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Real gamedev hours edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-56
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM
https://handbrake.fr <- who the fuck uses handbrake in 2024

It's. Over.
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I'm concerned about concerned ape
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How do I beat the procrastination demons?
Genuinely, without any crabbing - is it worth rushing out a demo for the DD next week on the off chance that Marnix will "roast" it? There's no way he's going to talk about every single game.
It's worth rushing it out because aiming to make it for demoday will increase your productivity and might give some insight on your direction from the few people who'll play it.
you do you anon
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I wish I knew, sister
It's not usually worth rushing for anything. Demo Day is nice but it's not that important unless you need it as a motivator to get work done.
i will never post progress
Personally I like demo day as a deadline - since if I set a deadline myself I know I'll end up ignoring it.
this bug is profound.
My game just has to sell itself.
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I've always been here, I just don't post the progress, just old webms
I too wanted to get "roasted" by Marnix but I'm simply not close enough to have my game demo ready. There is just too much missing. But if I could I would. But as the days have gone by my enthusiasm over it is mostly gone. Guess I was just hyped cause the thread was hyped too. You guys are my fren's after all, well some of you hehehe
liver lips
how do we get her to review our games only to have her jaw drop because ours are further ahead than hers and she ends up hiring all of us at a ridiculous salary where we do absolutely nothing at her company. except for secretly working on our own games while she's not in the office. she's rich right?
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0-2 -> work on paper
3-5 -> work on virtual environment contract
6-9 -> work on my game
Post progress later.
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Yeah....thread is so dead right now. Where are my aggy frens? We're at cusp of the weekend too. Marmie you here? Please post a high render of my wives Elsa, Arcana, or Fiera. Prefably Elsa :^)
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Runa is so cute bros...
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Yeah so the problem is fixed. Some issues on the vulkan side. Guess I'll need to make a queue for resource management or I need a smarter way to manipulate the data.

Rather than using uniforms I'm storing all the copies and parameters of a mesh in a second vertex buffer. Kep in mind this is separate from the vertex/index buffers used for the mesh geometry. My crappy code currently rebuilds the buffer from scratch when it moves. So I get errors. I have a better system mind but I haven't implemented it yet.

I don't he'll even play mine desu. High barrier of entry.
I always felt this game had great potential but felt too unfocused/clusterfuckesque
eh... she doesn't do anything for me.
Too bulbous of a face.
I prefer sharp fox-like faces.
You guys disappoint me.
Roughly how many games come out on Steam every day? Give me a range
Post examples? For game design reasons ofc
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I disappoint me too.
So not only does she use shitty apple products, she wants to look like an apple too ...

Tomorrow is a new day. And if today isn't over there is still something you can do, no matter how small.
All I do to move my vertices is assign a transform index in every vertex,

I use one giant vertex buffer and index buffer with all of my meshes.

And when I'm building each mesh, I assign a transform index which matches with an ssbo of model matrices which I link up on vertex shader according to that transform index.

the first 2 matrices in my transforms ssbo are camera and view.

the rest are model matrices for each mesh.
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That's what I used to do before I became clinically insane and decided to put transform data in a vertex buffer.
@YagmanX on YouTube.
She is a much more attractive female game dev than Runa.


If I ever get on interview with her I may have to ask her out.
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what do you call progress thats actually just remaking something you lost somewhere
Do you guys write game docs
yep, I got 3 GDD's.
1 for 3D Dwarf Fortress.
1 for 3D SS13.
1 for the Sprite based Daggerfall-like.
I did until i released it was kinda pointless.
Calorie goal met for weight gain. Far earlier in the day than usual, maybe I'll go to bed at a good hour for once and hopefully not end up laying there for several hours until I sleep at 3/4am. I must now decide whether I gamedev or just call it a day early for once. Gotta stay up for an hour tho but I'm pretty sure most of the stuff on my todo list isn't stuff that's simple and would require far more focus.
I keep the information I need in spreadhseets and text documents.
A well-organized and fleshed out design doc is only necessary for a large project with several collaborators. For the smaller projects that you should be working on, some notes are sufficient. I mainly use a plaintext document and/or an issue tracker like github.
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Now I just need to implement the animations and logic. Logic first I think, then animations.
>game docs
Like a list detailing it's overall design or something? Not myself but I should have done that. Probably would've saved me a year or two of development time if I had a focused vision on paper to follow.

Yeah I'll set up some uniforms. I have some code I can recycle. I'll keep the current setup for static things like ui.
Should my fantasy game have sound like this?
>know almost nothing about good music and sound
>making a game
You ever get the feeling it was over before it began?
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so tired of painting wood
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What free assets is he going to drop next?
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>wake up
>drink some coffee while watching otomads
>going to work on my game right after
I hope you have a nice weekend aggybros
I have a txt file with some notes and outlines of how features might work. I add to it as I go along. Mostly it's just there to help me remember my ideas, not so much a concrete plan or anything.
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This last commit was a bitch, but I finally made it through.

I had trouble with the chez scheme C wrappers but now I understand mostly everything. A good chunk of the code was rewriting but moving the rectangle around included new code haha. And I tried adding it while I was rewriting because I guess I'm a masochist.
ok so I'm at the stage where I want to paint textures -- is blender good enough or should I use this copy of armor paint I evidently bought at some point? I'm specifically doing a pixelated/lowpoly look.
good sound and music can help but a lot of games sort of get by with the bare minimum on those fronts and you can learn that
we are SO back
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I wrote one when earlier in development, turned out way lengthier than I expected. I think it helped make my vision more tangible but there's no point in upkeeping it past that loose concept stage.
Do you guys encourage copying
no, I encourage stealing tho
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If I ever try to rewrite my code in another language again I want you guys to bludgeon me with insults.

I encourage stealing, as long as you do it properly.
Since you already have armor paint give it a shot. Alongside it I recommend having something like photoshop krita or gimp to avoid adobe jewery because some things are easier to do in 2d.
If you're half way through development of your game and you suddenly feel like it sucks (without any external feedback) do you trust your intuition and drop it or do you recognize its hard to know how fun your game is as the developer?
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Newbie here. I am trying to figure out a way to rotate my player's velocity about the Y-axis in Godot. The ideal approach would be to simple set a target rotation (say 90 degrees) and lerp_angle to that angle without exceeding 90 degrees. Unfortunately this approach doesn't work for the player's velocity vector. The only method I tried was just using the rotated() function but this has the issue of overshooting the target angle I was going for (90 degrees).

Any good approach I could use?
>dropping something halfway through making it
ISHYGDDT. Show some follow through and finish what you started, you're setting yourself up for a life of abandoned projects otherwise.
Have you never had external feedback on it? If yes you should put it out there and see how people feel about it. Can't always trust yourself but that depends on how you are and I don't know that.
maybe i'm not destined to succeed after all
Slerp with quaternions.


Lerp is still linear. Reading the docs
its just linear interpolation with wrapping

I don't use godon't so that's all I got for you.

Of course, you aren't. You also aren't destined to fail. Keep working on whatever you are working on.
Halfway to what? Halfway an MVP or vertical slice? You're not even 10% of the way to a completed commercial game yet.
My lesbian cousins who teach feminist course at a major university are excited to play my game. My game heavily objectifies women. I'm kinda nervous.
How do I start thinking in object oriented programming?
I first learned programming in C like 10 years ago, haven't programmed since, and think of everything in a procedural way and my grug brain defaults to less elegant bruteforce solutions like a bunch of else ifs or switch statements.
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I was 2 years in when I realised a specific mechanic wasn't working. Took some time to rebuild it, but reworked it completely in the end.

I was getting feedback up until that point with anons complaining about it.

You don't need playtesting to realise a system isn't working. I'm not even at the playtesting stage and I'm already 2.5 years in.

Playtesting is a late stage validation process. Depending on complexity, it will take variable amount of time to get there.
7 fucking days... dd is so close... i'm not ready.
Put your data into classes, and then write methods/functions that operate on that data. Don't worry about the rest of it, some would argue it does more harm than good and you'll ultimately be better off without it.

Except interfaces. Write your code against interfaces to make it more flexible. Or don't. I don't for my game, but do for professional work.
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OOP sucks.

Here, let me save you some time.

Watch this as well.
>the accent on the guy on the second video
AAAAAAAHHHHHHH just give me text to speech rather than this
wouldn't you prototype the core gameplay first, have a few people playtest it, add other elements and shape it into a vertical slice, have people playtest that, and then dev from there? Youtube shitters I've watched say this should take 2-6 months max. What was your process so far?
t. noob nodev (so far)
they're making fun of us on /v/ again..
All 6 of them LMAO.
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Depends on the gameplay.

If you are trying something novel, then yes, playtest in stages. If you are creating something derivative, then don't worry about it.

Everybody knows Vampire Survivors 'gameplay' works. If you are making a VS clone, don't bother playtesting, because you aren't changing anything. If you are doing a mashup/derivation, eg. VS clone with manual targeting, complete the core loop, then do targeted testing.

My game for example is FTL meets Slay the Spire meets Path of Exile meets Noita. I know core FTL loop works, so I don't need to test that. I know StS relics work. Don't need to test that. I know PoE skill tree works. Don't need to test that. The only novel addition is my Noita-esque custom ability system which I haven't implemented yet. That's the only thing that really needs testing.

So, depends on your project entirely. Different strategy for different projects.
>he doesn't like sexy european accents
As usual, obsolete/useless ones that cannot actually be used by anyone.

None of the modular dungeon ones are any good, or are usable, for example.
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people will complaina bout a 20 dollar indie game not costing 10 dollars, then they'll do this shit
People who can do that don't play video games stupid.
Why is it that I always attract the people I specifically don’t want to interact with, it’s truly a strange phenomenon and can’t be a mere coincidence.
They'll spend even more on useless skins and lootboxes, so be sure to add those to your game.
Depends on how long half way is.
>1 year in, on a 2 year game
Easy enough
>5 years in, on a 10 year game
Hope you haven't reach the point of no return on sunk cost fallacy

>1 years in, on what you assume is a 2 year game but turns out to be a 5 year game
This is the biggest problem. Looks so close to finish that you end up just trying to finish it only to get stuck on it for several years.

There's also the problem of
>if i drop it will i drop the next one simply because i found something with better gmi odds?
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holy fuck I was going through old files and found some VN scripts that I wrote over a decade ago. omfg I'm about to die of cringe
Then why is it I interact with you just fine?
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Logic is a little bit more complex than anticipated. A lot of moving parts. I'll see if I can get everything hooked up together properly.
Subhumans aren't people
Why even do free content updates when this kinda stuff happens. Don't get me started on the ones who praise gamedevs free doing free content updates and likely turn arpund and go buy 10 DLCs from some triple A game they give a negative review to in the end.

I'm considering pricing my game at 19.99
I just finished my aggy demo :)
>useless skins and lootboxes
>cost $200+ to commission new outfits or new artwork
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for me? it's liru
if not watching that video will lead to me ngmi then so be it
people spend money on such dumb shit, there's no logic to their behavior
Something looks familiar about this. Game name?
stardew valley, but fantasy
>game but [different theme]
space opera, but stardew valley
Do you think Eric regrets what he's unleashed into this world?
star trek but fantasy
space opera, but fantasy
me on the left
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Starbound but good
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>Moondew Valley
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First person Diablo.
It's called Terraira.
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I need help from Unreal Engine bros.

How does ApplyVelocityBraking work in CMC's source file?
How do I override it to:
>allow the player character to maintain all of its velocity while turning (Like in Souls games)
>make so velocity is not set to 0 when velocity direction reverses (I want the player to keep that velocity and accelerate into that new velocity direction at double rate)
What more is there to even do? You can finish the game with only like fifty planets.
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Current name I've got is "Night of the Witching Hour" but I released a Christmas-themed proof-of-concept demo back in December called "Christmas Alice": https://teamwitchkraft.itch.io/christmas-alice
>Magical Federation crew that travels around but is forbidden from interfering with other cultures' magical progress
neat theme, but what would be the gameplay?
thanks for the idea
You keep asking, but no one who uses UE would actually help another UE user for free. Have you tried just copying whatever's in Lyra?
Fuck off, retard
Kill yourself Boochinigger
Die, nigger, die!
a cozy... something...
What was your first grave roadblock when you were making a game? Something you absolutely didn't know how to implement, or realised it's so difficult or tedious that you'd rather look for a different approach.
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get bau bau'd on, devlet
i finna about to spend a stupid amount of money on strawberries, large toblerone, and frozen blueberries and raspberries for my vanilla yogurt and milk shake
blueberries fucking suck
melee combat that feels good
enjoy it
cringe post and george takei disagrees with you
Aside from learning how to make literally anything in the engine, probably something like lives that run out and reset when you game over, just said "fuck it" and gave infinite lives.
I've since figured it out.
say something nice about your game
cute feet
It's... a game... kinda...
it sucks
>boomers will shid and piss
i hate it
any videogames for this feel?
making it is the only thing that's not susceptible to my ADHD
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I decided to use this >>483803714 anon's advice to rotate my player's velocity about the Y-axis using Quaternions but my issue is, how would I apply this to my velocity vector and am I even doing this right? Any help would be appreciated...

Little talk you can apply to gamedev if you care about your own style and not just manufacturing a competitive product.
I'm new here and I need some help. I joined AGDG Inner Circle's Discord, but the general channel was locked for newcomers. I asked a higher-up, and he told me to send 3 screenshots roleplaying as a guy named 'Cris' and to attach screenshots of a game with badly drawn Japanese-cartoon girls and an inconsistent art style. He said everybody had to do this to gain access to the channel. Is this normal?
>I know core FTL loop works, so I don't need to test that. I know StS relics work. Don't need to test that. I know PoE skill tree works. Don't need to test that.
I can't fathom being this arrogant and retarded at the same time. Of course you have to test those things, slapping a bunch of mechanics together doesn't make them automatically work well together as a coherent or fun experience. Hundreds of games have tried to awkwardly graft on some half-baked feature into their game only to have it fuck up the whole thing. Slay the spire's "system" is the whole game not just showing cards to the player.
Just add two orbs to your UI and send a screenshot to a guy named Colle Mongo and he'll let you in
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More trouble for the neighbor: https://webmshare.com/play/qOo8Q
Alt link: https://files.catbox.moe/k9xu2j.webm
What type of 3d games are low on animations?
a game where time is frozen
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That's just a paused game or a screenshot.
not if you're an investigator in a star trek world and actually the thing is a holographic representation of the crime scene
Just make everybody a Rimworld pawn.
that's what I plan to do anyway
>i need help implementing x
>just use shitty implementation y
Tired of these BOOBA constantly showing up in my recommended videos while I'm trying to find something useful
I was going to help but then you posted bocci.
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im srry
he cute
i'm tired, boss
You think she'd let me do her as a payment and I work for free?
Is there any point of posting in this thread?
I can't stop thinking about unity ai

Am I Gamedev?
moral support and feedback
shitposting to deal with your nodev reality
Is there a thing like gamedev anxiety? I don't even open any engine anymore because it feels like so much work, hours to prototype the simplest mechanic without knowing if it's any good, then even more hours to make models, texture, animate and then I feel burnt out before I even begin
I have that
i just live with the pain.
Im a newfag but I've gotten alot of help from here and it's nice to have company
I am going to whodev this demo day
I need the feedback and motivation
I will leave feedback on one game for every feedback I get
I'm sorry.....
Why are ugly cracks forming on my mesh when I move it? I rigged and weight painted it
>another episode of side project scope creep
>clear idea of mechanics and how to
>assess hardware requirements
>severely lacking
Phew, that was close.
maybe: open blender, A, M, by distance
how do I write a smart character agdg
Possibly this >>483819048
Sounds like you have overlapping vertices that aren't merged and weight painted with slightly differing weights leading to open gaps.
I'm in blender. I'm moving body parts in blender and they form these ugly cracks, the kind you see on run down walls
Post crack.
>its another episode of I misrepresented in the design doc what it would take to implement X
>or another episode of I forgot X was somethng I needed to add for Y to work
>its another episode of I wish I wasn't a wagie or I had a team
For me it's not anxiety: I just accept that i am not capable of being a gamedev and that i will never accomplish anything decent, so i just stay in my place and limit myself to what i can do, the problem is that i am not capable to do anything in life.
You know, maybe i should just be homeless but that's my problem.
Writing solos is hard. Does this sound okay so far? Do you guys have any tips for writing cool, shreddy solos?
>gamedev anxiety
Why would it need a specific name, its the same that could happen in any kind of work/task/hobby
Musicwise it sounds pretty good, the solo too. The VSTs are what the base ones from guitarpro?
They're Roland SC-55 imitation soundfonts, to emulate that old school Doom/Duke Nukem 3D feel. A self-imposed creative limitation.
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now you've gained it
The problem with being ESL is that it severly limits my ability to write dialogue/stories.
I'm not ESL and I have the same problem.
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now I've gained it
I know I can grill...
Then you're making something like doom? are you the guy from the 3D shoot cosmic horrors game? Cause that would go well with this tune.
I'm capable but I still don't dev, which is even worse
Something like that. I'm not cosmic call's dev though.

How so? I'm doing translation works and not being perfect at it, as in I use a lot of internet tools and AI to guide me in the process. But the end result is acceptable, the biggest mistakes are typos.

Does it mean you are bad at translating? Writing in your initial language, then translating is hard?

Because there's being bad at translating, and being bad at writing dialogs period.
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Sure, but you can do things to mitigate it a little. I open my project everyday, but some days or even weeks I will do little more than tweak fonts, tweak numbers, patch z-fighting etc. Doing stuff like that keeps the momentum going and reduces friction to getting good work done.
Some of those days I think will be just minor tweaks lead to much more substantial stuff.
Newton's first law of gamedev motion.
>a gamedev at rest will remain at rest unless an outside force acts on it, and a gamedev in motion at a constant velocity will remain in motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an outside force.
Should I decrease the polygon count of the meshes I export from zbrush to blender?
I feel like most problems I face stem from blender shitting over high polygon count
Azurdev just proof your text through an AI chat
Then don't try to make a story focused game.
Some of the best English literature writers were ESL.
not gonna lie
the application of newton's law to motivation is one of the funniest trends ever
it makes no sense at all but everyone pretends like it totally makes sense
if life as easy as drifting in space, people would get things done a lot faster
Write until you get better.
Then write some more.
make a game without dialogue or even words then
Don't do this. Running away from your problems won't solve them.
>it makes no sense at all but everyone pretends like it totally makes sense
if pretending it makes sense gets you going...
why didnt you watch american shows with ENG subs turned on when you were young
I would love it if an ESL japanese NEET writes a book combining the elements of the shamelessness of a neet and a sense of guilt/honor of a traditional samurai warrior
My problem is not that i don't know the language, is that i can't hire voice actors since i don't have the money or the social capability to do so.
Speaking to other human beings, my god.
>newton's law to motivation
I don't think I've heard of this law, is it about getting hit in the head with apples?
>3rd worlder hiring anybody
yeah ok
Samurai society only worked because a life meant something. A NEET could sudoku and it would mean nothing. That's how low Japanese society has fallen. When a Samurai sudoku'd, it meant one less person in control, one less person to feed, one less competitor and steeled up the rest of the village because the sacrifice had value. Japanese games still have some of this honor because sincerity is in their blood unlike the west where sincerity is on the decline.
an apple a day keeps the ngmi away
you don't have to speak to anyone, moron. you type to them what you want and they do it. no one wants to speak to you. do you know how annoying commissioners are? trying to make you do more work than you get paid.
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Yes... I wish I had a voice acting gf so I could get voice acting with 0 social overhead.
i think i'm going to start a side project of courting the cute girl at work and then she'll finance me while I'm NEETdevving
Wait, you guys have jobs?
That still counts as an interaction wich makes my skin crawl.
Also i am stingy, i am very stingy, i still have 32 dollars on steam after years of not buying anything.
I hope she's delightful
I can't even jerk off as a release anymore. I've given myself such bad death grip that I feel nothing.
How else are you supposed to pay the $100 Steam fee?
Try using the backdoor?
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seek the lord to stop being so porn-addicted
After I finish my game I'm selling my computer to pay the Steam fee. If everything goes well I can buy another one.
>ask shit gpt for help with a bug/implementation issue
How the fuck are faggots saying AI will take over coding?
Is Harvest Moon overrated? I didn't know anyone who played that or had that game when I was young and you're telling me people love Stardew Valley? Not just people, but older people as if they miss Harvest Moon or had memories of Harvest Moon? It genuinely is strange how popular a farming sim is in this world. It shouldn't be. There's no good reasons for a farming sim out of all other games to be so popular. Most people in the world do not farm. Most people in the world do not want to farm. It's laborious and unrewarding. Especially on the scale to make a living on farming today.
I played Harvest Moon and I loved it.
I just wish the time didn't run out so I could make a huge farm.
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>he's a lonely virgin, yet he thinks he can write a love story for his game
AI is taking over because most companies are using it, and their developpers too. It allows low IQ diversity hires to appear smarter than they are. But in reality software is getting a lot more buggy each year and it shows. AI will take over and that doesn't mean people will get out of their jobs but it means that we will get crappier and crappier products until other companies start making code the old way.
t. work on a tech company and have to do QA everyday even if its not my role.
Also yes, I wanted to have a farm back them, although maybe not anymore since I'm so bust with gamedev. If I had enough land around my house I'd be growing cotton right now. I'm trying to grow garlic on some pots but it keeps dying, I'm not sure why but I suspect might be the gnats (here is full of them) so I'm trying to come up with a solution, maybe putting a net over the dirt.
>no! you can't just be a loser and write about love even though a love story is nothing like real life love! you have to be like me and stick to making boring rogueshit deckbuilders with no story!
I can. Whether it will be good or not, that is a different matter.
>sakurasou posting
It's guaranteed to be bad.
you think writers for visual novels are chads?
no more self loathing ! we are making games here, isn't that amazing?
lets gooooo
fuck yeah friday night dev lets go baby
So I spent yesterday afternoon making that brickbeaker game and couldn't even bother to go past the basic mechanics. I'm glad I went through with it though since it was occupying too much of my time/attention.
is this some new schizo post?
Making games takes a lot of effort, complaining about it doesn't and i am a complainer not someone who gets things done.
Played this with my siblings and cousins a lot of times when I was a young, but I didn't know a lot of people that had played Harvest moon. I guess its because I'm a thirdie and people in my homecountry only played Standard nintendo games or football games or cs.
if you want the velocity to match the mesh root direction
velocity = -mesh_root.transform.basis.z*speed
I loved Harvest Moon. Played it on zsnes 20 something years ago. I lived next to a farm. I didn't play Stardew though, felt like everything it offered that was good was already something I did in HM, and the extra stuff didn't look interesting.
start over and make it a moba
Do you really expect meaningful feedback from marmarnix or just want attention?
i will literally never miss a demo day.
i haven't missed a single one since i joined
limit yourself to once a week
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>wake up
>post reply
>new follower
I wish I had new followers...
you're welcome :3
Wassup, lads.
I did, my vocabulary is shit compared to actual english college grads.
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Friday mornin', sipping on first cup of the day, gotta go to work in a few minutes but I couldn't care less. Thank God It's Friday!!
At first glance that's cute but it gets worse the longer it goes on. Think about it for a second. She's waiting there for him every day. Like a dog happy to see its master when he returns from work. It makes me think all she does every day is wait for him to come back from work like some codependent mentally retarded individual. Then again she's a woman so.. I guess I shouldn't expect anything. Just by doing what she does she seemingly exceeds 99% of modern women.
>She's waiting there for him every day. Like a dog happy to see its master when he returns from work. It makes me think all she does every day is wait for him to come back from work
I wish I had this...
unfollowed :)
I do have this and it has yet to get old after 4 years. No idea what that other loser's problem is.
anon you don't have to pretend you have a gf in here
>he doesn’t pretend he has a game
Coffee makes me sweat and feel wierd, i wish I could have some
I do pretend I have a game!
Sometimes I do it so masterfully I end up actually having a game.
it's better to live without addictions
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Need to start somewhere.
Crumble, trainwiz, eric, dead enginedev, boku have gf/wives
this is a pretty normie corner of 4chan
I don't have a gf. I'm married.
How did I end up here
nortudev is a modern day Andy Warhol
Have you tried being yourself?
you're just honest
See I went from A to B too. But I have 3 questions for you :

- Do you think yourself above animals?
- Would you blame a dog or a cat for liking you?
- Why?
I dont indulge in anything I start to become a nusance to people around me
It does help when you don't hold women to the same standards as you do men.
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Well at least you have a cool game right?
>freelance for money
>gamedev for free

guess which task will i choose?
Serious post: I hope you guys who are single/virgins at least have a woman in your life that you have a crush on. Nothing is a better creative motivator than wanting to produce something that gains you the admiration of the woman of your dreams.
Not deving and watching porn
why should i hire you
why are you doing this to me
i think i'm going to cry
I've done freelancing before, it's horrible. It's more soulless than working a 9 to 5 office job and it pays worse. Just get a job and gamedev in your spare time if you need way to support yourself.
No, I don't even have that.
I feel nothing when I see women IRL
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You're gonna make it, don't worry.
Whats a good job with little hours/remote that isnt mentally taxing so I have enough energy to go home and dev? Not concerned about the pay, I just want to do something about the gap between employment on my resume.
Show it! Maybe the local women will be impressed and fall in love with you!
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I wasted two days doing nothing but procrastinating. I will now resume gamedevving starting today.
Digital influencer.
I heard fixing those mile high electricity poles pays pretty well
gay ass nigga fuck outta here
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Because I'm a good person and I work hard and we make a good team
starting NOW anon
I went the part time route, barely any money but time to dev
I tried that.
Am I a low IQ diversity hire if I am using AI to try to fix an implementation....?
Whats a practical way of utilizing a static variable in a static class? So far I've only used static classes for calculations.
explain your game to me and I will say if it’s cool or not
You can have a static variable referring to an instance of the class so you have easy access to it to use as a singleton.
>take a look at your old project from 2013
>cringe hard
Does this happen to you?
I invented Hollow Knight in 2013
No, I think my projects from 2013 are cool.
You pick up guns and then shoot at stuff.
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I work too hard and care too much about my work.
My project from 2014 ended up in Steam. It still makes me cringe.
Oh I see, I've always used Singletons as monobehaviors but I'll try to convert them knowing this, although some of them require serialization to work atm.
You can do them as monobehaviors with that static instance variable. You can also set it up with a property so that once you try getting the property it creates the instance if it doesn't exist.
post it
language literally doesnt matter outside of writing hentai
It's too cringe.
I freaking love this hobby!! It’s so nice that we can all bond over this non-professional time passer where none of us except to make money or any type of monetary gain. Keep posting your little projects sisters! I love seeing hobbyist progress!
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a Toast! to amateur game development !
can you describe it at least
What's the fastest way to make money with gamedev, excluding working for someone else?
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
And you still somehow ended up back here, there really is no hope for indies
Good morning

>Vector3 operator * ( Vector3 right )
>Rotates (multiplies) the right vector by this quaternion, returning a Vector3.

Under the hood Godot should be doing something a bit more complicated (multiplication with a rotation matrix built from the quaternion)
The golden thing looks like mobile slop. The rest of your UI is pretty sleek and tasteful (or soulless corpo bland depending on your tastes), so this clashes. I don't think it's just the color but those wings too.
kill yourself pedophile
How complex should a shader's code be to produce a stripe like that?
I still barely understand shit
trihourly bokusimp meltie in progress
Make an extremely appealing, virulent, but simple game and publish it on Steam and mobile.
That's the fastest if it works, but your chances are probably like 1%. Sorry.
Bitemebros, I'm sorry for the stress I caused you.
If you're not making the demo day, then just aim for the next one instead.
>Tough Bippy still not out
>Nightmare Cops still not out
>Bowlbo still not out
These people work 10 minutes a week I swear
we're not but I appreciate the encouragement
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>This sound is not in the public domain. Please attribute/credit the sound if you use it. If you would prefer to not have to give attribution, then take a look at the attribution-free license.
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Too much pressure. I can't take it anymore. I quit!
Tell Uncle Frosch the story about how he got that name.

From his recent posts I think I'll start calling him

"broken record anon"

And I hope you live a full life and let go of your delusions

Turn-based adventure game in a procgen world
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>I dont want to play a game where you play as a loli and being beaten up by a 40 yo ugly bastard
turn based narrative-heavy rpg with potential strategic/city building layer
get a life.
turn based rpg with some simulation elements and focus in exploration,
What's the point of int or bool when i can just write var?
is it bad to use chatgpt to fix a bug or implement something? I feel like I'd spend like a week trying to solve a problem instead of just getting it done within a day. does that make me a low iq retard? do most anons here use AI?
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Read this book and you will understand.
For >>483833561
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I use it all the time for self-contained technical/math problems.
No, I do not use AI.
He's going to get shot by a lesbian.
I think it's to add more context to your code when you go back it later and are trying to remember what you wrote. Making your code readable is important
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I'm so fucking tired of this program
I was rigging and wp the base mesh and suddenly all of the clothes became invisible/unavailable. What am I supposed to do
I hate this shitty program so much
I can't believe he just roasted half of agdg.
post games
Trips demand it
Then use some other program?
Godot question, I've got a 2d fighting system and I have different states for the player.
Blocking low, blocking high, not blocking, I know I can use an enum for this but when I hit the block key I'd like there to be a period while the animation plays (from not blocking to blocking) where the player is still vulnerable.
What's the best way to go about this, adding delays between hitting a key and having the state become active
I have like 500 hours in Blender and I don't know why this would happen. Post to Blender Stackexchange and attach your file if possible.
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what the fuck is this timeline nigga
every state could be a float that goes from 0 to 1 at a predetermined rate and you determine at what point the block becomes active/effective
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found this potential solution: https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/147269/objects-in-outliner-grayed-out
>The objects are disabled in "Viewports". You need to enable the Restriction Toggle and then enable them there to make them visible
Expand everything in the collection, turn everything visible. Sometimes pressing / on the numpad makes all other objects except the active disappear, just press it again
How would he had put them in that state if it happened suddenly like he said?
How would you tie this into the animation? Just make the float take as long in delta time as the animation does to complete?
holy shit thanks a lot man
I just invented it. I wasn't a game developer back then so I couldn't make the actual game.
You could, but even better would be to read the state of the animation and use that as the float value.
Alright you've lost me I think I'm gonna have to look a the docs again
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i am now considering postin 'monvo even though i said i wouldn't. there's no significant changes, i'd just do it for the potential new feedback.
i don't know how cris can't do it
if i had access to so much pure cocaine, i'd have made it years ago
dumass bald fuck living off your moms pension
>Marnix turned DD streamer
alright i like this guy now
I don't know why it happens but I remember same thing randomly happened to me months ago. There's probably some weird shortcut we pressed by accident that causes it
Anyone know some good games for exploration / resource gathering? I think I have a decent concept but I'm lacking in level design plans.
dumb idiot. Anyone with half a brain would skip this DD especially because of this
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why? more feedback is always welcomed.
from marnix tho...
Gamedev music.
Sir can you spare some polygons?
this is why a lot of aggydaggers consider you a subpar developer by the way
>Money, money & money
that's what important in this life, gamedev just takes away your precious time to make money
On aggydaggy he's probably top 5% by skill and top 1% by the amount of money he's going to earn.
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i know how to filter feedback, though. if i get anything meaningful i'll consider it and if not i'll discard it.

no sorry i'm taking them all

if i wanted to mixmax my agdg cred i wouldn't be making a diabloclone and i would've made all the women nude.
I don't know who those might be. Personally, I hold him in high regard.
This'll be the demo day that separates the boys from the men. See ya'll there.
I'm trans by the btw
i'm not bokusimp, schizo pedophile. kill yourself
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
>by the btw
Sorry hun, I'll rephrase.
This'll be the demo day that separates the boys and girls from the men and weomen. See ya'll there.
>hey 4chan
marnix, you fucking retard, you don't drop names like that, haven't you heard of the mongolian basket weaving forum? ooggie doogie, demon gay, etc ...
Reminder that if you're scrambling to get ready for demo day when your game is far from ready you're a sheepbrained ngmigger. If your game isn't in a presentable state this time around just take it easy and focus on making it work, instead of putting on chapstick for the dicksucking contest
how do i stop obsesing with the DD ranking
Opinion discarded.
not an opinion
Sirs from madams
Just cope and pretend the inner circle is the reason why you're game is at the bottom of the ranking.
It is exactly because you think this that I am discarding it.
I hope Marnix doesn't play any game from the Morrowind gang, if you catch my drift.
Ok so now think about how much work it is to work 40 years of a job you hate. Wake up every morning at 6. Get home at 4. Have about 3 hours to eat, relax, deal with a bitch. Now which is less work. Idk why I encourage you animals. Go get vaccinated and then you’ll only have to work another 2 weeks to 5 years.
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Thank you all. It took me 7 hours but I fixed the problem with Quarternions.
Inner circles are always the reason.
The inner circle in my high school was the reason I never had a girlfriend in high school and what poisoned the rest of my life.
that's literally the reason tho
Are the inner circle by any chance jewish?
I will never understand how such unfunny and pointless memes get made.
which is harder? Coding multiplayer or coding AI for singleplayer
AI is super easy. I had to dumb mine down so players would have a shot.
I haven't done multiplayer but I'd assume that? Although I guess it depends how deep you want you want to go with AI. For the game I'm planning to make after my current game it'll use some pretty basic AI. Won't take me more than a few days to program it probably. My current game will have a bit more complex AI. Will take more than a few days. But that's not because it's hard, I just plan to account for many more situations. But each decision is pretty easy to add.
i want the feedback
>the inner circle isn't real even tho it's brutally obvious that people with momentum get more attention and praise than people who are just starting off
if you're gaslighting people away from the truth, kill yourself
I did once for an IT course where we never had to actually make the game.
Design docs are great if you're 90 and have alzheimers, or if you have a team and can't be bothered to explain the game every 10 minutes (you will have to explain the game slightly less often because the words will distract them until they realize they don't get it and don't want to read)

When I started making a game I had some clear groundrules for things I wouldn't do and I just stuck to them. It may be tempting to put in filler enemies to add more content but it's just bloat.
>I want feedback on something I taped together in the last moment just so I could get a crumb of feedback
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: An idea.
If you can control your emotional state, the inner circle has no power over you. They don't control Steam, they don't control your time management, they don't control your scope or your skills.
I want to make an offline version of an Unity game.
I already have its application/protobuf address.
What should I do next?
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why do you hang out with a pedophile?
the inner circle represents the struggle of all of life. Every single aspect of life is like that. If you have nothing, you will get nothing. If you have a lot, you will get more. People who uphold that dynamic even though they know it exists don't deserve to breathe
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damn I just wanted to upload so you'd see it and think "if I play this I'm clearly going to get banned off youtube" and ignore it
but now what's the point, agdg has seen my game enough times already
inner circle
I deserve my own circle.
why stream the games of pedophiles and help them?
The only power this particular inner circle has over you is what power you give them.
Their money, their business, kiddo
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Reminder that the inner circle works exactly the same way as the top 1% richest people. There is no trickle down of wealth. The people at the top don't care about you and wouldn't bat an eye if you disappeared tomorrow. You only exists to support their prosperity. It's us vs them. Demo day cannot heal until the parasites are destroyed
shut up bokusimp go back to bed
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WGMI for sure Marnixbros
I'm gonna work on a demo for our new Prince to roast it
This looks like derpixon
Can a game set to free to play on Steam become paid? Can I increase the price from $0 to $10?
>muh senpai marmanusnix
I swear to God the way you retards behave sometimes it's like being in kindergarten. You act like fucking pajeets who can't control themselves around women
Marnix's fans are going to downvote me and make sure my game fails, just to appease him.
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Tomo left and now we are looking for a new /agdg/ Queen. So far it's between 'una e Marnix.
I think you can but people who downloaded the free game would have the paid game for free
only porn games will be safe this DD
Marnix will stream only top 10 innercirclers anyway
Outerbucketers can relax, no one will downvote you
>Hey guys change your culture and filter the shity games because I said so and I'm putting eyes on you
fuck this wigger
He figured we have a collective 300+ views we could pump his video and maybe he'll hit high 2 digit views again

fuck bitememe posters fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you
at least keep the waifus on topic, that flat girl is cuter and has a game
will you stop eeing all over the fucking thread?!
Quit shitposting ussao
My game got a daily award, not first place but still super cool :D
I miss ussao
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Hello friends, please I would like to know which look "less worse". I'm trying to figure out what size my stuff should be.
It's either pic related, with a 32x32 tileset that I then use upscale window to 1.5 in the Godot editor....

Orrr, this one where I upscaled a 32x32 tileset to 64x64, but at least I dont have to upscale the window size. The 64x64 unfortunately would still need retouches after the upscaling process.
Second one looks better IMO
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stop using "nodes"
stop using "commands"
stop using "prefabs"
stop using "action blocks"
stop using "events"
stop using other people's scripts

Does Airstrip Angel dev still post here? I want to know more about his workflow for animations
I'm a solo dev and I have no idea how to make my game pretty. I'm using free to use art assets, they require attribution. I have to put these together myself. For example I have a loading screen (screen transitioner I call it). but I have no idea how to design it? (or things like menu design) I have assets or I can modify them a bit but I go blank when trying to come up how to put them all together. Do you guys have any tips on how to come up with visual design ideas?
Yeah I write code
*Compiles blueprints to C++*
Copy from games you like. If they end up looking too similar, change them a bit until they don't.
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/agdg/ always begged for eric to do something like that for ages but he never replied to our love and respect. Now my boi Marnix just made our day and will give us feedback. You damn fine, Marnix.
all the more reason to join the inner circle
Does any dev still post here?
So learn.
I only post when I've got something to show.
Okay, how? Help me start please.
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Wait, non devs post here?
I think too, even if it looks a little more rough, or "low quality".

This guy explains how to make nice looking scenes. Can start here.
This guy is cool and good. Subbed
this is why i prefer godot
today i learned how to use da vinci pro.
>rotation is in tau radians
This is why I prefer my engine.
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Just saw a guy asking for a 2 dollar donation for an extension I needed. You know what I did? I gave him 5.

And /agdg/ still wonders why I'm considered the nicest, purest and most all around swell dev known? That's why, don't forget it.
Didnt you give up on gamedev... like yesterday...
No I gave up earlier in the thread. >>483833082
>someone at work today lierally said, its working as intended as customers voiced the same complaint
And then I wonder where I get these bad habits
Im struggling with the music
How do solo devs do it!?
We beg horbor for music
Any laptop specs recommendation for coding mostly, maybe some light 3D stuff (modeling, texturing, UVing) for a laptop?
Maybe maybe, I'll do some retopology on it so it need to handle a few millions of polygons in 3D softwares.
does jesus come down to earth to perform miracles?
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5 columbian pesos is like 0.00002 dollars
buy a computer with a proper GPU instead. if you are on a hurry and can't save for it, then those amd cpus with the vega 11 integrated seems to be good cost/performance ratio
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"The RPG" small progress.

Navigation marker. Includes a neat scale, "falling" and rotation tween.

Currently working on transitioning between levels.
should I make a fantasy game or a sci-fi game
i'm not bokusimp, pedophile. kill yourself
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
>game idea
>overscoped, dial it back
>dial it back some more
>still not realistic, dial it back more
>keep dialing
>dial it all the way back, dial won't turn anymore
>my game idea is reduced to a prefab character controller on a blockout test level
The hard part isn't making the game, it's finding the fucking time
bokusimp is literally a pedophile
well, he actually did it once...
I just finished this mega-rig but sometimes I like to do some work outside (especially since it's summer already) hence why I'm specifically asking for a laptop. I don't need a mega-laptop just something light enough to not overheat when I'm opening zbrush files.
Hard part is finding time, and also not burning yourself out for your regular job, which then burns you out on game dev. I've been letting myself relax after work, and then giving myself a 10 hour block on weekends (minus eating time, so like 9 hours). This seems to be working. I can really hammer out a new feature every week basically. If I work after work then I usually just aimlessly do shit and nothing gets done and then I'm stressed the next day for having worked 12 hours the day before.
What was teh game idea
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>mfw not joining this jam
but I might do some streaming and art if I feel like it.
goodluck and goddev to all the contenders
This bug is probably one of the most insane bugs I've ever had in my engine thus far.

Basically when I edit the SSBO in runtime through vkMapMemory, then re-dispatch the mesh building shader, the mesh explodes.

But setting these parameters manually in the code does not cause the mesh to explode. So it's some sort of synchronization problem most likely.
>92 joined
fuck, it was 12 joined 3 days ago...
I'm too reliant on tutorials how the fuck do I stop this? I literally can't implement shit (except very basic stuff) if a dude didn't make a video about it...
>oh no, i'm writing code that actually does something. how inelegant.
info on this?
unless you're just a pedophile yourself. if you are, kill yourself
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
Check the archive, bokusimp is a known nonce. Like Cris being a retard, everyone knows it. How threadceleb obsessed faggot like you not know this?
you need to be guided by your vision rather than a tutorial series.

You basically roleplay that you're an advanced game dev and look at things from the highest level you need to look at them,

"Hm, so we need to add jumping. Ok, so I'm going to add jumping."

then you look up whatever resource you need to be able to add jumping.

But of course, while doing this, be careful that you do not just copy code. Actually understand what you're doing. You have to make sure you do this.

What's the median net revenue of your genre? When you click into it and look at games in that median, are you making a game that good? Are you making it in a timespan that justifies the cost?
thread is unusually slow today
Tutorials are an awful way to learn new concepts and they should only be used as a reference after understanding the fundamentals. You're going deep sea diving without knowing how to swim.
More video play tests is always a good thing. Agdg desperately needs fewer devs and more streamers. We need more demand, less supply.
>Plug in tags
>No games found
We're going where no man has gone before
After the jannies are compelled into action by months of reporting we get a nice thread or two without the deluge of petulant doomposting, bocchiposting, schizoposting, gorespamming retards
same, feeling based about my Surreal 2D Open-World Multiplayer Action RPG
Shitposters are busy working on the demos for DD57
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adding overworld interactables.
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So /vg/ when are you crowdfunding your remake of John Madden Football (SNES) but it's now about Dwarves playing rugby against elves to take their forest territory to turn it into industry (with a great soundtrack)?
Kino. Which engine are you using?
you don't need crowdfunding for that.
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HOLY SOUL. Wanna be friends?
I hoped for Godot so I can steal the highlight effect. Anyways, this stuff is peak soul.
based and redwallpilled
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>these are the two tags im using for my games, coincidentally right next together... right at the bottom
welp, there goes 3 years of my life
what's this ehm... tag website that you cool guys are using?
One schizo is not /agdg/.
I don't like making games, I don't like to work, I only like to play games

what do I do?
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: "Ladies and gentlemen..." >>483850710 Is this game inspired by the Frog King, Sparrow Prince and Catatafish from South Park?
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I just need a whitepill, lads.
Become a streamer. You would actually be making the world a better place by doing so.

Games suffer from a massive supply glut. We need more players, more streamers, and fewer developers. agdg would improve 1000-fold if even a tenth of all demo day submitters quit gamedev and instead became demo day streamers.
you need a pill alright
>Is this game inspired by the Frog King, Sparrow Prince and Catatafish from South Park?
No I haven't seen much south park, but someone else in the thread pointed that out to me before so i added some of the names as references
You should discuss which pills you need with your acompañamiento psicológico.
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Brinkadea this, Brikadea that. How about you Brinkakill yourself
lmao you guys are amazing! I love this community
t.bitemegames gang
is Reject Negrosmell made for 11 year olds or made by an 11yo
Does anyone know an easy way to select character hex codes of a font, to use them when creating font asset for textmeshpro? I want to use only the bare minimum and discard the weird glyphs to save space. I installed font forge and there is a site fontdrop.info but they don't let me just select a range of glyphs I see and give me the hex ranges. I have to do it hand by hand.
kill yourself pedophile
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
I wish I had a schizo following me....
It's hilarious how the list just keeps expanding. I hope we all make it on there one day
Fuck twitter whats the point if its just random if your game gets picked up
Holy fucking projection. This is unironically posted the pedophile bokusimp.
He's a known nonce, why would you defend him
What's your game?
fun fact: bokusimp, sourcedev, cris 1, and niggerdev don't exist. The schizophrenic basket cases here keep talking about these individuals yet they have never even posted once
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Bonka remembering the main 6.
No you don't. You think you do until the schizo does some shit to get your itch page banned.
Speaks more about yourself than anyone else considering you're the one making that claim while talking about them yourself.
It's fucking annoying honestly. Everyone acts like they in on some big joke and yet there's nothing funny. Just degen assholes. If I could see peoples faces who post here I'd probably run. "Muh inner circle AHHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm referencing something, THAT'S THE JOKE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" A MILLION FUCKING TIMES. Like christ, it's not autists and schizos it's fucking reddit fags plaguing this place with their faggot "humor".
>if you point out the schizophrenic antics of the resident asylum patients you're just as bad as them actually
Yeah gonna keep calling you bokusimp during your melties howeverthough.
>damage control
anonigger, inner circle posting is social commentary; it's not a meme
Social commentary on FUCKING WHAT. How shitty games don't get treated as good as good looking games? Are you realizing that just because you cut your dick off you won't be treated like a NORMAL beautiful woman and will always be a freak? Is that why you're mad people judge games?
kill yourself schizo pedophiles
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
You sure are mad
Consider taking a break from posting and instead working on your game
Eric Barone posts here?
What’s his game?
I’m always mad faggot.
fun fact: if you don't believe in the inner circle you're doing exactly what the inner circle wants you to. It's impossible to fight against something that hides in the shadows and convinces you every day that it doesn't exist. "It's all a conspiracy theory". "There's no unfair disbalance in the attention economy of /agdg/". Yes, these are the narratives concocted by the select few who are already reaping all the benefits from this crooked system. Why would they want anything to change? They feel just fine right where they are.
Isn't attention proportional to the quality of a game one makes?
All centrists tacitly support the status quo through their inaction. I'm not shutting up until we get a better inner circle
The inner circle isn't flawless, but its the best system we have right now.
No, because I'm at the bottom of the attention economy while holding the rights to a top 5 agdg game
There is an "unfair disbalance" in the "attention economy of /agdg/". Interesting games get attention. Lolcows get attention. If you have a boring game, why are you expecting any attention? fucking attention seeker
sent ; )
more like
>attention seeker games get attention
Kalemnovo, horbror, and all the other goons should kill themselves
tfw the inner circle was an old guard established to fend off something much much worse…..

“And now you understand, why we must be the inner circle.” -says through heavy breaths, holding his side-

-Wipes blood from his mouth-
“So turn around… and make game. Don’t tell anyone what you saw here. For the safety of agdg”
Oh great so your meta is to make shitty games to impress other shitty game devs and be part of the cool kids. An inner circle of retards, if you will.
Which game?
when I get elected into the inner circle I'm reforming the entire system. I'll throw every other member under the bus
Question for the ones that are making linear games.How do you plan on making each player experience unique enough to make them want to play it themself vs watching their favorite e-celeb play it?
Games higher than my game on the ranking: Rigged marnixscum, inner circle pedos.
Games lower than my game on the ranking: flops, ngmi, just fucking give up now lol.
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I fucking hate it so much when someone tells me "wow anon your game is so cool and high-quality". Like yeah no shit I told you two years ago, but you weren't listening
If I was making a linear game, I wouldn’t shill it to streamers at all.
Choices that don’t actually do anything but feel like they do. Also a separate sandbox mode.
I feel like you’re me from the future. I don’t think people can get past early visuals. Like ya I used game boy advanced level Pokemon sprites for placeholders. That’s not the fucking game. But that’s all they can envision.
'vo has never sought attention. he simply receives it for his good game
I gotta solve this bug.
I’ve cut so much to its essentials and the entropy still shows.

It looks like pure chaos.
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Fine! I will extract all the codes hand by hand then and not share this sacred knowledge with you guys.
ToK isn't good thoughbeit. It's not market competitive and has the potential to become a long-term lolcow like bokube.
How do I recruit my Puerto Rican cousin (male) to work on my game with me?
This and randomized loot drops/locations, horde survival mode and character classes with certain specializations. Also maybe several powerful items but you can unlock only one per playthrough.
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you made it again, you bastard bitch.

you archieved schizo KINO.
By which metrics are you judging it?
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WAGMI, you just need to have faith and MAKE GAME!
This is true.
Mark 11:23-24
Mark 9:23
what I never understood about space games like KSP is that they obviously have some solution where they reset the origin and shift all objects. However rendering cannot work at space-scales. Do they just scale all other celestial objects so they visually fit? E.g. you are on the moon surface, the earth object however is at most 1000m away from you but scaled to .04 so it visually fits?
against the quality of its genre contemporaries
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I was like you once, until I decided to use my brain and ask myself, HOW can I do this? I wrote down the steps I'd need to accomplish a task and looked up the documentation to find the needed methods. Then, trail and error and LOTS of crashes but I eventually got there. Now I can do most things without needing to look up shit but you gotta stick to it. Gamedev is the personification of learning by doing.
>a pupperino-like with deck building SMHUP bullet hell hades-like couch co op mechanics.
This plus ChatGPT and you can pretty much do anything, at least in 2d.
would you recommend taking some time from the main dev work each day to study math?

I was an underachiever in high school.
Like say I work 8 hours per day. Then every day I study math for say 3 hours.
So you’re comparing an amateur game with AAA games?
Gotta watch out. Don’t copy code from chatgpt. Just explanations.
Sort of. The more generic the code is, and the simpler the question you ask, the closer it can be to doing something useful. But ya, you gotta read the code. I use it for both code and explanations. But it's a rare day I don't re-write a good bit of the code. It helps get the ball rolling though.
potential buyers certainly are
kill yourself pedophiles
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
We're really on a crab bucket day today huh
more of a bokut
The market doesn't care about your feelings. There is no "amateur" weight class on Steam. Your game is set alongside all others. Path of Exile was also an "amateur" game when it first came out made mostly by 2 dudes out of a garage after liquidating all their assets and begging family for loans, but it was market competitive the moment it was out in closed beta, which is why it became such a huge success. ToK isn't even close to that, and won't get close. He promised to release this year, which he probably has to because his publisher isn't going to keep bankrolling what's destined to be a flop.
Ha, maths also was never one of my strengths, but what I learned in highschool is more than enough for most gamedev problems I encountered. Basically, you do not need much of it, but a basic understanding certainly won't hurt. I wouldn't indulge myself too much into it though, since most gamedev problems can be solved by repeating the same stuff over and over. Take vector maths for instance. When you know the basic methods and what they do and when to apply them, you can solve most problems related to vectors easily. I'd say go ahead and dev, when you encounter a nasty math problem, indulge yourself into it until you understand it, then when you encounter it again, it shouldn't be much of a hurdle any more.
damn my game is shit
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Here's the new one and old one. The face and overall quality has improved a lot but I think it's worse. The old one has a charming comfy vibe while the new one has a stale "girl boss" vibe. I'm thinking the jacket and jewelry are uninspired and giving me that impression.
What do?
Brutal realitypill, though it applies to literally every game in development being posted here.
More like inncer circle.
Yes, that has been my approach so far. I just learn as I need to learn. And if the tree is deep, I’ll go as deep as I need to and then recurse back up.

But on the side I want to do a math side project just to indulge from start to multi variable calculus. Just as a side project outside of dev time.

Thank you for the response.
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How would you guys approach trying to create the patterns(blue) in picrel in a bullet hell?
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except for mine
Have the projectiles run along splines?
Do they need colliders? If so, then they're just regular bullets.
I’m going to make it.
Mark 11:23-24
Thanks this is the term I was looking for.
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>But on the side I want to do a math side project just to indulge from start to multi variable calculus
Good idea, the more you know the easier you'll have it in the future.
fucking kek
How long do you think until you'll finish deving your game?
Make a comfier version using elements from the older model and add a fancier version as an unlockable skin.
I have to come clean. I put the /agdg/ logo in my game. Fuck. I'm sorry, it's so fucking awful that I'm sure that having it there is also going to hurt all of your reputations too. Fucking damnit I'm so sorry.
Bros I think I might have become too fat to make a game.
>Chris zukowski, advertising guro, right now
>You have to play every game in your genre to understand where your game is
(regarding price point)
If you've posted it recently, then no. I'm sorry you had to find out like this...

Edit: thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
i liked the old song more.
felt very appropriate for a tank arcade game
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I give up, chuds.
I was thinking that too but maybe comfy doesn't sell well on cover art. Might be better to make the fancier version have soul.
old one is better
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>/agdg/ always begged for eric
/agdg/ historian here, no one really cared here about Eric Barone before the stardew valley modder got banned for making a mod about the little girl becoming a love interest after which obsessive daily posts about Eric Barone/stardew valley started to pop on /agdg/.
Yesterday an anon was trying to talk me out of switching to bone animation, saying that changing the workflow for making sprites could help.
He never did provide any workflow advice for faster iteration or making changes to existing large animations (Aseprite)
Something I find really fucking annoying in Aseprite is having to change one thing in twenty frames. Is there an ideal low frame rate to use in pixel games?
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only 42 more minutes till my next dose
Don’t give up
Pray to God and Believe in God
Mark 11:23-24
You say this every time and my game destroys your expectations every time
the barone schizo villain origin story is even more pathetic than i thought
>not a single bocchi in 2024 section
invalid picture
This is why you shouldn't make your game moddable anyone who mods is always a subhuman parasite
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boochiposters cannot handle the responsibility of making an op
We get it crumble you hate trainwiz.
I'm starting to suspect I've been doing gamedev wrong.
Instead of learning programming and art I should have been grinding music very hard until I can make a great OST and only then making the game.
so about that big gay aggy daggy sex orgy you guys where raving about?
still happening?
Do what you think is best but there's nothing saying you can't use the skin on the cover rather than the default
This is true
Dibs on the sissy wearing that awaken shirt
Those are OP pics from the last 50 threads of that time. Boochiniggers at least have the decency to not make OPs.
What's the practical difference between functional programming and state-driven programming for game development?
marnix is crabbing
fuck marnix
fuck bitememe shills
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Thanks for the suggestions, feels like defeat to dump so much time into the new character and it's this disappointing.
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trying switching from 2D isometric tiles to 3D. in order to access more reliable depth sorting, rotating the camera and objects, better shadows, more convenient vertical movement...
Think of it as a step towards what you want to achieve rather than a failure.
functional programming likes to create more function parameters (the ideal amount is none) and returns (the ideal return is void) which gives you cache misses and expanding heaps of garbage, so it's a bad paradigm for game programming. for game programming you want to do whatever avoids cache misses and limits how much memory is used.
I genuinely wanted them to play mine but there just isn't anyway I can meet this DD deadline. The amount of stuff I need to do would be cutting it too close to the edge that I'd probably end up burning myself out even further and finishing like a few days after DD already ended. I pretty much just gave up on even hitting the deadline there's no way I can submit something without it being something so low quality that it'd be an embarassment for me.

>check out the video
I kekked irl.

I like the old one. The new one does look higher quality but the old one, like you said, has a certain charm to her. Try switching the heads with each body and see how that looks.
wearing jewelry while snowboarding seems pretty irresponsible
Nta but this is usually the reality of the situation. Why do you think I get mad when I see others making games like mine or even in the same genre with similar gameplay? Gamers do not care if your game is indie or triple A, there is almost always only 1 metric
>is it good and fun
That's literally it. Sure there's outliers but that is not the general situation. Your competition isnt all released games, it's whoever else has the same kind of gameplay as your game and whether theirs has recently released. If their game is one that can be played over and over even decades later that's an added difficulty for yours to overcome. That is the unfortunate reality of the situation we're in. As more games come out your competition grows for each and every dev that pumps out a game similar to yours. It sucks, it really does. The odds of making it grow worse because of this.
My new game idea needs controller support.
Do I really need to support anything other than Xinput and Direct input?
Thinking of getting a controller that can switch between the two for testing purposes.
Also is there code for this is godot I can just copy?
The Godot input system just handles it all for you.
I'm fucking sick of learning
Learn this program learn that program learn this addon learn that technique
I just want to have fun this is a actually a fucking chore. You need to know so much to produce an inkling of quality content
Oh this banger tweet blew up, uhhhh check out my music or smthn :skull:
This cat looks drugged up and like the physical effects are becoming more obvious.

Maybe the fancy version on the cover and the other one in game? Sort of how some capsule have high quality versions but in game it lools nothing like that. I prefer your older model but maybe this is like Aura's situatuon where the higher quality one made him more popular even though I liked the original. Im not normal when it comes to graphics, so idk how the normie audience would take this.
You don't know what you're talking about
i mean this is what modding is bring forth for trainwiz's ill
There is nothing wrong with appealing to furries.
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damn dude. sorry for hitting such a sore spot, but there's no need to be so upset
idea: it aint me/fortunate son, but its about the inner circle demo day wars instead of vetnam
forgot to mention, i am indeed trans! cope and seethe chud!
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Hello AGDG! Let's do our best and make some games :D
yes I do and it's not as complicated as you'd like to think. functional programming is inherently less performant, and specifically so in ways that affect games more than most other software.

let me guess, all optimization is premature optimization and people should upgrade to play your circa 2005 looking game?
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I'm going to try a new monetization strategy for my next game. Instead of selling millions of copies for a few dollars each, i'm going to try to sell just one or two copies for $1Million each. Thoughts?
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Carrie.
Insincere post.
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Now that (A)woken is in the inner circle we can rest
Says who
>ctrl f my game
>it's just a schizo reposting old garbage
every time
I have a bounty out on all inner circle goons.
I know almost everything I need to know to make games and it's still not fun. 5% of gamedev is fun, 70% is drudgery, the rest is torture.
Me, I'm the dev.
Then why are you doing it?
Literally the only times my game has ever been mentioned in threads have been in people posting "whodev blacklists" on which demo day submissions to flame
hello me, how are you doing today
I need money, I know C# and Blender, but I'm unemployable.
>space game
You are now my arch rival

All it takes is one rich guy buying it. I may have considered something similar before
Is it a physical or a psychological problem?
>I know almost everything
>I know C# and Blender, but I'm unemployable
>(a)woken fan literally took this pic just for a meme pic
Kek how do I get a fan like this

Idk how anyome finds it to be constant fun. Fun is like <1% of the time and it only happens when I successfully do something.
I've been making a living from games for the past 6 years. It didn't get me any interviews.
>implying it isn't staged
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Looks like a huge downgrade fren
Please just fix eyes on the old one and work on the textures a little
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i better see this unreal default project on DD.
What do you mean? Just look how many progress posts we have!
If you play gamedev music while you work (and this is a bad idea if you're coding), do you pick whatever you feel listening to or something thematically appropriate?
You fuckers lied to me again. Fuck you, /agdg/. Bunch of bullshitting motherfuckers!
we warned you about reverse crabbing, bro!
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Today has been a good day of devvin'
There is no reverse crabbing like there is no reverse racism.
It's all crabbing. If I tell you your obviously shit game looks great and to keep it up knowing you will fail, that's more crabby than telling you to give up.
>unlisted video
the bitememers were marnix himself the whole time
Kek, nice.
I wish I weren't in constant terror of ending up homeless so I could waste time like you...
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is this what stolen valor feels like?
Wait, you're me?
Isn't that like half of Reddit?
Why do you do this to me?
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wagmi. My game will probably not make this DD hope Marnix will check out the next one so he can play my game.
>goes from gamedev to niche demo game streamer
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yup, thats my demo sorted
>that's more crabby
as a critical crab theorist I prefer the term "crabbist".
prgoress - there is a concept of 'dynamic skills' now, this is usefull for item skills that require a casting animation
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I hope awoken fixed stuttering
I think you're overthinking it. I prefer right's face a bit more but I think that has more to do with the lighting in the picture. Left's outfit is just fine. Sexo even.
me too. feels good.
still has some bugs, but they are either non-critical, or i found some satisfactory temporary workaround
Same here, now just add extra polish and play Elden Ring while waiting for DD to start
Mom get the camera im in a webm!!!
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no one but the femboy schizo cares about your game awokenbro...
Webm? I hardly know 'em!
if only you knew how bad things really are
stick to 32x32
Kekd I know of a girl who uses the basket weaving forum thing rather than calling it 4chan
souless vs soul
wtf are you even thinking?
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why am i so fucking bad at planning shit. i sit down with a pen and paper and try to design as much of my game as possible. anything that doesn't work, i scratch out and think about some more. in the end, i start coding, but i always, 100% of the time, realize there's some massive problem with the design and have to come up with something else.
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Say that to my face
Man the compression this webm suffered makes the pixels look bad compared to the catbox site. Im assuming its compression. Can you upload the other size to catbox with 0 compression?
can i pound your prostate?
>>Chris zukowski, advertising guro, right now
what's your gamedev bottleneck?
You can't design for what you don't know how to do. This is why predominant advice here is "just like make game". This is why people tell you to make pong or make a mario clone. Because you don't know how to design yet, not until after you've worked with the systems that you're trying to design for, so that you know how to design in them. Designing original game mechanics (and I mean real design, not ideaguy bullshit which is what you're actually doing right now) is the hardest part of gamedev.
No gf...
my computer
no skill, no talent, no passion, no energy, no jazz, no rizz, no sigma, no abilities, no luck, no pizzazz, no swagger
Good ideas
You have the lingo at least
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If I'm adding a fictional group of people in asian style, samurai-likes, ninja-likes, chinese/japanese/mongol vibe. Now I start thinking must they have yellowish skin, or they can pass with default white-pink color?
Will sjws eat me alive anyway, or nobody cares?
Will it be that cultural appropriation thing, or what?
inb4: assassin's creed shadows jokes
right now whenever I build dependencies I have to limit the amount of threads I can use because otherwise I get random segfaults or access violations and I have no fucking clue. Corrupts the build artifacts whenever it happens so I have to clean it manually or restart
>make good progress
>get excited and want to show it off
>realize have no one to show it to
>get sad
>productivity goes down
This is probably why the best stuff used to be made by a small group of like-minded people. They just enjoyed making cool stuff to show to each other.
I'm right here, though?
This is one the reasons I'm making a dev blog so I can get the effects of showing people stuff when I publish something even if no one sees it.
>I have to limit the amount of threads I can use
What CPU?
Join the inner circle discord, way comfier than this schizo laden shithole
Sorry, literally no solution for that (unless you didn't even try in which case you should try)

Specs? Engine?

You should become a gamedev Youtuber

Idea guys, assemble!

Specs? Engine?
My country of residence. My release process is unnecessarily hard.
>Idea guys, assemble!
I need a designer, not an idea guy. By definition idea guys only have bad ideas.
I have a pretty new computer (i9 14900k) and I'm using Bevy. Currently using Windows but I dual boot to linux and get access violations there so must be a hardware thing
There's an inner circle discord? I've been told I could join...
Does your game have at least one iconic character?
>run game
>splash screen is pregnant Sofia
>"made in Godot"
You know Asians aren’t literally yellow right
They're not?
Have you set the proper power envelope instead of letting the motherboard blast it?
What MT/s and are you running 2DPC?
Can't speak personally on it, but I wouldn't be surprised if this is giving you edge case issues
Distro? My impression was that Intel 12+ gen scheduling is MOSTLY sorted on Linux nowadays, but it could certainly be the case between your RAM, CPU power settings and Linux that you're getting CPU I/O issues.
ToK discord
Yeah, but I remember all those games where you have separate skin colors for every basic races/nations/tones or someting.
Uh, I wish I did robots only game instead.
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pure gameplay
Which games did that?
mogs me
Skill. Specifically art and code. Yes I suck at both
>he didnt say music
I paid for that.

But of the two Id say code is my bigger limiter albeit pretty art would draw a larger crowd.
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>and I'm using Bevy
>using an engine in 0.1.x
hard to remember like that
any modern indie with customization should have it I guess
Its probably bevy. The one youtuber i see shill it, iirc mentioned how early it is. Not a chance id use it. Why be the guy making stuff in it and basically being the shill for them? Its why im letting godots popularity work in my favor so that maybe some years down the line its on par or better than unity/gamemaker
>>he didnt say music
>I paid for that.
soulless. don't you know that you must become a competent composer (an entire separate career in itself) if you want to make a soulful game?
Post some new photos you fraud
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573 KB PNG
Turns out I just needed to run an older version of blender
If he makes a game successfully, bevy will shill it for him
though to other gamedevs and not gamers
Would you happen to have any suggestions? What bank is best to use? Do I have to go abroad or is a local bank that performs SWIFT operations enough?
cute 'jak
I'm sorry but I'm rather new here - what's ToK?
first level sketch of the day, gonna try and make 2 more today
In our case it was not enough so we also have to use crypto to transfer it from kazakhstan
Yes, make a stand and rise up against Putin. I know it will achieve nothing and pretty much guarantees a 10 year gulag rape sentence but I have an Ukrainian flag in my bio so...
I'm glad I posted here about this because these seem like really good questions but you must understand that when it comes to hardware I am retarded and this is the first computer I put together for myself in a decade
>power envelope
I am looking into this thanks
I'm not using all four slots yet so pretty it's not, and from what I'm seeing in CPU-Z it's underclocked so you got me there too
I'm gonna take a look at the other obvious things before worrying about this

it's happening much further up the dependency tree on things completely unrelated to bevy, and in its current state has everything I need to make my shitty game
Describe xer
So getting a foreign bank account is unavoidable? And using crypto as well?
Is there any way to do it online, or do I absolutely have to cash out for a trip?
attention span

Sorry, I'm basically the Cerebus of /agdg/ and nobody joins the inner circle without my approval.
Marnix's reign of terror has a shelf life of 7 days from this point. Hark.
Does Steam pay into your country?
If not, you will need a foreign bank account. But banks typically don't open accounts for non-residents. Even so, you will need to pay taxes on earnings in the country you have an account in, and those can be up to like 60% because they may have mandatory benefits like health insurance and pension and what have you.
I wouldn't worry one second about it until you get 10k wishlists.
>I wouldn't worry one second about it until you get 10k wishlists.
...I still need to get the game on Steam. You can't even pay the admission price here without it.
How would one go about joining it, given that I've been told I actually could?
Seems like no way around that, good thing one of us is kubanoid
We already help one guy with transfers in the role of a publisher and soon will start working with the other one
If you are interested write me
>If you are interested write me
Sure, leave your contact info. If nothing else I'd at least appreciate knowing what do I even have to do.
Oh yeah, they ask for the bank account before they let you make a page.
Then I'd suggest showing off your game on social media until it starts getting traction and you get interest from a publisher.
Or if you're dead set on getting your game on Steam, does Estonia still do their e-resident thing and do they do it for your country? If so, that's one option.
But I wouldn't worry about it until you have a game that publishers are interested in. It's just too much trouble otherwise.
I will post the mp4 of both files so less quality is lost:

It would be considerably easier, but I would have to upscale the window otherwise everything gets too small...
Imagine a nurse but she's 12 feet tall and strong enough to lift an ox
need some quintessential action games (shooters/roguelites) in order to get better at game design
God bless you Russians for standing up to globohomo
Start building and learn as you go.
I also got frustrated with trying to prepare for everything. I just started building.

You know what you want to build. Start. Look up stuff as you run into obstacles.
>but you must understand that when it comes to hardware I am retarded
You're fine anon, I'm just pointing you in the direction of some common causes of memory access issues for DDR5/Intel.
The RAM setup seems to be fine, 6000 MT/s tends to be a bulletproof speed for up to 96GB I believe. Any capacity above that generally requires speeds descending from 5600 MT/s in a 2DPC configuration so keep that in mind as well.
how can he post new photos, when he saved those from the thread himself?

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