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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password
I'm very lost, how do i access the DLC?
I've beaten the game, where do i go exactly?
I don't remember anything.
I looked up videos but don't know where mohg is, i don't think i went to that place
in need of Thiollier set
what would u trade it for
Marikaposters won the last thread. Hopefully it calms down now.
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Sluttiest tarnished anchor is go(pls list pieces):
I haven't met a single coomer that was good at the game.
marika's toes
Don’t care faggot
Malenia is mine and mine alone
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Don't forget to vote!
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Yup. This is a Miyazaki game.
I beat radahn now what
Do you immediately trigger the Miquella seal thing if you approach Shadow keep or go under it? I want to run and get items before I do any DLC bosses on a second run
I just beat Midra. There are only 2 more bosses left, I think. Bayle and the final one. Is 16 scadutree blessing enough?
Want to know a hint
the marikaposters ramped up when people started complaining. I'm not even into marika I'm a nepheli simp and even i was doing it
Why am I finding way more Smithing Stone 2s and 3s in this end game DLC than in the actual early game areas where I needed them?
>midra at 16
how badly did you stomp him?
>dragon slayer great katana
>shard of alexander
>icon of godfrey
>still feels like I barely do any damage compared to people hanging back and spamming spells
At this point I feel like deflect into guard counter spam is the only thing that even keeps melee builds viable as far as damage output goes.
Snowfield, look for the most underwhelming portal in the middle of nowhere (it's on the western half, follow the outer edge, good look wandering around in a snowstorm).
they created a level up system the dlc but nobody is at the level required to beat the game because those fragments are incompletely random positions on the map.
I think at some point they're going to mark them on the ingame map if you go past them so players stop missing them
Are you suggesting it is a false flag? This is outrageous.
Currently Scadu 13, main progression is at Messmer. Should I do any of these before or after him?

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Not so bad, still took me about 3-4 tries
bloodfag questline or snowfield
I usually go snowfield.
no just out of spite for people whining about lewdposting
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what consumables do i use on a support faith char? any good pots or throwables?
killing him doesn't lock you out of anything
>scadu 13 post nerf before messmer
You didn't beat the game.
some weapon arts are just ass and deal no damage, sword of night too. dragon slayer great katana is ok for hitting dragons in the head because of its +20% damage boost against them but thats about it.

imo the main reason melee weapon arts tend to be good is because they have other components to them, like evasion (blind spot) or big stance damage (lions claw)
no point doing Romina before Messmer seeing as you need an item from snakeboy to progress after her
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Radahn. This is Malenia.
I have an urgent mission for you.

Do not contact Leonard. I have broken his legs and destroyed his saddle with a waterfowl dance.
Head to the Shadowlands across from Godwyn's living corpse. The way may be barricaded, so use the Mohgwyn cocoon for access. The code is "Margit is Morgott". You can also use Law of Regression, I know your Intelligence is high enough to cast it.

Search behind the Veil of Shadow for the Large Altar at Enir-Ilim. This will allow you to propose to my brother Miquella. A bowl of Gourmet Scorpion Stew is prepared for you two. It is crucial that you wait until your death before proceeding.
Make me an auntie. The Empyrean Bloodline must survi-......

Radahn. Stop resisting. You know I could have killed your drinking buddy Godrick on the way here. And your mother. You owe me for that.
Do you not think I could win this Shattering in an afternoon if I tried?
But I don't want that.

My brother is God.
Fuck him. He wants your Chadahn cock in his undeveloped boyhole.
Fuck my brother.
It's not gay if he's cute. I wish I could.
You're hurting everyone.

Radahn. I don't think you understand what's at STAKE here.





If you cum on his back empty-nutted, I will nuke your hometown.
Okay yeah. I can respect spiteposting.
More Marika you say?
I take it Deflecting Hardtear doesn't work vs magic?
I think you also need to kill the NPC invader to activate the portal.
what skibidi level am I supposed to be at skibidi tree avatar?
And what about midra?
Pretty sure I had a nightmare about this creature as a child. I don't like that my fears are made flesh. In a game.
So are all the smithscript weapons tuned for strfags?
not him but he killed me like 20 times with flame Fireknight Greatsword until I said fuck it and swapped to heavy Starfist and killed him first try
tl;dr difficulty depends on the build
I did it at 9 and it was a pain in the ass getting 2-shot by everything. Try 12-15.
not sure
you telling me we need a THOPS sekiro tear?
>watching some retard do the final boss with the bleed two handed weapon from the bleed monsters
>radahn instantly bleeds with a charged r2
>he gets off two bleeds in 15 seconds and the phase is over
Alright I’ll admit, I wasn’t expecting Igon to be as over the top as he is when I summoned him for Bayle. I don’t think he did jackshit during the fight, but his lines went so hard.
why is it so hard getting those fragments?
even after searching for them specifically I still haven't reached level 15 after 3 days
Come to stagefront, password erg.
I shall give it to you free of charge.
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>tfw I was never a Maleniafag, Radahnfag or Miquellafag
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>gets teased extensively in the base game as the deity of sleep and a sentient, living half of Miquella with her own motivations and feelings
>all she does when we met her is telling us to kill miquella, then dies shortly after

You can't tell me they really tried
I want to be unbirthed by marika
I want marika to dissolve me within her
I want her to rebirth me as her son
I want her to breastfeed me
I want her to become increasingly sexual towards me as time goes on
I want her to have incestuous sex with me
I want her to cover my mouth while she rides me, her eyes glowing, telling me she'd kill me in an instant if i called for help
I need to be raped by her
The Smith axe works phenomenal with faith because the values of it is probably bugged. With 80 faith and flame infusion you get 800+ ar (as base without scadu)
Hits almost as hard as a Colossal weapon
If Malenia had a peach like that then fighting her wouldn’t have been nearly as awful.
>nuke your hometown.
Two nukes isn't enough.
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What we lewd posting?
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please go outside
Is Melina ok with us killing her edgy brother? And Ranni doesn’t care that we killed her lovesick aunt?
i got to lvl 18 and finished the dlc while just casually playing, so sounds like a you-problem
LOL, he wants characters interactions
>help Hornsent kill messmer
>he completely disappears
>doesn't invade me out side the church of bud
>absent from the final kerfuffle
well then
I did it with 10 scooby snacks (post-nerf) and it was so easy it felt like a joke miniboss. Fromsoft literally ruined my playthrough with this fucking patch.
You know you can just teleport back there when you get that item, right?
why do people keep saying physicks last 5 minutes? it's 3 minutes like every fucking thing else
>I want her to rebirth me as her son
There's actually some evidence the player character is a demigod bastard of marika.
Ranni didn't even care that we killed her mother.
Ranni doesn't even care that we bitchslapped her mom and broke her protective enchantment why would she care about some literal who who left the family to chase snaky boi?
light of miquella is actually pretty good, it goes off even if you get hit out of the animation
It's still funny that no one could ever disprove this theory outside of "I don't like it"
We don't kill her mother.
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>can get a giga rot pot recipe without fighting a single enemy in the DLC and farm components for it nearby
>the only thing stopping you from exploring south and gaining a reusable blessing of the dragon waifu is a pitiful ancient dragon man of zero poise
This DLC is a twink paradise
Who is more powerful, miquella or marika?
What evidence?
sure but it's still goofy
We don't kill Rennala though, we just beat the automatic defense system.
I'm unironically going to read Moby Dick because of the Bayle fight
>yellow eyes
>strappy heels
>painted toes
yup, for me it's marika
Why is miquella a cute boy and not a cute girl? What kind of gay ass bullshit is this?
Pov: you're Godfrey
Because you never kill rennala. Pay attention to the boss she's alive after and second phase is a projection ranni made to protect her, you can even hear her voice introduce her like a fighting game rannis a massive fucking nerd it's insane.
But we did kill her in a dream. For women that's basically the same thing as it happening in real life.
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this u?
Guys, what do I do?

I've pretty much done all the content apart from Radahn and Miquella. I'm outside the boss room and had a few goes, but I do piddle damage and don't want to nibble at his health only to get taken out by a two or three hit combo of his.

What I'm saying is that I think I might need a cheese build because I'm disinterested in even doing this fight. It's the worst sensation to have where the only thing that stopping me from doing this is being bored.
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again, Malinea is dying from Rot aids and as another anon said shes a ticking time bomb. its better to have her bust a load on radhan and weaken him to the point where some random joe shmo tarnish can kill him because he just becomes a walking husk. Even if she wasnt a ticking timebomb she was essentially chosen by an outergod (rot god) as his champion essentially and it dosent look like someone can be a champion for two different gods.
any shrine of amana 2.0 areas?
im falling behind. fucking fire giant is filtering me now (being impatient)
>still have to beat mohg
Is there a way to actually move the game to a non-primary monitor and not have it break that I'm missing or is it really that much of a piece of garbage? Using the shortcut to move it to the other display doesn't work since the secondary display is 1080p and the game keeps reverting to 1440p for some reason.
And no I'm not going to change my primary display just for this.
what's good about the giga rot pot?
He looks disgusting, imo.
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so i got the secret medalian left but when i came to the village i can't find the guy in the jar that give you right half.
Where's the right half?
aaaaah where'd your sign go
>anti-rannifag doesn't even know he can reallocate his stats with laval tear
For invasions? Having a rot projectile with Haima tier explosion range? Are you for real, anon?
what's a good amount of poise to have for a greatspear?
is this your first From game?
you don't need to kill the fire giant to access the dlc
>Ancient Dragon's Blessing
>Uses FP to increase all Damage Negation
How much is the damage negation?
At the start of the game around the
>A Tarnished of no renown
line is spoken when we as the player are revived for the first time. There is faint audio playing of walking mausoleum noises. The bell. The stomp. The groan. Walking Mausoleums hold unspecified demigod children (and probably grandchildren) of Marika.
I put it back up.
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Help me out ERG, I'm cooking a build but I'm in over my head. I don't play mages, so for my first mage, I'm going to not only copy, but surpass the best.
I want to remake Gideon, but with a good (and possible) spell list. He runs some real dogshit spells so I need to show him up. I'll also use the new DLC dual-catalyst so I can use incantations as well.
My intentions are to get all 12 spell slots, fill them all up with varied spells from different schools/origins, and have them all be somewhat used equally. What are some spells you can vouch for to fill the list? DLC or base, it doesn't matter. Give me your best.
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oh ok one sec
>he didn't read moby dick multiple times already
what a faggot
Should I fight Messmer first, or go explore the pretty green area across the bridge.
Or go north
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Help I'm addicted
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Holy shit you guys weren't kidding. Igon makes this fight 1000% more kino
Right 60 rune arcs and 80 farcalling finger remedys later I give up. What's the Radhan cheese? This clearly isn't happening with dex/faith and online cooperation isn't taking me as far as solo play
The mosoleums hold marikas demigod children who died
Some are bastards
They're left on mosoleums so they can be revived
This is what we're directly told ingame by spirits
But it goes deeper
If you listen really closely when your character wakes up you can hear stomping, an off-animal like sound, and a loud bell ringing in the background
If you raise the volume on these noises it's near identical to the sound the walking mosoleums make
If you woke up in/around one it's possible you're one of marikas many kids, either by unknown men, radagon, or godfrey, who just sucked and died but was revived later.
Based. What color for he toes?
What's the point of STR/ARC when there's like 4? weapons you can effectively use, half of which would benefit almost as much if you just went full ARC with minimum STR reqs (which would allow you to use a million occult weapons + incants)?
I bet you like big hairy guys
Metyr sends you off to kill his God and then gets all pissy when you actually kill it.
You get Moore's shield + (bleed) Antspur Rapier and poke him to death.
I wanna be her chair so bad bros
>command grab
>with a jump

am I right for thinking this deserves to be used with unseen weapon + lamenter's omen form
turn that greatsword of damnation invisible so it isn't obvious, then leap on people like a god damn ghru
oh really gee I didn't know that /massive sarcasm
I have my reasons.
Fuck that faggot who said Rune arcs were tradable for ancient stones before the DLC hit
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thx again. weird head...
That's what Saint Trina is for.
with all the NPC dialogues and the bosses having a fuck ton of HP it makes summoning NPcs a bit better since its still fair. i just wish more NPCs were in boss rooms so they dont inflate the bosses health at all.
Build? Is the WA mostly AR based from the weapon scaling or FAI because its holy dmg?
>I'll also use the new DLC dual-catalyst so I can use incantations as
There's one like this? What's the name?
>hypes you up first before declaring his incoming revenge
I love Igon, wish I had a harpoon weapon so I could join him in hunting that great white
he, was, both (an alchemical rebis isn't "trans" its what trans wish they were.)
>talk to her
Am I correct to assume that Ranah dancer is connected to the same place as Blue Cloth set and Blue Dancer charm?
>similar middle eastern-like desert clothing
>affinity for dex
>dual curved swords
>emphasis on dance-like movements as combat style
That's pretty much what happens for most players with Miquella too.
Staff of the Great Beyond, has B/B Int/Faith too so it's really good for hybrid builds
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We just beat Bayle. Damn I love Igon
how do i check my game version?
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Miquella (forma de God) got rid of his curse, he could probably do something with Malenia.
You don't talk to Miquella though. It's like saying we talk to Malenia because of the cutscene.
I prefer women to onions-fed troons.
Do I miss out on anything if I kill messmer early
no? He mind controls you but you don't die. It's the good ending
bayle is as white as an average mutt
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she's not dead fucking retard
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As a reminder -
Elden Ring uses a flat damage negation system. This means that if you would deal say... 500 damage and the boss has 100 flat resistance, you'd only deal 400. And if you dealt 5 lots of 150, you'd only deal 200. While this makes super big hits stronger early, as you get later into the game the flat defense doesn't scale quite as hard as player AR, especially with all of the buffs you can add on top. So if it becomes dealing 5000 damage vs 5 hits of 1500 on only 200 defense, it becomes 4800 vs 6500. The more damage you stack, the higher this amount goes.

This means that with endgame stats, gear, damage amps, skibidi blessings and whatnot, multi-hit moves hit EXTREMELY hard if you build full damage. To the point where you can phase skip a lot of bosses with a well timed ADLS or shit on someone with a crystal torrent once you break their stance.

Please DO NOT focus on single big hits in the DLC!
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I'm 54 STR and 27 FTH. I haven't tested it with higher faith but I know both Alex Shard and Dagger Talisman improve the damage.
Anyone else notice that Bayle has a missing left leg? Hard to spot it out when he's throwing his weight around like a chimp.
Ranni was adopted by Rennala. Not a biological mother.
>Gaol full of zombies and meatpuppets that just spam grab attacks
Very fun.
fucking kek
>Complain about lore in a youtube comment section
>"Wait till Vaati make sense of it."
Killing myself
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Ranni is Goldmask.
giving players access to the most powerful weapon in the franchise: fromsoft grab hitboxes
everything has both damage negation (%) and defense (flat damage reduction) retard disinfoer
How the fuck are there people praising the Messmer fight? It's a cluttered fucking mess. I can't see fucking shit due to all the lingering flame effects.
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Rest well my good man
it's sick
big if true (Ranni has red hair like Radagon thoughever)
how is she Empyrean if shes adopted?
... *gestures incomprehensibly*
It's the first thing I noticed. He's like Igon. In fact my schizo brain wonders if that was why Igon died when we killed him.
>Miquella (forma de God) got rid of his curse, he could probably do something with Malenia

problem was it seems more like Miquella wasnt chosen as the champion for that specific outergod so unless they stop (they wont) Malenia wont be cured. hell the whole reason why he leaves the golden order and everything revolving around the haligtree has to do with him trying to cure his sister so him ascending to the same tier of godhood as Marika is the only way to actually cure Malenia. This whole DLC was essentially him trying to do the same things Marika did but a bastardized version of it to speed up the process.
If that got you then wait til you see Bayle or the final boss, you're gonna kill yourself
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FUNFACT she shares most of her face customization with tanith. We got more tanith lore in the dlc than godwyn.
I on’ get why or how some people recommend ping into the DLC at 150. I have done every side dungeon in the base game and I was between 120 and 130 goin in. I wouldn’t have wanted to be any higher either. Only done three remembrance bosses so far and now I’m a 170.
unironically keep going, I was thinking the same for my first few attempts but after a while the only thing I couldn't dodge with full consistency were the phase 2 snake attacks
you're gonna fucking die on the final boss bro
>This whole DLC was essentially him trying to do the same things Marika did but a bastardized version of it to speed up the process.
Not really. At the end of the day, Marika did an entire genocide to ascend to Godhood, while he just went to the gate or whatever and showed up as a god.
thoughts on the smithscript dagger?
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If there was a way to save her or turn her into a spirit summon I wouldve done it in a heartbeat.
loce the murder hobo paladin.
if you finish most of the base game you will be at 150 naturally
She was born from the Amber Egg and Radagon.
you see the windups on bayle well enough rest is just dodging
me too man
the last few points between 130 and 150 are usually just spent on Vig, End and Mind tbqh which isn't a huge difference
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> Placidusax gets to fuck the dragon priestess every night
It was disproven within ten minutes of it being posted, you just didn't like the counterproof, kek.
lower range on its projectiles that some fucking melee attacks
>Blue Cloth set and Blue Dancer charm
Trained by Demihuman swordman + also how he can seal away Gods because the bear-chimpanzees were actually researching it going off of the Demihuman Queen in the Shadowlands.
Ranah dancer is connected to Tanith / Rykard's taste in foreign women.
I started the DLC at 90something and I'm 150 now. Completed about 80% of it. Mostly side content.
...and percentage damage negation doesn't matter for that anon's point because it applies equally to both
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The only people who won are Marikafags since they actually got good lore. It's over.
it's misleading to not mention it at all
I know, but the visual effects and shit after the phase transition can be a little over the top. Once he did a long combo and my entire fucking screen went completely orange for like 2 seconds and it was honestly impressive
I just said I had. Beaten every legacy dungeon as well as side dungeon in the base game. I’m a completionisr so I have wasted some runes on buying all equipment available as well but that’s not enough shouldn’t make the difference between 120 and 150.
There are more similarities. The dragon priestess herself draws comparison, saying that Igon's determination and fury is much like Bayle's.

When he gives you his finger Igon says that his soul still remains on the mountain peak, which means his summon but could also be interpret as Bayle being his soul, of being in possession of it.

Finally, Bayle's dragon incantations descriptions hint that fury and power still living in Bayle's heart will one day consume whoever eats it.

I don't have any solid theory, but there is something here.
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Those thighs are fucking disgusting and ruin an otherwise great drawing. Fatfags are mentally ill.
now for some tricky ones
why does she call Rennala her mother if shes not (and outranks her because royalty and empyrean AND more powerful in current state)
who was the ice witch (I know the doll body is literally modeled on her at least)

whats the source that shes adopted?

>armored core update installed (I deleted it yesterday so it wouldn't install)
for FUCK sake. how do I delete updates on ps4.
beating all bosses without dying is level 150 or so and if you use gold talisman and feet it's more like 170
thats a better way to put it. he probably read her notes and what to do and decided to do the no clip speedrun strats to hurry up but it also looks like he had to do some stuff on the side like breaking his rune (severing his ties with the elden ring) and splitting parts of himself (st trina) to fully ascend to godhood. maybe trying to mimic some of the stuff Marika had gone through since in a sense she did lose an older side of her (the shamen village side) to ascend to godhood.
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So which one should I get first? I'm planning to do for Dragon build in the next playthrough
it's not misleading because it's irrelevant to the point which is that flat damage reduction being weak makes multi hit more viable late game
percentage damage reduction applies equally to both so it might as well not be there, it's not relevant to choosing one type over the other
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ah, maleniaposting
the face is ugly
welp since technology is doing what it wants on its own again thats pissed me off, im leaving, before I end up in a troll loop again. bye.
Shield + pole my nigga, never failed me
Crystal torrent is dogshit though, what are you smoking?
>Placidusax gets to fuck the dragon priestess every night
Lore wise that suggests priestess is similar to a deathbed companion as they take power from one to give to another.
Reminder miyazaki makes the lore for people to come together but also individually speculate and form their own conclusions on it. He's said so himself. Listening to loretubers' headcanons defeats his entire point for making lore.
What does this mean?
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90% chance it's fedschizo
retarded grab box
idk i just rolled left
i just walked up to radahn and that gay boy, cast rolling sparks a few times and the fight was over in less than 15 seconds
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Neat, pretty cool way to connect them.
I didn't find Demi-human Queen yet, glad they gave a bit more lore on blind swordsman.
Marika is ranni
Marika is melina
Marika is geq
Marika is your mom
Marika is your wife
Marika is your wife's step mom
Marika is your step mom in law
Marika is the tarnished
Marika is you

This is 100% true and canon btw miyazaki told my sister
Nice. Looks like absolute cancer. Pvpnigs deserve to suffer.
Is there a hefty holy pot or anything for pure faith builds?
>Dancing Lion
Those are the only bosses I see being discussed. The rest are thus objectively forgettable.
king shit
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low T post

Marika is a symbol of fertility.
So the main quest line bosses? The ones everyone fights? Those are the ones everyone is discussing? Woah. Damn.
Alright convince me not to commission the guy who made the Marika model to make an original body ranni model to release to the public
Those are the only hard ones. Midra is memorable but a joke.
Radahn isn't gay. He's barely more cognizant when Miquella brings him back than when he was a walking zombie eaten inside by the rot. He's practically just a doll for that freak faggot incubus.
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Hey Radanh look at this!
Hot isn't?
This and so much more can be yours if you fuck my brother
I cannot.
not to?
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The Walking Mausoleum sound kind of sorta plays when you're revived in the prologue so people think that you're one of Marika's bastard children because the Mausoleums are said to contain some of her children. The Mausoleums contain a body of a "soulless demigod", though most of them are empty (they were built before Godwyn died when pointedly no demigod died). They mistranslated "O Marika he is your unwanted child" to be referring to a bastard, which is simply not what the JP text actually says (in context it's very clearly unwanted child). It's worth noting that the Mausoleums don't ONLY contain Marika's demigods either, they also contain the servants of those demigods who are interred with them to serve them after death.

So either you're an unrelated servant of an unnamed demigod, in which case you're not related to Marika at all. Or (You)'re an unnamed demigod.

Both of these options are directly contradicted by the rest of the game making it clear you're a Tarnished that came from beyond the Lands Between, so you were never interred in a Mausoleum to begin with making the entire theory completely pointless. If there's any evidence for (You) have special ancestry it's from Hoarah Loux (see Margit's line that Warrior blood runs through your veins and the Hero class description).
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I want to grab two spells from the DLC on my twink PVE CO OP.

Can I get to bosses like the Boar Guy or Count Ymir without killing a boss or do I need to actually progress in the DLC to get to them?
There are several other main quest bosses but I guess you forgot them.
Bayle isn’t even main quest.
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>muh testosterone buzzword
Kill yourself niggerspic fatfag. Your brain is literally broken because fat cunts is all it's ever seen around it.
Need more cute/bratty Miquella...
She's not a recognizable character. Go for the doll.
they are both really, really bad
When does your level become too high?
I'm 257 at the moment.
So going to Scadu atlus early before killing any bosses so you can loot stuff doesn't trigger the Miquella seal apparently
Good stuff
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Yeah the grab is fucked, I think it's probably latency that makes it that bad. I've been grabbed mid-roll a couple of times myself.
Am i seriously locked out of swift slash because I entered messmer's boss room??? What else am I locked out of now
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>h-he isn't gay, he said he was going to marry Miquella but he isn't gay!
>why does she call Rennala her mother if shes not
Adopted children still call their adopted mothers their mother. But that would be assuming Ranni even knows.
>who was the ice witch
I haven't looked into it much. My stance is that she's just some witch we never meet or learn more about. I had assumed she was Rennala's sister prior to Rellana's reveal. But there were holes in that theory then and it's less likely now. I don't subscribe to that theory, but not impossible. You could make some leaps with The Three Sisters title assuming the towers were named after Rennala, Rellana and Ice Witch X. But again, that's not my belief.
Is it just me or do ALL the new Fth Incants suck for PvE?
Is there a single good one??
>Malenia reduced to Chrisposting
Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
Where does it say this?
blood infusion lowers base damage but adds more natural strength scaling, so you get bleed and barely lose any damage vs heavy infusion. throwing the rest of your points in ARC helps you inflict even more bleed.

theoretically you could also infuse heavy and buff your weapon with the dragon communion seal since it scales with ARC but in reality it seems like all weapon buff spells seem to suck donkey dick so its kinda pointless. maybe worth doing against enemies that don't bleed though
I wonder what that one maleniafag who spent 2 years posting that picture of Millicent's questline has to say about the DLC
shit I wanna try running a faith build now
You'll trigger some story progression with npcs if you get to the black keep.
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I prefer seeing Marika drawn androgynous since she's fused with Radagon.
the literal only good new spell in the dlc are the scadutree thorns, everything else is unusable
Added that last image to my filter.
Having red haired Ranni would be kino with that round firm ass.
The spell you get from the Hippo
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i forgot to post the frickin picture showing the typical scaling numbers
What do you guys think came first, fujoshi malenia or gay yandere miquella?
It counts as a riposte/backstab? oh shit
>I'm gay but in the closest
I prefer her being drawn accurately and not overly bimbofied.
Is there anything more lazy a dev can do than make NPCs with the customization system they made for the player?
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cheeky Miquella is best
From one inspiration to another.
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Her body isnt that androgynous both ingame and in official art its more feminine, she's just closer to how malenia's built minus the wide shoulders.
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I went through the whole DLC with a mimic.
You got a problem with that? Don't care
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these are my stats, what should i be leveling?
I mainly just used katanas when i played the game at the start
Fucking faggot artist spent months drawing Marika and is now making theories about her. Must feel good. Faggot.
Anyone else kinda disappointed with the dlc?
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Spamming lamentation is the highest form of disrespect. Worse than poopy pots.
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ur gay bro
>faggot artist
>he doesn't know
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Consider Marika
Could you imagine ranni, in an attempt to gain tarnished's attention, coming back in a shota or loli body?
What causes Miquella to smash his rune and did I fuck myself by causing it too early?
Only when I feel that I can't do it myself will I depend on a mimic. Hasn't happened yet. But I do call him to help me clean up things I already fought. I just don't like playing 'pull the aggro'
>I care so little I will come here to bait for engagement please PLEASE get upset and call me a faggot! I have no one who will talk to me in real life.
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Is it me or Rellana's dash is way too fucking fast? I pressed roll everytime she dashed toward me yet her attacks always land. It has gotten to a point that i half expected to get hit by her opening slashes and just try to dodge the rest of the combo
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This tasteful mommy body is much more attractive than the bimbo Marika is usually portrayed as.
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No thanks
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>"I don't see any reason to deny another interpretation or adaptation of Elden Ring, a movie for example," he said. "But I don't think myself, or From Software, have the knowledge or ability to produce something in a different medium. So that's where a very strong partner would come into play."
Imagine the absolute shitshow of trying to put a FROM "story" into a movie format.
unusable trash with a 7 second long casting animation
I don't care. I'm mad.
Motherfucker read "I curse you, mom" and then goes to say how they had a good relationship or some shit. Faggot.
She seems like she's got a pretty muscular back though.
She's my loving supportive mother in law. I kill hornsent with the sword my wife ranni gave me in her honor and as a thanks for her being my wingman.
>Host and summons are setting up camp at grace waiting for me to walk into their triangle
>spam lamentation endlessly so they get enraged and chase me down
I've never had such an effective method of baiting people somewhere in a souls game.
For me it happened when I went to the black keep. And no, not really, you'll miss like.. a few lines of dialogue but nothing is broken.
Igon is Ahab and Bayle is his Moby Dick. But, Bayle is also Ahab and Placidusax is his Moby Dick. They've both destroyed themselves through the obsessive pursuit of vengeance.
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Surprisingly no, i didn't find the holy pot version, which is weird because otherwise they cover everything
Hefty Furnace Pot is for you, but it's the most annoying to farm
>bloodfiend fork
>bloodfiend arm
>bloodfiend sacred spear

Arc/str chads we won
Going close to the shadow realm triggers it.
Doesn’t actually lock you out of anything if you play smart. But a few things get a bit more finicky.
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Why do you hate fun?
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Consider this piece of lore
The lantern from the same dungeon also has a funny different annoying shriek.
There's no hefty holy pot. That also made me sad, yes.
A bit.
your build looks like it lacks damage. id get DEX up to 80 for the softcap. its good to leave it at around 70-75 and then wear gear or pop rune arcs to reach the cap

you may want to shift some points from endurance to something else. you rarely need 40. i do fine with like 20 on my dexbro and i can still wear some of the heaviest armor and midroll. towards the end of the game you will probably be best off putting points into mind for ash of war spam or dip into another damage stat if you just want to press r1 (or l1)
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>just a friendly reminder
>Ranni, much like her mom, Aunt, and brother, loves FTH Chad dick
>its genetic
>it's literally written in their stars that they'll get mindbroken by FTH dick
>Ranni canonically only likes FTH based builds
>just a reminder
where do you get that weapon
>discordtroon spam
Guess I will continue the game for now.
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They absolutely ruined it
God, I wish I could refund now
I like both accurate and big tits
She's not bimbofied just because she's got big tits and ass. Please stop defining things wrong
I would like to download this model.
I did some testing, weird results.
I used the WA on guardians to test, I did 1585 with 54 str/27 fth, no talismans equipped. Then I respecced into 20 str/80 fth, it did LESS damage (1462). So strength is the way to go.
You can always adjust the difficulty by turning off your monitor
I want to go home...
and then, Elden Ring.
What an ugly fucking face holy shit.
is miyazaki a closet gay? why does he keep putting gayshit in souls games, i honestly wouldn't mind it too much if it was between women cause that's hot af but nope it's always gay dudes, also what a fucking lackluster final dlc boss....
It is a given they are gonna nerf the DLC's damage, right? I mean, your level is supposed to be what? 80? 90? After beating Mohg i mean

Old players aside, the newfags will pretty much be unable to beat these bossess
Damn I missed some shit.
I also missed the armor of night apparently.
I sure love having to go back to the burning shithole roundtable with only hewg and roderika in it
What's the point spell classes that consist of 2-3 spells?
you could always just collect fewer/none at all
btw using a weapon and/or the dodge button is easy mode and doing so means you didn't beat the game
He's Japanese, which means he's bisexual.
It's not latency as such, the grab I assume is coded to confirm on client-side, so if you hit it on your screen it hits them.
It's depressing, innit?
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We could do away with calendars if we started marking the passage of time with the chronic debates about which depictions of Marika are hotter.
It's called hyperbole, please neck yourself right now.
Typical libtard art
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>procs madness in seconds
Jesus fuck
I'm sad we didn't get a madness head, but this is a good alternative honestly
what's the point of weapon classes that consist of 1-3 weapons (all of the new ones besides perfumes)
Armor is in Bonny Gaol, look for pot that works as a lift.
it's a japanese take on western fantasy so they're right to fill it with gays
There's no fun. Why should they win and I lose...it's unfair. Marikafags got so much and anyone else is eating scraps.
When I started the DLC I was hoping to find a blacksmith so I didn't had to go back to the base game. Didn't happen...Even though you have 3 ways to upgrade your weapons in the normal game...
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Taste is subjective and arguing against someone's likes is just going to devolve into a shit flinging contest, that being said. Lore accurate Marika with a fat ass is peak and anyone else is a degenerate retard, so says I.

*nods sagely*
What the fuck does the Lamenter form do, other than looking mad ugly?
Malenia "You come for him, or I'll come for you" The Severed
Holy faggot
Japan had a pederast subculture similar to ancient Greeks, except in Greece it was widely considered subhuman behaviour unlike in Japan.
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>fighting rellana
>jump 1st and 2nd moons
>framerate drops eat my inputs and cause me to die on the third shockwave
>get infinite loading screen bug directly after
>forced to end game process
>go back in game
>have lost 1 hour of progress
nice game fromshit
It's probably like Ordovis then, great for a STR build. I'm guessing it also doesn't account for the 2h STR bonus if it's like ordovis though, might be even better with like 80+ STR
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I think we should all just love Marika.
you don't even need more than 12 or 14 of these now to beat everything in the game
We all know Radagon is objectively the hottest Marika.
Am I missing something or is it not possible to make Rafa Fruit into a Torrent consumable? I was certain it was a Rowa fruit equivalent, but I am pretty far into the DLC now and still can’t actually craft it into something similar.
Do I unironically have to go back to Lands Between to grind old ass Rowa?
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Defend this
>b-but it's nipponese HEMA scrolls that tell you that you have to do these moves in this exact succession!!!!
They're testing what will and won't work for the next game
It's still wrong. And when wrong shit gets repeated enough times people start to believe it. Kind of like ironic shitposting becomes just shitposting.
Trying with 80 str now, did an extra 100 or so damage. One handing and two handing made no difference.
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I was genuinely shocked this was AI until I looked closer at the patterns
Either this guy knows how to touch things up manually or he's much better at slopping than everyone else I've seen doing it
>encounter Ghost Dragon fighting an army
>wow, cool! so this is going to be like a 3 way fight!
>the moment I get close, the army completely disengages the dragon and starts running towards me and it's just me vs a dragon with a ton of adds
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>probably the coolest incantation in the game, amazing mechanically, basically ARC's carian slicer, synergises well with Mohg's bloodflame talon
>a legacy of a genuine friend you make along the way
>bugged and does no bleed buildup
>nipponese HEMA
Kill yourself
Imagine not loving both.
>defend these moves
>posts the defense
This but unironically. Lore-accurate Marika with a pear body, long legs and a fat ass is sublime. Mike Zaki making her the canon wife is almost enough to make up for all of his retardation.
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3 scadtree left for +20 blessing
>Empyrean-Blood Burgeon
>Only purpose is to craft Bewitching Branches 2.0
Is that it?
Miyazaki loves Monster Hunter, it's not a big surprise.
/v/ stopped biting?
Even better when I just stand off to the side to watch, dragon leaps in some direction so now the archers are closer to me than than the dragon, then the archers switch focus to me even though I'm really fucking far away and never aggro'd them.
why would I be mad about them taking influence from a game that does boss fights well
Bless you anon, I'll just use it on my 54 STR build with the STR tear, dagger and alex talismans. Hopefully one shots vigorlets
Okay so what the fuck is the lore behind the Finger Creepers? I thought they were created by the Carians or some shit, but now they're apparently a natural occurrence from the Finger Ruins?

And why is everything fingers?
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Its a cool moveset.
go back to /v/
I mean it's cool anon but the giant windup and end-lag makes it nowhere near a carian slicer
>steal ideas from a better game
im okay with this
Did i fuck up by killing the schizo shouting about bayle
Finger aliens land and start making finger babies for fun I guess. Said finger babies are also servants, this recontextualizes the Carian manor as being under attack/infiltrated by Finger Creepers searching for Ranni.
yes, immeasurably
Why the fuck would you do that
Multi-rings is bretty gud, everything else bretty bad
having half the range on R2 than the axe while also having a half or less of its damage is fucking retarded
yes, you fucking retarded idiot
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Now you understand why I shitpost and attack marikafags and rannifags. They receive so much favoritism from the devs and community alike I'm genuinely sick of them. Malenia and miquella got shat on but the two objectively evil bitches get off free.
Igon is a shattered man who’s being kept alive purely by his hatred towards and desire to kill Bayle. Even when huddled in fear his desire is so strong that he drags his broken body through a substantial portion of jagged peak to try and find a way to conquer his fear and claim vengeance when you happen to come along and prove yourself as his best chance to kill Bayle. The second it finally sinks in that the dread that haunted him for so long is finally gone he loses his purpose and thus loses the will to keep living. Dude was literally too angry to die until the thing that ruined his life died first.
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Incredible strawman. Here's a pity (You).
flame snake and knights lightning are literally goated jackass
I can relate to Igon, except for me it's niggers.
Anon... it is unironically over.
more like incredible repost
What exactly is the Crucible? Is it related to Chaos/The Three Fingers in any way?
millicent my wife...
holy fuck, anon. how do you fumble a simple questline this bad?
im going to find a way to tear down you marika and rannisimps. ill cleanse this general of your ilk
okay but what about godwin
is it true he uses greyoll's roar on the ground when attacked?
i was already lv. 80 at sewer Mohg, anon, and that's with skipping some shit since that was my 2nd file... anyone stumbling upon Mohg (real) would easily be well above that
>this recontextualizes the Carian manor as being under attack/infiltrated by Finger Creepers searching for Ranni.
Would have been cool to see the Manor's defenses actually fighting them off. Actually, for a setting entirely focused on multiple factions going to war with each other all at once, there's far too few instances of AI fighting each other. And even when they do it's like they have some huge debuff so they only hit each other for like 4 HP.
Maddening hand insta procs it if you by some miracle land it’s WA. Honestly I wish they’d made its WA more like an implying thrust style attack.
Dumbest nigger of the month
from what I understand the Crucible is just life without order. not necessarily chaos though

the crucible just likes shit to be born. it doesn't care how it looks or what properties life has. the golden order gave life, well, order.
you still have to learn fights with the bottom stuff, unlike summons which let you brute force the game. i dropped dmgs in most of the new fights because there are no windows for charged R2.
he's actually dead
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>Dude was literally too angry to die
You make Maleniafags (me) look like shit, therefore I abandon Malenia for Marika.
Did anyone managed to get 2 bloodfiends arms in single playthrough? I am not sure if it is actual drop, if it is, droprate is really low.
For PvP, not PvE
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Simply post the golden brat
I don't understand how the fuck he even gets up jagged peak, he doesn't have a spiritsteed to take the spiritspring with. My nigger is rock climbing with broken legs
I have a very serious need to make love to both Marika and Radagon. It's a bichad's dream.
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why didn't they fix rolling sparks
the original post is asking about PvE
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As a Malenia/Ranni/Marikafag it hurts me to see such infighting. We should all get along.
He tells you, his spirit is up on the mountain, his soul.
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Just like in my chinese gachas.
are you supposed to have 18 skibidi for all the main bosses? because you can collect everything before meeting someone like bayle
Go back to malenia please I'll do anything please i don't want to be alone please don't join ((them))
I hope every future game has perfume-style weapons, it's too good to lose.
Is it weird that my favorite fight of the DLC was the gank squad?
Seeing my buddies Ansbach and Tholier (who I was sure would turn out to be a serial killer or something) come through was great.
I also loved how everyone had his own little speech.
They mentioned in the latest patch notes that they're cooking a balance patch to be released soon.
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skill issue
only adds i had to deal with were the two knights that somehow teleported behind me and tried to start shit
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If you cared about:
>Gloam-Eyed Queen
Consider yourself fucked.
If you cared about:
>Dragons priestess
Then you're in the right place.
Even then, the "nuh uh, we can't involve the base game on this!" makes it feel disconnected when Ranni and Melina should be involved. That's your fire brother right there, bitch. That's your aunt. That's your demigod you guys trusted.

It's like if you decide to collect all the Golden Seeds/Sacred Tears before killing a single boss. You don't need it, but i'll help. With the "buff" you only need ~12 though.
so what the fuck is up with empyreans? why do they all have schizo other halves
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Personally I'm a Marika/Messmer/Miquellafag.
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Lets say hypothetically, i wanted to finish the dlc at ng7, would a pure faith caster build or an arcane caster build be better for health percent damage? Some enemies are immune to bleed but black flame might be kinda slow in some situations
You're one of those fuckers who says "waifus" instead of picking one aren't you
From one of the remembrances
Hatred is a disgustingly powerful motivator. I can’t imagine even a tenth of the amount of hatred it takes to drag oneself through a mountain and past two fighting dragons to reach a bigger fuck off dragon.
Prior to that his physical body is still on the peak after moving from pillar path.
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that fucking AR with a one handed weapon + elemental infusion and the two handed talisman works as well
I'm at 80 faith and it's almost doing as much damage as my colossal weapon
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No I'm a haremfag, and Elden Ring is indisputably a harem game.
No marikafags need to fuck off rannifags need to fuck off miquella and malenia were ruined by the dlc so much is locked behind rannis quest and miquella's was cut while hers stays in marika get le epic so sad backstory and what the fuck do my favorite characters get? Ruined absolutely ruined. Especially miquella. I tell you I nearly cried when I learned the leaks were true I spen real money commissioning art of them and now its all been tossed away by miyahaki and his retarded retcons I'm certain came at the last second
>two handed talisman
what's it called?
What makes you think Ranni has anything to do with the DLC?
you're missing a cookbook
also you're missing the memo that torrent sucks ass
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Is 50/50 int faith a good stopping point for that metyr staff that lest you cast everything?
Can't someone just be a fan of multiple characters without you thinking that they're romantically interested in any of them?
Why does the dragon priestess offer her sleep to Placid?
Placid is either in stasis in some times-wimey bullshit or literally dead depending on if the player has caught him or not not. The last thing he needs is more rest either way.
I ruined my fight against chaos dude and Romina by having too many fragments.
Two-Handed Sword Talisman
15% damage when wielding anything as two handed
A reminder that you should beat Consort Radahn (phase 2 included) the non-cheese way before you're permacucked from beating the game legitimately before they inevitably nerf him.
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Ranni and marika enjoyers don't fight. We both love marika in different ways. As a loving mother in law for us. For marikaposters she's their loving murderhobo wife. We both don't need to fight because we both won. Bigly.
>harem game
>everyone except Ranni fucking dies or leaves you
sexy sex
That's pretty baller.
Already did, also don't think it matters because I'm not a faggot like you.
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4chan used to have actual memes before the great invasion of 2016. How sad thay all 4chan produces now is basedjaks and trannies
Bro's messmers spear is fucking SICK
How do I make this thing as strong as possible? What talismans and what not
I know, right? A true nigga respects another man's waifu.
We should instead all focus on hating Miquella faggots instead.
best part is you can get both of them at the start of the dlc without killing a single enemy
what are you planning to cast with FTH? you could meet min requirements then pump ARC and use the dragon seal
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Good, I'll wait until they drop the patch before attempting the fight
Leave miquella alone fuck you
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Don't be mean, Miquella is a good boy.
>don't think it matters because I'm not a faggot like you.
Sounds like something someone who didn't beat the game would write.
Summoning the anon who made it
Please fix the peack typo
>15% damage when wielding anything as two handed
I don't think that is true, I'm not getting any AR when "2 handing" dryleaf arts with it equipped
Ummm, your HP bar is WAYY too long, sweaty
And is that a shield??
You didn't beat the DLC.
rolling sparks is pretty sick
what else should I have on a busted perfume build?
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>My brother will keep his promise...
You won't believe this but it's called the Two-Handed Sword Talisman...
Rellana is her aunt. She cares about Torrent (first thing she comments about when you find her in the tower is "It pleaseth me to see Torrent hale and hearty..."), being entrusted by his former owner (Miquella) to give the spirit calling bell to you. She's related to cold/death, both related to sleep (St. Trina). If you choose her ending (which is probably the canon one, going by how much content there is) you're literally fighting on her behalf since you're her Lord.
How the fuck can you make a rellana twin blades pvp build at 150

This shit need too many stats lmao
wrong on the servant part. the servants cut their heads off to server after death, and you clearlly still have it
she says that she's doing it because he is trapped beyond time, presumably he can't sleep there because time isn't passing or some bullshit
Ghostflame Breath is overtuned holy shit
it's not giving you ar for one, it's giving you % damage so you won't see it under status window
also it doesn't work when dual wielding, you gotta be two-handing?
I feel like if they fixed the hitbox on the charge Gaius would be an okay fight, everything else is either alright or pretty cool like those gravity balls he tries to pull you with
Ice witch is probably a zamor
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i killed him in 15 seconds with rolling spark and level 16 shadow tree buff
my achievement is the same as yours
Try again, this time properly






>Orbital strike is pathetic damage wise for what it require

I can see it being good in invasions and maybe duels if you can bait people into it
Rellana’s twin blades are for people that don’t give a shit about something as retarded as a meta level.
elden gyoubu oniwa
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it means what I typed ESL
>im the fed
no u
What are you talking about? Ghosflame Breath and Bayle's Flame Lightning are great
>finished the DLC twice
>want to play DLC with new characters
>don't want to go through the entire maingame getting all talisman pouches and flasks
Anyone got any idea? The normal world feels so dull compared to the DLC.
the best fight is the brawl with leda
just wish i didn't have to kill my nigga moore
Oh, I'll give it a try then. Two-handing seems to be the only way to play the hand-to-hand weapons, you're gimping yourself of half your damage by playing with an active offhand. If you powerstance them you get a 2-handed light moveset on your L1, but still no double jumping heavy, no double sprint heavy and no double charged R2.
this image aged well lol
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Since we're posting about marika I will share a headcanon I have for her. It's implied she may have fought alongside her troops in battle in the early days. Taking this I propose horah became so enamored with her because he saw her rip out a hornsent's spine with her bare hands and immediately fell for her.
What level did people finish the DLC at?
Seems pretty flaky to me.
>Spirits of beastmen from doomed Farum Azula, the slowly crumbling ruins in the skies. These ruins are said to be the remains of a giant mausoleum enshrining an ancient dragon
Placidusax is pretty much dead. It's no different from the dragons next to Greyoll keeping her alive.
CE them in and copy paste your character save file just before entering the DLC.
>everything else is unusable
said the retard who only use teeny weeny spells
went in at 143
think that's what NG+ is for
>he gives you fucking props in his speech
what a fucking hero
But I want to actually fight with them and just PVE which they kinda suck there like all LGS
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>cucked to death
>cucked to death
>cucked to death
is there a way to skip rellana? i want more skibidis before i do her on my lv2
Greyoll dies if you kill the little dragons?
go around the back of the castle
Make a backup save at the start of the DLC that you can reuse.
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>saves faith in your path
where's the path
should you dual wield perfume bottles?
my character is a girl tho
holy shit i was right
the fact that you make it this obvious its you is fucking incredible, it's so unbelievably easy to recognise you
anyway, take your anger meds and yep im in your walls and yep i've been stalking you for the past 2+ years, stay mad
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I literally had no opportunity to cast magic in any fight except Bayle, if you count shart spiral spam
Rotten whore.
Also pest thread spears is really good too.
... Did you just criticize my briliant lore world building you dumb fucking savaghe stupid gaijin.

HAHAH westerns love taking cock dumb gajin.

FILTHY gaijin Japanese culture is beter smarter superior to retarded black worshipping western gaijins.
This shit is horrible
But then again I don't use the shit incants that are not dragon and red lightning
that's the "normal" method of dispatching her, yea. most everyone just whacks her tail these days
Don't let Marika turn you into another cuck, embrace Frenzy.
Just tried it, not giving a damage buff to either hand-to-hand weapon despite being "two-handed", I guess it doesn't count. Maybe they coded it as two one handed weapons or something
Bayle vs Placidusax was very one-sided, he lost 3 of his heads and is all fucked up, having to go to a cryo chamber to not die while his God "fled". Bayle lost a leg and his wings, but those don't matter at all.
Yes. That's the "intended" way to kill her. Each dragon removes 20% of her HP.
perfume bottles only exist for rolling sparks spam
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I think I found the place, but there's no painter. Does it only spawn after you restore the tower?
Does Malenia say anything new if you best the DLC before confronting her?
Went in at 138, finished at 138
Add in: shadow beasts, Maliketh
Flame asnake isn't that good for PvP, Great Flame Take Thee is still the #1 choice
>This shit is horrible
It's relatively fast, deals a ton of damage and deals a considerable amount of poise damage, staggering bosses fairly easily. It's fucking top notch bro, sorry you're retarded.
if i remember correctly you'll need to detour east from the castle bridge entrance... not at my computer right now so i can't check
>sucks at pve
u wot
I know a lot of people are against using NPC summons, but I think if you don't summon Igon for Bayle then you're severely missing out. The Ahab-Moby Dick dynamic is great.
Bayle also had the better incants. Even Bayle's shitty roar hits hard and easier to use than the flaccid beam
>isn't that good for PvP
I mean PvE
lightning perfume bottle +25
offhand seal for buffing
alexander talisman (15%), lightning scorpion talisman (15%), perfumer talisman (20%), aged ones exultation talisman (20%)
black dumpling (10%), rakhashas armor (2%), gloves (2%), shoes (2%)
golden vow (15%), howl of shabriri (25%), midras flame of frenzy
bloodsucking tear (20%), lightning tear (20%)
=4.602x damage

midra is fastest way to build up self-frenzy to finish it off with howl
the game is officially fucking enormous. they need to give us a way to repeat boss fights.
I summoned him once to see what happens but I beat the fight without him
All the new dragon incants are good retardnro
No poise damage and animation leave you too commited with no hyper armor

It also suck in pvp but less
does she do anything if you actually go from from like intended or it's still just the roar spam?
So, apparently there's a new tier of Raisin items in the DLC made from Rada fruit. Which seems like a very basic crafting recipe you find early in the game. But I seemed to somehow miss it. Does anyone know where it is?
its slower than normal lightning spears
it costs 36 (!) fp, more than fucking giantsflame take thee, probably more stamina too

it does NOT deal corresponding amounts of damage or poise for its insane costs, not like giantsflame at least
It's called NG+

The game is enormoua but most content is optional. You can blow past the entire game in a very short time on NG+
The base game is entirely unaffected by the DLC. There is no interaction between them at all.
That's fine, I really like the dialogue being added for NPC summons in this expansion, it's something I'd like to see more in From Software games. Freyja even makes a comment after the fight if you summoned her for Dancing Lion.
The spears drop like candy but only 1 arm so I'm pretty sure it's not a drop
You gotta beat Bayle with him summoned to finish his quest though right? Which in turn finishes dragon waifu's
reddit claimed igon as their champion https://x.com/ISPuuuv/status/1805986308407300485
still roar spam
>these days
Has anyone ever killed Greyoll the normal way?
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That sucks.
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How do I beat this guy without crying to death
you're a literal retard
fire serpent is a fantastic PvE spell
>the delayed casting means input reading enemies dodge before the spell actually fires
>its homing capabilities are off the chart. I've literally seen it do a 180 to hit a guy
>it can be charged to get the boost by talismans
>does respectable damage for its fp cost
>literally the perfect spell to use while mounted for all the above reasons too
>Appreciating solid acting is reddit now
probably... you can bet ur ass people beelined for the tail day 1 though, ain't no one got time for dragon babies
Supposedly Bayle took him by surprise.
What was Maliketh even doing in Farum Azula
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So how does /erg/ feel about their female tarnished being ic lesbians or bisexuals? The game establishes you're in it for goddess pussy and to become elden lord. No matter the ending the primary drive is that. Even the frenzy flame quest hammers in that you do it out of love for melina and a refusal to let her die. How does it feel knowing hetchads and yurienjoyers are the only canon tarnished?
>Greyoll's Roar
>Savage Claw
>Greyoll's Roar
>Savage Claw
>Greyoll's Roar
>Savage Claw
>Rotten Breath
There, you beat the game.
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what's up with the random screaming with these things when you go near it?
There's no monsters or anything
works great in sword and board on my machine
actual poise damage would be broken
Kill the copies. If there are still any copies left by the time he starts crying - it puts a counter on you. Accumulate enough counters - and you get instakilled.
Copies die in one hit, so bring some AoE. Like the golden wave sword.
Dunno. They were both dead in their last spot with their loot dropped.
Touch grass you freak.
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trying to find it...
east goes to cerulean coast
west goes to catacombs, these go to abyss iirc

suggestions? i'll check closer to the castle again and also look more closely at the CC direction
got it thanks
all that and you failed to mention
>its range actually sucks
Okay. That's it. Fuck doing this 'fairly'. Radahn, meet the Antspur rapier, you broken fuck.
>Radahn dies to rot AGAIN
Ye, scenery has to look exactly like the painting before the painter can spawn
I have no idea how to get to the dragon area
Technically going for Marika is both a het and gay option no matter if your tarnished is male or female since she's fused with Radagon.
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Greetings sars, I have a technical question: can this practically proc BOTH frost AND bleed? Because I only noticed frost proccing on bosses. Is this a numbers issue? Or is does the game have some anti-cheese mechanic that forbids you from abusing both at once?
Weapon doesn't really matter, this is more of a general questions for some normal weapons with innate bleed that you can slap frost on.
So is there even anything south of midra's manse and if so, how do I get there?
Number issue.
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Follow where you've marked CC, hug that north cliff face. You'll come across a spiritspring jump pad you need to unlock by knocking over some nearby purple glowing rocks, that puts you up onto the next area
What remembrance in the dlc that's good to duplicate?
The lack of interaction between some characters in the main game and DLC events is so retarded holy fuck. You should at the very least be able to tell Gideon what's happening in the Shadow Realm.
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Look for this inconspicuous dungeon.
Ranni and Marika would be at each other's throats in a hot, femdom way where they try to convince Tarnished to serve either of them with sex in a steamy ffm threesome
>dumbass with 5 heads gets hit by surprise
yeah he deserves to die
marika = radagon
ranni = futa doll cock
simple as
before looking at any guides i started to use antspur and call it the malenia strat
eventually gave up and searched that greatshields make him easy so...
I found it easily but I cannot find any actual progress or skibidibidoo frags so I had to do bayle at +3 prepatch
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You're looking in the wrong place entirely, you can see the path if you go towards the Miquella Cross I've marked, follow the full path for all of it.
So if I hit the boss fast and long enough I WILL proc bleed after proccing frost eventually, yeah?
What would be the frenzied flame emote?
No, you can stack status effects on the same weapon just fine.
I have a funny character with double frost chain whips I get summoned on to Malenia.
Curl up
Bayles spells require arcane and placidusax needs faith.
It's the ultimate battle between faith and arcane
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Probably something like pic related though I imagine my Tarnished is a bit more serious
Though I can't help but picture that Ranni's just too much of a cute dork that everyone teases her a bit.
>if you drink her pussy juice you die
what did from mean by this?
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>Marika was basically a JRPG protagonist who went on a grand quest of revenge after everyone in her cozy small village was killed and became God in the end.
>Gradually turned into a despot because the path to Godhood requires you to shed your humanity and your compassion.
>You can imagine an entire game about her quest with her as the protagonist.
Kino... so fvcking... KINO
Explain why it works.

Also i am unironically trying to make a dragon beast claw dragon knight with "dragon arm" kinda thing, while also having a sword

The main problem is the sword. I can't find a good sword to fit around it.
>entire game about her quest with her as the protagonist.
that should have been the DLC desu
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I think it went something like this.
Dragonbone katana or Dragon Great Katana
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Say something nice about it.
thanks anon, i was able to find the spirit spring
>explain why it works
stagger and rot
What build does Marika use? FTH/STR?
The dead demigods in the mausoleums are soulless, if you recall getting a soul back into it's body is ridiculously complicated and Miquella was hatching up an eclipse plan to do it that never came to be. There you go. Debunked unless you think Miquella somehow managed to revive the player character stepping over Godwyn to do it.
DLC is about killing homos so nah
I think you guys should stop all of this Bayleposting, maybe his attack on Placidusax was perfectly justified and he could be a morally grey character
Yes, but she has at least 12 dex for her hammer.
Wait it can kill you? The fight is an absolute joke
Yea but mostly faith.
Do i lock myself out of anything by killing messmer?
>Understands how powerful adventurers can become because her own quest led her to become God.
>Sends off all of Godfrey's army to fuck off and adventure for the next 5000 years in the badlands to hone them into perfect murder hobos that can help her overthrow her retarded space amoeba boss.
Does anyone else think the game isn't actually hard or challenging? It's more like a test of patience. You're slow as fuck, enemies fast as fuck, your only real moves are cheese or back-pedal-defense until you get 1 strike in, repeat. You get stunned by every single attack in the game no matter what you do. Enemies have a gorillion HP but you die in 2 strikes. And so.

I mean, I just find it to be the complete opposite of challenge. When I get stunned out of my attack that is like 95% of the way finished I just roll my eyes. When the boss does another 500 hit AOE spam dip-and-dive combo I just think "here we go again". I just stare blankly at the screen waiting for "my turn" so I can do something, anything, before I go back to just doing basically nothing while the enemies run circles around me. It's just so tedious.
Bayle defenders get riddled with a hail of harpoons.
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>Gowry said she blooms because of strong emotions
>She fucking bloomed and genocided her own army at the excitement of her brother's bussy getting prolapsed by Radahncock
>Maleniafags can't even say she was combatitively backed into a corner any more, she just kept on running back at Radahn because she wanted to whisper in his ear that Miquella was going to get fucked by Radahn, whether Radahn wanted to or not.
>looks exactly how I imagine Igon, just add beard
All the Bayle lore is from a seething madman and a Placidusax fangirl
Neither Ranni or Marika have functioning pussies in the state they're in when we play the game.
He gave it to you already you numbnut
go to castle sol
Those are the rules:
Ranni's ending: Faith character.
Marika's ending: Int character.
Extra points for Marika's ending if you're a physically weak and pure mage, and have a 2 meter tall Marika who wants to "corrupt" you.
I can't decide if Ranni would prefer a 99 str bull or not.
>She fucking bloomed and genocided her own army at the excitement of her brother's bussy getting prolapsed by Radahncock
Epic storytelling. I love Miyazaki.
at first i was like, cool
But then the delayed "spears" miss the target
>Get filtered
>It's not hard, it's-
magma wyrm cgs you dolt
only thing I know is if you kill messmer and side with leda instead of hornsent you can't get swift slash
Miyazaki just didn't think it was appropriate to spend 5 hours of the DLC infodumping us everything GRRM wrote about Placidusax's tax policy. That's why we don't understand the root of the conflict.
It gets even more kino when you notice Placidusax's heads are still attached to Bayle from when they fought
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Hello fellow Dew suckers.
Can anyone give advice?
I have been trying to give my husband Miquella my tasty dew but his sister insisted she always watches for his safety.
She already watched when I sucked Dew out of him but the problem is that whenever we get going his sister get too excited and she keeps "blooming" all over.
I don't mind her watching now and then but she never gives us space and the pollen are terrible.
Can anyone tell me what to do?
>wears the armor set that makes you take MORE damage
stop being a faggot and get good
He automatically insta kills you if you don't take out his clones in time, your character starts crying then just drops dead
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Maleniafags didn't just get done dirty.

They were taken out back and fucking shot.

Holy shit Miyazaki. I genuinely don't know how anyone who has been defending her for the last 2 years (for free) can live with themselves at this point. This is suicide-tier, mindbroken-tier at the minimum.
that is a madness head
You're a retard, Marika would want a STR BVLL like Godfrey
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Thanks, this worked
I want to go home...
and then edge
What kind of spells do you think the breath incants are?
beat him with bleed first time, Rolling sparks hitless the second time, and greatshield the third time
when did edging of all things catch steam specifically
So what's the best overhaul mod for this game, in the case I'm not ready to let go once I finish everything in the DLC?
Radahn is a cool bossfight, it's just ruined by the context of him being a undead gay sex slave.
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How important is this talisman if the only magma i use is Bayle Roar in this Blood Dragon "build"?
how do I stop gooning to my characters feet?

Too much dex/str required. I am going with 50/60 arc/fth dragon stuff
stop being brown, simple
magma sword = big dps
>Get a shit spawn twice in a row, have to use fingers
>Get gang banged by 2 mages and a backwards blade blue
>Game crashes
>of all things

It's probably the best pleasure/effort ratio you can get from an activity aside from doing drugs. I don't know why it didn't catch on earlier.
>adventures with Miquella never
the leda fight
i assume she and dry leaf always fight you
are moore, freja, ansbach, etc switchable depending on what you do?
which magma sword? Blasphemous?
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>all these endless walls of copes from Maleniafags about how Radahn was evil and she was totally justified in nuking Caelid
First phase is a cool boss fight. Great tribute, fantastic new iteration of his soundtrack, and fighting him at his prime.
Second phase is just a clusterfuck because that faggot on his back has to ruin everything.
Terrible taste. Being a STRchad so that even though your wife is 8 feet tall you can still manhandle the fuck out of her is the hottest shit ever.
Why do so many of the spells and incants from the DLC feel like they have not even been remotely tested? Like not even once.
just time it better lol
I genuinely ask what is "filtering" me. I can play the game and beat it just as much as anyone else. It's just that the actual act of playing it is a chore. I want some genuine discussion here and not faggotry "git gud" shit. Is it actually fun to you to hit enemies dozens of times before you kill them but you get hit once for 80+% of your HP? Is it actually fun to you if you get knocked off the horse you have to just stand there and wait for your dumb fuck character to stand up for over 10 straight seconds (where you are completely vulnerable to all damage but can't roll or move so you more than likely will die anyway)? Is it fun that bosses have literally no restrictions of any kind and can also input-read for perfect reactions against you?

How is this a "challenge" and not tedium?
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Which character should I play?
>Ultra heavy K***ht Faith Caster
>Ultra heavy K***ht Arc/Bloodflame
>Ultra heavy K***ht PURE STR
I wanted to cosplay as a fucking tree but there aren't any sets that match his.

I think you're confused on who's topping
Hint: See the boss fight
Are you actually retarded?
Godhood doesn't require getting rid of your humanity or your compassion. The few criticisms we get from goldmask and others about marika IS THAT SHE KEPT IT and that's what made her awful in the end. It's more likely miquella tried avoiding her pitfalls and ended up becoming worse.
One time me and a chick(actual, not a troon) edged together over a discord call and it was the most intense shit I ever felt.

Shame she was a euro and I'm a burger.
Why? Bayle's stuff is fucking amazing
>Really fun incant
>Not even particularly strong, just really enjoyable to use and decent at best
>Gated behind beating fucking Radahn
>It's an incant so you can't even mule it
Why do they hate me? I really want to play through the game with this but that means the only option is fucking NG+ which means obliterating 99% of the game since I'll be grossly overleveled for it. It feels like a perfect "side arm" for my ARC build, I'm really annoyed by this.
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>didn't expect message...
>therefore praise the message!
Yes, though not all of them will fight for you. Moore and Freyja are either on Leda's team or not in the fight.
no i mean in elden ring specifically, first it was the old "giant... but hole" message all over the place
Bro, your glorious merchant mod?
stop making 120 reddit builds
Radahn fully signed up to be a gay consort
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I genuinely wonder what the guy who used to post those pictures (and the one with Millicent's questline) has to say. 2 years posting and defending Malenia.
NTA but how do you figure? Bayle's Tyranny is worthless and while Flame Lightning does good damage, it lacks the HA of Dragonmaw and has a much worse hitbox than Dragonclaw. It hits hard but it's lacking the things that make those two incants worth using. Both of them need buffs, ESPECIALLY Tyranny.
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>dei forces them to give malenia an ugly troon body
>mindbroken normalfags love her regardless
>pisses miyazaki off and decides to shit all over them
Based, zased even.
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>Hostfaggots are starting to learn about the Perfume bug and are spamming it in co-op / using it to cheese through the basegame bosses
>>They're not even doing it right, and aiming up
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>could this be a dog?
This fallingstar beast is bullshit, his tail attack lags the fuck out of my game for no reason
There are way too many build around weapons/spells/arts that are gated behind endgame

look at how awesome euporia could have been if it wasn't located just prior to the final boss
and 2x radahn blades, and all the ally gear that drops
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This is Messmer?
go to 250 with softcapped quality STR/FTH and put eruption on a collosal weapon
I assume it's a PvE only character so that would make for a fun NG+ runs build
Basedjaks are literally just as cringe and reddit as the shitty messages you fags are criticizing. No (You)s for you.
I am not. I am going full 200. I just want to have 60vig, enough mind and END to have armor for looking like a knight.
>all the miquella fanarts are worth nothing now
>everyone disgusted by the new absolute garbage end
>after a 10/10 game now a 6/10 solely because of how much they shitted on every character
>now 5/10 because the early game it's too easy after the skibid buff
Are they thinking at this point?
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>tfw disabled EAC for faster loading so I can't even see the shitty messages
Shadow Bait
Tons of new magic with large FP costs but deal no damage
Bloodflame spell that doesn't even build bleed
Storm spells that can't deflect any projectiles
Huge cast times in a game where every boss is designed with 0.5 second recovery time and near constant attack
Lots more stuff.
A lot of it doesn't feel like it was made for this game or the designers didn't think about the context you're using these in.
Anon none of that is bait. What are you even on about?
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>Haligtree having what looks like a face or some shit in Malenia's arena is literally NOTHING
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All the demigods have fucked proportions, Ranni's corpse and Miquella on top of Radahn are the same; probably because something something Fire Giant blood and it resembles ol' pinhead from Radagon.
Ironically, Godrick's "slug" body is the most normal of the lot, since Morgott / Mohg are skewed by being Omenborn.
Reminder. All of the below is canon.

Miquella is a rapist.
Radahn is a pederast.
Malenia is a fujoshi.
Marika was a victim.
Omen are niggers.
Ranni was right.
Rellana is oc donut steel.
Ymir is a tranny.
Magic is female.
Moon > Greater Will
Elden Ring is a girl boss game.
Godwyn is still dead.
Is phase 2 of the final boss dropping the framerate to 20 fps intended game design?
I want Messmer to impale me.
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This Miquella will forever be canon in my heart.
No I meant the Shadow Bait incant. Use that and follow up with Bayle's Stake Driver
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>I want to go home...
>and then edge
Going with a firm maybe
Oh, decent enough idea but honestly that's some heavy investment when you could just click Dragonmaw. They should really add more HA to Flame Lightning. Does Shadow Bait even work on bosses?
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>O, you don't have the right, O, you don't have the right, O, you don't have the right, O, you don't have the right, O, you don't have the right, O, you don't have the right,
Ghostflame Breath melts through Messmer what are you on about
Technically nothing in that picture's wrong. It's just the motivations for the battle are called into question.
he's silent because he commited suicide by overdosing on HRT
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>but hole
ACTUALLY a recent interview with miyazaki confirmed that at the end of their respective endings marika and ranni rape the player tarnished
>Generic "I can totally beat the game easy guis" following by walls of text of seethe
Maybe Souls games aren't for you
Reading comprehension. I never said ALL MAGIC IN THE DLC IS BAD, I said 'so many'
I want to listen to all the snakes squirm in around in excitement in his guts as I deepthroat him
RNG but it's great when it works. Be sure to summon every NPC and spirit you can though. You really need every deaggro you can get.
Is there an NPC invader fight that Wild Strikes CAN'T beat?
I genuinely don't know.
The after-image shit dropping my FPS could be intended for effect? I doubt it tho.
Yes. That's part of the intended difficulty.
Messmer has 18 inches.
>Penguinz0 finishes the DLC
>So, that was the ending? "No, that's definitely not the ending."
>It was. "No, I bet there's an actual ending with St. Trina, right?"
>No, that was it. "Really?"
I wonder what other people will think once they actually finish the DLC.
i hate nu-chan """memes"""
It's still so fucked up that this is true he doesn't even say sex but rape.
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I just beat Radahn. (solo, no magic, no summon, no cheesing)
There isn't a single doubt, every and single one of you who complain about his difficulty are complete little bitches. Malenia is far far more cancerous to fight. I loved it everything about it. The visuals, the soundtrack, the spectacle. What an amazing way to end Elden Ring.
This DLC was fucking kino and the only main gripe about it is that nothing in Shadow of The Erdtree impacts the main game.
This DLC compared to all other FROM DLCs was far more etched into the main plot, it's really jarring that we can't get an additionnal ending, or at the very least new dialogue with some NPCs.
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Both fights with this dude were just putting him out of his misery. Which I know is common for FromSoft bosses but still.

I hope you find peace in whatever afterlife you have Radahn.
>1435 HP Host
>~1400 HP Host
>~1500 HP Host
When will those NPCs learn, no surprise they need total strangers to hard-carry them through the game all the time and why normies claim this DLC is extremely hard when this is your average gamer
The weed cutter NPC.
No, i think they gave up trying midway and just decided that shitting on every character was going to be le fun and le shock value. 2 years.
Well that doesn't really solve the problem then, especially if you wanna play solo you know? Probably better off just using Dragonmaw. It's really unfortunate because both of Bayle's incants look incredible but they both need buffs. Flame Lightning needs more HA and/or a wider hitbox and Tyranny just needs... a lot. Honestly all of the above and more damage. Possibly a faster wind-up too.
Best AoW for Turkey Leg?
I want to try that juicy 200 bleed up Arcane B scaling on Blood
Dont forget the shitty performance and bugs

Pretty impressive how they managed to fuck up nearly every aspect of the DLC desu
Nigger the face was just the tree having Miquella's face because he has stored inside his haligtree.
I wonder if he realized he wasn't gonna be able to become an god that way and why he made Mohg take him to his palace.
flame lightning already has a usecase of not obscuring half the screen with butt ugly dragon head
How do I make Spear of the Impaler better?
The throw is.. ok, but not great.
The lingering fire on the charge is actually so bad it may as well not exist.
Even the damage on the r1 pokes are outdone by basically any normal spear I have.
The only viable thing is spamming the weapon art, and yeah it's fun but I don't JUST want to spam it.
You were already blown the fuck out completely and you persist. Outstanding.
Why is he so much slimmer when Miquella brings him back? Was he bloated by the rot?
Rakasha will poise right through this.
Rakshasa Katana is the biggest bait in this entire game. It hooks you with it's aesthetic only to find out how fucking bland the AoW is. What is the point of this weapon?
Looks cool.
It looks cool. Also the AoW is bland, but it grows on you, at least it did for me.
>What an amazing way to end Elden Ring.
There is no way any self-respecting FROM fan would genuinely say that fighting Radahn puppet version Lothric edition is a good final boss
There's no way you can say this is so kino when the ending is so rushed and cut.
How can I tell the sad knights in Elphael that their lord is getting his bussy reamed by the guy who almost killed Malenia?
It's to handing dude, two hands on one weapon
Paired weapons and bows/crossbows don't count
i know who you are too. if I EVER see you in real life, you already know the rest im not getting banned for "dox" again
you like picking on people who are ill or mental issues or both (and no im not schizophrenic) you should kill yourself.
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Savage Lion's Claw
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So can we all agree that rya is cute?
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is this the guy screaming? what's his deal?
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>Putrescent Knight is Radahn
The motivation is very awful, though.
>Mohg kidnap me - Bring me deep underground, hidden. And then I will call my followers to meet me here. But you have to fight them first.
>I could've said anything to my followers in the Haligtree, who are now desperate because I disappeared, but I won't.
>I could make a new needle, but I fucking won't, either. Fuck that bitch.
Do we actually kill the mother of fingers or does she just run away?
>they still didn't fix the Farum Azula wrongwarp
I do love breaking the game before even getting to any major boss
>whatever afterlife you have
Femboy heaven...
About what? Be more specific.
>The motivation is very awful, though.
Okay but still the image is not incorrect.
>Starcaller Cry
u got out-Radahn'd, m8
I mean like I said in my other post it looks fucking incredible, I'm just saying it needs a buff.
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Why is there a second roundtable hold in Leyndell
It was in development for over 2 years.
You're talking out your ass
>make sure you leave malenia alive guys!!
>from starts to deleting all the good lore months before release and cutting even more weeks before release including this now journo only malenia interaction
I hate them so much it's unreal.
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I just wanted a greatsword that applies frenzy...
le funny capeshit reference
I think there may be some truth to the, great runes are the conjunction of the moon and sun aka an eclipse, theory, whoever pointed that out yesterday well done
what does the whole elden ring sigil look like now if we include miquellas?
that new scarlet kick ash of war
*chuckles* somebody needs to catch up on their vaatividya reps...
It's not actually a frenzy weapon, it's supposed to be a weapon that seals away the frenzied flame.
I can't find the other goddamn jumpscare birds in the northern ravine or near the eastern rope bridge.
just finished my second playthrough of the DLC, mostly a boss rush of of all the main story guys. Took like 10-ish hours and it really wasn't that annoying at all to get 15 levels of scadutree fragments along the way. The skibidi levels being a huge time drain on replays was way overblown.
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>using radahn's swords
I can't believe you're this retarded anon if you have a back up save, do it now
"time is convoluted" - incandescent companion
>Supposedly undefeated
>Fight Radahn countless times
>He never decides to marry Miquella after losing
>Fight Radahn for the xth time, this time she blooms to meet his strength or whatever
>Yippie! I love Miquella! I love the golden shota!
>It was in development for over 2 years.
Elden Ring had ~5 years or so. And you know how that ended up like.
I don't understand how people don't get that. The boss only starts doing frenzy shit when he removes the sword.
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you'll get him next time buddy
If your goal is to make it stronger outside of the L2, use the Smithing Talisman and Two-Handed Talisman. Both will buff the shit outta that R2. Also Spear Talisman will help with all other attacks, as will the 2H Talisman.
Is it? What is it referencing?
That's the original Roundtable Hold. The Tarnished got chased out of Leydell once Morgott put down the law.
The Roundtable Hold you operate out of now is likely in a sort of pocket dimension kept by the Erdtree. Actual spoilers
That's why it starts burning when you burn the Erdtree
same, you can optimize the fuck out of how you grab them
knowing where they are might make the DLC too easy even, they should buff that centipede boss for example but they won't
Made for putting your great serpent inside of her
>Frenzy still not reworked
>Deathblight still not reworked
When will FromSoft get that nobody cares about PEE VIRGIN PEE
Lads, can anyone help me with the build for his lad? I know his kit doesn't translate well to the game, but at least now there's an armor that looks the part.
I was thinking STR/INT build with Great mace or the Black Knight hammer with bunch of undead themed sorceries
He was recreated from Mohg's corpse which is much smaller than the body Radahn used to have
You just know this thing was originally called "Sea of Blood" woth arcane scaling and shot out a massive blood blade with that WA, but they cut it because 2 years of bleedfaggotry made people hate Rivers.
you're a retard and they both need a pvp rework as well
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messages are mostly funny you guys are just bitter faggots
I'm looking to try something different than Occult Fangs, but none of the new paired weapons interest me.
Does anyone have suggestions for 2-handing a single weapon?
I don't want to use any spells nor bleed, other than that everything goes.
Nobody likes them in PvP either. They're ALWAYS cancer and never fun to fight.
One could reasonably argue it being jammed in Midra for so long steeped it in frenzy and it would’ve sufficed just fine as an excuse.
Still a Faith weapon usable by a frenzy build just as well.
I beat my meat to Ranni feet
>Elden Ring had ~5 years or so. And you know how that ended up like.
I fucking hate dataminers and guillble retards like you so fucking much.
DS2 and 3 were clearly a messy games, THOSE had glaring issue that you could only justify with development issues. That doesn't apply to ER. Cut content is cut for a fucking reason, not always due to development restraints.
>beast claws
>the npc name
what do you think
made me chuckle, that's a good one
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>logan the beast claw
THAT one is fine. breddy gud even. but seeing the same four or five messages 100000 times is not
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>sleep/st trina quest
>kalé quest
>silver tear (asimi) quest
>vyke quest
>yura cut dialogue / quest changes
>redeemer quest
>bernahl quest
>mohg covenant
>omen killer quest
>limgrave quest with nepheli loux, kenneth height and gostoc was scaled down
>miquella/malenia questlines are unfinished
>boss fight + cutscenes in divine towers
>consecrated snowfield cut content / cataclysm mechanics
>crater in radahn's arena leading to (a way, way bigger) mohgwyn palace
>deeproot depths connected to consecrated snowfields, also had a way bigger cave with (possibly) what would be snowfield astel's arena instead
>yura is not blue
>kenneth has no new dialogue mentioning the huge meteor that felt on his backyard, his demihumans buddies attack you at his fort
i wonder what the "DLC cut content" will look like.
imagine not doing your second run without and scadu blessings
at least do a third without
Why? Fenzy is useless in PvE and if you want to be a shitter trash in PvP abusing this dogshit status then Vyke's greatspear would still be way better.
It's Mohg's body, anon.
What is that
That's tough to do... INT/Fai for the undead theme sorceries but also a fair amount of STR for the weapon and a fair amount of END for the heavy armour and your usual high vig. What level are you planning to end up with it?
stupid fucking question
do paired weapons like Rellana's and the Death Knight axes benefit from the two-handed talisman? I know they're not being "two-handed" but idk if the code is fucky
Frenzy still works on humanoid NPC enemies, invaders, etc.
I like madness in pvp it makes the rednigger virgins fuming mad
Locking game mechanics behind a game mode nobody cares about is a sign of retardation. Nobody cares about PVP so make Frenzy and Deathblight work in game.
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I think she teleports away. It sounds and somewhat looks like how Astel teleports at the end. We get her head as a weapon, but it's spawned from a Remembrance, not by hacking up her corpse.
>go to four belfries
>pick portal to the little floating island in farum azula
>teleport to roundtable
>close game when loading bar is done but before you load in
status effects always get a bad time in rpgs, I can't count the amount of final fantasies where sleep is like 20% chance to even work and EVERY boss is immune, compared to the two games where they actually let you use status effects more (8, 12? i've already forgotten. 7 ain't bad but becomes too cheesy since you can junction DEATH onto your physical attack as in one hit proc, and remake didn't include any of that, leviathan isn't even fucking water element)
Paired weapons are treated as power stancing by the game code, they cost just as much stamina as power stancing for example and don't gain virtual STR bonus you usually get by two-handing. In short, no, they won't benefit from that talisman.
No I don't think so, yours is an exception
Besides, I don't want to see blue shit everywhere on the floor
Messages like this are 1 in a thousand, anon.
just walked up to radahn with 20 skibidi blessing and the chicken leg and killed him immediately

holy shit i'd be mad if i didn't already solo him with my shitty first playthrough build over the weekend. how underwhelming
No, you have to have both of your hand gripping the weapon so paired weapons won't benefit from it
I honestly don't have a clue since I won't pvp with my dogshit net/spoiler]
>entire body is fingers
>arms are just normal arms
one fucking job
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>get these
>theyre shit, mediocre at best
>generally outperformed by a buffed milady
what did from mean by this?
Interesting that she has a spiral motif as well, like all the hornsent stuff and the scadutree
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>equip heavy armor
>fat rolling
>equip great shield
>equip great spear weapon
>hold L1
>spam R1
>spam guard counter
>slowly poke everything to death

yep its gaming time
>thumb with a scrotum
That is the real hold, the one everyone hangs out in is a memory within the erdtree or some bullshit
It's actually two thumbs melded together
Fromsoft has never understood that splitting your stats four ways just to make a weapon go from dogshit to simply mediocre is not a good value proposition.
We're just a gurren lagann spinoff now.
The overwhelming majority of weapons with unique WAs are actually weak for their class and rely on their unique WA to compensate. This isn't a sword, it's an L2 stick.
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>Miquella apparently knew about the Shadow Realm
>It was sealed very late, going by Gaius studying in Sellia with Radahn
>Since even the Hornsent prohibited going to the Abyssal Woods, that place was shitty for a long time
>Miquella, who made songs to calm the Frenzy and Melina, the world's number 1 frenzied flame hater, never did anything there
>Marika, who buried a bunch of merchants alive because of the possibility of them being related to the Frenzied Flame, also never did anything here
>both weapon arts and jump attack are doing obscene amounts of damage
>get golden order seal for hefty incantations
Works on my machine.
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why does he foot fetish developer make a game about fingers and hands
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I think people who dislike fat rolling are just too bad at the game to time their rolls correctly. Works for me.
Spicing things up.
>4 stat scaling, int/faith-uality
oh its the artorias sword again (uncursed which is somehow worse than the cursed one unless you are WELL over meta cap)
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>there's finally a new max cast speed talisman
>it has the most retarded damage taken increase for no reason
30 fucking percent. Please make it 10% PLEASE From... i thought the gameplay and map design part of the DLC was 10/10 and everything else a 2/10 but if you fix it i might not shit on the shittiest lore imaginable...
Hornsent Inquisitors took care of it already.
Anyone? There is a second bird, right? It's hard as fuck to spot anything with so much foliage and ghost gravestones and forest critters everywhere.
>obscene amounts of damage
Define "obscene" so we can laugh at how much damage you think is a lot.
>couldn't tell Ranni about Ymir
I'm on 17 scadu and struggling with Radahn, but I'm afraid of getting to 20 and beating him handily.
so you finger but hole
Skill issue mage bro, just don't get hit.
I've scoured the entire map, and I'm only on 17. Damn.
It's really fucking funny how they made a boss version of those fucking murder bears and it's just way easier than the regular ones.
It's for twinks retard. Just use Azur's Staff or Radagon Icon or level your fucking DEX.
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>using skibidi upgrades
you didn't git gud
They didn't. They just have one guy there doing shit, prohibited the entrance and a bunch of other inquisitors you find in the Abyssal Woods do Frenzied Flame incantations like Howl of Shabriri or Flame of Frenzy.
The moment he decides it's enough and just give it in to the Frenzy, what would happen? Who knows :^)
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Just don't get hit bro :^)
Is it normal that I want to impregnate this
>going past 18
sucks cock. i was at 12 and got jumpscared by a 25% damage increase and damage taken post patch. Luckily i already beated the game.
if you want to be a degenerate it's just endure. you don't want to be doing anything but charged r2 anyway
I thought envoys of the greater will were immortal. Wasn't that the whole point of Ranni's quest, descending into Nokron to get the only thing that could wound them?
>20% boost on communion spells for limited time only
>at the cost going naked
what's the fucking point when you can just slot in that talisman that greatly boosts incants and were full armor?
According to Ansbach, Miquella needed to do all that shit with Mohg in order to gain access to the Shadowlands. It's normally inaccessible except when Marika explicitly lets someone in. Miquella had to break in.

But otherwise we're given to understand that Midra's fall to the flame of frenzy happened an unbelievably long time ago, before even Marika's apotheosis. The Hornsent sealed him and the flame along with him and have been guarding the forest and his mansion ever since. Supposedly even Marika knew better than to interrupt the Hornsent's work there and risk unleashing the frenzied flame.
Anon there's already a rune bear boss in the base game.
>inquisitors you find in the Abyssal Woods do Frenzied Flame incantations like Howl of Shabriri or Flame of Frenzy
They have it under control. No need to worry.
nta but i have no clue.
i don't watch capeshit so just tell me what it's supposed to reference
They only threw this character in so they could be the bestest mage warrior ever.

They don’t care. They even made her spell shit in PvP. It’s only cool (“pshawww aren’t two moons epic anon??”) in the boss fight, and it’s still obnoxious as fuck.
space finger eldrich horror crashes into the lands between ("finger mother") and gives birth to the creepers and the two fingers. it was in communication with the greater will (relation unknown), but that eventually stopped and it's alone.
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I don't even know what their moveset is because I just threw eternal sleep pots and they died without doing anything.
it used to be harder before the patch. you didn't truly beat the game.
>make max cast speed talisman
>base game already has a talisman that adds 40 virtual dex (of 70 max) and you don't even gimp yourself if you get dex on mage during to troonveil, backhands and like half the dlc existing
So does someone need a consort to become a god? Did Marika have Godfrey or Radagon ready to walk with her through the gate? Do you have to combine with your consort like what Marika might have had to do with Radagon? Did Marika even need to remove her human heart like Miquella did? Was anything that happened necessary at all?
I thought they were related to Rykard, since they wear rings like his.
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>According to Ansbach, Miquella needed to do all that shit with Mohg in order to gain access to the Shadowlands. It's normally inaccessible
Except when you have the fucking "RED BEAR", an ex-redmane not mentioned by fucking NO ONE who is there doing jack shit. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I wish it gave 40, it gives a measly 30.
>Hs used skibidi fragments
You can quit your posturing shitter, you did not beat the game
>pshawww aren’t two moons epic anon??
the spell fucking sucks. She didn't hurt me with it at all and when I let my mimic (I accidentally summoned him) spam them on Gaius they didn't do anything either.
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>have no interest in starting a new save and will keep playing till NG+7

I would go +40 If I couldd.
I wish the head and torso were separate transformations like in the previous games, and that the damage buff was split between them. Maybe 5% bonus damage for the head since it's just one slot and the other 15% on the body.
Oh yeah, duh. That does make sense. If Ranni needed that thing just to kill a Finger, then the Mother should definitely be impossible to slay without it.
You can post your no skibidi radahn kill anytime bro.
Miquella's path is meant to mirror Marika's, yes.
They never specify WHY a consort is necessary and we never learn anything about the ritual beyond that CGI trailer shot of Marika pulling golden hair out of some corpse eye-thing.
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I want Miquella to use his divine feet on me...
Looks cool
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Happened to me as well. Funny message but most of them are shit to farm updoots for free health (including mine)
He just got lost on his way to the kitchen
Kek that's a good one
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>hate leda, psychopathic simp bitch
>hate hornsent (i am racist against horn people)
>want to save ansbach because he's based
what do i do, bros
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What's a good weapon/strategy against actual trannies who just run away and roll and do hit and run in duels?
Skibidi tree or not I barely did any damage difference before and after the update, I still got two shotted all the same.
Patch only affected scadu fragments. Master stroke by from desu, weeds out all the shitters like you that used baby fragments for baby mode

You did not beat the game
started at 150
had to stop leveling about 2/3rds through
its pretty clear they're related to the mimic veil aka marikas mischief
>the fucking church area
starting second run without any scadu
what am I in for
Just the head transforming would have been cool, same with the Lamenter transformation.
Still waiting for your no skibidi radahn kill shitter
dry anal
a very short run because you will die out of boredom
The ones in the main game do, not the ones in the finger ruins
>Marika pranked the Hornsent by sealing them off into their pocket dimension and then genociding them all
I wish lewd audio asmr and easier local generation for AI voices and voice cloning had a wider appeal
for a friend...

>it was just a prank bro
note how the scorched town is draped in veil, like someone wanted to hide the whole ass genocide, and was successful until last friday.

don't give up, skeleton!
I killed hornsent because he has drip
I accept your concession.
You become destined to do it. Ymir sets it up to replace the Finger Mother.
You have a god-slaying weapon, anon. Did you forget?
Hewg spent lifetimes trying to find a way to make a weapon that can pierce a god's immortality and you give him his breakthrough by finding Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones, which warp time to bypass arcane protections.

Ranni needed to go through all that shit because nobody at the time knew how to make god-slaying armaments or where to find the still-living scales of ancient dragons, so they stole some of the rune of death instead.
Godwyn was turned into a fish monster thing specifically to make the Fingerslayer Blade. He's the "Corpse" it mentioned. The whole black knife plot just required a sacrifice in their arcane ritual to produce an anti-GW weapon
Just spent 20 minutes chasing a host around the cerulean coast that refused to take a loss.
Started at Lv152, currently 174. I explored almost everything except for the last dungeon, so I'm probably gonna cap it off at 180
>the hornsent pranked her first by having her whole village chopped up and stuffed into jars
I assisted Hornsent but didn't summon him for Messmer because I didn't fucking see his summoning sign, so he showed up on Leda's side in the Cleansing Chamber, where I killed both while Ansbach and Thiollier backed me up.
Hornsent is such a gigantic nigger I hate that faggot with a passion.
>Midra's theme
God this is so fucking good, but it feels kind of cheap to have the Merchant leitmotif there when he doesn't actually have any connection to them.
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>Sad, forever?
I really felt this...
when in doubt murder the hornsent
yeah i think i'm gonna let my racist side win, fuck horniggers
>putrid tree spirit, but underwater
Really From?
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Why yes, i do enjoy infinite buffs from you, my lady. Of course, they are for slaying dragons. Not the hosts.
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any tips? he's too tanky
Hornsent gives you Swift Slash so pick him if you want to be a gayniggerfaggot (or a Hornsent, as I call them) in pvp for a few weeks until it's fixed.
Is there a way to kill that one or is it just a hazard to avoid?
Abuse heavy knockdown, like from giant hunt, or parry.
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who the fuck is gaea
Come back after a few fragments
Protip: There's a reason elden ring pvp needs latency. Without it, every normal attack is 100% parryable on reaction.
Bleed unironically
I had bleed, but I used it to beat him
Drain the water and fight it head on
>Jagged Peak has literally no enemies except for the Drake fights, an Ancient Dragon and some dragonwound blobs
Interesting concept to make the hazard environmental based instead of enemy based at least
all pvp npcs are free to stormcaller spam
There are 2 of them. You fight them after you drain the water.
Or just reload the area a few times and they'll spawn wrong and fall through the map lmao.
It's hinting that the leitmotif is not specific for merchants either but victims of the frenzied flame.
You forgot the fucking lightning raining from the sky
>Malenia is far far more cancerous to fight.

Nah, the visual noise in the Radahn fight is incredibly bad. Malenia has two moves you need to learn how to dodge and then it's just a matter of execution. Everything Radahn does in phase 2 is accompanied by several flashbangs.
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who are these little bros
Zanzibart's ex
sprint sideways when he shoot the gun
running r2s
vacuum slice mk2 has a follow up, and first part comes out VERY quick
backstab if something else draws aggro
DO NOT facetank (with no skibadis)

be patient and use your openings, run for spacing rather than rolling everywhere.
or cheese with launching like someone else said.
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>reANALA's swords
quality, has nothing to do with fucking mages.
That's what I mean by saying the Jagged Peak challenge is environment based anon
Zanzibart's daughter
you get backhands and their stupidly effective evade art in like 5 minute walk from this boss
Shittty boss fight just like the rest of PEE VIRGIN PEE
If fingers and finger creepers are cousins/brothers or whatever, is the ancient act of blasphemy just putting those golden rings on them? Like some kind of collar or mind control device? The ones at Caria manor seem hypnotized by the blue flame(?), so maybe someone in ancient times pissed of the fingers by putting rings on them?
But the merchants aren't victims of the frenzied flame, they're victims of Marika. That's why their little song hits so hard. The frenzied flame wasn't their torment, it was their hope.
>The information you've shared is of great value. As promised, your reward:
>A secret rite known only to me.
>You are a true fellow. All I ask is that you remain constant.
>[Gives Lord's Divine Fortification]

>Incantation taught to Gideon the All-Knowing by the Two Fingers.
>Gideon gained true knowledge after his long exchange with the Two Fingers - discovering all had been broken long ago; that the trembling fingers, bent with age, and the Erdtree itself, were no exception.
So Gideon is aware that everything is fucked up, and the Two Fingers gave him an incantation to protect against Holy Damage, since they don't know what the fuck will happen from now on.
its three now, they patched scarlet aeonia a bit so just braindead running passed her doesn't work anymore. and shes WAY more agressive in phase 2, and way smarter in phase 1 also i've seen her DOUBLE deflect at least once (me and the dung eater at the same time)
bleed flinches her again like frost too, which at one point was patched out.

I have not seen her move cancel into waterfowl while being riposted in the latest patch.
Based zaki dabbing on magefags
Ultimately they came in contact with frenzied flame artifact. Marika had no choice. Frenzied flame is the issue.
Whoever thought that the elder dragons needed to be even more annoying needs to jump off a cliff.
curse you bayle
I read somwhere it might be a typo of Gaius, so it should read like Gaius was the most senior disciple of the same Alabaster Lord who taught Radahn and Gaius gravitational technique". Then you can replace the second "Gaius" with just "him" and it makes perfect sense. Might have to compare the Japanese version though. Don't want to assume that they made a mistake, but it just makes sense
alt f4 as you load in from the four belfries Faram Azula to warp there. If you use a bonfire there you'll brick the save but you can get the 7/8 somber baring and the ancient dragon cult spellbook really early
there are also beastmen skeletons
and i sure hope the new sword and board ones drop their sword
full grown garloids
>If you use a bonfire there you'll brick the save
Why? What happens? Does it just corrupt the save file or do you somehow get softlocked?
Really? Must have missed them
More like Gayle lmao
I'm glad they made a bunch of gimmicky areas instead of designing all of them the same way. Jagged Peak, Abyssal Woods and Finger areas are something DeS/DS1 period Fromsoft would do.
Nobody, it's just bait for lore retards to speculate over for the next five years.

What about the Carian Sorcery Sword or Star-Lined Sword?
Your moonrithyll sword?
>the greater will is a black hole
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I would list some int weapons but I already know you're gonna say that they're akshully dex/int, str/int, or a weapon with an "int tax"
Pure int is for casting spells and you have plenty of new ones
Radahn's ex
"CURSE YOU BAYLE" Igon said calmly.
look at cliffs on the way to dragon waifu
>carian sorcery sword
useless, bugged scaling
>Star-Lined Sword
it's a dex weapon
it's a quality weapon with D INT scaling
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going two last dungeons before radahn and this is mine, I dunno where to find the rest

> humanoid boss
carian piercer him to death
You called it lol
People reddit up his voice but Asnbach voice acting is unironically absolutely outstanding. Best fucking bro.
the blood splash do anything on that r2?
As a pure STR build, should I go with Heavy or Cold for Hand-to-Hand weapons? They've got pretty damn high Frostbite buildup.
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Become Mongol
>Now, my blade
>Watch closely
>Lord Mohg will have his dignity
IIRC it stops Melina from appearing after Morgott so the entire mountaintops segment is inaccessable, it also ruins every NPC quest
Makes me wonder what Mohg used to be like pre-enchantment if he managed to earn the respect of a guy like Ansbach.
>WA scales with AR
>weapon gets 90% of its damage from DEX or STR
it's not a fucking INT weapons, you cunts.
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Anyone that knows japanese here?
宿将ガイウスの黒鉄の胴鎧 落ちた種子を模したという鎧の一部
ガイウスは、白王を師として重力の技を学び ラダーンとガイアの、兄弟子であったという
(shitty) DEEPL translation:
Black iron body armor of Gaius, the Lord of the Hearth Part of armor said to resemble a fallen seed
Gaius learned the art of gravity from the White King, who was the brother of Radarn and Gaia.
The kat is more dex than int
Like a reverse moonveil

Also way worse
>church district
Fuck you
the same but a little bit less gay
This DLC is just one big humiliation ritual for panic roll/panic heal gods like myself, I stand with the chinese
I wish we got an actual new big ass spell from her. Instead we get gay as double moons. FUCK finger bonkers, seriously.
Floating Microcosm
>B-BUT it does not come from her

Clearly based on her attacks
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how do i get to this area below bonny village?
shit damage so cold
New bread
Descend through an illusory wall in the Shadow Keep.
if you change the ash on a weapon with a unique ash of war, is the original gone forever?
The more I play ER, especially the DLC the more I miss DS2 and Bloodborne, the best fromsoft games.

Sekiro was a mistake. It absolutely ruined souls games.
shadow keep hippo grace, go right through the door with the militiamen, on the right side of the ramparts with the boats and to the back, go down the ladder, go past the waterfall into a hidden room, go down the ladder, theres a hidden wall
everything since 2015 has been that, just launch the nukes, and isekai me to the lands between.
there are no unique ashes
either they are built in and you can't change it or it's a normal ash usable on all weapons of the class
All good except for the last part
>Gaius learned the arts of gravity from the Alabaster Lord, and was senior pupil to Radahn and Gaia
I don't know who Gaia is but I haven't played the DLC yet
>hornsent doesn't have any dialogue for his invasion
When you have to kill him with Lena? Pretty sure he does
If you're talking about the gank fight pretty sure he does too
>I don't know who Gaia
Gaea doesn't know up anywhere iirc, she's just there in the item description.
>malenia abandons them all
>miquella gives him false hope
>depression comes back. but he still fights for miquella because malenia
>he knows malenia is never coming back
>sad forever
I’m still partial to that theory that Numen are a bunch of Nox silver(golden) tears that got stuck up on the surface while the Nox got stuck underground, and Marika is part of the race of lords the Nox were trying so hard to make. The Numen were the result of the Nox making a Lord.

The Numen on the surface were used as sacrifices, as their existence was heresy, but their flesh still useful. The former GW worshiping civilization made use of it.

The ‘Marika’s Mischief’ + ‘Toothed Whip’ items more or less confirm it.

Numen stick together like blobs, and the silver tears are blobs falling apart. When we find the Eternal Cities the silver tears are all falling apart. The night maidens + other Nox enemies are simply cosplaying as the culture that made them, putting on their clothes, using their weapons, etc.

What I can’t discern, is Marika’s relation, or connection, to the black knife “scions” of the Eternal Cities.

Another possibility is that the Numen are the original, and silver tears are made in mockery of their malleable flesh.

What’s with the name ‘shaman’ though?
No, when you help him get revenge against Messmer and he invades you outside the Church of the Bud
how were the nox able to make ideal silver tears like the numen only to regress into making completely failed artificial beings like the abinauric?
Big weapons = r1 spam works
Small weapons = r2 do more poise damage so use running r2, jump r2, guard counter spam if you have a good shield.
Fairly sure they're land of shadow's spirit jellyfish equivalents
>One bro born crippled, the other crippled in the line of duty.
>Their brotherly bond and loyalty such that they support one another even against the turning of the tides of fate

>The other are just a pair of fags, one of whom abandoned everything in his cocklust
Radahn wasn't gay originally, he got buckbroken into being a fag
Is the DLC just time travelling to the past? Or is it actually present time?
present day, present time
nice, didn't know Radahn and Miquella are still alive.
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Th-thanks Fromsoft...
You get the most broken WA of the expansion. You don't get to complain.
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>Can now be a blood knight who swings around a massive fucking limb

why is it so kino
The bloodsplash on r2 is actually bloodflame lmaoo
They are.. physically dead.
Was Radagon Marika's discarded love?

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