, anything really. It's very chaotic, but I'll organize it when I'm done with developing core features.
>gf's got period
that's a good thing if you got fired
I got an autistic personal porn project I use to test some ideas before adding them to a main project.
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>7 days
My porn game is private, I don't post it.
>keep a zim wiki on my computer for game ideas
>any time I have an idea for a new game, I make a new page and write it down
>come back to them and expand with more details whenever they come to me
>if any element of a game gets fleshed out enough to make doing so worthwhile, add a subpage to the game for it and move the text there for readability's sake
I've tried to write everything down about the mechanics of the game, laying it out properly without "Like Y game but with X" descriptions. Made a complete list of the features. Then I started to write down the logic behind the programming of the mechanics.

Only then I started programming, and I gotta say, it was a massive help. When you are in devving mode, you need to focus on just making the thing. Without giving too much space away for ideas. Otherwise, you end up with feature creep. Having written down all the things, also helped me to always know what the next step should be.
Not gonna lie, I often had to go back and start writing again into the design doc. Or revise ideas that sounded feasable when I first started out.

Another good use of the doc is to write the logic of how things work after you have implemented them. So if you ever need to expand or change them later (likely after many months) you can easily check how it works, without spending long hours digging in the code.

I've left out the story on purpose, save for a basic synopsis. Mostly because I know myself, and I know I can easily fall into a worldbuilding/plot writing rabbit hole. I only did it after I had like 80% of the mechanics down and working.
Its gameplay first and story/lore on the sides. The story is there but its pretty simple and to the point.
>but if there's a story be sure to progress it already before triggering each phase of tutorial.
Makes sense yeah I'll be sure to kick it off quickly so I can move into gameplay mechanics
>also came to the conclusion that turn-based games simply need a tutorial
Yeah definitely gonna need to explain each mechanic, its not a lot but it should be there to let the player know
i... can make it....
Jesus Christ it's warm, I'm dying in this heat
How the fuck do you amerifats survive in 27+ degree weather yearly
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>tfw they all keep going on and on about lore but they don’t even have a game
I'm past using a design doc. I'm using a one note and sometimes check design doc if there's something that I missed. What I had projected and what actually works/plays fun almost never match.
A horror game where you type in your fears and I personally start harassing you on social media to provoke those fears, only $10 per month
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Crying Carrie. There's still a lot wrong with this image in a technical level.
I need the lore first so I can make the game.
you can make a basic vs clone demo within 7 days. Ganbare!
My fear is someone paying me $20 per month
>his game is loreless
You’re not game developers you’re fan fiction writers. Go check out wattpad or tumblr you will heccin love it there
No, I will stay here and work on my game's lore.
>NOOOOO you musn't work on any part of the game unless its the code, you're not a real game dev if you're doing anything outside of coding
What are you making anon? Candy crash but with godot default vector image?
How many years would it take to get good enough to make demon souls style level? Yes I said demon souls.
Not either of those anons but I'd say it depends on the game
A detective/mystery game for instance isn't really doable unless you've already got the story planned out for what happens and why
you mean demon's souls?
Like demon souls?
>the lore: 10,000 words in a notepad of the cringiest slop you’ve ever read by someone copying every trope from their favorite marvel movies
>the game: 2D pixel shart platformer
>”what are you making anon?”
>he doesn’t know
Like 5 years to make something actually worth playing, maybe 5 months to make an agdg tier prototype
A rare exception but I’ll allow it
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>haha not telling you!
You're either a child or someone afraid to get bashed
>pixelshit platformer
Why would I make something like that in the first place?
There's tons of exceptions
>say things that anger agdg schizoid
>butthurt individual begs me to post my game so that he can review bomb it with his other discord trannies and dox me
Miss me with that nerd shit
I meant just one level using premade assets something like a castle
About 3 hours in and I still don't understand shit. Stuff like gamemaker has functions like draw_sprite(), and then there're shaders that do some wild shit with formulas.
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>3d platformer about depression
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>projection ad infinitum
We need to create a verified /agdg/ games list so people don't play demos of bitememe followers while some of us are left neglected.
Here's one: >>483680068
>misuses the word projection
Actual redditor kek
add me to the list
He's right tho
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I almost got baited by my lust to project hop. I dont even like the base game but it looked like something I can actually make and complete while adding twists like boss fights and some shmup elements.
it's a very good idea to make games that you know you can finish and that are mostly the same as other games but with twists
If you have a girlfriend or a wife, I have little respect for your achievements. You won at life, none of your problems are real, and you don't have to carry the cognitive burden of loneliness and worthlessness.
Imagine having a girlfriend but not shipping a game every year. No excuse.
I didn’t ask him to post his game, he asked to see mine. So I’m not projecting my own desire to see his game onto him, I’m factually stating what happened. Why is the average IQ on this board sub 70?
Make a ballbreaker. Break the balls with bricks.
sent ;)
my game looks is shit.
Ok incel
I sleep in a big bed with my wife
Its true but at it's core I dont really like Breakout, the limitations of the mechanics was what I was interested in.
breakout, but you slowly reveal anime tiddies
what are some good /agdg/ games?
What the hell is this LGBT+ shit
I'm talking about the it's time for you to stop posting part. I didn't even read any of the argument you're having I saw no games being posted and saw his pic and agreed with it.
>Seamless wood texture game 1
Do you know have much time a wife & kids will take from you if you want to be a good father. A lot.
I get a couple of hours in the evening to myself after everyone has gone to bed which after a 7.5 hour shift is a very tiring time to do game dev.
Loneliness sucks, it really does, but having a wife won't solve your gamedev issues.
My game.
Wage cage, wife cage, kid cage, truly a prison of your own design
You're too retarded to understand why your post was a projection but don't worry, you'll get it eventually, I believe in you anon.
Ok discord tranny, le epic ownage with facts and logic compilation (you are mentally ill)
That was literally what I was going to do, a nsfw game with breakout mechanics and boss fights
nigga I'm grifting these twitter retards hardcore
Limitations give our work energy. They give us boundaries to press again and they can act as a catalyst for an entire piece of work.
That’s easy, you just post some fake footage with lots of sparkles and visual fluff for a game that will never exist
>hey guys, which is better - A or B?
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Make a basic light gun game and slap on anime waifus,physics,gacha.
It’s ok to have an after work hobby that you enjoy. It doesn’t have to be some grand piece of artwork that will validate your self worth to the world
you added a doggoerino you can petterino to your game?
It's incredible to me that gacha is so popular
Light gun games aren't Immersive enough for me.
Lots of anime weeb faggots, it’s not surprising
When you realize that 90% of the audience is SEAmonkeys, it makes sense.
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Welcome to Brinkaedea.
Based family man.
>Work all day
>Come home and take over parenting for wife to have a break
>Do chores, home maintenance, etc
>Child sleeps, a moment of spare time
>Still need to fuck your wife
>Barely any time left in the day
>Lets watch this new show I found, Slop Gobblers!! There's ten seasons!!! It has subversive political messaging at the expense of entertainment!!
Eric Barone unironically had it easy because he was a stay at home mom with no kids.
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I can't appeal to fans of this. They might as well be aliens.
A light gun game but you can take damage from your crosshair location
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Lowpoly Panettone
Tried turning off texture filtering?
Basato & panettonepillato
>My brain is trying to get me to figure out how to attract a woman literally 100% of the time I'm awake
There's your problem, unironically. This mystery has been solved: You need to be good looking, confident and interesting.
Post your physique. You won't, be you are neither good looking or confident (even Cris is bold enough to post physique, btw). You're also not interesting, doomfag bocchiposting is the absolute bottom of the barrel posting in /agdg/, you're quite possibly the bottom of the barrel even for this place.
If you want a woman, try fundamentally changing the person you are to someone worthy of existing.
This should be posted in every thread from now on
Fuck off to >>>/b/ with your racism
Should I bother trying to compress my game's music files? No matter which settings I use, the size of the compressed file is always just barely less than the total uncompressed size. I wasn't sure if I was doing something wrong.
They're all in .ogg format, if that matters.
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terrified of my progress, i see...
man this game has a lot of ads hahaha if you're the dev of it I'd like to ask how's the marking going so far?
I actually prefer billenear, but I could test it out
You're probably doing something wrong. My music is 9000kb uncompressed and becomes 300kb with lossy opus ogg compression.
The ad leads to
>Page unavailable
And doesn't even give the name of the game to look it up.
Great marketing kek
I wish I had a game to advertise and enough money to buy that many 4chan ads...
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Say that I have like an octagon in blender, should I separate it so that every face is a quad?
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It's out
How do you do it? I've been messing with the settings in 7zip, but the size never goes down significantly.
Static mesh: nah
Rigged mesh: probably, depends on the rig structure
imagine if the dude of the left mewed
I can't believe people like this
I misunderstood your question, if you're placing ogg files in a zip and not seeing much change in size that's normal, ogg is already a compressed format so zip cannot do much to further compress it.
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When I make it big (real big, talkin' minecraft big, which I can do), I'm going to hire all the threadshitting schizos and make them do menial boring tasks so they can't ruin the thread.
>not liking panettone
Ok Grinch
Dumb question, but how do I make a space rift look "realistic" in a 2D game? When I just draw a bit of sky that wobbles it looked kind of out of place. Which it is, but it looks out of place in a bad way. So I probably need a border of some sort, but what kind?
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well that sucks. those music files are like 95% of my game's total file size lmao.
I'm gonna hire them to work abroad setting up my new studio on a remote Pacific island and leave them stranded there without food or water for eight weeks.
If you need a lower filesize you could try converting those files to oggs with lower bitrate or sample rate using some audio conversion program, with some loss to the quality.
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Daily reminder:
Game of the year candidate!!!
Oh my gosh this is seriously so high quality!!! Probably the best thing that’s been posted in ages mate !!!
what the fuck is wrong with you
The only one working is the 4chan home page. Fix this right way, dev! You're losing money!
it's certainly better than the previous one.
Woooaaahhh!!! This is like basically AAA quality im seriously impressed by this! I can’t believe how talented you guys all are!!
This one is actually cool but I bet he gives up in less than a month
do you still need crapto to buy 4channel ads, they had really good CTR last time i used them
(no, im not using some shitty sketchy service)
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See https://www.4chan.org/advertise
Yeah same reaction
In your opinion, how important are synergies in RPGs? I have very mixed feelings about them. On one hand, they're fun. Simple as. On the other, they reduce build variety because they have this "put the square peg in the square hole" quality to them. If you have an ability that amplifies fire attacks, you're going to want to run lots of fire attacks. So you're making less interesting decisions than if you're just trying to make a kit out of various abilities that are tactically interesting by themselves.
Why didn't /agdg/ think of this?
On his reddit he shows his workflow, he draws regular art then makes it pixel art. Interesting choice, I'd have thought Steam users would prefer regular illustration to pixel art for wanking.
Also guy has posted no gameplay is this a VN
Didn't think of what? Making a porn game?
>mfw my cute lesbian gf is a futa
i've got ideas
>will you be making this into something big or is this just some sort of practice project?
Originally it was a practice project but i've been having a lot of fun working on it so i'll probably try and push it out into a playable state for a future demo day, as for if i'm ever gonna finish it. I'm not sure actually, i'll cross that bridge once I get there (i'll decide once I have one or two levels done). At the end of the day I also have my dream project I was working towards but it'll probably be for the better if I push it back a bit and gain some more skills.
What do you guys even use Cosines for? ChatGPT gave me a vague answer so I'll ask real people.
Whats your dream project?
Make stuff move in a circular motion
Making a porn game based on Helldivers 2.
I've seen a thousand anons declare they are making Vampire Survivors as a porn game, but thats not the Current Thing anymore.
I don't even know what Helldivers 2 plays like. My friends invited me to play it but it's too expensive so I refused to buy it.
as you feed it bigger and bigger numbers it still just moves between -1 and 1. This is good for anything cyclical.
It looks like Fortnite with capes, I don't imagine this game plays anything like it but it seems they mean to capitalize on the memes surrounding this game & it's setting. Idea guys BTFO by the supreme borrower.
Because Helldivers 2 is a multiplayer game. The theme seems vaguely inspired by Helldivers 2, but the gameplay looks nothing alike. You can theme a game around any current thing that's not necessarily a video game, and people do, but that's kind of irrelevant here.
Hmm some practical things I can think of right now.
>A damaging projectile that orbits around the target.
>Positions for a spread type weapon to evenly distribute the positions from the original position.
Girls take up time.
If I get a girl, she has to be a 3D artist.
I cannot have some nodev gf just nagging me in my game dev room while she goes on her phone.

She needs to be right there with me for 8 hours, indulging in the creative process with me, getting excited about ideas, making 3D models.

I’d cherish her. She would be such a companion.
You will die alone, hope you understand this
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a Kingdom Hearts inspired arpg, I typed out an entire paragraph gushing about features and plotpoints then I realised I would have to dedicate atleast 3 posts to that autism. I actually attempted it as my first game ever (I was dumb) and it was barely functional, picrel was an running animation I made for it because I decided that the 2d sprite in 3d world approach would be easier then learning blender (it wasn't). Next time I attempt it I wanna be sort of profecient in 3D as well as general game design so it isn't a disaster like last time.
would you let your gf be lead designer?
Determining the horizontal speed component of an object going at a known angle and speed.
Also pulsing animations, but sine will do that too.
You didn't get fired. You got promoted to gamedev.
Art , sure. Not game design.
emotionally bonded labor
Art girls(female) have bpd t. art man(male) be careful what you wish for you're in monkey paw territory.
What would your role be in this relationship, more of an idea guy?
Same except voice acting gf and she has to like the same things as me
>he draws regular art then makes it pixel art.
this is actually quite common
if you want to do good pixel art learn to do good art first

It's more complicated than that. You can make a synergy where some ability will activate multiple times, but for every additional activation of the ability it might become more and more impractical and just 'cool'. Chances are the enemy you're attacking is already dead. You might instead want to have just one of that ability because it'll help you out in specific situations.
As long as you aren't letting the player super-synergize a do-everything ability such as a huge AoE with no downsides, it should be fine. Cooldowns or limited firing rate helps too so even if you make a one-shot-kill gun it can't be the only way to beat enemies.
big titty goth girl 3d modeling artist and porn game voice actress (virgin, no tattoos) here
why is it so hard to find a weak, unhealthy ideaguy bf with huge expectations and very little discipline or ambition? ugh... i give up. I just want to toil away on someone else's autistic fantasy art project for a huge portion of my spare time with little creative control while my bf argues on image boards about why certain games on steam flopped, ugghgh
i use Godot btw
I’m the Founder, Project Lead, Game Designer, Programmer and enginedev.
Using Vulkan and C.
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>i use Godot btw
I'm right here
You're thinking along the right lines. The medusa skulls in Castlevania are just basically cosine (or sine, same thing in a sense, except for a phase shift, or another way of thinking, sin(angle) tracks the 'y' value as you travel around the unit circle by angle, cos(angle) gives the 'x' value)
do you have a peepee?
I wish I had this...
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This is really nice actually, I can use this for a flying head enemy in my game.
Me on the left
No one on the right
Asmongold made it
Watched this yesterday. It's clear that the Wayward Realms kickstarter is going to fail. A complex game needs to compromise on graphics, creators that don't understand that won't get anywhere, no matter their history.
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Devving while listening to Magical Mystery Tour
Some loser on the left
My future wife on the right
>t. actual yesdev that doesn’t make dogshit 2d pixel shart slop
Cosines tell you how aligned two line segments are. They are analogous to vector-into-vector projections, but for scalars. Thinking about them this way straight away lets you skip a lot, dare I say most, trigonometric thinking in game development.
I remember doing that when I was 18

>tfw 14 years later I only have 1 shipped game
>hasn’t made it
Well it's funded money wise and the funding is for vertical slice, not a complete game. They're hoping to get more money from publishers once they've shown they can do what they say.
I will be 67 next month
I mean that the game will never be finished, at best it will be another Star Citizen.
Devving while listening to gf ASMR
congrats grandpa
Cristóbal told me that Leonardo da Vinci was only considered a genius past 35
Spreadsheet for time attack
Yeah once I graduated university I decided it should just be a hobby. Now though, I'm unemployed, so I have renewed hope of going pro.
Right was literally my wife, she's shy and doesn't like going out or being around people. They exist
Post your 3D models and I will consider whether you're allowed to be my gf
Mail order brides are an option too
How do I find one?
>just never make your own content bro just constantly look at the latest drama or political issue and get people to watch you for your "based takes"
Why is the thread so slow today?
I haven’t posted.
dd in 7 days
your demo is ready, right?
tomorrow i will do the final playtesting
He got semi famous for being a filthy neet spent his whole life playing a single MMO
No I have to focus on passing uni exams

What happened?
how do i make a game for the andriod phone. i just want to play my own game i make basically, what program is best for this?
>grouping models together good
>grouping source code together bad
Why does the godot community say this?
they got married?
Not your chatroom.
Post progress or discuss progress.
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New resolution selector because the default unity one doesn't scroll nicely
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Yep, this is still going to be 3D Dwarf Fortress.

Good morning. Have to fix a bug today in the real-time Perlin system.
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Fuck, wrong file
But if it was his wife, it means she's not anymore?
Is this multiplayer? Also you should add obstacles that will interfere with your ability to cook the eggs like a cat jumping on the counter
ESL’s don’t understand past tense please stop trying to explain to them
wat program lets me make a game without any of those nasty lag spikes that slow everything down and ruin all the pizzaz.
Godot 5 will certainly fix this
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Be patient, for some of us this is the only way of socialization
For me, it's the real numbers in the interval [0,1).
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I can't continue gamedev.

The inner doubts keeps pestering me.
Why would someone give a fuck about my games?

There's thousands of better games on itch.io making 0 views.

I just can't continue, agdg.
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Monica.
His wife was the lonely girl before marrying him, now she's married and isn't the lonely girl anymore.
I have surpassed you and soon I will surpass Cris.
i care.
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It's multiplayer, up to 8 players. I'm not going to add a cat because that sounds like a lot of work, but if you drop an egg on the stove it burns and sends up smoke for the remainder of the game
define "funded"
I just wish randoms on itch.io would also leave feedback
I meant their Kickstarter goal was met and it should be enough to get publishers on board
>Our goal is to raise $500,000 to fund one year of development on an Early Access build that will feature preliminary versions of key systems. It is our aim to then take that Early Access build to publishers to seek out further funding and continue development on the rest of the game.
It just makes me thing that people launched it tried it for 20 seconds and immediately uninstalled it
fucking finally
>2500+ downloads
>less than 10 comments
only 0.004% of players liked my game
That’s exactly what happened. Try making the game fun or engaging rather than boring and amateurish
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I want to try out 3D modeling and want to create characters in similar style like picrelated. What programs should I use ? What about for animating it and for coloring it?
If you have to ask this, you do not have what it takes to ever make anything meaningful. Sorry
Blender, retard
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Monica can fly.
these niggers raising 500 grand to visit publisher while my sorry ass tries to raise 100 grand from publishers on a working prototype
1. Have an idea that might be fun
2. Implement that idea as quickly and simply as possible
3. Play it to see if its fun
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someone contact 'una to stream and play our games next dd. Marnix doesn't look like a real game dev to me.
The problem with
>post game
is that it's said to someone who criticizes others' efforts. If you say
>your graphics are bad and that mechanic is weird
is useful criticism because it's fairly specific. But if you say
>your game is boring a shit and you should make better game
then that just sounds like someone who's criticizing others' efforts like making a good game is easy. And only a nodev would think that, therefore
>post game
>I don't think you have any idea how hard making a game is because you've never made a game
and I'm going to build a Daggerfall-like without a publisher.

They shouldn't of went about this in such a bloated way. They should've built lean with a few good guys. They recruited way too many normans, and chose Unreal.
Looks like she's hung herself.
>>post game
>>I don't think you have any idea how hard making a game is because you've never made a game
Yes, that's exactly what it means. "post game" is used to call out crabs for their crabby behaviour.
is that a c-section scar?
But they created The Elder Scrolls and have a team that seems to know what they're doing.
Is that a loli I see
get this bimbo out of here
Post game (you won’t)
Anything other than blender? I don't like modern programs. I always feel physically ill when I use them
No. Grow a sack and learn blender faggot
>modern programs
You are using w3m to post here, right?
>I don't like modern programs. I always feel physically ill when I use them
Blender is 30 years old. Maybe download an older version?
Surely there’s a GNU command line tool for making 3D objects
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Is this guy "Final Boss" material?
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some mountains.
This video explains sin waves pretty well
Looks like 1 of the 3 top henchman for the real final boss
gotta skip this dd because the elden ring dlc dropped and i’ve been no lifing it. might take a break to play and comment some of your games tho’e’er.
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For those working on a Daggerfall-like, what are you least looking forward to working on?
milkshape or metasequoia if you want to handicap yourself using old school shareware
Honestly I don't like writing. I like coming up with quests/scenarios but actually writing the dialogue and books is so tedious.
I don't advise talking rudely to ppl on the internet. You might think it's "banter" or "for the lolz'; the truth is God is always watching and he can easily make it so that nobody will ever play your game. So be careful please what you write
Ok use truespace
Omg my game has badlands! Not a region but a terrain tile type. Maybe I should change it to non-sandy desert?
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That's a hard one since I like so many aspects of it.

Probably voices.
Rude truth is ordered towards God more than pleasant lies
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Tiny prototype for an idea I had. The general gist is that you guide your little guys to avoid natural disasters. Shill me your favourite natural disasters, maybe I'll implement them.
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What's the deal with this game? I watched some videos about it over the years and well it's SHIT. Is it because it's a cutesy tranny character - for this reason people shill it?
I dunno, who cares, make games
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blender 2.7 then
90% of popular indie games that sell well have a "tranny aesthetic" about them one way or another. I'm trying to figure it out and how to create my own "tranny" style characters. I'm saying this unironically. The other 9% are games that are "lol so random" like Cruelty Squad, Airport for Dogs, etc. And only like 1% are games that don't look genuinely off putting in any way
I only need to sell around 300,000 copies during the Summer Sale in order to earn $1 million.
Who is morally superior: Yesdevs or crabs?
i feel like crabs have the better outlook on life.
Thoughts so far? Does it suck? WIP
crab claws typed this
Gamedev pro tip: don't tell your family and friends about your games. There's literally no reason to tell them because they can't help you but they will notice if your game gets traction and they'll be asking for money.
My uncle got $7 million from something in 2015 and everybody knew and he attracted tons of parasites. By 2021 the only thing he had from his once-fortune was a 2 bedroom suburban home and he had to get a job at 61.
What do you do if a relative has access to your bank statements?
Sounds like Barkley Gaiden (that's a compliment)
Get another bank account they won't have access to.
thanks dad...
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its over
Retard troll I don't even need to check
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stop trolling retard
>Why would someone give a fuck about my games?
you would give a fuck about your games. and you would improve them until other people do too
It's fun, but I think it's missing some imminent danger, like something that'll kill or hurt you if you touch it. Maybe the snack machine itself could be dangerous to touch or it has a chance to start spitting up dangerous parts like springs and screws that bounce around for a time and can hurt the player, maybe both. The difficulty doesn't feel like it ramps up appropriately, making it boring after 5 mins are so.
>Hm, seems like Godot 4 is super laggy and slow when compared to Godot 3. Any ideas what might cause this? I'm sure it's an issue on my end...

it was 45 yesterday.... fucking fuckkk fuckkkkkkkkk!
why twitter sometimes let me see posts and sometimes asks me to make an account ?
There are Nodevs here who know they have no game, no skills, no vision, no motivation, and no intention of developing games, and still they come here every day to post unfunny, boring garbage that nobody engages with because they think they're a quirky personality around here.
It's pathetic. Imagine going to a woodworking hobbyist convention and trying to chat with others about how you're a depressed chronic masturbator who wishes they had the fortitude to kill themselves. 'What does that have to do with woodworking?' they would ask. 'Can we see some of your work?' And then you take out a handful of printed stills from a gory cartel execution video.
I'm still on 3 due to still being in the middle of a project. I was planning on switching to 4 after finishing that, but I keep hearing horror stories. What the hell is going on with the 4 branch? What happened?
I love cute Japanese ladies.
>Marnixnigger LITERALLY killed /agdg/ by spamming his eceleb grifter obsession so frequently that it attracted said grifter’s attention and now he revealed our sacred demo day to his followers
If you make something you can only get hurt.
If you become a crab, you become INVINCIBLE with an EXOSKELETON ARMOR.
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why the fuck do the twittertards who post the exact same shit like me get 10 000 likes and retweets but I don't?
>accidentally deleted files I shouldn't have again
Works on my machine.
They have a following.
Smells like Damaskuscore.
They ask their friends to retweet and like them => algo picks up and other people do the same.

You don't have friends.
Wise. Thanks.
they have a following (bots)
>nothing hurts them, nothing gets
>under their stone skin
>and when their earthen mouths will open up,
>just what words should come out, but
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Do you think we have a chance?
god i fucking love (a)woken, i hope she submits her game to this dd
>1 minute apart
stop obsessing about somebody else's game and work on yours
Seeing her makes me happy. Like, finally someone who's life is more disastrous than mine :)
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that's almost 2 minutes you retard
/vg/ has a longer cooldown than /v/
>stop enjoying games (that aren't mine)!!!! >:(
I wish I had a gf like her
sorry, i just saw bounty farm 2500 likes with a 5 second gif and i decided to cancel the whole thing
>another mechdev got jealous
I'm so lonely holy shit.
I am an art focused video game developer because I struggle to fill the void in my heart so I make my suffering mean something by turning it into art.
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he's with you in spirit.
are you me?
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I'm in pre-production for a Morrowlike. A real proper one, unlike a project that recently disappointed me. But... Saying that, the only reason why TES3 worked was the complex lore, alien but internally logical world. Its strong factions, non-handhold quests with real worldly descriptions and directions given.

So... I'm in pre production at the moment. Concept art / Design Document / Lore writeup are all progressing nicely and are at the stage where I can see starting actual work soon. Once I have something In-engine I'll be sure to post. For now - here's a small section of a rapid-prototype reference map (not for ingame use) I've thrown together last night. ignore the black squaresbecause reasons
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>Comparing empty project on Godot 3 vs Nonempty project with multiple opened scenes on Godot 4

This guy is a fucking retard.
This seems like a game that will get filtered as soon as asset creation begins. Sorry bro.
I'm working on a blender model that I intend to make some variants of, what's a good way to handle the UV?
If you unwrap everything and set the UV up and then decide to alter the model you need to re-unwrap it and basically redo the UV and texture from scratch since the relative size of everything will be different, right?
I actually Ericpost occasionally for the funnies but it doesn't fill in the void inside, I need someone to talk to, not just (You)'s, I'm going fucking insane.
Updated Archtower to

I think I'll also bring demo for next DD.

webm with audio: https://i.4cdn.org/wsg/1719506488240964.webm
Thanks for playing anon! I think you're right, if you're not actively going after huge combos it's probably pretty boring. I was thinking about having some giant enemy roam around on screen as well but that would block visibility and make combo planning harder. Plus I wanted to pander to normies a little bit with this one so I made it a little easier. I'll keep your idea in mind for a potential sequel/remake/arrangement I may or may not make in the future.
it's a godot is being weird episode
good on you
>spends 100 hours on theory crafting and lore fagging
>as soon as REAL WORK starts he gives up within 30 minutes
Many such cases. I’m sure you will be for sure 100% totally really definitely make an actual game this time bro
Maybe. I'm the one doing the assets, which I'm semi-experienced at, and I don't plan on actually dropping them into a vertical slice until around September if I'm lucky.
Nice barony-like, any plans for engaging/interesting gameplay or still just in prototype phase? Is there multiplayer? Co-op? PvP? Raid bosses? Unique mechanics? Itemization, loot progression, talent trees, quests?
Preproduction should be done concurrently with prototyping if you are solodev
All your backups get deleted and while working on your game something gets corrupted ruining the whole file
>online back up
Your github gets hacked and your game is insta cloned by a grpup that ends up getting rich off the idea 1 month later
But then he can’t do fake work while putting off the real work, don’t you understand? The goal is to get dopamine hits by fantasizing about something that will never be completed without having to start the work and coming to the anti-dopamine realization that he’ll never do it
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And one background done.
Has a lorefag ever completed a game?
>Pre production
Kek, just open the engine anon.
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You can talk with me
Is this Marmo, Damaskus or Kyubu dev?
Which one of them do you prefer?
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YOU, yes (you)! Post some art of your game NOW!!!! it could be a sprite, concept art, a texture, ANYTHING as long as it is drawn by YOU (or the designated project artist, no bought assets though)
Lorebros making crabs absolutely seethe.
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Do you live anywhere within 300 miles of Seattle? I'll drive and pick you up.
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>steam sale soon
if games on my wishlist go for nice prices I may have to slow down development
only piece I have right now, I wanna have a in-game encyclopedia of enemies though
I should clarify for the spirit of the post, I only drew the shotgun, the candleabras and the detached mspaint chandelier hanging by the door. I can't read, sorry...
Literally can’t see anything
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progress: wolf ears on player character
Uhhh Im on the other side of the planet sorry...
sorry dad...
trouser texture? I see the jean materials the belt and shoes
anon try have the shotgun be shaded too, it pops out a little much
Im sure he browses 4chan but probably /v/, I mean look at it
>helldivers clone
Meaning hes aware copying fotm is a good idea
>dev name: sweet cakes games
Cakes meme lel which Im sure is more popular on /v/

Its cause you need to be signed in, pretty mad imho but not the first game this has happened to, iirc Occult Rewrite had the same issue.
>post game
I barely have enough content to make a game and you want post-game? A bit hungry for content, are we?
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Actual gamedev question
I rigged and w painted body mesh via autorig pro. But I also have hair, clothes, different accessories and a cape. How do I attach them to the rig so they move with the body?
Would probably be doable but 1 year per game sounds like it'd limit what kind of games I can do. Maybe 1 game every 2 years. She'd have to be a mommy gf who heavily dotes on me and frequently cooks for me while bringing me the cookies and milk or coming into my room in a cheerleader outfit to cheer me on :^) you already know which anon I am.
Current battle system, background is free reference art, rest is original.
I was sent here from the other side
>try have the shotgun be shaded too
I've been having trouble getting it to react to lighting in a way that doesn't look ridiculous, since it's just a vertical plane. I'm really bad with shader stuff so it's prolly gonna take me an eternity to figure it out, but I'm definitely going to or die trying.
What news do you bring?
D-Did I make it?
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Anyone here interested in working on a competitor to Project Zomboid? I'm sick of these devs making lame excuses for why they take years to release dogshit.
>be actually motivated
>have at least half a clue what you're doing
>no whining on social media when the audience gives you shit for objectively fucking up
With those 3 traits, a team of maybe 3-5 devs could easily surpass them inside of 2 years.
So did the anon who posted thos last time wewr that tshirt he made of (a)wokens game to a date?
Well I uhhhh ummmm now have 4 wives from your game alone....
why waste your talents on coomslop?
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Just added some projectiles using cosigns and the curved movement is nice. I would like to know a way to just set an a clamp to the offsets though. I simply want to say reset the curve after it reaches 3 on the local X. Not sure if it's possible with Sine Waves.

float x = Mathf.Cos(timeElapsed * wobbleFrequency) * wobbleMagnitude;
If xhe wasn't making coomslop no one would care, that's the point
>draws giant boobs
>muh heccin talent
You’re fucking retarded
uh oh another another meltie caused by drawings of the female body
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What if it was the 60-first-dates anon?
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sorry bro /agdg/ is a gay social club for useless idea people, no actual useful advice gets posted here because nobody knows anything.
Much better than any other coomdev here
explain the appeal of Project Zomboid
never played or even looked into it
Just look at the line work, it’s so sloppy and amateurish. I swear this board has the least critical people in existence. The reason no one here will ever accomplish anything is because your standards are in the trash
Basically an autistic zombie survival sim
>artist spends 10000 hours practicing how to draw porn
>finally can make good porn
>why are you wasting your talent drawing porn
>make the game you want to play
I aged out of playing games during development of my dream game
i figured out the final yesdev pill. it wont make you ultra-productive all day, but it will make you consistently work on something.
ok it's 2 pills:
a) no social media/politics/gossip, or only in very small doses
b) positive thinking, stop making excuses or searching reasons "why you can't do it"
b is way more important though it seems. i wouldn't even call it positive thinking, i'd just call it "stop negative thinking".
just get in a flow of creating and create an infrastructure to publish things. e.g. make an itch.io account and just publish some browser games or so.
this is also very important because i think isolating yourself is very bad for motivation. you need to feel like you are communicating online. ofc you aren't talking to everybody, i just mean what you are working on needs to be communicated to other people, via social media, tiktok, itch, instagram or whatever you prefer.
i think going hermit is also just bitterness about not being liked by others. so you go hermit to protect your feelings from getting ignored, getting your hopes crushed, getting negative feedback etc.
you need to communicate with people again and not flee from them. actually this is also good motivation to get better.
also if you want to earn money it can only come from other humans, so you need their attention. you cant do that as a hermit.
>10000 hours practice
Looks more like 10 hours of practice max
no one believes you're qualified to issue scathing criticism and you should probably be ejected from the woodworking meet before you start dumping gore printouts
>The reason no one here will ever accomplish anything is because your standards are in the trash
he says when one of the most successful games here is a coom game with sloppy art
Ok make a drawing like that in 10 hours
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A lot of beloved artists were always into "coomershit", regardless of what Tumblr brainrotted zoomers and their shitty Twitter artist friends tell you.
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Can someone tell me how the /v3/ impacted their sales/downloads/wishlists/overall interest?
I didn't participate
I got a huge uptick of views during the show
Eric schizo shot up a school after haunted chocolate flopped
>freesound.org is down
my game is finished
can i pound your prostate?
Not bad advice. I only share progress with friends and family. I'm almost certain my game would be cloned before release by a team if I showed it.
Elevenlabs ai sound generator. Not just voices now.
I should learn art and 3d modeling one day so I don't have to rely on others.
My method is opposite to this. I didn't do any lore things until I had a functioning prototype, and even now a month or so from Steam page my game doesn't even have a name or a plot.
can I pound YOUR prostate?
just AI bro
>I didn't participate
>I got a huge uptick
something feels... off...
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We don't tolerate bocchi abuse here, sir.
it's fine as long as the others don't find out
I enjoy drawing it
I know what you mean but that's the compromise I had to make to keep the scope manageable otherwise this would take years to get going
I hate doing terrain generation.
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It's just waveforms bro relax.
How do I go about setting up a contract for game dev?
GMI. Post more this month.
>my game would be cloned before release by a team if I showed it.
Same. I need to be close to done to show it off a lot. I already have a few rivals with near identical ideas.
now THIS >>483727576 is what I'm going to play next DD (I hope we get a demo). How many champions mechanics did you implement into it, anon?
It's the amateur thread, of course it's gonna have people like nortubel, cris, azurdev, etc
You're free to give people advice but don't get upset if they don't take it or don't change, they probably can't
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I'm getting burnt out just coding and testing stuff. At times like this, I forget what I was trying to create in the first place just looking at placeholder assets.
What can you do? Modeling?
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Put solo game launch into own little windows to better report when the game is running and such. Using stdout from game to report things back to launcher, e.g. replay having been saved. Idea is that the launcher will offer renaming the replays, and also cache the outcome, to show it in replay selection menu.
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Finally inventory is working, making the gui not breaking when the window changes size took a lot of effort also had some issues with tweens and nodes placement, there are still some small bugs that need to get fixed but core features are operational, now i only need some nice textures
3 views on itch
I wish bevy wasn't so early in dev yet, i really want to learn rust.
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Monica's backstory. >>483723119
Doesn’t it work for making a game?
>I already have a few rivals with near identical ideas.
Yeah, everytime a new game with my less often used biome and artistic inspirations shows up I die a little. It's happened maybe 4 times.
and how do you beat Project Zomboid? I hear they screw up a lot, what precisely (in terms of game functionality) is the road to surpass them?
2d moba guy gets my seal of approval
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so there's really no reason to participate huh?
>not putting your wobble magnitude coefficient in front
>Doesn't it work
probaly not
Sorry I just copied off of a video guide that I watched earlier
Same. It's absolutely insane how much time making a game takes. You can graduate, get hired, get fired, get a girlfriend, marry her and divorce her in the time it takes to make a good game from scratch (5~ years). I'm a completely different person now than the guy who started work on this game, and I'm not sure I even want to make the same thing as he did anymore.
One of my ideas never even appeared in other games, ends up appearing in a popular game -_- now Im probably gonna get called a cloner if I use the original design I made
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ugh klimt you're wasting your talent on coomslop
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i think people complained about how bad this was last demoday so its a bit better now
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>a group of misfits band together to make a video game
not a problem for neets who don't do anything and have no outside stressors prompting them to have identity crises and thus never change into a "completely different person"
answer my question cube dev
shut the fuck up nigga
Not the guy that originally posted but I think the only way you could would be to make it more immersive through a first person perspective.
Well, I made a shit trailer. But it was a good occasion to get into trailer-making at all. I would go so far as to say it was slightly fun to participate. But yeah not much publicity is to be expected. Though I figure Nortubel got a ton of attention from it.
It’s really funny that some mentally retarded lolcow will get infinitely more attention than any competent game dev from agdg
You don’t have to use their ECS thoughever from what I saw the API seemed cool. I personally have only 2 or 3 would-be components so there is no point in using it
news on the streets is that aggy daggy is planning a big gay orgy for DD.
Is this true?
it's just a shitpost, but in math you'd always see it as Acos(stuff) + offset or whatever, scaling coefficients go in front for clarity, even though cos(stuff)*A + offset would be the same

To get the behavior you mentioned, hmm. While you're inputting increasing numbers, what you're also doing from a trig standpoint is cycling through the interval [0*pi, 2*pi). Each 90 degree is (1/2)*pi, so 0*pi == 2*pi == 4*pi....

So if you could constrain your input to be from 0 to pi that might get what you want idk. See what happens if you do timeElapsed%3 just for testing, idk I'm shit at coding.
My fear is fans of those other games come to my game expecting or wanting things from them.
>Why no romance options? Glunkoheroes has them!
He is definitely competent. The game is large, and it works.
>big titty oil wrestling game
Yeah, that's it, I'm project hopping.
It’s a 2d platformer, relax
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every time that kid spammed the thread about v3 i posted my manifesto about how pointless it is
With no modern platformer mechanics btw lmao
Yeah but neets have different problems in finishing games >>483698287
0 sales, 0 downloads, 0 wishlists, 0 interest
>which game
If I told you, it'd poison the data collection on v3's impact, wouldn't it?

I do still think it was valuable just from the live reactions in the various stream chats. I've already made changes based on that feedback.
Thanks. I'll note that down. Even though the movement with sines are nice I dont like the easing. If it comes down to it I can look up bezier curve, parabola, or just use animation curves to get the movement that I need (and better readability)
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Seeing all the fanart loli games get on /v/ motivated me to work on my loli game.
>no spikes every square cm
that's a good thing
who is the cutest aggie ?
Making a bullet hell or shmup would be a really good way to learn gamedev maths
>more npc behaviors like building bases and hunting
>bigger tech tree
>underground areas
>better electrical system
>more zombie variety
>more ammo variety
>climbing ladders
>more weapons like flamethrower or heavier guns
>bicycle, motorcycles, all cycles
>more objectives for endgame
>more unique locations and items
>deeper crafting system
>limb system for cutting off a bitten area and making a prosthesis
>military vehicles
>being able to open a car without breaking the window
>being able to make keys for those cars because hotwire shouldn't be permanent
>more inventory additions like slings and attachments to backpacks
>a lot of items need more uses to them
>being able to mod vehicles
>better and more informative health system
>more traits to play around with
>different body types
>better time passage on the world like it's wearing down as you're in it
>better construction options
>better hygiene system
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If you think it takes 5 years to make a good game, you're doing it wrong.
>doesn’t know what modern platformer mechanics are
>is shilling for a mentally retarded lolcow’s game
Checks out thougheverbeit
Idea guy-ing is reaching levels never seen before. Why don’t you go ahead and open up an engine and start coding little guy?
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Get in loser, this boomer shooter will make us rich!
It's how it used to be done. Doesn't happen anymore. World is too atomized.
Are you questioning the queen of 2D platforming games aka Celeste?
How long did it take you to make your good game?
I didn't mean 5 years as in a single game 5 years, but rather included the years it takes to experiment or build up your skills. Based on successes like Pseudoregalia, A Short Hike, Papers Please, Dome Keeper, and other solo projects, I estimate an average of 5 years. (For someone who hasn't had a hit game before.)

projectile push/pull

im sure there will be a ton of bugs
>It's how it used to be done
Substantiate your claims
i like how people use this new meme word atomized as if it means anything
>more kinds of things is bad because it just is okay?! everything has to be the same! we don't need more kinds of video games! roguelike deckbuilder?! it's just a card game call it what it is! i don't care if it's not actually poker. it uses cards, it's a card game!
Where's the gif from? It's giving monkey island vibes.
you instead might want to consider a ramp function with some easing
one piece
id software

Suggest a better word then. You clearly understood the intended meaning anyways.
implementing quicksave correctly in godot is a nightmare
brown woman look so good in cartoon form
Nevermind I searched the gif. It's One Piece.
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How is this worse compared to any other engine?
>I didn't mean 5 years as in a single game 5 years, but rather included the years it takes to experiment or build up your skills
Oh okay nm, that's legit and truth pilled
>just more autistic everything
idk, it’s not easy to build so many systems and have them sensibly work together. What do you bring to the table, how much experience working on similar types of game have you got?
If your goal is to make a living and you can't ship in 18 months AT MOST you need a wake up call. Some of y'all been working on the same dead end project since Steam Greenlight.
What issues are you running into with it, anon?
where do i get the mixamo stuff without creating an account ?
>Almost 200 reviews in 2 days for VN shit
>id software
Always the same single example
And were they misfits?
cute game
>world is too atomized.
what does this even mean ?
>Always the same single example
Valve software
>And were they misfits?
Can't speak to their woes with Godots but saving in Unreal is trivial since there's a built-in subsystem, standard data structure, automatic serialization of UFramework types, etc. Quick-saving is just one call to the subsystem for an (a)sync save on a named slot
slimodev or minihuntdev?
lore games died when underspacedev left
>to divide, to fragment
>to deprive of meaningful ties to others
I don't know why you're all so hung up on word choice. Imagine "divided" or "fragmented" instead if it really bothers you that much.
>ramp function
something like Mathf.Lerp with decay/dampening?
A few DDs back I remember a really neat "Where's Waldo"-like, where you had to find little creatures in an animated scene.
I honestly think that could be a whole genre if it isn't already, it was cute as hell yet simple, and gave me a lot of ideas.
it's not about the word
it's about the meaning you're trying to give
trying to make it seem like the world is more divided than it really is
it's simple to see why collabs don't happen on agdg and it has nothing to do with being divided
The fact that agdg is divided against itself has nothing to do with agdg being divided against itself?
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pogo3d is 25% off in the steam summer sale
please buy it to support your fellow dev!
He is taking a break
From gamedev
There’s a huge genre for it now, but it’s a bit different than that demo was. It’s got huge potential for sure.
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Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Singed, the Mad Chemist?
If I were to go full on with such a concept, I’d make it inspired by Pokémon Snap.
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VR support could really pop off on Quest anon.
By what metric they were misfits?
All already were professional developers
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: illou.
>hollow knight
>outer wilds
they liked NIN
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/agdg/ is divided because most of you guys suck at making games
yeah, i need to make some toggleable type of skills and one that keeps creating AOEs... the game still has no Mana
Would you say it's been worth it, sales wise, to continue working on your game months after release? Have you started a new project yet?
>making games
>further implying
Make a game with this feel.
All the better to suck your bank account dry.
Godot has several trivially easy options, but too many options means brainlets don't know which one to use. aka skill issue

That's an underlying reason for why agdg is divided, but that doesn't somehow mean that someone is wrong to say that agdg is divided
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When the year started, I was estimating my game will be released around this time, and was actually worried for a second about how it would overlap with the summer sale.
Turns out I'm barely halfway through.
Why is anime always the banner of steam sales now? Are we in the year of anime?
>media: has anime girl
>fedora redditor: “LE HECCIN SOUL!!!!”
"McGee had a number of stepfathers when growing up until his mother finally settled into a relationship with a trans woman. When McGee was sixteen, he came home from school and found his house empty and abandoned; the only things left were his bed, his books, his clothes and his Commodore 64 computer. His mother had sold the house to pay for two plane tickets and the fee for her girlfriend's gender confirmation surgery, leaving him on his own. "
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mcgee was cast out of id even, thoughbeit
>disco elysium is on sale for $3.99
>bought it recently because agdg was talking it up
Fuck! I knew I shouldn't have let agdg tell me to play this game. It was just a mid game too.
Can you post it? Want to see
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I have a discord server with just me in it where I have channels for every item, character, the story, each level, every weapon, music track, model, etc. Pretty much I have everything exactly planned out and I use it so I can work on stuff while in my bed on laptop or if I get an idea while using phone and can record a melody from my guitar or piano. It saves a lot of hassle.

With every entry I update the status as I go. So far only a few models and the core systems finished, but it's all coming along and whenever I don't feel like doing one thing, I just pick something else from the list. Helps because when I am aimless I waste a lot of time and let scope creep start up.
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>barely halfway through
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we are so back!
It got graded on a curve due to the subject matter. It's a good game but people call it the best RPG ever because they liked what it was saying.
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But aggydaggy told me an average gamer hates anime
>heavily shilled game (even I had heard of it)
>pushed by an entire country
Reminds me of that weird rpg made by a polish guy that also did relatively well, I hope you're using your country for marketing if you're third world.
Sued by Nintendo gg kiddo
>using discord for org mode
the absolute state of gen z
Hi. Would anyone like to join my server, please?

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stop it
>Disco Elysium 90 percent off : $3.99
Do they even make money at this point?
>I have a discord server with just me in it
This but it’s the public discord for my game desu
I want a game inspired by Ralph Bakshi or Peter Chung.
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that looks like western anime and not made by an asian artist
devs got fucked over so they don't see a dime regardless
Depends who you ask, the two original devs have been booted from the team for years now so they make zilch.
I stand above you and piss straight into your face a magnificent pungent golden shower
The game already has 85K reviews, anon and it won multiple awards. I think they already made their money anon.
They are already working on a new game.
No they don't, the main guy behind it literally said he'll never make another game again
i can smell the marnix bro stink in here
Disco Elysium has a few polished mechanics and high quality writing, but fails in other aspects, such as multiple solutions to quests or different endings to said quests.
I only buy good games, sorry.
Lucas Games
Is that a sign that hes set for life from earnings or that he's on the verge of unaliving himself?
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tr*nime has poached off any other creative styles because tr*nime girls are like jangling keys in front of a baby, they cause neuron activation in gooner genetric garbage and makes them more likely to spend m*ney(fuck capitalism) on garbage tr*nime games.
weeb garbage has done more damage to art than AI (and i fucking hate AI)
>underperforms in coom subs
>underperforms in sfw sales
>underperforms in twitter numbers
>underperforms in DD
yet is spammed here all the time for no reason, pedos are easily the most annoying minority in the world
Still this is undoubtedly anime aesthetic
Aggydaggy says that anime is a niche a not for everyone
Where can I find the full story?
>a fucking steam banner with western "anime" style means that anime games don't do much worse on average
Mental illness. I guess I'm making a game in corporate vector art since that's what steam usually uses for sales!!!
he did but the studio was still making a new one until they laid everyone off
What the FUCK does "thougheverbeit" mean and where did it come from?
>nodes that are instantiated when reading the save file will in turn instantiate any children present in their .tscn
>some of those children may flag themselves as persistent (i.e., added to the "save" group)
>if they're persistent, they're going to appear in save files AND in the .tscn, leading to duplicate nodes
>those children only flag themselves as persistent in _ready or _enter_tree, so they have to be parented to something and a frame needs to be allowed to pass before we can detect dupes and get rid of them
post stats
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im tom clancy and my numbers are up 20000%
>"McGee had a number of stepfathers when growing up until his mother finally settled into a relationship with a trans woman. When McGee was sixteen, he came home from school and found his house empty and abandoned; the only things left were his bed, his books, his clothes and his Commodore 64 computer. His mother had sold the house to pay for two plane tickets and the fee for her girlfriend's gender confirmation surgery, leaving him on his own. "

Holy shit man.
The front page of steam isn't even the same, idiot. It includes a hundred more games than it usually does.
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It's sort of bittersweet reading this and knowing he still had the mental fortitude to push on and make several games.... all while /agdg/ gets defeated by... what the hell... just not having some imaginary dreamgirl made up gf? Weak.
So this is the power of appeal.
all my games
the fuck kinda fake usd you using
riven ain't that cheap
I thought this was a joke, but it's on wikipedia so it must be true. At least it's funnier that way.
agdg real quiet on this
it was a different time, the food was better, you could work as a HS dropout and get a livable wage, etc...
basically the world wasn't perfect, but if you were not disable, with a little effort you could succeed
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Agoodagoo, I'm lost. I've been studying shaders the whole day and I'm still lost: how do I draw one stripe and manage its length?
Trigonometric functions are simply ratios of sides of a right triangle. Everything useful follows from this.
So normalfags got rid of the only misfit lol?
One strip is one cycle of cosine.
I think it was excellent, I wouldn't say "best RPG ever" and my reasons are not about 'subject matter' which I'm guessing is you obsessing about politics.
For me the characters, world, and story were top notch. The stats and how they contributed was extremely well done, and I loved the thought cabinet too. All the interesting content behind failing checks was a huge thing too, something I hope more devs clue in on, though that takes creativity that many are completely lacking.
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this is the player
booooooooob the builder
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This thread is literally the same as always. The blackpill is understanding that hundreds of /agdg/ youtube videos could be made and this place wouldn't change.
Oh shit youre right lol
Faggy is still alive? That's a shame
Any devs doing their game's music?
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Well we are still not in the same situation
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Engine for 3D Dwarf Fortress, 3D Space Station 13 and Daggerfall-like.
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There's genuinely nothing easier for recording audio clips, random video clips, taking photos for textures of random things I see when I'm out, sending off ideas when I'm not at pc, writing dialogue sets when I'm traveling for work or just in bed. It'd be a total mess without it.
Anyone familiar with the game First Cut? I want to utilize the three level stance system for a simple little fighting game.
You have three stances: High, Mid, Low. Attacking from each stance would result in a high, mid, or low attack.
Now where I'd like this mechanic to differ is that attacking into your matching stance results in you being blocked, and two matching attacks colliding (ie High vs High) result in both being blocked and the player and opponent both get thrown into randomized stances.
As well, a high attack meeting a low attack results in a Grapple where you button mash to gain the upper hand and the loser is blocked.
Stamina regenerates very slowly, and everything will cost stamina, switching stances, being blocked, and attacking. At no stamina you become defenseless and can be struck, strikes also land if you attack into another guard (if you unmatching attacks go at once, the attack initiated first wins, if they happened at exactly the same time it will prefer player)
Rate this mechanic, I have been trying to work it so that spamming attacks is a terrible idea. (In First Cut, the winning move is often just spam attack mid.)
>25% off
Maybe if it was it 90% off and then I'd have to think about it
I am.
Don't worry, in 5 or so decades I'll no longer disappoint you. (If you make it that long, at least.)

I like your progress, and I've enjoyed seeing it for a while now. Keep it bro.
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How come none of you fucking weebs made this game? This was made by an Ukrainian amid power failures while dodging Russian bombs and domestic conscription squads.
>According to former id staff Sandy Petersen, Tim Willits was the one responsible for McGee's firing (although he did not mention Willits by name; referring to him only by "Snake" and "X"). Allegedly, during the development of Quake II, Willits deliberately gave bad level design advice to McGee and when he presented his work to Carmack, it angered him and McGee was fired soon after.
Did you buy this from the Unreal Asset Store?
I made it
holy kek
carmack has no chill
I plan to. I can play drums / guitar / bass guitar quite well. Got the gear and have some recording experience in the past. I'm going to write mostly drone and post-rock inspired by e.g. Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Thank you for the words.
The King Jesus Christ God Bless you and your ventures.
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very nice
"Scott Miller wasn’t the only one to go before id began working on Doom. Mitzi would suffer a similar fate. Carmack’s cat had been a thorn in the side of the id employees, beginning with the days of her overflowing litter box back at the lake house. Since then she had grown more irascible, lashing out at passersby and relieving herself freely around his apartment. The final straw came when she peed all over a brand-new leather couch that Carmack had bought with the Wolfenstein cash. Carmack broke the news to the guys.

“Mitzi was having a net negative impact on my life,” he said. “I took her to the animal shelter. Mmm.”

“What?” Romero asked. The cat had become such a sidekick of Carmack’s that the guys had even listed her on the company directory as his significant other–and now she was just gone? “You know what this means?” Romero said. “They’re going to put her to sleep! No one’s going to want to claim her. She’s going down! Down to Chinatown!”

Carmack shrugged it off and returned to work. The same rule applied to a cat, a computer program, or, for that matter, a person. When something becomes a problem, let it go or, if necessary, have it surgically removed."
>id software were crabs too
You just can't make this shit up.
This is clearly rendered from the Unreal Asset Store PBR Construction Characters Pack?
Annoying eceleb shit. At least Eric Barone is still somewhat relevant.
Why did you all leave when I joined ...?

It's been around for a while. This general just picked it up recently.

I don't believe in god, but I truly appreciate the sentiment. Never give up, you're making good progress.
Considering Carmack is the most successful of the bunch, isn't he right?
have you drawn every agdg protag?
no he has not
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I don't quite understand how to utilize functions like cos and sin in coding, especially with shaders. I know that they represent divisions between hypotenuse and cathetuses from math classes, and that's it. So if I remove cos(), it shows this.
it depends on a lot of things I think.
my fans are ravenous and they keep begging me to update pogo3d. they are happy when i add new stuff and their trust in me grows. i dont know if updating will necessarily create new customers though. it matters more what exactly you are updating.
for example if you release an update substantial enough that your "important fans" (influencers) boot up the game and show it to their audience again thats good. but an update that DOESNT cause them to do that is pretty worthless
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OverTime and All-Inn are also 50% off! Go check them! (also OT has a free demo)
My game will have that feel on the beach area I hope
I have zero money I need to make a successful video game so I have one money (or preferably two or three moneys, or maybe even more).
Stop. You're talking about shaders wrong. You don't want to use a shader to draw a line segment. In a game, you would do it with 3D geometry or 2D primitive draws. Shaders are for patterns. For things that repeat.
>*talking -> thinking

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