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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7097 - Real Cream Edition

>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS - Summer Game Fest Trailer
>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS confirmed release date is October 25, 2024

>Sonic X Shadow Generations will be getting an animation

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has been announced for December 20, 2024:

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog: Spring Broken - 26 June 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 70 - 3 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 71 - 31 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2024 - 14 August 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 72 - 21 August 2024

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous Thread: >>483746070
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Shipping year of Shadow.
The doctor told me I'm aspergic.
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Unhealthy ships.
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keep a heavy hand
keep moving on
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My prediction for this thread...

2d = 100%, 3d = 0%

This is a no brainer, 2d obviously
there's no better feeling
than to be here with /sthg/
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Amy is for Metal Sonic
It's pretty obvious. 3D + Sonic = Either an 11 year old or utter phail.
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Who can remember when this was all just fields? Shiny, stripy, bright green fields, lying under fluffy white clouds and skies bluer than the liquid in an Always ad. All right, it wasn't all just fields; there were neon-lit casinos, crumbling ancient temples and cities in the clouds, too.

Yes, there were also giant industrial complexes so huge their purpose was probably something to do with chemical warfare and Iran. But these were fun to explore, so long as you could keep from drowning in the rivers of toxic waste.

And who inhabited these wondrous worlds? Not zombies, Nazis, mutants or drug dealers. Just a blue hedgehog, some small furry animals trapped inside robots and a fat man in a space helicopter. Good times.

But then it all went wrong. The Sonic series failed to make a successful transition into the brave new 3D world. Seeing our hero struggling round environments he wasn't designed to inhabit was painful, like watching your Grandma try to find a nice comfy pair of slippers in Urban Outfitters.

SEGA tried to paper over the cracks by introducing new characters, as if a slutty rabbit and a stupid crocodile would be enough to distract us from the truth. Then there were the experiments with role-playing and racing. Most recently, there was some ridiculous nonsense about werehogs and an attempt to shoehorn Sonic into the world of Arthurian legend. Inexplicable.
I want to fuck fox boy
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Me too bro, even though I hate you all
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>stupid sexy fox boy.......
get back in the /co/ thread and argue more
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2D is winning, and the one person who chose 3D did it for lulz. Soooo its not even a contest.
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Level design seem to be really hard for 3D fan game designers. They keep falling into this trap of going too fast and emphasizing physics without actually being a skill check. It always feels like a skate park in a hallway.
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People are here arguing about 2D or 3D.

Bitch, how about you go outside and GET SOME D!
>one person
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Even SEGA recognises things have gone wrong. The company is currently busy removing the worst of the Sonic games (all the ones produced this century, then) from shop shelves in an attempt to pretend they never happened, like Stalin airbrushing Trotsky out of photographs.

So it's a bit much, on booting up Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I, to be greeted with old blueface grinning away on the menu screen, wagging his index finger as if admonishing us for some naughty misdemeanour. We're not the ones who have been rubbish for the last 15 years, mate.

But a few minutes later you'll be ready to forgive Sonic anything. Yes, even the hoverboarding incidents. That's because you'll be speeding, spinning and soaring around glorious 2D environments, across green fields and between fluffy clouds, pausing only to collect power-ups and bop robot fish on the head.

Sonic 4 isn't just a return to form; it's an apology for having been away so long. The differences between this and the old Sonic games are so few and far between that playing it involves existing in a constant state of deja vu. Which, if you were a fan back in the day, is a good thing.
it's one guy baiting
>even the hoverboarding incidents
what the hell
Fiona is for Tails and Tails only.
did people really think this
Sonic can work in 3D. Sonic Team needs to taken behind the shed.
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Human men + Animal women. There is nothing purer.
>all alone we will never be
>the TWO of us are holding the key
they really didn't give a shit about Classic Sonic in Forces did they
After all this time, not one 3D game I've played has felt as good as the 2D games are
Reminder that erafaggotry was a mistake.
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It's a tough decision for me. I agree with the 3D Sonic games being less than crap, but I did enjoy Sonic Adventure 2 for the Sega Dreamcast (it's been awhile, so I can't remember if it was Dreamcast). Honestly, I can't decide for now. BTW, does Sonic 3D count as a 3D game?
It SHOULD feel like a skate park. There's a reason THPS stole sonic's audience
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Human women + Animal men is super cute as well
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nu-fancore art
I wouldn’t want her within 20 miles of tails
only sonic I played was sonic adventure 2 battle and I loved it, so I voted 3D
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British gaming journalists in particular have an amazing talent of always being hilariously wrong.
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Sonic is a HOA franchise
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uman men
The old school Sonic games were the best, but Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 were good. After that, Sega lost the ability to make a good Sonic game. So 2d for sure
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>retard evangelizing the classic games but can't sniff out a fraud
Game journalists are worthless, I'd rather watch someone stream a stolen copy on twitch
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Sonic 4 was a mistake
The only 2 decent things we got out of it were White Park, and pic related
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Fiona is for helping Mighty reassess his life choices and coming to terms with the fact he's always relied on his allies to help him and that he should stop trying to take all of the burden himself.
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Adventure era games (1998 - 2005) were peak Sonic.
Just because the games played janky, doesn't mean that 3D Sonic is a bad idea. actually I think 3D Sonic is a great.

2D Sonic games were just like all other games at the time. 2D side scrolling platformers on very limited hardware. Sonic the Hedgehog 4 was an attempt to bring 1994 back. a 2D side scrolling platformer. It's a mobile game at best. It does not fare as anything serious.

"2D Sonic" belongs on the mobile. and sales wise, it can only go for as high as $5 on any store. Which is not much.
They cared more about classic sonic than they did tails
Haha. 2D, no contest. I still have a soft spot for the original Sonic Adventure though. One of my favourite games for the Dreamcast.
Even those games are far slower and denser then your average fan game. These fangames are too damn "open".
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Southern Island....home...
Miserable old purists might complain about this. In ye olde Sonic games of yesteryear, death was final. Even if you'd made it to the last level you had to start again all the way from the beginning. This, the miserable old purists would say, taught children a valuable lesson, namely that life is nothing but a series of repetitive actions punctuated by crushing setbacks.

But times have changed, and you could no more convince 21st-century kids that starting from scratch is a good thing than you can make them understand that the Victorians didn't have mobile phones. Sonic 4 features new-fangled online leaderboards where you can compare your times and scores, so the option to select any level is essential. Plus, it means you don't have to keep hammering away at the same old section when you get stuck.

Sonic 4 is brilliantly paced. The whizzy fast bits are punctuated by slow, tense sections, smart set-pieces and moments of seemingly impossible hardness. True, overall the game is easier to complete than its predecessors, especially since you can access all the levels in any order. But there are still tricky bits, and hardcore fans have plenty to be getting on with what with all the secret routes and hidden power-ups to discover.
Sonic Team's shit genre experiments were a mistake
2D. Used to love them before they got all weird in the story and bad in the game play area.
This guy is an ice cold killer.
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Cute toxic ships
It's like one person being really autistic ends up sending out autistic virus brain waves that end up infecting others here
Along with old favourite the Spin Dash he has a new move, the Homing Attack. This allows Sonic to zoom in on enemies while in mid-air and bop rows of them in sequence. It's a fun addition which fits in well with the traditional move set.

There may also be moans about the length of Episode I. It's comprised of 16 levels plus the Special Stages, and even with the tricky bits it won't take veterans too long to polish off the lot. But that's a decent amount of content for a tenner, and those who are bothered about collecting all the Chaos Emeralds, finding all the hidden bonuses and topping the online leaderboards will get even more bang for their buck.

Those who didn't play or enjoy the first games might argue Sonic 4 feels dated and derivative, and those are usually good reasons to condemn sequels. But this is a special case - it's the return to form of a much loved, much mucked-about series, and the fact it's so familiar has a lot do with why it's such glorious fun to play.

So if you fancy a happy afternoon spin-dashing down memory lane, Sonic 4 is well worth the money. There are no 3D environments, no isometric viewpoints, no sidekicks or hoverboards or knights of the round table. Just a blue hedgehog, a fat man in a space helicopter, a good selection of well-designed 2D environments and some of the greatest gameplay mechanics in history.

In short, this is the game SEGA should have made 15 years ago. It's just a shame that to be this good took ages.
Shut the fuck up about hardcore fans you snagletoothed sister fucker. Don't bring them into this
Why is 2D Sonic so hard though?
Shadow is the ice cold killer. Silver on the other hand has never had an ice cold moment in his life, all of his actions are done with either boundless hopeful intention, or seething fury.
Sonic has worked in 3D.
LOL. Seriously? 2D. Best thing about 3D is chao.
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Trip the bimbo
but that's silver Silver
Retards like this shot their wad too early, then had to pretend it never happened when sonic mania did the exact same concept but better
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I actually like the tone of Windmill Village 1 the most. Calm beach day feeling. Pic unrelated.
>i will never kiss a sthg anon
Don't do shit you aren't sure about
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Yup and what?
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I vote both. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Sonic Heroes are my top favorite Sonic games. I don't care who you are, I don't think 3D Sonic games suck (except for Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic 3D Blast, which wasn't really 3D in the first place and always gives me a headache).
>Sonic 4
>a new move, the Homing Attack, a fun addition which fits in well with the traditional move set.
I never understand how there are still people who listen to video game journalists.
Cute fanart
what if Sonic met Bowser?
>I think you were cute just the way you were, sugar scales...
It just sounds like a stock phrase to use when they don't know what to say.
>new thing is good and does the thing good. 4/10
And that's cool.
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Silver can do no wrong
Why are you samefagging so much

She gave it 9/10 actually
>"2D Sonic" belongs on the mobile.
my favorite 2d sonic game of all time was rush and I'm not joking
[ska music playing in the background]
He would throw him in lava and kill him like Mario does.
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Sonic characters for this feel?
They would bully Mario
God forbid they tried something different with Adventure 1 and 2 instead of just rehashing S3&K over and over, right? I love the 2D games but I can still find something to enjoy about the 3D games despite their shortcomings.
it's weird how Mario is the only Mario in the Mario games but Sonic's games can have multiple hedgehogs
Youtuber and Journalists gave this series the beating it deserved. The Meta era happened because SEGA is a dumbfuck company that only understood the problem on a superficial level
how come people didn't say this game or hollow knight were stupid for being serious with non-human characters
2D. All the way. No contest.

Even the best of the 3D bunch, Adventure 1 and 2, didn't nearly impress me to the level of the Genesis games. The series peaked at the incredible Sonic 3 and Knuckles, and after that just went sliding downhill. The Advance titles showed there was still some fun to be had with Sonic, but even they didn't carry over the charm from the Genesis generatio
Thank you!
Silver could actually do this yet he chooses peace why?
I don't know what that other game is, but comparing it to Hollow Knight feels like an insult to Hollow Knight.
Yes god forbid they do what people actually wanted and make 3&K in 3D rather than a flea market demo disc
She's so cute...
built for foxadillos
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>Everyone keeps saying Sonic 4 is the worst game to ever exist and so bad to the point it makes Sonic Forces and Lost World look good in comparison
>Play it on my PS3
>It's a decent fun 2D Sonic title
I can't believe I got lied to by 2010s tier gaming youtubers
Nintendo can be trusted to make characters besides mario actually fun to play as
I played Frontiers on Switch and it was the worst experience of my life. I'm willing to try it again on PC now that it's 20 dollars, but I don't want dunovo on my computer.
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Imagine her teaching to her children about Sonic
The problem is they had high expectations and you didn't
I never cared for their opinions personally but it's just human nature to value those opinions

What you really should be worry about is rehashing opinions from people who are literally all washed up get it together
not enough art of knuckles fucking mina
>all these people replying
It must be Enablers or he's samefagging.
The kid who likes shadow gets no dinner
Never listen to YouTubers
It's an inoffensive generic game by itself. I kinda like the music. The real issue with the game isn't really with the game but rather its name and marketing. If you haven't seen its marketing, it's a lot more enjoyable.
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wanna make out
*smacks child with belt*
What is the hardest Sonic game to beat vanilla (no 100% just getting from start to finish)?
Other blobians think mina's mustache and wig hair is gross, so all of her fans end up being humans instead
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>rehashing opinions from people who are literally all washed up get it together

the graphics mods alone make the pc version better, but that's pretty much all it has. there's combat and movement mods too but they're hit or miss. you can also play as the other characters in cyberspace.
kiss me
Cheating on your wife doesn't make you wrong about sonic adventure 2
No, it doesn't make sense to value the opinions of morons who clearly don't know what they're talking about.
Shut up, colorfag. Nobody like you.
No he's not
I will take a million colorfags over the ai fags ruining this general
I like both, so I didn't vote
Unleashed maybe
I played on the switch in handheld and everybody said it didn't work that way so I'm willing to give it a second chance but if I have to deal with denovo I don't want to bother.
dont respond to b8 faggot, especially since he's just copypasting an old sonic 4 review you fucking newfag.
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Probably Sonic 2 (8 Bits)
Whoever designed Scrambled Egg it's a fucking psychopath
Mad because ai fags are getting it right for once
>make 3&K in 3D
>do the exact same thing they were doing in 2D but in 3D
So essentially a rehash then, just as I thought.
Alright "colorfag" yes. Coolorfag no.
I bet you you're ugly and that's why you're constantly seething. Coolorfag is probably sexy as hell.
Reynard is so lucky...
i would say don't bother then if that's stopping you. the game really isn't worth playing more than once anyway. unless you're really into modding.
you know what this is based off of, right?
Never cared for Jared or his drama weirdos
At least it wouldn't have fuckin green hill and chemical plant
Neither does Sonic Adventure
I don't know the difference but as long as they are coloring non AI shit it I welcome it more than the AI slop. There was some AI retard who claimed they had to use AI because "theres no sonic lewds out there." How can someone be a sonic fan and be so retarded?
Based on the Russian selfies. She's pretty cute. I'm not just into shortstacks tho.
what does sa2 have to do with adultery
>He doesn't know
Instead sonic adventure has shitty tank controls and fishing
you know what, I think i'm better off not knowing.
There are no lewds for every character you fucking retard. Also lewds drawn by most artists are fucking trash and way out of model.
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Is this nigga autistic?
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Kek same here but I won't lie I was still tuned in on the bullshit they caused
i only made it to the second island before it got too miserable to play
>There are no lewds for every character
There literally are. If you are too young to know where to find them that is a you problem.
Projared rightfully shat on sa2 for being 2/3 garbage, and then got his balls licked by commander holly
i'm a little intimidated by the guy who really hates coolorfag. He's never come after me but he scares me.
AI makes much higher quality lewds than most artists.
miserable in gameplay or performance? Because the third island is full of a lot of forced 2d sections where a lot of people drop the game at.
>I peed on your wife Robotnik she's mine now
No, worse. He's Hispanic
And most of them look like trash made by kids with crayons, that's why AI is going to replace them first. AI done right looks very acceptable, aifag has proven that.
What's this cutie pie deal anyway
gameplay. the homing attack probably only works 50% of the time so platforming was basically impossible and most bosses took 15-20 minutes to beat (except the squids who were literally impossible)
What the frick the indiana jones movies are good
Temple of Doom is starting off strong damn
shut up
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>Tell them sweet tooth! Tell them how we got back together~
Off topic, but yeah they're pretty good.
What is going on with the art in the background? Why does it look like ai?
anon's wife is really cute.
Sounds like you don't understand how to play the game, and I wouldn't know how to help you with that. If it took 15 minutes to defeat the robots then S ranking the boss rush mode would be impossible.
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That Anon and two others are the most hostile here and it's probably not a act either and don't worry I'll protect you
because it's edited
I love how the island where you rescue tails is the one that devolved into 2D sections. Should've called it Colors Island
mmmmm shipping
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Goodbye, /sthg/. Forever.
Nah he's a camel-jockey
The last time I tried to fight a squid it took forty minutes before I gave up
It's been YEARS since I played it but
The first Babylon cutscene in Zero Gravity had an Indiana Jones reference, right?
1000000000% false cope. It literally cannot exist without stealing from high quality lewd artists and then sucking the soul out of it. Nothing ruins my lewd viewing experience than seeing some weird jank AI shit
>t.ai fag.
>Sounds like you don't understand how to play the game,
also exactly how does "not understanding how to play the game" translate to "game randomly drops inputs"

Is this a heart of the cards thing where I don't believe in the game enough so it won't work?
no (You) haven't
relax you know sthg is pussy
oh please, color schizo is just a whiny little tsundere, I know I make her quiver. I'll pin her down and give her what she's asking for one day.
Cute furfag Tails
I played it on PC so I don't know maybe that input thing is a problem with the Switch version, I was talking about the other things you said
>when I see an AI I just get the ick y'all

you are making things up to trigger yourself over.
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>Tried playing Triple Trouble 16-bit
>Fang appears
>Feel the need to furiously masturbate all of a sudden

Bad game design
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Yeeeah I would say don't double dip on the pc version if you're having issues like that. Like I said, combat mods do exist, but they don't really make the game better. Just different.
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I will never let you leave I will never let you rest
he looks like a puppy but he's a monster in bed.
Mobians.ai crap is not representative of what AI can offer, if you haven't seen slop created with SDXL particularly PonyXL then you have no idea what you are talking about.
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Sonic Spinball is 2D so it's 2D for me.
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>textwall spamming
>baiting aifag
I prefer artists here drawing stuff they're passionate about or just find fun
Because they've taken the time no matter what skill level to put the effort in to create something, they were that driven to do so out of their own love for the thing or the craft to go about it.

The reason I don't like AI art is because it was from someone that it's the sign of someone who hasn't felt enough passion for a thing to even try to pick up a pencil. Even the worst art here was made out of someone giving it a go, and I respect that more than prompters
I wonder if Shadow Generations has the skill tree for Shadow in the open zone.
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Reynard has schizophrenia
No, it looks soulless and shitty. You get this fucked up mishmash of smooth rendering with just the most jank looking anatomy and busted eyes. There just isn't any soul there. And the worst part is retards like you will ensure that my spank sites will be filled to the brim with this stolen art slop and you will tell yourself this is a good thing while you shoot yourself in the foot.
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>I can just... I can just feel le soul! If I say soul again it'll really matter this time! And...and it's stolen! PAY COMMISIONERS WHAT THEYRE WORTH!!!
I never interacted with him the other two yes and I do some light trolling to piss them off on purpose if I'm feeling mischievous
>soulless and shitty
Digital art in general.
He does have the wings, so maybe it's an unlockable. If there is one i just hope the cinematics can be turned down. Frontiers skills were so slow to use.
I know you're just having a laugh and all, but why this?
why wasn't classic Tails scare?
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character assassination represented in 2 seconds
Nta but artists are insufferable faggots, when nobody pays them to draw I hope they find a real job. If that's their hobby I seriously hope they draw stuff that stand out because AI will do everything that they do better regardless.
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This artist still around?
I thought that one anon was exaggerating last thread about qqlettuce but their art is worse than I expected
why now?
Much better
Because modernshit games made him worse
Because all of your arguments are pointless made-up nonsense. There is literally nothing wrong with the fact that we have porn production machines.
yes I am
sthg also has notable chill anons too lol they literally just come in do there thing also never responds or acknowledge that to hate if they get it
I couldn't agree more. When I played Sonic 3 & Knuckles, I got the feeling of what Sonic is supposed to be, by his creator's idea. He's supposed to be an adventurer, traveling to all sorts of places, never staying in one place. S3&K gave me the feel that you were doing just that. All the recent Sonic games have completely lost that, having a universal theme throughout them, rather than diverse. Even in diverse landscapes in the newer games, they don't have the diverse feel. It's just like they're all the same.

Making the games 2D again would satisfy me a lot. But no handheld games. The Sonic Advance series had its nice points, but it just didn't give the same feel. I prefer the old sprites of Sonic anyway.
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literally the first thing i saw was fiona as a rubber suit groping her balls
Why is there so much samefagging today
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You don't need to pay to look at lewds of Amy rose you retard. This has nothing to do with money and more to do with I want to see actual good art.
Wrong, digital art is actual art that takes time and craftsmanship. It's right there on the same level as traditional art. Only chris chan levels of autism actually believes in 2024 that digital art isn't art.
it's summer
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>yes I am
That's great to hear! I love your work. I've been away from /sthg/ for a while and were hoping you were still doing scribbles here.
Most artists just draw as a hobby, just like how people still hike places for fun even though you could just drive everywhere. It doesn't matter if they draw well or people pay them too because no matter what happens they'll still be drawing just because it's fun to them.
NTA, but as an artist myself I don't really mind ai at all, I just find people that try to act like Ai is replacing artists and that it's either some huge thing are silly. It's just a new tool like all the other stuff that's come before it.
I thought we agreed as a Fandom to stop doing corny shit like this
Autism is always the answer.
I keep forgetting how fucking much Scribbles has improved over time.
What is this supposed to mean
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>new tool
Kek they are just copying ai now
That's why they call it Midgar
How much before a /size/ and /sthg/ crossover?
Same. He's improved faster than any other artist I've seen.
But AI lets me see the exact themes and content I want without depending on some retard making it for me. If I want to see flat Amy Rose with a big ass showing her panties then I can see that in exactly the style I want it in for free. I can make as many pics of shortstack Whisper's fat tits bursting out of her shirt and don't have to pay a penny for it.
>Kek they are just copying ai now
You mean using references?
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yes we dumb bitch you fucking heard me
That's exactly what I mean though. Ai uses existing art to make something similar, and then artists have the option to either use the generated images as references or simply smooth out little imperfections like the fingers or the eyes.
See you tomorrow.
Yeah because that final ass was drawn out of pure creativity right? It's basically the same shit as the ai but with some shapes changed to pass it as legit. You have to be delusional.
There's like, 20 posters that are here everything single day.
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Nightmare my beloved
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I'm not even speaking in defense of artists, I'm actually looking out as someone who likes to view good art. AI and art theft fucks with my ability to properly compartmentalize and view the best lewds, because the AI sloppa oversaturates shit. It would be one thing if this overly generated shit was segregated to its own galleries but when I'm trying to look for good non ai art I get bombarded with shit that was stolen. When I am looking for a specific artist its such a pain in the ass now because I will see AI shit that stole their style and theres absolutely no link back to them.

I'm fucking tired of seeing this ai shit all over the place. It's fine if you wanna goon to it but it needs its own place separate from people who enjoy craftsmanship made from years of practice and passion.
That's not what I'm talking about
I'm going to paint.
awwww is the ai faggot sad because someone used their low effort slop for references? Dear god how full would your diaper get if your low effort gooner shit was traced or stolen in the other countless ways actual creatives have to deal with on a regular basis?
Nobody cares, coolorfag.
Cool Wave drawing have fun Anon
I post a lot when I'm here but I only come here occasionally
thats tdfwnn you silly goose
>Fang... I ate all of your paint...
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Testicular torsion
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mmmm shipping
Nah I'm just laughing at the fact that the same artists that shit on ai are literally copying AI to make a name for themselves, I don't make money using AI nor I care but at least I don't try to deceive people. E621 legit gave that guy 600 positive votes and they probably don't know that, so it's quite hypocritical. The blackpill would be that they simply don't care because it looks good.
why do you hate amateur artists
>the same artists that shit on ai are literally copying AI to make a name for themselves
I don't think that's true at all actually, and that any artists that dislike AI probably don't use it out of principle alone. But this is kind of off topic at this point.
You are saying that.
stop replying to him
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> the same artists that shit on ai are literally copying AI to make a name for themselves
Did the artist who stole your ai slop who you in turn stole from a different (better) artist cry about AI?
I can respect you for not trying to decieve people. Theres literally a faggot on here who posted AI amy and claimed he drew it and then said nothing when he was called out. I like to hope we can both agree that is gay shit.
But lets call a spade a spade. He referenced your ai, and your ai took professional artists work likely without their permission. At the end of the day, I side with the person who actually put the effort in. He didn't trace your blaze either. None of the poses are 1 to 1, which in and of itself shows some level of skill and time put into their craft.

I think bitching and saying non ai artists should get "real jobs" is missing the point. All jobs are being replaced by AI. The fact that the creative field is being targeted is really disheartening.
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I won then.
don't you have a debate to get ready for
Holy shit is that Deepcut!?
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look at this sonic
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Thank you
You are romanticizing this topic, the fact is that most people looking at art won't care when they are not able to differentiate art and Ai. There was a faggot the other day saying that a Tangle pic was Ai when it wasn't, I bet the same fag paased by an ai photo and didn't cross his mind whether it was real or not. I could care less about the ethics of using other people art to train models as long as it looks good, I personally edit most results to fix crazy eyes or shitty fingers. A few more experiments and sthg won't differentiate my AI generations with other stuff drawn here.
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>cream when there's another zombie apocalypse
i'm new here, why are all these gay people doing things and why does them being gay have to do with anything??
I wonder what goes through classicnic's head seeing modern tails be an even bigger bitch than he used to be
Try harder
I seriously wonder who animated and wrote this because this feels way too fucking deliberate.
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Those pigeons wish they could be as cool as the toughest bandits
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Amy is for metal sonic without the "tal sonic"
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Draw Lanolin's mom! (she's semi-canon, ABT drew her).
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it IS deliberate. Consider that the A Team at Sonic Team developed Unleashed and Generations. They probably started working on Generations as soon as Unleashed was released. In that, Tails was also very cowardly and not a fighter at all. So him hiding behind Sonic is just an evolution of him just flying away and hiding behind a wall. This is how everyone at SoJ not apart of Kishimoto's team wants Tails portrayed
Modern Sonic: "It's been generations since I've seen you. You OK?"
Classic Sonic: "I'd be better if you stopped trying to be funny."
Use ai.
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I only draw canon characters
Mimic would definitely love their music
Wait... is this original?
She's as canon as Conductor's mom, she's canon enough.
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You're very funny anon. You've dedicated yourself to becoming an AI drug cartel in a war against a military of art fags
>kisses you
You are making a big deal out of it, I don't need to do that. Stock photos are dead as a result of AI, it won't be too long until traditional artists get completely replaced.
Nic's butt x My Face
Tfw I posted one of my AI amy gens for shits and didn't realize there was a war going on in thread about it right now
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>she's canon enough.
not canon. just like everything idw
This some game journalist gameplay right there.
Mina tried to warn you all
I was shitting on lewd artists but narcissistics drawfags made it about themselves.
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Fang's hot sister!
Enjoy your 3-day vacation.
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there is NOTHING wrong with being attracted to Cream and Marine
Post it Asmongold
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Thank goodness the eyes are smaller. He looks good.
It's just some guy trying to cause a ruckus. Actual AI fags seem to know how AI and artists work around each other and I think they're fine people. Just try to ignore him.
Yeah it's fanart
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Not at all. I was agreeing with you about how little people care as long as it looks good and that even artists have a bit of trouble discerning AI from something drawn. Though this

>traditional artists get completely replaced
will never happen
they also corrected his eye stripes
you look pretty good too
That's my wife and I bang her.
>Trip sneaks up behind Fang and gropes his tum tum
>"I think you need a bigger belt, springtail ~"
>"Aww shucks, I don't think they even sell these anymore..."
I backread the reply chain and saw someone talking about an anon genning AI Amy and trying to pass it off as a real drawing. I must have missed that and figure it was someone else, because I've certainly never done something like that. I just love the pink hedgehog.
Just troll shitting up the thread. report and ignore as usual.
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LOL idw will NEVER be canon you westernshit loving FREAK
from anon? It's REALLY good!
what about me
We will see, time will tell.
....Is this why we're discussing AI?
Thank you.
Couldn't they just trace it, I swear these interns will bring Sonic to the dark ages again.
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Your wife is hot bro
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ai art is cool
Doesn’t need a story
He gets rings and loop-de-loops his way into your heart
Learn from your mistakes
Leave out the cutscenes cause we don’t care anymore
Zamn fang gets to fuck THAT?
>This is how everyone at SoJ not apart of Kishimoto's team wants Tails portrayed
Kishimoto wanted Tails potrayed like that too, he directed Forces.
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Thanks bro she's a beaut
Last year I was looking for a pic with Mina and Blaze in it, I could only find one. A bunch of girls playing tug of war on the beach. I posted it here, then someone said "I hate everythingfags".
It was a shitpost
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>Jewish show
>Jewish stinginess
Who woulda thunk
Fiona's wife
>Superstars adds character stories and cutscenes and Nack the Weasel and Amy Rose
>suddenly gets mediocre reviews compared to Mania
It’s true!
I want to suck his dick
Will the Biolizard be in the movie?
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It's almost as if Paramount is a collapsing shitfest that has no money to make actual art.
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> most people looking at art won't care when they are not able to differentiate art and Ai.
More like some.
There are people who can tell what is AI and what isn't.
>I couldn't care less about the ethics of---
And thats the problem. You claim you don't care, and yet you NEED those artists to create. At the very least you should make a base attempt to respect them. I'm sure there are AI sites where there are artists who volunteer to have their works put in the algorithm.
It's kind of sad that your goal is to "pass" anyways, I think... it sounds... a bit familiar, kind of like a certain group of people who try to "pass" as the real thing, but never really do no matter how much work they put in.
The hedgehog’s curse
>sega chases away talent
You'll get mania 2 when it releases for free during a fan game expo
there's nothing wrong with using AI, luddites
sauce now
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I love everythingfags
Which Pokemon infected the stock with paralysis?
>chaosx confirmed that p06 isnt getting a story mode earlier this month
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>leaving out the cutscenes because he doesn’t care anymore
Das it mane
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Watatanza on twitter~! You're welcome!
why does it matter? Just watch the original cutscenes on Youtube for free
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disgusting black creature
its not really a complete remake if its just a set of levels, unleashed project exists already for gens but people still beg for unleashed to get a proper pc port
Draw the werehog! He's canon!
>There are people who can tell what is AI and what isn't.
That's because they are looking at tip of the iceberg AI that is crappy (bing, mobians.ai, pony with simple prompts), when you put some actual brain on it you can get high quality material. As for the artists, they won't stop aifags from finding innovative ways to generate cool art, so I couldn't care less especially when they are being insufferable about things that are not about them, imagine getting mad over someone shitting on lewd artists when it's factually true that most are shit. They can continue drawing cute art and that's going to be their forte.
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Alluring black creature. Made for kissing and cuddling.
You sound like a bitter tranny who hates real women because they pass effortlessly and you want lesbians and straight men to fuck you even though fundamentally at the end of the day, even if you chop off and invert your dick, you wont be a woman.
Its literally the same shit. And the worst part is you will never see why it's creepy and unnerving to the masses.
>tranny here tranny that
Makes me think you are the tranny
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KOLSANARTS sorry for late reply I stepped out
>No Hubworlds
>No Cutscenes
What a shame, we could've had the definitive version of 06.
any more from this artist?
Is that an anon here?
Whatever you say aitroon
reynard doesn't just kiss her he gives her backshots
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I need a Nicole that's obsessed with keeping me for herself.
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If you wanna be productive, then just be productive. Trying to get yourself banned alone isn't gonna give you the motivation you're looking for, by itself.

"Don't just sit there and waste your precious time. When you want to do something, do it right away. Do it when you can. It's the only way to live a life without regrets."

The only thing holding you back is not /sthg/, it's yourself. True freedom lies within.
Cute worm.
>can't counter argument
>start calling names
I guess I won this debate third rate drawfriend
If you have to claim you "won", you definitely lost. Most people on here were replying to your shit saying you are retarded. Everyone is in on the joke that is your pathetic life but you.
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Let's be productive
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>rapes you
They do because AI is going to replace them and they are afraid, I would be shitting on the new guy trying to steal my job too.
Sonic characters should be castrated as to prevent the creation of any additional shitty friends
Cream enjoying Summer
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I played some more Riders. I practiced Metal City until my time was under 2:30 and then started the story mode.
The audio for prerendered cutscene at the start of story mode was out of sync because my disc is all fucked up, but everything else ran fine. I got first place in the first race on my first try, but it was obvious there's still stuff I need to learn (like attacking). I had to quit after the first race since my parents wanted to watch the Presidential debate on the TV, so the first race was all I ended up completing.
This made my laugh uncomfortably heartily, fuck you
Anon I don't think you have a job
Sonic characters should be regularly bred so that we can have as many new friends as possible.
I dunno probably
sthg artists why arent you drawing steamy hentai
if ai is the future i'll just be better at using it than everyone else
If drawing is the only skill have I feel bad for you.
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Reminder that Yuji Naka for sabotaging the Sonic X-treme team by not letting them use the NiGHTS engine

Reminder that SA1 and SA2 were built to take full advantage of the Dreamcast hardware. The palette-based "Lantern" lighting engine from Sonic Adventure was ahead of its time. Iizuka wanting something transparent and liquid since the technology now allowed it, the team came up with Chaos. They had to drop it to hit SA2 60fps on Dreamcast and SADX 60fps on GC.

Reminder that Sega threw away the Sonic Adventure 1/2 engine made in Sega Katana, an SDK for the Dreamcast and gave us Renderware garbage for Heroes and Shadow because Sony demanded that Sonic has to run on PS2's emotion engine

Reminder that SonicNextGen was built for the Xbox 360, rushed for holiday release, and then SEGA wanted to port it to PS3's CELL and Wii

Reminder that Unleashed and Generations were built exclusively for the Xbox 360 and were kino

Reminder that Sonic 4 and Episode 2 flopped so hard that everyone forgot about it

Reminder that Sega screwed themselves by making 3 mandatory sonic games on the Wii U

Reminder that the developers created Sonic Boom with an engine incompatible with Wii U then botched the port

Reminder that Sonic Mania was made by Sonic fans as a love letter to 90s Sonic that grabs the most fun parts of Sonic's gameplay into his level design, most of the frustrating moments of the original classic games can't be found here, and Sega of Japan hated it and gave us Sticker Star

Reminder Sonic Colors Ultimate was outsourced garbage

Reminder vanilla SADX PC and that Sonic modders spent over 10 years fixing the PC port for free

Reminder that Unleashed and Black Knight were the last Sonic games written by Japanese writers

Reminder that Shadow is Iizuka's favorite Sonic Character (to the point where he wears an iced Shadow Medallion) and wanted Sonic X airing next to DBZ

Reminder Ian Flynn only knows how to write overly self-referential stuff
Cream's diet of drywall is going great for her.
I like dusty hentai.
Learn AI plus drawing on the side and you'll make it after AI purges everyone
Cause yaoi is where the money at now
tldr, schizo
Reynard yaoi when?
draw reynard having sex
That's pretty much my plan. I can see the potential in this technology but I also like drawing/painting as a hobby, who knows maybe I'll get so good I can even use my own art as reference material.
why is ai replacing everyone a good thing?
i don't know how to hentai
People get in the way of consoomption.
Now you are being rational anon, good luck!
Do you have any actual skills at all?
>bottom feeder is hellbent on dragging everyone else down with him
yup, sounds about right
Ai will only replace all the artists that are still deluded into thinking their art has value just because they put their "soul and spirit" into it.

This anon will survive tho
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why draw porn when there is already so much?
Why horny post when you can just jerk off?
lets see your drawings?
Sonic the Hedgehog / Small Soldiers crossover
Yep, computing and graphic design, I do Ai stuff as a hobby.
the booru doesn't have much hentai these days
I can see Inpainting being a huge boon. There was a video about AI I watched that made a good point that the biggest hurdle is the fact you need to use a command line which is going to filter 99% of the potential userbase, but if you can just crop a part of a drawing and tell the computer "finish this for me", I think that'd be a pretty cool feature idk. There's lots of times where I just give up on a drawing because I can't be bothered finishing one particular part.
I don't fap to sketches
AI will replace any skill you could possibly have. and for the ones AI can't replace (yet), well, thats what the immigrant hordes flooding into the first world by the millions are for.
You're a fucking retard if you think any of this is about money. This is for people who actually want to enjoy art as a viewer. AI completely ruins the viewing experience for someone who actually appreciates art.
Anyone who thinks this is strictly about money is probably a retarded minor who huffs andrew tates farts and thinks money can fill the emptiness inside them
how good is ai at coloring
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Stop fucking replying to him you retards
Sonic the hedgehog
I mean if this is about money graphic design and computing jobs are DEFINITELY going to be taken by AI.
…doesn’t need a story, he collects rings and loop-de-loops his way into your heart.
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Nicole, I need you to generate 200 images of yourself completely naked and in various poses that show of your sexual features.
>A-anon I-
Ai will replace Sonic
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sure you dont
More like people are more apt to take cheap shortcuts with digital.
As long as the art is cute, AI or not I don't care lmao
ai trannies will suddenly realize how retarded their "ai will replace ppl LMAO!!" when they see the sonic movie three replacing everyone with AI uncanny valley shit and it looks like trash.
Metal will outlive him yes
Which is why I'm studying AI you nitwit.
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i am ready for AI to replace the aritsts
Hollywood's cg is already uncanny shit because most work is outsourced to thirt party countries, AI won't make it any worse.
the thought of shadow having sex willingly really turns me on
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Do NOT do that!
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nobody cares dumbass. this isn't your personal blog. go back to deviantart
Double nigger they will hide AI to DO the AI. You're fucked like the rest of us you shithead
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mmmmm boobies
Can an AI/multiple AI's, without additional effort from an artist or a writer to fix anything along the way, make a good Sonic comic
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I WILL do that!
what about unwillingly?
Bad boys live in the moment. Sonic only claims to
Once you finally "get it", the main game it's actually quite easy, with the possible exception of Sky Road, maybe
Good fucking luck with the Mission mode, tho
The ones with Storm and Wave are quite easy, but, damn, the Jet ones are pure suffering
Couldn't even produce a page without human help.
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I just learned CSP has AI tools actually, interesting....
Even hotter mmmmphhh
well it can make an entire tv commercial so theoretically yes
we could make our own ANIMATED comic or better yet our own ANIME
Let me fix it for you:

>Human men + Human women
>Animal men + Animal women

The natural way God intended. Any deviations from this rule are unacceptable.
who would canonically rape Shadow?
this looks awful
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Technically Lancelot was raped.
>AI in a nutschell
You're wrong, cute Sonic creatures are made for loving relationships with humans and you won't get in the way of their true love!
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On a personal level I'm glad I became a mechanic. AI is starting to code and do whatever else now, but I don't have to worry too much cuz people always need their cars fixed the world over.
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Don't be so down, every Nicole is personalized! You can customize your Nicole to suit your specific needs.
I just happen to have hot sex with mine.
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Sorry God, but my heart belongs to cute animal girls.
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Nicole: disposable, outdated, ugly
MINA-AI: Advanced, Constantly getting new updates, Cute
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did we enjoy sonic's birthday?
Looks promising. There is a full article on civtai on how to create your own comic using stable difussion and consistent characters throughout multiple pages.
Vat is ze problem?
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Sex with Cyber Sonic
>the places that device has gone
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I'm trying

oh, its nothing
What birthday
good work anon!
Imagine how many times Nicole has seen sally hot, wet and naked after stepping out of the shower.
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dirty dirty
Your animal-human hybridization fetish is not going to supplant natural selection. Don't even bother. It's futile.
I'm currently in a sloth induced haze. I haven't moved from my couch all day.
sheep titties are life
>sloth induced haze.
this guy really comes off as insecure, he keeps insisting that drawing is the only skill artfags, as if this isn't something we just do for fun
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>this guy really comes off as insecure, he keeps insisting that drawing is the only skill artfags, as if this isn't something we just do for fun
in Cyberspace Sage has full control over Sonics Body.
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Wouldn't an AI Mina self-terminate because she knows she's a FILTHY, DISGUSTING artificial intelligence?
New Coffee the Rabbit lore,
She uses uh... chaos powers to levitate her ears in place. So instead of flapping them, or whatever, she moves around in all directions like a drone.
>drawing is the only skill artfags
What does this even mean?
take a bath/shower
will the chaotix be playable in Sonic Mania 2?
uncensored pic please :(
based fankid
I'm having trouble envisioning this, but I'm picturing something similar to a hummingbird atm.
kill your self artfag
>Reminder that Unleashed and Black Knight were the last Sonic games written by Japanese writers
Exclusively Japanese writers, you mean. All later main games had Japanese writers alongside western writers.
Yeah, movement like a hummingbird, but she doesn't have to flap them.
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Sex king.
nice blog post!
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You do want Shadow. Don't deny it.
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Looks like I have a new fan! Don't worry, I'll post more art soon.
Fang hmoma when?
wow! how can I subscribe to more cool blog posts like this?
Trip and... some weird alien creature.
how does Sonic, Tails, Knuckles , Trip hide their boners?
nice. I would "like" and "bookmark" this post if this were Twitter. I love seeing updates like this from artists!
They don't
>some weird alien creature.
That's Fang's bone-dry corpse
Inside nicolette's jerbussy
Tails hides his with his hands, sonic hides his in tails, knuckles hides his in sonic, and trip hides hers in fang.
Imagine thinking a classic character crossing over into modern will do them any favors
Unbelievable! What did she do to him?
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>Trip pegging Fang
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>What did she do to him?
sexed him. REAL good.
>all this horny posting
>drawfags not making horny art
>Jerk off on other sites
>Come back with post nut clarity
Where does the thread go after?
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It's late at night, i'll do some tomorrow or this weekend.
But how is she able to do it? What are her secrets?
these threads have been getting more and more boring in recent weeks
What's so boring about the recent threads?
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CSP's colorize tool isn't *perfect* but it's useful for getting the base colors down! I think it'll be useful for quickly turning a sketch into a workable base :D
post more updates! tell me about your exciting artist life!! I want to know all about you!!!!!
too much self promotion
There haven't been any announcements and the spring break comic was trash.
cool blog post!
looking good so far, drawfriend
cute worm
ok but can you draw her having sex
No, I don't. Enlighten me.
the fact that this is a dressing machine implies that trip was already busty before she entered the room
It's too early for sex
How does her silicone breast fit in her armor?
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>Odds I draw Black Doom
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What are you even talking about.
was 2023 more exciting than this?
Grandpa Doom and his beloved ultimate lifeform grandchild. The other ultimate lifeform didn't go as planed, but this one will definitely work for sure.
You seem to be out of your mind. Chill out and go drink some tea, anon.
i feel honored
Yes. We have basically no news right now. In 2023 we had The Final Horizon and Superstars.
i hate the King Shadow/Sally ship but the idea of them having a hybrid alien child is cool.

>half-Black Arms Princess using the Sword of Acorn
Did you give her two toes to mimic the Black Arms?
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I don't like king Shadow at all and I have a bone to pick with 25YL for that whole thing
Do you think Superstars Plus was delayed, or canceled?
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Used an old drawing as a base, it seems like the colorize tool works best with thin lines
goth amy... my love...
I've always kind of felt like the fankidverse was your guys' attempt at 25YL but with blackjack and hookers.
i can still feel fiona
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Maybe it was delayed?
what is the fankidverse
I made Reynard because I love Fang and Mighty and read the archie comics specifically for them. It was just a coincidence that Scribbs shipped Fiona and Mighty so I made Reynard to get in on the action lol.
Renard, Reinard or Reynard?
That one.
Reynard. Fiona wanted to name him after a famous fox hero, and Mighty thought it was pretty cool that his son shares his best buddy's name.
I would say it got delayed because of Movie 3 shit, assuming Movie 3 stuff got fucked over if Paramount took the Donut Lord shit seriously.
Vixen induced dementia.
I didn't consider that, interesting
>Donut lord broke the entire sonic franchise
I would hope this means the death of live action in Sonic content, but knowing SEGA they might just axe humans again.
Drake Bell killing the Sonic movieverse is something I never could've seen coming
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>Ryan Drummond: cartoons are there to sell products
wow! COOL!!!!!!!
what is the colorize tool?
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Les flammes du désastre!
I like that she's completely fucked up.
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god bless the mod community. don't let that blue fucker ever escape them
what donut lord stuff? Did he get cancelled? Do we never have to see humanshit again?
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What if
the sonic movie is like this?
>AoStH and SatAM were both created to sell more games and merch and expand the brand's footprints
>Underground was created to take advantage of the Sonic license while Dic still had it
>Sonic X was created to sell the games and create interest in the franchise in Japan
>Sonic Boom was meant to sell the Boom Games and merch
>Sonic Prime was created to sell toys and get more people to subscribe to Netflix
He's not wrong.
tell me about more fankids i love Shadow x Sally's daughter
this is me but with amy when she moves in with me after not being able to pay her rent
That show needed less jews and more sexual tension between knuckles and that human female agent
How would Gerald Robotnik react to Maria fattening up the Ultimate Life Form?
So a guy buttraped drake bell before sa2 even came out and now it's screonf over the sa2 movie
i dont like malefats but i do like the idea of maria being a coomer
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allow it
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There is no SA2 movie.
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She's actually a giant alien worm that takes the form of a chipmunk. She's an abomination that lost the genetic lottery and sometimes her soul leaves her body and she converts back into a feral monster and starts killing things, although I'm pretty sure she can control it better now that she's not a kid anymore.
why did they name her rouge? because that seems cute
Can I still impregnate her?
My headcanon is that she actually hates being called a worm.
Shadow bangs Sally. Sally eventually realizes this only happened because Shadow was hit with a horny laser from Eggman. Sally realized this after Shadow got a second wave of amnesia and went on a journey to try and fix him. Sally ends up saving Maria from her death and they then something involving solaris happens and Shadow and Sally fall in love for real.
Scribbs said her name is actually Rougette and Rouge is a safety alias.
this is really sad and cute
Her telling Reynard that she doesn't like how people think he's dangerous, and that they should be afraid of her instead stuck with me a bit.
It probably brings back pretty bad memories.
Now I can't call her that anymore :(
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I almost teared up rereading Street Fight. I hope to one day make something as impactful...
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I'm gonna call her a worm anyway. She ought be happy with who she is. Everyone can be dangerous, even a regular guy like me could do something horrible if he wanted to, and just because someone can do something terrible doesn't make them bad, or mean they should be ashamed or afraid of who they are on the inside. And I'm gonna keep on doin it until she learns to accept herself.
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Sonic characters for this feel?
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It's one of CSP's new AI tools, it's supposed to replace the fill bucket but so far it's been more useful for turning line art to a painting imo.
Rouge (the fancharacter)
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i interpreted this as she was opening renard's heart
why does the thumbnail have hulk at superman's funeral
god I hate Vector x Vanilla.
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I'll let ya borrow a rod
Team Dark is a group of three anti-heroes: Shadow the Hedgehog, Rouge the Bat, and E-123 Omega. Shadow is the brooding main character, designed to be Sonic’s dark counterpart. He has amnesia and can control time and space with the Chaos Emeralds. Rouge is a treasure hunter and government spy with a seductive personality. Omega is a powerful robot who seeks revenge on Dr. Eggman for imprisoning him.
You make a good point, anon.
Don't look down
Geez anon, bit of a hot take don't you think?
Is that all we're here for? Constantly contesting each other with hot takes we don't even actually believe in just for kicks?
ai is good because I can see what princess elise looks like when drawn by andava
my crush comes here
I’d like Sonic more if the western side vanished.
outta sight outta mind
Badass bitch.
this but the japanese side
I actually think Silver would have played amazing in Sonic Frontiers.
Sex with underaged mobian kids
I wouldn't. Archie was great and not bad at all.
I'd like Sonic more if you two kissed often and deeply.
Incredibly based.
Groping Fang's Butt zone

Trip the Sungazer
cute tsundere ship
Archie: Art or Fart?
Who's your crush?
Archiefag diapershitter fingers typed this.
Fang squeaks instead of moaning
Holy shit I need to fuck his butt so bad
Still not quite done yet, but left it at a stable point for now. What was your favorite part?
That was the idea, yes. It's further down.
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Rape is BASED
did donut lord rape drake?
yes but instead of the child star, the rapper
Sonic doesn't talk that much in this game.
LMAO did he wear the cop suit while he buckbroke that lightskin?
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Would there happen to be any particular thing that is afflicting you?
honestly his letter was the least bad. The rest were like "he was tempted". Sonic's dad more or less said "He did horrible bad things, but he can redeem himself"
Which is still retarded. I sure hope other people do not adopt the ridiculous idea that redemption is possible for EVERYONE.
Sonic honestly barely says anything in SA1 now that I think about it, compared to future games.
no he dressed up as kendrick
tom is game sonic
james marsden is idw sonic
holy FUCK
You need to seriously calm down your senses, dear anon. Excessive horniness is harmful for your soul.
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>What was your favorite part?
Nta, but this.
sonic talking is stupid lol he's an animal! animals can't talk! XD
I really like the part where he admits he'd risk his life than lose his first friend It emphasizes the fact he is a lonely guy, and even if rougette accepts him now, that doesn't change much in the grand scheme of things. Not that he cares though.
Don't forget excessive faggotry
>Whats that? Eggman raped Tails? Well im sure he can still be redeemed!
That's a really good one too. Them getting trashed by Sonic during their training bout was also kind of fun as well.
That's right. Thanks for your contribution, anon-san.
I've seen this same image posted here 50 times
But imagine fucking his ass and hearing him squeak like a little mouse for more
Espio is cool. Am I just weird? Feels like I'm the only one who thinks that. And no the schizo yume doesn't count.
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Any idea when we get lore on Willow? Aside from being like Martian Manhunter and using his psychic powers with precision and accuracy?
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Jerboas are made for bullying
ooc fantasy by the clumsy incompetent abused girl
Evil Trip...
It's just that I didn't know Sonic was the only one meant to have a super form before Shadow was introduced, you know? I thought the chaos emeralds just powered things up. The fact that only certain characters can use them is such a stupidly exclusive Japanese way of telling a story.
Sage morphed into Sonic.exe
Evil cunny takes dick by force, she is immune to correction now
It's the Black Dragon but depowered
Been thinking of naming her Trick.
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Evil Trip OC.
The concept of a chosen one has existed for a very long time.
There is no "Team Dark", Archiefag.
That works well enough. Also,
>Big woman
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That's true. So why is Silver one of the 3 chosen ones?
Team Dark is the name of a team in Sonic Heroes you full-on retard.
bullshit. everyone can use them. sonic, shadow and silver just hold it longer. and even shadow died on his first attempt
Reincarnation of Sonic 200 years in the future. We see this alluded to when Sonic's spirit lingers after his death in 06.
What if Team Dark are worshipers of Mephiles the Dark?
no pov art of silver giving cunnilingus while his head quills sort of frame a big space in between the legs
Kek another L for Shatdow
It's a brand name for the game, not an actual team name, fucktard.
>Big woman
Not for long
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Sonic characters for this feel?
In what way is it alluded?
Then you don't want to know what the cliffhanger in SxSh is gonna be
if south island floats atop the ocean, how is marble zone still flooded with lava?
The End
Geothermic activity.
What the fuck is your point dipshit?
uwuver is racist?!
you make the cutest art
SxSh or SXSG?
but it wouldnt have a supply of magma
Why the fuck would you ask that? He is clearly off his meds, now he's gonna crash the servers with text walls.
NTA, but they don't actually call themselves Team Dark. It's not a callsign or anything, and they actually spend most of their time apart from eachother, only ever teaming up when they need to.
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Do you ever see Shadow, Rouge, and Omega appear and say "We're Team Dark!" in a Sonic game? No? There it is.
What in the actual ostensible fuck is your point?
Dreams of an Absoluwution.
Archie is good because it feels so deep and has so much depth to the world and characters.
I have no idea who this is.
Why are you pretending to be retarded? You were clearly told the point.
SxSh = Sonic x Shadow
SXSG = Sonic x Shadow Generations
I never once said they claim to be Team Dark so what is your point? Holy fuck it's like bathwater temperature IQ in this general right now.
Now I'll be disappointed if I don't get text walls in response.
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reynard's great great grandson
Gerald was too fucking powerful to be left alive. This son of a bitch basically created Sonic the Hedgehog from scratch. Just let that sink in.
I like it when Sonic is made about to be a god-like figure.
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>Team Dark isn't an actual team, it's just a label in Sonic Heroes to identify them for the player.
>They don't ever call themselves Team Dark in the games.
You are literally frustrating to communicate with. Genuine special ed autism.
doesn't this mean at some point tails's family line crosses with reynard's
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Nicole and Tails got together, and Reynard's kid got hitched with theirs
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Sonic Heroes is such a mediocre fucking game with almost no story and yet it’s the game that’s done the most damage in terms of lore branding
How did you mix up Heroes with Generations?
It was the first Sonic game that wasn't on a Sega console.
I can read this in cybershells voice
give me my edgekino. I couldn't care less that this is a cartoon animal franchise, SA2 shows that this franchise thrives most when it embraces the dark side...
I'm genuinely curious as to what your point is, seriously. When I ask, you just deflect and ultimately say nothing, which you've done here once again. I feel like I'm a special ed teacher trying to be as patient as possible instead of just walking away. They don't call themselves Team Dark. What is your point? I never once said that they call themselves Team Dark, I didn't say they're a team or fuckbuddies or drink buddies I didn't say any of that. I just described the characters and you had a meltdown over the fact that I even said Team Dark at all. I'm going to ask you again, what is your point? Why did you reply to me over a point I never ever once backed or denied??
Reminds me of that SA1 review where there's a similar joke but about eggman
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like this?
Sonic Heroes hard-coded characters "types" and "teams" in the brains of the fandom.

Now when certain characters interact, they are considered part of a three-man team.
that explains tailon's colors...
Only by a few individuals.
You were given straightforward answers and yet are completely unable to grasp them. You act legitimately retarded - as in, you're too stupid to understand things.
Yeah, a few thousand autistic individuals that won’t shut up about it
I would still consider it way too generous if you said a few dozens. I doubt they're even double digits.
I'm so fucking confused lmao what am I too stupid to understand? I want to get to the bottom of this. Team Dark isn't an actual team. Ok, so what? Never said they were. Here's what I think: you don't actually have a point and you responded to me with something retarded and meaningless.
Then its three people putting in the work of thousands.
Thanks hiromoot for killing th
>I'm so fucking confused
Yeah, because you're dumb af. We've established that.
If you know they aren't an actual team than why did you call them Team Dark?
Now you're just mad lol, take the L. You thought I was making a claim about le Team Dark when I really wasn't. Don't make assumptions next time, we're done here.
I really don't care about your copes, deflections, and general stupidity. If it helps you sleep better at night then more more to ya,
It's just the name of the team in the game. It's not a forbidden word just because they don't hang out or whatever. Getting hung up over it is pure unfiltered autism.
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>I really don't care

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