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Helldivers 2 is a 2021 first-person shooter game developed by 343 Industries and published by Xbox Game Studios. It is the sixth mainline installment in the Helldivers series, following Helldivers 5: Guardians (2015). The game's campaign follows the human supersoldier Master Chief and his fight against a mercenary organization, known as the Banished, on the Forerunner ringworld Zeta Halo. Unlike previous mainline entries in the series, the multiplayer portion of the game is free-to-play.

HELLDIVERS 2 is available on Steam and PS5:

Helldivers is a 2001 first-person shooter video game developed by Bungie and published by Microsoft Game Studios for the Xbox. It was released as a launch game for Microsoft's Xbox video game console on November 15, 2001. Helldivers is set in the twenty-sixth century, with the player assuming the role of the Master Chief, a cybernetically enhanced supersoldier. The Chief is accompanied by Cortana, an artificial intelligence. Players battle aliens as they attempt to uncover the secrets of the eponymous Halo, a ring-shaped artificial world.

HELLDIVERS is available on Steam, PS3, PS4, PS5, and PS Vita:






June 25th

Gay femboy Leandivers.
How is the breaker incendiary overpowered? Isn't killing lightly armored targets in close to medium range exactly what it should excel at?
Just what the heck happened, guys?
>close to medium range
You mean close to maximum view distance range
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hey flutey play that one song i like from like 200yrs ago
So you're using the breaker incendiary vs automatons or you're triggering terminid patrols for no reason. Either way you're a retard.
Like the other anon said, it has an effective range far beyond every other weapon, because even if maximum damage falloff occurs, it still ignites enemies on contact, and the burn damage will kill any and all bug chaff.
>Aggro'd swarms and breaches do not spawn past 20 meters, yes I totally play this game
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the only destroyer with live music
the keeper of the stars
>Aggroing random shit
So I was correct.
>the gun can kill at close to medium range
>the gun can kill at any range
>wow it can kill at any range that means youre bad
Incredible logic my slugbrained friend.
No, you fucking retard. AGGRO'D (as in shit already aware of your presence) bugs can spawn up to 100+ meters away. This is why I clearly implied you do not play the game. This happens on top of objectives and countless other instances.
I bet you think not showering is overpowered because everyone can smell you from over 20 meters away too.
You seem really afraid of anons on 4chan being aware of how good the gun performs for some reason.
Move the goalposts any harder and you're gonna get hired at the UEFA league.
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>Aiming with the grenade pistol mid-reload interrupts the reload
>How is the breaker incendiary overpowered?
It's extremely easy and convenient to use to a great effect. Not just in a noob-friendly way, but in that you can reliably get full output from it regardless of the situation with no hiccups. No getting fucked by handling like the JAR, or ammo supply like the Scorcher, or spin-up time like the Sickle, or AoE self-damage like Punisher Plasma or Eruptor, or headshot dependence like the Tenderiser, or charge up time like the Purifier.

It's like the game has Liberator and Defender, which are meant to be simple and reliable primary solutions, with the downside that they are kinda weak-ish, and the rest of the primary selection which is meant to be stronger but have quirks and drawbacks.

And incen breaker is just the best of both worlds - both strong and reliable with nearly no downsides. It seems like the devs feel that setting your own teammates on fire is it's balancing quirk, but it's such a non-issue that it comes out as S-tier, and I generally feel like most primaries should be on the same power level and it would make the game objectively better.
primaries shouldn't excel at anything chud, you're supposed to run around and throw stratagems and helldives should have a 1% clear rate

wait why is the game dying
Furthermore, since most of its damage comes from burning DoT, it overperforms against groups (at all ranges) which makes it so oppressive.

Multiple clustered enemies doesnt meqn higher ammo consumption, it means higher DPS. One burst does effectively 5x more damage if it lights up 5 enemies instead of 1. In a horde shooter this is ridiculously strong. Even flamethrower is balanced by range, but s&p is essentially infinite range flamethrower.
Is it just me or are these generals dead?

Is Helldivers 2, dare I say it, dead?
just as dead as other /coopg/ games, hence why /coopg/ exists
soon we will return home unfortunately
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Thank god. This game's entire existence has been a meme. It was mediocre AT BEST and the dev's inability to operate a fucking game is definitive proof of that.
I blame AH having zero QA
Every patch is a total shitfest where they might just break more than they fix, and then they take another two months to fix what they've broken even when it was fixed before
Seriously, where is the fucking packing method fix?
I really don't mind the stratagem- and evasion-centric gameplay, and the game really doesn't need to be about "shoot horde feel good" gameplay loop desu. But to achieve that they need the gameplay built around stratagems and movement to be waaaaay more in-depth than it is now.

The problem is "shoot horde feel good" is legitimately the only part of the gameplay they have that works really well, with the rest being at pre-alpha proof of concept stage at best, but the AssHoles keep acting like the painfully barebones strat play can actually carry their gameplay while the shooting mechanics are just a crutch. Which is hillariously out of touch. There's no fucking depth to throwing beacons. The peak strat gameplay there is comes down to
>actually put beacons where you want to place them
>don't hoard the reds and greens remember to actually use them
>use high AP reds on armored enemies, broad AoE reds on hordes
>put turrets on high grounds
>try not to have eagle on rearm when you need it

And once you have that down, that's literally it - there's nothing more to the strat play, no more variety of complexity or skill or challenge or catharsis to it, while the swedes keep acting like they have a third person World in Conflict.
Imagine actually putting effort and genuine thought into a reply to some shitposting retard.
What a waste of your time and good intentions.
>Furthermore, since most of its damage comes from burning DoT
Not true, actually. The actual damage on the DoT is quite far behind the pellet damage in pretty much any situation below "every single pellet hits a different enemy", with is extremely rare.

The important part of the DoT is that it cleans up the breakpoints that you miss. You spray a group of hunters with it, kill 40% of them with the direct damage leaving the other 60% with a sliver of health - and the DoT will finish them off for you. Any other primary in a similar situation would mean that you need another pass over the same group, while the Incen Breaker takes out the trash for you. Which is a LOT of convenience.
>actually put beacons where you want to place them
Would be a lot easier if they beacons didn't have like a 50% chance to bounce
>put turrets on high grounds
Wouldn't it be funny if AH made all the best highground no-go zones that just make your beacons bounce away hahaha
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You know, you'd think that by letting us choose the name of our ship they'd have the ship's PA system announce it as it was joining
>"Hello is this /hdg/? People are shitposting"
>"Have you tried effortposting yourself?"
>"Who? Me?"
thank you russian your contribution is superb
>You spray a group of hunters with it, kill 40% of them with the direct damage
This doesnt actually happen at any range. Even at very close range you are likely to be forced to overkill with 2 shots
At the better range of 20+ metres away (where the pellets can spread out) you will kill 90% of the horde with DoT. Maybe if you spray a needlessly high amount of ammo the pellets could steal the kill, but you can just pump a short burst, hit every hunter, and then watch all of them die off as the DoT does its work
>Seriously, where is the fucking packing method fix?
I doubt they've even figured out how they broke it since it was working before I'm not sure why they even tried to fix it in the first place.
>if it's the DoT that finishes off the enemy it means that it does the most damage
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Remember to give your fellow helldivers a hug once in a while, won't you?
It launched broken, was quickly fix, then the famous long cooked patch broke it again somehow and it hasn't been fixed yet
Somehow they broke it twice
I mean this most recent patch, before .400 SPM worked fine for me before that so I'm not sure what they were trying fixing this time.
When you can replicate the effect across every range that means they are barely being hit by singular pellets? Absolutely yes. As I said at close range youre killing with multiple shots because youre forced to and its super inefficient compared to the other shotguns. At every other range you are solely relying on the DoT. You are NOT killing 40% of the hunters at mid range with just the pellets unless you are pumping full mags which is complete overkill.
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Fanfiction balance patch with ~100 change to ~50 weapons, stratagems, boosters, armor passives, and enemies. Changes are annotated with AH blog post-style explanations for the rationale. Click on a highlighted line item to see the associated comment.
Pls r8 h8 and masturb8. By which I mean if there are any changes you strongly disagree with I'd be happy to hear your reasoning.
What's your rationale for making the spray and pray somehow worse than it already is?
god i fucking miss hd1 bri'ish commando helldivers and pre-release hd2 dudebro space marine helldivers
now it's just sniveling retards flailing about and screaming in shitty colorful destiny/star wars ripoff armor because arrowhead can't get their head out of their ass and they have to go through with their shitty satire
shut up retard
Anon the damage is literally doubled.
.4 broke SPM and happened two weeks ago.
In that patch, whatever they did fucked it. They havent tried to fix it at all yet.
You're unhinged.
it's best in class vs bugs with 0 competition anon. It has great range, spread and RoF that makes it better at crowd clearing than any of the explosive or fully automatic primaries, a huge ammo pool and it just plain outdamages everything else.
There's exactly 2 things it can't do that other primaries can: close holes and kill spitters, and the grenade pistol does both of those pretty much as well as any primary, so there's effectively no downside to the incendiary as long as you have the grenade pistol.

If you really don't think it's that great, then reccomend us a primary/secondary combination that does as well vs bots as the Incel+gp
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>he doesnt know how AP values work yet months into release
I was 50/50 between putting its damage to 384 or to 500. Depends on how much spread it has but I couldn't express tha tnumerically because AFAIK we don't have access to any spread values that are used internally by the game
Did you forget the reason they gave it AP2 in the first place? It already had AP1 at launch.
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How much is Arrowshit going to break the game when they introduce the Illuminate?
it had ap1 and 114 damage lol
it's doubled against most targets
The liberator drone really badly needs an AI fix above all else, and even then a bigger mag for higher uptime
The faster reload would only make it waste its limited ammo against fabricators and scout striders even faster
Said it before and I'll say it again. Replace the Liberator with the sickle.
But anon it's so funny haha look at it go. For real though AH needs to get their head out of their ass and seriously unfuck turret/drone AI.
Then its functionally no different from the Scythedrone. Give it a Dominator or Slugger or DCS.
Nah, give it a flamethrower or airburst launcher
>Then its functionally no different from the Scythedrone
Except the drone fires liberator level shots in an ar burst rather a consistent laser? The liberator drone will forever be shit because nothing will ever make up for having limited ammo.
While I agree, I tried to limit myself in these patch notes to the changes that I think one modder could do with without writing any new code.
Someone once suggested that the Guard Dog should work entirely differently from the Guard Dog Rover. The Guard Dog Rover would retain its current funcitionality, while the AR Guard Dog would shoot directly where you were shooting whenever you were shooting. That's my favorite change for the Guard Dog, but it was outside of the scope of the google doc which is just a list of balance changes with minimal redesigns.

I made an exception for the Purifier since datamining suggests it was already planned to work that way and they just need to enable it.
almost nobody uses a mic in this game, it is absolutely retarded. talking is half the fun for me but 90% of the time people run around like npcs with their heads cut off. is it socially retarded zoomers or what? its just sad going into a multiplayer game and feel like you are alone with a couple of bots
>that does as well vs bots as the Incel+gp
>vs bots
this game is not complex enough to warrant using a mic
every single person using voip in this game i've met so far was a mouthbreathing nigger with open mic
just ping shit
Thank you!
I'm here to play the game, not make friends. I want nothing from you besides your immediate cooperation to help complete the objectives at hand and extract.
Stop playing with randos. Lots of people don't use the in-game VC specifically because they are already on Discord with their group.
>"I don't have any friends"
Well who is the real socially retarded zoomer then?
game keeps crashing randomly, any tips to fix that?
verify files
also try praying
>What's your rationale
listed as a comment, bby ;) just click on the highlighted text
The only time this game warrants communication is when you need an NPC to press the second button at bunkers.
RIP that's what i've been doing
>almost nobody uses a mic in this game
Don’t need it.
i do ping shit, these retards run off and dont help and keep dying or killing teammates with unanounced stratagems. its a cooperative shooter. not using a mic is obectively retarded.
i met a couple of dudes with mics and they are absolutely awesome to play with.
i havent been gayming in over ten years and coming back it feels like the world turned into an asylum filled with socially retarded idiots.
i absolutely hate discord and no one ever should be using that awful wiretap service.
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>another faggot OP
That's how many in a row now? Anime and Japanese subculture are groomer/tranny hobbies btw, 4chan has to be emancipated from both
humans are social creatures and communication is half the fun. you do know what fun is?
Kill yourself tourist, go complain more on your containment board.
Enemy elite, 100 meters, north!
I don't want to hear any retarded pakistani trying to be tactical. Last one that tried to make me change loadout got a senator bullet to the face
>i met a couple of dudes with mics and they are absolutely awesome to play with
This is been my experience as well, minus one instance where one player I met seemed really clingy and was kinda weird. That said, I don’t mind games where no one uses a mic either.
>humans are social creatures
No we're not. We have the benefit of being above such classifications.
of course you dont want to have brown people in your ear. regardless of the activity. its a given that i am talking about wanting to play with white people from the anglosphere.
yesterday i was playing bots and this dude had his mic on and tv on full volume giving everyone massive audio feedback. he didnt even say a single word btw. i asked him to turn down his volume or turn off his mic since he isnt even talking but he didnt react. i wrote it in chat too but no reaction. then i just started killing him but the other guy on the map then always killed me. the behaviour these days is absolutely bizarre. internet was only good when only white males were using it. now its fucking retarded. when will we learn to ruthlessly exclude people again?
>when will we learn to ruthlessly exclude people again?
hosting your own game gives you the ability to do so
why are you not hosting your own game?
Son you're supposed to turn crossplay off in order to avoid consoleniggers
Spoiler alert: he is a consolenigger
i am not
Every board is my board, animecuck. Take your meds so you can stop being stuck in 2004 for a few hours.
>he says that on a message board
Why are you like this?
My voice chat is always muted, I care not about retarded tacticool larpers or mouthbreathing gamer dads, frankly these two categories are the only ones who ever use mic.
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>"every board is my board, animecuck"
You had to be born before 2010, unfortunately.
No you weren't, retard
i pity people like you. the absolute tons of fun i had talking shit in voice while endlessly slaying bugs. its pure bliss. sadly most people today do not seem to have the capacity for such fun. just run mute to your marker for 1000th time and do objective like a fucking drone. jfc
actually hardstuck in 2004 lmao
go to any anime/jp subculture gathering and ask people for their pronouns
report back with the results if the shame doesn't compel you to kys before you get the chance
you no longer belong here
t. gamer dad
now go back to r*ddit
>40 year old stuck in the past when anime and manga was a hobby for nerds and not normalfag zoomers and queers
stimming you :)
join for some bug smashing
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>stimmin' you
>is easy
>cause you're beautiful
wrong. but whatever.
>wtf is wrong with you wanting talk in a cooperative shooter with friendly fire on
jaded fucks like you are such sad creatures

i am fine with people using the com wheel. i am talking about people saying nothing. pinging nothing. its crazy to me
imagine being so proud of your garbage outfit that you spend time drawing it instead of just drawing the infinitely better looking default helldiver
light armor looks better
>cuz im just a teenage dirtbag baby
the artist did a series of these
steam://joinlobby/553850/109775244461039324/76561198005570064 instead, game crashed
what a nigger, lol!
hey thats me on the left
join the lobby
this is a threat
>helldivers oc unit
>helldivers OC unit
Holy based, I wish we saw more of this kind of creative stuff
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>t. trannycord grooming victims lashing out their anime PTSD in an anonymous anime imageboard
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i don't know what an OC unit is, but it looks good
we need more plapdivers
I accept your concession schizo-kun
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>i accept your concession
Good for you anon, here you go, enjoy your anime!
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last frame after post-quit crash
yeah yeah, you know what I meant. I'm not the first guy to make that typo
incel breaker gang
i'll stop using it once they add the punisher dragonbreath or the tiny flamer
Everytime I host I tell people over mic to change their loadout if they don't want to get kicked. My server my rules. Ain't no way I'm playing with some fag trying to be funny by bringing barrages or mortar sentry
no /hdg/ is complete without flutey schizoposting
anyone here gotten used to playing on ps5 controller? also post lobbies
a special team

with special needs
i am simple man
i see
i press E
Adam should be the
>just gonna lay down here for a minute
>join a random lobby
>im the only one who uses voice
is this normal?
its seems to be unfortunately. absolute nigger tier situation in this game
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>30-50 fps on the new biome with a lot of setting turned down
Lads, I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. They really need to optimize their fucking game.
>game is an endless source of frustration and disappointment
>play it every day anyway
i resent myself
trust me some of those random lobbies are the worst with voice

I much prefer tagging on the map and using the commands

Works on my machine
Also upgrade your rig before the inevitable Taiwan boogaloo
Hello yes this is me, responding to you.
Did they stealth nerf the stim animation? I usually pop 15-25 stims per mission but with the latest patch I've been getting ripped to shreds while trying to stim in situations where previously I would have easily healed and zoomed off
That's gaming in 2024. Make a discord and play with your friends because people are scared of online strangers.
No they probably "Fixed" a "Bug" regarding stims and forgot to mention it in the patch notes :)
Just like when they made hive guards and spewers no longer die to 1 impact HE grenade ;)
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Time for unsolicited opinions on how to fix the game in the next patch:
>Eruptor 1-tap any medium unit
>Purifier 2-tap any medium unit
>Automaton tank and turret vents take only 1 AT rocket to kill
>BT and Charger both get AP 3 weakpoints
>Railgun gets unobstructed full damage penetration to include hitting weakspots through armor and AP 6 at 90%.
>Scout Striders armor buff reverted
>Gunship engines now AP 3
>Breaker gets its mag size back
>Breaker incel remains the same but the dragons breath goes out after 20m
>Breaker SnP buffed for more pellets, rinds, fire rate, and recoil
>Laser weapons damage goes up with heat, and at 70% heat their AP goes up by 1.
>Lib Pen gets buffs to handling, recoil, and bullet deviation. 4 round burst mode with adjusted mag size. Gets blowthrough rounds, maybe AP 4
>Lib Concussive is removed from the game as it has a 0% pick rate
>mechs no longer have a 2/mission cap and cooldown reduced to 7 minutes
>liberation cap is removed, thereby getting rid of this shared shit between the fronts allowing the bot front to move without a MO
What else we got, don't give me some autistic numbers spreadsheet just what you think needs to happen.
It's beyond retarded how hard the game starts ramping up the enemy spawn rate once you do the main objective.
are gunship engines not AP3 already I swear you can kill them with AP3 weapons its just really fucking shit since you do half damage and they have a ton of HP/durability
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>Incen Breaker
>Nade Pistol
>Impact Incen Nade
>Gatling Barrage
>Supply Pack
Now we gaming. You have everything for every situations, and easy 500+ kills on bug planets.
>Breakers in June of the lord's year 2024
Accurate. Railcannon is more reliable, but OPS and getting good always seems like the better idea to me.
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come join the good fight anon
>lobby is private
ur a dummy anone
Explain how to use flamethrower and not die from some random bug jumping on your face. Also i feel like it does 0 damage to medium enemies
can OPS one shot a titan? i heard they're pretty gud now, but i usually throw railcannon and douse them from below with my flamethrower, down within 3-4 seconds
take the shield backpack instead and learn how to dive
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>>Eruptor 1-tap
Only to the head, it's a pocket sniper after all and you should have to aim with it otherwise it's better than any other primary
>Purifier 2-tap
Sure but it should be able to 1 tap Devastators if you hit the heads with a charged shot
>Automaton tank and turret vents take only 1 AT rocket to kill
>BT and Charger both get AP 3 weakpoints
No, these are the only 2 'AT checks' on the bugs, but the charger should die in 1 rocket to the ass (explode its ass and put it in bleedout so it's a less efficient way than a headshot)
Just allow it to damage gunships.
>Scout Striders
The problem with their engines is the durability like tank/turret vents, which is why only the scorcher is good at bringing them down currently, and the railgun struggles
It might just need less recoil to be more useful at longer ranges than the 'drum mag' variants
>Breaker incel
It should just require more pellets to actually ignite enemies and have a tighter spread so you can't brainlessly spam it in directions
>Breaker SnP
It already has more pellets than the regular punisher/breaker does, having a 30 round magazine would fix the weapon
>Laser weapons damage goes up with heat
Alternatively they can set enemies on fire if you hold the laser on them long enough, kind of like how the orbital laser sets the ground on fire
>Lib Pen
I think they should revert this thing to its previous burst-only state but give it a 45 round mag of medium penetration rounds
>Lib Concussive
I like this weapon but it needs less sway, recoil, and a long range scope
The limit on mechs almost certainly exists for game performance reasons. They should just add the repair gun so you can keep your mech going and a way to reload them with the supply backpack (supply pack + repair gun + mech as the optimal loadout)
>liberation cap
I don't even pay attention to the MO shit since it's all scripted so whatever
come on we're shooting clankers
>get medium medic armor
>supply pack
>stim between each flame ropes
You're basically a pyromaniac crackhead with this loadout, if you get less than 50 stims used per session you failed.
i lied we're not shooting clankers
we're shooting bugs
don't come
I mainly use flamethrower to deal with chargers, for everything else I have my primary.
>random bug jumping on your face
You can melee those jumping fuckers the moment they landed and they will never touch you, if somehow you're randomly catching fire then watch where you're spraying, immediately dive when you're on fire
time to replay the tutorial
how do you do
>complains about game's performance
>doesn't post specs
every fucking time
dont have any
snoy killing sales to spite them for daring to stand against them over that psn shit, by not lifting the bans in other countries
Does setting the res to Ultra Quality give enough of a boost to warrant the blur?
>random moonrunes gamertag
Wow my session is now infinitely better. Why are these bugs plaguing every game they're in?
I start avoiding chink and I haven't seen anyone use the grenade exploit
culture that encourages cheating to win as long as you don't get caught
It's fun fucking around with friends and accidently involving the single random person in our bullshit with him remaining cluelss due to not hearing our shit. Or occasionally clueing him in via ingame VC seconds before his death by an airstrike meant for a buddy. When playing with randoms no communication is needed. The only time I use it is to tell people TO GET TO THE FUCKING GUNSHIP FAB
They have a fundamentally different outlook to games compared to us, bred into them by their culture of deception and cheating
>AH in vacation like 2 months
Guess there is no new content for that time
I would even like those at-mines now
I had several chinks on my squad one time they will ran off somewhere far, triggering every bug breaches, and if someone didn't reinforce within 2 seconds, they will leave. Literal bugs.
Could be worse. It could be like the senator who gets its reload interrupted by too many things that i don't understand. At least it got a speedloader.
Gunship engines indeed are armor 3, but they are 100% durable so primaries deal jack shit damage to them and they have 400 health.
They could give us the AT mines at any time if they wanted to. Theyve done it plenty before.
What they should be doing is fixing all versions of the mines to actually work.
A single anti personnel mine does 350 explosion damage at AP3 and yet cant kill a goldfish in one explosion.
Something is seriously wrong and fucked with however they implemented them
i refuse to use mic
I will not hear ANYONE's voice. use text or fuck off.
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Fuck you Brasch, I didn't come here to throw pokeballs, I came here to KILL BUGS and I'll do it with my own two fucking hands if I have to.
>finally find someone with a mic
>open mic
>mouth breather
>can hear his game through it
I'm too old for this.
Problem with mines is that if 1 fluff enemy steps on one it sets most of them off, so they're never around long enough to a wall stopping enemies from advancing. I'm not sure how they could ever make mines not shit. They're always gonna be a meme.
>Just allow it to damage gunships.
Gunships in general should be 0% durable, not basically be flying tanks. Flight is supposed to have downsides.
I think my least favorite aspect of bugs is how its impossible to tell what bugs are going to be in a mission.
>gear up for chargers
>oops! all spewers
>gear up for spewers
>oops! all brood commanders
>gear up for brood commanders
>oops! all chargers
Mechs should have 3~4 uses, but the way it works is that there can only be 1 exosuit model per player on the field. If you want to call down another and the previous one hasn't exploded, which should trigger a sinking disappearing act like enemy corpses, then you must use a code for the Pelican to come pick it up first. The added bonus here is that the Pelican will shoot while its retrieving a surviving exosuit. This will hard cap the amount of mechs on the field and prevent any issues that allegedly may arise from Stromming# code.
then make them not go all off when some random fluff steps on one?
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I would killl for some kind of strain warning or whatever in the briefing menu. Its cool that the swarm composition can vary, but not being able to prep for it can really fuck you over. It stifles loadout diversity in subtle ways i dont think the devs understand
>i would like to bring the sickle today but it might be an armor seed better bring the scorcher. again.
Its double retarded because this is not a problem that happens with bots. At least, not nearly to the same degree.
See, that is what Joel should have done with the petafactory raid. While the bot focused their force on Varylia 5 other bot planet decay rates should have been lower. It's not like the player would make any progress anyway.
Im just hoping we get new ship upgrades that give stuff like an extra call in, reduced cooldown maybe more hp or stomp damage as a filler upgrade.
>coding a pelican retrieval
That's 6 more months and another 3 patches to make it functional
I understand thats an issue as well. But just doing one eradication with them blatantly shows enemies with health pools far below the damage of a single mine just casually surviving mine explosions.
In my opinion they should:
>fix the fundamental issue of the mines not doing the damage they should
Then move to
>amend the mines so a single enemy doesnt set up multiple or spread them out further or increase amount of mines
>thinking you're allowed to caputre non-MO planets
You will be railroaded as Joel demands
ummm swaety, we can't let players have control so we're gonna bump the decay rate to 3% even though the enemy is supposed to be on the offense
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My life for SUMYCORP
>stomp damage
Speaking of this do the peak phys buff that dmg?
>Just watch the video about players hunting other players wearing the UN armor.
What was their problem ?
People that preorder videogames are a problem.
Nah I'm a helldivers 1 vet stay mad
dropped into a bot mission with my bug load out including the breaker and i actually had very little issue. turns out you can play the game with -any- of the weapons
I was wondering the same. Do armor perks affect mechs, its just dumb enough that the swedes would accidentily do it.
still sad i fucked up and didn't get the pre-order armor, tears
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comfy 7 bots
hugely assmad they can't have something someone else does
deep rock is 10 bucks, is it worth it to play while HD2 gets unfucked?
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Thanks for the fun time bros
Shoutout to takeshi for holding a grudge and keeping the door all to himself
was 2/4 now only 1/4
I can't blame him, I'd get angry if someone were to call me a chinaman as well
mines are so fucking autistic

they're hyper sensitive to all the wrong things to the point a charger can walk through them unscathed if one of his pointy legs doesn't step directly onto one
but a single scavenger running through a field can clear 75% of the mines with his body ragdolling and snowballing all the mines into activating

making mines not trigger from corpses or other mines would fix 99% of the issue
there's no reason why the mines should be triggering off eachother
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>log into game
>select mission
>pick strategems
>launch hellpod
>land on planet
>game lost my stratagems?
well this is a new one
Resupply is the only strat you need.
lol you pick strats???
3 anti-tank stratagems?
if you use stratagems you didn't beat the game
Cry some more, faggot.
This shit is so cringe, lmao
Personally, I kick every American name I see and I no longer have to deal with faggots that don't understand basic concepts within the game.
another victory for the white side of history
another victory for the wight side of history
>drop in to help some new players on a diff 2
>it's a level 15 and two level 1s
>bring mechs and airburst as toys for them to try on the bugs
>teach them the weapon controls for the mech, what's the safe explosion distance for the airburst, how to do the objectives, etc etc etc
>everyone has fun for several maps, asking questions as necessary
>towards the end people have to go cos of real life stuff, the lvl 1s say bye, and the lvl 15 says to me "thanks for being chill not like the other high levels"
Okay, which one of you is out there intentionally matching with lower levels and then getting pissy they're playing like lower levels instead of showing them how to be better?
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>be quickplaying 6 with a bro
>join some ps4 sweat
>we drop in and instantly get swarmed but we make it thru and get going
>dudes starts asking over voice chat if anyone has a mic
>ignore him
>trying to follow him, keeps running headlong into groups of bugs and aggroing tons then expecting us to help
>complains over voice chat how annoyed he is
>to be fair bugs be like that now
>talk a bit
>he starts trying to be funny now looking for some fucking penis rock while were trying to do the mission for him
>go back to ignoring him
>complete mission make it to exfil
>shit happens and we die and lose the pinks cause my buddy got physics launched into the pelican
>he starts berating us both over voice chat like it wasnt him who dropped the fucking supers to begin with
>call him a fucking retard for calling in the pelican while both of us were across the map trying to clean up the last big bug hole and that we duoed the whole mission for him to fail collecting the samples only he needed
>"well you play like a woman"
>his name is thabullettampon and that was his best insult

welp that's another multiplayer community killed by consolepoors
halo and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
>joining matches instead of hosting
>having crossplay enabled
you've set yourself up for a failure, anon
I have no idea, last time I matched with a level 1 I brought a mech and jump pack and Laser Cannon(bots)/Arc Thrower(bugs) so I could ride on top while zapping shit
i have crossplay disabled but i guess my friend does not so keep that in mind when you are qping with friends
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Can we petition that Helldivers 2 be given to another dev? Arrowhead is so shit, it's heartbreaking.
had the same happen while the squad is dealing with the bot jammer while they were half the map away so it's not like we could've reinforced without disengaging

bizarre behaviour especially when you're watching the squad during the downtime
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>playing with randoms
>SSSSSSSSHHHHHHHKKKKKK (vape pen rip) you FUCKERS follow me goddamn it I RUN THIS SHIT
>goes off and dies alone on difficulty 6
>woman's voice in the background "watch yer fuckin mouth"
>the FUCK dude why is noone talking
gee I wonder why I wouldn't want to talk to you
The monkey's paw has heard you, anon. It is now developed by EA. SCs have been eliminated from maps. All skins and weapons that were purchased from SCs found in-game have been retroactively deleted from your account. Each warbond is now $19.99. Only bugs are available, bots are an additional $39.99, and the Illuminate Expansion is another $39.99. Everyone is now black. Real life faction capes are now added into the game, as well as real life faction backgrounds on the loadout screen.

.... this is what you wanted, right?
>Everyone is now black.

Your ship is basically nothing but black people as is, what do you mean?
>Everyone is now black
So nothing changed.
Its the game optimized at least?
No. Everyone is some weird mystery meat combination of brown. We can go darker. DARKER.
How did you voice-to-text me so well? Is that AI or an app?
Somehow, still no. Slightly less CTDs but that's it.
Open mics being the default is such a pain
I had to mute way too many fuckers because of dogs barking in the background, random yelling or bizarrley loud keyboards
>No. Everyone is some weird mystery meat combination of brown.
That's already too dark for me. Anyone who unironically likes this game is a bonafide nigger-lover already, don't get confused.
Scythe is already a good skill weapon vs bots. I'd be more than happy to take a buff but it doesn't need one.
Only buff the Scythe needs is a better scope. The shitty red dot on a precision weapon is a fucking crime
I never leave home without them
Wage slaving until I can play that game that causes me nothing but frustration and fun agin.
Agreed 1000 times over. What scope would you want to see? Copout answer is "let us pick scopes in the armory", but ignoring that I'd want the Liberator scope or the Diligence Countersniper scope.
The worst scope for me is the one on the railgun. That thing is such a pain to use to kill anything, but then they slap on the fattest green dot and it prevents you from using it in any kind of precise manner.
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i guess they could theoretically make AT one tap vents if they changed the vents from transferring to the turret HP to just having like 600 HP of their own, but it'd buff other weapons as well. gunship engines are already AP 3, you can shoot them down with the scorcher's explosion, the charger's ass is AP0 it's just durable so most weapons are still shit against it, the BT apparently has an AP0 zone on it (labelled inner_torso) but it's also 100% durable so even if you can hit it most weapons are going to be shit against it

really just giving each faction an independent liberation cap would solve most problems.
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listen here you brokedick chickenshit motherfucker
Thanks for the corrections it's hard to keep this games retarded damage system straight. Good suggestions too, I'd take them.
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Hi yes where can I play on a planet like this where I can actually see things
200 hours so far and I haven't been able to find a single planet with visibility like this
they get cleared too fast :)
You WILL breath the bug spores. You WILL huff the planetary fog. You WILL enjoy the nonstop sandstorms and fire tornadoes and fart boob plants spewing smoke everywhere.
Congratulations on completing your training :)
>something something tumbling down
I'm tired.
reminder that if you take ANY sub-optimal WEAPONS OR STRATEGEMS when diving on the HIGHEST DIFFICULTY, you are ACTIVELY GRIEFING your team
I WILL take the flamethrower on d9 bots, and you can't do anything about it because I'm hosting. :)))
>The most reliable way to gauge the charge is to ADS
>If you ADS you can't fucking aim
It makes me go insane
no jokes on you chud I AM HOSTING this time around

You.... you.... DOUBLE AUTOMATON!
temper, temper
>Kill all bots in area
>Walk next to barrel
>Alt + f4
Why the fuck do I even bother.
you just know it will be a barely playable mess
Yea looking at numbers and shitposting all day instead of playing will do that
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soon we will return to coopg with the rest of our dead brothers
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Governor of pokerCHADS I kneel...
I can't play in my wagecage, but I can shitpost in here.
Time to pop some heads and Kill gunships. Behead gunships. Roundhouse kick a gunship into the concrete. Slam dunk a oil-blood into the trashcan. Crucify filthy gunships. Defecate in a gunship's fuel. Launch gunships into the sun. Stir fry gunships in a wok. Toss gunships into active volcanoes. Urinate into a gunship's gas tank. Judo throw gunships into a wood chipper. Twist gunships’ heads off. Report gunships to the expansion council. Karate chop gunships in half. Curb stomp pregnant non-human gunships. Trap gunships in quicksand. Crush gunships in the trash compactor. Liquefy gunships in a vat of acid. Eat gunships. Dissect gunships. Exterminate gunships in the gas chamber. Stomp gunship engines with steel toed boots. Cremate gunships in the oven. Lobotomize gunships. Mandatory abortions for gunships. Grind gunship fabricators in the garbage disposal. Drown gunships in fried chicken grease. Vaporize gunships with anti-matter. Kick old gunships down the stairs. Feed gunships to alligators. Slice gunships with a katana.
>Vaporize gunships with anti-matter
That got me thinking since I've never tried it... does the AMR take down gunships at all? It doesn't have to be great, just is it feasible on paper?
The Spear is way better for killing gunships
Well, until you run out of rockets which is very fast with the pathetic ammo count you get and packaging still being broken
it does but its 4 shots which is kind of meh compared to the ACs two or LCs two seconds with infinite ammo
Need. Infinite. Ammo. For total. Gunship. Death
4 or 5 shots to one thruster. It's not exactly great but its workable.
It's good if you got good aim and can hit the same engine like 3 or 4 times.
small indie dev pls understand
It's over in ways we never even thought possible

Yes yes of course we'll give you warbonds with 4 weapons instead of 2 again, for twice the price!!!
Previous thread is not even at post limit you retarded ape.
>local d5 chudwick gets absolutely destroyed by d9 optimized chad
every time
>try to join SOS beacon
>"initiating FTL jump to..."
>Cutstcene starts, ship jumps out
>and back in
>infinite loading
>subtitles keep flickering about the FTL jump flickering at the bottom of the screen

Well that's a first. I've had plenty of infiniloading when dropping into a mission, but never there.
uh oh /hdg/'s hardest minimod in the thread
>more than 12 million copies sold in 6 months
>player count below a 6+ year old game
AH is completely and totally incompetent. There is no other explanation.
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>player count tanked
>game broken and unplayable for many
>devs still have surstromming stuck in their ears so balance still sucks
>warbonds have less content
>patches are less frequent but still just as broken and fucked
>unique and interesting galactic war mechanics overridden by the worst GM you've ever played against because muh story muh narrative
>new CEO chomping on the bit shattering his jaw salivating with blood in his eyes to implement his paradox dlc pricing schemes
I really thought they'd be different. But no, yet another incompetent and badly run studio that happened on a hit, seemingly by mistake.

It's all oh so very tiresome.
Whats worse, incompetence through malice and greed?
Or just genuine incompetence like AH?
It's always the most incompetent teams that somehow capture lightning in a bottle and then proceed to ruin it as fast as they can. God forbid it happens to a team that's known for making good games.
>team that's known for making good games
Such as?
i wonder how much money they lost from refunds
They should definitely start discounting old warbonds every 6 months by half or something. New players don't want to join and be greeted with the prospect of spending 70 dollars on all the warbonds, ON TOP of a 40 hour grind for each one for medals..
That game (you) like by that developer (you) like playing.
I suggested this before and got excoriated for it. Simply acknowledging that, very quickly, they will have a so many warbonds new players will be overwhelmed and that they should discount old ones (or roll them into 1 warbond somehow) was enough to send a few people into an autistic rage.
It all shakes out in the end because the incompetent people will eventually be overtaken by the influence of the malicious ones, Exactly like we are seeing now

Don't worry my friend, I'm an experienced game CEO, I will help you just hand me the keys to the Kingdom and let me guide you to salvation
>o to any anime/jp subculture gathering
Way to expose yourself as a newfag.
Some anons:
>"But-but-but-but-but I had to pay the full price for the warbond when it just came out! Nothing is ever allowed to go for cheaper than *I* bought it for, ever, no matter what! Think about how *I* would feel! It's not fair!"
Also those same anons:
"Why the fuck won't [publisher/developer] ever put [game] on a discounted sale? Fucking greedy assholes."
> upgrade your rig b
No I don't think I will.
No I will not buy your unoptimized AAAA garbage.
Yes you will lose your job.
Learn how to make games properly.
DRG is 3.2GB in size BTW.
Question: what adjuatment would need to be made to the libcon to have it perform the way the pummeler did before nerfing it?
The simple fact is the warbonds are not even worth 10 dollars a pop. The only reason they'd be worth that much is novelty for the first month or two, then they should get price slashed. If it was consistent and you could see it coming, and it was planned/announced, then there wouldn't be this 'but I paid 10 dollars!' argument. Like all things in this game, the way these have been released is shortsighted
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>UN armor
Maybe they just don't like pedophiles.
SUMYCORP yogurtdivers are not associated with child molesting paramilitaries
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>see blue helmets
>run tesla tower and place it next to them
Get smiten by wrath of god
I only ever seen one yoghurtdiver
now they are worth even less with the new model
balance is mostly fine, there are just a few unviable weapons and stratagems now
blue helmets is kill order on sight
glowdivers will NOT be tolerated

>you will be 500kg'd and you will be happy
>no summer sale discount
Wow. Was waiting for super citizen edition for like $10 or even $15.
Cheap fuck snow niggers.
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>thinking it'll be that cheap
Did we all forget the PR nightmare they had like 2 months ago?
That’s the last thing a lot of potential buyers heard about the game.
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I always read that tenderizer is the second best weapon against bots, but who is the first?
Also the best against bugs and squids.
Can someone explain to me the use cases for 120 and 380 respectively? I don't get it.
For example, if I'm destroying air bases which one is better?
120 is completely outclassed by 380
380 has niche uses once you understand its spread/bombardment pattern you can more reliably use it to nuke bases and outposts. It’s still not great but each shot is like OPS strength so using during a clusterfuck of multiple titans/chargers or striders/tanks can really clean house.
It’s most effective when multiple divers take it and use it together at the same time in slightly different angles to effectively delete an entire portion of the map
>best against bugs
>overheat after killing 4 warriors
380 for destroying large facilities/nests or stopping major enemy advances.
Also its fun.
> once you understand its spread/bombardment pattern
What pattern you retard? The autist who spent weeks researching this realized that the pattern changes with every orbital used.
how to make scopes render normally and not all blurred out?
Sickle has more damage per magazine than the Tenderizer actually
Set resolution to native
this >>483727512 and maybe turn off the ingame AA
>he starts trying to be funny now looking for some fucking penis rock while were trying to do the mission for him
>Penis rock

That's what a lot of people refer to the landmark rock where the super samples are found (when playing on a high enough difficulty to spawn them, which 6 now is). So he wasn't just fucking around to be funny.
Haven't played bugs in over a month, loadout ?
resolution is always set to native
Then set resolution to Colonial
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>skin was white when I first got the viper commando set
>after my first death I went pajeet
>then black
>have been stuck as black since
>finally die in a mission and respawn as white
>go to next mission
>infinite hellpod screen
>character is as black as can be
Its over for me...
toss 380s into bunkers if you don't want to use lasers, on bot eradicates when the spawn table gets fucking retarded, and a few other niche cases were there's a large congregation of bots. With the accuracy upgrade I know the safety range is about 70m.
Spear, napalm, machinegun sentry (120s cd one), ops
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need a smoke obsidian diver?
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>see this training tip
Skin tone should be customizable. There's no reason it shouldn't be. Allow random by default (like voice), then allow users to specify if needed.
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God, the LARP'ing in the Helldivers community is so fucking cringe.
incel breaker + stun grenades is the #1 loadout.
the stratagems you take are going to depend on your team, the planet (jungle biome blocks Eagle strikes), and modifiers.

ignoring all of those concerns though my solo bugs helldive loadout would probably be:
Incendiary Breaker
Grenade Pistol
Stun Grenades
Light Gunner
Vitality Booster

Orbital Precision Strike
Flamethrower (Behemother repellent)
Personal Shield or Guard Dog Rover
Sounds like bug sympathy talk to me. Get fucked.
Traitors go to the camps.
found the guy who has a fucking imaginary platoon with his other geek friends
/hdg/ erp lobbies when?
Nerds go in the lockers.
It has only 3 mags so I would expect that. Doesn't change the fact that it overheats way too fast against bug hordes.
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Found the guy with no frens
Why are you even here, nerd-kun? Your SQUAD is DYING on the battlefield! OOH-RAH, HELLDIVER! THIS IS FOR SUPER EARTH!
I havent used the sickle for a good minute but since when did they make overheating it a remote concern? I literally never overheated it more then once per mission.
Switch to the support weapon or the secondary or a grenade for a few seconds and you get a free reload.
I could see it happening on a hot planet.
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textures have to at least be medium
>spill oil sissies and creekcoons are shitting up a micro storm about vandalon
lol, lmao even. dead meme, dead front, dead botsissies
Into the locker you go.
4chan is the locker, you ignoramus.
im so fucking sick of ragdolling on some goddamn pebble and then getting shredded by an mg raider or devastator while im busy recovering from my stroke
Aaaand into the locker you go.
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got me lifted shifted higher than the ceiling
and ohh-wee it's the ultimate feeling
jump-arcing got me feeling so tilted
Bros...I'm trying to use the Arc jumper combo, but its so ass....Bugs just overtake me, and jetpack can't make meaningful distance...
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Wing Diver outfit when?
oh, you fell for it too?
t. another gullible shitposting victim
>God, the LARP'ing in the Helldivers community managers is so fucking cringe.
No, the community too.
Heavier armours should have greater ragdoll resistance. Might be too complicated to code for sweedevs
i want EDF 6 so badly
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Next, you're going to tell us about media literacy, right?
are you sure? that thing ignores armor
No, next I'm going to tell you that pretending you're a soldier fighting an actual war is cringe.
you jump on shipping containers or other high areas and LARP as a tesla coil
>launch game
>be in the destroyer
>get my fat ass up to get a drink
>come back
>crash window
This shit genuinely gets worse and worse every day
Man this game's so good when you have a (mostly) competent team. I wish I had more than two friends to play with and that one of those two wouldn't be almost always busy. Going two man just isn't the same.
I hope you have a good day, trio who used the in-game voice chat and had to get back to work after two missions on Phact Bay.
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>i enjoy it
>my buddies enjoy it
>some nigger on the internet thinks it's cringe
Opinion discarded, faggot.
No, no, you're right. The solution for me was to completely ignore the community and play exclusively with my friends who don't engage in this sort of thing.
>geek and his geek friends think cringe shit isn't cringe, obviously being wrong in the process
Good job, loser?
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>try to find mission
>lobby is private x3
>finally find one
>infinite dropping in screen
>find a mission
>carry a bunch of lvl 70+ shitters that somehow fail to kill a hulk with all 4 spear rockets and don't understand the concept of running from fights or breaking contact
>12 year old host kicks me because I can't save him from the three hulks he's been running from for minutes
>try a new lobby
>drop in 10 seconds before pelican touches down
>on return to ship my FPS crash down to 15
holy fuck the game is super fun but everything around it is such a fucking mess
I'll just do some casual solo d6 bugs for the PO and fuck off for the day
I just quickplay bro it werks for me
Summer really is here isn't it?
>dies of cringe
>I'll try spinning, that's a good trick
>solo d9s for a few weeks
>start getting pretty consistent at deathless wins, barring random bullshit deaths
>go back to playing with friends
>even generally competent players constantly aggro patrols and fail to clear areas before drops
>go solo again so I don't have to die fighting tons of bots nonstop
Suffering. Don't get good at this game anons, it'll only make you have less fun.
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if you love deep reddit galactic so much why dont you go play it
>thinking larping is cringe makes you a troon
>want to do low levels to help newer players
>higher level guys are already there helping them
We are Helldivers and we are based Nazis.
don't be a woman and pick up your weapon, diver. we're diving
you're just mad cuz you don't have a battle buddy
The ideal loadout consists of :
>1 orbital
>1 eagle
>1 blue strat
>1 green strat
>1 orbital
>1 eagle
>2 blue strats
No, I'm laughing because a nerd thinks he's a space soldier.
the ideal loadout is 1 blue strat and 3 green strats or 2 blue strats and 2 green strats
He is, though.
>said friend is eating arby's with horsey sauce dripping down his three-chin while watching asmongold
>BT and Charger both get AP 3 weakpoints
This is narrow line to walk on, but I think the solution, at least for bile titans, is to drop the broken belly armour from 4 to 3. It will make AP4 support weapons faster at killing them if you take the risk of getting under its legs while still allowing heavy AT a place in bug missions.You would also have to lower the durability of the belly to make AP3 primaries and the MG-43 and flamethrower not take their entire ammunition load and then some to kill.
>>Railgun gets unobstructed full damage penetration to include hitting weakspots through armor and AP 6 at 90%.
The railgun has AP7 at 90% charge level so this would be a nerf in that regard. And what do you mean "hitting weakspots through armour"? You mean like it could hit the inner leg hitbox of a charger through the outer leg armour, intentionally? As in the projectile has no collision and doesn't get 'caught' by armour hitzones, aplpying its damage to every hitzone in its path of travel? You might need to adjust its damage somewhat, if it starts applying its damage multiple times to the same entity.
>Scout Striders armor buff reverted
Their armour didn't change, but I get what you mean. Still, it's just 1 single extra scorcher shot to kill the rider now, so it's not like this change significantly ruined the scorcher, which is pretty much what this change was directed at. I'll agree the purifier needs to get buffed (ideally by enabling its overcharge mechanic), which will accomplish this point for it.
>Gunship engines now AP 3
Gunship engines already are just 3 armour. The problem is they are 100% durable. They need to drop the durability on them significantly.
>Laser weapons damage goes up with heat, and at 70% heat their AP goes up by 1.
The scythe and laser cannon are already in a decent spot as far as damage goes. The scythe just needs a magnified optic, and the laser cannon just needs to get its left-hand pull removed and its sight cleaned up.
Helldivers are objectively the morally righteous compared to their adversaris

It's like the USA and China, like they're both awful with the shit they pull but if you need to be in bed with one of them the choice is clear
And I'm laughing because he thinks he is.
>fucking around on the mic with generic soldier lingo is the same as an AH rep banning people on Discord
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>decide to comfymaxx a bit fucking around in d5 trying out some clown builds with newer players
>quickplay into d5 bugs
>level 30 with his level 16 buddy
>drop directly into a pack of hunters and level 16 immediately starts getting his shit pushed in
>clip him with a single incendiary pellet trying to save his ass
>he catches fire, panics, dies
>you have been kicked from the game
2/10 not comfy would not recommend
So your argument is that you're slightly less cringe than a fucking discord mod. Well done, retard.
And he unironically is a space soldier. One of the finest.
ha ha ha epic :dead:
And Jenner is unironically a woman. One of the most feminine.
Shitter detected
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not with its random shot deviation. good luck hitting those heavy devastator heads even with your scope zoom set to max
<< /jp/ is that way
My argument is that you are equating two types of people when a clear difference exists. So, no, one being less cringe than another is not my argument.
>zoom set to max
what did he meme by this
My argument is that you playing make-pretend is cringe.

It's the truth, sorry if it hurts your feelings.
If you love helldivers so much why are you here engaging us and not playing it?
I'm not playing pretend as I don't engage in that silly nonsense on the mics or anywhere. I'm saying you're an idiot.
anon.... most primaries with a scope have adjustable zoom levels
Hit a nerve, I see. Don't worry, I'm sure your geek friends don't judge you for LARP'ing.
but i am playing it
i am alt-tabbing over during load-screens and while i wait for my teammates to pick their loadouts

sit down chuddington
then why would they be labeled with distances instead of x-times notation?
>I'm not playing pretend
ok i actually checked in-game and changing the distances via the reload menu does actually change the zoom, although not to the degree as would be expected from going from 50m -> 200m. I thought it just changed the range at which the scope was sighted.

i stand corrected
Im doing the same thing while also playing DRG with my toes on another PC. Get on my level retard
Haha they can't shut down this game and general. Sony lost.
i found out about that some time after playing the game too
sorry friendo but im your teammate in both games and your performance leaves MUCH to be desired
It'a game, schizo.
you need two more. play one more
play the game and have fun
>it'a game

Also: exactly, so why are you pretending that it's real?
anon it costs you nothing to not be rude
>nigger with quasar and shield pack in d9 bots
I hate that episode
Because it is?
Wait 3 weeks for the next warbond like the rest of us. Until they unlock lvl 5 ship upgrades or allow a larger cap for medals/samples, nothing you can do except dive to kill bots/bugs
You Will Never Be A Space Soldier
And I'll keep doing it
We already are, low-test loser. Go watch anime.
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I already am and you can't stop me
True. Because I already am. Super Earth's finest.
underrated post
>game crashes on every single mission now
Can women have a penis, nerd?
>playing with friend whos been playing since launch
>he never fails to mention THE CREEK at least once per session
>we get to a planet thats literally just malevelon creek (bots & same map)
>keep in mind we're playing post-nerf helldivers which is a very shitty game compared to launch-era helldivers
>"nah man this shit is nothing compared to THE CREEK man that shit was fucking wild"
He's my friend and I enjoy playing games with him but holy fuck creekfags are just actually delusional.
>penis on his mind
LMAO homo. You will never be one of us. A HELLDIVER.
>filler MO for another 6 days
Can we please have the fucking commando launcher already>?
>avoiding the question
You seem scared.
>for another 6 days
You mean for another 40 days minimum? They started their rolling holidays earlier this month, their capacity to do anything except hotfix will be massively restrained
Comfymaxx diff 7 bots
Can women have a penis, delusional nerd?
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Anon, I know you see me around mom a lot and everything but stop asking me questions, I'm not your dad, just mommy's boyfriend.
it's a paradise and the propaganda is REAL
literally a skill issue

you need to start small, play around with the pack on low difficulty and see how it handles, what you can and can't do with it
it's not something you can just jump into (hehe)

it took me a long time when i first got it before i got the hang of it and started using it to its maximum potential
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>pretends to be a space soldier
>pretends to have sex
It just keeps getting better.
no thanks
i prefer my video games to be fun
General Brasch HIMSELF told me i was the best so get fucked nerds
I'm sorry, nerd, but pretending reality isn't real and that fiction is real doesn't last forever.
Bring that helldiverussy over here
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>complaining about d7 bots
>nerd still denying reality
do any of you wanna be battle buddies

or whatever
On super earth they can, people can go into modification chambers that alter your genes directly
That's the canonical explanation for being able to change your characters appearance and voice whenever you want
>battle buddies
Sounds like army retardation. No
I'm talking about reality, not make-believe.
i am *not* complaining i am merely *expressing* my *opinion* chuddy

enjoy getting flinched and over and over while i get my asshole caressed by a pack of hunters
Why are you pretending you're a tough guy on an anonymous japonese imageboard then? Can't you see everyone except yourself think you look pretty much pathetic? We're just pulling your chain having fun with an oblivious fool at this point. Now go ahead and type that capcha like the submissive fag you are.
I suppose in reality you could try to surgically attach a donor penis to a woman's body, so I think it's technically possible
We just need massive currency dumps. Some ideas I have are:
>Research station for Enemy factions
>Use samples to unlock codex's for enemy lore and stats. Additional samples for small bonuses vs that faction.
My reasoning is I always found it weird that we don't use samples to research enemies but to upgrade the ship.
>Req slips can be exchanged for super credits, 10,000 req slips = 10 super credits.
Maybe less if people think its an issue. I don't see the reason to gatekeep SC behind SC farming, when its so easy. Just let me passively get SC for playing 9s. It fits what the CEO said more than current SC farming does.
>Major resource orders. Additonal MO's that require us to dump various resources for an objective.
Rewards for this could vary.
>Medals can be spent for additional, temporary stratagem slots. You buy a stratagem and it appears in your stratagem slots like how free MO stratagems currently do.

I also remember weapon perks being leaked a while back too, and those took samples.
the military has some of the smartest minds of our generation

show some respect
You don't have to be a tough guy to point out that pretending you're a space soldier is cringe, nerd. Stay mad about that if you want.
ITT: Anons are mad that other people are having fun the wrong way.
Or allow us to burn resources for temp bonuses
>ie: spend 25 medals and 10 samples for an extra strat slot on this campaign
Oh, you mentioned that already. Good stuff.
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please let us buy drinks mid-mission
Women don't have penises, anon.
Stop having dicks on your mind homos lmao
I'm not the one acting like a bully I'm an anonymous imageboard though, I'm here if you need to keep venting, you must be pretty lonely to waste your time with us nerds.
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>Our way of life
>Galaxy wide
>Paved with the skulls
>Of those who've died
>An unsinkable tide
>Of Super Earth pride
>A torrent that can't be satisfied
>We sacrifice
>For paradise
>Anything less will not suffice
How the fuck do you have so much sc
Yeah. I'm a fan of that idea the most.
>Spend medals or req slips on stratagems that can be used for the duration of this MO. Price scales depending on the strength of the stratagem. For example, if Stalwart cost 30 Medals to permanently unlock for the MO, HMG would cost 80 medals.

Max of 2-3 slots. Maybe price also increases per slot. The point is this is a currency sink, so it should be expensive.
Those are too expensive. Requisition exists and that would logically be the point of them, to request things. An extra blue gem slot, lower cooldowns, more reinforcements, an extra 5th booster. Though the last one isn't something that could be bought by and affects only a single player, so perhaps it is unlikely.
>game STILL has no transport mechanic/stratagem (except mechs)
haha i love footslogging empty maps for hours on end haha
>Those are too expensive.
That should be the point. They should be currency sinks. Also 25 medals and 10 samples (of any type really) isn't expensive at all.
I noticed I caught your attention for some reason (you're not replying to the other based divers). You can keep replying to me it's OK anon it's just a bad day not a bad life.
Right now there's nothing to do with them though. I've been capped on samples for 2 months and there's been nothing to spend them on. And medals are easy to max out if you do your daily.
He NEET farmed for hours while it was easy to exploit.
I'm replying to anyone delusional enough to think LARP'ing isn't cringe. But if you're still upset, I'll be more than happy to keep laughing at you.
>Purifier explosive damage is closer to the Detonation weapons instead of plasma weapons
>all energy weapons are given an unsafe setting, heavily boosting their fire rate at the cost of exploding (unsurvivable even with democracy protects) when they overheat
>jump pack runs off heat instead of a cooldown
>shield generators can be manually rebooted
>heavy bug joints are unarmored durable parts
>Bile Titan leg-body connection is a fatal weakpoint
Sure but some of the gay bullshit they come up with is cringe and idiotic
The question was can they, not do they
I did the farm too, and 100k is still ridiculous, that's got to be some kind of additional cheats or just outright paying for it.
A woman has a vagina. Attaching a horse's dead body to her doesn't make her a horse. Attaching a dick to her doesn't make her a man. You're born as you are. Fact.
i've seen these types and they're best described as wannabe-normalfags
I know, it's normal to seek approval anon, but sometimes we can get to extremes when we are starved for attention, but it's understandable you have a lot of big feelings in you, you can laugh at me and other larpers if that makes you feel good, we'll always be here for you.
Or just being able to spend it on adding 0.0001% to a planets liberation. Il take anything over having them collect dust while waiting for stuff to spend it on.
Still living in make-believe world, I see, nerd. Stay mad if it helps you cope.
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>diff 9
>drop perfect 500kg on a BT
>hits the fucker in the ankle
>doesn't kill it
What's the point of the 500kg? the orbital strike seems way better
another victory for the white side of history
I would gladly pay 100+ medals a week to be able to include a patriot exosuit in my bug loadouts in addition to my 4 regular slots.
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Managed Democracy calls for aid. Only you can answer, Helldiver.
i'm not RPing. you're just a weird, low-test wannabe-normalfag. if anyone is pretending right now, it's you lmao
We know. 500kg is a noobtrap.
>orbital precision? But its the starting stratagem, it must suck.
>500kg is big number and must be good.
What's that one line
>This is it, this is your solemn duty...
>something something
>... at any cost >:)
The fact that orbital scatter makes precision strike and gas strike not land where you throw it is completely fucking retarded. Increasing scatter to reduce aoe orbitals is fine but just making those two completely useless? God damn Swedes.
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I'd gladly have it changed to have a way bigger kill radius, but less damage overall. Somewhere around just enough to oneshot a charger within like 10 meters of it
How much did Sony seethe after they lost the PSN battle and couldn't use Steam's concurrent numbers to present to their worried shareholders?
Again you're ignoring the premise of the original question

Can humans fly?
Yes with the aid of technology
So they can't fly, get rekt nerd!!

That's what you're doing right now
I don't care about the premise of the original question, I'm not the one who asked it, I care about objective reality.

Women don't have penises. Men can't become women.

Men don't have vaginas. Women can't become men.

Humans can't fly. Objective fact. Just because you're in a tube that flies doesn't mean humans can fly. FACT.
>can humans fly?
What you're asking
>are they birds? Can they lay eggs?
attaching feathers to my skin don't make me a bird, bro
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Id rather they give it a litle bit of the 110 rocket aim and release shrieker corpse impact. Turn it in to a 500kg rock that explodes after decimating a titan.
Surprised with how good the HMG emplacement turned out. Even with a full horde on D9 bots this thing managed to tank a good ten rockets, not even saying how many devs and hulks it shredded before going down
but i dont want to be a “super soldier”

i just want to be happy
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>ems mortar
>hmg emplacement
>gas strike
>rocket sentry
What if it's split into two stratagems; one is a wide AOE damage dumb bomb, the other is a guided 500kg tungsten dart that instakills anything it lands on, but only if it's within like 20 meters of the original beacon location
and all they had to do was change its destruction value threshold from 30 to 31
So like orbital railcannon but better?
I'd rather just buff the rail.
I'd say the railcannon could do with a buff. Reduce the timer a bit, to like two and a half minutes woud be good
>the other is a guided 500kg tungsten dart that instakills anything it lands on, but only if it's within like 20 meters of the original beacon location
so.... the orbital railcannon stratagem
I was more thinking that it gets minimal guidance but if the titan or charger is very close to it, eagle-1 will try to impact hit it. I just love watching the bomb hit titans in the face but it sucks when they just walk it off.
>I just love watching the bomb hit titans in the face
the bomb impact does 1400 damage with 7 penetration. if it actually hit the face it would kill the bile titan.
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Name ONE (1) reason why I shouldn't kick you before extraction just because I feel like it.
Alright but when are we getting an actual hellbomb stratagem? an impact detonated one preferrably
Because I emote hugged you, that means we're SUPER friends
because I am the host
You could've spent that time securing the area. Kicked for wasting my time.
Wrong. Kicked for being wrong.
Im pretty sure i have seen it hit the face and them die after it actualy explodes. It might be wacky hitbox stuff though.
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Where the fuck are the Illuminate?
>securing the area
>implying we're not playing comfy bots 7 and the pelican smoothly landed after a fresh wave was mowed down from my mg fire
Uh-oh, you kicked the basedest diver of your evening, you'll be cursed with 4 (three) infinite loading screens now.
>curses you with infinite infinite loading screens
get fucked idiot
Kicked for being autistic.
Kicked for bleeding out of your ass.
what killed helldivers 2?
I remember back when we thought the meridia implosion was the turning point for when squids would arrive, simpler times...
Super Earth didn't pay for same day delivery for the purple stuff
game wasn't finished at launch, and then they knee jerk nerfed left and right as if they hated fun
Shit management.
Shit engine.
Shit country.
Swedes. They're never good at anything.
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An awful balancing philosophy and absolutely zero QA.
The second we get one that doesnt also implement serious issues and undocumented changes is the second AH will regain some form of trust.
The hotfixes I wont count (even though they also introduce their own bugs and undocumented changes from time to time) because those are always to fix issues they introduced in the previous actual patch

I just think its beyond pathetic. "Heres a big patch focused on bug fixes and stability except we fucked up half of our highlighted fixes, introduced new crashes and infinite loading screens and accidentally reintroduced something we already fixed lol! please wait 3 weeks minimum for us to fix the bug we already fixed once and then broke again :)"
The good ol JAR. Stagger, ez dev headshots, capable of killing tank and turret weakspots, eviscerates berserkers, and can even kill scout striders with some well placed shots. It's the absolute top bot gun and I won't hear otherwise.
Swiggers being swiggers.
eruptor kills devs in 2 shots, staggers them, and it can penetrate their shields which the jar can't. and it also kills scout striders in 1 shot while the jar sucks at killing them
Mahjong is more alive than helldivers.
Let that sink in lmao.
how you gonna kick me if you ain’t got no legs
why don’t you explain for the folks at home what a mahjong is
once helldivers reach the number of darktide players I will drop it, that's definitely a dead game with a skeleton crew if there ever was one.
Still good during dead daytime hours
Chess has more players than Helldivers 2. Let that sink in.
The Eruptor has a 5 round clip and takes 18 moons to cycle the fuck is your point. It's an awful bot weapon. I can kill devs 10x faster with a JAR.
>ain't got no
double negative. kicked for being retarded.
Eruptor schizo
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>hmmmm yes a vast array of eroges and porn games
>hmmmm yes singleplayer games designed for coomers
>hmmmmm no I think instead i will mod my current fotm so I can cum to that instead
The mind of a coomer is an enigma. Is it just that their receptors are so fried that it has to be something "new" or inserted into everything they do? For christs sake games exist that allow you to play essentially one handed cause they know the reason you actually bought it
lack of understanding about risk/reward (railgun unsafe mode, mechs) and fire rate/damage (purifier) and other fundamental parts of balancing
These are peak hours retard. "dead" hours has the playerbase at less than DRG. A game that released 6 years ago.
double retard
those are the classic games of all time. helldivers isn't (YET)
>no new stratagem this week
it's over
Someone school this libtard sissy. Ain't no perfectly fine english.
more like
Dead Reddit Game
like i said, it's partly wannabe-normalfagism to get them thinking they're high-test
>stanning for the niggerification of the english language
disgusting. kicked.
>helldivers calling anything else a reddit game
(yes, eminem counts)
Born in deep south, sorry your brain is focused on BBC. This how we talk, cope or dial 8, sissy.
>make own group and dont invite seething kicker
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>reddit game
Bro... dont look at the official seminar slides AH is showing for important communtiy feedback, dont look at their source bud... I dont think you'll like what you see man... shits fucked up yo.
Jannies are literal trannies, as expected.
>modern gamedevs are relearning super-mario tier enemy design principles
No one said anything about BBC, faggot.
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>blazing samaritan cape
He looks really pissed off that he didn't think of something so obvious.
Not him, but yes you did, homo.
Samefag. It's no one else's fault but your own that when you think "nigger" you immediately think of their dick. Good self-report, though.
double nigger
Hes just tired he has to explain this to his dev team. I think a couple months in he realised he was completely out of touch with the game and how it played and started properly trying to engage with it again.
He was one of the biggest advocators for the design philosophy online previously, hes where the dumb fuck "theres 50 stats but you can only see 4" nonsense and the "just use what you like" that was linking into implying divers were bad, while ironically being categorically shown to fail 6s and be carried by a metafaggot streamer at 5.
That image is him after eating his stress and understanding that maybe his dev studio's decisions to kill every somewhat performing gun wasnt a good path to tread
I wonder if I should just pitch the idea of extreme heat desert biomes having a cold effect at night like how IRL deserts go from intense heat to so cold you'll freeze to death.
you must be new here
jannying has been the losers job since the dawn of the internet
I know, I just like stating the obvious from time to time.
Probably some frustration that his devs can't even fix bugs and are stuck in a loop of "fixing" something making it even worse only to patch it back to a semi-stable state and then back into shit.
MOST of those are me, yes
well i never
>implement this
>50,000 americans immediately shit up all social media after "weird bug" in desert worlds being cold at night, lol!
Could also be an interesting rogue advertisement tactic.
well now you have
I’m pretty sure the schizo fluteposter is a janny.
You get extra XP
have you?
Not only is the word itself an attack on good grammar, but it's positive use is baffling
Not only is Stan an obsessed loser, but oftentimes "stans" are as well, yet people still use it to refer themselves or fans in a positive manner
i'm not doxxing myself
It's conduct unbecoming of a white man
Tenderizer is good on paper but in practice, scorcher, JAR, plasma punisher and eruptor are better. You can't really rely on headshot in a most situation in diff 9 against bot, especially against heavy shield dev. It's still fun though
Plasma is great and kills anything less armored than a hulk
>Euro hours
>Degenerates chatting about kicking friends from the squad

>NA hours
>Good lobbys of friends BTFOing objectives

Makes you thunk.
If they display mentally retarded behavior, they are undoubtedly a tranny, and there's a high possibility that they're a janny, too.
>thinking trannyjannys are into flutes or anything classical
Kicking undesirables out of protected areas is THE defining trait of the noble white man.

At least, it USED to be.
JAR is pretty good against dev but not as good against, scout walker, tank and ass against tank tower heatsink compared to scorcher, plasma punisher, and eruptor. It's is indeed great against berserkers though
how the fuck is deep rock galactic already beating us?

By not being a broken piece of shit developed by mental midgets
you are supposed to reload cancel it
People who talk about balance and bugs are fucking retarded, all popular games are plagued with these issues
The actual reason playercount is decreasing is because AH is autistically refusing to do anything FOMO-related and to add time/resource sinks.
People WANT to grind 500 missions for a cape and they WANT to play 5 hours a day to complete a battlepass before it phases out, because their brain tells them it feels good.
Euro and SEA* hours. A lot of the hate comes from
>nooo you can't act like american rambos!
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Resource caps need to fucking go. Change my mind.
Eruptor low key benefit so much from tact reload. If you reload with 1 round in chamber, it cut the reload time almost in half because eruptor's racking the bolt animation for reload is quite long. Then, you still keep that last round in the chamber. Sure, every weapon can do it but it's easier to tell when there is one round in the chamber for eruptor as it only has 5 shots per mag
yep that too
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>>nooo you can't act like american rambos!
I can and I will
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Win or bin, anons?
like half of the US a desert
>yet people still use it to refer themselves or fans in a positive manner
uh yeah it's called irony
i'd grind for a cape
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>join a D5
>the level 20's are checking out my armor and airburst
yes my littuh divers, bask in my glory
So how much longer before we're consumed by the coop general again? This thread is so fucking dead.
You don't know how a dead general looks like. Threads with only 200 posts make it to page 9 and 10 often in actual dead generals.
i play on a potato so i rover+3 turrets so the game plays for me
Anon, /coopg/ is moving at like a third of /hdg/ speed
>training scarf
oh shit this is perfect
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you know not what a dead general looks like
It's justified in-universe by Super Earth running a closed economy that forces you to spend
It's more like post-irony desu
i don't give a fuck about in-universe shit. i care about whether it's satisfying to me in the real word.
i just want an option to get rid of the cape. capes are for faggots.
>forces you to spend
Ok, now give me something to spend it on
you get something monthly
In the real world Arrowhead is running game that forces you to spend so that your lack attention costs you and makes you play the game more
That's only medals and SC, I've been capped on samples and req for months. Why the fuck is there no upgrade system, they literally had it in the first game I don't fucking get it.
fuck man
r6g was so painful
withering away as the game became shit
the booru died
what did it in for me was when they killed crossplay
couldn't play with my console cuck friends
So they can sell it back to you one month at a time.
Some armors are genuinely ruined by the capes
I wish there was a sash option
Except they aren't even doing that with the constant stream of "sidegrades" that are often times just worse.
the inability to farm and save up resources makes me want to play less
>capped on samples
If there's one thing that's shit about soloing is how much I don't pick up samples due to lack of time
Did the drawfriend booru die? Damn, I remember contributing a bunch of stuff to it.
Once you've got all the upgrades it's not like it matters. I pick them up if I run past them and I'm playing with lower levels but if everyone is level 40-50 or higher I don't even pick them up.
fuck, i crashed. GG bros
Being able to buy temporary free stratagems is such a good idea holy shit.
>buying backpacks and mechs to free up my stratagem slots.
I need this. This would even make the stratagem slot modifier more bearable.




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I created the 7 image for the submission counter.
good riddance, retard.
and yet only the railgun has an unsafe mode when every energy weapon should come with an overcharge mode since that fits Super Earth's military strategy perfectly
>justifying shit game design through lore
Never ever. It looks mid as fuck anyway.
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Not even new biomes can save this game at this point. We just got the Florida map and we're already back to sub 23k players on mornings.
Sorry, seven months from now.
lets see your lobby then chud
Honestly, what did you expect? It's just some fucking trees. The game was doomed from the beginning. Expecting a fucking biome to save it is just absurd.
You sissy's opening a lobby or what?
that looks awful
I don't even bother with samples anymore. I've been capped for months at this point.
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no u
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>"whaa whaa game is dying"
still up, but hasn't been updated in 4 years
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It's true, though.
i wish this game had a 1v1 pvp mode so i could humiliate anyone who talks shit in this general, Dr Disrespect-style
and yet you're still here...
Seems like the general path the blob is going to take with the rest of this MO after Fag Bay will be Pandion > Esker > Erson Sands. I'm gonna assume Joel is gonna try to test the bugtards with a gambit using Pandion at some point that will have two attacks on Acamar and Fag Bay and they'll fuck it up somehow and go for the defenses instead of liberating Pandion.
DMing children. Dr. Disrespect style.
repost the instructions.jpg if you’d be so kind
Good design is timeless. It's like Overwatch vs TF2.
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Where do I aim the flame breaker?
Because it's funny pointing and laughing at a corpse.
no game alives forever my son

look where you are
What would your loadout be?
And player nametags on or off? I'd say off would make the most sense, for the element of surprise.
Should I buy the super citizen edition on cdkeys? What does it have vs vanilla?
Unless he messaged an actual child, the trannychasing and wife cheating is much worse than exchanging DMs with a 16 year old
have no idea what the fuck you just said
Because >>483752718 is right, people need something to grind for
You literally cannot create content fast enough to constantly satiate people
bro ur so fxcking edgy i love it

need more ppl like u in the world..
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That gun does fuck all against them. I generally just try to get the DoT on them and avoid magdumping on them if I can since they'll just burn through your ammo. That said, I pretty much only aim for these spots if I'm actually trying to shoot at one of them because the rest of their body is all too armoured.
it hasn't even been a year you FAGGOT
is the weakpoint actually going to be a weakpoint?
>Maileom:HIV Positive
Unironically yes.
It is a weakpoint you whiner I kill chargers with my scorcher all the time
Yes, players need a grind. Even fucking Fallout 76 figured that shit out.
call me a faggot not online and see what happens
i'll fucking crumple you into a paper ball and throw you at the nearest trash bin and intentionally miss, limp wristed queer
what the fuck is that image private
>Shoot out a Brood Commander's two left legs.
>It still manages to balance itself and charge at you.
What a bullshit enemy.
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What is the best primary?

What is the best secondary?

What is the best throwable?
evolution bwo
ill mush you into a skateboard and kickflip you like the little brokedick chud you are
cdkeys has super citizen edition for $50
Should I?
It's the little stories that can be the funniest.
But the context behind that was me looking at weapon loadouts before dropping, and seeing that Maileom and the lobby host both had blitzers.
Suffice to say, I got BLITZED. Granted, it was by the lobby host, not Maileom, but I respawned and said "The blitzer is such trash." Lobby host immediately apologized, and Maileom decided to tell me the blitzer is good. So I said "Negative." And then Maileom decided to kill himself because he didn't check the mission modifiers.
your pencil arms would break upon touching my bicep, dumb faggot
Your fellow helldiver.
Your fellow helldiver.
Your fellow helldiver.
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Double Kek

Hey /HDG/, i don't know if you'd care about something like this, but i 33d printed the Super Destroyer.
You sure about that? How about we take this back to my place and find out
Impact incendiary
chat is this true
looks like shit desu
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What does the super citizen edition have vs base game?
Yeah the rails look a little rough but otherwise, neat.
Yeah. Terrible in game rip. But it sits on my desk until i print a good one.
What are you going to call it?
the Knight, some cosmetic armors, and Stratagem Hero.
Is that an ammo belt going to a backpack? I'll cum if real
wrong desu
Same thing as the one in game. Spear of Destiny.
A below average but fun SMG, a shit helmet, and a decent set of medium democracy protects armor.
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now fly it around in your hand and make spaceship and laser noises
AH I kneel...
It's fake you dumb newfags
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Big if true.
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Finally something to look forward to. In 2 years
Small if false.
Medium if plausible.
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Hmm...I like the cut of your jib, son.
So is the fourth faction going to be a traitor faction?
is the constitution a laser musket or an improved break-action?
god, I love the break-action
Yeah, it's very frustrating
I'm thinking of bringing the senator to compensate, but then I'd get mobbed by the grubs
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Everyone's talking about the minigun, but what about THIS?
bastardized M1901
that looks stupid
Chat is this real?
I highly doubt Helldivers 2 will still be playable by 2025. The game is fucking cooked.
The t pose really makes this
God, I hope Sony bans more countries from playing the game.
Allah, I pray Sony bans sweden from making more games.
finally the scythe buff
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Thoughts, anons?
Which strategy do you think is underrated or you just enjoy? I personally like taking both the autocannon and an AMR/jump pack combo, so even if I die and can't get to my gear I have an alt
YOU look stupid.
base handling for this will be the worst yet
peak physique chads we are winning
I like it. It may not be optimal but I like it. Team reloading it against either faction is extremely fun and can clean up huge breaches and bot drops or melt devastator patrols from long range.
I'd use it instead of EATs if they'd fucking release it already.
>Didn't even bother to rewrite the post in this shitty shop
wait did you mean the Commando or the ARBL?
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Looks shit, like usual.
The commando. The airburst can lick my nuts, absolute trash used be shitters.
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>One Piece is a 1984 dating sim video game developed by THQ and published by Microsoft Lame Studios for the Windows Phone. It was released as a dead game for Google's Ouya candy dispenser on October 7th, 2023. Squid Game is set in the twenty-firth century, with the player assuming the role of the Ugly Tranny, a cybernetically enhanced abomination. The Queef is accompanied by slut, an artificial mental midget. Players battle minorities as they attempt to uncover the secrets of the eponymous Epstein Island, a ring-shaped Democrat Super PAC.
Stun grenade
guess I'll make it
based early chad
honestly who gives a fuck, not like anyone actually reads the OP
so cool xddd and edgy
migrate whenever also I fixed up some retarded spam in the OP
>chomping at the big
champing at the bit you mong
We're at page 3
sorry thread has already been made
god you hellgoobers are insufferable. sort your shit out.
Just bring the grenade pistol. Useful for holes and bile spewers only take increased damage with explosives. Overtuned enemy to be honest. They are basically heavy devastators but no headshot weakness. Genuinely awful to fight
But their front legs have 3 armour. It's only the back legs that are 2 armour.
If it keeps the stats it has now this thing will actually be better against behemoths and bile titans than EATs/RR because it will kill them in 3 quick shots to the head without needing to pick up another tube or reload. It will also have better utility against bots as a single rocket will kill a hulk or take down a gunship, and two rockets will kill a tank or cannon tower. It's also laser guided making it much easier to make those shots. This thing actually might completely supplant all 3 heavy AT options.
>posting in this garbage furry thread
If you do that you deserve the rope.
Stay mad, lmao.
Where'd you get the file?
Stay dilating troon.
That shows just how often I actually even fire at those enemies that I barely even know that with almost 500 hours in the game.
You seem upset.
It does the same damage as the patriot exo rockets. So it's bricked on release.
EAT 1x 650 AP6 damage, 2x launcher in one call in, 1300 total damage
Commando: 4x 450 AP6 damage, 1x launcher in one call in, 1800 total damage

bile titan head health: 750 AV5
cannon turret/annihilator tank turret health: 750 AV5
charger head health: 600 AV5
behemoth head health 850 AV5
hulk eye health: 250
gunship engine health: 400

Commando out performs EAT against every enemy you would be shooting both at with 1 missile left over in all cases and doesn't require you to pick up a second launcher to finish the job. The commando is also laser guided.

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