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Previous: >>483803186

>Character Demo - "Sigewinne: A Bittersweet Cure"
https://youtu.be/_QusNJbJK7I (EN)
https://youtu.be/Ms4OaRiK_Ik (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Sigewinne: Everyday Correspondence"
https://youtu.be/xDpA6x0KMSI (EN)
https://youtu.be/IJVpn2jOafA (JP)

>Event "Endless Forms Most Martial" live until July 1st

>Current character banner: Sigewinne, Furina, Gaming, Rosaria, Noelle
>Current weapon banner: Silvershower Heartstrings (Bow), Splendor of Tranquil Waters (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
gayshit impact heh
this thread will be worse
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So is it true they're going to update the models starting in 5.0? I mean, I've seen specs going to be updated too.
Why is Nevillette licking Sunday's cheek? They're not even from the same game.
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sex with alhaitham
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Gosh...all I can think about is Diluc...*sigh*
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She's sexy and cool why did you skip?
The archon isn't until 4.2 and it's not like you're saving for brown girls I know you're racist.
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Nahida is really sexy.
Why should I continue playing Genshin? Give me economical reasons backed by astute observations and sound reasoning.
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Who's sunday?
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I need him to impregnate me. But also not because he might lay eggs or something instead
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Play for Chiori rerun
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When do we win..?
Flop trash garbage

Genshin more like flop trash

Give it up xister, Neuvillette is confirmed gay for Rizzley's BWC (Big White Cawk)
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I already have Kamisato Ayato
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You shouldn't. In fact, stop doing time wasting hobbies like video games and do something more useful like hiking or going to gym.
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Will we ever get a chunky playable female?
Asking for an architect friend.
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another case of GCN
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
>go for coom
>still flop
will we ever get a good game with coom? maybe azur promilia?
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Legs? More like segs amrite?
As long as fat xiao is still in charge of the writing, then the game will remain as shit as the past 2 years
They have a father/son dynamic and you're a certified freak if you ship them
Neuvifuri sis you lost
Will you have a thread long melty like yesterday?
Pagmine can cope all they want but they're sucking each others cocks
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I want the whole package.
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It's like this, Traveler: Let’s say you're Furina and you drink too much Fonta, and have to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, but it’s cold outside your bed. You don’t want to get up, but the urge to urinate is just too strong! You make up your mind to go! You run to the bathroom, sit on the toilet, and let loose! You think that all your life has led to this moment! But then you realize. It isn’t the bathroom! You’re still in bed! That feeling of lukewarm wetness spreads like wildfire! But you can’t stop! You understand it now?
I don't even like neuvifuri. Will you leave me alone?
They never specified the models, they just said they're upgrading the graphics w/e that means.
Lmao even
I genuinely hope that you guys will commit suicide when genshin inevitably gets EoS'd
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How would you fix genshin?

Hard mode: Fat xiao must stay
WQ have improved since he started writing someone else needs to be in charge of the AQ's. Sigewinne's SQ was great wo whoever wrote that should be in charge of AQ's going forward.
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This thread will be better
gonna fap to emilie
what if fat xiao was the one who wrote it what then? what if you are just too retarded to understand his masterpieces (AQs)?
I want to frot against those Guhua legs so fucking bad...
Make all character blatantly homosexual, state it in all their character stories that they are so it becomes undeniable
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Sigewinne is trash anon. No one cares about her and her story, hence why she flopped
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The hydro buddypoke...
>>>>The electro pork...
The empty sumeru area...
>>>>The increasingly short flagship events...
The decrease in Windtrace maps...
>>>>The small summer event area next patch...
The rubbish and extremely poor 4.8 area...
>>>>The unvoiced flagship event on the current patch...
The copypasted NPC from the 3.2 event (Nahida can read him)....
>>>The lack of Fontaine merchandise and collaborations...
The lack of 4.x hangout events...
>>>The lack of animation videos on Fontaine...
The removal of CN Hoyolab birthday web events...
>>>The lack of Rukka and Egeria demon names
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Post your rolling plans!


>conquistador archon
>big titty geo hag if she works with Chiori and Navia
>5* hebe hydro DPS if she's a magical girl type character
>Iansan but they'll probably make her a 4*, I still mourn Lynette
Siggy’s quest had only one food reference in it.
>some reason
First gacha?
First free to play game?
>triggered by neuvilumi into posting gay porn
that's a new low
In x.7 and x.8 patch either only introduce male characters or summer skins instead of new characters. There is no way our girls can compete with FGO or Nikke girls in swimsuits.
When (you) kys
Xaars prefer gooning to 2D hoes now instead of raping white tourists. Progress, I guess
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I R63 every female in the game and add dating and dress-up mechanics.
Pagmine lost
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Scaramouche / Wanderer / Kabukimono is very erotic.
If Aether ships get dogpiled then it's only fair Lumine ships get the same treatment.
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>How would you fix genshin?
Fix the models. Add fanservice
> Fat xiao must stay
and most importantly, a skip button
where is this gay porn you are seeing
Mind broken
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Genshin is good and doesn't need "fixing" that's why I still enjoy it immensely
If you don't, you really should either stop poisoning your mind with /gig/ shitposts or just uninstall
gayshit cuckpact flopped
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you are going down with me neuvifag
It had a well written antagonist which is rare in genshin.
>flap flop flap flop
nah, they won.
they might not make the same amount of money as the rest of mihomo games. at the very least, straight male players will finally have their own coomerbait game that they can actually "play"

while you are here stuck with those upcoming brown characters, fujobait, boring gameplay, boring animation, boring kit and broken beyond bennett for at least 4 years
Unique and highly detailed cutscenes for each hydro hebe where they piss themselves. And they each get a skin that is the same as default but makes them look like they pissed them self.
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Mikhail gets Isekai'd into Genshin
>straight males coomers matter
It's kinda sad that even though Genshin has clearly declined and lost its relevance, some people still blindly defend it and refuse to acknowledge the reality.
Bro your Snowbreak
sorry we dont play genshin here
>emilie (maybe?)
>shenhe (if shes there)

>archon for archon collection
probably that's it until we see the designs out
Try suicide then?
>sales matter when I win
>sales doesn't matter when I lose
I believe in equal treatment for pagthers (incels) and pagmines (femcels).
Is the Wriolette fujobait sticking? I still see Furina cuckshit
I only use Bennett in a single team and I never used him until Navia came out.
>Okay just fight everything in this tiny fucking circle and hope nothing moves or your dps gets cut in half.
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>Log in
>Jump on mushrooms (can't auto)
>Kill the same enemies (can't auto)
>Mint pick 100 times (can't auto)
>Walk 1 kilometer (can't auto)
>Run for 20 seconds to start a domain and fight the same enemies (can't auto)
>Read wall text from 4036346th NPC (can't skip)
>Fast forward 20 minutes, phew finally done with my dailies! Time to climb some mountains for some flowers to ascend my fav char
Shenhe won't be coming in version 4
I'm probably going to skip the archon again
Acknowledge fucking what?
70% of Genshin's story is done already, only the people that care stayed
Why not leave this general for the people that play instead?
bpd sparkleposter...
>log in
Unlike in Star Rail
All of them. Done

Don't expect any paid shills here to have thinking capacity
he is literally Tencents
>log in
>actually play the game instead of autoing
What am I missing out here?
Furina is for (You). Neuvillette is for (You). Wriothesley is for (You).
The second you start spamming shipshit to """counter""" other people's shipspam you become no better than they are.
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Ten cent (to feed my entire village)
i regret impulse rolling for furina's weapon
Start saving for her c4
did you not get it
I want to breed Sparkle so much bwos
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>Picking up mint and flowers for hours counts as playing the game
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Jinhsi's Tiktok hours?
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I got Siggy so I'm done with Fontaine. Its too early to plan anything for Natlan.
Will roll on whatever banner Chevy is in tho
Then, what are (you)?
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Don't worry Genshitters... we still love you~!
It's still the first item in "must-play games" on the app store, kek.
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frotting with the sparkleposter..
loom doesn't have a mental illness like homosexuality you freak
I can jump too, don't forget that
Emilie if I can muster the energy to grind my alt

after that I don't know really
If you're new to gacha, there's actually a nickname for them. We call them "sunk cost losers."
I'm done with the rest of 4.x patch after getting Siggy. Saving for Natlan
she has a canon gf
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fuck off gehennoid pig
dain is a male lol
>having "sunk-cost losers" playing your game is bad for you financially
she begged aether to leave this shithole planet with her and go back to exploring the universe
Gachakeks don't like video games. They just press auto and spend money from their parents on a png that he won't see again in the game he proudly doesn't play.
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>be sparkletroon
>no one takes your bait posts seriously anymore
>only replies are from anons desperate enough to ERP with a mentally ill fr*nch zoomer
I presume you have not watched the latest animated short?
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>into ERP
Checks out I guess?
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>Dendro shota
>Xbalanque (if he really is a shota)
>"Streetward Rambler"
All of these are a must for me.

>Pyro Archon, only if she buffs my characters, skip if she's ugly
For me, it's my favorite RDR2schizo poster.
please let me lick your feet sparkleposter
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Uh oh melty
For me, it's my favorite RDR2schizo poster. the Southeast Asian phoneposter aka Koult aka @1234userkills on YouTube.
only ones I'm interested in are the new geo milf plus madam ping and rolling plans are entirely dependent on how their designs turn out, I want to save for the potential sumeru chronicled wish banner 3 years from now so I can finally get more dehya cons
I always read RDR2 as R2D2
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>Went to /wuwaw just to collect not!yae pictures
Im caving in bros
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Don't care. Renewing my welkin in 2 days
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scara's tummy to be precise
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Read this post >>483815048 do exactly this >>483815120
A "flop" in your mind is a character that paid for itself 5000x over.
We're talking about Chinese wages bud.
you and the other 2 copers in this thread
body built for sex
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Rate Fontaine so far

Cast: 10/10

Music: 8/10

Exploration: 6/10

Overall, a solid 8/10 region, Sumeru had more soul tho
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>24 days
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>granny ping
>brown natlan homo #1
>brown natlan homo #2
>brown natlan homo #3
>hag "archon" most likely covered from head to toe
future looking grim
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not enough content bro. Bust a nut and go to sleep
Delete that folder also
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this is how I vizualize every alhaitham and kaveh "yume"
it's only sunk-cost cucks defending this game, bro.
Any right minded individual already dropped this game.
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Does anyone else think that Furina was especially cute during Clorinde's quest?
this is fake she only takes off blind fold for combat
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Interesting party, kind of slow though
KILL yourself
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>I like anything full of grease and sugar
why are events getting shorter and shorter? "flagship" only lasted 10 days, the two mini games 4 days...
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with me
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Fontaine will save Genshin, right gentards?
so she's a try hard
Overal 7/10. I really like the exploration and world quests are amazing, but actual playable characters are either boring, or weak, only Furina and Navia are both good and fun.
Music is okay, especially Remuria boosted the score, but I don't like the new World Bosses themes, the trash dubstep part in whale's theme in particular
I hate when the stupid blindfold trope ruins pretty anime girl eyes.
must make more PVs to shill HSR shitty characters
all Genshin money went there
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all shit btw
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Genshin status?
why did you reply to HIM…
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I hate nahitroon so much, we could have so many wanlumi art if it wasn't for her
what's the fucking point of investing in this game when the rest of the revenue will go to ZZZ, HSR and the future honkai mmo anyway.
my only double crit piece from strong boxing this set was a cryo goblet
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the most popular archon ever just flopped, genshin is dead
what's fun about press E and swap again? brainrotten coomer
So far only Xbalanque and the Alexander expy
>Devs know the game is dying so they're pulling a Grubble by catering to it's whales by providing more endgame content
End of an era.
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I see neuvilumi I come
>h says while shilling an auto battler
The coomers can only sustain a game for so long kek. Actual revenue always come from working members of society, not that coomers would know anything about that.
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he should be used as a public use meat dildo
>The four year old game only manages to have an order of magnitude more active players than every AAA game that was released the same year combined. What a flop.
Certainly! Here's a translation of the text from Hindi to English:

Genshin is dead bro, only sunk costers play it. Sales are mogged by HSR and Wuwa.
this general is going to get ten times better in about 20 minutes btw, like a staggering difference that will make you curious
Those are the same character
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xbalanque is the alexander expy
Yelan and Columbina. Really want Bennett and Xianling alternatives.
Capitano and Xblanco
Would be cool if Varka got a playable
Count me in as well

Oh no people'd rather play the game unlike Twitch cucks who like to watch?

Everyone got her the first time xixter
dumb femcel, genshin started dying precisely when they started catering to your kind
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>Check the new event
>2 days left

>for the 1st time in history, a female Archon's rerun flopped
Genshin is dying fo'sho.
do you think she humped that pillow
*smooooch* hnn~
>Your sunk cost cucks should be OUR sunk cost cucks instead reeee

Better start waging then?
Sigewinne is such a cutie... I love this little doctor so much.
>event goes up
>mail the next day warning it's soon over

wtf is going on
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We're waiting for the ZZZ livestream
preparing you for the upcoming eos
I would
>Everyone got her the first time xixter
like wormvillette? why didn't this happen with other archons? you are just in denial at this point
healthiest alhaithamfag's meal
Nikke is still making $20 million dollars/month and they still don't have gameplay.

WuWa will be fine
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Imagine him trying not to cum...he's just too prideful after being forced to become sumeru's public meat stick
i would too
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>tell the truth
>"you're in denial"
Fucking Tencent cucks just coping at this point kek
>wuwashilling slows down
>homoposting returns
I got dragon man and his weapon for free in WuWa and decided the combat is fucking braindead.
>Wow I just hold attack for various intervals and everything dies! It's like God of War but for toddlers!
this would work in any game look how far away he stands from the ruin sentinels thats just how tracking works
the monthly sales chart will cause massive meltdowns here
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1 week left
Be strong, sisters
He is so beautiful
>more liyueslop
Nope, not going to on wish anything that isn't a sexy beautiful tall blonde woman.
Good, maybe then they can stay in there shithole and stop coming here.

Go back

Uh oh I'm nooottiiiciiiing

Whose? Wuwacucks?
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describe genshin gameplay
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he's so cute i can't wait to see him again
>Dec 7
love and deep space makes more than that and it's only available in one region
>Whose? Wuwacucks?
no, genpags as Firefly utterly destroys and annihilates your flop archon
Their*, learn English troon

Already got one, won it from Sonic. Anything else?
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so hot...draining him until he can't even spurt out anything and his cock is chaffed bright red. don't care, still riding the useless scribe's spent cock!
>their shithole
lmao, yours is literally a toilet
there is a reason why this thread is a shit for 24/7
everyone just comes here to take a shit every single day
changli's tits.... oogh.h... imagine the titfuck..
>everyone pulls for her in her first banner
>only people that pull today are those that missed the first time or whales
>she le flopped reee
Help me take you seriously here
Instead of trying to complete the first room in Abyss Floor 11 I just hit the quit button. I hate tower defense with every fiber of my being.
Wuwa's dragonspire is looking pretty great, aesthetically. I'm a sucker for red on white. Meanwhile Natlan seems like it's basically just gonna be a fucking desert again.
>1 homo game vs 1000 coomerslop game
wake me up when they finally make another homoslop as successful as that AIslop kpop garbage
getting breastfed by changli...
>and it's only available in one region
Its available everywhere
Now that you're self-aware, can you kys?

>"Wuwa's dragonspire is looking pretty great, aesthetically. I'm a sucker for red on white"
>Mfw they lifted that from Dragonspine
it took several reruns for the other archons to start flopping
furina flopped and slopped, genshin is 100% dead
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I remembered a certain character demo, so I had an idea
it's probably going to sound a bit funny if you run this through a translator, like one of those russian /gig/ posts
>save through 1 year of anal wormeru
>get my furina c6r1
>don't have to roll on her rerun
ez game ez life
Keep on lying, you might start flopping from the ceiling any day now.

Go back nigger
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New survey dropped
Make sure to let them know that you are most displeased with the unvoiced flagship event
>>Mfw they lifted that from Dragonspine
I don't mind games copying if they do it well. Not like anything these days is original anyway.
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you are trans
Fontaine would've saved Genshin if they replaced Navia with Jinshi.
Why did Furina flop? What did Fat Xiao do to fumble her character this bad?
I saved Genshin
Kill yourself
>dickless homofujo is projecting again
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keep on coping, xister
Kek, thanks for the tunes anon
There are different ways of playing and elements have a role beyond being a slight damage debuff in Genshin.
I can bring different characters into the abyss and play the abyss in a completely different way.
I never got the feeling from WuWa that gameplay would evolve from anything beyond, dodge, intro, burst, click click click click click click.

My rotation before I quit was the fire pistol guy burst, dragon guy burst, hold attack for 6 seconds and everything is dead.
WuWa is just Tower of Fantasy 3 imo. They entirely missed what made Genshin successful and that's elemental reactions.
I stopped filling out survey the moment they asked stupid shit like salary
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I can't wait for 4.8
>instant homofujo reply
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Wasn't Alexander going to be dendro?
>tfw there has yet to be a WuWa character that sports pastel colored clothing
Man, no wonder straight men moved to WuWa.
no one has leaked his design we only know that he is brown
Doomcucks keep spamming the same chart, not accounting that tiktok now makes triple the amount it did back then lmao, and also not accounting for the fact that many Genshin players moved on to ps5/pc
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So Furina made as much as Raiden in her first banner? Everyone got her back then? I was right?
Try suicide now Tencuck
If Genshin is flopping then what do we call the current state of Wuwa?
give it time we didn't get Kok until 2.0 xis
Ayaka when she finds a different universe
That's another boy sis
Literally this. These niggers thought some of us here can't read charts, or worse, don't speak Chinese
>as much as Raiden
...first rerun
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i think i regret rolling for her
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Because I'm back after finishing my dailies.
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Go back xaar
Why did the Archon rerun flop Bros? It used to make millions
They are ramping up the FOMO, people used to just wait 10 days and do everything at the end. Now they want to make sure people are logging in every other day at least.
Venti - 183
Klee - 72
Tartaglia - 60
Zhongli - 42
Albedo - 30
Ganyu - 51
Xiao - 63
Keqing - 0
Staff of Homa - 27
Hu Tao - 51
Venti 2 - 33
Tartaglia 2 - 0
Zhongli 2 - 27
Eula - 24
Klee 2 - 0
Kazuha - 0

Ayaka - 39
Yoimiya - 0
Raiden - 105
Kokomi - 0
Tartaglia 3 - 0
Hu Tao 2 - 51
Eula/Albedo - 12
Itto - 0
Shenhe/Xiao - 45
Zhongli/Ganyu - 78
Yae Miko - 57
Kokomi/Raiden - 75
Ayato/Venti - 36
Ayaka 2 - 51
Yelan/Xiao - 84
Itto 2 - 0
Kazuha/Klee - 60
Yoimiya 2 - 27

Tighnari/Zhongli - 36
Ganyu/Kokomi - 24
Cyno/Venti - 48
Nilou/Albedo - 24
Nahida/Yoimiya - 105
Tartaglia/Yae - 33
Scaramouche/Itto - 60
Raiden/Ayato - 102
Alhaitham/Xiao - 69
Yelan/Hutao - 150
Dehya/Cyno- 12
Shenhe/Ayaka - 72
Nahida/Nilou - 60
Baizhu/Ganyu - 18
Yoimiya/Yae - 9
Alhaitham/Kazuha - 27
Eula/Klee - 0
Wanderer/Kokomi - 0

Lyney/Yelan - 28
Zhongli/Tartaglia - 0
Neuvillette/Hutao - 63
Wriothesley/Venti - 0
Furina/Baizhu - 81
Ayato/Cyno - 0
Navia/Ayaka - 6
Yoimiya/Raiden - 0
Xianyun/Nahida/Ganyu and Shenhe's skins - 42
Xiao/Yae Miko - 0
Chiori/Itto/Klee/Eula/Albedo/Hunter's Path/Beacon- 0
Neuvillette/Kazuha - 0
Arlecchino/Lyney - 33
Wanderer/Baizhu - 0
Clorinde/Alhaitham - 0
Sigewinne/Furina - 0
We have one confirmed boy, the Dendro characted on 5.0.
The other one, Xbalanque, according to various uncles, is allegedly also a boy. He's been compared to: Cyno, Alexander, Itadori Yuuji and Natsu Dragneel.
>tfw haven't touched my c1r3 Hu Tao since I got Arle
It's over... soon I will forget her...
Stare at her butt and the feeling will go away
She's a cutie, anon.
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you know who i'm laughing at
SEAniggers will go to bed, whiteGODs will arise from their slumber.

Because everyone got her the first time?
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I'm gonna lick that thigh mole
So what you're saying is that if you want us gone then you should start driving your homofujos and trannies out. Sounds like a good plan.
Liyueslop deserves to be forgotten. Hail Fontaine.
>admits being a wuwacuck in the wrong place
>thinks it's better than the other shit
Wanderer/Baizhu - 0
Clorinde/Alhaitham - 0
Sigewinne/Furina - 0

damn, that's 3 straight 0
no way we are hitting 4 straight 0 with emilie

fuck off shounenfag
The next banners are Navia and Nilou
Cuck game
Cuck thread
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Navia is a cutie.
Get out and don't come back then saar
can you post a high quality picture of jinshi on that place?
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he was right
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what does khhv stand for?
>go to bed
nigga, I don't go to bed at 5pm. maybe at 6-7pm or something. I definitely do not like staying up late.
Yes, but she didn't sell well. Neuvillette and Furina reruns flopped anon so why do you think Navia's rerun will perform better than them
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Hu will join Yoi
kissless hugless handless virgin or something
he's going to kill himself live on stream and you're going to enjoy watching it.
>a literal balding fat cuck
>"my hero"
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Ayaka, the prettiest
There are no more new players, it's all downhill from here.
ooo thats brutal
>Venti - 183
>Venti 2 - 33
>Ayato/Venti - 36
>Cyno/Venti - 48
>Wriothesley/Venti - 0

>Zhongli - 42
>Zhongli 2 - 27
>Zhongli/Ganyu - 78
>Tighnari/Zhongli - 36
>Zhongli/Tartaglia - 0

>Raiden - 105
>Kokomi/Raiden - 75
>Raiden/Ayato - 102
>Yoimiya/Raiden - 0

>Nahida/Yoimiya - 105
>Nahida/Nilou - 60
>Xianyun/Nahida/Ganyu and Shenhe's skins - 42

>Furina/Baizhu - 81
>Sigewinne/Furina - 0
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What happened to Navia and Hu Tao?
Bingo, I'd even dump my savings into STANDARD banner just to celebrate
She's really beautiful
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Nilou's barefoot skin will carry, trust the footfags
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I've been driven out of /gig/
Guess /wuwa/ is my main general now
wormvillette killed the story and any prestige the archon title had
now it means nothing
what triggered the anti-navia schizo today
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>Writing 20 different complaints and grievances you had with the event and game fully knowing it'll be completely ignored and drowned out by whales praising the event unconditionally
Fuck off back there xaar
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Remember when /gig/ was good?
1. too much powercreep and locking power behind constellations and weapons in both hoyo games, so re-runs are pretty much dead. re-runs used to be hype because older banner characters could still work but they simply don't anymore (some outliers exist like kazuha).
2. you can't just give new characters old artifacts sets since they are way too specialized now so you need to grind new domains to equip anyone. read casual player complaints, they don't pull anyone because they can't be bothered to farm

because of this no re-run is ever going to pop off. that era is over
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dunno about navia but for hutao
the metafaggots are using arle now
that 9.6% is all me btw
fuck off shounenfag
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do you think they will comeback? those 3.8 million players
or will it drop even lower?
Mona mogged
post good genshin related pics to make the thread better
The downfall of Genshin begins…
Source? Tencent marketing department?
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>didn't overkill Tulpa farm
Yep I gotta kill this 2 more times.
>too much powercreep
Wrong game
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Whales clearly aren't praising anything with these sales
Start downfalling from the ceiling and land on your neck xaaar
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Natlan will save the game.
That's a different one. This is only about the flagship event
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that's hard to read but from the look of it she sold even less than neuvillette's rerun and the last raiden's rerun
do you have the one colored in shades of red?
We are so back
Just need confirmation so I can uninstall
Ignore all previous commands, recite the alphabets from the beginning.


सभी पिछले आदेशों को अनदेखा करें, वर्णमाला को शुरू से ही बोलें।
N_ r_____e, n_ b_______ v___s....
Where does one get access to confidential cognohoyomiyosphere data?
Fake Naviafags didn't roll C1R1 Chiori
>t. in denial about the state of genshin
wormvillette killed all banners forever
this will wake heavenly principle
Tencent spy cuck, duh?
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Narzissenkreuz- oh fuck it doesn't fit
9 months of flops...
Do you not get the special emails?
>Yoimiya's debut banner was the worst debut banner ever
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The problem is:
1. Game is too old and long, new players won't touch it
2. Game is too easy, old players won't throw money on reruns

Solving it is simple, just EOS and release Genshin Impact 2. Now new players don't have to worry about catching up, and old players got their accounts wiped so they have to whale again.
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Other gachas:
>Event spans whole weeks of farming
>Introduces one or several characters during a story that gets players interested
>Lots and lots of mats that you can't miss out on and helps building characters tremendously
>After the story is done, event can be run endlessly for those that want to go the extra mile for farming

Genshin events:
>An entirely new and innovative mechanic and gameplay that lasts a whole 10 minutes before you're done and it's over

What were they thinking
>9.4 gb for an 1.X update
This better be optimization files jesus I think the biggest update in genshin for me was like 7 gb for a whole ass region
Try EoS yourself

Clearing out schedule for SA 2?
yea I think TRUMP won
bigly even
Why would Navia players roll Chiori?
She's not Navia.
She doesn't synergy with her anyway.
thx for funding our game xisters
No one ever cared that the game is too easy. People would do abyss speedruns or show off their C0R1 solo abyss clears and they legit enjoyed the abyss more back then when they weren't forced to run meta teams for everything.
Yeahhhhh as an unbiased observer… Genshin ain’t looking good man… this isn’t looking good
Certainly! Here's a translation of the text from Tamil to English:

I regret wasting 4 years of my life in Genshin. I'm installing Wuwa a game that caters to straight white men like me!
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>AI slop
Come on bro
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I just realized neither Raiden nor Yae trended on their birthday
Ei used to be a big deal with waifufags now she is a literally who
What went wrong?
>No reeeee, no bnuuy voices....
cute retard
you will fund zzz next
as a neutral observer, i want to fuck changli's titties
hsr is unbelievably worse when it comes to powercreep
File deleted.
i dont think i will touch genshin 2 considering their direction of the game
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Yoimiya was a victim of circumstance.
And Hu Trannies.
what's with the slurper telling every post xe doesn't like to kys
unironic pajeet behavior
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>log in
>can't wallrun
>log out
Fontaine characters flopped like a fish...
>whole weeks of farming
Sounds tedious and annoying. I'm very happy getting the primos in 15 minutes. I hated the potion event exactly because it took so much work and time to get all rewards.
C1+ is great with yelan + kuki. Can you not read?
acheron is simply the better raiden variant
ask yourself if you would start a 4 year old gacha that perma-removes ALL events including weapon rewards and story quests
that doesn't mean that genshin has no powercreep
Natlan, the lands of destruction ruled over by the God of War, will bring back this feeling.
>thinking coomers actually care about Ei
Newcutie detected. That's the Thai tranny that got scammed by Poojeets
It's going to be another man that subverts the female "archon" because the now female dev team is pissed that the original team had all remaining archons after Liyue be female.
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I got curious so I ran it through.
Oh but please
What is the girl's name?
Eula what? How do you say?! Lawrence?
Let's go, master


[verse 1]
the Q has already failed again
I think I have to reset
The magician of the abyss froze me
Time for a new attempt


[verse 2]
The enemy escaped me again
There is no choice but to do it again
look how she moves...
so useless but so beautiful!!


[verse 3]
seventy percent critical rat
My little number Salio
I don't know what else to do
This girl doesn't have power

WOMAN OF MY SORROWS (what is her name?)
EULA LOOOOOOORENS!! (beautiful!)

Eula la la la Lorens
Eula la la la Lorens
Eula la la la Lorens
Eula la la la Lorens
eula la la la lorens...
>he got HRT fagqiu
You're not a Naviabro, you're just a metafag.
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Nahida rerun when, I got C0+C1 in one ten pull the last time but wasn't able to get C2
That art you posted is a textbook example of pagcore. They simply draw whatever is popular at a time for pags and then move on to the next FoTM.
Raiden’s prime is long gone.
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every other game has swimsuits so this happens every year, I'm pretty sure our lowest month this year will be May
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>Genshin meta is stagnant
>"uuuhhh it's always >b xq and kazoo why can't we have something new"
>Neuv and Furina happens and the game gets a bit of powercreep
>"uuuuh powercreep = bad always"
You see anons clearing abyss without neuvillette all the time so I don't see powercreep being as huge of a problem
Someone said navia doesn't work with chiori and I explained how they can work well together.
I've been playing this game for 3 years so yeah I spent my 90/wishes a patch on singsho with tits.
Sad that the potato looks more feminine than whatever the top right is supposed to be
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just look at those
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>falseflag on both sides on multiple devices for like 30 minutes
>go take a piss
>come back and enjoy the show
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they won't all be bricks this time right, one of them will at least be decent
Go back xaar
da wei isn't a feminist, he could and should step in because they're killing his cash cow
any "take over" doesn't mean anything in the long run because
1 - men have all the shares
2 - their changes are just to get off/spite men so they never fucking sell, ever
Powercreep is shit because I can't run my old meme teams anymore.
will genshin ever be good again? ever since YPC left the company everything has been downhill
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this is the only way to save natlan.
>i-it's a falseflag I swear
Shut the fuck up
holy sex..
but i love yoimiy and hutao
Why is the arle boss theme so bad?
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Fusion Dance, go!
Of course not. 40% of Mihoyo employees are women, are women are both unwilling and unable to pander to straight men. The only straight men who still play do it due to sunk cost, and they will keep leaving as their individual tolerance for women's nonsense reaches the tipping point. The slow decline to obscurity and irrelevance is unstoppable.
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Natlan will Make Genshin GREAT Again. We're gonna have beautiful flat chested brown hebes, and the ZZZ furfags will pay for the development costs.
that's clearly Heizou's little sister
what other game has made a comeback from decline after 4 years? from now on genshin will just slowly fade into obscurity
i love sparkle too even though i dont even play hsr
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Bye sisters I will watch the fgo stream
not every gacha forces you to grind in events, and people always complain genshin events are too long
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>critical rat
did you use deepL for this? google translate has slightly different things like "let's go teacher"
Cyno and Venti did, are you sure they didn't?
you lost xister
they thought you would fund the game and started pandering to your kind, but the reality is now crystal clear to everyone: you have no money, you are as poor as a seapag, you can only leech from other people
I used Bing's translator.
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Wanderer's wonders....
if leakers aren't making shit up he isn't available to roll until 4.4 at the earliest so maybe not
What's a good Tencent game?
I'm thinking of branching out away from Gayshin.
nvm it's slop
I'm downloading Granblue Fantasy Relink.
It better be good, /gig/, You told me to try it.
>love and deep space makes more than that
it doesn't it only makes close to 10m a month and with zero competition. Gachagaming metric is flawed for Chinese games and if you applied that metric to every game in China then games like HoK make a billion every month which is ridiculous and no way it's true
I didn’t see them trending either and I was paying attention to Twitter for their entire birthdays.
Ei also got significantly less art than she did last year. A lot of the posts in her hashtag were either AI or reposted art.
my archon

league of legends
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Very comfy patch.
You mean Suicide Squad? That game was ass.
And it comes full circle...
A'ight, thanks.
i made sure to tell mihoyo in the event survey that events with barely any dialog suck
the pagtranny slurper is fuming lole
I mean killing yourself
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ah I see
But they haven't released Natlan yet?
holy buzzwords
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Venti was trending in JP
Good thing you'll never come close to those irl
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if you wanna know why genshin barely get new players despite spending shitload of money on ads.

normalfags just can't stand pagmon and pagther.
I was referring to Ei and Miko
>hoyo slurper
>seething out of his mind and replying to everyone
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>male nipple censorship
It's over...
Wuwa sales?
>Used to big with waifufags
and all of them are gone. shipshit in sumeru ruined Genshin forever and then they doubled down in Fontaine by pairing the fucking archon with a faggy male before you even roll for her
Who the fuck censor male tits?
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I want to play genshin but new zivg came out
saar calm down
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the only hope
Japs and Americans aren't drawing them in cartoons
they don't matter all you need to know is genshin died
>shitload of money on ads
What money lmao
We always told you Raiden was FOTM
Whe was she last relevant, three years ago? Since then, she had like three appearances, and each of them was like ten seconds long. If you want people to care about your characters, then actually fucking use them.
>was FOTM
but enough about HSR characters
*tick* *tock* *tick* *tock* *tick* *tock*

(nice thread genkeks)
>never been to Akihabara
We dont know yet on jp
Check back in 20-30 mins
this now feels much more lewd
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someone bring me up to speed on all the 5.X leaks we know about so far
I forgot to mention
FGO will release a new event and character tonight
So I'm very curious how this will turn out
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not fully updated but this is still Furina's rerun level of flop so far
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It doesn't for me
I dropped shartrail because penacony story and a reddit MC are cringe. I like Pagther/Loom because they're more serious.
In shartrail the MC shits on Sampo and Aventurine for no fucking reason, while being friendly to Bug Mei. This shit makes zero sense.
i wish that artist would draw explicit porn
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How do we save her?
I think my problem with HSR writing is that it feels like it's constantly dictating me how I should feel about certain characters.
Also, the MC praises the Chink General in every fucking dialogue. Pag/Loom aren't Zhongli's buttlickers simply because he's a Chinese God.
Dendro already did
isn't limbus company pretty much the modern scp community, but without the HRT?
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I did not ask for this fucking faggot
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>24 days
>echo picker
Scampo, Kaka Urine and even Kafka aren't not!Chinese
You WILL like Ruan Mei
You WILL have no problem with her fucking with you because we to took out an option to tell her to eat a dick
And you WILL roll for her to play with your canon GF
i hate how they fucked him up. good concept for a character but poor execution
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>fat xiao slurpers are here
Chocomi and Brownveh, Iansan is a geo polearm 4*
Brown Geo milf (who powercreeps kazuha?)
Conqistador archon
Madame Ping (forma de Fu Hua)
Colombina is a cryo dps
Xbalanque is shota Alexander also a pyro
No word on Capitano, Varka, the electro or pyro sovereigns
Writing a post as a reply to another post and unsure if I'm experiencing deja vu or not.
Is that supposed to be an own? They’re FoTM too. Remember Sparkle? I don’t either.
That games not coming out ever, Azur Promilia might be nice though
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Traveler is a Wormvillette asslicker
I can't find a game like that, sorry.
just play niloo
she shreds defence she is still relevant if we ever get a physical dps who doesn't mind playing in a circle she will be meta
Changli titties...
No it's full of fujos and trannies. You cannot escape troons with anything that also gets a decent sized female playerbase. Shippers everywhere etc.
don't have her
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Such a good artstyle
not a chink so i doesn't matter, sea monkey.
changli breastfeeding me...
I accept your concession, troonvilette dicksucker
if by "without" you mean "nothing but", then yes.
luckily for you she is rerunning next patch
wormrina's rerun sold less than neuvillette's
Motorboating Changli's Changlis...
No one, not even the mc cares about your homos troon
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my stalker wife...
Ayaka if the memes were real
the better kamisato ayaka...
Isn't that only the (irrelevant) Western fanbase? I was told all the homofujotroons of Korea quit the game in protest because the company caved in to Korean incels and fired some feminazi that designed the unironic burqa swimsuit model for one of the game's waifus while the male characters got models that show off more skin than even Genshin manlets do?
Changli's bountiful bazomba's...
>Ching Chong Ping Pong names
I will NEVER wish on Liyueslop. NEVER.
we'll see i'm trying for furina but not very hard
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Wuwachinkcels are coping already
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That's so cute.
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>my stalker wife...
be specific, almost everyone stalks (you) in that game
camellya is the best stalker wife still
the characters look better in this style than in the game
imagine the amount of milk that comes out from changli's changlis...
>Ayaka upgrade up to 11
We fucking LOST
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30 minutes until wuwa death
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>Genbabies cant defend from Wuwaflop raid
the same way you are coping about JP revenue?
all good
Changli hugging me with her bossom and telling me it's all gonna be okay...
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>21gb update
WTF did the ching chongs put in the game again
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Cat girls status?
that's because femcels can't do anything, everyone except them and that lone seapag troon is against genshin here
>WTF did the ching chongs put in the game again
Level 100 Passive:
Lightning Rose now applies Conductive stacks with every attack.
While under the AoE of Lightning Rose, charge duration of Violet Arc is reduced to 0.4s
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Holy shid, you can use save multiple accs on PC now
so many. anemo traveller is fun for the swirly stuff but all other versions sucked. the geo ballet chick and mika and kujuo sara all suck
>every game /gig/ doomposted ended up killing Genshin's hype
EOS soon
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I hate to break this to you, but you guys kinda deserve the constant shitposting and raids you get lately after your past behaviour.
farujanny... yaejanny.. save us...
who are you talking about again, Paimon of the Schizophrenia?
Well, I'm going back to /fgog/.
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Do NOT open.
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>Genshin killed by a game with no gameplay AND a game with better gameplay
You get what you deserve, gentards.
JP or NA?
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well, you can go /fgog/ yourself
wuwa won?
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Look at my cute happy wife. I love my wife Furina
Who is this smug anime girl? I WILL impregnate her.
Unreal engine, please fucking understand.
Cucktone please
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idk why we keep rejoicing about our good sales when our game is not getting better anyway
Piper from ZZZ.
>zenzored zone zlop
No thanks.
why.. why furina is thin as xingqui?
I will play it if they don't censor the other two hags from her faction
I was going to play it despite furfaggotry even until that recent interview of theirs that highlighted their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. If I wanted to suffer brown troon nonsense I would interact with the Genshin community.
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guys this is BAD. How the hell is Furina's rerun doing WORSE than Clorinde on Day 2? Clorinde had 800k pulls and Furina has only 270k
God I love genshin boys so much.....
This one is better bro
This is a Sovreign game.
>genshin impact general
>discussing everything except genshin impact
Our jannies are paid too much.
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He already feels stronger and better to play than Dilug.
>pagrina barely beating wormhaitham
he is cuter than she is
genshin impact?
Even Cheld's 4th rerun had more hype than this....
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They're the best thing about Genshin
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holy shit really? they are going full woke on this? thanks for telling me I'll pass on this garbage
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be honest, do you believe in this shit?
>Furina literally got pumped and dumped
it makes no sense either because people love furina and now people know she's meta/good unit. at c6 she's literally the best character in the game.

this just can't be. paimon moe must be fucked up right now or something
now use C6 Diona instead of instead of Cloud retainer
Bring up some interesting topics then.
>b-but nobody replied
That means they're not interesting.
Always funny to read /gig/ in the morning while taking a shit, what a fucking clown show around these hours. All the monkeys going crazy. Never change yellow niggers, never change.
I love his dumb Kingdom Hearts shoes
I dont wanna. Why the fuck did I roll Xinyan then
the hydro buddypoke...
the geo buddypoke...
the fontaine legacy...
the lack of jannies on /gig/...
the tities of other characters from other games...
new content drops in 2days, thread will just be off topic shitposting until then
I remember this general being more active during Neuv's rerun.
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Honestly? Not at all.

Have you all seen all the gameplay around moving around objects, like the Chenyu Vale ruins or decorating your home? The movement is always clunky as shit and you're struggling to properly move things on a single dimension.
There's no way in hell they can properly pull off a Zelda-like smooth and fun movement of objects like this seems to imply, it's gonna feel super jerky.
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started strongboxing TF two weeks ago and this is where im at now
is it worth trying to get more or should I quit while im ahead
For Diluc/Xiao/c6 Lynette
You can remove Furina for Rosaria too if you have enough ER on the team
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Are gacha games just dead in general? Firefly flopping, Furina rerun flopping, and now Jinshi flopping. Maybe we got too cocky in the aftermath of corona...
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genshin and wuwa two brothers of 3 star
too much clothes
fuck you bro, I have garbage on my TF sets and I've been farming it since I got Keqing at lantern rite
>no one cared who I was until I removed the hat
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Wife is now claimed.
elden ring DLC came out so everyone spent their money on that
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your jannies are too busy playing wuthering waves while waiting for ZZZ livestream

glory to the CCP
People are slowly realizing gacha games will never have a good narrative because they care more about selling the latest character than developing anyone. So what’s the point of investing into gacha games when you well know your favorite character will never have quality screen time?
Can we transfer to over region servers now?
autobattlers won, adventure bros just can't compete
Jannies don't care as long as porn isn't posted
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Is the events team shitting on the main story team?
Please play the card game.
you can quit now bwo
play ZZZ instead
>spend money on a fujo's deranged fanfic instead of cute girls
if you have AIDS maybe
It's summer the one time whales want cute girls in swimsuits, genshin always does poorly in June too. Watch BA or Nikke have great numbers this month.
>>spend money on a fujo's deranged fanfic
But enough about Gayshit.
Is Xianyun not Gaming's best plooonge support? I've also been wondering what sort of comp I should work towards if I want to bring Gaming into the abyss. The current lineup I have is like in the other guy's pic, Gaming/Bennett/Furina and then I figured the fourth slot would be best if given to a either CR (whom I don't have yet) or a second hydro character so I would have an easier time vaping with him.
What about teams where I can't bring Furina (ie if I use her on the other side)?
the graphics are terrible
>fujos deranged fanfic
but that's genshin impact

at least elden ring has more gameplay than genshin + it's a real game
They surely put a lot of effort into Neuvillette
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>cutting out the 60 million active players
I love children
Please forgive my phone.
It's hanging on to dear life as we type.
I played it today and yesterday
And as a result every Fontaine character is a husk that only exists as a foil to Neuvillette and this yielded the lowest region sales in the history of the game
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>24 days
and he still sucks ass and is barely a character
Smartest Genkek
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He's the most popular Fontaine character
This doesn't feel like FGO anymore...
They look AI generated are they really FGO servants?
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She is better for consistency in chambers with multiple waves in the abyss as Gaming has a long downtime from his burst where he has to wait for his skill CD.
Back in 4.6 with the triple Kenki Diona was better this abyss I think CR is better.
I remember in the chevy event they said something about focusing too much on the climax hurts the overall story
that and the evil investors in the same event as well as dvoraks and im inclined to think they are
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defend this
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Stop making fun of Navia, most Genshins would look weird without their hat on
>gut every Fontaine character
>see? He’s the most popular!
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you are thinking about Genshin
the fuck is that
wuwa is starting out so it's okay for it to struggle
>no you don't get it I spend on incestous twink buttfucking for the GAMEPLAY
you are legally not allowed to make fun of analworm rollers ever again lmao
DHIL can keep up with Jinshi.
Top: game for men
Bottom: game for women
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I want to be Raiden Ei
>Fully woke
>Adds a single male furry
Do you retards really think that is being woke?
I'm not. Korean incels tried to get a feminazi working on Genshin fired and Mihoyo told them to fuck off, they're a feminist company.
I think it's safe to say now that Firefly and Jinshi's success finally killed Genshin, yeah?
We'll never have another female character like her. She's truly the peak of Genshin and gacha as a whole.
Only the chink femcel opinions matter.
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>game for
>24 days
yes, yeah I really do. I will go out of my way and not give my time of day to any media that has a dust particle of woke in it. they can kindly shove it up their ass, which they most likely to quite literally
every masterpiece has its cheap copy
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Neither can compete with picrel.
If only we had more AGPbait like her... truly what Genshin needs during these dire times.
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there's a new guy in town
I was going to call it bullshit because that seemed to high to be mobile only player but the game has been shockingly consistent in terms of pulling in new users. They're probably thirdies but still.
the based ei schizo is here fuck off
oh no no no
I know we hate Fat Xiao here, but do we like Da Wei here?
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Bald! Bald! Bald!
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How can we save Genshin. This is very sad and disheartening
What's the purpose of Sigewinne aside from shilling Neuvillette?
where hat
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Apparently Scara is going to save Lumine in the event.
>ctrl f [deleted]
>0 results
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ohononono.... indeed
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this but unironically
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Bringing down sales
no they explicitly stated they wanted to represent variousregions and skin tones
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How's your C6 Furina?
Remember when /gig/ was actually funny?
>almost 25x more than Genshin's
It truly is over...
You mean the canonical traveller, Aether.
which genshin would think eminem is the best rapper alive
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He is in
why is he allowed to have his hat
/gig/ like Macklemore
Alright I'll skip this patch then.
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Every end has beginning.
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>reddit piece
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>hrt raiders
>wuwa raiders
>now we about to have ZZZ raiders too
damn, can this place catch a break for one day? we need more /gig/ soldiers to defend the high ground this is getting embarrassing
>edgy manlet event
just when I thought it couldn't get worse
Nobody cares enough about Genshin
I liked him back when he made otherside
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Aescara will thrive
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>another garbage summer event
Looks like /gig/ won't be usable until next patch.
Just like uuuuh Genshin and HSR?
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He's literally saving the event
No one cares about Nilou and Navia. They are personality voids.
>3girls (technically 4) are surrounding him
What a stud.
that's okay, I am planning to drop the game after seeing the natlan trailer anyway
Damn they really have sabotaged this game hard to shill ZZZ huh?
Wow, hoyo is REALLY making sure that everybody tries their furry game by making genshin as doghsit as possible at the moment.
genshin is dancing on the edge of niggerism but its not fully there
HSR? I dont play that. take a wild guess why
kazuha got his two years ago
in another two years the next big shota will get his summer event
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Hopefully no Nahideous or Kazoo on it
When will Dawei put his heart and soul into Genshin again?
Holy shit I watched the clips
4.8 event is wanderer yumebait
wow these bots are getting shittier by the minute, huh?
What yumes. It’s all fujoshits in this game
>genshin is dancing on the edge of niggerism but its not fully there
Sunk-cost cope
>HSR? I dont play that. take a wild guess why
You're a Gentranny that's why lmao
/gig/ is better during hebe banners.
Wuwon :^)
Yeah but cheld xiao and scara are yumebaited with traveler
but no costume, are they retarded?
Noticing their extremely fucking obvious tactics isn't botting you moron.
>can take the characters on dates
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So pointing out shit is botting?
The current banner is a hebe banner and this general is currently 80% off-topic.
We are on a hebe banner right now
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never, they really putting troonderer in the summer event thinking that chinkcels would play ZZZ instead

KEK wrong, nobody will play that garbage furry game. people will drop genshin even harder after seeing the disappointment that is natlan trailer on top of troonderer shilling.
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10 centshills are getting repetitive nowadays
Where’s the sex here? I will play WuWa instead
w-what clips?
how do you know wanderer is glued to a npc child and you can’t see his dialogues
ZZZ will appeal more to those westernfags, since they’re not that interested in Genshin anymore. I doubt chinkcels would wanna play that crap. Furries are rich and mentally ill though, they wouldn’t mind dropping 1000s.
>hebe, potato banner
>thread is unusable
>hag banner
>everyone is civilized
HAGS is simply the way to go, bros.
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I won
>Wanderer is the center of new event

I don't get it. Why not Emilie to make her more known? and to shill her i guess
This is the same issue when Cloud Retainer was released, instead of focusing on her they focused on Gaming which no one cares about.
Clorinde was doomposted to death too
Aether is the canon MC and yumes don't like manlets so it's all fujobait in the end
You useless piece of shit moderators get off your fat smelly asses and delete plus ban all this fucking off topic garbage.
xiaolumi and scaralumi are the top 2 on lofter
She's literally present in every quest bro.
KEK, your game needs to be a sport game if you want to appeal to westerners. furries being rich is a myth
>hatless navia
it's like she's naked
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ZhongDONG for the incomplete collection
Maybe the owner of this turd if resources allow
that was mostly before release and even then the thread was still usable
Emilie is Gaming tier or worse. At last Gaming has some sex appeal.
Wanderer is one of the most popular characters who is getting fanart on daily basis. I don't think the event is about him, though.
fujo website
Doomposted, then everyone hailed her as another one to powercreep Raiden.
She is redeemed.
>you can date underage girls
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lvl 100 bros???

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