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>Dragonflight Dark Heart Content Update Notes (10.2.7)
>May Trading Post
>Summer Trading Post

>General ResouŠ³ces

Reminder to report and ignore avatarfagging.

Previous >>483595212
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Vulpera won
This is now a DWARFS thread
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im a ret chad
I love our avatarfrens
I really enjoyed Mists of Pandaria. A little sad because I know that there could have been so much more to it. Like Shen-zin Su returning to Pandaria one last time. Dailies were tasking at first, and it really made you go out into the world and see it. We'll never see an expansion like this one again. I am excited for Draenor, but even Wrath didn't get me all worked up about leaving an expansion.
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On topic of Shadowlands lore being a clusterfuck: can you name any series where afterlife was a well-made and working part of the setting?
Mega hard mode: name one where the story isn't exhaustively about afterlife.

It's just narratively a very difficult thing to make work, even ignoring the amount of asspulls Shadowlands had to perform to get off the ground.
Th wo wiwi
I killed so many vulpera in freehold, am I still going to heaven?
The Lord of the Rings
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heres your lothar op bro
maybe next time xd
Explaining everything on both microscopic and cosmic level always sucks.
wall of the faithless from torment was pretty metal, but it was only a small fragment of muh afterlife and i don't remember much else
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Good morning, /wowg/.
>it's 3pm
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i forgot about the lothar op im sorry bro...
just do lothar for the next one
dive into deez nuts
ahahahahaha gottem
nice mount and azsharalet pet
Sir it is good morning in Bharat
There's not many good images of lothar desu
I think it can be interesting. Ra by qntm is a good example of a super-hard magic system that was interesting because of the hardness, but that was only because the book was solely about that concept.
You're not entirely wrong though since dealing with the high-level cosmic forces distances the story from "regular" stuff. The titan pantheon being given a loot table is a good example from wow where it kind of irreparably put the player characters on the level of cosmic gods, and afterwards it's been a struggle to keep things in line.
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elder scrolls
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zuldrak already sucks i might just go to bed early
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>monthly completion is another garbage reward
Holy fuck, when was the last time we got something decent?
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Are you excited to kick to earthen, arathi, and spiders out of rightful TROLL LAND, wowg?
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>Underlight Corrupted Behemoth
>(Steady Flight Only)
>Had an empire 10000 years ago
>Still hasn't culturally recovered
You always get like this when you're hungry. Go eat your cousin, maybe that'll calm you down.
Question: My main is a dwarf hunter and he has all the promotion bags. Lots and lots of space. He's also my mog-hunter. Am debating whether to race change to dark iron for the underground/dungeon movement buff and the molemachine racial.
Counter to that is regular Dwarf racials (higher crit dmg, defensive) are pretty baller and regular dwarf fits my charactertheme better (Mountaineer, Giantslayer, Beast Master).

Anybody got any novel inputs?
They really tried to lull people into a false sense with their first iterations. They collected enough data to iterate on it more and have turned the trading post into dogshit. Every completion reward is now some ultra garbage like a cosmetic flower bracelet or jetpack as a cape, a shit mini pet literally nobody cares about or uses, or some dumb toy like a water gun nobody will ever use.
All mounts and armors on the trading post are now listed at like 10x the cost of everything else cause they know these are the only items anyone cares about and buys.
Amani was KINGS before de elves come along! Without de Amani, Elves don't be havin' de broomstick and de peanut butter! De Elves jealous, so they bring down de arcane barriers which be there for no reason, then they attack and rape all de troll men because they be gay! Venmo me mon.
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I want to see the Troll Hunter in action again desu
based and true mon
Wtf do you mean? Finally we get the gimpsuit Goldshire has been demanding for years! Worlo is saved!
the amani were evil savages but they were kinda right desu
it's not their fault elves showed up on their land
man all those riptide weapons suck except for the shield and mace
>previous thread was 26 hours old
It's over
god of war
the bow is b*dass
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Gentlemen, I am once again asking: How do we save the Horde?
More vulpera
clam backpack actually looks kinda cool
doesn't fit any of my mogs though
this but unironically
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there is no saving it, about 20 years too late
who is this random belf slut with rexxar and why isnt rokhan with him and chen
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thunderfury bow
fucking faggot
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femra sisters we're so back
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i rape dogs - GET OVER IT!!!!!!!!!!
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>actually falling for that
shouldn't have broke the social contract
Grrrrrr! All I said was I think animal fetishists should collectively rope themselves!!!!





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>they didn't get the cheevo
Do wowhead know WoW news/plot in advance before it is otherwise publicaly available?
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I hate my server.
I am once again suggesting an Azshara redemption arc in Midnight and she takes control of the Horde.
The last kino moment in wow

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>how do we save the horde?
>another fucking elf
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Wtf I love my server now.
Legion was the last good expansion and it should have ended there.
DF was good and TWW is looking better.
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the one thing I didn't get about Legion is that if they realised they shit the bed killing the illidan trio off in TBC, why did they only revive Illidan and not Kael and Vashj as well?
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>implying she wouldn't be neutral so she can post naga spies in both factions
>implying blizzard will ever listen and give us azshara and playable naga (REAL naga not some twisted shit like they did with the furry dragons in DF)
see >>483750069
What is he doing out of the cuck shed?

You are funny man
I think it's cool that he's honest about his cuckoldry. I can't stand when men try and deny their nature.
Easy, because the new team hates that people still prefer the old characters to the ones they made.
Why? Those are your people.
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>ow do we save the Horde?
ogre patch adding ogres as playable race highmaul 2.0
I've never replied to one of these and my mom is fine
No one would play ogres just like goblins.
yes they would lol ogres are fucking cool
Same thing people said about goblins before they were released.
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Give Volā€™jin another chance guys, cā€™mon.
fuck I forgot to use my tendies to buy stuff from the June post. Is it gone now?
Give us an orc or troll or tauren warchief
Bro it's not even the 30th of june yet you numpty
I want the world where the Horde is allowed to have The Loa of Kings as their warchief.
lorthemar dies and thalyssra becomes crazy warchief in midnight please look forward to the return of the night elf empire
lol no here's your new warchief
In a plot twist, the Alliance take in the ogres as a meta-narrative ā€œrevengeā€ for the Horde ā€œstealingā€ the blood elves.
And they have alternate pretty elf forms
id take lorthemar as warchief over a fucking council of peace
So you want rokhan, baine or fucking thrall again as warchief? Fuck no. They're better than the council but not by much.

There are already multiple ogre tribes in the horde tho they're just not playable.

Oh hey I've met this fox.
kek ogres with tranny visage forms
Vol'jin will be alive again soon, put him back in charge.
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thrall is the warchief
He's a joke
I want to RAPE this fox
Force race change all fembelves into femperas
Kill all elves
Kill Baine
Make Magatha warchief
when its time to pogrom vulperas, fembelf palas will be leading the charge
i know you're shitposting but this would kill the game. furries somehow cannot grasp that they're in the minority and the vast majority of people find them obnoxious and repulsive
This is so pathetic. Thrall had his shot to lead and gave it up to go play Shaman. Now we see him having erectile dysfunction trying to take back leadership of a, frankly speaking, utterly destroyed Horde.


All of the Horde races are scattered and leaderless. Even in the recent Gazlowe short story for TWW he sounds utterly defeated by the current state of the Horde. I'm not saying it's impossible for Metzen to tell a Thrall (Horde) redemption story but, man, he has a lot working against him.
azshara is not going to be warchief
youre mentally ill
>thrall again
No. Just no.
He's just making sure the seat is comfortable enough for the grand horde councilchieftess geyarah
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cope he is front and center for the chinese
this but also every single noname55 animation
The truth is you're an extremely vocal minority who never shut up about the thing you hate. Most people don't care either way
the problem with the horde is that they're much more defined by the faction boundaries than the alliance is. every horde-centric expac also has a heavy amount of faction conflict/war. when they removed that you see the horde feeling obsolete as they do now. people that sperg out about faction war don't realize how much the factions bring to the worldbuilding and storytelling. sneedolands and dragonflight are your factionless stories and everyone complains about how they don't feel like warcraft at all
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i would fucking love it brother
because you're fucking autistic
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i know
[Bellular video link]
[Bellular video link]
Seriously fuck Thrall.
I fucking hate him so much.
I miss his cata design
He looks like one of those Mega Bloks toy knockoffs with the fuckhueg proportions
what the fuck are you talking about? mega bloks minis are god tier even their thrall mini is god tier.
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Post your character's theme music.
Honestly I tried googling what I was referring to but I couldn't find a reference image
Close enough
well this thrall is great, I got it for like 10 bucks a decade ago
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>are you just gonna take that
>or will you fucking fight back?
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What does that have to do with autism
why is she looking at my ceiling... OH FUCK
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This kid died while driving to a music festival btw
Why is this the only WoW general that isn't completely unhinged?
... Are you new?
because people who fall for the nostalgia trap tend to be retarded
to be fair this thread would be pretty tame if we didn't had a million shitposters spamming
Should of just kept playing video games. Big mistake.
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I don't think /wowg/ adequately appreciates just how tame the general is by and large. You people should see /xivg/.
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oof anon
If I start the mop remix thing now, how many mounts could I get?
all of them
All? It takes like 1 week of just dailies to get them
getting just the mounts doesn't take particularly long, it's the toys that really eat up your bronze
and why would you get the toys? who even uses toys with 20 year cooldowns
Really? Do I need to get level 70 on the new char?
every character you lvl to max will get like 40k bronze from the quest plus like 20k you get lvling
there is more than one person itt who dislikes furries, man. i post here once a week tops. go on being delusional though as we go into tww where blizz hard-pivoted away from furshit after the overwhelmingly negative reaction to how much was in dragonflight
leveling a character to 70 alone gives you enough bronze to buy 2 of the most expensive mounts. After that you can either ground out the rest of the bronze through dailies, raiding and cheevos, or just keep making new characters and using the free bronze you get for leveling
>Furfaggot crying that HE isn't universally loved
Welp, there goes the thread.
sad how flame shock destroys elemental shaman
would be a fun spec otherwise but having to flame shock on cd is the most unfun shit ive ever seen
What classes do you guys think are fun? I've played a resto druid for a couple of months in dragonflight.
I can't believe demon hunters are still the only class with 2 specs. And we had evokers lmao.

If they don't get a new spec for midnight or the last titan I will eat my shirt
pick something with a healer/tank spec if you're just going to spam characters to max lvl
god i wish i were my dracthyr
Dracthyr footjob please?
Can I pick an evoker for this mop thing?
Yeah but the retarded one evoker per server rule is still in effect
I had made one and got part way through the tutorial zone. I think I'll delete it and start again.
I think I read somewhere that all customization options for the dracthyr could be changed later at a barber or something. Is that true?
I leveled a prot warrior and that's fun as fuck once you start juicing your cloak up. Everything else I've tried hasn't hit as hard but I've heard DHs are fun
yes, it's the same as any other race
I can't wait to make my frost mage a dracthyr.
>guy tells me about troves while waiting on oondasta
>spend 12 minutes travelling to isle of thunder and doing it
>3 legendary spools, 4 epic, 4 blue, 3 green
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Nothing like getting married with a faithful trad pandaren wife
is your dracthyr big and muscular?
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erm, it's not april fools
why did 4chan's formatting turn into reddit just now?
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>DHs have two warglaives
>only get two specs
Gay little fox
>druid has four forms
>gets four specs
>warlock has three demons
>gets three specs
>warrior has three swords
>gets three specs
>paladin has 1 hammer and 1 libram
>gets 3 specs
>shaman has 4 totems
>only 1 spec
>enchantment shaman is fine when enchanting exists
>fire mage is fine when cooking exists
>sigil build DH is fine when inscription exists
>brewmaster is fine when buying alcohol from innkeepers exists
Epic fail, dude. Asmon calls out the BS again
>enchantment shaman
why are ESLs like this
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>classic becomes more and more like retail
It's over
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this looks fucking rad

what a faggot
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>MoP remix made me realize all MoP era mounts are now worthless
>now realize all mounts/cosmetics in WoW are worthless and have always been worthless
>finally realize all rewards in all games are now and forever will be worthless

This patch really opened my third eye, kids
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I realized this when I got the 500 mount achievement and realized I only ever really use 2 to 5 out of all of these mounts I have collected. I still like collecting things, but the fomo doesnt mind control me as badly anymore
this is why I'm glad they're adding dragonriding on non DF mounts in TWW. Not being able to use any of my mounts other than the nether drake was driving me insane
Readlet chuds, your response?
gaaang shit you stupid fucking retoilets
on some cata, sod and era shit

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Didn't read this post.
>playing mail enhancement shaman
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LiLi is a proud member of the alliance, thanks based china
>thanks based china
that's funny because they blocked the pandaren back when tbc was relesed
>only 200 posts
>rampant avatarfagging
just rolled a frost dk
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Good, they looked like shit
well it was 2006 but hey that body is better than the current male model.
Wrong gif?
a demon succ form would have been kino. could have been a healer or a gay support like aug but i still would have played it
What set him off this time?
Thank the laws of physics you're here!
I am really looking forward to earthen clothing being usable for transmog
or atleast I'm on pure hopium it will be
people who watch asmongold are legitimate retards
like absolute fucking delusional late 20s retarded males
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One day we are gonna get a panda chad model
thats fucking hideous
I can't pay for a subscription. Blizzard won't accept my money. Nothing but non-descript errors. I believe my only option is to buy a battle.net balance card at a physical store. I don't want to go outside.
it's already all listed in the in-game mog list, most of them are just rewards from random achievements or renown
Pandaren status?
You know, maybe the Primalists were right.
Why are there tens of thousands of Twitter accounts with hundreds of thousands of followers from all walks of life tweeting about OG? Why is there nothing like this for WoW, the game with supposedly 6-7x more subs than OG?
they got erased after the first patch.
Ummmmm all those people are too busy playing the game that's why!
You just also don't see them in game because.... ummm.... well.... uhhh.....
me on the right
Why is there currently 100 million players in queue for OG?
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Has anyone been unable to pay the subscription fee before?
yeah I'm a poorfag
They won't accept my damn card.
I've been unable in a willpower sense
>tfw we miss the chance of having lightbound orcs in the alliance and pirate kul-tiran in the horde

Why this game hate fun so much?
I remember when my friend went to the states for work he couldnt use his card to pay.
it's a sing of "use your money for another thing"
like beer or a pizza
>Have it be whenever we go to the other side of the world
>There is shit there Azshara wants but has never been able to obtain because shes in a stalemate with whatever empire is on the other side
>She "assists" the alliance and horde while at see to destroy this foreign empires fleet.
>Essentially forces Horde and Alliance to work with her against whatever's on the other side
>She's left villainous enough to be a final boss of something later
>Players get Naga for both factions
>both factions
fuck you, i'm sick of that
well get used to it
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Fire Mage is fun and I SHAN'T be apologizing for needing on every single item. LFR is my bitch.
yes earthen and harronir are neutral
20% more cutscenes (MOVIES) and 0% more job (GAMEPLAY) changes for the 2nd expansion in a row sounds about right
In Last Titan it will be revealed that Azerite is actually short for Azsharaite and Azshara is the real last titan.
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i stole a healer mace from a heroic run on ret on the first week
you would not believe the seethe from the leader of the group
fuck 'em
ba hhahahahaha
Xiv isnā€™t in a constantly broken/unbalanced state so ofc they change less. They donā€™t trash and rebuild new systems either
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Uhhh... haha... nice doggy...?
Based. I'm never gonna see these people again. I gotta get that transmog that I'll never use.
the bitches on this pregame are ugly as shit lads
what gives
Do you all realize that xiv has ppl hyped about 3 samey jungle zones and a Mexico zone? How far is wow fallen that you canā€™t even compete with that?
cool mog
in TLT Azeroth will die but then Sargeras will say "there must always be a Worldsoul" and Azshara will put on the Helm of Titanation to become the new Azeroth
No way Naga is ever going to be faction specific. They know its a requested race for both.
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whats the melee for me if I never really played anything but caster? Little bit of enhance in tbc but that was a raidlog char. Dont really give a shit if its good, just fun to play
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Arms, Outlaw, Ret Pally are all preddy fun.
If you want to embody pic related then Ret
Ret is definitely the most braindead and thus most fun to play. It's also OP so you get best of both worlds.
ret and ww monk are my favorites
my second two selects are havoc and uhdk
ret and uhdk feel really good because you dont have to worry as much about not being in melee range to continue doing damage and it feels better when you have to do mechanics/get kited
Ret for sure, can't die unless you're trying to. Over half your damage can be done at range. Massive burst every min. The rotation is easier than BM hunter.
Ret paladin is mostly ranged. You can kite/get kited and still absolutely destroy people/stuff.
I can't see Nagas on the alliance, at all, but desu the horde now is just the red alliance anyway
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Ret being mostly ranged kinda defeats the point of playing melee for me. maybe its the warriors life for me? the ol reliable?
play havoc instead
Blizzard is forcing all melees to be melee on tww
Ret being mid ranged makes it feel 10x better to play than all the other melee what are you smoking pal
DAMN IT, how will I spam Death Coil at things now?!
Outlaw is the original mid range specs but some people hate it.

DC still exist, melees still have ranged shit like judgement or pistol shot.
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You know you want to be a badass champion of war. A colossus, a slayer. A titanic onslaught of extreme devestation.
The warrior hero specs suck compared to templar, rider of the apoc and deathbringer.
Did they ever change outlaw to not be so reliant on RTB? I havent played rouge seriously since the first patch of SL. The only time I ever played outlaw was for mage tower/selling mage tower pilots to people and it felt so dogshit
i dont even remember what their mage tower weapon is, was it this one
FUCK magic
rtb isnt the problem imo its all the fucking buttons it has and relying on shadow dance/vanish charges to buff your between the eyes
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I was surprised how good the warrior hero talents feel. Didn't expect to like mountain thane but that empowered thunderclap feels good.
*enchants your weapon*
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Mortal Strike. Say it. Say it out loud, right now. In real life.
Mortal Strike.

Fuck yeah. Feels good, doesn't it?
Rtb is still there but now is a cd affected by rb not a finisher

Nah crackshot windows are great, better than the previous style
It cant possibly be worse/more bloated than brewmaster thoughever
That already sounds 10x better. I fucking hate spending resource points on buffs like slice n dice/inquisition when pally still had it
Snd is not bad because you refresh it and that's it, fishing bones was pure aids and no despitr what people say outlaw is not bloated you just use the same skills a lot
the last rouge thing i can remember is one shotting people in the opener in s1 arenas of SL with the kyrian ability as sub rogue
too bad they fucking suck to play
>It cant possibly be worse/more bloated than brewmaster thoughever
i think brew is really easy desu
That skill still exist but I don't even know if anyone actually use it outside the kir build for outlaw
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wonder how the rest of mg would feel about this maye
is he really posting his oc on /pol/
link the fucking thread
does wow have controller support? how bad is it?
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>avatarfagging in a thread that has nothing to do with WoW
>wonder how the rest of
Couldn't even begin to give the slightest fuck.
Its pretty good actually
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why can't vulpera look like this?
do you still need to do the console command to unlock it or has it been moved into the options somewhere?
I created a female worgen priest for mop remix. Still can't pay.
what is that from?
Time to buy a game card from g2a.
hoodwink from dota
This is why avatarfags get ridiculed for their mental illness. Literally cannot stop themselves from attaching their avatar to posts, no matter how irrelevant or unnecessary it is.
nobody cares about your transparent false flag strykemortal
that makes sense. you can put a lot more style and flair into a character that doesnt have to rely on a 15 year old repurposed rig and mesh with every piece of gear in a 20 year old game
Vol'jin will never come back from the Shadowlands, because Alliance fans won't allow Horde to have a leader more powerful than theirs.
He is coming back as the loa of kings not a horde leader
Protected by Aya Ya.
>Only way a Horde character can get development is by being turned into a neutral NPC.
A tale as old as time.
I still don't understand why the full game isn't fully voiced, SWTOR did it back in 2012.
How do they get away by just doing it for 30% of the main story, especially when the entire game is about the story itself.
The upshot of all this is that Blizz wouldn't dare make Lili trans/gay/ugly if they ever brought her back into the story now.
>Foxxo post vulpera ass
>Maye posting his OC's feet
>Loli and feet and jailbait being spammed by hundreds of other posters
/pol/ sucks
how do you guys on horde play anything other than blood elves? every other race looks so dirty
you are all so fucking retarded its not even fun anymore
>leftists claim to embrace diversity
>all play the same race
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>Trans Lili
Because I like my races to look cool.
What's new with cross-faction stuff? Can I trade gold between characters?
Yeah uh. We won.
Just wait a few hours for the troons to leave.
me that kind of orc
Is the trick leveling in mop remix just heroic dungeons to 25 -> Mogu raid -> Heroic dungeons to 35 -> HoF -> heroic dungeons to 40 -> Terrace? Then just pop all the xp tokens?
forsaken are my ride or die niggas, i loved wc3 blood elves/pre sunwell blood elves too but they are too flanderized now and the males look fucking retarded still after all these years. trolls are cool too especially now that they have farakki skin options and tribal warpaint, but i never really play those
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What the fuck do I do with these things? And where are my heirlooms stored at? I can't find them.
Because I don't want to play an effeminate fucking drug addict.
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>playan' shuffle
>mid round, hear several loud thumps in parents living room(dog sitting, theyre on vacation)
>dog has clearly had a stroke, flopping around like a flounder
>call dad
>ask him if i should shoot her
>no, wait till i get home (tommorow)
i feel so fucking helpless lads, i could put her down right fucking now and end her suffering
literally balling my eyes out
is unholy actually fun or is it just cope because frost is dogshit
unholy is good but not fun
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Let's be honest, WoW has been woke ever since the writers decided that the thing on the left is the original and the thing on the right is some weird unnatural mutant version created by radioactive water.
but they are natural. its called evolution
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retoilets will rise to the top
WoW's been woke ever since they pushed Night Elfs as the main race in the setting.
Think about your shuffle mate you retard
I pressed it and nothing's happening
The boosters plant fire mages into your keys to drive sales.
its fun imo it has a considerable amount of ramp tho comparatively to other classes which isnt great
You cant use heirlooms in remix

i hate the strikes and pustule management. the whole spec just has too many attacks that each feel too inconsequential and tedious. one spell to apply diseases and dots to manage, another to apply pustules, another weaker strike to burst them, then a runic power spender thats so flimsy you can hardly tell you've pushed a button and a runic power regeneration buff thats hard to tell if its even working.

the cooldowns are nice, apocalypse is a cool button to push, dark transformation looks cool, i've got no beef with the long CD part of the spec, its all the limp wristed overly clunky rotational stuff that i hate
Yeah those are for the normal server
>>dog has clearly had a stroke, flopping around like a flounder

Sounds like a Seizure. Get it some water its going to be very thirsty. It will probably fine in an hour or so once it calms down.
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Jesus anon, that's heartbreaking. Wishing the best for you and the pooch. :(
Night Elves are definitely in the spotlight way too often, but it's okay because night elf women are hot.
Im sorry anon, one of my last dogs I had before the new ones used to get seizures a lot when she got older, was really hard to watch. All you could do was try to comfort them until it was over, she eventually passed from breathing issues on my lap while we were on the way to the vet to put her down
I have aspergers and usually a death in the family doesnt bother me but whenever its one of my dogs it feels absolutely soul crushing
i think there is a raise abomination talent to replace army that has shorter CD and applies wounds and disease to targets struck
>people ask why the horde is dead when retards like this >>483786596 exist
fucking lmao
but anon, i want the horde fucking dead
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shaman rework wishes?
for me its
>remove class
ah finally its fixed
>shaman rework wishes?
make it horde only
same with paladins and alliance
I don't know why shamans are so autistic, enha and elemental are good healers on the other hand need a shitload of love
You are a fucking dumb nigger if you thought Ele was good, even with the 30% buff they are still fucking ass you stupid nigger. They alone have one of the worst spec tree's in the game. ACTUALLY all 3 shaman specs have the worst spec tree's in the game you dumb nigger. Enhance does damage but their fucking tree is also dogshit
And RShaman still has fucking 10 two pointers in their fucking tree with only HPriest having the same.
And the class tree for shaman is the WORST in the fucking game, NOTHING compares to it.
For enhance - Remove frost shock and ice strike. Make fire nova do big aoe damage. Replace primordial wave with chain harvest and make that apply flame shock to everything it hits.
>And the class tree for shaman is the WORST in the fucking game, NOTHING compares to it.
haven't played my shaman in years, what's so bad about the class tree?
Ur gay
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either warlock so he could cast corruption or rogue to pick pocket everyone
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Oh my god where the fuck to start.
Like druid, there ARE so many fucking abilities that should just flat out be baseline (I also will use this argument for almost all classes, but I'm pretty sure they have fixed a majority of these with the TWW changes to other classes) and the fact is is that more than HALF of our fucking class tree is just abilities we had baseline in SL.
I'll us Ele as an example. We have to fucking LITERALLY SPEND A POINT TO GET CHAIN LIGHTNING
Earth Shield
fucking Astral Shift (All personal Defensives should just be in the class)
Earth Elemental
Capacitor Totem
fucking tremor (Which is actually a good choice because it's a nice that serves a small role, so its good to be able to pick that)
Wind Rush/Earthgrab Totem
Spirit Walkers Grace
Ancestral Guidance
Nature's Swiftness
Lightning Lasso
Healing Stream
All of those are shit we have to actually spend points in to get, well then you'll ask "Well what do we get thats new?"
And the answer to that is pretty much fucking nothing
We get gust of wind back, but the problem there is we have to spend fucking 2 points in A WORTHLESS double point to get it, and all it does is increase ghost wolf by another 10%, wow!
Worthless fucking talents in the capstone bottome right of the tree like resetting your totems, the middle capstone is ACTUALLY fucking NOTHING, just a flat out party Physical damage DR for 50% uptime, and one that reduces spell pushback. "Why aren't those in the pvp section?" GOOD FUCKING QUESTION.
And oh look the other capstop of the tree? ITS FUCKING NATURE'S SWIFTNESS????
WHY??? Half the tree is just shit we used to have for free, and the other half is just flat out dogshit that does NOTHING.
The only good ones are Totemic Focus that increase the radius and actual effect of some totems and then there is just a 2 pointer that reduces all totems by 6 seconds, wow! So poggers! Fucking retarded
There are no offensive totems in the class tree at all why
>totemic hero class
>the absolute stat of totems
what are they thinking
What set him off this time?
>get wf totem for free as an aura
>drop big dick totem
Totemic is kino
gw2 wvw but in WoW
holy fuck I would cum
just imagine
massive maps
hundreds of players
multiple full raids per faction
objectives to defend and attack
roamers going around picking off noobs
battles going on for weeks

instead? what do we get?
fucking assran
fucking altranny valley
"epic bgs" ending in 5 minutes

holy fuck why do we have to suffer
why cant blizzard design something well

stop making fucking dungeons and raids
no on efucking cares
make PVP content
chinese chads love large scale fights
stop fucking catering to balding 35 year old losers healing mazed+ thinking theyre good at the video game
You have 2 choices:
Play gw2 or play a real pvp game
Pvp is just an after thought for blizzard
Im dying
it's over
healer in mop remix so he can stand there and do nothing
im bored and kinda wanna suck a cock right now
maye answer my dm already
I'm bored and kinda want my cock sucked right now.
Doing sub-tank dps isn't fun though
They are legitimately retarded if they don't fix this in TWW like they fixed the hunter trees.
the class tree for shaman is so sad most people pretty much skip the whole bottom tier
reminder that ion abandoned his shaman main because the class is dogshit and theres no hope for the future
The devs only care about 3 or 4 class overall, rogue mage warlock and now shadowpriest.
Did he switch to ret?
That spec ahs been dogshit for so long I can't believe they made it the way it is now.
kek rogues are so bad they just gave them a 20% buff and is still not enough
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It's over...
Orcs and trolls are based
Preservation evoker
Just realized by completely skipping Dragonshyte, I still can't acknowledge the existence of that faggot race and class.
How to you disable the floating purple XP text over your character's head??
okay so i enabled controller support, started setting up my keybinds and i've run into a snag.

i set up basic keybinds, and then i set up a second bar with the left trigger as a modifer (so like left trigger+A), but for some reason its not letting me use the right trigger as a second modifier. only the left trigger works.

anyone have any experience with this?
I don't play BM or Ret so no, can't play on a controller.
Under combat text
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*drops a big fat log on ur stupid snoots*
isnt that heckin wholesome
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Considering maining Holy Priest in TWW. What am I in for?
cringe, faction locking was was a retarded take in 2006, remains retarded to this day
A good time, it seems like it's gonna be the best healer alongside MW Monk.
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It's him.
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The fucking man, myth and legend!
Jesus christ nothing's working, shouldn't have fucking used that /console enable combat damage. This flares my autism up to much I quit
Honest question: Why does Blizzard love to make patches all about themselves instead of actually showing off gameplay in an exciting way?
I went to a physical store and bought a $50 blizzard balance, then bought 60 days of game for $30 of that balance.
I want to lick this trolls tummy
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Hey, I know this troll. Gave me that one mount you have to trade to the opposite faction, from the Time Rift events.
aight got my 3k+io, got my legand axe got my raid mounts. Ill see you tranny avatar faggots next expansion (first and last patch only).
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Bro? Your Draconic Hero title?
holy priest is pretty nice after the little rework it got recently
you do way more damage than disc if you focus on dpsing, the opportunity cost being that you're not healing when you're dpsing unlike disc
demon hunter
Is fuggen a panda bestiality?
yes and reporting avatar posts is a necessity.
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13 more alts and I will hit the character limit with maxed out classes. Has anyone else done this during Remix? What am I going to do with all of these alts? I don't even know why I am still doing this but at this point I feel like I need to just finish it.
it's basediality
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your duelist title?
Err-... uhm... w-well, I got all the mogs from the previous seasons... a-and ... uhhhmmm... w-well... That means I don't have to get it again, okay?!
Are'y'all hyped for sod phase 4?
I don't know about 'hyped' considering the let down phases 2 and 3 were, but i'm looking forward to spending some time going back to SoD.
just stop retard, literally spend your time doing anything else. Games are already a waste of time and you are somehow wasting your time in your time wasting activity.
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why did it take a faggot gnome making a twitter post to remind blizzard that Alleria is one of the last TOTAL HORDE DEATH characters still left in the warcraft universe?

I'm not sure I'm even on the server I like.
I think I made a friend today.
Its mandatory
If mods treated twitter screencaps like ponyposting I think 4chan would be much better off.
This is how I imagine all aloince players.
If it's genuinely discussing the thread topic I don't see the issue, still nowhere near as bad as avatarfaggots.
Less than 2 hours bros
Blood Troll slutmog back in August 2023.
My crackpot theory is that they've made Trading Post to make up for the Chinese market loss.
Now that they got them back, they no longer find Trading Post that vital, so they just throw the garbage as monthly reward.
Diablo Immortal got a WoW collab before you troons lol
The War Within
>High Elf Ranger and Human Priest are the main characters
>Human Priest and Some Elves will be the main characters
The Last Titan
>I dont know yet but suspect that Human Priest and Illidan will be the main characters once again

Next saga, bro. Trust the plan. 2030 would be the Horde Year.
We need an Ogre warchief.
Rokhan and Rexxar kino soon
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I think Midnight is going to have all three of the Windrunner sisters as main characters desu
Sylvanas will return from the Shadowlands with Kael'thas to defend Silvermoon with her sisters.
It would be kino having Kaelthas and her being there to successfuly fend off whatever is trying to genocide the elves again, as part of their redemption and showing that heart they always cared formost about Quel'thalas and their people.
Most gnome players are like that, very m'lady for some reason. The other half of Alliance players are the stereotypical HUMAN. WHITE. MALE. WARRIOR/PALADIN. 'deus vult' types. When I think of Nelf players all I can see are all the fanart images that people drew of their characters holding dead people when the burning of Teldrassil happened.
I've always thought it'd be cool for Rexxar and Rokhan to tell Cairne war stories about his dad. Maybe have a joke where they can't agree on whether there was a pandaren with them or not.
I'd be on board with that. Thalyssra is probably going to be a main character, Shandris as well. I don't know how they plan to reunite all the Elven peoples, but it could either be really cool, or fucking retarded.
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Dead thread much?
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>I don't know how they plan to reunite all the Elven peoples, but it could either be really cool, or fucking retarded.
My idea is that it was just the Thalassian elves reuniting, not the nightborne/night elves desu, though it would make sense if they made up as well.
As for the Thalassian elves, the only leader that I could think of that the blood/void/high elves could all agree to follow would be a redeemed Kael'thas, as I couldn't see how void/high elves would ever follow Lor'themar, or how blood elves would ever follow Alleria or Vereesa as their leaders.
dumb frog poster
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they call me fatcel. hate women, hate slimmin'.
Avatarfags are killing this thread.
Even a new expansion can't save it from the avatarfags pushing everyone away that may be new to the game in the upcoming weeks.
Once they see what these threads are like they will quickly leave.
Everyone is waiting for Dawntrail launch.
They call me the PokƩmon racist. Hate gligars, hate niggers.
They call me retcell. What is a woman?
You mean it'd be people playing the game posting for the most part?
Oh the horror.
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built for cold dead sex while listening to depeche mode
"normal" people see faggots avatarfagging and close the thread, they unironically are a cancer that kills generals
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meant for >>483810293
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>Bought one of the Crucible Raider's Rod appearances from Mirioszin a while ago
>Only just now noticed that when sheathed on certain races, it's positioned in such a way that the enormous spikes near the head clip into your character's head, neck, or back
how would you know what normal people do? you can't even talk to a cashier.
weird projection but whatever helps you cope
>only avatarfags play the game and post itt
how do you even come to that conclusion
What the absolute fugg happened to guild recruitment?

>stopped raiding in Sneedolands after CE Sylvanus
>only do AOTC and KSM first 2 weeks and then just chill every tier
>wanna push some mythic again in TWW
>look up wowprogress
>a literal graveyard of guilds
>shitty world 600+ guilds demand a geared alt and reroll fotm for progress
>link them my previous raiding experience and parses on multiple roles and specs
>yeah uhh this is from 4 years ago and were full on healers and dps from those specs
>GM and officers are always green and/or gray parsing every tier
>healers are always someone's gf

It's all so tiresome
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>try to talk to stuffy old bank teller 90 year old with glasses
>"hello I would like to make a deposit to-"
>she calls me a fatty
>I stare for a second
>she calls me a fat retard
>walk away wordlessly
how was I meant to handle that situation?
I dunno Kael stuff comes with a lot of baggage because of his betrayal and introduction of Fel. I assume a lot of Elves would bristle at that. Sylvanas is off the table for obvious reasons, so are Alleria and Vereesa. Fuck Lor'themar might be the best bet. I know the Void Elves don't look kindly at him but he only exiled them to protect the Sunwell, the same reason he exiled Alleria too. We're just talking realistically though, as a foreign faction leader they'd never choose Lor'themar to do something like that. It'd have to be an outside actor.
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I haven't raided in a while, I imagine its hell getting into a guild now.
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Elf sisters, we're so fucking back
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>Practice AOE Arcane on dummies
>Hey this is kinda neat, I think I get it
>Do a dungeon
>Total braindump, forget everything, what the fuck is anything
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45 minutes
Yeah, which is why it would have to involve him being redeemed/seeking to make amends, which they actually did show a bit of in Shadowlands if you talked to him in the Venthyr Order hall as a blood/void elf (he had special dialogue for his kin which was nice).
Outside of him I don't really see who else they could get desu.
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getting a soft spot for femdead...
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Struck a nerve?
Gotta 'win' and all that
Nobody sane cares that people post characters in a containment thread
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On /wowg/, we're such a glacial thread and there's scarce few posters. The vitriol and seething rage from a few select dumbasses make people desperate for a new thread. But the cycle repeats endlessly. I also think some bread bakers are desperate for a little notoriety. Gotta "win" and all that.
I don't think you understand what avatarfagging is
I do, but I don't care to get invested in 4chan threads of all things
20 minutes
Remember to cheer for the tranny furry in floptroontrail!
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Oh >.<

Are you sure? It seems you only understand the definition and not how they bend it to their whims because they are severely attention starved irl and never leave their homes. >>483780718
Being a backseat janitor is worse than being an avatarfag
Don't look at twitch right now
no way they're bringing kael back
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lmfao defending avatarfagging is worse
Nah being a backseat janny desperately trying to moderate a space where you have no power is rock bottom
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>avatarfag defender
they're not gonna erp with you bro
and by erp i mean their badly written one sentence line of text since that's all they can do LOL
I have my own goonshire sluts with which i erp lol I don't need namefags from wowg
>>healers are always someone's gf
Always a red flag.
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Ahhhh i see, you are as pathetic of a never-leaving-the-house loser as them so you defend them! Got it. Enjoy the aroma I suppose.
Link to full?
unholy caster dk would be cool
bros does the nigress die on beta? is she central to the expansion?
she's going to marry unduin and warcraft 4 will begin with her as leader of the alliance after anduin sacrifices himself to save her at the end of the last titan
is that in game or are you shitposting
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in game. anon is actually metzen and he's spoiling you the last titan
fuck you
I am going to miss Mommystrasza.. tasting her motherly juices..
>The Emperor wasted on Malfurion.
It's so over Tarot bros.
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Yeah sure mcconnell
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alleria may not be as literal sex as alexstrasza but she is still nice desu (if you're not h*rde)
I'm a tauren druid and no part of me is not COVERED in furrrrrr
>only 37k on launch day
Jainas milf pussy lips on my mouth
Allerias too
Xalataths too
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>Come play Legion. Where the main driving force of the expansion is rescuing an Elf so the Elf can drive the plot forward
>Come play BFA. Where the main driving force of the expansion is a conflict caused by an Elf.
>Come play Shadowlands. Where the main driving force of the expansion is a conflict caused by an Elf.
>Come play Dragonflight. Where the main driving force of the expansion is a bunch of Dragons pretending to look like Elves and protecting the new home of the Elves.
>Come play War Within. Where the main driving force of the expansion is a Elf hunting down an Void Monster pretending to be an Elf.
>Come Play Midnight. Where the main driving force of the expansion is protecting the home of the Elves. Again.
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What the actual fuck happened with world of Warcraft?
this game revolves around the windrunner sisters now, get with the times CHUD
See >>483818906
And my mouth
Fuck, why are non-Elves so irrelevant male human paladin bros? I thought we were superior? Garithos failed us. Azeroth has fallen. It's over.
>why are non-Elves so irrelevant
Blizzard currently has a majority of female writers on Warcraft.
Female writers who were fans in communities like Twitter, or Tumblr. Hell, some were even ex blogposters and theory crafters.
That's how you end up with World of Elf-Craft and the hyper-focus on shit like the Windrunner sisters who if you ask most guys, no one gives a shit about, but if you ask the ladies. They'll say they like 1/3 sisters.
>preach is the biggest FFXIV streamer
literally eating or reject slop leftovers aaahahahahaha
Maybe on twitch but meanwhile on Youtube:
>8,5k viewers
>the Windrunner sisters who if you ask most guys, no one gives a shit about
eh they have plenty of male fans because they are hot, but yes not to the extent of tumblr/twitter woman who obssess over them.
Imagine you're Norf
>you have to stream a game which has less than 10% of your previous viewership
>your old community makes fun of you
>you got evicted from your luxurious home

Norf is gonna break soon.
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>open stream
>see this
holy fuck didn't you fags tell me that XIV was free of this shit?
Og happened. It buckbroke WoW beyond repair.
true, fucking cringe ass attentionseeking trannies man they need to make every post about themselves
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your chocolate elf, sir
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Tbh, Sylvanas in particular was THE goth waifu of wowfags for a decade, as well as an interesting character back when she could still (somewhat) claim to be "morally grey". Hence why so many people from all sides latched on to her and then drove her character to the ground.

As far as Alleria and Veressa are concerned, the former only, eventually, had the void angle and the latter was even less relevant, as just a human cocksleeve. So yeah, other than Sylv, the Windrunner sisters were never popular outside of looks.
Are the avatarfags in the room with us?
hopefully Medicare doesn't crash in the uk otherwise he wont be able to afford the finasta/minox hair medicine.
Let him be, schizo-kun he still mad she denied him ERP
More like Windrunners. The entire plot for the past 4 expansions (arguably even more) has been nothing but Anduin and the Windrunners with a bit of Green Jesus thrown in for good measure.
MoP remix also reminded people Vereesa played a major role in MoP, even if the Windrunner sisters were almost entirely absent from WoD.

Even then, there was this garrison inn quest from Shandris, which I guess was just meant to hint at Alleria's return in Legion and her void connection?

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I've noticed over the years that people tend to have a warped view of how WoW storytelling works. It's not race or even faction driven, it's character driven. They don't favor races, they favor characters, and that permeates throughout the entire game. If the Windrunners were Goblins people would be saying it's nothing but Goblins constantly.
I fucking quit. the xe/xer seagulls were okay. seagulls have xe/xer pronouns irl and most of you are too retarded to know that and just jump to conclusions. but this? this is too far.
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Why are you falseflagging me? I haven't even done anything this thread.
Oh it's just a retarded faggot, nevermind.
uma delĆ­cia
Xer face is so ugly on the thumbnail
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>ff14 servers are full

Are we going to have the same problem with TWW?
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Fat fucking chance.
https://x.com/SarahCotner Let's see what the WoW game designer has been tweeting lately
>bring a ret paladin to my pug +12
>1.4M HP, plate armour, 4 defensive CDs, powerful instant self-heals
>dies more than anyone else
Explain this.
Something else I've noticed is that these characters, usually the racial leaders of their respective race, like Thrall (Orc), Anduin (Human), Alleria (Void Elf) etc, accompany the player character a lot more in recent expansions, and generally have a much more personal connection with the player than used to be the case.

Blizzard is really heavily leaning into the stories now being about the relevant heroes of the Expansion, regardless of their respective factions.

So for TWW, I don't mind this because I like Thrall, Anduin, Alleria and Jaina, but if you didn't you're just shit out of luck desu.
Post Jaina
People are bad at the game and Paladin specifically attracts more retards than usual.
i was expecting much worse
it would be more concerning if wow devs werent playing other mmos and seeing what the competition is doing
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Poopie shitters
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It was not a "falseflag" attempt. I was merely pointing out your retarded comment, gotta "win" and all that. Don't you have some random stranger 1023902 girls twitters to reply to? lol
>I haven't done anything this thread
>I don't think /wowg/ adequately appreciates just how tame the general is by and large
>Didn't read this post.
You are a fucking buffoon.
>Are the avatarfags in the room with us?
What do you think.
>Oh it's just a retarded faggot, nevermind.
Yeah, you.
Holy meltie.
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Yeah you seem sane, rational, normal and not at all crazy anon. Totally.
thank you, and here I was thinking I was actually crazy
>they enjoy off-topic e-drama avatarslop 250 image posting every day 365 days a year

>melty when its not.
>melty at a few words in the op

bro did you forget to have your daily melty? >>483743248
>Reminder to report and ignore avatarfagging.
you missed bro! wouldnt want to miss that one there would ya? got ya bro!
uhh... bros? I think OG won...
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avatartroon defence force.... ROLL OUT
Maye won and Howlah lost
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Good morning Chickpea.
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nobody wins as long as avatarfags post here
inb4 avatarfag melty
dont forget to have your avatarfag melty atleast once per day
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What a very silly thing to get so upset over.
jimmie won btw!

: |
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>Good morning Chickpea.
what deflection is it now? idk who that is but anons hate avatarfags as far as im concerened
i mean do you think global rule 13 was just invented by nobody? there's a reason it exists
no one likes avatarfags
>>avatarfagging in a thread that has nothing to do with WoW
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here you go king
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Ah, defeated night elf. Time for mating press plap ritual.
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Meanwhile, Frogposting is a tooooooootally different thing.
>picture taken 2 seconds before she shifted into a giant bear and mating pressed you to death
you often go on spamming melties with that same frog lmao
It's different when he does it. Okay?!
XIV is going to break new steam records and WoW is dead
im not the frog poster you retard
you guys just constantly throw shit at every anon thinkg every anon is x person or the same person
you need a reality check
Interesting. You should go tell them that.
>posts with frog
>"I'm not the frogposter!"
Okay, but you are now so you still suck.
It's just a schizo having a mental snap, stop replying to it.
backseat jannies are so fucking cringe
But its fun to watch them get so angry over literal nothings.
i drew your attention to the fact that other anons laugh at avatarfags
everytime an avatarfag post there's this other anon that says "dont reply to it" maybe you've noticed? or is that also the same person too...
melty! meds!
>it's just a schizo
literally your only cope if its isnt xnamefag or xnamefag from troonguard
death to avatarfags
By replying to it, in any capacity, you validate it's existence. Everyone sees the retard babbling like a retard and forms the opinion "Wow, that guy's a retard." No need to point it out further.
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i would save her and tend to her wounds
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>i drew your attention to the fact that other anons laugh at avatarfags
Only one getting laughed at here is you, dipshit. You woke up and apparently decided to come here and get so mad over images on an imageboard, going so far as to finger someone for every post they made in this entire 500+ thread just to point out how angry it makes you.

But yeah, nah, I'm definitely having the meltdown. GOD it sucks to have to willingly come to a place where obvious things will obviously happen. Why do I do it.
he's using ace combat 6 as an avatar to screech about his internet girlfriends. that was a community project several months in the making that belonged to wowg commonwealth so it was bound to happen eventually.
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>avatarfag defenders
You should all get 3 day'd by association and supporting global rule breaking.
By replying to it, in any capacity, you validate it's existence. Everyone sees the avatarfag babbling like a retard and forms the opinion "Wow, that guy's a retard." No need to point it out further.

Don't reply to it. The avatarfag can also be an illusive creature. It will temporarly drop it's persona to attack you 'anonymously'

another meltdown episode
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Love you too babe.
>Gets mad when avatars are posted in an MMO thread
>Gets mad when avatars aren't posted because it might be an avatarfag
>and ignore avatarfagging.
and ignore
>and ignore
You aren't following your own logic, schizo.
no one said that, dont try and make up a bullshit back and forth. Posting your characters within certain context is fine. Using it to express every single tranny post you make like an emoticon with more steps is annoying behaviour.
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janitor applications are closed anon. better luck next time
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>log in
>guildie says "hi Phil"
>tell him my name's not Phil
>"Phil Tulente" (as in flatulent)
>log off in shame
>doesnt conform with anonymyty
>has a melty over a few words in the op
>does this daily
>anon is the schizo
i didnt make the op or any other ones but i agree, we should ignore and report avatarfags so they go away once and for all, he is right, there is a reason that global rule exists, they've ruined many a community/thread/general

watch out anon you are going to get told you are having a schizo melty and samefag falseflag becuse you agreed with another anonymous poster.....
>All lower case post with no image and/or punctuation
Skipped that post.
race change your male pandaren
Typical hurr durr Orced rapist nog
Purple goddess.
>No argument
Answered that post.
I need a naga wife bros...
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How is The War Within looking in terms of faggots and trannies? From what little I have been following of it, there do not seem to be any gay centaurs or tranny dragons or the like so far. Are they just relegating the DEI to Faerin?
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night elf women pretending to be defeated when an obese 30 IQ 10 IQ retarded 20 IQ orc wanders away from the mental hospital and makes it all the way to ashenvale borders where said woman was "patrolling" (waiting for mentally disabled extremely retarded orc hunks)
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Whats this
Havent seen any
good stuff
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Good night /wowg/.
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impregnating worgens
gn king

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dont give me hope
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What happened to her tits. WTF hearthstone team.
Just like how they teased a return to Kezan in BfA only for it to be a shitty dungeon? It was even called Undermine in beta before they changed it to Motherlode.

Kezan was the biggest wasted opportunity in the history of WoW. Should have been in-game from the start as a neutral city, a kind of neutral capital competing with Stormwind and Orgrimmar with neutral auction houses and so on.

Even lore-wise the destruction of Kezan makes no sense. It was supposed to be the global centre of trade, commerce, and finance with multiple cities and yet its destruction has 0 effect on the world economy? What a joke.
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hearthstone is not canon
trying to decide between paladin and warrior for tww, maybe shaman if the rework is good.

beta bros, whats your suggestion?
dps? paladin
gonna happen in tww
It will be a shitty raid that will be immediately forgotten afterwards just like Motherlode was.
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It's pronounced "rich", not "lich". Now where does he live?
Right now, paladin. Shaman is 50/50, it depends on the rework next week
dumb and cute dog
Need gallywix kino
what if wotlk happened because pandaren scout reported that he saw a rich king called althas in northrend and arthas is actually still alive somewhere else
I can't decide on a class for TWW!!!
>draenei hunter
>blood elf monk
>human death knight
It's down to these three...
Any advice?!
Muscular worgen wife that is extremely soft and motherly to her human children

yeah replace all 3 of those races with dwarf then level all 3
>Non-panda Monk
big covfefe energy
if they have any sense they'll skip straight to legion remix and then that will be the end of the remixes so basically wod remix 100% confirmed
I might race change to dwarf DK
Might give dwarf hunter a try now with MOP remix, never really tried it before, might be fun
What do you think about the Earthen? Disregarding the women beard possibility
Their models are too old
Tough. All 3 are kino
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Don't give the company money if you don't have to.
Just make a DI Hunter for multiple TMog attempts.
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Now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong here, /wowg/?
How do you make Naga playable? It can't work, let's be real? How can wear lower body gear? riding a mount?
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picture this... high elf form
Just don't show leg gear and boots like they do for some other races, and they can just ride mounts side saddle. It might take some effort but they can totally make it work.
owo what's this?
this is cute
i could imagine alleria doing this to her little sister lol
dead troon game
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they could coil around the mount

Concept for an Undermine expansion.
>32 servers for na
>only 24 are full
kek dead game
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artistically earthen are -just about- novel. many skin colors based on IRL stones but exaggerated and cartoonish. dusty badlands reds, a bright green that might be an attempt at limestone, many deep gray-blues and silvery-grays.

many eye glow colors but no real attention to detail here, glinting gemstone / flowing magma / surging azerite / crackling electricity particles for the appropriate colors would've been a great touch and surely just a few minutes in mspaint.

body gemstone amounts and colors are again minimal but there's just enough to get creative. most class colors, energy colors (think magma, fel, lightning) can be repped through these gemstones.

all in all you might like the earthen theme over normal / DI dwarf for some classes. but they aren't something real special - not that anyone was expecting much from what felt like a box sales race
they turn into rubble when they die, found that sovlful
and their dance is top tier
Don't show the gear just like with the furry dragons, literally no excuse for that.
is that why wowg is so dead? honestly i can't believe people from here also people play second life 2 that's kinda ridiculous
i don't think there are many, still don't understand how you can go from wow's crisp and snappy combat to that laggy, floaty and janky trash
i don't either. probably only makes sense to a troons mind
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need her to ride my face non stop
that's quality. now I need new death anims for other races.
remember when she showed up in org during the start of shadowlands instead of stormwind?
blizzard really just don't care anymore
No, but people who spam wowg play xiv.
They might play wow as well, but they're not the type who appreciates the combat.
why didn't she show up in my bedroom
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I'm going to miss her
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anons stop cooming and help me find a matching weapon to this mog:

zinrokh, destroyer of worlds?
>tend to ā€œherā€ axe wound
because you didn't do the secret meta achievement, sorry only gigachads are allowed to know

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>Come play Legion. Where the main driving force of the expansion is rescuing an Elf so the Elf can drive the plot forward
Sorry bro, but i was doing viking stuff on the viking part of the island helping my viking bros and sisters
Vrykuls should be part of the alliance, fucking blizard
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Is she still active?
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You will never get to play an ogre death knight.
shaman outrage paid off
blizzard was going to rework it anyway like every other spec
where warrior rework
>changes a few talent positions
>makes a spec less awkward and more fluid
they shuffled the trees a little so don't expect anything till tww drops
kul tirans?
Bro just look at hunter. Thats a rework
survival going from ranged to melee was a rework
shadow getting insanity was a rework
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what do you think about the warband character login screens anons?
Looks like shit. The original concept images made it look way better than this.
>join key as healer
>tank has retarded and wrong talents
it sucks knowing too much about the game sometimes
>"why do people post twitter screencaps on /wowg?"
What's the problem with wowhead?
cluttered as fuck and usually written by people who have no idea what they are talking about
Goddamn crazy that tww is out so soon
Development started a long time ago
This. Frankly it looks really lame. I know they said they plan on possibly expanding more backgrounds later, but that seems like the type of feature it should launch with, not added later. A random forest with some shitty wooden furniture, incredible.
Janky piece of shit modern website filled with useless garbage that takes longer than it should to load.
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>leveling character in wod
>wow 51900319 when i take a step
>other character
>no dc
guess i have to delete this character huh
>WoW lost
>Biden lost
>Ukraine lost
Huge Ls for /wowg/ today
damn those are some sweet mounts
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>beta access available
>people realizing I'm actually just a side character with generic quests
>i am forgotten
It is what it is.
Their launch is even bigger than Endwalker.
Did somebody say
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>most interrupts as healer
only seems that way because they didnt bother to upgrade the servers
it's the same shit as endwalker release
nobody is getting in due to that.
>15 minutes ago
why would they? no one is going to quit because they have to sit in a 4 hour long queue
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my honest reaction to that information.
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>retards here repeatedly whipped themselves into a frenzy over the idea that Metzen was going to focus the narrative on this half orc creature over fucking ALLERIA, JAINA, THRALL and ANDUIN
>over a WC2 hero, 2 WC3 heroes and the defacto main character of nu-wow
I know black smiths can make katanas, but are there also Sai in the game?

>pic related
there are 4 variants of this https://www.wowhead.com/item=215617/pandaren-stabber
but you can only farm them on remix so do it before it goes away
>Sha spawning
>suddenly phased to the phase with a lot of people around the spawn point

just buy the mount in remix haha :D
bruh moment!!!!
*metal bar dropping*
Shhh, Tyrande is sleeping after the good fuck.
Mounts don't drop in Remix, faggot
I mean, she literally is a focus more than Jaina and Thrall, and even Anduin.
gods, i love kaldorei women
my god
he said buy

Thanks anon!
Malfurion would rather sleep 10 thousand years over this
To be fair she probably doesn't allow him to touch her. The guy is a bird man who has a beard full of fleas and ticks and hasn't bathed in hundreds of years.
Yeah she only gets touched by tauren men
So where do we go from here? XIV completely outperformed even the most optimistic predictions. TWW isn't looking hot. Biden lost the debate and election hard. Ukraine is losing ground. Do we just accept we lost? Can we even accept we lost?
zivvies are heading straight into a civil war between the forced positivity cultists and the people who are realizing that yawntrail is a bigger flop than endflopper and the story is just rehashed garbage with furries
I swear there's a fuckery somewhere with their servers, I remember playing out during a content drought time at 10am and it would still says "World is full, you are 3rd/4th in the queue". I would get into the game within 2sec but the message was still there for some reason every time I tried to log in.
Is it a fake queue or are the server seriously limited to only 500 players or something? The wow private server Warmane truly had a fake queue so they could sell their skip pass for real money.
when did thrall join the alliance?
Sorry but women are just hotter when they're possessed by the unceasing rage of an ancient wolf deity

unironically cute
og has had a fake queue for as long as i can remember. the worst part is i cant tell if its intentional because gooks are so tech illiterate
anons do u think well get shaman tank spec? id love me some shaman tank spec
On one hand, they made hi definition cinematics with her.
On the other, her mug was so off-model it might have been some quick face gen.
Keep him please, no one wants him back
think hes talking about an npc not our resident avatarfag
>shill game for years
>get upset when people start playing the game you shilled
whats your favorite flavor of crayon?
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I don't remember a single Shadowlands music track. I *think* Bastion had some Nagrand like theme going on, but I don't have a clue how it sounded
i hope they don't waste dev resources on that. they need to make current specs good first.
I liked the one with the chains
ardenweald and revendreth had nice music.
Which one was that? I vaguely remember that there were a few good tracks for raid bosses, specifically Sylvanas and Painsmith and maybe Jailer, but I don't recal how they sounded.
>I don't remember a single Shadowlands music track
Revendreth and Nathria had some decent stuff. It unironically felt like one of the most sovlfvl places in worlo in a long time for me, at least in 9.0
then 9.1 came and it turned into le wacky guy attacks j'lor forces with tea. sigh.
The music was good, I really liked the Maldraxus theme when the subtle electric guitars hit.
But then everything was pozzed with the pronoun fags and troons. And the dailies were ass.
It's ridiculou when I think back.
Suddenly everyone talk about how amazing they feel in their new body which is the opposite sex of what they were in life and if not that, it was all fags and dykes.
TWW is the polar opposite of that (so far), feels like playing old wow with new features.
>make a game for the troonguard ERPers
>get upset when they actually start playing and get catered to
I literally tried to warn you back in 2021
Thoughts on Faerin? Would she be a good char if she wasn't a disabled black queen?
On a pure writing level she is a less obnoxious version of Taelia. It probably helps that Anduin is still more important than her in the zone and Alleria takes over by the end
I honestly suspect after Russell Brower left Blizzard they've stopped even using the real symphonic orchestra to record WoW music.
At least when i've decided to check out Tarisland (where Russell was the composer) i instantly noticed how real the orchestral music sounds.
They've probably recorded music for Shadowlands and forward using pure digital soft.
Which adds to how soulless modern WoW music sounds.
WoD OST remains to be the best one.
no but she would be far more tolerable if they tried to make her the least bit sexually appealing, which they deliberately went the other way with
i dont really care for niggers but id be lying to you if i said that ive never seen one i wouldnt give deeznuts
Yeah, it's not even that she's black, it's that she has that stupid hair and missing hand.
If there were more cripples like that, you'd think "well, that's what happens here I guess", but she's the only one and when she's offered a prosthetics, she declines (this is actually in a quest like they really do want you to see that).
But at least her voice is nice without any annoying accent or speech impediment, because you will hear her a lot when doing world quests.
I literally don't give a fuck about her as long as she stays confined to her zone and fucks off.
If the story focuses on Alleria/Anduin and we move past her after the zone it's manageable.
However, if she sticks around and continues to be a disgusting eyesore then it's extremely fucking bad.
She is artificially designed character-some fat disable tranny self-incert. Im exagerrating but point is the characters are as good as the writer is.
People who wrote Classic to Legion characters had tons of classic fantasy literature they've read behind them.
The only fantasy people who wrote Faerina and other modern WoW characters know was Game of Thrones on HBO and Stormlight Archive (at best).
They cant write good characters because they had literal equivalent of a dogshit in their brains.
It's weird how many quests are optional but feel like they should be part of the main story. Anduin and Faerin's long board game convo that sums up his character arc and Magni granting Fearbreaker to Moira being side quests feels strange
wowo wawa
de waw wifin
early again? ahahahaha
We will hit cap on this thread

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