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PREVIOUS: >>483512558


>Glicko2 rating
>Tekken 8 Character Overviews
>Tekken 8 Important combos and moves for each character
>Fundamentals guide
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how over is it when nakatsu is after you?
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CLN | RVCA should avoid walking down any dark allies for as much as is practicable for the rest of the year.
Leo is MY MAN
if VF so good
why come nobody playing the current ones
even when T7 was dead in the water people still played it diligently until T8 came out
in fact people are still playing T7
even if new VF came out it would die in a month and you'd just ask for another one, repeating the same mistake ad infinitum
Leo has a vagina and I have buried my face in it.
if a new VF came out right now, it'd kill every fighting game out there
That "hole" isn't what you think it is.
nu-VF would be filled to the brim with the same super art overstylised cel shading paint splotches postprocessing effect cancer as all of the other games on the market, it would probably be the worst offender in fact.
>cel shading
pls no
u vill die to ze rage art bútton and u vill like it
Fix Devil Jin nigga.
mihawk is such a whiny faggot. The definition of ranked scrub.
mihawk is a saint compared to scrupman
at least mainman doesn't cry to murray and nakatsu on x about a guy using macros or DCing
true, he's defending the cheaters and pluggers since he's farming them for ranked points in exchange for letting them show on stream
So Lili’s tits are normalized now?
general so dead not even jannies clean it anymore
we are the last remnants of TEKGEN and united we will like MEN together
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ballbusting session with Lidia
He's a pro tho
Ballbusting this mommy femdom that

Nigga I just want to have sex in the missionary position with Leo, is that so much to ask for????
>wanting to have sex with someone else's husband
YES that's too much to ASK
I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but your "husband" is actually my wife.
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>wanting to have sex at all
celibacy is the way to go (to be good at tekken)
After I had sex, I got way better at Tekken. When I was having sex consistently, I was consistently amazing at Tekken. I haven't had sex for a while now, and I am playing like an absolute shitter. Don't believe the lies, bros. Go have sex and you can be god of destruction like me
i never got good at tekken (can someone fuck me already?)
This dick is for Leo mains ONLY
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what if leo(female) fucked leo(male)
sorry not gay
I'm too depressed and stuck with my own problems to be interesting for wemen, i actually was never interested in them or felt that i need a relationship im there's something wrong with me
Everybody cums
what if jin(female) fucked jin(male)
oh wait it's reina ew
is lidia going to replace reina
Lidia will replace my fleshlight (Paul main btw)
What if miguel(male) fucked jin(female)?
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miguel is not into women
what if katarina..
gave you a blowjob and then called you a loser for climaxing in under two minutes haha
Eddy, Lidia, Marduk, Fahk
2xko, sf6, fatal fury, vf6
Season 3 DLC 9: Thaís Durães
what now?
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Now we wait.
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for 4 more months?
I feel like I’ve been waiting an eternity for Midia already…
That's me mum you twat
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hope she goes back to being scientist, and not streamer
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Can we go one thread without you guys going horny?
according to Harada, Tekken women are only for comic relief , so no she won't be a scientist
You get horny for Lili all the time you bitch
Nins gets posted ONCE and you start bitching
show vegana open bob
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>kill yourself
Jin d2 is a snake edge and anyone that uses it is gay
You don’t deserve to live Jin
imagine seething at jimbo kazama
bruv don't know what a snake edge is
"I will not have sex" is the original one.
Enough with the "sex" talk
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i don't feel so good
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Oh yeah, it was really funny how Jun slipped on banana peel and landed right on top of Kazuya.
leaving Jin alone is a comic relief, you wouldn't get it
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He sorta of looks like if Alex Pereira had a retarded brother
there goes Lidia! next is Marduk
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I've played more Elden Ring since friday than I've done tekken in 6 months.

I wish T8 was a fun videogame.
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i feel bad for him, having lost his only strategy of doing raw cali roll
Rare yoshimitsu pic
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>asuka has a legit ToD
jerked off to futa eliza again
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love eliza
love futa
love futa eliza
simple as
goals for today:
>plug at least one dragunov
>do a 10 win streak
>skip rematch at least 10 times
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This is literally me
sublime post really
how is babby formed
no she doesn't
KYS asuka mongoloid
the only gay man we tolerate here is Fergus delete this
fucking lmao
are you one of those fags that are always complaining about mashen 8? do you even play tekken? no wonder you think the game is imbalanced
>wake up
>tekken exists
Uhm wtf?
the asunga apes trying to downplay are fucking hilarious
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fucking lmao
are you one of those fags that are always complaining about mashen 8? do you even play tekken? no wonder you think the game is imbalanced
>be Shinryu upstart fighting my way out of hardstuck red ranks
>fight 7 Mighty Rulers in a row
>only one of them rematched me and he 2-0'd me I think
>I beat last 4 in a row and they immediately cancelled after losing the first match

Was it my character (Azucena) or is this just the most bitchmade ranking range in Tekken 8?
New /tekgen/ rule:
You are not allowed to complain about the game until you can explain, in two words exactly, why asuka does not have a ToD combo.
The latter. Azucena is fairly honest now.
She needs it
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>Coooo coooo
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What happened to us ? Why do we sound like we belong to a high security mentally ill institution ?
tekken 8 broke us mentally, phisically and sexually.
i'm going to masturbate to men for the 5th time now
Dr disrespek did nuthin’ wrong
babies first /vg/ general
my anus is itching and I can't scratch without everyone at the office mocking me
Slimenigger posting
Once you start licking tranny balls theres no coming back
how are you guys enjoying bison so far? wish we got some cool character too for once
sf6 players drink water too, last I've heard
think about futas
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harada is an umachad because he lets you put horse ears and horse tail on any girl making everyone horse girls. don't even have to buy dlc for that. Truly an umadachi.
too bad the hair options are all terrible.
Ropes are an intersting and inspiring object, useful too.
Okubo, the Tekken 7 director is one that brought uma musume to the west, though
I have herpes and I need cialis
My imaginary girlfriend wants me to get my shit together I mean the boldness on these women today tho
add fox ears and tail and i might stop calling this game horseshit
eternal glory to india
I am drunk why arent you
my real man wants to hit me from behind
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why not just play granblue if you want to be a foxgirl
Ropes and chairs… who would have thought
i'm trying to lose weight
i just like foxgirls
I shouldn't have sucked that cock I cant emanate pheromones now
just one schizo keeping tekgen alive I see
once i played tekken 8 there was no coming back
why would you play a game where asuka has an actual* ToD combo
*results may vary
tekken 8 is like sucking female dick inder full moon
how are we going to survive this situation?
>noooooo it's not a real a ToD because it just isn't ok
>she can kill you at any time no matter how much hp you have b-but it's not real ok
that's why quality in posts had downgrade then he did even know how to pretend a different poster
why are you so easy to propagandize
i don't play strive
i try to help our samefagging schizo when i can shut up
What's the best pad to use that doesn't break the bank?
Off Axis 8 is dead
Randomly switched sides at the wall 8 will survive
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Who the fuck came up with that corny ass 2010´s filters art direction I thought snk had saudi money they are finessing them good
i will spend hours daily thinking about having sex with this
Piguaquan pose
dunno why this made me laugh so hard, it's the way you wrote it i guess
4 millions sales when ?
here's the thing
i'm not telling you haha
Zafinas chocolate mousse on my chest and down my throat. Sank u
When is ASSuka getting nerfed?
Hi youtube comments!
I am messaging random tranny escorts right now I am drunk and I got demoted to flame ruler. My self esteem took a hit
i am not gonna rope myself for laughing and i'll also keep sucking cocks
steve player i see
You'll bitch out and won't go through with it, guaranteed
do you guys think it's a bad sign when every day there's at least one area on my back that kind of hurts/feels inflamed?
31 years old btw
It's a sign your wings are going to come out already a little bit late it usually happens around 25 yrs
even - videogames
odd - cycling
Is everyone on this thread a purple rank scrub?
>purple rank scrub
like emperor? yeah pretty much
>a couple
yes honey
i can't stop to write gay shit, please help
You're giving /tekgen/ a LOT of credit assuming we got to purple rank
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one last kiss
Stevechads are getting their dick sucked instead. You show your back to steve once and the match is literally over with the new 21 loops tech
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Is it true there are only two types of people in this world?
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Damn bruh temu 8 so ass hes a full time dee bee dee player
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what's wrong with being a cuck?
you're not good enough
Nothing, harada lets ono fuck his wife
TMM fans defending cuckness
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The King, Raven, Shaheen & Reina Avatar Skins are now 50% off in the #TEKKEN Shop until July 16!

shh you come again do you like dick time here's another *unzips*
>the final flop 8 defender is gay
The final mimimimi is mimimi look mom I'm posting here and telling people gay I'm special mom
I am so jealous of Spaghetti Rip I want to be like him
I’m in love with azucena
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Tekken 8 needs Fight Lab 2 mode, with several models of Combot to train.
0 reinstall tekken
1-5 make 3x spicy buldak ramyeon and annihilate my asshole
6-9 fast
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welp. see you guys in hell.
Arslan is not at CEO. Why??
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/tekgen/ lobby returns.
Region: Any
Name: tekgen
Passcode: 1122
Everyone is welcome.
Finally got my hitbox. Thought that I would master it immediately because I played on keyboard but I need a few days. Surprisingly the most difficult thing to do is jump moves like df+4 with both hands.
Arslan only wanted to qualify for EWC
Didn't he do that months back?
He qualified during the Swedish dreamhack
very very hi
very very wanna be my boyfriend?
blud said he bought a hitbox
blud said jumping is hard (fat?)
vr vr sit on my face
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BF4 to the NAVEL of Lidia Sobieska to condition her WASHBOARD ABS.
I'm going to fucking boo as loud as I possible can once he and/or Marduk gets revealed at EVO.
pizzarhea just came out of my ass
I don't wash my hands at home but I do wash them in public
If only I had the money to go to Evo...
i went to combo breaker this year and am planning to go again next year it was so fun
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time to play this shitty game again
nice OP picture
this shit has to be empty
It's always full
Slimenigger in shambles
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it's always lively, but it's europeans
na tekgen is pretty much dead
>na tekgen is pretty much dead
i know they're around and still play they just don't show up to lobbies. or maybe they don't read the thread anymore idk
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we read the thread, but the lobbies are pretty much dead for us
playing on a 3/4bar is exhausting and feels like a waste of time, doesn't even feel like tekken
also, last time i joined a NA lobby there were only 3 of us. it sux
NA uses cord
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i've been browsing tekgen for 5+ years and i am never touching that shit
discords are cringe
I just did the stinkiest fucking julia of my life at work today
probably can rival the lidia i did moments ago
>join EU lobby
>its still all retarded scrubs
>uhhh haha ggs guys, I have to go eat haha
>leave EU lobby
I have a feeling this is subtle scat posting
I'm NA but I only have tekken 7 and I'm a noob. I'm also on wifi because the stupid MoCA adapter I got doesn't work because the fucking coax wall outlets aren't fucking working and I have to fix that shit somehow.
Thank you based thot cosplayers
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i promise one day i'll find proper artists tag to make proper images
This room is tranny coded
Alright fuck playing any more ranked, it's time.
To play Hwoarang in lobbies.
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>not even 6 months
>already 43%
if Josie was in the game already this wouldn't have happened
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Jamal Kazama...
Yeah if Josie was in we'd already be shut down
they didn't even put T7 on sale
it was like 85% off last week
>That poster
Reina wouldn't be into shoujoslop
reduced to this
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this but unironically
you didn't "make" those images, shitskin.
ayo brown retarded here
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>no dick
Niceu it's on sale finally
I can't get over how got damn stupid tekken project is. If I was putting my game on sale, I would make sure new players (lmao) have a TEKKEN FIGHT PASS™ to purchase with their new game. What now happens is people boot it up, realize they bought some temu shit, then promptly refund.
nooooooo i payed 70 buckaroos for this its not fairrrrrrrrrrr
sex with a tekken cosplayer NOW
only 70?
bruh wait till niggas have to make an avatar shit str8 remedial ong
shut the fuck up richfag i saved whole year for this game
if you sent me feet pic i would have bought you a copy
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here's your cursed digital artificial paintings
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Thanks lad!
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how many niggas you think fucked their stick
Azucena's 1+2 in Libertador is literally a shoryuken.
bouncin on my stick right now
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what is buddy doing
he's a stick user, heavy one
>I'm going to fucking *CHEER* as loud as I possible can
That's better
Just like Lili's matterhorn is a 2d command grab.
Oh country roads please take me home...
>download new drivers in quite a while
>boot up t8
>entire game shits itself and it was lagging so bad the other guy just plugged
it was quick match but still
why the fuck doesn't this game have a pre-shader cache in 2024
No one watching the Saudi game league?
Here if you wanna watch some Saudi Tekken
let's get some squiggles in the chat
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So this is middle eastern Tekken...
Tekken master so good...
Apparently Reina's rage art evades highs.
stop using the internet to pass the time
stop playing video games
pick up an outdoor hobby
start reading for fun
force yourself to converse with strangers
congratulations you are now an interesting person TM and a woman may want to start a relationship with you
Based jin bro
What is this image supposed to convey
after years of playing unwanted anime games i finally play real game that is popular but I can't just boot up twitch and watch some asshole play any of the characters I'm interested in because i'm an eternal hipster
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*enters thread*
>shitter character
>button masher
>mcdonalds wifi connection
>leaves after one game
Every time. Why exactly am I not getting ranked points if my opponent literally abandons the match?
you're not supposed to play this game
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Kill all dixnigs
temu 8 dead asf
look mom I'm posting temu 8 hehehe I'm so funny tight mom... mom?
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TEKKEN 7 on top
Jun sitting on my face (she is butt naked)
Shut up Kazuya
>957 caca7
Wow easy there speedgame it has more players than any game I've seen wow it's killing it WOW
2D fighting game player here thinking of trying out T8.
Is the game fun?
Is this general alive?
Did anyone else play this as their first 3D fighter?
5.7k is really fucking rough. MTX bullshit really killed the game HARD
It's more than caca7 once had and has
5.7k is absolutely insane numbers for a fighting game and the only fighting game doing better than it right now is SF6.
Do not get this game for anything more than 50% off.
look mom I'm still in it telling Tekken 88 is dead loool mom please look at my insane post
tekken 8 dead
I wont see 40
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not anymore
I'm watching son when are you getting a job and a life?
i was also a 2d player and only started with tekken 8 last month.
1. yes i'm having a lot of fun learning it
2. this general isn't dead but it is strange as fuck
tarkken 8 dead bruh aint no way shaking my head bruhhhh
Debiru players, what are debir Jims best mids I should be using?
the game is dead asf but there's always some1 who u play or trynna play lil nigga
Told you faggots 24ers will save kekken 8 after 17ers destruction job
>Strange as fuck
It's schizophrenic not strange my guv
alt f4
tekken 7 raped sfv albeit
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Tekken 7 is like the fourth most populated fighting game
>5.7k is absolutely insane numbers for a fighting game
it isn't 2014 anymore
Granblue… forgotten…
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don't see anything strange
I button mashed on 5 as a kid and recently bought 7. Going to buy 8 when my pending funds on steam wallet come through.
Only other fighters I've played were marvel v capcom at a friend's house and some MK/injustice. Tekken is a lot more fun long-term than other games since the move-sets are fucking huge and the 3d movement adds an additional layer to the combat. Despite this it feels very natural and fluid (though this could be because I played 5 as a kid).
If you just want to pick something up and play for a few hours and never think about it Tekken is still good but other fighters are better for braindead turbo-casual play. If you actually want to use your brain a bit it's the best fighter out there.
I want to buy kof..
Slime trannies forgetting the fact that kek8 is not on ps4
i want to learn jun
I want to buy whatever max dood tells me to
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Do you really wanna know?
the rule is simple, if you don't live in latam or asia, don't bother
then you should purchase dead dog
Same, sis.
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Goddamn it, why it's always like this
when I look now:
SF6: 11.8k
T8: 5.8k
GGST: 2k
MK1: 1.6k
MK11: 1.2k
T7: 1k
GBVSR: 400(lol lmao)
only for a few years until s3, at which point sfv was having its redemption arc at it was clear tekken got worse with each update
tk7 and mk11 the only surviving last gen fighting games. they won
kek no thx
Pretty sure you gotta watch that fag kirakira
What ranks are considered decent? I've never played Tekken online but I got into it with 8.
*only games where the newest one is shitter than the last one
I havent spoken a word to another human being in the past 72hours.
anything past fujin is decent since the climb up to fujin is boosted
tekken king+ is good
NA? None.
EU? Tekken God +
Korea? Fujin +
i told my mom she was gay 27 minutes ago
I am your mom and that really hurt my feelings.
i don't get how it's boosted, every rank is boosted with how points works and it's a rat race where you get stomped by 400k prowess gaylords at the end
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If I was your mom I would neglected you
ok i'll look into it, thanks
My friend and bamco said Marduk in the leak was codename for Tony Soprano guest character
Shao Meng is pretty much the only character who can save D8
dead 8
Xiao Meng is trans
What happened to Asska ToD skitzo did xhe an hero?
female lei wulong with cock wen?
Should I stay home and drink vodka or should I go out to a museum or smth
master asia fucking when
No it's a men with an artificial vagina
why didn't they put the female version of eddy in
Dead game dead gen dead genre
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prodigy general
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edgy washed koreans general
I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay
i spilled so many buckets of cum to her
I want Anna Williams to shit directly down my throat.
Now that the dust has settled I have a pretty clear idea of why this game feels like shit. Every character (besides arguably Steve) has both good lows and chip damaging mids. So every character can rush you down and mix you up and that's before you even get to heat. There's no variety in playstyle when everyone can do this. Lee doesn't have to play his evasive CH fishing game when he can just b+3,3. Nina doesn't need to apply string based pressure when wipe the floor is unseeable. Even Asuka's a 50/50 character now. Then you get to heat and it gets 10x worse. Bryan, the honest character who's still supposedly playing T7, after landing heat engager could for instance do hatchet kick into b1 into heat smash into b1. That's 5 separate interactions in a row where your only reasonable option is to block. That's just one example.

This combined with movement nerfs, every new mechanic being ugly as fuck and neutral-denying, excessive character strength, explosive damage, even more movelist bloat and needless rote learning makes it an impossible game to enjoy unless you're either beyond cucked by this franchise or brand new and still enjoying the novelty. Don't worry, this is my final doompost. I'm not angry anymore, it is what it is.
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washed old man general
by the way I just got to mighty ruler for the first time is that a good rank
Porsche sponsorship ?
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strong and manly men general
4 millions when
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Austria general
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Okayyyy time to touch myself on some colombian flat chested very hung femboys
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Austria STRAIGHT men general
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should tgirls get implants?
will knee play at this weekends tourney?
No he's washing my car now
he's on his knee in my room now
No, natural or bust
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I don't know if I've just improved a ton or if the players are of poor quality, but I'm in purple rank and beating Battle Rulers who are doing unsafe moves, rushing in blind, and making the same mistakes over and over again. Don't get me wrong, there are some genuinely good players learning the fundamentals and blocking and stuff but I find it strange how players are acting the exact same as in Orange except with a Korean Back Dash. Is it Blue ranks when people become demons? Also, holy shit, there are more people one and done-ing in purple than I've ever seen. Both when they win and when they lose.
Does NA have a chance to get top 8 at CEO or EVO?
who's this NA guy?
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Our prodigy Speedy Gonzales
If Lili is so rich and likes Ganryu so much, why didn't she pay Namco to put him into the game?
FUCK Lili players
FUCK Hwoarang players
FUCK Alisa players
FUCK Xiaoyu players
>Fuck xiaoyu
> stop reading there
Working on it
I really dont know why they keep doing this to esports nerds
p diddy for tekken
Doc did nuthin wrong
Okay Doc
give me all your tips for genital hygiene
Or it just shows how flawed this genre is because either everyone is rushdown or some characters are just weak because you just hold back against them
One shower a week
do you really need more than soap and water and pulling back your foreskin
I dont have a foreskin
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marduk might save d8
I like my women with foreskin so we can't hook up, I'm sorry.
circumcising lili with a butter knife
do not eat
Yikes. Are you not allowed to refuse this gay shit?
Joey Fury already made top8 at combo breaker which had a stacked pool
Ok? Are you saying he can do it again?
Turbo wank
new day still no job
Gentle, loving sex with Jun that ends in impregnation (abortion is illegal, she has to keep it)
Yeah you stupid nigger.
I just need to feel something
>let me have some casual fun in quick matches
>5 Kazuyas in a row
>they do almost nothing but fish for counter hits

Where did these fucking people come from?

Who ya got?
My imaginary girlfriend is getting on my nerves I need a drink
My imaginary girlfriend left me
I'm taking the sissy to be kkokkoma
Dead gen dead game dead genre
ATIF butt
I am still alive
imagine the big reveal for EVO is fahkumram. imagine that. that's the big reveal
these niggas culd been like aye bruh take the green nigga ogre shit would been hype but nah these niggas be like here marduk bruh
I took 4 cocks in my ass last week and now I can't feel my bf
I belong to a high security mental institution
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No penis? No sex.
Small penis ? No sex
only sexo small penis
I got laughed out of bed due to small penis
no vagene? no problem
Nice asylum intranet this gen
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if you think about it, marduk is a green ogre
Been lowkey rocking the same underway for four days now know what im sayin
I know who will get washed in pools. Freedx and bum ass nigga shadow
I only had one pair of underwear for the past 5 years. I finally got a 5 pack a few weeks ago.
I shower once a week
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speedkicks and his nina
yall niggas disgusting
I'm a dirty whore uwu
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sexo kkokkoma
Women destroyed vidya
women are yucky!
Hey hey amigos
no one ever post his kazumi cosplay
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hes right u kno
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>h*ntai avatar
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What time is CEO guvs?
never, there is no more.....no more......
if they spam 50/50s you just hopkick and they will stop, yes some lows you need to eat to open up and not just play defense turtle boring shit
I'm gay I'm gay I'm gay
there's not a single online multiplayer game that's worth getting into, it's either tekken or back to retro single player games, or you know actually going outside
T8 is basically the same as SF6 and Strive since everything is a fucking rushdown game and game variety is for faggots now so it should be easy to get into.
yeah it's kekken and rocket league for me and nothing else videogames are dead
Are any of the Pakistan players confirmed to go there? Visa issues always show up..
I am leaning towards pure faggotry
atif butt, esharib and bilal are there
I broke the gay scale
The local before CEO
top 8 started
>sub 200 views
lol lmao rofl midken is so fucking dead
tekken really is a japanese game
>>483785235 mimimimimimimi
The japs dont give a fuck about it tho
mimimimi blah blah blah
I am straight
whats about me
I'm a failure
does little baby need his binky? ohh goood baby here comes the air plane
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Anyone got a version of this but with Xiaoyu?
I have one but is in taka taka
Well shit alright, things are actually going to be interesting then.
and you need attention temuist useless human being take your (You)
temu 8
raven is lowkey fraudy no cap
7-8 more years of this
Raven is black of course he's fraud and dishonest
>tfw you don't live in the alternate universe where soulcal lived and mashen died from the leroy patch with top streamer nightmaremanswe
OffAxis8 is dead
soulcalibur is even worse
female bryan when
YOUs bought eddy lol
member ridia sobieska
>hellsweepfraud lost to slidefraud
While female Bryan might be one of the most popular characters ever made if and ONLY if they kept her as near mute, gun obsessed and psychopathic as Bryan with a special intro between the two, this would require h, m and n to have good ideas so it's impossible.
member when one of the top streamers was a eddy bot mashing 4
YOUs bought le battle pass lmao
Yeah cause I'm not poor
6 millions when
Let me see it
Dead franchise
I CAN breed
CEO on the morrow right?
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When are we getting another tekken talk? These losers haven't reveal Lydia's release date. And Street fighter 6 already have M bison released
next announcement is eos
tekgen needs to eos
gonna look back at this amusing thing when im done with tekken 8. so glad i bought this gem
we like tgirls around here lil bro
just use your imagination like law
hey guys
Soul Caribur is compretery ded
girls look good but their vaginas are stinky!
nigga murray really thought adding lidia was a good idea
femboys look good and have cocks, win/win!
Sex? Oh heavens no, not me old chap
Unironically gagged when I went down on my first gf for the first time
shouldn't have tried to deepthroat her
pretty sure it wouldnt have happened if she had a nice and smooth cock
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it convinced me to buy the game
powercrushes only get stupider the further up you climb
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False Savior. False Prophet. False Idol. Jin "BITCH" Kazama.
new mechanic is even more retarded sometimes
I'm gay
I'm really fucking gay
Yes, I'm gay!
I'm really fucking gay!
Kek classicaltoddlers btfo
i don't get what's wrong with this game's matchmaking, it will make me wait 5 minutes and then match me with someone outside my region. Surely EU isn't that dead at 9 am?
if you have high prowess for your rank then that's working as intended
yes it's retarded
us1 getting matches nonstop with asia 3 here. at least games are playable so who cares
I can only find matches reliably in qm, ranked is a frustrating waste of time.
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>good enough to 50/50 through blue ranks
>not good enough to get to GOD
how do you deal with this terrible feel fraudbros
Mix the funny jump mid and throw more
upgrade your 50/50 game to 25/25/25/25
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Do you know what a 50/50 is? What 50/50s does Lars have?
den 3 into coinflip
You don't get DEN 3 for free against good players that often
You can get it sometimes when you catch them off guard or force it on a hit transition or something but it's not fucking free lmao
You know df2 and hatchet on dragunov is a 50/50 because if you get jabbed you're -8 and there's nothing you can do about it
Dead gen dead game dead genre
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'Jeet Posters are relentlessly shitting this thread
I am drinking
I am at work generating ai porn on the side... and drinking... bepsi... sugarless.
I am drinking vodka faggot aint no light pepsi here know what im sayin
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wither away little sissy

God I wish I was a hot fuckdoll for men to use
What happened here
name the biggest tekken 8 slut which isnt kazuya
bryan players
hmm today im gonna play some feng
Niggaz still complaining about Kazuya lmao dont procreate you little faggot
sweaty sex with asska
I d fuck anything right now
fucking leo and letting other niggas watch
Kazuya manhandling me while I cook for HIM
Cause of death :

No thighs pics
holding akira by the hips while he waters my flowers
having a fulfilling life
I need thighs pics just that
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here's some thicc thighs for you my friend
Lee touching me where the sun dont shine while grocery shopping
17ers killed tekken
looks pretty alive to me
>checks numbers
on a second thought
why not?
thats a man
ling ass and asuka tits
Lidia sobotka is what we have to wait for lol
at this point anything is welcome to get eddy out of the main menu
Master Leroy spanking Lili
that would be extremely unlucky
rubbing my dickhead all over Nina's clit
nina is a clithead
Dead gen dead game dead genre
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>hold start
>no anime
I just wish i could use my cock more
I just wish i could use my ass more
You're sitting there eating shit and watching (((netflix))) 18 hours a day, fatass.
i believe i can fly
by letting more lidias out of it
After evo
but really, what the fuck are they doing it's like Tekken 7 season 1 all over again
T7 season 1 and 2 were real kekken
zzz goose saved that season
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Miss Geese he was pretty fun over all I miss NEGAN

*infinite azure starts playing*
Doc did nothing wrong
The only doc I now is doc massacre
7th vodka redbull and I cant even get drunk. Too depressed.
Hey yo Doctor, here's another proper track
And it's phat, watch the sniper, time to pay the piper
And let that real shit provoke
See you's a wannabe 'loc, and you'll get smoked and I hope
That your fans understand when you talk about sprayin' me
The same records that you makin' is payin' me
Motherfuck Murray, motherfuck H and N, motherfuck Tekken Row
Yo, and here comes my dead 3D game
Reina.. it is time to secure the mishima bloodline.. I must seed n feed you now..
I am a failure
everyone on this website is
everyone in 4chan is failure don't feel alone
I'm John
I'm voluntarily celibate.
Me too!
Join our Jin discord for further information.
when the wiggity wack is ceo starting
After evo
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going to be watching tekkino in my office instead of working
I shouldnt have sucked that cock
never refuse free things
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>Mario Kart 8 tournament
holy shit that'll be kino I reckon
Tekken 8 isn't Tekken so never
ay fuck you nigga mario kart is cool
Goh Kart
I am drunk and yous should be too
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Tony Soprano DLC when
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Alucard DLC when
is there any chance that we'll ever get a tekken character that has no autism?
Turbo wank number 3
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Dragunov doesn't have autism.
>B-But he grunts like an ape and never speaks!
He speaks a language beyond your comprehension. The language of a GOD.
Spot on.
Why didn't you hopkick that low that killed you?
stop replying to yourself
To whom are you speaking lil bro
I am clinically insane in the brain
When are we getting an autistic mulatto girl obsessed with BWC character?
Its just me in here
'nov got 'em having mental breakdowns just from hearing his name
Um, no, sweetie.
Her name is lola she was a show girl but that was 30years agoooo when they used to have a show
There is no escape im gods lonely man
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he only appears in alive games like COD
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I hate AI and it sucks, why can't I stop making these
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fix devil jin nigga
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just use img2img my artificially intellectual niggai don't know how it works on local models
?? ?
You should be drunk like me
Turbo wank 4
How do you discern a Hwoarang masher from a Hwoarang non-masher?
I miss myself
It was a jooish doctor
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He manhandled the little
swedish faggot
>Absolute cancer in Yoshi form
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>lost to fucking steve with p2w character
>all that ensuing cope
Schizophrenic69 yoshi God>>>themainmaincuck Kekzuya Cuckshima
Gotta love Steve. He exposes button mashers so hard.
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bros i made you a song
please listen and rate
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Cool too hot
Dead game dead gen dead genre
knock knock my niggah
your winning though so... imo whats the problem... imo stop complaining if your winning ur doing fine its so sad bro your obv way better then them .,... and imo if your winning these matches who cares thats the main thing i feel imo that counts if your winning keep at it ... idgaf imo if your gonna complain while ur winning then dont expect pity from me winning imo is the main goal of this game correct me if im wrong....
EURO 2024 waiting room

>not enjoying mario kart
tendie games like mk are boring as shit once you're an adult.
How did this game die so fast? So much for 10 years of tekken 8
This general is probably just 5 people posting
Twitch numbers are looking sad, meanwhile street fighter...
Where is Lidia?
planned obsolescence
A lot of flies eat garbage
A lot of flies porpoise in life is eat capcom trash
mtx scumbagery did that. Doesnt help that buying characters is not optional dlc
deep and it changed my perspective about women in general
>lil sis's prostate is tingling in anticipation of divegrass
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Newfags haven't learned that quality of game is indirectly proportional to activity of /vg/ general. It's ok, you'll learn.
yeah that would be right if tekken 8 had quality lmao
fly I will give you attention take it
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It's true
i only eat men, regardless of capcom or not
so what exactly is murray's endgame here
You prove my example of flies and garbage thank you
he doesnt really have any power
now that's funny, retardniggers can't even do the ui design
wtf I love street shitter 6 now
all sf6 had to do was not have trannies characters and I would have bought it. Shame maybe next time capjew do better
you're literally passing on the chance to beat trannies in a game and make them seethe.
this tells me you care about that community more than you let on.
nice try ,tranny
you don't play tekken
you don't play Street Fighter 6
You mean inversely proportional but its ok, you'll learn.
literally me
it's hot
What it has to do with my wife Yuyu being live now
it is hot todaaay
boy it is hot today
no it's cold today
ooh it's hot out here man
it is hot today
yeah you know it's hot out too
yeah i just said that
i said it's hot out here man
yeah you know it's hot too
yeah that's what i said man
it is hot out here
Looks decent enough
Temu 8
I said it's cold and it's cold
Jackbros will be top 3 at CEO deal with it
i want to see knee
based and chaircrush/chokenakin pilled.
He's to busy now getting washed by my sponge
Wtf is even happening in this thread? It’s actually surreal
here's what is happening:
*spreads ass*
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Spreads ass is the best tekken content
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Just wanted to write something because it's safe to say i'm proud of myself haha
Played Tekken all my life but never was good at the game, probs because I threw a tantrum every loss and I took the game so seriously. Also didn't really know my main because I just found one character (Bryan) and tried nobody else. Trust me, when you don't know fundamentals, spamming snake edge doesn't work past green ranks.
Max rank I got was Vindicator then I got demoted down to Brawler. Stopped playing in March and started again last month. Difference was that I feel like I've changed a lot as a person, so I didn't take the game seriously. Didn't get mad at the game, didn't make excuses for losses, etc. Still made an effort to actually learn the game though cos Tekken's always been with me. Kinda like a big brother in a sense. Anyway, went through all characters and settled on Claudio. Hopkicks and starting every game with magic 4 for days mate. Got demoted all the way from Brawler to Mentor, then made an effort and then went all the way up to Usurper. Stagnated for a while then simply learned to punish, then got up to Genbu which in my eyes is a sign that I'm good at the game. Along with the facts that I actually have maintained a life, not sacrificed doing things just to get it and the fact that I play it casually, I'm quite proud of it. Any of you disagree, I'll be honest in saying that i'm not arsed. Feel like if I want to go any higher I'll have to become a saddo and sacrifice my free time for studies to get it, so I'm chilling now. May go for mighty ruler and top 10% players rank soon. Also started to pick up Shaheen, so I'll get Genbu with him too.
Just any advice for players who are ass: watch a few tutorials, don't be an Eddy/Hwo mai- sorry a sweat who takes the game serious, and don't dedicate your life to it. Think about it realistically. It's only a game. There's more things in life to care about.
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Bring back the lewd era of Tekken.
Give us Lucky Chloe.
Give us Eliza.
Give us Julia.
nobody cares about Eliza and Julia only Lucky Chloe matters
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I'm ready for some comfy Tekken 8 pool play

not watching too lazy sorry
Same it's time for tekkino. Just took my motorcycle for a spin on a nice sunny day (pretending I was Tekken's Paul character).
i want to buy motorcycle too..
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Love Tifa LOVE LOVE!
jeb bush put himself on stream
KINGREYX generations
holy shit this zoomer family is actually crazy
I could barely do a DP motion when I was a little shit
not when i'm done
>literal child playing Jun
He lacks motherly affection
lil mexican jin kazama lookin ass kid bodying this bum
Kingreyx is capable of defeating washed knee
not lewd enough
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ayo is that a worm
When does the tekken7 pools start
>highlighting missing features

Commentary checking to see if the Bamco death squads are awake.
>literal red ranks match earlier

Ah the beauty of pools
My chipotle trad wife!!!
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I can't watch american tekken
good afternoon fellow schizos
King fighting for Salt's freedom, as fellow cat.
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>meanwhile street fighter...
Dixtranny sisters, why is our game so degenerate?
>that gay hand wave
every time
Meanwhile Fortnite

>1 million players online
Holy hell what a flop Slime Rushers is
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Asuka's milkers on stream!
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>i love tekken 8
shadow and gorilla appear on screen I sleep
He just smiled tho
holy shit shadow just smiled and harada just stealth dropped armor king
why are the lobbies in this game so dead? sf6 has a really good battle hub that practically replaced casual queue
Lee time
Kazuya vs Lee!
>no speedkicks restream
how will I know what to think now
cool neckrolls.
He's full focused on winning CEO
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So, I need help. How do you exactly counter Victor's db4? It tracks both sides, crushes highs frame 1 and randomly for few frames is also able to crush mids(this seems to be mostly a weird bug to be fair) and hits what seems to be even range 2,5. It's 20f startup with +6 on hit and decent chunk of damage and on CH it leads to crumple stun, aka. best launcher in the game that goes to 90+ dmg combos with no heat, wall or rage. On block it's -25 or -26 so you can launch if you do a hard read on an unseeable low.

Using his range to read when the low comes doesn't work as he shares it with 2 of his mid launchers. Going range 1 just results in him mashing his extremely quick and safe moves, god forbid he has heat up.

Am I missing something obvious or is it just one of the best lows in the game. Like I see no clear downsides of just spamming it whenever, please help this retard understand.
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He's at CEO.
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Because everything from arcade quest to the custom avatars screams "oh shit sf6 is actually trying to give lil timmy something to do" and were 100% last minute efforts to match it
As a result they are all trash and once again everything except ranked/quick match is dead
Lee got his revenge
Lee Chad asserting dominance over kekzuya
bring back high base damage
bring back short combos
bring back kbd
bring back chickening
bring back neutral
bring back meterless game
bring back TEKKEN
So is Rip blacklisted from bamco events or not?
no its only mashen 8 now
rip the skin
I wish I could just play dr online instead of this kusoge
Chicken Al Pastor is BACK at Chipotle and it's fire on every level. Order now: chipotle.com/order
Every game has to be like this now. Fighting games are built for the spectators now, chud, not the players. Get used to it.
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blud just asked if rip is blacklisted
blud just asked if rip is black
no really, what the fuck do I do
he is everywhere, including tournaments, ranked, everything between kishin to tekken god
its not even as fun to watch anymore
Its the funnest it's ever been
duck and launch it for a million damage
.......on opposite day
It is even if anonymous No.483864668 thinks otherwise
Trizzy is trying to get JoeCrush blacklisted cause of his shitty Texan internet btw
sneedkicks seems absolutely in love with himself, not sure if it's just me
Do Slimeniggers even play their game or do they just shitpost?
Seems like a you issue lil bro
and he is based for it
too many people letting him shit all over the online tourney scene just because he has played well offline
either get a working pc/internet or stick to offlines
If you don't love yourself who is going to do it
Damn bro you really need 25 years of underwear?

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