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>Run Energy Changes

>Crafted by Foxes Merch Range

>Hallowed Sepulchre Instances & More

>New Slayer Boss - The Araxyte

>I'm new, what should I do?

>Communication & Info
Website: https://osrs.game/
Wiki: https://osrs.wiki/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OldSchoolRS
Chat channel: fart cc

>/osg/ 2024 Skilling Competition
i am literally calvarion
omfg https://youtu.be/U9g2ZrxVM8g?si=YlOJ4do_cZwRjER7&t=481
i forgor previous oops >>483726703
why are clean ranarrs cheaper than grimy ranarrs
i was so ready for a victory lap i am in shambles this is 2 times now i have got to jad and fucked it up from small things that could be fixed
sorry i didnt see the new thread link so as i was saying,

okay to be fair i didnt read her post properly she said an npc YOU KILLED would come back and attack you which isnt the same as in DT because you didnt kill the stranger before he started stalking you

hwoever in diablo 3 you can have bosses that previously kiled your friends pop up and attack you very fun mechanic check out diablo 3 and 4 if you get the chance games of the summer
i forgot to get water now i can start renovating mahogany homes
are you going to be a man of your word and quit now
why are you trying to safespot jad
not safespot but i though i had a second to get my bearings wiht how the orange 360 spawned
idk man you're a bondie you don't have an excuse to die to jad
hes an alcoholic please understand
you get it half a fifth of vodka in is hard thank you
jad is so hard he tells you what to pray and you have only 1.2 seconds to react which is humanly impossible
half of a fifth is a tenth
juiceb0x lead paint staring at his prayers and still missing them
farm run time come see if you can run into me on world 330
i am bad okay. once i do this i will not do any pvm beyond the gwd i need to do for the diary
okay Einstein
unironically yes. i wasnt on my prayers tho when i logged in it was on my inv
1.2 seconds isnt really a lot like you need to look at jad then process what to pray then click your prayers button and then find the right protection prayer and then click it all in 1.2 seconds im not saying its impossible but itd be nice if you had like 3 seconds
>once i do this i will not do any pvm
what the fuck are you going to do then, fish all day?
it is my childhood dream yes. i just want to skill. i only do this shit because my irls want to do raids
kid you will be so proud when you get the cheese cape
the homies will not be raiding with a skiller
i joined an iron cc so i haven't been posting here much since my 99 fishing but i love all of you guys so much still <3
what cc
i remember seeing people with it and being in amassment and i will be that guy.
i will be that guy
jcw got drafted and i dont even tick manipulate so ive got a chance
fart cc
many such cases
hey guys can you crowdfund my goal of buying jagex so i can delete RS3 and save OSRS from the bots ty ilu
the rs3 whales are keeping osrs afloat though
osrs makes more than rs3
not per player tho. the whales are on rs3
this hasnt been true since 2019 lmfao
RS3 whales are only like 30% of jagex revenue plus if i owned jagex i would simply not be greedy and would be happy with the revenue from OSRS subs which is only "not enough" from the perspective of private equity
makeover mage city but its drain city paid 3k so my face pretty
drain gang??? slime????
got the blicky uh blicky got the stuffy uh drain gang
drain gaaang gemstone ricky to osrs lifestyle im committed
what the hell are you talking about
in varrock sewer all alone (thats my home!)
does anyone want to be my rsbf
i always confuse bladee with yung lean
lean is shorter bladee is leaner
are u a baddie and fine wiht someone who cant do fire cape?
um you first i'll message you in game if that's okay. i don't want to post mine because people will end up spamming it
im mining a crashed star
sorry im not interested juiceb0x you're the last person i would want to talk to from osg
understandable have a nice day
people only spam your rsn if you react weird or do something to make them spam it
do you fw fat girlboys
this is victim blaming
or are shit
as for me ill be saving my next firecape attempt and my rs virginity until i find an rsso who will sit on vc and tell me exactly where to click
maybe but its true because im the one who spams them
lol what the hell i unfollowed dave yesterday on twitter because his entire timeline was him shitposting stoned and i just noticed he unfollowed me does he stalk his followers or something i've never interacted with him at all
hi im dave
as for me personally i wish i could get away with never being in vc because my voice is flat and monotone and i hate the sound of it and it makes me self conscious
she never spammed my rsn so i think the victims must have had it coming but that's just a theory a game theory
ill do that but i don't need ur virginity because im ace
you never spam me even though im weird :c
why are grand seed pods over 200k what are they being used for no way someone is spending tens of billions to train farming with them
the boys at the crashed star are laughing at biden
maybe, weight/height?

this isn't true. last week, shortys posted a 99 slayer screenshot with their skills tab open and a schizo jarvis'd them and have been spamming their rsn. shortys didn't do anything wrong and now they have to live in shame for at least another few days
he posted about how hard his dick was in a creepy tone and he also said please no jarvis which is an invitation to something like that basically he shouldnt have dressed like that if he didnt want that to happen
5'6" 170lbs :3
he was gripping to d333cay
shortys posted their entire stats and said "dont jarvis me silly boys" they got exactly what they wanted
icky baboonies playing osrs
I am locked out of my account
so plz play osrs for me
did he shit his pants again or was it trump this time?
Abon, what is a wignat
it is okay to simp for me nice threadgirl d333cay but regardless he specifically asked to be jarvised
what happened to the weight loss arc jay
I didn't mean to write Abon that was an error, it was a mistake

look new update is pozzed anyways
so if ur wearing armor and have
the naked noblet can run futher
away because of this update
if i dm you in old school rune escape will you assume im a simp
this isn't passing in its current form and probably wont pass in general because they poisoned the well wtih this dumb nerf
i can't lose weight that fast lol, you're right though i'll hit the gym after i have my dinner
no sis, its joever. and im not kidding this time
no i do genuinely just want to make friends posting lewds is an unrelated compulsion
i dont want everyone else thinking im a simp
its short for whig nationalist which is when you're a nationalist but reject the jacobite succession
what has gym got to do with losing weight
i would be your friend but my anxiety prevents me from messaging people first sorry
why are you going to the gym aren't you on estrogen lol
eat less or go keto, diet is everything
im not logged in rn though im taking a break because my shoulder hurts from plundering my pp too much but my dms are open when im online. im also anxious to message first so its fine we can be friends on the thread also
ok feel better i hope you get a rocky
reminder that they dont want to be friends with u they want to fuck u
iv been eating less, i should look into healthier things to eat i just want to do some of the cycling machines to sweat some
sabrina thw witch was a kyutie guys
sometimes you cant want to fuck someone and also be frineds with someone its not mutually exclusive
i knew a girl whose bf was a streamer and you could tell she didnt get much attention from him because she would end up posting borderline nudes in the streamer's friends discord and it reminded me of d333cay ol
I'm had a stroke trying to read this
>>483796593 (me)
*can. you get the point im sure. anyway im going in the shower bye
i stopped drinking beer its the only reason i still have agut thats why i started on vodka waters
who is jarvis like the computer from the avengers?
because most things that give xp are worth more than the product it produced
jay looks like shes been eating all the fish she catches
i hear so many good sounds in rs to make beats with i saw that one video of the dude making a beat out of rs sounds and it is so apparent that he doesnt play. like in the fight caves alone theres a hi and a kick sounds that he doesnt use. jatcutie dis track coming
woman moment
most herbs are cheaper grimy because no one wants to clean them and only ranarrs are significantly more expensive even though they aren't even close to the best xp/hr from cleaning herbs
but the higher xp herbs are useless in their cleaned state
ummm torstols?
if that were true they wouldn't be profitable to clean but they are
there are only like three herbs that are cheaper clean
d333cay can you post an ass pic without your undies it would be so hot i know you wanna get railed what are you doing in osrs right now
could you take this thirst posting to the cc ty
i wouldn't consider it thirst it's one small favour..
maybe at the moment, the price fluctuates a lot. the most profitable herb to farm at any given moment can fluctuate between ranar to snapdragon to cadatine to avantoe. it just depends on what's currently in demand
this isn't about farming anon the mystery is that ranarrs aren't profitable to clean when most other herbs are
i guess i just imagine it would feel bad knowing they only care about you cause of your gender i feel bad for you desu but you seem to get it
bondies taking out their calculator to see if they should clean their herbs
i know that's just an example, i don't have the whole grimy/cleaned herb market all memorized but i know it fluctuates and that you shouldn't clean herbs for profit without checking the market first
i always clean my herbs i almost have an entire level just from farming
what about grand seed pods why would someone pay 200k+ for a single-use teleport
helmies cleaning their herbs because they have no choice
bondies be like 92.11 + 8.11 = 84
helmies be like only 9 million more guams to clean before i can make a super restore
actually you can pay an npc in nardah to do it for you
i clean my herbs when i do my farm runs
oh well then you'll never get to make a super restore
the grand seed pod price is from scammers selling their accounts. scammers will look for an item with a low daily volume and artificially jack up the GE price, thereby increasing their bank value
super restores are only 63 herblore which you get off quests and diaries really easily can you use a better example like a super combat
i wanna make divine super combat potions but they require 97 herblore feel like a goof prepotting super attacks and super strengths
grand seed pods haven't been below 100k in over 2 years though the chart doesn't look like market manipulation to me it's very volatile but it's consistently above 100k
oh i was thinking of super combat i maxed out herblore so long ago that i don't even remember
prayer pots to 99 and made a hefty profit
even prayer pots aren't profitable right now the economy is fucked
i have 95 banked on my helmie but im saving my herbs for herbtodt
grand seed is rare
it's a one time use
it comes from a minigame that nobody plays
it's not botted
that's why it's expensive
it's also used to scam rich noobs
are there really rich noobs in osrs what do they look like
they weren't profitable when i started making them but between 90-99 they were worth more than super restores for a couple weeks
i know supply is low but it's a pretty niche teleport and most of the people who would be willing to pay that much for such a niche teleport have access to the royal seed pod instead so demand must be very low as well
the only way the price makes sense is if there are people who value a single teleport to the grand tree at 200k+
or if there are people who value 100 farming XP that high
just like anybody standing around GE in max gear, that's who the scammers go for
are there really people that spend thousands of dollars to start the game with bis gear
like i said it's used in a scam. kemp q and maybe sir pugger have videos about it but the gist is that you trade it to somebody on a pvp world, tell them to "equip it," and you have an alt at the grand tree ready to pk them. There's a lot of social engineering required to get them to that point wearing their tbow but that's the qrd
was about to start another fire vape attempt but i’m trying to liquidate my bank for an anguish. i need to stop for the night before i throw away 1m in supplies to the bats ily osg
there are retards everywhere so i’m sure there is
i know about this scam but i thought it went out of fashion years ago just like the left-click pharaoh's sceptre scam
they could just be end game players with extremely low IQ but the colloquial term for them is rich noobs.
retards everywhere indeed
if you have to liquidate your bank for an 18m item then you have bigger problems
my entire bank isn't even worth 18m so she's ahead of me
me personally i just buy things and then i own them and their value no longer matters
total level?
yeah this just replaces that scam since the scepter is low longer left-click tele but it's the exact same scam
one of the tricks is to mix it in with some guilded items
so retards lmao. suckers deserve to be scammed it’s a good life lesson
i just haven't seen it or really any of those simple tricking someone into left clicking a tp scams in the anti-scam videos i've watched lately
seems like the scammers have all moved on to more elaborate scams where you trick someone into thinking they can anti-scam you
im so excited to have the pharaohs sceptre now this is gonna be so goatherd for desert clues
gz i need another 1 of those for a clue
chat what do i do while my toon blows 24 thousand molten glass
>more elaborate scams where you trick someone into thinking they can anti-scam you
Yes, that's what I meant by social engineering. Those are the guys who use the grand seed pod. They're the guys that stand around GE offering above GE price for megarares.
the ones i see on youtube are usually trying to get people to take 1 step out of a safe zone at shantay pass not trying to get them to teleport
i would give you my spare if i could bestie
Hello fellas and the one or two biological females that lurk this board. I'm about to achieve 99 firemaking which will be my 13th 99 on my account. I should be maxing my account within the next month or two. Please congratulate me. Thank you.
um you could steal artefacts if you're below 91 thieving or rc if you have a lot of pure essence it's not worth afking glassblowing imo
wheres the party
im not an ehp dweeb i shant be doing that methinks i will play my bondie
I am anti social and scared of people so there will be no party unfortunately.
congratulations but where's the party
while youre afking why not try diablo 4 game of the summer
osg biofems:
>boxee (on hiatus)
>despa (quit?)
>rsgf (unconfirmed, hiatus)
>spookdog (lurker)
d4 bad
and while you're checking out diablo 4 check out daft punks new single "get lucky" if you get the chance song of the summer
despa logs in like every day you freaking doofus
>osg biofems:
>>boxee (on hiatus)
>>despa (quit?)
>>rsgf (unconfirmed, hiatus)
>>spookdog (lurker)
I know boxee is taken, and I know that spookdog is a goblin irl, but would any of you other lovely ladies like to be my rsgf? I'm a runescape billionaire ;)
there's different variations that involve stepping out of safe zones at priff and ferox enclave but there are teleport tricks too
there is a 0% chance a biofem is playing a uim and doing 3t4g to 200mil mining im sorry
how come mudkip settled with a girl like spookdog hes way out of her league
he seems a little autistic and it wouldn't surprise me if he's also a little desperate
implingsonly is the only sweaty femscaper
mudkip is the only runetuber more insufferable than spooky
mudkip is one of the few youtubers that doesn't make videos for the money or views he has that rare type of autism that allows him to truly enjoy osrs
find me another osrs youtuber with 100k+ subs, 3k+ videos and zero sponsors
hes also slick on the skates https://x.com/WildMudkip/status/1711504352446435601
having zero sponsors isn't a flex it just means he's had with money
oh sweet summer child..
mudkip is the literal definition of counting rs content. tee hee the cake is a lie
sorry i meant bad with money
there's a guy who makes D&D videos and he's literally a baron but he still takes sponsorships
>hes also slick on the skates https://x.com/WildMudkip/status/1711504352446435601
why is he with that hobgoblin spookdog again? he can probably date any girl that's roughly a 5-7, so why is he shacking up with a literal 1?
verf can skate
who is spookdog she can't be that ugly
shes not a 1 shes just a butterface grow up
generally normal people date people that they like
honestly butterface is the move. get like 3 in the face with a stacked body and she’ll let you do just about anything with her. sad one of my ex wouldn’t let me eat her ass but it happens. anyways talk about the game
she's an average white girl but runeys watch too much porn
personally i don't like ugly people but that's just me
>shes not a 1
she looks like a quasimodo
she's not a butterface, a butterface has a hot body
you guys are gross
post a picture of this girl she can't be that ugly is she the girl from the "i'm not botting just autistic" video because that girl is not a 1
google it lazy cunt
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the pornbrained retards think this is a 1
go watch mudkips vlogs
i keep punching ardougne ross's wife by accident
throwing my hat into the ring with a fat "ew lol"
is that boaty behind them

also goddamn mudkip is cute
you're right shes a 0
see? average face. average body. probably above average for a bitch who plays runescape.
that is not her
um akshually headass
starburst berries and cream little lad headass
homely librarian headass
she's like a 5 there are way uglier girls out there you guys are addicted to porn
it is
yes it is

are you delusional or defending her post a picture of what you think a 1 looks like
fat girls don't count
compared to the disgusting troons that post here you can say shes like a 5, but if you compare her to any biological female that plays runescape, shes like a 1 at best. im also not addicted to porn
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i think theyre both cute youre all losers
well shiggy she must’ve lost weight after the yt comments got to her. still a slightly busted face but alright
what youtube comments?
i knew a girl in college who filled me with visceral disgust whenever i had the misfortune of seeing her face so that's what i consider a 1
a girl who just looks like a homely librarian isn't anywhere near that bad
shut the fuck up pukedog
the ones i made
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Stop watching porn.
bed time gn osg i love you
looks like a bloke
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talk about the game. who up playing with they pp
oh me me im doing that
is d333cay your rsgf yet does your dick twitch when she pms you back
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im about to hit 99
does mudkip have a job
peak bondie
d333cay is my rsgf
d3cay is none of youre rsgfs she has a secret bf
Remember in 2005 when ppl called eachother choobs
if its a secret how would you know
i think most of you guys just haven't ever met a truly ugly person
if you had you'd know there's an ocean of difference between homely and hideous
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she has a really nice body though
pity gz cause youre too shy to have a party and i feel bad
again, most ugly girls are fat
spookdog won't see your insults but a butterface threadgirl will
that's true but not really relevant
hideous people have fucked up teeth, asymmetrical facial structure, and other traits that would make them just as ugly if they had a perfect bf%
they are grotesque and uncomfortable even to look at
somebody said spookdog is a lurker so she might
isn't spookdog liberal i don't think she could last a day in here
she's getting dicked down every night by a guy who's out of her league so i doubt she cares if we think she's ugly
do you think only conservatives post on this website
according to mudkip's vlogs she is vegan
im liberal and im in here all day :3c
i'm liberal
what do you frog kissers think you're scary or something?
i would absolutely rip her in half with a tight body like that. she would be so thankful for a second glance let alone a fuck
your sick
im a communist i post here because the leftypol osrs thread is dead
no i never said that i do think most liberals would screech irl if they saw the word nigger though like when lilsushi screamed when she died to zuk yesterday
i don't believe you're actually a communist you would have to be really low IQ
there's no difference between leftypol and rightypol they're both extremely low IQ and easily influenced by chinese/russian anti-liberal propaganda
i am alkan i luv all bitches ya
how are the bunkercucks holding up tonight?
as for me i think the political compass is deviously arbitrary in design and i am surprised more people don't share this opinion
a good litmus test for political morons is to see if they trust china, russia, or north korea more than the US government
i am also an leftoid with anarchist leanings i just think 4chan is funny
chuds are a lot like feminists if you think about it
guys woodcutting is so freaking slow :(
it's not even about trust, i think it's hilarious that people think the CIA/FBI are even capable of the shit they get accused of or that politicians are taking $5M bribes like any service they could offer is worth that much
1.5t teak is 235k xp/h thats some of the fastest xp in the game
that's because the ehp spergs would behead mod ash in the streets if jagex introduced a wc method faster than 1t teaks
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when my toon casts superglass make i keep thinking shes cranking that soulja boy style but only with her upper half does that make sense
when my toon hops out the bed she turns her swag on
rsn maam? i have something you can crank
what actually was the play here? obviously he should have tanked a stomp from the hunllef but was there any way to avoid taking damage with that dogshit floor rng? https://youtu.be/GzwCCghNckw?si=ACY5iFRsvl92eEn6&t=62
he shouldnt have run where he did there is no dogshit floor rng in cg
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>me while i bullying your haram oda simp bussy
if he went down instead of up (so further away form the hunllef) then he would have been fine because he wouldn't have tried to avoid getting stomped. while it is the worst possible floor rng, he only died because he made two consecutive pathing mistakes
god i wish that were me in the picture
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2 completely safe options he chose to get stomped
can we erp on here i dont want to give away my rsn
but you just did wtf? schizo posting much?
my rsn is not shortys thats someone else
please call me a cute retard ahhh wtf is wrong with me
pretending you posted your rsn on accident is not going to make me give a shit about it
he has since became a god at cgaunt tho
85 con please gz
unfashionable bitch wearing graceful doing mahogany homes yuuuuck
um planks are heavy
i will not boo you because i love you but the tea restores your run energy you can wear something cuter
Qt toon
wow that guy is fat just like gnomonkey
gnomonkey isnt fat its just the perspective of the photo
Pls do NOT swear lil anime...
gnomonkey took so many Ls today his stock has never been lower
i wanna be a lil anime..
i know you adorable little idiot. a dumb cutie like you should know better then to speak up to me in that tone :3
85 construction and you still wear that shitty graceful you should have a max pool and all teleports unlocked smdh
ditch the graceful and come back for 86 for your gz
girls please stop your gonna make me guamy
i only wore it because planks are heavy omg i don't wear graceful anymore
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i got the covid-19! yes corona, big time! im going to chill at stars for the night i think
stop bullying eala she can wear graceful if she wants
U can b a lil anime too

Step 1: be cozy and comfy

Step 2: enjoy playing in osrs
thank you
graceful is illegal
*dies to whisperer*
uwu pls berate me more call me an idiot retard again :3
me personally i prefer praise maybe a mission failed we'll get em next time you know
what the hell you need gold leafs for master stashes
now look what you have done! you silly little retard. >:3 what did dummy do to die this time? were you getting having trouble focusing while thinking about being called a retarded cutie again? ^.^
can the little retard please just dm jaycutie directly i cant handle these emojis
yeah this is getting weird even for me
um do you think this will be the last osrs pride sisters.... i just read project 2025 im literally shaking rn
its not looking good for joeseph i dont think hell be king of ardougne again
yeah fortnite were about to get down
Yeah im mining amethyst im mining amethyst
master clue wants bandos boots and a dragon 2h guess i'm dropping it
1 like=1cry
theres no like button on here but im sending 1 cry anyway
im a uim
i love bladee
bladee is a chud
i dont fink thats true
Talk about the game
im at star clickclick clickclick clickclick clickclick emerald clcickclick
i cast the line
i reel it in
i put the anglerfish in the barrel
can you two disgusting troons kill yourselves already just because it's faggot month doesn't mean you can leak your disgusting shit in this general
what is everyones favourite colour contained within star for me it is the darker bluish green
talk about the game not your interpersonal drama
how much ehp and ehb do you have
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for me its this bluish color i have a few shirts in it
the frog kissers are mad that humans are having relations with each other lel
thats an excellent choice i think my bedspread is a similar colour very cosy
i miss when they had the little ET alien in the middle of the star and everybody killed it with pickaxes
yours is a pretty good choice too my fleece blanket is that color
the wiki said that was never actually implemented but i thiknk they should put it in maybe we should start a campaign on reddit. we could "astro"turf lol
alot next question
whys he so mad the other room was empty
troon sissys lost
no exact number means im going to continue posting as normal
eala L
chud helmie W
common helmie problem
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frogborger friday
he hopped and i got a hard clue 1m later so actually its my W
she never stops Wing
i am the one who Ws
very epic for the win
i just ate some hot cheetos
I just fluffed
i just made some coffee
i bit my tongue
i took my time i hurried up
lol im like that little anime playing finger drums right now as i mine daeyalt for the 2000th hour
Talk about the game
quiet bitch
i uncovered a new more purple purple compared to the more mauve purple in my previous image would love to hear everyones opinions on this new purple in my star
i carumba ok the joke was because there was lots of posts beginning with i
i need d333cays feet
thats a nice purple i used to have a big cozy hoodie in that color
ok nice purple but you should be 3 ticking that
Ur cooking cape is pretty lil anime...
wait...you don't actually keep clues in your inventory while you skill...do you?
that is a lovely colour for a hoodie maybe i woudl also like a hoodie in that colour

i dont want to hurt my hand so i will just afk my star with patience

thank you

yes i will do them after this star i dont want to manage ground items its okay to be lazy sometimes
you should look for a hoodie in that color i think it would pair well with your hair
i lost my clue stack three days ago i'm still sad about it
i appreciate your guidance and will have a look on the websites
clue... stack? clues do not stack
some of the new gnomonkey merch comes in purple just to let you know https://gnomonkey-shop.fourthwall.com/en-gbp/
someone posted a screenshot just then of a clue stack maybe youre on a break and dont know, but you can now leave clues on the ground for up to one hour (after having them in your invy) and you can get the same tier of clue as a drop while its on the ground
that link does not look safe to click
they do if you stack them on the ground
i guess it is more of a pile than a stack though ill give them that
thats a pile
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What's the point of dark crabs?
ill show u a pile
*moons the thread*
those are 7 individual clues dropped ontop of each other not a stack
if it's a pile then why did i call it a stack?
i think it would be cool if every fish had a dark counterpart
whats the point in anything
wow these are tacky
they give very high fishing xp and if cooked restore 22 hp when you eat them thansk for asking
Why not just get mantas?
no ofence but i would never wear "it's dangerous to go in there" zelda misquote very cringe
mantas weight more
they're less xp to cook
they're sometimes more expensive in the GE
does anyone want to walk from the SE corner of the map to the NW corner of the map to protest the run energy change with me and then on zeah too
sorry i cant do that much physical activity while im sick
fat bitch
why are snape grass seeds so pricey i have 9m worth of them
Should I alch onyx bolts or save them for pvm?

t. poor ironman.
she is a sooooooo covid runey player
i alched mine
enchant them
then alch them
what do you do early game on an iron? i want to do pvm but i have no prayer pots. i was following this gay efficient ironman guide but it's so cucked. should i just go for quest cape or something
Water strike lava dragons for easy protection prayers. Gets you tons of alchables too.
i got them early with big bones because i wanted to rush fire cape but i have no prayer potions and im too retarded to farm, how do i learn to do herb shit? ive only played main, only planted trees
Oh prayer pots, right. You can always get some blighted super restores and do Jad on a pvp world.
just an update ive been mining daeyalt for 2001 hours now thats what i call progression
the ironman guide isn't cucked
the ironman game mode is cucked
damn that's smart, thanks
my early herb route was cape to ardy farm, ring to falador farm, ecto to mory patch, camelot tele for catherby patch and then house tele for hosidus
bro needs ppots to do a cheese cape in 2024
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i didn't know ((s))he played!!
ive done no time for a sip on main but i don't want to do it with 40-50 ranged, seems cancer, especially if not one-shotting bats
*vomit noises*!
Imagine how many times his bank would have been cleaned by now.

>give me your bank loot or rosechu will die
>oh noo you evil trolls but i have no other option take my stuff *makes retard noises*
is this game like gta
yea stay out of the wildly there's player rapers
me and the mob are mining next to d333cay she doesn't even know she's a TI
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check out my cool sockies i got in this dungeon i got sent to by dracula
gay ahh shoes
fr zesty ahh footwear
can't believe jagex banned other rapists but allow chris to play
i fell asleep while hunting kyatts and lost my hardcore ironman lol
more like crackula lmao
Just got ratchet and clank, sorry Mr Tumeken
oh hello i was afk watching the rock bottom epusode of spongebob where he is trying to get home from glove world
why did it take the red fish basically the entire night to get spongebobs glove balloon back
frrr he must have chased it pretty far
Are Australians stupid or why do their laggy servers suck donkey cock
you should be watching bluey or something not american 'toons
the ceilings right d333cay youre not a very good australian
im watching bob for nostalgia reasons they didnt have bluey when i was a lass
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How many bowstrings do you get per hour from temple trekking? Flax fields are killing me.
australians are only allowed to watch bluey, crocodile hunter and summer heights high i dont make the rules
maybe she could do like a kipper or a wallace and grommet
those are bri'ish innit
a lot more than picking flax
can they watch steve irwin i think he was english but lived in australia for a bit
steve irwin is australian, quite famously, and thats what crocodile hunter is
can someone make a rsmv for this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tE1HDSipRxU
i remember playing habbo hotel and someone came into my room like steve irwin died i couldn't believe it then /b/ closed the pool due to sting rays and ruined my life
no he was english
tfw your light goes out in lumby swamp cave and bugs start eating you
okay sorry
i built the eternal flame in lumby despite never going there
iis this burning.. an eternal.. flaaaaame
shut up bitch
would you still love me if i was a rockslug
yes i would let you slime up my back and sit on my head and we would go on adventures together
rock lobster
slime up your back sounds like a euphemism
id let her slime me out basically
i got another 3 hours in on the jad simulator today... i think im ready
i beat jad first try when i was 14 years old
they should actually make running the new walking and add a new "fortnite run" where you move 4 tiles per tick but it should drain slower than current run so it's still balanced
mod ash should kiss my balls
mod ash is ace
he has a wife i saw him say so to an only fans woman
we know
mod trash go eat some more hamburgers
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why is he so rude to me

also does anyone know if u can increase ur render distance
ill tell u but not for free
how do i get seeds i am at 32 farming as ironman and master farmers give so little/such useless ones its such a bother to train it
de-iron, buy at the ge and then re-iron
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birdhouse runs
herb seeds from cringe slayer runs
ok how much
>noobs complain about "early game" being slow
>they want to increase base run time and regen
>they want to increase it further based on agility
fuck these run energy changes and fuck the survey. i want to see graceful nerfed into the dirt because it's gay seeing everyone run around in it but i don't want all this other garbage. just fucking add the RS3 sit your ass down to regen faster when you run out and call it a day
pay a venny to do tithe farm while you work
bring back gooning
you can surely quest for more levels than that right
what the fuck
>also does anyone know if u can increase ur render distance
only for the map but not for npcs if you have Runelite with the GPU plugin
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At least post the picture your dweeb
Is it waste of time to kill zombie pirates without the diary?
why is every single character in the al kharim and the desert towns name ali?
ignore that look at these frogs that will punish you for not giving consent
its because andrew gower is racist
>open door to where someone has a guard trapped
>get accused of botting
are the chudscapers still mad about the frogs? why do they love to be angry
are the troonscapers still pretending to be women? why do they love to be delusional
who cares about the frog nobody does randoms anyway
ahem actually im greenlogged except baguette
not everyone is a weirdo like you
if gooning was a skill in runescape I'd be 200m
where varok
i would be a level 1 pure because im cultivating my seed
reddit babies want unlimited run
i fucking hate this community so much
>unlimited run is bad
unlimited run is dumb and makes the world feel even smaller especially in the early game
run has literally been the same for 25 years and they complain about it NOW?
why would anyone level agility then
what does training agility have to do with wanting unlimited run energy?
agility makes you regen run faster and you can just run around shortcuts so you dont really need them anymore
yeah idk, redditors dont train agility anyway they all hate it
I hate gay redditors!
whats everyone doing?
can we remove run energy
and increaes all xp rates x10
I just started my character, ive done waterfall quest, the feud and levelled 25 magic so far. any recommendations?
um are you free friday? i was hoping we could go to a cafe together
more early quests like the grand tree, tree gnome stronghold and fight arena I'd say
actually bricked account restart and rush wt as an iron
you do hunter rumours as an iron now
walking around in games is not fun, this is why teleports and content hubs exist
walking exists so that teleports feel good
if you want fun go play minecraft unironically. osrs isnt fun its a grind
which we have already?
grinding is fun though
vscape has unlimited run that shit sucks
walking is part of the early game, walking from lumbridge to varrock, to fally etc
fun is grinding though
grinding can be satasfying or rewarding but its not fun like going to mcdonalds or something
me when im gay and a power bottom
the redditors are all like 35 years old now and dont have any patience to grind anymore so they want the game to change for them
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opinion discarded
so what's the problem with reducing walking?
it is an absolutely hilarious joke
is there a plugin that renames the alis to sneed and chuck that would make me laugh every time
Agility and RC deserve it dayo
i'm 33 and i have more patience and more time for grinding as i get older. i don't mind the game changing with new content and stuff but all these balance proposals seem overcomplicated and poorly thought out to me. run energy as it is does not bother me. prayer flicking, tick manipulation and efficiencyscape is also gay
brain damage type shit
^low skill player
buffing agility is fine but we don't need unlimited run lol
either way i don't see why it's such a huge problem to people after being a fundamental part of the game for 25 years
>i suffered through bad thing so now everyone has to
i didnt suffer through any bad thing
don't care voting yes, because the energy system sucks.
Agility is fun, you are just gay. Nothing more to it.
seppy is fun yes
reminder that you are playing a grind game without enjoying grinding, go play ffxiv or fortnite
get 80 combats and your options will open up
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Yeah I'm runecrafting ever heard of it
i enjoy fun grinds not lame grinds
youre right give everyone max bis setups just because other players grinded it doesnt mean you should have to
lavine was right we should just give all players max stats out of tutorial island
Onlyfans idea: handjob with female void knight gloves.
oooh im feeling like william shatner
whats a female knight called?
a whore
a dame
whats a male knight called?
mod mat k
mod pratt gay
runescape is only good because of all its jank. safespots, misc tick stuff and so on
runescape isn't good
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waiting for our queen to stream again.......
And who's that? Some zero skill whore showing her tits?
I thought jim sterling was osg's one and only queen
my queen is d333cay i would worship her stinky holes
is her name d333cay because she smells like she's decaying
burning the coal does that to a cunt
i think its a bladee reference
d333cay fucks abbos?
The only streamer worth watching is bo eh
i like watching lake hes chill
brb gotta drop a log irl
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lmao they are safespotting him
lol. safer noobs
that's not what safing is
what is it then
it's when you have sex with a biofem while they have a low chance of getting pregnant
Anyone who actually played this game 20 years ago appreciates walking. It allows you to stop and reminisce in the trees of misthalin
if they do unlimited run then they should repurpose run energy to sprint energy
glad someone gets it i thought i was going crazy
being a safer is when you eat without being at risk of getting koed in f2p
generally eating above 32 hp or so
like you get hit from 99 down to 70 and you eat a swordfish youd get called a safer
but if someone hits you from 42 down to 22 and you eat you wont get called a safer
its not just autism either because someone who safes will win zero fights since they spend all their time stuffing their face while the other guy gets to keep hitting them
>f2p pking
do people actually do this
yes its kino
Yes it's fun
how do i even learn to pvp and what levels do i need to be before it is fun
my only experience with it is from f2p when i was 12 and there was no strategy i just clicked buttons like a retard
>i just clicked buttons like a retard
woah you are already a pro!
why are you like this
and i just finished all these up. thanks for the recommendation, they were all neatly in eachothers paths. and without realising it it helped a lot that i did the tree gnome village first so i could teleport back into the gnome stronghold during the quest
you should start to weigh more if you eat too many cakes.
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heartaches by the number
troubles by the score
everyday you love me less
each day i love you more
is it okay if i say desert treasure 2 is hard because i think it's hard

it's really fun though
idk i haven't done that quest. i'll do it once i do the inferno
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gm osg it is pizza friday
i'm the joe biden of /osg/
i already had pizza on wednesday -_- its fish friday
Pingcord lost
what's pingcord
who are you replying to?
ohh true it is, fat girls win another day, im gonna get dominos
what do i do with all the adamant and mithril arrows from cg
raped bitch
i don't know thats why im asking
did you get raped? waht is pingcord
pingcord is the chudcord where they gossip and share selfies
chuds don't use discord
pingcord is the joe biden
holy frigging moley i forgot the flipping ketchup -_-
you don't need ketchup on pizza
pizza already has tomato sauce
hope this helps :)
i used them for barrage tasks when i ran out of darts
i dont have pizza i cant afford pizza every day
im eating ya moms pussy for lunch
youll get throat cancer
i died to the hunllef do i have permission to cry
yea let it all out baby girl im here for u
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my bank is worth 200m right now, should I sell everything for bowfa and rigour?
*sobs into your chest*
*gets boner*
when priff is in ashes then you have my permission to cry
*rapes you*
are you 99 ranged?
buy bowfa and kill the giant mole she needs to be vanquished pleas eplease please
sticking out bowfa
new video out
buy an ad
aint nobody watchin allat buddy
already watched it 10/10 i recommend anyone to watch it
well yeah you made it loll that doesnt count lavvy
wake me up when gnomonkey releases a vid
idgi why doesnt lavine and autism elegy and all them just play on a private server instead of complaining constantly for a decade straight
do you guys actually like gnomonkey i thought you posted about him ironically
why is her voice so deep
there aren't any good private servers yet
2004scape is releasing soon though
i hate gnomonkey im more of an aatykon girl
Give me one reason not to buy 10 bonds to sell and buy a saturated heart.
aaty W
gnomechuddie L
I can't, it's literally an upgrade anywhere you use magic
if only magic wasn't the worst attack style
oh wait
magic is the worst attack style lol
as a brighter shores truther you should buy 100 bonds. and accelerate the death of osrs
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Happy Friday everyone
I will die a virgin and without tob dust at this rate
are those woman hands
is bitch suckin off the coke can or is it normal to slather that much lipstick on it
>femoid hands
rsn please miss?
No, those are tranny hands.
clean ur fingernails
everyone is a tranny including random pictures of biofems that are posted
nasty bitch whats wrong with your diet coke
why are you, a german man, using a chinese girl's pic as your avatar?
>man hands
>diet coke
the simps will simp anything
>if only magic wasn't the worst attack style
>oh wait
What actually is the worst attack style?
same guy that calls jagex embarassing btw
i use my imbued heart for wind striking barrows
it literally is magic
>no good specs
>awful gear selection
>zero viable offhands, one viable weapon
lavine has been on his crusade since i started playing which is like 6-7 years ago now and he's still not even 200m all like maybe if he didn't doomscroll 2007scape so much he'd be finished...
maybe hes a chinese girl on the inside
you misunderstood the post
>op asks for a reason not to buy
>I don't have one
>oh wait... I do, it's because magic is the worst
we can do some tob together if you agree to go on a date with me
oomfie isnt even maxed and thinks anyone should take what they have to say seriously..
just watched the lavine video on sailing and agree with everything he said especially about sailing not being subtle like other skills
Jagex is going to start selling official private server licenses soon.
Also I don't know why you'd want to play 2004scape when RS3 peaked around 2006.
because they are going to update to 2005, 2006 eventually
>subtle like other skills
could you elaborate on this since you are lavine
okay that's kinda based though personally ive never been a huge fan of progressive servers and i think it's especially a poor fit for a sandbox game like RS but that's just my opinion i hope the people who are autistic enough for progressive servers will enjoy it
>peaked around 2006.
when they added hunter?
no more like when they added construction and RFD
RS 3 is for fags.
actually runescape peaked in q1 2011
who asked
sailing will be overpowered and out of place compared to all the other simplistic skills because jagex wants a bombastic skill that they can shoehorn a lot of content into e.g islands and underwater raids
Triggered fagmo. Too bad i’m too based to host a chudscape server.
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i agree this is a legitimate concern but i also don't think it's unique to sailing at all
hunter has the same problem but even worse because it's designed in a way that's very difficult to integrate into the rest of the game whereas sailing seems to be designed from the ground up to enhance everything else

who are you talking to
they should just take out the 3 and just call it runescape
whats the 3 for anyway
clown ass tranny looking nigga
it was just a marketing gimmick
runescape 2 was an entirely new engine but runescape 3 is just runescape 2 with a jank ass interface and worse graphics (but the graphics were already getting pretty bad near the end of RS2's lifespan)
didn’t watch the video or have any idea what anon is talking about. i think it’s how each skill feeds into each other but idk how they’re gonna fold it into the loop like other skills other than just giving you supplies
>they should just take out the 3 and just call it runescape
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh does somebody want to tell him
- >>483870291
i watched half this video cause i'm bored and i'm just reminded that these ehp dweebs are in their own world of delusion
>autistically hung up on the word "oldschool" taking it as a literal state of the game, bro is like 8 years late to the party and should've unironically quit ages ago if this was his worry
>rambling like a literal toddler unable to make a coherent point, starts talking about airplanes being added to the game comparing them to boats (completely different and need a whole other axis to worry about)
>tries to make a point that there's a reason the game doesn't show you an animation when you charter ship somewhere as if it wasnt made that way 20 years ago
>strawmans a situation in which the sailing skill gatekeeps upwards to 50% or even 90% of the games content, think about that 90%. lmfao.
couldnt watch the rest of the video cause i can't take him seriously, basically the only valid concern this retard has is that it will look goofy
ehplet detected
did you vote yes to sailing?
Who didnt vote yes?
i have lavine on my friends list but she dosent have me added back
i believe the current plan is that sailing will be required to access various islands with those islands containing skilling activities, skilling locations (e.g. hardwood groves or farming patches), new bosses, and even quests
i didn't vote yes or no because i started playing this game 6 months ago
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i didn't vote since i came back late.
for me i started playing OS in early 2020 but i stopped playing for a while and only came back a few months ago but i would've voted yes to any of the three skills they proposed even taming which honestly sounds like a big smelly turd because it's impossible for them to make a skill worse than firemaking or hunter
why dont they name it islanding then this has nothing to do with sailing or they should name it ruiningskill-skill because thats what its gonna do it will ruin skilling
>travelling over water on boats operated by sails has nothing to do with sailing
actually runescape 3 did come with an engine update
you have to sail on your boat to get to the islands anon it's a skill for sailing on boats but you will need to use your boat to go to places because that's what boats are for it's why they were invented not sure if you knew that or not but it's an interesting fact
does anyone want to come to my 99 strength party in 42 of my ingame hours
the game you love is "getting worse every update" and you continue pouring thousands of hours of your life into it
i voted for shamanism originally, didn't vote in the subsequent sailing poll cause i didn't really care either way and expected it to pass anyways after they lowered the threshold
reminder that they are NOT expanding the size of the ocean, and they are NOT instancing anything
it will be a clusterfuck
I would’ve voted no but Fagex isn’t committed to democracy
they should update osrs game engine.
Sailing is just water dungeoneering and I am tired of pretending it is not.
Dungeoneering is good btw
none of the skills have a purpose anymore you just drop it like with mining, you just drop the rocks, thats why the skill should be sailing for enjoyment like the current purpouse of sailing instead of it having a purpose because thats fucking gay
where will the party be i think it should be in the warrior's guild to keep out the riff-raff

i'm glad they're not instancing it that's going to be so funny
what if our ships touched outside tutorial island
I just think it's kind of weird to have sunk tens of thousands of hours into osrs and still plan to go for 200m all, but you're convinced the game is run by a totally incompetent company and doomed to fail..why wouldn't you just do something else if that was your conviction..
midzy L
it will be at the barbarian fishing pond
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I also think it's really weird how people suddenly get so dogmatic about what skills should be except they absolutely abhor training any of the existing skills and would completely ignore them if pvm encounters didn't have an arbitrary skill requirement gatekeeping them...just my thoughts..
im dissapointed that boats are just walking in water rather than actually relying on the wind and shit
pulling my yacht up to the tutorial island shore and catcalling at the new girlies to flash me their boobies
saw a bot mining iron at piscatoris today
yea can you grace me with a 1 hour warning and i will show up and do a silly little congratulations dance provided i am awake
straight fax
Sorry chud, but this island requires 99 sail and 99 craft to land on.
i dont like that sailing will ruin the other skills, it will force you to skill hop for ehp which i really really do not like so when it releases then the game will kind of be dead for me, this was the exact reason i did not want artesian in the game, since artesian was slayer but for skilling, but now that sailing is turning into artesian 2 its just fucking annoying
they should add skilling methods that are good gp/hr and also ban all the bots

why do you care about ehp
funny number gives good brain feeling
Shamanism should gives ultimate abilities for your new osrs spell bar
i'm a f2p uim, i mine ores, i smelt them into bars, i mold them into crafts or smith them into armor.
i don't care about sailing. jagex has already fucked the p2p meta and you all voted for it.
i hope they add sailing ass you describe and it ruins it for you and you quit along with the rest of your ilk
i would have voted against the GE though if i was playing at the time also if they ever poll removing the GE i will vote for that but they won't because no one wants to admit the GE is bad for the game
ummmmm sis they already fucked the f2p meta too :3c
hopefully none of the multiskilling methods will be better than the current methods for those skills
i hope you move to ffxiv and have more fun than you would playing osrs.
good thing that won't happen because you're retarded
these people want to bend and morph our game into something that it isnt because they dont find old design fun, this has always been their goal
its probably going to happen because jagex has no clue how to balance things... im just trying to get the most out of the game before sailing gets released but i only have time for 1 more 200m then :-(
"our game" kourend was added 8 years ago can i ask why you are still here?
the GE is literally the reason that mains are trapped in gpscape they should've added player owned shops instead the GE is simply too convenient
this is our best option to play runescape currently, the game we love
i see, it's comedic you've poured thousands of hours into it only to watch as it gets "worse" every update, that must really suck! maybe in a few years and three thousand more hours poured into the game they'll start catering to you, keep going!
sorry but we on /osg/ love and all voted for sailing lavine, you should try r/2007scape
you don't actually love runescape you love a specific build of runescape and you've lost sight of the fact that runescape was always receiving major game-changing updates almost every week back in the day
its probably not even lavine just his gay lover midzy that posted it to begin with
remember that osrs itself was created because of the game becoming unrecognisable due to bad updates
nahh blud 100% posts here its really not hard to figure that one out
GE existing is for the better, can't imagine if there was no GE and every fag would be on discord since gaming forums are dead.........
and they have an excellent track record of not making those kinds of game ruining updates so i will remain cautiously optimistic about sailing instead of just assuming it will suck
mod ash won't let the game be ruined
i do not trust jagex with a skilling update of this magnitude especially after forestry
this, there is no going back
ge was a forced update
they made the trading post intentionally shitty so that ge would pass
>shooting stars
where did it all go so wrong
they will cancel sailing like they canceled the DT2 prayers
sepulchre is widely beloved are you retarded?
i dont like it.
waaahh updates bad!!
shooting stars are the only tolerable mining training in the game until 92 mining
what is your idea of good skilling content?
this is the exact problem with the modern playerbase
I wasn't around for trading posts so I don't know how shitty they were.
3t4g, 3t cut eat, ardy laps, blackjacking
blackjacking is awful and ardy laps are boring
pretty contradictory to think ardy laps is good content but shit on those things you listed when they are equally as braindead
what mental illness is this
the earlier ones i listed have big rng elements or annoying forced timeouts, both of those prevent you from staying in flowstate and chilling the fuck out without being bored out of your mind like with pure afk methods
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aren't shooting stars fully AFK for 7 minutes at a time?
the +5% -5% stuff is extremely crucial to keep stuff stable, because you have people with diffferent patience levels when they sell so this allows flippers to come in and keep stuff stable. Trading posts are just really annoying and the undercutting is 10x more annoying.
I think that a lot of people just don't like grinding at all but pvm happens to have the slot machine effect where any kill might be a big drop or a pet whereas skilling always has a fixed reward (and the pets both suck and are way rarer per action)
bros talking about osrs skilling like its martial arts flowstate nahhhh im dead
Can you elaborate? I don't really have any idea how they worked.
trading post was just a billboard, you still had to message and meet the people, you couldn't trade through it
sometimes idiots would have their private turned off so you couldn't message them
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newfags havent heard of acid souls grinding mentality
It was just like wow trading post, but it was terrible for flipping because nobody is going to be buying the higher priced items. With the current system most people will just do +5% when they buy stuff
i am once again asking what the worst grind an iron has to do
no one cares about what some pseudo intellectual neet has to say about getting 200mil mining 10 years ago
it wasnt like wow, you had to meet the player and trade with them still
taking care of my sick covid wife
knowing who you are trading with and what the exact prices are is better than the anonymous GE
your sick covid wife has a penis

boo hoo

he'll just cry whatever you do!
she doesn't have a penis and even if she did i would still love her
maybe for you could not matter less to me and most players
do you have undeniable and 100% proof that she didn't used to have a penis? before you say yes ask yourself how can you know for sure
no it isn't that's how you get 3rd age items above max cash based on fake trades. watch them drop to more reasonable prices when ge price limit increases
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The current worst grind on my iron is making powered orbs all week to be prepped for daily staves.
her voice is too feminine
men physically cannot have her hip to shoulder ratio
ai filter
there is a surgery for that it costs like $10k
shes too frugal for that look at how she plays runey
why is it so hard to believe that a woman online would be slutty
talk about the game. im 'coon hunting and on track to get 98 thieving today
im grinding out cg ill probably hit 200 kc today
>amulet of torture is 20m

>simp logs online and starts talking about his ""wife""
>gets mad and deflects when people call her a man
your wife gets plowed by another man every day and some days by a dog
what is the ultimate goal of runescape
shortys is one of midzy antis alts and only pays attention to d333cay cause she has a slit its a grim sight to behold
whatever you want it to be
whats grim about it?
>wake up
>eyes dry
>mouth dry
>throat dry
>open osg
>everyone arguing about threadslut
i hate mondays
sis its friday
this really doesn't sound that bad to me
imo the problem with the GE is that it's way too convenient which means that being self-sufficient basically never makes sense from an efficiency perspective
my ideal system would be some kind of player-owned shop where you can rent stalls in the varrock and ardougne market places and put up a list of stuff you want to buy in addition to the stuff you want to sell
this would obviously have a huge problem with players competing for space though so it would probably need a lot of tweaks to be practical
its really crazy how lights by ellie goulding is still such a great song like it really does hold up
what does that have to do with the game
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got blue sword
its blue
is it infested? tell us more
kind of cute desu
one two buckle my shoe
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who are we rooting for in the ehp comp girls
wow midzy was picked really far down on that
midzy? more like pootzie
random ai generated names
team special but not because of midzy he should be removed for his pedophilic tendencies like oslo
the what
two of the teams couldnt be fucked to come up with a fun name whats the point
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ehp skilling is kinda dead now i feel, used to be way more active and interesting several years ago
fat bitch youre making me want to order but i cant justify paying $8 delivery for 1 (one) borgor
5 dollar combo meal ive been eating 1-2 pere day since release
omg midzy L
lmfao genuinely "umm fuck uhhhh nobody is really good uhhhh" last pick
this is slop if you eat this before grinding ehp you will get diarrhea after an hour and waste XP on the toilet
drink water
ill take.... midzi
i ammmmm im sippy juggy
Why is Barb Assault so fucking retarded? Anyone? I just want a fighter torso.
actually the opposite happens, when I fast food (which is often) I often find im plugged up for 2-3 days and then I have an extreme ass blast to clear out the pipes. very good for EHP contents
i don't know a single name on that list except midzy and i only know that name because you guys always spam it i have no idea who midzy is
were all midzy in one way or another if you think about it
um yukika is a famous japanese kpop idol who sings city pop
desu im really proud of midzy's ehp gains this year its coold that she got 3k ehp
if shes so famous and so japanese why havent i heard of her
my mcdonalds got overwhelmed with $5 orders so they made the small drink """""unavailable"""" so now noone can order it
because she retied to have a child idiot next question
if shes so famous and so japanese why isnt he child also famous why has she not groomed the child to carry on her torch
What does this have to do with OSRS?
wtf isn't solace an actual clan with standards? i thought midzy was just another 4chan osg loser why is he in there
shes in the ehp video keep up
because he tried really super ultra extra hard and chopped redwoods
i thought midzy was a boy?
he is a boy a disgusting kpop pedo guamer
erm midzy has a lot of ehp but she really only gets 3 ehp a day she just plays 10+ hours a day of redwoods or footknights but it all adds up..she's not a good skiller in the way the ones who do like 6 actions in 1 tick are, she just quietly plugs away at her redwood trees from dawn to dusk
When was the last midzy W
yes you are correct she was a boy
Oh I see. You're all simping fags.
Chuds won
me personally i like both the chuds and threadgirls
midzy has just 8708 hours until her goal of 200m all. at her current pace of 3.6 ehp a day, midzy is on track to reach her target by 2031!
8700 hours and thinking about how the game is getting worse every week the whole way
Doesnt matter you lost
i don't like either
lost what
Your dick
i already said i'm not a threadgirl
logged into runey and immediately got hit by a blinding migraine this sucks
all of those are trannies.
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Does anyone know where I can get parts for the venator bow?
Wiki says phantom muspah should drop them, but I feel like the wiki is either misleading or edited
or is there some sort of hard version of the boss that I missed?
whoa..this guy went 2.5x rate for a drop..never seen something that freaking unlucky in my life
Are you killing normal muspah or the hard mode version? The venator shards drop from the hard mode. The wiki is misleading and doesn't inform individuals about this.
*blows molten glass into lantern lenses like a boss*
she was a boy
he was a girl
can i make it anymore obvious
you mean he was a boy?
someone petting a frog just flew over my house
i thought midzy was good at this game why is she 9th pick
shes actually 33rd pick
oh dear
probably because hyper focusing on an autistic monotonous video game for 6 straight hours or god forbid more isnt something normal people do and it isnt really a skill at all
being picked last at the loser dweeb convention is really funny
midzy is a guy
girls she wasnt picked last i got picked 33rd theres people after her so put some respect on her name
i only respect good pvmers and pvpers like port khazard and westham i dont respect nolife skilling spergs who think being able to 1t karambwans while shitting in a diaper for 6 hours is a skill
it's not pizza friday or whatever dumb shit you just made up
it's fry day
get it?
speak a little korean for em midzy
westham should lay off the hams
i think midzy has the master tier of combat tasks completed so shes kind of a master at pvm if you think about it
ece ate all the pies
westham ate all the hams
skotizhoe ate all the cocks
new bread?
she cant even solo cox :x
i messaged knuupy something really embarrasing i meant to message someone else.....
message him

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