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wyvern adventure edition

Previous Thread:>>483636676

2D Hentai games (Hentai RPG, Violated Heroine, H-Action Games) General /hgg2d/ former /vhg/




>/hgg2d/ Game Archive - IPFS Edition



>Nifty translation tool by Anon:

>RJ Gallery SCRIPT

VH FAQ/Links

>Fetish discussion outside of the context of video games:>>>/h/
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>Non-Japanese games:>>>/aco/weg/ or >>>/aco/weg2d/
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Please wait for page 10 before making a new thread.
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too lewd!
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Leaf won
Alice lost
Red lost
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uh oh!
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This better not be fucking NTR
>one of them is an unfinished weg which has been in alpha for years
Rannero is a lazy piece of shit
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play TMHS first and I'll tell you
>playing gaem
>it's okay, having a bit of fun
>one scene in particular happens
To this day it astounds me how this happens. You would think (hope) that most of the game would be similar, not have out and out superb standouts.
How much money would I need to pay to get RJ01153640 when it comes out in late July
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visit arisu
not that anon, but the usage of acronyms bothers me sometimes, especially common ones like that. I guarantee if you try to look it up you'll just get The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
Sure I guess, I just want to see some girls lusting after tentacles.
DLsite is usually pretty good at showing how much the ges cost.
Oh, I meant TL
How am I supposed to know what TMHS is? Fuck you!
>0 archive results
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Did someone say weg?
40 dazedbux
>picture search image
>find twitter result
>look at twitter for 2 seconds
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>he woke up this early
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Good man, thanks anon.
Not even the guy who wanted it, I just enjoy seeing the sense of community this place tries to foster sometimes.
Now give me a rimjob for spoonfeeding your lazynewfag ass.
Oh, sounds a bit cheap
My apolocheese. Did yandex lose their xitter access or something? I usually don't even bother with google because yandex is better most of the time, but they didn't find it
new thread
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Where is the Steam release of NoR?
Does the dev not want easy 10k sales on its first week?
>Failed my archive search
>Failed my image reverse search
Games for this feel?
I realise I'm getting old when despite knowing the games I never get the acronyms
Please understand. Canela is bad at business.
>10000 faggots
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kek, what a weirdo
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Hey wait, that's a nipple.
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I'm so old (and retarded) I sometimes get this with "-name's- game", especially bad when it's a game I've kept and really liked.
God this game was so hot, l_buffer carries dieselmine on his back HARD.
The only acronym people here actually use from what I could recall is THP. The rest are just trying to make fetch happen.
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10000 individuals with incredible taste. Kanade's game was easily dieselmine's best game. Even better than Milking Farm.
Dragon Quest kino? Splush Wave confirmed bros
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Best hgames to grab off steam during the summer sale?
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It's time (real)
Buy! Support! Today!
Okay, Chaika.
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If you want to enjoy a bit of gameplay + scenes, I recommend these. Though Flip Witch is mostly gameplay than scenes
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>Liz the Tower and the Grimoire
>Succubus Affection
>Fallen Makina
>Pray Game
>Kunoichi Botan
>Summer Memories
>Winter Memories
>Demons Roots
>Public Defense Corp
>Dragon Princess is Hungry
>Blazing Aries
>That Time I Got Reincarnated as an Orc
>Core Awaken ~The Yuka~
>Core Awaken ~Jilelen and LittleSnow~
>Pinch of Fighting Girls (this is literally just Ayura Crisis but they renamed it for the Steam release for some reason)
>Eris Dysnomia
>Succubus Farm
>A Lose Hero in the Castle of the Succubi
>Mage Kanade's Futanari Dungeon Quest
>Goblin Conqueror
>The Monstrous Horror Show
The Maidens Heroes must Small??
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SEX with Alcy everyday!
>play harem farming village
>cant sex the uohhh
>recollection room lets you still see her naked
>also lets you see both of the male characters naked for some reason
I just dont understand
You can fuck the uooh, just not the 6 year old.
>can't fuck the uoooh
>click link
>click through pages of posts of "TMHS", sometimes only the text and no other information

It's understandable. If I say "bro, Rain's game was amazing" do I mean Rain's Rave or Nightmare Knight? Or other, because many protags share the same name.

>play Dark Hero Party (specifically the Kagura translation
>Thus use DHP
>people get butthurt
Different translations can really change things, depending on how the translation quality is.
If I was talking about THP I would use THP, ree

Second the Public Defense Corps. Didn't much care for "X memories" and I dropped Fallen Makina and Liz's Tower.
Yeah I felt the same way, these ojisans needed sex too!
Personally I really liked Liz, something about the corruption progression just hit the spot for me. But I dropped Public Defense Corp. Different strokes I suppose
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>I dropped Fallen Makina and Liz's Tower.
You missed out anon. Makina has some amazing scenes.
sex with my wives, in case it wasnt clear.
Someone should mod it
Public Defense Corps has to this day the best onsen lewd scenes I've ever seen in a game. He nails the composition, the plot, the character's discomfort, art, etc.
I'll give them another shot, as it was a long time since I've played them and my tastes have changed a bit.
I was that "one scene" anon above; to me PDF (kek, good luck searching for that acronym online) was worth it for that scene alone. But I also enjoyed the slapdash RPG gundam fights.
I actually want a shameless slut from the beginning, a girl that for some reason had to hold herself back but suddenly is free to be a whore, some dev should make a slutge like that
Are those discounts on Jilelen services? How much for a handjob, blowjob, rimjob and full service sex?
Nymphomania Paradox. An actually good game, unlike the shitshow that is Nymphomania Priestess.
You're right, I remember those exact scenes. I think that was about it though, I liked the individual scenes of the game but I was underwhelmed by the overall progression, pacing and lack of player agency. It was basically just doing a mission of basic RPGMaker combat and then talking to a guy to select a scene. Which is a really awful and unnatural way to deliver scenes imo. And iirc there was also nothing sexy about the combat, even if you progressed the corruption. It basically just felt like a scene viewer with some padding.
Liz on the other hand kind of embraces the scene viewer thing by removing the combat, but it delivers the scenes in a much better way by having you actually run around the different parts of the city and stuff. I think Clymenia really played to his strengths in that one.
I don't like Erotic Trap Dungeons
Reverse-infiltration game, you play as some kind of holy priestess that has to give the apparence of purity but at night you sneak out to snort coke on the belly of male-prostitutes.
this just proves the oldfag mentality, they wouldn't spoon feed because that's how they are. only a newfag would fall for an obvious trap like this, lurk moar
>on the belly
anon you can say cock here
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I wouldn't put a line of coke on a cock, seems too perilous, shit is expensive.
I have and it somehow doesn't magically fall off, anon. Try it! Also even if it did, this is fantasy land of hgame so do what's hot.
I like them as one level in a larger game, like in Celesphonia's dlc.
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Summer time, what should I get?
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A girlfriend!
I don't know, a popsicle?
NTA but I though that game had great potential but ended up being extremely shallow.
It was too limited imo
Will you be my girlfriend, canela blob?
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play her game.
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>reorganise game folders
>Cant find the game I was playing anymore
Why am I so retarded
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>story of anon's life
What the fuck? For a summer sale, there are so little hentai that hits 50% discount.
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this is a very specific question but I'm playing kozue's strange journeyand the battle ost is really good, anyone knows the name?
>Mage Kanade's Futanari Dungeon Quest
Yeah, ok buddy. Is this your backhanded way of shitting on everything in that list? Futa focus is near necrophilia and excessive shit eating. I can handle futa if it's just part of a game, but you are mentally ill to want a game about that very specific fetish that's on par with fucking corpses- the game.
pinks never betray...
Fox girls wont betray me...
Name 1 (one) NTR hentai game where the girl being stolen is a loli.
Nta but that Mage Kanade game is practically a male MC game, the only futa in it is the main girl.
Is there any news on lost life after that slew of gifs a few months back?
that recent loli NTRge
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>Futa focus is near necrophilia and excessive shit eating
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I don't remember this option
>sequelniggers are snitches
They recently found out that the egg somehow chooses the sperm.
>NTR starts in the womb
*erases Fumika*
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then how come your moms choose a failure of a sperm such as (you) and your brothers?
>Anon gets his jimmies rustled over a dick
Futa games soon.
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Why are pinks so fertile?
which dev for futaxfem games?
Like most from the RJ list.
You will rarely see other pairings.
and that's a good thing. Other pairings are all wrong.
Futa is gay. When are the next "girls kissing girls" games?
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Best girl is finally here
how would a hgame crossover work?
You mean other than that one crossover game with all of those h-girls?
Or that one weg cart racing game where every game in there never came out?
they already exist and they suck ass
December 2024
artist clash, 2-3 scenes per girl. into the shit pile
this dev is so mediocre
samebody sameface: the game
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Something like MGQP's crossover scenario with 8 games all together.
More like "roguelike hgame where each girl is forced to work at a bunny club for a villainess, one life for each girl, don't let her get too brainwashed or she'll become an npc you stumble upon next run."
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>Dragon Academy is a school for adventurers who train heroes and their friends. You become the hero and form a party with the heroines, Let's aim to become a first-class adventurer while having not only adventure but also love!!

>Other students will also form a party and compete as your rivals! It often becomes a competition with rivals, such as conquering dungeons and completing quests...Cooperate with your friends and aim for number one in the school ranking! It is not only necessary to compete with rivals, but sometimes it is necessary to help each other. If you deepen your bonds with your rivals...unexpected scenes may be waiting for you!
Sounds like New Imdra but actually good and without degenerate shit
夢獄の国のアリス mugoku no kino no Alice when? The game has cute art
5 headed bitch
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I only play lolige!
Based there should be a lolige general
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What are some lolige with great doggy style scenes?
The pure route in this game was actually decent but then I played Beat Angel Escalayer and I realized what it could've been
Great work, parents.
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For some reason the next part being translated sounded more funny than it should
what ge?
what game*
>character scolds me for trying to sex the loli
if she wasnt meant to be sexed, why would you give her a standing portrait
Does My Secret Summer Vacation 2 have content / dialogue flags for small cocks?

Seems like it did for size 10, characters commented on it being large but I haven't noticed anything for size 1
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It's Fake-Rabi Friday. You anons are celebrating, right?
>Seems like it did for size 10, characters commented on it being large but I haven't noticed anything for size 1
I think by default it's a shota with big dick, so I doubt the comments would change
Any others?
Lilianmu who will appear Rurumu's second game.
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loli elf wife games... where...?
whose nipples are those??
Yu, one of the boys of the secret base
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Playing the game with something other than pure MTL is far better, I am on day 15 and I am already with 80% of the game done because it's way easier to understand what to do next
Tell me more about that. Maybe I'll play it.
Can you sex her anyways?
Give me the fox card.
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Please tell me I can sleep impregnate the vampire.
>Kaiju Princess
Sequel when
Why don't you tell us, anon? You're the one playing it and about to find out.
Which games have unskippable defloration? Preferably nonconsensual unlike some of the acerola games.
I've played Kubel and most Scalegarden and landcut games.
ask google
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Boku is a jack of all trades and probably a father of the entire village by now
Shotas have weak, watery sperm that couldn't impregnate it's way out of a paper bag. He doesn't know it yet, but the local inseminating ojisan has been cucking him and soon will be fucking him.
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>unskippable defloration
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>couldn't impregnate it's way out of a paper bag.
that's so ridiculous I smiled.
misuse of apostrophe btw, "it's" = "it is".
what game*
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Is there a link to RJ01183715 anywhere at all? I've been checking the bin, nyaa, and even fag95 basically every other day to see if anybody's uploaded it but I've had no luck finding it.
There really need to be more games with a cute fairy protagonist, and the demo only lets you play the princess character.
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Any cohab games where your cohab buddy looks at you with fear?
>the bin
TS Saga
check the blob bin
I've never even heard of a tanedzuke syota
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beware finishing a stage take fucking forever
Their Dragon Academy series is generally straightforward without degenerate or dark elements pretty much.

The gameplay is essentially the same as Dragon Quest which is nice if you are familiar with that. On the other hand, they do have Dragon Mahjongg Darkness if one is into corruption, rape and a dash of NTR elements but its mahjong gameplay
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slutge where the virginity can be given to dogs?
Found a link, thank you for sharing new places for me to look for games.
Dragon Academy Ace with the main heroines being DQ10 Anlucia, DQ8 Jessica and DQ2 Pudding/Prin. Game kind of soft encourages Jessica considering the Hero used as MC this time is the DQ8 Hero and there's a bit of DQ8 plot going on.
what's happening to her vagoo in 4th pic, anon...
Syahata's finally out and now everyone is mad because the final update barely added anything, kind of expected t b h
What's your fav Scalegarden game anon san?
I don't like characters taken from other original works.
NTA but RJ052839
Fuck you, I want Canela cameos like how we got an Aisha cameo and a Rune cameo.
I do if it's Jessica
Meant to quote >>483785327
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Did someone say prolapse?
JAST leaked that Shiravune is translating an ancient 111ge, RJ141961. I wonder if these old 111 games are doing well enough on Steam for Shiravune to keep translating them or if they're just laying the groundwork to try and snipe the license for future 111 games away from Kagura. I assume Kagura already got Eclipse Witch, so they're probably hoping to get the next game I'm guessing. Cross posters please dont bully me for posting in the wrong thread
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just hit the download button right here?
I only dislike when they make the character a full retard compared to the original
Looks like it's lacking here and there, but better than nothing. Thanks.

>TS Saga
I'm still on the fence about that trans thing in my hentai and IRL.
Could anyone convince me that would convince me that fucking someone that was once a man isn't gay? Not shitposting, I'm genuinely looking for something that would change my mind.

It's RJ080939 for me. Ellen is the hottest Scalegarden FMC and has the best progression before she gets her hymen torn.
It's gay as fuck but a hole is a hole nigga. So long as you aren't taking it up the shitter yourself it's cool man.
who the fuck is this?
Erunell Odette, from Rune's Pharmacy.
>Rune's Pharmacy
damn, how did I not catch that what the fuck
Thank you. I appreciate each and every one of (you). I am uplifted thanks to your kindness.
111 is fucking GOATED that's why
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Bros... I'm crying right now..
any ge that makes you coom and cry at the same time?
>little girl's mother is a dog
oh no...
Island of Penance fucking sucked.
>Dragon Quest
Please tell me this isn't another Mahjonglike.
any game*
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Disaster my love
Any other games where the heroine can get captured and she'll get fucked until you rescue her like in Shadowcore, Leane2 and RJ218607?
maleMCge that's actually pseudo feMCge because you play as the male and the girl is actually the core main character for the plot?
bonus if it's NTR slutge
Triple the word count of your post and I'll tell you.
Nope, they will explicitly tell you in the title if its Mahjong. Its traditional DQ gameplay but with some Princess Maker like stat raising + skill unlock classes
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>Man Who Married a Knightess Whore Has His Cuckoldry Fetish Deepen
>A Story About a Stolen Lover, Cucked Wife, and Swapping Sex
Is Mature Quest the only proper DQ parody game? Why are they always trying to insert these other battle systems. DQ already has a battle system. Just copy that. Why do we have to play Mahjong and Princess Maker too?
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Goblin Conqueror is a pretty good game. Weird how games with that opening music are always finding their way to me, and they're usually good. I think it has something to do with bit gitties ge.
You overestimate the "Princess Maker" part, its like 90-95% Dragon Quest gameplay with every character having their own preferred stat growths, preferences, equipment they can use. Its mainly a way to add more stats on top of that and expand your skill set via using the classes because its an academy after all
touhoumarupondou's SRPG game, only she is also traped in a hyperbolic rape chamber so she is spending years getting raped or some shit.
Oh, that doesn't sound too bad then.
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All the Academy games are normal RPGs, the ones with mahjong also combine monster raising like DQ Monsters. The mahjong games have auto play with really good AI so you dont need to learn rules or anything.
The villain is great in this game. The final boss too.
signini did nothing wrong
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Finally playing Goblin Burrow after seeing that they're no longer updating it/no more DLC. Any particular do/don'ts that may not be obvious to a new player? And what's with the day #/70 in the top-left corner--am I on some sort of timer? It's making me rush a bit, I think I'm too aggressive as I'm slowly but surely losing goblins more than I can spawn, but I'm hoping it'll change soon as I'm finally getting top-tier goblins like I have a baby lord which are supposedly rare, so either game is rigged to give you one early or I got fortunate. Anyway, enjoying the game so far.
guys, is THP actually about the inequality of life?
the game is built over looping, you know just like in the goblin slayer series goblins slip and rebuild? If you lose (you will) you start again but with all your gains (except captured girls), until you have rebuilt enough times to rape anything thrown to you
you don't need ntrshit to tell you that harsh reality
NTR is about how women have no convictions
Ah, okay, I think I can see how that pans out. Thanks, anon. So if I understand it correctly you want to give the better food to your goblins and just leave the trasher/common food to the seedbeds(women).
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HeroinesChord RJ435382 but it's trivial to rescue them in time to avoid any scenes from it, so you pretty much have to view them on purpose.
>Finish a game by RG25716, write a story summary of it
>It takes like 4 word-limit posts
I'll post it later, but damn.
Yeah that's a great indicator it doesn't belong here, anon. Keep it to blogs, forums/reviews.
>Fetish discussion outside of the context of video games:>>>/h/
>Visual novels:>>>/vg/vn/ or >>>/vg/vng/
>Non-Japanese games:>>>/aco/weg/ or >>>/aco/weg2d/
>3D games:>>>/h/hgg/
It's not on the list.
I think word limit is site-wide, anon, but I can't say for sure! Retard.
I'm looking forward to it.
This game is weird. Why are they from other games?
>not making a text on image and then posting it
half of them are from books actually
the dev has a collection of different series so he wanted a big crossover. Nothing wrong with that, though apparently it's canon to all of them which is a tad odd.
please only review ntr and corruption games since every other genre are pretty much the same overused boring garbage
and ntr isn't? fuckin' a
Horaa, you don't want these pictures of your butt being stuck in a wallhole to spread around, na?
gyaruo blob when
What's the most "real"/immersive hgg2d? Something with the best AI out there dictating how the world works and how characters act. All to make it more real.
Powerlevel wise, Rabi wouldn't be able to keep up with those 3.
what about fake rabi?
My favorite boss ost.
name a game without ntr or corruption first
What day was the bug tournament in My Secret Summer Vacation 2? I am pretty sure it was on day 21, but for whatever reason I can't seem to trigger it.
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Should be illegal to release so many great games at once. ACTbros having a feast today.

You have to play this if you liked Anthophobia.
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Erm mods? I saw questionable pixels
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Nvm it's day 25
What does this item do?
name the best hentai game to play while stoned
Google Lens is your friend. Heck, even Yandex can help you with this.
Anything, so long as you can hear the character voices in your head
dark hunter kuro was great, are there any other h action games that are similar?
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Playing the summer vacation 2 game, there's a couple cute boys in that
weed is illegal and doing illegal stuff is evil, therefore stoner always lose in the end.
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wait, what's she doing there
What do you mean tentabro? Are the ningen acting up again? We don't hate tentacles here.
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you don't know?
something immersive and that does good use of sensory overload

is there such hentai game?
I'm well aware, I was just using it as an excuse to post wada.
Shame vgperson caught the woke virus.
That translator was a tranny from the start
anyone got RJ261180? can't find any good download link for this ge
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Any male mc games where you can directly or indirectly turn the girls into prostitutes but it isn't the main focus of the game?
Any games with good crying faces like that?
Magnificent Kingdom had something like this
Rarara ge
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Sleep well Polca...
I didn't like how everyone just went along with it. I want some reluctance on the part of the girl.
Any others?
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>Sex her
>Her sex count doesn't go up

Shit game
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Any hag kino games recently?
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Cmon anons, give me at least one.
>sub 4.0 rating
What were you expecting?
It's at 4.35, what are you talking about?
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All of that dev's works
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Girls should get fucked
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Did you play Rinko's game?
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i don't know why that animation studio keep giving tits to delicious flatties
>gay as fuck
This is exactly my problem anon. Does anyone think it isn't gay? I hate that I have this problem, I'm being filtered out on good TS games.
Why do you care? Why are you letting modern day retarded effect whether you enjoy something or not?
illustir still has the best face and transformation
>did such a poor job she didn't even bother adding you to her body count
Do you have her hailstorm animation?
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Thing is I had some fun playing it. A good 2 hours of entertainment as things gets more lewd and lewder. Everyday she gets a little bit more submissive and more acceptable to sexual harassment and the overall progression feels great. Problem is that the end game ero contents are garbage and unresponsive. Sex feels like you're humping a printed A4 sheet of paper of an ass.
Game can easy reach 4.6 if the dev put a few months more work into it. Some bug fixes and a few more animated frames would be a great start.
>Body count: 0
Does this mean she's a virgin or is this just a ching chong translator's poor choice of words?
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oh neat, I didn't even notice
>click on game and open store page
>add to cart
>your cart is empty
>anime girl with question mark above her head.jpg
>refresh store page
>page has been deleted
damn, why didn't you tell me earlier I just missed it
The MC (you) specifically made comments about how she's a masturbation addict but still somehow a virgin when the game started. Her masturbation count goes up as you play the game which is a nice touch,
but her sex count remains 0 even after you sex'ed her which is weird.
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Venus Blood Bros, we're getting 6 more max tier backer scenes. (some of the people must have had an agreement they'd do it during the backerkit phase or something, because that brings us up to 13 when the kickstarter says 10 people backed at that tier).

And Vidar, the new girl, has done it, she's broken Milia's record for most alts. That's hilarious to me.

For anyone who can't be bothered to open the page, the others are Heimdall (a second scene, apparently the polar opposite of what the other backer has planned), Fana (No details mentioned, just that's she's getting one), Sigyn (no details beyond saying the backer got extra scenario text as well, whatever precisely that means, perhaps beyond the obvious of extra text there will be a second sex CG, like with Ash or Tamamo from Gaia) which is good news for fans of big tits, and Regin, seemingly a wholesome scene (with Sieg).

Combo these with the 3 (assuming no surprises) alts/scenes that will be decided by Council vote, that's 16 scenes (with alts). Also any Flower (the tier for a scene with a unit, not a heroine) scenes, but those don't comes with alternate units. But does mean Ragnarök international version will have over 20 extra H scenes. I don't think we have info in any of the updates on what the flower tier backers have planned, but I know from being in the discord that one guy plans on "Bullying loli Lucifer again" (same guy got Lucifer as a loli being petrified in Gaia).
oh, I tried again and it still has an announce page so it's not completely gone
still I wonder what happened.
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I wish there were more DiD focused h-games where you have to escape from bondage situations (as in NOT battle fuck but during h-scenes)
>still somehow a virgin when the game started
Fuck yeah, instant play for me despite it seemingly being buggy. Thanks anon.
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nope but i have the jobber hailstorm if you want
you just like her FAT tits yeah
I still need to get around to playing your games venusbros but I'm happy for you.
Why does her sex count go up if you fail to increase her domination level multiple times?
The Katfile link in this a-s link is the only live one I've found:
Did the archive shit itself?
>the kickstarter says 10 people backed at that tier
They opened 5 more slots for that tier, so I guess the last 3 must have happened through DMs or something, either way that means the 300% SG has been more than hit at some point.
>And Vidar, the new girl, has done it, she's broken Milia's record for most alts
The contrarian in me really wants to not like Odinora, but I'll give her a fair chance
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Gaem 1000/10
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Yes? No?
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Yes! Yes! Yes!
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Just went through my first ever monster impregnation and birthing scene. Ive seen a lot o vanilla and non monster non furry stuff. Try to stay away from it.
Anyway, good stuff-- was willing to sacrifice her virginity so long as she was on the pill, a rarity for me because virgin runs are neat. Took the pill before fight, went and fought, lost to wide gobo cock boss, and rest assured in knowing that every spurt of gobo nectar was powerless against the drug- that should've been the end of it. But a pleasantly surprising narrated scene informed she was in captivity for 24hrs, far past the pill potency time, so she got preggo anyway. That was pretty hot, enough to have me keep going to muh first monster birthing scene at the birthing ward, with library and exercise room and all amenities one could ever hope for, friends included. daww. man wtfffff Take me back home to vanilla, jesus. another fetish acquired. Don't think I can jerk off to birthing scenes quite yet.
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rero rero
I tried it myself and I wasn't impressed. Some massage minigames in a few conventional HRPGs are better than this dedicated game.

Main issues:
>random garbage memes included because lol so random or whatever (fucking retard dev)
>0 explanation what any of the statuses does and you have to figure it out yourself as you play, or not, because if you fail it won't explain shit either and you may not understand what caused the fail state
>bugs bunny was here, ploughed her in the ass with a carrot and got stuck; dev seems unable to remove him (game is a buggy piece of shit in case you didn't get the joke)
>limited time and punishing
>repetitive to the point of becoming tedious
>mediocre reactions and lack of even a simple story of just a dozen or so one liners after the prologue (why can you see her sex stats on your screen, why's she suddenly there, why does she keep coming back after you keep harassing her, nothing's explained)
>the lewder she becomes, the lewder she starts to dress: but why? why's she suddenly in a nurse uniform? is that her real job, did she not bother changing after work and decided to go straight to your place? why did she dye her hair after the prologue? why's she wearing a bunny suit? why's she wearing a dress and later even some cat cosplay? the fuck? none of this makes any fucking sense! you aren't together, she's going to get a massage. this feels like some kind of Patreon stretch goal, akin to having Christmas outfits and such in retarded wegs
>cannot skip or fast forward
>only one persistent save file you have to manually backup because the dev thought it would be cool to have a roguelite massage porn game
And that's why it has a shit rating.
No, what the fuck? They're all in the bin. More than half of them aren't even worth it.
Amazing art style, but every game is shitty defeat ryona. I'm not even opposed to defeats or ryona, but the way he does it is just soulless and empty. All of the scenes are individually separate from one another and there's no real buildup. Every game has x potential defeat scenarios, instead of one overarching plot, where the heroine can get progressively more and more broken and corrupted throughout the story.
Just burn your money if you want to waste it, anon. It's faster that way.
Of course you should buy the bundle, think of all the GAMES you could play...
what if
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Need JK vanilla games.
VBchads....I kneel. Vidar has a great design and voice actress so the more content the better, honestly. You cant go wrong with adding more.
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tiny potato
The fact that there are so little backer scenes for the original Ragnarok heroines is a bit funny.
The new heroine OC donut steel completely dominated the scene and majority of the backer scenes went to side characters.

How do you even fuck up a main heroine roster that badly.
Vidar is just that good
Anora was so good that they literally just duped her character for Ragnarok and she wrecked the competition.
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how hard is VB for sub 100IQ like me? the most i had to be in autisto mode for games were etrian odyssey series in hard and shit like phantom brave/disgaea
tfw i'll never play a game as good as succubus prison again
About the same level of organizing autism. You'll feel right at home.
Except add an extra tasty dash of eye cancer terrible thousand times folded excel spreadsheet nipponese UI.

It hurts so good.
Easy mode if for those who dont care about autismos but still want to play through the game. There is a "journalist mode" win battle button but is no fun because you dont get exp or rewards
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alright since you guys are here instead of searching the archive which game should i start with to get a feel
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Official localization order so Frontier, Hollow, Gaia.
I recommend Frontier first, for one the upcoming Ragnarök is it's sequel, and for another you can't miss the improvements made in later games if your first experience doesn't have them. And it is actually simpler, due to not having big 3 squad V 3 squad battles.

However I'd say of the currently translated games, Hollow has the best gameplay. Gaia isn't bad, just a bit weird with the dungeon defence aspect.
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>You play as Christmas female Santa gunning people down with UZI

Is this dev on drugs
I'd say Hollow first if you are not sure you'll like them since it has the most polished gameplay, but if you are willing to just go in do Frontier first, going back to that one after the other 2 was painful
She's handing out presents.
Presents of hot lead.
It's the last weekend of the month, what's releasing today?
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shame the games suck ass
Art's endearing in its own way, but the games are very niche. Not sure who this appeals to. Shooting things is one thing, but assembling bullets and going into technical details such as wind direction and speed, range, etc... is kinda much...
>I am a casual
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haha I love killing wildlife
>He says, in a hentai game thread
You are not as witty as you think you are.
What is the name of that one game where you explore an haunted mansion or some shit and you separate the party in two groups.
Also, what is the one with weird gameplay where you also explore an haunted mansion, but you go in alone and the girl goes in with another guy but it's like separate dimensions or some shit and you can place cameras around.
I think they're both different games, but I'm not sure. I would like to play them again but forgot the names/RJs. Thanks anons.
In terms of caring about bullet assembly and technical details of shooting guns? Absolutely. Completely casual, even more than that, whatever that's called. I just couldn't care any less about it and I'm wondering how many people actually do. Not that many judging by sales numbers.
Abaddon? Nebel? Both are shitty.

Fuck you for beating me to it.
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Don't fuck me, I don't play Sequel or femdom games.
Thanks anons, you guys are pretty cool.
Is that a clip or magazine?
Meant to reply to >>483821521
Have you never had weapon autism? Even just a little?
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Tough call.
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what is this inflation
I'm not American.
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>First time playing a hoihoihoi game

This game gave me brain damage
how come games with animals are so rare but tentacles are so common
I play all of their games and I never even bat to 'em, they're this weird bizarro world-experience every time. The titles of the games alone bring me a smile. That game in particular though is retarded. Great concept, but how you get each endings are really, really backwards.
>be faithful
>bad end
Hoix3 things.
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Is that supposed to be her nipples, or just really awkward lighting and shadows?
Latter. Her nipples are pretty regular/slightly downward/low.
That's fine, I don't play them either.
*genderbends you*
*fucks you*
There. Solved.
Yep. Checks out. This probably isn't the case, but I get the feeling that we're getting more and more trash quality games/shovelware these days compared to years back. But again, I'm probably wrong.
All I want is a 2d hentai open world sandbox 21st century city to explore with events to grind.
So go become a millionaire, hire a team and make it happen. It ain't gonna make itself.
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Game is all about shitposting fun and low quality jokes and that part is okay. Problem is that the art is so shit it's borderline unfappable, which defeats the whole point of being an eroge in the first place.

There was another game where you played as a male protagonist but also got the female protagonist pov or some shit. You went into an haunted mansion and let some guy take a dead spirit into his body. The pov changes between mc and the evil spirit and girls party. I remember you needed to pick some planks to traverse the map or some shit.
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Just started RJ287324 and I see that some shit in the recollection room is blocked behind 100% item completion. Is there any easily missable shit that I should look out for?
Fatty meat can be good, but it has to be of a certain quality or done and seasoned properly. Fat is essential for cooking, much like salt, cause it really brings out the flavor of foods. The easiest way to make something tastier, is to add salt and butter to it. The next best thing for fish at least, is citrus.
Yeah, that looks terrible and not in a charming type of way. You'd have to be really desperate to get off to this.
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Why won't she get pregnant!?
Uh? But the game's translated, anon???
You're sperm is weak. You need to unlock the NTR route if you want her to get pregnant.
I don't know. Try seeding her maidservants for reference.
This is not even a game. It's a cheap scene viewer.
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Fuck the japanese
It's a great scene viewer. Stop spouting shit opinions.
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Weak sperms
Are you really going to compare indie games to Alicesoft's titles? NoTears did a great job with this game.
No, it's a shit scene viewer. We're regressing.
We're only regressing because newfags like you come here.
That one scene in Pray game where an oji-san kidnaps Alcy and imprisons her in his home to forcibly impregnate her over the course of days was the hottest scene in the entire game, and nothing else even comes close. Sad.
Dead red hood when
Need yuri sex
How to get that scene?
I'm practicing my nip.
That doesn't make sense because if I was new, and I fucking wish that I was, I'd have equally shit taste as you do, and I wouldn't be complaining in the first place because I'd have hundreds of games to play. But that's not the case. I have no games to play. I've played and dropped all the relevant ones. And you have shit tastes.
So are you saying >>483753469
I don't remember exactly, I think there's a town NPC oji-san you have to talk to multiple times before he kidnaps you.
this ge is still not finished??!
You're a slightly better troll than the underaged JJK posters, I'll give you that.
The dev died. His last tweet was about having a mental breakdown because of creative block.
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>"game" instead of "ge"
another sign of newfaggot tourist
I think you can get that day after you cleared the goblin main mission stuff, you go to the market east of town, and there that one NPC guy there that asks you to deliver something to one of his friend underground, but guess what? It's his own house, when Alcy enters it, it locks up behind her, and you need to fight him, but unlucky you, he's level 40 and you're probably level 10ish, so he one shots you and uses Alcy as his personal fuckhole until she's pregnant.
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Reminder for the proper HGG2D word usage

kino = game = super duper good = NTR
gem = good ~ kino = futa = POC ~ NTR
coal = bad = ningen = loli = shota
ge = game
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A humble reminder that RJ01201951 is coming out in 4 hours.

Potential candidate-of-the-year for in-combat rape and corruptions
>that vn
Thanks anon.
im down, gimme titles
horrendous tranny-ish character design
made me laugh a few days ago and makes me laugh now, the larger a sperm cell is the weaker it is. sperm cell energy is distributed equally so a larger sperm cell has to exert more effort pulling its weight while swimming and needs extra force to penetrate the cell wall of a female egg cell. large sperm are commonly seen in men who are infertile because a large majority of their sperm die for those reasons

imagine a hand gun being fired, now imagine that same force required to propel a 9mm bullet being used to propel a 120mm tank shell
is there a problem
>source: my ass
the dev has been downhill ever since the witch AV
name a game
a game

Art is bad but it's one of those soulful game where every single mob has their own combat rape so give it a try just for CG quantity yes?
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RJ01085472 would've been above 4.5 star rating if only it had impregnation.
yeah my ass is very familiar with sperm
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Any other games with ancient civilization harems?
It's garbage because the "sex scenes" are just cheap 3d ragrolls being hump by air.
Name one game with good sex scenes.
we know it is you karryn
holy shit just fuck off and eat the pagpag
Summer life in the countryside
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You're absolutely right.
Yeah, but they weren't woke at the start. Look at all the 2ch threads vgperson translated.
what the fuck
ok now your turn, i'm dying of thirst out here
No, it turns out my browser had shat itself and only loaded like the first 100 posts. Sorry. Shouldn't reply to that faggot.
karryn tries to escape her fuck ups
don't split hairs nigger, it's not a popular genre
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This Doris is too donkey for me.
the entire point was that its a loli NTRge, theres plenty games with non-lolis getting stolen
you... you fumika
Does RJ145373 count
ignore the retard
It's not out yet
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If it doesn't have impregnation then I'm not playing
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I just finished going through RJ305302. Honestly, very enjoyable game, even if the particular fetish being catered to wasn't really to my taste. Still, if you enjoy humiliation a lot you'll get more mileage out of that part of the game than I did.
Story was engaging throughout however, and the MC is cute and likeable to the point that you're actually engaged in trying to keep her chastity intact on a virgin run, with her shame and humiliation on the non-virgin route also being emotionally resonant.
Only real complaint is that the actual gameplay is non-existant, aside from a couple of quick time event mini-games that show up a few times. Most of the time you're just walking from point A to point B and talking to NPCs, so it feels more like a visual novel than an actual RPG, even more so considering there's no combat at all.
Still, story was good enough to keep me engaged so I give it my reccommendation.
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So you like spoonfeeding huh
Tell me what is 1 divided by 0
Should I download the normal version of liz from the bin or get the modded version from esl95?
>rpgmaker slop
i hope all flips die
opinion discarded
It has sperm size comparison in the sex stats screen, how the fuck are you surprised it's NTR
maybe I thought it could've been a corruptionge?
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freeloader cohab is never a real life scenario
This sword hurts my brain every time I look at it. It's drawn in 3 different perspectives at the same time.
I got around to playing the demo for Milky Way's new game and this shit is so much better than everything else that has released this year even though it's only 2 chapters long right now. Can't wait to play the full 6 chapters when he hopefully decides to release it later this winter
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>not filtering by image recognition
techlets begone
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>needing to use any filter at all
>do anything
>seaniggers gets blamed
K1N0 K1N0 K1N0
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Where can I find chapter 1?
File deleted.
do someone have this full image without those shit text and stuff? asking for my loli imouto.
that's what imouto looks like?
oh fuck
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What's the kinkiest femdom game that's not game-over-rape stuff?
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you did this to yourself
Good job saving it as a PNG retard.
give me a hag ge
and by hag I mean christmas cakes ranging from mid to late 20s
png is superior format
wait, so dev has put it up on Steam with english. Why bother with Kagura release then?
i love moles
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it's the Kagura release, anon. Dev is just posting that it's on sale for extra bucks.
The pregmod sucks and ruins the original vision
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looking forward to katagiri's sequel
pls help i cant find it anywhere
Check THIS
*unzips pants*
>No NTR tag
Don't care
>Youmaen: The Magic Academy of Loli Succubi 1.6
>0 download links to be found anywhere

Learn how to use the archive or fuck off
>no NTR tag
Will buy on day 1.
Real question though, will she finally stop being cold to me?
Sequel games.
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I only play kemololige!
who's a good blob
RJ doko?
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It really was that good. I just hope the in-battle stuff in the succubus world gets better since it was a bit tame in the demo. I feel like that might become its weakest aspect just because the actual h-scenes in the real world were much higher quality than the in-battle stuff.
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Cute Ria. Would be a shame if something bad happened to her.

Btw is RJ361593 any good?
Will it be in the real world this time? Hopefully, no shotas too.
dev says game takes place after the first one and she's less cold and you can make her horny this time
think they returned to the weird nightmare world, but it's more focused on interactions with the player
the dev specifically talked about making a scene with her giving MC paizuri
>Hopefully, no shotas too.
There's a higher chance the dev will post her tits than make a non shota game.
Someone please beg the dev to at least add a multi-scene epilogue in the real world where they make thier relationship official.
her tits has already been posted a ton by the dev
also think the shota only had 2 scenes in that game which is about the same as the mc?
in the end she gets along with her brother so there's no reason to bring him up again in the nightmare
she still thinks hes ugly so I doubt it as sweet as that would be
Doesn't look like it. Now translate the game in the pic you posted, even though I played the jp ver. and I get the feeling that the corruption is too forced/mid.
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Looking for some high quality analges, or generally good plotges with a decent amount of anal
Anon, he means the actual dev posting her actual tits.
yeah and I'm certain he has on several occasions
Epilogue where they fuck in secret seems fitting.
Pretty fitting shes masturbates frequently after all and seem pretty lonely
RG52001 makes works full of anal
gee anon, how come your dev lets you have two entire games about anal
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>Play as JK
>Picks up pistol
>Knows how to use it
>Picks up automatic rifle
>Knows how to use it
>Enters tank
>Knows how to control a tank

She's American for sure
>fucks dogs
Checks out, she's American (white).
Too thin to be a mutt
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I hope that his next game will be a bit less jank. It looks pretty soulful so far.
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should just cut this nigger down
When did her game get an actual translation?
last february
>unironically drinking the twitter juice
fucking dogs is actually sea monkeys past time
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Not sure I'd call that an actual translation, but how is it? I was interested in it so I might give in.
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Is her new game out yet?
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what ge?
*spreads ass*
rimjob first you whore
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I don't spoonfeed retards who type "ge".
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give me the RJge
Nope, it doesn't even have a new release date after the dev missed the last one.
RJge doesn't make sense
when you write ge, like lolige, kinoge, hagge etc, do you pronounce it in your head like kusoge or with a j as in dredge
sea monkey hours
No, the dev's still busy working on it. Funny how he kept postponing the release date until it dawned on him to just stop that foolishness with deadlines and work on it until it's complete. He's his own boss, after all. I noticed that a lot of devs do this. Peer pressure must be a bitch.
If you learned Japanese, you would know.
so many games... so little semen...
When you write video games do you pronounce it in your head like video james?
you imbecile, I know how its SUPPOSED to be pronounced, but take something like the "sadge" emote, do you pronounce it sad-ge?
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I love it when they hate it (prostitution scenes).
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Who asked
I replace all of them with the new trend:
gem and coal. Now scram off
nice argument, now tell me how you pronounce laser, you monkey
aside from the wonky pronouns, it's understandable
She doesn't deserve to get humiliated more in a sequel.
fuck off sea monkey
I bet you're that same idiot who always spergs out about people's comprehension even though it's always your fault for not being clear with your words in the first place.
you would lose that bet
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Contribute to eraMegaten.
flips ruined this general
The CGs posted on ci-en make me think it will be vanillakino but I can't trust the dev to not put in shotashit or NTR
wtf? classroom of the elite got a h-game?
holy BASED cripplekino
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Any NTR games where you get cucked by monster, tentacles, beasts or anything nonhuman
all youre gonna get is dog fuck idol
It's alright, I wouldn't sperg out about it like a faggot.
I can see he has done shota shit in the past, but does he also have a history with NTR?
He might be changing his preferences anyway.
He definitely has a softspot for Katagiri and wouldn't have made a game about her warming up to a fat loser otherwise.
That makes it better.
shitty game for turbo autists.
I got this feeling too, I feel like it sold way more than expected and they've been influenced by the positive reception
In the comments of the latest Ci-en there were people asking for impreg by the otaku but he apologized saying it's too hard to draw, but wanted to do it
I'm hoping we move past the old fetishes since they got boring and his art is really unique and nice

>but does he also have a history with NTR
Sort of, a lot of his games have NTR routes where the shota gets cucked and heroine raped into a cumwhore. Katagiri had it too but it was a just a bad ending CG upon losing, honestly surprised by how little there was to it in the end, unless you count the shota ghost scenes as NTR
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Look how fucking flat she is
Best girl
is that a Fumika?
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Clearly not.
>unless you count the shota ghost scenes as NTR
depends on if the nightmare stuff is considered real, her stats do go up after that event in the end
Did you know you can strip her completely on that screen? Try clicking on her clothes in certain places.
blind retard
are you able to fuck the side girls in that game now?
good job
does the game have a gallery, and do you need to beat the game to unlock it?
>Blowjob scene has 3 variations
>Cum on tongue
>Cum in mouth + swallow
>Cum on face
Now that's good base CG utilization.
no balls
not ntr!
>isn't actually flat
That's not flat at all
That's actually too big
Will she have any hope for a good ending?
The gallery was available from the beginning.
Oh you.
What the FUCK
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very funny anon
Dev's still working on it.
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Dolphins aren't supposed to do that sort of thing, anon
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Why is Reimu having sex with a dolphin?
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evil blobs like you...
RJ01144461 is out bros!
4.88 rating in DLsite so far, looks promising
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(user was canelated for this post)
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You're only saying that because that's the only game of his that got an actual translation.
That shading on her neck is fucking stupid
real non blob gofile
>already down to 4.52
And it's already dropping a lot. Score on brand-new releases are worthless (barring if they're like 2 out of 5 for a critically shit game), anon. Give them at least a couple of days.
I jinxed it
Don't forget the B team:
NTR Green = Goblin
NTR Violet = Demon Lord
NTR Cyan = Corrupt Official
NTR White = Village Elder
NTR Gold = Homeless Man
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Blob bin just got updated.
Get seedin'
wtf the blob bin hasn't been updated!
Hour 1 scores aren’t very accurate at all, you usually need to wait at least a day or two to see the consensus. I’d say the cutoff for a kusoge or not is a 4.3
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Why is age progression so rare? Anyone know games with that aside from RJ188985 and Lilia's Blooming Season?
Nah, you're just fucking stupid
kinda, I though it released 11 hours ago not 1h ago
I could not for the life of me figure out how to actually progress in the demo for this, with my rudimentary jap understanding. It seems like you have to type specific messages to trigger stuff but I was unable to get anything to happen.
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It's VGL weekend again, and in 3 hours we play in the survival round here:

What games make you really feel the impact of the plaps?
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Cute kappa
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Blobs are just a cheap copy of Yukkuris
Not really, I MTL'd his other games and they're more gameplay over scenes
the demon birthing one was particularly bad for it
ge where you can slut around your partner's back but isn't NTR?
i meant GOOD games
>your partner
>not NTR
so what two girls?
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Where should I start today, NTRchads?
No, I mean the girl sluts around but doesn't fall to the cock
the only reason minielves has a "good" rating is because of the lack of anything actually good in the loli harem niche...
>the demon birthing one
I'm convinced the poor gameplay in that was an artistic decision, though not a wise one.
delete this
that's still ntr
nuh uh it's only NTR if she gets stolen away
It's only NTR if you can see her face but she's being fucked behind a curtain, door, window, ect...
NTR ge where the guy getting cucked just straight up doesn't care
Wife fucks like a hurricane
Here in
blobbity blobbity blob
This must be good NTR then.
there's multiple scenarios to what you're asking for, assuming it's a party of 2 people
>male + female
it's ntr unless the male is gay, regardless of their relationship unless the male is happily married to a wife of his own
>male + male
it's ntr if one male has more partners than the other or is involved with a third party female that both are acquainted with
>female + female
no ntr possible, cuckqueaning doesn't count
that is actually my favourite kind of game so have this anon, tho you probably played them already.

RJ277410 (dont lose marco and abatini fight)
RJ276790 (only 1 per girl in the swing house)
RJ181109 only a couple shit scenes post endgame
RJ223611 if you overdo it, she falls for the cock but still stays with you and at your command.
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>I put a mosaic on my mother's pussy
forgot RJ332551 , but I dropped this one because I wasnt really getting into it and idk the direction it takes
What about games where you spy on her cheating?
I enjoyed it more that I expected.
you mean actually doesn't care or is oblivious? cause there's a big fucking difference
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Anastasia RJ316841
Keep saying ge.
and my complimentary rimjob?
You want a rimjobge?
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Might solve a mystery
Or rewrite history

I ran out of ideas some ntr scholar can probably find more fitting games
How long till it gets an awful MTL?
and my blobjob?
Anyone got the latest version?
do I have ADHD? after 8h of game and battling through rpgm I start to get bored of it and jump to the next one
mtool with a shortcurt to win the battles and speed up the ge
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Games for this feel?
any good combat ero games where I'm the one doing the ero attacks on mobs instead of the other way round? Non-femc I mean. I'm bored of spamming defend to see the scenes
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Felt kinda bad for withholding Kuu blob for so long so here it is. Now all the Friday faggots can rejoice.
Buddy try five minutes
there are 3 in the bin
gran ende II
the one in which the elf is a pet
forest elf and friendship
*mpregs you*
gameges doko
No. Clearly the games you played didn't interest you. You aren't obligated to finish them. You can play for as long as they're interesting, use them as fap material or whatever other entertainment purpose, and once they become boring you play something else. This is completely normal.
>there are more male sequel blobs than female sequel blobs
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The Mercenary's Adventure
princess sacrifice
gran ende I-III
fran's game
dragon princess is hungry
demon roots
estella's nightmare
pixel town akanemachi
mesugaki imouto
1room runaway shoujo
kurone's feelings
cage of tentacles
enatus radi
sujimon quest
lost chapter
demon stele
wings of roldea
forest elf and friendship
black souls
explorer of ygg
detective girl
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no languagege
>too many ge to play
>not nearly enough time
>instead of playing any of my ge I spend it here
attention grabbing ge?
just ge yourself
Literally eraTW
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Hey nice. Happy Friday to you too.
actually yeah, probably the gameplay loop was just not fun due time gated mechanics not letting me do as I wanted, because I sit for 55 hours of how to built a magnificent kingdom and I was not bored
give me a game
I bet fairies are still untranslated.
Just realized I havent been able to fucking buy shit off dlsite let alone subscribe on cien and fantia for a while now
Actually I can probably do it on fantia but it needs me to jump through like three fucking services

Fucking christ I just want to pay someone why do these cuck (((payment processors))) have to be like this
Cute fagblob

because liking 2d is a crime unless it's state approved 2d and also trying to disassociate westerners with japanese culture
shut the fuck up and tip your twitch whores you fucking goyim
too hard. I spent almost 2 hrs on the 1st stage
Because (((they))) control the western porn industry, but not the eastern one.
Something so popular that can't be controled by (((them))) is a big no no
games for this feel?
don't think they can take down the jav industry easily
there's a game where the femmc is a pirate isn't there?
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Game for this feel?
(The local seeding ojisan gets the yes, ofc)
chillno and clownpiece doko
>don't think they can take down the jav industry easily
Japanese gov did that already.
Why are you asking for the feel of "NTR"? It's common, anon. Apply yourself.
Why is it so hard to find a japanese 2d hentai videogame english translated non-mtl open world sandbox with an ojisan or ugly bastard mc that goes around corruption women?
how so?
eraK. Pretty sure group sex is still not a thing in TW because puritan weg devs
thanks, added to my filter. kill yourself trannoid subhuman btw
>english translated non-mtl
i wonder
Luxoria remaster when
The sovl is too much for me to handle
What's wrong with blobs? I think they're cute.
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arisu wo tazuneru...
Bullshitge doko I want to be absolutely seething
My only issue with eraK is that I don't really care about the whole kingdom stuff, I just want to walk around and interact with the girls. You can sort of do group sex in eraTW, though there's not a lot of intergirl interaction sadly. The only ones I recall is if you alternate between girls with certain actions there will be unique descriptions and both girls will get lesbian exp as a result. Granted I haven't played eraTW in probably two years, so who knows what's been added in that time.
any ahriman where you try to trigger specific combat rapes
They introduced some really shitty law to "protect" AV actors that hurt the industry badly.
>play RJ188541
>can't figure out how to do even the first area without getting raped on hard
Shit's harder than Lulu Farea
Another classic case of the Japanese government doing something really dumb just to make it look like they're doing something so they can keep their positions
too long only skimmed it, so it just takes longer for new talent to start producing now so they churn out less? it doesn't actually affect anything else?
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kek i remember that i couldn't even complete the tutorial and pushed the game in the bottom of my backlog. never in my life a game made me feel so unskilled
The tutorial is a troll and actually the hardest level.
>Speedran through RJ01201951 with mtool and cheat engine
>You literally scarifice yourself and transcendent to godhood to beat the final boss

If this autistic game got translated somehow it'll definitely becomes the next midroot
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I see only two games, but I'll give them a look.
Still, it couldn't hurt to add a few more recommendations to my backlog - do any other games come in mind?
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>Kuu blob
>on Pride Month
>on Fake-Rabi Friday
Kuubrosisters...WE WON!
Jew Megumin should've been the main girl
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Glorious. Now, not to be greedy, but we're going to need a Tokuhaku blob now.
Our game against /snowg/ is starting
hand over the link
no they were not
3rd levels were the most difficult (but beatable)

i absolutely loved it ive not played any other game after finishing it for a month it was a kamige
no other game dares to present the player with any serious challange like that game did
they wont stand a chance against our big blobbing canela
>3rd levels were the most difficult (but beatable)
I admit I never got that far.
the loli was cute as well ofc
You need to wait for 1 month after signing a contract before you can start recording and then you can't publish the video for another 4 months to give the participants time to think it over. Finally they can withdraw their consent for 1 year after publication.
>0-1 in the first 5 minutes
Owari da...
fuck you anons, I already got 4 games from today's thread I'm looking forward to play, stop making my backlog fat
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>no ge with robot girls that look like >>483879514
with vocaloid moans
I see, thanks for the clarification. How does this affect the industry negatively though?
Aside from of course works being pulled out of nowhere.
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you were smugging?
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>Masturbation tendency: couple times per year

I don't think there would be a single person on Earth who would believe you
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ge for this feel?
Okay bros, once and for all, how important is art in your ge
It cant be that important considering the most talked about games are Black Souls and FumikaPlease tell me BS bros are actually masturbating to their game and not playing it for the story and we had an entire MS paint loli arc before the game got tl'd

Is it more about the writing/setup, the fetishes or something else?
>this will be reality in 20 years
hgg2d will cease existing
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>implying 3dpd will allow it
You will take your robot dildos and nothing more.
lol women already want dolls banned now, no way we're getting this shit
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>Fumika is absolutely slaughtering /snowg/
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Fumika got herself a hat trick for once
Considering we are already at a point where getting cunnyonaholes is risky in many countries, I doubt it

great input

I'm a retarded newfag, what do I do with this string
/qa/ lost
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Die, newfags
you have to become based and repeat that 64 times
You ask chatGPT like the techlet you are.
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>even alice blob scored a goal
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>how important is art in your ge
Not at all. RG42465 is one of my favorite devs despite his chicken scratch art.
India and China might be the ones to start manufacturing it, India mostly because of the social factor and China will love to make big cash from foreigners.
Just be careful when you stick your dick in a defect product.
It's sad how rare "passive pre-existing sex stats" are.
Like these games expect me to believe that these femcs that get constantly molested on the train were NEVER molested until the game started.
Reminder to use the word "k1n0" as a replacement for "game"

We should be better than this.
Super power by 2025 right?
Why does this actually work? Is chatgpt based?
it doesn't matter if thirdworlders are making them when 3dpd in the first world are banning them
also indians cant make shit lmao who're you kidding
highly but the debauchery of the art doesn't hinge on quality alone.
black souls and fumika are unfappable for other reasons
In a perfect world, woman have no sexual experience prior to me but become turbosluts if I will it
but this is not a perfect world....
So at least let the hgames be
how come ntr games are always so much better than their non-ntr counterparts?
Polca with an actual model feels weird
It now takes twice as long to publish anything and the participants can rugpull you for a year and a half. It makes porn production a very risky business, especially if you contract newbies.
Well, they have a chance it they monopolize the sex robot market .
They landed on the moon.
>So at least let the hgames be
Nah, fuck you. At least let me pick pre-existing conditions before the game starts.
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Because NTRdevs know their games arent gonna be as popular but that just shows that they make games because they want to, not because they can make money except techno, that fuck
also because they tend to be more focused on writing
If it actually mattered, but why would anyone go out of their way to make it matter how experienced the girl is unless its a corruption game, and at that point, why not show her corruption from 0 to hero
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someone post that webm of Fumika hitting Omega when he's already dead
>why not show her corruption from 0 to hero
I find it more immersive to the setting. Really, this bombshell bitch never had her butt touched ONCE? She never tried masturbating a single time in her life, but instantly knows how after the game starts? She's never kissed a boy (or girl)?
Brazil status: reached
Never playing fumidka garbage
Please use the word coal for bad hentai games

Gem for good hentai games.

Sharty out
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Utterly demolished
I don't know what garba is but I don't remember it in fumige
game doko?
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>7 - 1
>5 of the goals were from Fumika
For me it's the "28 years old house wife that somehow only have 10 kissing experience, 10 blowjob experiences, 5 sex counts, 1 creampie and 1 birth count when the game starts" bullshit
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we're back
fuck off
Ah fuck, I didn't know a game was happening.
I'll need to check this later, wherever it was archived.
I love games with double pov
holy shit it's real
7 on 1? we are so back


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I feel violated.
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Only arrived at the end, don't know what gacha we crushed, but boy was it a bloodbath. Feels good to be back
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Better luck next time.
>they are actually angry and seething about this
chill out bwos, it's just a game
good morning sirs
do the sneedful and do not redeem the blob
I knew it was owari da the minute I saw Fumika not fuck us over with endless kapows and wide shots.
Japanese women are not like western women who are ran through by the whole town before they get married. Hell, I shouldn't even say western women, because east or west, most women don't actually have sex daily.
I arrived at the end, the victory anthem was good so I google around to find out it's RJ196613. Why 0 seeds on nyaa? I'd read that.
It's in the bin
Objectively best Era game?
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We're so back
Oops, thanks
>got a bunch of games
>can't decide what to play
>got a bunch of games
There's your problem. You're supposed to get them one at a time.
/hgg2d/ more like NTR general
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Bros over hoes in this general
I really wish THP had a good ending like this
erah was better, sadly discontinued.
Why does /bag/ have Leaf on their team?
Are there games where cuck and NTRchad become bros and dump the hoes?
Where is the archive?
Wait no, you scammed me. Only the translated one is in the bin. I don't want a shitty TL version
*Stubs toe
when the FUCK is the latest version of teaching feeling getting translated???/
wait for the day to end for the archive to get uploaded
leaf is a referee
Writing, presentation, premise, and gameplay trump over art for me. There's also sometimes artists who can't draw particularly well but have a good intuitive grasp of eroticism, so they can somehow pump out doodles that are much worse technically but still far more arousing than works from significantly better artists.
Atfif-chan's bite - Feed Eel to Atfif
Nazuha's pickiness - Feed Salad to Nazuha BEFORE her Love event
I want you to eat a lot more - Feed Katsudon to Agnes
Even if you say it's red... - Feed Salad to Milty
I don't like that I love that. - UNKNOWN
What a long tongue... - Feed Strawberry Sandwich to Deathroll
I want a cat. - UNKNOWN
What I love: Teacher - UNKNOWN
Demon's extract - UNKNOWN
Megaten for sure.
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sex blob
Have several games open at once and play them using the Pomdoro method. It's like creating your own Warioware game.
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>Nazuha's pickiness - Feed Salad to Nazuha BEFORE her Love event
Huh, now that one's interesting. I loaded up a random save so I didn't even consider.
Something misleading I just noticed seeing you post them all again is that "I don't like that I love that" is actually supposed to be "I don't like that -> I love that". The arrow got deleted by hiromoot.
I'll dig around and see if I can get more context on the still missing ones.

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