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Femra are REAL in 7.0

>Happening Now
All Worlds Maintenance (Until June 28, 5:00 AM EDT)

>Dawntrail Info
>Patch 7.0 Notes (FULL)

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

>Previous Thread
too soon
WE LOVE THIS!!!!! 8===D
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my catgirl looks and acts like this
It's over.
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I cannot wait to oogle my 7.0 HD femroe for hours while doing the MSQ….
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Femlala EB for my Malera
*punts you*
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EB for this feel?
>Gonna have road to 90 buff

Holy moly I'm gonna level the new jobs so fast
>the graphics update is bringing enhanced boob jiggle
post *THAT* image
where does it say that?
Fat Cat Fact #209

The House of Ul had special etiquette rules allowing Fat Cats to be on the table when attending high class dinners
>dragoons nerfed and morphed to be more alike monks
>ninjas have been MASSIVELY buffed
>astrologians will no longer have to deal with quickthink and can instead choose what type of card they wanna draw
>paladins buffed/cucked into playing how the devs see it fit
>warriors sidegraded, less aoe damage but more single target
>dark knights MASSIVELY buffed
>gunbreakers MASSIVELY buffed
>samurais buffed
>reapers MASSIVELY buffed
>monks MASSIVELY buffed
>bards become aoe monsters
>black mages aoe nerfed

dragoonbros... every other job's getting a small upgrade
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Non standard BLM fags into the cuck shed, SpS standard enjoys rejoice
>In accordance with the increased level cap, New World and Preferred World character bonuses now apply to all jobs at level 89 or below.

They also upped the Armory bonus from 50 to 100% for having a job below level 90.
a bunch of confusing words and numbers
can't wait to cast some spells
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Ice paradox bros...
>psycho killer
For me it's You're Mine, Roller Mobster and Hang em all
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>aoe spells nerfed
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it's so fucking over
I think it means *if* you have the buffs, they'll apply to 89. It doesn't mean they are going to give everyone the buffs tomorrow. Although maybe I'm wrong.
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Explain this to someone who plays actual jobs
Ahhh yes, we like to call them """""allied"""" societies now.
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>haha fuck WHMs and SCHs not getting their aoe dots back, SGE wins
>SGEs today
you can't stack the aoe dot and single target dot
>cannot be stacked
oh it's fucking garbage okay
sge is dead
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here's my 4K score, I hope it softens the blow
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even though it's essentially the same thing I hope these 2 new gcds feel good to use, triple atonement was lame
They're not going to give it to everyone but I have it for doing to Dynamis last week. So I'm getting double EXP from the buff and armory bonus has been buffed too.
Go read the blm-lounge in The Balance for a quick laugh guys it’s so good

hahahahahah you fags can’t do double DoTs!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAAH
>media tour testers found out sge's new aoe dot can stack with their single target dot
>it got removed
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Why did you go to Dynamis?
I always assumed this was the case.
You can't stack Thunder 3 and 4 either.
It really isn't that bad
>Ice only BLM and Scathe BLM shitters/trolls still winning
Shit game desu. At least no more Thunder only BLM shitters/trolls now.
>Playing video games at 4k

1440p is the sweet spot.
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I *think* this is me?
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Why would you want two dots?
only for certain societies, tribal societies are still tribes
Miki being there kinda ruins the joke desu.
my femlala up at the top
you posted it in response to an archor asking for it to be drawn if it is
if you use this you have no soul and are also evil
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that's why I play at this resolution windowed
There are morons here that think DoTs and DoT upkeep are engaging gameplay when they’re just “hit button to do damage and refresh at 3 seconds”
>healerkeks unironically salivating at the thought of getting to stack TWO (2) whole dots
>it gets removed
oh no! anyways
Static died a long time ago and I can't stomach a lot of players. It's so peaceful with no shout spam at all, plus it doesn't really matter with DC travel outside 7.0 launch til 7.01
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why am i radioactive
why tf did they remove pre-existing dashes to replace them with soulless new ones? my DRK better be plunging and not dashing
That's an old image though isn't it? It's got some old looks of some people, has mimec@ on it as an example
You will SLIDE and you WILL like it.
>"VPR is not that scary and deals tickle damage I'll just retreat to the po-..."
>VPR throws in a 30k combo funni, enters LB and plants himself onto the anon molesting him with ~10k potency attacks every 2s
I was interested in trying to play the BLM in this expansion, has it changed much, have they improved the mobility issue or is it still the same old turret?
Basically the single target dot and the aoe dot don't stack, which means that the skill is only useful in dungeons. HOWEVER during single pulls you have more than enough time to single target dot everything so this skill is pretty much useless.

The only situation this skill is ever useful is on single pulls where you don't have time to single dot everything. Which means this skill was made for SGEs healing tank shitters who don't do big pulls.
>press dash attack on pull
>spam dash attack when near max charges or in raid buffs
Wow so engaging
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My personal favorite is Inferno galore but I like the video for Turbo Killer better.

Dragoon change is so souless
Back to wow, retarded shadowbab.
One final post of this before dawntrail
I haven't actually watched the videoclips, I just have Brut come up in my music rotation and vibe it, maybe I should give em a look
Worst ebins or avatarfags and why?
First 3 jobs you'll be leveling to 100 in order?
I lost the femra la creatura album. I tried looking for it, but I don't have it anymore. The funny part is, some of those same femra now mod themselves to be more of a modbeast than they were in that album.
picto gnb sage
I only shower every two days and I am lactose intolerant
>Socks on the beach
I tried to watch his recent movie, Relax I'm From the Future, but it was too bad.

Yeah but the devs would use that as an excuse to not play it, and to not look at videos of how it worked.
You just described something busier and more intensive than what ff14's healing is.
ff14's is using less than 1/5th your kit outside of Ultimates and Criterion.
Busy is the word. And also isn't it still busy in midcore content?
vpr pct gnb
aether fags
blank posters
I could understand if dots were removed entirely since that would remove an element of skill from the job, but having two dots instead of one is literally nothing especially since they have the same duration.
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Built for my min height maliddie.
>every fucking one has a dash now
>tank jobs continue to morph into a single entity with zero difference in gameplay
>heal jobs continue to baby hold the player's hand
>melee dps have begun getting their uniqueness sucked out
>casters increasingly becoming not-casting magical ranged dps
>that fucking 50% less dmg to other targets applied to 99% of aoe skills
beyond soulless
I'm sad now
Don't watch Darby movies, watch tv series he's in. He's much better as a character in a series than he is in movies.
i won
Built for miera
VPR, then tank or healer for 2nd or 3rd depending what friend does
what'd you win
something about the way he posts makes me want to strangle the cunt
PLD, SAM and whatever else - maybe MCH
Don't listen to someone saying to buy a HDD in 2017+7, 7 years after they started being defunct.
They're noisy, less reliable, and $20 vs $60 isn't that much difference. That's 3 lunches of difference.

How terrible the class design is definitely the lowest part of the expac so far.
And while I think the expac will otherwise be great, I think it's going to be remembered for hitting the lowest point of combat and class design the game has ever had. At least for healers.
if you see me with purple lipstick i wasn't smooching lumy i swear
I am a serial lala petter who is going to find YOUR lalafell and pat it on the head as soon as servers come back up!
We already knew these things you're pretending to be sad about.
I still haven't pre-ordered. I should do that now...
Guys the blm-lounge is so funny right now. They’re coping so hard saying the job is dead and will be locked out of pf lmao
join me on alpha, light
Do we know the final boss
threads are moving way too fast
/vg/ generals should just like stickies and roll
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The video for Inferno Galore is a parody criticizing the Satanic Panic in the 1980's. It's pretty meme-y and fun, but Turbo Killer is actual kino.
>every job has a dash now
>SCHs will still gloat about expedient like everyone just didn't dash away or used sprint
yoshi p himself
Anyone in Lightcord.
There's only 3 good or decent EU posters.
kong, kanchelle, l'fah
obvious reasons
I expected as much, happens to pretty much every single MMO. Trading uniqueness and flavor for balance and homogeneity.

I'm not a fan of it really but then again, combat is like 20% of the reason why I play this game to begin with.
yes its been spoiled
You used Scathe as a execute finisher, even better when used with sharpcast, in a situation when another hard cast wouldn't succeed in time.
hurry tf up
you do want your earring right?!
even machinists?
Seconding >>483688202 and >>483688586

DRK PCT VPR, probably
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I'll look forward to it, anon.
my lala does not exist (yet)
Claire, Kong, Kanchal
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Bros, did we get too cocky??
WHM, PCT (i was gonna do VIP but i changed my mind), DRK

i feel like i didnt give DRK a fair try so i'm gonna quickly learn how to play it well this time around
whm instaqueues and getting armory bonus for every other job
this would make sense if you were locked onto a single class and didn't want to make alts but you can literally play every single class on a single character.
can you radioactive these nuts in your mouth?
I don't
BLM sisters we won
love those big grey tiddies
kong and kanchelle for being annoying, europeans for being batshit insane
the blue eyed blonde miqo with big tits
I dont know I hate this motherfucker
It's been a long time since Endwalker. I don't think I ever had download speeds as slow as 0.08 mb/s during that or any other patch.
Greased Lightning...I miss it... I really liked old MNK just outputting high damage consistently. I hate how all the jobs now just play around two minutes burst windows.
All the EU lightcord ebins.
Combat is negative 20% of why I play this game. But other parts bring the game up overall.

I was thinking that before I even put the movie on but still gave it a shot. Any good recent series with you that you'd recommend?

>top ones are all Lalas

PCT, NIN, then either VPR or PLD.
My DRK receives you from the dark, far corner of the inn room. A permanent troubled expression on his face, you can just *feel* the troubled past, the tragic backstory, the mission with high stakes that he has to carry out, and for which you might offer aid...

...but, if you accept the quest, or if he thinks you're not looking, he's gonna get back up, go back to the bar, and keep drinking and singing happy songs.
People say this and yet there is tons of wine once a job is doing better than others. People want balance but also want unique jobs, both are hard to make work at the same time and one will usually end up winning. Usually balance, mediocrity, slop.
I think its funny how ZT has a fucking trip, posts futanari loli webms in the thread and people still like him more than Kong.
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this lala is edward coded
Why are G.W. and F.S. not in Gyoza's cliqueshell anymore? Were they kicked out for consorting with Light like T.T. was?
>he claims to miss the times when jobs were worse off to play
>he claims to miss the times when you were forced to bring certain jobs into instances
Why do so many of you want the game to go back to a time when it was objectively worse off for everyone to play?
Mental illness.
>he takes seriously what he reads in 4chan dot org
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do you know this cat?
the loudest voices are often the most retarded
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Yes and Yes. I also miss Enmity being a factor, I miss when MP was a factor and I miss TP.
My EB divorced me, swapped DCs, name changed, and fantasia'd
its over
Most regulars here are pedo, we also love Tzera, V'aleri and Leviah (well no we hate Leviah but not because he plays a lewd teen)
Who's the mentally ill person in question?
pictomancer is really cool in pvp and pve
I will get absolutely crucified for this opinion but I love Our Flag Means Death
this but unironically.
I think you've still got a chance, bro
can we at least agree that sprint costing tp was ass?
You, because you care about this terminally online shit. But maybe you just have nothing else to do.
add all the names
lets make the biggest list yet
>he would rather die than use TP to sprint
that's my hero, look at him go (throws the spear card at him)
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I think they should just remove them entirely, but I still found this funny.

I don't think this. Heavensward jobs sucked too.
But they also suck now in a different way and healers are absolutely terribly designed now.
They have not improved combat in this game. They just made it bad in different ways than before. It's moved laterally instead of positively.

Seriously? I heard that show was amazing. That's on my list.
haven't played a single other game since xiv went down......
Sounds like you have terminal normalfag. You may want to correct yourself before talking up to anon.
That is right, I have nothing better to do right now. Neither do you if you're replying to me.
Yes, that one was just meanspirited for Melee's. I can accept it but I think TP back without the sprint thing would be best.
>(throws the spear card at him)
play with this *unzips*
We can spend days without playing a videogame, it makes us superior
>Seriously? I heard that show was amazing. That's on my list.
Yeah, I love it but it'll get absolutely crucified by people because it's a funny little rom-com series that's extremely gay written about Stede Bonnet, and, well, you've seen the state of the threads
I think y'all are mad because it's easier to tell if you're a thumb-sucking retard when you fuck up your job
bro don't forget the old auto attacks, make autos great again..
PLD>WHM because I'll alternate them while questing and queueing for duties
Then most likely VPR
what the hell does picto auto attack look like
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You can't! I'll..
probably slap them with the paint board
Why the fuck is the BLM channel in the Balance shitting themselves this hard for what seems to be several hours now
I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar I hate modern scholar
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>Entering Tooliyolo

I am
A gay maleroe
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I went outside and took some pictures of the sun going down
(freezing cold.)
i need to get up and make breaky though i hope you all have a wonderful morning
Gyoza, why did you kick FS and GW from the linkshell?
Why do you tell everyone that you don't care about the thread anymore but are always up to date with the latest memes and who's who?
Why are you kicking out longtimers and letting in your twitter tourist buttbuddies?
Why are your goon videos so badly framed and out of sync?
They’re upset Yoshida didn’t take their screeching seriously and revert all the media tour changes. It’s really funny
We love casting spells
Act like that and it's more than just your head that'll be getting pet.
why isn't yoshi p hiring a translator for the live stream with all the sub money? what a fuckin bufoon
>when the game gets worse, that's funny!
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The beginning reminds me of Donkey Kong Country for some reason, I don't hate it at all.
Poopie Peepie why did you fart your Brappy Mappy?
i think this is good
So... nothing in the patch notes really changed it's just they were hoping someone was gonna say 'jk lol'??
>I went outside and took some pictures of the sun going down
>(freezing cold.)
where the FUCK do you live? it's fucking 35 here
Ew, it talked back to me.
Blm, Ast, Whm
what's worse about it?
OHH I see. No problem for me there. If it's good comedy it's good comedy.
But shit I don't think I have HBO max right now. I'll watch to watch it later

You cast dots on the targets while pulling since it's an instant cast and they're not grouped.
Then you aoe dot at the end of the pull.
To have that aoe dot at the end just refresh dot and maybe add 1-3 more dots to enemies without it is extremely lame compared to having 2 dots on some.
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>getting rid of a meme rotation is bad
Lmao if you’re good at the job you’ll adjust and do just fine :)
Basically yeah that’s what people in there were expecting
I'd say pirate it from somewhere if you can, I don't know where from, I watched it on a friends Plex server
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>3 card draw
>2 new play buttons
Completely skipped my mind how they would do this. My skill bars in shambles…
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Oh yeah?I bet you can't even name 3.
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ishgard you slur
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Just try it when the game's back up, stupid Bigger...
They took a job where people could be creative and skilled, removed all options, and put it on rails.

DPS doesn't matter in this discussion
you don't have astrodyne or undraw anymore there's your 2 spots
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Ninja, Sage, Black Mage
for her
next up:
every job can tank
every job can heal
every job can damage
every job has the same potency
every job has the same combo
every job has the same cooldowns
every job will act the same and have the same animations
It's so hard to get those plex servers now. I have one friend I can ask.

The good ones? barracksra, footra, gaymalera
Good. Enjoy the world every other class has been living in for years, niggers.
damn where were all these ppl the last few expansions when they gutted every other job the same way
I know I'm in this but I can't find myself...
I used it as a filler when I gambled for mana ticks and lost
I will cum to the Y'shtola swimsuit art. But only if it's from a Japanese artist. You have to ensure it's actually drawn well after all.
i should be able to solo raids
They were playing BLM and enjoying life.
for me it's futaxfuta (mooniexsunnie)
wow this is bare bones
basically we get glare 4, medica 3, and ast's bubble
also what the fuck is sacred sight??? they mention it in the notes but there's nothing about the core concept
so man x man?
>pvp abilities are completely untouched
thanks for nothing, yoshi. probably also still no dr on crowd control.
Oh no a way to play the job that wasn’t intended was removed! The horror the job is dead!!!!!!!
like racism hate sex?
it just lets you use glare 4
It wasn't hurting anyone. Now they hurt the players and soured the expansion before it even released.
oh, just keep playing and enjoying blm then
It appears to exclusively exist to trigger Glare IV, not unlike Further Ruin for SMN
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>I will cum to the Y'shtola swimsuit art.
There quite literally was already a bunch of fanart of Y'shtola in that swimsuit before Square did it at all.
>variant dungeons
>variant dungeons
>always existed
>nullified by materia even on the exact same jobs and gear loadout
>1-2-3/1 and dot
>role actions
>role actions and pve limit break 1 and 2
Now what
rework for pvp coming in a later patch it'll change everything
i like eu posters
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Here's your new hairstyle bwos
jesus christ that's so fucking stupid
meanwhile in ast land
>"we want to reduce button bloat"
>adds 3 different "play" buttons
how the fuck did they make this worse than it already was
jesus fucking christ man. i am now drawing cards less often, but getting a whole load of them every minute
You stupid faggots don’t pay attention to live letters at all huh? 7.1 is the pvp update they’ve already said this
<Grand Impact> <rear> <Yes please.>
as opposed to?
yeah (sunnie top, since they are superior)
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picto > viper > RPR
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>"The DT le motif Song"
Do you think they'll add anything to the mogstore
This dance is actually well animated, unlike 95% of them.

They've been neglecting to add things to auto translate for a few expacs
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Wouldn't Ed resent being petted, though? Also that's a neat Nendo, I didn't know they made a doll version of him.
>yeah (sunnie top, since they are superior)
nyooo but i wanted to be the bottom....
I'll hold my doom until then
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Going to enjoy seeing your face turn a whole new shade of red in HD when you get put in your place. Let's see how long you can keep up that tough act before you melt in my hands.
1 slot. Never put undraw in the hotbar and the astrodyne button is too far from my current draw button. All draws need to be pushable by the same finger.
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time to level your trusts
Why do you still have expectations for them to make things better? They give healers buttons for fucking single target heal increases or damage reductions while removing good buttons.
bros why the FUCK is trust such a SLOG
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my seeker is jalter coded
redraw's dead too, so it'll be fine.
Swiftcast 40 seconds is pretty big
they should add shadowflare back
>guys you don’t understand healer would be fine if we had cleric stance back, 3 DoTs and only had GCD heals
post character and we might have a deal
because it's not allowed to expose illiterates as illiterates
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picrelated is basically me at this point
i was just reading the notes to read them and i'm still shocked at how bad they are despite having no expectations
>some actions updated to turn into other actions upon execution, allowing for less hotbar bloat
>basic 1 2 3 combos untouched
>actions that were 1 button before became 2 or even 3 in some jobs
There are alternate costumes for trusts?
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What's with all the AoE nerfs?
Someone that speaks moon get in here and tell me what they're saying.
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>Remove Bane
>Further cucks SCH by giving it to SGE expansions later.
>shadowflare brought back as a 50 class capstone spell for SMN+SCH
if only. it'd make both jobs better.
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>he thought 1-2-3s would be condensed
>he didn’t pay attention to the live letter when they showed this only affecting certain ogcds
>Eukrasian Dyskrasia
The way this skill is named bothers me so much.
It's good tho
I'm so confused
nigger I am not opening a jfif
Bro? Your discord?
It's over
8.0 will delete healers from the game
its literally the same image i posted
4chan autoconverts to jpg
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Who lost the hardest?
Holy fucking kino, didn't expect that.
i do not
give a shit
They want every dungeon to be Eureka Orthos
summoner or paladin
I don't get why Phantom Kamaitachi is its own button now. I hate it.
healers can't be considered since they didn't have a win in years so drg
I’m gonna say SGE players because they thought they were gonna be able to stack DoTs and can’t now LOL
Y'shtola will worship my BWC in Dawntrail
krile will paint me a pretty picture in dt
I want to break off her horns and stab them with it for making that so unreadable.
I will not touch the MSQ until VPR is 90
>hey remember putting up dots a decade ago, guys? yeah, that's not coming back, it was an accident that you got a second one sorry lol
I am excited to log into the game tomorrow
always a good day when SHITge tards suffer. play a real job, NIGGERS
by the twelve
See you in Bozja bro.
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The BLM channel is so fucking good right now
me after i had a masogasm
Y'shtola is made for catgirls
This guy has viewbotted for ages.
why are plack mage players acting like they're about to commit suicide instead of just playing the job normally or playing something else? TOP is dead content now so you can't use TOP as a reason why you still need nonstandard.
Reminder that if you sleep during the day you will wake up just in time and energized to play Dawntrail
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As a DRK, my BWC gets shrouded in darkness and thus gets both the BWC and BBC tags at the same time.
you guys can do math right how many hours of bosnia will level me from 81 to 90
I raided like 10 years ago and can't believe I still see the same messages
>bringing ___ is trolling or low dps
when in reality, they're not going to design an encounter to be impossible because 1 class has lower dps
They want you to stop finishing dungeons in 10 minutes. In reality this simply means that you'll put up a PF and get 1 tank and 3 DPS and still do it in 10 minutes.
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This dude is legitimately going to kill himself over the changes I think
2-3 hours if you do it fast.
4-5 if you have skill issue.
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yup that's the plan, staying up as late as I can so I can wake up around 1 hr before maintenance ends.
lmaoing @ everyone staying up all night just to collapse 1 hour after logging in
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I am become femra
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>make healers worse
>start handing out even more heals to dps jobs
this is what im going to do
if i blast endwalker without skipping cutscenes, and reading super fucking fast
how long would it take me?
All of these sound fucking gay.
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Assuming this is a typo?
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heal yourself dps cuck, so I can spam glare while watching an xfiles episode on my second monitor
That's what you read from that? It's clearly in your head and he's right. They're doing a really bad job with class and combat design.
No way retards actually think staying up until 5 am is smart
nope they both do the same thing, it was like that in media tour too
Y'shtola has brown skin so the contrast in color between her and the White dick is hotter. I'm only using the logic blackedfags use.
well you have to pick one
It's made on the assumption that no one in the raid will play optimally, so ou need to stack every mechanical advantage you can, no matter how small (ie a job doing 3% more dps than another) to make up for failures, because it's easier to think abotu that than making a serious effort to eliminate failures
I love supernatural shit.
I love x files and supernatural.
So uhhh...is Huton useless now or...?
He’s been bitching in the channel all morning whining and crying about the BLM changes not being reverted
Whiny BLM and healers

>barely changed aside the potencies
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My old static is doing an "all night amongus party" waiting for DT and I'm just like ok see you never enjoy that login queue.
most posters here do that on a regular basis
>lmaoing @ everyone staying up all night just to collapse 1 hour after logging in
Omg I didn't think of it like that. In order to be ready for dawntrail, you have to go to sleep at a proper bed time so you can be up for when servers go live right before sunup!
I'm going to sleep right now to fix this
it's an aoe suiton now
>drops at 7pm my time
Yeah I'm good, chief
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Endwalker is over! How did you feel about it?
>there's electrical work being done in my apartment complex and I can't turn on my PC until two hours after launch
I'm fucked, aren't I?
Or you could not organize your life around playing a videogame that will be there in any case.
>lmaoing @ everyone staying up all night just to collapse 1 hour after logging in
my plan is to log in, activate my anti afk script in an instanced area and go back to sleep
we are not the same
Holy shit guys

Did you ever think you could, you know, SLEEP, before the release

HOLY SHIT, I never thought of this, it's like new technology
Reaper looks like it's finally getting a long overdue buff.
Unrelated, but with all these potency buffs across the board, the legacy Ults are gonna be even more broken, but what about DSR and TOP?
Well, I’m glad atleast 1 class isn’t getting homogenized. Even if the play style is shifting to aoe focus.
I loved it overall, but 6.1+ the only real gripe I have was with the MSQ. Everything else was enjoyable and I liked engaging with it, especially variant dungeons.
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What are (you) going to eat for Dawntrail?
has it's rotation changed at all?
What time will the servers be up? 10AM CET?
A peanut butter and honey sandwich, probably.
>me a Dynamis resident enjoying the MSQ with everyone
>(You) on Aether/Crystal/Primal sitting in login queue doing nothing
Could’ve came over when you had the chance anon
>people "rushing" and "prepping" for the new expac
>just to be afk in Grid or Limsa a week later
you are all a bunch of little subhumans
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I don't care, as both Warrior of Light and a DRK I get both tags at once and thus achieve color contrast whenever I want with whoever I want.

Racism fetishists cannot defeat me, for I am all the races.
Except asian.

Also I looked up "Chad Knight" to find a pic to accompany this post and then found out there's a famous guy irl actually called Chad Knight who does art. Pretty cool stuff
The joke's on you for thinking that's the normal practice. This happens every expansions and I guarantee you we will have posts whining about poor decisions made in the next few hours.
>go into white mage lounge
>they're complaining about AST nerfs
Is this the most privileged healer class?
I'm going to bed at 5PM EST so I can wake up at 4AM EST, duh?
As a casual black mage that has only used the standard rotation and never even tried transpose lines or whatever, I'm still a bit worried about these changes. I think they need to give us Umbral Soul at a lower level with how they changed mana recovery, and I'm personally worried about the the astral fire phase has become more punishing, although that might just be a skill issue on my part.
>caring what other people do
I for one will be going as slow as a turtle and ignoring everyone who isn't on my friends list.
i will rush MSQs because story has been dogshit and i don't give a fuck
also leveling everything up for savage takes time
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*giggles* Anon, I'm so bored! Let's do something fun... Do you have anything in mind?
Gonna buy some goyslop, Dominos Pizza.
My life is hell right now so I can either remember the little bit of fun expansion releases give me or I can remember that I planned to buy a gun this week to use on myself next time my shattered heart is stepped on. I'm trying to be positive here.
>*equips Odenta Kai*
Nvm I'm asian now too.
*shoves my axe in your axewound*
I raped Lyse on the erp chatbot already. Go away, you're way worse than it.
I can't decide whether to stick with SAM or go VPR?

Am I reading the full patch notes right that VPR is basically SAM with the 3 combos but it's all built into single button combos that transform?
They unlock a new glam if you get them to lv cap.
lyse would not fucking say this or dress like this
Dude thinks servers won't conk out.
>subtle QoS symbol
Kill yourself
big black rava jizz
/em grabs your head and pulls it down right next to his flabby fat buttcheeks before letting out the biggest, wettest, rankest fart you've ever smelled.
>lyse wouldn't wear underwear
Ok gooner
Let's play Triple Triad.
@ Halicarnassus here. We Dynamis friends are definitely going to have the most fun at launch.
No, just some huge potency buffs. I wish they'd fix how jank double enshroud is, but that's a small complaint all things considered.
BLM always felt weird, you spent most of the time on fire aspect then ice to regenerate then back to fire, thunder had nearly no impact on the kit either. Reminder we spent 10+ years with this half assed iteration of black mage. Job is getting improved.
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>It is still possible that I will be last minute asked to work Saturday

My fellow wageslaves pray for me. I want to play DT I don't want to be in the cage.
Sure honey, first let me fuck your throat while pinching your nose, I want you to gluck hard and spit all over me~
Lets make it ...very messy~~
Brother you got brainrot.
standard rotation was fine, all they're doing it fixing the jank shit people were trying to do
>Eos is the canon fairy
>everyone who even mentions selene is a tranny and is generally an unlikable person
How did I end up in best timeline
Palmraping my goonstick to Lyse.
WHM actually feels like a win but only because the job was basically rock bottom during SB. Anything that improves it in any way is a win even if they're small wins.
what is it with you fags and trannies
then SAM or DRG
Would have easily been DRG but I'm conflicted about the changes right now.
if you get called up you have to wear a chastity cage too
lmao where
wanna drink s+ cum too? I heard it's sweet, just like me ^^
Just tell your boss you’re out of town visiting family.
WAR or DRK first, still deciding.
Then MNK.
Then BRD.
the jobs already feel so soulless
guess they REALLY want this game to be gooning fantasy, where people afk 32 hours in limsa and pay their subs to have erp with other balding men in their 30s instead of playing the game
I hecking love slopification!! yes please, turn everything into streamlined garbage with no variety whatsoever because a bunch of 40 iq retards are whining they have to do content for their goon glam set!!
anything else would be gay AND cringe AND retarded AND niggardly
Selene shitter detected.
This iteration of thunder is worse, it's more punishing to overwrite the dot now.
Lyse supervises that everything goes well in ala mhigo but who then supervises her?
dps self heals are for when they accidentally take a hit that isn't part of the oGCD rotation encounter design
i have never played sch in my life bro, do you wanna talk about your problems?
for me it's titan egi
>Sip new fanta in dawntrail
>Keep entering the meetup as a different race every 5 minutes until somone compliments me
>Note down ptom hits
>Before 1 hour ends pick the race with most compliments or longest ptom target time
Literally me.
Oh yes, the good o'l WAR stance-dancing...
>using job with instant queues for msq exp
>Do you have anything in mind?
Sure, let's see how far I can jam my cock down your throat.
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Corned beef and veggies cuz they make for mad leftovers for a couple days
Fried rice using the corned beef, which also gives mad leftovers
Enchiladas, chips and gravy

>this speed
not bad for being an ausfag
>dps self heals are for healing
I like how porn of Lyse has gotten people to actually like her
>500 potency
That's a cure I tier heal and you have to get hit to heal yourself so it's pretty lmao.
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>wanna drink s+ cum too? I heard it's sweet, just like me ^^
i am more into bitter, acidic, forced and painful, ya know?
i'm the main character nigger of course i'm playing tank for msq
Healer's healing GCDs are just decoration, bro.
tengetsu is basically just third eye but with a 500 potency heal attached
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very true oomfie
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>just add more potency bro trust me bro just 100 more potency and the job will not be shit just a bit more potency bro
>the DRG changes
look how they massacred my boy
every other melee dps is getting a buff, be it small (SAM) or fucking massive (NIN), yet DRG is the ONLY job to get nerfed + reiterated into becoming way less fun
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patch notes are god awful, this will be the absolute worst expansion of all time
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>stop playing a job you enjoy being for your own story and min-max your xp gains
Fuck off, anon

Lmao brain rot, that's the fucking door handle innit?
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just one more day bros
>He still doesn't see it
That looks a lot like when you perform liposuction and the patient's fat gets mixed with a lot of blood before it's thrown away. Very similar chunky cottage cheese texture. I love spaghetti sauce.
the order in which lodestone pictures are being updated to the new graphics seems to be totally random. I have a friend on Light who has been updated, and a friend on Gaia who hasn't yet.
you can now leave duties mid combat
holy autism....
BRDbros stay WINNING
>i am more into bitter, acidic, forced and painful, ya know?
I cant change the taste, but the rest is fixable
>"I dont even play sch reeeeeeee"
>"j-just stop saying tranny"
t to the r to the an an anny! selene will be perfect for you
I dunno what most of the changes mean, but I know that my absolute PERFECT drg hotbar will be worthless now..

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no motherfucker I do not
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i hate to break it to you, but if you play that job that'd make you the tranny anon..
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>be war
>bloodwhatting untouched
>nascent flash untouched
>equilibrium untouched
>thrill of battle untouched
>and get a 40% damage reduction buff that also self heals
Some of those job changes would be huge if dungeons weren't boring wall to wall shit
I wish yoshida copied wow's hard mode dungeons
Killing Selene was the first sign they had no idea what they are doing.
The citizens who elected her..?
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Bro? Are you blind?
can someone make a confesspost i really need to get something off my chest
Anon, I just got the results from your test. I have bad news. It's the door handle so that they can slide open this slide door. They have those in Japan, you know - sliding doors. They don't have the usual twisty knob and they have an inny grippy one instead.
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confess or forever be buried in sin
Damnation Daniel
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I can see it, they just blurred it so it wasn't obvious it's a spade with a Q in it
Fuck, it still gets me every time. Does DT have any hope to be as kino as 6.0?
Please respond
only if it's unsynced
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Shiiieeet dawg, you finna confess?
If you confess ITT you will die in your sleep.
People here really thought WARs self heals were gonna get nerfed into the ground lmao
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at last i truly see....
I accidently
I confess to raping lalafells
Lyse is peak bimbo I love her so much
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Fuck you're right how'd I miss that
i am LITERALLY black irl and nobody believes me
is there any collection of datamined gear yet? I wanna think about glams
I won't play until noclippy works
You need tanks/healers for the MSQ trials
I'm no lonely, horny and terminally online that I'm starting to believe futa is alright and hot
I was normal before starting XIV 3months ago, I dont know if I should be worried
never replied to a confession anchor in my life
should've seen how fast i replied to this one
boutta confess to some shit i didn't even do
i fuck catgirls, idk
take me ra la
You play such a cute pale character and love anime and you love white dick and you sound white...
Yeah I don't believe it.
Smaller EB that will touch my femezen's ears (softly)
I did it... for free... all of it.
are you a cute black girl?
I hate you all I must confess!!!
You don't belong here
genuinely kill yourself
with how many heals/defensives dps have now you can probably do those without tanks/heals too
black me daddy hgnnnhgnngngng
idk if I should play SCH or SGE in DT
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*giggles* Trannies aren't human!
*giggles* I hope you had fun, anon...
*giggles* But I do?
*giggles* I don't like those "people", you know.
*giggles* Eww anon, you're so gross haha.
*giggles* Okay, but the loser has to do whatever the winner wants~
*giggles* Hmm, that does sound fun...
*giggles* Good boy.
*giggles* I don't know, I just put my signature on anything, making laws and reading stuff is sooo boring.
*giggles* I'm really stretchy, you know~
*giggles* That makes me really happy...
I only started finding Ryan Gosling attractive because of Goslingposting male middies.
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Separate yourself from your current social surroundings, take a few days off and you will normalize again leading into disgust and hopefully a server transfer away from all the degens that lead to this.
Eulmore has fallen...it's over...
>*giggles* I don't like those "people", you know.
kek based
i turned dozens of lewd ebins into unironic smegma eaters
I'm gonna crash out if it doesn't go up early
futa is fine anon, its just fantasy
well until science catches up and we genetically engineer a new gender
sure that won't happen till we are both dead tho
Same but goslingposting lalaboys
Can you post an example of an updated one?
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what about the middies
you were funnier the other night with the erp cocksnot shit
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my hrothgal is ready for dawntrail!!!
Stop hanging out with retards that only think about sex and gooning then
Just post your f-list and ask anons to hit you up there.
The discord sisters aren't gonna like this one
I always thought they were attractive.
sorry bro but i am contractually obligated to reply something along those lines if a black posts
hermaphrodites exist
a new sex in humans will never because there’s no potential function for it
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its because they removed this and you get the 15% buff it used to give every minute now
>sure that won't happen till we are both dead tho
It won't ever happen.
>Reaper nothing but buffs.
Hellz to the yizzaw.
>they removed this
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but why
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>a nigga playing Picasso is actually stronger than a mage that draws from power so great not only was it bannable to use it would incinerate people who try to do it without a stone.
futa is based
don't listen to idiots
I need something to put on for 12 hours of sleeping.
Not white noise. Not history channel stuff. I keep being woken up because for some reason youtube thinks I want a 4 hour long graphics overclocking live stream replay when I've never once intentionally watched one.
does she like catboys
Has a good post ever come out of this image
Not allowed to mention Death in china
nobody asked you nigger
Kitboga full call
>balls and taint
That’s trans
hell yeah
that's not even futa that's two trannies
Yeah and you love shaking your ass for BWC
If you think about it, BLM draws power from the void. As the void gets restored BLM will also get weaker.
>can't dock tethers with my drg bros anymore
yeah, it's fucking over
im going to miss it i liked the sound effect when you used it
> potential function
anon we have long moved past the point of needing a reason
>It won't ever happen.
its very feasible, plenty of other species have functioning hermaphrodites
only male midlanders sorry
my catboy looks and acts like this
asmr then or the 24 part cold war series on YT
>not a vagina in sight
>only dicks
You guys are just gay bro
oneyplays kingdom hearts complete series
Me on the right.
I still haven't done the alliance raids for ShB and EW and I've never set foot into the EW raid.
Alphinaud taking a shower with me. What happens next?
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Unalive yourself at your earliest convenience.
Wait AST gets to pick its cards now? Fucking soulless. Fuck Yoshi and fuck raidtrannies.
here happy?
>inb4 some other dumb ass complaint
The funnier part is that it's apparently 2 or 3 people who use it, but they are all some of the worst posters.

Hm that reminds me that behind the bastards might be a good one. It's not too loud or anything that'd wake me up and they're really long.

Can you rephrase the question?
Here you go
>bimbo giggleslut who hates trannies and blacks but is otherwise wholesome
Marry me.
why aren't you plapping my fiddie??
Going to run to the store to get DT launch snacks this morning, anybody want anything.
They removed the positional requirement from reaper's 123
Catgirl, fiddie or femra if I want to be a bimbo?
You get to choose out of 2 different card sets, yeah.
No more rng and does make the job more manageable but I'm mostly worried about the 60 recast of it.
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>Actual futa
>From reapers 1 2 3
You what
Do you mean the resource spender
I like trannies more than bio women and I'm not afraid to admit it
t. Maliddie player cis straight man irl with a career job
I'll take that outfit
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Tortilla chips, Whiskey and sour gummies please.
reaper 123 never had positionals
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animal ears on a femlala =
>"I'm a gay retard"
Thanks for informing us.
Most women hate blacks and trannies but are afraid to say it publicly
I still have a jellybean craving, so the biggest bag of those you can find would hit the spot
I seriously can't believe my local store had none at all what the fuck
No MnMs either
because its not my futa sis..... i am a caged sunnie...
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chester's hot fries, warheads, and some more rum please and thank you
i think this is me....
yeah, that's not the same dick mod though
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Here's the real reason anon.
That's a grown ass man avataring as a story npc with shitty erp
One of my best friends irl who is a pretty big normie otherwise has been into male on futa since middle school so futa never really was that weird or out there to me. I think a lot of people are just mind broken by trannies irl and hate it for that reason.
How do I get a gf like this, bros?
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Brainrot cope
hello speccy bug eyed skinnyfat sexless incel freak
Oh. Catgirl. Don't ruin Fiddies and Femra with that shit.

Fiddies should always start cute and pretty, and then potentially slowly get bimbofied over months. She starts with black, brown, or red hair, but then blond tips. Then blonde. Then platinum.
She's taken on picnics, and there's a little breast enhancing potion in her lemonade each time.
She's made dependant on her partner and constantly made to ask for approval on how to act, what to say, how to behave, and slowly relaxed to the idea of not having to think and finding comfort in that. Really she's smart all along, but she just stops thinking.
But the end result isn't too bimbo. Just a little airhead, always smiling, a bit larger than usual breasts that look extra big and almost bolted on compared to her still slender hips, not some fat sow. It's bimbo compared to how she used to be.
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uhhhhhhh get me a uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i'll take an uhhhhhhhhhhh gimmie a fried chicken
NINbros, our status???
This is truly what XIV is about, we like this
Nice ESL bro.
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race this race that lets play football
Catgirl like >>>/aco/8344466
NTA but I've had 3 women complain that the cards are too complicated, newfag.
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need all of this done to me but with a few int reduction potions too
PIC is now the DPS king?
ESL these particular testiculars mother the fucker.
mug upgrades to the purple brap at 66
lifes good
my fiddie is like this except with none of the bimbo stuff and just the retard parts
Nigger just say no?
Cards are easy. Just give every card to who you like the most.

I really prefer gaslighting.
But maybe...
We don't use that word here
every ast player in hw was female
male wowfugees can't handle babified ast
Now I want you to imagine suddenly dying in an accident, your father visiting your gravestone in 10 years hence, and etched in it, your post.
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i am buttblasted
i don't see the appeal in bimbofication, that's just body dysmorphia by another name and the result is usually horrific
ex. erin moriarty
spicy things so i can shit volcanos
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>NTA but I've had 3 women complain that the cards are too complicated, newfag.
Final Fantasy XIV
Male wowfugees on the dev team created hw ast
>I really prefer gaslighting.
>But maybe...
i mean do that too, but just 10-15 iq off the top, maybe some dex reduction too make her a bit more clumsy
Bimbofication didn't use to mean you have to bog your face and get boob and ass implants.
>What do you mean sorry for wrong hole? That's where it usually goes, doesn't it?!
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I accept your concession.
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>viper has more job actions than any othe melee
>/xivg/ says it's a babby job because yoshi had weird hotbars
>half of them are behind 2 buttons as a rolling combo
Sorry to stop you there, chief
>stupid fuck doesn’t realize most of the buttons are condensed combos for the job alone
You guys are really, really fucking stupid
>every ast player in hw was female
Only women could handle how garbage HW AST was.
Awww, are you on your period?
why are tiny white pecker polcels always like this
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>he doesn't love this
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>fire damage on a move where wind surrounds you
its over pack it up
Based retard
That's what every job is going to be with 7.0 combos update
rip legend
i like the left more to be desu
I won't heal VIPs *flips them off*
Asia Squared
People in these threads really are. They can't tell the difference between a PvE and PvP ability.
It's just a disgusting meme for moral degradation pushed by Juden.
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they’re not though lmao they’re not making 1-2-3 combos into one button, only certain oGCDs that change into different buttons get that. Like High Jump -> Mirage Dive and Gierskogul -> Nastrond
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scroll down
i enjoy playing healer
>those fucking icons
arr rook same
they're so soulless
I miss Sophie bros....
Tiktok kino
I haven't properly touched ninja since fucking heavensward, TCJ was a fucking mistake and this job literally cannot stop further falling from grace.
2nd one for me
viper to 90 in bosnia because a friend wants to do msq on picto so i might as well level with him and then probably msq on monk and then level pld after
2, 3 and 4 are all great.
Do we know what VIPs opener and rotation will be now?
Steady decline from Wife to trash, I have the opposite fetish.
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hold up bro
run by the ishgard barracks.
Anyone else here a cutie patootie
>too lazy to change the ability icon
>too lazy to correct the ability description
needed one more picture tbqh
not bimbo enough
trash to wife?
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>You reach the new world and you see this.
What do?
>only under ogcds
>Doom Spike, a GCD, doesn’t have the option
Like I said you guys are fucking stupid and should pay attention to the live letters more instead of jacking off
Yes, sounds much more appealing to me than the opposite.
Rape of course
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no sorry my femlala is super ugly and cringe
My character sure is
The player is a bitter old failure of a man who only values people as a distraction from his boring unfulfilling life and will cut them out at the earliest sign of displeasing him
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Unironically more complex than NIN ever was
>mfw Yoshida topped NIN
the idea is you do it to another mans wife, not your own bro
the chel outfit mod was both a blessing and a curse
a curse in this case
I love her
Sorry, I cant go now cause >>483693746 took my clothes. DT snacks are over thanks to them...
Damn anon *sucks you off*
What do I want with another mans wife when I have my own?
It's over.
my character is hot and yet I am fat and balding. a curious conundrum
>does the thing we stopped him from doing anyway
the ones outside of it are even worse though
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I healed you, didn't I? Give me my reward.
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Dawntrail soon
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I've been told, yes. But I don't believe their lies.
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You can still go. Be brave.
*kill myself to undo your hard work*
Nice to meet you. My name is Hiiragi Lenn.
Thank you for visiting my site. ゚.
I am a new hikasen who landed in Eorzea on August 20, 2023 .
I like carbuncles and my main job is a summoner.
I will enjoy every corner of Eorzea on my yellow kakun( -̀ᄇ- ́)ﻭ
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A wonderful curse
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I finished downloading
Krile's VA is cute
we still have Rebecca More bros
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Here you go sweety.
This was the first thing Spanish colonizers saw when they arrived in South America
>still no 4th mudra for ninja
PCT will be nerfed when Savage is out like what happened to RPR
Meena heeere!~~
You want an EB that's extremely poorly drawn?

a fellow man of culture
>Nice to meet you. My na-
>Lodestone still not updated
I wanna have some sort of comparison already ughhh
me on the phone(i know exactly what is going on and i am stroking my 4 incher like crazy)
My femraen acts like this
Why is blacked art always so shit?
Cute character.
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just use the benchmark
!!!!! My EB
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Why are Europeans like this? 600 posts about horse porn, blacked, discord drama, and NTR
The issue with it is it has very few very specific angles. A shot for shot would be nice
it's aussie peak hours

Will I make it?
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We are...
men of culture.
I would not expect an AMERICAN to comprehend.
RPR's damage wasn't nerfed once, it just got outscaled by other melees once BiS became available.
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BLM bros... we lost...
There's like one aussie in this general and I don't think he's the type to post degenerate shit
xivlauncher is already updated? neat
BLM dudes going "heh....our job is so complicated " has been their undoing
There's 3 and one of them definitely is
chloe woober loves degen shit
My landline should cap at 20 Mbps, but gues what, they are lying, or maybe the copper witing is shit
They offered to update it to FTTH for free, then it turned out they botched the position of the cabinet on their records and they could not
It's been updated for like 24 hours now

One of the most obnoxious and annoying posters is Australian
Everything wirr be fixed in 8.0. Prease rook forward to it.
what is it with chloes always being degenerates
i know you're not talking about red
I spent the last 24 hours sleeping and doomscrolling instead of being here
Data has been mined for over a day.
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>noooo but i installed so many third party tools to count server ticks how am i going to do more damage than samurais noooowww

I'm so glad these faggots are finally dead.
they updated it 17 hours before DT was available to download
Nevermind, 4
i am australian
i can nearly guarantee i am the most degen non-scat poster here
>chloe woober
just for the degenerate ones

I am
an Udonge-coded
soft faggy meena
I don't play BLM. What did this change about them?
shoro isnt aussie
I am
a Shōkaku-class aircraft carrier-coded
soft faggy meena
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If you EB me you have to play in Schindler's List mode.
my life unironically feels so empty without this game
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>There's like one aussie in this general and I don't think he's the type to post degenerate shit
I am on a level of degeneracy you can't even begin to grasp
man made degeneracy beyond your comprehension you might say
You no logner have a nice filler spell in your ice phase that also granted you some movement. It's also thematically fucked now as the whole point of Paradox is it's both a fire and ice spell that you can now only use in your fire phase.
I'm a soft faggy straight malezen player whos bad at everything and overall incompetent
I am
a ginger lemon drop coded
soft futa femra
Less flexibility on your thunder refreshes, that's about the only thing I can understand
I thought shoro lived in australia
I am
A kay faraday coded femlala
Yoshida going out of his way to fuck over nonstandard BLMs is so fucking based. This is HIS job he knows best
bros I need to know, SCH or SGE
Changing my character's hair color is a big decision for me but some of you niggas change your race on a whim
race change to a femra/catgirl and complete your bimbo arc
i am
smelling like the rose that somebody gave me on my birthday deathbed
even so, that’s like saying a black american who lives in china is chinese
loves blacked
loves blacked
loves blacked
loves Tekken

I see a pattern.
Get a hobby outside of a mediocre 14 year old porn mmo
>maxxor chaotic card
the horror
>ginger lemon jizz
Ah that's lame with paradox.
My soft faggy meena's tags are the following:
yaoi, wholesome, cuddling, monogamous, married life
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How much is it worth?
Please don't tell me this is some fetish shit...
my job's on a temporary vacation so i dove 200% into ff14 recently. i know it's not healthy but i'm feeling the effects of it now.
oh well
I doubt Yoshida even had a say in it. He probably let the job team just do whatever and said yep its good enough.
Pick your cope

SGE : HAHA we got an aoe dot
>can't stack with single target dot

SCH : HAHA we get to heal a lot by spamming emergency tactics under seraphism
>nobody will do this
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Highest i got was 47k
I can't believe there's not one ebin that's a cute twink or femboy
>chapter 2
blackmail, ntr, corruption, drugged sex, breast growth, snuff
are scholars stuck with fairy wings for real? because that kmmo stuff turns me off bad
My soft non-faggy meena's tags are:
Yaoi, Anal, Corruption, Heart Pupils, Wholesome, Fingers interlocked
to me if you've been here 5 years or more you're now one of us
get rid of the last two for all of these >>483696548
>tenacity buffed
what does this mean for us tankbros
they are angel wings you turn into a white mage
Bwo are you playing in a space station or something?
Anyone that's actually good looking irl doesn't have much reason to play XIV like it's Grindr when they can easily get the real thing within 5 minutes. So less likely to see pics leaked of them like some discord edating people here
Kill yourself nigger.
>job is all about the fairy
>new skill leans into it
>SCH players say “this shit sucks actually”
post more pics of Lyse in omega outfit
Most monster girl-loving job per role?
Sge is for deranged pedophiles and sch is for angry broiltrannies
Choose your path brown man
Yep and it will be used often because it's a free 3min 600 potency hot cd that also buffs your gcd heals.

WHM has nothing to do with angels.
male midlander
I am a 1.0 Lalaboy. Who will not be fantaing into a Hrothgirl.
But I am finally going to make an alt for the first time and it will be one.
They also look like shit
I don't know if they're cute but one of them was talking about getting fucked by an older man recently.
are you a tranny? pick shitgay
are you retarded and need to feel superior to everyone else? pick scholar
I don't really care if they made the wings look good, I just don't want wings period
cute ear wiggle
you get wings as white mage they are just made of light
You also get wings as SGE, does that mean they're also angels?
im not talking about sage im talking about white mage wings
The combination of SEA, that one Aussie, and Euros.
There's no way that picto wont get nerfed. It seems way too powerful.
Are the job actions for PIC out yet so I can read about the abilities?
That's not a job.
my crest of time....

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