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Previous: >>483595742

>Dancing Dragon Castle! The Deep Sea Princess and the Two Jewels:
●Event period: June 28 ~ July 19 JST (3 weeks).
▶Login Bonus: 3 Golden Apples and 18 Silver Apples.
▶Stream Present: 14 SQ.
▶To progress through main quest you have to collect Digima Sweets points.
▶You can conduct "Sweets Trade" from the event rewards screen to earn material items and Digima Sweets Points.
▶By clearing the epilogue you can obtain the costume "Otohime" for 3* Berserker Kiyohime.
▶Strengthening Quest Kiyohime: Skill Update.

>Dancing Dragon Castle! Azumi-no-Isora PU summon:
●June 28 ~ July 19 JST.
5*Alter Ego Azumi-no-Isora (Hibiki & Chikagi)(limited)
4*Lancer Kiyohime (limited)
3*Berserker Kiyohime (permanent)

>Summer2024 Support campaign to complete the Conditions of participation:
●~July 5 JST.
▶NEW Limited Missions: 5 SQ.

>/fgog/ Friendlist spreadsheet:

>Pastebin for utility links:
content when
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Gray and Bob third interaction or second?
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Redman anni CE this year for sure
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>Second year without Abby CE on anni
I feel like shit
So that quick support has to be soon, right? 5/7 of the SSRs this year have been quick.
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>Event starts with Tanabata
>Mashu finds papers of servants putting
>ええと、これは…… マスターとの恋愛、成就……
I wonder which servants put that one on
>5*Alter Ego Azumi-no-Isora (Hibiki & Chikagi)(limited)
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Soulless. Even if it's meant to be a minimum effort cashgrab that appeals to clapfags, it's not even good clapbait.
What, you don't like the various TM Glup Shittos?
Notice how the hands look like they are sloppily fixed after using AI to render
This right here
This is why FGO is a dead mobage

>hire a famous artist with 700,000 followers on Twitter
>get Lasagna to pour in a fuck ton of effort NP wise/Animation

>all on a Servant who is a reference to shit nobody gives a fuck about

Cut this entire event. Use those resources on the FSR collab. Add Tamamo Aria and some other Servant. Boom instant massive success and FGO is hype again.

Instead we get this. Shit no one wanted or asked for and so we fall down the rankings...
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This is his identity
I guess the little girl is his daughter?

No idea about her just yet
Who this?
Glad to see you dead
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>finally the Draco event ends, so I can finish the Strengthening Quests and get back to finishing OC2
>new event starts right after finishing first Nagiko SQ
I am sort of missing when there were lulls between content, bros.
When NPCs are more exciting than the actual summonable Servant, you know you fucked up
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He looks the most interesting out of the new characters
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>All this for a non summonable NPC
Dead game
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This is the other guy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoderi
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That big smile and teeth lol.
Will this be the new meme for fgog?
You've been shitposting for hours now why don't you touch grass and stop being a loser?
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>morgan armpits
I kneel
This event, and all about it, will be forgotten once it ends
Setting up new Anni Bronzes?
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Puzzling decision with making Otohime a costume
If you don't like me being negative about trash go to plebbit they are mandated to be positive about all content under threat of a ban
If he was summonable maybe
Since he's an NPC we're never going to speak of this again.

Too many NPCs for them to all be summonable
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Update on mystery nigga.
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RIP urashima taro fags, it's just (You) again. Makes sense I guess, overlapping her with Kiyohime.
>farming event stages boot you out without the chance to restart each time
??? For what fucking purpose? Why the fuck did they change it for this event.
It couldn't just be Kiyo in cosplay because...?
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high iq take: if they wanted to cash on nostalgia takeuchi should have drawn them
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isn't this the last event before anniv? And there is still 3 silhouettes?
What the fuck are they doing, they can't be anniv servants right? I don't think they did this before.
I'm honestly kinda disappointed Fionn isn't appearing at all this event, given how Tir na nOg and the dragon palace are called parallels (with Fionn's son taking the role of Urashima Taro in his version) and how they've even been compared in game before.
>emiya CE is 50% starting charge + ignore def + card
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>be me
>be an Otohime fag
>even used her on my Swordcraft and Dragoncraft decks in Shadowverse
>heard about this event some days ago
>get excited at the idea of FGO finally releasing Otohime
>event releases
>Otohime is merely a costume
>a costume for one of the worsts servants out there in attitude and gameplay

What did she mean by this?
Am I excited for the new servants?
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I open the package Hibino and Katsuragi gave me.
What comes out from inside is... a familiar apron.

They have the same design, with the only difference being the color of the fabric.
It was the uniform from the place they worked part-time.
It's a symbol of the everyday lives they spent, and their sparkling youth.
I'm happy to have been given such an important item,
but I also wonder if it's really okay for me to use it.
But I'm sure the two of them will smile and say that it suits me.

They said I should come visit them when it's all over.
So one day I'll try to find that mysterious cafe.
Will the two from my original world notice me?
If they don't, then that's just the time.
I'll take this apron and go see them.――
Wow it's fucking nothing™

At least we could laugh at Alcatraz being a really stupid Christian
Huh seems like they're for (You), that's a very weird bond CE lol
Lancer Hitler soon?
>Another IT'S ALL GONNA END SOON foreshadowing
How many have we had this year
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I would have taken another Requiem collab over this.
xufu is the only likable character in that
not even a dice roll rerun.
Given they're not Takeuchi I wonder if boss man is doing another Anni Servant
Or hes lazy
>Otohime is a Kiyohime costume
>managing to make the event a disappointment for both Otohime fans for not getting an actual servant and Kiyohime fans for not being actually herself on the event
Pretty impressive. Also what does Kiyo's buff do? Is it trash again?
Or maybe, just maybe he's above drawing some obscure shit like Hibichika or Luvia or Medea etc
I'm tired of Japan events and Japanese servants
Takeuchi is currently working on his magnum opus
>xufu is the only likable character in that
>Morgan, City, and Bob
I will be honest... I keep forgetting Xu Fu's existence and name. Then again, she's a chinese literal who, so it makes sense.
I would have taken a collab with that novel Sakurai is writing that only has one volume out instead of this

At least the artist for that is good
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A shame he had to do art for Flop Hackers 2, that game does not deserve his art skills.
30% extra damage against burned enemies and memey NP charge whenever you hit them.
Honestly you might as well go for 50% damage with that kinda stuff
It's a another sabertrace isn't?
The constant spam of negativity sounds really honest, truly.
Then maybe try a non-Japanese game for a change okay
>Chinkshill babble
lol, calm down coomer
As opposed to the wave of positivity? Bitching about how negative people are being when nobody is saying anything good is funny. You're the type of nigga to be like "uggh I hate people who complain about XYZ" when that's all you fucking complain about
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Nice fucking game.
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>Morgan's throne
When I think about it, I though this would be Oberon. I mean all the shots are from each LB final moments.
>Shit no one wanted or asked for
That's the flopnant collab. A homo game nobody cares for and whose collab flopped so hard it got literally 0 anniversary CEs.
>we fall down the rankings
And when we get 1st as usual what's the cope?
>No 5* Kiyo version
bro rolled for AI art
GudaBB love
There's not a single 2024 Servant in the CE list

Anni CE doesn't include Servants from the current year

Fucking tourist
Because people are more busy talking about the game than being shills or anti shills.
This pathetic attitude spawned ever since chink and gook shit became prevalent where every release needs to be a scrutiny of FGO as if you haven't known this game for 9 years is sad.
You've had 9 years to realize this is how the game operates, if you're still here knowing that and still complain like a retard over shit that's been the same for years you just come off as dishonest
>it's real
Do you think there's some new retard in charge of the node mechanics now? First the mahoyo collab's waves and now this.
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so we are getting this for the third ascension?
Weird I swear I recall Locusta and Draco getting one last year
Also Andromeda and Shingen you silly
Nice AI generated image.
It's Triten but not like this, more Hibiki-like >>483828793
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Guess it can be useful if you hit right before the np? Still not nearly as good as a charge or just np strenghtening. Just look at Darius getting a charge on the anniversary strenghtenings now.
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>There's not a single 2024 Servant in the CE list
>Fucking tourist
Please go neck yourself NOW, you ACTUAL tourist. You don't even know shit.
That is an AI image no such Servant named Andromed exists
>There's not a single 2024 Servant in the CE list
>Anni CE doesn't include Servants from the current year
>Fucking tourist
Fgog remember to laugh at this faggot.
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>Anni CE doesn't include Servants from the current year

You're all wrong

Draco was released last year and got an Anni CE in the same year

Locusta was released last year and got an Anni CE in the same year

Tiamat was released last year and got an Anni CE in the same year

Andromeda was released this year and got an Anni CE this year

Stop posting missinformation
It's hard these days when those 50% NP batteries or 30% ones are so common because of how the game meta has evolved and been promoted by the devs. I like when buffs don't follow that cookiecutter mold, but also I understand how bad it can feel for fans of whatever character who gets a lackluster buff considering how rarely some Servants get those.
Knee socks hime is cold...
That's the throne right after Castoria sacrifices herself to defeat Cernunnos.
oh well that's pretty disappointing
the triten outfit looked nice
Since you want a bait for (you).
Here my (you)
>doomposter is a retarded tourist, a flopnant shill who doesn't even know what happens in the game
>Carnival Phantasm characters get in before Perseus
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>kiyo gets SQ
>nobody talk about kiyo
Cause if you could read the event, EOP, you would understand that it's not actually Kiyo in the event but Otohime who looks exactly like Kiyo
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I am talking about the strengthening she got, asshole. You can't even read English, stop projecting.
Full view knee sock doko?
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She didn't really defeat Cernunnos. She split him open for us to kill it.
It would have been better to have Cern's open body in there, too. At least to make it less confusing.
Which means he'll probably never be playable
It wouldn't be as bad if it wasn't because of the fact that she only got one single strenghtenings before, and it was also fucking awful. She's a 3* aoe berserker, a charge and more damage's literally all she needs to be useful at the very least.
EOP her getting a SQ is irrelevant to your question of why aren't people discussing her. The reason is she is not in this event its an entirely different character with her face
Also the SQ is shit so the discussion died on translation
>just a skin
Boring. I wanted 5* Kiyo, lasagna fucking blows
Please understand, raikouschizo doesn't have a singular braincell to process anything but his stock shitposting and insults, failing at both everytime.
Without her actions Cernunnos would have been impossible to defeat and it would have been a Game Over for everyone.
Yeah, I wonder if they didn't opt for that is because there are a shitload of AoE Berserkers already who have NP batteries like what she could have used. Meanwhile I am still waiting for a good buff for Teach, the guy gets used all the fucking time in events but he is still pretty generic with his old skills.
Oh is it him? I fucking should have knew when he throws EOP projection as insults out of nowhere.
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I miss beofag-posting at its peak
Yeah its noticeable simply by what it's being argued. He has to call the event a flop, he has to pretend flopnant not having CEs is due to some made up excuse and now he's relying on what people posted in here to discuss the event because he's an EOP himself.
Kiyohime does even actually appear in the event, she just shares the SG with Otohime so they speak at turns like Kasuga and Parvati to name an example.
It was nice for him to get exposed again tho.
Honestly Higashitty fucked over Kiyofags so hard I am in shock.
>Release a new costume for Kiyo
>Except it's not actually Kiyo
Not even an alter or even related to her lorewise. This is hilariously sad. What a terrible writer
Beochad..I miss you
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It's okay bros anniversary will save FGO
Nobody is reading all of that
Just like nobody is reading this event
Yeah but, why not add Cern in there too?
Also the thing in the sky is Melusine?
I am confused desu.
Wait so which one is it? Does Kiyo actually appear here or not?
like last one did?
maybe they'll give 50 more MPs per 10roll
She does. She shares a SG with Otohime because they have similar personalities and obsess over (You) equally. Otohime freaks out at the start because Kiyohime starts doing her routine "my dear ma-st-er" thing but eventually she ends up becoming the same too
The entire premise of the event is her sending the other servant to kidnap (You) so you stay locked up with her in the dragon palace, plus some other sideplot about making sweets which ties into the event new system.
Which Love Lives are these two? Can't believe this is the first collab FGO gets
I haven't logged in today yet.
What should I expect?
>wanted a tanabata event cause it would be a cute excuse for some to get yukata costumes, including (You)
>get this boring garbage instead
O-ok, never gonna ask anything ever again I guess since the monkey paw is real
bro see for yourself >>483828047
There are no green LLs
You will get your Yukata for Christmas. Mashu's yukata that is.
Cute event with cute girls and a free costume.
In here? Usual tourists who need to shit up every general they go to and expose themselves. With the added AI screeching that's killed all sense of decency towards artists.
Art is so fucking dead I genuinely thought this was AIslop until I opened up FGO
is this AI?
No, but you are.
I got to read this event to see how soulless it will be compared to the comfy Wandjina event.
No, it's saddening to see that people who are against AI are the main culprits of lowering the bar so much they believe AI can look like that.
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people used to hate digitalslop just like they do AIslop, just accept it and get on with the time

when the bing AI source is leaked it's over for artists
I can and does look like that. It can emulate pretty much any artist and pose with minimal effort

What it can't do and struggles with is retention. Tell it to draw Arjuna in pako's artstyle and it will. Tell it to do that but with Arjuna fighting Gil and it will shit its pants
Yukatas are for summer tho, that's the whole point
Anon, that's the joke.
It doesn't. That's that artist artstyle and there's details in there which aren't possible to draw for an AI.
Not to add its literally two unknown characters, there's no model to use either.
Anti AI shitters are the reason the bar has been lowered in designs nowadays since you retards can't tell left from right
Holy shit I'm going to start playing magicians box right now
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nah i fap to redrop styled porn of most female characters it does fine

>Tell it to do that but with Arjuna fighting Gil and it will shit its pants
just use both gil lora and pako lora with proper weight
We're getting a FSN collab and a new Carnival Phantasm episode this year btw
Now, you should all apologize for badmouthing BA.
Anon I'm an artist and a computer scientist
You don't understand how fucking easy it is for AI to do shit
Easily replicatable
Would be annoying but not impossible. Also possible to just digitally touch it up.
You can literally just draw the pose yourself and have AI fill in the rest

Personally I use AI to generate 3D models of things I find too annoying to draw and then trace over it
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Steampunk Oberon is so cute
>FSN collab
Why not just release SN servants normally instead of falling everything a collab? Retarded game.
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Oberonchads never stop winning
Fuck off with the ai shit, you bastards.
AIslop Servant in the gacha!
We'll be getting a FSN Collab for the finale of FGO.
After all, the story should end where it all started.
>Anon I'm an artist and a computer scientist
No you're a retarded NEET trying to shitpost, get the fuck out with this LARP raikouschizo it's pathetic
In the classroom where Nasu and Takeuchi first met?
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there's a million ways artists could use ai in his creation process at any point and there would be ZERO ways for people to notice, it's a losing battle to fight. most people talk about AI in the sense of txt2img but the true secret is making use of img2img
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How good is the strengthening? I know it shouldn’t make her a looper but nonetheless is it good?
Why are you denying literal factual information? Are you not aware of the fact 3D rendered models can be AI generated

A lot of artists are secretly using AI to generate heads because perspective is a bitch. I personally don't cause I'm blessed with the ability to 3D vizualize proportions and it would fuck up my stylization (the main reason) but it's a fact

There was literally a giant Twitter thread about this in the art community that had like 250k upvotes
>Easily replicatable
Not enough sample size
>Would be annoying but not impossible
Quite literally impossible, the detail on the skirt and the magatama is clearly drawn by a human
>You can literally just draw the pose yourself and have AI fill in the rest
The hair would be very different if that was the case

You don't know shit, you're just speaking off on your own made up delusions.
Anmi has been making art like this for more than a decade, why the fuck is this even a debate?
Wow the schizo really went back to shitting on Melusine when shitting on Kiyohime and the chapter didn’t work
That's Gudao you autistic clown
BB for Guda~
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3 Berserker Kiyohime Strengthening!

Skill 2

- DEF debuff strengthened
- Add Inflict Burn status to own attacks (3 Turns) added
- Add state that increases own NP gauge when target has "Burn" status (5 times, 3 turns) added

As trash as the first one, sucks that it makes me so angey right after she got such a beautiful costume.
i dont care if artists use ai all i care is the new servant looks like fucking wank and that my quartz are safe
These new servants look awful and I am convinced the art was AI generated. At least we know Mr. Cellphone is now Mr. Smartphone to keep up with the times.
Just saw the new Servant FGO is allowing AI now?
Because raikouschizo has to hop between 5 different shitposting angles when every single one of them gets shot down. People forgot this is how he's always been and the fact he's been ousted as being botschizo shows he just was here all along pretending to have been gone.
He's the main blight in this general with that other retard who hides on twitter.
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Suzuka spotted
If I can prove you use AI on my assets you are done bozo. Shitty world we live in where I have to keep everything for myself.
>TM fanservice final chapter
>Guda and Chaldea confront their creators, akin to what happened in Animal Man or Simpsons the Game
>Just as Nasu and Takeuchi's very first work together was based on Evangelion, the culmination and reset ending for FGO is based on the events of Evangelion 3.0+1.0
>Nasuverse ends, transition to the real world, where Guda ends up with either Mash, Olga or Sion (likely her given that likely Sion is the Mari of the story)
He looks like a tribal people, is this the result of his stay in Batavia or what?
Only reason for this outrage against AI is that artists are petty little bitches, which is why I have no respect for them
featuring Barbara Walker from the Women's Encyclopedia
>shitting on Kiyohime and the chapter didn’t work
He shouldn't have stopped, giving that Kiyohime, as Otohime, did nothing and was not at all relevant in an already nothingburger story for the event. It's justified.
Franz is the NPC with the kid, that servant is someone else.
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She literally drew them a decade ago too in the same style, are you going to call that AI too?
Anmi is a pretty well known artist and has been around for a long time. Sad to see how newfag /fgog/ had gotten. Thete was a time when some gacha, i think AL, got accused of plagerizing Anmi.

Black hair
Looks like AIslop they should have made a new style they had a decade to
Damn bro didn't know you already read the entire event story that's going to be released over the next days like all other events. You tourists are so retarded.
Dumb cuckfag, that's Gudao, Fou and Gudako
Nu fgog sucks simple as that.
The schizo doesn't represent anyone but himself. The tourists from the gook gacha also represents the zoomer plague that they are.
Fgog knows it's not AI just like how the OC1 trailer wasn't AI.
Shit stirrers don't play this game, they just come to seethe and be jealous at it.
If it was a he I would defend him but I hate women so fuck her and her AISlop looking art
>Wakaranai Gudao
>Riyo Manga Gudako
What does that mean?
Feels like they tried to give her more of a niche but unfortunately in a game that is 90% farming and 99% of that farming is killing everyone ASAP that doesn’t help much.
Also the fact that DOT isn’t good in FGO aside select few servants. An AoE Berserker will struggle on that.
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ayo wtf is this
I don't care if it factually isn't AI
It looks like AI art and therefore my brain rejects it as slop

It's like when you write a character to be annoying on purpose. They're still annoying
>wake up
literally who
for me? it's Enkidu
And Even outside the fact that the burn Niche they're been trying to force for years now is trash, no one is using a 3* berserker that dies on a crit on any kind of difficult quest, she'd be perfect for looping if they actually gave her a charge due to her low cost. I hate them so much.
It means she's my lover and wants to mate with (me)
You haven't even seen the second half of the new SSRs art which they're specially hiding
That ship looks AI
Since they're both for (You) by lines and bond CE I imagine they fuse. Also they both visibly get older with the ascensions, they have bigger boobs in 2 compared to 1
I might be in the minority but god I fucking wish they'd just run a double XP success rate up already. I've got like 6/7 grails sitting around now waiting to be used after all these reruns + monthly grail shop resets.
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Chapter 2
>清姫 ?: ようやくお会いできましたね、ま・す・た・ぁ
>I have no intention of saying that!!
>I am Otohime Kiyohime, the mistress of Ryugu-jo Castle.
>Please be sure to get to know me, everyone.

El-Melloi II:
>The master of Ryugu Castle is obviously Otohime... but this spirit base undoubtedly belongs to Kiyohime.

Princess Otohime:
>I feel bad for having to borrow your Spirit Origin in this way, Kiyohime-sama, but...
>This was the only way for a woman like me to survive in this world.
>It seems that Lady Kiyohime and I really do have something in common...
>My sweets will take over the world!!
>How about this suggestion? If you were to stay in Ryugu...
>We're going to stop our invasion of the surface world
>I should have cried and begged him to stay.
>I 've had enough of these feelings.
>I won't let you go again.... my dear
You need take a break, schizo also touch a grass.
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no summer and anniversary for me
If it looks like AIslop then it's AIslop wether it's done today, 10 years ago or in the middle ages.
>the stream even acknowledge it was Gudao
Man, Georgie. I thought you could understand Japanese? Turns out you're just another filthy EOP.
Just wait, he's gonna falseflag Kizu again. He's probably Kizu anyway.
>Kiyohime is now twice as shameless and has a castle to kidnap Guda too
Holy based
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>gave her a DOT
They didn't? The buff is a damage amp, 30% extra damage that's relatively easy to proc with the burn CC. There's the CE that gives boosted damage against burn statused enemies too. It could be better and the NP charge should have just been a flat 30% but it isn't that bad honestly. CC statuses apply before damage is dealt if I remember it right.
Fucking around on stormpods, Stheno charmed Arjuna Alter after I card locked his busters (he also missed the debuffs on the previous turn)
That's what I get for trying to be epik with Gyaru BB + Bunny Artoria.
They are old as fuck Type Moon "mascots" that were used in 2009 for their shitty mobile site that they shut down. They were not popular at all so it's confusing why they even included them here.
I never bothered fucking around and farming any storm pod stage other than the caster Liz one, they should have made them all brain dead to automate. Sitting at like 1600 monuments now.
>event and new servant announcement might as well have negative retweets
if it wasn't for the pathetic whales keeping this sad zombie moving nobody would give a shit about fgo.
I don't mind actually having to play the game for a bit, but fuck having debuff happy servant as the enemies.
I agreed that for 90* I'd rather have a quest with single 2mil HP enemy.
Can't forget one of them is the most hax beings in the entire Universe larping as a teenage waitress.
The Tezcatlipoca merch must be selling really well huh?, dude is everything now
I like Poo Jannu
Doesn't she apply burn with any attack with the skill now?
There's a Galatea which should be more easier.
There are 2 stages that give a shitton of bond points though.
The Stheno one is easier and you get more Bond 3CE-ing it over 6CE-ing the normal ones.
>Here's three new waifu characters you can roll for
>Makes trillions of dollars

>Here's a very unsexy one dimensional clapbait character with her girlfriend from some extremely niche story no one read, please clap.
>I could try to organically make this clapbait character fit the world like meltlilith or eresh, but instead I'm just going to randomly throw them into a story and hope their reputation will be enough.
>Please, why isn't this popular, why aren't viewers loving it more, I don't get what the viewers want anymore
>You all love their art right?(Crickets)
>Give us money already

I feel like once upon a time FGO would have just released them as themselves and not a pseudo, and released them as individual characters and not a double unit. But that might be wishful thinking.
Dude is everywhere now*
Only because Caubac is a fucking genius and still the most mysterious unseen character in the series.
kek I remember how Melufags kept saying it's supposed to be Ritsuka's hand
Kiyohime would be twice as popular if they just gave into the meme and made her breasts another cup size larger
>But she's...
I don't care
>Please, why isn't this popular, why aren't viewers loving it more, I don't get what the viewers want anymore
No one in TM says that, Nasu always does whatever the fuck he wants. It took a lot of talking by the CCC devs to convice him to drop the idea of a giant BB because the PSP couldn't handle it
nice sideburns
>He's now back to his anti melusine failed campaign
Yawn. Ushi Flopzen lost, didn't get a single CE. Meanwhile you got exposed being an EOP who didn't even hear they said those are Gudao items she bought out of the natsukomi from last year.
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i prefer alter to this general
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As a Melt fan, I already acknowledge the game as half-dead. Zombie FGO. It should have ended with the Solomon equivalent of the LBs after LB7, but they instead are forcing the game to last more years. I just play FGO and drop here whenever I feel like it...

But I seriously didn't expect them to dig Hibiki and Chikagi to make them 5* Servants. That's so random. Even DDD characters would have made more sense, and be more welcome, than these two.
They are the only ones that can actually play understand the game to begin with since the retards here that keep pretending they can read Japanese keep getting caught when the content actually gets translated by actual translators.
Alter doesn't have the three schizos that are always shitting this general. this place is turning into /gbfg/
Most of my problems come from trying to 6-CEing the 90* ones, yes.
So, I've been away for a while, not disagreeing with the argument, but why people now call Gudao Gudao here?
yes it does
You think we'll get a fat stack of strengthenings with the anniversary batch given how they've increased the rate they're pumping them out a lot more recently?
Alter has lucksucker, who’s currently scatposting & is active near 24/7
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SQs are free quartz.
We'll still get only 14 and they'll ask us to clap.
>i prefer alter to this general
Alter is objectively better, yes.
Even now with a new event cuckshit and tourists rule this place
So much that 80% of the residents here moved to alter (no shit).
Stop rolling for everyone you dumbass
>i prefer alter to this general
Nah. They were talking about piss fetishism some hours ago. Almost made me throw up.
>Alter doesn't have the three schizos that are always shitting this general.
This general would improve a lot if you removed the Draco and BB fags alone. Kizu and his gang barely drop here lately.
man why the fuck did they lock the third ascension again
>3 collabs in one year
Are they out of ideas? Is FGO actually ending for real?
The hell? Haven't you read >>483828873? Oto hijacked Kiyo's body because they're way too similar by nature (yandere dragons), except Oto is more successful in her part on keeping Urashima with her forever.
Fucking hell, I thought you were lying. What are the mods doing? Or are the anons over there not reporting his disgusting posts?
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Princess Otohime:
>The person himself has come!!!
>Yes, I am your Princess Otohime!
>When I received your letter, I just couldn't stay sitting still so I came here!
>Ufufu, what on earth could you possibly want to talk to Princess Otohime about? A proposal...


Princess Otohime:
>Taking advantage of me, Fujimaru -sama... What on earth are you talking about...?
>That's right... that's right. Your letter... contained no lies.
>I, for my own sake , got excited...
>But this treatment... is too much...
>It's a bit too much, isn't it!?
>Do you not understand anything about Princess Otohime's heart ?
>This general would improve a lot
It's literally dead lol
>Are they out of ideas? Is FGO actually ending for real?
Yes. Supposedly, we are also getting Proto. Although they took so long to release Manaka and Proto Gil, I think those waiting for them already left. Haven't seen the Manaka poster in a while.
Lol. Okay. I’ll leave then. Thanks for the good times /fgog/! I appreciate defending GudaSaba especially GudaBB
>Yes. Supposedly, we are also getting Proto.
next year?
Mods either
>protect him by deleting/banning everyone
>ban him, only for his style of posting to reappear hours/days later
He’s just a long running cancer, sometimes I don’t even know what sets him off.
Assuming the same number of 14 in each batch and counting servants up to right before the anni, this is the % of the total number of servants at the time of the batch
This year
Last year
Two years ago
Three years
Four years
We've gone from 11% of the cast getting strengthening batches on the anniversary to less than a third of that.
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see you tomorrow
>remember lb6
>remember lb7
>remember bromani ;_;
>remember part 1
>remember mahoyo
>remember prison tower
>remember to buy samurai remnant pls it flopped save us
>remember jeanne alter
just put old yeller out of its misery...
>Lol. Okay. I’ll leave then.
I'm sure the thread will get 100% better now that cucks and tourists are still right here
Is that anon from alter recently start posting those disgusting image?
Mahoutsukai no hako Hibiki and Chikagi announced! READ Mahoutsukai no hako manga its good
Sunao Sugata, main character of Mahoutsukai no hako / a trainee Executor whose weaponry is supplied and maintained by Ciel and therefore, can be assumed to be weapons that Ciel might use.

of course Sunao has an advantage that Ciel doesn’t, which is that she’s a freak of nature whose body is a hole in space-time/gate to a pocket dimension/living bag of holding/some shit like that (since this is stuff she was willing to lend Sunao indefinitely, it’s likely that what you see above comprises only a fraction of Ciel’s arsenal, and probably the lower-end stuff at that. Things Ciel won’t really miss.)
Yes, if his not spamming porn crops then he’s spamming servant armpits. He’s been there for years.
I mega ultra super duper turbo don't care
I don't even care about normal Olga
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Remember better thing?
the whiner *is* the shitposter
So what are the odds that Otohime-Kiyohime will have the same animations that *3 Kiyo already has? I bet on 100%.
Man what a shitty year
Retards, all,
>some fgog nigger is scared of a jpg
grow up lmao
>yes yes well done guda well done guda you solved the alt class mystery HOWEVER how well do you actually know the 7 knight classes? Prepare to face ORDER STALL before meeting the Alien God
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sounds good, you sound like you belong on reddit
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>another AOE Quick servant
anni servan will be a Quick Castoria, right?
low test
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Sakura won btw
Yes, it'll be Abe no Seimei.
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sei mei
Mahoutsukai no hako has 3 main characters...
Sunao when?
I hope not, I want something fun to play with.
>this game is EoS at the end of the year
>this general is dead
It's time to move to /vmg/ where we belong
>Kizu is barely here
Raikouschizo who is Kizu is here though.
No, I don't want that.
After splurging on Draco, I;d rather the anni servant to be some boring clapbait, not a meta-defining support.
We know that after Nasu shitted on the Fate Route
So we could have gotten then 30m download campaign and have a week break between events to get into the anniversary
Instead we get three events literally on top of each other and will for sure have to go through an entire dead month because they ran out of content
Who's the fucking imbecile in charge of pacing in this game?
bro there are only 2 more olga quests
2 literally said that summer is right after the anniversary schizo
literaly made for Hakuno
So a replicate of the dog event, but this time it's not free but you have to put in the resources in order to get the mats
I'd request more 5* embers then
I dunno why I havent uninstalled this game already
You needed to put in the resources in the Bakin event too.
Granted, they were always returned.
Lucksucker can be at least entertaining sometimes.
Our local schizos are plainly horrid.
And now she’s in love with Guda.
read her mats. No romantic love.
Any chance Fujinon appears in this event?
>literaly made for Hakuno
I see why he's bothered by the BBfag, he's a hakunofag lol
is Sunao as much of a brat as she looks?
But she loves Guda
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So how many disciples Ciel has
We aren't getting the 30m dl before anniversary.
I want to be hopeful and means that the limited 5* ticket is real and they're post-poning it to try and maximize the number of retards rolling this year's jew gacha.
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There’s nothing entertaining about Luck.
Let me shutdown your entire life in one post.
Hakuno canonically rejected BB.
Hakuno doesn't have a canon gender.
Hakuno cares more about Nero than any other orbiter of his, meaning the saber route is the canon.
With that said:
>The BB rejected by Hakuno was killed
>Our BB loves (You) and only (You), to the point her skills grow over time to reflect it, from obsessive to romantic love
>Our BB isn't that BB so all retarded shippers are quite literally against their own ship
Done. Don't bother replying, you've no idea what the canon is. Your "self insert" chose Nero, enjoy.
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Actually Nanako is a slave
>Hakuno canonically rejected BB.
When did that happen?
nta but the GudaBB lover
>her skills are in reference to Guda
Infatuation and Love, right? In what way are they a reference to being for Guda? That ExtraSeraph bastard mentions that it’s a Hakuno reference.
>Hakuno canonically rejected BB.
NTA but he just rejected and lethally wounded Melt.
>7 servants come from other Type moon works
>2 alts
>1 alt from another game
>3 real servants
This year is weird
Really? The new servant are those two? And they're even randomly shoved into some literally who nip deity. This game really is dying if they're just scraping at the bottom of the barrel now.
How do I into mahotsukai no hako?
I know there are drama CDs and starlit marmalade is its own thing, but is there anything else worth checking out?
>Cleaner and server dual servant
Fuck there it goes my Hisui and Kohaku dream
That new Kiyohime it's just a costume, right? that can't be a new servant.
I'm here for my hard hitting DAA lore.
>Yamato Takeru
FSR (kind of. Showed up in FGO first but FSR is when she turned into an actual character)
>Yui Shosetsu
>Miyamoto Iori
FGO Original
>Marie Alter
FGO Original - Alter form
>Hassan of the Shining Star
FGO Original
>Dantes ST
FGO Original, alt form
FGO Original
Type-Moon website

This year so far only Andromeda and the new Hassan feel like the only real characters without Alter fuckery or putting pseudo nonsense or combining random gods and shit. Just pure history/myth and even then Hassan fails that sniff test so just Andromeda.
is the new Sanae looking slut worth rolling gameplaywise
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Yes, clear the event and you get it for free.
Well, Cagliostro is just Cagliostro.
IIRC he's the only apostle without whatever gods up his ass, he's 100% fraud.
Sucks shit too since so many of these are just OCs
The phone is the goddess not Caubac.
For Guda only
It's over.
>gay girls being released on the 28th day of june
Damn, even to pride month Type-Moon is late to
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I wonder if they'll be playable, probably not. But it's interesting how we got the whole family set: wife, husband, daughter.
Waver does talk a little about DA when the orange girl goes super form.
They also have a hidden 3rd ascension and a line towards Arcueid. But most of their lines are pandering and calling (You) their master/manager in a maid/employee way.
Great bait, I rate it 8/10
gr8 b8 m8, I r8 8/8
"/fgog/, this is the seventh week in a row you've said FGO is dying"
where's her dick
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Here's a serious question: how would you incorporate the lore of Tsukihime and the DAA into the story of FGO, especially in a hypothetical Part 3?
Could the DAA potentially rise after the Human Order was briefly overthrown by Goetia and replaced by the Alien God, and become the new villains that Chaldea this time most overcome?
Will we fight the actual ORT and Cath Palug (if somehow Fou got back her Beast powers)?
Will we finally have an idea what the hell the Dark Six is (Did they come from the Dark Star?) and what Zelretch's true motives are?
What is the Proper Human History hiding?
Could FGO Sion have a TATARI form as well?
Will Zepia become Night of Wallachia?
Given that Nrvnqsr Chaos cameo'd at the end of Tunguska and alluded implication of Monte Cristo having fought Roa as recently as OC2, it's entirely possible that we will be fighting them next.
I still have no idea what is going on with Ivan's head.
Did his artist ever release a close up of his face?
thank you lasangna for releasing the most boring servant imaginable and helping me keep my stocks safe for summer
thank you lasangna for releasing the most boring servant imaginable and helping me get back my stocks for summer
I would've rolled for Siebold. The Alter Ego sisters don't excite me.
Okay, supposedly, the rest of the Crypters (bar Kadoc) are made summonable and playable. Can't do the Hinako method of reveal that they were a Heroic Spirit all along since nothing else was given to them, so here's other solutions. Previous thread suggested Wodime to be a pseudo for the titan Atlas, as well as a Foreigner Daybit who is a Dark Star Apostle.
How about the rest? Well, how about this?
>Beryl with Woodwose Saint Graph
>Ophelia as a pseudo for Freyja or Sif
>Peperoncino as a pseudo for... I don't know, what is the most flamboyant and feminine Hindu god you could think of? For now, I'm settling for either Aryaman or Mitra.
that ivan drip got lakshmi gooning hard
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The state of this thread is fucking purgatory.
It's amazing how any npc so far is far more interesting than the current up servant
>Qixi Festival
I guess this is theme then.
Are the new girls for (you) or just yuri pandering?
NP gain of the new 5* looks good on paper.
Base atk is good too, with 30% card and 20% NP damage.
I give it A rank, which really isn't much nowdays.
Have Part 3 be Tsukihime 2 and FGO 3.

Two-pronged gameplay.
Within the Tsukihime world, we play as the main cast while they deal with the allsbery vuzuzela event and war between the factions.
In the FGO world we'd deal with singularities caused by the idea blood leaching into the FGO world
Beast VIII when
Lets meet beast v first.
There's no yuri pandering whatsoever, they're for (You). Stop shitposting out of nowhere with bullshit
In their story they're gay as fuck, idk about FGO tho, I'm not rolling for that idolmaster clone art
Why do those idiots refuse to admit that BB DOES love Guda? Shouldn’t they be happy that BB(even if it’s a copy) found love again?
>Could the DAA potentially rise after the Human Order was briefly overthrown by Goetia and replaced by the Alien God, and become the new villains that Chaldea this time most overcome?
Difficult, if rumors have to be believed, Nasu is so protective of Tsukihime that he's basically killing (or killed, not sure about the current situation) type lumina by stalling the team from adding characters who didn't have major roles in red garden first
I doubt he'd sacrifice the DAA of all people as cannon fodder for Guda to curbstomp
Mighty optimistic, my friend.
Why you fuckers doomposting on something that is just a sideshow at best? Clearly they're saving all the cool stuff for the anniversary and summer event. They know they'll probably just ignore or at least not pay too much attention to this short event and instead save their SQs and wait for what is to come.
Trust the plan.
Say hi to your Tamamo
Summer forina?
Olga Quest?
I think Freyja is already inside Sitonai, isn't she? OOOO could get Sinmara, or perhaps be made into a Valkyrie by Skadi.
For once shut up
Nobody cares about your drama and obvious shit-stirring, BBtard
>lol, said the mushroom
>fucking lmao
Wait if the game was released on July why is the anniversary celebrated in August?
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TwitterX are saying they are very gay in the original.
Dont be mean to our alterbros. They are welcome here.
I still can't believe that Cagliostro is an Apostle even though he doesn't have any gods inside him.
And? They'd say anything to deny pandering.
Failed launch since it could barely run by the end of July iirc by August the game could run properly still the first event which was Artemis and later Liz Halloween was ultimately broken.
Last minute addition. No time to shove gods up to his ass
They can be for (You) (Gudako) then
They stop giving a shit about consistency within these special groups halfway through. Just look at what happened to the Grands.
I thought that because of the connection to Koyan, she would be IV too?
Though I don't think we know anything at all about V so it could be anyone I guess.

Eh I don't care about the beasts at this point. It was all downhill after the monstrous world-ending threats that were Goetia and Tiamat. Now we just get evil sluts with Camazotz being an outlier (and he was more of a hero than remotely a threat).
>Nobody cares about your drama and obvious shit-stirring, BBtard
Found the hakunotard
IV used to be Fou and Koyan was trying to take his place, Tamamo should already have her own separate spot
They're incompetent and can't even respect the basic deadlines that literally everybody else manages to respect.
At most you can give them that FGO launched on Apple during August, and most of the japs are itoddlers.
But they're correct tbf but from the looks of it we will have to wait till the end of the event to see if it's the same in FGO
>4 characters in one
>Sitonai is the only goddess that really exists as more than profile flavor text
>The Illya part is a schizo combining clap from multiple different routes without a shred of reason behind it
>Sitonai is supposed to be the one in control but the whole character is just Illya without any of the personality traits OG fans liked
Is there a worse pseudo in the game?
They're not correct, so I don't bother entertaining someone like you trying to spread twitter brainrot towards normal people.
>Suzuka spotted
The actual character that fgog hates.
>They're not correct, so I don't bother entertaining someone like you trying to spread twitter brainrot towards normal people.
>TwitterX are saying they are very gay in the original.
>they are very gay in the original.
Have you ever read the manga and stuff they're in?, the xitterfags are right
They literally abandoned a forementioned chara by just making it into a costume. And no I'm not saying it's bad since Kiyo needs contents but they should stop being such hypocrites and talking about how popular charas were piling up and they only want obscure ones or some shit. You could but you choose to avoid them Typemoon.
Doublenip clapbait that totally missed the mark? Literally couldn't get worse.
>The character that fgog misunderstands
Maybe he's Yasuke
>But he doesn't look African
And most of the Indian servants don't look Indian, you think they care about accuracy?
I loved her summer, she grooming Guda in front of Melusine was top.
This looks too good to be AI
Yeah, the more I think on it, the more disappointed I get. They could have still had her occupying Kiyo's body while being a new unit, they already did that with Grand Roma. I'd have liked her to have her own NP and animations.
>most of the Indian servants don't look Indian
Hello, Indo-Aryans anyone? Not all Indians are dark-skinned or something. That's racist.
Why do I keep coming to this thread?
sorry bros i misunderstood a little too hard
Fuck off ai shitter
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Farmed enought materials to upgrade my Saber Berwick to his final ascension.
He looks kinda cool but i still like Caster Berwick more(Visually. Gameplay wise Caster Berwick kinda sucks now because he came out a very long time ago and got powercrept over the years so ibwould definitely go for Saber Berwick for playing the game)
>server is busy, try again later
>still no mongolian servants
what gives?
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Maybe its because i play mage characters in MMO's and RPGs so im biased but i feel like the sun and the fireballs shooting out look really cool.
What do you guys think though?
Am i right or is Sabre Berwick cooler?
Nasu is never going to allow his darling OCshit lose to historical figures.
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>m-da s-tarou
Great. Can you make a Kiyo with the artstyle?
you're right, i fubar'd the hands
got a request?
What do you think this is >>483854926
Ah, right. Didn't notice at first.
eye'm not a crook
bro your debatably atilla?
Seems like you missed the horses and dogs beastiality posting hours. Too bad for you then since these hours used to get the whole thread nuked.
No, Gray's there too.
AI Servant wtf?
I can't wait for genghis khan to also turn out to be an alien with no care for mongolian culture
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>Wake up
>A fucking costume for kiyo
>Some literally who mascots from a forsaken mobile site made into a 5* nipwank servant
>Some literally who mascots from a forsaken mobile site being picked in the first place over literally anything else
I... I don't even know how to finish this shitpost...
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Anmi is one of the ealiest victims of AI and to say it's by AI is putting the cart before the horse. But yeah the design revealed so far is pretty bland.
>they should have made them all brain dead to automate
they are
I like Anmi but HibiChika lose some of their charm for me when they're drawn in such a moe style and not Takeuchi's
Finish it by killing yourself.

He's going to be just another Yoshitsune alter-ego because they are that predictable and creatively bankrupt.
Killing themselves is what FGO just did, it's over. Genshin won.
>they are that predictable
Did Barbara Walker said anything about Genghis?
>release a servant no one cares about
>tHiS iS tHe eNd Of fAyGo!!
It's not just an "only a costume for Kiyo," it's a "take a different character to use as a costume instead of it being a costume for Kiyo so if you actually wanted the new character or wanted a Kiyo costume you get neither."
Also in this case by making the character Otohime it includes even more than that, it includes, "Also if you wanted Urashima Tarou for whatever reason he's now going to be a never-ever because by making the costume be not Kiyo we need Otohime to think it's (You)"
Will manaka and 666 be separate servants or the same one? I could see Manaka being a foreigner or Rider and just let 666 be another Beast like Sodom.
>stay awake since I was assuming it was gonna be a lottery event
>its a normal event that lasts 3 weeks per usual
>promptly go to bed and sleep
You need to die.
Probably the same, the Beast in Prototype was more like Manaka's pet than a proper character on its own.
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>nipshit event is shit
To no one's surprise
I like the map, at least. It's comfy.
You can't even read it.
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I need some Aurora-Melusine-Percy threesomes doujins
Aurora would never sully herself with some filthy rotten mud
Was the "Olga died and can only be rebuilt as a mindless zombie" retcon into "nevermind, she just got split in 4 parts that represent different emotions and the Count woke them up" always part of the "Cagliostro is a fraud" story, or did Nasu change his mind about Olga Quest after the first?
It definitely feels like Nasu changed his mind to me. He wanted to keep it simple at first, but since Olga is one of his special characters he ended up getting too inspired and came up with different personalities to give her.
>They were lovers according to the mats
That was a draft.
In game, Aurora is disgusted by her, and Melusine's feelings are entirely one-sided.
Gorgerous, as natural as it is for her, thanks
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You're replying to a ban evading schizo who can't take an hint even after Melu got another anni CE with (You) referenced in it and also cited by the commentators.
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Don't forget to answer my survey, /fgog/!
It was always part of the overarching 'Stop giving a shit about this fuckawful plot I have no idea how to even wrap up" story of OC.
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>link account with an*plex
No, I don't think I will.
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>Pinned tweet is not a doragon girl
False advertisement.
Noooooo let fgog live their fantasy
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This mindbroke the schizo. That and his raitabortion not getting uno CE on either forms.
LB Percival is there, nice
Kek you've gone senile to be unable to recognize Gudao, how pathetic.
>Melusine on the air
>the throne still intact (Castoria's staff is also there too)
>this is definetly AFTER Abyssal Worm gulp everything
Um, has the Throne been truly destroyed?
nips are mad
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No it's just retarded NEETs who don't know memes and assume everything is some obscure reference to a tragic event
it literally spawned from that event you retard
>AOE quick servant with a low number of hits/low np gain on their quick cards
A classic move, simply classic
Ciel isn't the type who gives a shit about her possessions
She once lost the Seventh holy scripture for about a week or two, only to eventually bother to find it at Arihikos house.
She has no realm qualms about burning up all her ideal bloods in a single attack
She's the type the church can't trust with important stuff because she'll just break it eventually
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Then why the fuck is she NOT fired
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It's part of the overarching "don't think too deeply about stuff" plot Nasu's got going on since forever.
She doesn't even like the church much
Church doesn't like her either
They're in a mutual relationship where they can't kill her and she doesn't want to be tortured, so they just let her work for them supervised
It's win win ultimately
What's wrong with doing that? Am...am I fucked now?
It's fine so far. I like Waver's part. NPCs(even Otohime forma de Kiyo) are interesting than the pick up servant. Kinda surprised they made a little animation with Uminosachihiko.
I doubt the reason they locked the ascension beyond 3. Please don't be something more disappointing.
No idea, I just don't trust them.
Like, why would they suddenly want you to link your accounts, if they never required it before?
Oh no a more convenient way of binding your account.
I'm almost sure that that Guda dressed as Fou appeared somewhere else before but i can't remember where
Because, like, they were simply too incompetent to implement it until now?
Like, the way this company has always been?
I do, hoe about Suzuka Gozen in BSDM gear? But with a JK vibe like skirts and sailor uniform but with later and chains and a collar and piercings in her nipples showing under the latex
It might be an accidental coincidence, but just like the Hawaii Forest Fire last year they are going to apologize again I guess.
Japan is crazily autistic regarding stuff like this sometimes.
Nip companies had previous case of purging Gaijin accounts so... do not assume anything.
I debind it as soon as I got 4 tix.
>newly implemented feature
>immediately force adherence with cheap bait
Definitely nothing suspicious about it. Not at aaaall.
>I debind it
You are already in the system, it's over for you.
I remember that there was a time when there was one of these controversies making the rounds and the Japanese were like, "Americans, imagine if we made a joke about 9/11."
>Americans, imagine if we made a joke about 9/11
But 9/11 is funny though?
I'd laugh
dom or sub
Yeah, they already got us. If I die, I die.
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apparently there was a crash 39 years ago and nips are pissed about the new event
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>Americans make memes for the totally natural, not astroturfed "barbenheimer" meme making jokes about dropping nukes
>Japanese in their ever present passive-aggressiveness: "That's not funny, what if someone made jokes about 9/11?"
>Americans: "lol we make jokes about 9/11 everytime get mad!"
>Cue, what, a month later? and Microsoft Image Generator is released
>People make images of disney characters crashing the plane into the twin towers
That was pretty funny
It's one of the worst aviation accidents in history, probably only behind Van Zanten's wacky ride.

What happened? Did the event make fun of it or something?
Nasu also referenced that attempted murder in the mahoyo event but that's a bigger meme I guess.
I'd say Raikou won this time
9/11 jokes are funny, tho.
>Higashitty writing causes a controversy
Sigh, get him out already. He's clearly trying to tank the series. Probably gonna use his freelance title as an excuse and jump ship to another mobgage soon
Yeah that was barbenheimer. Posts like that made me laugh.
The event's written by OKSG btw
Nice try Sakurai
>Redman uses a Nokia 3310
Get a smartphone grandpa, also why is he dressed like Godot?
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>BB growing a dick and cucking Guda twice

Seem fitting for the cuckge fans
Ciel has a complicated relationship with the church
They decided they couldn't kill her but her existence is still heresy, in the end they just gave her a job in exchange for relative freedom.

They tried every way to kill her, none of it worked, she shouldn't exist, her existence defies the logic of the world and is heretical. Eventually the church decided all they could do was keep a close watch on her, it's better to have her on your side.
Ciel and the church have a begrudging relationship, but it's a relationship that works in both of their interests
It does explain why she acts like a cunt and just don't care about "rape". She got it worse, huh?
Kids these days don't know him.
He tweeted for the first time in like 2 years.
I know it was a meme years ago, but are nips still clinging onto flip phones nowadays?
Is Kiara, Nasu's self insert on who she wants to be or is she, Rie Tanaka's self insert given how obsessed she is with her?
Gyarus do, but only as bragging rights, they still use smartphones.
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So the meme is
>Plane lost control
>Captain shouting "The engine is going to stall"
>Co-pilot goes "はい、気おつけてやります"("Yes Sir, I will be careful on that.")
>Captain got annoyed and said (はいじゃないが!)"Don't just say 'Yes Sir'(and DO something)"
It became a meme of "Yes, (insert some nonsense here)" then a reply of "Don't just say yes(what you just said doesn't make sense)".
So their point is no matter how often internet use it as a slang they shouldn't use it officially. Like if some moron made a 9/11 joke on American TV shows they would be fired instantly but you can post it here 24/7.
>Nasu's self insert
I'm pretty sure the hack mushroom wishes to be vored, not the one doing the vore.
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Just look at this soul.
I think Mahoutsukai no Hako is probably the most ephemeral piece of TM media.
Die blonde brolga
Damn, why can't they be this cute in game?
Kirsch and Olga's daughter...
>Please, why isn't this popular, why aren't viewers loving it more, I don't get what the viewers want anymore
Pffft, as if, Nasu and company are well aware that not all character concepts will be equally successful and they don't care, as long as each character has a niche that's good enough.
They're some of Takeuchi's cutest designs.
where is the hibichika fanart
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Just like how internet can use slang like "om nom nom", "based", "chuga chuga choo choo get on board the hype train", "lmao roflcopter", "omg glomp squee"

But if I ever see those terms in an official translation then I know the translators(Albert) are fucking retarded
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>Kiyohimefags are returning to the game
FGO is healing.
Also post lewd Kiyo cause I want to touch her with my dick everywhere
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Onichan, the aurora shitposter is with us, can you take him back?
What do you mean, stupid retard? He returned where he belongs.
Now fuck off.
Just say you hate fun and move on.
He's back where he belongs with your autistic shitposting inducing translations
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I unironically would Aurora
Tell me you will NOT be bottom and gentle
We know Nasu.
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Yeah same, she's gorgeous. I would roll.
We know, Melusine.
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We know Melusine.
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It's over
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I would engage in a threesome with Aurora and Kiara and it ends with Kiara voring me after Aurora steps on me like the bug I am.
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I wonder who could be behind this post.
god Boku no hero's op sucked
>Aurora and Kiara
....I just realized. Is Aurora a LB version of Kiara?
Yeah and Melusine is the LB version of Nasu.
The leather, it is too thick to show the piercings!
Kiara is smarter, but they're basically the created from the same mold, yeah. Nasu really likes this type of female character.
Now the serious answer, I don't want to look dumb if I realized this 4 years latter
It's not 1:1 since they gave Kiara's shota addiction to someone else in the LB
Right. I see.
I don't want those 2 near each other at fucking all. Why is Nasu like this.
Now bring them to a 6 enemy wave
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Oh baby a triple!
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Well I read the new servants profile it mentions how Fujiwara Hidesato (Tawara Toda) got his rice and more importantly it mentioned Empress Jingu who married Yamato Takeru’s son and gave birth to Emperor Ōjin who is Hachiman’s divine spirit. I wonder if TM are planning on making her a servant.
A new event, I wonder who the new servant is...what? 2 Liiterally whos from an abandoned type-moon project? what? Kiyohime gets another skin? What about the other 20 launch servants that haven't gotten shit at all? Never? Oh, ok.
PHH Aurora would be a mix Guinevere and Evil Morgan from PHH.
It's an opposition that will always manifest in Britain.
Oh, sorry, forgot her summer variant was so bad it could have very well been a skin.
>Evil Morgan
Kiyohime skin is not even kiyohime, that's how bad it is with current year fgo. They can't even bother to do a new servant for Otohime, they just slapped her on Kiyo, called it a skin and went home for dinner.
Show some respect, mister. That's Jesus Christ and her girlfriend you're talking about.
Well, in PHH Morgan has 3 personalities/manifestations
One is more evil than the others
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This image is canon

>after six years they brought back kiyohime
>The second or third ohmk event
Really does feel a bit noticable when they let someone other than their "approved" writers write an event for once
They let someone else write an event it feels like a fan actually wrote it "I want to bring kiyohime back"
There's something wrong with Kama's arm position there.
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Tonelico's CE outfit makes me feel things
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Wish it was me with Draco.
Oh baby another triple!
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I know I've been here for like eight years, but someone explain to me how artists drawing characters from the game in different costumes, probably better than they're drawn in the game, but they'll never give them those costumes in the game, counts as content?

They tease these images of characters in costumes every year but it just isn't real content. Maybe if they actually made those into alt costumes in the game each year it would be real content, but overall its just "Hey look at this thing that doesn't matter, bet you wish that was in the game".
Takeuchi is a bad art director.
It's not like it's impossible for them to implement the CEs as costumes either since they did it one time for Anni, they're just fucking retarded, lazy and incompetent and rather waste effort on shit no one cares for like this current event 5*
Imagine being so asshurt you spam cuck memes in two different threads
where is Essex?
The guy's idea is just ruining Melusine's image entirely. To make her known as some cuckbait. I still have no clue why he does that.
He already ruined Astolfo and Nemo for me, just by constantly shoving to my face those Japanese shadman shit pictures that I avoided in the first place.
Aside from that one year where they let you waste quartz on them, they don't actually pretend they are.
It's simply one of many ways TM flexes its massive marketing budget instead of going through the painstaking effort of investing that money back into FGO or any other tangible product they're supposed to be developing.
Its annoying as shit when "Haha this is better art than the character's actual sprite in the game, lets never use it ever. You all love 100/100 CE's that are fucking useless right?"
>Kaeruhime lolol
They have been lazy for years ffs
>I still have no clue
Raikouschizo was here during the stream hours and nobody gives him enough (you)s when he was trying to start conversations regarding his fav, and you know the consequence
>t; raikoschizo
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>it feels like a fan actually wrote it "I want to bring kiyohime back"
Based. She deserves everything after being neglected for so long. Though having a non garbage strenghtening for once after almost 10 years would've been nice.
You know what annoys me about the anni CEs.
Like I get not making them costumes since that requires spritework.

But they could spend a slight amount of effort and make them expression sheets to use in game.
Event where Abby is travelling? Well lets use her travel CE outfit in the story.
LArtoria chilling out, well we have her in more casual clothes than her armor.

Most wouldn't get used but it would give them a wider net to do stuff with in events for very little extra work
That would just lead to people asking why aren't they proper costumes anyway, you know?
Nah, if it was Raikouschizo, he would say "raikoufag'
Half of it is probably due to the schizophrenic quality lb6 character writing has.
We managed to get gay couple servants on pride month. This can't be a coincidence.
They already do that. Marie Alter for example was using one of Marie's CE outfits for most of her debut event.
Of course they don't really do it as often as they could or should.
Well, the mushroom already admitted to consooming westernslop, so...
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CE's at least are another whole different thing.
They can't even bother to do final ascensions anymore. I'm still waiting for Barghests actual bikini.
You better wait for some doujinshi then. Maybe that's their masterplan. Give the fans some designs and hope they go crazy with them.
The ring holding Barghest's bikini together is the strongest figure in Type-Moon.
Some lines of the new girls, I'll call her green or orange since its easier:

>Green: Ah, Manager, I know we're calling you Manager, but you're probably our same age, aren't you?"
>Orange: Ufufu, if we might've been classmates if we went to the same school!
>Green: Maybe we'd have even dropped by your house after school... Well, I guess we could do that now too. Hey, can I get a drink from the fridge?"
>Orange: Oh! I want to look around your room! Let's see under the bed... umh, what's this...?

To Arcueid
>Green: She was dressed like a princess, but that was Arcueid, right? She didn't seem to remember me.
>Orange: But the other day when we bumped into each other in the hallway, she had her cheeks stretched out, and she said, 'Something interesting is coming!'
>Green: That incomprehensible part is so like her.
This sounds like a Ciel hint for anni

Bond 5
>Orange: Yes, yes! Thank you for your hard work today!
>Green: Wow manager... how can I put it, it's scary how much we can get used to things... To think that nearly getting eaten by monsters and entertaining celebrities in the diner became a normal part of our life...
>Orange: Hehe, I'm really enjoying my life at Chaldea. But I wonder if this will come to an end someday. The time will come when we, and the manager, will return to where we belong. When I think about it, it can be a little lonely.
>Green: Hey, manager, why don't you come and visit us two someday... find a place called Ahnenerbe. You might get a little lost on the way there, but I'm sure you'll be able to find it.
>Orange: The two girls there might not exactly be us, but it'll still be us... somehow. I promise. We'll always be waiting for you at Ahnenerbe!

Overall a lot of cutesy lines they really play up calling you manager and stuff
Skadi got hers. Have hope.
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for once I would've liked it if we got Takeuchi to do the art of the new servant
they really different in Ami's artstyle
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>To Arcueid
the actual state of the TL
>Orange: Manager, Manager, why don't we all go out together? Of course taking a break is important, but if you just spend them lazying indoor all day...
>Green: Yes, go ahead, go ahead. I'll stay here and recharge my batteries...
>Orange: See, you'd just end up like her!

Asc 2
>Orange: Ahh! A new uniform! What do you think, manager?"
>Green: Ugh... I guess this is part of work... I often hear cutesy stuff doesn't look well on me...!
>Orange: I think we're cute enough! Alright! Look over there!
>Green: Oi manager, stop the camera.

Event in progress ( imitating a news anchor )
>Orange: Hi, Nancy! We have some great news to share with you today!
>Green: Well, Dave, please go ahead and tell us what it is.
>Orange: You know, it's THAT! A limited-time event is happening right now! You can't miss it!
>Green: Wow, how nice. Seems it's the perfect time to head out!
>Orange: Hey, you, boy/girl looking at us over there! Come with us...! Whew, manager's warm gaze makes me embarassed...
>Green: That's why I told you I didn't want to do this skit!
Eh, mostly makes me miss the fact that Ann and Mary were the last threesome servants, where they both wanted to fuck you

Year 1 servants really were more soulful.
Even when they pander with a new double servant the pandering always feels a bit weaker. Furthest it goes is them treating you like a friend mostly. Maybe the fact they brought Kiyohime back reminds me of oldschool pandering.
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so which God would be shoved up Ciel's ass? when she becomes the pseudo for Anni?
You are quotting that game a little too much. And as someone who secretly liked and saw the wasted potential of that game, I would like to ask you to shut up.
Remake Ciel is one of the most powerful characters in the Nasuverse, she'll just be herself
I don't give a fuck, except about how this year is that of Summer Shuten! For sure!
I don't think every servant should have the same type of pandering, that just means diluting their personalities. Those two girls do it in a more cutesy way than two pirates because of their status, it makes sense.
I do wonder what the fuck is under (You)r bed that orange found tho
Sonic 06 deserved to be retconned.
cute, we had too many edgy girls this year I missed some normal cute fluff interactions
I learned to love those slut bi pirates. God, what I would do to have those two drain me. Anything.
>It was the cuckschizo again trying to poison the well
Sigh this mentally ill schizo is so annoying
>And you hate it because it remind you the fact the whole game never mattered that way.
A reminder about how a game that could have been incredible in terms of gameplay was doomed, and paradoxically, how someone unrelated to the official team could make a playable version, showing not only the potential of the game, but also the dedicated fanbase.
I don't know how the FUCK can you compare a possible retcon about FGO, something that would be ten times fucking worse because of it's live service status, over 06.
sucks that the retard pushes his bullshit any actually tries to have a real conversation.
I like this shitpost
>muh official manga
Yeah that's the easiest way to spot his retarded ass. Schizo can't help himself but lie.
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So who wins?
Me. I get 2 wives.
Bob is retarded, on top of being a shitter.
Jane easily takes it.
What did you guys expect? he spent the last 3 weeks posting his cuck delusions and then this >>483834805 comes out lmao
I don't know him inserting himself in every female servant related discussion pretending he's some concerned self inserter while he's just a massive retard that has unexplained issues is already a weird situation from the start.
Makes you question which woman even shat out such a useless piece of shit
It's always funny how this happens so often with him
>shitposted with Morgan and Tonelico pre-8th anniversary and how she would use (you) and not be for (you)
>Tonelico comes, her first ascension (the most popular) confess that she wish (you) could have meet her during her days, not to mention her Savior form with the Bond 4 line
>does the same with Melu when Aurora appeared
>it was just a boss for a game and he quitted
>then the thing with Muramasa and AAA when the best description about them it's a daughter forcing her father to touch grass and nothing more, no romantic relationship at fucking all
>then goes back to shitposting Morgan and Tonelico
>Valentine literally BTFO him(same with the Fae knights)
>more or less worked with CastoriAAA but eventually it died
>now this >>483834805
Shitposting Melusine in general is retarded. She's literally for (You) the servant and using her background as if its some static character defining shit instead of something she moved on from is just so stupid.
I'm not surprised he's a type boomer, because such people ooze of retardation everywhere they go
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The guy screams how shes for aurora then starts dumping ankomeme cuck porn.
I wouldnt look for logic other than hes randomly asshurt over Melusine for some reason
I just find that logic in general so fucking retarded.
So what if the servant is more affectionate when they come to Chaldea after a main story's done? What's wrong with that?
Like, acting as if stories start and end only in the main story whenever we have story arcs that span through events like Kama or Jeanne Alter that then bridge into the main story. So fucking stupid
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It's probably because he hates self-inserters more than anything, just look at the language he uses and where those type of roaches come from.
The thing with Melusine is that he just using half truths to poison the well here with her. He twist and stretch facts to make them fit into the point he's trying to paint - "she's a cuckbait, not for (You), manipulative"
Sadly, it seem to work on some people.
Hakunochad welcome
He is the kriembro
Those people are just his samefags, he got laughed at even on twitter
>Sadly, it seem to work on some people.
Him and his 5 IPs don't count
What facts and truths exactly?
>He twist and stretch facts to make them fit into the point he's trying to paint - "she's a cuckbait, not for (You), manipulative"
There's literally NO facts in there, the ONLY reason melusine sticks with aurora is because she gave her a form, melusine knows aurora is a garbage person and utterly detest doing anything to please her, but we all know the schizo conveniently ignores this fact
Lots of AI look better than that, actually. Shit like this really exposes anti-AIfags
Oh never mind, you're concern trolling now
>That's that artist artstyle and there's details in there which aren't possible to draw for an AI.
There's absolutely nothing there that can't done with AI
>There's absolutely nothing there that can't done with AI
Prove it, generate something and post it on here
Takeuchi is better than AI at least. His hands are the best hands I've seen out of any artist.
Nasu, stop posting and go write
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>Empress Jingu had sex with the god Azumi-no-isora while pregnant with Emperor Ojin after he said from the womb that it was acceptable, and then Azumi no Isora gave her the tide jewels
Takeuchis arts so bad rumor is the initial AIs trained on him
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>Sadly, it seem to work on some people.
It's a discord raid. And when he's on and they're not, he just replies to himself.
>utterly detest doing anything to please her
What do you call this level of delusion?
>can't read the game
>can't respond coherently
Sucks to be you, loser.
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Summer Passionlip
No need to project this badly over shit that happens in the actual story
>she will do whatever Aurora order her no matter what and still love her is not a lie
It is a lie. She moved on. The bond CE was talking about her past, not the present.
Melusine quite literally badmouths Aurora during summer and doesn't even mind when she gets used as the villain for some doujinshi game.
She doesn't love aurora and that whole plot got discarded in drafts. She's just thankful, but that's over. Your poisoning the well to accept your lies won't work, go kys.
Link to uncensored?
Then stop faggot.
Not like you had anything of worth to add here, anyway.
Just stop replying to him and rep for spam/raid
The devs and writers really liked those shark mobs, arent they?
>Not like you had anything of worth to add here
But you're the one who's not adding anything of worth
here's my last (you), enjoy it
I mocked your blatantly false skipfag assertion, and seems you never recovered.
Yeah, it's better you run now.
Thanks! That's one impressive figure
I mean, they obviously realized Oto by herself would flop. Even more than Androme i'd say
Was the kid who showed up briefly Urashima Tarou?
Kinda makes me wonder if summer 6 actually won the poll or if they just reran it because it ties in to the other events this year
> because it ties in to the other events this year
No way they're still milking camelot.
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Yeah it's because of the sharks not because everyone was voting for it because of the mats.
I could see that have actually winning due to the fact it was a notlotto.
Summer 6 had high demand mats
Worthless kusoge
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Seis felt really weird this event
>this month will earn less than half of what May earned
Why even release a new event? Nobody gives a shit about newly event Servants. Yes, they're a collab Servant, but we're hitting bottom of the barrel obscure TM characters here. FGO events should just focus on releasing alts. Otohime-Kiyohime should've been a new Servant.
newly introduced*
Just like they rigged their survey for arcade because locusta shows up here for two seconds right
Are you sure?
It had summer Kama, Draco and Tiamat reruns.
>FGO events should just focus on releasing alts
You need to kill yourself.
>Otohime new servant
You really want them to slap Otohime on Rin/Sakura's face again?
Just stop playing if you don't care.
>summer Kama
Was in May.
what if we actually get proro colrrlab?
Yeah. One day of first won't save a month where FGO spent weeks sub 20.

You know I'm right. People don't give a shit about new Servants unless they're introduced in a story chapter or Guda Guda. Even decent Servants like Ptolemaios are already forgotten.
I care about real content, not about throwaway Servants that exist to fill a quota. Nobody would even remember Yoneyama Mai spider doll Servant exists if she hadn't been used as a Touko stand in.
Not new retard.
I can never forget her solely because of her not being spider enough and also I already have a grailed SSR Assassin.
>andromeda only flopped because she's not for you
didn't help britomart
>not new
>less than 20 new servants (number would be even lower but included alts) between then and now
Fucking dead ass kusoge.
What's up with all the quick this year
Not a fgo original.
anni servant will be the savior of quick
Brito only appeared in a single fucking event
which anni servant would be a bigger anticlimax:
>caster holmes
Purple Rin
>Artoria (Forma de hombre) lancer
I wanna see hotaru numbers
Seimei and Camazotz are actually wanted tho, nobody gives a shit about the other two
I hated NY Servant being used to shill a flop game, too.
So arthur?
How about anni servants that no one though but are actually welcome?
>proto gil
>phh morgan
>bromani (our)
I said Lancer, so something more akin to Karl der Große
bat man sure, but who cares for sakurai's nip merlin.
All those are horrible options
Even our bromani?
>another Morgan
>yumebait male Servants
Just Manaka for me.
Nips themselves who are the majority of the player base, why wouldn't they want their Merlin in the game
If they wanted him so badly explain how remnant flopped this badly
Character-wise, I'd say any new version of Holmes. They never managed to really make anything good with the guy because they leaned in way too hard with his master detective skills being so fucking good, that he can't ever actually do any detective work to show off. A new Holmes wouldn't really solve the problem, unless FOR SOME REASON they decided that the new Holmes actually had to work to solve mysteries and not just flaunt with "I know everything already, but I can't tell just yet. Wait for the second to last chapter of the story, hehe."
Galahad would be cool but he ain't coming out until we dealt with all the filler
It's going to be Aurora (the most left one on the silhouette)
We hate Aurora here. She's the WOAT
>Shitposting at Melusine again
Ah, its /fgog/'s usual rerun
>Just vague connections through some (uggo) descendant of his
You need bigger bait than that
Giving him a design after like 4 years and show him in a flashback so people can get attach and build more intrigue would have better but alas
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>You need bigger bait than that
Yet you bited it anyway
have been better*
Yeah cause I love Douman and I want to learn more about him and that includes his very famous rival
I'll clap like a seal when I get crumbs no matter how small but that obviously doesn't apply for everyone
>Illya is in love with every random gacha game self-interest protagonist
How do Illyafags deal with this sluttery?
Like how everyone in this cuckge
>I-it doesn't count
>Why yes I'm enjoying seeing random men fuckin my wife
>he thinks I'm not every SI protagonist out there
>deal with this sluttery?
is in the user agreement
If we by multiverse memes. All gacha MC are the same person (player-kun) larping accorind what he needs.
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Even as someone who wants her

Shes just
>Oh shes here now
And you just know no writers will touch her in events
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Illyas a slut
Its why I ship myself with Kuro
B-but, you guys told me she would be free using those elemental mcguffins.
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Why are you pushing this cuck things so hard here? Go back to place that fulfill your taste, retard
Yea anon just like King Hassan was free for rolling 50 hassans
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It's a what-if. The U pieces are with the welfare ascension material in the item menu, she's almost certainly a welfare.
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How many newfags are going to cry they cant do summer because of the OC lock
Watch the OC lock not have any point in the summer event
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Illya is PURE
No way we go through the Olga Quest padding just to still need to roll for Brolga afterwards.
pure slut
Only one schizo ban that always ban evading but anyway everyone here know he is a retard but everyone that got influenced by him is also the same.
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Explain this
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I'll wait for them to reveal the 3rd ascension to see if i roll or not.
Hopefully it wont be a downgrade like Draco
Surprise buttsex?
Draco was good though.
she's growing up
I wonder if she likes to decapitate and violate heads when she turns 18.
normalfags have taken control of everything
I like the loli form too though?
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yeah nah
>made by the cuck schizo
fuck off
>using morgan and melusine for shitposting
i am very much glad that your death will be painful
Canon Jane is immortal, and she killed the original Space Astarath, along with eight other people who were all cursed with immortality in exchange for killing the goddess. I think the lore tries to forget how broken Jane and Ishtar supposedly are. One reason Jane traveled with Ishtar was to decide if she should finish off this one as well, but ultimately she decided Ishtar was probably alright.

Although its hard to say how immortal they are considering space sigurd died(somehow)

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