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Previous >>483704818

>Falcom Games
>Pastebin (aka music)
>Extra Stuff (guides, downloads, undub patches)
>Games, mods, saves, pre-patched translations
>Translation patches for Hajimari, Oath in Felghana, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2

UPDATED: 06/27
>Dengeki stream tomorrow on The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- WebCM2 is released
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- website is updated
>Trails Through Daybreak II logo leaked on PSN
>CLE Releasing Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- CN/KR .ver on 26th Sept
>Leaks of Ys vs Trails in the Sky: Alternate Saga port/localization in development
>Demo for The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak is now available on PS4 and Switch!
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II coming to Switch on July 25 in Japan
>Falcom Announces New Tokyo Xanadu for Series 10th Anniversary
minor correction
>Dengeki stream today on The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
I expect a crafts showcase today
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So there's no way he's not trooning in Kai right.
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I love Na-chan so much! She's the cutest!
Friends. I know we bicker at times, buy beneath it all know that I love kiseki and I love our brief time together in /fg/. I wish you all the best.
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The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II - SiN of Crimson

DONT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's over...
Cant wait for her to plap rean and put him in his place
How come Rufus gets to have an actual doll cumdoll that he can carry around like a sack of potatoes
I miss Rean already

CS1 was my first entry to the trails series. Rean was presented as your typical shonen protagonist, which I appreciate and didn’t mind. Since then, I’ve followed Rean’s journey all the way up to Reverie - thus closing his character arc.

I’ve played the Kuro demo recently - and while I appreciate Van and consider his quirk to be distinct from the previous protagonist, with that gruff cynical pragmatism of his. A part of me began to miss Rean.

- I missed his modern samurai aesthetic

- His sad boy heroic selflessness

- Even his iconic “haha ”

But Rean’s onto new things now, and we’re journeying to a new trails chapter. I only played the demo, and don’t know whether we’ll see Rean again. But this is Van’s story and I’m confident that I’ll grow to like him over time.

Anyway, I’m not sure if anyone else felt the same going through the demo. So I wanted to share this to the void (pun intended). Rean’s the goat!
Shizuna is from the Water Septerrion Clan
Ka-Fai too and he is the 7th Anguis because we need an Anguis from each clan
Vita - Fire - Witches
Novartis - Earth - Gnomes
Mariabell - Mirrage - Crois
Ka-Fai - Water - Iska
why are reanfags incapable of letting him go
you didnt see a million posts per day of WHERES LLOYD WHERES ESTELLE all the time back when cs was going on but the minute hajimari was over they were already crying for more rean
>''Rean will return in Kuro 3 and will steal the spotlight''

Well... I said that 2 years ago and I'm living in the moment... I just didn't expect Van to be such a failure that they canceled Kuro 3 and changed the name to Kai
You've said this a dozen times larping as so many different types of fans, do you just know that no one cares about Rean anymore and you're trying to come up with increasinly dumber ways to deal with it?
>you didnt see a million posts per day of WHERES LLOYD WHERES ESTELLE all the time back when cs was going on but the minute hajimari was over they were already crying for more rean
That did happen though, newfag, and its why lloyd was in CS2
also, rean is simply the most popular protagonist even in JP where he has topped every single falcom character poll he's appeared in, including the ones for kuro 1 and kuro 2.
don't act like this is somehow shocking to you
CShitters only played CS. They aren't Kiseki fans. To them, Rean isn't a part of the series. He IS the series. That's why they refuse to accept that CS is over. They unironically sincerely want Kiseki to just be Rean going to different countries.
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>no one cares about rean anymore
>do you just know that no one cares about Rean anymore
>Kondo literally said the complete opposite
Okay bucko! /fg/ and their hivemind speak. lol.
If Kai
I'll have more reasons to mock Trails

I win anyway...
But I think it will end up being the second option... It's impossible for Falcom to be able to develop all the characters satisfactorily in a single game with a bunch of returning characters + dealing with the end of the world plot and revealing almost all the mysteries + rocket in space

We know nothing about Shizuna and Ikaruga, Grimcatz, Risette and Marduk, Feri and the Flame, Van's real parents + Vagrants-Zion and his romantic life (irrelevant but Falcom teased so much the love triangle to the point that fans are expecting something), Bergard, Nina and the church, Elaine and the White Supremacists, Jolda and Ix, Ouroboros... Aaron and Taikun are irrelevant for the big picture but Falcom will find a way to bring Cao back so I am expecting more Heiyue bullshit...

This game is going to be a complete mess...
is kai the most doomposted pre-release game in the series lmao
ive never seen it this bad
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I see lots of characters, I play
Simple as

Luv me ensemble casts
Luv me bloated rosters
Luv me cameos
Luv me MCU
Luv me deadpool (2 weeks btw)
its like this every time in /fg/
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Kuro 2 destroyed what little goodwill they had left
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Me too anon
I love Suikoden 2
Best game ever
Emma when???
Only if you visit /fg/, which you probably do. Touch grass.

Reddit is hyped.
Falcord is hyped.
Resetera is hyped.
Japan is hyped.
falcord bitches about everything even more than /fg/ does
>Reddit is hyped
Or you are banned
I was banned after saying that Rean Sucks (and threaten the admins' family but that's just a detail)
Crossovers that you wish could happen:

Tales of vs Trails

Ludger(Tales of Xillia 2) vs Van

Ludger: Oh cool, you can transform too.
Van: yeah, yours not looking bad either
Ludger: So when you transform, does your clothes stay inside that form or dematerialize so you're actually naked?
trails x honey select
>kurofags said Rean would never get a route
Rean gets many roots
I want daddy rean to stick his root up my ass
It's Hajimari 2...
I can't even hate on you anon as you just copy pasted it from reddit. Cold Steel fags in the general are annoying but at least some are just trolling. this nigga wrote everything out and didn't whince once when he decided to post it.
ffs, how do you write
>modern samurai aesthetic
>sad boy heroic selfishness
and not just cringe. Kuro is a new entry
with a main character that has a defined personality and rehashes the same arc but actually does it better (Kevin still did it the best). https://www.reddit.com/r/Falcom/comments/1dpxp9m/i_miss_rean_already/
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>schizzy coping this hard
damn, that rean pv really broke you, huh?
jusis and rean are so lucky...
Should I speed play Cold Steel?
That isn't possible
Didn't Chiplock speedrun the entire cold steel arc in a few hours?

I already beat kuso
Is this fake and gay or should I get out of bed?
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>She hasn't already played Kuro and Kuro 2
I've played Kai.
Question about Azure. Will I ever be forced to use Wazy or can I comfortably bench him? I'm at the part Randy has his nigga moment and managing with Noe but I don't want to waste money and quartz tryin to make Wazy useful.
at some point yes but its very short
the video switches to the english d*b at the 4:00 mark
I don't consume ESL MTL edited with fanfic, aka the spreadsharts and faggot general patches. I'm not that obsessed. I see all this Kai discussion and feel nothing. You're weird.
>Speaking of protagonists, Rean is liked a lot too. We detailed his background extensively, and there is no doubt he is the character we gave the most affection to. While Estelle is always cheerful, Rean has a somewhat sad side, which maybe adds to his depth as a character. The problem is, he has a force of attraction that's too strong and takes all the spotlight, so we hesitated to bring him into Kai no Kiseki... But everyone was happy about his return
Wazy is literally the strongest party member in the game and he gets an S craft that's significantly stronger than anyone else's by a considerable margin for story reasons. Randy is the worst playable character in Azure.
Hey. Maybe he's not a using faggot OP characters guy like yourself, and he wants to use the characters he likes?
Who was unhappy when Rean returned?
Retard, he says Wazy isn't "useful," not that he doesn't like the character.
>Rean has a somewhat sad side, which maybe adds to his depth as a character
imagine unironically thinking this
Didn't Rufus steal the spotlight in Rean's sendoff game even though Rean had 3x as many lines?
Imagine unironically thinking this lol
He's not useful because he still has his starting quartz and equipment. Because I don't like him.
The kiseki fanbase was literally nonstop SSS glazing from roughly 2018-2022, and there’s loads of “muh bestelle” posting, come on
Just know that I subvocalize your posts as a closeted homosexual with a nasally voice, FAGGOT.
>full melty in 4 hours
Are you announcing your 4 hour nap?
Yummy pancakes. The food in Kiseki always looks so delicious.
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classic falcom
oh this is the first time we see her lower half
jeans and white boots
oh my fucking god, don't have this be an excuse to release a FF7 Remake situation with Sky. keep the games as is and just have it be HD2D or use Kuro's engine
Trails in the Sky Remake starring Joshua Bright and his harem
A Trail in the Sky... Sora no Kiseki remake it's happening!
Haha, surely the next game will be good! The last 7 haven't been! 8 if you count Ys IX! But the next one? It will be good! This is the eternal cope.
on the surface we should all be hyped for "daybreak" 1 and 2 being on the horizon, but we might be the only ones who see things for how they actually are.
i can see a lot of people quitting after the disater that is daybreak 2, and a lot of others not even getting kai as a result
Rean is our Kiseki avatar. He is literally us. Just like us. To experience the stories and adventures through him is to experience them as ourselves in that world. Rean is our isekai portal/bridge to Zemuria.
wow you sound very cool
Trails X SRW
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Do you guys think people will leave the series after Kai? Putting aside whether the game will be good or bad, it might end up like Hajimari, with a lot of people leaving the series, since it's the end of an arc, so a good ending point if you aren't interested in more.
I don't care much about a Far East arc so far and would have rather gone to another country.
make it happen terada
Nah, sunk cost, everyone who is in, is in. I more or less believe the 90% thing, maybe it’s slightly undersold so they can make Kai II and then wrap things up. The Kiseki model actually doesn’t suit Falcom because they started bleeding fans but need to turn a profit every year. I reckon they can salvage things with a Sky remake which they’ll somehow connect to or tease the newest Kiseki arc within and then they’ll start heading towards the finish line.
hajimari was the last straw for a lot of people. if kai is anything like it, i can see it happening.
but there will always be people who continue to hype up the subpar shit trails become, and daybreak 2 will have all the nisa-bootlicking youtubers hyping up for it and convincing people it's anything but donkey crap.
after that, though, maybe even they won't be enough to save trails
No, they either left after Hajimari because no more Rean or after Kuro 2 due to "what the hell" kind of game that was.
Sure there might be a little bump for Kai due to well animated Rean being in the game but otherwise the core fan base will likely stay until the end.
Don't think so
Kondo described kai as a game thats supposed to feel like 'the beginning of the end' so I wouldn't be surprised if they throw some cliffhanger to keep people hooked
Nothing will ever beat Haji
The post-CS4 period was fucking wild
They should end Kai on a cliffhanger, then take 4 - 5 years off from the series and focus on other things. No one's gonna buy the 14th direct sequel.
post sponsored by NISA
Falcom games sell well in the west. It's Japan that's going down the shitter. Clearly they're sick of this garbage. New IP is the solution. Unless the state of Falcom is the problem and not something else.
lol it sells better in japan what are you talking about
>growth vs decline
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>Falcom games sell well in the west.
>It's Japan that's going down the shitter.
The English patch isn't out yet you disngenuous retard
melty inc
Yeah, that's the Japanese PC players. Are you dense? Massive self-own, holy shit. Anti-localization schizo continues to display his low IQ, haha.
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>The English patch isn't out yet you disngenuous retard
>Yeah, that's the Japanese PC players. Are you dense? Massive self-own, holy shit. Anti-localization schizo continues to display his low IQ, haha.
reminder that 'trails is dying' fags are the same shitters that said CS3 never ever in 2018
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>Yeah, that's the Japanese PC players. Are you dense? Massive self-own, holy shit. Anti-localization schizo continues to display his low IQ, haha.
Not a single one of these ever came true lmfao
>nis shill at this hour
oh it is a seanigger lol
What's a seanigger?
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>The English patch isn't out yet you disngenuous retard
>Yeah, that's the Japanese PC players. Are you dense? Massive self-own, holy shit. Anti-localization schizo continues to display his low IQ, haha.
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>The English patch isn't out yet you disngenuous retard
regarding Kai
>Cross Story or do they return to the standard format?
>is it a Hajimari/Sky the 3rd or is it more akin to CS4?
more of a cope but
>chances of a game dedicated to regions we never were able to explore properly despite the importance (ex. North Ambria, Leman) before or after the finale?
please don't refer to chiplock like that
>all screenshots by the same guy in each image
haha... wow what a big hit!
Yep 90% of the screenshots are the same 2 people. Your MTL patch is not popular.
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Thank you for proving my point. NISA shill
You must be new here I guess
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>Yep 90% of the screenshots are the same 2 people. Your MTL patch is not popular.
>he posts the chinese and korean players
You ARE dense, holy shit. Can't make this shit up. How does it feel to be so stupid? Like, legitimately. You always show these mental deficiencies.
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>Erebonia - Germany
>Calvard - France
>Liberl - UK
>North Ambria - Northern Scandinavia
>Arteria - Vatican
>Crossbell - New York City
>Elsaim - Dubai
>Jurai - ??
>Ored - ??
>Leman - ??
nisa surely will troon him. I don't care honestly i'll keep masturbating to him and yes it's a HIM.
>>>Jurai - ??
Its still weird to me how they kept what he has between his legs a secret
does he have male and female parts and is basically a hermaphrodite? or does he like, have nothing there
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now I have to ask what in your opinion is the Israel of Zemuria
Techically on kuro said he got none so it's another kind of reprodutcive organ or he just has a cloaca? Fuck if i know and i don't care, my canon is that he has a peepee down there. Fuck the rest.
>You ARE dense, holy shit. Can't make this shit up. How does it feel to be so stupid? Like, legitimately. You always show these mental deficiencies.
Erebonia is Prussia
Liberl is Thailand
Crossbell is Taiwan
Remiferia is Scandinavia
Arteria is Vatican City
North Ambria is Russia
Leman could be Switzerland
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>nisashill doesn't even know about /fg/ timeline
he did it in one 19 hour'ish charity stream
His times were
>CS1: 4 hrs, CS2: 3hr30m, CS3: 5hr12m, CS4: 4hr16m
If you want to. You kind of have to play CS2 immediately after CS1 though because of how CS1 ends. its a fun game, but i don't think you should feel pressed to play it if you don't think it looks interesting. CS1 is effectively a filler/setup game for the actual plot that happens in CS2, and most of it is slice of life and introducing characters and themes for the games.
Kiseki isn't dying, it's dead as of Kai since every game must revolve around CS characters now instead of allowing characters to stand on their own regardless of popularity and shilling.
concession accepted
You are not making the point you think you are making. In fact, you make yourself look dumber and dumber with every single post. Jesus CHROIST, anti-localization schizo. You are legitimately stupid. I usually use "sub-80 IQ" as a joke, but I think actually are that dumb.
weren't joshua and estelle literally shoved into zero right after their arc ended
Actually, Swin and Nadia aren't Cold Steel characters.
holy shit you're retard lol
my hero is so beloved.
at least reanfag behave better than delusional nisashill
no wonder their general flopped hard
I don't hate that Rean is back they obviously they still have plot threads for him and it's not like an Estelle in CS4/Reverie situation where shes just there for no reason. I hate that Reanfags act like he's the protagonist of the entire series and that everything should revolve around him. 90% of the fucking Kai posts are about Rean you'd think there wasn't an entire game around it too. And I know i'll just get some shitpost "haha our Rean is too powerful" reply but Reanfags are just obnoxious.
>the west is growing
>japan is declining
>here let me show you a picture of the JAPANESE VERSION, which is NISA's 2023 version with 120 peak players
>and now let me show you the CHINESE AND KOREAN VERSION
You. Are. Unfathomably. Stupid. Holy kek.
>the protagonist is going to be rean from the normal end of CSIV wandering into the sky remake timeline
Thank for proving my point. retard
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>Trails in the Sky: RE
>it will be a duology covering the event of FC and SC. 3rd will be abridged post-game content in the second game.
>rean from the normal ending of IV is the protagonist, having found his way to the new timeline after wandering around in the beyond. josette and kloe become part of his harem
warmer than average climate at high latitude
amazing intelligence network
lots of soft power for small country
likes tea
surrounded by water
probably very evil under the surface
based on the dutch more like, their royal family has dutch name.
You're the guy who thought Falcom sold 900k copies of their games in the west the other day, right? You are objectively stupid. You're failing to make the point that you think you're making. You are unironically an unintelligent person. Sincerely.
>I hate that Reanfags act like he's the protagonist of the entire series and that everything should revolve around him
the fact it pisses you off because you're such an autistic loser is why it happens. its literally just shartku posting but for jrpg fags.
go fuck some pussy and take a shower and it might stop.
ppl here are complaining that Rean had five games in a row as the main protagonist, whereas Estelle/Joshua had only two, and Lloyd three. While Rean won't be the main protagonist in Kai, he still had five games focused on him, so seeing him again after only two games is tiring for them, I guess.
To be fair, the only thing most JP fans are talking about since the first PV, is how happy they are that Rean came back, without caring much about anything else, and play Kai for Rean rather than Van.
>nina fenly
>担う(ninau) - to carry on one's shoulder, to shoulder, to bear (burden, responsibility, etc.)
sasuga kondo
>brought up the boogeyman
you make yourself look dumber and dumber with every single post.
fuck it would redeem this series so hard for me
A lot of people who defend Rean don't even like him that much. They just are ok with him and don't understand why you get bent out of shape like he's the Kiseki antichrist.
You know who you are. Every single time you post, you out yourself by being as stupid as only you can be. You thought each unit of 1k yen was a unit of video games sold. You are incapable of discussing anything other than Na-Ch*n's rancid vagina without collapsing in on yourself. Just take a look at what started this melty of yours. A completely innocent, objective post that is backed up by the metrics YOU posted.

Dude. You are dumb.
why is there such a divide between western and japanese fans when it comes to rean
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my take on what C7 characters should return desu. I do hope we get anything on Ash as he's one of the better things to have come out of Cold Steel, despite the retcon and curse bullshit. but I highly doubt he'd even make a return now
So you admit that nobody likes the ASO? Despite everything that /fg/ said?
>no you
stop embarrassing yourself
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suffering from success
there isn't, necessarily, it's just a divide in the west between skyboomers and normal fans of the series who like all the games
the reason is because skyboomers always had this strange delusion about kiseki being some kind of deep or sophisticated franchise because of XSNEED's fanfic changes to the script and their own headcanon about where the series should go/should have gone
japanese fans and contemporary western fans on the other hand have always acknowledged kiseki as being mcsloppa and enjoy it for what it is
also muh black haired weeb swordsman who quotes miyamoto musashi and fucks a harem of hot sluts
Japs probably love to self insert themselves into Rean I guess? not that it isn't hard considering he barely had any character to speak of in the first Cold Steel games and the characterization was overshadowed by all the for (you) bullshit doko...
With Kevin hanging out with Swin, Nadia and the others so far, I don't think Gaius or any other church member will make an appearance apart from Celis and Rion. Maybe Ein and Thomas appear as NPCs to drop a bunch of lore like in CS3, but I think that's it.
Holy shit I made this meme then lost it. Thanks for posting it.
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you're welcome, bro
>he says after copying a previous post verbatim
Sub-80 IQbro... you're so fucking dumb. Every time you post you make yourself look even dumber than before! And to think your melties are always associated with anti-west in general. It really makes on think. Not you, though. You don't think.
she said she was going to travel the world. traveling to calvard is not out of the question
would likely tag along with emma
fie is already in calvard for bracer work. no reason sara couldn't be called in to help with whatever problem
his brother is doing shit in calvard, he could show up to help
could show up as a part of some diplomatic mission
could show up if the SSS show up. international police work or whatever.
could show up to play music on tour
could show up with jusis
>laura, musse kurt

not saying that any of them are going to show up but "0 reason to be in calvard" is obviously false
>could show up to play music on tour
This is unironically a reason that Kisekifags think of as to why a character should appear.
Rean really rattles some feathers here, lol.
rixia showed up to dance at a school festival for ten seconds. you need to lower your standards
>still using 'no you' tactic
keep going thread clown
Obviously it was meant for another post, I reposted it
>if i attempt to pretend to be retarded people might think i'm not actually retarded
You're retarded. All your posts are retarded. You're crippled by autism on top of having a low IQ. You're a fucking moron. Every single attempt at making an argument makes outs you as that one dipshit /fg/ poster who always says the most retarded shit because he's retarded. The slightest thing triggers your turbomelties. This isn't shitposting or an attempt to insult you. I legitimately think you're an idiot.
They already had Rixia's model from Kuro 1, none of those fags have a model ready to go. This would also be on top of having to make them playable which obviously isn't happening if they couldn't even make Lapis playable.
O oink
>if i attempt to pretend to be retarded people might think i'm not actually retarded
>hurr durr
Sorry, your retardation is plain to see.
She looks like one of those blue haired goddesses from Ys.
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they are already reusing mint's cs4 model. no reason they can't do the same for other characters with some modifications to the face
t. NISA shill
O oink O oink
Not really. Rean's super popular in the west too. It's surprise me there's still people who think he's only popular in Japan.
You seem sensitive about being called retard. I wonder why.
Farewell, O paypig
Your emotional intelligence seems to be as low as the quality of your bait, anon. Could you also suffer from similar mental deficiencies as the other guy?
Ooink Ooink Ooink
No need to keep announcing your retardation, sub-80 IQ schizo. You're lashing out after making a fool of your sales regarding Falcom sales yet again. Ouch! If you only had self-awareness, you might actually feel embarrassed, haha.
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I thought that people only liked rean ironically because of all the memes and shitposting... I genuinely don't find him a good character at all.
Ooink Ooink Ooink O onik?
is there a canonical explanation for the Albarea family's obsession with artificial lolis
Well, you're not everyone. Sorry.
>hurr durr i announce my mental deficiencies once more because to me that is funny because i am we todd did
Haha, you don't say.
it's bong schizo
Neither are you, xis.
Schizzy is interpreting factual information published by Falcom themselves as NISA shilling. This is what triggered him:
>japanese sales are declining
>western sales are growing
It has caused untold damage to his schizo mind. He's STILL seething about it.
>having to make them playable
Like Lapis is playable?
hit a nerve huh?
Dengeki stream in 20 minutes
Yeah, reality is a tough pill for schizzy to swallow. It enrages him. Next he'll say Falcom's lying and that it's part of the NISA agenda.
Kai will have one sale
Elliot is so lucky
Good chunk of returning characters won't be playable like Ries, Emma or gaius.
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love renny
Kuro 1, 2 and Kai will sell more in Japan than in the west, but in a decade from now, the west will make up the majority of their profits. Already approaching the 50% mark, and that's pre-barrage of recent Falcom releases in the west.
Yeah it pretty clearly is an angloid subhuman.
>this guy has no clue he got roasted.
but how would he be able to help Rufus? he's got plenty of assets stored up, got by just fine during Reverie and has the picnic squad if he would need something to be taken care of
don't see her appearing unless Jusis is involved. I also don't feel like she would be able to make an appearance without being glued Jusis
I felt iffy about him the as he could be a representative sent out by Erebonia, just like you mentioned, but I think Imperial Family would be a better fit for that if anything.
not feeling this one though. we'd probably get a rep for Crossbell but I don't think it would be her. unless there's something going on at the border, I think the SSS would just go on about their day.
>Emma, Elliot
point taken, I only factored in major story appearances so I didn't consider them

I'll admit that it was a poor choice of words on my part
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not everyone can enjoy hahaman kino, i guess..
See any of the posts calling you an idiot for attempting to pretend to be retarded when you actually are. Not a valid defense when you've been outed as a legit retard already, sub-80 IQ-kun.
They do. The ironic memes just became unironic over time like every ironic meme does.
>instant replies
hi bong schizo
>xsneed fan-fic
then what about japs?
>sub-80 IQ-kun continus his futile crusade caused by a completely innocuous, objective statement
Haha, that's our resident we todd!
I like Trails, can I post here?
Why are Reanfags so toxic?
Why are Vanfags such a losers
starting to get pathetic at this point.
You've been pathetic from the start, getting triggered HARD by an objective statement released by Falcom themselves and flooding the thread with a perceived counterargument to the contrary. Sad!
do japs get pissed off when english speakers raid all their streams with their shitty memes
Because they are nigger loving faggots
Because kondom axed his arc
only if you like 英雄伝説 閃の軌跡
they don't care about us
Yeah, so hard. Almost as hard as the guy who had an hour long melty because Falcom said the west is growing while Japan is declining! Nerves have been struck alright, haha...
>schizzy's malding so hard he's just quoting random people at this point
Yep, see >>483830075
>/fg/ already shitposting in the stream chat
>falcom: western profits are growing year of year, japanese sales are declining year over year
ohnononono sub-80 iqbros we're so fucking stupid
The googles look far more detailed than on the CSIV model, though the hair is kind of weird as if it's from an older engine, which it is.
We should do translation again for the schizo's massive meltdown.
First we have to make the tools for it, which I assume isn't easy enough.

It's on
>He replied to a post that called him schizo.
It's ok. We get it.
Haha, running a text file through DeepL isn't "doing a translation" but that's a different story. You get triggered by everything. Even Falcom's reports. You lash out, and in so doing, expose your low IQ. You're the turboschizo who spends 16 hours a day here, and you are DUMB. Objectively so. Pants-on-head retarded-tier dumb. You can't even form coherent thoughts.
He doesn't seem so serious anymore
mr kondom popped on screen then disappeared
Kondo surprise attack lol
mazu ano...
Hey, anon. Hey. Falcom reported that the west is growing YOU while Japan is declining YOY. How does this make you feel? Do you feel a barrage of melties coming on?
>She is already melting down
>He replied to a post that called him schizo. again
It's okay..
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why does falcom love vests so much
why did they make rufus look like a pimp bro
I'm making fun of your super low IQ and the fact that factual information released by Falcom has induced this incredible melty. It's a shame you can't delete the your previous posts to hide how stupid you revealed yourself to be, huh?
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I see them
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they like belts more
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thread rn
Is Kondo taken hostage?
can someone translate what hack is saying?
It's the same room he recorded for NISA back in the day...
Why the spoilers?
Nothing you say or do will change the fact that you got triggered hard by a public Falcom report and your immediate cope was that the bearer of the message had to be NISAfag, and so you formulated your responses as if you were being attacked by le NISA boogeyman. This is NISA derangement syndrome in effect. It's impressive how predictably stupid you are.
like pottery
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He looks better than in this picture.
hes talking about the tremendous effort they go through to design the best cumdolls
Do you feel no shame or embarrassment? You did, after all, do as stated in this post. >>483831854 and now you and your buttbuddy are attemping to dog-pile me while ignoring your idiocy. Low, low IQ. Pants-on-head retarded. The /fg/ special!
Is this faggot ever going to talk about this mysterious Sky thing they're working on or is just gonna say "Haha... we're gonna talk about it in two more weeks please look forward to it" over and over
>Kondo confirms sky remake
oh shit bros...
>We're told the Japanese love Rean but westerners hate him
>We're also told that CS dropped sales in Japan but that Trails grew massively in the west when Rean was the current protagonist
So which is it?
delicious melty isn't it?
the first half was reminiscing on sky, most of it was in the earlier interviews
"what zemuria is" will be answered in kai
something kiseki-related will be announced this year
He doesn't say much:
>Development is going well, they are in the last spurt.
>Ouroboros' true plan and Zemuria's secret will be revealed in Kai.
>Many more characters will come back.
>He will announce something this year for new players (probably the Sora remaster).
>The series will continue for a few years
trust the plan.
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>Many more characters will come back.
This game is going to be fucking awful.
All posts are me btw
Responding to yourself after you've made a fool of yourself for getting triggered by an OFFICIAL FALCOM REPORT is sad. You're actually responding to what made you look so stupid in the first place! Imagine that! Haha...
sky remake is like ff7r
story will be different
then we straight to final arc
I heard him talk about why kuro 3 became kai or some shit, he didn't talk about the structure of kai?
I figured that out when I saw the picture of Elaine leading bracers, cops and *Heiyue* against anti-immigration group number 296 in three games.
>uh if you repeat something found in an official falcom report you are nisa shill
>let me post completely unrelated data in an attempt to prove you wrong
>then let me respond to you nonstop while pretending to be retarded to attempt to save face after actually making myself look completely fucking retarded
>no tio
trash art
it is because kai will be the "climax" of the series, and they wanted to differentiate it from being just a sequel
No, he said he changed the name so that people, including his staff, understand that they are entering the climax of the story.
Elie-san... my wife...
this is just your own false dichotomy that you made up in your head though and has been debunked every time its come up the past few threads, even in this very same thread.
Oink Oink Oink
You will enjoy the scenes with 50 characters on screen regurgitating the same sentence over and over again
They're still trying to force Elie instead even though nobody cares about her at all.
>hurr durr
Already know you're retarded. You got triggered by a Falcom statement and approached it as if you were being attacked by NISAfags.
>8000 yen
I care.
>/fg/ somehow understand japanese
something improved
I see
One of the insane shitposters here is actually Hansuke. Nothing's improved.
Is there anything new? I'm tired of Kevin's face already.
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Bros we didn't hear any of Singa's kino as of yet...
More memberberries. You like Reverie right? You'll love Kai.
Not until the end where they should be showing crafts. It's going to take a while since they have 7 characters to get through.
>linear hallway dungeon
yep, it's falcom time
That's suck
Kevin and Van look way too similar
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Kurogane and Kevin have Van's model, while Rean has Jesse's model.
They 100% use the same 2 basic models for every male and female face and modify them from there.
falcom games always have sameface
/fg/ only problem is bong schizo
You mean Jesse has Rean's model.
Bros, I'm still mad that they stole the best looking outfit Rean had in the CSIV concept art for rufus in reverie
Jesse came first
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>rufus now dresses like albert wesker
cant wait to hear d.c. douglas as him in kai's dub in 5 years
sasuga falcom
Nah, that's just something that's currently on your mind. The anti-localization schizo who got triggered immediately by official data and responded as if he was under attack by NISAfags is the true issue and is very likely several named schizos, including Schizua.
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Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink
Hardcore sexo for the purpose of babymaking.
I miss her joints tho, big fetish of mine.
you can see the joints on her model
See? Here he's still lashing out after making a fool of himself for his previously mentioned behavior. Insane. Falcom data bad! Must have melty!
Are you a NISA employee?
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She still has joints.
Kai really is a humiliation ritual for Kevin. Why does the Calvard arc hate everything that came before it?
I can't wait for Van and Lapis bonding
>Calvard really is a humiliation ritual for kiseki fan.
Does Falcom's official financial reports trouble you? Exactly how does repeating Falcom's claims that Japan is in decline while the west is growing NISA-related from a poster's perspective?
literally the same as his cs3 model but improved graphic
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I hope Swin (and Nadia) don't appear much in Kai, they're so utterly boring, but I guess they have a big role again
>asked nicely
>got schizo replied
they really triggered you HARD
Seething Cold Shitter.
she didnt even have joints in her hajimari swimsuit, so its even better now

>I miss her joints tho, big fetish of mine.
They were carried hard by Rufus and Lapis in Hajimari.
did you click on the wrong post to reply?
Van will bring her and jolda to the patiserrie in front of ariamis, stuff them with sugar and plap them both.
That's a completely neutral response. Seems like you're just inherently in a triggered state at the moment. Read it again.
Well they're CS characters so of course they're going to hog screentime since Kondom can't let go of Cold Shit.
They probably just threw them in because they already have the models. They didn't make new art for them. They'll probably just be there so Rufus has a full party for whatever he does.
Do they really think people care about this boring picnic squad?
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>picnic squad
Nice selfie
They're officially not Cold Steel characters. That's why Cold Shitters despise them.
>they're still talking about swin and nadia
i don't hate them or anything i just want them to talk about new returners instead of characters that were in kuro
Rean and Crow weren't in the famitsu article so they might now
we're literally dealing with badly mentally ill people here. i used to assume "troll" every time, but there comes a point wherein you know the falcom community well enough to see that some of the people here base their entire lives around trails and /fg/.
they can't turn it off, so any attempt at reason is wasted energy
Half of kuro 2 was about them, they will probably throw something something ouroboros is using the garden and there is another garden master yadda yadda.
At least i wish they were fun to play, they have the worst craft setup ever, you can abuse swine crit tag but... why? I can do litterally anything else and do something better.
First stream? They discuss every character that got put in the news of the week.
it's too soon for them. they will them as the last surprise
Rean and co. will come in the next Famitsu news probably in 2 weeks.
First week on this general, really
I guess they like to pad the stream haha
>Responding to yourself after you've made a fool of yourself
yeah, i'm usually asleep instead and catch up later
the only reason i'm awake right now is because i just got off work
are they actually going to give her new crafts this time
>he says, demonstrating said mental illness
That's not my post, and I KNEW you'd immediately respond like this. I don't samefag, nor do I change my posting style. You interpreted an official Falcom statement as Nathaniel personally going after you, and here we are hours later and you're still mad.
might not*, as in they wont be in the stream
Doubt it. I'm surprised they even bothered to make new s-crafts for the main Kuro party.
if they show them, it'll be at the end of the stream, but i doubt it'll be this one.
if they frontloaded the stuff everyone wants no one would watch the stream to the end, kek
>rene is nice for elaine, van is too dark for her
>6'0 vs 5'11
manlet riiin haha
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cant believe he mogs van like that though
no wonder japs self insert as rean, he's tiny lmfao
>neutral response
No wonder why everyone is calling you schizo.
>kuro san towers over riin
I just noticed those belts across his vest and I can't stop laughing. Goddamn it Falcom.
touristbros the screenshots are up in 1080p on the kai website
He'll never be cool as dudley in zero\ao with the *unties tie* craft but ehi, he is trying.
great, crossbell entertainment district clone in edith
>only 3k viewers in stream
looks way better than in kekbell
>Wider shoulders
>Better haircut
>Fucked vita
Rean keeps losing and losing, he litterally breaths and in some way he loses to someone.
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Yeah, you're probably getting tired from unleashing all that rage unprompted. Never forget, what started your mental breakdown was the official Falcom financial report.
Your poor social skills and reading comprehension doesn't change the fact that it's a neutral response. It asks if you're troubled by the financial report since that is the crux of your melty, and then it asks how the contents of the report relates to your NISA boogeyman in any way. You truly are not lucid.
I think this is the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art
They're all in the webp format and they don't know how to convert it.
imagine how exciting this would have been had it not leaked days ago haha...
to be fair, rean wants crow to fuck him too.
the text in japanese is 近現代美術館 which means modern arts museum so I think you're right
they're really padding the stream
i dunno why you guys complain about it these streams are the same every time
Fuck off back to discord retarded tourists.
When will they move on with their repetitive shit?
Well You know what I I think......huh well huh That is huh.......................your poopy head yeah that worked how is that for counter argument!
>we are totally being discord raided at 9 in the morning
>when the thread is this slow
>what are timezones
Dumbfuck mutt.
Pretty much as expected considering what triggered this extended melty was, again, an official report published by Falcom. Now, who's the schizo in this scenario? The guy posting objective information, or the guy spamming "OINK OINK OINK" and going on the offensive in response to said objective information because he interpreted it as a personal attack?
It's clear they're only here because of Rean and never actually watched one of these streams.
hai hai hai hai hai the stream
The loli from Trails 2 raped my ass enough that I rage quit the series. YS better be better
Stop using big words and use simple ones I don't understand complex things
God i wish a loli raped my ass. Which one are refering to?
eroge music
>lapis not playable
its over
what the fuck was that music LMAO
kingakino is back
jesus christ...
explain this
Ngl, Kevin's S-craft is lame as fuck.
the singa haters are sperging out as per usual, it's getting boring.
that Ban fist combo looked sick
Explain what? Your continued attempts at making light of your low IQ? Remember, you got triggered by the public Falcom financial report because you interpreted it as NISAfags shitposting!
i expect to hear this new track in kiseki MMD porn AMV's in the future.
literally sounds like the type of music you'd hear in goon edits
don't ask how I know
Singa should make a gabber track
sickly trash
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so best move rn is fuck off until September
yawn af
kek this
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>don't ask how I know
The chat is demanding Rean.
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Kevinkeks... they keep bullying our boy.......
this might be the main menu
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i missed trails of middlebangs
So she's still tiny and loli sized, just normal loli like Altina, not smallest character in the series small
You really have poor social skills and reading comprehension.
that's all the content, now it's just them peddling goods for the rest of the stream
>shitty hair-style
>same retard model as van
>trash-tier s-craft animation
Now the discord mongrels can fuck off back to their shitheap.
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>the drone is once again employing his beloved NO U
Haha, that's our assmad schizo! Never forget. Falcom financial report bad! It's NISA propaganda!
You fucking nailed it lmao. That's exactly what it sounds like.
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>you got triggered by the public Falcom financial report
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>up to his chest now
what a fucking downgrade
this truly was the peak height ratio
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where the FUCK are my real life cumdolls, falcom?
>light of your low IQ? Remember,
I don't understand those complex words but did you call me stupid?
Why they downgrade Shizuna to Rixia tier?
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Van is so cool
imagine having no knowledge of trails and stumbling upon this image as the first thing you see from the series
You do be the /fg/ cretin, haha...
i preferred her being tiny but im just glad shes still small and doll jointed
worst case wouldve been if she stayed in her fairy body, it looked awful
is discord in the room with us right now?
Finally, Falcoom being trendsetters once again by adding a gooning (mini)game to Kai
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>worst case wouldve been if she stayed in her fairy body, it looked awful
take that back...
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>schizo start talking to himself
mission accomplished
He's just a cringe copy of Rean. The fanbase want the real one. Fuck off Van.
the coolest
altera looks amazing and is a sex goddess. fairy lapis just looks bad
You're going to be making the onions face whenever Rean is on the screen kek
You're the schizo, though. All I've done is call you retarded for interpreting data from the financial report as NISA shitposting. I'll keep calling you retarded until you stop responding. Takes no effort and it's mildly amusing to see your week attempts at insult.
>fairy lapis
uh.... what do you even mean?
I would trade rean for nadia and swin every time of the day, seriously. AT LEAST and i hate rean, at least he has a story and a character. Nadia and swin are unsuffurable. i don't care about them, i don't care about muh assassins discount renne and joshua. I don't give a single shit about them, fuck off and stop stealing time from other characters.
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Reminder that he still has 2 other s-crafts on top of the Grendel s-crafts
shut the FUCK up reanfag lapis is our princess
>the drone once again employing his beloved NO U
Haha, that's our assmad schizo! Never forget.
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the colors and lack of evil expression ruin her
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can't wait for crow to have bareback sex with rixia and refuse to take responsibility
USbros we won...
>made in USA
................fg bros..............NISA won again...........
I hope there is a fairy costume for lapis.
"Man that fucking guy is so cool, fit and i litterally want to be him and having a cumdoll, tell me what game i have to play to experience that particular character".
At least Nadia and Swin saved Kuro 2
Holy shit, you're mad.
Oh, that one.
I agree.
>the schizodrone is having a complete breakdown
Haha, you're having a hissy fit. Like a child stomping around because they've been scolded for being retarded.
This one might just be a craft
I wonder if he still has goten hanshio craft from kuro 2.
They destroyed Kuro 2.
See >>483837909
Nothing can deflect from the fact that you received sever anal fissures from interpreting data from the financial report as NISA shitposting. Haha, you should take a nap after these hissy fits of yours.
40 hours long filler nobody cared about while on the other side you had harwood and more important shit. They were a filler in hajimari because they couldnt manage to give rufus a party, they were filler on kuro 2, they are filler. Nothing more.
Thank you for the lighter NISA now every time I think of /fg/ I can get a nice smoke.
Regular crafts don't get unique backgrounds like that.
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lmao they give rean all 3 of his close companions, but give lloyd elie and rixia. tio and randy wouldve been so much better
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Rean is pictured with his harem and lloyd is pictured with his own harem, what's the issue??
Have they ever removed an S-Craft, not counting generation jumps from CS2>CS3? Souten Hanshou was peak no way they cut it
Kek. Get recked Vantard
NISAs going to sell this to us at 20 dollars a pop bros
now he mad af
>it's STILL responding to itself to make itself seem more unified and less retarded
>NISA selling 20th anniversary merch 3 years after the 20th anniversary
Yep I can see it
No you missed the point entirely, those are fuckbuddies pics.
Estelle fucks both josh and renne
Van fucks elaine and agnes
Rean fucks crow, alisa and altina
Rufus fucks lapis
Kevin fucks ries
Lloyd fucks rixia and elie
>Randy and Tio not in the harem
Rean would never have sex with Crow
I will wait for a bonding event between Van and Rean in Kai.
Tio is for Mishy-sama and Randy is too busy plowing Mirielle's titties to be part of Roido's harem
Why not? I would have sex with him and i would have sex with every girl of cs except alisa.
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Tio is probably whoring herself around the orbal net. Randy is breeding his bitch.
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renny cutest i love her
no Sky remake RIP and they promised it last stream too
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Ban-san is so cool!
dont be rude
Direct feed

Hey falcom, when are you going to provide 4k 60fps footage?
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The only loli villian
>spent money to post
>not even a NISA employee
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Singa bros we're so back.
What do you guys think about Kevin S craft?
>Mirage MQ
>When there are no enemies around, atk+5%
...what? what the fuck? This literally sounds functionally useless if it works like that. what does it mean?
need to see it with voice acting and sound, but it doesnt look exciting
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looks like Lapis can still participate in BLTZ despite not being playable
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This is totally going to be one of the menu screens won't it, similar to Kuro 2.
That empty space on the lower right for New game and so on.
A bit underwhelming desu, but not bad.
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can't wait for the goon montage on the orbal net to drop
>same score as reverie
lmao so much for the amazing fresh start
did they post a video?
>outs himself as head schizo without a second thought
>continues to mald about falcom's financial report being brought up because NISA's always on his mind
>Same score as Reverie
Good to know that we're in for some true KisekiKINO
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kek this reminds me of Odin Sphere
Haha, and this is WITH the woke bonus. Don't worry, that South American fag from Noisypixel is gonna boost the score by 2 - 3 points with his 10/10 review. You'll get your 81/100 average yet!
why are you having a melty? buddy?
8/10 isntead of 9?
It's that bad huh?
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel is an exciting new start for the series.
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 3 is an exciting new start for the series.
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero is an exciting new start for the series.
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie is an exciting new start for the series.
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak is an exciting new start for the series. <-------- you're here

nice scam pattern
I'm not having a melty. You are, objectively. Falcom's finances should be added to the list of things that induce melties in the schizos here.
do you really expect them to be like "no sorry you have to play 10 games before this one" in the marketing lol
Just a few years ago not even sky or cold steel got IGN reviews now look where we are times sure have changed haha
no game to review rn
>noisey pixel gave it 8.5 instead of the usual 10 shill review
>even nayuta got a 10
>which mini games do you hope returns?
>everyone picks card game
You faggots aren't real Trails fans nobody picked Fishing?
>the favela monkey gave it 10/10 because of rean, not because he's a hopeless kiseki cultist
>FC is a 1/10
Kill IGN.
Fishing is barely even a minigame at all, retard. Only the Pom minigame and Vantage Masters have been actual minigames so far.
i'll just come back when this melty is over...
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Another half assed translation from Nishit haha...
But the reviewed Reverie last year and lots of games came out

also >>483840068
whats this faggot Gayorg Yang doing? you can't just say Daybreak is good start for new players then do this fucking shit pick a side not both
>Lack of Difficulty: Even on the hardest difficulty, the game is markedly easier than previous entries.
>Superficial LGC Alignment System: The moral alignment system lacks significant impact on the overall story.
>Handling of Villains - While a relatively minor gripe that did not impede enjoyment, the antagonists are excessive with their attitudes and actions to a comical extent. Some writing choices and justifications mitigate these faults, but not entirely.
Kurofags got utterly fucking ANNIHILATED lmao. Even the biggest Falcomshill hated it.
Fishing is fine, but card games are more fun. Thought I like Pom better.
Ah. I see we're using the /v/ scale of game reviews where everything below a 9 is unplayable.
>antagonists are excessive with their attitudes and actions to a comical extent
It's ok when cs does it.
hmmmmmmmmmmm NEWFAG SPOTTED
Orpheus Joshua is a norotious falcom shill who gives every game Falcom releases 10/10. And even HE couldn't give Kuro a 10/10.
Is there any complain about the lack of s-crafts cut in? that's the most unforgivable point of kuro for me
This has nothing to do with NISA, like it's not ambiguous in the JP version. I do think that this decision was very much influenced by western sensibilities and ideals (like that Mishy Show in Danger) thing, but it's a thing that is happening 'at the root.' You can't blame NISA for this. It's not even localized by NISA yet!

I have no recollection of this. Screenshot?
>favela monkey only likes rean games
color me surprised
Aside from Helmut and Cayenne, Cold Steel's antagonists are more grey than
>it's not ambiguous in the JP version
It is not, but nisa will "fix" that. We shall see it.
>Daybreak’s quests also provide great worldbuilding. One particularly fun one has Van’s party travel to a secluded island to clear its monsters so tourists can safely explore. In an amusing twist, a tour guide appears and gives the party a guided expedition while they’re busy fighting. They’ll periodically stop at certain points to describe local legends, but while the party keeps hoping to learn fun facts, each of the tour guide’s stories instead involves something horrifying, such as people getting devoured by monsters when a high tide occurs or a certain cavern being named “Death’s Head” because it was littered with human remains. The length and effort that these side quests go to in order to make them genuinely entertaining is one of the best aspects of the series.

Kuro fans we FUCKING WON!!!
why does everyone keep calling him vahn in the reviews
the game is voice acted they say van
one review even said "sprijin" instead of spriggan
Always minus two of the ign score.
>Innovative Character Development: Van Arkride's morally gray nature and unique background create an engaging protagonist.
>Immersive World-Building: Calvard's cultural and financial climate is richly detailed through NPC interactions.
>Addictive Combat Systems: The new orbment system and seamless switch between action and turn-based combat keep gameplay fresh.
>High-Quality Localization: NISA's strongest localization to date with excellent editing and minimal errors.

you lost
It's the same fucking thing dude. Get a grip on it.
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The top review is from a Brazilian. Really makes you think. Gaybreak really is for the favela aficionados, haha.
>nisa surely will troon him
I mean NOT wrong Falcom confirmed he is one in Kuro 2 NISA is just taking advantage of the tools Falcom give them
>>High-Quality Localization: NISA's strongest localization to date with excellent editing and minimal errors.
>High-Quality Localization: NISA's strongest localization to date with excellent editing and minimal errors.

>High-Quality Localization: NISA's strongest localization to date with excellent editing and minimal errors.

>High-Quality Localization: NISA's strongest localization to date with excellent editing and minimal errors.

>High-Quality Localization: NISA's strongest localization to date with excellent editing and minimal errors.
Haha, we already know their localizations are 90%+ accurate as a whole at the bare minimum outside of the nitpicking retards grasping at straws to maintain their ESL MTL delusions.
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>browsing /fg/
>NISA's strongest localization to date with excellent editing and minimal errors
The fact that they have to point this just to shut up the censorship and the complete changing of characters and names is grim.
Even Ishmelga's goals made more sense as he would get stronger by spreading the curse and plunging Zemuria into a long and devastating war whereas Fearman is just doing it for no real reason at all.
Cold steel ended with 2. Damn that was a good series.
When are rest of old Class 7 coming back?
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Lolis and big books always work well.
Or the fact that they know NISAs localization history and bring that up is a good thing

Why are you always so grim?
NOOO MY MTL AGENDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fearman did it for THE EXACT SAME REASON. It wasn't a "world war" but a civil war inside calvard but the point was his heritage.
They are both monodimensional evil guys with a single plan covered by layers and layers of plot armor.
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But muh early 2000s machine translation is super accurate with no flaws
15 dollars an hour
>cs1 is the lowest rated game
They bring it up stating the false, so whatever you want to prove with it is automatically wrong. Nisa kuro is censored and changed, and that's the little we saw. Can't wait to see aaron dialogue.
Try again when it has same amount of more reviews than those.
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>it's real
Case in point!
Kingabros we're so back
I am a falcom fan and understood the brandish reference with blade, and the vantage masters reference with vantage masters. pom tetris was also fun.
i also want to see more gambling minigames.
Is nayuta good? God fucking damnit ONLY 20% discount it doesnt really look like a 30 bucks game.
Renne did not get sexually abused. Abused, yes. But not sexually. Stop spreading lies.
I thought it was okay at best. Very repetitive.
Rough. You should get a new job, but with your limited mental capacity, that's probably difficult. After all, you got very upset about official data coming your way and you're still going!
no, unironically no
its zwei3 with a kiseki coat
Gerard didn't give a single fuck about his heritage or civil war. His endgame was literally perpetual all-encompassing fear.
It wasn't the same as Ishmelga who had a primal urge to cause conflict.
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>But not sexually
Nigga people went to paradise to FUCK. You don't make a little girl dress as a boy just to beat her up.
>It doen't look like 30 bucks game
Because it isn't
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>83 and dropping
Yep, it's another 80 - 82 Falcom release, haha... So much for Falcom games being the best JRPGs ever. Not even the best JRPG released this year!
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It's okay, a low budget psp game for sure. Soundtrack is basically unused stuff dating back from trails 3rd. Level design is kiddy shit until the last few stages. Combat is braindead once you get certain skills. Some of the environmental models are pretty cool, better than ys and trails in some places, but that's it.
yes but i wouldn't buy it for 30 bucks
maybe 20 bucks
No one fucks in Cuckshitki. Guarantee it's just a masochistic torture dungeon for psychopaths.
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>Leave the reviews to me, kuso
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>we lost to ubisoft towers and REpaddingVII
This, but I did find Gerard a lot more entertaining as a villain than Osborne, the execution of the whole ishmelga and le curse plot device was really shitty and when I already got to the end I couldn't care less.
the dub sounds really shit from the videos i've watched
If not for the awful tournament and the never ending city liberation fights i'd actually like him
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>why yes, this promiscuous underage child who was on JRPG epstein's island was NOT sexually abused
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Kuro combat sucks. Not even the woke bonus was enough to get it above 85.
Rebirth is a massive flop. Daybreak will be too.
Maybe i am a fucking big brain but i can stll buy nayuta no kai for 13 bucks on steam and they say on steam * Previous owners of the original Japanese release of The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails on Steam can download the English update for free."
Is this retroactive?
too high
no one is paying that much for internet shill
No. They went to sniff red pills and hit children for fun. Its been retconned already.
Tbf, Rebirth is better than any Falcom game
Nayuta no Kiseki Kai is the CLE version. NISA originally released Nayuta in Japanese and updated it later, like Kuro now.
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Haha, that's our Ban-san.
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Here's a higher rated success from earlier this year. SMT5V also scored 87 based on a bunch of reviews. Metaphor is coming up also and will score in the 90s. It's over.
Argh shiet, ok i am not a big brain. Thanks for the answer tho.
>he is so mad he dropped his typo.
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Not too far off how I would have reviewed it, I would have made it the sole game of the year.
Why do we care about reviews again?
Its only good for foreshadowing the ending of the series. Watch a lets play.
It's pretty confusing, for a while before NISA updated Kuro's title to Daybreak there were two Kuro no Kisekis on Steam so if you didn't pay attention to the publisher you could have easily bought the wrong one.
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>if i remain unhinged and incoherent people won't be able to tell how stupid i am
Still got triggered by the financial report, thoughbeit. Thoughts?
Daybreak is still sitting at 11 critic reviews, CS has on average 30 reviews so I'll update metacritic list when Daybreak will have at least 30 reviews.
>Brings up SEVEN other games
You know, I'm surprised steam let falcom get out of this confusing mess scot-free.
>The tales Faggot is back again
welp time to sleep wake me up when Schizo is gone
>then I played Trails into Reverie and loved it so much
kek holy shit ed8-5ers be hogging the crack pipe
making fun of game journalist and NISA is /fg/ culture
When you wake up, the schizo will be back. You are the schizo and you will always be the schizo.
lower score means normies wont buy it our glorious, godly, flawless NISA products
Haha, you have to cope with the universal praise for NISA's localization somehow...
They will revive Loewe or reveeal he never died in the first place because Kondo still hasn't let go. Loewe was too cool and amazing.
nice projection sis
what the fuck is that font
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Jesus Christ NISA
where are we going?
>when it's plainly written in the first few posts of this melty
>uhhhh not me i'm only keeping the shitposting going but that totally wasn't me
Haha, unhinged!
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3 years for this shit
There is no way that song in the stream is real. It must be the Dengeki stream's inserted song right???
>making fun of game journalist and NISA is /fg/ culture
Your right..when their the butt of the jokes its funny and we have good time but the moment when WE become the joke its not funny anymore and we have to throw words like "schizo" to hide how insecure we are
>aaron speaking like a zoomer
about what i expected
he probably says pog in there somewhere too
how long is your crying fit going to last?
Judith's unshaven forest
"You kids derailed this series FOR THE LAST TIME".
My dick can go only this erect.


Is it talk no jutsu
hit a nerve eh?
So lapis will be like KeA in a fight?
Aaron loves Judith pussy (jussy?)
>NISA review is drowning out news
Kneel. Kneel TO YOUR GODS
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I don't know, you're STILL going after several hours, all because you interpreted official data as NISAfags coming for you and the anti-localization squad. It's really funny. You should screenshot the first 10 few posts and laugh at yourself if you ever have a lucid moment.
>shit talk NISA
>instant (you)
psyop post
It's zerofield randy again.
I don't think you can say pog anywhere in the web anymore. He will say fr fr probably o no cap.
I mean, obviously. They're WESTERN news and we're posting on a WESTERN board. No one actually cares about what happens in Japan.
anime website
Aaron the average Twitch streamer
Next-level cope for your goldfish-tier retention.
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Beauty's blade!
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I wonder if they will redo Renne, Hakai, Rion, Celis, and Zin's crafts too. They redid Swin's and Nadia's, so probably?
Na-chan is so fucking cute I love her
'vaan pls fuck me' the outfit
I see a little bit of booty cheek
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They definitely will. Everyone is getting a makeover.
Finally some character development
no lol its real
enjoy your porn beats
>/fg/cels are obsessed with fucking
>ironically no one ever fucks in kiseki
>holding hands causes too much embarrassment
>estelle hasn't made any progress whatsoever with joshua beyond attempts at holding hands almost a fucking decade later
>but the /fg/cels continue to be hyperfixated on imaginary sex
>The fucking lens gleaming.
Like it.
Do not fucking insult Judith, she does not have an unshaven forest down there. She keeps it smooth.
Rean is actually way deeper than Vaan. Vaan is just what virgins think is cool.
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The only way they could give her some attention is whoring her.
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>>holding hands causes too much embarrassment
Ban-san doesn't get embarrassed...
>Rean is actually way deeper than Vaan
True, Rean's asshole is way deeper than
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lmfao holy fucking shit
Estelle and joshua are going to turn 30 year old virgins in Kai.
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>zion got censored
yeah it sounds cool. What's wrong with it?
It takes a crippling form of 'tism to understand this anon's reaction or intent.
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They were too scared to use Zion huh?
pls tell me this is photoshop...
Vulva? Clitoris? Labia? LET'S GOOOOOO!
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Zionists RULE this franchise
>Too scared to use zion
>Use a jewish friendly term
My fucking sides. And you retards still give money or credit to nisa.
cool it with the antisemitism
s-she's fast!
>ban-san.. bathtime
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Notable Japanese Kiseki fans approve of the Kingakino.
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NISA shills will be defending this
vanbros... it's over... anies first sexual experience will be a disappointing one
>Grimcats (a reference to Ann Takamaki from Persona 5)
Pick your side
>Vagrants-Zion, the Bluish Black Drifting Demon King
>Vagrants Diaspora, Roaming Demon Lord of Daybreak
Trails of gay zionists
>Persona invented phantom thieves and cat burglars
As expected of IGN fufu...
Is Lapis not playable (like KeA) because there’s a lot of playable characters already?
there might be some copium that her new body isn't good enough
>Loves Singa
Yeah, that's why falcom has gone to shit if people like this are in majority.
Yeah. Official data from Falcom made you mald hard about NISA and you posted a bunch of self-owning screenshots because you're dumb. Your stupidity will forever be found in the archives, haha...
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You can see a little bit of Elaine's ass
deepest falcom lore butchered by nisa tranny fanfic as usual
Can this guy even TRY to be not cool as fuck every single time?
eventually some bullshit like this will be relevant in the story and the true fanfiction arc will begin
How will this work if you remove his sunglasses?
yah u b low iq fr
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>bluish-black just like Ban's hair
NISA sissies can't defend this
Selina Kyle? Never heard of her.
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They already killed the age difference between agnes and van for agenda so the tower scene on kuro 2 basically will never happen.
that is undefined actually
NISAbros I don't feel so good....
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Today, I will remind them,
>universally praised by media as having a great localization
>you've convinced yourself that is not the case
Haha, sounds more like you don't feel so good for other reasons...
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>From 45 to 18 on Amazon's best sellers list https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-PlayStation-5-Games/zgbs/videogames/20972797011
>zesty Kevin
I mean they also change Hollow core to Holo core, and that can also be problematic in the future.
>localization praised by people with no knowledge of the original
Couldn't be any more meaningless.
>THIS BREAKS MY AGENDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
More like Daybreaks it haha
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/fg/ bros........I don't feel so good
One specifically points out the accuracy of the translations, suggesting he does indeed have knowledge of the original version. Sounds like more cope!
Like I said its all fun and games until we in /fg/ are the jokes.
Objective statement:
>universally praised by media as having a great localization
Why does objectivity make you so angry?
Look a lot more impactful than in Kuro 1/2. I also remember the first version of Bandalize raido looking so choppy
Everyone sounds the same in the dub goddamn. Cold Steel's dub had tons of unqiue sounding voices.
schizzy's having a melty on /v/ now kek
>From 45 to 18 on Amazon's best sellers list
NO, I won't accept this, I refuse to accept this, it can't be reality.
>Praised only by the worst review site in the history of gaming.
they actually turned this scene into a big persona reference LMAO
dude what the fuck?
KURO 2 battles are so fucking slow and boring I'm just going to run from A to B on turbo so that I don't have to engage in them.
>t-t-that doesn't count!
Haha, and so the pile of copes grows... Here's the reality. You don't matter. Your patch doesn't matter. Your opinions don't matter. Nothing you say or do has any effects on anyone in this fandom. No one cares if you dislike the localization. You're a fart in the wind.
its a fucking anime game english dub wtf were you expecting
>enter battle
>hit every enemy with a craft and combo craft
>all enemies are dead
skill issue
haha Kuro chads win again
You don't hate NISA as much as you should. You think you do, but you don't.
i forgot how much i loved judiths cheesy superhero theme music from kuro 1
a shame they didnt use it in 2 and probably won't use it in kai
a shame they shafted the spriggans after the first game at all actually
/fg/ celebrated a little too soon desu.
XSNEED were damn slow but at least they wouldn't have fucked it up.
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>vibrating buttplug enthusiast condemns imaginary surface level connections made because he wants to be in a perpetual state of melty
Haha, that's our /fg/! Better tweet about it and get that confirmation you deserve.
But i am in the right. That's the fun part, you will convince yourself your fanfiction is right but you will never shut down the little voice in your head saying "you are reading wrong, this is false, nothing of this game is true" and you choose to ignore it. But is there, it always be there. Everywhere you will discuss the game everyone will tell you "bro nisa is shit". You will point out a nisa translation and someone will tell you "no, i know japanese they don't say that at all".
This is how you will live.
Me? I'll just apply the fan patch and enjoy the game.
Also this, it's really fun. How will you cope with this. You will CONVINCE yourself "yes judith did a PERSONA REFERENCE yes tha's exactly what falcom wanted her to say".
Even in Kuro 1 it was used like 1-2 times...
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actual, literal fanfiction
>Me? I'll just apply the fan patch and enjoy the game.
Will you? Your mald regarding localizations is ceaseless. Even now you're at the end of your wits about NISA's localization receiving universal praise. That seems to contradict the suggestion that you don't care.
nisa sure are heckin' poggers, guys!
i love how they go into business for themselves like narcissists and alter works to make them their own.
everyone knows they're the REAL stars of the show, and the better writers.
falcom's game are too plain and boring. thank god we have nisa to spice things up!
it's already known quatre identifies as m*le canonically
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how's that temporary $15/hr with no benefits gig going?
a real tough guy like van respects pronouns. he would never just ask what to call the faggot.
>receiving universal praise
One shitty website is universal.
You will always believe the yakisoba is an hotdog.
This is your level of delusion.
when the time came to take nisa down a peg and start a movement, this place shat its pants and did nothing.
with a coordinated attempt we could have overran their twitter, youtube and the subreddit, and really pissed off the nisa-sellout youtubers, just to get the message out.
don't expect anything from fg. they moan and moan but when it comes time to act they sit around wanking their chuffs to airgetlam porn.
you're all just kekky wanky wanks
that's literally how a young man would react to seeing boobs. what's wrong with this?
the issue is he's using shitty online slang speak instead of just going "NICE" or "HELL YEAH"
I would say NICE! not shoutng to rape her.
I would rape her, but i would not say it.
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I wonder if I should consider it impressive that the almost the same number of people bought Kuro 2. Also, what are we thinking for Kai? Increase or decrease?

It's a little off because it sells 'better' in Japan in raw numbers but those have been decreasing while Western numbers have been rapidly increasing to the point that revenue from the West is higher
probably going to increase a bit to between hajimari and kuro
the main reason western sales picked up while jp ones dwindled was the move away from mobile releases to console and PC, which are fairly unpopular in japan by comparison
Helmut and Cayenne at least have understandable motives, even if they're not very developed
Also he might be talking about the terrorists, which are the worst writing that Kiseki ever had.
The obsessive fandom reviewers obviously review first.
Crossbell confirmed the best arc, right?
Why are you describing it like such?

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