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He and radahn confirmed being in love.
You died: >>483701804
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>you died
so did the sovl of the franchise
It went with gael, what's left is a hype machine
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Kill the Hornsent.
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now that they relationship is confirmed cute and canon. It's time to congratulate them for their wedding
I will start
Found this funny video
where's the proof that radahn consented
where tf op links bithc
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Am I overthinking this?
I tried to jump there too, but it has an invisible wall, the shelf top I mean.
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show me the miquella porn
Taking the Age of Duskborn ending!
Wedding St. Trina after performing global necromancy!
read the last thread
>St Trina didn't want Miquella to become god because he'd eternally be abused by Radahn
holy shit !
Miquella niggers ignoring in game context clues in the present and using foreign text about the past to conjure up a defense of their faggot rapist god
I don't get the world of Elden Ring. Is it post apocalyptic? Is there organized society? Where do the people live? Why are the random mobs insane or decrepit? What do they eat? What is Marika's tax policy?
Is regular hammer with cragblade the best stance breaking in the game?

Charged R2 does 51 stance damage, which isn't the highest, but the charged R2 comes out and recovers very fast and fits within typical (boss) attack windows.
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Miquella should be spanked for ruining the DLC
>Don't let the ugly bastard ogre rape me...Please!
My dick is now diamonds.
>"where's the proof"
>well, if you do mental gymastics and read shit between the lines that isn't there
that's not proof, faggot. stop >implying shit
>YWN turn Marika back to normal and breed her
Why live?
Mohg wouldn't have abused Miquella. That's all I know. My Lord was a man worthy of respect!
Y-yari poster? no it's not like that...
>thread split
>fucked up the OP
Yes mommy
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Are there better sorceries than glintstone pebble? outside of the sword sorceries of course

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stupid gaijin
do you faggots/discordtrannies always have to constantly insist your interpretations are the true ones just because it gets you off?
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You guys do know trina has miquella's "youthful" appearance right?
>all the other smithscript weapons are fucking busted
>the smithscript daggers aren't
>they're the only ones i care about
Impenetratable thorns from the DLC thought since it's a thorn sorcery it requires faith and is best cast on the faith staff
>image didn't post despite selecting one
oh it just fucking gets better. fuck this im watching cartoons.
>it doesn't mean what it means because...uh...DISCORDTRANNY!
You contradict yourself with Messmer's birth timing. The Marika's Blessing are specifically created by Marika queen of the Erdtree. She was already queen when she gave those blessings to Messmer. Also the prayer was not for Messmer's sake, we know from the Minor Erdtree that the first act as god was to bless her empty village where there was nobody left, impossible to reconcile with the idea Messmer grew up in her village with her.
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If we’re going by the assumption that all Carian princesses get their own moon, it can then be assumed that the Carians of the past were weaker than Rennala and her sister(s), or that Raya Lucarians are the more powerful of the factions prior to Rennala. Azur and Lusat were also rocks by the time of their “expulsion”, more like dangerous artifacts, or forbidden magical anomalies, than wizards proper.

The reason why the moons have a higher intelligence requirement is likely because the moons are intelligences in their own right. They are something you chase and follow, and hopefully it notices you. It is a point of the later game that you only see the moon(s) at select areas in-game.

Nebulas are a bigger, more vast concept in space, as the birthplace of stars. That is why Comet Azur takes up three slots.

It’s the most *efficient* staff. Lusat’s is the more powerful of the two, but also a more demanding one. It eclipses Rennala’s if a lack of FP is not your concern. High Mind makes it worthwhile.

In-general, it seems that pursuers of the primeval current are trying to shoot for a path of power (‘shoot for the stars’) that’ll net them more power far sooner, but at a great and terrible cost.

Rennala is proof that the moon, as a sort of reflective intermediary body, is a much closer to home concept, and less ruinous.

The star purist’s approach is shooting far too fast ahead. Look at our Sellen, who is already trying to skip steps, same as the primevals before her, embracing ruinous, alien transhumanism.

Rennala grew to power without shoving a primal glintstone into her heart. Her moon spell lets her to turn into her own rock.

She told the academy to “slow down”, as she proves shooting for the stars alone is a ruinous, anti-human prospect. Because again, the moon is closer to home, and a lot less ruinous to the human experience.

The queen was a mother to the academy. Keeping her ‘children’/students safe.
well trannys do want to be women, so them fucking up simple things is to be expected
>Every lore thing EXCEPT Miquella was amazing
>Miquella's shit brings everything down to a 5/10
It's amazing how faggots ruin everything
He's literally providing direct translations from the Japanese version of the game. It's as concrete as can be without miyazaki knocking on your door and telling you personally
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>Don't let Miquella ascend to godhood! Marrying Radahn is a prison!
My cock...
Why is fromsoft so mouthdrooling retarded when it comes to making npc quests?
???? all the lore in the DLC is basically about Miquella
again, your headcanon is merely your own interpretation of things. it isnt the truth you delusional freak
also, knew you were a tranny lol
Are you sure that it's not just that you hate gay people and only think the lore is shit because he's gay?
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What's the deal with this fucking guys why are they so fucking tanky and harder than some bosses
Holy shit same. Everything before the final fight, especially the one right before the final fight if you did questlines on your own, 11/10
But that shit ending jesus christ, literally 6/10 game.
And then the realization that they barely tackled any theme of the base game. 5/10
Such wasted potential.
>best sorcery is an incantation

dsp spotted
Messmer and his vengeful genocide on the horned niggers on his mother’s behalf is kino
You do know your interpretation only makes the only carian that actually does something, ranni, look worse right?
>keen club
most vile shit ive ever seen in my life
>Marika and the Hornsent
>Messmer's Crusade
>Dragon Communion
>Leda's Companions when not talking about Miquella
All are great, with interesting characters and lore tidbits.
My disgust for homosexuals has nothing to do with this.
>Commander Gaius kills his boar, not cutscene because they couldn't do it in time
>Since he's an albinauric, he has to fly around the arena like an armored core mecha
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>word by word translation
>your headcanon
ok. It's time to cope Radanh was a pedo all along if you haven't already
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DLC is shit but if Fromsoft changes a few thing it would be amazing.

First change the titles of the bosses.

Mohg the Naive Ugly Bastard
Radahn the "Shotacon"
Malenia the Cuckold/ the Watcher/ the Fujoshi (the ROTten girl, christ almight Miyazaki you genius!)
Miquella the Brat
Tarnished the Ultimate Incel (after the good end: the Ultimate Shotacon)

Secondly add a few tags so new consumers know what they're getting into.
Shotacon, Ugly Bastard, Mind Control, Brat Correction, Cuckoldry, Abduction, Femcel/Fujoshi

Thirdly add a new path and a bits of dialogue.

Tarnished the Ultimate Incel after Miquella/Radahn cutscene: AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH Let Chaos take the world! Let chaos take the world!

Add a new path after defeating Radahn the "Shotacon" that allows a brat correction option for miquella and a one hour cutscene.

Tarnished the Shotacon: Damn brat need correction!!!
Miquella the Brat: What a fool you are Tarnished. I am a god, how could you correct a god?



BTW Miquella is a virgin Mohg was brainwashed and Radahn was killed before he could consummate the vows. This is essensial for the lore!

Afterwards Miquella the Pure returns to his rightful place. Behind your shoulders with the option to put him on Torrent. To support you close up and whisper sweet words into your ears or from afar because you want Miquella to stay safe (and look at his cute butt).

>My disgust for homosexuals has nothing to do with this.
Sure it doesn't buddy.
This. The moon and stars are supposed to go hand in hand. Even Carians use a type of blue glinstone. The Nox worship the moon but also the stars and the night.

Something split the two at some point in their history, and I wonder what. Perhaps the moon was blamed for something.
>implying you can actually translate japanese to english without changing nuances and meanings
single language amerifat spotted
The masked ones Sculpted Keepers (hornsent augmented by grafting jarmeat) using Divine Invocation to channel a god from the crucible. They're basically lesser gods, one step below the lion dancers
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how do u get here
>Rellana's twinblade
How does the AoW scale? I'm currently at 62 int, 25 faith but both the fire and magic attacks do a ton of damage. Does the AoW damage get increased by Str and Dex as well?
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my man!!!
This would be LITERALLY, UNIRONICALLY, SINCERELY Better than the garbage we got now.
There is a cave by the tree by the shore
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>Tarnished the Ultimate Incel after Miquella/Radahn cutscene: AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH Let Chaos take the world! Let chaos take the world!
I'm still fucking mad that no one acknowledges that you're the freaking lord of chaos.
They should have given us the frenzy head as a unique chaos lord only head piece, they gave us all the other transformations why not this? We already have a frenzy swamp.
I think they both scale with Int and Fth for the r1 and r2, respectively
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Ruin lies at the end of the procession of stars
Procession is a type of mmovement
The stars are tied to fate
Ruin lies at the end of fate
He tried to forestall it
Meaning it was something that could be forstalled, meaning it's, again, likely, movement.
If a beast man realized this radahn likely did too. He likely saw what fate had in store and like the beast man did his best to forestall it
that's what that anon is fucking doing, talking about the meanings lost in the translation, fuck off enough of your bullshit
huh damn, thx.
The Nox are descended from the Numen. They worshipped a Black Moon that was either destroyed or driven away. Its shards are Memory Stones.
>Tfw learn about all the shit about bonney village, the pots and the shamans
Marikas crusade was completely fucking justified, kill em all, I'm surprised she didn't drop a fucking nuke
Are the hornsent related to omens? They seem like a human society that worships the crucible and its evolutionary deformities from what I can tell.
Rennala may very well have had her own adventures in her youth, saving her peers and school from an academy-cult of body stealing rock-obsessed wizards. She may very well have saved the academy from a terrible precedent, and deadly philosophy.

Ranni has her own story. It also might be possible that the ‘old dynasty’ may have had their own moon sorcerers, not sure.
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>you have to hit the boss like 50 times
>they only have to hit you 1-3 times

Unless you beat a boss under these conditions, you didn't actually beat that boss. For anyone wondering the specific numbers on what qualifies as "playing it as intended", it's you doing low damage vs. a boss that does high damage basically. Then you can say you "earned it", properly.

You can debate the numbers but it's something like that I believe. I don't even think spirit summoning is bad if it technically fits this description still even with the summon (together you're still doing low damage, so theoretically you could balance things out by nerfing yourself). If you just 5-shot a boss then you're basically cheating and didn't really beat it.
>I'm surprised she didn't drop a fucking nuke
Giant fel god wickermen are a lot more demoralizing and "fun" to fight than a nuke.
If Elden Ring was a good game, instead of a boss fight, Midra would've become an ally to a frenzied tarnished after removing the sword.
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>"Mohg-kun...I love you..."
>Mohg, being the ugly bastard loser, who never felt love once in his entire life, didn't understand that (bratty) Miquella is just playing with his feelings...
The hornsent seems to be different, somehow. They don't look as fucked up as the Omens do.
It has nothing to do with that, it has everything to do with the twist not being very interesting. To be honest I think the lore for Elden Ring is the weakest out of all the Miyazaki era of games. I don't even think it's to do with GRRM either, it's the whole premise just being meh as well as the fact that Dark Souls did it way better. I think it would have been better if you played a role of conquest with your preferred god. That would have replayability just to have the experience of the story from different perspectives. Just like with cinema, a movie can thrive or die in the editing room.
lore-wise these dudes are essentially closer to being gods than demigods
Azur and Lusat are definitely the stronger wizards, Rennala just has the super girly special anti-magic spell.
It's not a high bar to be desu, they really gave up on this dlc months before release. No other explanation.
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>tfw the "no summons" players never got to hear Igon
You've got it backwards, the boss should take more hits to kill you than it takes you to kill them.
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Imagine if Morgott learn about the hornset.
He would probably hate himself even more.
They're tangentially related. Under the Crucible, beast people were born as a natural course of the world, which is what the Hornsent are. The breakdown of the Golden Order recreated the Hornsent with the Omens. Same principle, different execution.
Sorry bro but I married Ranni.
Mohg and Morgott don't really look all that fucked up. It's just the omen's in the sewers and elsewhere that look terrible. The hornsent that we see in the dlc are just the most physically fit and "divine" hornsent, so obviously they're gonna be prettier than the omens we see from the base game who crawl around in shit all day.
Fire part scales with faith while sorcery part scales with intelligence
mohg x miquella was always better than miquella x radahn
shit ship made cannon while destroying the game's otp
fucking miyahacki
Ansbech won't give me the letter to give to Freyia, so I can't not give it to her for a later encounter.
>fromsoft elitists cucking themselves out of the fun
tale as old as time
I give it 100+ tries before using perfume.
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>Mohg, being the ugly bastard loser
Ranni is her mother's daughter. She was all aboard what she wanted and was guided to the moon by her. The only npc we know for sure she cares about is her due to the weak projection she made of her prime mother.
I beat the dlc, which means I can finally post on ERG again :DDDD

it fucking sucked.
i mean, you're just proving my point. that wasn't even a fight. you basically just hit the "i win" button and ignored the boss completely. that's not even a game at that point tbhwy. actually play the fucking game. you just skipped the fight, essentially. and that's gay.
I want a ending where we save Messmer from the Shadow Realm and we become friends
>Ranni is her mother's daughter
pretty sure this is true for literally everyone
And then lovers.
Does knights lightning spear feel a little disappointing to anyone else?
tfw no messmer ending where he violates you with his snakes
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why does my character always looks pixelated as fuck in screenshots? how do I fix this?
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>Godwyn personal knight army is in the Shadow Realm
>Tree Sentinel with a Sentry's Torch in the Shaman Village
He's 100% aware. The sealing of the Shadow Realm happened very late.
>Why he doesn't mention it?
Because they didn't thought about it.
>Literally the most evil looking fucker possible
>Size difference, color contrast, personality difference
Like two polar opposites, it's a good ship.
I would fondle Messmer’s snakes desu
Especially the red haired one down there
Messmer with his Oedipus Complex is the most interesting character in the DLC it's too bad he gets shunted out of the way after five minutes to make way for the Radacancer plot.
>last deathroot
god I fucking hate imps
>forked sword dropped
wtf I love imps now
>ywn connect with your stepson with a game of catch
Why the FUCK did Rellana, a Carian Royal, serve under Messmer in his secret crusade? I thought the House of Caria and the House of Leyndell were mortal enemies??
>bros, what if we put no-horse-allowed stealth gameplay in some fuckhuge empty area ala DS2 frozen outskirts
Fuck you Miyazaki.
>no regions so you can't filter out third worlders
>3v1 every invasion
>dogshit netcode
>unbalanced mess of weapons
>other invaders are so mindbroken they've rationalized cheat engine

what the fuck is from's problem
Messmer has tapeworms(snakeworms)
Rykard IS the tapeworm(inside a snake)

Rykard wins again
It definitely took at least 50 magic glintblades, probably more.
>health bloat makes coop completely unviable as a pure int caster
>no enemy is weak to magic damage, but some are strong against it
Why does FROM love faith casters so much more than int? You get better damage, tons of utility from buffs and heals and all damage types allowing you to exploit the enemies weakness.
>The best sorcery has zero int requirement and only needs faith.
i summon NPCs in offline mode for every fight and no one can stop me. but i also don't search for scadu blessings so i think it all evens out.
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Who would win in a fight, Miquella or The Painter?
because she's down bad. yes, for real.
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Miquella fell in love with radahn
Radahn agreed with miquella's feelings even if it was just to become elden lord
st trina wants to rebind herself with miquella but during his death
So was miquella just a lovesick shota, or a yandere hypnorapist shota obsessed with radahn
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So I logged in with a character who I left in the final boss arena, and it spat me out here.

After a bit of testing I found that the entire arena is unstable ground, so if you enter it and save/quit it will always try to put you onto stable ground.
Easiest to test this is just warp to Gate of Divinity grace, then save/quit, it will pop you back where you were before you warped.

I cannot seem to force this initial interaction again though, falling off in the Abyss that is. Assuming that's just the 0;0 coordinates on the map.
Tried to stay in the boss room for like an hour, running around save/quitting in different locations etc, it always just pops me out either outside the boss room, or even at the start of the entire area for some reason.

Very odd.
She was in love with Messmer
beating the boss should let you use horsey there, fucked up that it doesn't
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Marika, my beloved...
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>oh radahn, miquella waits for you
>*blooms from overexcitement at the thought of radahn penetrating her child-brother's soft sissy boyhole*
>radahn becomes a rotted vegetable that can only eat and fight for centuries before a random tarnished inadvertently puts him down simply because he needs a great rune

Carian women love COCK
see, there you go. you actually beat the game. congratulations. how did it feel?
Maybe she was being influenced by a person who was an agent for the fingers, and no interest in the moon?
Like half of the new lore is entirely about Messmer and Marika. The dlc isn't exclusively about Miquella and Radahn.
The phrase "your parents child" is used in the anglosphere to refer to people who take after their parents heavily in behavior and beliefs moreso than the average person.
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>Enter Miquella Egg
>Go to Gideon
>Find Miquella's Great Rune
>Go to Gideon
>Fucking kill Miquella
>Go to Gideon
Say what you want about the final twist, this part is what really hurt the most.
>Hey tiger why don't we go outside and purge some hornsent
what sorceries do you mainly use, from the base game?
Godfrey is so damn lucky
From loves dlc enemies actually. They think hacking at the neck of some boob plated lady a hundred times is good game design. I’m starting to hate health bars as a mechanic in games.
Nah it's more lore accurate it doesn't, since it's not about some guy being affected by frenzy or some random enemies or whatever, it's the entire location being completely infected by frenzy to the point Torrent can't even tolerate it.
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scadutree avatar insta-kill 3x explosion in phase 3 is such a cheap trick
That brat tops
>Miyazaki gives the okay for movie adaptation
>The best sorcery has zero int requirement and only needs faith.
Because this lore is fucking retarded and they wanted to turn the Carians into joke.
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Don't forget that millicent and her sisters were born from it. That means it was a reproductive blooming, a pollination. Because of this it can only really be viewed as she got so horny she asexually reproduced ontop of radahn.
Millicent was born thanks to a perverted fujoshi getting happy her boylove incest pedoship was actually happening
Miquella is the top and if you dont agree you're stupid, sorry.
Kevin Hart as Godfrey
Have you seen Rennala?
They did a pretty good job.
those backwoods are accessible? how do u get there
yes, he tops by riding radahn's 10 foot cock cowgirlstyle
You have many gingers in the series like Malenia and Ranni
You're still mad huh? You said you'd be gone by next week I think? I'll give you your final you on your send off post
I summoned him and I feel like he unironically made the fight harder
Is it possible to grab escape the furnace golem?
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Me and the boys ganking on Leda
why is there a talisman that casts endure every time you heal
You can't, I'm just standing in the Cerulean Coast map, part that's connecting to the finger ruins, you can jump down there from the dragon's wing
Ruined as of this dlc. The mother and daughter dynamic has been trashed, and Rennala only fell in love with Radagon because he had red hair. They may as well have been a terrible match. They are a joke now. Oh, and both moons got stolen by some deviant art tier oc donut steel character, Rellana.
>ER Twitter announces 5+ million copies of the expansion sold

That's actually fucking crazy. At an average $40 per unit that's $20+ million in revenue in a week. Dark Souls 2 took over a year to sell 2.5 million copies which, assuming the average copy sold at full price $60 (probably not the case), is only $15 million. Bloodborne's numbers were similar.


This really is equivalent to an entire Souls game, at least from a business perspective. Not even accounting for the indirect revenue of boosting base game sales.
>25 million base game sales
>already 20% of those have bought the DLC
>already made 200 million off the DLC in a week, more if counting the deluxe editions and bringing in more base game sales
suits are going to put huge pressure on Miyazaki to either make a 2nd DLC or Elden Ring 2. If he refuses all that free money on principle he's an amazing person. The fact he didn't make the DLC "mandatory" by having it impact the base game endings is already impressive, you've even got people in here upset he didn't
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What could have been...
Tops with what? He discarded his itty-bitty dick, remember?
How do you fight the temptation to respec from pure faith to STR/FAI? Getting a little tired of being restricted to coded sword, long sword, and short spear, but my incantations hit so hard at 80 faith
He’s not exactly the most charming guy, but I guess his edgelord sigma ways appealed to her? Why are Carian women so mindbroken by Golden Order men?
You’re referring to Count “You Will Never Be a Mother” Ymir, I think?
>Ranni, your aunt is a slut! She's cock-hungry! She yearns for 18 inches!!!
>Melina, there's a guy called the Lord of Frenzied Flame!!!
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its almost like the shards of the elden ring, or power, corrupts
jesus christ they just made invasions so fucking boring in this game. every invasion is just 1 bullgoat fucker rushing you down while 2 backup dancers just stand at a distance and mash spells at you. all with a good helping of absolute dogshit netcode. like, i'm not expecting a fair fight but with how ridiculously high the power level is in this game in comparison to every other souls game, it's nearly impossible to do any remotely "fun" themed invasion and if you actually want to win - you're stuck having to do stupid meta shit.

the fact that bandai namco, one of the biggest publishers can't give fromsoft money to just create a better networking infrastructure that isn't over a decade old is laughable at this point.
>forgot 0s
no bully plz
It's genuinely the best piece of additional content ever created for any game.
It beat out Old Hunters for me, and I'm an obsessed Bloodborne fanatic.
I hate that they locked a bunch of items behind subsequent playthroughs, I really don’t want to play this shit dlc again
who is this jingling slut you posted
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I feel like the DLC would be way cooler if they bothered telling us who the fuck we're fighting most of the time and why.
>at no point does miquella refer to malenia as his sister
feels bad
Marika : starred by Michael Jackson
He’s a bit iffy about it.

“I don’t see any reason to deny another interpretation or adaptation of Elden Ring, a movie for example,” explained Miyazaki in an interview with The Guardian. “But I don’t think myself, or FromSoftware, have the knowledge or ability to produce something in a different medium.”

This implies that Miyazaki was just trying to interpret whatever Martin wrote.

I really, REALLY want to know how much different Martin’s vision truly is/was.
That doesn't happen in the game. It's an abandoned plot point.
Is Malenia mentioned at all
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>literally born from fujo lust
I bet she'd also be one. Time to borrow some of Ranni's books from the Land of Reeds to show her.
>It beat out Old Hunters for me
which part? is the gameplay really that good? because old hunter's story blows this out of the water imo and has some great bosses too
I'm pretty sure her title is mentioned but not her name.
>Is Malenia mentioned at all
In Radahn's armor
It's alright, Terrence Howard. We know this kinda math is hard.
What do you think now?
they're connected yes, hornsent's set buffs omen bairns
>Ragged black cloth overlaid with braided cord. Attire of a vengeance-seeking hornsent. The braided cord ties together the vow of the revenger with the victims' grudges. It must never come undone. Enhances both watchful spirits and the vengeful spirits summoned by horned bairns.
carian women HAVE cocks
The overall package.
I still have a softspot for anything Bloodborne, but just outright content, combat, bosses, OST, weapons, characters - all just feels better for me
Old Hunters just feels like part of the base game for me, probably because it's just overall smaller, meanwhile SOTE feels like Elden Ring 2 basically.
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>miyazaki would give the okay for an elden ring movie
Well /erg/ Hunter Schafer will Marika, Zendaya will be ranni, Halle Bailey will be melina. How do you feel?
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>no new Ranni dialogue
>no new Malenia dialogue
>no new Gideon dialogue
>no new Melina dialogue
Lazy DLC. Lazy.
They didn't?
They added enough new remembrance duplication for you to get all the new ones.
>I really, REALLY want to know how much different Martin’s vision truly is/was.

Based on this garbage dlc i'm sure it was much better than what we got. You can give gold to miyazaki and fromsoft will turn it into fermented shit
dunno some oc cutie
>That doesn't happen in the game. It's an abandoned plot point.
rykard exists so no. its in the intro.
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man... how did they fumble Miquella this bad?
Have you tried... you know... the "near" option only.
Why didn’t they make Ymir into an actual boss fight when he’s 1) Rellana’s magic instructor, 2) the most knowledgeable guy in the game, 3) Metyr’s fight is too easy.

Were they just retarded? Or what?
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does melina like snakes too
What level are you dudes for the dlc? I’m at 201 right before Radahn and I haven’t even explored the eastern half of the map yet.
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What are Radanh's favorites shotacon doujin?
clearly not enough niggers and faggots for a hollywood movie
Carian slicer, Magic glintblade, Ranni's moon and Terra magica.
>They nerfed cerulean tear so having a 1-time use Comet azur isn't even fun anymore.
I swap the rest of the spells out on the fly, for stuff like Malenia night comet becomes essential for example.
If a mob is strong against magic rock sling, I also like collapsing stars for pvp schenanigans and either of the greatbow spells depending on situation.
But cooping in the DLC with any sorcery other than Inpenetrable thorns (And then only if using the finger mother staff and having high ARC) is tolerable.
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I also think it's hot.
>Ranni sits in a pile of books not to look taller, but to hide the insane amounts of BL she has
I'm getting really tired of the mystery box lore.
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So what is the crucible?
Holy shit you are the same guy you've been at it since the leaks dropped. Between you and the goldmask schizo the dlc really mindbroke you retards
>rellana is entirely optional and you can just walk around ensis castle
what did they mean by this?
You are overthinking it. And you'll be disappointed with the answer. I had the same issue. You just have to go up farther.
kys tranny
this fucking DLC lol, why does it have to bring all this "fujos" here Miyazaki!
How would Messmer react had the player scritched the snake under its chin like a good boy?
Good for speedrun strat.
most bosses are optional
you can take the wind current down at the poison area and skip straight to Scadu atlus
You don't access that part from the main entrance of the storehouse. You have to go through the church district.
>a lot of people's ghosts telescoping at st trina's cute face
truly a charm huh.
> My loyal blade. And champion of the festival.
>Both your deeds will ever be praised in song.
>Now, the vow will be honoured, and my Lord brother's soul will return.
>So that he may be my consort.
That's it
>ranni told radahn to give the twins some books when he visited them
>she accidentally threw in one of her BL ones
>it involved hypno
>malenia and miquella immediately dedicated their lives to making it real
Ranni is the reverse flash of elden ring. She's behind everything
How am I wrong? Carians are more of a tumblr tier house now then ever. Ranni’s family is just a stupid joke now. “Lol red heads XD”.
The bloodstains were pretty funny. I'm terrible and even I just bullied him into a corner. I'm not even sure he got a whole spell off.
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Comet, or Spiral?
kill yourself freak, stop bringing Ranni into your tranny fantasies
What are all the things I should mess around with before the inevitable nerfs
>Marika made sure all of her relationships were straight
>Miquella insisted all of his were gay
What did Miyazaki mean by this?
I don't think it's better in terms of quality but the DLC is pretty good and is unironically bigger than BB or the average Souls game in terms of unique bosses and is close to an entire OG FROM game in terms of legacy dungeons. Pretty impressive to get that done in 2 years, show's FROM has a much larger team to accomplish it but you can see the cracks because it doesn't feel as cohesive in terms of story or overall 'soul", stuff like Shaman Village is peak FROM but then you get other stuff that just feels out of place
Unclear, but I think it basically represents the power of primordial nature/earth energy, as opposed to golden order and carian magics, which derive their power from celestial forces from outside of the world.
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Messmer having friends is kind of funny to me
Miquella. The Painter would take one look at Miquella and instantly want to paint the colour of his beautiful soul on canvas.
I like it, it gives the player the option between exploring and fighting the boss.
How does this general think about ranni being one of the most liked part of the game, and also being absolutely and completely out of place in the setting?
wew found a canonical Marika render
I have been furiously raping my hand to Miquella porn ever since finishing the dlc
Marika wanted children. Miquella doesn't care about having children.
Spiral for big/long bosses and mobs, comet for everything else both are a hideous use of FP
It is abandoned.
Rykard fed himself to the snake not because he lost himself, that happened AFTER he gets eaten.
Godrick grafts not because he's insane, he was always a coward and shitty. Grafting is the way he (and the rest of the Golden Lineage) use to get stronger. Again, not because of Great Runes but instead it's the only "ability" they have to get stronger, and it's only a different way of Godfrey and Serosh relationship.
Malenia and Radahn? Now we know they were fighting not because they got corrupted or whatever. But instead because they were honoring a promise they did.
Ranni? Just threw her shit away. Zero effects.
Rolling Sparks and the chicken wing. They're hilarious.
I made an exception for him
I just wanna fuck blue women and I like ice magic, why is it so complex
Her skin needs to be more porcelain smooth. Did you watch the E3 trailer?
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>millicent represents her pride and dignity
>she threw that away as she coomed over being a fujo degenerate
absolute kino, Miyazaki did it again
you did well. It's what Malenia would have wanted
do we actually kill metyr or does she run away through a portal?
she ran away
I don't understand why people say the meteor greatsword is broken, the dash is good but the explosion has such shit range, otherwise it's just a regular greatsword with fucked scaling because arc
I love the thing but it doesn't seem game breakingly broken
>carian slicer
you didn't beat the game
what does the remrbrnace say?
I hate that I love the night set.
About half of those are me.
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>beat the dlc
>dont feel like replaying it since all the coolest weapons are at the middle and end
Yes sir
anon, do you really think someone who pumped out as many kids as her would look like that?

do you have any idea about how the biology and physiology of the female body works? all of the thick marika images are unironically probably more lore accurate than this type of body
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Miyazaki is fucking TERRIFIED of doing proper wizard fights. He gave us Rennala and that’s about it lol. It’s insulting, it is.

Here’s your reminder that master Willem was supposed to be a big boss battle in Bloodborne, but got cut for some reason.


They put a lot of effort into animating his rocking chair and occult gibberish too. It’s also known that FromSoft is notorious for leaving their games left unfinished.
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>ugly ass face
That's not MY Marika, that's for sure.
Just play NG+
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Are either of the Bayle incants any good?
where your night katana?
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>and they wanted to turn the Carians into lovestruck losers.
Dragon great katana and milady are really fun
Ive been enjoying the moveset on light greatsword a lot
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Imagine the feet smell after 50 tries at radahn...
>trying to help out against radahn
>great shields and bleed/cold spears everywhere
>perfumers with rolling sparks not knowing to aim at the ground
>super glass cannons using impenetrable thorns for great damage but squishy as all fuck
Radahn really mind broke this community to look for cheap builds it seems.
>Posting from your IP range has been banned due to abuse
Wtf? How do I contact the mdos to unban me, it's probably some other guy's rangeban. I can't even use the ban appeal form
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its in the intro stop contradicting me.
Alright somebody please help me out here
>beat Messmer
>discovered nearly all areas and I have all the maps
>haven't seen any of the other (more hidden) bosses yet
What area should I go to? I can go from the Messmer castle to the left, to the ruins of Rauh, but that is probably the ending area with final boss? I wanna try some optional areas and bosses first.
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Where's the uncensored version?
Same. I've been checking a bunch of art websites daily.
It definitely takes more than 50 slicers to kill Radahn.
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Is the mausoleum the only thing on this island?
Did you do the Ymir quests?
There will surely be an Elden Ring 2. Remember that Miyazaki didn't want to continue with Dark Souls and they still ended up making another one, not directed by him, but it still counts.
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That's close to how her actual face look ingame in this form she's alive but her body is damaged, it's before we fight radagon. She has a better looking but still similar face. Pic related is marika's canon face
Why is miquella blonde?
I have no idea who that is. I have only met all the Miquella related NPCs and CURSE YOU BAYLEEEE guy + dragon woman. Where do I go?
reminds me
why is it gay for miquella/trina but not for marika/radagon?
they're both....both.
Comet is not a waste of FP if you have a lot of FP lol. It is also had incredible spam power, especially with a Terra Magica.
>radahn's armour is the most greco-roman looking
>he's canonically a pederast

>bring miquella's needle into the DLC
>no reaction
Anon, Ranni is a bisexual astrology chick with blue hair and daddy issues. Of course she's into that kind of stuff.
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im so glad i can put down this shit game for good after this dogshit dlc
East out of Bonney village, head north and wrap around to the church by following the road.
His mother is blonde
who is the orange haired girl?
>2.5 years
>they still insist in remaking the entire lore a few months before release for some fucking reason
She looks like a Karen.
Thanks. Any suggestions on what to do after that area / quest / boss? Should I save Rauh for last?
Theres a Catacomb dungeon south of the Ruins of Unte, down the river. Explore that.
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That's hot.
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was Marika justified? Why was the hornsent so mad against Messmer if he and his village was guilty?
pre-doll Ranni
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No he's right. Kinda. The ACTUAL marika art we have of her post kids looks better than what anon posted. Real biology doesn't matter when dealing with a literal goddess. She never lost her shape. She's fit with d cup breasts and a fat ass canonically.
>that wheeze
What’s with old people and wheelchairs in this game
That just makes this even more cringe damn (but also a bit based)
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>why is it gay for miquella/trina
It isn't? But it's still incest, selfcest? Call it what you will.
Trina not being a cyclops was a fucking blunder however.
That’s a dude, like canonically
Damage wise? Yeah
Usability? Absolutely zero hyperarmor, so no.
just use CE
>Oh, you killed my sister?
>Lol, lmao even, who cares
What is the name of the grace there? I'll check if I've already found it.
Yeah save Rauh. After that head into the shadow keep moat and you can reach another zone.
I just wanna know who the cute anime girl that was ranni's teacher was. Based off her to turn ranni into a chunni though.
ALR DLC went from 4/10 to 5/10.
>eyes not golden
I can't beat Metyr
I don't know how
I'm running through all my flasks before I can even do 1/4th of her health
I feel like this fight should be substantially easier than it is? What am I missing
Idk if it changes anything, but the big hand enemies I have always ALWAYS had severe trouble with and casually die to them more than any individual enemy type in the game
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Ranni. If you look closely at her corpse she has bits of burnt redhair. Also if you look at her model she has a partly textured vagina. All female corpses do.
>if he and his village was guilty?
Since when have bad people ever felt guilt for their actions?
use fire retard. you should know this from killing normal hands
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Nigger I don't give a shit about the heckin in-game models. The design concepts are good but they were clearly raped by DEI faggotry.
It is flawed, like anything else. But it is also by far the best FromSoft DLC and anyone who disagrees is a fucking moron unable to look at something objectively.
They were sore losers for getting fucked back.
Pretty sure it's Darklight Catacombs
because whipping people so bad they tirn into bloated blobs and putting them in jars is dey culcha
>Renalla falls for a faith chad
>Rellana falls for a faith chad
>Ranni falls for you
>Outer God of Rot is sealed
>Blue Swordsman/Malenia's master
This is not mentioned.
>Godwyn, Prince of Death spreading death aids
This is not mentioned.
Anything else? Let me make a list.
that sounds about right.
What's your skibiddytree blessing level?

Also attack her womb
Also use fire
Willem was right. Lawrence was wrong. Only losers become mindless boss fights, while winners become mindless npcs.
Elden Ring TWO
The only one Miquella can top is the Tarnised because they're the couple with a loving relastionship. that's why they switch it up, after all Tender Miquella is a man aswell and the Tarnished understands that.
>giant statue in species showroom has a thong on
For what purpose
How the FUCK do you dodge Radahn's meteors?
Without being TOO handholdy, how do I get to Abyssal Woods? Is it through the Shadow Tower church area somehow?
Turns out I already have the grace leading up to the church. Thanks!
I only have the rift catacombs. Is it true that Rauh has two separate areas? One that you access through the Messmer castle and one (lower level?) that you can discover earlier?
GEQ or anything about the Godskins aren't mentioned, Melina technically is but absolutely nothing about the weird eye thing or her association with Destined Death. Weird how she's your government-mandated waifu but we know next to nothing about her
>man... how did they fumble (every single character) this bad?
You have to run far left or right then dodge as they fade
>godwyn's aids reaching the shadowlands as seen by death knight room

if they don't follow up with one more dlc to wrap up all these infuriating loose ends that they SHOULD have handled in this dlc i'm permanently gonna shit on fromfags forever. i will become like igon and fromsoft, bayle
You have to get through a huge catacomb
Sorry anon, but Ranni falls for a retard STR chad who hasn't leveled Mind.
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That's one fat ass
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me in jarburg after playing the DLC
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this is the moral
Will do thanks anon
Sorry I was looking at the wrong part of the map. I have already found and completed the Darklight Catacombs. I brought me to a spooky area with trees (where I can't use my horse). It seems very empty. Is there some big secret (boss) I have yet to find?
Tender Miquella? More like TENDERIZED Miquella, amirite?
When can we expect deep dives into the DLC? Stuff like dialogue and scraped boss fights?
The design concepts for marika closely matches what we see ingame with her body. As seen >>483719131 her model even has a fat ass. An ass literally fatter than anyone else's. An ass fatter than 99% of porn iterations of her, an ass so fat she could've shattered the ring by sitting on it. Dei had nothing to do with marika's model. Face facts and accept marika canonically has a massive ass.
>Is it true that Rauh has two separate areas? One that you access through the Messmer castle and one (lower level?) that you can discover earlier?
Kinda, yeah. There's a path from somewhere in Altus near the front of the Shadow Keep, I forget exactly where, that leads you there.
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>Host wanted to play Hide and Seek
thx for the smoke break
Different kind of jars, the new jars are just stuffed with corpses for erdtree burial.
The Erdtree jars are good people though. Marika took a symbol of oppression and evil and turned it into one of hope and resurrection.
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You faggots can shitpost all you want about Miquella's bussy but if you keep insulting Finlay's lady we will fucking find you and the last thing you hear is the pling pling and the Halo Scythe's disc going out.
What the fuck are you talking about. Miquella has sex with men as a man, Marika never has sex with women as a woman.
Yeah you can use an imbued stone key on the tower west of the grace after Rellana's dungeon.
nuke china
It's like the primordial being / entity / energy or something, before golden order / erdtree / two fingers were a thing
I had powerstanced fire thrusting swords and they did less than when I pulled out Barbed Staff Spear
I'm at 17 skibidi
All her attacks are just bullshit and worse than Gaius ever was
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i asked about it but forgot to update

yes is it safe to update from steam pirate chads you also get to keep online
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Marika's tits that's a big ass.
What the fuck do the gods/demigods even do in this universe? Some guy can just go around murdering all of them, even them in their prime.
skin color check?
Explain how to dodge radahns double swipe into X swipe attack consistently
which weapon is this
post build
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what are you hoping to get on the summer sale?
I feel like I explored most of the map but I'm at Radahn and only at 16 skibidi, is there somewhere with a bunch of fragments like after Gaius?
That there is, yes.
I thought messmer was radahns older brother
Can Marika cook?
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Hornsent Genocide NOW
Finlay was also likely a fujoshi. All the cleanrot knights were. A lot of fujoshi tend to be lesbians for some reason. They probably banged getting horny talking about radahn plowing miquella
Messmer did nothing wrong and his cause was noble. But the fire knights gear says all the knights who joined him were shunned by their families. And the common soldier gear says that it was a crusade without grace or honor.
Idk, purging the murderous beastmen who oppressed your mother’s people for eons seems pretty honorable to me.
I agree, anyone who uses that ash of war deserves a point down.
Not mortal enemies but rivals. And even the worst rivals will team up if they’re going to smash the Hornsent.
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i trivialized her with burn o flame
I beat him at 16 before the patch, you should be fine
Why did messmer want to fuck his own mom?
Also why are marika's children women all hot, but all the boys are deformed freaks?
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>schizos forever btfo

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No they did not. Miquella just used his gay ass charm on Malenia, that's all.
Are fist weapons worth the investment? I got Pata and really liked the concept of it but it seems like it hits like wet noodles
third world nigger is playing on 1080p and low settings GOOD MORNING SAAAARRRSSSSS
My understanding is gods and demigods are just channels of divine power used by actual gods to interact with the mortal plane more directly than they normally can.
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found south-east and western exists from the keep. how do I go north, or east?
>Messmer knows Radahn and treats him like a good brother
I wish Messmer had saved Radahn from Miquella
I accidently found "Church District" iinstead. I see a lot of areas I could possibly go to, but it is all under water. Any clues as to what could help?
Godwyn was perfect. A real Alpha A-1.
CUTE dragon party
>What the fuck are you talking about

this is the second time TODAY you've said this to me.
>Doesn't playtest to make sure the bosses are all no-hitable
>Why did messmer want to fuck his own mom?
look at her
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>leda sounds normal throughout the entire game except the final fight where she starts shouting like an angry chinese woman

was leda's va a diversity hire
Im talking about quest items like the stuff from leda and the dragon priestess
The main path is to the west of the church, if I remember right. It's a long hike.
Yeah the fights fine at my level but its bugging me I missed like 20 or so fragments
>Miyazaki practices the Ashina Art of Combat
>victory whatever means necessary
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>fight a boss
>die over and over
>"this is the shittiest fucking boss I've ever fought in my entire life"
>finally beat it
>"honestly that wasn't so bad"
every time
>Why did messmer want to fuck his own mom?
Same reason anyone wants to fuck his mom. Catastrophic unresolved mommy issues.
Why are people projecting their incest fantasies onto Messmer?
I guess maybe.
But now he's by FAR the most deformed freak.
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Reminder ranni had a large one too, radagon as well, even malenia, all had large assess. Most of them had wide hips too. It's entirely possible melina is expertly hiding her large ass. I can tell she is, im not only an ass man but im white, my slightly above average iq allows me to tell on instinct if someone's packing a fat ass. Melina may look thin in game, but take off her clothes and I gurantee you'll be in shock and say I was right.
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no idiot by that point there was no reason to keep killing. Marika was obsessed with them but the reason why her people were killed was long forgotten. They shouldn't pay the crime of their ancestors, there is no original sin
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>they buffed axes again
Is warped axe just an S tier weapon at this point?
anybody down for some fc ive been seeing a lot more coop and invasion posts recently
They're probably on a bunch of the sparkly pot dudes, I don't remember finding a single one of those guys after Rellana
Frogposted kill yourselves.
>there are people who actually take the PVP in this game seriously
How embarassing.
He also admitted that he's dogshit at video games in general.
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i was smashing my head against the wall with radahn and then i decided to put on the snake hunter spear since it has zero stat req and moore's shield and then i beat him in one try

so yeah, honestly it wasn't that bad
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this nigga mad
man the framerate is dogshit
How come people are acting like the new Jar lore is so disturbing/bad. We already knew the jars were stuffed full of people why is this so different?
>Wow,all the tools the game gives you are intended to be used? That's crazy.
I'm glad they made Miquella creepy little evil bastard and not le epic cute quirky femboy
I think Japan's stricter game rating standards also played a rolr.
Did I beat the game if I summoned Yoda but I also cosplayed as Darth Vader the whole time?
Death knights are cool
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Um...Marikaposters??? If she's so good and justified explain this?????
Unlimited frogposter genocide in /erg/ NOW
He's literally fingering himself in front of you, I don't think that he's in his prime condition to call himself a boss.
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Ensis is the only location in the entire game that gives me the "FPS too low for multiplayer switching to offline mode"
actually Radanh is the evil guy
Miquella was just doing what Radanh demanded
Why is Ymir upset at me I did what he asked me what the fuck what did I fuck up
In the lands between having your corpse stuffed in a jar was an honor. The hornsent stuffed live people inside and for different reasons.
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Erdtree Jars
>dead warriors implanted into jars for the purpose of ensuring honorable burial
Shaman Jars
>live shamans tortured into deformity and forced into jars for the purpose of slaking the Hornsent's bizarre religion
It was assumed before that they were just stuffing corpses on the jars, turns out shamans were veing actively hunted and chopped up alive specifically because their flesh melded well together to form some sort of horrifying unity inside the jar
>stuffing corpses into jars as an honorable burial vs stuffing alive people into jars as a form of torture/mutation
today I learnt a new word
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I want to do a dex build for tbe first time as my main is str.
Should I go dex/int or dex/fth?
DS2 was peak for PVP, once they started adding all the special weapon arts and now ashes of war it was over
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>Miquella was just doing what Radanh demanded
Fucking pedoshits will go to any length to try and justify their garbage shota.
Only just started with DLC stuff because I was on a hiking trip when it released, but this ash seems pretty fun to kill bad players with.
Sorry for quality, it's pretty long and I'm bad at making these.
you seem upset about the latest facts
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How do I get down here? Jumping seems like instant death.
only frame drops i've seen so far was from rauh base at the poison swamp while looking at the fire giant thing from the cliffside... strange
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Translate pls, will typeset for free
It's like Tanith and Rykard. You were supposed to get killed, instead you killed them
>Literally freezes the procession of stars to stop his fate
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Radahn = evil anusplowing homosexual pedophile who wants to do nothing but kill and murder those weaker than him and then go home to beat his boywife black and blue

Miquella = abused and betrayed naive boy who uses his powers for the benefit of his daddy radahn
The translations posted last thread said only the fight was radahns plan. He didn't plan what happened to mohg.
bing bing wahoo super mario gameplay.
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I know what what I'll be writing is practically heresy for Fromsoft but it would have been nice to have a good-ish ending and actual multiple endings.

>Path where you support Miquella and restore him.
>Path where you support Miquella and don't restore him
>Path where you oppose him.

What would a Miquella boss fight be? pure magic? Hoarah Loux Miquella?
>wandering through the forest
>suddenly royalty free bear noises
wew, caught me off guard
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>Radahnfags and Miquellafags unironically fighting each other now on who's the evil rapist and who's the victim
Of course the Griffith clone has apologists.
But I did get killed
at least 30 times

this is bullshit, I was promised a katana tsundere waifu
It's funny how "Radahn was in on it" quickly got spun to "Radahn was entirely behind it"
He stopped the stars to save Sellia
>Annihilates foes with a pillar of light. Miquella sought to accept all that was and would be
>but found one that refused to be embraced.
Who the fuck is this talking about if it's not Radahn
I am a PS4 cuck and the performance is significantly worse. On the base game I could get silky smooth 30 fps and usually large groups enemies in the distance would look like slideshows (especially bats). In the DLC I get some strong framerate drops with some frequency. I killed the Fallingstar Beast close to the Finger Ruins and killing it tanked ny fps to like 5 until I got out of the crater
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So did Miquella just kinda forget about him?
Okay okay hear me out hear me out:

>Beat bosses solo
>Use spirit summons everywhere else

you were supposed to die to fingermommy. he was literally wishing for your happy death. were you paying attention to what he was saying at all
You, lol
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>silky smooth 30 fps
uooooh miqqy muscles
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Anon, in order for Radanh's promise to make sense, he knew Miquella had to revive him. Mogh was the only way. So he knew he was going to become Mogh's meat puppet when went along with the plan
I assumed it was us the player
It's actually broken. The animation is a grab (so you can't iframe it), and it's attacker-sided, making it functionally unavoidable for the defender.
They will probably fix it to be defender sided when they start patching balance. It's almost as unfair as swift slash
So is Radahn Gambino or Donovan?
>tfw even molesting small boys is a fucking berserk reference.
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(You). You're fighting for your own right to the Elden Throne and rejecting Miquella.
You the player you dumbass
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the final build
You can, as a spirit summon
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miquella in the dlc is different from miquella in the base game. the miquella in the base game is canon, but the dlc miquella is fromsoft fanfiction of what gurm actually wrote
Yeah never mind, I'm just used to these usually referred to shit that happened ages ago
What level are you for all that weight
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The solution here has always been to not become attracted to/a fanboy of major Elden Ring characters
You can't lose what you don't invest
If Miquella discarded his great rune why can he still charm you in the fight
Get rekt pedophile

You WILL never get your edgy prince of death final fight and Miquella will ALWAYS be a creep
No, this isn't souls anymore. What's heresy is that they pulled the same low effort miserable bullshit again in a new IP. You're right.
He's both of them obviously.
Miquella, the Rapist
>Malenia: I... I am sorry, brother. I am currently in the middle of the knights' training.
>Miquella: Excuse me, Malenia's prosthetic arm needs some adjustments, so I'm going to take her for a moment, okay?
>Cleanrot Knight: Don't worry, you can take her! (leaving them alone together)
Let Me Solo Him when?
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How to get there
I can see a river that comes out of a big ass cave on the side of the mountain and it looks like it comes from somewhere in gravesite plain but I don't think that's it is it
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I love my blueberry wife and I will always use her wedding gift
150? the armor is really light i have 32 endurance
>but found one that refused to be embraced.
The tarnished, destined death, black flame, flame of frenzy, scarlet rot, deathblight, hypnomindbreaking nothing can fucking stop the Tarnished.
Because his charisma was not GreatRune related
Is what was posted last thread. He was into miquella's plans, he consented, what he forced miquella to do was have malenia kill him in combat. The guy is responsible for caelid being nuked because he wanted a LARP battle. Malenia agreed to it and tells him go to miquella in jp and english so she supported it.
Miquella had the plan to violate mohg. The mohg violation was always going to happen, but caelid didn't have to be ruined. Miquella had a crush on radahn, he knew this, and agreed to his plan so he could become elden lord. Miquella isn't a rapist, he isn't a yandere. He's in love with radahn. Radahn loved him back. They were in love. They're the cutest most accurate gay couple in fiction.
it's literally a magical charm it even has an effect you have to break
I love spectral lance it makes the dlc a joke
So what was the Erdtree really, and how does it relate to the Scadutree?
Did Marika plant/create the Erdtree? The fact that there’s a tiny one in shaman village makes me think she cultivated it.
Is the Scadutree a sickly predecessor to the Erdtree?
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Reddit tier cancer on the community.
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Miquella the Raped and Radahn the Raper of Little Boys
Then why is the charm broken specifically only on his followers when the rune breaks
It's really funny.
i dont know
Ah ok
>Miquella propaganda
Best questlines/lore so far:

1. Ymir
2. Midra
3. Dragons
He went along with the plan but he didn't devise that part. He's still scum. But miquella is also scum.
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Follow the yellow arrows to enter from the other side of the keep.
From there you will fight a boss to gain access to the northern area, or use a gesture on a room right before said bossfight to get to the eastern area.
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happy pride month
This is starting to sound Rhaegar planned to get killed type of retardation.
I can't get over how stupid Scadutree sounds.
It sounds like those fake words people make by merging something with pussy, like wendussy.
what does it tell me when a player's both hp and fp bars take up over 2/3rds of the screen
So why exactly did they need mogh? Formless mother stuff? Powerful omen body?
I fully agree the super grim dark everything is fucked even time is a souls thing they should be able to do a good ending but for whatever reason Fromsoft refuses. It might be because they can't write a satisfying good ending.
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>most accurate gay couple in fiction.
Psycho's willing to mindbreak the world to force them into accepting them and nuking the world with weapons of mass destruction just for a laugh?
Sounds about right.
Wait toggle escape still works?
Sorry bro, you're too late
It's pronounced "shadow"
So Marika was just a simple village girl, so bittersweet to find Shaman Village.
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>People theorizing that Radahn needed to be killed to enter the DLC because the stars needed to be in motion and that Miquella would orchestrate a Berserk Eclipse to resurrect/finally kill Godwyn.
>Actually the solution to the mystery is that Miquella NEEDED his bussy ate by gigachad Radahn, only mentions of Godwyn found in optional catacombs.

Considering how disastrous the spreading of deathblight and Those Who Live In Death is, it's weird that it's not really treated as a serious problem in need of a serious solution.
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>phase 2 radahn doing that thing where he hits the ground 5 times
>he hits my summon 3 times then instantly teleports to me to do the other 2 hits

this fucking guy...
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They cute
actually, it's pronounced SHUKADU CHUREE
She's basically a murderhobo that made it big. She's (You).
Fuck off radahn loved miquella he loved him he loved him he loved me he loved him he loved him he would die for miquella he would allow mohg to be brutalized to help miquella his love for miquella is true and unbiased and miquella loved radahn he was not a yandere he was not a rapist he was not evil they were in love true love and tarnished ruined literally everything every single thing why couldn't tarnished just fuck off huh?
stop shilling your channel bro
Taiwanese post
i want to see frumpy small town nerd marika before her girlboss glowup
You have time to get a summon out? I had to to solo him because I was too shit to get Tiche out, he'd slaughter me. And the NPCs just bloat his health.
Crazy to think they did this fight twice but this time the brothers are gay and in love!
Likely to revive Radahn you would need a strong demigod vessel

Out of all the demigods, Mohg is a likely target because no one knows what he is even doing, he just NEETs it up in his blood dimension underground. Rykard is a no-go coz he is a serpent, Godrick is probably not a good choice because of grafting, Morgott is too much of a Golden Order simp and him dissapearing would be much more high profile
She's my mother in-law and I lover her very much. Before I burn the erdtree I'll be sure to behead as many hornsent as I can to show them to her! I bet she'd be so happy.
I'm gonna break
I can't get past 20%

I'll summon Tiche when he does the meteor if I don't beat him by the time I run out of consumables again.
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Bosses in the DLC really don't let you painlessly summon your ashes. Tried summoning my beastman homies and eventually just gave up.
nta, i used that bubble mix which lets you take one hit without taking damage before i entered the fog, spammed summon, summon out, got hit but its ok
Apart from the dancing lion, every boss OST has been forgettable slop. They really need to get the Bloodborne composer back.
I summoned ansbach before the fogwall.
Yeah it's weird how he's like a cancer spreading through the entire Lands Between, Demi-god son that's Marika's golden boy, part of the incident Ranni started and has lore with the dragons, but is located in entirely optional areas and how 90% of endings are just "yeah don't worry about that guy"
I wish Miquella would hug me and buff me with the power to move at the speed of light
If that was true you would have been able to side with Miquella, the fact that he MUST die sends a pretty clear message.
pls respond
>Vs Gaius
>Decide to bring out my Beastman Boys
>Get run over and my summons got one-shot (blessing level 5)

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Marikachads, why...
Coincidentally, the two tracks that stood out to me the most were the ones that were basically Bloodborne bosses.

I remember when being an elitist was just making fun of people thinking the games were hard, but not it evolved into no fun allowed at any time and just using the exact lane shit or you didnt beat the game
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What would Igon's dialogue be if you could summon him at the final boss?
a cave in blue coast goes there i think
>He's in love with radahn. Radahn loved him back. They were in love. They're the cutest most accurate gay couple in fiction.
That's a big leap of logic right there.
Did I have fun? I really can't tell. I saw a Steam review that said he felt like he had just completed a prison sentence when he finished the DLC and I think I feel the same way, rather than the usual catharsis and sense of accomplishment. Like holy fuck at one point it felt like the boss was fucking with me after I figured out I can squeeze in two guard counters during this combo (webm related) if I'm fast enough. He just would not do this fucking combo, even if he performed an attack that usually lead into it he'd suddenly decide he's just not feeling it and cancel out of it completely. I still don't know what criteria I was apparently fulfilling for him to do that.
10/10 fuck you Miyazaki you shark-jumping hack niggerfaggot but I love you and I wanna be with you.
I'm convinced that Lion is a Sekiro boss fight. From the OST, to the moveset, to the asian-themeing
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Very based. You should write more.
>For the first time in his life, Miquella will know what it means to overpower someone.
Imagine if they forgot to remove Miquella's dick hahahahahaha
what do you mean go online
you can't go online with creamapi or whatever dlc unlocker?
See that fissure on Gravesite right above, go there and fins your way down
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I still hold onto my headcanon that, as alluded to in the mountaintop, marika fought alongside her soldiers and godfrey fell for her after seeing her rip apart a group of hornsent with her bare hands, laughing maniacly while tearing through them, her laugh slowly turning into tears after they were dead.
It's digusting that you people would defend Radahn the paedophile. I the Tarnished will save Fair, Tender Miquella the Kind from this monster and his redmaned cronies. I don't care if I have to fight an entire army for my Hus- my boy- my bestfriend Miquella!
>Leda is a hot yandere
Bros...how do I get one irl...
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Ima be honest, those fire knights that spam their shitty little fireballs are a complete asscancer enemy design.

Literally just a stagger check. Cant stagger them? Get fucked and spammed to death.
The autism from souls games just became so stupid
>If you didn't play the game the exact way I did you didn't play it right!
why is radahn brown
>it's weird that it's not really treated as a serious problem in need of a serious solution.
Deathblight is tuberculosis aka white death, mostly a none issue in white countries but still a major killer in asia and parts of africa.
It's killed more people than all the wars of history combined and about 4000 people die to it every day despite the medicine to treat it having been available for a century.
>from wanted to immediately move on from dark souls and make bloodborne, but were forced to make ds2 and ds3
How likely is it Bandai Namco will force them to make another dlc on account of the fatass sales?
Huh, so they did actually fix the visuals compared to the leaks, neat
Thought he had a slasher smile from the thumbnail
>her laugh slowly turning into tears after they were dead.
I unironically want to give her a hug.
He's tanned from fighting and training in the sun all day.
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>He's in love with radahn. Radahn loved him back. They were in love. They're the cutest most accurate gay couple in fiction.
>gay brother incest
I agree with you, but not for the reasons you'd want me to.
The jokes are getting out of hand. People are going to start seriously running with em.
Miquella wanted radahn to marry him from the start. He was the one who originally planned it all, radahn only added his own requirements. Miquella loved radahn. Radahn loved miquella. Your cuck tarnished will have to cry while he begs his name like he sings it during their boss.
you need to drop down from the ledge around there and then ride long ass time
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>Radahn DLC in NG+2
scadu 9 enough to do shadow keep?
what are some non obvious scadu locations before then? I've done almost all the southern part and found the one in jagged peak
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Radagon is most likely her violent masculine side, just like St trina was Miquella's kind feminine side.
FromSoft owns the Elden Ring IP now
So from what I understand.
>Miquella planned to become a god and have Radahn as his consort because he is cool and aren't afraid of anything
>Radahn initially agrees
>Something happens just before the shattering or during it that changes Radahn's mind and refuses to do his part
>Miquella sends Malenia to get Radahn's ass killed (pretending like she wants his great rune) so he can get his soul while he charms Mohg to use him as a vessel
>The fight doesn't go as planned and Malenia accidentally nukes Caelid, having to retreat while failing to kill Radahn
>Years later, (You) put an end to Radahn's misery, or so you think, helping Miquella without knowing
And then you go and kill both of them, this time for good.
my tarnished is alive and well while miquella and radahn are rotting in hell after i killed them myself
I beat the DLC but I did not enjoy the DLC except the Lion who was kino
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The nice thing about sluts is they have low standards.
Bro, this you?
Given the lore about Shamans melding flesh I think Radagon was originally separate from Marika.
Bro your guard counters? Your jump attacks? Your blood loss?
I already did that and it took me cerulean coast, I'm talking about the part of that area that I can see from charo's grave but can't access from there
A glitch in the system can be patched at a later date. At least, that's what I think Miquella is going to do.
Is it true "Marika's Mischief" has explicitly sexual connotations in nipponese?
Is Heavy generally the best infusion for pure physical damage?
yeah 9 sounds ok, shadow keep is connected to several other locations with even more scadu, you don't even have to fight mesmer to unlock anything but the final level of the game that has a few more scadu.
Why Hornsent attacked me as a red spirit after leaving the fortress?
I sided with him in his fifht with Leda, and I summoned him for the Messmer fight (despite summoning him being more trouble than it was worth his help)

But after leaving the keep and reached to the ruins he attacked me as a vengeful spirit and had to kill him
Cute tummy, but massive cope.
I'm not that deep into Dark Souls lore but is it like this?
>Dark Souls world is shitty, everything is a circle. So, ultimately, the best option is to let the natural course of things happen.
>Since losing yourself and turning into a hollow is miserable, someone dying after completing their objective is actually a good ending.
Meanwhile, Elden Ring world, while "broken", there's nothing that says it can't be fixed. That's your objective, and unironically, by killing people it actually makes it a better place.
>So, death, is actually a bad ending. Since (in theory) you should be able to fix everything.
>However, Miyazaki, being the hack he is, puts this as the "good" ending for many questlines.
Am I really suppose to believe Radahn consented to being killed, the land tainted, hundreds of thousands of fighting men, civilians, and life condemned to a fate worse than death, with the astral gods permitted to reign free and run amok in the stars above. THEN resurrected, and forced to play sockpuppet consort to a mind controlling twink that cast off all notions of human love and dignity, who sent his own sister to die and damn a realm to make this happen? To get what he wanted, for an end that justifies all these means.

Especially when it's hinted that doom lays at the end of the procession of the stars. Which Radahn was holding back all this time, up until the moment we killed his rotted body.

The body which remained LIVING. And NEVER left Caelid, to accept the invitation on his own willing. Both while he had his faculties, and left bereft.

Suggesting that all of this is consensual is retard.

Radahn told that little faggot control freak NO.
So I know I have to summon Hornsent for the Messmer fight to progress his quest, but does he actually need to survive? I don't like using summons so I was figuring I'd summon him and just dodge around the arena until he dies
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>btfo during his siege of Leyndell
>btfo by Morgott
>btfo by Malenia
>btfo by a random murderhobo
>revived and brainwashed by a twink
>btfo by that random murderhobo again
I honestly can't wait to do the dlc on NG, doing my first run on NG+7 was a fucking mistake
I'm anxious about when Fromsoft will have a really bad flop. It feels like an every growing stock and every one makes the fall harder. they're at a way higher position than CDPR was when CP2077 happened.
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trust no one, not even yourself
If Radahn is lucid, I wonder how he feels about being kill twice by the same dude
I see Miyazaki is saying you should kill them after you have "used" them. Could someone check Miyazaki's garden and basement?

That's the kinda stuff Miyazaki enjoys. Be sure to sent it to him.
but anon Miquella wants to get railed by Radanh. If your love for Miquella is genuine you will let them be happy together
so Miquella was an evil mind controlling rapist got it
imagine being more evil than fucking MOHG!
yeah I started in NG+2 as well
I like how Ymir is basically a mix of Gold Mask and Gideon Ofnir.

Retards who are wrong about everything.

>I want to know everything
>knows nothing
*gets his shit pushed in*

>the gods are fixable
>they aren’t fixable
*just dies*

>the moon is lame the GW is better
>the moon is highest int spell in game
*weaker than his student Rellana*

It’s also funny how male mages are just dumber/weaker than female ones
>"shit nice I'm back"
>"now that I'm at full power I'll be Elden Lord and conquer the Lands Between"
>sees the same nigga who killed him the first time walk through the fog gate
>"oh come the fuck on"
Can we please have a kindness of gold without Order ending? That doesn't involve being brainwashed by a gay shota
>btfo by Malenia
Radahn won.
>btfo by a random murderhobo
He's weakened by the Scarlet Rot destroying his mind and body.
>btfo by that random murderhobo again
The murderhobo is stronger now.
Releasing the stars causes zero negative effects to anything or anyone.

Radahn just wants to be Lord and have glorious battles. He sees himself as the successor to Godfrey. Read about Godfrey.
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>Radahn shatters the star that would've hit Sellia, since it's an important place to him, where he made a lot of good friends and where he learned gravity magic to protect his horse.
>We are supposed to think that him and Malenia fighting in Caelid, with her nuking everything, including Sellia, is actually something they both wished for.
This is so retarded. Who the fuck wrote this shit?
I like how Ymir is so blatantly tranny-coded. He Will Never Be A Mother.
Sounds about right, except for Radahn changing his mind. We aren't 100% sure about what Miquella's side of the vow was, and if Freyja's dialogue is anything to go by then it's possible the war fought in Caelid was what Radahn wanted in exchange. Dude just wanted to experience an all-out war before he died. I don't know if I'm team "Miquella's vow was war" or team "Radahn felt regret", Miquella's boss spell implies the latter, but Radahn willingly becoming his consort implies the former.
Please tell me there's a DLC ending where I stomp on Miquella's head like we did with MiB
>"Miquella you fucking jobber and jobber knights..."
What's the point in the dlc endgame where I have to go back and finish stuff beforehand?
>get coop after disabling malenia, after a connection error (im not even ready myself)
>some fag kiting with messmer spear
>octopus blocks the stairs
>can't riposte it
yep thats a severin.
I really like the "Those United In Common Cause" track. Can I find composers already? Wonder which themes are by Saitoh
>Radahn told that little faggot control freak NO

>"if we fulfill OUR PART of the vow"
>"a vow he made WITH Radahn"
>"Promised Consort Radahn"
>Miquella is wearing an engagement ring

how much longer will this cope last
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It's because the males don't have cute feet.
Anyone got that gif of the basegame map having the DLC map layered onto it?
miquella is torrent
So what's the whole deal with the Scadutree
Miquella is god
While Madmen are usually right in FROM games because they manage to pierce the veil and uncover the eldritch truth behind their settings, they also aren't typical the best at physical confrontation.
I mean thats the canon fight, the Tarnished is going for that Elden Lord or Lord of Frenzy title and Miquella is just another demigod to demolish on his way there
You know what ending I would choose? Rot ending. Because that's what Bandai Namco, Miyazaki, Vaati and every other sellout YouTuber can do for all I care. The adds for this games were fucking obnoxious and you know it's only going to get worse, forgoing quality gameplay for trend chasing to gain some quick appeal with people who don't even enjoy games, they're just bad with money. Remember when people thought Elden ring was going to be like sekiro but with horse combat? Good times. This industry can't collapse on itself soon enough.
the only way the plot of the DLC makes sense is if Miquella went "Big brother Radahn please marry me" when he was like 8 and Radahn said "Yeah sure little champ" with a smile and then like 1000 years later the bussyboy and his fujosis came to collect
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>*whistles for magic horse*
>*chase rolling skull and loot Golden Rune[1]*
>*spams circle in direction of pissrays leading to next boss encounter*
>notice corpse with huge purple glow
>"Mhmm.... four red leaves... purple glow... Arteria leaf, gotta be"
>"come on, Torrent"
>*follows rays*
>*loot 3 golden Rune[1], 7 rowa fruit, 10 gold-tinged excrement, 1 turtle neck meat, 15 ruin fragments, 2 thin bones, 4 arteria leaves and 6 nascent butterflies on the way*
>Hollow™ guy appears
>SHING PFYUUSUHHH *fyuuuuuuoooohhnnn*
>"Hmmm... Hollows™ pretending to be zanzibarts.... better tell C the forgotten about this"
>*opens map and teleports to NPC hub*
>"whasts hast broughsts thee to me'st.... thou'st who are guided by grace, in search of the elden zanziring..."
>accidentally choose "talk"
>"the elden zanziri-"
>"when the myr-"
>"the lords-"
>click "hand over faded shards of the Myrmidon"
>"Oh.. yes indeed... the pleading Myrmidon, so easily forgiven... you have done'st thee well'st, Tarnished..."
>reload at site of grace
>C is dead
>loot Golden Rune[3], Arteria leaf, smithing stone[1] and Forgotten Darksword of C
>look up wiki to make sure quest is completed
>reload area at bonfire one more time just in case
Full picture, now.
How are game mechanics proof that Ymir is weaker than his students? You do know that we hack at Rellana’s neck like a hundred times before we kill her, yeah? A decapitating swing only does 3 percent of her health.
Deathblight is a drop in the bucket of shit that is The Lands Between
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the possibility of a happy ending like that was snuffed out long, long ago.
>spent 20 minutes waiting to get summoned
Maybe I should've just do far in the summoning pool, I just wanted to carry people in the early game instead of watching the host get 1 shot by every dlc boss
I will kill everything with horns, including goats and sheep
I don't see how any of that says he actually consented? It could all easily be seen as Miquella coping and pretending Radahn is on his side because he is obviously delusional
At this point, just admit you are freak faggot who has gross fantasies
Marika is not a slut.
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luv my teacher wife
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Malenia discarded her dignity, I don't think Radahn planed for Malenia fucking splooshing scarlet rot and asexually reproducing from pure fujolust right on top of him.
So I bought the game but I can't play it until I beat a big devil guy. He's literally impossible though.
The Hornsent cries out in pain as it strikes you
>Seething this hard over a woman being better than a man at something
Ive fapped to Marika even more after the dlc
I love my queen with a fat ass
i dunno what you mean, i need in game screenshot of the area or maybe someone else understands
But Gold Mask literally figures out how to fix the source code of reality in the end.
It's funny how Miyazaki recommended going into the dlc midgame since if you actually use the runes the dlc gives you you're going to be ridiculously overleveled for post-Leyndell by the end.
dunno, but the fags/trannies here seem to think Radahn was all for it
Reminder you have been completely and utterly and beyond a doubt blown the fuck out and everyone's laughing at you.
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Does anyone have a chart of these npc questlines yet I swear I fucked every single one of them
Miyazaki also recommended picking the pendant as your starting gift.
He just likes to troll people.
Sellen shouldn't be that hot, but God damn I want my teacher to praise me and tell me I did a good job, I want to make her so proud of me
She was one of the only reasons I wanted to play a caster
> Lord Mohg will have his dignity
Makes you wonder how Mohg really is considering a man like Ansbach repects him
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i wish the game had "boomer mode" where it would make it so bosses wouldnt attack constantly
Oh I see the angle you're going for. Not the most original troll, but probably pretty successful on this site.
The one asanagi one where the german boat gets dick downed, that shit made me gay
Quelaag just beat radahn after two days
You DO realize that Master Willem was a full fledged boss once, right? He was no slouch and he could kill the player, using some weird telekinetic ability, like floating into the air and slamming his chair down.

Not sure they scrapped it. Perhaps it was because he was right and Lawrence was wrong. One is a mindless boss the other is a mindless npc.
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>go into the DLC level 130
>finish it at 200

200 meta when
Time for some Zyklon M
how do i evade sennesaax's random aoe lightning bullshit?
I haven't played ER in 2 years, why is jeenine runnin around with a little fuckin axe in the offhand slot?
It's insane how Miyazaki wants us to headcanon our way through the endings with absolute nothing to work with.
>Liurnia sinking into the Lake of Rot doesn't matter
>Godwyn spreading aids doesn't matter
>Caelid being infected by rot doesn't matter
>Rykard eventually coming back doesn't matter
>The Haligtree doesn't matter now since their fate will literally just be to rot away
>Altus Plateau is filled with dust since we burned the Erdtree doesn't matter
>Nepheli saying she will summon the storm or whatever the fuck it was doesn't matter
Then you have a bunch of questlines with nothing on them.
>Sellen's questline conclusion is....make it up yourself!
>Millicent's questline conclusion doesn't matter!
>Rya...? Who knows!
summon things
>when she goes astray, you can't stop
You honestly should understand by that point from context clues that whatever's at the end of Sellen's ideas is not good for her regardless of what she thinks and you shouldn't tell her where the last master is.
sellen vs freyja, who has the best pits


strongest shield and armor
summon mimic
heal through it think
Does anyone actually side with the Hornsent over Marika? They’re fugly, evil creeps.
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Mohg 100% redeemed
>Turns out Radahn was the pedoshit all along and got Mohg to take the blame by getting Miquella to brainwash him.
If your still stuck on him by the time I get home I'll help you anon
>have to re-spec to faith again
im getting tired of this bullshit holyfuck my resources....
>aieee, is that a moon
>what is this eldritch truth
>becomes oc donut steel
Why do women become combat gods but men do not? I smell favouritism.
I feel like we can easily dismiss this theory on the grounds that it's completely fucking retarded to make a vow for marriage and treat it like a joke in a dynastic feudal setting.
finished the game but i have no idea what either of them are about so the one with tits
>Radahn is a pedo
>Miquella is a rapist
>Mohg was a victim, still an asshole tho
this dlc man
Ansbach is the one true bro of the whole dlc
Scarlet rot and run away, he can't leave his tiny arena.
The closer to 200 the more easily I find invasions and get summoned for coop
Every moment the host spends just standing somewhere counts as the invader winning the exchange. If anything they're winning harder than if they just walked forward and instantly died, at least they would get back to the game quicker then.
Mohg was still a mass murderer obsessed with blood, people keep forgetting that part.
>phase 1 radahn

>phase 2 radahn
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>All the Radahn vs Malenia discussing were pointless
>All of the Malenia vs Mohg fanarts were pointless
Why would they fuck the game like this?
Ansbach and Igon are those two bros
posted it again award
Which incantation should I trade in Bayle's heart for as an invader? The fire one seems better but lightning damage is more reliable. Are they both mixed dmg types? Unsure of what to do here becuase I dont plan on going into ng+ for quite some time, if at all on this build.
200 meta is now, do you think outside tranny discord people give a shit about muh 150 meta lmao
Why did dex and faith get so much more shit than everything else? It makes the DLC seem even more unfinished than it already was
So the ancient dragons had a civil war and Bayle took off one of Placidusax’s heads? K-kino…
He was just trying to impress his mother since she reached out to him when he was discarded by his real mother
i havent tested either but i think tyranny sounds cooler so that
i think he took off two
you guys remember when they posted a picture of a knife-wielding hornsent guy on twitter and everyone started saying it was godwyn, or marika, or miquella, and it turned out to be just some enemy? or when the madness woods were posted and people were sure it was deathblight, and anyone proposing the idea of a madness swamp being laughed out of the thread?
we deserved the radahn plot twist.
You say that like he's worse than anyone else seeking to become The head guy in charge.
By time you get to post Leyndell your main stats are usually already close to softcapped so I doubt the levels you get from the dlc will actually make much of a difference.
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Miquella, my beloved god of compassion. I return St. Trina's essence to you.
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Blood is cool though my man, you need it to live.
and somehow he is still less evil and radical than Miquella lol
About what? That women are better than men at magic?

Gideon Ofnir cowered before Marika, the god who could not beat Rennala.

Azur and Lusat got btfo and expelled the moment Rennala took over.

Ymir is coping about the moon, and their spells suck in comparison.

It is a fact that lunar themed women are more powerful than star themed men.

You can only blame Miyazaki for this.
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its ok
What do you actually mean?

Sellen by a large margin. Only comparable normal girls in ER are Sellen and Millicent.
>Bayle and placidusax fighting claw and tooth to become the next lord
>Both come out royally fucked up
I want to see the dragon fight, bayle using his fucked up wing as a way to walk and the exposed bone as a lightning rod is fucking metal
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>Mohg was still a mass murderer
We forgive Marika for genociding the hornsent, so I don't see why we should be stricter on Mohg, that just reeks of favoritism since they both had a rough start on life.
even vaati was btfo because he thought the dlc would be all about godwyn and shit
i personally enjoy seeing theoryretards having their dumb headcanons wrecked
There are two Placidsax heads embedded in his neck. I seems Placidusax bit into his neck and Bayle pulled/pushed away with such force the heads ripped off.
>Malenia is the poster girl of the game prior to launch
>Has a huge focus in the trailers along with Radahn
>The collector's edition even came with her helmet
>In the actual game she's only know for being a really hard boss and doing a single thing in the lore
>She's not even the hardest boss any more
>Her lore didn't even go anywhere either
>Radahn gets everything, even her brother
Has any FromSoft character been more cucked than her?
so I come from the east?! damn, I have to revise my exploration in those areas. thanks.
Second phase does feel like a being ascended to godhood. I think it was a good final fight but maybe some attacks could be nerfed a little. He is very susceptible to bleed it seems. I died about 30-40 times before I finally squashed the fucker lol (Colossal weapon, no shield btw)
>We forgive Marika for genociding the hornsent
They were evil so I don't have a problem with it.
that armor's gotta be cookin them pits real good tho

that + buff lady means buff arms aka killer pitjob skills
why the fuck does she have terrible skin on an otherwise excellent model
>Radahn gets everything, even her brother
fuck this thread, hope you all get scarlet rot on your cock and balls so they get stinky and smelly and fall off
I am not engaging you again.
You're wrong. Completely and utterly. You have no argument left.
>Has any FromSoft character been more cucked than her?
now what's this, a mad tranny/"fujo" or a salty Maleniafag?
Yup, Malenia said that!
>looks mysterious and noble and has a delicate impression. I think he will come out one day and solve a big problem and be at the center of the work.
Right I'm a shithead gay bochu who has nothing but thoughts in my head about fucking my brothers, but I also have a hypnosis app.

Reminder that Sellen is called the single brightest and most promising sorceress to ever grace the halls of Raya Lucaria, which presumably includes Rennala and her sister Rellana.

Reminder that Sellen STILL fucking loses to Jerren in her fight with him, regardless.

This means witch-hunter Jerren is more powerful than even Rennala. This means you cannot trust npc fights. You can’t.
So how does the DLC area change after you beat Radahn?
I'm still going with the Hyetta interpretation that the mistake the Greater Will made was life, life just happened to be regular dragons as opposed to the perfect ancient dragons crafted by the Greater will during the only age where the GW was actually around.
>Both Placidussax and Metyr have been waiting for new orders ever since.
Gentle lovemaking with Miquella!

>Miquella aggressively flirting with the Tarnished.
>Miquella leads the Tarnished to their bed.
>Miquella gets on his lap and starts kissing him.
>Miquella slowly lays the Tarnished flat on the bed.
>They help eachother undress.
>Tarnished sees how eager Miquella is and encourages him to help hom get over his nerves.
>It's their first time!
>Tarnished feels soft and fuzzy from all of Miquella's divine kisses
>Miquella is Nervous but eager and he draws his blade!
>Miquella Backstabs Tarnished and Tarnished loses control from pleasure!
>Miquella and Tarnished hold hands and help eachother feel pleasure, with a extra large amount of kisses.
>Miquella releases his Dew inside the Tarnished and they cuddle afterward!
>They kiss and laugh a bit about Miquella's sudden manly courage.
>They feel bliss

Anyway my writing is shit but it's better than nothing.
The most I can do is the PLAP PLAP PLAP and I mostly wrote that because it made me laugh. I don't have the autism or skill to write something proper so I hope this scene is enough.
Not at all
We help Jerren, though.
She can't do anything if the ultimate grim reaper shows up on the door.
Do great katanas have any poise breakpoints of note?
Honestly now that Mohg's a confirmed innocent on the Miquella thing, his only crime is willingly accepting the Formless Mother's blessings. Outer Gods are all dicks in this setting so that's a dangerous fucking game, and it seems to have also cursed his brother alongside him. Alternatively they were cursed from birth on top of having the crucible's blessings.
But he did have his reasons. He got chucked into a sewer as a toddler and I doubt him or Morgott ever truly understood why Marika did it or how deeply she fucking loathed hornsent. The fact she didn't have them killed was impressive.
what the fuck is a fujo, is that like some futa shit or something? the only anime i'm familiar with is the one with the shittingdicknipples. also I haven't finished the game yet so i haven't even fought malenia, idk how it's possible to be the fag of a boss. you're speaking nonsense
Using a single warped axe two-handed felt awfully wrong but I'm starting to think this is one of the THE weapons

The R1 hits come out lightning fast compared to heavy weapons. Its quick and nimble when it needs to be. It builds up bleed at the rate of a greataxe and scales excellent. The only negative is that it doesn't have much range

Axes have a terrible reputation because of their shit powerstancing moveset. So just two hand one and I think its more fun to play with than any slow ass greataxe
Lorebros, what do the following words mean to Miyazaki:
> soul
> god / divinity
> sainy
> chaos and order
The first three come up in Elden Ring in context I don't really understand, itbmust be a cultural issue
>They were evil so I don't have a problem with it.
A lot of people who weren't got caught in the crossfire however, the horrors of war are pretty much front and center in both the maingame and DLC.
nothing happens, it was weird, i was expecting to get some sort of creditroll or confirmation after but yeah that was that
>only thing that carries from main game to DLC is that if you killed Placidusax the dragon priestess knows it and has some extra lines
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INSANE player
Can you even prove him wrong, anon? I am serious. He is throwing evidence your way and you’re not throwing any his way.

The game’s lore favours women in all the important parts.
Why does Messmer curse Marika
why does radahn never talk in this fucking game? wasnt he against marrying miquella the brat?
Jerren didn't want to teach me to though, I want to marry my teacher
>just trust me bro
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Thank you. My imagination will make it work now.
Because she discarded him (like she does all her children) because he was a fucked up weirdo and sent him on a “special” crusade against her personal grudge enemies so that no one in the Capitol would ever have to hear about him and his edgelord snake antics anymore?
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>accepting the Formless Mother's blessings
He wasn't even the first to accept her blessing, at least he didn't fall to the frenzied flame.
I favour women's important parts
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So what was the deal with the fingers being hollow on the bottom? Does Metyr stuff herself in them and birth the fingers so they travel up to the surface?
I already proved him wrong yesterday. God knows how many threads back
His entire premise is based on the int requirements which means absolutely jack fucking shit.
He's wrong. He literally cannot dispute it.
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>dies crying in the fetal position
>gives weapon to his killer
>weapon is called "greatsword" despite clearly not being one
>flame buff from skill only lasts 15 seconds instead of the 40 seconds Flame Spear has for no apparent reason
Is Queelign the biggest loser in The Lands Between?
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DO THE SCADU BLESSINGS APPLY TO MULTIPLAYER AT ALL? because i don't have many. or is lion really just *this* bullshit with 3 people? (trying to be a yellow for runes and because it's a fun fight)
If you stand there and do nothing, Jerren mops the floor with Sellen, someone who is hailed as the best sorcerer at school.

This means Jerren is stronger than the strongest sorcerer. This means he’d wipe the floor with Rennala as well.

Sellen was barely even surprised when I showed her Comet Azur, implying her int is rather high. It’s just a big spell to her.
Why does Mohg talk so much when he was brainwashed
i dont know
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>watching headcanons shatter and the desperate cope that follows
Because we only ever seen him brain rotted, or fully mindcontrolled by a dominating femboy with a messiah complex.
It depends on the host.
I can't believe even after someone went into meticulous detail on how fucking bad latency affects i-frames in Dark Souls 3, From just... didn't fix it at all. If someone is on a latent enough connection and are playing passively (ie; whenever they're on low health and you're trying to finish them off) they may as well be invulnerable.
Give me one piece of evidence that the formless mother is evil other than just "blood bad :("
reds and yellows are lowered down to the host's scadutree level
>Boss does the same move 7 times in a row
This has happened on like 4 different bosses so far. I'm getting 1.0 Bloodborne flashbacks
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If Radahn is strong enough to shatter stars, what will he do with poor Miquella?
why doesn't messmer just leave the lands of shadow, he could probably burn the erdtree himself if he wanted to
>Dryleaf Seal isn't Dex/Fth
Huh? the ancient dragons weren’t crafted by the GW, source on this?
My interpretation of Ymir’s quest is that the GW was never really present or influential in TLB, only its vassals (the fingers and the beast) and they lost contact with it long ago.
>Cult dedicated to hunting down fellow Tarnished for the blood good
not evil at all, nope
whatever Miquella asks him to
based miyazaki making one of the worst games when it comes to story telling and making schizos spin around like mad
The int thing is only part of the premise, since he is pointing out that Rennala and her sister are given boss fights, and their own big ass moon spells, while Ymir and Gideon are just normal encounters. Ymir did not warrant a spell big enough to fight or match the moon either. In fact the text on his hat can said to be ironic, given the microcosm spell is so weak compared to the moon sorceries.

It’s just apparent that Miyazaki thinks the moon sisters are the most powerful mage characters in this game. That’s that.
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She uses them to communicate with people, like shouting into a long tube to send a message.
She's the one who's been controlling the two fingers all along, since the Greater Will peaced out long ago.
That's why they cease up during the main game, Metyr has no fucking clue what to tell the Tarnished at that point.
only bosses I've seen get stuck in a loop are ancient dragonman and rakshasa
What's are some good challenge run restrictions
>implying that radahn's star-conquering gravity-imbued meat rod that can break the very heavens itself isn't exactly what miquella is after
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Buying the bundle at base price is cheaper than the base game on sale + the DLC separately
Japs don't care that the rest of the world has to deal with this shit all the time.
You get the hosts scadu level, that's why I always hurl myself off a cliff if it's below a reasonable level.
R1 only, no roll, no ashes, no summons.
Where do I get cool messmer fire spells
Sellen is a better sorceress than Rennala and she got beat back by a clown man.
nothing cause we killed them both lol
I genuinely think she didn't get anything including follow-up on the flower because she's going to be in Elden Ring 2. Even post DLC she's still the mascot so her design would be featured in the sequels advertising as well.
>Japs don't care that the rest of the world has to deal with this shit all the time
As someone that also plays fighting games, this is unironically true
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>Discards body, still has body
>Discards love, still loves Radahn
>Discards Great Rune that allows him to charm minds, can still charm minds

What exactly did Miquella give up? Did he just make it to that doorway as a bloody and broken husk and then got everything back for his devotion?
Remember to recycle instead of making a new thread like a retard.
I feel like they royally fucked up a lot of stat requirements regarding a lot of things in the dlc desu
>blood rituals
>mother of truth
So this is the fate of our pedo elites
>Marika had to genocide all the Hornsent and pile up corpses to reach Godhood
>Miquella had to do none of this
Idk bro you tell me
The fact that Placidussax is still waiting on Greater will messages like Metyr, this rather heavily implies that he was around for a time where the Greater will was still present.
Hyetta's line about life being the mistake causing fractures takes on a whole new context if you consider Bayle to be part of that mistake.
>>She's not even the hardest boss any more
She's still the hardest boss and it's not particularly close. People are just vexed by new movesets and forgot to collect Skibidis. In a few months the wider community will realize this (the other bosses will probably also get nerfed on top of that).
He only really wanted to get rid of St. Trina because she was cockblocking him by being too eepy.
>Shield run
Not really a challenge run
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After playing AC6 i realized Ayre is what Melina should have been
That's all brainwashed Mohg and Varre.
There is no indication that the formless mother wants tarnished to be hunted down. If anything it's Miquella's doing for deluding Mohg into doing blood sacrifices to start a new dynasty
I don't think any of the Outer Gods are evil in an ethical/moral sense
Just the same as the ones in BB
They're unknowable and beyond human understanding.
But what they want or require of people can be bad. Formless Mother requires blood sacrifice that involves death, the Scarlet Rot well, rots. GW imposes near complete and total control over the populace. The Moon is distant and uncaring, untroubled by the issues of living beings and the frenzy flame's good intentions will have us all burn and return to primordial goo.
midra theme is kino, you have shit taste
>That's all brainwashed Mohg and Varre.
Miquella only brainwashed him into kidnapping him and forcing someone to off him so he could use his body.
Ansbach has been in his service for a long time, long enough to be infamous for it.
Miquella doesn't give a shit about the formless mother or the blood cult, he just wanted Mohgs body.
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My waifu lives in my head and calls me studmuffin.
what is the "you didn't beat the game if you did it post-scadu buff" of SOTE?
>She's still the hardest boss
I can turn off my brain and burn her to death with Dragonfire. I can't even begin to do the same with Radahn.
STR is the only thing that makes sense
oh fuck, really? how do you tell what the host's scadu level is? variance on co-op'ing bosses is gonna be fucking insane from the perspective of a yellow, then.
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did we ever find out what those are?
It’s also apparent that the fingers and their finger crones can wait a long fucking time… given that Metyr *has* to wait a long fucking time… and still is waiting… with vain hope… that the GW will call…

Spacetime is a bitch, and I’d laugh if the Greater Will simply can’t answer due to a universe still being a universe. The GW’s creation is likely a mere blip to it, like how Fleeting Microcosm is a blip to us.
No he doesn't.
>Ymir and Gideon are just normal encounters
You mean they're "player sized". Because otherwise they're still boss battles.
>Ymir's spell is not as big
Why? Because "muh int". Must I post all the fucking int requirements again? Loretta is basically just an albinauric cavalry woman and yet her Loretta's Mastery has a higher int requirement than Lusat's ultimate spell. Lusat is one of THE greatest mages in the history of the setting.
I'd argue that microcosm is a far better spell as well for various reasons but that's gameplay shit, which again, irrelevant.
It's also a problem in MMOs, they literally don't understand latency.
He gave up nothing because miyazaki is retarded
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I'm pretty sure the reason Mohg is hunting tarnished, is in the hopes of pissing off a strong one that'll eventually kill him so Miquella can loot the corpse.
Mohg had a deal with the formless mother since he was in the sewers
This weapon would have been so kino if the moveset was a mix of heavy thrusting swords and greatswords
>Loretta is basically just an albinauric cavalry woman and yet her Loretta's Mastery has a higher int requirement than Lusat's ultimate spell.
Because gurl power idiot
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>Everyone already forgot her
Open up your status and check your scadu level, I'm at 20 and when I open it up and see 3 right before a hard boss, I know already that my damage will be pathetic and I'll get 1 tapped.

>the greater will forgot that he left dwarf fortress running on his computer when he went out for a coke three billion years ago.
Funniest shit ever man
Of course Miquella didn't tell him to do blood sacrifice, but him creating that obsession in Mohg likely drove him to do it. Like with most From games it's mostly speculation.

Right now all we know about the formless mother is that she likes helping the oppressed and downtrodden and enjoys being stabbed with forks. Hardly abnormal for a woman honestly.
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>be a yellow for dancing lion
>get 36k runes
>that's about as much as I get for one wave of piss on the albinauracs

on the one hand it doesn't feel worth it time-wise, but on the other it's probably a lot more fun this way. idk. hey at least i got a neat little emote reward out of it, this is for getting summoned as a co-oper in the DLC for the first time i suppose?
ds2-ass filler boss
i'm always thinkin bout that scorpussy
Anon the Olivinus are retards on the same footing as the hammer (Haima) conspectus.
>Literally weaves Scarlet Rot
>No relevance to anything, even Scarlet Rot lore
They did her so dirty
pebble is one of the worst sorceries in the game
Who is the blue cloak girl from the trailer? I still don't know who she is.
>No dialogue
>No lore
>No cutscene
>Literally just a thing in your way you need to kill
I miss DS1's clanking armor sounds.
I wonder if she was going to be Malenia reborn guarding the path to Miquella
Sure, but was he doing blood sacrifices before kidnapping Miquella?
you get as a reward if you help someone who pre ordered the game, same thing with the other gesture
Yes, they're related. Same thing really, except the Omens are WAY uglier for some reason
I fucking love your retardation
Fine here's another one. Placidusax's ruin requires 35 FTH, while Lansseax's Glaive and Fortissax's Lightning Spear cost higher than that.
Placidusax is THE fucking dragon lord and basically both of the previous one's leader
Again, there is NO argument here. Stop posting and just admit you're wrong.
probably leda or something
No it’s not. It has slightly better range than most of the other glintstone sorceries and is an incredible stock spell.

Carian Piercer and Swift Glintstone Shard are my go-to.
Don't they gift you with a free rune arc?
The Formless Mother craves wounds
Magic glintblade remains the best
>input reading bosses can't dodge it, since they'll dodge the cast not the actual launch
>longer range than any of the regular glintstone spells
>gets boosted by carian offhand like slicer
>amazing FP/damage ratio
>can be charged for even more damage and longer delay
It's the only spell I found that worked consistently against Consort Radahn.
0 int irl
She is extremely forgettable because she's only an obstacle to burning the barrier away. A shame because she has a great design.
And Radahn craves battle.
Craving wounds is not inherently evil!
how do I get down in the Moorth Ruins?
Nigga just pick a hole and go in
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>>be a yellow
>be cannon fodder for a retarded hostcel and estus delivery for a redGOD
do invaders also get scadutree boosts or you're left on your own against buffed players
Did Florissax have a normal human looking form or is her monstruous scalie form the closest drsgons can get to looking human?
You can make a point about his mind control powers but he didn't love Radanh anymore. He got rid of everything that's why he is more spirit than corpse now
He also says he leaves his right arm but has it in the model
Also farming rune arcs is nearly impossible and pointless even if you could do it.
Damn brat mind controlling older men! Poor Radahn was never given the option to talk that brat only wanted his body! If you want a serious answer probably something like they didn't want to spent money on a good voice actor.

Another thing to add I like to imagine him to use his full body weight to slowly get the Tarnished flat on bed, while he's kissing him.

Yes, I am using shota Miquella and not evil god Miquella if he becomes an adult god that would be in the future (With the support of the ever loyal Tarnished
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I don't really like Miquella or Leda but I also hate hornsent. What a difficult decision.
kill rats
You get a talisman if you assist Leda while helping Hornsent gets you an unique ash of war
I missed this, and also missed the other summon in the 1st floor
I fucking hate this shit
I'm not farming for an hour to get 5 rune arcs that I will lose in 5 minutes of fighting a boss.
Is it a good talisman?
Most of them are great. Rellana, Consort Radahn, BAYLE especially. I like the music in Bloodborne and Dark Souls, but I like that these tracks are different.
It used to be easy, just co-op Margit and godrick at low levels while farming rats. Or twink invade and immediately sever upon any team that seems hard.
Unless you're dying <30 times in an entire playthrough Rune arcs are a moot mechanic.
Gaius will do his meteor throw move endlessly if you keep a certain distance and back away slowly to maintain it
NTAA (not that autistic anon), but…

Placidusax’s Ruin is a three slot spell, of which there are only three in the entirety of the game. Comet Azur and the Scarlet Aeonia incantation are the other two, and the latter took out Radahn and Caelid.

Three slot spells are supposed to be the biggest or most destructive spells in-lore.

For some reason people only look at the stat requirements alone, not the lore:logic that went into the spells. Malenia is not a caster, so Scarlet Aoenia shouldn’t have high faith requirements. It took out Caelid in a way no other spell is capable of. The other two three slot spells are tossing out literal beams of god.

Comet Azur is definitely a bigger sorcery than the Moon sorceries, which are more or less just special discoveries somehow linked to the mystery of the sentience, or intelligence of the moons. That is all that separates them, to me anyway.

They likely gave Comet Azur three spell slots and a lower intelligence requirement because they felt it would have made the Moon sorceries less-than-special.

Because again, the Moons aren’t as big as a deep space nebula—the birthplace of stars—but they are nonetheless more nebulous *beings* in their own right, if we are to assume them sentient/observant.

A nebula is a grand ground in the deep of space, but the moons appear to be close players in the grand scheme of things.

Lusat’s primeval sorcery and those of the Olivinus that descend from it are powerful because they are clearly meant to be the sort of spells you use for combat, while a Karalos sorcerer appears to pursue more straight forward (literally) sorceries based on the mysteries of comets, while Lusat’s line pursued the more twisty mysteries of meteors. It’s the same with the Haima, of which they are similarly born out of war.

The Olivinus also very likely pursued the likes of gravity sorceries, since meteors go together with gravity, and Lusat’s eye-brain is even reminiscent of an Astel.
I don't even notice them most of the time, and if they don't even catch your attention what's the fucking point? The only themes I remember are the godskin theme and the Malenia one and the latter is by pure repetition.
Rakshasa isn't getting stuck in a loop, retard. It's distance based and part of the weapon art and has a finite amount of times she can do it.

This is what happens when you play the game with stupid meta bullshit instead of learning how to survive and complete the fight vs just ungabungaing and being able to mark the boss checklist off. You might have beaten the game but you didn't actually play it.
Is this real? I just beat the lion boss using R2 and the flame weapon art. I have like 20 str/dex and 25 faith.
I've seen radahn to gravity pull 5 times in a row and the earth stomp 4 times in a row. It was bullshit.
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But Mary conceived Jesus of Nazareth at age 12-13.
>Lusat’s primeval sorcery and those of the Olivinus that descend from it are powerful because they are clearly meant to be the sort of spells you use for combat, while a Karalos sorcerer appears to pursue more straight forward (literally) sorceries based on the mysteries of comets, while Lusat’s line pursued the more twisty mysteries of meteors. It’s the same with the Haima, of which they are similarly born out of war.

I mean, this is probably the actual reason why the Olivinus and Haima sorceries do cost a lot less int than the Karalos.

Sure, you can be a badass mage that’s a spammer of numerous magick projectiles capable of homing in on and taking out a more nimble or dodgy opponent, sooner.

The Karalos only shoot one straight as a line projectile, which can somewhat home in on the target, but it’s still more singular and straight forward and demanding.

The Olivinus and Haima conspectuses of Raya Lucaria were probably more worldly or versatile than the other conspectuses, all things considered.

Some even suspect Lusat of being more powerful than Azur, given his higher hp in the files, as well as his more ‘evolved’ air, or state, when you discover him. His staff is also the one that boosts spell power.
Yeah I die maybe 20 times per playthrough now, with 10 of those deaths to malenia. Even still you can get like 40 in an hour of farming so what's the deal?
>The Karalos only shoot one straight as a line projectile, which can somewhat home in on the target, but it’s still more singular and straight forward and demanding.

And it’s a rather big, fast, and spammable projectile indeed. Probably why Azur has a speed buff on his staff. Comets go brrr.
It can be said that Karalos is for taking out monsters while Olivinus is for taking out players.
The Olivinus and Haima learn their magic to defend themselves and bully fat rollers into submission. The Karalos are actually interested in studying sorcery and this is why they go higher up the intellect ladder.
>For some reason people only look at the stat requirements alone
Well yes that's the entire point of this argument. The stat requirement alone isn't the entire story.
Also, do keep in mind the guy's obviously a fucking shitposter otherwise he wouldn't say shit like
>ER's a girl boss game
Clearly meant to bait replies.
just make a backup save and every say 5 rune arcs you just reset that shit.
>Clearly meant to bait replies.

Of course it is. I don’t actually think it is possible to settle power level arguments due to the wonky, misleading, and quite a bit inconsistent lore:mechanic constantly getting in the way. It’s a purposeful mess.

There’s like ten different characters that can all be argued as capable of killing the others. Even Ranni. Even certain npcs.

This is also probably the one game, for a change, that Miyazaki probably jumped in blind for—as he had to interpret whatever it is George wrote for them, etc.

They only met once, so it is likely the two had different views or visions in mind.
Zanzibart... forgive me

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