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Previous: >>483742228
Happy birthday Warfarin!

[6/21-7/5][Standard]6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Vanguard Poncirus, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Specialist Kazemaru (Shop)
[6/21-7/5]The Rides to Lake Silberneherze - 5* Medic Harold
[6/21-7/5][The Sojourner]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Specialist Kafka
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger]Penance, Tsukinogi, Qanipalaat
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger Re-Edition]Carnelian, Leonhardt, Kafka

[6/20-7/4][Standard]6* Caster Goldenglow, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Caster Aroma, 5* Caster Rockrock, 5* Sniper Greyy The Lightningbearer (Shop)
[6/20-7/4]AK x Sanrio Collab - Log-in event
[6/20-7/4][Crossover]Goldenglow, Lee, U-Official
[6/20-7/4][Achievement Star & Vitafield Re-Edition]Flametail, Kirara, Aosta; Czerny
[6/25-7/9]Hortus de Escapismo Rerun - Insider skin
[6/25-7/9][Arbiter Aequissimus Retro]6* Guard Executor The Ex Foedere, 5* Specialist Spuria, 5* Medic Paprika

>/akg/ website:
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Smooch Shark Sunday!
There's a moose loose about this hoose
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Big horns love!
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Let's all have a nice, friendly thread today.
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This thread will be better. Just kidding.
Can someone explain to me the plot of the new AH event in CN? I missed the loredumps and can't really find a good summary on the web...
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Skadi was actually an engineer if you would believe it
My soulmate...
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Me looking at the last thread. You should all be ashamed of yourselves
>haha yeah look at X
No, even you who thought that should be ashamed. Get a rope and dig a hole, then think about what you've done.
Skadi x Doctor became even more canon
Aegir are fish
What about Shark? Is she still a slut?
Uhh...where's the actual plot summary.
She flirts with Irene, Doc, and probably something else that moves
fish bad
Specter making Irene uncomfortable is a fun interaction and I appreciate it.
It's just a bunch of background dumping and character moments ending with Ulpipi teaming up with the seaborn
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It’s time
>de-arks your knights
nothing really important happens
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>thinking you can ever hope to defeat Austin
Good post but my wife doesn't have 4 ears anyways
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I now realize how massive Ifrit's head is.
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mine does and it's fucking hot, she has pretty earrings on her normal ears and then big fluffy cat ears too, just the best of both worlds
you are a degenerate
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Considering the next arc is gonna be about the Seaborn, how the fuck is Amiya supposed to handle them without going schizo???
Me and my bff
>the next arc is gonna be about the Seaborn
>Considering the next arc is gonna be about the Seaborn
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>the next arc is gonna be about the Seaborn
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I'll do my best, though I'll probably miss a few things or be wrong in some parts since MTL. Afaik
>After the Stultifera Navis incident, an Aegir city invited Kal and the AH/Inquisition to come to establish cooperation
>Doctor arrives to help, Irene and Saint Carmen stay on land to protect the territory while Lumen is mandated by the Saint to go so he can accomplish something
>Kal and Gladiia meet with Gladiia's mother, and they talk about how Aegir will start to move and help other countries, though Kal warns her mother to not be too hasty since things on land are worse than anyone thinks
>Specter and Skadi help clean up seaborn, Specter is stalked by some strange people and meets Lucilla. Skadi later meets with Doc and they have a talk with a guy named Maritus that is elaborated on a bit down below
>Ulpianus for his part was with Mortica, he separates from him and Rocinante to infiltrate the city and meets Doc, after a surprise and exchanging identities they work together to know more of wtf is going on really there
>on another side we have one of the aegir philosophers and researchers, who is named Maritus, he devoured a seaborn, became part one and was able to look into we many's memories, learning about how the Precursors got smacked and why the swarm and isharmla focuses on survival. He also is the reason behind the church of the deep
>Underflow, and some Aegir scientists know Ulpianus is in the city, but Underflow even though tasked with finding him doesn't feel right about it. Meanwhile Ulpianus has a talk with them, and we learn how he came to be and more about the AH project/spoiler]
>Kal and Doc meet with the seaborn/aegir man, and he knows about how Doc is linked to all of this, about AMA-10 and what their future and Ishar-mla (so Skadi's) is linked to his choices with the sea
death is imminent
It's Sarkaz stuff as always
>Saint Carmen
Wait that dude's still alive? I thought he went schizo and got put down in IS3, unless that's only supposed to happen in the far future.
Nta but Is3 isn't canon beyond the endings kinda
That's great anon. I don't actually mind the 4 ears, but I still think it's a silly choice so removing the human ears would make sense.
Though, we have operators that are animals without real animal ears, or ears that would be weird to show
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IS3 isn't canon anon. It's a possible future of if the Seaborn rise, specifically if Skadi awakened Ishar'mla inside her during Under Tides.
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Jobbing with that team was impossible
Now she's just a dweeb with weird fashion sense.
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Tho it is canon Doc and Mizuki found the super computer
>Lumen meets with one of the aegir who used to lead research expeditions, they had discovered a place where 'the sea ends' and Jordi alongside them will lead an expeditionary force to find what sort of place is there
>Event ends with Gladiia's mother hijacking a Rhine Lab columbian conference to do the PV3 Aegir call to aid word for word. Kal talks with an Aegir named Clementia (who had been a guide for us most of the event) for help to venture into Aegir's main cities and she agrees to help. Ulpianus meanwhile meets with the seaborn later and they have a deal, where he will lead him to the other Firstborn (alluded to be Nevermelting Glacier from the words and his profile) but he can't reveal this to anyone.

And Gladiia's mother is named Heratia, forgot to mention. There's more info but that's the gist of things, I very well might have skipped/got wrong/forgot something and you shouldn't take my words for it since MTL plus /akg/ said, but I hope it helps
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I need you to stop bullying my wife.
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That anon was an insider agent from Lowlight
My hero would not job to Siege!
>Art hoe Speccy
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Needy Weedy is a little dweeby.
I can't believe people thought a FUCKING ELECTRCIAN was OP at the beginning of the game. Skadi is fucking useless is still true to this day.
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I still can't believe Skibidi is a specialized worker
Now post the non albino edit.
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The battles and most nodes in IS3 didn't really happen, as far as the story goes, all you need to know is that Mizuki had ventured off in the Iberian coast search of a signal on his own, met Highmore who was turned, managed to turn her back, met Cicero and then Tulip and other ops rescued the two. That and the Precious Days extra nodes where Ulpianus infilitrates Cicero's lab and finds out the truth about Aegir, and Cicero talks about usurping god plus the moment where Highmore accepts the herald's gift and goes aiieee
Waifufags genuinely can't stand the idea that two women can like each other.
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cute kitty
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Where is she?
Now that I think about it, they should've tossed in a Trilby Asher midboss in the event. It'd only make sense.
built for rough dickings
>Gladiia, Ulpipi, Specter all in positions of fame and renown
>Skadi just a wagie with good life and working conditions
She's just like me fr fr
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>they should've tossed in a Trilby Asher midboss in the event
They should've done that but as a joke enemy who gets himself killed like the jetpack bros.
I genuinely can't stand anons who post weak bait.
why'd he do it?
wtf I like Skadi now
>Harold acts like a goofy fun little cutie dork for the whole story
>He just nukes my whole squad as punishment for me not reading what he does
Wtf, I literally said daddy when he did it
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I have this saved about IS3 from pretty long ago, should help explain things but tldr he's fine, is3 is just getting a coral and jelly home
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Life as an Infected pleb in Terra is tough, can't blame them.
Too bad there were no environmental hazards that affected enemies here unless you count the little robots and the heaters. I dunno, maybe make him lose HP around the heaters because he's too clothed up?
>I dunno, maybe make him lose HP around the heaters because he's too clothed up?
Have him be chased off-map by a non-player Degenpipi.
You'll kneel to Victoria once the EX maps open
Nah I'll Mlynar it.
I think it's obvious the Dude is actually a former war vet. He probably committed unspeakable war crimes with those snow balls...
Is the "forever singing Skadi" the one we get in her alt or is she full fish there? I don't have her so I've no idea what her base/menu interactions are like.
My Degen will hit E2 tomorrow, I'm sure she'll save me.
What about the 4th ending?
>Rerolled 30 times on TW
>20 x 30 = 600 rolls total
>No rateups, only offbanners
I need that schizo Amiya stat
Shut up Trilby
Iberia’s Golden Age?
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The Skadi alt we have for operator is one where Ishar-mla has mostly taken over, you can say kind of she's full fish there abd her lines and profile imply like the image says she is from ED2 Age of Silence, trying to make doc become kin. This forever singing skadi is just Skadi like we know, no longer tied to Isharmla, but full of grief and guilt for what she did so she is too ashamed to return to land and see Doc and others again.
Victoria will belong to Ursus when I kill Harold with my maxed out Leto.
I still find it lame that Cicero didn’t appear in Path of Life
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She no diffs other electricians though
Well that's sad. Good thing it ain't canon.
But Skadi has 1 Int?
Skadi makes RITube Shorts showing off code violations and cable management.
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She would be a great asset to Endfield Industries. Hypergryph, you know what to do.
Meh, that's ten times better than that Fat fuck (Ho'ol)'s cooking channel. Lose some wate, fatti.
Stella Sicut Astra is mostly in procedure similar to 3rd ending, but Mizuki becomes the new guide of We Many so they leave Terra for good, you do it using some of Cicero's notes that marked a experimental hub assimilated by Creeping Branches
>The name "Caerula" seems strangely familiar. When you find the landmark on the map, you take Mizuki deep into the facility, not even stopping when he finds He and motions to you that he can assimilate Its core organs. You continue to go down, down, deep into the core of the Caerula Arbor experiment beneath Terra's magma. This is the place that gave birth to Them, and where the Seaborn can become part of Them.
Glory of Humanity is humanity proving to We Many they deserve to live. Planet gets cleansed of originium and most bad things but also doc has to sacrifice most of the population, after mizuki leads the seaborn to space he returns after 1000 years to see Kaltsit was taking care of Doc and rhodes has becomes a hub for the new civilization
We all know she just changed lightbulbs and had a fancy job title.
sorry but skadi is part of the union and cant do work in non terra regions.
>also the same abyssal hunter who sticks her head in the hole of scientific equipment
Skadi being an idiot has always been fanon
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What are some other fanon constructs?
some operators love the doctor
I wanted him to appear too but it would be a bit strange for Cicero to be in a random aegir city when he is on land currently making more seaborn/human hybrids. If he's the Sire from Specter Alt's profile we'll meet him soon enough at least.
If Skadi isn't an idiot, why is she for me?
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Specter being a slut and Surtr being into cuckolding
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Kill yourself AIfaggot. You gave up the right to your humanity.
Lappland loving Texas
*reaches into Skadi*
*pulls out her still beating heart*
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Give her some credit, fixing undersea pipes and cables ain't easy.
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Jam it
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Elfy welfy!
Post more AI Skadi.
Because you are responsible for Ishar'mla, you retarded fuck. It is inside Skadi, which is why Skadi is returning to you. It's like a shitty father and his lost child returning to him.
Saga being dumb.
at the same time
I eat it to gain her powers.
>Because you are responsible for Ishar'mla
Doc unironically has nothing to do with Ishar-mla till pol
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Doing unspeakable things to a bound Lappland...
Blaze being a rapist
>>I eat it to gain her powers.
*reaches into Specter
It's probably significantly easier when you're a fish person (dolphin).
Is ARG still dead?
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this is not canon wanon
NOT canon wanon
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Shark fister..
Now that's just disrespectful.
this is canon wanon
>sees living thing
What did she mean by this?
Why does everyone blame me (Doctor Banana) for everything? Like, I don't even remember what I did...How can you be mad at me for that?
>I can't believe people thought a FUCKING ELECTRCIAN was OP at the beginning of the game
Wdym, Skadi was always considered shit
She’s an artist
I really don't want to spoil some people. I didn't know a thing about Kjerag2 and ended up enjoyed it immensely.
Let's just say that it kickstart Aegir plotline for real.
Between this and Kal, starting to think Doc isn't the greatest dad.
i mean muelsyse does want both of them to get along(with the doc)...
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How, I'm calling the general race fish people but specifying that she's actually based off a dolphin?
doc wasnt the creator of fish
he just helped his buddy lou with the fish iirc no?
So its like falling for your dads friend...
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We were fist bumping lou, we technically would be more like the weird uncle, not dad
That doc?
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Simple answer is to fuck all three
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based hours?
This comic still bugs me because it's the exact opposite of what happens in story.
kill yourself
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Replaced by Shuro.
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But i'd fuck both an elf and a snakebird
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finally some good mumu images
>based hours
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You tell him to kill himself, but not the posts where Mumu is literally getting raped by the snake woman? Why the double standard? Why do you hate Mumu so much?
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Amiya please just let her have her moment...
Absolutely prime position for brushing her teeth
Reminder she thinks being literally insane for God knows how long was just a fun experience and that she thinks her insane persona is cute.
Fixing her made her worse

We end this now
Anon, she's an orca. Both cetaceans but still.
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Everyone has different coping mechanisms for traumatic events, it happens. If it works.
Elf Victory.
Does nun Specter still count as a virgin if her other personality has constant sex and then regenerates the hymen?
>thinks her insane persona is cute.
She's not wrong
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Logos from Star Rail
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speaking of brushing teeth
i hope everyone here brushed their teeth today
Look like shit.
Entering deep into her to brush those wisdom teeth
Orcas are dolphins. I fail to see the issue.
Well it's a male character after all, that's a given.
looks like shit.
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The emergency condition where you get reduced deployment slots and reduced redeployment time is actually worse than the stinkiest dogshit ever produced in the history of dogs' defecation
Kill yourself
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No, I will repeatedly deflower Specter and enjoy it. Keep seething, cuck.
Skill issue.
Endfield MANIA...!
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Trying to build my kot folder, please post kots.
snakeks its over
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Smol little femdoc being dominated by stronger female operators
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This will be the year for Thornstent
Now show the part where he jobs and runs away like a little bitch.
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Like father, like son.
They can have Archetto, I doubt anybody would even notice.
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an idiot?
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Just you watch
How the fuck was Arctosz supposed to prevent Chernobog? What happened there literally wasn't his fault.
>Leto's dad isn't called Jared
uh huh
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Elfy welfy has some explaining to do.
Looks cool.
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reedbros? care to explain this one?
nobody said it was.
Ho'oly Wo'oly...
snakebird and elf threesome
I click the Click one more time just to send a message.
I see Mandykeks have found new homes outside of /akg/ now that she's 100% confirmed dead.
We are everywhere
Love mandy
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I don't have many kots but I do have this.
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why are you up this late EUneet?
where was she confirmed dead?
How's an Abyssal Hunter team work with just Gladiia as support? Aside from her, I only have both sharkies, and while I know Spalter's apparently pretty beastly with her modules, I ain't got no Skadi and no Andreana, and nun Specter's own AH buff seems pretty small. Can I just chuck Gladidi and Splatter on the field with their modules and see decent returns for investment without bringing the whole party?
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Is he actually voiced by leoach too
I want her to shout OOOOOOPUUUUUUN when finishing.
Gladi is the most important part of the team and Spalter is the best individually so it works fine enough
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it's friday
Why do you have to include yourself in everything? fuck off already
>thread police
get bent fag
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Dr. ar*on**t your days are counted.
Fine put Saria in the threesome instead
Hmmmmmm nyo
Speaking of, the Ifrit and Silence imageset are the hottest AK lewds I've seen this week.
threesome with muelsyse and saria?
Which one?
That sucks for him, but what does that have to do with me?
And me in the corner jerking off.
Where is her tail?
>Ifrit and silence imageset
The one where they get raped?
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Here's the sauce.
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Doc and Silence masturbating in the cuck corner
meh no thanks
What the other anon said. Fuck off with that fag shit.
>kfag pic
Not clicking that
operators to watch while doing this?
operator for the cuck corner?
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Priestess LOST!
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Oh yeah
When are we getting Shu again?
Forcing Fia into an instant loss scenario and then proceeding to only have vanilla lovey dovey sex!
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If you have the sharks you're well off. They're the best AH solo so they don't need much help, and Gladiia is the absolute core of AH, you could skip everyone else on the team in some way but not her. Nun Specter's buff is pretty minor, she's good with just mod level 1 or even no mod alongside Spalter and Gladiia modules, Gladiia's heal and damage resist combined with Spalter giving Gladiia great uptime on her skills and Specter1 much better sustain due to Gladiia % HP heal, her giving more max HP and Specter1's own % HP heal talent is very good synergy. You can go without Andreana or Skadi, and you can get Ulpianus in the future who has insane synergy with everyone.
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do NOT the mo-
wait what the FUCK
(you two are married)
Fia gets coomposted a lot, that means she's got a lot of doujins right? Be right back, I'm gonna go check them out.
I know that the source is written on the pic but I'm still disappointed that Saucenao couldn't find it. They've gone way downhill.
kill yourself kfag
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>getting doujins
lol, lmao.
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Saucenao has always struggled with Twitter posts if it's not already posted to a booru site.
kill yourself
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no clue but do you think Shu only likes freshwater fishing or would she be up for deepsea fishing?
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Mandy buried in Victorian soil
Why so mean?
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I'm blind as fuck and left SKA anyways so rip. Fixed it.
Where are they going?
Reminder that if we kill our enemies they won.
blaze isnt old...
It's a bot. Don't pay it any mind.
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Ayo what's going on in the vulpo directory?
Uhhhhh.... maybe?
The next hag posted is my wife.
Not my webm
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what if an operator done walked up to you and said snooPINGAS usual
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Yeah I fuck hags. How could you tell?
The smell
I couldn't
And you don't
She probably smells like cologne.
I am making a killing on rocks this event
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More like kill Reed
Gertrude my beloved I'm sorry for not being able to protect you...
La Pluma and my favorite fox make this an easy choice.
I kill
Allerdaughter is cute.
Zofia isn't a hag (yet)
t. jealous black cat
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Where are my fellow Womanbros?
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What did I do?
Why is there so much fucking art of suzuran everywhere? What makes her popular?
What is it Blemi?
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The fault lies with you, doctor.
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>Allerdaughter is cute.
Her adult form is better.
*Dead black cat.
>sound is compressed
>includes attack sfx
Being one of the only cunny in the game with the added benefit of being a decent 6*
Can I swap out the hags for different hags, or am I stuck with the ones provided?
>Earnest good girl
I didn't think someone could out try hard Ascalon
No Degenfag, you can't.
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asky wasky
Seriously what the fuck happened to her?
>none of Siege's friends actually die
It's like she got ran over by a truck lmao
If I agree to support her and any resulting children can we can we call it good enough and leave without violence?
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>none of Siege's friends actually die
I guess it isn't you then... I'm trying to find my stalker, please understand.
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Kill all Reedfags.
Fun fact: I was responsible today, but you're actually being gangstalked.
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I want Degen to femdom me...
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I want to bend her over and play with her tail...
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>you're actually being gangstalked.
B-but why...
Next chapter she will be back alive and edgy
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Sorry, there was only room for one cat with an askew hat.
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She's in her edgelord arc.
She was so fucking dumb she kinda deserved it
Probably because you're the only Clickfag with a Click to click.
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Mandy... *smooch*
t o u c h
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I'll talk to my wife about it and see what she says.
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Get elf'd
Get welf'd
I wonder, do you guys use 4* as supports on IS? Should I keep mine (Click with mod), or should I change it to a good 5*?
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It's sad how the newer generations of Kjerag people will never get to know how wide Kjera truly is.
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The cute tail kinda ruins the serious tone of the image.
Fuck off
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I thought you all hated Mumu? Now you wanna fuck her? Make up your minds.
Was the Kjeragandr from the old records using the same body as our current Kjarr or was she different back then?
I want Ho'ol to fuck her
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I want to fuck her Ho'ol.
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I'm probably not part of the conversation but I always would the elf.
too big
I'd rape her and ruin her life
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The elf has never been flat
she makes my dick flat
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>Too big
No such thing.
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You should probably see a doctor for that.
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The even hydraulic press is very dangerous.
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I do. I will however ally with Mumu and Mumufags when it is against yurifags.
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Dubious activities with Infected fugitives.
Yeah i'd fuck an elf
Snakebird too
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Nah fuck you. You bully Mumu 99% of the time, we don't need your """alliance""".
Busting great nuts in a grey nut.
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I would do some things with this slum rat
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Holy shit. I thought Dorothy was my only 6 star draw, then Degen absolutely pulled through. Gunna get beat by mommy goat!
grats bwo
Thank you! I've had a string of bad luck pulling for both Hoerdr and Viviana, so this brought forth much joy.
Same. I'd take her to a dark, unlit alley and smooch her.
Flashbacks of dropping 250+pulls on Viviana and still not getting her. I am glad Degenbrecher was more reasonable.
You know what they say about the desire sensor. Just go with the flow, fate will reward you.
Enthusiastic lovemaking.
Rough sex followed by cuddling and lovey-dovey sex for round two.
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>cum inside Sona
>"MISS" appears above her head
You came inside Ling last night
Oh, I wanted her just as much if not more. Fortunately I managed to max pot her in well under 250 pulls.
atleast you know to keep cumming...
>Cum inside Blemi
>falls asleep
Truly a Blemish...
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That just means Round 2, and 3, and however many it takes and then some more.
Is this worth if I'm only missing hoshi snd hellagur?
Hoshi is the best protector
Hoshi is always worth it, Helladad not so much.
Damn that was one of the best sex I've ever had
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Hoshi maybe, Hellaguy not really.
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All part of her plan...
People may tell you no, but I'd honestly say yes. Hoshi is still a God tier tank these days. Hellagur, on the other hand, is terrible BUT his base skill is insanely useful for when you need skill-3 summaries. You don't have to build him up at all, just having him will save your ass sometimes when you're focusing on Masteries.
No, neither is worth if, if you need a defender then save those rolls for Shu, she completely outclasses hoshi (yes, even if they're not the same archetype she still outclasses her, before someone starts coping with that)
If you go balls deep on Shu and spark nian if she doesn't show up, or already have Nian, no.
>recommending a chinky doragon
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>going balls deep in Shu
sounds nice
you wouldn't...
I would all the dragons
Yes even Chong
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I'll go balls deep for Ling
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Horse pussy
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yeah sure
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I am finally ready for tomorrow. Not really because I have 500 LMD and can't raise her further but whatever.
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>hoshi snd hellagur
Lmao, just save for the banner that creeps them both
Cringe as fuck. This is monogamy general so fuck off
I mean...
Technically they used to be one person?
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I will destroy this horse.
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no excuses
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>Mlynar image
All the more reason not to listen. I will have as many wives as I desire.
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for me its squirrel
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>Suzu image
Fits the shitty opinion
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Like just that one or all of them?
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>Retards in today's thread telling you to waste rolls on dumb sidegrades instead of saving everything for Wuh2
Lol, lmao.
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>W image
Thanks, I can safely ignore your post.
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Both at the same time
Their horse and bird friends too
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Upgrades* and it's better than wasting rolls on the downgrades
You forgot one.
Just fuck already
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Funny enough, when I first pulled Sona a friend of mine who already played AK sent me a picture of Ratatos. I remember thinking she was playable and being sorely disappointed, though Sona and Ashley already fulfil my squirrel needs these days.
I only fuck my wife
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>Mumu image
As if what you think matters
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This is an image of Utage.
Big if Nue.
I have hope for ratatos...
Still the squirrels we have to date are all very nice.
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>Typhon image
Holy cringe.
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You'd die. You don't have the stamina to deal with the dodging, the heavy pounding, the precision strikes and the pushing. And the dick crushing gears, don't get close to JK.
>gay retard image
Um, kill yourself?
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>that image
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ALL of them
Package deal and all that
Meet and fuck anon died, don't follow his footsteps.
Was Logos's dad an Ilberi and that's why he has head wings? Or is Nasti just a mutt?
ops for group sex?
That's just how banshee are
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All Nearls
not gonna even pull for her lol
Does anyone know when the next kernel target headhunting in TW is? Asking for a friend
Too bad Rogosu is stuck in her banner.
When did Gamepress come back up?
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The guaranteed 6* banner is the noob trap bait.
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This is an image of a Seaborn. Everything it says is correct and you MUST assimilate with its hive mind otherwise you are a faggot and ugly.
The nearls
The pinus knights
The sui
Lappland Blaze and Gavial
ALL the reservepipis
Homo cockgobblers being forced to roll on Wisadel's banner for their twink husbando brings me great joy. I hope your account is infested with Ws.
Yeah, I thought about it and it'd absolutely end up with me blowing 50 rolls and getting fucking Stainless or Aak. Just give me another selector to blow yellow certs on.
Homo cockgobblers being forced to roll on Logos' banner for their slut waifu brings me great joy. I hope your account is infested with Cocks.
...call w a slut again please...
Homo cockgobblers being forced to roll on Wisadel's banner for their twink husbando brings me great joy. I hope your account is infested with Ws.
only slut here is you doc
>Sees dude
>Immediately thinks of gay sex
Anon, I have terrible news for you.
Homo cockgobblers being forced to roll on Logos' banner for their slut waifu brings me great joy. I hope your account is infested with Cocks.
Do you need to invest in 3* / 4* units for IS?
Currently I'm super dry on exp tickets and LMD, but I've read that IS is a good source of grinding without requiring sanity
>Sees dude
>Immediately thinks of gay sex
Anon, I have terrible news for you.
We're looping
Not really. E1 is enough.
Kroos, orchid, ansel and spot mainly. There's a few niche picks like Perfumer in IS2 or Cuora in Is4.
Sanjay slippin'
Homo cockgobblers being forced to roll on Wisadel's banner for their twink husbando brings me great joy. I hope your account is infested with Ws.
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>the ussg
Wouldn't homo cockgobblers want cocks on their account?
Just some faggot copying posts for no reason.
That was the joke of my post, but I was also saying people that like Wuh were homo's and wishing them all well.
Then the guy copied my post
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No thanks, I believe in free will above all else.
When was the last toot tier module?
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No. I kill the sea.
No posts were copied, it was (All me).
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Based and friendpilled, thanks for the Well Wishes.
>Posts Ulpipi
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Your hips wouldn't survive
Degen couldn't save this place...
Group sex with all the elite operators
She would break this place...
The mortal enemy of we many. All me.
Even... HER?
Group sex with the entire landship.
If free will is so good, why do people display obedience while never stepping out of line?
Why do people blindly swear allegiance and let their country control their mind?
Doctor WILL die
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Even Pith
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Intimidation, manipulation, brainwashing, etc.
Because it's easier to live in ignorance and purchase your happiness.
Happy Birthday Warfarin!
expired eggs...
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>Warfs birthday
I'd let her drink
And when blood and sweat is the real cost, thinking ceases and the truth is lost.
hey supah flash my post for a single frame in your next video or your mother will die in her sleep tonight
Hey don't worry, you'll be told exactly what to do.
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You can have your cake
I'll eat it too
But will my people be given the lives they need? Will the righteous succeed?
Define Toot tier module.
Not sure about that, but I can tell you the fires of greed will burn the weak.
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The fires of Greed will Blaze the weak.
+7 aspd
will ther be nyus today
Ascalon's 2nd module soon
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Look at my lawyer dawg.... I'm going to jail
Still better than Almond's.
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Thats a layer wolf
Hookmaster's arts damage module is really good though.
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You're more drunk than her, that's the judge.
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judge deez nutz
Why does the Doc have some massive bug eyes in the anime?
cause's he's an Ayylmao
no idea
i do like the idea of doc having grey eyes and white hair though
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She's a judge.
There's like 10 use cases for non-Gladiia pullers that don't involve instakilling something in a hole, and 9 of those are Cliffy. The arts damage barely matters outside of Gladiia's blender.
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I shouldn't judge though, I'm buzzed right now.
>no Hookmaster that does not deal damage
The design is fine, it's probably just that the eyes are almost the size of the slit on his hoodie.
they honestly probably just couldnt get docs eye proportions right without having a full face
Did you buy Penance's skin or will you wait for the second one? I can't decide which one I like more.
Wait, Cliffy has a use that isn't pulling people into holes while sitting at E0 forever?
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The anime made a lot of great doctor memes. Hope s3 picks up where s2 tapered off.
Her s2 is actually pretty good, believe it or not.
True damage and stun bb
Did S2 get to the final showdown with Talulah? If so S3 is gonna be Hillock and Londinium, and then we'd have to wait 5 more years for them to make enough content for a new season.
S2 deals true damage + Stun may come in handy sometimes.
It went to the end of chapter 6. Next one will have to cram 7 and 8 together.
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The 5* puller contest is hilarious, Cliffy has better skills AND over 300 more attack than the other 2 with her talent up. Snowsant talent is normally dead but could theoretically matter, Almond's might as well not exist unless they make some CC with an sp risk that makes her little baby pull coming up 4 times instantly somehow matter.
Patriot being half a season? That's probably fine. Chapter 8 being half a season? That feels really bad.
Bare Blemi shoulders...
You will get an entire season of Talulah the Fighter and Ch'en's ass, you WILL like it.
Patriot could probably be a 3 episodes of a season, almost nothing happens in chapter 7 but action. Or HG could make a full 12 episode season.
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I would watch an entire season of Ch'en and Talulah bare ass
They could probably mix some of the reunion flashbacks in with chapter 7 content depending on how they feel like doing it.
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Getting hit on by drunk hags at the bar!
If it's still 8 episodes I would guess 1-3 would be chapter 7, 4-5 would be 8 up to Birdphisto, 6 would be all the Talulah backstory, and 7-8 would be the final fight.
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not my fault
That's a huge rush. I haven't been watching the anime, but that sounds like a cluster fuck of 8 episodes
I could go for some drinks with good company right now.
Snowsant could pull a dense chunk of mobs, not limited by target count.
Her talent might not exists as Infected has very little weight anyway.
Red doesn't understand the perks of motherhood: she will finally get a lupo tail she's socially allowed to touch.
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I just realized the Breddo anon is gone. I don't even remember what his ritualpost looked like.
Never say that to her, it'll become an issue very quickly.
*hits pipe*
Is there anything that indicates that you cleared difficulty 15 for is3? I want to complete it just for completions sake but if there’s no difference or way to tell you cleared it i dont want to bother
You can post a screencap in the discord, and it will be archived forever.
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He tries his best. Besides, he completed his mission.
it was just breddo
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>I don't even remember what his ritualpost looked like.
But how about ingame..
Then it was the one who ritualreplied to him who went FULL RED BAKERY or something like that.
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So the Breddo artist also made this. I'll follow this pic and hit the dorms, good night /akg/.
Why are you still playing this kusoge?
Why are you posting if that's how you feel about it?
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Various things about other games rub me the wrong way and it's low commitment
Coin flip for Hoshi is as good as it gets without shop oping her. It's up to if you're going to wait for the next build-a-banner or not.

Hellagur was never terrible let alone after module stabilizing his hp with 25% shelter and improving his strengthened attack speed ramp to cap at 50% instead of 30%. Hellaguy's just annoying to use since you have to work out which skill and when to activate if you're not going to put someone behind him. Or worse, try to solo lanehold an off lane only to get surprised with 3 elites when you set s2. He's not terrible, he just wasn't an economic use of resources or rolls since newcuties usually have better general use ops to raise already. He still plays fine if you get offbannered by him and raised him.
Penance2 just came out and flopped.
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I never knew these dudes pick up the turtle dudes
I saw some arknights porn so I decided to see if we still had an arknights general. When I saw we did I decided to ask why you guys are still playing this game that I dropped over a year ago.
That was their whole gimmick in the monster hunter event.
That was like half the point of two monhun ex stages
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It's fun and it does urban fantasy is a way that a lot of games don't bother or horribly fuck up (Endfield seems to pull a lot of the stuff I hate tho) even if the precursor stuff can make it iffy.
I don’t think there is a way to tell
>Wasn't there for MH collab
I need more maps with Wild Beast enemies.
because i like it
Not till the expansion
This might surprise you but the only kusoges that close are ones run by multinational jewcorps with retarded accountants that piss and shit their pants if the zero effort cash grab doesn't make 50000000% profit every quarter. AK is literally forever. Just as gamefreak breached 25th anniv, Kancolle, AL, and Granblue breached 10 years Arknights will follow all to its 10th, 15th, 25th anniversary and beyond.
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In that case I'll just point you towards Typhon for further such material.
Arknight is still the best Tower Defense game in mobile.
Like, I couldn't think any that's as good.
And IS is just pure cocaine.
Your ingame record shows your highest completion for each ending.
The badge brackets update to A12-15 after expansion II. so you want to get all 3 endings on all existing squads at A12 or harder before expansion II or you have to do it with the cancer maps and washed out encounter pool.
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I only remember the back hitting part. Nice gimmick lmao.
Played Millennium War Algis? That monster girl one? Aren't the raped corpses of PvZ and Bloons on mobile?
Yeah, the enemy mechanics of the MH event was fun so I'm glad they've been reusing them, notably a good bit more than the mutants from the R6 event.
Expansion? You mean for is3 or is4
And is there only an ingame record for is4? I dont see it for is3
whoops, yeah nothing for Is3
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IS4 sorry

For IS3 you click the navigator terminal at the top it'll say what your highest ascension endings were. You want to A15 each ending.
The IS3 badges aren't asc shaded so you can just A0 all 4 endings on each squad, get one A15 clear on each ending and you're good.
The conversation with the yan governor and his relationship with Aak/Waifu is vastly more disturbing now.
Kill yourself furry
>Arknights will follow all to its 10th, 15th, 25th anniversary and beyond.
At some point they'd need to make Arknights 2, right? And I don't mean Endfield, I mean a new gacha TD built from the ground up.
Sorry I'm a furry not a scalie, post femountain instead
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>and his relationship with Aak/Waifu is vastly more disturbing now.
You've just enlightened me to the power of painfully desperate hag Lee
Oh I see it now thanks, well fuck guess i gotta do a15
>Desprate fish milf raising her friends kids to get on their good side
Holy kek
>Millenium War Aigis
It's different. Also, I can't stomach the bright colors there.
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Don't have that on hand but here's another tiger.
Somehow, it's even more manly.
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I think I prefer her keeping her cool.
Please keep your paws away from Lee's detective agency
>Got to use Saga in IS mode
Wow what the hell, spamming this doggo's S2 is fun as fuck, this is like the game's equivalent of a fidget toy. I also like how much she yells for every action. Why does she yell so much?
There any point to doing A15 for every ending in IS4 or is A12 enough for the badge color?
There is no point in doing anything. Are you really going to let the color of a 50 pixel large badge decide your actions?
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Why did the Sarkaz slime have to look so troony
Because it's genderless
It's one of the prerequisites to join the banana council
I have autism
I miss the Tea Apple Sauce era of Arknights…
it's a slime
No? Android should keep it stable so it wont get forced by architecture changes. Unless they port your roster it's a punch to the dick to tell the guy with a $400,000 account that he has to start over cause they're jewing him for the second time.

>One died and the other only has eyes for a chinky doragun
It really is pain
A12 is enough. You only need any A15 clear for each ending. So 4 A15's then the rest can be A12. After all, no one you'll know you cucked out
>he doesn't know
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is Harold the first operator to have a confirmed wife/lover?
Yeah, I don't know what a tea apple sauce is
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the WORST /akg/ era
I'm struggling to connect whatever tea apple sauce is to the meme fitness routine to de-ugly your fat sacks..
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Funny OC and Cuckposting > Cuckslutfakemalefaggotry
Ptilopsis sounds like Tea Apple Sauce. Was actually more of a meme outside of /akg/ than in here.
honestly other than the meds and sketchy food shit getting these lardos to move would have been a great win. Just imagine 80 uncles losing their beer gut and life granting manbreasts.
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>14 minutes between posts
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Thread is dead. Next poster after mine is gay.
I'm busy with IS
Sorry I'm penny pinching on steam sales and key sites right now. Also I like waiting to see how long it takes for someone to break and post something during a dead moment.
Who is your husband?
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Swire2. It's a fucking mess but she's my mess.
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You are now aware Pope XI will very likely be playable next Laterano event
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Ansel sure is handsome in a suit.
don't fuck male bunnies
I'd roll for him
Who is this suppose to be?
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Purple tard wrangler
>Suzu cosplayer is flatter than E0 Suzu

That SA though holy shiiit
Isn't this the other way around in canon?
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Retiring to the countryside and raising three kids with Ascalon
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dead game
dead general
the sanrio merch drop made me suddenly want to make an itabag for egg, so i looked at the itabag thread on cgl, and saw a lot more ak bags than i expected
Assclown could never live in peace.
i will never understand itabags
All things considered they do come off like switches. Hool got treated, Mumu's accepted the snekborb.
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Cute Dracowife (not a jobber)!
Meta in cutedracowifeknights
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Operators that could live in peace?
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Are the images the characters they'll be cosplaying?
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>Wake up
>Didn't get crushed under Whisperain's FAT ass
>Cry about it
>Wake down
Horns too small.
It's so bad. Why didn't they just design around the Victoria outfit?
IS3 is such cancer holy fuck
I fucking love getting great early A15 starts only to not get ending 2/3 encounters and have to restart over and over and over and over and over and over and over
So what if I miss Lost and Found / Scout once on IS4 floor 2/3? I've gotten that shit on floor 4, can manipulate the map if I get the right stickers, and even floor 5 is enough if I want ending 2, fuck getting bricked by ending encounters. Fuck this luck-based bullshit.
Eyja as the visitor center receptionist.

IS is generally fun at mid ascension where you can still fuck around. A15 is retarded.
t. didn't play IS2
Grow erect in my presence.
Grow limp in your presence.

Not him but even IS2 hard mode was significantly less difficult so it didn't really matter as much. Whereas getting a winning A15 run in IS3 only to fail to get the ending swap is awful.
I got all the endings on all the IS2 squads, ironically enough I used to think IS3 was a good improvement on how much worse IS2 ending RNG was too until I saw how much better HG could make it if they tried. It's like Plato's cave allegory, basically. If we don't have something like foldartals in IS5 either it's going to be back to this bullshit.
For me, it's sneaking into Blemishine's dorm while she's asleep, then jacking off into her armour
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You had 10 minutes to think of something to post and you came up with this?
It's a coombrained pornposter please understando
Datamined dates
>Degen event
June 21st - July 6th
>Vernal Winds rerun
July 18th - 28th
>Shu event (not datamined but it is the only possible date)
July 30th - August 20th
That leaves a 12 day gap in the middle, which means only a Firelight rerun OR Grinning valley can happen and assumedly it is Grinning Valley. This is worst case scenario.
>why is it bad
It means that the random assorted dead days they shoved in resulted in enough lost time they had to delay rerun
>again, why is that bad
It means that you'll have three weeks of Shu's event (with only the first week worth playing, event isn't rated very high gameplay wise) followed by two weeks of shit trials followed by a week and a half of rerun before the Operation Lucent arrow rerun. Best case scenario would be them allowing the Firelight and Trials rerun to happen concurrently but lol lmao
Well technically I came into it, but yeah.
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I want to cum inside of ceobe and make her geneline smart again.
Literally every time for 3 years the rerun gets pushed behind the anniversary event so newcuties don't get their teeth smashed by trials or cc and shit while they're still e0's
What if Ceobe cooms inside you first?
Chink event season is always the worst time if the year for AK
They overlapped trials a week last time
I'm excited for vtuber Shu during our EN stream!
>Even if the mmd model gets released no one's going to give it an actually fashionable outfit
Inconceivable. I will cum in that ceobe.
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>Disingenious bait.
I would've believed it if it was about IS2. It's infinitely harder not to get ending 2/3 nodes than to get them in IS3.
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I want Degenbrecher to peg me!
Give me your account, retard. I'd certainly like it if I wasn't constantly getting the +2 Die Roll / +1 Die + 4 ingot / +3 shield / seaborn scholar / encounter despite pathing through every single encounter all the way to the end of floor 3.
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When are we getting expansion? IS4 is too easy now
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How much of an improvement is y1 and y3 for her? Of course going from 41% slow uptime to 62% on s2 is an improvement but Istina's right there with a stronger slow that's usually back around in time for another elite wave. And her fragile on y2/3 is only worth 4% in the end. Enfeeble doesn't stack either so a hexer or necrosis cucks it.
shant be clicking that link
This is better
When do we get the fourth ending for IS4?
Last cuck may be like 70% but sharmi/mizuki pt2 event is closer to like 40%

Go math how many months it took cn to get it

Don't keylog
open inside
Its just an Amiya cosplay AV
I prefer x for cycling her with waggie/degen/everymoderndps easier
You know you can just not take Degen right?
Even though it barely gives any sp and is inactive most of the time?
>and is inactive most of the time?
It's active the entire duration of the boss recovery and invuln phases
Ho, that is a good point. That's generally 1 sp per 10 seconds too
I will admit Y is a lot better for IS most of the time and since you only need x1 it's not too price to dabble in each if you're going full suzu.
I like Rosalind's angry look
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Do you even notice the jump in slow on autos/s2?
tf is a rosalind
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Occasionally when I feel like using QB
>Leto's name is Rosalind Tatyanovna Larina
>Bastardization of Rosemarymantis
>Bastardization of Rosaline (Harmonie)
Also in IS4 Suzu can benefit from her own fragile via the attack speed foldart pretty easily
Debuffs apply first as seen by Haze right?
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I will steal Delpipi's hat, then rub the tip of my dick all around the inside of it before returning the hat to her.
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They skipped anatomy day in the medical bay...
Operators that would knowingly eat the cum brownies?
Gravel, Specter, Lappland
The heir to the Victorian throne... What a joke.
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getting desparate ever since becoming irrelevant...
>I don't like IS3 because [insert a valid reason]
>>"Disingenious bait"
I tried to use Estelle instead of Blaze in Pyrolysis and she died.
I haven't jerked it in 3 days.
Resist works on burn
I gooned to AI today
I gooned to AI of my wife sucking cock
Even worse, she was on the bottom left.
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Doctor's cumdumpster
I cheated on my wife with a girl from another game
That would be Pozy and not some d*vil wannabe
CC cumdump
sheps were actually the greatester debil
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You guys are fucking retarded.
Yeah, I'm fucking Ceobe.
Yeah, I'm fucking Lunacub
I started IS4 with Akafuyu so you may be right or wrong
Yeah I'm fucking Greythroat
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How many cumdumpsters Doctor has?
how many RI logistics operators are trying to fuck leto's mom
0. She's desperate to get laid but they're all too scared of Leto killing them when she finds out
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