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Previous : >>483555817

>What is Brown Dust 2?
A tactical turn-based JRPG that combines the classic gameplay and storytelling of the genre with the visual appeal of modern-day titles.

Download: https://www.browndust2.com/en-us/
PC Download Link : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.neowizgames.game.browndust2&pli=1&gl=US
1st Anniversary Roadmap: https://www.browndust2.com/en-us/news/view?id=2503
Post: Summer Knight Special MV : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pv8kH7fwbg

>/bd2g/ Resources
Resource Kit: https://rentry.org/bd2kit
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/M1ySuJEF
Progression Checklist: https://rentry.org/vtruzowr
All Service Cutscenes: https://mega.nz/folder/vmgW1Lhb#9GWTEK3Z7I_VDDdx-kp7yQ

>Current Patch
[Patch Notes]

>Codes (valid until July 18th)
Redeem: https://redeem.bd2.pmang.cloud/bd2/index.html?lang=en-EN
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You're going to regret not getting her +3 at least when her other costume comes out.
guys, a lot of characters have the same skill, like lathel and jayden both have search, which one should I invest in? jayden's cost less
also, the new character doesn't look strong, idk if I'll pull for her
>doesn't look strong
You only say that because you don't know how to calculate the damage buffs.
Barely matters which skill you focus on. I went Lathel. As for Nebris, with Diana backing, she's a monster. Physical wind sucks since it's mainly only just Sir Gisgray Blair.
Can you guys help me figure out baby's first pvp team? Every guide I see says that you need +5 costumes or else don't bother but what the fuck am I supposed to do then, just spam my losses with my pve team and forget about it?
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you're probably right, but I also went all in on my magic team (1st team) so I can't invest in a physical team anytime soon
Pretty much yeah, we can give you a team but that doesn't mean it can win without equips.
>Set master plan into action
>Walk into class
>Walk right up to Glacia
>Call her a whore in front of everyone

Bit of luck, the first punch knocks me on my ass, then she chokes me out while straddling me.
dont want to spam so last ping for someone to help me with >>483723628
so, I use my diana on my magical team, which supports should I use on a physical team provided I can't use her? homunculus lathel and who else?
Are there any good physical buffers other than Homo Lathel? Right now I’m just using Diana+Samay but I don’t think it’s optimal
Schera is limited. Shop upgrades cannot be used on limiteds. If you have tons of tickets and truly love her, go as far as you want. Venaka is amazing for her 50% magic resist debuff. Nebris is geared for phyiscal teams. Do with that what you will.
same question at same time, huh
The only reason anyone should go past +0 for swimsuit schera is if they are pvpfags which +3 minimum is mandatory.
Medical Teresse (my wife) and Arines. Arines is top tier and easy to +5.
I got +3 pp and still using base cause lapis witch +5 is better against most formations...
with that reasoning he shouldn't have pulled at all since pp is a terrible filler costume for pve
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For physical supports the order of investment should be arines, homo lathel, gamer rafina, and then lastly nurse teresse.
What do I need for a Magic team?
How do I order them on the grid?
Why are players not angry with the game having so many paid banners!?
>having so many paid banners!
It isn't, you need to remove enemy buffs in some hard content. 1 copy is enough for that.
It's just optional, there's nothing there that you can't get from normal banners. This isn't Nikke anon, you don't have to swipe to get exclusive stuff here.
Venaka should have been skip, her skill pattern is weird as fuck. Feels like it only makes sense if you use rigenette/zenith.
Supports to lead usually. Helena is great. If you don't have her, Elpis works well too. Then you stock up on the goodies. Celia, Venaka, Loen, Schera are all great choices. Limited bunnies Celia and Eclipse are busted as fuck, but unobtainable for now. Order on grid will depend on who/what you're fighting.
the paid banner sucks that's why. literally pay to pull 3* 30-40 pulls in a row
wait really, i thought the paid banners this time around were pretty good, especially the step up. It's a 200 powder and 50 pulls for 5700 gems, which is basically half price.
after 95 pulls and getting +0 nebris and 3 offs 'lathel, v.gray, kendo yustia'. I just caved and did the paid banner literally 39 straight pulls all 3* then 1 4* 40. I would be mad but on last step got Nebris and another wtiger Yuri copy. I mean no powder, no pity, no guaranteed even 4* in a 10'r except on pull 4 is pretty jank for paid gems
kek what a scam
John keeping us honest and f2p
>I would be mad but on last step got Nebris
Because step 5 has guaranteed Nebris? Not to mention steps 1-4 Nebris isn't even in the unit pool for some reason
I mean I don't understand the logic here, what you hit is irrelevant the pulls are being valued the same and you're getting them at a lower price. The one argument people can make is that there's no rate up and that diminishes the value but with the guaranteed unit at the end that refunds 10 tickets that makes up for it
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I'm sure I have no use for Nebris. Do I pull or what? It's rare this ever happens to me.
I mean if your luck sucks I can see it potentially being worthwhile. but I'm no lucklet. Thus far over 2,779 pulls I get a 5* every 31.94 pulls and of that I win the rate up 64% of the time so the banner sucked for me honestly
I know she was gar you retard that's why I pulled it. I would have been mad had I not gotten another yuri copy. that amount of paid gems is jank as fuck for a single copy of a non limited
I'm surprised they didn't try paid banners with Mushoku collab.
Imagine using paid gems on the step up banner past 500 gems. What kind of tard falls for this trap? The 2k gems for the guaranteed 5* is the only choice here. Don't spend money unless you are guaranteed to get something you want.
which Celia costume can be recruited at the pub?
The Curse; 7 chain, ATK decrease
They had to discuss everything they do with IP holders, probably that's why.
>Don't spend money unless you are guaranteed to get something you want.
you literally get the banner character at the last step....
>Helena is great. If you don't have her
Oh neat, she is on the pass thingy.
There is a 2nd Helena, which is the one you want. Top Idol (current pass costume) gives Damage Reduction and some SP back, B-Rank Idol gives you M.ATK and Crit Rate
That's half your problem solved bwo. That one boosts your teams defenses and recovers sp. The other of her 2 costumes boosts magic attack and heals. Elpis might be the better option for you in the short term. She should be easier to +5.
And it's not worth the money...
So I got Olstein, Diana and Celia with my scrolls. Now I got one more. Who do I pick? Lia?
it was like $60..... how poor are you that you are concerned over that much money
Liatris is amazing, get her and the mirror wars one if you can.
>and the mirror wars one if you can
I saw the other one on a shop that uses some dust thingy, that's the one you get from rolling the gacha, right?
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Which girl do you think would give the best footjob?
>bro why don't you spend 60 bucks for absolutely shitty value??? Are you poor?
Making money with gachas is so fucking easy when you have these kinds of people inhabiting our planet
Yeah, any excess exchange points from rolling are converted to dust after the banner ends.
Glacia, no content. Also they're stocking-clad because (You) are unworthy of touching her bare feet.
base schera and school glacia because pantyhose
should i be using my gems to pull a banner or keep them for mega meta chars in the future?
Forget everyone else. I only want Queen Glacia. Slopanon, dump them.
It's nice that it gives me the option to do so right away, I have like 130 points on a banner so maybe I should keep rolling.
That sounds like Diana
idk who that is, im a nikker that just started BD2
I tried to pull Loen after getting her weapon from a daily draw. I failed after burning all my tickets...
Queen Glacia.

But you need to beg first.
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Glacia > Eclipse > Sylvia
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based venaka and dalvi saving my newglutti ass
yea sure you certainly have to be Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates to spend $60 on some entertainment
Same as me and 90% of the new people starting recently. She has a rate up banner. Can't miss her blind Quiry bro. She won't give you a big damage boost for your campaign team though, just recruit Liatriss from the pub with a 5* scroll once you get to her in the story.
So, its Nebris good?
$60 for 1 *5? Going by those rates my account is worth like 8 grand, but since I like you I will offer it to you for 6 grand, what a steal!
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You can replace the beach sluts with whatever damage dealers you want. Also my refi is teared so she buffs 3x3 instead of +.
Feet aren't meant to be sexually arousing.
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recommend me a pve comp that i can put together with my barebones roster
I'll give 8,000 vietnamese dongs
Which SR is the cheapest to make? I need crystals so I wanna massproduce some stuff.
You could do... uhh... something like... uhh...
She's clearly made with 2 costumes in mind. She's worse than summer Dalvi for now.
Circlets. You need just cloth, leather and coal.
+5 Fox and Elpis will let you clear everything except fire enemies..
Kry, Arines, Wiggle, Gray, Emma
Dalvi, Elpis, Samay, Lucrezia, Schera
Building her will also let you clear hard and very hard event story pack in case you haven't already.
You definitely should because that's how you +5 fox.
>get to sapphire in pvp thinking 2500 really high
>there are still 4 tiers above it
Cool I guess.
>You definitely should because that's how you +5 fox.
who is fox?
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Me on the far right
me in the front
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remember how people said to skip collab for anni then anni ended up worse than collab
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Imagine not skipping both for Omega Rou.
I got +2 Nebris now I wait for Leon.
there is no Rou, just Loen and Levia
i like painted toes, very good gaem
do you think Levia is gonna be a sensei? they can't keep making everyone into schoolgirls, right?
Couldn't be me because I only started playing 2 weeks ago and +5'd my wife Roxy.
the real anni is beachside angels. another two limited costumes and two new non limited swim suits.
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How do you even get furniture to pretty your place up? I just have Roxy and Schera sitting on chairs staring at each other in an empty room.
no beachside angels is summer
Brap Dust 2 anniversary was June 18 or some shit
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Friendly reminder that they never said we're getting Levia as a new unit, just that we're going to run into her
>hints are fire magic
She should be teacher.
Hints are #Loen's #Getting #Powercreeped
You unlock furniture by beating the story in normal/hard/very hard mode. Also you get stuff from events.
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Did 20 rolls out of bored, at least I got 10 back.
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damn i fucking farmed this kid i feel bad
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We COOMING yet bwos?
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Mic des
Nah waiting for justi alter
do i draw on the step up banner or just the normal banner
Normal, step up is for whales.
did that guy gooning for Nebris ever finish? He probably had a heart attack after gooning for weeks like that
step up is paid only. You're not a pay piggy are you?
wait wait wait is this a real thing and is it coming
whoops my bad thanks
If you have paid gems from the monthly packs, go for it. I got fucked on Venaka's but on Nebris I managed to roll 5 URs, so it was worth it.
Venaka's voice is really fucking annoying
aa aa mike test, mike test
Play with Korean voices, bro.
Who's mike??? Is that her boyfriend
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Chipi chipi chapa chapa
Dubi dubi daba daba
Mágico mi dubi dubi
Bum, bum, bum, bum
Chipi chipi chapa chapa
Dubi dubi daba daba
Mágico mi dubi dubi
nah it's from early art competition but I mean one of the costumes does appear to be Eclipse so perhaps they took that guys idea
yeah that's me, hey bro
Her butt and tits are too distracting to care for the voice
No way bro, the devs doesn't have shit taste like the artist.
Fuck you I like it
It's acquired taste tbf
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I guess this is my limit. No Dalvi or Gray UREX, no Refi, just 1 VG Gray pot. At least it's a nice change of pace after the berserker shitfest
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Buy DJMAX to support John! It's also a good opportunity to get to know the game characters for the inevitable collab.
*releasing my dopamine on Nebris' back*
What is this garbage?
When is that octopus girl gonna be released? I think I'm in love.
DJMax collab is inevitable.
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Bd1 has it on rerun every summer so surely this game can have it ONE time.

DJMax bros, which character has the biggest tits?
brain development
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Day 1 status report? pic related. Wish I had +5 Venaka and the other Dalvi costume to be honest.
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Most of them are on the small side, but Lena (white top and pink skirt) is decently busty.
Are you me? >>483742252
So, the right play as a new player is to get one copy of Venaka and Nebris and then just hoard for what's to come?
Damn she got thicker.
yeah you could go +1 for sp reduction but they aren't limited so better to hold for the 2 limited swimsuits
ZAMN now thats what I called a PA.WG
My damage is nowhere near as high. I don't think spending tickets for Nebris would do me much good. She's good, but outside of Fiend hunters, I'd imagine she'd be pointless for me. I honestly think my physical team did about 30m damage at most there.
Are brave nine and bd2 sharing Oragami art or do they have two separate artists?
Diana is absolute your top priority, you'll want to have her at +2/+3 by the end of her banner so you can +5 her with powder shop / SP10 recruit / selector.

Venaka is nice to have but free Dalvi is so good that I don't think she's top priority, same with Nebris.
Don't skip on Diana, she's better than both of them.
I managed to get my hands on another copy of Nebris, no deal with Venaka though, if that Venaka +1 is really important i might aswell try and shoot for her, i have 120 pulls left
Newglutti here, what's the voice acting situation? I've already read that Ch1-3 are JP voiced, and then 10+? But what about the events? The current summer event doesn't have voice acting, but last year's does.
>2 limited swimsuits

Wait, more limiteds? Bros? BROS?
What should I buy from the event shop as a newfag?
I'm a returning player so i actually have her and her weapon. I've got no dupes of her though, are her dupes really that important?
Full voicing is announced for July patches.
Shit, should I just wait a bit then? Feels like a shame barely missing it
She's the most broken support in the game so yes.
Just never roll on non-limited and non-support banners desu
Summer Romance UR not SR
27 Altered Fox Beads fully upgrade the Summer Romance
Ancient Crystals
Refining Crystals
Draw Tickets
Tear of Goddess
4 star rank up stars

I'd focus on the Summer Romance and Altered beads first.
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Was originally going to do like 166mil but unlocked Summer Dalvi's base damage node and thanks to that I will be clearing lvl10 in 4 days rather than 5.
My very first lvl10 clear after several months of playing... really happy ngl
Anniversary patch is in a week so you can wait if you want.
We don't have any patchnotes yet.
What limited are the limited supports to keep an eye out for. Or are you saying it's fine to roll on a non-limited support banne ?
Yes. You'll want to aim for +2 and ideally +5 on her. The game is generous, but the flipside of that is that dupes are very important here in most cases.

You can always save your Very Hard difficulty playthrough of each pack for the update. No reason to delay on getting Diana/SP10 clear, free 10 tickets and daily chance at diamonds.
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>never roll on non-limited

I'd rather die than be a willing Loenlet.
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Hi, started playing Brown Dust 2 on the 2nd of this month and been here ever since. Here's my short analysis of /bd2g/.

Overall it is actually positive which is rather surprising considering there are so many posters all the time. I mostly lurk, only occasionally shitposting, and I certainly don't stick around 24/7 like SOME (YES, (You), seek help) but every time I'm here there's clearly a lot of ppl active and still nothing egregious going on.
Also, even though the local schizoid fauna is I must say rather abundant, I've not noticed anything malicious in it. You crazies do still need a lot of meds though.
Anyway, especially when compared to some other stuff that haunts the board, it gets my seal of approval.
Thanks, please like and subscribe.
Congratulations anon, you need a lv10 FH clear to graduate from newglutti status so good on you.
>My very first lvl10 clear after several months of playing.

I've managed a couple of level 10 clears. My advice? Get Rodev's Liatris, Gamer Rafina, Zenith and Medical Teresse set up as soon as you can. The work wonders.
GAMFS probably has team of artists, Origami is just the lead artist.

Looking at one of their videos, there's also OVEN.

According to that video, using BD1 Dominus Octos as examples:

Origami created Lucius, Levia, Seto and Mamonir.

OVEN created Velfern, Valze, Asmode and Beliath.
w-what is going on in that room
Gaygary gets clonned
Man, i'm new to this game but this Nebris skill cutscene has to be the hottest one in the game, its like i'm fucking blowing the biggest load of my life on her back and then she kisses me for it. What else tops this?
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>be mage main
>only 80k dia left and no tickets
>Loen, Levia coming up
>beach limiteds after that
Okay how am I supposed to survive this?
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Oh no you don't, fucker. We only like pure maidens here. Pure maidens such as Teresse.
You're fucking delusional
Nebris isn't a pure maiden? she said she's saving her first kiss, also what the fuck is that bite mark doing there
Thanks, I already got those but, outside of Teresse, they still aren't quite fully set-up yet.
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>also what the fuck is that bite mark doing there

Tried to subdue a guy by sitting on him to administer treatment. Pic sorta related.
What do i do in this game in order to make my characters stronger? the hard mode on the event challenges aren't really doable since every character but my Dalvi gets oneshot by a single enemy skill. Farming slimes to level up my characters sucks since only the yellow and blue ones drop
she is not for me
>>483748685 see >>483723727
>Anniversary patch is in a week

Wait I'm retarded obviously, but I thought this summer event was the anniversary patch/event?
its over for me.
i wasted all my pulls on that cunt diana. i dont even use her.

now i have nothing for the alter, and limited summer sloots
Costumes dupes, UR gear III and above and most importantly, very good supports. If you're newish to this game you really need to get Helena, Arines, Homonculus Lathel, Medical Teresse and Refi setup. The aim is to kill on turn 1, if you can't, you need to get a silencer who can buy you time. Olstein can silence up to 9 enemies in a go. Tanks also help, Lecliss is great. Also, the event challenges are usually very hard, you can't just waltz into these half assed and expect a win.
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>cunt diana

New guild rule. Insulting my wife = kicked out forever
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I got Diana to +3 bwos
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>next limiteds will be men
>all meta
Goddamit, I'm so close bros.
spend some refining powder/crystals or give someone a tear
bro your +5 Venaka? +5 Helena? +5 Nebris? +5 Refi's?
Umm, +5 bro? I've got mine sitting at +4 waiting till last day to +5 just incase I get one off free dailies.
Old glutti here. I'd imagine you magic team has one to many buffers. I'd see who buffs more between Elpis and Teresse, kick the weaker buffer out and get another magic attacker in there. That team doesn't look like it's cashing in on chain crits much.
Talk to the airship captain to change difficulty of slimes.
Craft better gear.
can i get this slut if i play now
Yes. She's on banner now, and she'll be around forever. She's not limited.
Shut up Schera
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New player here, started yesterday.

I've read the Progression Checklist rentry, I'm finishing main story 6, upgraded some jobs and I can craft Rare gear for now. My main team has 15k CP so I'm stuck on challenge 5 of the event.
I read that Diana was an important unit so I spent 50 free tickets and I dropped her from the banner but I don't think I can grab the dispatch rewards without finishing main story 10.

Now I have 30 free draw tickets, who do I dump them on? Should I keep my 16k diamonds for the next event since this one seems to be ending in a few days? I already got the UR gear and upgraded it to +3. I'm trying to do things without begging for help but since the event is ending in 6 days I'm unsure where to focus
Good. Gotta filter the tourists.
Is Angelica good? I love nuns...
Continue pulling for Diana or wait until the patchnotes to check if the next banners are good.
Im wrong or when you get a new banner Unit theres a video of the Unit that doesnt play again??
You're not meant to clear challenge quests until you get a pretty strong roster. Even level 100 parties with full UR gear can have a hard time on 15 if they don't have the right units or enough dupes.
Just finish all the normal fights and auto clear 15 on repeat.
You can use Diana's skill immediately, it's in the field skill menu, set it to auto-dispatch.
You can save your tickets, get more diana dupes, or go for someone you like. Just get Dalvi from the event tab and try to get her to +5 by doing all the stuff it asks.
Level Dalvi up first so you can clear the hard and very hard version of the event story pack for more copies of Dalvi.
Oh boy. Nun costumes pretty mid, Summer Angelica nukes enemies and my balls.
Just clear all the normal battles, first clear rewards are worth it.
After that you can just auto complete normal battle 15 for daily rewards if you can't get past challenge 5.
She's broken for newbies but the more you play the worse the is. Unless you're ready to spend a lot of resources to +5, craft 700% c.dmg% and tear her.
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newglutti cute
dispatch rewards arrive at the daily reset, it's not connected to storypacks

You want as many dianas as you can get, as well as either bhelena or homolathel from the powder shop. It's probably a good idea to decide what you want to focus on for now, phys or magic and get the according buffer. Since they gave out a pretty strong Dalvi, magic is probably the easier choice
Level 15 Fiend Clear on day 1 or you're still classed as a new glutti.
What fuck is a glutti?
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>What fuck is a glutti?

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Get rid of elpis and add another chainer to that team, I would take zenith on that side. Phys side is not doing much anyway
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I got this cutie, is she good?
time to swipe and join the barn
her bride costume is pretty meta, the base is only a cherry on top of that, not worth much by itself
I don't want to be a ballsack with a mouth
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I'll roll for Yusti alter, IF, she's at or below 80kg
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Alright, thanks for the tips, gonna try my luck with the Diana banner and try to get Dalvi. I almost missed this one. Next month I will get the monthly diamond pack to support this very cool game!
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how about my ballsack in your mouth?
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Grow up then
now get all 3 options crit damage and you'll be cooking
my ballsack in Glacia's hand
oh ow ow ow OW!
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UR gear made entirely out of fabric, John?
I get this is a coomer game now, but are we really opposed to new male characters?
I want a cute shota character to pair him with curvy women!
came back to this game after a 6 month break, rolled for dj venaka and nebris, busted a nut to their cutscenes.
what now?
Are the "random" options of event gear not random?
we'll get base nartas sometime for sure, maybe a grey alter if the devs decide to make alters for all 4 main cast units. I don't think they'll be putting out any other 5s anytime soon though. Maybe some of the octos once the girl octos are out
They are random and can be changed just like normal crafted stuff.
Save up for Loen and the mystery summer units

It's always SSS if that's what you're asking, options are still random though.
Event gear is a perfect UR III piece which you can't obtain otherwise. Better than a mediocre UR IV, worse than a good UR IV.
Octos have 4 dudes so who knows what they plan to do with them. I can see most LORE male characters being 4* or 3*
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I'm already dreading this. If all 4 are hot, what the fuck am I supposed to do?
far right looks very promising
I'd probably make it to D1 lvl10, but I refuse to upgrade Gary
Theres 4 more???
I blew all my rolls getting Venaka and Nebris....

Is Loen a must roll? I can't say I'm the biggest fan of her design
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>but I refuse to upgrade Gary
>Theres 4 more???
At least two of them are this year's actual summer limiteds, and they come with a new event pack in August. Current summer event is just a rerun of last year padded with the popularity contest winner (Dalvi) and two new wind units.

If you missed out on Loen's base costume you can probably skip this, fire is an overpopulated element anyway.
2 permanent swimsuits and 2 limiteds. We don't know who they are or what they do, let alone knowing what Loen does when she's like a month away.
>play the story
>wow Justi is pretty cool
>read the summer event
>Justi is stuffing her face like a pig
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>Is Loen a must roll? I can't say I'm the biggest fan of her design

Pretty long winded way of saying "I'm gay" bro
The devs really like Saber.
Oh if it's for august I think I can save enough for at least one limited.
My magic team is ok since I got +5 Dalvis, Eclipses, Diana base, and Helena Idol
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I got her UR sig by chance and I'm trying to find any way to cope and make use of it
She's a 4* in BD1 though and just a bootleg Angelica. It's just like assuming 3 is Teresse, it seems too obvious to the point where I think it's bait.
>You want as many dianas as you can get
So I should roll on her gacha, okay.
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You say Teresse but I see Bernie.
Diana is exceptionally good, especially in late game content. If I didn't have her, I'd blow everything going for +5, she's that good. She herself doesn't do much damage, but her property damage buff ensures that her team mates do a fuck ton of damage if the elemental advantage is there.
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They already teased Michela next chapter so I wouldn't be surprised if shes the other hag
Those red high heels don't match the rest of the design at all
I'm a believer. Teresse bikini will happen.
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How do I dismantle multiple pieces of gear at once?
Bag > Gear > Select gear
she moonlights as a prostitute and forgot to change her shoes
Because she's a streetwalker.
What the fuck that's like the opposite appeal of nuns, fucking stupid dev
Nah, I think most of the male cast are pretty likeable. I don't want it to be 50/50 and definitely not majority male but a new male here and there is fine.
Not really, a new male character every now and then would be fine. Free dust for most, potentially a new character for others, it's a win-win scenario.
I already got one, I'm new so might as well blow my load on her.
I feel like Loen's terrible base matk stat will hold her back, literally thought it was a typo when I first saw it
No one's opposed to it, they just have to not fucking suck. The last good male release was homo lathel
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i dont understand how fiend hunt works. he just slaps my entire area, oneshotting them
Is there any point in completing the event on Very Hard since you get the Dalvi costume just from starting it rather than finishing it? Is there another reward after completing it?
10 draw tickets...?
>no free dias in mail
Thanks, I knew I must've missed something
intercrural sex with venaka
Anyone tried running Dalvi in mirror wars or Olstein just for his silence?
>Struggling to beat hard goblin dungeon
>Put in summer Angelica with a crit UR sword
>She fucking does like 20 thousand damage when by damage dealers were doing only 500-2000
What the fuck, Nebris has the same type of skill but she doesn't deal nearly as much damage, i wonder why
Always pull limited characters, always get limited to +5!
yes I am getting a lot of mileage from my +5 pool party schera!
As a new player its kind of hard, especially considering i'm supposed to +5 Diana somehow
The trick is to be smart with it.
1 Diana from SP10 pub
1 Diana from powder shop after her banner ends
1 Diana from monthly gold thread selector

There you go, only had to pull for +2
Angelica does enemy % HP damage which get multiplied by property and crit damage.
It's capped at 20k before modifiers though.
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Skipping Nebris. Between Loen, the limiteds and the summer characters I need all the tickets I can get. Kind of sad since I got Nebris' weapon from the free daily.
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Yeah, I think being a coomer is alright.
>There you go, only had to pull for +2
I didn't know that, thanks anon.
If you all missed limited characters, you'll have to wait until next year for rerun!
>another nun
I can't have enough of them.
why are Homo lathel's tear upgrades empty?
Holy shit, I'm actually gonna make it!
Are you switching out on C1 to team 2 for 2x magic nukes?
it's a bug, report it. they usually patch stuff like that quickly.
yeah, I'm doing double nuke with summer dalvi.
Why does Justia get all the fanart?
If that's the case, try swapping Teresse and Zenith around. More chains on the nuke team might work out better for you. Also Zenith's extra incoming damage will help even more so.
Cause Jayden is the MC duh
Why is Justia such a fatass?
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Would drowning in a pool, and risking permanent brain damage be worth it?
That guys an idiot. You're supposed to +4 from banner, and get 5th from pub. If you get 1 from dust shop and 1 from gold thread after the banner end you're basically throwing away 20 free draws. You also wanna get pak 10 clear and get her from pub before banner end so you can get the 10 draws from using the pub ticket too. Powder shop and thread are last resort you'd rather get off banner characters with. Like B Helena or H Lathel.
holy fuuuuuuuuuuuck waiting for reset is so painful i wanna roollllll
many such cases.. gonna goon a bit i think, while i wait
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enjoy your Kry bro
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And what are his actual upgrades? I'm here hesitating because all of them look like this and I don't want to waste the tears.
explain this FH to me like I'm a retard and give me a team
>20 '''free''' draws
>spend 100+ draws to get 20 free, wow what a great deal!
Retard. He'll spend way more tickets trying to get her to +4 then he'll ever get back.
As a newglutti he has to build roster, which is faster by rolling on multiple banners instead of going all-in on Diana. Especially when the powder shop, selector and pub can cover for him. Plus he'll just get those tickets anyway the next time she is rerun.
>upgrading a m*le
It's all in the op bwo
>dotgg gg/brown-dust-2/fiend-hunt-guide-octovius-i/
left: +10% atk for the second buff
right: +10% atk for the first buff
right-most: +10% atk for the second buff
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Updated the tierlist with the new units and made some changes
>Nebris same tier as fox
Hmmm nyo
This is good b8 I hope
guaranteed after everyone telling newglutties to +5 diana one of the new swimsuits blows her original costume away kek
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>one of the new swimsuits blows her original costume away

It'll be Liatris. John has a plan and I trust him.
Nebris is going to be bis next costume.
I've been running Dalvi whole time +5 full pot original. even better now with summer +5 full pot also. Silence is incredibly helpful in pvp to survive if you don't wipe them first turn but I use my queen Schera either pvp or code name sex. code name sex with one pot gets a 4 turn silence just like Oldstein though you rarely need it more than one turn to then wipe enemy
I'll probably run Dalvi if I can get her costume to +5 of the shield. She's quite good now with her free costume. Thanks
>Swimsuit Diana
If only John was actually based.
ah a gentleman of culture like myself.
we'd probably speedo Alec and Gary first
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So you base your tier list on baseless speculation? Dare I say BASED
>"Continue?": If you die in battle, you'll have the option to press "Continue" and proceed the fight with other characters, but this costs gold. Remember to heal up at an inn after, though!
This is still wrong in the reentry. Your units are all revived. You don't fight with other characters (unless you choose to).
holy shit anon is god!
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Fuck this dumb slut
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I am rewarded for being a tan/gyaru enjoyer, and also a newb to the game, just 30 pulls
nta but there's some thought behind it yes
Like Nartas can pull higher numbers than Eclipse but is kinda useless outside of light fiends and LN, while Eclipse also brings utility, damage, and is great in multiple modes (higher value).

If Nebris turns out to be shit even with her main costume she can always be moved, it's just a reference.
The tier list is a mess in many places desu, I am saddened but not surprised that it was not b8
>Fuck Elise
>The tier list is a mess in many places desu
Such as?
More ass focus onegai
Is it hot time?
Nah no hot time today. I didn't get a SINGLE ssr in my free draws, can you believe it? That's the first time in 3 days that this has happened.
My first c15 clear finally thanks for the free +5 john
newglutti cute
I got maid rubia on my daily pull but didn't bother doing 10pulls
>make new account for the lulz
>URs up the wazoo
So it's rigged right?
Not that anon but that isn't even a tier list, it's a role list.
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what is a chainer? how it works?
attacks 5-6-7 times, building the chain damage stack
10% damage bonus per chain
>maid and tummy maid are both on last tier
Every hit on a enemy is 1 chain. Enemies take 10% more damage for every chain. So a unit that has a 5 attack for example would be a chainer who increases the damage for your heavy hitters.
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THE maid is up there though?
my fucking dick
The list is a mess. Don't take it too seriously.
so she must be the first to attack after the buffer? got it
anastasia IS ass though
excuse you? Anastasia is belly
I dunno bro she looks kinda PAWGgy to me if you get what I'm sayin
Anastasia is for licking every corner of her body.
Anastasia is for everything except putting her in your team
Not really, the crit damage buffs to herself are massive. Her fire chip costume is a 5 chainer that does big damage, not many chainers do real damage. The skill patterns are her main knock.
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Any suggestions for a second team? I don't really have the units to make a decent phys team I guess.
You're a fucking idiot.
>As a newglutti he has to build roster, which is faster by rolling on multiple banners instead of going all-in on Diana
if you're arguing that +5 shouldn't be something he is going for, then you're saying he shouldn't be spending power/selectors on her and should instead be spending them on other units to diversify.
>Especially when the powder shop, selector and pub can cover for him
If you're planning on using these options anyway, you'd prefer TO USE THEM WHILE SHE IS ON BANNER SO YOU THE DRAWS. You can't tell a person to +5 inefficiently and tell them to they should diversify instead of +5ing at the time time. Stop being dumb and pick one. Personally, I started 2 weeks ago. I'm getting her +5 now because it's the efficient way to do it. She's sitting at +4 till last day, then I'll draw for +5. And while other people spend dust to get her or use selectors on her. I'll have those options available for someone who hasn't been on banner since I started playing AND have earned extra draws. Loosers gunna lose I guess.
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I'm new but I suggest these 4
Change Roxy for Celia in your first team.
Than make a whatever second team.
Then change it to be your actual first team.
Prock C1 with your shitty team, change to your main magic team, nuke.
Than prock C1 with it again and nuke a second time.
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She would probably lick your body clean, as a joke.
Do the double nuke strategy. Put a shit physical team first, trigger C1, then switch. That way you can have 2 big damage turns.
>AND have earned extra draws
lmao look at this retard
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>lmao look at this retard
Less retarded than stopping at +2, missing out on 30 tickets, and not being able to use dust/selectors on units that haven't had a rate up.
is that a mic test?
if you didn't get her to +4 in less than 60 pulls, you didn't get any extra draws, retard-chan, in fact, you probably didn't even break even~
I don't know how to explain it any better. You want the unit +5 THE BEST TIME DO TO IT IS WHEN THEY ARE ON BANNER. The ONLY, ONLY argument against is saving pulls for limiteds and pretty much every agrees that staple supports are more important than limiteds. And saving limiteds is just just praying they're not ass.
There's a pass mission telling me to complete battles in the hunting grounds, where is that located? i tried going on areas where there are enemies but there's no progress there
>trigger C1
Do I just survive until he uses that ability or do I have to do something specific to cause him to use it?
You should read the game's tutorial.
You should read the boss's skills.
each pack has 1, in first pack, it's the Boar Hunting Grounds? You do 5 trash fights then it unlocks a boss. You need Rice, the stamina resource that regens 60 a day to do it. Once you kill the boss once, you can quick battle by using the scroll icon that appears while in the field.
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so many off banners... what's wrong with this game?
Nice bricked account
you can't get limiteds with powder or golden threads, if they're ass you still wasted possibly hundreds of tickets to get 3 copies of an unit you could've gotten without having to, because let's face it, those tickets you got back from each copy are not enough to make up for what you spent
if the limiteds are good you're shit out of fucking luck and wasted tickets you could've spent on them
>And saving limiteds is just just praying they're not ass.
the same argument applies to cope shop and golden thread shop
Remove Schera and Rou from chainers, that's not their main job and put them in utility instead.
What a shitty list.
nyo... I have eris and roxy...
I forgot to use the Draw Points from the Code Name O Elise banner... did I lose them?
>Brickis and Bricky
It's over for you
oh no no no
it automatically becomes dust and sent to your mailbox
Make new account, this shit is cursed, seriously
Your account seed channeled into weapon banner.
>you can't get limiteds with powder or golden threads
Which is why I'm saying, that's the ONLY argument for saving your draws when a non-limited unit you want to +5 is on banner.
The rest of your argument is indecipherable so I can't refute it. But I can guarantee you using your draws pulling for a character on banner you KNOW YOU WANT TO +5 and then using your dust/selectors for characters you want that are NOT ON BANNER is the efficient way to do it. The dust/selectors are there if you get fucked, and don't have the draws to +5 WHILE ON BANNER.
Again, with the exception of saving your draws for limited characters, and using dust/selectors on non-limiteds.
>I have eris and roxy...
Nevermind then it's a blessed account that seeks a challenge without having access to all the meta whale characters.
i love how out of touch with reality you retards are.
You keep shilling how F2P this game is, while in the same breath telling people they need +5 or bricked
Except.. I've been playing for 2 weeks f2p. with +5 Diana. Drawn 540 times, Still have 300 saved.
he's just being retarded, he thinks +5ing an unit using the banner is efficient because he gets 50 tickets back when in reality you have to spend hundreds to get to even get to that point
the real efficient way to +5 an unit is to +3 and then getting the extra two copies from dust and golden threads, then you get +20 extra tickets when they get a rerun

in any case most units don't even need +5, diana is just an exception because she's a core support
Sure you do, kiddo. And then everyone clapped.
sorry, 10 tickets, forgot that +5 is 20 AC
point stil applies
You're right, I lied. She's only +4, but will be 5 soon. Yes I've already exchanged once. Yes, I know I should have waited before exchanging. It's 300 draws to +4 isn't even good luck.
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bwos... can I make it?
>he thinks +5ing an unit using the banner is efficient because he gets 50 tickets back
>Using tickets on rate up character so you can use dust and thread on characters that aren't on rate up is retarded.
Anon are you doing okay?
Roll for whoever you like, fags.
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no. big numbers on boss good, small numbers next to my name good
Well probably stuck on 8 but thats pretty good for my literally 2nd FH right?
Im doing the newbie missions and what does the game want with "replace an equipment gear"? Im moving the gear of my units and its not working towards the mission?
it's easy, you choose your character then you choose 1 gear on the right and it's gonna show you a Replace in one of your gears
I only invest until the sp discount. I +5 all my wives costumes.
Ohh thanks mate
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Should I get the SR?
better start buying the pvp entry tickets in the shop :^)
>i only metafag slightly
>spending the only resource you can use to get limiteds to save a resource you can't use to get them isn't retarded
are you?
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I got pool Schera to +3 bwos... do I keep going or is this good enough?
Are you going to PVP? if not you're just wasting rolls.
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>ALL the fucking supports in dust shop to bait niggas into spending tickets
So many of you getting fucking bricked. It's clear the summer limiteds are going to be meta as fuck...
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I'd like to get better at some point yeah. I read that the main thing is lowering SP cost for units in PvP and that she was mainly for her silence effect, so didn't know if it would be critical to keep going or stop now that I got her SP down.
And Diana is not? Smartest gluttie
What's the best use of paid Dias?
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She just makes it even more obvious it's all bait, use your brain nigga.
>meta characters you can only buy by spending tickets
>a meta banner to spend your tickets on
It's so fucking clear, I'm scared, I got fucking baited...
Imagine if Chadohn Chadust just fucking powercreeps B.Helena, H.Lathel and Diana with the summer costumes lmfao. Cringe or based????
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>B.Helena and Diana
Unlikely that it would happen (though I personally wouldn't be opposed to not having to use an idolshit costume on my magic teams).
Honestly, it wouldn't be surprising nor very difficult to do desu.
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She's like Konosuba's Aqua. I like her
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Oh look, you're finally using the only argument that I gave you for free. You're welcome. Don't let me catching you rolling on or supporting rolling on non-limited banners again though.
I'll screencap your post and post it once the limiteds are out and its a fucking nothing burger
Venaka CORE
Point blank
Imagine power creeping Diana immediately after rerunning her banner while there is an influx of new players. This John fellow I've been hearing about certainly doesn't have balls big enough does he?
>Don't let me catching you rolling on or supporting rolling on non-limited banners again though
>missing the point this hard
my problem is not with rolling on non-limited banners, my problem is with doing it when you don't have to
a non-limited unit is meta? great, pull the bare minimum and then get the rest from the shops, save your tickets for an unit that doesn't appear on those
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PAWGbros where we at???
Did you roll for PAWGbris or are we saving for PAWGstia
Do the PAWG subreddit
I thought my guaru wife would be one of the limiteds. Do we even know who they will be then?
Slingshot bikini Diana
Highleg school swimsuit Anastasia
Reverse bunnysuit Gray
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2 out of these 4
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Finally a dud banner for me, I think I'm just gonna stop. My wind requirements have been satisfied already
>only 1 of them looks swimwear-y
>rest is a bunch of slop
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>Silhouette 3
King's Raid bros... It's Annette...
Finally, a reasonable argument. I get you're coming from with that at least, even if I still disagree. Main reason being as a new player, there are loads of meta units you need that are not limited and appear in shops. And by using the shop to complete a non-limited unit that you could have gotten from rate-up, comes at the opportunity cost of not using the shop for other meta characters you haven't had the opportunity to get on rate up, and who knows when you will. All for the sake of saving for a unit that you might not even want. Now is that worth it to some people, sure, Hell. even I'm doing, I still have 300 pulls in my pocket hoping new Justia (is she limited) or a new flat PP limited and good. But you're still betting. Imagine if Nebris was limited and you skipped maxxing a meta unit for her. Lol.
>Phys Limited
>S.Justi (Self Barrier lol)
>Magic Limited
>S.Schera (Decent)
>B.Celia (OP)
>B.Eclipse (OP)
I demand 2 phys limited for the actual summer John.
totally. normally you will have enough tokens to spare for it
you buy paid gems? everyone knows that your rates are bricked until you support the game
I hope whoever bought the ip doesn't let all those great girls die.
Theres an anon who posted his FH and said he saw a jump of 50K players since the last FH, if you think they are gonna powercreep anything after that influx of newglutties you are cooked.
Usually, people would just skip it and spend the rest on the refining powders
SR gear event is just equivalent to UR I
there's literally no reason too. pp schera is a meme code name SEX does everything pp schera does and more and her pattern is actually more useful
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Eleanor love
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How many Limited units are there? How often do they release/rerun?
Does this bitch have any place on a magic pvp team? She doesn't get any damage buff but she gets Helena's crit buff and does bonus damage to gran.
Eleanor is the SO PERFECT hag, bro
Please respond
Oink for me and I'll tell you, piggy
She's a phys buff strip/silence
having at least 2k so you can roll guaranteed 5 star either now or 500 days celebration
If you don't buy any yourself then how would you know what's their best use
Nice try poorfag
S-Shut up
2k for the paid guaranteed 5*s or if youre planning to +5 a unit the step up banner
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Doing better than me.
why even play at that point holy shit brah
You must really love Brown Dust
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Based free roll.
I do like the game. My luck has picked up lately with this summer event. I've gotten all the units to where they get a sp reduction at least.
Eris and Roxy just really fucked me over. I had to pity them every time. If my luck stayed that bad I would've quit but at least now I have a semi-decent roster and luck.
it'll turn around bwo, I hope your next 10 is a golden hand
Thanks bwo, I hope we all get lucky. Luck comes and goes, so I don't let it bother me too much. Today I got nebris's UR weapon on a free pull even.
Don't let John fob you with that pittance. Demand more from him.
It's official Nebris is the absolute worst banner I've ever pulled on. I swear if I get lathel seeded one more time.....
I don't get this image. Look at what PAWG haters have resorted to.
why do I always get 404 from these? could someone reupload them?
He complains that PAWGchads take over the thread and shitpost and then he posts that image lol
PAWGchads are the most oppressed /bd2g/ faction
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mines not bad
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New player here, is rolling for characters not worth it if I don't roll them multiple times?
I kinda like having lots of characters, right now I want to roll for Venaka, Scheherazade and Diana, plus I already got both Venaka's and Diana's weapons from free daily rolls.
I've got enough rolls that I can likely get one of each girls, but that would mean not getting any +.
For f2p players a good stopping point for dupes is the -sp copy. So beach butt is +1. Don't forget that after the event they will most likely show up in powder shop.
Reminder to pay up for buffed summer Justia
Let me see the buffed kit first
>is now a preemptive skill
+6 SP from summer, 1 SP + 5 SP idol gran. New PvP cancer here we go
Eclipse owe me sex.
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Justi owes me her anal virginity
Imagine how loose her anus must be after pushing out so many fist sized turds because of how much meat she eats
What's the most cost effective way to get the 4* rank up stars?
PVP takes like 2 weeks straight to buy 1. So it's like 6 weeks to uncap a 5* character.
just get them from the event shop
Is diana anti dystopia good? I want her just because she has a fat ass
She's good for your penis
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She's really nice. She can block most FH attack with her fat ass barrier. But she's not priority for newbies
She already has her whole ass hanging out why is she covering herself?
It's a good shield. Usually FH make you tank hits and you can pop that so your squishies don't die from it.
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she eats fibre too unlike you anon
To sniff the Brap Dust.
Already did and used them up.
Are they not available from Evil Castle? Unless you're overflowing in medals I'd use those first since Evil Castle medals basically have no use right now, although devs are saying they'll add something in the future
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I'm skipping
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It'll go back... You're just in a dip rn.
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New 4koma from the twitter
>gangbang line
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I started playing less than a month ago and only got to lvl 7 on the FH yesterday. How should I build my FH team? I feel like I should be doing more damage
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Punch line
Try team switch strat
You're doing fine, you're only missing a shit ton of costume dupes. Odds are you'll do even less next Fiend Hunt because free Dalvi is carrying you. Work on getting +5 M. Teresse, +5 Helena, +5 Diana, +5 Zenith and +5 Refi's first. Supports carry hard here.
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My first UR weapon was from a free Pull. Is that good?
UR weapons are very good. Craftable UR III and IV are what people usually fall back on. UR IV is rare as fuck and almost as good as exclusive UR gear. Schera's a great character and that is a good pull. Lucky you.
Exclusive UR have the stats of UR IV with one extra main stats. It's the best gear for the character as the name suggest.
That is great news! I think i need to unlock her now
I also got the Diana girl with big butt from a free pull yesterday. Seems like this game wants me to keep playing
Right now 10 out of the 84 5* are limited.
Everything that isn't a collab limited gets rerun during the season they released in (swimsuits in summer, bunnies in winter)
Expanding of what this anon said. Currently there's 10 limited characters.
4 being seasonal (S.Justia, S.Schera, B.Eclipse, B.Celia)
4 collab costumes (Mushoku Tensei)
2 free limited events welfare costumes (Stray Rou, S.Dalvi)
What event was stray Rou for?
Half-anniversary, pretty much the same missions as Swimsuit Dalvi
I will explore Diana loose anus.
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Why did I even bother rolling for the DJ slut, this is yet another king Gisgray hunt
Semi-newglutti here, I have enough paid dia from buying monthly packs and am looking at pulling the Nebris step up banner; what are the chances John will fuck me over and make mystery swimsuits have step up banners as well?
Step up is a massive scam. 5.7k dias for one costume, when you can get 2 almost 3 good 5* with that amount from the paid select banner. Plus Nebris isn't even limited, you can get her from the powder shop or get spooked by her from other banners.
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My wife
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From the time of her release, Orc enjoyer Rafina has seen virtually 100% use in every fiend hunt released since, including those that were off element. You havn't skipped her, have you?
I rolled her to +2 but she spooked me to +5 later
...I demand a rerun...
Bros....I finally did, my first perfect clear...
+5 gym class Loen
+5 limited summer Eclipse
+5 limited summer Teresse
Simple as
will +5 make me coom harder?
I will only roll for gym class Loen if she's wearing bloomers, has a big, soft belly, she's drenched in swest and her wet transparent shirt sticks to her skin.
Am I the only one who gets incredibly fatigued with FH... I must have room temperature IQ.
30mil more just from giving His Majesty of Rotein, Sir Girgray Blair I one more potential node. How will future phys.wind units ever compete?
Based but I'll roll for her even without all of this.
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what the fuck does it want me to do?
i cant finish this fucking quest
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ok that menu worked, but the other menu doesnt...what thefuck
Yea I had to look it up myself, it's stupid.
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What's the best value in general and for accounts that are just a few weeks old
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Thanks bwo.
Here, have a reward from Glacia-sama.
rest is literal trash
bros why is it so hard to save up tickets.
every time I do my daily login rolls and see venaka's ass on the banner i get tempted to roll even though i already have her +1...
DJ Goonaka drained me of everything...
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DJ Sexaka!!
Please John, I need nopan gyaru Venaka
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>That bag's keychain
The Loen art boom?
>level 9
>team 2 just dies when trying to carry over team 1's dry out
>don't do any damage anyway
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No such thing
I am only able to deal 33 million damage on FH. It's so over.
How much damage are my newgluttie friends dealing that also started 2 weeks ago?
Either use better m-res gear or use Zenith and just dodge the hit desu
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Hello everyone! Can I get some advise as to who to upgrade with golden thread? I've never done it before (I have like 4,800 thread saved up)
I'm doing fine. Fuck off.
I started a month ago and am hitting 160m
>all that red dot
They should have commissioned a second song for anniversary
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I wish he'd make one with Refi...
Bros, why are newgluttis so mean?
Is 40% not enough...
Professional Celia expert here. Use her other costume. You'll do slightly less damage but it will severely weaken Octovius' magic attack power. Also Venaka comes before Dalvi.
No, you will need 80-90
need one for Venaka
The octopus has no mres to shred, venaka should be last if you are going to use her. She's not particularly great here so I would sub her out for a chain myself.
Celia's other costume lowers magic attack. She's not there to shred. It should keep your team alive. Try it
anon, learn to read and also never give advice again kek.
God she's so fucking healthy
>panties are so uncomfortable, I don’t wear them, pls don’t tell anyone tee hee
I dont give a shit what metafags say.
I am pulling for Nebris.
>I am pulling for Nebris.

*Loen. Fixed that for you.
I kneel
Newglutti's are literally being carried by the free Dalvi this fiend hunt. Watch them seethe next one.
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I started two months ago and i'm already burned out. Probably doesn't help that this month is stacked in new games competing for my attention but I can't muster the energy to do FH this week.

New character releases are rather weak in terms of gameplay and design, devs are terrified of powercreep, backlash or changing the meta. Also content release is pretty slow with how event stories are huge nothingburgers and every event is just the same with a different coat of paint and the anniversary was EXTREMELY lackluster and disappointing.
Anniversary patch is in 6 days though?
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are we going to memory hole the summer knight rerun and pretend it didnt exist?
Rerun was okay. I had some fun rereading it with dub.
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any team recommendations? my first team can do about half of level 8 but I don't really have a good 2nd team, I also haven't tried to build anything physical for a while cause I don't think I have any good units for that
Have you tried this?
Your roster looks predominantly magic so I'd do B-Helena.
Make Team1 your Team2 and use your new Team1 (Rigenette, Lucrezia) to setup a second nuke turn for your Dalvi/Venaka team by triggering C1.
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fucking devs, we'll never beat the cuckgame allegations at this rate
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not even chris brown couldn't beat these allegations
not a cuck, im the octopus
What got you cucked on this pic?
Lathel is our bro, he's thankful for the horny event as we are.
Just replace the thankful text with "It should've been me"
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>he doesn't self-insert as a tentacle after years and years of tentacle porn
kek, sucks to be you
what do the red dots even mean. I have a lot of them too
Missing gear on that character and I think a skill can be levelled up but hasn't.
>Missing gear on that character
yea no shit then, I don't even have enough materials to use all my ancient crystals for UR gear, how am I supposed to craft SR gear for the rest of them
You should craft a bunch of R or N gear to at least give them something. It increases the Last Night bonus and also gets rid of the red dots
Do you have any chests in the inventory?
it's not actually that bad. however, it's barely better than code name Sex and it's debatable if sex is better because while the range is smaller it upgrades to buff strip and 4 turn silence
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Ventana'a plappable ass...
yes Schera is queen pure sex
>not using POV lathel in these comics
fix your positioning put one character as a sacrifice and the rest safe, make sure rignette or if you have zenith is on the first team to target the weak spot the turn before you switch over
Is the captain going to come back again at some point?
Doing base Celia on that turn was enough, then I got >>483859116
>Anniversary patch is in 6 days though
what are you talking about the anniversary was 6/22. what's happening now is anniversary
using water against water, brick sama I kneel
Stop being a readlet. We don't have the anniversary patch yet.
I'm a Loen worshipper. Regardless of if she is shit or not, I will +5 her. She is my, no our queen.
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It can't be helped...
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I really wanted to enjoy the WuWa 1.1 release so I don't feel like bothering with FH either but this one is probably the simplest and most straightforward yet so most of the work is in shifting gear around to optimize.
nigga you are retarded, this event is anniversary
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bros... I need more gold ore...
Bro, your conversions?
>this event
You know the anniversary celebration lasts longer than a month right and after this summer knight is gone we get the sporting event, a new chapter, guilds etc.
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>I need 8 million damage for 3 AC per day
I am not going to make it
Newfag here, so that 1k diamonds 1st anniversary premium pass is worth it right?
absolutely. The fact that you need to ask makes me concerned for your ability to understand value in general.
Yes. Always
Yes the premium pass is always worth it. For minmax purposes you can wait until level 17 so the +3 tiers gets the maximum effect. But you don't have to.
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>gets a usual summer event patch
>thinks it's the whole anniversary
>gets angry when people fix him
Read the anniverasy roadmap already
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Damn, this (You)?
What are some new games with lewd girls and actual story content?
I recommend visual novels
>Blue Beard kidnaps and eventually creates a willing harem of fairy tale princess'
>Octovius takes what he wants and commits mass rape at a pool party

Bros, why are the Fiends such chads?
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Why does even the SR version of the physical armor use wood, one of the three great filters in crafting?!
Blue Archive

If that's not lewd enough for you then go play porn games or visual novels
use schera's manaplugged alchemy conversion
You eventually get there. I remember being pretty excited when I finally could get pass the million dmg. 8 million didn't take me as long to get afterwards.
What's the best gear for Last Night? I keep throwing crit damage on everyone. If I put a little effort into it, I might get like 80 million maybe. Crit fishing sucks ass.
I got Olstein, Diana, Celia and Lia with my pub scrolls. Now I got two more. Who's next on my shortlist? I really love Angelicas design and do I have her UR weapon from a free draw so I have been thinking about getting her. Anyone else I should be getting? Busted pvp units would be fine too.
Wait until you get to UR crafting and everything starts asking for platinum ingots.
I already used up all my AC, that's the only reason why I even craft SR gear.
Eleaneer, she is good for pvp and pve
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I did not realize this existed, what the fuck am I vaccing gold for
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wrong reply im retarded
We get a new chapter which is the normal expected update and the rest of the roadmap is for summer not anniversary absolute mong
it's worth it during a normal month. the anniversary one is even more value though so it's not as good every month. usually there's no tears, much less tickets, less gems, etc. but still a value
Be careful with the conversion, it's expensive if you do a ton of it. I've had bouts where I've blown 100,000+ ability pills transmuting fucking wood.
Brown Dust 2 owes me alternate universe selfcest-sex scenes between Comeback Idol Yuri and Whitebolt Yuri.
It's summer with a pool event going on and we don't get a PP Angelica banner? What the fuck. I NEED Angelica in my team.
>we get the sporting event, a new chapter, guilds etc.
That's the road map for the entire second half of the year. They did the same thing at half anni where they revealed the road map for the second half of the years content. Outside of the free summer Dalvi which lasts until 8/1 all 1st anniversary activities are over 7/18. And notice they don't include on the calendar regular updates that occur during the period like the new story pack update which is regular content
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Forgot anni calendar on post
>check fiend hunt leaderboards
>majority of people have golden hand achievement

I must be the only fucker without it at this point.
>he rolled for the abandonware permabrick 1-costume unit
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Shut the fuck up.
Venakacoin will only go up, just you see.
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3527 bricks bro
wonder if it's another 45 tix for second part draw ticket login event?
I don't have that shit either with 3042 draws
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>day 1 player
>no cheevo
Every girl scared or crying, Dalvi happy as fuck
Nebris is aroused.
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I forgot I had already done my free rolls yesterday and just used a draw ticket thinking it was a free roll.
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As a newbie, what are the first things you should get from the event shop?
the cuckold dick tape

hanging to this anon question's what banner should i roll for? got Diana from a free roll already
Tears, tickets, ancient crystals, UR gear and 27 mats to upgrade it
tickets > tears > UR gear and its upgrade items(you'll need 27)
more Dianas(you want to +5 her)
Diana is worth rolling to at least +2 so you can get +3 by recruiting her from the pub in story pack 10
Since you're new, a couple red slimes might be worth picking up sooner so you can level your characters and get more currency before the event ends
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I wish to marry Diana. Maybe wean her off of alcohol
Thank you! I really appreciate it, I do have one more question though: I've managed to save up about 200 pulls (tickets + dias) and I was wondering if I should try to get all the summer units or if I should wait until the next banner.
roll diana, she's unironically a 'meta' character
roll venaka, she's unironically a 'meta' character
roll nebris, she's unironically a 'meta' character
Summer limiteds better either be men or shit, so I can skip.
i rolled for collab
i rolled for venaka and diana
and i still left with almost 700 tickets
what are you saving for
Wait for the Limited characters coming in Auguste and try your luck to get Diana to +2 since you will be able to buy her in the pub and the powder of hope and the monthly +1 to get her to +5
>he doesn't self insert as jayden
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Should I recruit her?
She's okay. Pool party Angelica is the one you want. You can't get her from the pubs though.
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I wish this game had more whores. Nebris, Rubia, Anastasia and Helena just aren't enough.
they're all whores anon, this game has nothing but whores
Excuse me? My Queen Glacia is very pure though???
Helena is an idol and idols are pure, it’s their entire selling point retard
>Forgetting Sche
Only of body. She probably leads thousand of edge sessions every year.
Touch grass
i'll touch venaka's ass
Can't decide which one looks better
They are all whores anon, and their sole role is to cuck the player
flat glacia footjob edge session
First is too big
First for its perkyness
smaller breasts
the smaller the better
She is the only character with a knockback to the right that targets the front. That alone makes her worth it if you don't have any of her other costumes. Also, nuns are hot
I didn't do my homework. What is the meta magic team for this fh? Dalvi, bhelena, diana, celia and who else?
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Has anyone made an updated version of the knockback chart?
I did 160million with that and venaka in fifth slot
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English version for those who can't read moonrunes
>Also, nuns are hot
Yeah, I should recruit her.
Veiny octopus...
>set up an alarm before reset because I thought I had forgotten to do some of my dailies
>turns out I did all of them
why is past me such a retard?
I do all of my dailies right after reset except PvP. That one seems to be better near the next reset.
yeah I usually do that too, but sometimes my daily draws are so shit I have to go hex john and his entire family so I don't do them until later
oldgluttis are all senile and cute
This happens to me all the time. I think it's because dailies are so short it's easy to forget that you did them.
>Torches refresh daily
>Discover this as a newglutti 3 minutes before reset
It takes one second to send hunting requests newcutie
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I'm sorry anon but you deserve a laughing Schera.
I just unlocked them and started farming the slimes before I read the torch part.
Might as well make a new account. This one is no good.
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Could be a worse free draw I guess...
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Straight into a second good free draw?! The gods favor me today. John is making up on not giving me a SSR in my free draws yesterday.
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I don't have her but still, a weapon is a weapon. Thanks John.
>exclusive ability
>90% crit dmg
Hot damn
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I'm sorry, but the devs are too retarded. This game will never flourish if they give basically give you your currency back if you purchase the pass. There's actually such as thing as too generous.
>newglutti thinks all passes are like the anniversary one
newglutti cute
they are tho
you get more than you put in
yeah but not to this degree
I know this is different than the current pass but my point still stands. The whole point of a pass is to drain currency from player's pocket for other stuff. You're not supposed to get back what you spend.
>still no nebris
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i beat him already where the fuck are the arrows
Sorry bro, your Nebris got kinda hooked to my cock during maintenance
>the arrows
There are 2 paid passes that are giving you a bit of gems every day.
The idea of the free one is to make you play every day. The tasks were much harder on the release, one of the tasks required to do 15 purple quests per day for example.
They nerfed the difficulty but rewards remained the same. But I don't understand why they're still asking 1000 gems for it.
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these ones
wait do i have to beat the whole story pack on H & VH too fuck my light type units suck
Ez game
>wait do i have to beat the whole story pack on H & VH too
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this is the WORST map too the forest is completely full of exploding bullshit and the story drops you right onto them after cutscenes
bwos the last batttle is too hard
whens guilds coming so i can borrow your maxed out girls
bro, your summer dalvi?
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Remember how they disabled all the traps because the game was too laggy and you even could be softlocked by being hit too much? And then they added even more annoying shit on the each location later.
The game is fixed.
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My first Diana dupe.
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I love Roxy so much bros...
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Is this Justia costume worth it?
if you want to be a pvpfag, yes. Also she's pretty good once you unlock her potential to be 3x3, especially for evil tower.
What a cougar
>Remember how they disabled all the traps because the game was too laggy and you even could be softlocked by being hit too much? And then they added even more annoying shit on the each location later.
No I don't, I am a newcutie after all.
Is there any place with the 2Dlive stuff with sounds? I need them for reasons.
ayo this glutti tryna finna jack off!!
the cutscenes? they are in the OP.
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I did it!
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imagine Diana sitting on my face
Newgluttie... come here and let me give you a BIG SMOOOCH
Are the towels on the shop worth buying?
Not really unless you join late and didnt do the normal fights daily.
>Doesn't go with her SW costume nor her idol costume
what a shame, it's such a dope sword.
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I finally beat challenge 15! I figured out that I was actually losing damage building chains rather than relying on Dalvi + Venaka, and probably was able to beat it for a while
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Nice, I don't have to roll for Diana anymore.
How much HP do the the enemies have in those high level challenges?
>Doesn't go with her SW costume nor her idol costume
why ? isnt cdmg good for most dps
If I had to guess he might mean the costumes are not wielding the sword in the art
But I am too lazy to check
should I build 100 circlets? I'm gonna have tier IV circlets until EOS
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First. She has a small breasts but not mosquito bites. You can see it in her tea party costume.
Our next thread should have a hot girl in the OP. Good luck.
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forgot the image
Lia thread?!
The hot as fuck webm where she throws the pillow and shows her goods? I wouldn't mind...
But that was the previous OP...
craft 20-50 little by little, if you got IV early then craft another gear for collection bonus
random generic ass hag with her tits out? you got it chief
lets have the same nebris thread 10 times in a row but only have 2 eris threads because OP wanted to have a break from always the same pictures
Should I get the cope shop Schera to +3 her?
lolincel melty
well, I crafted 100 circlets and only got 7 tier IV circlets
meant to quote
sorry im new to this website
faggot no one cares about collab shit
I care bro. Frieren collab when?
if you are newer and can't clear all levels of the battles they can useful to help you at least clear the shop
I care
Konosuba collab when?

Another collab would have been way better than the complete and utter disappointment that was this dogshit """"anniversary""""
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What is the last mission??
usually like 400k-500k
Press 'Acquire it right away' retard-san
she's very good and does a lot of damage. schera is underrated as fuck and is a good flex team member
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I can't believe how many cmonke this shit has filtered
There's no need to be rude. This general is too small to be aggressive.
does water v water do less damage or just normal?
It's affectionate
retard AND a bitch ass
>This general is too small to be aggressive.
You're clearly WAY too new here
the cuckposting broke them and now they lash out like animals, it's pretty funny
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we were helpful and they mocked us
not anymore
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>hehehe my epic shitposting broke them, i'm so funny and witty
It's always cuckposters the ones that ruin threads and communities.
you lost
pawgposters won
Literally this. This general used to be extremely friendly and helpful but all it attracted retards like >>483926115 taking a shit on the thread or sperging out over something that triggers their tranny sensibilities then it's several week/months long melty.
seabros.. stop killing everything you touch..
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She pads her chest
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>You should do this
>You should do this, retard
You niggers need to grow a thicker skin
or what? gonna cry? gonna spam blacked/cuckshit for another 20 threads?
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learn english falseflagging seafag
Base schera is one of the most important costumes in the game. Absolutely necessary for some tower content where you need to remove enemy buffs.
Getting more popular attracts more retards. A gift and curse. I think the general will get more comfy in a few months when they drop the game and only the real ones remain.

As requested, a hot girl in the OP for once.
idk the cuckschizo has been here for ages
More likely that this retard drives everyone who still plays the game to hide in guild discords and the thread is just left up for his obsession with blacked and cuckshit
bro you got filtered by a click button. there is no coming back from that

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