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Previous >>483621634

>Falcom Games
>Pastebin (aka music)
>Extra Stuff (guides, downloads, undub patches)
>Games, mods, saves, pre-patched translations
>Translation patches for Hajimari, Oath in Felghana, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2

UPDATED: 06/27
>Dengeki stream tomorrow on The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- WebCM2 is released
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- website is updated
>Trails Through Daybreak II logo leaked on PSN
>CLE Releasing Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- CN/KR .ver on 26th Sept
>Leaks of Ys vs Trails in the Sky: Alternate Saga port/localization in development
>Demo for The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak is now available on PS4 and Switch!
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II coming to Switch on July 25 in Japan
>Falcom Announces New Tokyo Xanadu for Series 10th Anniversary
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love renny
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Foof oo
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What's left for them to show besides characters? The new Marchen, alignment system, mini-games, and the split chapter structure, right?
iirc, Kondo said that the alignment system won't be useless this time.
Did they reveal the romance system before Sen 4's release? I doubt there will be anything like that, though, and I don't see them doing a second beach intermission either.
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wondering where the location of the beach episode will be
It's not Mishelam, Nemeth Island at the very least. that leaves either Langport or a coastal town in Elsaim. maybe even a coastal town in Northern Ored?
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hey that's the same spot
Emma when???
I don't think it's going to just be Kuro 2's A/B system. I think it's going to be main chapter, side chapter, main chapter, side chapter
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McBurn will NTR Rean
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>to show besides characters? The new Marchen, alignment system, mini-games, and the split chapter structure, right?
Pretty much. If Kai even has connect events they should say whether they're like Kuro 1 or Kuro 2 where it had several that were dual character instead of 1 on 1.
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Connect event with Rean and Crow will be a rehash of Jesse's quest.
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why are falcom fans so handsome...
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why are you so obsessed with how other men look?
nta but he should post falcom female fans
Mcburn banged Isola and will do the same with Emma
bro just fucking shave it off at that point. it's prettier to be bald than balding. but I don't think this guy cares with his pube beard
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Rene towers over Rean lmfao
like that asian butterface a few threads back?
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I think Judith is sexy and this homo boy is coping a bit much by always bashing her.
it's not even the fucking beard or the hair. why do the basedest face of all time
WTF is that byakko.png
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Aaron is a dogshit character
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Hopefully they actually give a reason as to why he's suddenly a weapons master.
doesn't the game take place in 1210? it's been a year he could have improved in that time
no u
idk if I'd call him dogshit but he's certainly my least favorite from the party in daybreak.
Why does Aaron always make that one guy seethe so hard
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I liked him at first and really wanted him as Calvard MC
But then I played Kuro 1 and... holy shit the character is a manchild cuck prodigy with the most cringe personality in this franchise since Nadia
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Remember Rean haters, you WILL always be in the minority of opinion, therefore your opinions are wrong.
go back
ummm bwo I see your upvote arrow
Kill yourself redditor.
No you go back, even if I use falcom reddit, I'm still an OG 4channer.
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cry about it, your opinion is rendered invalid because it in the minority so therefore it is wrong!
she let out a nasty brap look at all that black smoke...
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predict her enforcer number
not even one, campanella fuckery with Quatre inside the Maarchen Garten.
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love renny
Everyone would love Aaron if Kondo wasn't a fucking retard and didn't gut evasion tanking + counter range + crits as a whole
fucking excellent way to make Kuro boring as fuck gameplay-wise since all you can do is spam arts and have shields up
you sound desperate
it's just you, clearly skill issue.
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It's so over.
how will anieskeks recover...?
For how long does falcom announces their characters on famitsu? We still need: Jolda, Rean, Crow, Fie, Nina, Hermes, Gramheart, <<C>>, Kurogane, Shizuna, Ka-fai and whoever else will appear.
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It's a red herring, trust the plan.
Hopefully we get the next batch of news in 2-3 weeks.
Crossbros... Where are we?
We ARE showing up... right?
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MTL bros im ready for kai
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look how fuckin MISERABLE he looks.
this guy is in charge of making kai fun.
then again, i feel connected to him in a way, knowing kiseki ruined us both in equal measure
>Reancucks are actual redditors literally too dumb to notice just how much their numbers have dwindled
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They should be picking up the pace to every 2 weeks now, but we'll see since they're doing it differently this time.
Not hot.
Not cute.
Na-chan is so breedable...
Na-chan is too cute
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Canon harem or Elaine will die and Anies will make Ban-san depend on her.
>Anies will make Ban-san depend on her.
never happening
This, but about Reanhaters
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Sex with Nadia.
the rape face discombobulates me. combined with the beard, i think he's one of those dudes who kinda gets off on weirding people out.
like what the fuck is that face supposed to signify? why is he so close? is this the prelude to his cum tribute for the grandmaster?
soibois only know how to rape. they have and never will actually love a woman
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Na-chan cute
Getting tied up by Na-chan!
i don't even wanna knock the guy's looks, though. it's just the weirdness of his mannerisms. everything about him screams sex pest.
at least he looks happier than kondo, though.
curly pubes guy should make kai 2
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This thread brought out all the /fg/ schizos, it's funny checking the anti-Rean profiles and finally putting a face to the decrepit creatures that inhabit this general
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>going to r*ddit
I cannot forgive you...
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Kondo's famitsu interview is still not translated? /ourguy/ hansuke seems to be in low spirits after the famitsu release...
I wasn't shocked to find out you were a redditor tbqh are you a fan of P3 Reload because you sound like a fan of that garbage
I don't use reddit and I do not like Rean. Go back, faggot.
Sol_fag is the most based Rean hater and Kuro 1 fan
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All hail the Rean supremacy, you will kneel before him bitches.
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he died for our sins
Sol_fag is literally Luke pretending to be from other countries
crybabies, everyone is allowed to use whatever social media they want. I'm also originally an IRC user which existed way before anything and even 4chan too. kneel bitches.
not samefaggerino btw
what's up with reanspics getting uppity as of late?
Kondo said Rean is the face of Kiseki
> これでリベール王国編と帝国編、共和国編という、最初にやろうと決めた範囲が終わりますが、シリーズとしてはまだもうちょっと描きたいというところがありまして、今後も『軌跡』は続いていきます。
>With this work, we will have completed the things we initially wanted to do with the Liberl Kingdom, the Empire and the Republic. However, there are still things we want to depict in the series, so Kiseki will still continue.
It's over bro... No Crossbell kino this time...
source? i still haven't seen the famitsu interview.
Van is my favourite protag, but it's also hilarious to see all the Rean haters seethe that he's appearing in Kai. Keep up the good work Kondo for filtering the retards.
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they're noticing that all the hype is gone basically
a few english speaking content creators got really excited but their audiences were like "I'm happy that you're happy but can you go back to talking about Persona now please"
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you're not allowed to use reddit and that's not oldfag enough. Wake me when you dialed into bbs
>Rosine spots you in the dorm communal area
>She walks up and playfully asks which scripture you're reading
>Your face and attempts to hide the contents of the pages from her makes her suspicious
>She lifts the cover and sees that you've been reading Red Moon Rose
>Rosine wears a tragic frown on her face that makes you feel as if you've committed the gravest of sins
>She worries that you may be getting the wrong ideas about the church and gives you a quick lecture on the glaring inaccuracies of RMR
>She seems lost in thought
>This, combined with your previous actions has her seriously concerned for your soul
>Rosine decides that she'll have to perform an ESSS (emergency soul-saving sermon) in her room, impropriety be damned.
>Before you can tell her that might not be a good idea, you're being led by the collar to Rosine's room
And yet I use it and here I am; what are you gonna do about it, bitchtits?
He turned Kiseki woke
Wokeness drains fun from everything it touches.
*teleports behind u*
Owari da
*Kills u*
moar please. Rosine is my number one waifu.
2 threads ago
Oh, right. They might handle it like Kuro 2 again, considering how many guest characters are returning.
why does she have heels
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>/fg/ schizo leaves his bubble
>gets publicly humiliated by a well-adjusted individual
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Just take one little look at sweet and pure Rosine. How can you not want to fill all her 3 holes?
Problem is she pegs men
no, that was sol_bag's mexican cousin
dunno bro why does van have dress shoes
put something in the last thread
but moar depends on whether more ideas tickle my tism
censoring their name is surprisingly decent of you, but also redundant since it's a public website
it's enough deterrent for the average 4chan user
earlier some guy was lamenting he can't post webp images
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>Trails to Walk.
>Retributive Tower.
>Trails through Buckbreak
>The Grendal's All Yours.
>Beauty's Blade
>Archeozoic Big Hole
>holo cores
>bear the grendel
>shard swelling
>erika talks like a californian twitter femoid
>no na-chan or su-chan
>renne refers to herself by first person instead of by name
just copy, paste in paint then save as .jrpg init
just an escaped convicted felon and his hebe on a cross
country road trip
yeah that's how falcom makes new games
Kekvin in Kai is going to be a massive monkey paw.
What if Kevin is the 7th Anguis
I wonder what make car Rufus drives
Hopefully Rufus' swimsuit is something more modest, like what the other male characters are wearing, and not speedos like in Reverie.
speedos are based though.
Based on what?
Haven't played since cs3, has the series improved much since 4&Hajimari, or is it still full of the usual kondo-isms and 60-70hrs of nothing with all the eventful stuff being saved in the last 3% of the game.
The ability to flaunt your large package
Shut up, we know it's you. You are fooling nobody with your pathetic attempts to pass yourself off as a casual player.
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>Cold Steel 3
Haha... I guess it's time to not hold back.

>What was that?
>Instructor Rean! quick, this way!
>are those... [placeholder]!?
*Rean pulls sword out of thin air*
>Class Seven, our duty is to stop [placeholder]
*kills enemies*
>wew, they're unconscious for now, lets move!
>Reans students yell: RIGHT!!!!
*make it to destination*
>It's it's [characters name]... No it's [Characters Title]!
>Well if it isn't Class Seven!
>What are you doing here!?
>We're here for a special mission of sorts. Information I can't share with you.
>Well we'll just beat it out of you!
>Que: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APhiVB7ipfc


*battle Over*
*Rean kneeling and panting with his students*
>No... They're too strong... I'm going to have to use... THAT.
>No Instructor Rean you can't!
>Que: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_r_tEhzh5X0
>Wait... is that..! [Old Class Seven name placeholder]!!!!!!
*is able to drive back the enemy like it was nothing, the same enemy Rean and kids couldn't stop*
>Well that's enough fun for today
>Haha... wouldn't you like to know.
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tits too small
Better than that hag Emma or Rixia, their boobs will reach the ground in their 50's.
I don't think Rosine would ever allow it up the pooper
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Hopefully Kai is the final nail in the coffin
Perhaps she would in order to protect her virginity.
Emma will fix this problem with magic and Rixia can use some breath technique to nerf her boobs
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Realistically I think that Kai will sell a bit more than Kuro 2 due to all the hype with the returning characters and the fact that Kai is series 20th anniversary title, 55-60k for the first week seems plausible.
Kondo said that this will make the series 90% done but he tends to lie about things. Who knows how far he will take this vanity project of the series
>”Kuro is woke”
There’s more diversity in Almata than ASO
>Gerard is a satanist
>Melchior is gay
>Viola is a immigrant and black
>Alex is a immigrant
>Chad Arioch is a old man ghost
>Olympia is white and she is the only victim here
Rean-tlas carrying the franchise on his back again
I was thinking the same thing but Rosine doesn't seem stupid enough to think that taking Gehenna's Highway would be any more pious than just losing her virginity
then what will happen if Kai sells less than kuro 2 or the same?
CS4 sold less than CS3 despite the big amount of returning characters and ~le epic finale
I think Kai will sold the same as Kuro 1 and 2
Some people will drop the series after Kuro 2 and some people will buy this game to see Class 7 again
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Will sell*
doubt it. Its releasing near Dragonball and Zelda. Its doomed.
I become suicidal at the mere mention of a Sky Remake
I don't want that shit taking up years of development time
I don't give a fuck if little Timmy can't be arsed to plug a controller to his PC to play 3 relatively short JRPGs
Fuck all of you pieces of shit entitled motherfuckers who think you're too good to play a video game because it's only on PC
I'd genuinely beat the fuck out of every single one of you until you pass out
I genuinely hate you
I despise you so fucking much it's become unhealthy
I will personally spend every waking second of my life spoiling every little detail about Sky if they end up wasting time on a remake
I will DM every single person posting about how excited they are for it on every single platform on the Internet
I will flood every single Falcom and Falcom adjacent Discord with spoilers about it if I have to
You want me to kill myself so you can enjoy Sky in your console instead of just manning the fuck up and playing it on PC?
what if i don't have a pc
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It honestly just makes sense now. The Sky Remake will feature Rean.
you don't fucking deserve to be part of the discussion phoneposting piece of shit get off your fucking bed already disgusting fat fuck piece of shit
Why does it feel like every Kisekituber browses here and hates JRPG tropes?
Well, there's a limit to everything :)
Kiseki is such a niche series that every western community unfortunately largely consists of the same people.
but i don't phonepost
See, now this is the kind of schizo I can get behind. Godspeed, divine knight.
If they'd retroactively put juna into the Crossbell games, then they would definitely find a way to insert a real cameo in there somehow.
kai could benefit from ps5 hardware sales increasing since then. Though if final fantasy cannot achieve its sales goals globally then its doubtful kai will significantly break out in japan
After wasting my money on Kuro 2 I feel like I'm owed a freebie so I will be pirating Kai
? From what I've seen, most jrpg/anime youtubers who bring up kiseki have nothing but praiseful things to say about it. It's pretty rare to find someone who would actually bring up the excessive padding and all the "ha ha" and "holding back".
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the daybreak LEs are already arriving
there's already 2 posts from
Day will break...
I'm just getting the basic game. Theres no space for more collectors editions and I still don't know what to do with the stupid cube box that CS3 came in
I want that box
You guys actually spend money on Falcom products?
After the disappointment that cs3 was, I've pirated every game since...but haven't played any of them
always have always will. i'm a slut for corporatussy
Yes. I'm not poor, nor am I a thief. Unlike you, sneaking from shadow to shadow afraid of his own reflection. A prisoner of the ancient serpent.
I wouldn't mind having all the games on my shelf but I refuse to give even a penny to kondo
how much allowance do you get from your parents?
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It's Daybreaking time!
I've seen two.
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>The world of Zemuria will soon come to an end, only to begin again
Oh shit
i get one phone call to say hi how are you doing and a mom who begs me to come back because she misses me
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>eternal recurrence plan
>saint of the end
Will even see her in Kai since Nina turned out to be the one on the logo?
inb4 kondo ended up copying mass effect and has kiseki reapers that bring society back into the dark ages when technology reaches an apex
Yep, she was one of the first promo images
>Kiseki is finally over
>kondo will either pull a Capcom and start remaking everything starting from the beginning or make a completely new kiseki with all the problems the old kiseki series had
>trusting promo materials
You didn't learn your lesson with CS3 and 4?
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That's an obvious bullshot. The GM won't do anything and won't appear until the last hour of the game.
yandere nina sex
why does he think that moustache looks good
I played everything up to CS2 over the last few months, so no I didn't learn from CS3/4
He looks like he came from those marvel reactions video memes. Is this what average "trails" looks and acts like?
these people cant be serious
>Wan piss
This is your average Cold Shitter, Rean defender
You used to be like him before you decided positive emotions are "reddit"
Amen anon brother.
no when i'm alone in my room watching a trailer I go "hey that looks cool wow" or "wow that looks like shit" and then move on
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>he came from those marvel reactions video
The fans of these media tend to overlap
>Is this what average "trails" looks and acts like?
You're really surprised that a game with this many titles that disrespect the players time and has writing that is lame by even shonen standards has fans that don't look like normal functioning people?
this would be more befitting for this general
b-but i heckin hate kiseki for real dood...
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reminder that this is what Rean fans look like
Only with Emma’s figure
this guy's wholesome
i wish i was dumb enough to enjoy nu-trails
hes getting hyped for kuso, not cold steel
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I love kuro girls
why does her neck look like two lego pieces stuck together
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i would like kuro a lot more if you could skip gameplay
Would you recommend Kuro for someone who doesnt care for the CS games but liked everything else prior to it? Or is kuro just CS 2.0?
Hamburger Helper....
Kuro 1 is the only good Calvard game so no, and even that one has some of the same stupid shit as CS.
This is what I really enjoyed about some of the other games. I could make my evasion tank, set the game to auto battle, and could go about my day. Nerfing evasion tanks in kuro just ruined it for me
Honestly it feels like they just want to make a visual novel at the end if the day. It would save the time/budget for all these pretenses of being an rpg
You can skip gameplay
It's called watching youtube retard
From Ao to Reverie thats 6 games of evasion tank memes undermining the combat system. Its fun to build the first time but thats it
Rean gets Shizuna (female Rean) and Crow gets Hermes (female Crow)
Yeah, I was looking forward to calvary after having 5 games in erebonia. Having a protagonist not be a teenager sounds nice but by the sounds of it, there's still some focus on high school because they can't help themselves
what's the meme build with the calvard battle system
>it feels like they just want to make a visual novel at the end if the day
If that's the case, then why does Falcom make a better turn based combat system than Atlus and Square Enix?
arc feather
square enix has spent the majority of its existence making real time battle systems. They dont remember their roots
>Better turn base than Square?
Square has been obsessed with ARPG for nearly a decade now
>Better turn base than Atlus?
Let's not get carried away now
square enix doesnt make games anymore and atlus battle systems are more barebones than gen 1 pokemon and they never add any mechanics to their games
I would argue that mechanically kiseki is better than persona. SMT is better because press turn is better
you are a GENUINE retard
Square makes more than just Final Fantasy you fucking RETARD
let me repeat that again: you are a gigantic RETARD
All B-tier projects that the CEO actively blames for the company's further decline
Holy shit you are a certified RETARD
go on, triple down again RETARD
>square enix shill
Go jerk off to Forspoken, retarded shill.
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>why does Falcom make a better turn based combat system than Atlus and Square Enix?
Square turn-based games are challenging, more balanced and fun
Falcom games are easy and broken
Turn based without a good challenge = boring
>act smug about Kuro's trash tier combat
>get corrected for being an ignorant RETARD
>cry about it
In my defence in 20 years there have been 2 (two) AAA traditional dragon quest games
Masturbating to Na-chan!
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Van's daughter wife
DQV is the most BASED game in the entire JRPG industry
SE must be in a bad spot if they need to shill in fucking /fg/ lmfao
Tio sex
I need Tio
next time don't pick a fight with your betters ;)

This idiot >>483723789 started the topic and Falcom fanboys are losing in they own general because you can’t deny the truth: SE turn based games are miles above Falcom
It's weird I find that kiseki's battle system has this problem where I either find the game very difficult or brain dead easy depending on whether or not I make up an honest build or a cheese build, and there's no in between
good point. i take back the redundant thing. they do get very obsessed with particular people
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Square KEK, they are a joke. they don't know how to make jrpgs anymore. get your pea brain off our general squareheadretard.
DQ11 alone blows ANY Kiseki out of the water
Sit your ass down you're embarrassing yourself
square are shit, their last good FF was 1996. how does it feel you retard? you are clinging onto a fallen giant who are gonna go bust in a few years because they have no idea how to make games anymore.
The worst Trails game is better than any JRPG Square or Enix has ever made. This is also a fact.
Maybe on planet Retard.
Nice View
Yeah, looking back at it now. P5's stylishness and interface really makes it way more digestible than it has any right to be. Kiseki has more depth and customization with its battle system yet somehow feels more barebones at times
cope and seethe, don't stink up our general with your shitty delusions of great square enix games.
Just don't come crying in here when Square folds.
don't say stupid shit and I won't have to correct you
I've been on "your" general longer than you've known 4chan even existed
I've been here since the start you retard, didn't one of my earlier remarks tip you off already or are you too retarded to see it? Square are a frigging joke, pandering to western tastes and ripping off western tv shows. Honestly square are just pure cringe.
They are also desperate now because their last Hollywood budget installment was a flop, and they're praying that they can milk a remake being divided into a trilogy will help them for the next decade+
Who knew falcom fans could be so insecure and paranoid! Whine for me!!! Don't worry, I'm sure Kai will break 100k sales....PFFHAHAHHAHAHAHAA
get back in your shitbox, we are glad that our fanbase is small because it means they won't get infected just as Square did.
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we are glad that our fanbase is small because the games are bad
Falcomnerds lost to a chink mobile gacha game
>schizo melty hour
To be fair Honkai Star Rail is better than the majority of the SE games
Mihoyo > SE >>>>>> Mihoyo
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Does not change the fact that square WILL go bust.
In a world where every other company goes bankrupt Falcom would still be the worst JRPG dev in the market kek
Is the best way to enjoy kiseki's story to just accept that it's a character story first and lore as secondary?

Because the lore's pacing is just ridiculous. It's nice that it interconnected and all but it feels like if every MCU movie was 60hrs long and they only teased Thanos existence after 10yrs, with every movie ending with the villains saying that "everything is going according to keikaku"
Sure. I feel like the character writing has fallen off a cliff though.
No? Kiseki is teeming with lore
You need to be more open minded and keep your ego in check, just because you want the answers to a certain mystery doesn't mean nothing else is going on around you
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I love Na-chan!!!
Van will sex his daughterwife
How does NISA's Kuro run on Steam Deck?
It doesn't have any lore, recent interview confirms Kondo just makes shit up
If it can run on a switch, it can run on a deck
>Kiseki is teeming with lore
I tried to like the trails lore but it's impossible to enjoy it with so many shit elements and plot holes. My favorite lore was the War of the Lions, the Rivalries and the Hexen Clan until I discovered it was all due to a curse
I know it can run, i'm asking if it runs well.
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There is no lore in the Kuso arc.
how does one contradict the other? all video game lore is made up do you realize that...?
After Kondo last interview
80% > 90%
60% > 80%
Why did Maxine leave his beautiful wife and cute daughter for a bunch of pitstop whores?! Baka.
Just make the new game story use tropes from recent popular anime/games you've seen and hope no one notices while pretending that you have some super mystery that was planned from the beginning when it's really just Saturday morning cartoon level stuff, and the autist lorefag fans will find some reason to justify the shit you made up on the spot.

It's ingenious
>character story
And by character story you mean certain pet characters like Rufus and Rean.
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I actually like the trails series
Kai will have a lot of returning character
How much did you say??? Even him will appear
I like the series but when they fuck up something i'm not going to pretend that it's good which is always the implication with these kinds of people
isnt this just ys 7
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Five (5) (V) (Go) (五) (ご) cute facts about Towacutest!:

1. She is canonically atowable!
2. She is mai Kiseki-fu!!
3. I love her!!!
4. Towacutest!!!!
When he did that with Sky you were clapping and shitting your diaper with joy but now its bad because?
didn't they already rip that off with ys 8
Schizzy won't like this post.
Cold steel arc is basically just Nayuta
Falcom is bad about rehashing plot
Yes you're retarded
Same, it's the best
I like it in the same way I like Kingdom Hearts
I need to find out where the train wreck starts/ends
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She's really sexy.
keep her in Erebonia, even troons agree that she sucks dick as a character
no business in Calvard anon, keep them in Erebonia. no reason to have them return
ideally we get an update on what they are up to. Cedric's story could be kino if they don't fuck it up in future titles and Ash was the only NCVII member without a clearcut vision for the future
It was fine to be derivative when it was a small trilogy but it got more obvious and tiring after a dozen games.
CS is felghana but overly complicated
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I like the trails series whenever Tio shows up
Cute art
>Cedric and Shirley are training hard in a secluded place
>Cedric is disarmed and panting.
>Shirley goes "I win again!"
>Cedric goes to pick up his sword and responds, "Let's go again!"
>Shirley is surprised. "Aren't you tired by now? (Because even I'm running out of breath here..)"
>Cedric shakes his head. "Again!"
>They spar again
>Miraculously, Cedric gets a burst of energy, trips Shirley, and puts his sword at her back
>"Hey! Your first win, not bad!"
>"Out of what? Two hundred? I'm just getting started!"
>"Now that's what I want to hear..."
>Pan back, Mariabell is fufuing about how well Cedric is progressing
>Cedric thinks "Soon, I WILL be strong enough.."
>Fade to Black
She will be there to stole part of Emma's screentime
>She will be there to stole part of Emma's screentime
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My prince....
not as retarded as the guy comparing Cold Steel to Nayuta haha
why does falcom hate Emma so much?
>not featured in any 20th anniversary merch
>cucked by her own cat
>might get cucked by her cat again in Kai
Emma is Kondo's waifu and he wants her just to himself
I want to have sex with roselia so much. she can mistreat and bully me as much as she wants. I am open to everything.
>Steam sale
>Trails in the Sky the 3rd is still 22€
lol fuck xseed guess I'll keep torrenting
alisa is kondo's waifu
emma is the 2nd most picked girl in asia according to trophies so she is a threat to kondo's self insert experience
Fuck you, do you know how hard they worked to get us that game? You will buy the game and pay your fucking respects.
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someone failed
I wonder who she's talking about, mb GM or Epstein?
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I couldn't unsee it in CS. Did they improve the same face/hair in kuro?
Rean probably
>CLE's shit subs
and now for actually decent subs
Na-chan is so breedable
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Any Kiss-eki games on sale?
Bro your mint?
Mint is an irrelevant NPC one step above Jesse.
Daybreak ultimate and deluxe editions have a small discounts.
uhhhhhhhhh why are her knees bruised?
Haha, wouldn't you like to know?
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She was giving me the sloppy toppy, next question
Oh thanks. Picked it up(Ultimate).
Elliot is now 85%
I fucking hate Angelica such an annoying character so change her to 100%
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That new Edith area has a big theater and is a lot of stuff about music and arts. Surely this won't be used as a pretext to have Rixia going there with Arc-en-Ciel, and Elliot doing a live, right? Haha...
actually got me curious, between these 3, who's actually the worst character put out by Falcom?
>Black Alberich
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>Surely this won't be used as a pretext to have Rixia going there with Arc-en-Ciel,
Highly likely to occur since Rixia already has a model.
>Elliot doing a live
Doubt it since they'd have to make him playable, and they didn't even make Lapis playable.
I bought deluxe a year, have fun.
My wife mare who we don't know much about
If anything im more excited about Ronnie and Crow bonding over gambling, while Van and rean will try to babysit those retards.
Almost there but her name starts with A
At least you are right about the first letter and the same city
>Black Alberich
ALMOST THERE... A generation later and you would have got it right
I do wanna see van meeting rean and estelle
wow. wrong. As much as you hate it, Alisa is the right one for Rean. Their chemistry is good and she completes him.
again, why do you fags think Alisa will return when she has 0 business in Calvard and most likely will get shoehorned into the story if they were to add her
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If Ronnie and Crow tease him hard enough Van would participate in the gambling too.
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Because she has a major job in one of the continent's tech giants and Calvard is doing the first ever space mission? She's gonna be there with Sharon
bait used to be believable fwen....
non-existent after CS2 and it was already dogshit in the first 2 games with how hard they shilled her
Yes? Its more than Estelle and Joshua had
Yeah yeah and the world is flat too

I hate Alisa but I am not blind
Kondo loves this bitch
Umm bros will I get the digital artbook and ost if I bought Daybreak deluxe edition a year ago? I can't seem to add it on my steam...
nn, point taken. so long as her role is minor, I'll take it desu
ok... let's return to 2016
>As much as you hate it
Yeah... I hate her with every cell on my body
>Alisa is the right one for Rean
The 2nd better after ''everyone else (crow included)''
>she completes him.
Even Laura is a better match than Alisa if we are talking about complete his existence (what a dumb reason to defend a ship)
Alisa is his pillar of support. He needs her.
*Crow *him
I wonder how kiseki fandom will react if Kondom confirms Alisa as a canon romance to rean. Japs don't hate her, but she lost her popularity after CS3 and got replaced by Altina, while western fandom is split on her by 50/50, one half hates with a burning passion and the other loves her like a bunch of cultists.
Alisa lost her relevance as a ''main heroine'' in CS1 when Alisa was cucked by Emma in the final dungeon, then Celine came and cucked Emma and then Altina came and cucked everyone... and then Alisa gave up in CS4 and Crow remains as Rean's great love

Rean needs Alisa so much that he only managed to overcome his low self-esteem issues when Alisa was NTR'ed into Lloyd's route.
Not happening no matter how much Kondom loves her. Even he realizes Altina, Crow, and even Fie are all more popular romance options for Rean.
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Wrong. Again.
Alisa fag is chimping out. Altina is reans cumdoll wife
shame because they're by far the worst "canon" couple Falcom keeps pushing. had they stuck to their balls, it might have been something decent but the Personafication with Cold Steel did nothing but harm Rean as a character and his relationships. they wanted him to be (you) with all the harem power fantasy bullshit but that doesn't really work in a series like Kiseki. CS3's attempt to salvage the mess that was CS2 got wiped with CS4 removing any and all negative consequences. at least Reverie was good but 4 games of being straight up dogshit as a character isn't enough to redeem him
anon, Towa has been more of an emotional support to Rean than Alisa was in 4 games, I think that should speak on just how awfully they handled her in her own games
I hate Alisa but at least there's more to her than just getting her panties wet because Rean looked at her, just being annoying in general and the most retarded plot device in the series thus far
the next kiseki game will sell 5k or less
crow x rean shippers are bigger than alisa fans
also alisa lost her popularity so much to other cold steel girls
It's not a good choice and nothing good will come of it so Falcon wouldn't be stupid to do that (I think)
I thought about buying trails SC since I just beat FC and liked it but I read it has the same map and items so I’ll wait a couple of years to play it.
>anon, Towa has been more of an emotional support to Rean than Alisa was in 4 games
see I just disagree
Kuso made me hate Alisa for giving away Soldat technology to a belligerent neighbor. Now they're the ones militarising and threatening Erebonia.
Alisa put Erebonia in peril
Just as Alicia did with giving away the Arseille engine. Yet the entire cast ranted and raved over how wise she was. God I wanted to puke.
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Emma is the most BASED choice for Rean
erebonia has always been in peril since all they do is cause wars that they cant win
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>they didn't even make Lapis playable
isn't picrel her S craft?
I honestly read plappable.
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Has anyone tested Kuro 1 CLE mods(nude mods etc.) on NISA?And do they work?
Erebonia won every war, and only lost to itself.
how the fuck did you make it through 5 games without hating alisa
According to CS4:

Alisa is the type of wife who would abandon her husband if he became a paraplegic because she needs some space

Emma is the type of wife who would stay by his side until the end and would be a caregiver/great mother to take care of his children.

Laura is the type who would take advantage of the fact that his body is paralyzed to satisfy her own desires.
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Don't think so. All the other characters revealed have screenshots of them in combat except Lapis, but I guess we'll find out for sure in the stream
that's the case for the entire franchise haha...
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This is so off the mark I don't even know where to begin. Alisa would never abandon Rean. full stop.
Childhood is seeing Trails women as a sports team you have to fiercely defend
Adulthood is realizing all Trails women are specifically designed to extract cum from your penis
I am the omniwaifu you cannot measure up to my enlightenment
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Wow, what a bargain! Based NISA!
Rean is cursed and his fate is uncertain and could die at any time (he dies in the normal ending)
Hmmm... and I think I need some space because aren't you going to ask other girls for help?
>Literally friendzones Rean because she blames her dad for what happened to him despite Rean not even blaming her for it
She 100% is that type be "give me space"
is kondo ever actually going to announce this sky remaster/remake or is he just going to keep hinting at it forever
That's an entirely different set of circumstances. And she still loved him.
what kind of person actually pays money for the 5000 cosmetic and item dlcs every jrpg launches with now
all that shit included is like double the price of the base game wtf
Alisakeks are genuinely hysterical
never happened
Me. I bought the ultimate.
Bro you're talking to a genuinely mentally ill hamplanet female that is bitterly jealous of Alisa
You aren't getting through to her she has been doing this for over a decade
Just thought I should let you know the rest of us agree with you so you really don't have to waste your time arguing with this genuine retard
Now just relax, breathe, sit back and watch her accuse us of being the same person
Alisa said that she loves Rean and acts like a generic anime girl in love BUT she never did something for Rean that showed how genuine her feelings are
Meanwhile Falcom did a better job with other girls showing her love for Rean though actions
Cold Steel romance sucks but at least I believe that Towa, Altina or Emma really loves Rean while Alisa felt like just a “writer’s choice”
Should I be CLE Kuro 1 if I dont care about NISA dub?
nah Durante's version is way better and performs better
CLE version works with no issues.
I mean did you just skip her bonding events? that'd explain it.
>paying for NISA games
Pirate it :)
At the end of the day, they were all fine with letting Rean rot away until Juna stepped up and decided to do something
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Cumdoll won.
You can't beat the cumdoll. Every blue blooded alpha male on erebonia got one (canon).
>I don't give a fuck if little Timmy can't be arsed to plug a controller to his PC to play 3 relatively short JRPGs
One of my controllers died during 3rd. Kevin killed my controller. That's why Sky needs remakes. So Kevin can't take the life of any controller again.
The Albarea bloodline is doomed
The Albarea bloodline is only improved.
I didn't care that Alisa was canon but I also didn't really like her (I preferred Emma to be the main heroine). However in CS4 when she dispatched Rean I understood that the CS romance is just fanservice and that it wasn't going anywhere so I decided to go the full Harem route and in my Headcanon Rean has a child with everyone except Alisa. (even with Elise)
Average Vanfag.
>(even with Elise)
Based desu
>kondo: how do we implement the persona series' style of dating sim but without consequences for worrying about the continuity of the players chosen relationship in future games?

>falcom intern: why don't we just pretend that no relation was chosen and just have the most basic bitch that gives off the most "main girl" vibe to be the canon girl
I smell a dungeon under this museum from miles away, just like the one in Heimdallr.
you sound unbearably neurotic
isn't modern and contemporary the same thing
>愛しくてたまらない as "lovely and irresistible"
Kek this is how you get shit like possible worlds
I hope Falcom would finally improve their dungeon design on this game. I'm tired of linear hallways.
Translate it, weeb
You are joking about Emma but the true forgotten character right now is Shizuna
First line in >>483733780
It's honestly hilarious how she went from mysterious to joke character and now to irrelevant fodder obstacle to feed to Rean.
nina wins the van bowl
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CUTE feri dress. Now i want those in game.
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I see you're blaming NISA for Falcom's greed.
I can understand why there’s no Elaine or Shizuna but no Emma is a big mystery
After playing sky 1 and 2, the dialogue in persona 3 feels so barebones… not bad, but, I’m so used to paragraphs right now
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>fits into an entire row
not buying any game starting before letter T
Oh so mindless padding.
>but no Emma is a big mystery
Not really, Kondo has been cucking her since sen2.
That order though. God fucking damn.
>chink kuro 1 and 2
Delete this garbage from your account and buy Daybreak, Daybreak 2 will be announced on anime expo.
where is Mea Cu Barud Ruaung?
be patient, the dominoes are falling.
holy fuck that schnoz
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trust the plan
They want you to forget about Emma because Saori Hayami’s voice is expensive
Are you actually excited for Kai? Because I really have no idea how this game will be structured and considering the amount of returning characters, I'm afraid that Van and co. will get the short end of the stick.
Yes. I've already accepted Van will be shafted.
>Chad Arioch is a old man ghost
He's a ghost immigrant minority White who lived in an Asiatic country.
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I was, but now I'm significantly less excited after this week's news. Kondom saying we're getting yet another split story disaster, and Elaine being focused on the dogshit terrorists meaning Van will be dealing with them too while the CS characters get to do more interesting things deflated me. Kevin being forced to play 3rd wheel with Rufus is annoying too.
All parties are dealing with space shit
My excitement for Kai is inversely proportional to the number of Class 7 characters that show up
>Van will be dealing with them too
If you look at screenshots with Van you could see him being in a lot of different places, so I'm assuming he'll be dealing with a lot of stuff.
im tempted to get ys 8 again i have it on the switch but i rarely play my switch so i might get it on pc.
Falcom writing the character: ''Look, she's a witch who wants to stop living in the shadows of the Empire and wants to be more than what fate has prepared for her''
Also Falcom: continues to overshadow his character

Either they write anything for the characters because they know the fans are stupid and have no media literacy OR Emma is really important and they are trying to hide the character for a plot twist later... OR they just hate Emma. .
OR Falcom just sucks at writing. Not everything they do is a big conspiracy.
I wonder if falcom's sales will plump even more after kiseki ends and they will try to concentrate on standalone games more. Ys doesn't sell particularly good either, but I guess it's cheaper to make than kiseki.
This is my guess as well.
is media literacy the official buzzword of 2024
i would say the kiseki games are falcoms biggest sellers. so after it finishes they are gonna have to make more legend of heroes games.
Kondo interview basically confirms it.
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Might be. I wonder which e-celeb brought attention to the term.
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Risette's body was made for pleasure.
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Imagine Trails in the Sky remake with chibi characters
Well... there's at least 3 Alisa haters here
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you WILL admit that (we) are samefagging anon!
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I miss the mass replying McBurnfag.
I wasn't really excited after Kuro 2, but my enthusiasm is even lower now. It might drop more depending on who the third guest party will be, as they haven't shown them yet. Hoping for anyone but Sen characters again.
It still baffles me that Shizuna got two games with Van, but they chose Rean, who only had a five-minute short story with her in Hajimari, to deal with her instead. Even if she did nothing in Van's games, they interacted much more together.
I'm afraid they are going the Kuro 2 road again, but with three split chapters instead of two this time.
Alisa sucks ass as a romantic option but she's more of a character than Laura has been in 4 games. still would've erased her, or rewritten her bonding events, if I were to be given the option to
with talks of a remake and Sky chibis not being half bad, I wouldn't mind a Sky remake using L2D graphics desu
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Today, I will remind them.
Some day he got perma'd
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>third guest party
This game can't handle an additional party. It's already looking to be a mess so splitting it even more would be disastrous.
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Cucked by the CAT
>Get burned out by the beginning of CS3
>That sour note with Claire at the end of CS2 was surprisingly nice but the odds of my waifu being an option are seemingly low
>Anon posts the kiss from 3
>Get my hopes up
>Claire, despite having a lack of appearances, still holds some important moments in 3
>Until she goes full retard at the end
>Push into 4 wondering if they're going to turn it around
>Instead they double down on her retardation
>Take every opportunity they have to further tear down her character
>Rip away any and all development she had from hanging around Rean
>None of the pain she'd been through meant a damn thing because they wanted a EPIC SCENE where you face all of the ironbloods
>And all you get is that fucking scene in the swamp
>Proceeds to try to take the bitch's way out
I have never, in all my years of gayming, seen a character so thoroughly trashed in the span of a single entry.
So why? For what reason would they do something like this?
Is it malice? Stupidity? I just don't get it bros, but I don't know if I want to keep going in the series after this.
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>unironic reddit posting in this thread
go back.
Fufufu... Wouldn't you like to know?
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We need to create a group:
>JRPG heroines cucked by a cat
I'd love for big dick Rick to get some screen time
>Commits war crimes
>So beloved by the kingdom they still wanted him back as Colonel
After Kuro 2 I can't be excited again. I do like a lot of what i've seen so far but I have too many unanswered questions regarding the game right now (and I don't just mean plot reveals) and honestly doing the whole split route thing again is just such a red flag. I don't want to doom too much yet but I just can't feel the hype again.
>It still baffles me that Shizuna got two games with Van, but they chose Rean, who only had a five-minute short story with her in Hajimari, to deal with her instead
Yeah, especially after her connect event where she invited Van to the far east. If kai turns out to be another mess with no direction like kuro 2 I'll be done with Kondom's bullshit and just watch him fail with his finale arc.
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I'd only really see Rean being back for Shizuna rematch and his master and really nothing else.
Haha, no. Why would I care about a game that won't be playable until 2026? No, ESL MTL isn't playable.
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Stop it or the Emmafags will do like the chinks Scaramouche haters
>fter Kuro 2 I can't be excited again
man got through five of the worst JRPGs ever made, the Cold Steel games, but Kuro 2 is where he draws the line lmao.
i like how fie comes on screen for 3 seconds and she immediately talks about the high school she went to 7 years ago
Kuro 2 manages to be even worse.
CS4 was already out by the time I got into the series. If I followed CS4 pre-release I probably would have killed myself.
Peaked in highschool
>zero/azure only get -25%/20% off
jews fuck u
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That's what happens when she's forced to orbit the black hole again. She was fine in Kuro 1 and now she's reverting back into being a cultist with no will.
>haha yes i remember *insert time and location* and i know *insert certain someone i won't name and *insert vague event here* don't i, player? haha
>It still baffles me that Shizuna got two games with Van, but they chose HEADCANON
Bean will defeat the fraud, Kasim.
Yeah, yeah I would.
Also another grievance of mine, Rean is CONSTANTLY treated like shit by any and all allies that act like he's just a puppy in a warzone, yet always leave the whole "save the world" part to him. Shit, nigger. If you could just take five minutes of your assuredly busy day to explain what the fuck is going on, then maybe we wouldn't end up in the same situation we had twenty times already where Rean fails to save the day because he doesn't know what the fuck is going on. Just, five minutes, you spend at least ten times that just sitting around laughing maniacally. That's all it would take to change literally everything.
NTA but for me Kuro 2 felt like a punch in the gut after a great start with Kuro 1, so after all this mess I thought that mb Kondom will at least finish Calvard arc on a high note with Kuro 3... but then he axed it in favor of another Hajimari type of game.
It also didn't help that his famitsu interview was another huge red flag, since he's now rushing the ending while putting even more retarded fanservice to pander to rean/senfags.
Even if people consider Kuro 2 filler, I enjoyed it for the characters interactions. As I have given up on the overarching plot of kiseki.
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>thought kevin would get his own side b
>instead he's just playing second fiddle to the picnicfags
they really only included him because he scored high on the polls huh
falcom really does not give a shit about this series at all beyond sen
This is a foreshadowing
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Seems kino to me
>falcom really does not give a shit about this series at all beyond sen
Kai is making it crystal clear. Skyfags get blatantly mocked by Kevin acting as Rufus' bitch, Lloyd was already stomped into the ground in Hajimari and doesn't seem to be present in this game, and Van got cucked out of his own arc and climax game.
>can't into perspective
Kekvin isn't a jobber
>Even if people consider Kuro 2 filler, I enjoyed it for the characters interactions
Same, but the retarded death scenes and mind travel shenanigans were really fucking bad. While I like Kuro cast banters and interactions, Kuro 2 did nothing to develop them further or finally reveal their backstories, there's so much we still don't know about Spriggans and it's not even funny.
Why is he riding bitch?
humiliation ritual for boomers
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what a sale
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>I have never, in all my years of gayming, seen a character so thoroughly trashed in the span of a single entry.
>liking MTL banter
You didn't play the game.
fucking shit
game's a decade old even if you fucked up and only released it recently. bigger sales u jews
I don't really see Kondo bringing Rean back just to deal with his master and Shizuna, only to say goodbye afterward. He will get his handshake with Van and Kevin, and help Van in his own way with whatever they're dealing with. We already know Crow was investigating something in Calvard, so he'll probably be dealing with that too.
its pretty funny that they excluded lloyd from kai given that hes basically directly responsible for everything that will happen
>Liking trannylation banter
You didn't play the game
Lloyd then 1v1ed McBurn and won, so he's pretty cool.
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Oops haha
Don't worry, he will tiger charge in as soon as Rixia's virginity is at stake
That's them wanking Rufus at the expense of Lloyd, not Lloyd suddenly showing up as a washed up crackhead because "turns out that hope thing sucks after all"
That's why he's called a jobber
>mtl strips the banter of personality
lol lmao kek haha oh no no no no
>trannylator "personality"
yes i too love twitter memes
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>refused to get knowledge on the impending doom
>once it's finally here he's just relaxing in crossbell while reankek and cuckfus deal with it
He's getting his revenge.
umm it's ok if localizers do it but not fans chud.
So Crow vs Hermes or Crow x Hermes?
reanlet cope
Both, like how Fie wanted to "duel" Rean but really just wanted to get her panties wet by being bodied by him in his ogre form
Is this a result of Taikun or what? It atleast confirms Ronnie's been training.
Yeah man Katy Perry is actually a canon character in cold steel
I think you're having a total schizo melty rn.
Don't like it? kys
Haha, you should do the same if you get triggered by lolcalizations...
Hopefully it's that and not some unexplained thing that Falcom just did because they think it looks cool.
Who is she talking to?
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Would Roy be fine with Van impregnating his 17 year old daughter?
To Rean after they try anal sex for the first time
It's probably gonna be both. They'll fight but end up bonding.
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Rean will impregnate this.
roy has no rights
aaron most certainly has been training and he said he'd do such at the end of kuro 2. he's likely stronger than van now.
He wouldn't care especially since Van's gonna be plapping Elaine instead.
gay wei bros are delusional...
>he's likely stronger than van now.
Reminds me of the Kuro 1 chinaman stream where the schizo spent 50 hours straight larping as Aaron and crying about Van
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>he's likely stronger than van now.
I'd like to see that brat try
Iirc, someone mentioned Aaron using a dual saber and a scythe as well in the trailer bits. I don't know the reason behind why he's using multiple weapons or how he's doing it.
Banbros....our boy got surpassed by fucking Ronnie....
Don't worry Van will get more screen as the fairy tale will never end.
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The old man will taste cement once Aaron gets his hands on him. It won't be like before.
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Cao will make Ronnie kneel is 0.2 seconds
Cao will be killed by Aaron in Kai.
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M-masaka... That's even faster than the cement mixer himself...
It will NOT be like before. Cao will NOT win this time.
Aaron might be stronger than Van now but that still doesn't mean he'll win against Cao. Not even SSS can truly beat him.
Ronnie is 100% going to be a jobber in Kai
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Nobody can defeat Cao Lee.
Rixia's ass and pussy can do it
How will he be a jobber when he's stronger than Van now?
>when he's stronger than Van now?
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The absolute last person who can beat Cao. Her pussy and ass has his stamp all over it. All that kneeling Lloyd did and he still couldn't stop Rixia from returning to her master.
he's stronger than the guy who died 12 times in the last game? damn... watch out
Kiseki content is so uninteresting that:
Fans created a headcanon 5 minutes ago and keeps repeating the same shit like it’s the truth
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Reanfags cope in the strangest ways
just because ronnie has surpassed van doesn't mean he will win against cao
it counts
>ultimate moment is jobbing to rean and then fading into irrelevancy
Yet another character that got fucked by Kondom's Senfaggotry.
The only good NISA has done is hiring Kisekifag artists to make achievement art
What can you expect from a boring series?
that timetravel theory anon is really annoying
I guess Shizuna will be more attracted to Ronnie now that he's mastered every weapon and surpassed Van.
will van cuck any of the guest characters girls?
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Van is the ultimate cunny killer even more so than Rean, and considering the amount of headpets Van can give on average. Altina isn't safe with him...
But Zemuria is literally trapped on a loop with different “possibilities”
It’s not even Headcanon... it’s the most scenario considering everything until now
Too bad Lloyds loli lost her powers.
i love kuro 2s main menu bgm.
Yeah and all the comics are canon with the MCU sure buddy
lol it's not a theory, it literally happened in kuro 2 and we are dealing with the sept terrion of time.
>Kiseki content is so uninteresting
If its so uninteresting why is the most popular content creator on the planet Garnt playing the games huh? can you answer that smart guy?
Cold steel IV had an avengers infinity war moment so yeah it is MCU at this point
Pure soul
HSR is really great
Sky 3rd = Avengers
Cold Steel IV = Ultron
Hajimari = Infinity War
Kai = Endgame
Kuro 2 was good
So is Aaron now the second strongest in the Spriggan crew if you count Bergard?
If Cold Steel 4 was Infinity War & Haji was Endgame

No wonder Kuro is so shit and blacked since MCU post Endgame is so shit and blacked too
Almost done with Kuro 1, if Kuro 2 has a lot of character interactions I'm going to enjoy it regardless of the slop story.
>this is kisekifag's cope
Kai no Kiseki No Way Home
People will play to see the returning characters
>if Kuro 2 has a lot of character interactions
I mean it's a kiseki game...
Bean Burritos still haven't gotten over their boy jobbing to Shizuna huh
Yes but you know, some meaningful ones. Hope all the characters get their coming of age arcs, except for of course the already old ones, in which case we explore their past.

yes. ronnie's increased power is honestly bullshit. it's ridiculous he became so strong in a short amount of time.
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S-shut up! This time it will be different!
>5.2k liks
Kiseki is an irrelevant series with weak sales. Sucking a Twitter guy's dick won't change that
kek Aaronfags do like humiliation rituals
Are you still upset about Calvadol?
Excuse me sir but this is extremely inconvenient for my argument
This time he'll have his hard wrangler Crow to bail him out.
Where were these fucking ecelebs that could've help boost popularity for the series when XSEED were handling the series? Fucking oath.

One tweet from this guy has more spread and likes than any AX/convention XSEED or NISA has done. Fuck me.
Everyone loves Kiseki
>Kiseki is an irrelevant series with weak sales
>source my ass
>most popular content creator on the planet Garnt
Why do you keep responding to yourself? All you're doing is revealing you're a Twittertroon.
>Western sales will probably eclipse japanese + asian sales combined by the end of next year
>Where were these fucking ecelebs
To be fair the series wasn't as popular as it is now.
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Ronnie is getting uppity.
Do you really want me to post THAT pic with the JPN sales? Do you actually believe Kiseki isn't an irrelevant literal who series?
Yes post it.
>Why do you keep responding to yourself? All you're doing is revealing you're a Twittertroon.
>classic tactic when someone doesn't agree with my agenda they have to be a same fag
Fix your paranoia please we already talked about this.
Aaron is the reincarnation of one of the fiercest and mightiest entities in Zemuria. I think his gains can be excused.
You mean it's still unpopular as fuck and most people still do not give a damn about it or never heard of it. Kisekifags are so delusional.
why does /fg/ hate when someone popular plays Falcom games isn't this suppose to be a good thing?
>kiseki games sales have been dwindling with each entry since sen 4
>falcom couldn't even disclose the lifetime sales of kuros 1 and 2 to the investors
>"durr kiseki not irrelevant "
will never be one of the jrpg heavyweights no matter how much you wish it be true.
>You mean it's still unpopular as fuck and most people still do not give a damn about it or never heard of it. Kisekifags are so delusional.
I mean what your saying and what I see are different maybe your delusional, I recommend seeing a psychiatrist that can help with that.
We lost this one Talesbros... there's always tomorrow though
Why in the world do you keep replying to yourself sucking the dick of some literal who Twitter fag? Is this the new defense tactic? Why are you so desperate to prove that Kiseki isn't an irrelevant niche series?
This. Like where is this delusional coming from with Kiseki?
Kiseki wishes it was Xenoblade.
Arise sold more than Hajimari, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2 combined. You don't want to pick a fight with them with your pathetic sales numbers.
>This. Like where is this delusional coming from with Kiseki?
Why are you replying to yourself? is this the new tactic? to validate yourself? because its not working
How did such a niche series get so many popular youtubers to love it?
fuck ecelebs nigga
Maybe fix your English first before suggesting anything to anyone.
Dead series you weren't even in the direct.
2 years to beat 4 Kiseki games
Meanwhile with Tales
>people agree with each other
>they are samefagging
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>Meanwhile with Tales
>No new game since Arise
>Series is dead
>Slime kun took over
.......Tales bros
>K-Kiseki isn't irrelevant because this totally popular on Twitter likes it!!!!
>New Gacha game is in development
...........Bandai Tricked us again Tales bros.......
>falcom really does not give a shit about this series at all beyond Crossbell
Not even hiding his status as a shitposting tourist.
>rampant talesfaggotry once again
remind me, when was the last time you guys had a general?
You're sucking the dick of a literal who mighty hard here Kisekibro.
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Van's headpats and sweets were so powerful Jolda is now fighting with her own brother to leave ouroboros...
>the team doesn't want to shit out yearly flops like falcom does with kiseki
>therefore tales is dead
he's the king of children wtf...
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Instead they shit out more expensive AAA 4 year cycle that flop harder instead, then they repackage the sequel into a dlc, 3 years later


>The team is probably reduced to making phone games now
Rip tales its over bros.
I just finished CS3. The ending was pretty good outside of "bruh they just possibly ended the world, but rean you can't kill them"

Shame the game was 99% filler, worst Trails game by a good margin, holy shit.
Van is gonna have to start working more if he wants to be able to fund Jolda's, Nadia's, Lapis', and his own sweet addictions
Yikes is that schizo tales fag back again? why is he so obsessed with us doesn't this dude have a general or something to shit up? yeah I'm out I'll come back when his gone.
CS3 was hype, chinaman threads were kino
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This scene is going to be hilarious in the remake. Hopefully they don't censor it by hiding Joshy's bare ass.
why do we think a remake is confirmed
Imagine hugging her and lift her while she grabs you with all her strength.
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I need it. It is a NEED.
Jusis is so lucky, he got the best cumdoll.
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she's so cute
/fg/ watching Rocky would call him a jobber because he even lost in the end of the first movie
it was revealed to me in a dream
yeah cs3 was the most "annoying" kiseki game, even kuro 2 wasn't that bad because of the funny dead ends and a more likable cast, at one point cs3 became so boring and repetitive I started taking breaks after 30min of play, which never happened to me before playing kiseki, even cs1 and 2 were fun.
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>reankek barely defeated kurogane 1 year before kai
>kurogane was also holding back the entire fight
Yeah it took me a year to beat this on-and-off. Started April 2023.
Thankfully the story is so dogshit and formulaic that you can actually pick this up after a long absence, unlike most JRPGs
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Agnes: Ban... (long pause) -san...
Anies cuck route will be canon
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Anies WILL have Ban-san even if it means killing Elaine
NISA is so incompetent that Steam won't even let you buy their $120 Ultimate Edition English Launch bundle because they include multiple copies of the same DLC.
Thinking of picking up YS I & II Chronicles during the GOG sale. I tried Trails, but it's too hard and tun based is gay.
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Nisa's incompetence is genuinely impressive
If Kiseki filtered you Ys 1 will rape your ass. Stick to Fortnite.
>NISA in charge of sales
>$120 Ultimate Edition English
holy shit
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It's baffling how people willingly shill for these retards for free.
Haha, guess we'll have to wait another half a year before the fix...
>I love Rean. He’s my favorite anime/ video game character bc I relate to him a lot.
In what fucking can you even relate to him?
who is people? that 1 anon being a corpo bootlicker is not people
Self loathing to the point of being suicidal.
$15/hr part time temporary shilling
I am a chad at school and pilot my gundam and also all the girls want me. You don't?
>kondo admits zero was only zero because he was trend hopping
>kondo admits nothing is really planned and he just makes it up along the way
>kondo admits he didn't want rean to steal the spotlight by adding him in Kuro unless he absolutely had to
Is that why Reans showing up now? Lol. Rean saves the day again
Bean will save Falcom
the previous protag always comes back in one way or another in the newer game
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good question id love to know as well
Seems like Rufus overshadowed Rean's overshadowing
i love how the main menu changes with each act or part of the act.
Is NISA going to get Durante to port the nipponese Kuro 2 to PC early?
And by save you mean putting the final nail in Kiseki's coffin and turning the series into turn based Ys.
That's Holo for you
We'll know at AX, japanese date for Switch is on the 25th so maybe then
I don't think nisa will release their port early like with Kuro 1, but who knows.
aye i agree, probably won't see that again, that specific release seemed to be at quickly cash onto the english patch at the time LMAO
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r8 my cart
>pay for the game
>pay for expansions
>pay a monthly fee
aside from that not bad I guess I would get the normal kuro and pirate the dlc from gog though haha
ynr there was a Games Journalist (tm) on twitter telling kiseki fans to buy non-falcom NISA games so the company wouldn’t go under
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That's right Jusis!!!
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Duchess Albarea!
Are you talking about Tales of kiseki? Because Kiseki also has two gatcha slop games
Millium is bottom tier
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The airship the players will use to get around.
They already showed that Rufus has one and Kevin has his as well. Ban will be driving around in his car. Reankek will probably use his bike or the Bracermobile via Fie.
No. It has the worst qualities of Cold Steel without the upsides. 110 hour long story but nothing happens until 70 hours in. You never feel like you accomplish anything. Lackluster conclusion. Even worse cast than Crossbell. The only party member I liked was Bergard. Combat and character building is braindead boring on nightmare difficulty. Boss design is near nonexistant. There are only two bosses with mechanics but you deal so much damage it doesn't matter. Setting is boring compared to Erebonia. Boring antagonists. Soundtrack isn't as good. Only real improvement is the visual fidelity.
>cold steel
>implying crossbell's cast is bad and cold steel's is good
I like Kuro 1
yea its a pretty fun game. i love the cast from what weve seen of them though if you play it and get kuro 2 prepare to be disappointed as the shitnic squad returns while van and co get shafted.
I guess Agnes parts with Renne are highschool but aside from that there's barely any highschool related shit. The most you'll get is chapter 4 but you're still playing as Ban-san on the school trip.
No one cares about that guy
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>take those sunglasses off at once!!
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Lapis is a little slut that knows exactly what she wants.
La-chan looks so cute in Kai
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Nani kore?
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Why is falcom DLC so aids? Do people really buy this shit? 30 US dollars for swimsuits?
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What is she reading? Wrong answers only.
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why does quatre dress like this if he doesn't want to be mistaken as a girl? gay faggot tsundere
Elaine's sex diary with Ban in highschool
Ban x Elaine doujins
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She already read that one
Kuro 2 and Hajimari have season passes for under 30 USD on the Jap PSN, but for some reason they didn't make a pass for Kuro 1.
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Epstein saw that Van would be with Agnes (and not Elaine) in the future
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His mind is fucked up from the brainwashing.
His ovaries are making him do it
Dawntrail releases tomorrow so I'm not gonna be here to talk about Kiseki AT ALL for a couple months
I'm the anon that always gets accused of being talesfag, samefag, wokefag, reanfag, squarefag and so on, so from this moment onwards if someone calls you any of that point them to this post and laugh at them since I'm all of those and I'm gone!
kill me yourself, you coward
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>structure and interpretation of computer programs
>Dawntrail releases tomorrow
This is the sole truthful part of your post.
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The cutest!
we had blue van now we got green van
>finish Kai
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uh agnes?
*renders your flesh into atoms*
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its just a way to milk the fanboys, all the costume dlcs are pathetically easy to pirate
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mare is the cutest and i want to learn more about her.
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It will be time
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Should've brought Ries with you, we would have bonded over food.
I just pirate them with one of those dlc unlockers
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Will our boy Ragnard return? MIA since SC.
Fufu... I asked what happened to Ragnard in the kondom AMA, we'll see if it gets picked...
Do you say fufu irl?
Ys is way more fun. There's difficulty options too if you don't want dark fact to rape your ass for 9 hours straight
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i only ever bought DLC's like that when they came bundled, like in CSIV if you pre-ordered with PSPlus it came with all the DLC for $60.00 total

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