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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

why is it so hard to find marika art that isn't made for gooners
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>Everything resists Holy damage
>Nothing is weak to Magic damage
>Everything is weak to Lightning damage
This is racism from DEX supremacist devs
the quests are so fucking stupid
>do something SLIGHTLY out of order
>lol maybe next time
Only gooners like Marika
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behold the only two demigods that haven't been ruined by miyahacki's retcons(that weren't also shit in the base game)
In the DLC or main game?
Main game it's pretty hard to actually break a quest. You'd need to either kill an NPC or burn the Erdtree.
gooner here, reply with your best marika art
What's the usual mind stopping point for just weapon arts? 35?
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She's a canonical love interest and those always get super sexualized. Plus there isn't a firm depiction of her in-game to corral fanart a little bit, meanwhile that one bimbo model got super popular.
Marika's tits
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Radahn still hasn't won a single fight in all of recorded history.
>Beast Clergyman glowup transformation into Maliketh
>Get a boner
I hate myself
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Marika's Golden toes.
You have good taste.
>womb tattoo
Lewd. I'd post that other one that has this but sadly it has nipples showing.
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>all bosses beaten
>don't feel like doing a whole other playthrough
>co-op sucks taint thanks to everyone refusing to find miyazaki's little skibidis
only thing left to do is take funny pictures and goon
Maricucks are getting uppity again
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I use spells almost exclusively and I have 23 MND. The same thing happened to my previous mage character.
You don't level mind for WAs. Just bring a blue flask or 2
that's hot
I'm here to serve you, mommy
When they announced the DLC I knew there was a chance I wouldn't like the way they developed the story, but this is worse than I could have imagined.
>his siege of Leyndell is defeated
>he loses to Morgott
>he loses to Malenia
>he loses to a random murderhobo
>he loses to that random murderhobo a second time
Quite literally the only fight he has won in his entire life is against inanimate objects.
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rykard was a pointless dumbass joke of a demigod who just snek'd himself for no reason without much explanation at all or anything all that significant attributed to him. Morgott was based, though
she's unironically the only interesting character now wtf
Yeah there's a lot of routes they could have gone even with nuRadahn and they chose the most boring one. Off the top of my head
>could have been a schizo battle where Godwyn is the macguffin Miquella is using to revive Radahn through Mohg and there is an undead schizo battle happening between the two of them and phase 2 Godwyn takes over like Isshin from Genichiro
Would mother truly lordship sanction someone so bereft of light?
God I hope they add a bossrush so I dont need to play like a minimum of 10 hours to re fight the DLC bosses
This setup feels like it's unsalvagable, even with a Larval Tear respec.
i just used the lance while blocking, it actually worked
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>already beat dlc
>messing around with other weapons
>try the chicken wing
Holy fuck this thing is beyond busted.
She belongs to the jars
that's true, but he's going to be my father-in-law when i marry Rya, so I'd thought I'd be nice
This is more attractive than the disgusting CG whore some anon keeps posting. Marika is a simple Numen peasant girl.
Well yeah how do you even do damage?
The DLC is just making me feel burnt out, desu
I love the dungeons and designed parts, but get so bored from the open-world busywork inbetween
I wish they had just made the entire DLC Dark Souls 1 style, and skipped the open world
redpill me on it
>evil bitch is an evil bitch
>but she has le sad backstory
Omg so complex and interesting!
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Very based.
Most Elden Ring art is made by coomers. So you have Ranni with big tits and two hands, Malenia without Rot, etc.
There's nothing that cannot be salvaged using larval tears unless you're a minmaxing faggot that only cares about pvp.
chicken wing?
Was expecting the Volcano crew to have their quests finished by the DLC.
Okay how do I cheese radan?
(as a faith build)
I give up
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Gonna play my Page cosplay build I started ages ago. Pulley crowssbow, perfumer items and estoc. Build him purely DEX, in the DLC, I'll use those perfumer bottles. any recommendations or tips if I should pick a secondary attribute or what good weapons are?
Also, i can confirm that the perfumer talisman boosts the damage of the bottle weapons
>60 vigor at lvl 71
Why? Nothing in the midgame hits hard enough that you need almost 2000 HP. Respec and move at least 25 points into your offensive stats of choice.
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im redoing the radahn stuff rn on another save and it’s just… really sad how interesting, cool, and tragic the original radahn stuff is? like his wounded and rotting husk wandering the dunes eating his own men and screaming at his fate fucking rules. seeing all of that be completely undone by miquella just yoinking his soul… absolutely none of the sote version of him has any of the same appeal at all. be fucking for real. the more i go back to the base game to make sense of the dlc the more annoyed i get
Well, she does have an interesting body though
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Do you agree with [censored eceleb name]?
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>waah waah spirit summons

literally just beat the game solo first and then play again but with spirit summons, wtf is the problem? have to beat it solo at least once just to prove you can, then do whatever is fun, even if you're overpowered, if it's fun who cares? that's all i'm saying. the point is you need to beat the game at least once by yourself just to prove you can, but after that sure do whatever the fuck you want.

also suggest some fun cosplay builds. omenkiller is fun.
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>Make a beautiful silver armor set with striking blue accents
>It keeps the boob-plate on males

Guess I won't wear it then. So fucking stupid.
But I soi faced when I saw gigchad radahn wholesome chungus appear again and did his cool pose
Radahn, Furnace Golems, & Jori in F
otherwise bretty gud
i'd move a few things around up or down one level but it's not bad
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>a gay scaley vore gooner
>an omen
Messmer is the only correct choice now. All base game demigods are sad.
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>So you have Ranni with big tits
Literally nothing wrong with this.
Infusable chicken wing with built in blood attacks with it's heavy that i believe is double fucking dipping that staggers out the fucking ass and also causes bleed procs faster than any weapon in the game. I just used it against the elden beast while just fucking around and staggered it 3 times, turned the fight into a joke.

There's a ton of AoW it works with as well.
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I beat the game
Malenia wasn't ruined, she has the same motivation (help Miquella bring about his gentle age) and MO (main flaw is blind trust in Miquella). Her main screwing over is just that she got literally nothing in a DLC that devoted entire quests and NPCs to trying to humanize fucking Mohg.
Fuck I haven't used a shield since DS2
is it really that broken in ER?
Did you have fun
I'm gonna have sex with a suit of armor!
for anyone else struggling doing damage to radahn, he has so much fucking slashing resist
stop using a sword, use thrusting or crushing damage
why is he almost immune to slashing? who the fuck knows
nigga why even use the mimic tear?
your combo of gear can literally do the entire boss without using a single flask
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Imagine being a Miquellafag or Radahnfag leading into this DLC
I want to see her face so bad
every time i see the multi slam move i get mad, it looks so fucking stupid
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Congrats. Just don't expect anyone to give a shit about your opinion on the boss.
The only problem is that you're a porn-addicted gooner
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Forgot the fucking pic.
all NPCs/Invaders "bosses" should be in F tier
Jumping R1s and R2s with the powerstanced club, mostly, with Glintstone Pebble spam when I've got the FP and range.
Even so, I don't know what to respec to. This is my first character in my first Soulslike game.
My defense is still paper-thin even at this level. I'd get juggled to death from enemy groups or chunked by a single miniboss attack if had any less health.
i heard people say to use it for the dlc, this is the only fight where I found fucking use for it
normal enemies are never worth using it on, you just fucking stun lock and kill them
I like my mimic, he's my bro just like torrent
it fucking is, and the miquela grab is so retarded because it's such a waste of time watching him open his whore mouth
atleast the rune cleanses it
My issue is that it can't be altered to remove the stupid cloth and make the arms symmetrical, or remove the stupid hair and half moons from the helmet.
>Marikaposters win again
sisters... when will it be our turn?
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>Frenzy stealth swamp was kino
>Frenzy boss was both fair and cool
>If schizo ramblings are to be believed, then the three fingers are actually the last message Metyr received from the greater will.
>The Greater Will stopped sending messages long before Marika became a god and the two fingers are just Metyr trying to maintain some form of status quo.
>Bayle and all dragons may be the original mistake that needed something as powerful as the yellow frenzied flame to melt away, but Metyr pussied out and tried to fix the issue with dragon communion.
>When you eat Bayle's heart you find out that you're going to explode eventually, it was never going to actually fix the problem.
>t. farmed by blackgaol chad
I'm willing to put phase 1 Radahn in C but Phase 2 goest to F.
oh he is absolute horseshit, the game pushed me to switch my zweihander to the lance here
it's badly balanced and noone fucking play tested this shit, either that or level 150 is too low i dunno
Mostly, but Furnace Golems belong in F, Jori belongs in E, Radahn belongs in D, Ymir belongs in C, and Romina and Rellana belong in A.
He kept looking at me, lol
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Bayle's Flame or Bayle's Tyranny?
Why is Melina so tiny here
Tyranny as flame lightning is pretty janky and hard to hit things with
Don't care. You pussied out.
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>all this schizo head theories
I've been doing that for playthroughs, I'll pick a weapon, use spin the wheel to pick a spirit ash and complete the game using those, remove them from the pool once I finish the run and go again.
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I can Appreciate Lady Ranni in multiple different forms. I don't see what's so bad about indulging in my lustful urges every now and then.
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Damn that's a really good piece.
I actually didn't know that, that's really interesting. Makes sense since we know Marika fought a lot in her early life.
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>make a Miquella seeker character
>the sheer rage of him healing the rot of some worthless redmane over HIS OWN SISTER gets him to kill Maliketh to claim death itself and then shank both Miquella and Faghan.
I wonder if he did this to appease the shitters?
I'm a shitter
Messmer's theme is probably my favorite battle theme of the whole DLC, Lion is a close second.
LMAO the cope is unreal.
bleed antspur rapier + greatshield + greatshield and two turtle talisman
lightning perfume bottle + rolling sparks
don't care what you think, i had fun with the dlc and shoving a spear up miquela's ass was worth the trouble
The Swamp was too empty and should have either had a lot more content or been scaled down.
>Marikaposters win again
They won the edging competition alright
How about INT?
Elden Ring 2, takes place on a different planet that just had it's elden beast meteor land.

need it or keep it?
While the ambiance of the frenzy area was immaculate, I was disappointed to see it basically didn't have jackshit for being such a large area
>>If schizo ramblings are to be believed, then the three fingers are actually the last message Metyr received from the greater will.
Damn, Greater Will really told the lands between to KILL THEMSELVES.
sneed it
Rate the bosses of the DLC out of 10.
7/10 but would be 10/10 if not for that goofy ass charge
6/10 but I think I did it with too many scoobysnacks, he'd likely be harder if I hadn't.
>Poopoo knight
7/10, fun and cool design
>Divine Beast
7/10, good intro to the DLC but nothing incredible.
8/10 but 5/10 without Igon
>Death Knights
>Open world bears
6/10, gave me DS2 vibes but not in a bad way.

If there are more bosses I havent yet faced them
>heh I bet they don't even prematurely ejaculate
Correct but I don't think that is the insult you were hoping for.
Don't care. There's nothing to discuss with you. Enjoy his greatswords or the incantation or whatever.
impenetrable thorns
forgot to say you can parry him
It's one of those 180 lvl characters. I've got every soft cap and I was wondering if it's worth spending like 15 levels in mind before I start dumping to 99 main stat.
The only point he has is that we really have no idea why the fuck Radahn and Malenia were fighting in the first place. Did Radahn go 'No way, fag,' to Miquella and that made him sperg out? Did Radahn's autistic obsession with holding back the stars make him forget about being Miquella's consort? Obviously Malenia told him to go be with Miquella when she whispered in his ear, but we don't know the inciting incident of the fight.
Archived article:
>When you eat Bayle's heart you find out that you're going to explode eventually, it was never going to actually fix the problem.
So just don't eat the heart. Let it rot. Simple, yes?
Furnace Golem to F and Radahn to D and Scadu to B.

Not bad.
My dung eater puppet is cute and valid.
>t nigger
okay faggot
I'd honestly prefer more expansions over a sequel. I like being able to carry over characters and loot and i don't really want a sequel to confirmed a specific ending
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>walking around enjoying the sights of the Shadow Realm
>hey this village full of jars looks interesting
>"Somewhere a great rune was broken"
Goddammit, I just permanently locked myself out of some quest lines, didn't I?
elden ring 2 seems entirely unnecessary

Only sequel I'd be interested in would be Bloodborne 2
>meet Ansbach in storehouse
>find scroll on next floor
>give it to him
>Freyja is on the next floor above there again
>now her quest is fucked because Ansbach fucked off
Granted I think I'll only miss out on the Golden Lion Shield but this kind of quest design is archaic.
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Lets here the super ethical way you beat the boss.
has anyone here done a perfumer bottle build before?
All that there is came from the One Great.
Then came fractures,
and births,
and souls.

But the Greater Will made a mistake.
Torment, despair, affliction...
every sin, every curse.
Every one, born of the mistake.

And so, what was borrowed must be returned.
Melt it all away, with the yellow chaos flame.
Until all is One again.

We know ancient dragons were the first civilization and learn about their original civil war against dragons.
Bayle fucking up their Elden Lord despite him having the power to warp time itself speak volumes of how fucked the situation was.
I just prefer flatta Ranni because I'm a lolicon. But booba Rannis is nice too, she is a doll after all, maybe she has accesories.
Based backstory.
But then why would Godwyn keep fighting us?
radahn really was the worst fucking part of the dlc wasnt he
>we really have no idea why the fuck Radahn and Malenia were fighting in the first place
To claim shards and become Elden Lord, no?
Nope, you advanced them all
messmar is a 10/10 with the npc summon
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Radahn and whom
>Putrescent Knight in the game files is called 宵眼の女王の騎士 = Knight of the Gloam-Eyed Queen
Umm, bros?! I thought we had no rewrites?! What happened?
>have zero defense in your build
>be underleveled
who could have possible seen this coming
You didn't beat your game.
Why was Placidusax titled Elden Lord? During his reign, did he control the Elden Ring or was that created by Marika?
Are the dragons part of the world by nature, or were they brought there by the outer will? Or I guess maybe they were "ascended" by the OW to become Placidusax's line?
>Abuses broke Ash of War
>Still eats shit and dies
Reds havnt been sending their best.
>both npcs that help you canonically die after the fight
that was sad, but atleast they fulfilled their purpose
>7/10 but would be 10/10 if not for that goofy ass charge
Kill yourself tranny faggot
Schizo babble
the majority of the enemies in the dlc are weak to holy damage. because holy = golden order and the shadowlands is full of things that oppose it.
No, the insult is that you all are worthless coomers who need to kill themselves.
You mean body type A.
idk what number to assign each of them, too many to choose from. So I'm gonna rate them from 1 to 5.
>Putrescent Knight
>Dancing Lion
>Death Knights
>Scoobydoo Avatar
True. And given that Great Runes explicilty give the person claiming them delusions of grandeur and make them power hungry, I suppose it's possible that the Great Rune's corruption turned Radahn into an autist obsessed with fighting everything bigger than him.
no, you only lock yourself if you burn the tree and go to the final room before the final boss where you get ganked
He's right.
>Messmer is the only correct choice now.
He's disqualified for having mommy issues.
>So just don't eat the heart
The hunger for hearts only increases with the use of dragon communion, the compulsion would become irresistible eventually.
Dragon communion was basically a weapon conceived of by the ancient dragons as a means of tricking lessers races into killing as many dragons as possible, until that is all they are.
>Just eat this heart and you can be nearly as cool and awesome as me!
>Don't worry about increased hunger or suddenly growing scales, that just means it's working!
Marika my one and only queen...
Gaea is the Swordmaster who taught malenia's second cousin once removed
I never partook in dragon communion.
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>Miquella is riding Torrent in the promotional art for the DLC
>doesn't even mention Torrent when he meets you
the fight just looks so fucking bad
i have played souls mods with better animated shit than that

the after image stuff is a cool idea but it just looks like crap
>Explore Shaman Village
>Find Meteor Crater
>Wow, I wonder if Gaea will show up?
>Fucking Fallingstar Beast again, not even the Fullgrown one.
They are right.
>seething this hard
being buckbroken because some shitter used a corny build is not a good look anon
oh yeah this has that peasant girl turned goddess energy
>did he control the Elden Ring or was that created by Marika?
We see depictions of a bigger version of the elden ring in Farum Azula.

And so, what was borrowed must be returned.
Melt it all away, with the yellow chaos flame.
Until all is One again.

Metyr basically pawned off the fragments to Marika and said "Hey kiddo want to become a god and avenge your dead family?"
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>This is my first character in my first Soulslike game
Ah, I see. That explains it.

Lower it to 40. Put those points into STR.
Lower this to whatever the base it for your character. Put those points into STR.
This is OK. Don't touch it.
Pump this up as much as possible.
Not sure why you need 15 (maybe to use some bow and arrows?), but if it works for you, then it's OK.
Forget about these stats. At most you can consider getting 12 FTH in order to be able to cast the "Flame, Cleanse Me" incantation.

Doing these things will allow you to continue using powerstanced clubs, but do significantly more damage.

By the way, how did you even manage to be level 71 with those stats? If I put them into into a class optimizer, I get level 91. Something doesn't add up here.
shields are insanely good in ER just in general and especially in the dlc
Since Marika is a rural peasant girl she never shaved her armpits or pubes or legs.
>See wyverns in Fromsoft game
>They keep being called drakes which are flightless dragons

Why do they keep on doing this?
He is 100% right btw
This. Fuck a direct sequel, just give me Barbarians of the Badlands + Eochaid and I'd be set.
why are all the lord's of the frenzied flame such simps for women?
One of Radahn's many gay lovers
>Alabaster Lord who started diddling him as a young apprentice
>his horse
>Gaea (gay uh)
>Commander Gaius (gay ass)
>loads of his men who confirmed loved him (we now know that was homosexual Greek warrior love)
Probably Iji because Radahn is a size queen and probably Morgott too while he was on top of him.
My bf had a theory that the reason the DLC took so long was because the direction was changed midway through.
Considering how underwhelming the Miquella story is, I 100% believe him.
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she's tiny
i mean hes kinda right

the whole "portray this character as a standout good guy amongst a cast og flawed shitheads, and then say oh no he's actually terrible too!" is just so tired at this point
>whatever the base it
whatever the base is*

>Pump this up as much as possible.
Softcap is 60, so don't go crazy. When you hit 40 STR, you can maybe consider pumping INT or FTH or doing other strange stuff if you want.
>Wddabout INT?
>ghostflame dragon
>ulcerated tree spirit
Yeap, that's a mimic tear
>Npc phantom as a dungeon boss
Yeap, that's a buckler
I don't think we'll ever have enough information to get a definitive answer, by design.
I've got a headcanon on how it went, but it's mostly based on assuming the crumbs left in the base game are the only clues needed to piece together an answer, and the changed characterization and differences with Miquella in the DLC are the result of his mind being decayed by throwing too much away to make himself a god and trying to re-rationalize everything around the only thing he kept, which was a brotherly love for Radhan warped into a toxic lust for a consort.
i read that the jp description of light of miquella makes it clear that the one who refused to be embraced was radahn, not (u)
rewrites prease understand
ah, kos, or some say kosm. grant us eyes, that we might see on the inside
Why did Nanaya have the spine of an old frenzy lord
Why did she spread the frenzy
what is her fucking problem
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Why don't the magma wyrms just continue killing dragons for their hearts? For all we know the wyrm transformation might just be the "larvae" stage before true dragonhood.
she's a woman
Elden Ring has taught me that women ruin everything.
Ah, coz, or as some say cousin.
>holy shit tarnished is that the iconic Torrent from the hit GOTY title Elden Ring developed by From Software?
>I have him in funko pop form you know
The extra stats are from Radahn's Soreseal, which I snuck in and grabbed just before going down to Nokron and the winding path down to where I stopped, in the Deeproot Depths.
he's using the soreseal ofc

I bet nanaya looked like this
How to fix invasions:

If the host has two phantoms summoned, then two invaders will be summoned at once to attack them.
You're still outnumbered, but less so.
>Why don't the magma wyrms just continue killing dragons for their hearts?
They probably do, if anything they probably eat the whole damn thing at that size.
i don't think the needles would work on malenia. she has a rot god inside of her, versus being simply infected with it like Freyja. even Millicent is just a human spinoff and has no capability of 'blooming' a full rot god.
The Tarnished is tiny...They're supposed to be tiny together
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>Radahn's Soreseal,
2/5 left zero impact on me.
4/5 camera fucked me over too much on phase 2
4/5 Fun after I learned his moveset
>Putrescent Knight
1/5 Absolute fucking dogshit boss
>Dancing Lion
3/5 Camera sucked but music and overall fight was good
5/5 Fun, huge spectacle and igon screaming bloody murder was fantastic
>Death Knights
2/5 I mean, they were there.
2/5 Kind of like the Rat Vanguard. It was there.
4/5 Fair fight, reminded me a lot of a God Eater enemy though
2/5 Was over before I knew it
>Scadu Avatar
4/5 solo 2/5 on coop. Fun to fight but retards are incapable of surviving that fight for some reason
grant us fries, that we might eat on the inside
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>I hope vaati tells me everything will be okay
>If the host has two phantoms summoned, then two invaders will be summoned at once to attack them.
No. If you want fair PvP, then activate a taunters tongue or something and sit around and wait or go to the arena
It's extremely feminine even without the boobs. If you want to look elegant and lady-like anyway, what is the problem with having boobs?
What kind of faggot likes Miquella?
What kind of faggot likes any of the Demi gods at all?
the tarnished's cock is big
Why hasn't vaati ever managed to top his Artorias V2 story? All his elden ring stuff is bloated trash. It's not like Artorias is the best or most interesting character in fromsoft stuff.
Reminder that if you insist on pronouncing scadu as "shadow" or whatever else you pulled out your ass you're a nolife incel nerd and your opinion is invalid
Ah, yes, that's what I meant. The one from the fort in north Caelid, near the pinned down giant dragon.
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Wait why is Leda's sign red but Hornsent's yellow?
Leda's the good guy isn't she?
Recommended Scooby Doo level for Putrescent Knight?
Yes, I know you gentlemen are gods that beat the DLC raw, but spare a thought for us common folk.
now THIS is cope posting
>Not caring is the same as being buckbroken

I'm enjoying all the shitters outing themselves
none if you're careful, but i got locked out of one because of the order i spoke to some NPCs. make sure you get the black serum from moore for thollier BEFORE you give moore an answer for his depression. i didn't, and now i cant get the serum at all because moore left, meaning i miss out on the short side quest with the humanoid dragon lady that gives you dragon communion incancations.
She's the twin of Rennala. The only different is she has black braided hair.
Does this guy not understand Griffith's a tragic character as well or is he daft?
I see. Sorry, I didn't think of that. I don't use those talismans myself, so I didn't cross my mind. Anyway, there you have a way of saving that build. As for this:
>My defense is still paper-thin even at this level. I'd get juggled to death from enemy groups or chunked by a single miniboss attack if had any less health.
Literally just git gud. You don't need 60 VIG until lategame.
I'm calling them scat fragments and you can't stop me.
I didn't discover it until later but it was a joke at level 13
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Me and my boys fking up the competition. I'm surprised that I only missed one scadtree frag in the end. I wonder which pot did I miss in the map.
I wouldn't even say he's portrayed as terrible aside from tricking Mohg and abandoning Malenia. Personally I think they gave us the lore of Marika's motivations being sympathetic precisely so she and Miquella could be parallels. Both had understandable motivations but achieving their goals had huge prices to pay for everyone else. That's why Trina begs your Tarnished to kill Miquella before godhood turns him into as much of a monster as his mother was.
>are the result of his mind being decayed by throwing too much away to make himself a god and trying to re-rationalize everything around the only thing he kept, which was a brotherly love for Radhan warped into a toxic lust for a consort.
That's how I've interpreted it too. It really feels like this is a story of good intentions and the road they pave.
Nanaya told Midra to endure, and when Midra gives up he becomes a chaos lord. Some of you guys are pretty stupid. If Midra kept enduring he wouldn't have became a lord of the frenzied flame, Nanaya didn't want that for Midra.
Reddit being reddit.

She's not evil but she is insane. It's red because she's the aggressor.
What is a "base" serpent?
They're skibidi fragments
soulsborneringkiro players will recognize miyazakis career has been constant riffing on berserk as a world but have never actually read it or watched it themselves
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I wish I was groomed by Miquella...
>so I didn't cross my mind
so it didn't cross my mind*
Knowing Radahn I do believe the theory that his condition to being Miquella's lord is that they could best him in battle.
The reason Malenia whispered that Miquella awaits is that she probably genuinely thought the Aeonia would finish him off. She fundamentally understimated Radahn and it bit them both in the ass. Had we not come along it would have all been for naught.
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post tarnished
It's the default serpent form, before Kaioken or SSJ transformations.
>Tree spirit spawns underwater at the keep
>doesn't immediately die from drowning
thte fuck
>Leda's the good guy isn't she?
>now that my charm is broken, i suddenly feel like MURDERING MY COMRADES
yeah bro
why didn't marika lock the three fingers in the shadow realm? seems safer than under the capital
I wish I was groomed by Marika...
Those are all Dragons. There are what you call "True Dragons" like Senessax or Fortissax.
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I know Frenzied Flame just wants to reduce everything down to nothing and burn, total entropy of some sorts but what's the deal with the eyes and madness? Why does it come out of eyes, why is it called madness or maddening flame etc? What's the deal with Three Fingers as well?
This thing is eerie as fuck. In a way the Frenzied Flame and Hyetta's call for absolute nihilism unnerves the hell out of me.
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How long until the trend-chaser twitter artists beat the DLC? I need art of Rellana being sexually dominated like Malenia.
Just found Milady, god damn that's one sexy moveset. I'm considering switching to that instead of my Dryleaf, what do you think?
"base" is just an old timey word that means evil. you can be a "base person" which just means you're bad. its also worth noting "base" means somethings lowest point
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>reach the storehouse
>will to play drops to 0
Why didn't Abyssal woods have a spooky field boss like the Headless from Sekiro? Wasted potential. But oh, we need to have a second recycled dancing lion in Rauh, but nothing in the emptiest area of the DLC?

, bas·er, bas·est.

morally low; without estimable personal qualities; dishonorable; meanspirited; selfish; cowardly.

Synonyms: contemptible, despicable
of little or no value; worthless:

hastily composed of base materials.

Synonyms: tawdry, cheap, inferior, poor
debased or counterfeit:

an attempt to eliminate the base coinage.

Synonyms: spurious, fake
characteristic of or befitting an inferior person or thing.

Synonyms: menial, lowly, ignoble, humble
of illegitimate birth.
not classical or refined:

base language.
the 2 fingers seem to have massive control of the shadow lands. Idk how that changes what you're saying, but maybe it does.
i thought frenzy ending implied a level of metaphysical undoing

like, not just destroying the world but eventually it would consume all of existence like a big reset button, why would the GW want that
It's a spirit and not a conventionally living being
I think it spawns in the eyese because Shabriri had his eyes gouged out as his punishment.
I think she just locked the jews down then then the three fingers manifested itself where they were calling out to it.
Maybe IDK

Miquella wanted to accept and embrace all.
But knew one thing he could not.
Neither absolute god nor [absolute] king (both)
Could ever be equaled/rivaled

if anything it is just reiterating that he's talking about (You) and offering a fairly weak explanation for why there's even a boss fight. You want to be lord and he wants to be an absolute god with his own absolute lord. Those aren't compatible goals so you, the one Tarnished seeking lordship, are the one person he can't embrace.
It still would not be fair, just slightly more so.
Honestly I usually do use the arena, I just tried invading recently and there doesn't seem any point to it. 5% chance to one-sidedly destroy new players, 94% chance to get ganksquaded to death, and a 1% chance to kill a really pathetic ganksquad alone.
Why would anyone even engage in this system? Both the invaders and the cooperators? I don't get it.
renalla status? mogged
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>big reset button
There isn't going to be anything left if the player actually does become the lord of frenzy. The births stopping is the entire point.
yeah i agree with this
I agree, but you and me both know what people mean when they make that comparison. Unfortunately, a lot of people were already predisposed to hold that opinion before the DLC came out, and the way the story has been presented on the surface has just confirmed their biases.
I don't but yuo make a valid point. It's not just the boob-plate. The crescent helmet accessories that look like hair ornaments, the dress like faulds, the hair you can't get rid of. That's not mentioning the moveset of Light Greatswords in general that all have hyper feminine poses and choreo.
What is with Fromtards and making up ridiculous headcanons to explain design choices they dont like?
>oh uh Miyazaki must have had a autistic breakdown halfway through developing the dlc and had to step down which led to development progress halting to a stop for a year and a half until his replacement, a retarded monkey, took over and rushed it to a finish. I don't have any concrete evidence for this It's just the only thing that makes sense.
Like have you considered that they maybe just made a bad design decision because they aren't perfect?
this is what the English says too. The reason given for why he can't accept this one person is that the world needs only one lord. It's fairly basic structure and grammar. If the reason is there only needs to be one lord, then obviously, the person he can't accept is the one that dispute the status (i.e. trying to make another lord).
it's still not clear where or when the 3-fingers below the capital came from. could be something that was called to the location post-shattering by the buried merchant clan while they were despairing. metyr was only the mother of two fingers so it's still a mystery what births three fingers.
please understand most of the team is developing another game
First go-through the Abyssal Woods was pretty spooky, but learning you can parry the lanterns completely destroys it.
Why is it weak? We want to be Lord of the old order, he wants to eradicate it
The goals don't align
Currently at 7.
I tried it once at 5 and I could barely touch it.
>spend day invading
>90% of you faggots are vigorlets that get one shot with the meteor ore sword
Just found the Red Bear's Claw from an NPC boss called 'Red Bear' for some reason.
Are these any good? Could I use them as a side weapon?
if messmer was supposed to be the dude rellana was there to fuck why the fucks she in ensis castle and not the shadow keep
I'd rather be groomed by St. Trina because cunny uooh
This is a good way of approaching it honestly. It does seem like Radahn was a shone protag obsessed with muh strength even before the Great Rune.
>Miquella: marry me brother
>Radahn: You'll have to kill me first faggot
>Miquella: Okay
>ffw 5000 years
>cut to Miquella fucking his other dead brother, Mohg's corpse while with VR on to make it look like Radahn
>Let it rot.
Even the undead ghostflame dragons have intact hearts, I'm pretty sure they're some sort of mystical force that can only be absorbed through dragon communion.
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See also: Kale's or Silver Tear questline in the base game. Where they have full voice acting but they just decided at some point to scrap everything up. It's a habit they have.
>location of his iron maidens show he was helping to protect Radahn, Ranni, and his mom
>after they all got bogged he was fighting a solo war against Leyndell
>snek'd himself out of fury and desperation at what the golden order did to his family, knew it would fuck him up and told Tanith to leave before he did it
Rykard is kino if you actually pay attention
I thought the dragons had a great civilisation in the past, but now they're all trying to kill me without a word.
Even the head honcho Placi-kun.
Because half the endings involve us eradicating the old order anyway.
Why are so many of the newly added enemy tpes so utterly fucking cancerous? At least they only placed the fire knights solo, unlike the fucking cancer molemen which always gangbang you with like 10 of their fellow game design tumours at least.
the 3 fingers under the capital: thumb, pinkie, middle
the 2 fingers at roundtable: index and ringfinger
put them together and they make a whole hand so idk maybe they split apart or something
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Without spoiling too much of the dlc, how much will this build suffer? I heard that the dlc greatly favors shield builds.
>Keen great Epee(bloodhound's step)+bloodflame
>Fire Giant+Fire Monk+Frenzied Flame incantations+Black Flame incantations+Golden Vow
Are there any good heavy thrusting swords in the dlc?
To filter newbies
I think Miquella's a cunt but I'm not about to state he's not a tragic character.
I think all the gods, even Rykard who's probably without a doubt the worst of them, are tragic each in their own way. That's why it's a compelling narrative. (which gets ruined by From's insistence on their obtuse way of telling stories)
"There can be only one" seems like a pretty sound explanation to me. Almost as sound as "I want a boss soul and a shitload of runes."
So does From use AI to write their "lore" these days? This shit is nonsensical giberish.
Because he's gloomy and edgy and likes to brood alone in his shadow castle?
No one cares about your scalie gooning habits, weirdo.
fire stuff? you're fucked
why would you stick to a great eepe instead of changing to dlc weapons
>without spoiling too much
They scrap shit all the fucking time.
In the reskin endings Marika still exists
In the frenzy ending you're an enemy to everyone
In ranni's ending you give people freedom while Miquella wants to brainfuck everyone
>Are there any good heavy thrusting swords in the dlc?
I will change to a better option if I can get one. That's why I'm asking, I don't want to accidentaly fail some obscure side quest and get locked out of my only upgrade.
>babe come over
>i cant renalla wants me to read some dumb books
>im brooding
>*teleports to ensis*
Faith and Dex both eat good in this DLC, although you'll probably want to change your spell selection, but you'll discover why on your own.
I hate that all my friends are the type that unironically went "yes mommy" and sided with her immediately they didnt even give Ansbach a chance
can't imagine a non-mindfucked radahn willingly killing his own father that he idolized right after killing his childhood hero at the front door. and if he WOULD do that and be okay with it, would the "Kindness' quality that attracted miquella to him even be accurate? we did radahn a favor by killing him (again) and taking up those tasks ourselves.
>torrent shidding and farding his pants leads to nothing
>Melina doesn't care, despite the fact her hate for frenzied flame probably comes from her experience in the shadow lands
my main complaint, abyssal forest feels half finished from a gameplay and lore perspective
Your lord and savior Vaati will regurgitate it back to you at some point. Be sure to pay him too so he knows how much you appreciate his soothing voice. You dumb fuck.
>fromsoft enemy that very graphically sexually assaults the player character
>only appears in the game with an uncustomizable male MC
What a shame. There's some pretty good grabs in Elden Ring but they don't compare to a disgusting, flabby man shoving his entire hand up the MC's asshole.
yes, theres good ones. have fun.
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Just finished the dlc. Here's my final tally.
Guts greatsword with lions fang or cragblade. For the last boss I started using the sekiro cracked tear.
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Light of Miquella is the best incantation for invasions
Stronger than Giantsflame
Stronger than anything
It's fucking insane

And the best part is, it's not that useful for a host since invader needs to be mobile. It's perfect. It punishes retarded turtling specifically.
the rot would've killed him eventually, it hasn't been that long and already he's missing limbs and a significant chunk of brain matter.
Rellana is a dumb simp like her older sister
Messmer would 100% love Rya
>torrent shidding and farding his pants leads to nothing
It leads to a mandatory stealth section, since the DLC seems to insist on us mastering all the basegame mechanics.
Why would the evil wizard from Four Swords and Minish Cap talk to me about Elden Ring lore?
Dude, are you fucking retarded?
Queelign's Sword is literally a Fire/Dex based Heavy Thrusting sword. It's bretty good.
Based other death-counting chat. Your numbers are far better than mine.
>virgin leda:
>im going to murder people because im schizophrenic
>gigachad ansbach:
>despite mohg being dead i made a vow to serve him and i refuse to give that up it was an oath of blood
>do i care you killed him? fuck no he knew the risks
>cmon bro il even help you kill radahn, that is mohgs body he's undignifying anyways
>portray this character as a standout good guy amongst a cast og flawed shitheads
the base game has him using suicide bombing soldiers and directly responsible for nuking Caelid, plus items implying he "knew how to compel affection". He had glaring red flags from day 1, the subversion would have been him actually being 100% good
Man, the Godfrey battle was so fucking amazing
>the cutscene with him craddling Morgott's body
>the "there can only be one" theme
>the fact his grace points to you and you to him, showing in some way Marika wants a duel to determine the best and worthiest
>meanwhile she holds you at Godfrey's level
Absolutely fucking great.
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They scale well with str better than dryleaf but can't get ash of wars or infusion, they also have innate bleed and are fast. Good weapon to bleed cheese if you're a str build. Personally i don't like the moveset, it can inconsistently dodge a ton of attacks but charged heavies are prone to whiffing

Miquella from Elden Ring, Malenia from Elden Ring, 1boy, 1girl, shota, absurdly long hair, braids, incest, straight shota, extremely large breasts, trending on artstation
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Mohg and Miquella is better than Miquella and Radahn.
Even a Miquella corrupted by Formless Mother blood would've made more sense.
I'm literally theollier.
I'm so mad that I don't see St. Trina in my dreams. How do I make her visit me, bros?
so is miquella dead? was his life linked to radahn's or something
>No one cares about your scalie gooning habits, weirdo.
True. People like you are all about homo-incest.
>Can do some DS2 memory shit and visit the Eternal Cities and Uhl before their destructions
>Land of Reeds, fucking entire Eastern continent where TLB nips come from
So many places we could have gone. At least the land where the Numen came from can be theorized to be the Shadow Realm.
Which stick should I use for the OP thorns spell?
I did. Ate too many dragons and now I have dragon eyes. All I really bought was Bayle's Tyranny, Dragon Fire, Dragonmaw and the Claw incantation.
I like how he's not even mad or mournful that he lost. A crown is warranted with strength after all.
Nah, we parry them and kill all of the abominations.
how does the defecting tear work? do you just try to block with your weapon or does it work with shields.
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>there are people who rate Gayus above 2/10
I refuse to fight a boss that hasn't been gametested even once.
Every game company scraps shit and goes through different versions. It's part of the general creative process in all artforms.
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what was her problem
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>shota, incest, straight shota, extremely large breasts
i show no love to homo thugs. even if we squash the beef i aint touchin his hand
Are the NE green area and the SW red area gated behind anything? Can't figure out how tf to get there.
That's great pal. Don't care about what a cheater thinks anyways.
Why is Gransax bigger than both Bayle and Placidusax?
>schizo pscyho knight wife
there is no problem
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>everyone just ignoring that radahn magically de-aged
Who even says there's anything left of Radahn in there? Seems like it's just a meat puppet running YoungRadahn.exe.
Really wish they made dragons, trolls and other seemingly mindless (but actually sentient) enemies talk
Does Carian retaliation help with the parry?
I am sick of the idea of "subversion = good". What matters is if the character makes sense both before and after any reveals.
Which, in Miquella's case, is unfortunately not a sure thing.
So you agree that it was likely reworked?
I thought 5 hearts gave you eyes
Never got to see Miquella naked.
Miquella daz model when?
shes a pedophile down bad for miquella
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>using the tools and mechanics of the game to beat bosses
it's weird isn't it? He has no death line and the Remembrance specifically says that it's just Radahn's. The boss's health bar also just says Radahn.
Damn she sounfd based, too bad she tries to kill her allies.
Dragons never stop growing so the oldest ones are enormous, like the one at the dragon communion altar. But size doesn't equal magical power. Placidusax seems to have been empowered by the GW and "ascended" similar to how Marika ascended from being a simple shaman villager.
post webms
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>both miq and ranni promise thousand year voyages
Oddly specific wording.
maybe? i couldn't find a concrete answer anywhere. i was using golden parry but same deal. some places say the parry frames are identical, others say that carian/golden have .4 more.
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Godfrey would accept nothing less than victory by conquest.
I personally subscribe to the idea Marika wanted him back firstly and came to love him, so in my eyes, our goal was to burn the Erdtree and give Godfrey the fight of his fucking live. But Marika never thought we'd win.
Which makes the Marika end pretty damn sad but, is what it is.
Blocking has never not been good.
but marika promises a thousand year reich so whos really the winner here
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Are you? It's covered in gravel stone, if you think normal biology applies to it then you're an idiot.

Bayle's Tyranny
One of the greatest Dragon Communion incantations. Harnesses the fearsome power of Bayle the Dread. Channels the form of the dread dragon to emit a mighty roar accompanied by a heatwave burst, causing violent eruptions of fire in the area. Even after being consumed, the throbbing heart of Bayle continues to resist its subjugation, never weakening. One day, the fire within will consume the very body and soul of its Communion devourer. One day.

Bayle's flame lightning
One of the greatest Dragon Communion incantations. Harnesses the fearsome power of Bayle the Dread. Channels the form of the dread dragon in right arm to smash foes with an exposed talon bone coursing with flame lightning. Even after being consumed, the throbbing heart of Bayle continues to resist its subjugation, never weakening. One day, the fire within will consume the very body and soul of its Communion devourer. One day.

If getting devoured by the most DETERMINED tarnished who can survive destined death and worse can't even weaken it, why the fuck would it rot?
why does every character fucking die in shadow of the erdtree
>leda and her band of miquella simps die
>thoillier and ansbach that you saved and team up with you against them, survive and talk to you after that fight and can be summoned to fight radahn but are found dead AFTER the final fight
like wtf
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why did they make the light greatsword moveset so... girly?
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What are actually good builds that don't get dumpstered by DLC bosses that aren't cheesy oneshot nonsense?
BB taught me that blocking is for chumps and the real way to play is never get hit in the first place.
>haha i love my omen children
>*throws one in the deepest depths of a sewer just above where all the frenzied merchants were buried alive and hides the other one from plain sight*
unless it was all marikas doing and godfrey was too pussy whipped to say no
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Apologies for the GS, bros, but I simply REFUSE to run from the AoE cumgasm light blast covering the entire arena
I only blocked roughly half of his attacks and in second phase only
I consider the game status as "beaten"
Oh that's right i forgot this "conversation" started with you posting head canon, lmao.
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Great schizo moment. Very fitting of the frenzy flame.
Bleed is OP but still requires an effort unless you're hiding behind a GS
The two characters we see use them are women.
>standout good guy
>invented the bewitching branch
>knew how to "compel" affection
>on the same team as the walking bio-weapon
Kicking Miquella's ass is the right thing to do.
Considering the WHOLE FUCKING DLC is based around learning more about Miquella, even if there were rewrites, they were VERY early on. Likely even before the DLC was being worked on. They likely rewrote Miquella's story while the main game wasn't even out yet, which is why they cut his original ending.
That's because BB was built around fighting for your life. The combat system is built to reward trades.
why did shabriri make all the merchants do frenzy shit, its implied they dont neccesarily worship it or like it but they came to know it all the same
>blocking not great in game where you're supposed to have a gun in your off-hand
shocking stuff
simps gonna simp
Dump the soreseal, it becomes a disadvantage at >40 vig
And the hp implies that you seem to carry fia blessing, dump that as well, at 60 vig you should have 1900 I think
>confusing tools/mechanics with exploits on purpose
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>Item descriptions
>head canon
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Barefoot outfoot achieved. This is the run
sword in right hand
shield in left hand
dodge what you can, block what you can't
become the hero of legend (don't forget your tunic)
agreeed but that's what moulded my future playstyle, for better or worse.
I am willing to try out shields, it's just not a playstyle I've been used to for years now.
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>Messmer the Impaler
>140 attempts

>I'm just about to fight him with my level 100 char
Miquella clearly read (You)r memories and chose what he thought would be the best words to charm (You), proving Age of Stars is the canon ending.
Seiba pre 5th Grail War (Fate Route)
>the whole "portray this character as a standout good guy amongst a cast og flawed shitheads, and then say oh no he's actually terrible too!" is just so tired at this point
That's not the story, you illiterate fucking mongoloid. The story is that Miquella (because of his curse) is naive. The way he acts, his unfinished projects, lack of focus, everything points towards him (not just physically but also mentally) still being a child. The story here is actually interesting. Much more interesting than
>he's perfect he's going to make the world a utopia wow!
>Malenia has to be carried away from the battlefield after she lost or else Radahn'd have eaten her
we all saw it coming, contrarians like you just got blindsighted when hard data proved what was previously only heavily implied
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Sometimes a cute picture is just a cute picture anon. It doesn't always have to be lore accurate.
It's been a long ass time since I read Frenzy lore but, the merchants were already fucking with the flame before they were buried. The merchants that are the escaped ones use Frenzy on you if you provoke them.
The three fingers to me were a two fingers that got tainted by the sheer CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD energies that the combined buried merchants generated.
And Shabriri likely introduced the "religion" to them.
There are a LOT of parallels to Judaism not just in the history of the people but also the religious connotations but I feel even mentioning it will get shitposters.
No because there is literally zero evidence pointing either way
>b-but they did it before
Doesn't mean anything
why are these black trash mob hollows in every single area of the dlc, do they think this is ''variety''
I like that idea
then I will sit there and watch you get 1-shotted.
You got me, I do have Fia's blessing.
It will be a sorrow to part with my waifu's special gift, but after what she did to D......
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>you get more interactions out of the wold woman if you are wearing the storm rider helmet
Well fuck i'm retarded for not trying that.
his great rune burns on 2nd phase start
>These merchants once thrived as the Great Caravan, but after being accused of heretical beliefs, their entire clan was rounded up and buried alive far underground.
>>mThen, they chanted a curse of despair, and summoned the flame of frenzy.
>A great stone shield with an intricately carved fingerprint design.
One of the heaviest of all greatshields.
>Part of the tomb of an ancient god, the Readerless Fingers relayed their message through these imprints, said to be the very seeds from which frenzy first sprouted.
The Three Fingers predate the Flame of Frenzy, but, along with the merchants, may have been its originator.
This gives evidence to the idea that Ranni created her own god in the form of the Dark Moon, which an anon was saying yesterday.
The question is: how did the Three Fingers end up below Leyndell?
Why did it not have a Finger Reader?
Was it an abomination, locked underground like an Omen?
We know why Omens were hated, but that doesn't really apply to the Three Fingers.
>mutual destruction
i mean, he's basically an insane zombie going around eating corpses. malenia straight up gave herself and most of her soldiers aids
>what are some GOOD builds
>but I don't wanna cheese :)
Anything "good" is cheese.
DLC explicitly debunked this headcanon, non-combatants were chilling in the battlefield in the immediate aftermath of it. Radahn was knocked the fuck out after getting stabbed.
D was gonna kill her, what was she supposed to do?
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Shitposting aside, you've no way of knowing that. He became a wild thing right after the Aeonia's bloom and he stayed that way for a long time
>missing limbs
That could have also happened immediately after.
We're told explicitely the festival is a requirement. He might never have died otherwise.
yea absolute kino. loved the way he moved in phase 2, totally unlike anything else - an animal shaped like a man with lunges and grabs.
Miquella's character makes perfect sense and has been consistent since day fucking one. You're just too blind (or too much or a pedo) to see it. Just like many other of these fucking idiots in the thread.
>shota Miquella will never offer his bloody finger to you
>you will never be below his outstretched hand with your tongue out in anticipation of his precious virgin blood oozing down your throat
>you will never lick his finger with your vampiric blood to help close his wound
>non-combatants were chilling in the battlefield in the immediate aftermath of it
How does one "chill" at ground zero of a scarlet rot bomb?
I also refuse to get rid of fia's gift. She's given me more than any woman in real life ever has.
>Bayle and all dragons may be the original mistake that needed something as powerful as the yellow frenzied flame to melt away, but Metyr pussied out and tried to fix the issue with dragon communion.
The fuck is this about
Poor miquella.
>Miquella clearly read (You)r memories
It's best if he doesn't.
>"Devs scrap shit all the time"
Imagine having such a fragile ego that you refuse to be proven wrong on something so trivial. Get help.
i like how her idle pose in game makes it look like she's meant to be holding up her sword but they just never added it
We don't know the timeline for him becoming wild and no one ever says the festival is needed to kill him, just to make his death honorable. Jerren says he's "festering with rot" i.e. he's actively rotting, and we see mold growing on his body including his face.
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Don't forget to vote!
>The question is: how did the Three Fingers end up below Leyndell?
There's fingers fuckin everywhere, not that weird one would be there. It's also very close to the very base of the Erdtree where Godwyn's buried (and later became a mermaidman)
he has a cute browife so he already won
You can leave the radiant one if you want a memento, it doesn’t drain your hp the way basic one does
It's a big sword made for people who are too weak to wield big swords AKA girls. Don't expect a weapon called Milady to be manly.
2handed heavy claymore with two hand talisman and greases
there are good builds that play the game and there are 30k dmg perfume bottle builds
>suggest npc for Saber to kill
uhhhhhhh help
what incantations are nice to have on a perfume build?
how do i kill sennesax as a faith dex build? he resists both flame and lightning attacks it seems
i dont know
Am I too high a level for most people to summon me for PvE in the DLC?
she decides for you, just don't side with her on the second person she decides to kill.
>140 attempts on messmer
What about his fight was giving you that much trouble? Most of his attacks are pretty straight forward to dodge.
>There's fingers fuckin everywhere, not that weird one would be there
there's only one three fingers.
But that wouldn't have killed him, or at least we don't know.
Again, Radahn not dying was not part of the plan clearly.
The fact that we learned that Metyr has been stalling everyone with her two fingers for a long while, waiting on a new message. Placidussax sealed himself off outside of time waiting for a new message also and he was the first Elden Lord.

All that there is came from the One Great.
Then came fractures,
and births,
and souls.

But the Greater Will made a mistake.
Torment, despair, affliction...
every sin, every curse.
Every one, born of the mistake.

And so, what was borrowed must be returned.
Melt it all away, with the yellow chaos flame.
Until all is One again.

We see depictions of the Elden ring (But bigger) in Farum Azula, my schizo take on that is that Metyr rather than accept the message of "lol kill yourself" pawned the elden ring off on Marika and that started the Golden Order, who ended up allied with the Ancient dragons, both of which hate regular dragons.
she originally wants to kill hornsent, but so long as you dont summon him for the messmer fight then kill messmer she'll move on to ansbach and from there you get to choose between him or her
Hornsent, then you can choose to help her invade him (you get his shit you can get later) or defend him from invasion (unique ash of war)
buffs and heals
you use a bow
Hit him with a stick that scales with faith.
Sometimes you have to actually learn to fight the bosses. I know, crazy...
I'm playing on 280 on NG+2 and I've been summoned constantly for coop
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You're speaking my language, anon.
No, you'll see plenty of activity.
jump attacks and judicious use of blessing of the erdtree/erdtree heal.
>When the Saber is actually a Mysterious Heroine X

How do you get the hornsent to fight Leda?
He sided with her on my run
He must have at one point been a two finger that changed due to the merchant's prayers around him.
Also there is a fingereader moderately near him. The one that talks to you about Godwyn near one of the underground graces near there.
How come theres no merchants in the shadow realm? Seems like a good place to hide from all the golden order shit in the main game as long as your not near the shadow castle
his lightning aoe when he roar is fucking rng
This is literally all headcanon bullshit, go start a YouTube game theory channel or something.
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they were made for me!
the DLC was worth it for them!
What arr the exact stats of the Deflecting Hard Tear, how much does it actually boost guarding?
>What are actually good builds that don't get dumpstered by DLC bosses that aren't cheesy oneshot nonsense?
There are none. You can still get one shot by bosses with level 60 vigor wearing heavy armor.
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Leda asks who you think she should go for
Say hornsent
no market for it, no economy
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this was my WA spammer build and this is how much mind i had. it was enough I only had to sip a blue one time if at all.
I rotted him
Can someone drop me the swift slash ash of war?
I'm on PC.
Marika kinda forgot about the shadow realm.
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>2handed heavy claymore
I've been using the claymore in every game I could. KINO weapon.
>DEX supremacist devs
>everyone crying about bosses with endless combos while STR rapes all of them with Colossal stagger and Greatshield poking
Do ymir's quest you fag.
hard to get there. even miquella needed to use mohg.. somehow, to get there. if they werent sealed in when marika removed it, they wouldn't have had access. they would have just gotten messmer purged if they went there, anyway.
>I rotted him
which weapon?
finding where miyazaki lives and shooting a bunch of arrows at his back as he leaves his car and tries to enter his home
Miquella didn't need to use Mohg to get there, we need to use Miquella to get there.
They learned nothing from the base game, they unironically think people who will stick around will farm hours for these
don't be near him
don't be standing in water
You pretend you're playing sekiro. I used the greatsword only so I just pressed l1 when an attack was coming. You hear a noise and then r2 to execute the guard counter.

Half the deaths were at a pretty low scad level, then I came back at iirc 12 and died another 70 times but with better progress. Most of the time I had issues with not being able to recover after taking a single hit, because his combos are so long. Then once I got to the second phase I had countless deaths at about 20%, where I just couldn't get out of the big aoe with followup snakes in time.
hell yeah
>shotacon woman
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Tarnished, unyielding shield of the Haligtree Order...

Rise if you would... for you are my consort.
>Pussy whipped
Marika can literally do pic-related to Godfrey at anytime before the shattering, he's not got a say in the matter.
>tfw just realized that if you happen to head to shadow keep before talking to Thollier, Moore disappears so he can't give you the thing to make the sleeping drought, meaning you lose Florissax's ashes
It' THAT fucking simple to lock yourself out of that. Jesus fuck I hate From's quest design.
I kneel
bleed and frost is standard procedure for those piles of shit

also mimic tear
I don't know the quest is buggy as shit
I do know suggestion doesn't matter she'll pick Hornsent anyway
I'm 99% sure you have to summon him for the hippo fight also if you even ENTER the Mesmer fight you're screwed
Outside of you might also need to talk and rest or reload after getting to the area with the signs
rot breath or eric's decay
classic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahoHDU0T44I
Perfect weapon for a "normal" knight / hero character. None of those comically large weapons. Just an old-fashioned sword.
ansbach says he needed mohg and used him for that purpose.
>erics decay
Shabriri was the name of a Jewish demon, we all know this.
Pretty sure that was just for the substitute body thing for Radahn.
what page?
the Milady exists now anon
Now I want to eat the Heart of Gransax. It's gotta be in there somewhere. I must feast.
who has canonically the biggest cock?
I did that and she went "oh well now that mesmer's dead he's no threat"
It's the scadoodles, they basically bring everyone to the same level instead of just letting the leveling system act as the difficulty slider.
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Hey if you haven't started the DLC yet and are before Fire Giant I suggest you stay there and go do the DLC. I wish I did because I don't like seeing Roundtable Hold be on fire and having Hewg be all depressed. Wish I did that.
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Did I just waste my resources leveling Dane's Footwork? The scaling looks bad and the damage is way worse than backhand blades. I spent like an hour farming the smithing stones because I don't have the ball bearings yet on this character since I rushed the DLC.
Has anyone found a good/fun build with this weapon yet?
The new Radahn remembrance
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Why design a jump puzzle and then add an invisible wall?
Is that the weapon used by Leda? I still haven't finished the DLC. I'm searching every part of the map. And most nights I start playing, get too drunk and slow myself down a lot kek.
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>it's an exploit you can't go against the norm you chud!!!
>just do exactly what from tells you which is rolling 50 times before attacking once or holding L1 with a greatshield until boss is dead
are you really going to make me go find it on youtube? he explicitly differentiates the two. says something to the effect of
>as if using lord mohg to gain entry to the shadow realm wasn't enough, kindly miquella also wants to use his body
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i'm in abyssal woods now, entered rl 142, now i'm rl 199
>no summons
>no buffs
>only struggled with rellana (5 tries) and gaius (3 tries)
>only collecting all the scadu frags i can
i need to know.. i'm doing.. le good?
is Radahn really that batshit insane hard?
Anon that fight is BEFORE Mesmer...
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>Shabriri is the demon of blindness in Jewish lore. He rests atop uncovered water at night, including pools and rivers, and causes blindness in anyone who drinks it. He is especially attracted to clear and shining vessels. To render Shabriri powerless before drinking, say the incantation "Shabriri. Beriri. Riri. Jiri. Ri. I am thirsty for water in a white glass." The reduction of his name causes him to shrink in size and vanish. His name in Hebrew translates to mean "dazzling glare" or more literally, "breaker of the eyesight."
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>I became a God, lord brother!
>oh okay cool, there's no way that tarnished will stop us now, what can you do to stop him?
>You can give him a hug and i'll go uwu plz stop
Sellen said I have to come back for a special private lesson
Do the what now
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Would eternal life as a god truly be worth it, just to bring peace for the whole world for all eternity?
Did he really say that? I don't know man, he could have, but did he really?
you mean sex
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i left malenia alive and didn't burn the erdtree so melina could be alive for the DLC because i'm a retard and had hopes and dreams that miyazaki would give a shit.
>go near big castle but specifically avoid going near the doorway
>hear bell and get the message "somewhere a great rune has broken"
am I locked out of anything?
You're lacking in stamina
They made an arena for whiny retards like you.
Not a "gank" if you invade either.
No because how would you enforce it?
Someone strays from your path, your order, you either kill them or imprison them. You can't stop people from rebelling, unless you rob them of their free will.
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Visions of Marika
Thollier's the one that makes you the sleeping potion you need to drug Florissax so she goes to sleep and that's a requirement for her ashes. In order to do THAT, Moore needs to give you an item to give to Thollier, which he wont give if the rune breaks and the charm breaks.
>for all eternity?
More like a thousand years lmao
Then it's going to start crumbling just like the golden order did.
>one shot Divine Beast Flying Whatever Lion
Tell me it gets much more difficult. This thing was a compete joke and I'm level 100 with a +22 claymore
Yes, you just bricked like two questlines if you broke the rune unless you had everything already progressed to a certain point
is it just me, or do the light greatswords kinda suck? too much commitment behind those swings for my taste.
>bullgoat nigger
I don't think you know what one shot means.
Oh, so I'm gonna cast a bunch of spells to increase my endurance? My teacher is so thoughtful
good goy
I killed Malenia and then remembered I couldn't make Miquella's needle because I had gone with betraying Millicent in this NG+ cycle.
And then it didn't matter anyway lol.
I didnt break it it just happened when I walked by a bunch of perfumers
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Anyone else finished with the DLC and just waiting for seamless coop to update?
Cant wait to guide my normalbros through quests and drop hints on how to reach certain areas
well you did good. at least your roundtable isn't on fire. they could have made a small hub with a new blacksmith in the DLC but they didn't
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>miyazaki would give a shit.
He didn't even care about frenzyfags
>3 new transformations
>But he couldn't add in content already in the game for chaos lords, despite there already being coding in the game for frenzy warming stones not harming them.
>Just riding around, exploring
>Step a bit too far
>Fuck up all NPC questlines
Epic, thanks Miyazaki.
this image is proof positive that the outer will fucked off long before the shattering, or was never even really a presence in the lands between planet - only its broken refugee vassals, metyr and the elden beast
11:30 onwards in this video:
Wait, chainsaw STILL works?
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Wow this guy got fucked by death lightning and ancient dragon lightning strike and died so quickly. FTHgods should try it out if you're struggling against him
So will Ranni's
I did nigga and if you think half of what you say is true (like the shit about Metyr inventing dragon communion) based on the item descriptions then you gotta be Vaati or something.
I really want to know what ayylmao Miquella had to strike a bargain with to become yet another god. Perhaps that should have been the true final boss fight, like the Moon Presence.
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*pads your dlc*
that'll be 40 dollars bro
one try* whatever faggot
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>just want the chaos lord head as an equipable item or for it to stay on you
>fuck you lmao you cant even get midras robes
Hey, you're right!
It's also utterly obtsuse
Jagged Peak is clearly not a place to be fucking around in early. You're much more encouraged to head into Shadow Keep.
Is the Milady sword any good with using a strength build? Just making it heavy or something?
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>The standards are so low that if you say anything about this people will get legitimately angry
Yes my God, my Tender Miquella... and that is not only thing that is rising my Tender Miquella...

>redclitty seething
He's right tho
"Age of compassion" lmao, gay and lame as fuck
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the community has spoken. miyazaki fucked up. people yearn for the golden shota.
Do you realize what would happen if you got an immensely powerful artifact, containing the ancient power of a long-dead monster, and tried to keep it safe LITERALLY anywhere in a Fromsoft game?
You become a boss fight in Elden Ring 2 and get rot arrow cheesed outside your boss arena by the next protagonist.
a lot of people say "durr just look it up on fextralife noob" as though the npc quests in the game arent absolutely retarded to get the steps for. reminder, there was a time in the game before they patched npc locations on the map, so if you didnt know where the npc you needed to go to was then you were fucked
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Damn, I'm kind of disappointed that I got to Rellana so late, I killed her way too quickly, before I even got to learn her moveset.
Seemed pretty fun, though I did have trouble recognizing when exactly did her double sword combos ended.
Why is there so much feet stuff for selen
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I cheesed Radahn with a greatshield and scarlet rot and I am ashamed for it.
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>What was her prayer? Her wish, her confession? There is no one left to answer, and Marika never returned home again.
my face when i have a personal assistant that's native to the land of shadow and can pull echoes of marika's words out of thin air at important locations but i can't call her and ask.
A world without struggle or pain, is not a world worth living in. There is no room for growth or learning. It's just a waste of time and energy for all involved. This comment is accurate.
wow you guys werent kidding about that hippos hitboxes being bullshit
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Who guides you through the game?
The Two fingers, until Metyr basically goes "shit I don't know what to do now, please hold for a couple thousand years" and they cease up.
Who invented dragon communion?
The ancient dragons did, we learn as much from dragonwaifu.
Who was Placidussax? The first Elden Lord.
>spends so long buffing that his invulnerability runs out
>still lasts 20 seconds of getting wailed on by 3 people
If anything this just shows how weak most DLC weapons are
>back of the Shadow Keep
Not padding I don't think
The fingers place is dreadful (same as the other one) but the Shaman Village is kino and I'd not have it removed for the world
>Rauh basin
Nah, it's fine
>Charo's Hidden Grave
100% trash area. Hated it. At least Ceruleam Coast had some exploration + lead to St Trina.
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>Thollier's the one that makes you the sleeping potion you need to drug Florissax so she goes to sleep and that's a requirement for her ashes. In order to do THAT, Moore needs to give you an item to give to Thollier, which he wont give if the rune breaks and the charm breaks.
What the fuck I didn't know about this
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>Gee my Lord, how come your god lets you have TWO remembrance weapons?
Which one is better/cooler?
>Greatshield poking
Greatshield poking is an endurance build with a strength tax, not a strength build.
>Malenia alive
>Amber Draught
>Mini Ranni
>Melina is alive
>Different character is the Lord of Frenzied Flame
>none of this mattered
>getting my ass kicked by the Scadutree Avatar
what the fuck? this feels wrong.
The goal of the frenzy flame is for there to be no more births. I don't know how people think its a cosmic reset button.
I was promised more tight, interconnected exploration
Instead I got more empty spaces like the base game
Fuck the open world meme its wasting From's visual design talent
>miquellas "age of compassion"
>literally nothing changes it just means incest is now normalized
>conveniently leaves out Sekiro because there is an actual good ending there
Elden Ring needs a good ending.
>Miquella all over the trailers
>Miquella all over the teasers
>Miquella is clearly the focus
>Open DLC
>No Miquella
>fromsoft says dlc will be roughly the same size as the base game
>not even half as big
holy shit every single one of those areas is literally just a giant waste of space
Giving Miquella the amber draught. See how he likes it getting mind controlled.
nature finds a way
Sekiro actually has a story and isn't just random schizophrenic item descriptions
yup. happened to me as well. seems overly easy to do, given how central and close to the start of the game the shadow keep is. especially when the npc's are all but ordering you to make your way there.
Lord is his combo attack, it's good.
Light is a really shitty short leap with a bad lightshow that can't hit shit.
the smithscript weapons needing 11 int feels a bit bullshit
>look it up on Fextralife
I fucking hate guides. It's genuinely lead game developers to be too comfortable with obtuse way to tell stories and handle questlines. And dataminers of course contribute to this since it lets guide creators have shit ready day one.
A DLC like this would have taken weeks to figure out back in the day and all the stupid NPC quests probably months.
They never said that.
Still all conjecture of a massive scope, absolutely nothing implies Dragon Communion was the fingers'/Metyr's idea, just something Florissax did.
You have to do it twice anyway since you can't get her heart for the dragon priestess transformation if you get her ash.
+20% to lightning incantations turns Ancient Dragon Lightning Strike into a oneshot machine when stacked with just a couple of other buffs.
When I reached this room I thought that the statue of Marika having horns + the fact so many statues of her were headless meant that she had actually been an Omen herself before she ascended to godhood and the genocide was to cover it up. Luckily the actual twist was better.
When I got that poison I IMMEDIATELY held onto it because I recognized it as one of those quest items that you use somewhere else and get a special path.
...Only, I got the poison after beating Bayle.

Thanks FROM :)
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I don't know how people were not absolutely pissed with how this DLC turned out, it's like 40 hours of miyazaki spitting in the face of anyone who gave even a remote shit about the lore even without being a miquella fag. I don't even care how his story ends, the absolute lack of information about literally everything else in the fucking game is ridiculous.

90% of this DLC is "who gives a fuck" level shit.
I got the item but I didn't even see Florissax at all
>though I did have trouble recognizing when exactly did her double sword combos ended.
Seemed like a theme for this DLC.
Bosses do 14 hit combos that sometimes end early and sometimes keep going.
Good spot to invade, hosts will just spawn the deathrite bird for you without a care in the world :D
>that face

Rihanna? post sliders, it's so fucking difficult to make good looking characters, and all I've got saved up are fugly pieces of burbling pusfuck that makes Nurgle look like a super model.
so I summoned for the first time ever (outside of gimmicky ng+ builds) on the lion you find in the ruins because death blight is cheap and recycled boss is lazy and...summons aren't that strong I guess? or is it only the mimic?
I used Tiche +10 on him, she took the agro a bit at the beginning, took off maybe 1/40 of his life and thats it? I thought it was stronger
it did help me stagger him very quickly though
curse you bayle
They never said that, Miyazaki said it was roughly the size of limgrave
They said size of Limgrave you fucking faggot, you don't need to lie to shit on the DLC.
>what is an omnipresent character
It's like Laura Palmer is Twin Peaks, you dumb zoomer nigger.
>Who was Placidussax? The first Elden Lord.
No he was not, god I fucking hate this theory the most.
does queelign's greatsword have a unique movset at all? i cant find anything on it and i got his ash instead on my fai character and its killing me
dlc item descriptions sound like they do
wtf is that altar at the invisible bridge
>caged Miquella
miquella is eternal, but different than marika, that only impacts him
then, his victory over rot would literally mean that his age wouldn't go bad due to stagnation
it's literally a utopia, except that nothing of this happens because fuck you
>Seemed like a theme for this DLC
So far this was the first boss I had that issue with, and I imagine I'd figure it out if I fought her longer, but I still have Messmer and Radahn to fight, so we'll see.
Is it a consumable
Regardless of how good his intentions are a literal god-king with the temperament of a 10 year old would be pretty terrifying.
Fog Rift catacombs has an item to use there.
Who or what killed that gigantic dragon?
There's too much Miquella in the DLC if you ask me.
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Forgot my image
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anon are you a bit retarded? be real with me here.
This shitty trope of "a perfect world is bad actually" is fucking trash and I dunno why nips keep pushing this narrative
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You faggots can meatride all you want, doesn't change the fact that the dlc is padded to hell with useless areas and smithing stones.
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What is this exactly, a Quality weapon with a large INT/FTH tax? What build does it work best on?
Bayle, I would imagine
>correcting reddit-tier misinformation is dick riding
Whatever you gotta tell yourself you actual fucking faggot, please kill yourself.
george rr martin doesnt have the problem of a happy ending you see, he still hasnt finished his story
>why nips keep pushing this character
>central theme in many western works of art
>heavily debated subject in western philosophy for thousands of years
that fucking keep hippo raped me good what the fuck
/qa/ lost retard.
that's the one i watched. when he dos his "showcase" all he does is bitch about the (swappable) ash of war lol
I thought the thumbnail was someone bending over and showing their ass
>A DLC like this would have taken weeks to figure out back in the day
People would only be able to complete certain quests on ng+20 or something if they had to explore and piece things together by themselves with limited internet.
Is it over for the PvP this time for real? If this is 3 clueless guys spamming I can't imagine what the actual no life gankers are going to do
Does that mean you'd immediately try to fall into hell if you went to what people commonly consider to be heaven?
I get that the fucking rune breaking was a requirement so people like Ansbach could start doubting but it would have been as easy as
>beat the scadu avatar
>that's what breaks the rule
>make putrescents a bit harder so compensate for needing you to kill sunflower
>meanwhile, have Ansbach move along after discovering the Ceruleam Coast cross. Have Leda worry about Hornsent being consumed by revenge once you enter Shadow Keep, DON'T MOVE MOORE THAT WAS STUPID, and have Freyja move alongside Hornsent.
Leda still tries to kill Hornsent even WITH the charm showing she's different than the others which we come to figure out anyway. But that would be the first indication. And if you never kill the scadu avatar? Well you fight the full fucking might of Miquella's simps. All of them.
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that comma was bugging the hell out of me
Palm Strike or Dryleaf Whirlwind? Both seem insanely good I cant decide which to use.
you aughta know sweetie

It's very likely a permanent state of consciousness and existence. Death is it's own reward after all.
Does Ansbach ever comment on the crosses again before the rune breaks?

Seems like his initial "quest" is just a red herring.
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All of this has a total of 3 unique bosses
Yeah dude the garden of eden was really the worst, thank god we ate the apple
>invade at abyss
>fuck with people trying to stealth past the winter lanterns
its fun
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>2nd run
>Tell more to basically kill himself so the gank fight is less fucking annoying
>This locks me out of 2 (TWO) fucking cookbooks
how is bayle so beloved fight?

apart from cool fireworks its so ass
Yes, unless you're already evolved enough and become what is considered a God-like being. If there is still more to learn and room to grow, there is no reason to not face more hardship.
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Do these people even realize how good it feels? You actually made them so mad they disconnected.
should have been a godwyn dlc about him being a gigachad who was wrongly murdered by that blue whore. not this faggy ass uwu im a little fucking faggot and i smell like one too shit!!!
I can't stop listening to "Those United In Common Cause". OST for DLC has some great moments
there's plenty of attacks shown throughout the video. what more do you want?
How possibly? The big dragon could take shits bigger than that
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Reminds me of unimplemented feature with firelink statue from DS1.
Why would people summon there?
>just something Florissax did.
Fair it could also be unrelated to her, but consider the following:
There are four formless seals (0.0 weight) in the game
Golden Order
Frenzied Flame
Dragon communion
lul why are souls pvpeers always so terminal
Do you want to live your whole life in a bubble, beign protected by some other being? Or do you want to struggle and grow as a result and find your own path? The fact that SOULS players of all people don't understand this concept is hilarious.
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Finally finished dlc after hours of exploring but only with 18 levels of scoobidoo, last boss definitely took several tries but i think bayle dragon was harder. Freya's set is easily my favorite in the game, shame the stats are fucking shit
someone's thoughts on the weapon?
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>Gives runes and flask back to gankers when you use it
Why did they do it bros
bad definition of unique, also the bottom areas are kino
Who is Miquella to decide what a "perfect" world is? Why should he be allowed to impose his thoughts and beliefs on the denizens of the Lands Between and Shadow Realm? Fuck that noise. He deserves an ass-kicking just like any other aspiring tyrant.
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Invading Abyssal Woods is the vilest shit you can do. None of these hosts can parry for shit. You can play Mikolash with them and autowin. They will never get past the stealth sections.
world hard and cold
torrent fluffy and warm
i love riding my boy
>I'm a struggler! I'm just like berkerser man!
>Let me post on 4chan
>DUde real life is like video games XD
You're fucking retarded
>that health bar
imagine thinking you're anywhere near good at the game
18 levels of skibidi now is roughly equivalent to 20 levels of skibabodi pre-patch so you can think of it as the "intended" difficulty or whatever.
you actually missed 6 skibidi pieces?
that's insane.
this is why they buffed it so diminishing returns kick in at 12
He's very pretty though
aw its ok godwynfag. at least you got the deathblight swamp you wanted! oh wait a minute HAHAHAHAHA
>do everything from starting area to shadowkeep
>discover I've uncovered less than half the map
>"holy shit the DLC is way bigger than they said it was"
>do the rest of the map
>"this DLC is exactly as big as they said it was"
ER really needs a directors cut version of base game and DLC. Add new bosses and enemies. Make some better quests. Fucking waste of good looking space
>I was disappointed to see it basically didn't have jackshit for being such a large area
But enough about the DLC as a whole
Must have been his superior speed then
>Yes, anon, if I went to heaven I'd immediately want to go to hell and suffer instead
I can sense a lot of hope in your interpretation of suffering. Possibly because you live in a first world country in a society that actually still lets people climb a success ladder. But instead, you need to imagine hell as something like being born in a shitty South American country or North Korea. There is no growth. None. You are born having lost. It's not like fucking Elden Ring where you can become something. You are just fucked.
Humanity in general debates what a perfect world would even look like. What might be perfect would be hell for others. Such is the contradicting existence of mankind.
Sorry i don't want to die in two hits fucko
Remembrance of Dragonlord Placidusax, hewn into the Erdtree.

The power of its namesake can be unlocked by the Finger Reader.
Alternatively, it can be used to gain a great bounty of runes.

The Dragonlord whose seat lies at the heart of the storm beyond time
is said to have been Elden Lord in the age before the Erdtree.
Once his god was fled, the lord continued to await its return.

Maybe read his remembrance next time faggot.
who cares? you asked for the moveset, not some some random hindu guy's insight on a red poking stick variety.
Good old poisetanking never fails if you want to cheese a fight.
cerulean coast and the eastern side of the map are as empty as they said it was.
it only feels huge when you can't get to those areas because they hide the passages in dungeons and under cliffs
I beat the DLC at 17. I dont think the final levels matter that much
Who is ranni? Who are we? That's a retarded take.
i care anon
>directors cut
that would be more feet, it needs some fresh blood
how do i get down to the lower part of the shadow tower church district? the place with the orange and pink roof
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Finally a DLC spell that feels absurdly broken and overpowered.
>and I dunno why nips keep pushing this narrative
being influenced by eva without understanding it
You guys are absolute fucking midwits. Have you ever met a succesful, reasonable person who didn't struggle? Someone who didn't suffer and learned from that experience? It is a necessary part of life. If you do not understand that, you're probably living in some basement being fed by your mommy.
The idea is that the suffering you go through is meant to evolve your soul, which survives after your death. Souls, energy, life, whatever your "religion" calls it comes to earth to experience duality and thus experience hardship. You're not meant to "climb a ladder" here on hearth. You're already climbing the ladder behind the scenes.
Miquella... Forgive me.
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>that feels absurdly broken and overpowered.
It's still nothing compared to just spraying some perfume on bosses.
This is not how I envisioned this going.
crucible thorns is so goofy
is the carian dueling shield a quality weapon with an int tax, or a real int weapon?
>release one of the worst dlc's of all time
>not releasing a second one
so this is how elden ring goes out huh, fromsoft won't even attempt a shot at redemption
a perfect world as envisioned by a child who's ideology is 'just b nice to everyone' would suck because things aren't that simple
Same reason why Elden Ring was Very Positive on release despite having similar performance issues and people struggling with the difficulty. The SOUL.

If there was a Miquella ending in the game and he directly talked with the Tarnished and helped with a badass final boss encounter like an Outer God it would've never dropped into Mixed. The SPIRITUALITY of a work matters just as much as it's gameplay.

The DLC is doomer fanfic, so it's fanbase has to muster much more willpower to see it through.
I never looked at this closely before: is that a piece of a Lamprey suspended in Amber, or something?
Or is it actually a blade, but the edge doesn't read visually?
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For someone who's using bloodhound fang as the main weapon should I slot claw talisman or two handed sword talisman? Ideally I'd like to use both but it's tough with just 4 talisman slots.
Anon why didn't you just stand under it...
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>oh cool weapon art
>go fight boss
>cant use it because the wind up takes too long for our adhd bosses

thank you elden bing wahoo
>Gold everywhere
>Glowing tree
>Everyone lives in perpetual peace
>Civilization falls to apathy and just wants death to escape it
It really feels like Fromsoft played FF14 and was like "yeah, lets make this Miquellas ending if he won"
you have 85% attack boosts at 12.
the rest is just the remaining 15% with additional 5% as a reward.

So you don't need more than 12 but it's nice to have it and Miyazaki is a total failure for making people miss content
>Leda still tries to kill Hornsent even WITH the charm showing she's different than the others which we come to figure out anyway.
Nah, the idea that the charm was making her less fanatical is a great touch. I also like the idea that Miquella abandons his rune (seemingly) independent of any action that you take. It sells that both of you are on your own quests, even if the implementation could have been better.
messmer is the closest thing to "hard but fair" in the DLC from what i've seen so far (he's not)
>bad definition of unique
>bayle, putrescent knight, midra
>bottom areas are kino
they are beautiful, and the jagged peak is pretty cool, but i'm just stating facts
>oh there's demihumans (base game enemies), swordsman (reused boss), tibia mariners, cemetery shades, ghostflame dragons, deathrite birds, fingercreeps, reskinned skeletal slimes, even more ghostbirds, even more bloodfiends, wicker men!!
>oh there's 3 drakes and one ancient dragon
>oh, inquisitors and one gimmick enemy
>Have you ever met a succesful, reasonable person who didn't struggle?
Yeah, most people who inherited their wealth.
>It is a necessary part of life
Yeah Indian kid who makes shoes for 10 cents a day and is gonna die before he reaches 12, just try harder lol.
bloodhound fang while listening to bloodhound gang
>15% attack boost for jumps vs 15% attack boost at all time including jumps
is there a single new flail in the DLC?
I'm stupid. Is there really not a talisman for powerstancing?
There's no guarantee that your life in the countries in my example would allow you to nurture the quality of your soul. In fact, it's quite the opposite. People born into these countries live life in survival mode. If you are born with a low IQ, there is NOTHING you can do about it. You wouldn't even endeavor to have your soul elevated through hardship. You won't have the energy to even think about such things.
>DLC is bigger than any previous FROMSOFT game
>have to lie to get your point across
You lost this round.
go back to your containment general
And it's going to get nerfed meanwhile cool spells like Light of Miquella will continue to be trash and not work properly :)
Pity we didn't get Zenos-tier kino
The only thing that actually annoyed me was St Trina being completely fucking miserable and also not doing anything thing at all, but for some reason the fucking sunflower drops miquellas great rune
I shit myself when I found her underground, but she genuinely does nothing
no (thank god)
"Truly I say to you, if you wish to enter the kingdom of heaven you must again be as little children."
>The idea is that the suffering you go through is meant to evolve your soul, which survives after your death.
kek go on keep struggling on 4chan bro
this was my first attempt. I thought it would eat the balls and it looked scary when they started spinning like crazy. also I expected a larger AoE.
How many buffs/incantations to deal this much damage
Miquella wasnt omnipresent. He didnt do anything.
If you want an example of omnipresent done right, look at Wrath of the Lich King and how they handled Arthas.
Carian Thrusting Shield CHAD here, I second tried Gaius and it was really easy. Is this the boss you fags were complaining about?
Messmer was way harder for me, I just kept perfect blocking every single one of Gaius' moves with the Deflecting tear and doing 3k damage on a single guard counter.
>Who or what killed that gigantic dragon?
Could have been Florissax before she took on a human form? It seems to be a special alter that lets one consume Bayle's heart, which was her sole mission in life.

Next patch better fucking say "fixed issue where Radahn didn't walk into the center of the arena before apologizing for this shat-ass DLC and committing ritual suicide"
This is why you never get hyped about loreshit, eternal reminder of
>Yeah, most people who inherited their wealth.
These people are pretty much always losers who don't amount to anything. They are never happy, even if they somehow keep their wealth until they are old. They didn't learn, or grow as a person at the end of the day.
Maybe people with low IQ are not on my level yet? Maybe they have to learn and grow more to be born as someone like me?
what is it?
Did you want trina to give you a fucking dragon smithing stone or something?
Those guys really didn't get like that until Hermes' depressed blue/black bird showed up. The consequences of his actions cannot be stated enough...
Maybe you should play gachas
They tend to have le big OP EPIC anime moves you love
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very good tarnished, anon :)
I want to struggle just the right amount, so that it's not too hard but so that it still makes me feel like I'm a good special boy because I did it and that I deserve all the good things that happen to me.

Anything more is self-detrimental masochism and anything less is empty wanking.
I summoned him for Messmer and she still gave up and went for Ansbach
Serpent Flail.
So the dlc is basically just shotacest?
That's the difference between being ruled by an immature retard and the ultimate tard wrangler.
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>finished my str/ fth playthrough of the DLC
>now my magic caster remains

Oh fuck that, Im not going to even try.
yass sister
All of them simultaniously
>They are never happy
Says you retard. I'm pretty sure they're happier than most people
I'm only here because I have vacation for a week and wanted to check out the DLC. I've stopped visiting this place often years ago. I am not a regular poster in these threads. Don't have to convince me, I'm multiple steps ahead.
The manse needed to be like 50% bigger and the forest about 25% smaller with the lanterns being in a nice big open area instead of the corridor area they were in.
Manse's puzzles gave me Cainhurst manor vibes so it should have been at least as big as that.
>Cut charo's hidden grave, move the deathrite bird elsewhere if you must have him.
>cut the finger ruins in the south, keep the northern ones. Norther ones were more involved.
>keep ceruleam coast, move the lamenter's gaol entrance to there, and if you want I guess the furnace golem that was in charo's hidden grave but honestly fuck those guys.
>lower price to 30
There, fixed your DLC
In terms of size sure but what does it matter when the entirety of it is just a bunch of empty bullshit, faggot? Artorias of the Abyss and Ashes of Ariandel were pathetically tiny but at least I didn't feel ripped off like I do with SOTE.
>>have to lie to get your point across
Miyazaki has deposited 0.03 Shekels into your account!
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Is this fucking game serious
Can Miquella mind control demigods?
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>You lost this round.
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People were complaining about THIS? Seriously? This wasn't even a difficult boss by base ER standards.
He mind controlled Mohg but Mohg is retarded
Mohg is a demigod
Get fucked hoarder
You forgot to also sprinke a couple walking mausoleums around the map to increase kino levels.
No but getting the great rune from the knight instead of the sunflower would've been better, or just her doing anything, her giving you the power to resist miquella would be all I wanted, it was such a huge fucking bomb finding her down there but it was fuck all
I'm an autistic lore fag, but that's the only thing that actually made me mad
show me your level 125 dlc builds with stats
>There, fixed your DLC
You forgot "halved enemy attack power".

Where the fuck is Lamentor's Gaol? I cannot find it for anything.
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Why in the fuck does all of the final boss attacks need to coated in 7 AOEs that cover the entire screen.
I literally cannot see what the fuck is happening at any given moment. This was really the most engaging fight they could come up with after 2 years?
People who inherit wealth / succes are more likely to be miserable, on drugs, have health problems etc. Their lives are not as great as you'd think. This is third world mentality. Are you a poo?
Size AND content. There are some areas that are large and don't have as much to find, sure. But overall, this DLC is still the same size as DS3 / DS1. Maybe even bigger. So fuck off.
the meta is 150 gramps
>Abusing perfumes
>Stacking every offensive buff
>Tries to get me with the broken weapon grab
>I teleport away
>Breaks his lock on
>I blast him with comet
Get fucked, idiot.
broo but cool fireworks yoo
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this image reminded me, is there any slut wear in the dlc? the dancer set is beautiful
They were both in love
>Messed up Dragon Priestess quest
>Messed up Moore's quest
Damn, I sure do love being punished for playing the game normally instead of looking up a guide to make sure I don't arbitrarily fuck up NPC quests. Thank you, Hackazaki.
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>Dueltranny rl
Bro people are scrubs. I dunno how you haven't figured it out yet
Can you post the damage negation scaling?
Why didn't he mind control the other demigods and just become nugod?
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souls games have always been about searching the internet how to do these things
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How do you feel /erg/ knowing these two were deeply in love
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>this DLC is still the same size as DS3 / DS1
Because he's nice don't worry about it :^)
ok this jungle area is crazy I'm definitely missing like half shit here
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My nigga Miriam left us with some cool shit
This. People were complaining about Gaius too. I got him down to 25% HP first try. Almost got him multiple times. And I'm shitfaced drunk and my reaction time is trash. If I try this tomorrow (if I don't get him soon) I'll get him first or second try.
I personally liked the boss, shame the weapon doesn't get an unique moveset and has shit range.
Ah yes sorry for wanting the incantation of the final boss to be useful and fun to use
>but muh pvp balance
Don't care nigger
Does anyone have a Frenzied Flame Seal they can drop for me? I dont want to go through a whole other playthrough to get one
But there were so many fucking seethe posts about this fight specifically on /v/ it's crazy. I got hyped for nothing.
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i'm closing in on a complete run as a golden erdtree knight. which knight would be the most fun to play next? leaning heavily towards a blue carian knight to use carian sovereignty but maybe a black godwyn death knight could be fun as well?
i dont have
I bet Miquella was meant to have a companion role like Melina but the DLC was so rushed with little voice acting done for him that it never came to be
sad. all radahn's "qualities" applies to our character. we could just slap some sense into miquella, put him back on st trina and have a threesome with ranni, since incest is fine
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He's a yandere shota for the Tarnished.

>Vargram (Raging Wolf) armor, the one used throughout the promotional material, says he was one of the first Tarnished to enter the Land's Between, and that he aspired to be a Shadow to an Empyrean. Who are the only Empyreans without Shadows? Miquella and Malenia.
>Look at this cutscene halfway through Malenia's fight where the Tarnished looks up longingly at where Miquella's cocoon was absconded https://youtu.be/epQZqzJRAfE?t=134 [Embed]
>The Spectral Steed whistle which originally belonged to Miquella (as hinted at and finally shown in the first keyart for this DLC), was given to Melina for safekeeping until Torrent found the fated Tarnished (Miquella's promised Lord)
>One of the optional starting items is Bewitching Branches from Miquella, the only demi-god related item accessible from the start of the game and a possible marker placed there by Miquella for Torrent to sniff it out and find his chosen Tarnished.
>The Spirit Calling Bell also comes from Miquella, and was a gift Ranni was instructed to give to Torrent's new Master.
>Upon completing Millicent's questline, the Tarnished is given a needle with droplets of dew that will restore Malenia's discarded dignity after she gave into the Rot to fight Radahn to a standstill, allowing Millicent's memories to live again in Malenia. This would simultaneously restore the senses of his sister while also giving the Tarnished a powerful ally in the coming battles to reach him. On top of that, the Unalloyed Gold Needle received after defeating Malenia and gifting her Millicent's resolve and memories allows the Tarnished to resist the Frenzied Flame, allowing them to save Melina without burning down the world.
>In other words, Miquella created and executed a masterplan with rest of the Empyreans (and Marika) to raise an immortal warrior who survived the badlands alongside Godfrey as his promised Lord while protecting his demi-god sisters.
I wish they would fix there graphical glitches
>Maybe people with low IQ are not on my level yet? Maybe they have to learn and grow more to be born as someone like me?
You genuinely sound like the midwit now instead of others. I'm not even going to challenge you further. The fact that you're gone to a "maybe" is basically admitting you don't have an argument. You're just a spoiled bitch who thinks he can be born anywhere and overcome the odds because he's unique and special. I can smell the narcissism oozing from your rhetoric. You know how many subhumans are narcissistic? All of them.
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And we killed them...
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>it's literally a utopia
You know except for the fact that he would be mindcontrolling anyone who disagrees with him?
And considering he discarded his own compassion and love, his vision for the world is probably only to be even more deranged.
By killing him you prevent the world from being enslaved under the most brutal tyranny imaginable.
Do you think Miyazaki's wife forces him to wear one of these and that's why he enjoys torturing the fans of his games?
This spell had me skeptical at first but this spell is actually super fucking good when you a feel for it.
I just found him annoying at worst, mainly because of the shitty ghostflame spam at his 2nd phase
Got one, does the game let you drop upgrade materials? I ran out of somber dragon smithing stones.
Look up every succesful person on the planet and then look at their children. Look at how many of them accomplish anything in life. I grew up in a rich area in my country, but my family was relatively poor. The kids with rich parents were often the ones facing the most problems, ironically.
Is DS3's DLC worth making a new save file for? I lost my old one somehow and I never finished Ringed City
literally one shotted him yesterday, couldn't fucking believe it after how much it was hyped here.
Just get impenetratable thorns and spam those as they're busted
I would never disgrace myself by going to 125.
Radahn made me respec and I'll never forgive SotE for that, but it didn't make me level.
that was my headcanon pre-dlc and i dont care about dlc's lore
Was about to ask about that as I had just broken the seal by approachinng Shadow Keep in my last session and just today I started to research the NPC questlines.

Fextralife says that you can buy the concoction with Moore's bell bearing, so perhaps advancing Moore's questline and eventually getting his bell bearing could offer an alternative if you missed the concoction early on with Moore/Thiollier's interactions?

>You can buy another after giving the the Twin Maiden Husks Moore's Bell bearing for 30k runes (if you drank it like me)
Yes. Surprisingly it was really good.
So no source, thanks.
It's okay i can upgrade it myself if i have to, where do you want to meet?
The final dungeon was beyond fucking kino. They always fucking nail the otherwordly divine atmosphere.
>Looks amazing
>Has some of the most challenging enemies
>Neat level design
>Fucking kino cinemasterpiece gank fight
>The fucking portal arena
>Final boss that is challenging AND fair get fucking good shitters
How long has it been since we got a proprel final dungeon leading up to a traditional final boss? Demon Souls?
After over a decade of subversion this feels nice for a change.
why would you not sell armor dupes?
I really detest that it runs away very often but that's about it.
death knight is sick too. that longhaft axe may just be my new weaponfu
It might be because it's the new thing, but I think Messmer's Fire Knights are the coolest shit.
>Marika was the FTH/STR grug with a hammer
>her Soreseal boosts "caster" stats
>Radagon was the actual caster faggot
>his Soreseal boosts "melee" stats
Confusing motherfuckers.
using a shield is not cheating
>host cannot penetrate the CHAD girth of my wall
>runs out of estus
>can only beat me by getting his coop buddy to help
Not home rn but I'm
Base end
Base mnd
39 dex
Base int/fth

I use physick buff and talismans to use magic or meet str reqs when necessary.
Only Messmer, Romina and Radahn left for NG+4 0 scadu blessings.
>The final dungeon was beyond fucking kino.
It was too short, that's my main gripe. But yeah it was pretty fucking good. Is there any lore about the place itself?
Enir-Ilim sucked and Radahn was awful. Fuck you quit lying
Topkek. That whole quote was basically just a smug joke. It wasn't even serious (though it's hard not to believe in it, one way or the other).
>You're just a spoiled bitch
Quite the opposite.
>who thinks he can be born anywhere and overcome the odds because he's unique and special
My argument was, quite literally, that it doesn't matter if you overcome the odds and triumph. The struggle itself is the point.
>You know how many subhumans are narcissistic? All of them.
Considering most people with low IQ don't even have an internal monologue, I'd say about 1% of them.
Oh man, trying to coop in the Scadu Lands is ROUGH rn.
Hosts with under leveled scadus are just brutal. Start to work the boss, host gets one shot immediately. Not only that but it lowers you damage as well. Why would they make you scale to the level of the host ? Would you really be that OP if you came with max scadus to an earlier boss ? Wouldnt the scaling kind of mitigate that ?

They should at least make it so that if your Scadu blessings are maxed they can scale to a recommended level when in a hosts world.

It also seems to cause more FPS issues. I got summoned for the Sunflower and it didnt drop my frames when I soloed it but in coop it was dreadful.

At least the summons are fast as fuck.
>The kids with rich parents were often the ones facing the most problems, ironically.
This is because you will never hear about the poorer children ever. This sort of opinion is in line with how kids look at TikTok and think it's a viable career model because all they see is fucking TikTok.
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Ummm sweetie you were supposed to win
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They won btw
Whats a good weapon that matches the shield?
was 60 intelligence enough? or does it feel like it's too much?
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>finally down radan to 1/3 of his life
>he jumps and one shots me right there in the spot
there's no dungeon to the final boss because the bonfire is 5 feet from the fog gate
How did Mohg win exactly? By being raped, by being mindcontrolled or by becoming Radahn's meatsuit? Mohg was cucked the most along with Malenia
The poorer children (I was one of them) were content with little to nothing. They found other ways to enjoy themselves. For the rich kids, nothing was ever enough. Their parents were often not there to help them and they had high expectations put onto them from a young age.
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Haha gachababy confirmed
unexpected hitler

Spellcasting is balanced for 60-80. If anything 60 is too low.

I SHOULD take the build to 150 by getting 60 vit and 80 Int, but I just can't bring myself to.
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>The final dungeon was beyond fucking kino.
Are you fucking serious? Are the standards really this low
>progressing Ymir questline
>suddenly boss apears, finger mother Metyr
>one shot with Occu Fangs + Poison
Is skibidi lvl 10 too high for this boss? I haven't really went out of my way for scat fragments, but I even have a couple in my inventory.
>inb4 "skibidi is buffed"
Pic related
i laughed so loud
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Serious question though, how do you even get an invasion going there? I didn't think many people explored the open world with summons in that area.
I'll drop my summon sign next to Greatbridge North Grace, use "VEGE" as multiplayer password, character name is "Blind".
>this DLC is still the same size as DS3 / DS1
It's bigger. I finished DS3 in 13 hours, then another 3 for the dlc.
Guys? Do I get banned for back up my save and reloading to drop more runes to my homie? Want to get him up to speed for the dlc
Use the shield ash of war that makes you invulnerable for a few seconds
Because it's faster to just chuck them into your fuckin' storage
It's autistic selling every single armor piece duplicate manually
But I guess I'm FORCED to do that because FROM codemonkeys can't program for shit and need an autistic hardcap (instead of making armor and talismans stackable items [BECAUSE YOU CAN'T FUCKING UPGRADE THEM SO WHY IS EACH PIECE UNIQUE])
The gank fight was genuinely awful, thank fucking God I did ansbachs quest, I got tired of dealing with it so I just cheeses it with giant hunt
The final legacy dungeon was cool but way to fucking short, and radahns first phase was fucking awesome, 2nd phase is just a visual clusterfuck
>All dead except Ranni
Scudalevel had nothing to do with it
why not discard them?
Sure my name should be Chad iirc
You shouldn't as i've done that to get all the endings on a single playthrough without ill effect
Ranni's dead. You're just interacting with her spirit
BB taught you bad habits.
Thanks bro
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Anon i get an invasion in max level range there almost immediately
Same, did at 16 before they even buffed it.
>Miquella sends his bodyguard to kill Radahn
>Miquella's Haligtree Order could not succeed in it's main goals of growing an Erdtree without killing Radahn and preventing him from holding the stars in stasis
>Radahn idolizes the old Order so much that he designs his armor around the previous two Elden Lords Godfrey and Radagon.
>Ironically the Tarnished commits the first cardinal sin and sets the Erdtree on fire in order to pave the way for a new one.
>Character motivations and themes completely backward
>Games shows it's blatant retcons and rewrites in the quality of the animations and modelwork during the last half of the game

Just say what it really is. Miyazaki didn't have the balls to have the main player character marry a shota god, and aged him up offscreen while including a fanfare fight to preserve his reputation.
Thank fuck poorer countries are just so much happier.
>The poorer children (I was one of them) were content with little to nothing.
Truly, you are brilliant. Some day, when we're forced to eat bugs instead of meat - I'm going to remember this and tell my kids that they will own nothing and be happy. They have much stronger souls now that they can struggle for less.

My weapon is Venomous Fang with Occu Infusion, it has no bleed on it at all
Thanks a bunch man you saved me a lot of time
My first DS3 and DS1 playthroughs are already shorter than this DLC and I didn't even do any multiplayer shit. Be honest, you faggot fuck.
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The "player got greedy and r1 twiced after 15 hit combo" meme is true and I hate it.
No wonder everyone is stacking bleed and frost out the asshole.
>Why would they make you scale to the level of the host ?
So that's why I am feeling way weaker when trying to help people
post the webm of the good attempt if you can, I'm curious to see all the projectiles spin like electrons
>Because it's faster to just chuck them into your fuckin' storage
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Hey, that sounds pretty awesome, is it awesome? How does the spellbuff compare?
It has around half the spellbuff of a staff.
yeah you only get 1-2 strikes per breathing room of the blender combos before the next blender combo happens.

And Im getting really sick of bosses jumping away from you. And yet having the ability to close back the gap quickly when you decide to drink even one estus
The great mistake is free will anon. The ancient dragons started oppressing the lesser dragons, which led bayle (a lesser dragon) and the other lesser dragons to rebel against farum azula and end the age of dragons.its the same story with the giants and the hornsent, the hornsent and the shamans, the shamans and the tarnished etc. etc.
It's a thrusting sword so it goes straight into the trash
I'm actually curious how does it behave on low upgrade levels.
It's apparently bugged currently. Also, the hilt looks dumb and I'm mad we don't also get a straight sword sorcery catalyst, when they were perfectly fine with cloning the magic troll UGS, slapping a different weapon art on it and calling it a new weapon.
If I'm just using occult for melee is it worth going over 50 points?
I'm honestly beyond anger and disappointment at this point. It's like a joke that just doesn't stop.
>Completely forgot you have to do the stupid Volcano Manor questline to get the bull-goat set

Time to open CE.
who cares, it's an ugly fucking armour, and armour of solitude is pretty much the same in poise
Narcissism has little to do with having an internal monologue. Having one doesn't exclude you from being a narcissistic. Subhumans are narcissistic because they see themselves in a grandiose fashion, having a sense of entitlement and lack empathy. BLM in Western countries are often seen as narcissistic for example.
Fuck Rellana so much. When is my turn to attack ffs?! What was miyazaki thinking with this shit?
during her many delayed attacks, and after just about every single spell
how are you fags such shitters?
You can have empathy and be a narcissist anon, a lot of them end up with a savior complex
How can you be nascissistic if you are barely conscious? The difference between 70 and 100 IQ is just as large as 100 and 130. If would be impossible for smart people and midwits to understand what the other is going through. 100 is the average, 70 means you are legally retarded. I do not believe that people with an IQ below 90 can really be textbook narcissistic. I think that what you're describing has more to do with groupthink than being a narcissist. It's basic, tribal mentality.
Slow weapons exist anon.
Communal narcissism is when you give to people and basically expect to be recognized or worshipped. While I agree that narcissists can experience empathy, it's not a lot. I speak of empathy in its most rawest sense, and not the human-positive way though. For example, a bear hunting its prey may try to think like its prey in order to better predict its path. This is the empathy. For humans, it lets them think about how they are perceived by others. For narcissist, they typically need external validation to supplement for this.
Is it really so hard for people to understand that human emotions are complicated? Someone can be a narcissist and still have a lot of empathy. Maybe even more than the average human being. All of these psychological terms are just guesses, in the end. Not every psychopath or narcissist is the same. The human brain is way too complicated to view all of these people the same way.
>switch to build based on the sekiro parry physick
>excited to finally try it out vs boss
>first boss I fight is one where its next to impossible to land guard counters because of the way the boss moves
This is the story of my life
Guard counters are such a badly implemented mechanic and all the streamerfaggots like Asmon jumping on the "i get it now bro" bandwagon after the "stop rolling" video make me roll my fucking eyes so hard it hurts.
So do we know Marika has been a god for 1000 years because of Miquella's line or is that just anons making guesses?
nah dlc story is retarded and so are you, sorry

go kill yourself
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Sekiro tear is fun, but it consuming stamina just makes this a worse version of Lies of P. Sadness...
>sekiro tear
He didn't beat the game
>Horned Warriors
>Broooo, what if we make standard fucking enemies harder than 90% of the bosses, made them two shot the player, and gave them infinite poise?
When will they learn that no one likes it when normal mobs are harder than bosses?
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might have been longer because she 'cheated' by putting away destined death
the story literally only makes sense if radahn was unwilling? what the fuck are you faggots on about
Their attacks also close gaps like mad
3 jump attacks or 2 guard counters stagger them
Get a better weapon

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