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Previous: >>483714967

>Character Demo - "Sigewinne: A Bittersweet Cure"
https://youtu.be/_QusNJbJK7I (EN)
https://youtu.be/Ms4OaRiK_Ik (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Sigewinne: Everyday Correspondence"
https://youtu.be/xDpA6x0KMSI (EN)
https://youtu.be/IJVpn2jOafA (JP)

>Event "Endless Forms Most Martial" live until July 1st

>Current character banner: Sigewinne, Furina, Gaming, Rosaria, Noelle
>Current weapon banner: Silvershower Heartstrings (Bow), Splendor of Tranquil Waters (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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this thread will be worse
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
I didn't know that Charlotte says's TRVTH BOMB lol
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I close my eyes and seize it
I clench my fists and beat it
I light my torch and burn it
I am the beast I worship

And I know soon come my time
For in mine void a pale horse burns
But I fear not the time I'm taken
Past the point of no return
Wage war like no tomorrow
Cuz no hell there won't be one
For all who deny the struggle
The triumphant overcome

Trips to where, few have been
Out of thin air, upon high winds
Rites begin when the sun descends
Have felt what few will ever know
Have seen the truth beneath the glow
Of the ebb and flow, where roots of all mysteries grow
I am below, so far below
The bottom line
Transmitting live, transmissions rise
From the depths out of controlled by
Suspended glance of an unblinking eyes
Imminent gaze cast 'pon the path that winds
'Pon the path I find, and claim as mine
To ride the waves, of unrest
Made to make me shine as a testament
To why the ways of the blind will never get
Shit but shanked by my disrespect
Dismiss this life, worship death
Cold blood night of serpent's breath
Exhaled like spells from the endlessness
In the bottomless wells of emptiness
Channeled to invoke what we represent
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Play ZZZ
>furina rerun
>inazumakeks get uppity and spam early threads
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sex with hu tao and furina (yanfei too)
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Childe SOON
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What the fuck does this even mean
where's the Honkai on official title? I don't think I will
no one cares about your floptaine you mentally ill freak
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I will for them
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i am
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sex with alhaitham
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The hydro βυδδγροκε...
>>>>The electro pork...
The empty sumeru area...
>>>>The increasingly short flagship events...
The decrease in Windtrace maps...
>>>>The small summer event area next patch...
The rubbish and extremely poor 4.8 area...
>>>>The unvoiced flagship event on the current patch...
The lynette avatarfag....
>>>>The copypasted NPC from the 3.2 event (Nahida can read him)....
The lack of Fontaine merchandise and collaborations...
>>>>The lack of 4.x hangout events...
The lack of animation videos on Fontaine...
>>>>The removal of CN Hoyolab birthday web events...
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Gosh...all I can think about is Diluc...*sigh*
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''the voices in my head won''
girls vs boys
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Twenty posts in and not a single good post yet.
EOS before Celestia
yeah I'm thinking shounenspics won
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"ganaron las voces em mi cabeza"
>mujeres: bald layla
>hombres: buff nahida and wanderer
hope this helps
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Who is sukuna?
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>just want to get the gay scorpion
>watching all of that discard bullshit into giant nuk and health tax and random damage dealing cards sent into my deck
This is kinda gay
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normalfags don't play genshin anymore
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yeah I'm thinking shounenspics lost
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it might be my next favorite mobile slop
I only read soft seinen like Hunter x Hunter.
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I roll based on what relics and weapons i have
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It's also Childe
moebuta cope
Noob here, what does failing the Spire Abyss entail? Do I just get kicked in back to world while keeping all prizes?

Also sex with Lisa
All those games besides GTA6, RE9 and Doom aren't normalfag friendly at all
i will not share a thread with furries
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you're not normalfag enough then
>twitter tranny
thats how I ended up with chiori but no other geo 5*s
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I want to see Furina, when is she gonna appear again?
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yeah you dont lose anything or whatever for failing
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So this is the exact moment Lumine lost her virginity.
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>Nintoddler stuff
>resident evil post 7 and RE2make
>Monhun post World
Like at best stuff like Purseowner is just entry level shit, SNKgames and other gachas/unknown JRPGs, sure.
I dunno about Fable if that survived getting fucked by the worse sequels, perfect dark is boomerbait
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so uh, natlan leaks? from what ive seen only lansan, columbina and the female conquistador are for sure rollable, im gonna save so much money
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>no pronouns
>no woke flags
>just an aerith enjoyer
I see nothing wrong with it
Not a single normalfag is playing niche Jap games like Dragon Quest and even FF7 part 2 was a huge flop.
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open your wish screen
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>FF7 part 2 was a huge flop.
How doesn't that make the series not normalfag shit when it's more that the game blew
Belt buckle too. She's going to get meme'd
>Archon rerun flops
It's over
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leaks say itll be a bigger flop than Fontaine
No one played the first one more than 2 hours.
No one.
Idk, I'm not American, so Nintendo doesn't exist for me.
Those are probably popular but I don't get it.

No one cares about Fable or that Obsidian's notSkyrim. Even Dragon Age in its current state mogged them in popularity.
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Lorelet here

Can anyone tell me who is Sebastos?

What or who is Phobos?

Who is Euergetia?

What's the deal with the "Symphony" and Musica Humana and Musica Mundana?

How come Osse became a cat?
My furina is E0S0 :)
You're trying too hard
Hoping for lots of males.
So I can save lots of wishes.
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>No one.
Don't make things up, and even then people still huff his farts
>Idk, I'm not American, so Nintendo doesn't exist for me.
No shit, I'm a euro, it's still normalfagshit.
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why are more people rolling for the rerun over the new unit
>denying the truth
typical tranny mindset
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what keeps u going?
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Furina is the Archon of my heart.

why does genshin get so much JAV compared to other games
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you just posted it
Started playing Genshin like two months ago, saved my rolls for Furina because mini top hats are peak character design, just completed the main Inazuma quest, Fontaine is probs my favourite region so far, loved the quest with the communist frog.
my wife
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HSR got some western produced porn which was undeniably an experience
>I'm a euro
I'm not a western euro, so every time I see 100 Mario threads in /v/, it feels like a psyop to me. Never in my life I met a single person who played those games.
>everything I don't like is reddit
>everything I don't like is twitter tranny
take your aripiprazole, haloperidol, olanzapine, paliperidone, and risperidone NOW
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Now that the dust has settled, what did you think of both her and her story quest? honest answers only
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curi impact is kino
gig is cringe
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Glad you're having fun anon
NA or EU?
>teal/pink colored NAs
>long lasting bubble effects on any surface
T0 photography character
I haven't done it
probably will never do it
because I will not waste my fucking time doing troonvilette quest
the lack of Egeria and Rukka Ars Goetia names...
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Come to think of it. If Neuvillette was less of a bitch he could have saved Focalors from her 500 year suicide plan. Shit dragon.
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Why can't we be this based?
do you really think someone shilling persona and in love with a final fantasy character is a normalfag
it is widely considered one of the best-
Might be the best written I've played so far
>eastern euro
Well, yeah, it was never big in eurojank land
I do every character quest cause I need those 60 primos. Some of them are actually pretty good
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Because the outfits are super cheap, like $20 for a full outfit and another $20 for the wig. It's easy money.
Do I spend my resin on Gaming's ascension material, level up Lynette for the sake of having an anemo character or do I grind the Troupe/MH domain
I can't believe filler cunny with one of the worst kits in the game has a better story than the cunny archon
Rewrites, they were always dead but why give them mythological names instead.
>someone shilling persona
That shit's been getting normalfag friendly
It will never be THAT, but it's probably the sort of shit that a guy getting back into watching seasonalsop after seeing toonami as a kid would get a recommend.
It's not 2011 anymore.
I skip bad character quests because time is money and 60 gems is like 10 cents.
yes, because normalfags are willing to play multiple games.

unlike die-hard hoyodittor that only know genshin and genshin only. probably it's their first and only game that they've ever played.
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Stop mocking me 10 cents is 10 cents
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the most handsome
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I rewrote your dick and balls
Siggy is the most boring loli
It is barely about Neuvillette he is just reminiscing
everything you said is correct
>yes, because normalfags are willing to play multiple games.

"normalfags" play cod and madden at most
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>Venti appeared in two 4.x events
>Zhongli appeared in two 4.x events + a 4.x story quest
>Raiden appeared in a 4.x event
>Nahida........is forgotten
for FF definitely there's nothing particularly weebish about it
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ok and who would be the most interesting then?
good nobody cares about wanderer wife
>forgetting about the cinematic experiences and most non-gacha open world shit
it's the artist formerly known as FiFA
NTA but I simply don't like Japanese games
Japanese writting is too autistic to me and normalfags have even a more harsh option.
Wow ganyu and peruere melt are hot fucking garbage
>new class of weapon, "memento"
>unique to certain 5* characters only, essentially artifacts in the weapon slot
>don't appear in game, instead memento characters use unique weapon animations
apparently she rides Durin in 4.8 but the sumeru cast actually shows up but she isn't listed as having any lines
stuck on wanderer's fat cock
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He has a vagina, c2p
nobody cares about wanderers sloppy seconds
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Despite having the importance of being the first Archons of their elements their demon names are literally nowhere in the game.
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>Glad you're having fun anon
Me too anon, needed a nice and cozy game to relax, now I need decide if I spend the primos I have trying to C1 Furina or save for something else. I hope long time players can also enjoy the game in the same way I am now.
Wait, Jean's burst only deals damage when enemies enter and exit the AoE? Fuck, do I have to go back to Lynette for Swirls if I don't use the infusion?
wanna fro-
naruhodo, i see
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I ate 2 donuts and now my tummy hurts
genshins for this feel?
shouldve drank some milk to help it down.
those are sportsfags & fpsfags
I'm talking about the one who resides on r/gaming, /v/, youtube gaming & twitch
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Damn, then I can't add you, I'm on EU
Best advise I can give is
>pulls are rare but add up over time, never ever for no reason roll for constellations or weapons unless you actively pay 15 bucks a month and are okay dropping a few hundred every few months on a whim. If you like the game you'll like future characters
>unironically leave this place immediately because it's permanently camped by bitter schizophrenics, raids and shitposters that will make you hate Genshin just by oversaturation and association, and that's how they win

Calm down Neuvillette.
>I'm talking about the one who resides on r/gaming, /v/, youtube gaming & twitch

then you're not talking about normalfags
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He's brown.
It’s too late for me go on without me bwo I’ll be in bed the rest of the day
more genshins need to learn twerking
How good is C6 Sigewinne?
Who let kuro no kiseki 2 on this list?
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fucking finally!
sucrose's burst sucks sige's balls super hard
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Shouldn't have thrown Blunderer at her.
That windbag ruins everything.
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Why does Wanderer get to have TWO wives? It's not fair...
it says right on her talent
bosts crit by 20% and crit damage by 110%
good lord
Golden troupe or Gilded dreams on Fischl?
what kind of freak dress like this in an office
basically neuv
i've literally never seen anyone talk about shart rail outside this accursed website
nahida twerks on wanderer’s cock daily
stop lying. that's nothing for your fat stomach
buddy? POKKED
Not good enough to spend $1000 or 500 summons if that’s what you’re asking
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For me, it's Iansan.
That sounds completely stupid
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should i pull for bubbypoke
Try Bennett's cock
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Trans icon
It's Neuvillette C3 that you have to get her C6 for, it's meh compared to other Fontaine C6s
>rerun did worse than Raiden's
Yeah, you know why
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fuck the police
Does anyone know if programs like minty 4.7 are safe, or if there is any more reliable alternatives? I am a returning player after 2 years and want to make it easier to catch up, and that is what I found on google.
The actual offender is the Trails game. That's one series normalfags will absolutely not touch.
>becomes a second Neuv
That’s still better than 90% of characters
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So lucky...
she mimics her daddy's dmg for 5 seconds
that's not koko or the buddypoke
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c0 Furina is great as is however if you aren't planning on rolling Emilie you could splurge on c1 Furina, also just get the fishing weapon for her instead of spending on the weapon banner
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Soon to be canon, again.
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Nahida is really sexy.
his hair is navy blue not purple
i got furina pregnant........
i got diona pregnant........
Mona has a cock?!
i got keqing pregnant........
calm down wanderer
i got sigewinne pregnant........
I hope you're prepared to take responsibility Neuvillette.
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koko and sigewinne
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Hi, /gig/!
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Do you have yet to complete any form of content?
Like maybe Oculus, or a Sigil milestone, a quest you've yet to unlock?

Be honest with the thread right now.
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For me, Its Fischl!
my dudes, im bored, we doing another lolifying of genshins session?
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>2 minutes between certain posts
i’m nooooticingggg
i got yoimiya pregnant but you can't really tell because she's such a fatass.........
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I got Wanderer pregnant
wqs and cheevo autism. I only do enough to get all chests from areas.
omg hi xis
you will only be banned if the server detects you doing 'ridiculous stuff' - the game client itself seems to fail to have any any anti-cheat that can detect these hacks
to my knowledge this includes stuff like: sending huge damage numbers, rapidly opening chests, rapidly vacuuming loot, rapidly insta-killing an outrageous number enemies around you, etc
i recommended against risky things like the above and things like 'vacuum loot, vacuum enemies'.
here's what i have personally used and not been banned with:
no clip flying (includes flying around the map and rapidly harvesting materials), ESP (to show chests etc), hit multiplier (lower than 5), speed hack in dialogues, movement speed hack, god mode.
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It's a boy!
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This picture keeps me going.
>nahida speaking towelhead
>scara speaking nip
>mona speaking mutt
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I'm not ready for the overload abyss.
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I only collect oculi until I can c6 Traveler, I stop caring after that. I used to do all quests and hangouts, but ever since they introduced the new commission point system, I've been falling behind because I only do quests when I need encounter points for commissions.
My Starfell Valley is at 97% exploration, but I've collected all Oculi and the treasure compass isn't picking anything up
I just got Diluc'd
So we'll never see Furina and Neuv ever again?
Thank god.
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holy shit bros just realized
diluc = deluxe
he truly is unmatched...
We know Bennett.
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I have 100% everything and every quest cleared and every achievement you can get right now
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My vortex is swelling. What do I do about it?
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1 week until Natlan trailer in 4.8 livestream bitches
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Hoyo should let Crabaletta hit that Golem. Others had their one attack.
I guess her power is saved for later.
what's next for this game now that everything and everyone flopped?
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I only play long enough each day to get the 4 commission points, which means I complete 1 part of a SQ, find 8 chests, complete events and 1 chest, or any variant that gets me to that goal.
So I haven't even explored half of Remuria yet.
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For me, it's my fellow /gig/ ganyubwos
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This week has been very hard to do weekly bosses, particularly Arlecchino wipes my party (Xiangling, Bennett, Xingqiu, Fischl). Did they buff them?
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How to get Nilou gf?
candy crush pvp minigames
screenshot this post for proof when it happens
ZZZ trailer in 20hrs
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Congratulations Cheld
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New Bweh
How is this possible?
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need to breed
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Yes, a good chunk of Fontaine + the vast majority of Chenyu Vale.
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for me it's you sometimes
It's called;
Not having Artichoke.
Not having Kazoo.
Overload can go suck giraffe dick.
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you've got 2 weeks left
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They should add a parry mechanic in natlan but all you have to do is click the attack button to do it because that's very smart and apparently good gameplay :)
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everytime I fight arle at least one of my characters die, idk how, I usually dont die at all in weekly bosses either
I have to do siggy quest, that's it.
Be Alhaitham
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Last time someone said the S word two spergs kept arguing about it on cooldown for three days straight. Please delete your post before they notice it.
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entirety of Fontaine's AQ past act 2
Most SQs outside of lyney and cynos
Aranara hunting
Key sigils in enka
seems like the bwee verse is back on track.
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Poor guy has to compete with Dr. Disrespect now
Good thing she's legal.
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Worked in MGR
>inb4 press the stick forward too
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who the fuck is SEBASTOS.
why not all the time?
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anon, take this
he only TALKED to one, thats nothing compared to him
>Klee becoming a Captain and Noelle and Elin becoming Knights

Wouldn't that be great for when Mondstadt's plot advances?
Signora's dead boyfriend
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it annoys most people
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The fact they always surrounded "Symphony" in quotation marks bothered me far more than Sebastos.
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>First half
Navia,Furina.Bennet(i try not using him but i couldn't) and Kuki
>Second half
Nilou,Nahida,DMC and Kokomi(i try yaoyao and yelan but it wasn't working that well)
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Lynette's hangout
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Check your battle chronicle new cutie
according to jstern, pulling for siggy is good because she is funny and cute (verbatim)
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>wanderkek kills himself
Pretty fitting for the troon character lol
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I just Sebastos'd.
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Doesnt count.
Try beating it without cheating this time.
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What glider is everyone using for their winner
Can human semen impregnate Melusine?
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uoooh flat
[reliable] Natlan will have a tattoo artist character, with ties to Inazuma.
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Arubedo oniichan! Matte yo~
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I know but it takes some time
Please anon
It's the first time in 3 years playing that i use him
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>Zero of the good fodder set from Navia's artifact domain
>who the fuck uses clam
>no tenacity
>no good NOs or EoSFs spare
Yep, gonna have to bench siggy.
you didn't beat Genshin if you used skill or bursts. Only normal attacks counts.
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I assume the /gig/ abyss usage rankings are closed for the current abyss by now but I finally did it myself.
Siggy + Furina is genuinely pretty good
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I use the Dragonspine one.
>the next message asks to wire 50 bucks
What are soulful teams I can use with my c6 Furina to show on the next Akasha?

Klee, Amber, Furina, Xianyun is soulful enough?
I have not touched any permanent quest content or exploration since 3.0
I think dragonspine one fits the best
Just clorinde and sigewinne's quests and co-op achievements
I of course have every fish and pet and every character prefarmed and at 90
God why does she have so much good fanart
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flat jiggles
>soulful teams
Anything without your C6 Furina on it
Cunny drought
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You don't need to worry Amy, Benny isn't cheating on you.
I didn't real 100% the Sea of bygone eras and I'm quite behind in tcg.
Is a c0 furina clear sovl? Or she can’t be used at all
Because the few japs that remains made a collective effort.
using who you like is sovl
My Furina cons won't show on Akasha.
Neither will Amber's elegy
Or Klee's and Xianyun's c2
Do you have every fish at 16 catch though (maxed stabilizer)?
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Put up a better fight next time genkakas
>show on Akasha.
I mean on the Battle Chronicle
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Occuli hunting is such a slog.
It's like playing a shitter collectathon because not everyone has the good movement abilities to make the hunting for random floating objects fun
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I find it fun, skill issue
So that's how Kuki and Yoimiya got some huh
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unmatched in every way
Also if anyone wants to mock me, cons:
>C2R1 Wanderer
>C6 Faruzan using Venti's signature weapon
>C3R1 Yelan
>C0 Zhongli using black tassel
>C6R5 Nahida
>C1 Raiden with full EM
>C6R1 Sigewinne
>C2 Furina with pipe
yes my only two C6 5* are Nahida and Sigewinne; I only ever planned on C6R1 Nahida and then R5 was stupid decisions + good luck, Siggy just kind of happened due to stupid decisions + good luck
Going to nap now. Also panic when most of my best units are banned from the new endgame.
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you're monkey brained if you can't figure out the simple puzzles for the oculi that are very clearly out of reach
I stopped playing Genshin at the end of 2020 and only came back a couple months ago. I am absolutely in love with exploration and I still have the entirety of Sumeru and Fontaine ahead of me.
Feels good, man.
Who's this gigachad?
Genshin Impact
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sparkleposter are you here?
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That's cool
>simple puzzles
What puzzles?
Most of them are just kept on peaks or littered haphazardly.
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what is /gig/ buying this summer sale? currently going to pick some story games that work when i feel burnt out from genshin
name one good puzzle in genshin
genshin below flopped
looks about right
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I liked some of these since you could some times solve them with some creative thinking
The puzzle of how it's still mogging other games on one of the deadest patches.
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I miss this design.
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post cute please
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The worst nightmare of genshit
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>Furina and Bennet
Literally any dps could have cleared with that
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i like this one too
the entirety of mu Fontaine is like 40% explored
haven't done a single side quest besides the one that gives you that neato sword that looks pretty.
that whole new liyue area? lol, lmao like 5%
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>if you aren't planning on rolling Emilie
Nope, I guess I'll try to 50/50 C1 Furina then, maybe I'll get the last Noelle I need for C6 on the way.
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>region of Hydro
>no 4* Hydro characters
Literally everything in Inazuma including Byakuyakoku.
Geo resonance puzzles on surface levels of the Chasm.
Those underwater energy transfers in Fontaine had some good moments here and there.
Neuvillette should have been a 4 star.
>could release Hydro, Geo and Dendro 4 stars from 4.8 all the way to 6.0
>still wouldn't catch up to Pyro, Electro or Cryo
Sasuga Mihoyo.
Tech Otakus.
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Alright, I want to take a break from hunting treasure so let's do something fun. Give me a team of 3 characters and a boss to fight, I'll pick the 4th and then post results
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holy fuck. that makes it really obviosu how bad it is.
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>gig gf was using this when i meet her irl
i married her
Is r1 important for a f2p Emilie? Or is r5 Deathmatch enough?
the gravity on in fontaine
Yao Yao, Collei, Thoma, Xiangling

Electro Resgisivne.
>20 away from soft pity c2 Furina 50/50
How long until Imaginarium Theater release?
you mean wearing? clothing irl aren't artifacts bro they dont give u CV
dori, kaeya, thoma, arle fight.
4 days
>all of those pyros, not even counting 4*s
>only ONE good off fielder
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sorry, hydro is the premium element.
oh actually scratch collei from the list.
Cryo has a surprising amount of mid off fielders
>Raiden shitgun will save Genshin
Worse than Clorinde, Worse than Cookie, sub 30% usage incoming.
All I see are gays and homos. No straights.
I remember when I tried TTRPG with a friend and his GF was playing, he broke character in the same way when she was being too flirty with a shopkeeper
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What keeps you going?
Yeah, it's strange thinking about it.
Like no real crazy turrets like the other elements, mostly burst fields
explain cheld and nilou (flopped)
please find better AI artists
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Certainly not Raiden SHITgun! Ha ha ha!
uhh sweaty ai artists aren't real ''artists'' 'mmkay?
Bloom flopped?
Fujin is a better fish girl than koko
There, I said it
they all feel like 4* theres no completely ass units or super strong ones like other elements except maybe Mika being powercrept by Charlotte
Not enough information available yet but the trend says R1 will be like 40%+ stronger than other options.
Suggest me a TCG deck to play
Most recently I played a vaporize focused one with Yanfei and Mona
Mean I assume so I got all the teapot versions
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Sooo are you guys done picking mint? Was the gameplay fun?
Explain the atrocious state of /gig/ with facts and logic.
Why is Rosaria considered shit all of a sudden?
please suck my cock sparkle
Koko looks more like a jellyfish
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Is there a list for all like "unnamarked quests", like they're exploration puzzles but they're way longer and span huge areas, have big rewards like unique weapons and the like, but they're completely unmarked and invisible.
Nilou sold more than the majority of natlan and will be reviving the sales next patch with her costume and rerun
Nilou will be desirable for
Vape fruinas wanting key
Nahida players who want a new team
Anyone who's not gotten nilou
game is so boring I don't feel no emotion after not getting any yellow talent book after spending 200 resin. usually I am mad but nowadays it's just "eh, who cares"
I am ready for 4.8 stream & natlan trailer so I can finally drop this piece of shit.
Fuck u toddlercon
Closest thing I can think of
She's under the burst fields section
>3 polearm users
Well this is going to be miserable
Will do this one next, if it's not too long I'll upload the videos
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Bloom bros hows non nilou bloom teams working out?
thats the electro cube not the resgisivne lol
this is why genshin needs ERP.
Xinqiu Yoimiya flex

I defended her in past threads from people calling her shit, she gives you crit buffs which is great and has useful particle creating skill and good cryo app.
Some people dislike playing in her circle.
I don’t even bother spending 200 resins and I’m too lazy to 3 star 12-1. Not worth the effort really. My resin is just capped endlessly
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I recently started using Electro cicin and I love her, she summons a basically infinite use turret
I think Wrio is fun because you can attack like 10 times in one round.
why isnt Nilou a catalyst. Giving her a sword to use is so odd
Now that the dust has settled is Staff of Homa the most overrated weapon in this game?
Did you mean fontaine?
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>im ready to consoom more of a game i dont like so i can drop the game i dont like
sure buddy, whatever you say
i didn't do the quest yet
why is siggy a hume
did she absorb a dying child
All weapons are overrated because the weapon banner is one big SCAM
do the quest
Nilou and books is the least possible combo, unless one of the catalysts is a coloring book
Lack of gatekeeping and bad actors taking residence, same as most generals.
I've said this before and I'll say it again: Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, it attracts retards who think themselves in good company.
Is this factual or logical enough or do you want to blame [group you hate] instead?
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Which Genshin would cum to themself
most people don't understand what it actually does and just gave it to all HP scalers even if were only used for defence

it's a good quest, she tells you early on too so if you're doing it just for event points you won't be blue balled
dodoco tales?
these are your messages pablo
Is it theoretically possible to go lower than Fontaine?
so is the theater out yet ? how is the new "abyss" ?
genshin is the big dog so it gets everyone's rejects try to shit up the place
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Ningguang and I don't think anyone else is even close to her amount of self-love.
We've already been to Inazuma.
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...oh right. Well, call it a practice attempt
Absolutely, and you'll see it in Natlan.
Are you guys watching GOD Trump speak? God bless him.
It makes some sense for me but layla is the one that makes no sense touse a sword
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Star Rail stick out like a sore thumb here lmao
100% a hoyo shill behind that tweet
I am at the point where my resin is pretty much useless. I literally prefarmed ayaka for no reason. Even though her banner might be on September or something like that. Idk, I think I might have reached my breaking point. I don't see any new character that will restore my hype.
>not rolling for brown homo
>not rolling for fujo self-insert
>not rolling for loliflop
>not rolling for brown loliflop

I might roll for columbina but it's going to be a long time and I hate waiting especially when there is nothing to roll.

I don't know how I feel about pyro archon especially after seeing the leaks. It's just meh probably the first archon that I might skip since they just keep on butchering the "archon" status anyway
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When is genshin going to save other people lives?
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please step on me sparkle
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I need to HOLD HANDS with FURINA
Get Xianyun next time she runs
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Genshin only ruins lives.
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Watch it, he’s gonna fucking fix this demented nation
Lower in what sense?
bouta cum
>being so poor you play on a phone
oh dear
>implying you ever had a life to ruin
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leaked xbanka model
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Scaramouche / Wanderer / Kabukimono is very erotic.
When does Pauline come out?
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is that enough for you? Zero memorable moments between the cast is the problem
Genshin characters are carried entirely by the fanbase. in the game, they're barely a character
Genshin introduced me to this general, which is now ruining my life instead.
Duh, I'm on 4chan. I fucked up along the way.
Layla and Albedo too
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why did none of the fontaine genshins leave an impact
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Is it possible to go higher than Fontaine?
>So we'll never see Furina and Neuv ever again?
Furina, probably not. Neuv for sure, they'll never stop shilling him.
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they already wrote neuv out of the story, he can't leave fontaine for an extended period of time
The anime would buff Genshin like Fallout series buffed the games' sales. But I don't believe that it will out in before Khaenri'ah arc.
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except that time he went to liyue
Don’t underestimate Fat Xiao and his ability to shill his Magnum Dragon at any given opportunity
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>yellow talent book
we will 100% see Furina more times than Neuv from here on out
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just starte the game today and already got the girl i wanted
flop neuvillette (flopvillette)
I'll try that. Gonna go double hydro for hydro resonance since all the vape decks I've played in the past were double pyro instead

I'll save the code in case I want to try it later on, thanks
Assuming Natlan takes inspiration from IRL geography we could get some huge mountains like those in the Andes (Chile, Argentina)
Then again, Liyue did not have Himalayas so who the fuck knows lol
bro those are in game mountain heights
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Love Neuvillette.
Love Furina.
Love Kazuha.
Love Siggy.
This will be my team until EoS.
I mean yeah, it makes more sense since she’s retired so she can cameo easily
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along with Baizhu, Yelan and LORD Kazuha
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grats new cutie
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Did they...you know..?
Lmao retard. The writers can pull anything they want out of their ass to justify an outing. Do you not know how writing works? They're making it all up as they go, not describing what they see happening in some independant alternate universe. Watch me do it.
>The Institute came up with a stable way to harness Pneumousia from the shiny rocks.
>Neuvillette split part of his power so the city can run on its own while he is away.
>Fontaine repaired the oratrice and faith from trials can now be captured again.
>By using a new type of mecha fish, water currents are now producing energy.
Took me fourty seconds.
jesus you are going into space
Ugh as if Shitto and Cyno weren’t enough, we’re gonna have to see Furina repeat one same running gag too…
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Okay, here's the the actual thing down. Now onto the Knave
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nice anon
Based. Fischl is one of the characters that got better over time, too.
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Nice, congrats
Congratulations newfag, she's arguably one of the best units in the game. Focus on leveling Oz, her crow, it's her best source of damage.
Fischl and Noelle will carry you for a long time anon, take good care of them!
Hello, someone from mihoyo here. Submit a draft of that and you're onboarded. It must be at minimum 30 pages long.
That’s more convincing than Fat Xiao. He’d do something even more retarded to shill him out or just retcon it altogether since nobody seemed to even remember it during Lantern Rite or care
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Why are the manlets so short?
what a fucking faggot
imagine starting genshin impact in 2024
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>since nobody seemed to even remember it during Lantern Rite or care

average skipkek
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>bullying a new cutie
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I'm glad natlan is going to be nothing but ugly brownoids because otherwise my account would be pretty bricked right now
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Jesus Christ...
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I own her, but I still don't really enjoy the round up experience
newcuties should be bullied so they don't fall in the same hole like mine
I wouldn't wish genshin addiction on my worst enemy
Refine her bow. The only other character who could use it is Diona but she prefers Sac.
>been playing since november and still no Fischl
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Saint Furina
Man… I am willing to continue Genshin till EOS but these banners are making it hard… all of them are shit… and the next banner is fucking Emilie…? Scaramouche summer event? Goddammit…
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I dont think you should care that much about politicians.
Let the newcuties enjoy this beautiful game you fucking stupid nigger.
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quit the game and quit life loser
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when is fischl next banner?
Should I get Aqua Simulacra or stick with Lyney's Magic Bow for Yelan?
I've never refined a 5* weapon and probably never will because I know I'd regret it so much if another character who uses it was released
She's in the starglitter shop every January and July, just get her there
Furina is extremely androgynous
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learn from this list before you waste your rolls getting shit characters
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>Pagfly marketing push stops
>Suddenly 5.0 leaks
very organic Mihomo
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Focalors feet
thats her appeal
reinstall epic seven bwo
I didn't have enough glitter back then I do now
Ignore this entire list except the bottom two tiers. Avoid those characters and otherwise just play who you like.
stop noticing me senpai
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And that's a good thing!
the next banner is Nilou/Navia and the character with the most lines in the summer event is Nilou, leaklet
Uhhh... Your clock says EU timezone but apps do not check out?
Anyway you gotta relax a little bro, breathe and let go.
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Raidenkek melty
nahitroon melty
no need to play it daily. Leaving for a year or two is better. It's not like you're missing anything
Events are pure shit with zero meaningful and memorable character interaction
all me btw
The only hopeless characters in the game are Ningguang, Kaveh, Xinyan and Ganyu, everyone else you can put to use
Furinacuck melty
>TikTok hour
Recommend me some TikTok songs to listen to while playing Genshin Impact.
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l*lipedo melty
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Just AI generate it. Most won't be able to tell and the rest are /here/ to mald anyway.
I want to manipulate a situation in which Furina gets absolutely terrified into a quivering crying mess so I can be her comfort without her knowing I'm the reason she's in that state.
>Thread fall below 3~4 post/min
>bots spam starts
Im noticing
Why is it never "Zhonglipag melty"?
Why is it never "Ventitroon melty"?
>mfw I use Klee, Noelle and even Barbara sometimes
>mfw I do not get 36 stars but am happy anyway
>mfw I have no face
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Oh oh xxxmelty
Kissing slowly up Amy's leg until I reach the sweet spot.
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Flophill who almost killed HSR pulled more than this
fischlpag melty
why are there hilichurls behind her
>amy about to get churled
and she acts all smug too, what a whore
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>he makes new user reported data images throughout the day
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What's happening in HI3?
Stop noticing...
xinyanfag melty
clericoftech melty
Why is the raidentroon having a melty now?
why are there hilichurls behind oz
clorindepag melty
They are all useable and even BiS if you know what you're doing
If Genshin is so good why isn't there a sequel?
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Stuck with this cycle's Abyss and need help making teams to try to clear it
I thought it'd be easier to show the characters I don't own to form a party.
Assume no consts on every 5*, c6 on every pre-sumeru 4* and no 5* weapons (My luck has been the worst)
Anal worms
total hoyo victory
cum container melty
melty blood: act cadenza ver.B
>Ignore this entire list except the bottom five tiers.
>AOE cryo is bad

footchads won hard
>zenzeless zone zenzored
>atalantacore aesthetics
>you will never be a nigger music
At the very least Genshin has an identity that isn't disgusting
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yo i've been gone for a month but what happened to this game?
why is it never candacefag melty mikacuck melty or xinyankek melty
Where's the melty?
>bis if you know what you're doing
Translation: If you're trying to cripple your experience on purpose instead of using a real team
they have an update today so maybe they'll make a comeback
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slow thread unlike the last
I am the melty.
It did the Genshin killer thing as normal
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>pahsiv quest causes vishaps to start coming up on land along with neuvillette regaining authority
>she's still not back yet
So how long until neuv takes a trip to watatsumi
No one cares about Mika
use your best team on side one, maybe the truck
save cheld for side two
maybe put cheld in a team with XQ, Benny and XL if you want freena on side 1
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I love the director
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What the fuck? Is this real? Are we actually gonna be below fucking WuWa and HSR this month?
C6 quickbloom
Arle Vape speed run
Anemo driver
Pyro driver
IR and off field pyro
cum2play cares
hes too scared of raiden so never
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>Japanese IOS sales bait again
As far as I know some bald fat streamer sent messages to a minor and the japanese got angry.
Or something like that, I don't know, I don't use social media nor care for that game. Just what I heard.
>roll for eula
>best friend dies
fuck you eula
Rent free
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Not you, nor any other.
Can fathom what is nigh.
I will tell you when to jump.
And I’ll dictate how high.

The ones that came before you.
Stood strong and tall and brave.
But I stole those dreams away.
Those dreams could not be saved.

But now you stand before me.
Devoid of all dismay.
Could it be? Just maybe.
I’ll let you have your day.'
Eula got her vengeance after all
Replaceable with any other sub dps electro for better results
Same as above for the other 2
Sucrose is better
Any other pyro dps is better
Might as well not exist and you'll do more damage
the flats of teyvat
That sure was a delayed burst
I think Mika is a good lad why are you guys always so mean to him what the fuck?
>This cope again
you have been proven false last time but I knew that wouldn't stop you from spamming the same shit everytime
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picrel is my clear
you have everything you need for nilou bloom except kokomi, but you can probably just use barbara for that
for the first half, you just need to use the best team you have in terms of DPS, raiden national should work just fine
if babala nilou bloom doesn't work in the first half due to the lack of AoE for the heralds, consider running cheld as the driver or make a good team with 3 characters and then use cheld to pop the shields or hyperbloom, that should work too
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Yeah, Cyno and Tighnari totally magically sold more than Nahida
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This is the 4th time this reddit screencap was posted in 24 hours.
Genshin didn't even release 5.0 yet, do you want people to be hyping 6.0 for next year already?
wormto flopped
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>Nooo don't spam that image at my image that I'm spamming!!!!!
/gig/ will never improve
>archive schizoing
you're telling me no game suffered from this but Genshin? lol
because he is a paid shill and the reason everyone hate hoyofags
missing Venti=Wendy and Zhongli=Adam
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Sucks on my cock alright
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We're so back Hydro bros
Because its easier to post someone's wall of text than write the same shit
Everybody know that Japanese sales after Cyno's first banner are bullshit.
And how many times has that ios chart been posted?
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Honestly not bad. I might consider rolling her.
>stop outing me
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She cute
are you trans
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there are two types of mika haters in there
the cuckposters who hate him because he talked to noelle
you weren't supposed to point that out...
>searching through the archives for an image that was posted 4 times
>same sales posts are made 24/7 without any archive searching

you telling on yourself bro?
I heard she needs around 170% ER to consistenly burst as solo dendro which are going to be her best teams, so im using an ER sands
I have C5
he will soon be C6
the voices in my head tell me he’s getting a rerun soon
yes (my favorite character is clorinde btw)
That's funny except there was literally a thread where that iOS chart was posted twice within 4 posts of each other so good luck spammer lmao
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> you're telling me no game suffered from this but Genshin? lol
Yes because most Japanese gachas don't have PC/PS ports or the prices are the same as Apple.
This is what he wrote. HRT realesed after Apple's Jewish trickery, so the prices are the same on all platforms.
haha tranny
Dori uses Furina the best
CN speed runs use her
Depends on what elements you're driving
No one has access to as much pyro
Access to the element is more important than damage in some teams, Thoma is local as is XL's burst is local and Guoba misses the target
Is that ios chart from r*ddit?
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why would you notice an image that was posted only 4 times unless you were spamming the image they replied to
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>Yeah, Cyno and Tighnari totally magically sold more
Keep lying. Cyno did more because of the top up
according to Tectone, your game is dead
Makes sense, and I don't think you'd want to run her with Nahida.
Her Lingering Fragrance passive is what we focus on optimizing, right?
yes (my favorite character is Nahida btw)
>6 months of 0 content
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You're right, that said, i am glad that my Candace was genuinely useful for once against the lectors, while not being a complete brick in the other 2 floors
Probably since salesfags are discordfags
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>24 days
yes (my favorite character is Kokomi btw)
He is physical support but he suck at it even at c6, barely any cryo app and none of the physical units can really make use of his attack speed buff
if she makes my ganyu and klee more viable I will be rolling
Tectone is also in debt and got cheated on by his wife lol
This event is fucking dogshit.
>final day of event, already getting the mail about it closing soon
>no rewards for getting 3 stars, not even mora.
no one has still told me how this person gets these "G" numbers. someone just posts these images and we're supposed to believe whatever the fuck its saying without any proof or source.
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Why are we so dead

sigewinne bros, should I go with a HP Circlet or Healing Bonus circlet?>
Please impart your wisdom upon me, O livid one
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Did people complain about NTR when this dropped?
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>doomkek melty
floprina flopped
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Scara is so lucky...
I do not know enough about his kit to understand your anger, from what I read he heals and increases attack speed so that sounds kinda nice. I even thought about trying him with Clorinde see how it goes, thought about it like a couple hours ago really.
Maybe you're right, I don't mean to trigger you. Just on paper he sounds alright.
massive reach like Nahida the only rehashed design is Yae, even Ei barely resembles Mei
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Goddamn does she have a lot of HP, I might have to pull out one of my lv90 characters for this
Took 10 minutes to reach second phase and then I died to the bleedout
She forgot her piggy bank lmao
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I'll try those formations, thanks dear anons
Uh oh telling him his idle is a loser carried by others is getting him mad
share your food with her you monster
uh oh doomkek melty
Whats wrong with Boothill?
He's pretty cool for a Cyborg Cowboy and his trailer was nice
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It was fischl's inner feelings for mona manifested through arnold
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hehehe I got one
Not really only the troonbians got upset and spammed their shipshit for a while
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>Fate/Grand Order player calls Genshin a homo game
>attempt to refute xhim, but just remembered that everyone is literally jacking off to "Father"
It's over. I can't recover from this.
Firefly is right after and way better at the same thing and he's single target in a game that HEAVILY favors AOE
genshin is a mobile game
not a shitstation game
if genshin were a real game, TGA would've put genshin in the real game category not in the mobile game category.
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>sale posting
Could be a problem with the state of physical damage more than Mika himself idk
technically yes, but as long as you're building reverie you're optimizing everything
please pick the echoes saar
please roll for jinhsi
Is it just me or did playing as Ayaka and Ayato in the freeze levels of the current event feel horrible?
the inane doomkek babble didn't start until sumeru
reddit spacing
>Yes because most Japanese gachas don't have PC/PS ports or the prices are the same as Apple.
Since when Japan play on PC? and PS is dead there and the current PS5 sales are mostly from China
Most gacha games also have a website with lower prices. UMA has that + playable on a browser + a launcher and still mogs Genshin in Japan and used to mog it hard worldwide too, from Japan alone
Genshin revenue is in a downtrend because of 3.3 and 3.5 updates
Ayato, Shenhe and the Ganyu/Zhongli rerun also did more than Nahida
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>salescuck exposes himself searching the archive and has a melty
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>Entire marketing campaign revolves around being a "Genshin killer"
>normies (80% of Genshin's playerbase) never gave a shit
>people who disliked Genshin but wanted an alternative uninstalled, because the game is LITERALLY just Genshin but with shitty colors
>only faggots like Tectone remain to desperately try and shill the game
Mihoyo will never get any real competition at this pace because every single company that has tried to do so thinks there is a huge untapped market for a "Genshin but hard" product. When in reality it's just a very loud minority.
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am I supposed to be able to find something to put there
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Am I the one having a melty?
I'll leave her fat to /gig/.
genshin was in the real game category
only HSR was reduced to a mobile game lol
i elect fear
They are putting it in a service category every year. Cyberflop won it last time for some reason, even though Fortnite and Genshin had better updates (never played Fortnite, but I think they are actually working hard on their game unlike most of western devs).
no cheld, you’re calm and cute as ever
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According to Galaxy android, genshin has 210k players on galaxy phones while star rail has 201k currently. Numbers are close.

But we know genshin has over 60m players while star rail has 20m-25m.

Way more people play genshin on PC/PS than star rail.
No Nahida month is the highest in Sumeru. Slightly worse than Cyno and he was the anniversary banner with topup
you'd think companies would be weary about sponsoring any ex-genshin grifter so they can raise all expectations by calling you a genshin killer
yet you never won one
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Thankfully I have a solid set for Reverie, but Deepwood is the only one I have an ER sands on. The difference isn't that far, though, so I might focus on just DM and go from there.
It's been a hot minute since I did any of the Chenyu Vale puzzles but I recall that some times the pieces are located further away from the puzzle, in some cases even being locked behind other puzzles
I don't remember if some of the puzzles had 'fake' pressure plates that you weren't meant to put anything on
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>echo picker
>24 days
>a mihoyo gacha costs 200mil per year
>they make 100mil a month at the very very minimum on mobile alone
>somehow still flopping according to armchair analysts
it's hilarious how easy the math is but somehow it's still too far out for these mongaloids
fate's main character is literally a tranny king arthur
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Where does this "Japs don't play on PC" meme come from?
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Begone, schizo
ask r/gachagaming to add PC/PS sales on it then
quit coping that genshin
> Genshin revenue is in a downtrend because of 3.3 and 3.5 updates
Japan either loves Scaramouche or don't mind at last
You mixed them with Chinks
No idea, Japan has a whole market of porny PC games so it's a bit strange to think they don't
I c6ed my bennett. is my account bricked
*'sales on mobile has been falling off the cliff drastically
yes reverie is dogshit to farm, i've been doing it since it released and I barely have 73/142 with 163% ER (PJWS), i might just give up and go 2pc atk 2pc DM or steal some artifacts for the whole DM set
Puzzle time! Only real humans allowed.
You weren't supposed to point out that Artoria grew a dick to fuck her wife, anon.
Someday a bunch of these zoomers will realize that their addictions to phones made incredible amounts of money for tech companies.
They will understand they were used, their value reduced to a pair of hands holding a phone just so the sales department can report larger numbers.
I wonder, will they even understand they should be angry? Or will it go above their heads?
there's potential for Clorinde as a physical dps if Mika had Charlotte's cryo app or Qiqi's healing that team would be good combined with his attack speed buff
you fucked up your account yes, but you can just stop using benny boy and do a different team now
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>and used to mog it hard worldwide too, from Japan alone

horsetrannies are really delusional
do not let the melties distract you from the fact that poorina and wormvillette both SPECTACULARLY flopped despite being the most broken shilled characters in the game
pretty sure they will just enter retirement wearing the latest thing being memed everywhere
The only characters still making use of Benny don't care at all about his C6
you can buy packs directly from the hoyo store you don't need to own a playstation
Genshin only took of in Japan in 2022 after lantern rite in Inazum, they loved sumeru and made tons of memes about it
Nahida is better than furina I don't know why you dorks gotta keep being told this
It's to be given that Raiden dominates them with ease.
Nobody cares about your troonhida btw
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wuwa is in pre-1.1 maintenance
it will be a while before they leave
>you can buy packs directly from the hoyo store you don't need to own a playstation
that's the same for many gacha games. It's not a hoyo-exclusive thing
>July 10, 2023
With Furina, he's been upgraded to a 4* cryo Xianyun downgrade. His burst frontloads a decent amount of healing, and he has heals over time (requires doing normal attacks).
>Nahida is better than furina
>implying GAA wasn't a scaramouche summer
too bad they didn't build on it worth a shit, Mona was cool, so was Fatui appearing from Abyss portals or whatver it was.... fucking rewrites
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only 3.6 ? kek what a flop
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Nobody is better than Furina
>top abyss teams
>5 nahida teams doing different strategies and leads
>3 furina 2 being neuv and 1 being monoshitro
It's actually correct, sorry you sunk cost the wrong archon lol
Ei is objectively better.
Why femoids don't spend as much in genshin as they do for fucking candycrush???
what geobrick meme aside from shields will the 5.1 hag capitalize on?
defscaling buffs for other geo characters?
nobody cares dendropedo that element is old news and Furina mogs the fuck out of her
candy crush is played by 50 year old moms, not zoomers whaling for anime girls
I'm not saying Nahida flopped quite the opposite, I'm saying sales are down because they started buying packs from hoyos website and not from the app store cash shop, Yelan's rerun beat it in 2023 however.
Also Neuvillette had the top up bonus but Furina still outsold him so the bonus isn't everything.
Why moids don't spend as much in genshin as they do for fucking Honor of Kings?
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Agree to disagree
>i hope he gets killed off and never runs again
he got his wishes mika has been gone from banners for a long ass time now hasnt he
idk maybe it's the fact that candy crush gameplay > genshit wormpact gameplay

one is normie friendly
the other is making normie wanna shoot their head after being forced to listen to pagmon yapping 24/7
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bwos... i got scammed this time.
never happened before...
NTA but Nahida automatically makes it a dendro comp whereas Furina can be slotted onto any team.
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Candy Crush is a game for giganormies in every sense of the word. Genshin filters a lot of people already exclusively because of the anime art style.
>no data to back it up and just crying "I won"
Yep nahida won,she never flopped, unlike furina
Cyno outsold Raiden's top up bonus the previous year.
She will give additive damage to all damage sources based on current shield value
>t. Aunt Gigger
Oh well, I guess it's fine as long as they're happy. Which honestly I'm not so sure they are...
But stock market tech investors definitely will be!
what a greedy freena you have…
No you were lying and got caught redhanded
and the website cope can be applied to most mobile games not just Genshin Just accept Genshin is past its peak and need an anime to go back to Inazuma and early Sumeru level
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Sadly that doesn't translate to gacha, Sdorica also uses candy crush game play but it makes no money
>adding quake to Genshin
When you put it like that it does seem reasonable to get angry about it, yeah.
Depends on the game Genshin has a 25% increase on mobile halfway through it's lifespan and the game is available on multiple platforms
Most gacha are mobile only and games like FGO and uma musume have no other way to buy packs so you can work out the real revenue
I wasn't the guy who said Tighnari outsold her but I was correct about everything else
keep coping
>FGO and uma musume have no other way to buy packs
no Uma always had a website. Don't know about FGO but won't be surprised if it has one too and the same time I won't be surprised if it doesn't. that game refuses to get with the time
>I was correct about everything else
no you aren't. Genshin is not the only game with a store if the ios prices affected Genshin then it affected almost every other game saying only Genshuin is hurt by this is a cope

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