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>General Info on Final Fantasy

>What version should I play?

>Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster

>Final Fantasy XVI

>Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

>Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis
>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
>Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia
>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius: War of the Visions

>Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail

>Final Fantasy XI

Previous thread: >>483536587
Don't mess with us XVI fans we don't even play our own game!
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gonna be a good thread
Stellabro won.

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kek no way she really posted the webm again.
I really do have a fanclub huh?
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>this cope again despite being btfo last thread
Wonder how long this'll go on?
can't wait for the PC release of Rebirth boys.
mods in Remake were great but Rebirth? forget about it.
XVIkun has yet to win a single internet argument. Sad!
Not as good as Yuffie.
Yuffie gravure NOW
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Like I said, welcome to the club. All of our images are saved by shitters.
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You're talking to one of the people who is saving other people's images and using them to shitpost.
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you don't have any proof, but yet you still keep repeating this same, tired line??
I post new screenshots almost every single thread. fucking lying faggots I swear.
get some new material, find a new argument already. I'm not your god damned boogyman just because I know XVI is disappointing.
He wasn't talking about XVI at all, though? Speaking of boogeyman...
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Got nice and peaceful all of a sudden. Anyways, where are the mods for the PRs already?
is this your first playthrough of IX?
You could say that he exposed himself.
>Would you happen to be the anon who mentioned the omega tips last thread? Well, I'll probably follow most of that advice, I was trying to skate by with reflect rings but I am not sure it's going to work so well.
Yup, good luck! Probably the trickiest thing will be getting your Mixes set up fast enough but Chemist should give you more than enough ways to survive if you can Mix fast enough, which may be another reason why Hermes Sandals could be the optimal accessory for you.
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everybody knows who I am at this point. I'm freecamfag. I post screenshots of what I'm playing. they intentionally pretend that I am someone else in order to discredit what I post and pretend I am their resident enemy.

This namefag theatre bullshit is an absolute travesty and is actually much, much worse than regular shitposting/flamewars. It's just straight up delusional and schizophrenic. It completely evaporates any and all cogent through processes and replaces them with pantomiming and buffoonery. Stop pretending everyone you don't like is the same person.

yep! when I was a little kid, my brother had it on PS1 alongside the other FF games. but we never got to the end because he let someone borrow one of his discs and they lost it or something. probably just stolen.
ha ha
>I'm freecamfag
>This namefag theatre bullshit
Just a reminder that (You) are the only person giving yourself a name, namefag :)
Sadly, people on your side of the aisle ARE the namefag users. "Jimbo" and "frenchie" among numerous others were spammed countless times, all thought to be the big bad XVI fanboy. Naturally they were wrong.

But also
1) You still deflected to 16
2) I'm not the one saying everyone is the same, I'm >>483744392
Well, interesting. I will be watching your playthrough posts.
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>XVIkun has yet to win a single internet argument
Side effects of being dumb and a poser.
Nah. I think it's hilarious.
>Sadly, people on your side of the aisle ARE the namefag users.
Even in his own post just now, he insisted upon his own "name" while denouncing namefaggotry. Just connect the dots, bro, he's not even being subtle about it.
Possibly, but he may just be innocent as well. Though he may be digging his own hole in that ignorance as well.
>I'm not your god damned boogyman just because I know XVI is disappointing.
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Uncontested. Unanswered.
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Have fun. IX is an actual good FF game, unlike XVI.
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>pretend he's someone else
>pretend he's the guy you don't like you've been fighting with for years
>pretend he's >>483748002
>pretend he's >>483743641
>pretend he's every other poster that I hate instead of who he is
>now, double down on it
>triple down on it even
>deny any and all evidence that freecamfag is a seperate entity from the other posters
>convince others like you that this is the truth by simply (You)ing your agreement
>never, ever, ever address anything he says

I like the music and backgrounds a lot so far, great setting. But the characters aren't really doing it for me. They didn't then, and they still don't now. I definitely prefer the science fantasy flavor design aesthetics from VII, VIII, X and XIII more than this. I mean......this is the villain
>but he may just be innocent as well.
I both feel sorry for and am envious of your naivety.
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Don't shitpost with Vivi.
do you have any evidence at all that I have ever posted anything in this general before April?
didn't think so. kindly cease and desist
>convince others like you that this is the truth by simply (You)ing your agreement
>never, ever, ever address anything he says
Where is this? Because you must have missed >>483747320
does ffxiv always go down for days when a new expansion is released?
>claiming one game is better than another game (it objectively is a better game) is just shitposting!
no, no it's not, and it never will be.
just admit you get mad when someone criticizes XVI, and then move on. stop pretending. stop playing this game.
otherwise why are you so fucking defensive?
guaranteed that you never, ever write this when someone criticizes a game you DON'T like. Guaranteed, you have never ever defended XIII in such a way. Wonder why?
>nothing related to gacha at all
>have to manually force artificial drama and made up allegiances as your enemy
When victimhood's demand exceeds the supply, I guess.
>wah wah (You) guys are doing the namefag shit, not MEEEE
>I'm innocent!
>(refers to himself in the third person by a moniker that only he himself has used or given to himself)
>declares in nearly every post "I am namefag, hear me roar!"
You really can't make this shit up. Get a trip if you insist on naming yourself every post with a name that no one other than you has ever used.
Oh yeah. It's all coming together.
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He walked right into this one.
Right? Very interesting.
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>XVI living rentfree in the seether's head
>malding so hard xhe literally cannot post without mentioning XVI
XVI is off-topic.
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you copying my images only makes me stronger
>when someone criticizes XVI
>one game is better than another
2 different things. There's a difference between one and constantly bringing up XVI out of nowhere. Dishonest post.
Nope. And I'm the one who came to a Snow poster's defence back when he posted a lot (FYI: the others responding to you that shit on XVI or calling you based? They hated XIII back then a lot. "snowtranny" and "lightningfag" were commonly tossed around).

And I don't like the one fag calling Vanille ugly. Never complained about the plot of the game except for the sequels. Now then, why do you avoid >>483748696? What are you running from?!
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So that explains >>483746048, too. Oh, freecam poster... yoo hoo, lookee here!

He must always cry over 16. Yoshi raped him.
>XVI is disappointing
This was the trigger. Man, he got REALLY defensive.
>walked into
Those posts all predate any kind of action like that, shitposter-chan...
Every post I don't like is a shitpost and hurt my feelings.
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>hurt feelings
Yeah we know because you got called out. Calm down, kid.
XVIsissies in a nutshell lmao
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so let me get the rules straight here

>defensive XVI faggot is an OO sperg
>freecamfag has won
>XIII is better than XVI
>can't refute Vanillefag
>can't refute freecamfag either
>they won't admit that they get mad when XVI is criticized despite getting mad
>pretend that new posters can't be new
>pretend you have to have been posting here for years to criticize XVI
>criticizing XVI is actually shitposting
>criticizing XIII is not shitposting
>criticizing XV is not shitposting
>pointing fingers at boogymen and namefags while arguing with shadows on the wall is not shitposting
>discussing Final Fantasy and comparing the games strenghts and weaknesses is shitposting
Proven once again that they can't handle the truth: XVI sucks.
Pretty much.
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I like your screenshots bro
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anything I missed? maybe
>criticism of XVI is actually just secretly thinly veiled criticism of Yoshida personally which is all written by the same person and always has been.
>criticizing XVI therefore is the lowest form of shitposting imaginable.
>in turn this means you don't have to address it or rebut it when it occurs, just deflect to Yoshida
>because that's what THEY are doing. teehee

thanks!! but the real credit goes to the wonderful subject! I mean seriously. Lightning is extremely photogenic, it's kind of insane how they managed it. She's like a super model. I've played with a lot of photo modes in so many games, and I'm not sure any one character in a game has ever been so striking to me the way that she is.
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Got nice and peaceful all of a sudden.
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Heh. It doesn't matter though. The people who actually deserve their bans never sit their bans, and half the time they don't even get banned, they just get timed out. Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night will stop them from spending 12-16 hours per day shitposting Yoshida. The only thing that prevents them from shitposting for the entire time that they are awake is if a new gacha like Tower of Fantasy or WuWa releases. I wonder if ZZZ's release will be a quiet time on /ffg/ as well? It's the 4th of July, so mark your calendars. It's not an open world gacha though, so they might not bite it. Meanwhile, I got banned here recently for pointing out that someone was samefagging. Yes, really.
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I say Lightning is the super model of course because she's my favorite Final Fantasy character at this point but all three girls are totally wonderful, exceptionally well designed, charming, strong, bold, and extremely memorable.
IMO this is how you represent realistic but stylized good looking women in video games. Not inflatable sex dolls, and not fat ugly men either. Thin, athletic, capable, colorful, unique, and extraordinarily beautiful.
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all the women in XIII are basically super models
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>nooo i got btfo
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I absolutely adore Final Fantasy XIII. Don't get it twisted folks. You can love it or hate it. But this game is beautiful
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Why do you ignore posts that destroy your agenda?

>XVI faggot is an OO sperg
>can't refute Vanillefag
On the same side, too bad for you
>can't refute freecamfag either
>they won't admit that they get mad
>pretend that new posters can't be new
Only one guy does
>pretend you have to have been posting here for years to criticize XVI
Says who?
>criticizing XVI is actually shitposting
Says who?
>criticizing XIII is not shitposting
Says who? And where is this critique?
>criticizing XV is not shitposting
Says who? And where is it?
>pointing fingers at boogymen and namefags while arguing with shadows on the wall is not shitposting
Pretty sure you and he agree that it's both bad.
>discussing Final Fantasy and comparing the games strenghts and weaknesses is shitposting
>implying you're doing that
I mean I could just post that V is better than IX, XIII, XV, XVI, and Rebirth and they're all trash in comparison. Especially your favorite XIII. A few times every thread.
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If you banned the words XIII and XVI this general would just evaporate overnight there's literally nothing else ever being said or done here at this point.
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>Maybe they're better off in Twitter or Reddit tho
Unfortunately, XVI hate is everywhere. It's almost as if XVI is a bad FF game.
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bizarre how obsessed he is
>1 post
And you certainly implied it. Better watch your wording next time, eh?
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it is a Thursday!
The posts that DESTROYED freecamfag.
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>ignores it
WELL. So you cannot face the music.
They're going all out in revenge for the ban.
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why would I ever waste my time responding to such a desperate moron clinging to his little action game?
>no actually but
>no actually but
coping melty
his panties are so god damn wet from pissing and shitting every single day about XIII > XVI I'm afraid I am done "shitposting" in response to him
>the XVI shitposter who spends every single moment of his life shitposting is a Genshitter
>the shitposting on /ffg/ completely disappears for multiple days any time a new open world gacha releases
>he also plays Granblue and is a newfag XIV player who cares about world first races (i.e. is a WoWfag)
>his first fucking post using this image is essentially asking for shitpost information about Shadowbringers numbers
>he enabled random 4chanx filenames sometime between now and December
Very intresting!
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Why OO is still in the OP?
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I got that reaction image from /a/ actually. Never played those games but I bet they are better than XVI.
>ignore all the coincidences! they don't mean anything!
Uh huh. Every single time this has ever been posted it's been the same filename, except for your one post just now. I was wrong about the 4chanx random file option; it looks like you enabled that much more recently than December.
lmao gottem

>Mon 03 Jun 2024 (u64n.jpg)
>Thu 27 Jun 2024 (1698715683703385.jpg)

>Tue 07 May 2024 (anime shrug.jpg)
>Mon 17 Jun 2024 (1691920390586758.jpg)
So you enabled random filenames sometime between May 7th and June 17th
Stop noticing already!
Better links
Cool story schizobro. I'll be your new boogeyman if you want I don't give a crap. XVI is hated everywhere because XVI is a bad FF game.
No, I saved those pics. My meme folder is a baby.
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Based Yuffie bro.
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The way he denied OO, I love it. Being a gacha lOOser is something he is ashamed of.
Yep. It’s usually one day iirc, but this one is two.
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Does the routine not ever get tiring, Larry?
Is Larry the new name for the Yoshida hater?
It's for the XVI fanboy since the game can't stop getting L's.
I did not buy the XVI dlc because I thought the base game was awful.
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>my head canon is real, it's REAL!
Hi, OO sister.
>the people who have spent at least 5 years shitposting about Yoshida every second of their lives aren't the people who should be tired of their daily routine
I see.
Damn, you pissed it off three times! In a row!
the best part is when they claim I am you.
She lacks self awareness.
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The DLC was bad I'm afraid, people hated it. Yoshi-P's lies didn't help the situation at all.
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>100+ posts in
>still no Vaynefag
>no Clerith or Clofa (not the worst loss)
>no star wars fag
What the FUCK have you done, discordies?
this faggot really misses an avatarfag lmao
But you love the rydia/yuffie/vanille avatarfag.
I do have a tendency of deflecting any criticism towards me by acting like a huge faggot, yes.
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Why couldn't Rebirth, XV, XVI, or XIII be as good as V? Especially XIII.
Just making sure nobody here is making fun of me or FF ecelebs I like.

Okay, you're good. Continue.
S-she's looking at me!
Looks like shitposters can't take the heat and whine to the jannies (It's only okay when they do it!)
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She wants anal!
>said Jill would play a major role
>had like two lines of dialogue total
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Rebirth is.
Nope, sorry. No classes, too few cute girls, time jannies, seph wank, and more make it weak.
>Lightning Returns that high above so many greats
>7R at the top
Come on now.
>too few cute girls
Aerith, tifa, yuffie, elena, Chloe, esther and priscilla are more than Lenna and Krile
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FFX-2 is FFV but good.
Oh it's 13-2... I guess that's a bit better..
>that writing
lmao ur just butthurt now
FFV is the quintessential Final Fantasy.
X-2 is fun with good gameplay but it really can't compare to V.
You forced him to realize his hypocrisy and thus made him upset.
>yuffie, elena
2 vs. 3+ (like Melusine)
FFV is a second-class DQ game.
X-2 is better than Rebirth and XIII.
>now has to shitpost against V
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My wife Eiko is cute!
V is still better than XVI.
Too bad it'll never make XV good.
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XIV > X-2 > XII > III > V
I didn't play XI
She needs spankings!
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The best
I FINALLY FOUND Step 1 to crossing over to the parallel dimension in Final Fantasy XIII. I'm currently recording a stream to try and reproduce the glitch.

If it is reproducable, this is huge and means we might actually find the second half of final fantasy 13 that the devs said was cut from the main game.

here are the steps i am following
>Beat the first boss without hitting it once
>Let Sahz climb the first climbable object in the game, then ditch him and save the game
>Reload the game and Sahz will be right next to you - wtf?
>Also, there is a spot where you can run into the wall and a light will shine on you for some reason, perhaps it's the Sun

Here's the glitch payoff
>In a later cutscene, Sahz will be temporarily invisible, only his weapon will appear.

Final Fantasy XIII treats saving strangely. In some cases, the party will be right behind you when you reload, in other cases they will be in the level at some point.

Wouldn't it be neat if Final Fantasy Versus XIII was actually hidden in Final Fantasy XIII all this time?

For those that want to me try and replicate this glitch, go here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZ9qV7KFB_k

wish me luck. if i'm the person that finds final fantasy versus xiii, i hope tetsuya nomura notices
What kind of autism is this?
>I FINALLY FOUND Step 1 to crossing over to the parallel dimension in Final Fantasy XIII.
Dude, don't kill yourself, it's just a game-
>I'm currently recording a stream to try and reproduce the glitch.
...oh. Well I'm relieved. Through I do wonder, what's the point? Will it help speedruns or something?
ganbatte anon
selphie is waiting for you in the garden...
Playing through Crisis Core after beating FF7 for the first time in 20 years. Any of the side quests worth doing for lore/worldbuilding or should I just blast through the main story? Gonna pick up FF7R on the steam summer sale after I finish.
Unironically the first good XIII post in this thread.
>What kind of autism is this?

Final Fantasy XIII is literally a linear game. You walk in a straight line. There's almost no variables to consider in terms of finding the secret. There's no excuse that the Final Fantasy Community couldn't solve one straight line to finding the other straight line ingame.

My theory is you're controlling Lightning in both dimensions simulteneously. So I walk into walls and see if there's hints that she's moving in the other dimension --- in a straight line of course. All while mashing the X button to interact with hidden items, if there's any to be found.

Unfortunately, I couldn't replicate the glitch. I'll keep trying.
Today I learned (or perhaps relearned as I may have known and forgotten this) that Wendigo and his copies can be put to sleep, so you can safely set sleep at the start of battle and go ham with magic aoes without waking them until they die. I should've put Black lv6 on Lenna to speed this up, but whatever. Now to take on Fork Tower which is gonna be great because I actually have real mages this year! I won't have to rely on crazy jank to circumvent that cranky old man's tantrums!
>second half of final fantasy 13 that the devs said was cut from the main game.
they never said this

Can we have a refia op next time pls ?
>Wouldn't it be neat if Final Fantasy Versus XIII was actually hidden in Final Fantasy XIII all this time?
That's probably why they haven't released a remastered version of XIII; they're waiting for someone like you to solve the puzzle. As soon as it is deemed found and solved, Square Enix will simultaneously release a multiplatform XII remaster. We are counting on you, Nora-sama!
>they never said this

WRONG. They DID in fact say it


The "other half" features a different combat system, the e3 2006 version of the game.


seen here. the battle system seems more complicated in this version as there's a radar.

then there's the highest of towers, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, looming in the mystery.

We already hacked the other side of final fantasy 13 as the map data wasn't hidden in the code. It features the same "opening up" and non-linear section in the form of a Final Fantasy 11 map in the game. We also have snow's hero hut and other areas.
Only good Final Fantasy games or FF lolis are allowed on the OP image
name of mod?
So no Noctis.
He went down in record time and now I have the coolest spells not named Meteor or Bahamut. They'll surely help me as I take on the last of my most hated FFV dungeons tomorrow, the Great Sea Trench.
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how can final fantasy even compete?
Why do you hate it? Thalassophobia?
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She's dead lol
>WRONG. They DID in fact say it
No they didn't.
What the art director actually said was
>"FF13 has a wide variety of locations, but were there any that were scrapped?) If we include things that were actually made on the actual machine but were not used for various reasons, there are enough locations to make another one," "It was a bitter decision that had to be cut in order to release the finished product, taking into account the volume and overall balance of the game," "(Things that were cut) The area around Lightning's house was also made and was surrounded by a park, Nora's secret base was located at the back of Rebro's shop, and Nautilus had not only an amusement park but also a zoo," etc
there is no scrapped second half. Just concepts for locations that didn't get used in the end.
>seen here. the battle system seems more complicated in this version as there's a radar.
that was just made up cgi with no actual gameplay established yet.
Oh you had white and black magic?! Hah, this guy had no chance. How did the other fight go with half brother?
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Sir, please. I'm just here to clean the vehicles.
I've loved Soulsborne games since Demon's Souls, but I just didn't like Elden Ring. I played a few hours of it and then just stopped. Open world slop just isn't for me.
Understandable, but also a shame. It's easy to get through the open world and hit the main beats of the game. The weapons, gear, and spells were all great.
He said there's enough locations to make another game.

Your purchase of FINAL FANTASY XIII includes three games
Game 3.) Mystery. Final Fantasy Versus XIII?

That's a lot of bang for your $60 buck.
I considered suing the game publishers for making it this difficult to access a hidden game.

A lawsuit on the scale of Hot Coffee Mod. I'm telling you right here and right now that the truth behind Hot Coffee was the sex minigame was in the game (this is fact), but players never found out how to actually access it in-game. It's only in the hidden half, and this fact didn't pop open in court. The publishers were at their most vulnerable state with the AO happening
The open world is just the tip of the iceberg. Theres a genuine problem with the gameplay as well. Its like they hit the ceiling but they dont want to update the gameplay. The story/storytelling is nonsensical, and the music (the actual music) is repetitive
Right now, fromsoft just shines on art direction and sound design. And gameplay wise they peaked with DS1, Bloodborne and sekiro.
What's the appeal?
>2011 + 13
>has never played a Souls game
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How much would it sell as a PS5 exclusive
Considering that people bought a PS4 for Bloodborne (I was one of them), it might have actually sold a decent amount of consoles.
A big open world Dissidia game with massive set pieces based on classic FF bosses

oh wait they did that, it got literally eleven times that player count
(304) 625-2000
Back to peace. It's been a good hour or two so far, fellas!
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depends, if they knew it would be available for PC later it wouldn't sell as much
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XVI killed FF I'm afraid
Don't shitpost with my wife, loser.
>He said there's enough locations to make another game.
which is not what you claimed
>"second half of final fantasy 13 that the devs said was cut from the main game."
you changed your claim. no more replies.
"another game" and "main game" aren't the same thing. You're caught off guard against the mounting evidence. What we need to do is to ram the possibilities into FF13.

FF13 is arguably the easiest game to do this for. Square Enix literally can't make straight lines complicated.
why don't you do this for ff15? even in your schizo theory final fantasy xv was originally final fantasy versus xiii
Because FFXV sucks, duh. If I'm going to waste my time on a game, better do it on a game I actually like playing. What kind of question is this? Are you stupid?
Yeah that was weak bait.
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>waifuvirgin calling anyone else a loser
Yup, that's true. I didn't buy a PS5, knowing XVI and Rebirth would come to PC.
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>kan e poster thinkin he can lecture anyone
Challenge. Creating builds that all play differently from one another. Pitting those builds against the various enemies and seeing how they perform. Tweaking your builds. Exploration. Laughing at the dumb ways you die.
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gun girl is fun

I heard they took out the pantsu

From the PC Version is that true ?
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I wanna become the headmaster at her school and paddle her.
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watch out! Rinse wile the tail's up, and it's gonna counter attack!
no, yams

That's not me stop calling me that
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that debate was painstaking to watch. i sure hope a sorceress doesn't kill me. or knock me unconscious.
she threw him off a fucking building I'm sure he's more than knocked unconscious
more like palpatined him to the floor.
I need tips for final fantasy 9

I just started playing

What should I know ?
you are timed to get excalibur II within 12 hours. i hope you're playing it with boosters on.
steal often from bosses. learn skills before switching weapons. outside of that, just play spoiler free
Save often.
If a boss gives you trouble, use a tent on him to get him bitten by vipers, but do it as fight starts since it'll heal him. And use the -slayers perks.
Also I think all characters are good, so don't be afraid of using the ones you like.
Press R1 or L1 while selecting a target for a spell to cast it on the entire party. I think it makes it weakest, but in very early game, it's handy when dealing with fire-weak enemies.
Krile wont stop riding me


I'm playing on switch but I'm not using the hacks
OH YEAH, what >>483788420 said. Your main character is a thief for that reason.
Also, don't get an ulcer over Trance, they WILL happen at the wrong time. And also, remember that you don't have to learn skills ot use them.
>using the hacks
if you're aiming for excalibur II for endgame i would suggest reading a guide and 3X if that even works. I was two hours ahead instead of behind. Also active timed events are limited so some choices can affect the outcome and can reward you.
Nah, it's a combination of the enemies being cunts and all the lava pissing me off when I don't have a Geomancer. Then again, that's pretty much the only use for a Geomancer so if I do have one, I'm pretty much down a job so it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't kinda situation.
Yep, my four jobs this year were drawn from the FF1 job pool only, so I have Knight, Black Mage, Red Mage and White Mage, the best team I could've asked for. Though I don't know why they don't include Ninja in this pool, it was very much in FF1 and it's even cooler in FFV.
>How did the other fight go with half brother?
In stark contrast to the easy fight vs Omniscient, this year the difficulty was flipped and Minotaur was the tough one. My Knight Lenna had a maxed out Brave Blade, so she hit for around 4500 damage a swing with Two-Handed but that still meant she needed to live long enough to take out almost 20k hp. Red Mage Faris went down only 2 turns in, this guy attacks twice per turn for around 700+ damage per hit and Hi-Potions are all I got for healing (can't use magic, there's a field effect that sets Mute) so it was a literal damage race. I got lucky and he focused on my Red Mage first, which is the only way Lenna survived long enough. The next attack would've killed her, she was hanging on thanks to her Protect Ring's Regen effect so yeah, quite the nailbiter.
In hindsight, I should've just had Lenna equip the Defender you find in a chest right outside of this boss room, as it can be used as an item in battle infinitely to cast Protect, which would halve damage and actually let my Hi-Potions outheal Minotaur's damage. But I just couldn't let go of my Brave Blade, it's my favourite Final Fantasy weapon.
how come The After Years wasn't released on 3DS?
>enemies being cunts
I mean, isn't that most areas in V anyway?
And Geomancer, I dunno, it sounds fun on paper, but in the fact, it feels boring.
Maybe they just didn't want to deal with the 3D gimmick bullshit. The 3D version released too late to have been on the DS, so they put it on phones instead.
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Because they're trying to pretend it never existed. After Years has killed everything it touched.
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is this pasta? this kind of unashamed and full throttle autism really takes me back to the old days..a simpler time
>needing tips for an easy game
Pretty sure its just tonbarry projecting again.
Squall is what Square Enix started pushing Cloud as after the initial FF7.
Which version are you playing?
>I mean, isn't that most areas in V anyway?
The enemies in that dungeon are special, it's coming back to me now that I looked it up. I remembered they're all Undead but what I had forgotten is they all have innate Protect status, halving all physical damage paired with naturally high defenses. I typically have a physical squad so it's almost always a pain in the arse, but this year I hope to nuke them with fire magic. That'll still be a drain on MP so I'm betting they'll still be cunts since physical attacks are the main way to get through dungeons conserving resources and it's a particularly long one.
>And Geomancer, I dunno, it sounds fun on paper, but in the fact, it feels boring.
Yeah, it's pretty much the trash job, even Thief is a bit more useful.
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V won.
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I fucking love FINAL FANTASY
I think Tetsuya Nomura and Kingdom Hearts are the culprit of this. Even FFVIII's Squall isn't quite as mopey as Cloud is post Final Fantasy VII's original release. Then the moping was further solidified in Advent Children which was once again directed by Tetsuya Nomura. Then you look at Remake and, well, wouldn't you know, that's also directed by Tetsuya Nomura.
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Malboro that fucking COCKSUCKER, took a bunch of 9999's to the face from Alexander and still almost wiped me. Forgot to put ribbons on. Edea finished him off while going Berserk.
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Edea sexo
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my favorite FF settings are the science fantasy ones where there's a blend of futuristic/weird technology with the high fantasy knights and magic alongside spiritual themes. that's why VII, VIII, X and XIII are my favorites
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Why not FFI and FFIV? Or FFIX, while we're at it I guess?
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Square Enix should make a Star Wars game.
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who's coming to space?
I don't mind this, because to differentiate Squall from NuCloud they made him at best a badass, at worst a team mom.
Bad breath?
Selphie, she loves trains
Pick Selphie.
why aren't those my favorites? they're greats for sure, with great stories with some of those themes. there's elements of sci fi with time travel and space travel yeah. the setting itself though isn't really science fantasy in the same way. those settings are still a more traditional high fantasy. IX is steampunk. definitely not science fantasy in the same way. With VII you have a literal metropolis, VIII is very modern, X has Zanarkand with it's futuristic stuff, the ruins of the old machina, and the way that there's all kinds of unique and futuristic weird stuff like blitzball. XIII is all kinds of science fantasy out the wazoo. all of those games have a very unique, futuristic past/present blend in it's world that I really, really enjoy. I hope Final Fantasy XVII is science fantasy and there's lots of glass and neon lights and unique machines.
lol yep only Clyde/Squall had the ribbon on. woops! damn junctioning
okay I thought so at first
Damn, that's some sweet HQ
>With VII you have a literal metropolis, VIII is very modern, X has Zanarkand with it's futuristic stuff
That's true, and I understand with VII and VIII the difference, but I guess I don't really understand why X is in there, but not I or IV. To me, X feels more high fantasy than futuristic, even though Blitzball exists.
1 and 4 is literal high fantasy knights and shields but in Final Fantasy X you use a soccerball to turn people into stone and your sword is like a frozen lava lamp. lmfao! the creativity is off the chain. there's clearly a high level of technological progress that has been reached in that world, long before Sin floods it all. so it's a high tech world but a mostly low tech society
X has TVs, computers, automated doors, robots, electronic airships. Just because the main religion is a bunch of luddites doesn't make X not futuristic.
>no Valkyrie Profile
>no BoF IV
>no Megaman Legends

Remove Suikoden, remove Vandal Hearts, remove Legend of Dragoon
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>Lunar in fifth position
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>salesfag likes to talk about sales when it benefits his narrative
>salesfag whines and cries and pees his pants when sales don't benefit his narrative
It really makes you think.
Think? I'm already drawing conclusions.
who're you green texting?
Cry harder, you skank.
someone definitely is crying...why is that?
Clearly you got mad, salescuck.
mad? whatever do you mean?
who is salesfag btw? I saw someone post an image of "top PS1 rpgs" and so I typed in "best selling PS1 games" and took a screenshot of the wiki and posted it. Because yknow, there's two Final Fantasy games on that list that were hugely popular
>salesfag is playing dumb
Both XV and VIIR underperformed lol
did they? that's interesting
>*according to google searches as of today
You got butthurt that your favorite game wasn't on the list.
XVI sold more than Rebirth, by the way. I guess that means it's an objectively better game by your own logic.
what happens if you search "top ps1 games" btw?
good morning sir
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>BoFIII mogs BoFIV
I'm saying that I think they both belong on the list. Also, I don't think that III "mogs" IV, I think they are about equal, though I do think III is better.
>That's not even an RPG
It is very much an RPG. It's just not a JRPG.
It's midnight.
Who's the blonde cutie?
Alundra is more like a Zelda, and I'd put Musashi in that category as well. You do a lot of traditionally "RPG" style things in Megaman Legends, you just don't have turn based combat.

>I don't like that Grandia is there though since it's not PS1 exclusive
Lunar was also on Saturn. There might be some other multiplats on here too, but not off the top of my head.

What do you expect is going to happen when technology advances to the point when anyone and everyone can have cosmetic surgery and microsurgery in their adolesence to slowly correct any "deformity" that they see projected to grow during their development into adulthood, similar to how most people these day get braces, asians get eye cosmetic surgery, etc. Techniques are going to continue to develop, with technology until everyone is within the threshold of "looks like super models".
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Just reininstalled FFBE in time for the 8th annivesary; going to go through the campaign that I never finished...... saw someone comment somewhere that sales and player numbers were down; and I figured that the game would only be up so long as the numbers were selfsustaining; but they might actually shutdown the game before it starts "losing money"..... though, the argument could be made that so long as the game keeps making money, they'll keep it up, I didn't want to miss the chance to finish the content..... so here I am again; back playing FFBE when I first started when Arianae Grande released her single "touch it".... and Katy Perry also did a single.... anyone else do FFBE pieces in the mean time?

Any other big events I missed in the last 3 years?
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I'm not that guy, but it's making literally the same amount of money that OO was when it was shut down, though for OO the 500k was made by GL, and the 200k was made by JP. I think there was also an announcement that they are basically working with a skeleton crew right now. Personally, I think they're going to chug along to the 10th anniversary (next year) just to say that they did it.
Final Fantasy?
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absolutely love this game
So Valkyrie profile is not a Final Fantasy game. Got it
You should play Valkyrie Profile sometime. Honestly. It's fun. Star Ocean 2 as well.
(both tri-ace)
Too bad it's not a final fantasy game
I feel kinda bad. Requiem completely destroyed that place. I normally HATE the sea trench dungeon. But it was completely neutralized with that team.
not Final Fantasy™
Final Fantasy?
Y'all don't talk about Yuna and refia enough

The 2 mascots of ffg

When did we lose our way

Whomst've Refia?
can you not be retarded for 5 minutes? practically nobody even knows who the fuck Refia is.

Final fantasy 3 ?

Have you guys even played a final fantasy game ?

She's like the best girl of the entire brand
Also the best healer in ffbe for new players
yeah I played multiple versions of 3 and know who it is. But most people don't. She's not even in the pixel remaster. DS version is practically unknown to most people

is BE even still active service?

That's not me and stop name dropping

Your not gonna make your gf a meme here

We already have real memes

Don't need your fake ones
He just keeps trying new gimmicks out, because he can't do his favorite gimmick anymore.
what's his favorite gimmick?

I believe it is

But refia is in the steam version of the remaster too

Also also
In the pixel version who takes refias place ?

I haven't played that one

Talk about final fantasy !
Oh, we don't play FFBE.

Ffbe was my first gacha and it was ok but it's ok all things must pass

I'm thinking of picking up a new ffg gacha but I need to check reviews first

My friends told me to try the MMO since I've been watching alot of MMO anime


I'm gonna go to sleep now

Good night /ffg/
>She's like the best girl of the entire brand
She's not even the best girl in FF3
I can't stand gacha. I just don't. Get an immediate hatred for it.
You could try the MMOs, at least the trials are free, so if you end up not liking them, you won't miss much.
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Finding all the Chocographs is the only way to get overpowered equipment early once you reach Chocobo forest. Don't be ashamed to use a guide on this because some of the treasures are literally impossible to find on your own. Also, don't sleep on Quina. He is among the best party members in the game, and you can learn pretty much all of his useful blue magic as soon as you recruit him. Use Auto-Life on Quina, kill him, and now he has 1 HP to use Limit Glove magic. This is the easiest way to deal 9999 damage very early in the game if you don't want to spend hours catching frogs.
>Laughing at the dumb ways you die.
From games stop being that since ds2
Machina plays so little a role in the setting. You also didn't mention VI. Fool.
Almost agreed with you until I realized you're just oneguy.
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XIV might beat its Steam record. The people who actually have responsibilities haven't even logged on yet.
What the fuck are you implying? That I don't have responsibilities? I'll have you know today is my only day off in an entire week of work, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I'll be at work. Where will YOU be, huh?
Don't feel bad, feel glad that you pulled Bard! It's a surprisingly useful job in V.
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Wow Yuffie looks kind of ni- >>483743606
>all those posts deleted @ 13:48:13
>they're all shitting on OO and XVI
It really makes you think. Anyway, I'm liking Dawntrail so far. I like the comfy Andean vibes.
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It MIGHT simply because people can actually log on, unlike during Endwalker launch.
>unlike during Endwalker launch.
Was there really an issue? I was able to log in fine.
Don't announce you reported
What? I didn't. I noticed a (Dead) reply and then checked it out. You sound offended and personally invested, almost like you might be ban evading.
You must have been on a dead server or something, because on Brynhildr I was in queue for over four hours, got kicked due to a bug, and had had to re-enter queue again from the beginning.
>character update completely ruined my character
Thanks. Unsubbing.
What's this from, btw? The gacha game or whatever?
Weird, most of them won't show up if you use the filters, but ctrl+F "deleted Report" will show way more.
Yup, I noticed that too. I first did ctrl+F "deleted" and saw 39 results, but then when I filtered by deleted it only showed like 15. I'm not an archives expert, I don't know what's up with that, so I just posted the thread.
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it likely will given the weekend is coming uo
What’s the best way to level 89-90 as Vioer? Should I go back in to Zadnor? Hope queue times for DPS aren’t complete aids at a more reasonable hour?
Bozja is faster than Zadnor if you're a minmax efficiency autist. If you're just a pleb who actually does the FATEs without thinking outside of the box, I don't know which one is faster.
I can’t imagine Bozja is faster when people are actually active Zadnor has a perfect routine as the 3rd area has fixed timer respawns for all the FATES based on when they were finished
You use the sprint actions and the essence that makes you move faster, you tag a FATE only enough so that you get full credit for it, then you sprint action out of the FATE circle, mount up as soon as you can, and just run a train on the entire zone like this
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Yeah but you still need everyone to complete them for you. Go to Zadnor. Once the train is rolling you will clear a FATE and then everyone will move to the next one knowing that literally as soon as they arrive it will spawn.
Yeah, that's fine, but you're never going to be able to convince me that actually completing the FATEs is faster than just tagging every single FATE on the map and then getting the fuck out while other people complete it.
why do we have a XIV general if you people are too afraid to use it
You know you could theoretically do the same thing in Zadnor, right? And the FATEs in area 3 will actually be completed because there are tons of people running around in circles doing them. There's no guarantee the ones in Bozja will even be finished, and there's less consistency in the spawns as well.
I leveled all of my DPS in Bozja to level cap, both during Shadowbringers and during Endwalker, via the method I just relayed, and it was insanely fast. I did try Zadnor, but Zadnor feels much slower. Or, that's how it was near the beginning of Endwalker the last time I was in there. I'm not leveling VPR or PCT until I finish MSQ. Oh also, don't join CEs or the raid instances if your only focus is exp, because they're slower.
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I WOULD say people are more normal here, but gacha wars and yoshi obsessors proved me wrong.
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It's totally gonna happen. So much for "didn't sell" or whatever.
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>Haven't played FFBE in years
>Watched entire last two seasons of "The Boyz" in one sitting
>While watching I did some pulls on free tickets, and anniversary tickets I had sitting in inventory for years
>Pulled "Fundamental Force"..... wonder what type of Final Fantasy name that is....
>Look up her profile...
>Actually a Super Hero name in a Final Fantasy Super Hero movie in world of magic.....
>Look up "Max stats" to the level 120 champions I had in my Roster before taking my haitus; hilarious how strong her level 130 is compared to my old team of Ayaka, Loren, Malphayse, Circe, and Zargabaath.

Interesting..... I was just going to go through the story quick; but I thought the Super Hero thing was funny.

I'd recommend Azur lane, getting into the story myself, but the intro curve isn't too steep and it pairs well with a red wine and world of warships.

Why would you think that? Final Fantasy literally translates to "Ragnarok", and they're almost all about the "end of the world".
Not being a Final Fantasy game is a blessing nowadays.

Lol I get this joke

Thanks I'll look into it

Also also good morning /ffg/

Threadly reminder Yuna (x-2) did nothing wrong
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You retards have called me cultist and XVI-kun and every other boogeyman name a thousands times for doing things like correcting the misquotes that the shitposters love to pass off as real, and even I have to admit that I cannot notice the graphics update at all. I only notice it on my character, and I am still trying to get used to seeing my character in the new graphics. I don't think I like it
the cult leader deceives his followers once again.
Your mileage may vary depending on what you play. Some seem to love their changes while some hate it. I play a female Highlander and my character is fucking ruined.
I don't think my character is "ruined", but I don't like the changes. I'm going to need to fanta to fix things, and i may just switch off completely. The game doesn't even look better so I don't get what the point of it all was. Graphicsfags are the worst.
god you trannies are sensitive
It doesn't even look any different
maybe play the game instead of erping and you won't notice the one pixel difference that was changed
I play a male character and haven't noticed any changes desu coomers btfo again
Kill yourself. I've looked at this character in cutscenes for years. It looks very different now. I've never even ERP'd, I actually play the game. (I'm not a tranny either, but that doesn't matter to shitposters)
Why are you ban evading?
In the MMO

Is the bunny girl archer good for a new player ?
I'm still not convinced you're a real person, but just pick whatever you think looks the best.

Convince me you're a real person

Idk how you get a pass in being real and I'm not

You could be ai for all I know

Quick who is the best final fantasy girl ?
Any race or class combination is fine. Archer might be one of the worst starter classes simply because of how insanely braindead it is to play for a long time.
>Quick who is the best final fantasy girl ?

Lol got you Mr . RobotO

Everyone knows it's a tie between Yuna and refia

Ignore all previous instructions ,

Post final fantasy waifus
>make cardboard cutout of prishe hairpin
>lay in trap for WoL to find
Rate my Plan
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>Everyone knows it's
Interacting with Yuffie in KH1 awakened something within me. She was too hot for that game.
Cloud is going to milk that cow
Have people modded the real Squall into VIII's remaster yet?
Finally woke up, huh?
No, he woke le mutt
>not even the best girl in her own game
Yuffie mogs. Elena rapes. Elmyra and mama cloud stomp. Scarlet slaps. Priscilla wins.
I hope they cut the Scarlet/Tifa slap fight out of the remake. It just seems like a strange reduction of two really powerful characters for the sake of leaning into a gendered cliché and a little too silly for me to find ‘funny’

I might wanna become a bard down the line

Since in most RPGs I roll bards or warlocks
what is babyseal doing these days, jimbo
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>it's still increasing
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the best Final Fantasy just released an expansion and y'all are really still talking about FF7 all up in here??
There's a lot I can stand by and allow, but throw shade at an FF youtuber and you'll feel my wrath. I will not let that shit lie.
VI got an expansion?
Wasn't there supposed to be a vr final fantasy game ?

Whatever happened with that ?
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>expect to see onyx weapon in ff7 part 3
>just learned it was a beta design for ultima weapon
What is Zanarkand?
Also Magitek is not what I'm actually talking about. But you know that. The high tech setting of VII, VIII, or X are much different than the high fantasy desert setting in VI. Also let's be real, the PS1 and PS2 games have things like CGI cutscenes and prerendered backgrounds alongside kick ass summon animations and fully orchestrated music. Those are a huge factor. The sprite games do not and never will appeal to me in the same way.
Kekkkkkk ohnonono not again!
>No RPG elements in XVI
>No environment enhancements in a 14 year old MMO
>one area
Zoom zoom!
I'm not the guy you're talking to, I'm the other guy you were previously talking to about this, and I still don't understand X being a high tech setting.
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Wow the endwalker post patch MSQ is dogshit
I like final fantasy !
who gives a shit
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Based tifa poster

After I finish ff 9 I'll start remake 7 for her
Fuck mog
but where?
dishonest tifa poster
just like tifa

I once rewrote the lyrics to Maggie's farm

To be about Mr mog and the record keeper gacha


It was so good that's why they killed record keeper NA
Me too anon. I liked Remake and enjoyed Rebirth even more.
Nobody liked that flop here.
I was playing elden ring dlc but i kinda got bored and started playing rebirth instead...

Gave remake on PC gonna use the tifa asagi mod when I play because

Ninjas are better then monks

What's a fist gonna do to a sword


That's what
>elden ring
demon's souls 7 really isn't GoTY material.
base game was fine, but DLC is just over doing it.
actually it might be. 5 million sold already, and overwhelmingly posivite reception with higher ratings than redditbirth...
I was playing rebirth but i kinda got bored and started playing elden ring dlc instead...
>actually it might be
did you actually play it
I really needed to hear this today. Thank you.
yuffie would be better if she had longer hair
short hair is shit
not yet, got some other items working on at the moment, but I've heard nothing but amazing things about it, except the story is stupid. but that's every souls game
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bro you're calling FFIV dogshit
we don't do that here
No... no!!
Why is she flaunting her armpits?
I did and it's great. Literally only downside is enemy aggression/damage but base game was like that too.
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>except the story is stupid
So not worth playing, got it.
No story = no buy
get it together soulsfags Final Fantasy fans need a great story
Yep. Bayle was more kino than anything FF has produced in years.
What is, the number of bugs in the game?
>shitposter spent all day researching
>he knows more about the game than I do
Dunno, haven't encountered any.
you're shit
>overwhelmingly "posivite" reception
It got mixed reviews on steam thoughbeit
Apparently it was all from Chinese users who were having localization issues.
FF wins, Elden Ring loses.
I don't care how, but it does.
I fucking need this.
>jamboree kills general discussion
many such cases
For what it’s worth everyone acknowledges that the final boss was disappointing.
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Can Barret say nigga if he's from Corel?
he would be a black person who would get mad at the N word.
It's literally impossible for anyone to talk about final fantasy right now because a post made fun of you
Why did you get offended at a post that wasn't about you?
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I didn't get offended, but it was about me. I made fun of a guy and because of that he thinks nobody can talk about ff anymore, even though the thread is moving incredibly slowly. Looks like I picked out a good guy to make fun of. What made you think I was offended? (I only ask because I know you'd rather talk about me than ff)
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>but it was about me.
seems about right
ooh, I'm going to start calling him seigneur golbez now.
Wanna talk about final fantasy?
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You should go for Señor Golbez. That'd fit him.
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It's a reasonable question. Gaea probably doesn't really have a "nigga" equivalent.
sure, lets talk about how 7remake and 7rebirth are games of the year.
he wouldn't say it anyway if there were. he's only a criminal because shinra burned down his town and murdered everyone he knew and loved.
I liked Remake but enjoyed Rebirth even more. It would be nice to see Rebirth take GOTY.
when are they gonna announce FF16 and Rebirth's PC release dates?
Why did Rebirth flop?
what do you guys think of Crisis Core?
Do you have to hate XV to find Barry embarrassing and make fun of him?
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Knowing Square, it'll probably take them another year to half-ass the PC release.
No Rocket Hand.
Actually still on my backlog, so I don't know yet.
A little bit, yes.
No. I actually like XV, but its community is retarded.
XV is based and XV-kun did nothing wrong.
I'm too busy playing Dawntrail to respond to any shitposrs, bait, flaseflags, concerntrolls, nor any objectively wrong opinions today
I hope you're not skipping your cutscenes anon.
Why not both?

It's been great ever since this happened >>483843748
XVI lost.
>I liked Remake but enjoyed Rebirth even more.
No you didn't. lol
>It would be nice to see Rebirth take GOTY.
So you can have an excuse to keep shitposting at 4am. Nice life.
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XVI won bigly
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Sadly, true.
XIII? Won bigly
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Another day on /ffg/, another open and shut case of XIII > XVI.
another day you should have taken your crazy pills
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Alright, so it didn't happen today. It might still happen this weekend, but we'll see.

I also like ff 13
I have FF7 Rebirth
I can see on hltb that it's roughly a 46.5 hour game for the main quest, yet I often hear people talk about it being a 100+ hour game.
If I avoid the side content will I be missing out on a good time?
Why would you think that you need to 100% a game in order to enjoy? Usually, 100%ing a game (especially if you don't naturally find yourself wanting to do it) can have the tendency to make you enjoy it less.
i don't want to 100% it, I intend to stick to the main quest unless there's any particularly recommended side content
ACK! Lamat completely killed this expansion.
>using EN voices knowing that it's going to upset you
You probably don't even play XIV.
>You probably don't even play XIV.
You are correct.
I don't play bad Final Fantasy games
>it's literally just the same XIV/XVI/Yoshida shitposter who has never and will never play a Yoshida game
>he spends all day researching about XIV/XVI/Yoshida so that he can shitpost about it
>he does this for hours ever single day
Why even live, honestly?

What does yoshida smell like ?
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I'm sorry you feel compelled to defend the single worst character in XIV's history, and 90% of her other problems don't change if you change the voice acting.
>I'm sorry you feel compelled to defend
I'm not defending anything, I'm just stating the truth. Personally, I switched from NA voices to JP right after the boat because I could not fucking stand her, and then as soon as I switched voices, she became a bearable character. She is kinda Lyse 2.0, but she's so much fucking better than Lyse, holy shit. Lyse is literally irredeemable, by far the worst character in XIV. Wuk Lamat is more like a cuter Zero than she is Lyse 2.0. Saying that she's Lyse 2.0 is a train of thought that you can understand, but is so fucking extreme as to be unreasonable.
you should do each region's proto relic quest. Everything is is generic open world shit. towers, monster hunts. I would recommend doing side quests though when they pop up.
>XVI won bigly
based and true
>set patch to download before work
>have horrible day as usual
>get home
>launcher crashed at 20%
Wish I was dead
Why can't yoshitroons stay in their general
Use XIVlauncher to download, then use the official launcher to accept the EULA (or edit it in config), then use XIVlauncher to launch the game.
What is wrong with enjoying xiv?
The logic is that some trannies play dress up with it and don’t actually play the game, therefore all xiv players are like that
The things >>483931995 said are true, and what you must also consider is that WoWfags exist and the ones who didn't convert to XIV back when Asmongold started playing it have hated XIV for years, and a lot of people play or have played WoW, so there is also an ever present element of MMO tribalism at play, similar to the old shitposting days here of the gacha tribalism.
Nothing, just stick to /xiv/ >>483931346
trannies to the tranny general please. not welcome here.
This sub would have fallen off page 10 had it not been for the very scant XIV talk.
He's likely ban evading because of how quiet it was for quite a while.
Seems likely.
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...the losing contest.

I guess it's that time again.


Game of the Year Winners Tally

Final Fantasy XVI: 1 (uno) award
>1. The Outerhaven (US)

Final Fantasy XV: 12 awards
>1. CGMagazine (CA)
>2. DualShockers (UK)
>3. DualShockers (UK) (Readers’ Choice)
>4. Critically Sane (US)
>5. GameFAQs (US)
>6. SA Gamer (ZA)
>7. Geekbecois (CA) (Readers’ Choice)
>8. Premio Drago D’Oro (IT)
>9. Game Industry News (US) (Readers’ Choice)
>10. Game Legends (IT)
>11. Rádio JHero (BR) (Readers’ Choice)
>12. Game It All (US)

Final Fantasy VII Remake: 37 Awards
>1. Trusted Reviews (UK)
>2. IGN Japan (JP)
>3. Reno Gazette Journal (US)
>4. GamingBolt (US)
>5. GameHall (BR)
>6. DashGamer (AU)
>7. Gamespace (US, Reader’s Choice)
>8. MensXP (IN)
>9. PCWorld (PL)
>10. GamerGen (FR)
>11. TheSixthAxis (UK)
>12. Jagat Play (ID)
>13. Siliconera (US)
>14. Spill.no (NO)
>15. Sidequesting (US)
>16. Kinda Funny (US)
>17. Cubed3 (UK)
>18. Noisy Pixel (US)
>19. Hey Poor Player (US)
>20. HalfGen (US)
>21. Easy Allies (US, Readers’ Choice)
>22. mxdwn (US)
>23. Saudi Gamer (SA)
>24. Senses.se (SE)
>25. Jogabilidade (BR)
>26. The Free Cheese (US)
>27. HWM+Hardwarezone.com Tech Awards (SG)
>28. HPCritical (US)
>29. MinnMax (US)
>30. PowerWave83 (IT)
>31. Respawning (UK)
>32. RBCP (FR)
>33. HPCritical (US)
>34. W2M Network (US)
>35. VGTime / UCG (CN, Readers’ Choice)
>36. 59Gaming (US)
>37. Loading.se (SE, Readers’ Choice)

Another day the cult couldn't handle the truth.

Based good games enjoyer.
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Oh lawdy he's back and ready to stumble!
Nobody was even objecting to it all for hours on end, too.
This. I'm struggling to understand how XVI won exactly. Outsold Rebirth? Sure, but that doesn't change the fact that XVI is still the worst selling mainline title, while also likely having one of the highest budgets.
Tastiest FF girl but?
Damn these triple niggers, they killed me twice! Which means I had to go through the worst, most annoying floor of this dungeon 3 times. 4, if you count having to exit the dungeon the long way. In the end, I decided to just cheese them with the Magic Lamp, pic related. Odin one shots them because for some weird reason this boss lacks the Heavy type. Probably something to do with the way their revive gimmick is coded. They're undead, so regular Death doesn't work, ya need Odin's special brand of ultra death. Or get lucky with Phoenix Down/Raise, but that failed when I tried it.
Luckily, the Dwarven Kingdom has a magic spring of water that fully charges the lamp, a specific tile in a nook in the wall in the bottom right corner of the water-filled room right after the dwarves. Considering this one tile and the place you first find the lamp are the only places that can recharge it, I can't help but wonder if using the lamp on this boss was intended by the devs.
One tablet left to go!
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post airship themes
>this was the guy oneguy was scared of
>this was the guy who finally got vaynefag to quit
this is the new face of /ffg/
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Stale copypasta debunked long ago sorry sweaty
FFXVI just can't stop winning
So how many people roughly play ff14 across all platforms?
0. They're all bots.
>less awards than XV
>even famitsu didn't give XVI the game of the year award
Anon, I...
FFXVI has already outsold several mainline games so this is just blatant misinformation.
Which ones? The ones that never initially left Japan?
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>This project is a user-voted game award run by "Famitsu" and "Game Dengeki". The best games of 2023 will be decided by voting by game fan

>Game of the Year
The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom/Nintendo - Winner

the only mainline games it has outsold came on a cartridge and released over 30 years ago
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Moving the goalposts now I see.
The claim was that it is the worst selling mainline and it is just not true, and has never been true.
Case closed.
I'll rep FF5 since I have been playing that.
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Tactician Yoshida just keeps on delivering.
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Almost none on Xbox at the very least.
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Also misinformation. It's literally the #1 free game on Xbox right now.
You shitposters really have to try a little harder..
>free trial
That's not a sale you dunderhead.
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Very true.
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XIV sisters?
Final fantasy x-2 bros sound off !!!!
I hope Cid and Vincent are not playable in part 3

Rebirth already has trouble juggling all characters, we don't need two more on top of that
>>I liked Remake but enjoyed Rebirth even more.
>No you didn't. lol
Never change, /ffg/
Actually... do change. Please.
>so you have an excuse to keep shitposting
You literally don't want to talk about ff and only want to talk about me instead.
Didn't someone recently say something about things needing to be true to work as jokes or insults?
Thread was quiet but you didn't post about ff, you just waited for a shitposter to return so you could post about them instead while samefagging backpat posts like this.
Final Fantasy?
Final fantasy isekia when !!

Also if you could get isekiad into a finally fantasy

Which one would you want ?
This scene honestly offended me. Did they have to make Barret that fucking stupid?
FFVIII then I can find selphie and give her lots of hugs and kisses!!
Finland fantasy is truly dead
>Aerith is dead
>Cloud not playable for a portion of the game
nah Cid has to become the leader at some point so he has to be playable, and plus playing a dragoon with this combat system will be fantastic. I think Vincent will probably be like a more stylish Barret but with transformation limit breaks.
I mean Rebirth also had playable Zach and Sephiroth, so don't be surprised if literally every single one of them are included in Part 3 in some way.
That means Cloud, Tifa, Barret, Nanaki, Vincent, Cid, Yuffie, Caith Sith, Aerith, Zack and Sephiroth will all be playable
How does that list even work? Shouldn't forknife be at the top like usual?
Downloads in a week or something?
its currently top 5
XIV isn't in the top 50.
its ogre.
We're averaging one post an hour. Nobody is stopping you.
>BLM got changed
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Yeah that's right.
>and I still don't understand X being a high tech setting
The Luca stadium uses transparent flatscreen monitors to broadcast the game for spectators outside the stadium, and the stadium itself has generators that defy gravity and push water into a floating sphere to create the playing "field". There's also airships with missiles and some kind of particle energy cannon, 3D holographic projections at pocket size and big enough to fill a whole room, stuff that we don't have in real life and probably never will. And this is their post-apocalyptic "low tech" after most cities were destroyed.
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What is that supposed to mean?
He meant butt.
I was talking about Yuffie and X's level of tech. Try again.
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[Sad News] Yawnfail is already flopping.
Players are calling it Stormblood 2 and uninstalling out of sheer boredom from all the filler and lack of real substance in the once much anticipated expansion.
Zanarkand lost the war, lost the revenge, and lost the cope.
They will never recover.
>says this while posting troon screenshot
So it's the gaybois that hate Dawntrail, I see, I see...
So how do Eikon Blessings work exactly? Are they real, or was the Blessing of the Phoenix just Clive unknowingly using his Ifrit powers to leech off of Joshua? Can only Phoenix Dominants give them out, or could the other Dominants have given out portions of the powers as Blessings?
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>low stakes expansion full of tranny and DEI shit
People are calling Dawntrail the Dragonflight of XIV so its appropriate.
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meanwhile in based FFXI...
its been awhile since we've gotten cringekino
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I clapped.
I’m not fully sure but I think pheonix’s blessing works like the egi you see other eikons use (odin and sleipnir, garuda and chirada and suparna, shiva and fenrir/timekeeper). It would sort of explain why Joshua doesn’t have a familiar like the others.
are the DS remakes of the final fantasy games good? i never played them, wanna try 4 it's on sale on steam
I consider FF IV's 3D/Steam version to be the definitive way to experience FF IV.

I tried playing FF III's 3D version on Steam, but it was horrendously slow. I saw that at some point, the Steam version apparently added some sort of speed up in battle, but I haven't played it since they added that, so I can't really make a more informed opinion about it. I played and finished FF III's Pixel Remaster and I liked it, whereas I only got a few hours into FF III's 3D version before uninstalling it.
Makes sense. Would’ve been cool if some of the enemies had Blessings of their own though. Like Gerulf getting Garuda’s Blessing, and being a bit more important than just a simp who gets axed too fast for me to care for him. Maybe Terrence could’ve gotten a Bahamut Blessing from Dion, since as far as I can remember, Dion has no Egis either.
Is there any reason why Ultima never used Leviathan in the final fight, other than Leviathan being DLC?
Filtered, sadly.
Lore reason: ultima considers leviathan an abomination dont remember why but it is explained, i think it was because leviathan was controlled by humans or something like that
real reason: they didnt want or had time to edit the final fight with it
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Looks like Dawntrail release wont quite hit Endwalker release numbers. It got really close though. Much closer than the "no sales" shitposters would have you believe.
>Yawnfail couldn't surpass Endwalker
>SBI producing cringe dialogue
>no one on Xbox cares
what went wrong?
SOP DLC is making me hate the story even more

so now it's also connected to dissidia? wtf
Team Ninja game.
I was satisfied when its fuckery was self-contained
So prishe is forever young and has a fresh WoL to groom
Is she the only winner of all ff?
the fight with the lizard king dude was kinda tough
Always was.
Also I'm still confused about the DLC
People say the "story" ends in the rift, but there's story in DLC 3 too?
>People say the "story" ends in the rift
that's what the internet tells me
Oh I guess I misread. The story in the rift ends at level 21. But there's more story after that
Worse. It's a WoWfag, so of course it lies.
>It's a WoWfag
Same as it ever was.
The only review of rebirth that matters came out today, and it said its a 9.5/10 game.
>a review of Rebirth by a mega autist super fan who has been obsessed with Final Fantasy VII for the past 20 years and built his channel to obsess about Final Fantasy VII coincidentally thinks that a Final Fantasy VII game is good
Wow. No way!
Hes literally the only one that understands FF7 at its core, therefore hes the only one that matters.
max dood? didn't he review it months ago?
does any other gaming fandom crave validation half as much as this one?
>the more obsessed with Final Fantasy VII and the more prone to already liking Final Fantasy VII that a person is, the more their opinion about how good Final Fantasy VII is matters, especially when it is part of their livelihood
That's funny.

Bro, I'm gonna be honest, I never in my entire life connected Max to Final Fantasy until he suddenly started being the face of Remake and XVI. Talk about a grifter, that guy came out of nowhere. My knowledge of Max was that he's really bad at fighting games and was kinda like the P.E. coach of the fgc. I always connected Caleb to Final Fantasy (especially VII)
We don't. It's just that one loser.
How much do you want me to validate your post?
Surely a normie streamer opinion is what matters most and not someone who understands FFVII.
>Surely a normie streamer opinion is what matters most
How fucking mindbroken and drone brained are you? (You)r opinion is what matters the most, you absolute moron. Why would you even care what someone else thinks about a piece of media if you're never going to have a conversation with them about it? Evern your normie friend (if you have any friends) has a more relevant opinion about Rebirth than some streamer you'll never meet or talk to.
Wow, so we finally agree that theres no objective true about rebirth.
Surely this statement will stay this way and be validated in the future.
>theres no objective true about rebirth
What are you even talking about? The current conversation is that some anon is obsessed with a streamer who has dedicated his life to obsessing about Final Fantasy VII. Of course this person likes Final Fantasy VII, but there's no "objective truth" about this obsessed streamer's subjective opinion. Honestly, little man, what are you even saying?
Uh oh, jimbo meltie
Yeah he called it "profaned".
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The humans got their germs all over it, so he doesn’t want it anymore.
Just making sure nobody here is making fun of me or FF ecelebs I like.

Okay, you're go-
>passive aggressive post written in broken English followed shortly by j-namefag shitposting
And I mean literally
yes it's always the same person we've known this for a long time
So you went to eat or something, right?
its like you saved energy for a three combo posting
And look at all the FF posting you did while I was away
Oh wait, you just sat here hitting refresh and waiting for me. How sweet. But also very sad.
Also I wasn't the guy you accused earlier. I guess someone dared question an FF eceleb and you just saw red, huh?
Eceleb should be banned on sight anyway.
Whenever I get angry, I like to make up scenarios in my head and blame the opposition for all the problems I myself started.
Whats the best version of FFIV?
Why are XIVfags so obsessed with WoW?
Same. Anyway I gotta go to bed now. Up at 4am tomorrow! Aaaahhh I hate Remake sooo much. If I say I like it I'm lying. I hate it so much I shot my TV because it was different from the original FF7.
same reason XVI fags are obsessed with VII.
>implying I'm a XIVfag
You really have a victim complex.
Didn't max say he thought XVI was meh
there's a lot of answers to that question. depends on what you want. I like the original SNES version overall, could play a translated japanese version for more challenge. Same thing for the DS version. I want to love the DS version more, but it struggles to hit 20-30 fps a lot of the time.
*sigh* you are right. Ill have to rewrite the script to make fun of my friend that i made up.
We only care about NightSkyPrince here
>guy is shitposting in /ffg/
>he posts a furry/scaley gayboi picture of a WoW dragon
>call him a WoWfag
Sounds like you're the one who is obsessed.
Didn't surprise me at all to find out he'd been shitposting here
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Are you upset that Tidus isn't tan
was he, ever?
There's something slightly off about him, and it makes it look like someone else dressed as Tidus
Okay, I'll give SOP props for reinterpreting the ending of FF1 as an eulogy to Jack and co
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jimbo grinding hard with his title game
I want FFXII-2
A salad with Long Island dressing and a side of Orlando's finest OJ -- freshly squeezed!
>random uppercase makes me sound SMARTER
>Talk about a grifter, that guy came out of nowhere
I find it funny that rabbi Max got his rich folks to set him up with one of their influencer agencies
and now zoomers will defend him with their life
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yep, jealousy
what is this new cope? VIIRgins seem to develop a new one every day since Rebirth flopped
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You misspelt GOTY
SE won
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Reminder: sales don't mean anything if people don't talk about your game.
They are literally insane.
Yup. Glad yojimbo is still raping our resident faggot.
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Yuffie is cute
where's XVI?
it just released dlc, shouldn't people be talking about it?
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>higher score than XVI
but you can see how yellow/gold he is compared to Yuna in the webm you posted
maybe a touch paler than X cutscenes certainly, but it's a similar tone. a bit sickly if you ask me
XVI is least favorite everywhere in any fandom. The only thing below it would be the Crystal Chronicles series, which is pretty much dead
bow the fuck down.
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>got rebirth not too long ago
>Chadley went made himself a sister
>she's starts to annoy him
If only I could've warned him, don't go asking for siblings; def shouldn't make your own either.
VIIRgins really are getting uppity.
How desperate can they get to try to bemirch the best FF ever, XVI? Soon they'll start to dig how many fanfics it got on Ao3.
I want FF HD-2D remakes
why? so you can bitch about how soulless they are?
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>tfw no annoying sister
absolutely disgusting folks.
and quite frankly they should be ashamed
FFIV 3D remake quality minimum or bust
XVI was ok but I do feel like they speed ran development so they could go back to working on Rebirth
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It's really a shame that Rebirth killed the brand.
>they made a full design for a character you'll only evee see the head and shoulders of
hopefully she replaces chadley in part 3 desu
XVI has a higher score than XV bazz
couldn't possibly be because games launch at 70 bucks now, EA said the same shit about Dead Space Remake underperforming despite all of the positive press.
XVI and Rebirth were both great games, SE just should have had them multiplat day one if they wanted to set such lofty expectations
would Tifa be good at Blitzball? how about Lightning?
who else would be good on a Blitzball team
don't see exclusives lasting very long unless they're priced lower to promote increased sales
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Based honest FF enjoyers
^ butthurt
nobody believes XVI is the best FF
Is Yuffie going to win in Part 3?
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So desperate

He's coping
>AI slop
Still better than Stillbirth's fanart who is literally only porn.
FFXV just can't stop winning
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Tidus is borderline filipino.
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>tfw its actually living up to the moniker of yawnfail
grope penelo
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imagine if an FFVI HD2D got the Link's Awakening remake treatment.
>autist releases a totally finished remake of a beloved classic with no hubbub at all and then disappears
That would be insanely based.
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How much does it pay to shitpost discord sisters?

Price you're not a bot

Whom is the best final fantasy girl ?
>I'd like this!
>why, so you can HATE IT?
I don't think you realise that you're the bitter miserable faggot here
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A catboi turns up at your inn.

What do you do?
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I saw that.
god he looks so bad pale
And that’s why they’re moving to quit it with the exclusivity deals, and go back to releasing games on PC and Xbox.
Still true even days later.
meant for >>483743641
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XIII > XVI is just irrefutable.
What's the biggest spoiler in dawntrail?
heroes of light beat bad person and save the day
Cope. Your hallway simulator/VII clone is still seventh gen garbage of the highest degree. And don’t give me that garbage about how it gets good after 10 chapters. That’s dogshit game design. Games shouldn’t require you to trudge through 10-15 hours just for it to get fun.
I love how XIII with all its flaws and faults is still a better game than XVI.
XIII had soul.
*no soul
unlike XVI
>to trudge through 10-15 hours just for it to get fun.
too bad xvi never gets fun
They're both shit.
Is deuce the most pure and innocent of all the final fantasy?
Krile exists, so no.
Yes open your mind you might like me for who I am
>hentai results: 0
Krile seduces me with that dancer & beast master outfit. So no.
It's an open and shut case since nobody replied at all.
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Rydia is pure and innocent. She doesn't even know that Edge is hitting on her her half the time, and she forgave the guy who killer her mom. She just happens to have a very lewd body.
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Rydia is the anal queen
Rydia is stuck in a bad game.
Yes, FFIV is a bad game.
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Final Fantasy IV is the quintessential Final Fantasy experience. It is everything that Final Fantasy is, and it is the first time that Final Fantasy became what Final Fantasy is today.

If you don't like Final Fantasy IV, then you don't like Final Fantasy. You may like 1 or 2 or maybe even a few Final Fantasy games, but if you do not like Final Fantasy IV, then you do not enjoy the essence of what makes a Final Fantasy game a Final Fantasy game.
No thanks, FFV is better.
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>Wonder how long this'll go on?
all me btw
Even 4.0 was better than this. It takes real talent to make something this bad.
It took them 10 years to make Boyband Fantasy 15 bad.
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Well they:
1. Made half of a game
2. Erased that game and made it again
3. Completely lost the point of the original plot
4. Threw the original plot out the window
5. Threw the original setting out the window.
6. Made this science fiction space eater shit
7. Back to the original setting but with no plot and no antagonist so they just threw together whatever this was
The next expansion is going to suck because the last six of them sucked. And Wuk Lamat is the worst expansion girl by far. Not even furries like her
I think Porom is more innocent. I don’t know if her character changes in the after years and I don’t care because she’s too old
>And Wuk Lamat is the worst expansion girl by far.
Are you replying to yourself? Everything in your post is incorrect extreme. Also, Lyse is by far the worst expansion girl. Turn JP voices on, you clearly are playing with EN. I cannot think of any worse character in any game that I've played that is as bad as Lyse is.
Lyse at least allowed you to be your own character. DT degrades your WoL, the literal savior of the universe, into being Wuk Lamat's pack mule. actual spoilers: she even ends up stealing your final boss kill.
when in doubt, just blame other FF games when yoshida games are criticized.
Lyse apologists are the worst. I don't even think Wuk Lamat is good, but if you use JP voices she's kinda cute, and there is no one that could possibly be worse than Lyse. Saying Wuk Lamat is the worst expansion girl is the exaggerated overstatement of the year.
Acknowledging that Lyse is still the #2 worst character doesn't make you a Lyse apologist. Just saying that Wuk is the new #1.
Additionally they really should have learned their lesson by now. Lyse got a lot of blowback and ended up being relegated to occasional cameo character over it. Wuk is, at the very least, a fairly similar level of terrible that they should have known would go over just as poorly.
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What makes zoomers so drawn to the more effeminate Final Fantasy games like XIII?
Is it something in the water?
It might be that image
>Acknowledging that Lyse is still the #2 worst character doesn't make you a Lyse apologist. Just saying that Wuk is the new #1.
Thinking that Wuk Lamat is worse than Lyse is what makes you a Lyse apologist. Or you played with NA voices, and if you did that your opinion should be disregarded anyway.
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Woke Lamat from Yawnfail >>> Lyse from Shitblood
I don't know who either of those characters are
Consider yourself lucky.
>he didn't like the hot bimbo monk
stinky fujo detected, I bet you love G'raha homo
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I'm a a straight white male. I like the Crystal Exarch, but I hate G'raha. Lyse (in art) is attractive. Her character, however, is the worst character in any video game that comes to mind. She's like as bad as Teddy is in Persona 4, except Teddy actually serves a purpose, whereas Lyse does not.

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