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Previous: >>483659726

>Current & Upcoming Content
[New Champion] Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds
[Anima Squad] Illaoi, Aurora, Yasuo, Xayah, Seraphine (Legendary), Miss Fortune (Mythic Variant), Yuumi (+Prestige) & Leona (+Prestige)
[Primordian] Bel'Veth, Briar, Rek'Sai & Aatrox (Legendary)

>Latest Patch Notes
>Latest PBE Patch Notes

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>Model Viewer

/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
Morgfag. I found him.
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league players will refer to a 2 second sequence where 5 different abilities are used and call it a "oneshot"
here's a real oneshot...
need 'stige yuumi
why did you type it like that guy
Got carried that game, had the lowest impact (just played safe and pushed waves or peeled a bit but nothing significant).
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Stay positive /lolg/!
springtime is when romance and friendship blooms, get yourself a duo today
It's summer.
>ezreal throws a "kill all black people" in chat as game ends
lmaoo bruh
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anons always post about how unfun the game is to play alone so they should get a duo buddy
Was there a K'sante Lux duo on the enemy? It makes Ezreals seethe
never, i like to play alone like a gothic baddie
t. coping loner
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Another Day. Another Dollar.

(Riot un-ShadowBan my main account or this will keep happening).
a summer romance on lolg would be cute
I don't think any lolg girl is open to that however
would tankraka be troll? you already have to build warmog anyways
I KILL you faggot
same though i don't really want to play with other people and develop anything, only ever do if people ask here time to time for like a day or something
>Divine Sunderer
nice win on easy mode, chump
wwposter is mine
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I'm too shit at this game now for duos and the last time I had a lolg duo years ago that nigga went absolute schizo.
Gonna go play Elise jungle, got low hopes of playing decently today.
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I did it!
congrats sissy
gz queen
Invaded and was told to not worry because we scale.
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even better that means everyone is about to go into heat
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So...no pool party skins?
>he thought pool party would return
Did you ever stop to consider that maybe YOU were the problem? Take some fucking responsiblity.
isnt your orbiter your new duo?
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live rn:
can anyone tell me in what world I'm not being gangstalked?
Sorry adchud, I just watched a kled support youtube video so now you have to play with it
yeah I'm thinking based
fuck ADC niggers
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Are people still playing Fiddlesticks support?
I have another mail order husband on the way.
FACT: sion is the coolest champion in the game
Why are there 2 scuttle crabs
I'm gonna win the jellybowl
I lost a game to one a couple weeks ago
You say that but you have no idea what happened or who we are. It's not normal to guilt trip your duo buddy over small things or get jealous and angry because they are in a casual match with another friend as if they weren't allowed to hang out with other friends anymore. Having problems with your own emotions never excuses hurting someone else. It was not healthy for either of us. I tried to understand but there's only so much mental fortitude I have against behavior like that before I reach my crumbling point.
What's up with people do dont even ward anything all the time, like do you want the drake or not?? Seems like I have to buy vision wards all the time.
i think your ex duo was gay and wanted to shag you big time
why are you such a bottom bitch, sorakafag?
thats fair man
however theres a limit to how apathetic you can be to a duo partner
romantic or not being on the other end of the "they never ask me to play and if they see me on they queue up anyway" side feels pretty bad
never getting the first message, feeling like youre bothering someone, it happens when you get nothing back
I haven't been able to play him today at all he's pick & ban in bronze lol.

I don't think he's very good on top of being hard to play inb4 seethe
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I already won it tho lol
-you know who
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stream has been postponed a little more. no way can I chat with this cough
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Victory awaits
vexbrairlover is going to get doxxed by tazmir
low elo players think you shouldn't leave their games hahahahaha
>getting jealous over league
do people really?
arent u afraid of getting queue penalties doe
take care of yourself my love
>taking 2 lolg girlies and making them do pic rel
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taking ur head and pushing it down into a big barrel of water then holding it until your body stops moving then tossing ur remains into a tank of piranhas
league of legends nerf lillia
You will be 1 of the 2.
Yeah my duo in the past was toxic as hell but there was another one who was quite jealous of him and threatened to kill himself if I hung out with them and other such disasters so that's totally understandable, very funny you and I both like Soraka and something similar has happened, yes. Regardless dropped both of them and things are much peaceful alone.
k'sante was on our team
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please watch this if you think losers queue is not real and then update your beliefs based on the new information you just got access to:
Zoom zoom
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I'm not who you think I am. Other people are allowed to post images of Soraka too and that's a good reaction image.

I am like that too so I get it, I tried to be proactive as much as I could knowing what it feels like to be the one feeling rejected. When we were both available I'd play with him most of the time and believe me we had plenty of fun. Sometimes he'd log on and I'd already be in a casual game with a friend while I was waiting for him to be available and he'd get mad about it and guilt trip me though. Over time his behavior got even creepy and more possessive. I know I called him a schizo but I know he's just a guy who could use some help controlling his emotions and it's been many years now so I hope he's doing alright out there. Beneath all the negative influence there was someone who wanted to be kind and was probably afraid of abandonment.
>league players are unstable
>more news at 5
that Soraka is a gigachad and you are a huge pussy for playing Draven and not walking up with her
How is Kha'Zix balanced if he can do this?
what if I walk up after he gets lvl 3? (1 minion)
what if I walk up to tank for soraka instead of him going in?
what if he uses his summoner spells on a lvl 2 (lvl 3 for everyone else) all-in that he initiated?
>How is Kha'Zix balanced
Yeah, life sure is good when you don't got no man yapping in your ear all the time.
please be my gf
you won that if you followed soraka up. you had a champ advantage and an hp advantage and a healer advantage and neeko already used her most important ability. it even shows you would've won that because you were 1 auto away from winning even though you didn't follow her up. I guess she got mad after that and went mid
communication also helps
but I understand the struggle, online stuff is hard and it might lead to regrets
lord knows I fucked up many times
Losers queue is obviously real and everyone knows that
What isn't real is the retarded delusion that losers queue is specifically targeting YOU to make YOU lose
losers queue is just matching people on loss streaks together and it happens to everyone
(You) are the loser
no I just live under a rock
when you saw him go in and die, why didn't you just fuck off? you wouldn't have won a 1v2 vs senna and neeko level 3. why did you go in on senna with barrier still up and not neegro?
you aren't IN losersq, you ARE the losersq. you are the teammate used by matchmaking to ensure some games are lost (which is an actual thing, but it's not because riot has a personal vendetta against you or is punishing you, it's being done because they want you to play for longer). just pay for a boost to diamond and play handsless enchantersloppa like si17.
she trolled, you could have helped but she trolled
you trolled walking in after she's basically dead
she didnt have the hands to flash either cc and after they're through using any summs doesnt do anything either anymore

also dont expect people in your elo to understand xp
you are wrong. we trade 1 for 2 in the best case scenarion
I should never follow that because that's the most dogshit play in existence. I should never expect my soraka to rightclick towards the enemies once he pressed Q
it's a guaranteed won lane if we just execute one more minion for his lvl 2
it can be a good play if he uses summs maybe. if he does use summs it does not matter if I had "followed" up earlier or not\
idk if you noticed but when I'm dying literally all of the enemy's abilities are coming back off cd and they both had flash up still
I was one aa away because the play was so dogshit that they could afford to just rightclick me and still win after the soraka int instead of trying to play it well
my soraka was on a 5 game winstreak before that loss and he said that he made that play because I'm tilted for pinging once or something like that
he also made 0 effort to win that play after that int
my issue is not me dying or the enemy neeko getting 2 kills
my issue is the fact that soraka blamed my ping for us dying (not even anything related to my actual gameplay) and then he soft inted the game for the next 20 minutes because he didn't want to win after that play
if I have to lane 1v2 against that for the rest of the game, my death doesn't make a difference
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i just evolved..
Lmao, always good to see a Garen down.
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goodnight /lolg/ zzz
she's retarded and emerald players are mentally ill
you really just need to play better and avoid dying like that to win. these girlies like turning around and come crawling back to you once they see you doing well
a duo for me is only worth if theres romance involved
if I'm playing with someone instead of my irl friend group there better be a tangible reason
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I could be your reason...
we know kg. you have zero interest in platonic female friends.
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>mid lane soft ints in a NORMAL game because I didn't give him last pick
so the playerbase is just going to become more insane with every year?
Fuck you I do have platonic female friends, theyre mostly exes but at least they gave me a shot
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>Fuck you I do have platonic female friends, theyre mostly exes but at least they gave me a shot
iirc its requiem for a dream and the girl is pimped out and gangbanged infront of a crowd for heroin money
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why are serafags like this
you can't be friends with a girl unless you dated her first?
the crazy thing about low elo is how they are all bots
don't get mad at me. trying to jump right into romance is a risky move. friendships can evolve organically into something more.
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me and you are gonna go scorched earph istfg
not true I'm low elo and I'm not a bot
my supports do similar shit in the majority of my games
I don't want to spend most of my energy thinking about how my support might misinterpret a ping or tilt or randomly int
I just want to make the play that I think is correct and focus on gameplay instead of the mental state of my support. I honestly needed a second to even comprehend that right click my soraka did after the Q. trying to figure out whether my support is aware of fundamental concepts such as exp and such is not something that should be a major part of playing any role.
after my support ints and stops trying, it shouldn't be my goal to impress them to make them reconsider trolling
there shouldnt be a role that allows it's players to get away with inting (if any other role did what my soraka accomplished that game, they would get insta banned)
where shouldn't be a role that allows such unskilled players to be in this elo
there shouldnt be a role that gives it's players the luxury to int some games when they don't feel like winning while also being able to climb
majority of adc games looking like this makes no sense
don't really want to be around someone who makes me feel like I'm not good enough

they don't, I lay my intentions out flat and if it doesn't pan out I'm fine, online this and that isn't something I see ever turning out like a pewdiepie situation so me needing to put off game time with my boys or alone time for myself to hang out with someone online has to have something real or at least trying to be
I don't need more friends, I have really really good ones
ah I haven't seen the movie yet but hear it's a masterpiece
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I love my cow-wife.
This game has too much CC.
t. yisus / katarina main
what role?
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Does she sleep on her own boobs like pillows?
Were you the Viego I just played against
p.s. I hate you
>Kai'Sa is supposed to be a counter to Ezreal
>Always dominate her in lane
Now how do I get good with Lucian. I can barely get kills as him and it's always a fucking stalemate in bot lane when I play him.
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Try playing in a real elo bracket shit stain.
>>Kai'Sa is supposed to be a counter to Ezreal
I don't see how
>omgsisa please stop talking about the actual game, I can't goon to tranny porn like this!!!!!
>Immediately jumps to trannies
Obsessed faggot. Expected from a botlaner.
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Why does every Yasuo who uses pic related always dominate?
I don't play ranked though
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I think this guy unlocked the secret to high KDA jungling!
you should get banned for having this low of a wr on yuumi
It's not me, and it's deliberate. He's sandbagging. He ints with Yuumi to keep himself in silver
damage while moving, inescapable ult, scales significantly harder
should be bannable, idk how their shit cant tell that a player with a 5% wr on yuumi and 70+ on everyone else isnt just inting on purpose
>huge esports event
>tune in to some esports
>half watch all the games while live
>literally zero (0) capsules
ok well guess LCS having 15k viewers at one point makes sense then
sniper is on the verge of tears
The entire esports budget went into the single $500 ahri skin giveaway
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Yuumi was a mistake.

t. afk yuumi sinner
i dont get how people find aram fun
They don't, it's just a cope mode for people who can't handle rift. How can it be fun to sit at your tower and wait to lose for 20 mins whenever you get the worse comp?
lots of fights
>queues up with triple queue
>pick 3 adca and whine about no Frontline
>afk under turret until ali presses E and we all die
>lose turret
>do it again until game is over
>100% of players are either support mains or at 0LP in 4th division of whatever rank they are
idk bro I think it's a blast
why is this top laner running it down lol
>How can it be fun to sit at your tower and wait to lose for 20 mins whenever you get the worse comp?
Sounds like my Rift games desu
>Why yes I will pick my favorite champ into a hard counter because it's FUN
>No I won't surrender with my 1/8/0 stat line we can come back
>lots of fights
sorry the enemy team rolled a comp so good that you'd have a hard time convincing me it wasnt drafted so the "fights" are you just getting rolled over and farmed for k/d/a or you just get slowly poked to death, super comfy
all of this would be fine if every player could drop the ego and admit when they make mistakes
but they dont, both adcs and supports will always blame the other for everything. it is what it is, you're not getting rid of the dumbasses ever, not like it gets better in higher elo
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Holy fuck I just downloaded after not playing for a long time and what the hell did they do to my main Katarina, her new art looks like shit and her new kit is trash, what the flying fuck, why they murdered her?
stfu imthem
Don't pretend draft gap in rift is anything like draft gap in aram. There's 0 strategic or snowball angles to play from. Your champs are either better in a cramped open space or they aren't, and the one with more wins.
times change boomer
this games match making feels like bots vs bots
>nobody cared about instakilling a draven with sion ult
only fun if mage or adc gets a penta after afking behind the frontline for 6 seconds until they can do damage, sorry chud
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okay... sorrry
i thought it was cool i just didn say anythin
dead game
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try simping for the dude unironically larping as soraka instead
thanks :D
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>Friend that would normally have 400 ranked games by now has 50
>Most of my friend list is permanently offline
I blame splits more than Vanguard. What retard at Riot though it was okay to reset LP every other week? Do they understand that system doesn't work for League like other games because every League game is a 50+ minute commitment? LP in league is worth more as a ranked measurement than any other equivalent for that reason.
this game is balanced around bots
>Turns Katarina a hot and fun champion into a tranny with a trash kit
>When I complain I get called a boomer
I'm not surprised it's a dead game.
>gotta play 15 ranked games PER YEAR
>get 3 victorious skins
not a bad deal for the player
I refuse to believe anyone genuinely cares about those tier 3 filler skins, I genuinely forget they exist every year
>stop playing the game
>mad that it doesn't cater to you anymore
yeah you can leave now retard
this game is literally balanced around bots
Whats up with people just randomly going afk lately, its happening way more often in the past 2 days than its happened to me in months
Is the penalty for leaving games just a finger wag or what
>It's not LOL anymore it's now LOLGBTQ
>nyooooo you were supposed to call me hecking based for calling her a tranny
You're crying about a canonically straight character you obsessed /pol/shart
As a kat main you should know that shes only playable at the start of a new season where she inevitably finds a new build that abuses a broken item because Kat can build literally anything and have it function well due to how her kit is designed
But a shitposter baiting for oldfag points wouldnt know that so
senna vayne kindred
just so boring desu
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27k+ health on chog he's insane in arena
which lolgs have even been successful at lolg romance?
just stuey?
>27k health
>still die in 3 seconds because everyone else's crazy augments
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Briar won
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Then why does she seem sad?
He also melts everyone else with E in secods, i was dealing ~30% of enemy max health with each auto
vbl and jelly. they hang out each other's streams
It's not about if she's good or not it's about the dumb rework to where they want me catching knifes like I'm a Draven or something. I just personally prefer the old abilities and the old artwork which is what got me started on Katarina in the first place but then I have some fag calling me a boomer because I said I don't like it.
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Illaoi is just walk and everyone die, kek
thats not romance jelly hangs out in kgs streams and he does too
lucky stuey
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trials and tribulations
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>Get fucked hard by Brand ADC
>My support is Annie who cannot get an assist for her life
>Our Jungler never ganged and raged quit
>We lose all lanes and objectives
>Team wouldn't surrender earlier
>I decide to mute all, not help my team, and farm in a side lane til we lost
>I voted no when they wanted to surrender
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The trials are over
A new dawn rises
Billions must bite
solo chad
i like seraphine more tho
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RIP Shen it's a shame how far he's fallen
the dumbass frog skins just make me want to actually have a frog champ
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I love Lissandra!
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Zyra is the prettiest!
>Best game on Ezreal yet
>Got a penta kill as him
>No deaths
why are leona players so fucking beta? i play draven and every single time i get a leona these fags give level 2 for no reason and play 10 miles back perma
>tf teleports top right before a gank
>scares off enemy laner
>breaks my freeze by mindlessly pushing the wave
i inted that game, tf players really are subhuman
I had no idea this was happening, thats how much league of legends controls my life
league is more important than dickhead #1 vs dickhead # 2 tbqhwyf
i'm the only person on /lolg/ who's still a virgin over the age of 20, it's quite sad to think about
oh shit its time
we're better off sticking to league
what's wrong with that? I plan to stay a virgin my whole life
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The only rank that Nocturne does not have a 52%+ winrate is Iron
This includes Master, GM, and Challenger
>jinx loses to a smolder in lane
how? how do you even lose to smolder?


vision? farm?
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I fucking love it when my jungler and toplane with monster shutdowns decide to drop herald at tier 3 tower top and 2v5 and die and int their shutdowns to the enemy team's only win con man emerald players are for sure human
why does wr get cool intro animations and pc doesn't
Jelly and Lyra. They are married.
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champ for this gameplay feel?
because the client already runs bad enough
It's the better game.
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>Seething about a skill based champion
stay fricking positive
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I'm a 30 year old virgin so you're not the only one
>enemy supp is tank
>we lose
damn that's so crazy, almost like botlane is fucking cancer garbage and tank players should be thrown in jail for abusing their freelo champs
itd be hilarious if the one girl all the guys pine for winds up being a lesbo
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let's fucking go lads, come join me if you'd like! or watch some king grey :) support /lolg/
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>Seraphine enchanter APC is bad because she does no damage
>hard carry the game and do the same damage as the enemy ADC

lyra is a disgusting hairy man
>play as a squishy vs squishy
>play out an eloquent dance of limit-testing, juking, and trade patterns
>meet tank
>he uses one of his movement abilities 10 screens away from me (in 2024 league of legends, tanks are balanced to be faster than me)
>I die in 3 hits (while perma CC'd)
I don't understand what you mean anon, playing against tanks and bruisers is fun and engaging gameplay
>playing against tanks and bruisers is fun and engaging gameplay
.t tank and bruiser player
i lost my first game of the day bros...
Is there anything more cucked playing jg support duoq? I was playing adc and my jg camped the fuck out of my lane so I got fed and just 1v9'd with his enchanter supp duo following me around like my doggie, thats so fucking cucked man its literally like the prepping ur gf for the bull meme
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>retarded american makes everything about his weird fetish
>implying Ezreal players use the champion to their maximum and not as le safe pick
>obsessed calling someone else obsessed
obsessed, no one ever thinks about whatever shithole country you are from LOL
All duos are mentally ill. Remove duoQ from ranked. There's fucking 0 reason to soloq support. I like playing supports, but I nearly always play at a disdvantage because of draft and comms diff. It's not fair. I shouldn't be punished for wanting to play support solo, but I currently am (same goes for adcs). It's actively deflating my rank.
>10k down the most damage
>Dawncore and Staff
>to deal damage
>Vi even bought Visage
you don't deserve a (You)
fuck it if it's bait
>Implying most Ezreals are good
They aren't because he takes skill.
Im eu and its not really about fetishes its just insanely pathetic to duoq like that, like as the jg in that situation your entire goal is to enable your egirl duo to healslut for someone else, thats unbelievably cucked
Triforce is a core item on Ezreal now. I built QSS so if Malz ulted me, I would QSS.
yea im not complaining tho it was nice cuz we dove enemy botlane off cd
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Not gonna lie I thought it was *the* briar vocaroo
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When will we ever get the Full House-like sitcom about Zed and Shen raising Akali and Kayn? Cameos by other champs just like Valoran Town.
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>cute bunny girl
>listen to her voicelines
>the most annoying snobby autistic "nerd' girl voice
>one of her quotes is a fucking Lindsey Ellis line
Its so fucking over
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Braum carry.
why he muted anon
When will you retards realize there are other ways to carry the game rather than strictly damage even when you're playing the most important role in the game (bot).
>late night NArams
>always 3-5mans with at least one diamond/master player
what did they mean by this
>male tomgirl
male as opposed to what, why did you need to say it twice
it's reference to the man he's dating
its insane you think you are losing/having a bad time because the enemy team is in comms with each other/have a "good" player when the game experience is 100% decided by comps.
at no point did I say it was the enemy team every game nor am I complaining about losing, retardfren
Anon, higher elo players in 5 stack comms who want to win will always get the superior comp over a group of 5 shitters randomly placed together by riot
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im a shyvanna main now
>oh no ive been called out, quick move the goal posts
kill yourself
>the random game mode gives the 5 stack players the good champs because...because.. it just does ok!
"but they strategize the rerolls" yes they strategize the random rolls they get to randomly get all the s tier champs. cope overload
most of the time shit aram comps are shit because people chose garbage and left good stuff in the rerolls
keep coping though
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>"comp is bad because teammates bad"
>calls me the coper
>get hostile because you can't read
alright well hope you get better soon
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I want to fuck AOE so bad!!!!
what was the purpose of your initial post, please strain your brain mental gymnasticing your way out of this one. this is your fucking life right here lmao
>yasuo vs jax
>permaganked the entire laning phase, not a single gank in any other lane
>the enemy asol carries
I think you got it as long as aaaytrox doesnt get fed
this game is boring because the players are bots
I do this nigga.

where were you when you realized that arena was the actual game mode that truely tests skill

>need to know character matchups

>cant fall back on 4 other people carrying you, if youre a dead weight nigger like most of lolgen the other guy simply is going to get dragged down with you
>item knowledge is key

i think its pretty much settled arena is the actual game mode to excell in
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Shoutout to Hades
I was out in Greece smokin' 80s
Peel the brown pack, all this OC-30 lately
Why they hate me?
I been feelin' like the black sheep
Got this Glock 17
Cold steel, hot heat, let it burn
Told that fuckboy go wait your turn
She gon' fall in love wit it, way I make that pussy churn
When you gon' learn?
Talkin' all that shit gon' get you hurt
If I pull up with the stick that mean you get put in the dirt
Sorry no one replied to your webm. But it's because:
>5 levels up
>prob full AD Sion
Who cares? He better be one shotting him.
>get the 1 dumb nigger retard on a shitpick out of 15 players that could have been your teammate
>game is unplayable
yeah very skillful gamemode
I don't either. It's for incels who get ranked anxiety.
I was surprised at how low viewership numbers were. I think it peaked around 38k. That's really really bad for LCS tho, there weren't even many co-streamers taking views either.
rent free
jg diff
aatrox was not happy
how often do you see a real oneshot in league though? usually its some combination of abilities that just gets refered to as a oneshot anyways
man i hate playing with team mates who are future lcs players
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forgot image *slaps forehead*
try not to have a big meltie over pattern recognition lil fella, it's not that serious
your heals would be weak, you'd basically be useless except for bodyblocking, silence, and slow
>now lolgen says its okay to blame your teammates

There are plenty of video's on youtube of legit on shots. Cait can do it with a headshot, and doesn't have to be up 5 levels and 3 items to do it either. Fed LeBlanc can Q-R-W, fed Ori can Q-R-W, fed Fizz can R-E-W, I've seen all of those combo'd delete someone in .25 seconds.
this is the only game it is okay to go afk to do the community a favor and stop your bad teammates from gaining lp
okay sorry
>all udyr has to do is build tank like literally every other udyr in existance on arena
>this stupid nigger builds on hit
>jihn event literally wins a team the round
arena is the most fradulent game mode ever created
it's another episode of getting blamed for the team losing when my team is engaging a proxy singed and dying to him
I love Briar
okay sorry
Idk bud looks like he played pretty well and you let him down
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Why is AIslop the only stuff I can find now? She's one of the last of the classic sexy League girls and deserves so much better.
Zyras never been one to get a ton of art despite how much Riot pumps out skins for her
my match loaded so fast I didn't get a chance to finish the boss fight in luigis mansion 2 I was playing during the draft
I wanna be a certain posters Viego...
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teamcomp with this feel
im better at the game league of legends than every other poster in lolgen.

proof in the image. constantly win in arena.
Dragon Sorceress was the one skin that got people to make art for her but the days of sexy skins are over.
when the first turret goes down midgame has begun, don't expect pings after that
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brand is allowed because?
>insane micro skills
>macro held back by 4 teammates
>no macro in this game mode
>no 4 shit teammates

yeah you stupid nigger im great at league of legends

polymorph enemy champions with ult for 2 seconds (cooldown 15 seconds) broken as shit
>play smolder
>someone chases you
>press E to fly away
>they catch up anyway and oneshot you
Please give his speed back riot
Someone at riot has to be a brand main that keeps him strong, i fucking hate this champion
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you can't spell "fetish" without a "fish"
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Stay positive /lolg/!
>this sion is standing completely still, better dash into melee range
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Fuck it, buying a booster. I hate this game and the people that play it.
that's lug's line
3 more fucking hourssssss!!! *coughs up blood*
whats this league of legends vampire survivors thing im seeing wingsofdeath play
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its on the PBE
give me your account I can boost you for free
what r u like plat or something?
Soraka my cute wife
I was but I got griefed and got sad so I stopped…
I'm not gonna make it raka bro ;_; 2 hours and 30 minutes till dawntrail comes out. I have work tomorrow tho. Very cute goat pic though.
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What the fuck is Dawntrail?
a kiss goodnight?
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you can look at this picture for a while
holy shit, i just learned so much about yasuo..
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listening to psytrance while playing vayne turns you into a kiting demon
i am gliding in the matrix rn
New ffxiv expansion. c:
Wow!! may i touch???
listening to sissyhypno while playing janna turns you into a healing demon
i am bambi in the matrix rn
some troon game from what I've gathered
no, just admire
all I want in a duo is a girl who plays Janna with this skin and flirts with me
is that so much to ask for?
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dead game
dead general
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Sorry I was in bed watching brainrot YouTube shorts I missed this..
wish you were there earlier ): we had a couple of people
molesting smolder
I would like to receive 1 fish tail slap pls. For free of course.
I always watch you but you dont really respond in thread when you play so I just wait after
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In 100 years he will be tall as a door and you will regret it
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that can be done
In the latest 2XKO upload, "What is 2XKO Alpha Lab? - Dev Q&A w/ Sajam"
We can see in the background an image containing the sixth fighter!

I always read the thread! I think
I’ll try to but idk when you’re talking to me>>483806958
It will get active later, it's Friday.
its okay baby you sound cute when youre having fun
what on god's green earth is that build
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I was miserable today I didn’t have fun I HATE LEAGUE
Actually i do try to actively be more positive because I think it’s probably not fun to watch someone complaining all game
I have my breaking point tho
I'm doing some swarm if you guys wanna hang
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Please respond
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I went to make a pbe account to play swarm but signing up is bugged right now apparently. Checked reddit and there's a bunch of 1 day old posts that have the same issue as me so shit's fucked.
Man, wanted to try the bunny bitch too I guess I'll just go to bed
then just flirt with me to distract yourself
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How is Seraphine gonna battle in a fighting game when i will grab hrr neck and strangle it very hard?
Bad 6th pick
>parasocial hours
>set runes
>game loading screen
>wrong runes
i hate this game
seraphine was supposed to be a midlaner but I rarely see her and when I do she gets her ass whooped. what happened?
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What's up, John Riot here
This post is wrong it's actually Qiyana
You're welcome lolgers
wwposter doko?
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How could I have won this game? Was my team trolling? Should I dodge when my team drafts like this? (I had first pick btw).
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She was neglected of skins for so long, the damage has been done. On top of that, AIslop is actually incredibly good now, it'd be hard to find artists this nice also into your leaguefus
>actually incredibly good
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Zyra was one of those cases where noone really gave a shit about making skins for her until they released the one skin due to them not having one in a while and then realising they they milk those characters for more. This happened with Zyra on her Dragon skin, Sivir on her Pizza skin and Soraka on her SG skin. There are probably more examples but after those skins got released they didn't really have yearly releases I think. Those were mainly dedicated for stuff like Lux, Riven, MF, Ashe, etc.
Also incredibly sad how Zyra players during the old days had to choose between Hunted or Wildfire Zyra because those two skins sucked ass but they probably still wasted their money on it because those were all they had since 2013 until the Dragon skin released in 2017, after that she's been getting skins semi yearly.
Soraka and Sivir had some decent skins in the past like Reaper, Banana or Spectacular and Snowstorm so it was less damage control.
Overall I really enjoy playing Zyra, her vanilla look is just as decent as the Dragon one and to be honest I don't want her to be that popular and be left alone because she's quite enjoyable at is currently.
I'm the best zyra in lolg
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Thanks anon!
can I touch your tail?
what the fuck is going on itt
Orbiting. Happens every thread, not an unnatural phenomenon.
i dont like it either but i play it because the games are over in 20 minutes the queue is 1 min and it doesnt force you to play a lane you dont like
rift games trap you for 20-45 min after a 3 min queue theres always people 2 people talking shit in chat and inting because you didnt die with them or took a minion or some shit its depressing
i just want a 15-20 min time waster
man i think my friends thinks ive had a lobotomy or somethin
I’m just joking cause I’m not actually gay or his gf
But I like him hanging out while I play :)
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stop being mean to serasisters
lol, king brown is crying.
I don't get this joke
Did you guys know you can tornade spinny dash teleport on someone as yasuo? Apparent it majes you do lotsa damage
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what do you guys think of yuumi
I think there was a lot of favouritism for her compared to the dog which will always be tragic in a way.
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>Play Lucian
>Get 13 kills total
>Doesn't feel as satisfying to use as Ezreal
It's genuinely fucking over
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An abomination
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I'm feeling a banger.
aurora is 19 years old btw
you're not a pedo but a heckin creep and a weirdo for liking her now
I see...no more then
say something nice about riot's biggest flop in the history of flops
yo you messed up the timezones, it's not na hours yet
xister woke up and first thing xhe did was open 4chin website xd
it is, this guy is na >>483818235
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Naafiri? More like: Naafifi
>waking up at 4 AM
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It was a banger.
just like u hun
xdxd bro u havent been outside in years
he doesnt sleep and its 7am for him
im sure you have kekaroo
ur breaking up with me again???
just dealt 5k damage in a 25 minute game playing mid lane
When is your LCS debut?
you need less dog porn and more human activities
rn youre literally a subhuman
when trump evicts all imports
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Say the line bro
>keep getting worse teammates than the enemy
>keep losing
how do I make it stop?
there is not a single human on this planet who could win these games
I need to get out of this demonic queue
I swap accounts or play on a different game mode (but go to a different one again if the first game in there was a loss of had unsportsmanlike teammates).
says you lol
imagine spending 15 hours spamming interracial porn to own /lolg/
imagine dragons
what porn? i dont see any o_O
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How's it hanging, /lolg/?
hmmmm should i gank my kayle's lane against a fiora so scaling is guaranteed to be easy? nahhh let's go for grubs which give you maybe three extra tower hits. wow! but jungler is hard right? fucking trash ass people. trying to climb out of iron and i get retards constantly
more popular than old asol
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whoever tells you that adc isn't the most dogshit role in the history of the game, they are massive liars
whats up with that gay ass emo name?
pedomaxxing to dodge aws agents
you wouldn't get it
good! how's your jungle?
Can anyone tell me why Udyr has mana if none of his abilities cost mana to use?
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Didn't play SR today! Thanks for asking, hah. Was playing WoW and then some arams with a friend. Just watching GEN vs DRX at the moment. What're you up to?
To make his retarded playerbase willing to buy frozen heart instead of thinking "I can't buy that because mana is wasted".
to make him look skillful
nothing much, just spamming pictures
Lux also was actually not very popular until her Star Guardian skin dropped. Prior to that all her skins were bad and it was so insanely popular that she ended up getting given Elementalist.
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this skin gave me a thing for high heels and stockings
I'll give you that they certainly are retarded
It isn't working
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Don't mind if I join you.
not at all
What was the point of reworking Corki if they just nerfed him into the oblivion after like 3 patches and gave up?
what is he doing
i dont think i've seen an ahri without the paypig skin, and like half the people i check the profile of have the paypig border too
He's boring and clunky. What phreak did was removing the one thing that made him exciting and mega buffing all the boring things.
People spammed him because he was freelo and there's some degree of fun to be had in unga bunga forward statchecking from level 1. He was nerfed directly and itemization elements that made him broken were changed (no dirk stacking, collector nerf, opportunity nerf for ranged).
Now that he is no longer freelo and you have to play him like a relatively normal crit carry (just with strong early) he's even less fun that he was before the rework. You don't get to unga bunga and you don't get to yell ALLAHU AKHBAR while going for a borderline suicidal package engage so what's the fucking point?
People who played him before the nerfs already returned to karthus and draven.
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wp to my animal jungler
Question: would you have sex with a lad if that meant reaching your goals in ranked?
Hello chuddies. Still playing after Vanguard? Yikers lol XD ^^
Someone has to put the noobs in their place, it's a burden I'm willing to bear.
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I -will- be heard.
Not likely.
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Chosen of the moon.
Diana is hot
I love Diana if it's not obvious. She is my waifu. Not my most played champ, but my favorite.
Followed closely by Taliyah.
ah, man of great taste
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midtards I'm not (goteem) sorry
>35+ minutes
>no new post
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midlaners are very skilled
Jinxbros, japan did it again. How do we cope?
I don't think that even he knows
>pick lee sin top
>he's fun
bot (adc) is the least important role in soloQ and you would know this if you climbed out of silver without paying someone to do it for you but you didn't. also, akshan and sylas carried that and the enemy team was braindead.
at work atm, will blogpost my low elo games hours and hours later.
>uhhh how do we stop making floppy reworks?
>i know lets make them braindead superhitlers, great idea!
>*makes skarner and asol*
it worked
Asol makes sense because he creates galaxies and stuff so it is representative to that champs character. I know some people were underwhelmed when he was just an orb juggler previously.
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I-I want to be a support slut for a hot daddy Mord main.. >.<
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Sorry, mordeCHADS are into MEN not sissies.
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Surely at least one of them would like me..
I have no idea how to play lane assassins in the mid and late game.

am I supposed to splitpush and run instead of fighting?
Nuh uh. Maybe you can have the nonny that strokss his mushroom to your posts.
watch replays
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Good enough for me..
are you regretting Dr. Aven giving you an axewound?
what's the issue?
jungle wouldn't camp him so the single father raised freak began baby raging in fountain and regurgitating buzzwords from his favorite toxic streamers.
I've seen this art dozens of times but I'm only now realizing how fucked the anatomy is from below the breasts
I've always wondered if master+ macro is even aplicable to my silvershart games.
High elo macro isn't really optimal for carrying in low elo. An obvious example would be that high elo places more emphasis on playing for whats going to work with the jungler. That wouldn't even be a thought in your head if you're playing below diamond.

Lets say you see your jungler pathing bot and just from experience you can tell that he'll be in your lane in about 2 mins and either gank or recall. You start trying to either poke them low for a dive or manage the wave so that it will push to your side but not too fast, depending on the matchup. If you're something like Ez karma bot you absolutely want to start setting up for a dive or invade depending on if the jungler knows if the enemy jungler is on that side to counter.
Im loving Kled my new main but all his skins are garbage?!! When can I expect a new one?
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I'm queuing right now bwos
Dodge your next matchmade game if you don't want a losers queue game
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>people constantly expect dudes with skins for a champion to perform better than a default skin champion
>they killed muh main even doe she's piss broken
wah wah old ass niglet
He got cats vs dogs last year april so… probably another year or so. Maybe 2.
What is unironically the way to get out of bronze and by extension silver and gold? Im playing toplane btw. So far ive noticed that despite feeding early on irelia almost every game ive managed to win some by going full yolo and taking all lanes creeps and playing very recklessly. Surely this wont work past bronze right?
>Surely this wont work past bronze right?
Apparently it doesn't work in bronze either since you're admitting yourself that you're hardstuck in the very same post
Im not sure that I am stuck… I have about 12 rankeds played total and at bronze 1. I won 7 lost 5 I think.
God idk desu, back before the ranked changed it was easier to categorize and atleast provide some feedback but thesedays it feels like it's a per player thing hence requires game reviews and just a lot of custom gameplay adjustments and improvements. But then again I'm silver and lost my first and only gold promos ages ago so I can't be saying these things I feel like because low elo.
Red Kayn is so fucking slow I feel like a lumbering oaf everytime I go red
yes. someone who puts money on a champ is more likely to have played them more than someone who hasn't put money on a champ. basic deduction
>Spend half the time driving at 120 so 60 feels slow
Thanks for the insight anon.

I've watched some guides and apparently getting "priority" is important as a mid lane assassin but in my experience it's truly a cointoss if my early game jungler will even try to get crab with that pressure or if he's gonna farm wolves while I'm getting pressured 1v2 for free.

And that's just the early game.

Is this a troll pic? There's not a number in 2.
>the one thing that made him exciting
the shitty statcheck that made him either broken or 41% winrate?
he still has a far higher pickrate both in mid and in bot lane after phreak returned him back to his almost original state
>play with a 1v9 carry machine
>sabotage your chances at victory by ganking other lanes (mundo vs malphite and kassadin vs katarina)
don't want win? fine by me :D
It used to be easier to get Gold rank for free just by going unga bunga split POOSH but even bronze players are wiser to it nowadays.
Even worse is that RAJOT puts so many players in Bronze for no reason basically making them smurf against their will, thus it takes much longer to climb if you're merely above average.
hehe xd
git gud
simple as
check challenger replays and see how much draven is ganked by both junglers
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what if... goth lux
I love Garens so much.
They have the most brain off mechanics in the game and they still can't fuckin do it
nice general leaguekeks
yeah i can only see up to the 2nd one and barely make out a 2. brings me back when an incompetent teacher was using a green pen on the white board. could barely read shit.
curious what colorblindness corrected vision looks like.

just playing asol for wins now, kinda getting boring. but a win is a win.
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>I will be working on the Esports World Cup on a total of 19 different games as the primary host on the supplementary stream.
Why are they always like this?
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Thats not goth thats just skank outfit
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>what if character....le out of character!
is this fucking AI?
please don't tell me it's fucking AI because how the fuck would a computer know how to make my pp hard
>fatman poster is straight
it's over...
why did you post a picture of me
very ai
just drank 1ltr of cream
Miella is the best adc in Germany. She deserves a spot in LEC
what if we got 5 people together to play on the middle east server with trans icons
Imagine paying for skins when you can use custom skins
does your wife have goat hooves and a horn?
>carry the fuck out of the game as a jungler
>zero honors because i dared to type "help with baron don't die 2v5" and they were all premade
looks like shit and noone else can see it
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She cute shame her kit is boring
Aye. I haven't gotten to play her yet (forgot to, with Swarm on PBE), but she looks...really boring. I'm definitely still playing her for a bit, but I don't think she's gonna be upending any of my existing champ pool
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is zeri mid a thing? her splash is cute
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>play ad"c"
tale as old as time

can anyone tell me why anyone who wants to win would pick this garbage role?
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Shes fun
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>spamming fat people and nigger porn will stop the waifufags today for sure
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i spoke with shitmatic... KEKW lets just say his "obsession" is slowly being worked on
pic rel
a pic he sent me from his phone of the office of the person who's been helping him with his obsession
if you know, you know, if you dont, try google, just search for throwmatic and then, you know, SHITTMATIC KEKW
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adc is dogshit in soloQ. play some 1v9 super scaler mid like asoi or play a hooksloppa support.
also, staying mid and taking TF's cs isn't going to win you the game, nor is mental booming six minutes in.
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How many months it been bwos
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Hello bunners O_O

I took this video
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imagine spending 20 hours spamming interrspecies to own /lolg/

crystal rose naaffi when
>crystal rose firi
even if you're shitposting i would love a crystal rose fifi skin.
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So much lil bro today... Pedoahry like!
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why does everyone use the ugly as fuck yellow hp bar
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Aryan wedding when
dont cuss
do soibear next

also people see high elo players / streamers using it so they use it too
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Spic wedding clears

the replybot is awake
ctrl c ctrl v
>Like Ekko and think he's one of the best and coolest champions in League.
>He just gets used for shitposts.

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How long till we finna get bored bros?

>spade on her cheek
Janny missed this racist post
another incoherent banger
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epic! i love 4chan avatar fag too!
It makes your health bar stand out amongst your your team's health bars.
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what is wrong with the euw clique
I think its green or yellow with the colour blind mode on and off. I may perhaps be wrong.
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I chuckled
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You are bored

If you weren't you wouldn't open this website again
>21 hours ago
stop projecting sissy
Is camille a nice toplaner to main?
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@@@@@@@@@ RACISM HAS BEEN POSTED @@@@@@@@@


No, she isn't very nice infact I'd say she kind of a cunt.
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Lil bro saves the day


THEY have been banned from all boards for posting >>483768941 >>483806795 >>483857085
a violation of Global Rule 3:
You will not post the following outside of /b/:
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Shes definitely getting nerfed next patch but that shouldnt really stop her from being viable.
Super broken 1st item spike, sheen abuser, ungankable, super safe lanes, tower eater, best gank setup after 6, outscales everyone.
Cant really 5v5, has no AOE
can someone hit me with a really bad league take? I have a mean reaction pic I want to use just once
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talk me out of reinstalling please
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Moonstone Renewer was actually a good meta
Jungle has zero impact on the game.
adc is not the worst role in the entire game by far
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thank you kek
Thats actually correct you retard, top lane is the most useless role for around 5 years now
I really just don't want to see any porn or cool posts on this general, I know it's been a part of this place for the 6 years or so I remember being here but still.
ok this one warrants the mean reaction pic

I don't think this is true, if you get fed top your splitpush can actually end the game in the best case scenario, but most commonly will buy time for your team to catch up

which usually means nothing, they fell behind because they're outclassed and more items is gonna do nothing, but hey impact is impact
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*snip snip*
*Coom posts
Not cool posts, post cool things.
had me confused for a moment there
Yeah I'm sorry, I'm just tired.
toplaners be like:
>enemy top giga gapped me and now he is 1v9ing the game, my role is so shit
Counterpicks don't actually matter as much as people seem to believe in low elo.
No, Silver I 999k mastery points Darius, you will not immediately lose a lane against Gold IV first-time Mundo, stop crying.
Also, Diamond shitters aren't much better than Emerald shitters.
>bad takes
Oh, sorry. Uhh, mid is the easiest role in the game, just be a second Jungler and collect your LP, how hard is that?
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Post trendy things or u will never fit in!! or else naafifi will tell u to fuk off! (the manlet furryXD)
vanguard mandatory CHINA communist ccp party kernel-level (from china)
Top be like enemy jungle ganked once now I lose lane.
Look at this low elo retard who has no clue what the fuck hes talking about
>Top laner #1 First picks
>Top laner #2 counter picks
>TL #1 plays safe and farms until mid game
>TL #2 tries to trade agressively and go for dives with jg

Top laners getting fed and 1v9ing is a low elo phenomena, stop sucking dick
Darius doesn't lose lane against Mundo he simply cannot outduel him after Mundo gets one item even if when ahead.
Why is it that some top laners have zero "aura"? Like they can be pushed up to our nexus turrets and the team doesn't even care, meanwhile if I push up to tier 2 the enemy sends 2-4 people. Even if I'm actually behind and can't even beat my laner 1v1, they still send multiple people. What's up with that?
is it because I have all caps username??
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any lolgs streaming rn?
I think it's because top has a lot of those champs that will just win 1v4s and it's kind of just expected top will match top regardless of context leaving one top to free push of the other top doesn't try to match.
I thought he got banned, what the hell jannies
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You'll enjoy the shithole you've made.
Just need a permanent janny to wack a mole the IP hops.
His uncle is a 4chan mod.
what do you mean anon, im not the retard posting blacked bunny ragebait
reminder this is what romance queue looks like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BP_zw9PSl50&ab_channel=DunkTank
You lazy motherfuckers should report him as well
just need an irl janny to ban him once and for all right between the eyes
I wouldn't mind being a janny but that is if I can just ban on sight and if I get paid for it even if it's just a url for tips desu, would guarantee this would be swept 16 hours a day everyday.
>implying no one tried this the first year
>or the second year
>or the third
It has to be some kind of a bot right. Nobody can be that mentally diseased
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I refuse to believe that a real person comes home from work and starts horny posting on 4chan for hours on end
>Nobody can be that mentally diseased
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i used to think so, but considering apparently this is all because he hates specific or all avatarfags i think the whole internet brainrot thing is real and this is what obsessing over things you hate eventually results in if you let it control your life that much
It is possible.
Bold of you to assume he works and doesn't sit in his mom's basement collecting autism bucks he spends on VPNs to shit post on 4chan all day
did you forget roman numerals guy?
this has reminded me actually, did they name that nidalee skin that on purpose? Theyre like a cali company do youd think theyd know
Its worse than you think. He posting since 2021 with only a few small break periods. 3 years of this dudes life. And he isn't just spamming shit, he is editing pics and even commissioned edits just to spam here. Its unironically sad more than anything.
It didn't really have that meaning back when the skin was released and used to just mean a girl who likes skiing
You are at the rank you belong into.
too new for that
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dead lolgs and their final posts:

arya's last post >>483809304
lyra's last post >>483715594
jellyfishsloth's last post >>483547165
doja yuumi's last post [11 jun 2024 | hidden for privacy]
meriipu's last post >>481164341
seraphine is 17's last post >>480450123
azuma minami's last post >>477156267
jupyter's last post >>474908705
pompom's last post >>465886913
lilliabuttwiggle's last post >>464760039
are support players retarded and why is the answer yes

-a new adc main
oh nooo my thread celebrities :(
if you play on EUW we can duo
Wtf people were queue sniping Sera17? You people should be shot
ohh, ive only heard the term from spammers so i just assumed those sorts of people invented it
HAHAHAHAHA what the fuck is this based schizo
lucky you
half of these people still post faggot
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And nothing of value was lost.
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butt you can't name us cus me and jinx are cooler than that

butt i see you
I don't play the 1v4 hitler champs though, I only play tanks
im on estrogen and toplane and smart
stfu riven main
>team losing
fight hard, usually pretty depressing. have a horrible time
>team winning
enemy ffs 15
why is it always like this? just let me pop off and get a good win. fuck off.
It's the other way around for me.
>Team losing even if it's only slightly
ff 15 go next mid open
>Team winning even if it's 30 to 3
Enemy plays it out until the very end dragging it out as long as possible while teammates jerks off doing pointless shit instead of ending for 20+ minutes.
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lol this was my official last post
but well I have made posts afterwards
>dead lolgs
I fucking wish a solid two thirds of that list is still here being faggots.
Good riddens. Though unfortunate, a new era is forming to repeat the cycle.
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We need an esl filter for this general.
Thats how you spell it though..
>austin wolf got arrested for cheese pizza
Average twink lover
League of Legends
cant wait for elden ring inspired champ
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a bunch of losers
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So why do so many people seem to dislike Aurelion sol's reworked kit?
>Kit fits his character far better
>It's far more fun
>Far less clunky
>Doesn't get nerfed every other patch because only five one tricks play him
Only down side I see is it's less unique, but sometimes like in this case being too unique can be a negative thing. Just seems kind of weird so many people seem to say "I liked the old kit better" especially when the numbers show those people probably didn't even play him.
I wish i was there to save them
>Big L isn't on the list
so he's alive?
Don't care, didn't ask.
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reminder that Nami is cute
I thought she was soft
fly reset is annoying to play against
other than that idc
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butt is she warm
Entirely just posers who pretend they loved old Aurelion because he was unique
no, its people who hate playing vs him
kaisa is my ex girlfriend
I guess that's true, but to be fair with everything in this game his flight reset on kill isn't that high on my "this is going to be annoying" list when I'm loading into a game.
>duoq refuses to ff
>just leave the game
>never get actually punished
I did this 6 times yesterday and today I had to type a "I Agree" in for something, did they just stop punishing people or what? Feels like I actually have some control over duoqs finally
used to be when ap zeri was a thing
why is dojas post hidden?
Quickplay time, I dunno what to play but it'll be sloppy I think. Maybe tonight is a support night.
No, they just give lots of warnings so you can't cry and say they gave you no warning when they hit you over the head with the ban hammer.
IS THIS WHAT PASSES FOR WAR??????????????????????
its pretty egregiously bad
resets are already horseshit on the champs that usually get them [0 utility damage only champs]
putting that on a control mage with mobility [which btw, control mage with mobility shouldnt even exist in the game EITHER imo] is gamebreaking in my honest opinion
control mage that dashes around all over the place is horribly unfair
he reinstalled, i saw him posting like a week ago.
Why is pro playing AP mages now? Are they stronger than the other junglers?
butt is she soft
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i am now officially over 6 months sober from the game
how would you save them
Yeah but you came in this general, are you relapsing?
>control mage that dashes around all over the place is horribly unfair
But he isn't dashing all over the place. He flys in one direction. If he is flying all over the place odds are he has been fed to hell and back or you're in super late game and he has an insane amount of stacks.
Both kits are bad but newest one is a tad too braindead. I think he had tons of potential with a rework of the old kit. Still new Asol is relaxing to play I suppowse.

t. ex otp
yeah akshan doesnt dash around all over the place either by that logic
i post here like once a month if i see the thread in catalog
i wont be touching any riot gaymes related content ever again
Isn’t Aurora trash? At least for mid.
Why come here? This is merripu all over again.
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pp is that you? what games to did you drop league for?
damn son just can't stop winning. randomly got my favorite skin for my favorite toon from some bitch ass random chest. time to smoke up
like i said, i post here like once a month
more gachas which i also dropped
I know but you still come here once a month atleast 6 months. Theres like no point.
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this is the one. thank you very fucking much Riot daddy
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illogical, if you dont see a point to this, then dont project that onto others
>200$ chroma
>seralusionals think shes actually that popular
wait let me catch my breath
good fuck duoqs, actually retarded that I can't duo but I still have duos in my ranked games
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what are the rest of the mythic shop releases for the year? I need to know if I should save or spend my mythic essence
I don't get how the first thing that makes them want to return is to pay a chunk of money for a game she got bullied out of, like does that make any sense?
Why does the new Illaoi skin look like winnie the pooh?
well the blacked schizo janny is awake, time for thread to die while everyone leaves

nautilus in august
>I can't duo but I still have duos
what's stopping you
Rioters... our tencent sponsors are not gonna be happy about this..
Xi Xing Ping....
When the fuck do 2XKO drop? LoL is fucking gay now. I'm too good at fighting games to play a MOBA again
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Big L threatened to bomb riot if they didn't.
who do u main in sfvi
She got a legendary
my elo
can you post it?
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Oh yeh wy did he get a 2nd game?

Irelia bombed riot hq d*ko...?
>nautilus in august
thanks man

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next list will be up on 9th july
200$ chromas arent the same as the legendaries, the champ that got the 200$ variant is BB MF
Zyra jungle, lets goooooo!
yet you are still getting duos in your games?
im so glad he doesnt post on saturdays
are you seriously a janny in this general
why so obsessed with big black cocks
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ive learned a new trick on yasuo today
the people who reply to it are unironically the worst of the worst no contest
>Milio in Wild rift already
I guess wild rift is where all the flopped new champs go to.
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>2019 champ
>already has prestige, legendary, ultimate skin
>not popular
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don't worry, mcdonalds in finland are closing soon
they got updated models doe
What about the people who didn't leave the thread to let the sissyspammer rot alone? Doesn't it make you an accomplice?
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fucking shit game
nigger game
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2 small ones i learned from pzzang, just throwing it here
>you can q the air before ulting someone thats faraway and it will hit the target you ulted
>you can flash right after E+Q in place to proc it instantly and get a fast ult off
open your wallet and buy sum
Chat is this real? Did they really put duds in the masterchests? Fucking kek.
what do you mean q the air.. i could never get this to work.. you mean eq someone else?
when will they add a monkey champion to league of legends
>open your wallet so you can get more orange essence
No? You think that a general should cease existing because some mentally broken spammer is in it?
Its simple enough to ignore without throwing up your hands and leaving altogether (simple for most people, at least)
we got k'sante
Yes thats the plan
forgot about wukong nigga?
>Lower pickrate than fucking nilah and illaoi
Nobody actually plays her. They just buy her skins but never touch the champ.
no, he Q'd the air and ulted someone that was knocked up and said it would it for extra damage, if i find the video ill post it here; gimme a bit
forgot about k'sante nigga?
lucian, senna, pyke, ekko, k'wukong
pls answer
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Someone approved this and got paid.
She's been locked and contained within the support hellhole now
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that's a man
i dunno
>Leona and illaoi are gym buddies
>Leona still scrawny as shit
What's wrong?
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here: https://youtu.be/Y2ivuL1ltII?si=TjUSrKZgPGfjEsoh&t=211
if the timestamp doesnt works then its at 3:31
thicc and cute
you're so cute and helpful kaisissy
I love how yasuo has three years to hit R after he has hit a knock up.
You don't have to become a musclebeast when going to the gym.
she's always had that body type, what are you just now noticing
baby what happened
stop calling me that
then why the fuck are you going to the gym
C-can I join? Please...
The dialogue mentions that she and Illaoi are trying to be massive yet Leona has no definition.
you might need someone else to knock up or somethin or it might just have really tighht timing..
I get erect when adcs get hated on in lolg
That's disappointing.
I get that it's easy for junglers to forget to check how much mana someone has before they gank but I've had a lot of ganks go bad because they didn't notice I barely had any mana
probably the former
Big L bring back the webms
if you see that happening constantly then play around that and dont use it all up
to get a tighter ass
Playing actually really bad, I think its gonna be another Soraka spam after this.
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cool that there are more sf6 bros around lolg
I am malding over Bison but I just gotta improve and I'll be fine
that's just cherry picking tho
Show me 6 manly alpha ADCs
you deflected, im not entertaining you
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Zac has to be one of the most braindead overpowered champions you can possibly pick.
support is a manly role and I'm tired of pretending it's not. it takes a lot of balls to look at the league community and still decide to play the only selfless role in the game
Thats right. You can't.
that doesnt change the fact that that pic has cherry picked champs
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those months were he was s+ tier in 3 fucking roles at the same time was insane desu
ranked is literally just coinflip i hate this shit so fucking much
there is no skill issue
how does a top laner 1v9 a fed veigar, shyvana and caitlyn ?
Completely random sample :3
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Ironic coming from a Diana player
both roles are cherry picked, what the fuck are you talking about?
when are league players going to seperate difficulty from strength in their head
he is broken and op
he is not braindead though
ADC has no cool male champs.
>he is not braindead
he just leaps in like a brain fucked nigga and then ??? profit. too ez.

meanwhile faggot supports:
Graves.... Oh wait he isn't an ADC anymore and he is gay now.
what if he's blooms getting revenge on how lolg treated him
why would someone hit the surrender button when you're ahead in kills? that's such a stupid idea that pointlessly lowers morale. All because you got mad a play didn't go your way
that's literally diana too retard
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Zac's CC is way too impactful and long-lasting for how easy and accessible it is. I think he does too much damage as well for stacking full tank builds, coupled with excessively high healing. It's too much.
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taric is manlier than every "manly" adc champ you listed
>Literally a rat
>Putting femoid champs at all as manly
>Compensation for being a dicklet the champ
>Manlet in a plane
>Has 2 fags in him
>Bends his knees to his wife like a bitch
You know its sad when the most "manly" adcs are just mages that got bullied from midlane.
>im stuck in cucarachalow because of team gap even doe if u put a challenger player in my shoes he would get a 100% winrate over 50 games and speedrun out of my elo
MOOOOOMMMM! More tendies! He is the average LoL player.
>Zac's CC is way too impactful and long-lasting for how easy and accessible it is. I think he does too much damage as well for stacking full tank builds, coupled with excessively high healing. It's too much.
yeah i already said hes op
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I know, I'm just venting. I won the game I just had against a Zac but it was still an annoying game.
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Felt so bad for the jungler I had to tell him I'm sorry post lobby.
Played like SHIT. Gonna go Soraka, if things still go bad, gonna jungle again.
literally the only non reddit supp in the original post is thresh
>aphelion and smolder are the most recent male adcs
Why do we get so few male adcs?
>you have to be challenger to get to gold
defend this
>brand and karthas
>an alpha adc
>leona, taric, rell, karma, morgana, senna, neeko
>faggot supports
make the new thread so I can counter-argument
women usually play adc
manly metrosexual?
>manly when man and man fits my narrative
why several buckbroken niggers are in your list?
morgana is #1 girl champ
leona is #3 girl champ (when team needs a tank)
neeko is #4 girl champ (not like the other girls)
karma is #5 girl champ (really not like the other girls)
senna is played exclusively by faggots
rell is a faggot in lore, created by faggots at riot
read taric above
well u dont, a plat player would climb out of gold with a 60% wr, an emerald player with a 70% wr, etc. and if u think that u deserve to climb out of gold by playing like a gold player ur retarded
kaisa op
buy moar chests you addict.
get some event orbs, too, while you're at it.
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yah i couldn get it with auto refresh cds on its still rlly cool though, yasuo is so cool..
here's another thing i learned!
git gud

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