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Grindus Maximus edition

Previous thread >>483686679

Buy Plat
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Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: https://pastebin.com/86tuc1mA
/wfg/ CLAN DIRECTORY: https://pastebin.com/15RAiuff

>Notable links
Wiki: http://warframe.wikia.com
Alerts and other timers: https://tenno.tools/
Buying and Selling items: https://warframe.market
Riven Prices/Calculator and other utilities: https://semlar.com/
Relics tool: https://wf.xuerian.net/
Droptables by DE: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/809777-warframe-drop-rates-data/
Builds, Tierlists, and Damage Calculator: https://overframe.gg/
Frames and Modding: https://pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c
Booru: https://wfg.booru.org/
DPS calculator: https://github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/
Stream Times: https://warframestreams.lol/
Guide for Returning Players: https://www.warframe.com/fr/news/returning-player-guide

CURRENT UPDATE: Jade Shadows: Hotfix 36.0.4
CURRENT EVENT: Operation: Belly of the Beast
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My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
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I have a feeling some orc subhuman is not going to like this thread...
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>baro tomorrow
can't wait to be disappointed
such a blessed thread
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Wisp has feet envy
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should i just buy sevagoth? i farmed him for an hour and it was miserable
So what happened after Warbros split? Are there still 2 clans or just 1 now?
wish i got a footjob from wisp....
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awww, at least her prime gave her heels
>been gone for 2 years
>still don't expect anything from Baro
I think it depends on you, railjack is one of my favorite gamemodes for example.
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pelvis-shattering sex with Hildryn
warbros prime -> wia b& -> casualifies and renames to warbros nfa
warbros nfa -> competitive diehards and non-4channer recruitment drama -> create new competitive splinter clan named warbros prime -> warbros alliance of clans

someone got mad somewhere along the way about something, but who knows what :^)
>stalker mode (v 2.0) is DE testing the waters to bring raids back
>raids come back
>exclusively in 1999 mode
>one finger on the monkey paw curls
>>raids come back
>>exclusively in 1999 mode
so long as I can play with warframe mobility and mechanics, even if that's a predefined setup or something because we're joining as arthurs and aois, I'm down
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>pregnancy update
>romance update
what's next
NTR update
weight sliders and physics piece toggles
Yep, it's NA hours.
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>wb thread
>usual subhuman disappears
like a cross to a vampire.
How have anons been building Jade now that she's been out for a while?
>massive dangling futacock on garuda
r63 skins

I was trying a meme precision intensify strength setup but it was underwhelming and ended up just building for maximum sustain with very moderate strength and a good range to level her up and do some event runs, like 150-175% stats across the board but also including power donation
wait she doesn't have one already?
Did they fix Stalker lacking a stance when you farm Jade with him? Cause he had Stalking Fan when I used him in his quest.
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why there are so many faggots on this game?
it's worse than final fantasy xiv
holy fuck even the captcha is fucking gay
reminder that nova is fa-
I can't believe captcha called kahl a faggot lmoa
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every time i see him i just imagine brozime but put through one of those faceapp filters that make you black
I can't believe it was true, Nova really is fat.
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100%+ crit chance on her 4 with avenger, creeping bullseye, and a tau orange
archon vitality and pistol elementalist with raw heat jack her damage up quite high
two purples for energy sustain since my pet shits out health orbs
I also have a polearm with the other boreal mod so you get 50% DR on her 4 + 40% DR on aviator + 40% DR on boreal set
and yes, arcane avenger procs on shield hits now so you don't need combat discipline
sooner or later you'll probably want some extra holokeys anyways, so it's not like you're only farming for him
also veil corpus voidstorms spit out a good amount of axi relics if you're into that
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I want a skin or frame with a baphomet theme.
Duration is fine at 100% or even as low as ~75%
Efficiency should be at least 100%, ideally higher (Streamline is enough)
Range is priority (but Overextended might be a problem to slot). Go with Stretch and Augur Reach
Strength I don't remember the exact values but it should either be enough to reach a 3 second strip with her eyes, or if you want to minmax her, it should be even higher to allow you a 2s strip (but it's a limiting build). Anything in between is a waste of other stats.
Strength and duration and I built glory for viral and heat
percision intensify isnt good for her since the only stat on her 4 it scales up are the heat procs and its not by very much
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I've been playing with my music off, what/where is this what the fuck
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oh wait this was in whispers wasn't it
I refuse to do anything linked to open world shit
It's from the 1999 section of witw or the trailer for 1999 I don't remember you can get it from your orbitor by scanning a codex in a hidden room in one of the new labs tilesets
>tfw newfag
>try to que
>no one does fissures
>que again
>no one does fissures
>que again
>start event myself
>after first fissure guy picks my canister and it vanishes
This was my experience. I did 50 point solo to get mods, gonna farm rest later.
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why can't we replay all the quests? why does the sacrifice say begin, instead of replay quest? why can't new players experience previous operations in a limited single-player quest version? why did chroma's dragon steal my hat and coat?
Oberon is a forest elf druid.
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Pride Time in 30 minutes faggots.
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More Stalker stuff with 1999. Stalker fans get hype!
>1999 stalker is just nega arthur
What are some good builds for the evensong? Tried building the cantare as it was the first of the trio i got and man that is an incredibly gimmick tier weapon
woah. we don't say that word around here
I went full status on Cantare+Target Cracker. From what I understood, it's the moment the feathers return to your pouch that they will red crit. So throwing 6 of them to the face of someone means nothing, but when they return that they will rip out his face.
Or so it should because it seems Cantare has an innate punchthrough so I have to mind my positioning.
As for Evensong I modded not different from my other bows but since it has an explosion when the arrow hit I can't use Primed Shred as it should (I dunno if it would). Since that should spread stats well I guess Blast would be good but I have been currently using it with Magnetic due to all the Jade Eximus with overguard around.
Additionally the draw speed is too slow for me to make good use of Split Flights to I just use the Galvanized Chamber instead.
Stream drops
Chance at aura or umbra forma, and then a random augment after that
>prime time 399
what do you think will happen on prime time 400?
Rebb please put on a bra I can't stop gooning to your flat chest
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Latron Prime incarnon with multishot makes my FPS fall to the low 40s. I have a 4070. How do I fix this shit
show me
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tick tock
I'm done. Gooned too hard. I think I broke something.
>so tiny! *does tiny hand gesture*
Clip it
Now show us the gameplay.
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few more days and you can finally fuck off and make your own thread
Can't wait for the shills to fuck off
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>reb letting a shitter eats his words
ok thats pretty based
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>hop in Cetus for bounties
>low MR wukong pings enemy
>mrlet then begs for help against thumper
>rush over to assist and intentionally abandon the bounty before its even began
>mission failed
>he calls me an idiot
>immediately disconnects
>host migration
>crash to desktop
>thumper still lives
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kek she's destroying him
Every single time.
going down this much when playing one of the tankiest frames is crazy
average pub shitter
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I'm not even sure what soloing this crap's supposed to prove
I have to do that every time I queue up for the mode, 3 fucking shitters sitting on the elevator
>when you remove your PSF
o fugg
That Jade light is fucking her up
why won't she shoot the UFO?
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I could do better, but I'm too cool for that
What's your fastest Netracell run? Mine is 7 min 44 seconds with the new Protea aug
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>middle master
what was it? i wasn't watching. some nezha was claiming he can solo the event but was reality checked or something?
SPH stream when?
i didnt recognize the frame but yes he got checked, especially at the sister fight, where they both got checked and ended up needing a (based) railjack specter to do the job
he needed like 10 minutes to kill the sister
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kek. just rewound the vod and saw them go down like 5 times per minute and finishing with 16m. i'll have to watch the whole thing
maybe he was a clown trying to entertain us
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bro that nezha sucked, this was too easy
What was even the challenge?
>4 players vs 2
still yeah
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bro should be literally invincible with big nuking on his spears, no excuse
>Doesn’t have the strength buff up already

Forma Stance your Dark Split Sword already
I got an aura forma...
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>Hairy Warframes
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I want to set the weight slider to Nova.
last time they joked about this we got jade, so
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Have any anons here been able to get around an account suspension or ban?
There isn't much information online aside from most people suspecting it's a hardware ID ban - Some suggest an IP ban but I don't believe it would be that simple.
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it could go the right way
All this means is every warframe is clean shaven. Until they decide to make a warframe that is themed around hair
what did you do anon?
what did you do anon???
Nevermind I found out, turn off GPU particles
that's the most average discord profile i've ever seen
>a warframe that is themed around hair
why was my first thought bo-bobo?
TFD is getting at least one anon
why am i not surprised
god discord is so fucking gay
>NTR update
we already had one, first ballas tried stealing lotus and then we stole her back and cucked him to death
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Bought some platinum a long time ago, I guess it finally caught up to me
What the fuck is TFD
Has nobody here been banned before?
>What the fuck is TFD
Total Finn Death.
idk message customer support, especially if it's an old account you're logging in to for the first time in a while?
Gee i sure love talking about elden ring on my warframe livestream.
Eh, Gamers developing games could be worse. They could be Not playing games
sex with Optimus Prime
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i'd prefer arcee but you do you
>What the fuck is TFD
Totally Flaccid Dick
>Has nobody here been banned before?
dont be retarded is a simple rule
Why do women like Starscream so much?
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>dont be retarded is a simple rule
Look where we are anon, being retarded is a requirement of this hell
You're going to have to grind Void Storms for Corrupted Holokeys for Tenet melee weapons, why waste the money just to get it accidentally later?
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I've been banned on WoW and OW for being toxic. I browsed /pol/ and /v/ too much back then and their nazi propaganda was making me retarded like them.
Those bans were a good reality check and i never did that shit again, which kept me on my toes and allowed me to reform myself years later.
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At least something good happened this month.
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Good for you anon, I'm glad you're reformed.
>Banned from OW
That's more of a blessing
sometimes the less jaded parts of me like to believe reform is possible
Has WoW turned to shit lately? Don't think you missed much depending on the expansion.
why not just eat dog food? it tastes alright
good for you anon
but if you bought dirty plat as far as I'm aware you can buy clean plat to get the account balance back to 0 and they'll unban you, but you'll have to contact support
>Reb is a Gyre main
Stop I can only love you so much
I caught my older brother who was high as fuck on fentanyl unconsciously eating handfuls of Blue Buffalo salmon kibble around 3am in my parents garage, my Husky was not pleased. He's now homeless wandering the streets of Vancouver somewhere.
damn rebb knows all the backstreet boys names
I like their music but I never even bothered to learn that lol
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Keep for the lulz, or sell for like 500p to someone who wants a laugh?
It's only too late if you cut your dick or kill someone, before that there's always a way.
If you want to believe in some ideology eventually you'll have to challenge that belief, for me it started to crumble when i took my time reading some docs they linked about gays having over 700 sex partners per year to prove their degeneracy and it was a research on homeless prostitutes.
Also you can try therapy.
Depends. Current xpack is bad because of cut content again, but they fixed some of the things that were ruining the game like deleting borrowed power and bringing back vanilla talent trees. You can try asking /wowg/ for a more complete answer.
>Reb is a cinephile
>ligg diss kuva bramma in the squad ui every match
that's a tough decision

>for me it started to crumble when i took my time reading some docs they linked about gays having over 700 sex partners per year to prove their degeneracy and it was a research on homeless prostitutes
this is actually really nice to see someone put into words and relate, it just takes a bit of critical thinking and questioning the sources and information presented to you and you start to pick up on these "tricks"
How badly do you need plat? otherwise that's worth keeping
I dunno, I have a little less than 300 at the moment. I started playing like 6 months ago or something.
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just rewatched that part. god what a shitter. at least i got my entertainment, so cheers to him
I got 2035'd after crashing and got unbanned after I sent the help desk a ticket where I very kindly asked them to look at the situation, they looked at it and confirmed it was a false positive.
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this was cute
Personally I would keep. Name is really good plus she's masked which is cool. But it's up to you if you need plat to buy slots or other stuff. There are other things you can sell for plat anyways
>make a female (XX chromosome) black drifter
>not cute
>give her white hair
>she cute
Wow that's surprising. Usually once the 2035 ban comes in it's permanent.
What's your companion setup?
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What is a good non-incarnon weapon for self defense specially against shit like liches and acolytes?
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Mutalist Cernos.
Split flight, amalgam mods, hunter munitions - the statuses rip anything apart once it builds up
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hound with viral, rad, heat, IPS
synth deconstruct for the health orbs
synergized prospectus for priming
manifold+momentus bond for more priming
reflex denial to basically never die
reinforced bond for more firerate on her 4
null audit for more not-die and also sometimes steals jade eximus beam and nukes shit when combined with contagious bond
i'll write down the sugestion thanks, do you have a sidearm sugestion that fills the exact same role?
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Will you be going the yuri route in 1999?
I have truly... created a monster...
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When are we getting new incarns for circuit? I want DE to expand upon what they already have. More prime only mods from Father, more incarns for older weapons, more and better railjack. more amalgamation mods. So many things left to rot. A one and done mentality.
Every fucking week I will have forgotten the stream and only remember to tune in with *just* enough time to miss completing any of the drops. But what really pisses me off is that this chick I worked with for 3 years made out with me once at a party but ended up sucking the cock of a guy who only just started working at the radio station a week before. FUCK YOU, BETH. ENJOY YOUR SPIC AIDS.
They promised 5 new ones for Circuit but no leaks or any mention about them. Probably at Tennocon just like the Infested Liches
The Tenet Glaxion is pretty good. Cold procs neuter high priority targets.
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Why the fuck are they adding romance shit to Warframe? My Tenno is a fucking demon, why would he want to bother getting laid when he could be knee deep in guts and blood? I'm not romancing anyone in 1999. But Palladino belongs to me
Thank you anon, just need more taus to fuse but this build is pretty fun so far
I was gonna make a snarky comment but I'm just not feelin' it. I'm sorry, Anon. You're an asset to the team.
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Thanks for the replies, i played a bit more and i guess its not that bad after all. But what type of void-strom mission should i play? The pubs i end up with take like 15 minutes to clear any mission
Keep it is.
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Reb wants Warframe to be FFXIV
wow, that augment is kind of nuts...
Does FFXIV have romance stuff with NPC's? I know Nuptia is a thing in Warframe but I can't say I'm surprised if thats true.
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What s the point of this? It seems like its just worse then the other evolution
There's no romance in FFXIV, I have no clue where he got the idea that they're adding romance in Warframe because Reb plays FFXIV.
>My Tenno is a fucking demon, why would he want to bother getting laid when he could be knee deep in guts and blood?
Because he could be knee-deep in guts and blood with a conquered harem of bitches like a proper bloodthirsty warlord? The Tenno were political assassins and spies for the Orokin like with Ash, why wouldn't a free Tenno not want some bitches of their own?

Conan's "What is best in life" still applies. If anything we should transplant daughter to our orbiter like a potted plant you can fuck
Not only are there some NPCs you can romance, but you can also play dress up with them.
>The Tenno were political assassins and spies for the Orokin
That's a lie fabricated by the Orokin to contain the Tenno's true power
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>There's no romance in FFXIV
You can literally dress up the ruby princess in your sluttiest outfits after finishing her rep grind and even before that shit there was stuff like pic related as developer jokes
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You make argument I simply cannot refute. Good point. I think I've already been doing this subconsciously with The Sisters I've collects, Railjack crew and my Female Frames. My Main Frame is of course Male. Alright anon, you're right. But Aoi is ugly as sin, but maybe they will add the feature to other NPC's in the future. Perhaps I will finally have the Lotus for myself.

no romance in ffxiv, there are some npc who are into (You) however
i think swtor is the only mmo with romances
>Crafter weekly
>Somehow romance
What the fuck are you smoking
There are NPCs you can increase your relations with. The final reward for hitting the last stage is that you can change their clothes to whatever you want
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there's not explicit seggs or fade to black shit (well, besides that one moment in shadowbringers where you can literally pick your favorite scion to visit your room late at night...) but you're insane if you think squeenix don't pander with implied relationships. Hell, it's not even implied for Alisaie, she is canonically in love with the WoL and there's entire canon short stories where characters tease her about it.

Reb is clearly wanting to go full Baldur's Gate 3 30 minute animated sex scene with visibly pregnant warframes and on-screen birthing canal delivery though
Sevagoth is genuinely unplayable with his fucking death mechanic
Just let me use last gasp you niggers
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There are weekly activities where you can submit crafted/gathered items to NPCs for crafter/gatherer currency, and they improve their approval of you. Most of them allow you to change their outfit when you max out their standing. It's the closest thing to "romance" in FFXIV. Some side NPCs are definitely into (You) but there's no real romance.
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Anon you need to go outside more
To add to this, the items you are submitting aren't gifts for them, they're things like School supplies for the local academy or Resistance fighter supplies.
Any sidearms suggestions?
talk about warframe you ff14 troons
I'll be going the bi route and having a threesome with arthur and aoi.
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>posting garuda
good example
This is actually relevant to Warframe because there's no shot Rebb isn't going to add stuff from a game she's been playing for years into Warframe.
>besides that one moment in shadowbringers where you can literally pick your favorite scion to visit your room late at night...

If this is true, and Reb also loves BG3 I think Warframe is going to get something like this. I don't know how I feel about this desu.
Depends... For example, some missions can spawn derelicts that can contain certain weapons, like athodai or carmine penta, or even the sentinel nautilus.
Meanwhile the Veil missions specifically give out 10 Corrupted Hollokeys which you'll need to buy some weapons like the Tenet Livia and the Tenet Ferrox.

I usually recomend Skirmish against Grineer (not Corpus) because it's simpler, but but Exterminate it's even simpler but i find it boring.
tl;dr: Play all of it a bit, you'll need the intrinsics anyways. But if you want to tryhard and hyperfocus, Veil Grineer Skirmish and Corpus exterminate on pubs.
in MY headcanon (the correct one) it is true and therrfore I will proceed to plap my wife
Is this guy your resident schitzo? I'm kinda new here
we have a few :)
There's a Russian who hates Warbros and has frequent meltdowns and we have a Nexon shill who has been shilling aggressively for many weeks now (who also has meltdowns. Those two are at the top of my head, but sometimes I think they might be the same person cause they both flip the fuck out when called out.
there's always a rotating cast of schitzos every few years
I still remember higgus, and industrivsdjfalhffdkgaming or whatever the fuck his name was
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Im here to post about my wife Ivara and make fun of lorefags, although I am neither of the established schizos (yet)
I'll start your schizo arc with this Ivara is the ugliest frame ingame alongside Citrine
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Citrine I kinda get because of the body horror, but Ivara? Bitch you serious?
Who is really the most unattractive Female Warframe in the game and why is it Banshee?
nta but i wish she looked a lot more like her plex card image. her in game model looks "chubby" in comparison. also the nipple on the card is chef's kiss
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>left the stream in a muted tab since it started
>check back
Banshee has good skins. Ivara and Citrine, not a single good looking one to redeem them.
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which one of you fags was it?
Was talking about base skins, Banshee deluxe is really good though.
nick. it was nick
base it's mag prime.
>mag prime.
delete alchemy
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need more jade themed decorations
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Got every single arcane maxxed, thanks to that anon who told me to get all of em, they are really cheap on this event compared to the past operation :3
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Come to my Orbiter
aigh. did the magistar receive any buffs? i know it was already kicking ass before, but just saw a wukong absolutely shred the map with his ooga-booga slam attack spam, and i just don't recall it being this busted. some anon also posted a wukong+magistar vid a couple threads ago. does it have to do anything with wukong, like a weird synergy?
A-anonnie? /////
>Banshee has good skins
One skin. She has only one good skin, the Soprano skin. Ivara has better skins, and Citrine doesn't have one yet. But between the three, I believe Citrine is better.
I'd give ugliest base skin to Nova, only slightly above Mag. For males, Grendel.
armor changes and status changes, along other stuff, if you can build it yes, it's really good, but so are a lot of actual slam based heavy weapons.
Ivara doesn't even need skins, her base is fantastic, better than her prime imo.
reminder that [Hydroid Prime] singlehandedly has THE best base skin
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My link got fucked, just redid it and got this shit. DE i have a bunch of AF i dont need more
Dont put Heat on companions with manifold bond if you are using a frame that deals Heat damage.
It will screw your damage heat procs badly
so just an "indirect" buff to the magistar. i see, thank you. what about wukang? is he just used because cloud walker is spammable?
even after the "nerfs" wukong is still a stupidly good frame, fair enough, got somewhat powercrept but that doesnt change the fact he remains a beast on his own league, so yeah, he's pretty good, and you can do spy missions with him which is a plus
better than her prime, I agree. but I still think her Graxx skin is undefeated. Big fan of the loxley helmet though
>loxley helmet
Excellent taste
what's the funniest name you found while playing wf? it can be from pets or other players?
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wait I can't do the incursion? really?
hey cutie
I'm LR4, I just didn't think I'd have to grind arenas again for a daily... weak
post bp
but this is a blue board
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why are these big buffy chromas preying on smolt like us? uwu
tak on the 'log anyway dj mag song of the day is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elwpOIVbOjk
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It is done.
EIther Nukor or Epitaph. For incarnons, Vasto deletes almost anything.
you're done when you have 2897038 mastery (or 2909038 with founder exclusives), LRlet
>you give your single most favorite frame their sentience back and let them wander towards the operator room late at night
Which ivara skin is good? They all made her look like a man, her feet is huge.
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>Voruna goes into her 4 and prowls towards your operator's bedroom
game of the decade
>made her look like a man
are you serious?
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Guys what's this?
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>there are people who pointlessly grind MR by leveling up shit equipment they won't use
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this is a man
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Female Warframes can get pregnant.
But Caliban is the only male Warframe that can get pregnant.
>Jade confirms it's possible for Warframes to give birth.
>Hunhow laments his dried up womb
>Hunhow is the one that spawned the children
>Hunhow uses male pronouns as far as Sentients go.
>Caliban is a Warframe and Sentient fusion
>Caliban is typically thought of being as a male frame.
>The same month they released the pregnancy update, they put Caliban on this years Pride Flag.
Remember to Mpreg your Caliban in hopes of spawning an update for him.
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>he'll never get free boosters
>he'll never have 33k daily standing cap
>he'll never get free legendary fusion cores
>he'll never get free orbiter and landing craft decorations
>he'll never get 1700 fissure bank
>he thinks all of this is pointless
If thats what I have to do for his rework... then so be it...
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The MR grind gets pretty serious when you reach around MR28 and you gotta bother with shit you haven't played for years like Fortuna
I was looking at the MOA companions and they need so much shit from Orb Vallis
>But Caliban is the only male Warframe that can get pregnant.
>that can get pregnant.
Nigger it's fucking teleportation or some bastardized necromancy tier homonculiac bullshit you inbred chuckle fucking dickweed
Are you kidding me? That's fucking easy compared to what you will have to go through later. I'm having to farm Lich/Sister and Railgun weapons.
You just go mining and fishing for all those mats and under an hour you get enough for those things. I have to do side objectives for a 5% chance of a part in a mode barely anyone plays.
Impreg your Caliban, now.
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you want all your numbers to be bigger, don't you kiddo?
gr8 b8 m8 8/8
I'm running Cetus bounties now for those narmer isoplasts, then got to go do some Railjack for anomaly shards. Last week I had to do Zariman for hespare and I was losing my mind.
>5% chance of a part in a mode barely anyone plays
Which one is that?
only reason calibans on this shitty update is because he was mained by or by one of the art troons friends like how limbo got shafted too
Who cares about LR, the only concrete achievement is MR30
So you guys play steel path every mission or what do y'all do? I can do steel path anything now and I'm just wondering do I need to do steel path on every single mission.
accumulating steel essence is very good.
Exploiter drops resources.
All those little buildings you are supposed to rescue a guy from and defend have resource containers that give a bunch of them at once.

Yeah but outside buying the weekly stuff who cares right? I'm doing my sortie on normal. Why even both with SP for this. Same with farming in deimos and open world. Why make it hard. You get the same resources right?
i care because i'm always in need of arcane adapters and sometimes kuva
yes I just leave my selection on SP unless I'm hunting for more fissures or whatever, while stuff like sorties netracells and EDA don't count and you can still queue as normal
Is it worth building any crit chance on Kuva Nukor?
When you start getting strong, SP enemies become as squishy as star chart. So having them do a little bit of damage to you and be a little dangerous make the game more fun. Also the increased SP spawn count is better.
>soulframe devstream during tennocon
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Reminder that anyone who says mr is pointles is always a platlet.

I have two 5 forma SP weapons. They just don't seem to hold up. Nukes normal SP enemies pretty easily. Doesn't do much to the eximus and jugulus.

Just wondering if I'm doing anything wrong.
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The Jugulus have retarded HP/damage reduction, and also can't be affected by viral, so yeah it's normal
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could a drawfag turn this into jade riding a k-drive on orb valiis?

Thought I was just crazy. My kuva tonkor shits on most stuff but doesn't do nothing to them. I read their weak spots are in the mouth. Gonna try that later.
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Worst MR grinds:
Wolf Sledge (now)
Lato Vandal/Braton Vandal
Carmine Penta
War - 2k hours, just got first extra blueprint
Furax Wraith
Archwing weapons if you aren't trading.
Everything on Baro

The real worst grinds are:
Xiphos parts, 0.5% from 3 different levels of 3/3 sabotage cache
Codex scans
Duviri Incarnon weapons are 21 weeks?
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holy shit
what is this from?
>seething so hard at me calling his arguments shit that he made a video about it
kek, I love warframe youtubers.
The only weapon of the bunch that i bought was War.
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How good is Viral now?
Drifter melees are at least something you know you will get. Farming those others have shit like only 5% chance per part
What do you do 10o. Bullet jump, double jump, roll? Bullet jump, roll, jump glide? What's the preferred method of movement.
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>when you equip the onos
>big open area
bullet jump -> roll and double jump in one fluid motion then repeat with slide kick for landing or cut/sustain with aimglide, sends you flying in a big forward arc
>tight corridor
bullet jump -> immediately aimglide -> roll and double jump for a lower, tighter and more immediately lateral boost that covers less distance but with less airtime and much faster then repeat the same as above with sliding kick landings or aimglides

it's all about treating your sprint, aimglide, and crouch as clutches that you're constantly manipulating to maintain the momentum you've for whatever situation you're in
The Archwings weren't bad when I did it. What about them is awful?
I would say anything requiring multiple bounties, like Fortuna's and their debt-bonds, Cetus and Narmer Isoplasts, Carmine Pinta is pretty bad, but not deserving on the list. Probably put up there because you dont like Railjack. I would say Hespar/Aeolak or Hema belongs up there. Khora isn't that bad, I would argue Voruna is worse even if there is a pity system. Nidus was pretty fucking awful, I remember that.
haha gun goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt
Only if you exclusively use Harrow, Citrine and/or arcane avenger.
nice image kek
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Does Prime Sure Footed prevent Titania from being staggered and doing shitty flips whenever you bump into something when flying?
yes but her 2 does the same thing
So if someone who is preggo can be turnt into a preggo warframe then why can't someone with a dick or vagina turn into a warframe with a working dick or vagina to give birth to another warframe?
try it and let us know!
i don't have eggs, sperm or tennocytes
I mean, Warframes likely still have those parts under the armored skin.
For example: few Warframes have visible eyes but when we built Umbra we could see half of the face under the cracked helmet and THEN the helmet regrew the plate covering his eye.
There is a good chance that, rather than lacking them, the dick and pussy are inside the crotch “plates”
The answer is simple. Warframes aren't supposed to be pregnant and them writing one is stupid as fuck.
>Forever caged
Forgot Hema research which also deserves special mention. 5000 mutagen samples.
they said abortion is sick
i said tru
If you're not trading you have to change syndicates and undo the hate which is double just maxing them to begin with.
me on the way to my date with valkyr
Given stalker items are leaked for 1999. Here is my schizo theory

Jade shadows is just setup for 1999.

Stalker’s child will be intrumental in the defeat or pushback against the indifference/murmur. As shown by the whispers in the wall, a simple act of kindness was enough to stall or ward away the indifference. A being/warframe born of pure love and affection instead of malice and war will be instrumental in this conflict.

This is likely supported by stalker related items showing up in 1999 leaks. Something will happen to him, or his child, and jade shadows helps set us up for 1999.
just watched the stallordD video I see
The baby will die and we will get SSJOperaror
Isn’t that the guy that posts warframe OST’s?
I always figure Warframes these days are based on whatever fetish they're in the mood for.
NTA, but he also posts some lore vids from time to time.
Is there any way of making Oberon not suck ass?
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>mfw albrecht fuses jade into some random woman and she starts talking about how weird it feels carrying a fetusframe
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>Gay giant golems kissing
>Pregnant warframes
>Gay human version of robot
>Character with a wife and kids suddenly a fag (although this makes sense for an orokin) and also magically looks like an anime character now
>Cringe quipping zoo animal mutants that you can give hugs
>Permanent bunny ears
>Dating sim mechanics being added in 1999
This is what happens when women are in charge.
should i buy cantare evensong harhorny riven?
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Whoops sorry my bad Ember I didn't realize the condom broke (yes I did)
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praise Rebb for giving us all of that.
is there a way to make organic bumpastic questions?
i love women so much
same bro
>operator can shoot void energy
>operator shares powers with drifter
>drifter can shoot void energy
>romance protoframe
>shoot void cum into protoframe
>protoframe gets fully infested while pregnant
>protoframe gives birth to the ultimate warframe
>possess your child centuries into the future
based women lover
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Wisp's sweaty forma starved back orifice
i love men so much
>>Dating sim mechanics being added in 1999
Another rep grind, just gayer?
cringe homo
but what if i wanna romance the lotus
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>My Child. I said I wanted to be a Mother, not a Grandmother.
>releases a quest about the power of family featuring a pregnant mommy support tank warframe during pride month
umm yeah im thinking based?
t. woman
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>tfw you will never comfort lotus after her bad break up which ends up with intense rebound sex
she is a mimic so she can also take whatever form you want
I want Yareli's animations on all of my female frames. Period.
based homo
I want Jade's belly on all of my female frames. Period.
what if jade stuck her belly in it
I want to give Yareli a belly like Jade so I can watch her get tired trying to bounce around all the time.
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pregnancy transfer
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ahhh, there is nothing more satisfying then being the best
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is this lewd
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vintage ref
not this again, I never figured out how that other guy beat my score so easily without sleek...
>romance update
What the fuck did I miss?
these nuts on your chin!

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what's with DE giving a bunch of frames back vaginas
Marriage update.
>use NIN for the 1999 trailer/intro only
>don't hire tront or at least atticus ross to do the rest of the update's music, instead get someone else to do 'great value seven inch stakes'
Absolutely disappointing.
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>'great value seven inch stakes'
>get primed recently
>melee afflictions boost the heavy attack slash proc tons alot
>now getting incarnon
That's because Ivara is supposed to be male. She is based on the fragile archer Ivar. I know that Ember was originally supposed to be male too. Not sure if there's any others besides Ash.
why even play this game if i cant have this...
It's the year 1999.
The MP3 player launched a year prior.
What music would be on Arthurs MP3?
six inch staples
anon pls I saw something on the web about datamined romance stuff and I'm gonna be honest it sounds fucking horrid but I want to know exactly how horrible we're talking
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but i thought the lotus already viewed you in a parent-child relationship and not a romantic one? does this mean sex is an option?
five inch fangs
I'm awfully rusty considering that took 2 tries but you're far from the best
Where's everyone seeing these 1999 cutscenes. I don't wanna be spoilered but I'm tempted. They been killing it with most new quests.
>do the evolution
>rape me
>don't speak
>dissolved girl
Drifter is allowed sex, not Tenno
She never raised Drifter
oh and orgy's cover of blue monday
1999 will finally retcon operators thanks to dating sim mechanics .
The irony of all of this is they'll shoot out bans if we have an in depth conversation about reproduction since it contains naughty words and excludes trannies.
stop stealing my name and expressing shitty opinions with it
I've been thinking about it and subsuming nourish on any frame is thematic actually
>she saw the light
BASED, welcome to the club sister!!
Why does installing an arcane adapter make a weird "squish" sound now
You need to use proper punctuation to impersonate me.>>483800741
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come as you are
personal jesus
eyes without a face
losing my religion
you get what you give
man in the box
all she wrote
he can't express his opinions without a veil because no one would care or would willing mock him once they realize who's talking.
backstreet boys is the only correct answer
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I wish these came in bigger groups than ten, would be nice.
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>It's the final battle.
>All of Arthur's friends are dead.
>Albrecht is about to finish his plan.
>When suddenly, right as 'BACK STREET'S BACK, ALRIGHT' hits a katana is driven through his chest.
they are in the dojo, cutie mrlet
why dont you come to mine and I will take you to them
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that look absolutely deletable
I should really fan a clan again...
I want to be in a clan with people here but I'm not a hardcore xx420xx gamer because I just like to play casually..
>no overguard
Ya, no
Elden Ring > Destiny2 > Warframe
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Palbros, we eating good
QRD on Voruna? She looks cool and I want to know if she's worth the effort
Ranged build. Grass gives rad status.
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Melty? Seethy?
Do you wanna talk about Lavos?
What is naraka? Never heard of it but its always top10
Did.. did they fully reboot Call of Duty? Or is name of whatever version that is too long for whatever list that is from? The last one I gave even half of a fuck about was World at War and them remaking Modern Warfare pissed me off for some reason, even though I didn't even care enough to see what they were going to change or update or whatever.
Kinda, it's like "Doom" (2016)
People prefer playing baldurs gate 3 to warframe :(
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When the fuck did I get you? Was this guy a stream reward or something?
By my decree, finland will be renamed to seethland. Thats more thematically fitting.
I dunoo who that is, what's he got to do with this?
Out of Oberon, Hildryn and Revenant - what's the most meta frame? Because those are the only primes I can build
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>Dialogue and romance options being add to the game
Based Reb pre-empting Nexon preying on lonely nerds

Shame the lady romance options are limited to Mag, Trinity, and Nyx, though. because that's not a choice, it's Nyx every time
Hes a bumper bot, ignore him
But 1999 comes AFTER tfd
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It also gives status immunity so you can remove rad status from geniuses in rad hazard sorties
I want to talk about Lavos.
Even ember deluxe is after tfd, nice "pre-empting"
In game wiki that not only tells you where an item is without tanking your memory with adverts, it will also automatically launch the mission where the item is found when you click on it.
I was thinking of making my own clan after the event and keeping it at ghost teir. I joined a rando clan so I've got a bunch of blueprints already.
You get access to Lavos just from grinding Entrati standing (which you will need for building your necramech anyway)..
Voruna you need to go out of you way grinding conjunction survival on lua for both the bps AND the resources for building her. And being able to buy her bps from yonta doesn't really helps cause you use the same resource to buy her bps and build her so you gotta grind it on double.
Everyone in my current clan is multiple years of inactivity, so I really don't have anyone to talk to or play with.
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if first descendent is just coomer bait warframe then how come it makes my dick soft
I'll post it in the thread then when I do.
because it's generic gookslop coomerism
I'd grind Ember's back story ifyaknowwutImean.
Yeah, Tennocon
It's a bit soulless. Or maybe entirely.
NA is gone and the thread is back to normal.
I'm from NA
You are not supposed to be here.
my condolences
You are gay.
try disco build
drop grass > use 4 (with augment) > breach surge > spam 1
its funny
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skill issue
did that anon build max range oberon yet?
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I tried Oberon for a bit, because I wanted some terrain control and they nerfed IWI. And to it's credit, grass is pretty ok as a crowd control option and the status immunity is nice.

But man, having to press two buttons AND spend 150 energy AND having to build ~40% more strength to strip armour, but it's not amping crits or stunning for ten seconds or giving overguard, is pretty damn rough.
>fan art
Meanwhile ligger got his position as warframe designer
Unreleased, designed to be countermeasure to tfd.
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And you're designed to seethe constantly.
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Sold for plat, please dont drop warframe, please :( And forget about prime wisp got her ass reduced.
wow tfd really lives rent free in wfg's head
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Already ingame
Do you have it?
Don't you?
July 20
Holy shit you retard
No u
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>designed to be countermeasure to tfd
If only you mom played warframe, then she could have learned something about countermeasures
Ahh mesa, simple times when they didn't shrink prime asses like they did with wisp and protea.
Are you the guy that coped so hard he accidentally wrote a thesis on why trannies are heckin valid while trying to trash the xaku deluxe skin?
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TFD buckbroke the wfgsissies
it's all they can talk about in they're own general
Did the ghost in the shell game even last that long? Can barely remember now.
>they're own general
All calm in the trenches today? Did you finish your daily blowjob quota already?
Reminder to report and ignore the TFD fags for trolling our general.
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thanks for the (You) schizo
>as if it's not just the usual one
Dont forget maple story and blacklight retribution.
This one? >>483810202
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>so mad he wouldn't dare quote me directly
>copes with his subhuman education by pretending that being on 4chan implies some sort of competition
Just subhuman things again nothing new.
josh strife hayes hates our game...
how do we cope with that...
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Meant for >>483803347
Where do I go to farm all these fancy warframe mods that give you those really good buffs? I'm just using super basic stuff and I don't really know where to go. MR9 if that helps.
No i was talking about a fag who does things like pic related, so it's very specific. Starts with his nationality since these things are tradition, you know who you are.
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of course.
and when I'm done with that, my drifter is going to have a field day eating out and scissoring with all my femframes.
Read the Wiki
Guess you are now corrupted by him, im sorry. You started posting about sucking not anyo8 else.
Wiki is a must, there are lots of things you can aim for and I don't think anyone has memorized each drop location and shit anyways.
Can you faggots stop replying to russchizo and report him
>Worst MR grinds:
>Wolf Sledge (now)
Now worse than any other invasion drop desu. yes yes beacons are the only way ususally whatever.
>Lato Vandal/Braton Vandal'
Mid at best if you have a decent set up and if youre farming this without a minmaxed build youre just silly.
>Carmine Penta
Wasn't that bad railjack is fine get them builds up.
Actual aids i fully agree
Not a bad farm at all even less so now you've gotta do the circuit for the incarnons you'll passively get it if you really cant handle the cyro farm.
Not really a farm or grind just login ya know? these are fine as long as they never add more.
Most people dont even know this exists so meh just gotta wait for a nighwave rotation or two not a big deal
>War - 2k hours, just got first extra blueprint
ive always been on the fence about this i have around 80 dreads and then 8 or so of everything else i think? half and half but they nerfed it i think so whatever it pushes the bundle sales so yeah
Not that bad just an invasion some things to need be rarer than others
Could be a little better
>Furax Wraith
got mine from the event and have a few sets since but i will agree its like 140 runs or something if you get unlucky per part should be slightly toned down.
Is fine but they should never add a rotating farm again.
c rotation for systems and blueprint should be bumped just a little bit
Literally the strongest most AFK thing in the game no plays her to be fair but if anything shes fine as is
>Archwing weapons if you aren't trading.
I got them long ago but for newer people this is a good thing encourages them to interact with player trading
>Everything on Baro
Working as intended.
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retard moment
You report everyone or you shut up.
Archwing grinding is a bit better with railjack missions, kill ships go in, pull a necramech, kill more.
>so mad he can't even write properly
I'll keep mocking subhumans anyways, regardless of what you make up to cope with.
As if that ever solved anything. Show me he getting banned once and giving us a 3 day grace period and i'll start bothering again.
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Finns are exactly like russians, even same schizos.
>keeps giving a known attention faggot (You)s
>doesn't report his off-topic shit
He's obviously scared of getting banned because he deletes his own posts.

You're just as bad as him
point me to the posts made by said schizo
One thing general agrees on, only course of action is banning them both.
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>plural marker
Don't worry, soon both Ostron oinks, and Grineer cattle will be gone
Why yes WE must ban THEM,
Kullervia is next
That's not what i asked, show me he getting banned once. >Once<.
>keeps giving a known attention faggot (You)s
As if he doesn't samefag or spams anyways.
*Japan hours
Exact same situation with bumpers. They will bump regardless
So loid and albrecht were fucking, right?
Banish :DDDD
Yes, thank TFD DE starting to back down on gay stuff.
>Americans go to sleep
>thread goes to absolute dogshit
Why can't you thirdies control yourselves?
They are russians
>timezone exists
>other brand of retards take over the general
That means you are not american/thirdie too, so ask yourself.
Its ok when WE do it.
Get hema blueprint first.
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In the depths of their Warframe clan dojo, the Warbros celebrated their victory in the Operation Arid Fear. Killsaw, the fierce leader of the clan, stood tall amidst the revelry, his towering frame a testament to his prowess in battle. Wiawyr, the cunning tactician, raised her glass in a toast to their success, while Alantar, the stoic defender, smiled in quiet satisfaction.

However, amidst the cheers and laughter, tension simmered beneath the surface. Extraxi, the tech-savvy engineer of the clan, had made a seemingly innocuous decision to move the memorial in the dojo without consulting Killsaw first. The leader's expression darkened as he noticed the change, his gaze fixing on Extraxi with a steely intensity. Sensing the brewing storm, Wiawyr and Alantar exchanged worried glances.

As Killsaw approached Extraxi, his voice was low but laced with anger. "Why did you move the memorial without asking me? That space honored our fallen comrades, and you just thoughtlessly relocated it?" The accusation hung heavy in the air, the tension palpable as the two clashed in a battle of wills. Despite Extraxi's attempts to explain his reasons, Killsaw's pride and sense of tradition were wounded, fueling the confrontation further.

In the heart of their dojo, the clash of personalities echoed through the corridors, drawing the attention of other clan members. The celebration had turned into a battleground of emotions, with each word spoken escalating the conflict. It was only when Wiawyr stepped in, her words tempered with wisdom and diplomacy, that the two finally relented.
As the dust settled and apologies were exchanged, Killsaw and Extraxi found common ground, realizing that communication was key to maintaining their unity. With a newfound understanding and respect for each other's perspectives, the Warbros emerged from the altercation stronger and more united than before. The victory in battle had brought them glory, but it was overcoming their internal conflicts that truly solidified their bond as a formidable clan.
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>her voice
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Netflix adaptation of pic rel, featuring Wia as female and a happy ending.
No wonder hes so angry about clan folder
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Actually, I think you'll find they are *second* worlders.
So you are american or thirdworlder?
NA /wfg/ is a snoozefest, all the good shit happens during EU-SEA hours.
How do i build Mirage?
At MR5 should I use an orokin catalyst on a HEK or it's a waste of catalyst?
Waste one post
The original definition was more or less that America West Europe Aus etc (basically anywhere democratic capitalist that's geopolitically sympathetic to Yanks) are first world, East Europe and much of Asia (anywhere communist or formerly communist basically) is second world, and every where else is third world.

Basically, the free and information sharing world, the world behind the iron curtain, and the world that must be protected from falling to the reds.
I know, which one are you?
How long has Semlar riven history been down for?
Wtf are you bitches talking about?
do not engage with finnschizo, he is here to disrupt our warframe discussion
Hek carried my MRlet ass until I got Hildryn Prime
Do you think Putin will restore the Soviet Union and bring back communism?
I would try and save it for something else, the base version of the hek is out crept by its other versions.
2 - 3 bump seasons or so
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PSA: Trading in warframe is not THEMATIC. The only correct way to play warframe is in the SSF mode.
>2 warframes, 8 weapons
Its a bump so ignore it
Thanks for the answer!
Buying plat from official sources is allowed, but not engaging with other players.
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Hmmm, nyo.
>not engaging with other players.
That means you are quitting wfg too.
But we are not playing warframe here...
...we bump, discuss politics and spoil future quests (not gonna play them anyways, who cares)
It's not like every enemy has overguard, plus, Exo Gokstad Officers at level 190 with SP modifiers have the same HP as normal SP enemies at level 5000+ (from my experience with level cap cascade)
playing around with helminth ophanim eyes; I thought the helminth version doesn't have the revive allies perk? Unless it just meant other players, not counting companions.
we lost...
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My build for her. Not sure if I should keep blind rage or go for transient fortitude. Not sure if I should keep brief respite either. Strangledome mainly functions to keep my energy up.
So thats why local finn is so butthurt.
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Cool, free plat
yep, they're all ruskies in denial
haven't played this game in like 6 months, are gyre and mirage still the best options to max focus in a single ESO run
Returning player here?
just woke up btw
What? With DE having a track record on not explaining things properly at times, I just want to make sure I'm not having a bug (like hildryn and fire blast) or DE's oversight that they're gonna patch. Because it's cool.
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I liked warframe more when Steve was in charge.
Any of these worth farming to subsume prior to their primes?
good bumps
Just say "bump"
Kullervo's, Styanax's and Voruna's subsooms are decent.
get jade's as well.
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Finally weekend now let's play some Warframe friends
Why your ember is missing some meat chunks?
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Why did you say the n-.word?
Already did jades since I am buying out the arcanes.

Revised the list by order of release:
caliban - 7 anomaly shards (flashing veil proxima), 40 narmer isoplasts
gyre - 40 voidplume quills
styanax - kahl
voruna - neuroptics, chassis, lua plasm, 5 nitain
citrine - mars mirror defense
kullervo - bp
dagath - dojo bps, 102 vainthorn
qorvex - bird 3
dante - deimos disruption C 5% - neuroptics/chassis/systems
Long ass farm, meh subsume, don't do it
Extremely long farm, barely useful subsume on other frames, don't bother
Easy fast farm, good subsume, do it
1 hour farm, ok subsume, might as well
If you like doing bounties I guess. Ability isn't particularly more useful than Larva or Airburst
Yeah, wrathful advance is strong
Useless ability
Probably not
Kahl missions are a pain. Terrify works as a 100% strip much like Tharros Strike, and Nekros is much easier to get...
I don't know
holy based
Pre TFD era "coomer" design
what do you mean
>censors his name
>load into fortuna
>check the race
>find him anyways
btw 2 people have beat your score
>ember's heirloom out in july 20
why can't it come out sooner. it's like waiting for christmas, the agony...
a bump on the house just for you :)
How do we save Oberon?
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Another name added to my list of /wfg/ bros.
I wish warframes had dialogues in missions like in tf2 or overwatch. Commenting on kills/using abilities/reviving eachother etc. TFD had some of that and it felt really cool and immersive when characters have some chemistry between them.
Make his 4 always strip
Implement Phoenix Renewal into his 3, make the augment shorten its cooldown on kill instead. Also remove the mechanic that makes it drain more energy if there are allies in range, shit's retarded
Make his 2 revive allies. Also enemies in range have high chance of dropping orbs
Rework passive with something useful. For example, idk, whole team has +2 revives.
>didn't max out all the kdrives
what the fuck btw your name is still in the screenshot
oh.. it's you again... with the retarded dialogue take
it's fucking cringy man, i'm glad wf doesn't have that.
Hey man, let him cook!!!!!!!!!
With how they butchered Raven's voice? I don't think so timmy.
Nu uh! his meals taste horrible
NTA but I unironically prefer nu-Raven
I think that would be cringe
>sell couple of maxed out archon mods
>go offline on site cause have to afk
>come back
>price is now 20p lower
how in the FUCK
it's prime time for thirdworldies, only sell during US prime time
Old raven va voiced blood elf npcs in wow?
Thus, burgers pay more and leave a tip
I was thinking on that myself.
People always compare warframe to dynasty warriors, but that game had actual characters to play as. As well as characters to play with, for that matter.

Also, the psychic robot piloting children in tight suits from Gundam Warriors don't look as potato.
>undercut everyone by 1p
>get whisper
>guy tips me 1p
Who the fuck is raven
sometimes they'll pay more just to have their plat end in 5 or 0
You can't be serious.
She sounds like a chain-smoker!
hm yes, I add an exclamation mark to my thanks when they do that
I don't know, did she?

One of 4 voice-options for operator.
With the introduction of trannies (read: drifter) they "updated" the operator voices and completely butchered Raven's voice in particular.
Went from a teenage voice to a chain-smoking old hag's voice.
Thats owl
Do you guys wait 3 days for frames to finish building?
I usually dont have patience and spend 50 plat every time unless it's purely a mr/subsume fodder
>t. consooomer
Yes, 3 sleeps passes by very fast.
idk i only started rushing stuff since i maxed out everything. i'm one of the weirdos who liked waiting 3 days for a frame to finish crafting. felt like waiting for Christmas to come. yeah i'm probably on the spectrum
I don't play during the week so yes I "wait"
Didn't know, I never customized my operator and have dialogues set to 0 becaus they are all cringe
>want to get Kuva Sobek
>every other Kuva weapons show up x10
Fuck you Steve
>not wanting your retarded gremlin doing potato-speak in your ear as you bathe in blood and viscera
What a waste.
>watching a pt speedrun
>tenet diplos was renamed to "Trans Rights"
Only pedos and trannies prefer operator over drifter.

Also if your drifter/ operator is female you are gay.
buy more plat
Sure, I have thousands of plats but never rush anything because I actually like waiting the 3 days. It's like being a kid waiting for christmas, or waiting for a new game to come out. The anticipation is half the pleasure.
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Are you extracting? If you get a weapon you don't want and finish the mission, the weapon is removed from the rotation pool so you have higher and higher chances of getting Sobek with every run.
I don't like trans, you don't either right?
Speedrunners always were fucking weirdos or nerds and it's no surprise they just evolved into troons
It's Always Sunny in /wfg/
Bro can you stop, you've been in a shitposting frenzy about bjmping for like 3 days now. Quit it. I know you are unhappy with your life. You don't have to do this.
>go fast or go solo was warbros moto
Nuh-uh, I'm no troon and I like speedrunning
>trying to reason with the schizo
oh no nigger, what are you doing??
i'm just surprised that was worth making a post about. it's like you're not aware of the retardation of attention whores
I have faith, everyone can be changed and brought back to the light
Bro can you stop, you've been in a bumping frenzy for like 3 days now. Quit it. I know you are unhappy with your life. You don't have to do this.
Post your fastest PT kill or green eidolon kills or you're lying
>3 days

Try 7 years
tjke yjur mjds
1 40s min for PT, 10m 24s for eidolons
He's been particularly active these days I meant. Yesterday he must have spent 10+ hours posting here.
Guess who woke up
Ok now post your intact cock
and you know it how? because you posted for 10+ hours here? I know you are unhappy with your life. You don't have to do this.
reported for sexual harassment, creep
But its ok when thematic anon does it 24/7?
i'd take thematicfag over you any day
>t. thematicscizo
report russchizo's spam and ignore him
Thematic boyfriend?
No because I opened the thread in the morning and you were shitposting, I opened it in the evening and you were still shitposting and the entire thread was filled with your posts.
annonucing reports is a banable offense lil pal
Thats me, not him, you retard.
Yeah because he posts about the game instead of posting about bumping and russia/ukraine 24/7 like you do, you brown subhuman
>Yeah because he posts about the game
qjality pjsting
But thematic anon is the one posting about russia/ukraine... Its his attempt to stop me posting about bumps
Also this >>483830805 but its everyone else is obsession not his.
warsisters??? our response????
You are thematic anon now. Narration demands it.
can't they either uncap or raise the decoration points by a lot in the orbiter, i'm at the cap when i only decorated the main hall of my orbiter
come on DE it's not 2018 anymore
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So I want to know what you guys think. Last time I asked you what your favourite undead frame was. Right now I wanna ask about more recent stuff so... What do you think about Dagath's newest augment? Will you use it and replace her 2, or do you prefer keeping her 3 as it is?
Ughmmm wei post this but you are the gay one >>483811141
Response is double bjmp
One with classic "so" opener.
new thread soon
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That's just my speech pattern, man. I have no idea what you guys are talking about. I just wanna talk about undead warframes.
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>pick clan ad that says full research
>hey I don't use discord and don't want to start, is that cool?
>find a good one
>steal their shit
akshually, thehcnichally all warframes are undead because they are 10000 year old machines
Thank you for bumping our general and keeping it alive for a few more minutes, sister. We are proud to have you.
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You're technically right, but not for the reasons you said.
THAT SAID, all warframes are closer to "infected" from zombie movies than actual reanimated undead. So you're wrong if we go further into technicalities.
Either way, you know I mean undead themed warframes.
Her aug is great and changes the way she plays, turning her into the strongest gun platform in the game. Also lets you subsume ensnare on her 2 and focus on nuking with her 4, for example.
Warframes are flesh golems
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How easy is it to get around the 25 second cooldown to keep her 3 active for as long as possible? Kinda wish the cooldown was a bit shorter.
I mean that's what I said basically. They're infested and turned into biomechanical flesh puppets, so they're "infected" but not truly undead. "the infected" is a term used for zombie movies that turn the zombie virus itself into more than a disease than full on reanimation, thus not truly being undead.
All frames are pairs of male+female. Like volt and gyre are electric pair, vauban and protea are engineer pair. undead pair is nekros and dagath, dont expect more. Inaros is sand/mummy/egypt and will have his pair in future
Hydroid and yareli, titana and oberon, loki and ivara, nidus and saryn, hildryin and rhino
Kills reduce the cooldown. You just have to strategically keep a few enemies ready to be killed as soon as you exit her 3 mode to reduce her cooldown to a few seconds.
Its not conversation/infection if you just put meat, metal and rocks into a mold.
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I mean, that's cute, but there's 9 undead already so it's not like Nekros/Dagath are the only ones. Currently there's:
Banshee (A banshee, duh, the screaming ghost)
Nekros (Necromancer/Lich)
Inaros (Mummy, as you said)
Revenant (A revenant, which tends to be a vengeful spectre that came back because of its grudges)
Garuda (A vampire. Plenty people seem to forget vampires ARE undead.)
Wisp (A will-o-the-wisp, which are ghost lights)
Xaku (A skeleton, duh.)
Sevagoth (A wraith, his shadow is a shadow, obviously, which believe it or not are a type of undead.)
And Dagath (Which is a dullahan, specifically.)
This reminds me I really need to update my pic showing all undead frames.
Yeah, I guess it requires you to actually think instead of just nuking everything mindlessly.
Khora is kinda Inaros, they both have cats. And she looks a bit egyptian.
Also, not every pair is male+female. For example:
baruuk+atlas, banshee+octavia, ash+kullervo, revenant+xaku...
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Was it a mold? From what I remember of the lore and how umbra regenerated it's more biometal, so it's not forging like a golem but a biomechanical infestation.
list all warframe pairs
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Inaros will probably pair with a spinx-like catgirl. I can't think of anything sexier that matches the egyption theme.
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Something's off but i can't tell what exactly.
Prototypes are infection indeed, but our frames are crafts
me too.
are you the anon who drew the hildryn art a few threads ago? cool, keep cooking
>Are you extracting?
No I don't
>the weapon is removed from the rotation pool so you have higher and higher chances of getting Sobek with every run
Does this shit even work because I'm seeing a lot (and I mean A LOT) of Kuva Quartakk/Nukor/Brakk?
no penis
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nick gurr
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Yeah, that thematic guy is so much better.
I want MORE
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I can live with that, yeah.
So to be accurate I meant that the original prime warframes are infected and not undead, and I want to nerd over undead-themed warframes, be it crafted or not.
from my own drawing knowledge the issue seems to stem from the arm itself. Either somewhere along the bulk and angle, or because of the area connecting to the wrist.
so the guy who's spamming about bumps is the one who keeps changing the OP right?
I don't think so.
doesn't sound right
Do you have a model you are basing this off? Maybe post that too.
I'll take that as a yes.
Yes it is, he wasn't invited to the clan in the OP years ago and is still seething to this day.
baro arrived
SO, you weren't really asking then? It was just a bjmp bait
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Everyone come celebrate Baro's new baby
Rev is nyx pair (mind control and invuln). Rest are indeed can be described as undead but banshee is also sound, garudas blood can be mosquito (early concepts) and sevagoth is a stand user (or maybe ghost so he is a wisps pair). Xaku is a... neja's pair?
>Either somewhere along the bulk and angle, or because of the area connecting to the wrist.
Well, i can lift the hand a bit i guess. And the wrist won't be at that extreme angle.
That's gae.
No that's all from my imagination.
>No that's all from my imagination.
christ.. nice work
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Yo it's finally here
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>mfw baro
Because you are supposed to extract dumbass, if you don't extract the weapons arent removed from the pool
He was a part of said clan actually. Before the split, like >>483814393
Anything good from Baron Key Tear this time around?
see >>483836763
Thanks. That's a bad habit though, i really need to start using references.
The number of PHAT ass women doing that pose should be easy to find. Just look up PAWG (Phat Ass White Women)
>you are supposed to extract
So this is how it feels to be a retard.
That explains his grudge and mental illness
>No that's all from my imagination.
Can you imagine up some ember maybe?
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Wasn't wia nick gurr?
Well, since there's a whole word for that, thanks.
Maybe, depends on how much plat you gonna pay.
Jk, maybe later.
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how much plat for valkyr
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>is the one who keeps changing the OP right?
That was actually me but years ago. Haven't logged in to play in forever besides randomly downloading, logging in, and then uninstalling.

Speaking of which, is this game good now? The jade lady seems busted.
I missed you.
No one knows who I am anymore.
>NA is waking up
thread quality about to improve
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How much do you have? All
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Eidolons need a rework
Is primed firestorm worth buying?
Quality in question:

oh no people talking about the game? kys
>[warframe term] huh?
Guess "coffie good for you" threads are quality.
oh sorry, i have to translate to grineer language
bump bump. bump bump bump?
You seriously need help
ma mans brain turned into jell-o
A single guy who spends all day keeping the thread with vague questions does not qualify as "talking".
anti-bumpschizo thread
It's not our fault you don't understand English well enough to know people are talking about the game.
And yet you're always here lol. Go cry about bumps in the next thread you miserable schizo.
That warbro has been shitting up your general with empty bump posts for years and I am the problem for pointing out his pathetic act?
>people talking about the game and asking questions are bumps because I believe it
legit schizo

worst part is even if your schizo theory was true then that would mean you want the general to die. Another reason to laugh at you even more.
he never left
it's happened multiple times and the thread is quieter as a result for a little while
what am I supposed to do with shit kuva weapon?
shit how?
28% weapon bonus

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