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Previous: >>483789230

>Character Demo - "Sigewinne: A Bittersweet Cure"
https://youtu.be/_QusNJbJK7I (EN)
https://youtu.be/Ms4OaRiK_Ik (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Sigewinne: Everyday Correspondence"
https://youtu.be/xDpA6x0KMSI (EN)
https://youtu.be/IJVpn2jOafA (JP)

>Event "Endless Forms Most Martial" live until July 1st

>Current character banner: Sigewinne, Furina, Gaming, Rosaria, Noelle
>Current weapon banner: Silvershower Heartstrings (Bow), Splendor of Tranquil Waters (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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Good night.
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
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what could have been...
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Post boys.
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Posted on a previous thread asking for help making teams for Abyss 12, and these are the characters I don't own. (No 5* consts, no 5* weapons)
Tried many teams and I still can't even clear floor 1 on a decent time (never less than 100 seconds)
Tried Tighnari Aggravate, Raiden national, Childe National, Nahida bloom, and even Wanderer freeze and nothing seems to work.
What the fuck am I doing wrong?
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>technically dead
>still gets 2 new threads before 750
explain this phenomenon now
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I am getting filtered. Maybe I'm missing something. Opening a path with two opposite arrows only opens one half of that tunnel, room at the end still sealed, and I can't tell if the gear number+position is affecting the rate of turning or not.
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This game is fucking dead! Wtf can we do now we LOST! We LOST! My sunk COST! My WELKINS! My TOP UPS! My BPs! It was all for NOTHING! The CHINESE scammed us all!
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I'm going sicko mode on this thread...
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Gosh...all I can think about is Diluc...*sigh*
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Artifacts probably. If you don't have the beeg numbers your party won't carry.
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GODvillette 2024
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lmao dead game
I was missing something. The arrows have to be > < instead of < > if that makes sense.
Luigi's Mansion is a classic though.
Shitvillette shit
>jobbing to a 20 year old game
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sex with alhaitham
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Man, it's too sad to even make fun of your threads at this point.
The legacy of Fontaint
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Nahida is only good with tits
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5.0 better have models update
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>24 days
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That’s it, I’m off to play Wuthering Waves. Later genkeks.
Maybe Fontaine is actually the USA region considering the amount of old senile heads of state/government it has...
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My beloved
Nahida is best when Wanderer is shooting ropes of cum inside her.
>finally finished farming for him
i'm so happy now
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Boyposting hours?
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>people would rather watch others playing the game than actually play the game
>people would rather actually play the game than watch others playing the game
>the latter is le bad because
Its really a bore to play Genshin outside of the week when a new zone drops.
The game is still good those few days when the new content is out but there is really nothing entertaining in between, Mihoyo never cared to address that.
Its so weird, they had the golden egg goose but they are just letting it starve
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>60+ straight days of constant humiliation from here on out
I really need to find a better game and general...
Maybe that RDR2 guy had a point...
They haven't touched the graphics of this game in 4 years
What makes you think it'll be any different now?
>models update
Lmao Genshin money is all wasted shilling Honkai Star Rail. Hoyo spent more money on ads than every big gaming company COMBINED
How can we save Genshin now? It’s on a downward trend and it doesn’t seem to be stopping
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Not even a week and the new potato is already forgotten.
yeah that puzzle sucks ass.
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I've stopped renewing Welkin like a month ago and decided to no longer roll for anything other than Euler cons with only dailies and event primos. I don't care about endgame anymore since there's no reason to do it outside of getting a few more rolls faster. I'll only spend if she gets a skin that's actually good. Euler skin when?
>What makes you think it'll be any different now?
because they said they are upgrading the graphics in 5.0?
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You should post a boy though
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She's the cutest when she's hugged by the man she personally groomed.
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I love grooming!
He was right… I should just play real games like RDR2 from now on
Appealing to the LGBTQ+ community will save Genshin. They are only 20% of the playerbase but 80% of the revenue.
You've obviously never seen the amount of broken promises these shitty devs have made
Empty lip service is their game, and you shitter ate it like cake
When was the last time /gig/ being fast AND not filled with mostly shitposts?
Guan Yu
No revenue… no billibilli views…
I.. don't know. I'm a fake genshin fan. It's over
Just a bunch of shaders
Mihoyo is so stingy we are stuck with the same 5 character models using the same moveset until EoS
The hydro buddypoke...
>>>>The electro pork...
The empty sumeru area...
>>>>The increasingly short flagship events...
The decrease in Windtrace maps...
>>>>The small summer event area next patch...
The rubbish and extremely poor 4.8 area...
>>>>The unvoiced flagship event on the current patch...
The copypasted NPC from the 3.2 event (Nahida can read him)....
>>>The lack of Fontaine merchandise and collaborations...
The lack of 4.x hangout events...
>>>The lack of animation videos on Fontaine...
The removal of CN Hoyolab birthday web events...
>>>The lack of Rukka and Egeria demon names
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Who is your favorite character that you've pulled for this year so far?
You literally can't. 40% of Mihoyo employees are women. The cancer is terminal. It will never get better, it will only keep getting worse. I hope the game is still at least playable until Teyvat Chapter ends, and after that, who cares?
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Now you just need lvl 100 and it's gucci.
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The hydro buddypoke...
>>>>The electro pork...
The empty sumeru area...
>>>>The increasingly short flagship events...
The decrease in Windtrace maps...
>>>>The small summer event area next patch...
The rubbish and extremely poor 4.8 area...
>>>>The unvoiced flagship event on the current patch...
The copypasted NPC from the 3.2 event (Nahida can read him)....
>>>The lack of Fontaine merchandise and collaborations...
The lack of 4.x hangout events...
>>>The lack of animation videos on Fontaine...
The removal of CN Hoyolab birthday web events...
>>>The lack of Rukka and Egeria demon names
Furina and Wriothesley and Sigewinne
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Xianyun. She makes Xiao and unmatched meta again
>Made more money than Elden Ring in 2023

The cope is off the charts here
I love how easy mono geo is to build. Just strongbox husk and all of your characters are suddenly built.
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Scaramouche / Wanderer / Kabukimono is very erotic.
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My /fa/ husband
NTA but they also haven't touched the endgame or resin cap in almost 4 years and yet here we are in 4.7 with both
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Why don't you guys go chat about sales and revenue in /biz/?
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>enjoy the game with friends because of the characters, story, and overall comfy time farming and clearing abyss
>characters have been shit since sumeru
>story has been a slop since inazuma
>farming is hellish and not worth it, and it's only gotten worse the more sets and regions are released
>comfy events are temporary and can't even make you forget you'll have to wat another 40 days of nothing
>3 years of filler .7/8 patches
>i'm the last of my friend group to remain on this slope only for the hope my wife will be announced to be playable, but even that reason wavers because i'm afraid she'll be ruined like many other characters
Who else can relate
Because of you flopping we have to deal with this shit. FUCK YOU AND FUCK FAT XIAO
Bros, Mr Morax got humiliated at the courtroom today
I think the erosion is getting worse....
We know anon__
furina and siege
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klee tummy
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This is wuwa's Paimon. Say something nice to him.
This genuine is very impressive and now Im mad. How can Japan not make a real anime game with models this good?
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I was reviewing the CN uncle leaks and it seems like most of them are convinced that Xbalanque is in fact, a manlet.

But who knows.
We'd be the laughing stock of the whole site the moment they heard about "tiktok hours".
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i have never felt as passionate for a character as i have with siggy
i don't understand why, but even as shit as she is I still enjoy her more than most of the characters I rolled for. Maybe it's because she's the only clunkless healer in the game
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>Swapping pieces from my Faruzan back to my Sayu
>Notice the flower is +17
>Well it's kind of a brick, but I guess I may as well drop some extra pieces in
>hit 20, get the last a defense roll
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Chat, is this real?
100% relatable. All my friends quit Genshin lmfao
No incentive to as long as pngs continue to generate revenue in the tens of millions.
>this is what neuvillette is gay for
>shitty pitybait
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I hate these things
nobody plays reddit ring on consoles
it sold more on pc even in japan where redditors heard pc gaming doesnt exist
who's the hoe to the right?
navia's retard bouncy castle...
>crank up the contrast slider
>slap shitty UE post processing filters on top
>beautiful 4k nft hd graphics saar
this looks like a fucked reshade config
nigger it's a gacha game you play for 10 minutes a day, how haven't you figured this out yet
Who fucking cares about that flop. She’s gonna bore you to death as usual
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This is Dendro Paimon. Say something nice to her.
She's the lady I buy the omnibiquity nets from every week.
>change 2 numbers
Damn, so much work
>abyss but worse
This literally counts as another broken promise, and nothing tells you it'll be a good thing, only a way to gatekeep more gems for the poorfags
But sure, let's say they update the graphics
It'll bloat the game and ruin the experience for many users, and the change overall will be negligible because the effort to do a significant upgrade means making a whole other game, which they will never do if their effort amounts to changing UI and QOL issues once every 3 years
Only pulled Furina this year
Xbalanque should be the first male potato.
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>chose the skirt in the end
But i liked the hat.
japanese devs have little to no innovation and preference is strongly in PNG collectors.
Im talking about big companies like crapcom and Square Enix
FF looks like shit with that realistic artsyle but with anime clothes and hairstyles
As in 2024? Chiori
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I thought that ER realeased in 2022 for some reason. Stop the time!
replace her with nahida and the event will be worth playing
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>Hey /biz/, Genshin is FLOPPING
>according to GenshinLabs (caught using fake data)
>according to SensorTower (incomplete estimatives)
>according to youtube views
>according to a schizo metric we created called Tiktok hours
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>capcom and se
Google blackrock and esg
You'll be thankful genshin is chinese and not japanese
>story has been a slop since inazuma
Opinion disregarded
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Nahida is really sexy.
we didn’t create tiktok hours thoughever
>with friends
Stopped reading there. Can't relate with that
some of my friends still play but once a week usually
Its actually 2022
>paghida, pagbait extraordinaire
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The pags FEAR the assertive white woman.
you will never be a cat
>blackrock and esg
yeah maybe this is the real reason
While I only have 1 or 2 people I know in real life that play (I came pretty late, around Inazuma patches), I do feel your pain, because I'm usually the last person in our group to play a game.
We can only hope that Signora comes back as close to her original self as possible. Everyone has waited so long, anything less would be a travesty.
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Siggy is really comfy to play, just pressing E and having the entire party heal 5k every 3 seconds is really nice. Also makes playing Furina in the overworld less annoying, I hate having my characters below full HP so I had to constantly stop and heal each character one at a time before.
She's for Wriothesley.
>80% of her screentime is crying and following orders
Leaked Naked Navia 4.8 Event

url: Our Faked Hoe
Sir please, I only just finished masturbating 10 mintues ago.
I blame Midna for my desire for lewd midgets. Fucking Nintendo
Holy shit, Navia is bald.
Considering she's a sexy woman in this emasculated game, I doubt they'll do anything but destroy her character and figure
My bet is she'll be the Dehya of Natlan
>there is a lot of info that is literally telling you the end of the story in the original language
>but the localization is destroying the story
this is the saddest thing in the game
many times I feel like I'm reading something completely different from the story I'm seeing in the game
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The only real games that I played in the last 5 years besides Genshin are Witcher 3 and BG3. 99% games aren't interesting to me.
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Crying is a healthy way to cope with loss, it means you don't transform into a seething manlet forever blaming others for your own faults.
She also called the god dragon emperor a useless bitch and he spent the rest of the day bawling in his office.
Whenver I see Navia on the screen I cringe and turn down the volume
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Sunfire is clunky as fuck, when are we going to get a proper forward vape support?
>inb4 elemental gauge theory
Yeah, I know but still, fuck it. Xiangling is pretty much the only reliable position agnostic off field pyro applicator but her energy needs are so obnoxious, even then she steals like half of the vapes.
Dont let Dagasi see him
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We Dressrosa now
cutching is so ugly
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>she's for wriothesley
nahida has some very strange ideas sometimes...
Uh oh Naviatroon melty, nobody cares about your irrelevant waifu. People forgot she existed.
Two of my friends who started earlier than me don't even login every day these days, and every time they bring up Genshin it's usually to compare it negatively to WW. Stuff like "they actually listened unlike Mihoyo", "they're actually generous", and "I can skip the yapping here".
It'll be in-game icon rework
She's so damn CUTE
Naviapag melty
Who the fuck stole her hat?
real humans don't talk like that, saar
is the story rewritten?
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Do you ever sleep loser
the hat guy
>marketing jeets are back
Navia without her hat looks wrong...
>Oy vey, I need outside validation to enjoy playing games
Sounds like a (You) problem to me, saar
Did he lose his own hat?
I forgot that Navia is a character in the game. Only the Naviapag spamming their waifu reminds me of her existence
>no one can wear a hat in the domain
>but Paimon can wear her crown
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>he talks about getting into Genshin with normalfag "friends" that just hop to every fotm
>he doesn't play Genshin daily with his girlfriend
I want to be a twink
>that nose
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Take a wild guess.
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>cum2spam hours
bye gig
i know it’s triggering to see yourself but hang in there
4.8 stream can't come soon enough, I wanna drop this game

short answer
>missing the whole point
Hoyo shills are so retarded I'm not surprised they get fucked every day and they blissfully open their mouths to receive dawei's chink semen
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>Considering she's a sexy woman in this emasculated game, I doubt they'll do anything but destroy her character and figure
Obviously my two biggest worries. Even if she was a total brick at Dehya's level, these two alone would make her interesting enough for people to roll. Still though, it's one of the big reasons I still play.
I know it'll never happen because Genshin could never, etc., but I would love for her to come back just as she was, hag, dress, and all, and if they had the balls to do it, make her dual element, just as an extra reward for the waiters. Super unlikely though, so I'll just be happy with smug as fug hag
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lmao you can't be serious. How is hoyo not suing them?
still very fun so far
But she appears every few weeks to yap about her dead dad and lesbian friend…
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i really like that her own skill heals siggy for a shitzillion so she can take all the beatings in the world and still be fine
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They're having so much fun in /wuwa/ right now. Why can't /gig/ ever be fun
who navia
that reminds me
where's the signora countdown poster?
Slightly longer but still short answer:
Not nearly enough scarahida ITT
You can't sue someone copying your product when you copied from another product yourself first.
That mini map looks straight out of an older asscreed game.
>inb4 she becomes a reborned shota with shorts
If that happens I'll delete my hoyo account
Playing hot girls on /WuWa/
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But why did you post a picture of yourself?
The last time /gig/ was fun was during the Abyss reset, and it only lasted one day. It's been a dumpster fire since then.
Go back there saar. Or commit suicide
>It'll be in-game icon rework
if it is only that then Genshin being in maintenance mode rumor is true
zelda invented grass and colorful graphics?
I really like how the yearly summer event has this tradition of adding whimsical childish environments.
>beach resort
>and now toy world
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>incomparably based every time she's on the screen
>trolls everyone given the opportunity
>steals screentime from worms and fags
>makes said worms and fags' troonfans seethe about it on /gig/ too
HONESTLY, I cannot think of a better character in all of Genshin. She's irrevocably awesome.
I want to be a twink and fuck another twink
Genshin invented maps, quests, and waiting?
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Damn right they did, Chink apologist.
Dont forget the single digit usage rate
>literal Aryan goddess
>makes niggers seethe by her mere presence
I'm calling BASED on this
>shota with shorts
I will enter politics. I will go to war with China. I will authorize the fucking nukes.
ok c4r1 navia troonsis
cry about it
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Navia is for Neuvillette.
Who's that again?
my cat just died bros...
Navia is unironically the most shilled character in 4.x. Yes, even more than Neuvillette. She's in everything
What’s going? Cum2play seems very rustled
get well soon
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>skillset consists of blowing enemies' heads off with a pump action shotgun, and calling his goons to do a full area bombing from an undisclosed location while she poses
Really fucking based. I'm so happy I get to blow the brains off of things with a pump action
Truly a level 100 mafia boss.
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i love white women thoughbeit
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>playing Genshin
>enjoyed the amazing Sigewinne SQ which let me skip dailies
>admired the beautiful environments while picking up flowers for her last ascension
>realize her bubbles stick to any surfaces, take some fun photos with Furina
>hang around at the Tulpa arena just enjoying the music
>cheeky peek at Telegram to see some Natlan leaks

>open /gig/
If you removed Neuv, the story would not exist. But if you removed Navia, nothing would change
Me too
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You just described Dori
So, /gig/ prefers fast threads filled with garbage like this one instead of slow threads?
If Jinshi was in our game, she could've single-handedly revived Genshin.
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LORD ...
eos soon
>You've obviously never seen the amount of broken promises these shitty devs have made
such as?
Don't worry, we will be saved by... Emilie...
Have sales for PC and console ever been posted? All I ever see is mobile sales which doesn't even make sense to me since the game is pretty much unplayable on those devices.
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mmm, nyo, i have both and jinshi plays like a spaz and siggy plays like a qtpie
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Hi /gig/!
Sorry for your loss bro
In case you believe in heaven he'll be waiting for you in the after life
In case you don't you did your best, and you'll find peace knowing you gave it a happy life
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I just wish her burst would have her with sunglasses on. Even if it's a somewhat rare occurrence.
Genshin is a mobile game
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Chad and Stacey....
>creates new narratives in his head
>presents them in a greentext
>"God I won so BIGLY"
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I love WuWa too.
lol if she was in this troon game she and sanhua would be a lesbian couple
if you made fun of f2poors at any point in your life, then you honestly deserve this suffering
Either Xianyun or Clorinde
I'm sorry for your loss.
>revising resin
>revising gacha rates
>revising balance
>revising abyss difficulty (which they later backtracked)
>listening to community
>improving ui
>improving artifacts
I equally hate all off topic shitposters and shippers. So no.
Cut to instant loss hentai at 0:16 would be kino
But she is in your game
Neuvillette's cumrag
NgI this thread is full of garbage too
Genshin foids could never
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Omg hi Kokomi
console and pc sales are untrackable and mobile shit is pretty much estimates
the only real hard numbers we have is sony saying genshin made $1 billion on playstation and the grand award for revenue they give every year goes to genshin
I'm so tired of losing...
Said garbage posters are the only ones who would say yes
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Take notes mintpickers
This is how an old NPC character should look like
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>pags are coping from the fact that they skipped navia because they bought /gig/'s narrative that she was bad by spamming wuwa
love to see it
now post her usage rate
Melus and Silver's used goods
Think about suicide now, Cucktone
This genuinely looks like a third worlder cranking up reshade to max on his GTX 2030
If this is how it's supposed to look then there's not a single artist with a vision in that team
lol no, that's just cope from retards pushing their narrative about games that are not genshin
>Hotter women
>Better models
>good action cutscenes
This game deserves good sales more than genshit slurpact
>naviapag is now blaming even wuwa for everyone forgetting his garbage censored geobrick
>Rides Wrio dick
You forgot that
how can fujo-dev self insert compete with this????
>plays genshin
>thinkins this doesn't reflect bad on genshin too
Of course you'd be braindead enough not to realize
So this is why Mihoyo is looking for UE developers right now
>meanwhile, Genshin aged NPCs are only normal NPCs but with white hair/a beard
Wuwa... won...
>soulless copy
>art direction
Looks exactly like UE goyslop #156789354 to me
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this looks like a mmd video a 12 year old would make KEKAROO
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This is WuWa's Yae, say something nice about her
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please answer my poll
>the story would not exist
Wrong, the pivot point of Fontaine quest is to defeat Narwhal. Any writer except Fat Xiao would have written Furina joining the Traveler to defeat the whale and save Fontaine. As she will be appointed as Archon by Fontainian even though Celestia doesn't agree.
5.0 graphics update explicitly says that if ur mobile is not a potato from 2020, you can play Genshin. They pander to mobile the most and that's why won't add replayable events.
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she cute
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why are you treating money spent on gachas as an investment? this is why you are poor, it was always a loss, the only thing that matters when you pay in a game is the fun you had at the time
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is wuwa really so bad that their players come here on the day of a new patch to shitpost about it?
i was considering playing it but if it's that shit then maybe i should hold off for ZZZ
Playing Genshin for 4 years made me forget what boobs look like
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Alright, if this goddamned game doesn't want to give me Noelle cons, then I won't play fair either. Interactive map on the second monitor is only fair when my luck has been Bennett-tier.
Somebody wish me luck because I might just roll Furina thrice before getting C6 Noelle. Cheld unrelated
eceleb retards pushing other games so hard yet still constantly have to mention Genshin in one way or another because otherwise their views tank lmao
>C6R1 sigewinne outdamages C6R1 Eula AND doesn't need to critfish
This is blatant powercreep.
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Too hetero for Gayshin
Old people should just die already
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The F in Fontaine means FLOP
The W in Wuwa means WIN

Remember that, genkeks.
holy fcking sex
I do it for a free tectone sub
Go back xixters

>owns Unity China
>"we should switch to Ungoy Engine because"
Damn... desu Genshin really needs that model upgrade.
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hope you are doing well...
The only thing Genshin needs is the option to let me use the higher poly models and textures, I have the hard drive space for it
Otherwise it looks very clean and pretty
Remember when Genshit slurpers were saying this was also a homo game as a cope?
So it’s official? Only trans people still play gayshit?
But they did? Just because its not to your liking doesn't mean that they didn't do it
They have been improving everything aside from revising gacha rates (which I need a source for when they said this) since release
none that changes the awful controls
Would fuck
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not gonna lie I was starring at her booba during the whole thing
Genshin Could Never
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We'll get Commander Gunnhildr in 5.x and you'll be sorry...
She'll have silver streaks in her hair and subtle aging streaks, but still retaining her beauty thanks to the ARYAN EVROPAN genes...
Losers do tend to stick together huh

Consider ending your life now
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It's kinda obvious bro
honestly i feel embarrassed ever taking stock in the sales charts etc that have been posted then, what a irrelevant waste of time
Uh oh, genhomo melty!
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Based, saving now
The Mihoyo shill bot is running overtime
I'm sorry you think he deserves an apology.
ngl her tits got me bricked up right here..
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Did the faggots here obsessing over a trans child and a boy in shorts (both flopped harder than a CHAD cowboy btw) didn't give it away, bro?
It's over, we're never improving
then fucking quit
why do they always have to make a show out of it
at least attack genshin instead of sucking another corpo.....
I had to check if I'm in the right general again
Monoboobcucks are having a melty
not like this xisters...
but bro, my investments.....
>a literal nigger calls other bots

Try banning IP coming from India then jannies

Westoids love making drama for wagebux
He's already done with wuwa too btw lmao
Sorry you are eternally stuck coping and seething about having to constantly mention Genshin to stay relevant.
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it's all just mindless shitposting for the sake of making someone angry. anyone with a brain knows genshin is still making buttloads of money. some people have been butthurt at this game for 4 years now, it's honestly sad
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what's up with the doomposting now?
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Janny stop shitposting do your job you fucking negroid
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>I love WuWa too.
I started the game a few hours ago and genuinely having fun I don't get how anyone enjoys Genshin would hate Wuwa, the opposite is true
Panter is fun but some here and probably in wuwa general too have a melty at anything positive said for that game. no one here has stakes in either company
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Looks like the only logical thing left for him to do is suicide, the nigger better livestream it
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What gave it away?
>thread is an endless circlejerk about wanting to fuck androgynous boys
>or ship androgynous boys with other androgynous boys that they self-insert as
The moderation round here is pretty much completely incompetent huh.
Genshin lost...Wuwon...
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Reminds me of this guy
He basically gravitates towards Tectone's cock in reverse
He quits when Tectone is shilling genshit, and defends it when Tectone says it's bad
He's quit around 3 times, and his videos don't make any sense
Just look at the rest of this fag's video titles. Content is not worth it
Now make her playable and I'll play your game
>WuWa is mogging us at CN
>HSR is mogging us in JP
Christ, we're being spitroasted to death...
With ZZZ debutting, soon we'll be knotted too...
>I don't get how anyone enjoys Genshin would hate Wuwa
Story is radioactive waste levels of shit, the post processing and shading are just ugly, controls are terrible on PC, physics are booked, echo animations take too long, combat looks flashy but has zero substance
if genshindevs were competent, we could have our own Jinshi. Instead I have to fucking cope with swimming underwater and spamming one button to kill some retarded ass crabs.

Right now, I could have some fun running around in the overworld with Jinshi and nuking mitachurls with real dragon.

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Does anyone have a rip of the sigewinne demo theme? it's really fucking good and I want to listen to it
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i swear to god every time i see a bad post it has this >20240628_000612.jpg type of filename format
he just doesn't like gachas desu
but he's chained to them since genshin made his channel relevant
Then go to the correct thread and post there xixter
I'm mogging your whore mom tonight too
The only posts that were deleted recently were ones talking about American politics. Jannies hate Genshin and would rather see /gig/ continue to be a cesspool.
sex with hu tao
I don't get how anyone enjoys Wuwa would hate Genshin
Story is radioactive waste levels of shit, the post processing and shading are just ugly, controls are terrible on PC, physics are booked, echo animations take too long, combat looks flashy but has zero substance
it's just one mentally ill shiptroon
the fuck is that post supposed to mean
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Here's your dragon, bro.
Jannies are actually glowniggers in disguise? Imagine my shock
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What happened to wuwa?
Nuance isn't allowed in these here parts. You have to defend Genshin and be negative toward everything else otherwise you're a shitposter and a schizo.
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Where did the boyposters go?
I wish I was Kaveh.
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im sure there are multiple mentally ill shiptroons but they all have the same filename format usually
>less than a 10th of the playerbase as genshin and as much revenue as it
It won
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>just wait for natlan
Died of AIDS
>flopped in JP
>flopped in CN
>it won saar
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This winter, surely.
hmmm this thread is a warzone let me see
>ctrl f [deleted]
>one result
>it's porn
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The closest I can find is this. I like her theme too.
Zhongmouche is so lucky...
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Another day, another moment where Genshin gets MOGGED
Life is good, kufufufu~
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I'm so sorry.
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i would tolerate its existence like i did with ToF if the shitposters didn't spam it constantly when I just want to talk about sigewinne or the story
but i guess that's why the shitposters are doing it, huh? i guess i should just blame the jannies for not doing anything about it
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>2 days of sigewinne beat the extrapolated wuwa month
300 mil preregisters they just started though? Are you telling me they all quit already during their first female banner? Don't tell me you think this game is cheap to run by the way. If your playerbase is dead your game will eos if that is all you can muster on your first banner KEKAROO
i like that this does not apply to genshin
I hate being a 25 year old khhv femcel
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Susbedo got to him?
it's the format that the twitter app saves image filenames in
it's used EXCLUSIVELY by femoid shippers
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wait you guys bought the haikaveh perfume? no way right
>WuWa shilling ends
>Fagposting begins
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fuck off gehenner whore
you honestly have it better than the haithamyume/kavehyume cuckqueans in this general, sis.
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>2 days until sensor tower monthly revenue
it's going to be a bloodbath here
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holy shit now it all makes SENSE
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It's not quite the same thing, but it'll do. Thanks!
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Men said the same thing about your town bike of a mother
kill yourself psychopath
I would never play unplayable MMO trash like WuWa
every coop subhuman should leave to play that cancer and never return though
it has everything you disgusting scum want: mandatory forced coop for artifacts, mounts, korean MMO-level grind and high difficulty endgame content for tryhard whales
go play that evil trash instead of trying to destroy Genshin
fuck multiplayer as a concept
when do the threads get better
what the fuck is a sensor tower
Cute edit it looks official
If Pompom was our Travel Guide, Genshin would've been 1000x more tolerable.
5 more hours till SEAhomos to sleep
stop noticing xisters...

remainn ignorant ( ・∇・)
Holy fucking shit anons
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It was over before it even began. I should've slept with my 23 year old coworker who was hitting on me in high school
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HAHAHAHAHA i fucking knew it
Pure sex
The humiliation is even worse when you consider the banner that's currently flopping is a potato that JPkeks shilled to death and the so-called "most popular archon" rerun.
Genshin has truly fallen...
I love Furina
Furina is the miracle of the universe
What happened to the Thai tranny and his saars?
how can our natlan (all of them are black skin) compete with wuwa, bros?
Aren't burgers supposed to be sleeping already? Why aren't the threads comfy yet?
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Tiny chance of being replaced. Or maybe he did so willingly so he could send the inferior copy back to Mondstadt so the real Albedo could just hang out in his mancave on dragonspine.
rent free saar
holy SHIT
That debate was AWFUL
This country is FINISHED
I regret to inform you Yoimiya has been diagnosed with diabeetus
i didn't even bother picking up wuwa in the end because i hate that shitty tower of fantasy style combat and combat is the main part of the game, you know actual gameplay
See >>483804081
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>This is how an old NPC character should look like
5.0 update.. the model update will happen
It doesn't, It's big numbers were demonstrative of a huge success
Current numbers are an embarrasment considering it has the reputation and playerbase that other games competing against it don't, yet get equal or surpass it in terms of revenue
>implying preregisters mean anything when anyone can do so multiple times
>are you telling me thing no one said
>don't tell me thing no one implied
Go back to your kindergarten containment fedora site, pseudo intellectual faggot
So you're arguing we should kick fujos and fags out of /gig/? Based and agree.
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No problem. I believe the genre is called Future Bass if you want to find more songs that has a similar feel.
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you can always sleep with me
What will kicking them out change about the fact the Genshin women LOOK LIKE MEN
once the wuwashills/fagposters go to sleep it will be replaced by the worm spammer brigade and doomniggers and once those go to sleep it will return to normal for like 2 hours until cum2play and his minions come back and every thread is like this
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They're sleeping and dreaming about boys.
I hope we get more lore on Gold and the sinners since we already got so much on her from Fontaine
I think you faggots deserve to get laughed at for taking the bait every single fucking time
Navia being the 4th most hated character and being the focus in the next event is horrifying.
Next patch will be even worse.
Source, I made it up.
what's a good freeze team for Ayaya? is it even worth going freeze with her?
here are my characters:
cryo: Charlotte, Freminet, Mika, Rosaria, Diona, Qiqi, Chongyun, Kaeya
hydro: Furina, Candace, Mona, Xingqiu, Barbara, Tartaglia
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>modfag is the one complaining about graphics and other games
who would have guessed?
Don't worry about politics of any kind. If you aren't raking in an average income of 250k a year or so, your vote never mattered. May as well enjoy the slow ride down and join up with the first gang to offer you a gun and a place to belong when the world starts collapsing.
Sounds like you are admitting the game wuwa has no playerbase and if it has no playerbase it means the game is one step away from eos. 1 whale quitting and there goes a giant chunk of revenue. Since it has no playerbase. It would be fine if the game didn't cost much to develop like nikke, etc. but this game does. If it doesn't blow up they will put the game in maintenance mode lmao.
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Still here.
go away ugly schizo monkey
Freeze is not good for 2 years now, believe in Natlan melt meta
I just got Jihnsi, how do I build her? Is her C2 worth it?
imagine rolling for ching chong
>someone dissatisfied with current models and graphics visually mods the game
You're a deductive genius.
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Unsurprising. Since she is just so DAMN SWEET
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You wish women looked this good.
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In the event? Me too.
I'm a bit salty they bring back Durin's conscience and then NOT have Albedo be part of the event. To me it would seem like the most opportune time for them to finally talk to each other about themselves, their mommy and what Albedo is. But Fat Xiao apparently has another vision.
It didn't blow up. Already seen several whales quitting selling their accounts. Already heard of whales criticizing their relic system.
Could be worse, he could have rolled for flopwinne
How tall is Clorinde?
>t. manlet
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it's not fair bros, why do wuwa get to have a playable dragon (literally) & sexoKINO (not shonenfaggotshit) ????

instead this bullshit is what awaits us
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>An NPC mogs every playable character in Genshin
Yeah Hoyo really needs to update the models if they give a shit about Genshin other than milking it for money to fund their trashy honkai series
>looks at all the sales posting
I guess we lost bigly?
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>Xinyan's reaction to hearing about the new leaks
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Good to see there are a few good posters around
This isn't a joke... She is losing six of her toes.
Imagine putting Albedo, Susbedo, Durin and Elynas in one room. Do it, FATXIAO
genshin flopped
Émilie will pull us ahead of WuWa
Why are you talking as if they're your money?
Tall enough
>t. also manlet
I want to breed Changli so bad bros...
Those tits are something else....
I hate nupiece so much
Describe the current state of America using genshin terms
i was exploring underwater fontaine, came across a water bird and that led me to a whole ass quest with a tiny oceanid and her "princess"
i think i finished the quest, but it ended in "we can still reach an ending" but i have no clue where to go. has the next part of that quest been implemented, and i need to find part 2 by myself, or is it something else.
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albedo zhongli
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>(not shonenfaggotshit) ????

Die moePEDO waifutroon
Sigewinne already sold more than wuwas last banner bwo
>offtopic poal gets deleted
>shills and other offtopic does not
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This but Changchang.
You have to finish Unfinished Comedy too
I'm a manlet (179cm) and I'm still head and shoulders above every single woman in this game.
I'm happy that mihoyo didn't chicken out and made Natlan brown, if the archon is brown too I will kneel and C6R5 her
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I've been making widgets nonstop for 6 weeks now. It is no longer painful, and I am becoming exceedingly confident that I can now craft them without the use of machines.
Go back to the right thread saar. This isn't the designated raping street
Where's Farujanny when we need him?
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Archon = conquistador
Xbalanque = Brown native dragon with minor anger issues
my gig gf is 139cm
humping on his faruzan merch
Xbalanque isn't a dragon, retard
He's a former archon
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Eroded, Tatarigami'd, Withering zones, on track to be erased from the Irminsul
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>if they give a shit about Genshin other than milking it for money
No they don't give a shit. HSR makes more money than Genshin now and with 1/10 of the budget. It can die and they wouldn't care but it won't and they know that, this is why they won't ever put any real effort
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I just remembered the leak about Xbalanque and Murata having a close mentor and disciple relationship.
I can't wait for Natlan.
Me on the right
ill look that one up and finish it next then. thanks brosis
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how the fuck do i play furina
Give me reasons backed by facts and logic as to why I should continue playing Genshin.
You will not breed anyone
Your lineage will go extinct with you
HSR had a bigger marketing budget this year. They just don't give money to the development team.
who is the dr disrespect of genshin impact
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Why are people saying Siggrina banner flopped when it already passed two other Fontaine banner in sells?
E - Q - Swap
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Are you guys done picking up mint? I bet the gameplay must’ve been thrilling
natlan preview in one week. I am ready to drop the game if it turns out to be a massive disappointment.
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Love love
Under 185cm is manlet.
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>the favorite youngest brother
>the black sheep
>the forgotten middle brother
>the caring eldest brother
They'd have fun. Or they'd just start circlejerking Rhinedottir because if they have one thing in common, it's that they fucking LOVE their mom. All of them.
Alas, they don't even have the balls to let us see how the Melusines react to him, so it only exists in our heads.
Jinhsi's Tiktok hours?
>paid shills pull shit out of their asses
>"they're people"
If any of the Natlan characters are darker than Dehya, then it's over for this game.
E then Q->your usual rotations with healer somewhere between them
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*teleports 1 km behind you*
I'm white and live among whites.
Uh oh... they're coming closer boys... shit...
Your days are numbered, genhomos :^)
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>show Furina and sigewinne flopping
What's the origin of this pic? Dragon ball? Xinyan looks like mr popo
as long as you're like 3 inches taller than most girls you'll be fine
Sales-posting xaars is back?
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star rail won
JPshills TREMBLE from the mere sight of this.
Lmfao Sigewinne flopped to a 10+ day banner I'm dead
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top 3 confirmed, another win gardennation
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Honestly a travesty. I could have swore Signora's model stood about as tall or maybe a bit taller than Morax back in Liyue, but it's been too long. Even Lisa feels like she should be way taller.
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Pros of Sigewinne as a wife:
>Willing to make sacrifices for the greater good
>Highly intelligent, easily at least Sucrose level in understanding of biology and chemistry
>Can treat any treatable ailment you have. Is equivalent to the "rural doctor who practices everything"

>Invented Meropede's equivalent of nutraloaf, unironically thinks it tastes good

Give me a reason not to marry the melusine.
I posted this earlier>>483807112
>WuWa will soon mog Genshin in both CN and Global, the two largest market shares
>Genshin meanwhile can only refute with JP sales
The absolute STATE
i hope the hydro one looks like nessa
Nobody cares about your flopped buddypoke, not even the Japanese
having sex with her will probably give you weird alien poisoning considering how toxic elynas' blood is
If Siggy exposed her legs like Nahida I would roll
>CN and Global, the two largest market shares
Do they even pay you Rajesh?
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post something angry
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Kek thanks
listen to me
listen to me
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I want to marry all the lolis.
>homoposting stops
>doomposting begins

uhhhh xister... im noooooticing some pattern right now
The price I'm willing to pay so sign me up
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are you niggas okay?
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save us redman
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the thread is like 70% off topic shitposting
what the hell are the jannies doing
Don't you all just miss the good old times of Hu Tao vs Eula?
Genshin got greedy, they thought Furina had the STARPOWER to carry Sigewinne alone. They however forgot that her AURA had already been drained since 4.2 and she now has been demoted from MAIN EVENTER to perpetual MID-CARDER/JOBBER.
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Imagine having thousands of years of history, and yet all you're known for across the world is
>Poo in loo
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>Recycle old art into badges and prints
>set it on a fancy plate so people won’t notice the cheapness
I kneel...
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>t. manlet
>sees taller women, immediately gets hard
Is this some kind of wicked irony from God or is it just evolution trying to fix me?
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we've been forsaken
>/gig/gers STILL don't know Keqing model is used as placeholder
They're too lazy to even bother creating new artwork of Furina or Neuvillette. LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I'm unpacking my Faruzan daki
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they were killed by doomers
Your own fault for getting Aetherjanny and Farujanny fired.
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Lord Austin...
I concede...
>t. tallchad
>has a thing for taller women
God is playing a joke on me
Most likely Nilou or Kirara in a skin
I forgot, do they also use that for skins? Or just the new characters.
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why are our only choices horrible antagonistic abusive cops or no cops?
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Celestia's POV soon
it didn't end it's still going, WuWa posters are BA or HSR players neither have cute boys
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>but all the women are covered up
>homo subtext
>models look like shit
>people still play, and on god, defend it
Waiting for the better game
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Fucking hilarious LMAO jingshu FLOPPED. Couldn't never get #1 on launch day.
>Losing to week 2 firefly
>Losing to sigewinde
She is used as a placeholder. Before Arlecchino had a model you could find that scene where she talked to the traveler after her meeting with Furina with all the Fatui were outside saluting Keqing in the data.
alhaitham is my favourite transbian aroace dyke
This isn’t even official merch bwo
hoyo make all the in-game and promo art into merhcs including the tcg arts as well. It's not exclusive to fontaine only
I'm a 160 cm femcel and I still see women who are significantly smaller than me. I'm not an Asian.
Just barely.
>Furina series merchandise
>Neuvillette in it

Just fuck off already, you've already drained her aura enough to the point she flopped
remember when furina was supposed to accompany you but she is just living as a hobo in fontaine now
>Genshit trailed behind HSR the whole of June
You said we’d top them…
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When is FUCKING genshin going to give us KINO like this?????????????????
Poo in loom's blooms. *sniffa sniffa*
LGBT game wins during LGBT month, what's wrong with that?
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Theme for Arlie's warpath
wdym just slot tabibito and furina in your party and ur good :)
Stop playing Genshin and play real games like DOTA instead.
>Day 1
This is terrible. To put in perspective. Fgo is a more profitable game, blue archive is a more profitable game, horses is a more profitable game.
>Costs more to develop
No profits
Dave the diver bros..
In game height for Clorinde is 179cm so no, Sara is taller than you
Hello sis
Farujanny did nothing
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idk what that means
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Just because you don't see her value doesn't mean the rest of us don't. I run her in a full off field DPS team and she's great. And honestly, I think she's a better healer than Kokomi, which says quite a bit.
Elynas may be the father of all melusines, but he is not the same species as him. There is no reason to believe they would necessarily have poisonous blood. And even if they did, just don't fuck them on their period. Or use a condom or whatever. There's options to make it safe.
Tragically, she's got stockings. Maybe one day she'll get an outfit or something.
check my new goblet bros
>doesn't use Furina for exploration
You're missing out bigly anon
DoomGODS always win.
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But where's the GI is GIGABACK evidence?
All we know is that it's just doing fine but the drop off was worse than you'd expect for a 4 year old game
Would arle beat her kids? I feel like she favors lyney too much but the others are off the table
Ei my favourite heterosexual trad wife conservative
Why would I play soulless LoL? If I wanted to torture myself with a moba I'd play LoL because it at least has personality and charm to it.
>exploring floptaine
Nah he won
Dave is fucking Nikkers now
all the funds went to Firefly's trailer and ZZZ advertisement. Da Wei will continue milking genshin until celestia
>Archon rerun flops
But koko got him
She can walk on water OUTSIDE of Fontaine anon...?
Yae is a transsexual lib radfem btw
Are you retarded, theres plenty.
Even crap like ASW or CC2 mogs gachashit models and presentation.
Like fucking hell, enjoy your long faces
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hello sis
Just like everyone in Floptaine, their life revolves around Neuvillette. Sorry phaggot.
Damn we need xbalanqueGOD to save our sales.
After her first story quest, she does consulting jobs, and she's shown up in a few events so she's pretty sociable.
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>that feel when you explore a snowy region

>rushed 3 banners in 1 month
>game still flops
they want to milk players during the honeymoon period, and it's actually working even if revenue isn't as high as hoyo games
retards gonna retard I guess
>pay to play
how did the chinks get away with it?
>MMD cope
only in JP and KR still above them everywhere else
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>Neuvshit again
>but this time as a brown manlet
Yes, please save us by putting this game into an early EoS grave
She could beat me and I could beat her kids
Why didn't Dawei tardwrangle Fat Xiao? How could he let him destroy this game?
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Snezhnayan expanse before discovering the hole to HYPERBOREA soon, fellow snow lover.
Cold Weather gauge enjoyers, we'll be so fucking back
uh oh the obese lesbian woke up scat spam incoming
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>Wuwakings are now experiencing the absolute peak that Genshin ever was
You aren't going to miss out on it again, are you, newfags?
thanks for warning us of your impending melty xis
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only when they deserve it (disobey or annoy her)
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Tiffany is part of HSR team, she left Genshin long ago
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Our boyposters are mentally strong, they wouldn't fall for such demoralization tactics.
Why is everything so superficial to you niggas?
Dragonspine was amazing because of the atmosphere, OST, lore and story, and woowah has none of that
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>wasn't there for snow kino
>wasn't there for Festering Desire
>settles for inferior copy instead
>making Hags shorter
We already have the solution, it's right here in our own hands...
he won't come out until 5.4 at least
How did Mihoyo get away with gluing Hu Tao and Shinobu with Zhongli and Itto?
Theyre irrelevant NPCs
if height: 1.7926 means she is 1.7926 meters tall, does that mean mass: 10.0 means she weights ten kilos?
Place your bets on the anniversary character
Dendro manlet or hydro hebe
please understand, gweilo
they need to fill up the DEI quota
we need more black and brown characters so the Chinese can be more acceptable to let immigrants come to their country
otherwise blackrock will chase hoyo down and scrutinize them even more for competing in the US market
just like how they scrutinized tiktok
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So... Natlan will be a waifu region for BWC havers like me right?
more likely 10 stone
Gonna be funny watching browns outsell floptaine
Shinobu x Itto doesn't feel like a ship she is his baby sitter their ships are Itto with Sara and Heizou/Yanfei with Shinobu
10 kilotons, yes
sara hates itto guts unironically itto’s only ship is with miss hina/gorou
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Why are Spyral Abyss enemies so much stronger?
I'm out here two shotting level 80 enemies in the overworld but I enter the Abyss and level 70 enemies are kicking my ass and take forever to take down.

What's the whole deal?
Because incels don't feel threatened by himbos and an old man for some reason.
Anon... we had a whole quest about her beating her kids...
will the dendro manlet be meta? He's a x.0 character
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>I want to breed Changli so bad bros...
Mogged Wuwa's Ayaka hard. I understand why they started the patch with her now
Ayaka just can't win
smartest akkoposter
holy sex
>5.0 has flat chested brown Furina
>5.1 has big chested brown Onee-san
>5.2 has Fanta Furina
>5.3 has Madame Ping
>5.4+ has Columbina so yeah, you'll have plenty of waifu
Arlekino with Navia second
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I love this drunktard.
I really, really hate the shading on her head for some reason
Looks like an AI sharpened image turned into 3D
thats the endgame
its meant to entice you to roll meta
Genshin unironically peaked here. Thought the game could only get better and boy, was I wrong
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>zero credible evidence for Natlan's roster or plot
Why should I doompost again?
Like seriously, theres nothing good to doompost with considering that the current leakertrannies are the same ones that get everything wrong if they don't have a devkit leaked.
I can wait a few more weeks until the actual beta comes out for 5.0.
Drunk gay sex with Venti...
Yae could never...
Why did you guys killed wuwa? It had a good start
Wrong thread saar
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We all do.
Notice how it's only that one Thai tranny obsessed with pajeets.
I wish we have a Dragonspine-themed teapot.
>top cliff
>snow and pinetrees
I'd be awesome.
She was more like killing them
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Dori. She's just a silly character, her JP VA goes above and beyond to make her the ultimate goblin and I love it. Anytime she's on the screen, she steals the show. Gameplay wise it's taken a bit for me to find how I like using her, but my friend has no complaints when I bring her into our co-ops. Aggravate and Hyperbloom
Funny how 200 resin cap doesn't actually mean more resin. It just so that you don't have to log in for a longer time.
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what do you mean?
*Genshin models are fine*
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Week 37 of my sentence. Paimon was sleep talking about lasagna. I have a questionable amount of Credit Coupons that everyone seems to be forcing on me, as if it would benefit them to not be the carriers.
uh oh cuckoftech melty
>literally anime logic
What's the problem with this?
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For me, it's DanMarch
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>whoever gets drunk first has to bottom
imagine kidnapping and raping venti over and over again and he absolutely has the power to escape but can't reveal his godlike power so he just has to take it until you let him go or he is rescued
has tectone laughed at us yet?
Not Lyney, Lynette and Freminet, but she did gave them a beating.
/gig/ was a turf a SEAniggers race war a month a go
Fuck off
Dragonspine is the worst area in the game and if another event will ever take place there again I will simply skip, unless Mihoyo gives all players a free item granting full permanent immunity to sheer cold
Fuck sheer cold, I have refused to enter Dragonspine since 2.3 because of it
Sac or recurve now on Sigewinne?
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For me, it's Ganqing.
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I approve
Who? Cucktone? The cuck hasn't killed itself yet?
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that jaw though
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You're gay and so is your dad and you don't get the serene and based beauty of snowy regions. You'd rather have something basic and gay like pic related: Nothing but Greens, yellows, and blues.
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>didn't drop a giant sword on her neck
fake fan
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For me it's consensual lovey dovey sex with Venti with lots of kissing, cuddling and wine.
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I want Firefly in our game too...
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He would overpower you immediately and force you to keep fucking him for days without stop.
My headcanon is that March is into md/ddlg and she wears diapers. My evidence for this is her bedroom and her personality.
Why do you have this on your device xaar? Looking to transition too?
Damn, now I know what I'm putting in my survey.
>snowcapped hills and cozy Ruskie homes with fireplaces burning away.
>Wind ambiance blowing through
>Dragonspine discs become available including Unfinished Frescos https://youtu.be/nd42f4D1iUg
I'd have to capture a few of those snow boars to make it really come to life, but it'd be worth it.
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i really dont get it. why does she looks horny all the time? i mean that would be sex but she's not horny all the time or we would be having sex whenever she's on screen.
there are other wuwa characters that look better than this like jinsi, carmelya and danjin but this one i really dont get
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I solved that problem a few weeks ago.
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For me it's getting rawdogged by Venti's massive 9 incher while he calls me a faggot.
you already have Lyney, shonenGOD
just be gay already
>he didn't set himself on fire because he feared getting a little hurt over dying
Yeah, no wonder you got filtered. You're the kind of person who brings a shielder to every boss fight because the moves are too hard to dodge.
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Why is that whenever I see a man's Genshin account, there's a 90% chance he plays Lumine and 10% chance he plays Aether, but when I see a woman's Genshin's account, there's a 50% chance she plays Lumine and 50% chance she plays Aether?
Aether so lucky
his mom on the side gets me every time.
W-what did he do?
if lyney said this to me I would immediately pin him to the wall and suck his dick
No wonder /gig/ is obsessed with saars, they themselves are one.
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You now remember Djajeet.
Ate Furina's cake
>SEAnigger hour
>full of SEAniggers
Checks out I guess
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You have a silly head canon I have an awesome hand canon. We're not the same /gig/gers.
the fact that you people still dunking wuwa with sales while we are still slurping this dogshit ass character like siggy is just insanity

no wonder genshin will never get better because they can do the most bare minimum and get away with it every single time. people will slurp it up anyway.
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Every time I see this guy I imagine his nose is this
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Lyney is the most openly horny character in the game. His voicelines mog every girl hard. Is it because he's a Frenchman?
Fontaine flopped because it appealed to browns (spics, Indians, and SEA) the most. They don't have money. Sumeru and Natlan appeal to the first world because they're cultures they would not want to experience IRL
it would be 50/50/50/50 but aether looks too much like a faggy twink so a lot of men go out of their way to avoid him
this fucking thread man kek
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>he didn't get offered sex in exchange for doing f*shing
Ungrateful whore
But as for your question, it's because Aether is for self-inserting, while Loom is for immersing yourself in the world. The degree of separation means you have no issue with occasionally playing the unreliable narrator and can look at things without a particular bias towards your character. Girls just play Aether because they are horny or Loom to self-insert.
t. Loom player
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>Furina X Neuvillette 2.0 in Natlan
the fact that you people still dunking genshin with sales while we are still slurping this dogshit ass buggy game

no wonder wuwa will never get better because they can do the most bare minimum and get away with it every single time. people will slurp it up anyway.
I'm gonna play wuwa and xiv today
post your head canon mine is pretty autistic.
Sucrose is related to Kuki and is a distant descendant of Yae Miko
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I'm fine with that too
Because men like to play as cute girls to begin with (look it up it's a fact and there is actual data and research to back it up) and aether is a twink that isn't helping his case. For girls Lumine is a perfectly fine girl they might pick simply because she is a girl like them and modern girls like twinks.
>Loom is for immersing yourself in the world
Loom is for eye candy while Aether is for canonicity
I'm only playing GBF relink... actually a fun game. Worth it for 15$
Nice dups xaar
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For me, it's the leg game.
I'm a heterosexual male with a gf and I main Alhaitham and I picked Aether
I wish there's porn of Traveler, Venti, Mika, Bennet and Razor fucking Mona, Amy, Barbara, and Noelle.
It would be cuck porn of Traveler tied on a chair while Venti fucks Barbara, Mika does Noelle, Bennet does Amy and Razor does Mona. And Traveler can only watch and fap as the girls he likes gets Mondstadt'ed.
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Wuwa's Tiktok hours?
I picked Lumine because she looked more masculine than Aether.
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thank you
but all of those girls are already from mondstadt?
>Straight sex

wait like 4 hours
wuwa /gig/ minutes?
Would Venti be a better key holder than Chiori?
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God I love how thirsty this fag is
10/10 bf
Jesus christ...
Look at that thing it'd destroy anybody...
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I said hand cannon, but this is it. Pretty awesome just like I said, right?
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enjoy your cuckthread i guess, imma head out
it is, sorry for my autism
Aether is for >>483812654
That is what happens. It starts with getting mogged by a femboy and it ends with the Fontaine rodeo.
Loom is cute, but she is for sampling the exotic goods of this world. Be it lolis, or males.
Mihoyo is now hiring technical artists for unreal engine.
90% of the fandom outside China is from SEA countries. Genshin is very popular there for some reason
If I close my eyes, I can feel the warmth of sunlight and smell the fresh wind just outside. Only a few more weeks of suplexing people through plate glass for the marks at the Pankration ring.

This is a bit of a slog, I wish it relied less on the daily investigation loop.
they literally own units so our game is staying there
For the new Honkai game maybe. They already own Unity China
For what? Kys
I meant unity

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