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Never give up edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-56
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM
https://handbrake.fr <- who the fuck uses handbrake in 2024

i'll never give up
Giving up is merely a temporary state
>https://handbrake.fr <- who the fuck uses handbrake in 2024

Replace the link with something more useful next thread :D

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Why did this guy claim to make this asset when it’s actually from the unreal asset store? Does anyone actually make their own stuff anymore?
this mindset works for third worldies? I tried it for the past 3 years and it not worked for me
I gave up
Only to better get back to it

I will give up again
And get back to i again

There's only 1 thing that will stop me
The same as you

Until then...
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>Telling nooby amateur game devs to install gentoo
This is stealth crabbing
>from unreal asset store
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Learn to read :D
That's the name of the website, but you don't have to install gentoo, or even a GNU/Linux distro to find the link useful.
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I give up
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
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"Scott Miller wasn’t the only one to go before id began working on Doom. Mitzi would suffer a similar fate. Carmack’s cat had been a thorn in the side of the id employees, beginning with the days of her overflowing litter box back at the lake house. Since then she had grown more irascible, lashing out at passersby and relieving herself freely around his apartment. The final straw came when she peed all over a brand-new leather couch that Carmack had bought with the Wolfenstein cash. Carmack broke the news to the guys.

“Mitzi was having a net negative impact on my life,” he said. “I took her to the animal shelter. Mmm.”

“What?” Romero asked. The cat had become such a sidekick of Carmack’s that the guys had even listed her on the company directory as his significant other–and now she was just gone? “You know what this means?” Romero said. “They’re going to put her to sleep! No one’s going to want to claim her. She’s going down! Down to Chinatown!”

Carmack shrugged it off and returned to work. The same rule applied to a cat, a computer program, or, for that matter, a person. When something becomes a problem, let it go or, if necessary, have it surgically removed."
>”Learn to read”
More stealth crabbing from Dr. Chudstein. I won’t waste my time learning to read, I need to dev
>Who uses this perfectly accessible and easy to understand tool in the year 2024
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"The RPG" progress.

Finished all basic components for modular interiors - walls, windows doors.

Decided to postpone working on lighting and post-processing until I have the first working level. Currently the graphics are rather bogged, with visible cheap placeholder assets.

Video shows Journal. The quests WILL NOT have any objectives. Instead, you'll collect notes such as "Bob said he lost his wallet" etc. I rather leave the quests system open ended, with room for creativity.

On a technical level, the list features autoscrolling to new, unread notes. It also remembers the scroll position for each quest.
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>stealth crabbing
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what's with jon inserting himself into random conversations these days? did enginedev melt his brain?
Proof was posted in last thread dummy
>Video shows Journal. The quests WILL NOT have any objectives. Instead, you'll collect notes such as "Bob said he lost his wallet" etc. I rather leave the quests system open ended, with room for creativity.
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It IS okay to make porn games and share progress here.
>The quests WILL NOT have any objectives. Instead, you'll collect notes such as "Bob said he lost his wallet" etc. I rather leave the quests system open ended, with room for creativity.
holy shit finally a good fucking game
This is going to be the best game of AGDG. You heard it here first.
Sounds cool bro I get fallout 2 vibes
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what about my game?
okay okay ... based

Hey someone added it to the OP at some point. I'm just making a suggestion to whoever put that in the OP

> I rather leave the quests system open ended, with room for creativity.

I am intrigued.

The spammer bokusimp should stop posting
I agree it will be if it ever releases and if it has really satisfying combat+gear progression
Thank you anons. I'm doing my best while simply making a game that I would love to play.
>overflowing litter box
>grown more irascible, lashing out at passersby and relieving herself freely around his apartment
Wow fuck John Carmack
Sick of fraudulent anons pretending bought assets are progress
He's got better priorities than a cat that was supposed to be emotional support. Look at agdg, whining about emotional support all the time instead of just making progress on their game.
I like this.
Pack it up guys, this guy won the thread.
I don't have good news, since I tend to avoid combat in RPGs I play, and also the story currently does not have room for many enemies you could fight. Additionally, creating advanced combat would triple the effort required to actually finish the game.

However, I do want to give players freedom to be a murderhobo if they choose to. I simply don't know how to achieve that yet without working 5 years on it.
rpg do not need combat moron
examples of this?
>ESL turd worlder
>calling someone else moron
I love this place, it never gets old
Just do what you said earlier in the thread and make it what you want to play, the rest will work itself out
will there be """combat""" on the level of Harry vs Evrart Claire?
I was doing a little research and it's cool seeing how small of a game can be a success. There's a few I found where no big youtubers played them, they have some playthroughs on youtube with sub 500 views and that's it, but still have 500-1000 reviews at $20 a unit.
Not him, but Citizen Sleeper, Gamedec, Colony Ship, Age of Decadence and Torment: Tides of Numenera.
I found out he's currently under the pressure from trannies on tiktok and twitter to add pronouns to the game. He's ignoring them and they are literally pretend like they are very confused why is he not replying anything.
>NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you're supposed to work on your game at the same speed a 30 man team would, and have just as much content. Also you need to have graphics on par with the latest AAA blockbuster because... YOU JUST DO, OK!?!?
I was thinking about something similar to Age of Decadence, where if you want to murder somebody, you first have to find a location to lure them in to, obtain a weapon and convince them to go there with you.

The combat would be done maybe via a modified dialogue system, similar to JRPGs.
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see >>483741303 as one example
very stressful "battle" of sorts in Disco Elysium when you meet a specific character, and have to sit in the uncomfortable chair across from his desk
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More work on the bg.
This, but unironically. AAA bureaucracy slows everything to a snail's pace. If you can't outdo them, you aren't made for game dev.
I don't see a progress anchor in this thread so I'll post it this time.

Reply to the anchor with your progress!!
i don't get the hype behind this. it wasn't even difficult aside from failing rolls. if you weren't dumb, you knew what to tell him and what to do without screwing yourself over.
Awoken? More like Awooken.
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I am literally the most oppressed yesdev in this place. Not to mention I developed one of the only 7 market-viable games currently here.
What do I get for that? Fuck all.
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Aura but eeeeviiillll
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Someone tweet to him "hope she sees this bro".
Also who the fuck is riva tez?
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You're on an anonymous anime image board. What do you expect to get?

Have a (You) and get over it
Post it, you won’t
I suppose it depended on how you built Harry, whether you're in hardcore mode, etc. I vaguely remember failing most everything in that conversation, and I know it's possible to die there.
But, I do wish there was more creative type of 'combat' like that in games, since that's the only example I could think of. Not that I play many games anymore, there could be hundreds of examples
I expect to get my fair share, like all of the other yesdevs are getting
15k reviews and no one knows about it
Still haven’t posted your game? Faggot
cute map
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Sup, at last done the actual fanart, not just a mere copy.
That's because it's Chinese.
I can't believe they're allowed to publish games on the western markets when their own country gatekeeps gaming so hard. If they'd done that in any other industry, they'd get retaliatory sanctions faster than you can say trade war, but gaming is only the biggest segment on the entertainment industry so fuck us, right?
Yeah cause you'd just make a pariah out of me.
don't fall for it. post game later so it is not related to your post.
I have to actively resist looking at indie games because I always think they are better than mine
No I would give you feedback like how I give feedback to everyone who posts progress
Bots? No way the game is good. The screenshots show terrible UI and the game looks like a mobile game.
Annoyed that they're sucking off >>483739746 ?
He's barely 1% into development even if he makes a 4 hour game with asset store graphics. That's how much aggy collectively knows about gamedev and why you shouldn't give a fuck what anybody here thinks about your game.
game like paper's please but it's an /agdg/ poster saying "Post game" to everyone who tries to pass through the border crossing.
everybody fucking hates my game
Sometimes you just know a game will do well from seeing it. It's called game dev sense.
And no one here has it which is why they're here instead of working at acquisitions at a publisher.
Wow that’s a lot of seethe and cope. When you see something good you’re allowed to appreciate and praise it. If you’re upset, make something better (you can’t and won’t)
so why are they all ignoring my game?
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you'll support (((our dev))) and buy salaryman shi on sale right /agdg/?
There's no "our" here, it's every man for xirself.
Because it’s trash
i'm not bokusimp. kill yourself, pedophile
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
way to support your fellow devs
>paying money for shovelware pixel shart
lol, lmao even
then why does everyone tell me it's good but then ignore it?
Which 2024 aggy releases will you buy and leave a review for?
I know I have a lot of work in front of me, but posting progress here already was worth it, since I got some valuable feedback on e.g. visuals.

I also try respond to other anons' progress posts and some technical questions when I can.
>they tell me it’s good
>while simultaneously ignoring it
Are you schizophrenic or retarded?
Bokube of course
My own on a burner steam account
Bokube, to support my fellow /agdg/ dev.
We come from the same hood, basically.
We gotta look out for eachother.
Mirrored Soul.
Reminder all of the faggots crying about not getting enough attention STILL haven’t posted their games
I did a bunch of bug testing and most of the game is good. I was able to beat the whole thing in 2 hours which isn't bad, but the reason why it wasn't longer was since I never expected the player to be able to get super strong very early on, where it makes most things in the game trivial. So I think all I really have to do is add a balanced level scaling system and it will be good to go.
if someone's going to complain, it's probably smart to at least do it completely anonymously.
Your game is basically your ID card here.
It is so funny that you updated your generic post with my twitter tag, you pay attention to me bokusimp, don't worry, I pay attention to you too.
Not sure if frosch and froggy are the same person though, they might be.
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OverTime and All-Inn are 50% off! Go check them! (also OT has a free demo)
Lmao I was posting in the old thread
>post your game so we can false flag spam it everywhere to ruin its reputation like we did with roody2d
I dragged roody's name through the mud because he called my game lame and unfinished
Probably it was, sorry, is.
How did you do, tho?
What's there to run down? Someone on agdg released a game, some schizo spammed its steam store page link everywhere for weeks on end in an obvious attempt to get people to hate the dev.
I don't want to set expectations too high, but... yeah, fuck it. My game WILL knock /agdg/'s socks off.
doesnt that kinda shit happen all the time? basically everyone with a game that releases fucks off because they either get falseflagged for doing too well or mocked for doing shit. sometimes both like paperballdev
post it!
sorry to disappoint but I don't wear socks
how do I organize like 12 years worth of shit into my new harddrive? I have a ton of tiny things spread out on multiple harddrives in random folders because every time one ran out of space I moved to one that had space
>spammed its steam store page link everywhere for weeks on end in an obvious attempt to get people to hate the dev.

>29 reviews
I guess it worked.
My game will knock /agdg/'s cocks off
You collect all of it then organize it? What's there not to get?
already chopped it off because i make bad life decisions
r-really? :3 that'd save me a lot of money if it did... >.<
the fact that the barone schizo is doing this every single day for free is kinda mindboggling to me
some "people" are not human beings but soulless automatons
Please don't. I know I never use it, but I'd rather keep it.
I have zero money I need to make a successful video game so I have one money (or preferably two or three moneys, or maybe even more).
from it's appealing designs?
I need to get my game into a marketable state before I can start attempting to get attention.
>>post your game so we can false flag spam it everywhere to ruin its reputation like we did with roody2d
sounds like carmack was just a piece of shit
>poorly cares for a cat, blames the cat for being irritable
the terrible fate of cats when a lousy pos gets them. neuters them, and then discards them like they were just a toy into a "shelter" that kills them/ships them off to be experimented on
>guy comes back with a level designed poor, goes berserk and fires the guy
even has that behavior of companies wanting people that magically know everything while paying peanuts, fuck that guy if i was on his team id sabotage his success into failure
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We need to stop Bounty so the one true mech game (A)woken can rule.
early access is the most marketable, because you can lie about what you'll do and people will think the idea is amazing.
Today I found a REAL WOMAN making a solo indie game about electricity. You told me this didn't happen.

Your response, chuddies?
post tits or gtfo
I apparently bought or got gifted zomboid about 7 years ago, probably on sale, and only played it for about 80 minutes
there are several /agdg/ games I've spent far more than that on

why would I clone a shit game made by shit devs
Carmack was a huge control freak who resented people for only working 10 hours a day instead of 16-18. During the death march part of Quake's development he moved his desk in front of the entrance so that he could pressure everyone to keep working instead of leaving.
I have posted my game multiple times.
HOLY FUCKING BASED. This guy just keeps getting better and better
It worked. What's wrong?
>those small dainty hands
can i pound your prostate?
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So you wont even acknowledge me as competition?
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-Main menu BG is not just a plain color rect
-Ship fight almost done
-Samurai fight work ongoing
-started work on Ninja fight

I know the menu is ugly
Samurai issue - POV and my combat system having projectiles on X and Y axis creates an issue where some vertical and horizontal projectiles are hard to distinguish due to small shadows(which indicate height above ground)

I might shorten horizontal ones, they cover the whole arena when they go left to right, as it is.
Did it really work? Almost all the other developers left id within a year after shipping Quake, and Quake itself didn't turn out nearly as good as Doom did.
hes imploding on his remakes failure. i suspect he will announce the abandoment of gamedev and enginedev within the next few years. id say sooner but i think he browses here and would, out of spite, go longer at it
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If you don't add a '1' to the end of your game title, then you are a pussy bitch who is too insecure to imagine that you will have a sequel.
since when did it become trendy to hate on quake
Me? My game is start off as a sequel.
What if I specifically don't want to make a sequel?
since 90% of the userbase wasn't around to remember how absolutely massive its release was
>i think he browses here
he doesn't. he has shitted on 4chan several times
why cant i have a woman with jugs this big, is that too much to ask for?

no. i only buy games i want.
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My current game is part of a 7-game series within which this game is chronologically the 5th game
the other 6 games will be released in over the next 20 years inbetween other projects
Ah yes, just like how when original fallout released it was called fallout 1. Or elder scrolls. Or runescape. Or world of Warcraft. Or Fortnite. Or destiny. Or call of duty. Or
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progress, starting work on laps/stages for each level. think it will work well for this level
Why are people complaining about mentally ill posters on an anonymous imageboard? It's not like he's doing that on purpose, bing celebrity worship syndrome.
Weak sauce, I'll be calling my game "Game 7" then go backwards, until it wraps around to 10 which will then tie back to 7.
then why is he always shilling his 'witness' game here retard?
I didn't say Quake was bad, but Doom was clearly better even with the weaker tech. It would have been worth breaking up classic id for Doom (which in the sense did sort of happen in the form of firing Tom Hall), but for Quake it just feels like kind of a shame.
>t. Schizo lore idea guy who will never release a single game btw
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How do I draw a red stripe from one corner of the screen to another while keeping the areas sideways white?
I'm already encroaching on content production for the game. It's going fairly well
>then why is he always shilling his 'witness' game here retard?
The schizo genuinely believes that all the e-celebs he posts are secret /agdg/ posters.
Now this is a game that shows promise.
It's an RPG, right?
all pussy bitches who made it by luck despite their pussy bitchness
Fancy way of saying that you literally have not even started, nodev
idk, maybe it's just me but the morphing circle seems overproduced and is distracting to the gameplay. If it's mechanically relevant, then whatever.
it's been in development for 14 months and in the worst case scenario it's set to release around this time next year
Is .wav still the best option for short SFX?
I get the sentiment. Dreams of joy department is basically the prequel which explains the sequel, aka my dream game. Battledemons is a zeldastyle offshoot. BD is pretty much done, dojd chapter one is almost done. It can be done anon, just keep working.
Game doesn’t look half bad but you’re competing in a giga over saturated market that is also dead
more pics of girl on right, just my type, mostly

nuuuuuu i dont want to lose mine

kek, whats Bounty game look like?
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>lolirapesim: enginedev and schizo
>rotatedev: enginedev and schizo
>barone schizo: enginedev and schizo
>froggy: enginedev and schizo
I'm starting to notice a pattern, should enginedevs be banished from /agdg/?
you cant shoot trough walls, so it visualizes that aspect. but maybe you're right. never bothered me
>spent 14 months
>hasn’t written a single line of code
>hasn't created a single asset
Bounty is the mech game in Unity that looks like (A)woken but better.
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Been away for some months now enjoying summer, realizing I'm NGMI with my rate of progress so it's time to project hop.

Did I miss anything interesting? I'm barely seeing any progress posted at all.
He hasn’t posted in a while :(
>should enginedevs be banished from /agdg/?
fuck yes making an engine is not gamedev
The final systems will be coded within the next month and I already have 3 out of 10 levels built
Is this unreal asset slop or unity asset slop? Either way from a quick glance I can tell that every single visual is a store bought paid asset
Progress posting has been good this week. Look at the previous threads. You missed all the new games.
Post one of the levels
I think that's fairly reasonable then. I watched it a couple more times and it doesn't seem as bad, guess it was a gut reaction.
I enjoy progress posts by the Chad that uses dwm and st.
You have to be pretty abnormal to look at all the great engines and start reinventing the wheel for no reason desu
No can do, because then you would know which dev I am, schizo stalker
Enginesharts are no chads.
gotta develop some ideas that make me stand out then, so people dont box the game into a specific genre (:
Well, I have 3 games planned all set in the same IP. But they're not sequels to one another. They're just set in different times and places.

They'll have a common title marker, but I can't think of a way to fit a number in there. They'll have a common title marker to denote they're in the same 'world' though.
aura but spicy *
>Thematically, player is supposed to fight armies
>Game changed from using cards to sprites
>Can no longer depict large groups of soldiers
Should I just retheme the groups as, idk, elite cyborg supersoldiers or whatever?
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stop using "nodes"
stop using "commands"
stop using "prefabs"
stop using "action blocks"
stop using "events"
stop using other people's scripts

Kek I knew it, you have no game, no levels, no progress, just words written in a notebook
Post game.
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>more pics of girl on right, just my type, mostly
That's the only official art she has. Her regular apparel is a dress, the overalls are for an unreleased update.
BITEMEME spotted
DO NOT play this game on DD. this tourist is merely trying to build credit for "always being here".
player shadow looks like he's carrying a camera up against his chest and recording this for us lel
>put three sprites together
so hard
Raphael hasn't streamed either. I would think Jon is working hard but the way he's being active on twitter makes me think otherwise.
>releases a hit game with nothing but visual scripting in ue5
Heh.. nothin personnel kiddo..
3 doesn't really say 100
tomorrow i will give up
rpg maker devs are more of game devs than most agdg devs with their lore, prototypes, and asset flips
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4 engines 0 released games
What are you talking about? Games will depict armies as singular sprites all the time, see the Ogre Battle series or Unicorn Overlord. Games like Advance Wars will display a single unit but have it be a whole squad on closer inspection, etc.
>Is this unreal asset slop or unity asset slop?

Godot slop, it takes like a year to load the level because no foliage system.

>I can tell that every single visual is a store bought paid asset

Lol, gave me a chuckle. Thanks.
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>game where you can chop off dicks of your enemies and they're debuffed
>you can finish fights before killing off enemies if they're damaged enough
>you then can watch near death, dickless enemies crawling away from the battlefield
>your dick can be chopped off too
if only by technicality
I predict this will be the new hottest /agdg/ crabbing method
just call someone a BiteMe discorder
True enough. It's just weird when it's one guy representing one guy right beside one guy representing an army.
Biteme discord yesdevs will save us from the nodevs and eceleb troon
>Braid anniversary edition already on sale for 75% off a month after release
What the fuck is Blow doing?
this game has never been posted here and I've been ITT for 2 years.
Basicly, the new system at levels 20, 25, 33, 50, 66, and 99 there will be buffs to enemies and to make the game harder.
>Nothing before level 20 so the player learns everything and they don't want to level up too much
>Levels 20-35 buffs are modest
>Levels 33-99 are heavier buffs, since it is impossible to get that high of a level without grinding once the buffs are in place from the previous buff level
Seems to scale well.
Reminder for demo day: when you see a whodev submission, point it out in the threads so others know to leave comments calling them out as such on their itch submissions
When you put it like that it's kinda funny, but it's common enough that it shouldn't bother your average player.
found it dd54. i remember it now

for such a simple art piece i love how she rolls up the hair, animation is good to. character artstyle reminds me of pic related, good art but the game was boring.

:( no more high render art owari da.....
Trying to recoup his losses.
relax e-celeb tranny, start a blog about the e-celebs you worship
I don't know much about your game, but I HATE level scaling. For example in Cyberpunk I did not give a shit about grinding levels, because in the end it was meaningless
Nodev schizo
Solve this cursed game design problem for me:
> world consists of complex, intertwined systems
> world does not need player's input to evolve
> player wants to see the entire world at once and observe its evolution
> player wants to be able to influence the evolution of the world
> player wants to be able to make meaningful decisions quickly, without meticulous investigation of the state of every system
These are your constraints.
How would you design a single-player game around them?
What about a multi-player game?
Without it, the game becomes too easy where enemies can barely do anything where even doing stuff normally it is possible to get overleveled. There has to be some sort of balance for enemies to always have an impact even if it's small.
He realized that even though he put all that effort into it that people don't treat it like a new release, so he's discounting it like it's an old game.
Finally some real level design talk around here.
The middle one is so flat...
Is it possible to get some sort of refund? I bought it but never played it.
>AAA bureaucracy slows everything to a snail's pace.
Sometimes. fromsoft has released like 8 AAA games in 10 years
ah yes, I remember these posts from last DD
Have you even made pong? Make pong first
much larger than your others, looks very nice.

kek you're like those who call someone a whodev/tourist because you never saw their game posted during the time your browse here 1 hour once a week
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Thank you Marnix for bringing new blood to this place, all the previous yesdevs left because of the schizos.
>world does not need player's input to evolve
This is the only problem in your list that isn't like the other ones.
You're not paying attention then. The dev posted a zoomed-in screenshot his game before asking for thoughts on the look. All before the Biteme video even dropped
A new era of /agdg/ starts in a week. BMG (before my game) will end, and AMG (after my game) will begin. Get ready.
*Reskins of one game
>Solve this cursed game design problem
>How would you design a single-player game around them?
bitch, making your entire game is not a simple game design problem
steam ticket they'll give you the sales cut
half of these threads from 2019 were MADE by schizo and I'm glad he's gone
>from random tranime to the Eric schizo spamming ecelebs
I mean it was never good but still a downgrade.
>forgets to submit
the barone schizo is worse, he's polluting every thread with female gossip because he's a closeted tranny
There's "I would like a refund". but I don't see anything related to sales cut. How do I do it?
Dwarf Fortress
>it's antibaroneschizo samefagging hours
more annoying than the ericschizo tbqh
>player wants to be able to make meaningful decisions quickly, without meticulous investigation of the state of every system
>talking shit about biteme:
>10 posts about random eceleb devs (the same made every day):
>1 post talks about the barone schizo
Yes I have. I also made a tic-tac-toe.
Yes, it makes things extra hard. The world has to be alive. The world doesn't care about a player, that's part of the fun.
Civ or homm
Kill yourself Barone schizo.
I hope Marnix likes my loligame
okay, Gnomoria then / Rimworld / whatever other spinoff dumbs it down for you
There's still a chance someone will come up with a witty remark that solves all my problems.
Every AAA franchise/brand makes reskins of the first entry. That's how AAA works. Sometimes they take 7 years to do 1.
these are not design problems
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wtf is that youtube viewer?
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>code which was working before starts throwing red errors for no reason
>mess around with it
>can't find anything wrong
>just revert it back to how it was
>it works
>Yes I have. I also made a tic-tac-toe.
Carry on then.
>speedrunning a non-speedrunner game
Not even reskins, they literally reuse most of the assets
clearly you changed something other than that code
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Hard pill to swallow: ideaguys are essentially the most important part of any great game.
You can make a good game without an ideaguy but you can never make a great game or start a new genre.
I swear to god I'm going to refund Braid. I downloaded the commentary and I swear they're just ramblings. It's just Jon's usual constantly getting sidetracked bullshit
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thank you for the words.
King Jesus Christ God Bless you and your ventures.
> discusses people
sometimes building and compiling are two different things
you sure you didn't rebuild your project?
Kill yourself idol worshipper.
Relax. You're paying for Jai, you know? It's not just Braid. You are funding the future of humanity and game dev.
No? They're in discussion format, but they are clearly segmented into bite sized pieces that focuses on a topic.
Ackshually i'm discussing a job (ideaguy).
>literally reuse most of the assets
>Old AI, animation, but new textures and models
That's called reskinning
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drawin new characters, deadeye's aunt lucia
Your God is Eric Barone, e-celeb worshipping troon.
very organic posts unrelated to amateur game development
how many posts you gonna make about mr blow today?
My idea is what if game but good
Wrong, ideas are formed by people and events, these are interconnected thoughts and all aspects need to be taken into consideration to create understanding.
the hag audience will eat this up
I have no idea who that is
In these two a player is responsible for the evolution of his part of the world. Doing nothing there leads to stagnation, not evolution.
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a closer look and what her happy portrait for textboxes will be like
Refute this, agdg?
Forgot to add that you also use Gruvbox like a King.
The execution counts. You need to be able to execute your idea or know that it is something that can be executed. So if an ideaguy is capable of this, that is not an ideaguy anymore. By definition ideaguy has not executed an idea or doesn't know how things work. An ideaguy is worthless by definition. You can have a certain experience and find money and put together a team, and then just be an idea guy and let people do it for you. But then you'd be a game director, or a producer. It's not easy to convince people to work under you (ideaguy) to execute your ideas. You'll need previous experience and credibility. Or you'll just get scammed.
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without ideaguy there is no minecraft or mmos
news soon fellow gamedevs
The ones I skimmed through were worthless. Nothing that shares his experience and knowledge.
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my game reached 100 downloads
>player is responsible for the evolution of his part of the world.
And? That wasn't in the problem.
It is pretty simple, people are the foundation of ideas, events influence people, without understanding both to a certain degree you will never get to the truth of the core ideas.
just say that you give up already LOL
We love engine devs here.
I'm just now beginning to realize how chuuni i am
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Engine devs made the engine you use, have some damn respect.
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I'm going to compress all my files and uncompress them at runtime as needed. My question is, should I have multiple .zip files for each type of file (eg., one .zip file for the music, another one for the images, etc.), or should I just have one .zip file with all the different types of files in it?
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kino alright
Well it's spread around as he answers questions by the interviewers, but he also has a bunch of monologues. For example, the Casey section starts with talking about the origins of the game and inspirations, then talks about other things later on. If that's not what you were looking for though, then fair enough.
Ideas are the most important part of game dev, but the term "idea guy" was made to mock people with pretensions to having good ideas but in fact incapable of generating good ideas.
How did I tolerate gaming at 8 frames per second... It was a very different time.
zip doesn't compress between files (there's no benefit to compressing a bunch of files together) so you can compress each file in its own archive and then decompress it when needed.
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welcome to the club
It doesn't warrant a rebuttal, it should be addressed differently.
Thesis: >>483750830
Antithesis: >>483751363
> Strong minds discuss ideas, taking events into account to have a context where these ideas matter, and considering people and their viewpoints to find a meaningful interpretation of the ideas
> average minds neglect the conceptual level in favor of concrete events and people who participate in them
> weak minds just gossip about people, ignoring the wider context and implications of events
> Which, put more succinctly, means:
> strong minds discuss ideas,
> average minds discuss events,
> weak minds discuss people.
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>switch from common lisp to chez scheme
>window manager can't close game properly
>Key press no longer does anything
except crash the program after a few seconds

I am a struggler. One life, worth a shot.
I know of a resource way better than Braid commentary but I probably shouldn't share it because, you know, "feeding the competition" and everything. It's a bummer because it'd be cool to talk about it with others also interested in gamedev.
I also meant it because of the recent discount. I had bought it for the commentaries.

What the fuck are you talking about?
this new meme isn't funny
Wow big ngmi energy coming from you buddy. Such little confidence in your own game that sharing a resource could put you in peril?
Yes, as the one who wrote the "antithesis" I agree with this.
Good work, philosophy anon.
Now, when extrapolating this to gamedev it may very well be a reversed order which is prudent.
Begin with the ideas, then the people, then the events.
After that, reverse the process.
does he mean speed run?
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ok the code is not great, but a level can now go trough stages, new targets will spawn once all current targets are destroyed.

gonna experiment with time limits, my idea is that each stage will have it's own timer, which is shorter than the previous stage. so the player might want to take a riskier longer path for the early stage in order to set themselves up for a shorter path for a later stage. one-time abilities or level shortcuts could play into this aswell
Yep, I am not ashamed of my ideaguyness.
I've been an ideaguy for many years, getting excited over ideas with my friend in voice chat.
Now, I'm programming. And I am still an ideaguy, I wear that title with no shame. My friend isn't working with me atm though, and this is the game we'd get excited making ideas for.
A gamedev must design games that can actually be implemented on current day systems and hardware with the resources available to them, such as time and money. An ideaguy is someone who's never tried making a game and are therefore incapable of taking into account any of these limitations, and so they design games that can only run in the ideaguy's mind.
looks very good sir to me these games are scary to make because making interesting levels is difficult, good luck with development
No it's a dumb meme since blitz is a variant of chess and chess is a big meme there. It's just trying to say the mysteries are short, which they are.
Thanks for the help guys. I'm pretty sick and passed out after posting.
you're totally right, takes a long time to make and refine a level. i'm considering looking for a level designer desu. not sure if it's feasable to finish myself
are you saying i should have one .zip for every single file
Why are you trying to compress compressed data?
I'm not. My original question was, should I mix all my .pngs, all my .oggs, all my .xmls, etc. into a single .zip file, or should I have a "PNGs.zip", an "OGGs.zip", an "XMLs.zip", etc. It sounded like the guy who replied to me said to zip each and every individual file, but maybe I misunderstood him.
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Small progress.

Rooms the player can't access and hasn't explored yet have "fog of war". Upon opening a door (later maybe some other triggers) the fog disappears.
Are you enginedevving? Any major engine is already packaging your things for you.
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>Are you enginedevving?
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>whats Bounty game look like?
>wastes time solving solved problems
>thinks this is big brain
Quit my job today. I'm gonna go all in on chasing the indie dream even if it kills me.
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Is that all hit markers from incoming fire?
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Yes hit location + direction, also shows on the current target.
Post game? If you don't already have one then you're doomed.
How could I have a game already if I only just quit my job today? I don't, or rather didn't have time to work on anything while I was at work for 10-11 hours a day. I have a lot of good ideas at least, but now I have all the time in the world to turn them into a reality.
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naruko anime when
simple as
here's a list of ludokinos:

-being able to walk around inside a moving ship.
-being able to sit in the driver seat and see the controls and info readouts.
-smaller ships leaving from bigger ships. then redocking.
I have a game, and I work too. Anyways, unless you have a lot of savings or want to make a game in < a year, you're probably going to have a half finished product before your money runs out. At least most people I see start gamedev for real under estimate the amount of work needed.
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So this is the power of Godot.
no it's Unity
So um, now that I already made some stuff, I realized how 32x32 and 16x16 tilesets look ridiculously small in a screen. And upscaling always look bad... so... should I just redo everything in something like 64x64 or even 128x128?
Post game idea so I can remember you
my game sucks ig ive up its over i hate it i hate myself
If you work on it for about 4 years you have a 50% chance of making it. That should be acceptable, right?
Boys, someone is trashing our fellow dev in a sale thread on v, we must do something!
drink some water or another beverage, your body probably hasn't absorbed the calories yet.
post game
You too?
A mystery game.
are you also making a game with those ludokinos?
that's your problem. you're supposed to eat meat (non-bug) to feel satiated
That is so fucking cool.
Finally some real innovation in game dev.
mecha game but not made by a tranime schizo
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: One more, maybe.
stealing this
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>Black people
I resent how everyone here is so supportive of you but immediately mocked me when I suggested I might quit my job to focus on finishing and shipping my game this year.
Did you make any progress today my pear?
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How do I program visual novel like scenes in a smart way? I was thinking
>database has an entry for each cutscene
>each entry has different sequential stuff like show text, show image, pause x time
>then scripts pick up that and run them in sequence
But I dunno if there's a better way to implement this
>wow, summer sale
>open up steam
>steam crashes
>open it up again
>wishlist completely inaccessible
>simply can't buy games

This is what you pay 30% of your earnings for.
Quite a bit, actually.
the virgin non-committal little bitch
>even if it kills me
the chad filled with determination
>one anon says he has problems with 0 proof
Steam doesn't have widespread problems and has a good reputation, even if you're experiencing problems.
this anon understands
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a mean thunderstorm is blowing in from the south
have to unplug and wont get any proggy done until its passed...
Not a good idea unless you have some way to substain yourself for more than 6 months.
>>483758265 well I'm not
Just use a surge protector lol
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Good news.

I gave up gamedev, but I found that trying to make a manga with AI, is what my sovl needed.

Is very easy to make these types of pages, and It's actually fun and I feel like I am doing real progress towards making my idea come true.


I'm happy now.
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>0 proof
Okay here's what I'm seeing. Does that help you?
I have problems as well
See you tomorrow.
could get a laptop... it would be like a business expendature. Tax deductable!
>peruvian manga
que estas haciendo causa
Thunderstorms are comfy as fuck. Two summers ago my city got hit with a weekend of torrential downpours and lightning. I sat outside watching the storm from the safety of my porch.
CAI = sin(t)

Where "CAI" is how much Cris loves AI on a scale of -1 to 1.
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>all I have left in my bank account is 12 dollars plus the 3 dollars I have in my pocket

it's over, I'm broke af
>shirt changes pattern in all panels
cris, bitte...
Some days I think about making a game based on the Inca or some other Peruvian shit while larping ITT as cris just to give everyone the false satisfaction of seeing "cris" finally produce something.
Post the art commissions already
Remember the day we believed latinx retard died but he returned the next day? yeah..
Yeah the narcos were about to get him
Why does /agdg/ treat me like dirt?
if only you released something on steam instead of masturbating all day...
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maybe because you're a nodev
never reply to me again inner circle shitstain
Okay, sorry. Steam but these cases are rare. I'm still fine with paying Steam 30% for all the technical aspects I don't have to manage myself. I really don't think I could do better myself with a custom launcher and my own servers.
>never reply to me again inner circle shitstain
i know why
are you really the developer of Stroke ALL Chodes?
I only have about 25k in my checking. Times are hard all around.
share workflow sir
prompt picture.

copy into krita.
edit the picture.
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This thread is just the inner circle replying to themselves and it shows
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don't fear the man who gave up 1000 hobbies
fear the man who gave up a hobby 1000 times
feels good to actually give up on gamedev.
Does it even count as giving up if you're back at it a week later?
the thread is healing
I can't imagine that feels good.
don't give up. Make the game you want to play.
Fuck, I just realized. I'm gonna get crabbed so hard because my game is just... so far ahead of the curve that the thread will think I'm a genious millionaire AAA dev trying to market.
I fixed a secret hidden path in my game that was broken for over a year, but now it's working I can't seem to remember what was supposed to be hidden about it.
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How do I get a gamedev GF
Why you guys hate me so much? I don't feel safe on this environment. Please respect me and my game!
>nooooo stop the yesdevs from affirming other yesdevs while bullying nodevs
1) Make a finished game
2) A girl will be sent to you through the mail
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How can you improve Darkest Dungeon 1 formula? it seems like the best implementation of 4 niggas in a row, but there are still some unsolved issues like having infinite skills that you can only use in combat, which forces people to drag combat in order to heal. Also past a certain point there isn't enough mechanics to support new enemies moves so everything becomes a bigger AoE version of the same couple of attacks.
they are rare but they always happen at the beginning of a major sale, like summer sale or winter sale.
but I want her to work on the game with me.
I will call the runaposter if you don't stop making fun of me
I'm a yesdev
>copy into krita
Why don't you generate straight from krita?
-1) Make a time Machine
0) Go to the future and intercept your gf in the mailing system
1) Make a finished Game with gf
2) Get mailed your past gf
3) Optional, kill your past self and get a second gf for free
I'm saying there is no real upside to having multiple files in a single zip from the standpoint of saving space. So you can uncompress only the files that are needed for that level/segment.
drop healing it's lame and a problem in every game make dying more worthwhile like souls games where you learn something when you die
I can't do that.

I'm using a free AI service to generate pictures.
I don't know much about DD
But I know Joseph Anderson has a video where he rants about all the shit he hates about the game (which is a lot)
Maybe watch that video and see what you think
If I make my own server and have a huge update or sale it will tax the system and give me headaches. At least with Steam, it's some sys admin's headache, not mine.
Post game so that we might all offer our respects
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demo day... yep another chance for failure....
whatever happened to Blorb? I miss that little zoomer.
I had fun with Little Locked Rooms but got filtered by pretty much every mystery after the first one. Such is the life of a retard
Darkest Dungeon's combat was never what made it fun. What made it fun was the voiceover and the mood it set.

The purpose of Darkest Dungeon's combat is to keep the combat simple so it doesn't interfere with that part of the game, while keeping it easy to make the game too. You could also say that the single-file nature of it goes with the "cramped tunnels and oppressive atmosphere" but they're kind of made for each other.
and what happened to goblin mario dev?
A huge part of the game's success is its art direction (and the voiceover like the other anon said). The game itself is actually pretty boring, and I say that as someone who's played 300 hours of it. If it had ugly art I would have probably never given it a second thought.
>placing your hopes on retarded memeshitters
Don't you mean,,, YIIKs?
>even just the memory of gob and blorb make nodevs seethe
is there even a single rpg where it's the combat that made it fun
>remembering people.... LE BAD!
>um... actually you're seething rn... fr fr
>the marnix invaders are actually planning on only playing their games so they appear at the top of the demo day list
lmao, and you thought the inner circle was bad, get ready
source: discord
what? how else can you have things like bleeding and multiple successive hard fights? stacking shields is just a different name for health, only more lame.
it also breaks the holy trinity of damage dealers, tanks, and healers. what do you even do to fill that role?
mother 3 music combo mechanic
Unrealbros, How do I extend character movement component?
I'll never play that
There are no "marnix drones" here. Stop being delusional
Bountydev is gonna be too big for us bros...
for what purpose?
RPGs are "fun" in the sense that strategy games are fun. You give the player a bunch of tools and let them experiment with how they're going to use and abuse those tools to their advantage. I really like Divinity's combat because the elemental effects game a cool way to interact with the environment apart from when you're being forced to do shitty puzzles or take out groups of enemies. Positioning and order based effects are also something pretty much any RPG outside of the most basic line of niggas games can do.
Progress Day in 8 days!

biteme doesn't have the balls to actually submit anything to demo day. At best they'll make a few short ass video clips of them trying a few demos to put on YouTube.
Poke all Froschs
wow i can't wait to see all the floating 3D triangles!
While I cannot hope to even achieve 10% of the sound design and voice acting, I appreciate that the art is somewhat easier, the cutout 2d skeletal animation is somewhat easier, it relies heavily on mesh deformation instead of having too many frames like Dragon's crown. The side view supports it even more, that artstyle can't really work if you change perspective, short of maybe having different views like typical TRPG games, but that doubles the work.
what kind of stupid name is bounty
not even iconic
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Show engine.
Why would I click a link to click another link
I thought it was fun
yandex search "Game Maker Studio v1.41804"
I was in a burger place last night and I started thinking I could use it as a level in my game... Do I just whip my phone out and start taking reference photos?
>/g/tard can't even post links correctly
The absolute state
It was unique but it's like Undertale's combat in that it isn't the main focus of the game.
Even if it's better than Undertale's.
Unitedstatian moment.
I posted the link I wanted to post.

Because you touch yourself at night.
>got fired yesterday
>bills to pay $2000
>bank account $2100
at least i have one month to live, then its over
Yeah go for it, especially the women's bathroom they love that.
Looking at the elements of a game you could maybe achieve yourself rather than getting distracted or demoralized by the pretty stuff that's way outside your skill level is a good mentality to have. GMI
I'm happy for you cris, follow your heart
Never return
>cris gave up on gamedev before i finished my game
Cris, do not give up.
You're a prominent yesdev of the community.
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He said that I'm a nodev
And I said to post game
He won't be comin' back 'round here, no way
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Is dwarf fortress really the only game that procedurally generates a fantasy world with its own lore. Watching Mushoku Tensei makes me really want to play a game with Dwarf Fortress world generation but with actually fun gameplay. Do I have to make it myself?
Please respond
I don't know, sorry.
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Would you expect the walls to become semi-transparent when you get "covered" by them? And how about doors and windows?
I'm making 3D Dwarf Fortress as well.
I'm sure our games will both have their own flavors which will make them just apart of the wider world sim catalogue.

God bless.
I'm not sure.
Can someone explain what unit testing is? I just can't understand how it's different from simply writing proper code. If you know what to test for, why not just write the code keeping in mind that thing?
Maybe the examples are shitty. They are something like, damage cannot be below zero. Well, duh? Why should I spend my time writing lines like "assert" when instead I can add a line that clamps the value to above zero or not deal the damage at all and make a debug log or something?
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Yes, look at how Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition does it.
mario and luigi
You don't test your code after writing it?
>but with actually fun gameplay
what kind of gameplay do you want then? I guess you could go for a daggerfall like gameplay, or some other action game. But I don't know how that type of game is made much better by just rerolling the world's lore.
The replies to this basically all point to one thing: RPG combat fucking sucks at its core and a lot of the most beloved RPGs out there have succeeded by adding some fun gimmicks or minigames to spice up the otherwise monotonous gameplay.
Unit testing is useful when you have 20+ people working on a project and you don't want them to break other people's work while they work on their part of the code.
Godot still doesn't have stencils btw, and it didn't make it into 4.3: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/pull/80710
Yowzers I think it would require multiple cameras and some shading trickery. Thanks for the suggestion
aggylike deckbuilder

unit testing is useful when you want to verify that your code works as intended
NTA but that was the context i needed to understand why people care about unit tests. thanks
Unit testing is mostly for companies that don't make games, since they really want stability or whatever. Asserts can be good because it will catch garbage in-data and get your attention, without having to write a proper error message/log. For example, If you always clamp the damage, then you would never know if some enemies are sending garbage negative values for some reason. Of course, this kind of assert/error message is far more useful when dealing with more complicated data and situations.
Not sure. I just really hate the super basic turn based combat most roguelikes have. To be clear I'm talking about a 2D implementation. Elonarpg on paper should be the game of my dreams but I fucking hate its "combat" where you just walk into enemies to do damage.
This PR gave me PTSD, because I wasted 3 days for three attempts to make 3D outlining to work. After failing miserably I settled for highlighting by adding green overlay.
I'm still not able to make sense of this. (I haven't finished watching the video other anon posted)
Can someone give an example using let's say ApplyDamage(int damage) ? if it is applicable. Or any other game related code.

Can't I just check if damage is below 0, and detect the garbage value and act accordingly? Either clamp it to zero or ignore it totally, make a debug.log()?
I wish you guys posted progress I like looking at the games my fellow devs are making. Usually it’s some garbage uninspired 2d platfagger type games but when it’s not I find it very inspirational
It'll probably never get pulled in, since 4.3 added the interface for a rendering compositor, and it sounds like they want the stencil operator to use that.
Gonna make a 2d plaprogger just to BTFO you eternally.
>7 days
literally unironically for real actually 100% not gonna make it... its over
Just bite the bullet and buy assets dude. A whole anime game with tanks is within your grasp, even with free shit.
you first nodev
macross but good
>Can't I just check if damage is below 0, and detect the garbage value and act accordingly? Either clamp it to zero or ignore it totally, make a debug.log()?
I mean yeah, it's your game you choose how to deal with bad values. I don't use a debug log, but plenty of devs use that instead of printing or using assert. For my game, I expect negative damage since I use the damage function for healing as well.
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So I can get things to render, but for some reason the program still isn't properly responsive to key presses and closing the window
I actually am using 4.3 beta, so that is even more unfortunate. I'll try hack it with Area3D collisions and transparency.
i'll just submit whatever fucking broken mess i have by then
> let's say ApplyDamage(int damage)
I use applyDamage in my unit test
>Test if the animation function takeDamageAnimation is called
>If the hp are below zero, test if is_dead flag set to true
>Test if HP are reduced
>Test if the damage_redction is applied

You don't test the addition, but the behavior of the code.
>Leaked IP

Prepare to get pwn3d.
At least you didn't call it Robotech.
when the new graphics for LoL launched i really liked it, but now looking at some old gameplay, i think the old style looks so much better, specially twisted treeline. how is this possible ?
>btfo me
>by making the 9,999,999,999th zero review 2d platfagger game on steam
Frick yeah bro!!
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Annie cutie, uwu
That's called nostalgia.
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Started working on some basic animations for my passion project, so here's a little first attempt. Mainly just a test to see how it all works and make sure the rig won't break once I sit down to animate the rest of the moveset of the main character. Feeling pretty damn gud about it, even if it's lacking a bit of polish for now.
could be any reason idiot
you think i can read your fucking mind
I’m a yesdev, originality is more inspiring than derivative hacks making goyslop that no one will ever play
indie gamedev is sloppy seconds of AAA
>(+ (time-second dt-utc) (* (time-nanosecond dt-utc) 10e-9)

Oh god damnit, my time loop is fucked. A nanosecond is 10e-9 seconds. We'll seehow many problems this fixes.

pls no hackerman

I enjoy the occasional musical, nothing wrong with that
that's really nice. reminds me of Bookworm Adventures
Can I just say it?
I seriously only make games in the hopes of one day becoming successful enough that my high school gamer girlfriend learns of me and my game and messages me asking if I want to meet to catch up on life!
When I attempted this I just had two cameras set to two different view layers and moved objects between the based on whether they blocked the camera or not, and then had a vignette shader to fade it so it didn't look too shit
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I don't even know my IP address so even if someone really told me my IP address I would just pass it up
are AAA devs going to release a game worth playing ever again?

nanoseconds give me flashbacks to trying to figure out why everything in my game was jittering
answer: nanoseconds since 1970 is a very large number, and floating point precision is awful up there
Normal people get dynamic IPs.
i love the artwork, lots of work put into this
Nice barotraumalike
He's got a new IP, it's a dynamic style.
The only IP I have is that of my game.
Question for the thread. Once my game comes out and it ushers a new era for indie games, and inevitably creates a whole new genre, do I get to name that genre?
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new fusion menu
it's named after the game name(FPS used to be called doom clones), then changes name sometime later.
>so you're saying it's some kind of strand game
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NOGAME BTFOD all you can do is reply in seethe but you can't unpost my platformer

>turns out the game crashes after a certain amount of time no matter what

I see I see

Yeah fortunately its an integer
The clock is UTC, two ints
one for seconds and one for nanoseconds
It's 2024 and godot still ERROR: Vulkan: Cannot submit graphics queue. Error code: VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Last for cutscene 17, maybe.
How close is the demo to the end?
just wait for 4.7, itll be fixed then
This is game of the year material!! This is not a hobby!!
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imagine if project nortubel was a real game lmao
That sounds like a hardware and/or driver problem.
Nothing else fucks up like this.
Imagine if nortubel received the mental health treatment that he clearly needs
the demo contains the first kingdom, the full game's gonna have four (five if you count the final dungeon) and some stuff in between each. we're like three quarters of the way through the fourth at the moment. it's looking like we might have to delay to early 2025, but miracles do happen
how common of a practice is it to use HDR images for lighting in 3d games?
how many more people are working with you and what do they do ?
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Thank you. I do everything by myself, and art always takes the longest because this project also acts as a personal gallery of sorts for me to put my things out there. Also for context, the actual battle screen is more like this, but the UI is not fully finished yet either. UI and main character sprite are those things that I feel like just need to be perfect, since it's the two things the player would see most commonly. So I'm taking it slow.
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:: Ferulorum ::
dev :: Narcitheus
tools :: SDL2, krita, dear imgui
web :: narcitheus.itch.io
progress ::
+got embark button working and team going to dungeon
nortubel > nodev
Actual graphics, nice job. Keep it up. You got this.
The retards who think honest and accurate criticism = nodev are some of the most pathetic creatures in existence
Doesn't mean they're wrong
Even godot supports this so probably quite common.
I'm so fucking close holy shit
>honest and actual criticism
Oh, yes, my mistake, "pepe.jpg go see a therapist because if you're making a game you must have mental health problems" this is truly very constructive and helpful
pixel art, music, monster design monster dialogue, storyline, general concept, etc is me. UI and code is my co-developer, and a lot of the tilesets are done by a third guy. there've also been a bunch of people who've chipped in to help with an asset or two.
I know you're trying to take the piss out of me for not being 1ma, but I figure it's best to be honest anyway
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Turns out using volumetrics and reflection probes and screen space reflections... breaks the reflections. I now have to render the volumetrics separately and this single decision has added hundreds, possibly thousands of hours of extra render time for my animated film.
>”if you’re making a game you must have mental health problems”
I know you’re reading my posts through tears which blur your vision but that isn’t what I said and that isn’t the criticism
It doesn't suck, tell me how else can you have multiple characters/archetype that allow different team comps, high customizability and have wildly different mechanics?
Controlling different characters instantly disqualifies real-time combat, and no, having AI control the rest of the team is fucking garbage, turn based games exist for a reason, people who love them want to take their time and theorycraft, it removes reaction time and APM garbage from the equation, not everybody is a sweaty blitz chess enjoyer.

The real issue is how many mechanics you can have before it breaks. Positional mechanic alone is a complicated beast, rpgs that doesn't have them sucks majorly, rpgs that focus on them turn into an RTS or a tactic game where it just devours most of the gameplay, having only front rows and back rows is not satisfying.

I think the closest thing to a good rpg is a card game where a deck can support multiple archetypes at the same time, or when you control multiple decks, but it still lacks some of the fun mechanics.
>animated film
Cool but this is a gamedev thread
Same nigga, same
>animated film
In what? UE?
A tip for my 1MA bros...

Please, when you make your credits, please don't do the dorky thing where you list your name fifty times under all the different roles. Just keep it simple.
fellow devs, it's time....
What about listing my name once and then all the different roles under it?
My game doesn't even have my name in the credits.
The general convention is to list all of your roles in a single place and then your name just once after that
My credits include a devotion to Christ, and nothing else. Why would I mention my own name when I did nothing but act as an arbiter for Christ’s will?
>you're trying to take the piss out of me for not being 1ma,
im really not
>dorky thing where you list your name fifty times under all the different roles
name one game that does this
No. I'll keep doing that.
I'll do what I want.

Think of it as a Sony game.
ah. sorry then
Post them or you're a sinner
stealing this idea.
Your post is very poorly timed then because we're talking about the shitposting, which is merely a recreational activity some people do because they can't do it in real life. That's not criticism, that's just crabs having fun.
I warned you...
*pulls off cloak*
it's too late...
Based wholesome monster girl dev
it's a gay game, so it's on sale during gay month
Sometimes I wish my parents had named me "Devon". Because that's what I am.
I wish your parents had named you Bitches cuz you get none.
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I'm going to list my name 50 times in the opening credits.
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Weird flex but OK
I have to fix this bug. It's insane.
Bug fixing music

pic rel is the bug, faintly hiding in the code. I need to find the source of this bug.
Pls no hurt bug...
I will out fpbaøf hvodhv
why, does it keep swimming away, is that why you clamped it down?
my ideaguy powers died
I am looking to hire an ideaguy
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really frustrating day. I did a test build and found out the text goes all over the place when resizing the window.
I thought I fixed it at one point but found out it was only fixed in the editor and it still failed after building the game.

I may just have to freeze the resolution if I cannot fix before demoday.
i would like to have a gamedev partner
How much are you paying?
yea me too, I'd like to have a 3D artist.
I would like to have a biologically female partner.
>I'd like to have a 3D artist.
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Bonka's funhouse.
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It's the yearly progress post. I'm very happy with how the new object interaction system is turning out.
nice yandere simulator clone NIGGER
Why does it walk like that?
I made a 36 hour subtraction of the image outputs from my diffusion network and turned up the colors to see what is being learned in that time. I'm also recording a copy of the net every 3 hours to align later as a comparison. This gif is the amplified color regions being learned from the dataset.
i'm not bokusimp. kill yourself, pedophile
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
why he slap the speaker's ass
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My game WILL reshape this entire industry. No other course is possible. No other course is permitted.
well, we'd have to see if we're a good fit.
For example, I have a strong vision and need to retain veto control.

If you already have a game you want to make and wouldn't be ok with joining someone else's project then we would not be a good fit.
Well, how else am I supposed to do it? I'm both game designer and programmer btw.
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My game will reshape not only the gaming industry, but also adjacent industries, like animation and music, while spawning an entire industry of its own.
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My game WILL get me a hot girlfriend with big tits. No other cup size is possible. No other cup size is permitted.
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Like jank? Because I'm waiting for the animation retargetting improvements from Godot 4.3 to fix all these jank looking animations.

Because he's angry. Or maybe because I don't have a proper animation so a placeholder will do at the moment.
my game will
My game thinks, therefore it is
we would obviously have to make the game together... 50/50 on our ideas and responsabilities...
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That guy kinda sucks odk
Should I buy RPG Maker MV for 85% off?
what kind of game is this suppose to be?
I can't relinquish veto control, I'd be depressed if I compromise on my vision.

It's not like I wouldn't listen to my partner's ideas. I just need to have the final say so I can steer things back on course at any moment.
I don't have any good ideas for small scoped games and I'm not skilled or dedicated enough to finish medium or large scoped games
that's one zesty walk cycle
Well it’s an anime game, so it’s made for gay people like all anime stuff
To give an extremely short and incomplete answer, it's a life sim. I'll share more details when you can see them. I dont speak empty promises or vaporware.
Buy 2003, XP, or XV ACE
kek no thanks, i hate linux big time, why would i want to download their convoluted software
What do you reccomend these versions over MV? Seriously asking, I know nothing about RPG Maker.
Do any of these have non retarded resolutions and are easy to port to mobile?
They're cheaper for one, and they also have a lot more documentation and fan support than MV. Like you can make some crazy shit in 2003 alone.
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I can't get DAZ hair to work in blender. I'm so sad.
>publish under my actual name
>credits are my name and whatever musicfag I engage with
>They're cheaper for one
ngmi poorfag
>Noooooo you can't try and save money in an expensive and volatile hobby!
Okay, thanks. Fore some reason I thought MV was the version with the most fan support. Idk where I heard that.
>expensive hobby
I have paid 0 moneys for gamedev so far (after 2 years and 3 months)
How do you market on social media? The algos are seemingly owned by either trannoid communist, corporate bootlickers, and braindead alphas
Post game.
Caves of Qud does a lot of lore generation
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I'd be concerned if you're buying thousands of dollars worth of environments off EGS, or signing up for several hundreds of dollars of month worth of subscription software, but for RPGM? Just buy all of them. It's less than a single synty pack.

You might be being crabbed. IDK much about any of them, but the latest two are the most popular ones.

Your time must be worthless.
was it really $40? I must've bought it at a heavy discount because man
he's lucky The Witness came out before refunds existed
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Do Korean girls find indie game developers charming?
Not even steam dev account?
BRB severing my brainstem and hooking myself into a simulation so I can game dev 24/7.
No, you are 38, fat, and bald.
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In Godot is there a was to look around in the editor like it's a FPS game and you have noclip on?
WASD or arrow keys to move, and mouse to rotate the viewport camera, as if a first person shooter.
>You might be being crabbed.
Nigger, RPG Maker 2003, XP, and XV ACE are responsible for some of the most popular RPG Maker games.
>Yume Nikki
>To the Moon
>LISA the Painful
>Pokemon Uranium
>Corpse Party
They're all tried and true. If you think that's crabbing then I don't know what to tell you.
yes, but only if you develop NTR games
I'm pretty ugly and I went to Korea and was overstimulated by the amount of attention I got from Korean women. You'll be fine.
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>First draft script.
That happened to me when I was working too hard on my game, I lost sight of my original pure vision of the game and couldn't imagine the project turning into anything I would be happy with.
It came back after taking a few days off thoughever
These are all bad/inaccurate points, this thing is really putting the L in LLM
Hold the right mouse button to look around freely
This is a serious question faggitz
kek i'm surprised there were two women that even married him, they mustve ugly control freaks like himself. i looked him up briefly, 60 hour work weeks, "coding retreats" kek that guy is a massive wagecuck. it'd be hilarious if he failed and was forced into the wagecage where some random office manager would piss him off and he'd eventually have his own self fired. i doubt anyone here would want to collab with such a guy
no, algorithms are generally arbitrary and fuckin' weird and you need to look up that specific platform's current suspected algorithm for the season
we can't tell you the specifics it constantly changes

there have been times that your communist boogeymen have compromised algorithms (twitter used to promote left-wing shit in its popular category) but usually you're just being a schizo and you just don't understand the current meta.
Considering your use of buzzwords it's probably already over for you. You could try buying ads.
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Awesome, thank you!
Godot should really make a little FPS camera button in the pic related bar above the viewport.
Also should add ESC to escape "FPS mode", pressing Shift F again isn't a big deal but ESC is faster and is the first thing most people would try if they enter FPS mode by mistake.
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>That happened to me when I was working too hard on my game
I'll take some time off after I finish my current milestone
nice nanny mania clone
bro are you making a Sims-like?
Very kino, reminds me of Sims 1.
nice, what's your game about?
Oh the graphics look improved compared to what I saw when sifting through DD's earlier today. You're about on par with (a)woken imho. Love the snow level, big fan of snow levels.
>Hold the right mouse button to look around freely
ahaaa you can use WASD to move around while holding right click, didn't know that
>You're about on par with (a)woken imho
That's not very nice.
nice travians-like
It's probably not used much. I doubt most people even know it exists. I only know of it because I tried to fix space mouse support in the past. You can probably add those proposals, and someone might implement it sometime in the next 5 years.
Kek'd, knew a pretty girl named Devin, get it? I'm gonna do some Dev'n. I think she liked me but I did nothing. She's hardcore woke now.

I hope so to, except she's a large breasted female gamedev partner. She can work on the art.
I want a girlfriend with huge tits who comes over and presses her boobs against the back of my head while I'm at my PC devving.
this but with ass. I'm an ass and belly man.
Would you want her to fart on you for motivation? Maybe just a little whiff?
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For a second I confused your game with that other anon making a mon-like game. Idk the name lemme see if I can find it. Here's a pic instead,

I hope so too fren.

This but change it to Latina's and Japense girls.
>demo day in a week
>still haven't finished writing the game script
Any writer devs have tips or writing processes they use to get writing done fast?
Cold turkey
Yes I'd want her to marry me and then on occasion also do pic related. She'll do it unknowingly while doting on me and calling stuff I drew cute.
>ara ara anon that's such a cute critter :3
My ex was Korean, she was trying to have me get a "real" job, also she lied about having kids so I dumped her.
Koreans seem to be the least kind Asians, with Japanese at the top
I had this once and I fucked it up. Thinking about it makes me want to die.
Fat chicks don’t count
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shits fucked
Yikes, epilepsy warning much?
She wasn't fat. She was way out of my league but a little bedraggled and had extremely low self esteem, hence why I was able to get her to latch on to me for the short amount of time we were together.
We can represent the difference between a fireball and chain lighting attack using a formula

Projectile speed + damage + targets

1.5 + 1-10 + 1(distance*50*3)
0.5 + 5 + 1(distance*50)

Wat one is which spell? You already know because we just outlined the difference. Another fun fact here is we can also include our enemies mechanics in the math:

Distance + direction + attack

50 + 1 - frost nova
100 - 1 + heal

So what's happening here? You already know basically. And, that matters because we can now change the values around. We can actually represent all current mechanics using this type formula. And that's great because if we can represent a winning formula correctly, it can be used to better understand some major questions we have about factoring. I guess it's currently a barebones project but I think the potential of this is insane. We can seriously use it to look into the future, because unless the technology changes in a significant way, we can actually predict all possible concepts. That's hacking basically. Ive been smoking so much weed. Might shoot myself lol, because this reality obviously isn't very good if I already solved the video gaming crisis using my high IQ and problem solving abilities.

it's going to be a small business owner simulator. Or see it as The Sims 2 Open for business but with a sims 1 aesthetic.
Someone explain to me what anon is saying.
and this is actually agdg's most competent enginedev. grim
That’s godot thoughbeit
It hurts to admit it but gamedev is really just a coping mechanism to distract from my crippling loneliness. If I work up tomorrow with a girlfriend and/or friends I'd quit making games on the spot.
No, I think that would be Pomaodev by a large margin.
what he is telling is bbrrrrrrrrrAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPP
You and me are not the same.
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I need help from Unreal Engine bros.

How does ApplyVelocityBraking work in CMC's source file?
How do I override it to:
>allow the player character to maintain all of its velocity while turning (Like in Souls games)
>make so velocity is not set to 0 when velocity direction reverses (I want the player to keep that velocity and accelerate into that new velocity direction at double rate)
Godot.make_game(Genres.PLATFORMER_3D, "Nolgorb's Ordeal")
what the fuck
it works
delete this before is too late
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Starting to work on the DD level.
>little bedraggled and had extremely low self esteem
I like girls like this, must feel very nice brightening their day, unless they end up getting an ego and dumping me as they inherit the roastie mindset.

Spaz's too much in a bad way that makes me want to look away. Is this a bug?
i pushed my origin onto github I don't care if a stupid thunderstorm takes out my whole PC that i just spent ten grand on upgrading
What's the name of this game? I've seen it posted before but I don't think I ever saw someone provide a name for it.

Where do you even meet these women in the first place? Wait was this when you were sub 22 years old? Finding them is easier but idk where to even get one.
>ten grand on a pc but can’t spend any on a surge protector
how do they work
>$10k on a pc
Specs? I realized after this new build that all that hoopla over the power of certain powers is overtly exaggerated. Not making this mistake again. A 4060 would've like worked nice as well as an 11600 or something. Ended up paying way more and it feels meh. Maybe it's cause I don't play triple A on PC besides indie stuff that is rarely terribly optimized.

At least the programs you use for gamedev open fast, right? GIMP is still slow, it must be like Dwarf Fortress and only uses one core so it doesn't matter if I have a PC this new
thats 10k in swedish crowns not dollars
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I fixed the weird crash bug and the bug where the window lags to close. Still no key response for some reason.
>must feel very nice brightening their day, unless they end up getting an ego and dumping me
It was the other way around. I got an ego, I unironically believed I could "fix her". She was one of those girls who did nothing but stay in her apartment playing video games and watching anime until 3AM. I kept trying to push her to go outside her comfort zone and go do things outside with me, and eventually it was too much for her.
>Where do you even meet these women in the first place?
College, and yeah I was 21 at the time.
looks cool
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Couple of things:
I'm working on getting some boilerplate cutscene processes down. Webm related is a quick sequence I threw together just to see if I can get the features I want incorporated.

While working on this cutscene workflow, I discovered that all the community plugins for dialogue systems in Godot are overengineered BLOAT. I'm actually having difficulty describing just what the problem with them is -- it's like they're trying to anticipate certain use-cases that I just don't need, and in so doing, they make it all but impractical to implement the features that I *do* need.
So I wrote up my own that uses a similar formatting style to the popular community plugins, but it presents the dialogue data post-import in a straightforward manner that's easy to parse, pass, and manipulate in code.

tl;dr I'm too stupid for OOP

Frog i don't like this image that you posted, but I am glad you're still posting here and making progress.
shit is fucked.
>it's going to be a small business owner simulator. Or see it as The Sims 2 Open for business but with a sims 1 aesthetic.
are you making it for yourself and a free release? if it's in hopes of making money it'll be hard to compete with the sims, which i assume you can have your sim start a business in (i don't know if you found a unique angle or not)
Just a funny little joke image of a funny sonic character.

>that webm
Glad you are appealing to fetishes held by high-class gentlemen.
Botted the likes award
That's more than half what mine cost. But it's all good stuff right? How's it so cheap?

All your backups are gone and you're in the middle of making a backup that's going to take 1 hour while a lightning storm rages outside?
>Perversion, straight:
>Perversion, LGBT:

> (eq? 'key-v 'KEY-V)

So it turns out symbols are case-sensitive in chez scheme but I was used the case being meaningless (but you can force case-sensitivity. forgot how) in sbcl common lisp
who are you quoting?
I mean less than half of what mine cost.

>Perversion, GBT:
>Perversion, L:
>oh yeah, you have X criticism of game?
>how about you buy the game you hate so much so that people will value your opinion more?
No, I don't think I will, steam user.
There is a channel that makes fun of people like you going to asian countries and bothering women, you're a reverse pajeet.
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Nice proggy, I haven't seen you in a while.
I thought you gave up or left.
Could someone please remind me of the russian site with PDFs for reference books and guides? I wanted a deeper look into procedural generation, but struggle to find more in depth guides. I was looking for this

Procedural Content Generation with Unreal Engine 5: Harness the PCG framework to take your environment design and art skills to the next level
go to /lit/ and look at the sticky
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Bro's I'm setting up a steam page right now! Sorry Nolgorb anon but I need to get rich, nothing personnel

>It was the other way around
>pic related
What do you mean "fix" what was the issue with that? That behavior of her's is unironically something I want in a woman. Seems my best odds of meeting one like that is taking low end wagie jobs. What do you mean by bedraggled?
Nolgorb already has a steam page, you're too late.
Nolgorb Bombsight
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Made a generic version of a Capitalist model I made
he looks happy
i love him
I wanted to make it smile
Thank you
I do it mostly for myself and freeware until maybe I got something good enough to market. I mean I'm so far away from release anyway and I'm doing it in my free time after work.
The unique angle, I hope will be that I plan to lean heavily on the tycoon / management aspect and less with the life sim part. So not totally the same target audience than the mainline sims but there will some overlap.
I'm not that anon but when you care for someone, it doesn't feel good to watch them live like that. A person is meant to do more, to live their own life -- not solely live vicariously through vidya and anime.
I'd be interested in meeting a woman like that too but it's because I'm sort of a loser, and that type of woman isn't likely to judge me harshly for it like most women do.
what features MUST my game have before i submit it to the next DD?
the creeping feeling of ngmi is happening again agdg
Kek at that smile. Got a 3D environment yet where they move about?

Whats bad about living like that? I wouldn't mind going out and doing things with her but I don't really see the issue, we have each other to go do stuff outside rather than solo. But would mostly stay in.

t. I live like that, have seen one girl like that
Can a 2D platformer be fun, without being complex (like Dustforce)? Something like Super Mario Bros. wouldn't fly in 2024.
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Super Mario Bros. Wonders literally came out last year.
2D platformers in general are an obsolete genre.
I hate women
>Something like Super Mario Bros. wouldn't fly in 2024.
Meanwhile in reality:
>Super Mario Bros. Wonder sold 4.3 million units worldwide within the first two weeks, making it the "biggest release" and "fastest-selling" Super Mario-related title ever.[52][53]
>As of March 31, 2024, the game had sold 13.44 million units worldwide.[54]
>13.44 million people who like platformers
What went so right?
I love women
Just do your best, anonymous.
You stand to gain everything, and you have nothing to lose: you owe your life back anyway, so you may as well spend it doing something meaningful.

We won't agree on this. I just don't think human beings are meant to live that lifestyle. We need you. Your life is precious and important -- the world is the lesser for you not being down in it, and you are the lesser for not living a meaningful life. I'm convinced that you will regret, when you're maybe ten years older, having lived that lifestyle for so long. It will become boring. Your body will start to fail. You'll have few meaningful friendships. It will be harder and harder to escape, and it will become more and more unbearable.

We can argue about what it means to live a meaningful life, but the fact is that it's more or less been known by world religions for a long, long time: Love your family, work hard, be grateful for the life you have -- more or less.
this bug is heckin rough
They are buying mario, not a 2D platformer.
I hate you because you're better than me, but I love you for making a "break the targets" game.
Damn you!
>People wouldn't buy Mario if it came out this year but at the same time people are buying this game because of Mario
Are you tall, white, handsome, charming and rich? If yes I think they'll be fine with it.
It's the state of the art in audiovisual polish
He said "Something LIKE Super Mario Bros." though? Of course Mario is gonna sell, Nintendo can get away with selling pieces of cardboard to people
>comparing Super Mario Bros Wonder to Super Mario Bros
you might as well be comparing Biden to his younger self
I don't know what that means Unitedstatian. Speak in Gamedevglish.
It has to run (optional).
However, the only feedback you'll get is "the game doesn't work".
cool it with the autism
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sounds sound
This looks like dogshit... Fisher Price toys arranged on a tile grid. Rayman Legends looked and sounded way better over a decade ago and that flopped.
Dustforce originally gained notoriety for a blog post the developers made on how it flopped
it's called sim earth and it isn't all that fun
>that VN
The most unforgettable horror porn game I've ever played. No other game had a bunch of elementary schoolers gangbang a teenage girl against a wall. And the teenage girl loved it. No other game I've played had a 17 year old bishonen guy drink a 14 year old girl's piss and chase her down the hall to rape her, only to wind up getting anally raped by a 32 year old fat man. I still remember the scene where a 16-17 girl was hiding under a bed as her same age best friend was having sex with that same 32 year old fat guy on top. She heard every moan, bed shake and sound. In the wrong end she was discovered under the bed by her friend and made to join. A most terrifying scene was when an unwilling girl relives another girl's sex memories. The girl in the memory consented but the reliving girl didn't. It didn't matter that she was mentally screaming, her body in the memory did all the motions and actions as in history. It's like mind control rape except the victim was fully aware. Another scene the same girl and a friend were almost raped in a magic sex ritual, saved by the girl's older sister, and the backlash made the older sister want to rape her younger sister and friend.

The loli in this pic is freakishly lewd and once disguised herself as a teenage girl, fucked a boy until he nearly came, transformed back saying
>You thought you were having sex with a highschooler weren't you? I'm an elementary schooler all along!
And leglocks that boy, forcing him to cum inside her unprotected, when he screams in fear upon learning this. This isn't even getting into the tentacles, the gay sex, the lesbian sex, the incest, the sequel's mother/daughter lesbian scene, etc. The first chapter alone contains lots of lesbian sex scenes with an unavoidable girl masturbating in the bathroom. Truly horror is intrinsically connected with sexuality.

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