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Previous: >>483803186

>Character Demo - "Sigewinne: A Bittersweet Cure"
https://youtu.be/_QusNJbJK7I (EN)
https://youtu.be/Ms4OaRiK_Ik (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Sigewinne: Everyday Correspondence"
https://youtu.be/xDpA6x0KMSI (EN)
https://youtu.be/IJVpn2jOafA (JP)

>Event "Endless Forms Most Martial" live until July 1st

>Current character banner: Sigewinne, Furina, Gaming, Rosaria, Noelle
>Current weapon banner: Silvershower Heartstrings (Bow), Splendor of Tranquil Waters (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
thx for funding our game xisters
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I think I'm going to play ZZZ if we can date them on dates.
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sex with alhaitham
wow pregnant lolis
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[4.8 Event]
Lumine is smiling while looking at Wanderer
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Everyone is making fun of Genshin flopping…
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Why the fuck do other game fags come here to shill their garbage game when its about to be released. We had 3 fucking genshin killers so far and they are all dead now. Fuck off already to your own generals
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sex with Fu Tao
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The hydro buddypoke...
>>>>The electro pork...
The empty sumeru area...
>>>>The increasingly short flagship events...
The decrease in Windtrace maps...
>>>>The small summer event area next patch...
The rubbish and extremely poor 4.8 area...
>>>>The unvoiced flagship event on the current patch...
The copypasted NPC from the 3.2 event (Nahida can read him)....
>>>The lack of Fontaine merchandise and collaborations...
The lack of 4.x hangout events...
>>>The lack of animation videos on Fontaine...
The removal of CN Hoyolab birthday web events...
>>>The lack of Rukka and Egeria demon names
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Waterkuma designers are the only good thing about that game.
>80 free pulls
Da Wei is desperate Genshin would never stoop this low
>brown region
>granny ping
>3 brown homos
>upcoming troonderer shilling
nice, I think I just need to wait one more week to finally drop the hammer and say goodbye to this garbage game
Wuwon :^)
100 free rolls Genshin could never
>doing Azhdara
>accidentally skip his first transition cutscene
Have you always been able to do that?
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My wife
Damn… ok I’m sold, who are the hot waifu in ZZZ. If they’re cool I’ll play and ignore the furry shit
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This is going to be so gay with Aether lol
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ur welcome
That's the plot of natlan, all hat wearers will have their hats stolen the moment they enter natlan
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>>Wanderer is the center of new event
no he isn't, he has 61 lines and only appears in 1 out of 4 chapters
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>Wuwa is of number 1 in Japan playstore
Wuwachads won
>they're unironically wavering
We fucking WON
Many gacha games give a free selector at the start or let you reroll until you're happy. It's not that odd. ZZZ is putting out a lot of characters quickly as well.
lol, enjoy the art because the game itself is censored as fuck so you won't be getting anything like that in it
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Nahida is really sexy.
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Hi /gig/
Holy shit… Wuwa won…
Holy homo game
>WuWa is #1 in China
This is outdated
He appers in the last quest with Mona too. And after that quest there is another one with the Sumeru cast.
>wuwa already dead
it lasted 3 weeks
What? There's been nothing since those first girls censored and these designs aren't even that lewd.
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It funded ZZZ too. Now it is funding an open world honkai game. /gig/ers are such good cash cows
Tower of Fantasy status?
he doesn’t appear in the mona segment you can check guraleaks
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Three games had an update today.
>FGO (just now)
my favourites haven't been censored aside from Anby wearing spats instead of a thong
What was that, bros? What killed our game?
>with Mona too
Too good to be true, so it must be fake.
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hey sexy
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Another victory for shounenGODS
so that's the power of floprina and loliniggers, huh?
Let’s recap…
>Furina+Sigeshit (Archon rerun), loses 2 days in against HSR (10+day banner) in japan and china
>Furina+Sigeshit now gets mogged utterly and horribly by WUWA in Japan and China
>ZZZ is here to piss on the grave of Genshin

Why is this fair and why is this happening
Where are we...
I though y'all said Japan is pedoland...
Surely they'd fancy Sigewinne over some Ayaka ripoff...
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>24 days
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why did 4.8 have to drop in July
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wait isn't zzz release date july 4th
>WuWa didnt even reach first place
Yeah, it flopped.
i am just done with genshit. troonderer summer event will be a free advertisement for wuwa & zzz
Bros… I don’t want to read the sensortower for this month… I’m scared…
Maybe Furina should have been an Archon, you know
No one is going to spend money on the 2390482th mid hydro healer.
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They didn't post any Mona segment
>Jinshit, Flopfly and Siegshit LOST TO ANDROID 17

Not a huge fan of the shading but I'll check it out for him. Wish the incest was more incesty, I like my siblings to be flirty
He does.
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autobattlers and PNG collectors are too strong
KEK, Fat Xiao really thought Furina had the STARPOWER to carry SigeCRAP when in reality all her aura had been fucking DRAINED post 4.2 when they made her a generic crybaby pitybait loser
It 100% did though.
Check the last thread.
>Android 17, Gold Frieza and Goku sells more than your waifus

Are you saying WuWa already fell out if first place?
they did, check guraleaks second part of the 4.8 event, at 16:30 starts the last part with jean kaeya mona collei and he’s not there, he only appears at the very end with durin
Raiden rerun made top banner three times
post the one with the sumeru cast I want to see whose showing up aside from Haiveh
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>already at 7th place
Wanderer is /gig/ core, newfag
>Dokkan utterly obliterating Horse Pussy, WuWa, HSR, FGO and Genshin
My faith in Natlan is restored a little.
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I won
Write shit characters, reap shit rewards. It’s as shrimple as that.
only a shonen writer can save genshin now
That's not an accomplishment. Even Cheld/Zhong rerun made top banner.
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okay shills I installed Wuwa, got chink Ayaka and the two standard banner cunnys with the free pulls, played with them for 5 minutes and then got bored and uninstalled it
WuWa could get top 5 in JP or beat QQ in CN, it didn't mog anything.
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fuck off troon
Durin is a little girl?
Almost everybody besides Cyno and Nahida
LOL, genshit got fucking destroyed holy shit. How’s that buddypoke doing guys?
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Hire Toyotaro for the job
I wonder if Balladeer implies flashback
DBZ is shounen made for straight men though, the men in this game are aimed at faggots and women.
>current waifuslop/moeslop banner flops
>meanwhile, a gacha for MEN sold dimes
I uninstalled
why is she just standing there... menacingly..
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Wait HaiKaveh is showing up???
you could probably sell the account for a nice amount
what's wrong with it?
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>DBZ is shounen made for straight men though
Where is Genshin in that chart?
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Why did my character flop… 4.2 was my proudest work and critics say Furina is the best written character
Skirmisher is his most used Chinese name (similar to Scaramouche in the global). This is what he's in 4.8 files. They translated it as the balladeer.
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troonballfags talking crazy when they flopped like this
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Hate if you must but if genshin was more akin to a fromsoft story type it would be a quintillion times better. getting sick of being coddled around
The entire plot revolved around Naruto solving Sasuke's period cramps btw :)))
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I tried melt variant but it felt clunkier and dealt less damage even after I swapped B to Instructor from Noblesse.
Guess it's fine if you want Funina somewhere else.
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Everyone is making fun of you Genkeks. It's not too late to abandon the ship and play the better game
I like how the wuwafag is so desperately trying to lump his game with hsr kek
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You lost
The main characters all get wives and reproduce while the story revolves around them overcoming struggles to get stronger.

It is literally tradcore.
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>The game is dying boss, how do we save it?
>Leave it to me
genshit fucking lost
Despite their efforts to make genshin great and good again, /gig/gers couldn't shake the feeling of failure that consumed them. The vision of a brighter future that once fueled their passion now seemed like nothing more than a distant dream.

And so, /gig/gers' story came to an end not with a triumph or a triumph but with a sadness and failure that lingered in the air like a thick fog, obscuring the once promising future that lay ahead.
It’s hard being a Genshin player… I’m taking L after L… sensortower please spare us this month…
uhh not talking about wuwa anymore???
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they should
Who is having a melty right now?
What game?
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this is insane
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This just makes me want to uninstall or skip the event.
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Discord melty
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It’s ok Gensissies… we still love you kufufufufu~
Good, I have a humiliation fetish. How do you think I stomach playing a game made for fags and women while being neither of the two?
>go back to sumeru
>met with Genshin's official yaoi couple
Alhaithamyumes will never recover lole
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gayshit is dead
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It's my turn next. Tick tock, genkeks.
Also according to guraleaks there’s another quest featuring wanderer fischl oz klee and albedo but he can’t play it right now
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humiliation ritual
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it's a never ending circle for yumes
would you do this to me?

>mogged by Firefly
>mogged by Jinshi
>mogged by Androind 18
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How could you flop to a 12+ day banner… the fuck?
>getting raided by not one, but TWO generals
>still no janny action
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For me, Its Fischl!
yeah this smells like a discord raid
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i thought furina was meta and needs cons
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Rate Fontaine so far

Cast: 10/10

Music: 8/10

Exploration: 6/10

Overall, a solid 8/10 region, Sumeru had more soul tho
it has never been so over
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What did they mean by this?
Curious how you never post the PC/PlayStation data lmao
No one plays Genshin on mobile
Monster StrikeGODS...
Yeah basically it’s a wanderer event while the girls orbit each other around
we'll get the answer in the summer event
cast: 0/10
music: 2/10
exploration: 4/10
dogshit region
It had some good parts but the lack of good events and hangouts is a shame
no we dont
crazy part about all of this
we are not even in July 1st
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This is actually depressing
We're being touched from all sides
Fuck you Furina, you're as useless as Aqua
as expected of a genkek lole
>all of sudden phone player quit en masse, all banner started flopping
>but this didn't affect pc and playstation in the least, trust me
Is that dbz game okay?
genSISSY... the onahole of /vg/...
spoiler for what will happen :
>HSR first with the highest revenues ever
>Genshin second but only around half of HSR's revenue
>w*wa something like 5th or 6th
Flop: 10000000000000000/10
Alhaitham is an ancient one
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Hehehehehe… you wanna bury me and make me irrelevant Fat Xiao? How about I bury your game!
You fucker be telling the truth, because I'm actually getting interested.
Genshin mobile revenue was always a tiny fraction, most money is from PC/play especially since phones cannot keep up with the game side anymore
>highest revenues ever
No it's shit and barely focuses on characterization at all. Purely carried by nostalgia and brand name.
Gacha summer is starting soon in nip land genshin will never recover
...sold 57x more than floprina
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defend this
Yes, higher than Robin, Venti or Raiden
Retardbro. 5.0 graphics update specifically made sure that mobile players can continue playing. They literally said it in their dev logs. They won’t add replayable events too for a reason. Genshin IS a mobile game
Thank god. Cleric won't have a meltdown then.
>more kleeshit
Is this nigga retarded? Do you know on what platform the majority of Chinks and other Asians play?
pekomama sex
>he thinks I care about floprina/floptaine
She matched Dan homo and he giga flopped lol
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I and my wallet are busy
Waterkuma cunny is too good
i cant i hate furries
>cinematic framing vs random leak screenshot
Can't believe sumerian academics has lowered its standards to get sanddwellers through its courses.
I used to ignore doomposters. It always happen every single patch anyway, but this time it feels more real than usual.
thats what the world quests are for most people miss the little things like Tizard actually being Jeht's uncle
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do this instead
why does the shading in ZZZ look so ass
it looks like those shitty 3D porn animations
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Da Wei, you coniving snake
I'm actually wavering...
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my funny autistic bf
the first archon rerun flop spells the end of genshin as we knew it
>no Collei
sad at least everyone else showed up
It just looks like low res screenshots taken from a trailer.
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defend this!
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I didnt care about Fontaine cast at all besides Wrio and Sigewinne despite them having the most boring part in the AQ.
The only good parts of AQ were the start and the end (counting from Focalors reveal).
Exploration was good but lacked in variety. It was just Mond on top and same-ish ocean thing underwater.
Overall it was very dissappointing. I hope Natlan will do better.
Why can't mihoyo get story and QoL people from HSR then music and animation/model people from ZZZ to make genshin a perfect game? Why do we have to suffer through AI generated story with dubstep fart music and outdated hydrocephalus models?
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These girls pushed me over the edge to try the game. Looks like Da Wei won this round.
That's actually really helpful thanks

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>premature celebrating
pagflys made the same mistake
Chinks play on pc
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see you in 3 days
shouldn't star rail be WAY WAY higher with firefly?
>What is Deshret civ
>What is Temple of Silence
Sanddwellers contributed the most to the Akademiya you fuckin rat.
They lowered that shit for the foreign idiots like Lisa.
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Btw, today Firefly's banner dropped to rank 26 in China
Arlecchino's lowest was 22
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Collei shows up in the event itself nahida is the only one who doesn’t at all
>cast 4/10
overall wasted potential really. lots they can work with but they choose to half-ass most of it so yeah it is shit
>music 7/10
it's nice but not sumeru quality
>exploration 5/10
underwater is such a chore. need more speed and accessibility. the world quest is good tho
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>check out my jak edit
why do we always have to rely on sumeru CHADS to save our game...
What was Clorinde's lowest?
>sexoest girl in the game is the MC
What did kuro mean by this?
she won't do as well as Acheron's month
prove it
why are all these rankings so bad? doesnt make sense.

im just gonna wait until the sensor tower report. these app reports are bullshit
One of the only characters who still sells in this game
12 more days.
They are on track to be the highest selling banner in gacha history
thanks. i came
Apparently the language thing is a joke from alhaitham, forgot where I heard it. Maybe sethos voicelines?

I unironically spend more on mobile than PC. It's just so much more convenient paying for shit on my phone, I can buy anything anywhere on a phone
wanderer's mom
HSR team is made of ex-Genshin guys
according to insiders they were driven away mid inazuma, early sumeru was their last genshin job and the new team is responsible for everything post 3.2
yeah it might be over for genshart homopact
#Jtuiii #GuraLeak
4.8 希穆兰卡 某任务
出场角色: 流浪者 菲谢尔 奥兹 阿贝多 可莉
i'm about to play some genshin impact
For me, it’s missed potential. I liked Furina pre 4.2 and was very interested in where they’ll take her, however I was left disappointed especially after her lame SQ to the point I gave up on C6’ing her. I like Neuvi I think he’s cool but he took too much of the screentime away at 4.2. I didn’t mind him 4.1 and 4.0, so he’s cool. Navia is fine, Lyney is ok, Clorinde was just there. So cast is 6/10

Music, the overworld is really good, the boss music however is shit so 7/10

Exploration was alright, nothing special for me and the diaper put me off during exploration, 6/10

Overall, I rate Fontain 6.5/10
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you fucking idiots never learn
They are based for that.
I can continue playing on my S9 lmao
Fat Xiao is only responsible for the writing
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gayshart could never…
Highest selling banner in Mihoyo history?
Yeah that's Hutao btw
Yeah that's right about when this game took the nosedive in quality
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crazy thing is 4.0 was the peak of fontaine
i peed white
Nice anon. You are faster than those faggots on plebbit.
acheron was the last few days of the month, hsr was still above tiktok when the sensortower chart came out, her sales got split in 2 months
this month hsr will probably surpass that number because firefly had the whole month
wuwa is so dead...
If that's true it's deserved honestly they fumbled the easiest region
Why is she touching his chest? He should have grabbed and squeezed her tit in retaliation.
are there any screenshots from the haikaveh part
Now that we know that wuwa will never be a competitor for Genshin, can we stop with the shitpost and focus on /hsrg/ and prepare for /zzzg/?
I'm interested now
Nice stream hsrkeks KEKAROOOOO
4.8 stream can't come soon enough
june had like 20 days of flophill banner
This feels like if BA was a hack and slash instead of chibislop.
what stream?
And before anyone blames them for the poor Inazuma story, blame Fat Xiao who is still on Genshin to this day
I don't have the screenshot but it was a nga post that completely predicted the whole fontaine story(including neuvillette wank and furina losing the archon role) before 4.0 even came out
Not interested
Correct, because of his big brain by writing that Furina was no longer an Archon made Genshin cost everything.
I mean, if the game itself is still in good state then people would constantly post about how excited they are for future contents instead of talking about sales all day every day.
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Siggy may be one of the weakest 5* releases but honestly I'm not really minding using her. She's quite comfy even if her kit has zero synergy with itself.
what do you mean? wuwa will stay here for a long time. gameplay & coomerbait are the only thing that genshin cannot win against wuwa.
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I love (elf) children
Cast: I got disappointed because it came after Sumeru. That region handled its cast very well. And even if it came before it, IMO even 2.x handled its cast better. Yelan, Itto, and Shenhe got featured in interludes. Ayato was the only underutilized one.
Nice story quests though

Music: The OSTs are just okay. There are some memorable ones like the various Court of Fontaine themes, as well as Remuria OSTs.
The boss themes are utterly disappointing, I never felt this way before. Overall, I prefer the OSTs of the previous regions.

Underwater got boring for me after 4.0. Remuria tried to make the experience more engaging and I appreciate that.
Even if he wanted to wank Neuv that much, he could’ve just put a Furina SQ2. That would’ve helped a bit.
tell that to snowbreak kek
what unity asset flip is this?
So this is why Space China and Penacony are Inazuma tier lmao
It's exactly like ToF, it only has a longer honeymoon phase because it's not a shitty MMO but it's no competition
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I hope Natlan has some nice hebes
penis colony isn’t bad at all until epilogue where it shits the bed a bit
Fat Xiao came post Inazuma AQ so his team are responsible for the improvement in WQ, I think he got to full of himself and it ruined Fontaine the SQ's have been improving and the WQ have been consistently good.
how new are you?
Before the shitty rewrites, the Shogun wasn't an actual archon too
That plot sounded way more interesting than what we got in Inazuma
xivg doesn't have this problem
bag doesnt have this problem
erg doesn't have this problem
She's quite nice in archon hyperbloom.
Short uptime of her skill doesnt matter there since Raiden is driving with her burst.
fontaine is lower than inazuma tier and is killing the game. getting them back would be an upgrade
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I have it
At least their trying to top Mona, there hags have huge titties but still only Nicole is allowed to have clevage.
but it will last till August. did you plan to pull anyone?
Penacony has no plot at all
Just a bunch of characters' quest for banners' presentation
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What could PMC's kit be?
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I'm tired, bros. I'm tired of losing and being made fun of
that is me in one week from now
wait for me, doomGOD
But what was the point? Retards on Xitter and artists still slot in Furina everytime for their Archon art and promo
We only get 11 days of firefly
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I'm fine if they're not elves.
losing? were you unable to beat spyral abyss or something?
Why do birds fly and why do we dream are plots
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It’s done.
I'm ignoring him :)
Everybody outside of /gig/ loved Fontaine's plot
The game is just old and the gacha market is in stagnation
You fags will be redownloading it again after Natlan turns out to be peak
>getting made fun of
Have you tried no being such a worthless loser? You deserve to get bullied because you're a pathetic faggot and always will be.
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>peniscunny isn't ba-
stopped reading right there
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Later losers
BA doesn't have gay furries in it. At least not playable ones kek.
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Hi guys. I'm sorting my hentai folders. Is this a character from genshin? I don't play this game but it rings a bell. Mona or someone?

natlan will be peak and literally everyone will love it but /gig/ will say it’s shit and killing the game
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>little sister game just had a stream
>/gig/ is discussing some crappy tencent's game instead
Dawei is dissapinted in you guys.
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why is it so hard for genkeks to admit that you're no longer the best selling gacha game? making more money just shows how jewish the game is
clearly not everybody when every metric has been in free fall since 4.2.
it's also way too sudden for muh old game excuse to make sense. you don't go from 150 hours rerun to every single rerun flopping without something catastrophically bad being released
Where's my auto button, ff14?
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check this downfall
Mona Megistus
These shills spamming their uninstall screens feel like those dudes spamming their ukraine/russia gore webms all day long for demoralization.
I will never uninstall Genshin.
It will live for 5 more years with excellent state of the art AAA quality nowhere to be seen in this industry, as it has been doing it for 3 years straight.
I scrolled through 2 videos he posted there wasn't anyone from Sumeru cast except Collei and Kekalou.
Oh really? The views and decreasing fan engagement say otherwise
why would I care how much money it’s making? how does that affect me?
you said the same about fontaine and it flopped
sales will always be more important than twitter likes and reddit upvotes
Why are you replying to obvious bait?
aaaieeeee tiktok gods have mercy
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I'll never get to know Siggy's origins because her SQ is locked behind some boring wordslop world quest that I'll never bother to do.
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I love tiny dendro feet
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I want to fuck Lucy
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>state of the art AAA quality
Fontaine fucking killed the game
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dont care lmao
>he hasn’t done all the world quests yet
get out, you’re not a real player
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I bet they're so soft.
Thanks, I thought it might have been but was just checking
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>state of the art AAA quality
she tells you in the first 5 minutes with a cute animation you don't need to sit through the whole thing
it's ZZZ, retard
they don't have auto-battle
Your soul bought a bunch of MHY shares without your knowledge and you're actually in spiritual debt, so genshin needs to sell well (your enjoyment is irrelevent; only corporate revenue matters)
What does it take for you to get genuinely hyped about the game again?
Shartrail's next patch will do worse than Emile
Even leakers didn't update the test server for them
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>state of the art AAA
He's a seething poorfag who can't afford Welkin
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>b-bro why arent up to date on random games?
still dont care
im here for genshin
when my favorite got shilled and buffed.
this isn't my only gacha........
"boring" world"slop" quests mog your AQ/SQ quests (actual slop). The former is where the soul is.
Of course you don't know what that is, being a jaded-anime-girl-reaction-picture poster. There are millions of faggots like you out there that are unbearable to be around as you complain about everything. Just a heads up bro, you can still change and act like a man in front of your bros.
A good character design
literally just new content
bwo it has been two weeks for more than one year now...
Because they like their game direction.
Cute boys.
Jiaoqui will sell really since all the husbando collectors on Reddit are hyped for the first male support
Cute boy
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kokoslop event
Why did you hide your UID?
playing more than 1 gacha is cringe
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Childe SOON
Childe SOON
kokopenis inside the anon below
C6 Chevy was the last time I was hyped for a banner character.
Emilie looks very promising, too. Nahida is the only Dendro character I have with good investment so it’ll be nice to have another.
TCG Expansion
I will consider reinstalling if Paimon straight up gets murdered.
nothing will ever make me like this game anymore. the damage is just irreparable.
Then why are you discussing wuwa instead?
if you mean story quest, which is neuv's, then i can respect that
I will whale on the catalyst girl if she shows tummy
Last time i didn't two Cheld pfp's tried to add me at the same time
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Actually sweety, Aether is the canon MC
>gig is one person
Y'all watching the new Geass?
rolling 50CV artis and winning at gacha (i.e. earlies and multis). but both are 99.999% of the time depressing endeavors so my overall enthusiasm level for the game is pretty much bottomed out and now i am just riding on sunk cost.
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I think you meant to reply to >>483832839
Care to post a single other game with gacha monetization system with the state of the art AAA quality Genshin has?
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Another even akin to Fischl's event with a separate map (that wont be removed this time) where we dive deeper into the lore of the void and what it's purpose is and have a character actually die this time
the new what?
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my future bride
ge ass
>suddenly we are best friends
fat xiao can't write
It's all wordslop. WQ would be more bearable if they were at least voice acted.
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say that without crying
focusing on the exploration fantasy again, have more weird/hostile places like chasm and dragonspine. even inazuma did this right. one of the few parts about fontaine i liked was the world inside the book even though it was a nothingburger
diversify more the character playstyles. not dogshit like BoL that's just an excuse to make them feel new when it's in fact the same thing, the game needs fresh air
writing that isn't the pure cesspool of dogshit that spawned neuvillette
will blacked region save genshin?
anon, genuinely, unironically, what the actual fuck are you saying?
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What happened to her?
>aether gets two boyfriends
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i don't care about bara furry board games
the chinkcels on telegram are not very happy
she jobbed
chat is this real?
another event to skip
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It's been 4 years. If you're still getting frustrated with HOYO not meeting your expectations regarding characters and story, then it's a you problem. You should know better at this point.
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time to either drop other gatcha or find the 2nd job!
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>animu in 2024
No thanks it's all censored slop now thanks to zoomers.
yes, the new brown girl has fat tits
Fuck off
Dragonspine is the worst area in the game and if another event will ever take place there again I will simply skip, unless Mihoyo gives all players a free item granting full permanent immunity to sheer cold
Fuck sheer cold, I have refused to enter Dragonspine since 2.3 because of it
>a character looks at another character
seek help incel
Ok that’s ENOUGH doomposting. We lost we got it!
>new Geass
Theres another new Geass? Last one sucked.
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Da flop ravaged lands...
so it’s an anime, thanks for actually being helpful unlike the other anon who refused to answer me with normal words
How do I become this powerful?
Why would you even play any other game with gacha aside from Genshin. It's the only decent videogame in a sea of mediocrity.
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>62k HP with hydro resonance
Is she done?
sorry femorrhoid, if i don't like the character presented in the event, i just don't do it. now follow your own advice and neck, freak.
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cheer up /gig/
Besides the whale dubstep, most of fontaines music is great, especially the underwater ones. if you want bad music, look at wuwa
Congratulations bro, you're free.
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My harbinger collection is finally growing
I put Sac bow on mine, her CD sucks.
the whale dubstep is good actually
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No one here is a shining example of a well adjusted individual
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>24 days
>ToF made it 4 months
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nice dead game you're all shilling for free hoyodrones
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this one's a direct sequel
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Enough is enough.
This >>483833198 as a based game mechanic enjoyer. But also a total rejection of fag shit and a character with big flopping tits
I saw a sandrone mod so maybe
we loosing players...
did that femboy just shoot a womb tattoo at me?
>upgrade Chiori's goblet from 12cv to 26cv
>4% damage gain
>crit rate drops from 99% to 93%
>it's actually an overall damage loss
>swap to another feather with higher cv
>100.2:200 ratio, nearly perfect
>1% less damage than original 99% crit setup
Despite gaining more crit value on two pieces and a better crit ratio it's still an overall damage loss. People need to understand that crit isn't everything.
Anon the reason people are frustrated is because they USED to meet expectations then they have drastically changed design decisions which are obvious by looking at recent character and story designs.
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If a person started a new account today and didn't pull/used only free units how far could they probably get in the abyss?
>retard asked why is no one talking about zzz
>later accuses gig of talking about it too much
He looks even gayer than Ledouche does. I've always hated Code Geass designs
That's why Akasha switched to RV over CV. Use a calculator if you want to really decide anything.
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this is a boy?????
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10 more levels to go.
You did get your SOVL winnie, right /gig/?
You need her to apply to the /gig/ guild.
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according to an uncle, the female hydro in 5.0 powercreeps neuvillette, has a strong overworld ability and works well in bloom
will likely be the top up reset banner
cheld....you don't want to see the leaks go back to sleep

the archon is definitely looking better
Your ancient /d/ meme?
if she powercreeps neuv then this game is beyond saving
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I'm sorry...
I just want the story leaks, confirm me Columbina and capitano are playable
No, she is female but uses a special device to obscure her gender.
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I'm tired of pretending Father is actually not sexy as fuck
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holy fuck melt is so clunky
why? it’s not like this game has PvP, and it’s not known for its challenging combat
so literally who the fuck cares if characters are OP? are the hillichurls gonna complain?
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I'm not gonna make it
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Shut up
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even with c0 free characters 0* 12th floor should be doable.
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Music is above and beyond everything you listed there.
I don't need QoL last time I heard that word, the treasure compass stopped working like a compass, underground haven't-been-explored-in-1000-years ruins now have their entire layouts turned into a map the second you step on it, and exploration has been streamlined further so that you don't need to journey towards Petrichor or Fontaine the same way you did going to Liyue and Sumeru.
So no, I do not need your intrusive QoL. People like you don't like playing videogames and don't like Genshin so it would be of great benefit to everyone else that you uninstalled the game, or if you uninstalled it (hopefully), never make any remarks about how your slug brain can "improve it".
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I had to use 2 full pities filled with nothing but 4* weapons to get her...
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Alright gamers, I need some advice. I want to start preparing for the second (not the one starting on July first, the one starting on August first) Imaginarium Theater. I only have a single built Cryo unit, Ganyu. Which one of these should I focus on building, and in what order?
>C6 Freminet
>C6 Rosaria
>C4 Charlotte
>C3 Diona
>C1 Kaeya
>C0 Chongyun
All of them are level 20, except Kaeya who's level 60.
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No, the Neuvwank made me dislike anything attached out of principle.
The rule is to pull for who you like, not who the company tells you to like.
you can 36* any abyss with any team if you have enough skill
if you're autistic enough, you might get filtered by the hydro shilling though
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>can't freeze them hit it with pyro
I hope this is real and all the fucking pathetic metaslave faggots who suck Neuv cock leave this game forever.
A flat brown girl stronger than the most shilled character in all Genshin, imagine the meltdowns. God I hope this becomes real.
>Snowbreak guest character in 5.1
everything flops nowadays, including meta rerun
the last banner that surpassed tiktok was the hu tao powercreep
after neuvillette made everyone obsolete no character will have long term sales, so short term sales via powercreep is the only way to make some buck
because the only consistent cryo applicators are layla and kaeya
Rosaria then Charlotte
>only have to roll 5.4 and 5.7
I can go all in for siggy bless the archons
look like shit
all of them
dropping the game regardless
I just melted everything with Wario.
Wow it's all shit, will only get Columbina and Capitano then
Made for plapping.
You were supposed to save us from Pagfly but you jobbed worse than Neuvillette
If ToF released now instead of back then we would actually die
Diona first, Rosaria Second.
Diona is prioritized because of her universal kit, she can work with anyone. and also sooner or later you will have her C6.
you'd still need some cons and 4* gacha weapons at least and if you don't pull anyone you won't get them.
but your heckin primogems and free 4* weapon?
Drop the game now and stop posting then you whiny faggot. Make sure to post your UID so we can bully you when you inevitably come crawling back
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Genshin will finally enter the era of "broken beyond belief, strongest character for a patch" soon.
i wonder how nahitroons feel knowing chinks hate her so much she’s the only sumeru character to not appear in 4.8
how fast you clear depends almost entirely on whether or not you can burst on cooldown for your cryo applicator. ganyu isn't great for this unless ER specced. rosaria+layla is a good combo
why do you keep shilling that video?
What the fuck were they thinking lmao.
Friendly reminder Arlecchino kills enemies faster than Neuvillette, no amount of coping will change this fact.
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Why should I feel anything about some random people?
>eyes didn't hidden well
Are they even trying?
Oh, I forgot to mention, I also have a C3 Layla.
Rosaria seems surprisingly popular. How come?
ganyu is so terrible to play, how the fuck did we support that trash back in the day?
the guy in this video is clearly just bad and would’ve gotten 36* if it weren’t for his massive skill issue
fuck off MMO refugee
seriously kill yourself subhuman, this is a singleplayer game, stop trying to destroy it by shoving in cancerous MMO features like guilds
fuck you, no content should ever require interacting with another human being in any way, guilds are always inherently toxic pyramid schemes where only the top leaders benefit and everyone else is either a slave driver or a slave
I hope your entire family gets raped, mutilated, tortured and murdered in front of you before you get boiled alive, that is the only way you can ever feel even a fraction of the fear, hate and despair you've inflicted on your innocent victims
kill yourself psychopath, you will never get to blackmail and order around innocent new players
fuck multiplayer as a concept
who asked?
I will, faggot. I just need one more week to drop the hammer. I need to see the natlan trailer for one last time before I say goodbye to this piece of shit game.
it's the most self-restrictive one I could find on youtube
Klee melty incoming
outside of those vocal incels, nahidaxwanderer have the most art only second to chilumi
pvp event in natlan soon
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With him and frozen reaction.
I only have diona built for cryos...
but she requires a lot of work for that
what's the point if neuvillette clears 2 seconds slower but requires only one button press?
Sit down gencuck https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7W8QR9fsFw
>C3 layla
Diona is always first. she can wait.
you already have her at C6. and she's the best 4 stars cryo off-field applier. and on top of that, she gave you crit rate. better for your DPS
Most of their art are pure platonic
>I will
>but in a week
So you won't do you spineless faggot, if you hate the game than just quit now. If you're autistic enough to find reasons to keep playing a game you hate then there's no helping a retarded faggot like you.
Metafags being coddled with the most boring gameplay imaginable (Ganyu, HuTao, Neuvillete, Arleccino) has always been a thing. Alhaitham having decent mechanical complexity was a brief break from this pattern.
It only worked until Inazuma. Ayaka mogged her and since dendro was released cryo is permafucked
you got skill issue, lad?
Don't pit my husband against my mistress
spotted the anal wormer
I asked for more multiplayer events in the latest survey, people like you should stay in your autistic niche games and never interact with others.
Fuck autism and fuck you.
putting arle with these 3 goons should get you jailed
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Any "DPS" who deals less damage than Kuki Hyperbloom should be deleted from the game
Why do people blame dendro for killing cryo? Like sure, hyperbloom is very good, but it didn't kill off other non-dendro reaction teams, so why cryo specifically?
>press E now your autos do dendro
>wow such complex and difficult mechanics for only the most brilliant of minds like alhaitham
Ganyu and Hu tao are both terrible to play, Neuv and Arle are far from being cluncky
What is this zoomer shit.
literal brainlets. burning was a buff to cryo
but you guys said alhaisen is also considered meta, why do you mocked him?
he's being used by metafag.
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I am fine with deleting neuv
you had the illusion that ayaka was good because abyss was catered to her
the 2nd half of this abyss doesn't counter cryo and both ayaka and ganyu struggle(ganyu clears faster)
the truth is that cryo dps nowadays are heavily undertuned compared to other elements, doesn't help that the last cryo dps released was a standard reject
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do wormers really?
That is considered complex for the retarded femcel that doesn't play anything else besides Genshit.
>just hold CA
>wow he's not clunky
>just use skill and spam NA
>wow she's not clunky
not very different like the former two, right?
So everyone but Xiangling?
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Even random pairings have more fanart than these two.
I have been here since it launched and what you said is just not true. Since day 1 people have been doomposting whatever new character or region is released.
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Another banger like always cheld
>it's the french faggot
you only defend pagvillette because you're a porn addicted homosexual
leave mature discussion to mature people
Why is the abyss not refreshing until mid July
>constipated beasts
>don't counter cryo
They are super easy to play and you don't have to manage stamina or fucking aiming, how are they clunky?
EOS is coming
I finally dropped my Kuki Hyperbloom for Clorinde Aggravate. It's much faster despite having lower primogem investment and still has plenty of room for growth whereas my Kuki comp had basically hit its ceiling.
>nahidaxwanderer have the most art only second to chilumi
Yeah if you count art of them doing non romantic stuff like standing next to each other
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Is this the hand of a porn addict homosexual?
to give me more time to put off doing it
If Alhaitham is mechanically complex to you you must have brain damage and he is above Arle this cycle.
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I just did this after 12 beers.
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Cope and seethe
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I refuse to play WuWa until it's released for PS5

I'm gonna play ZZZ day one on PS5 tho
should i roll sigewinne to buff my fischl
We're getting a new abyss-like endgame in two days that resets every 30 days, so every 15 days you'll have to do one of the other.
Yes it's a schizophrenic autism patient
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The new Theater endgame replaces one Abyss rotation at the beginning of the month.
because it's once a month now. new abyss starts next week and the two will alternate
okay but do it again using only the trial cryo with diona
I meant the other one with the fat ass hand, I don't know if aveline posts here
how do they counter cryo specifically?
aveline hasn’t been in 4chan for months, post the /gig/ger neuvfag hand now
I want to find a ring like that...........
Even by today's standards Ayaka's burst damage is solid especially with c2 but the problem is nothing else about her kit is good unless you have c6 Shenhe.
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>bulky tranny hand
100% chance it's a tranny
No. You should roll for her because you like her, not for meta.
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Summer time vacation with Furina
sir could you please quiet down, I have a childe sleeping next door
100 roals for nilou exactly.
maybe 120~ by the time her banner arrives
will I make it bwos?
perhaps I should buy the welkin.. I got screwed with siggy's banner
I love how neuvspics only have this girl to post and she is autistic
Only the mentally ill like neuvkek
i don't care about her desu
Why? I have 50+ character built including Diona.
Fuck I just did this with ayaka and a c6 bennett kek.
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yipee yaaaaaaaay
there'll be no wedding bells for today...
>theater bans 4/7 elements, including the two best elements
>can’t even use a broken carry in one of the three allowed elements because you can only use a character twice per run
>need 18 characters built and ready (possibly as few as 11 with the one friend unit and six trial characters, assuming no overlap)
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea so I can slap them
Who wants to actually be forced to use shit like Yanfei or Razor
Then I wouldn't recommend rolling for her at all.
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A hot warm summer day on the beach with my petite tomboy girlfriend wife

You're fine, I got Furina with 40.
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I know how some penis anons feel when seeing images like this, but what about the vaginas among us? do you self insert in images like this and wish pic related was you with a significant other?
yeah but I dont have ayaka or a c6 benny, now you can see why I am struggling
They can't be frozen for long enough for it to be effective
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the fuck you mean? the wedding is today!
>burst damage
having all damage in a single move just means that most of it will be wasted overkilling enemies
your potential 1m burst will only deal 500k on 500k hp mobs and the 2nd wave that will spawn on the other side of the chamber won't be affected
but i want to buff my fischl
gimme your luck. only got 30 pulls by the end of patch and 50/50. gonna pull c1 furina
Anon it's fucking easy. The whole point is to get you to use shit you don't normally use. Stop fucking whining.
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YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO SAY "cause I got spurs that jingle jangle jingle (jingle jangle)"
I'm sorry, but it's back to the rape dungeon for you...
I see. I'm going to start with Rosaria and Diona, they're 1.0 characters, so farming their ascension bosses will at least give me a decent chunk of cryo ascension materials. After that it's either Layla or Charlotte, I guess.
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I don't know because I'm a bepis anon, but
I guess the thing here is I love the character, so it doesn't make much sense to self insert into another
For example, I don't really even lie Neuvillette
the shit I don’t normally use isn’t fucking built anon
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>here's your dragonspine bro
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>most levels are lv 70 enemies
>two levels that are 11-3 and 12-1 difficulty
>you can borrow c6 whale units from randos
Just save your best teams for last, bro. It's really not that hard.
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>rape dungeon
Is wrio there?
Fontoilet killed the game
They're so shameless, why do you even play this shitty bootleg?
Try Rosaria/DPS Charlotte, Xiangling, Benny and Diona.
That should work.
How is Furina doing sales-wise?
They give you rental characters and they aren't built like shit. You can easily do it with level 80 characters and level 8 talents.
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no, he's with wormvillette as per usual
uh?? what elements are banned?
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Oh noooo yessssss
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My broken hyperinvested carry is Wanderer
Main's issue
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Actual sexo designs. No more burkas, no more shit glued on top of cleavages and most importantly proper ass, tits and armpits shading.
Why is it so small?
It's hard for me to self-insert but if I see a character I like being happy I feel happy for them.
Meta shitposting is not the same as actual doomposting. Even if they shit on Inazuma story as rushed or Teppei memes or whatever people were still overall happy and excited for the future of the game and future archons/harbingers or whatever.

The powerscaling has gone so whack that no one cares about the lore anymore.
oh yeah I forgot I had charlotte built, but she is built for healing not dps, and I am not building or using a hag, I only half ass built XL and B cause they feel like shit to use so id rather not
hydro dendro geo cryo
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Genshins for this feeling?
>C1 Furina
Good luck! I got back in the game after some years and I didn't have any pity, so I was luck yeah
But also greedy, I tried pulling her sword too and lost the 50/50 so now I have this useless Slug bow

I jumped back in the games after some time because exploring got boring back in the days. SO far we have plenty of regions so the game also got really big, and I appreciate that really much. While it was only Mondo/Liyue, I got easily bored

So far Sumeru has been my favorite region
chiori and me
wuwafags think exploration is a chore and the open world only there so they can farm not-artifacts
That's okay I didn't use XL for over a year and only started using B like 4 months ago.
There are plenty of ways to clear content. Except for this event....
thats really the cutest thing I've read on this site
>quite litterally dont have a single cyro unit build
>only have kaeya (lvl 70), Layla (lvl 60), qiqi (lvl 20) and Ganyu (lvl 1), all with 0 artefacts
>trial ganyu plays like absolute ass

my only pyro dps is Yoiyoi and you cant apply cyro, switch to her, switch back to apply cyro and switch back to her because of how her fucking infusion works.
I had no issues in the past trials with test characters, but this one is just annoyingly boring and frustrating. We need a cyro fischl
Lol, retards who hyper invested in 2 abyss teams should suffer
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(YOU) are NOT the main demographic for this game.
>5.0: female neuvillette powercreep
>5.1: geo female support(rumored to be universal support similar to kazuha)
>5.2 archon
you can feel their desperation
yeah... makes me feel like the theater will be ass forcing you to use these shitty characters
Sounds good!
just like what you said, 1.x characters are easy to build because of their abundant material and easy to gather. (Calla lily and Valberry) comparing to nilotpala lotus and beryl conch with small amount and scattered around the map.
the boss also easy to beat. you only need Cryo regisvine for both characters and they gave you cryo ascension rock. comparing to Layla's boss who gave you Anemo rock and Charlotte's with Geo rock.
and for weapon, Diona can use recurve bow and Rosaria can use White tassel. both 3 stars and works perfectly for them. Comparing to charlotte who need ER book or ATK book if you got high amount of ER and layla who need HP sword who are very limited or coping with whatever weapon you get.
bottom line, 1.x characters are good to build, until you got enough of it you can go to another characters.
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I downloaded this game and didn’t know what to expect, but after paying it, I WAS SHOOK with the graphics of this game. Is this truly a mobile game? The visuals had me going crazy, it looked so good for a mobile game. The voice acting, the gameplay, everything about it is wonderful. You must try this game!
>>5.0: female neuvillette powercreep
Lol lmao
I know, that's why I will be uninstalling in a week
I have humiliation fetish
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How do I find a Genshin gf?
Genshin is the right game for you then!
you already said this like 4 times
>my only pyro dps is Yoiyoi and you cant apply cyro, switch to her, switch back to apply cyro and switch back to her because of how her fucking infusion works
Don't tell me you don't have C6 Bennett
Look for the shy and quiet girl at your office job
2 forms
don't ever reply to me again
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Do Focalors cute feet translate into Furina's?
Blue nail polish+toe jewelry is my jam
try coop.
seriously, that's where i found cute chinese malaysian cutie.
>baizhu and wanderer 3rd rerun
>absolute dogshit 4* in every banner
>furina paired with a dogshit character and not neuv
>no furina second SQ
>no flagship event to shill new characters
They just don't care
do we get 40 rolls before the banner ends?
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All of them wearing masks jesus. Asian people really are just NPCs with not thought process or originality
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I want to massage the Arleass
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big black kok!
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anon do you know what C6 bennett does?
They’re going to repeat Furina again? This game is going down the gutter then
geovishap hatchling and clorinde
Chiori after cleaning my bank account
I just don't picture it.
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doomGODS status?
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>ZZZ getting the 10 pulls per patch too
Real talk why do Genshin devs hate us?
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Alhaitham powercreep and Neuvi powercreep right off the bat. Amazing
>all niggas
EOS cant come sooner!
I want a flat DPS very much.
Where does she put the hat?
Was saying "flat chest" really necessary in a description of her?
>this will surely save Genshin
It's so over
Applies pyro infusion to your onfield character, effectively making any character you want into bootleg pyro dps?
Doesn't that mean there's no exploration? Star Rail gets them because they would have no other way to collect wishes aside from spending money
Characters that will become powercrept and irrelevant in Natlan
How's Navia? I got her because I like her looks but don't have any geo characters to go with her. My Furina is also locked into other teams and I don't really want to take her off them to go with Navia.
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candace can’t be powercrept if she’s already useless
what frotting does to a man
I'm not going to play WuWa and ZZZ.
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>all three of them are black skin
that is certainly true for polearms, claymores and swords
but for catalysts, and more importantly bow users like yoima, it does nothing
HSR still has chests and quests even if the maps are smaller, I'm assuming it will be the same for ZZZ.
I always forget how comically large Rosaria's boobs are and it's not even like they're the biggest in the game either. There's just something about her outfit at certain angles.
I wouldn't roll for any main dps before 5.0
if neuvillette is really getting powercrept, it's over for pretty much every other dps
>strong independent woman who bows to no man
Neuvi and Furina SQ2’s in Natlan
Tighnari, Yelan, Candace, Kokomi will show up in events
Looks like Diluc going to some halloween party
5.0 is anniversary and anniversary characters are busted
>5* catalyst
>small breasts
>movement on water
So it's just Mona except she'll have all of Mona's NA CA related effects/buffs built into her kit baseline, her skill will actually deal damage and her burst won't have Omen.
Who is a better shielder for Arle / Chevy overload, c6 Thoma or c6 Beidou? I have Slimmy too
bro your nilou
Do you guys really have troubles with trial Ganyu?
>can clear 11-3 with 3 stars and 30 seconds spare
>take over 7 minutes to beat 12-1
I haven't levelled anyone past 80 and my supports are all at 70 with cope artifacts but the jump is insane
So, Alhaitham just said he and Kaveh are "room mates"
Did they, you know..?
she was relevant for like 2 patches
If they’re really powercreeping Zhongli+Kaz then I’m pretty sure they’ll powercreep Neuvi too. It makes sense because after 4.2, every new char has sold like shit. They’re going down the powercreep route to make whatever metafags that remain to pull for them forcefully.
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Thanks for the money gigkeks!
I will roll for the claymore if it has ctdmg and high base atk.
They are basically married of course they know
Why wait a week when you can uninstall now?
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The virgin hyperinvest vs no man left behind chads finally win.
>44 friends added
>0/44 online
please log on
but why are they replacing them with female characters? /gig/ told me that females flop and males sell better
don't ever reply to me again
It's not your money HSRkek...
They even have Xabalanque and that Dendro boy to powercreep. Arlecchino was a direct powercreep and although she sold like shit, she sold the best post 4.2
No but for real, is this like is the most that MHY can afford to give visibility to a gay couple, did they really include a couple of homosexual males in the game?
pretty based
it's a 4 years old game
I'm sure that even vertical investers have more than two teams at this point, the only ones who are getting fucked are newfags
Thoma's shield is better and he buffs AA at c6 idk about Tankfei.
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You missed the event where Kaveh stopped seething and became a loyal house husband, so their next interaction in Cyno's 2nd quest will be more... friendly
Beidou in my opinion, I liked it more than Raiden or Kuki
she was relevant throughout the whole of 3.x until neuv eventually powercrept her and 99% other characters
Kaveh should've been a girl
the midwit sees them and thinks gay couple
the true big brains among us see an early 2000s sitcom, ie scrubs or two and a half men
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I will never forgive myself for missing this year's Lantern Rite
can we bully MiHoYo into making these events replayable?
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They can’t bloat the mobile players memory even more, so they never will do that
I guess I'll screw around with both and see who I like more, thanks. I need to build both of them regardless
Ew, I almost puked
nahitroon melty soon
this years wasn’t that great
But JD and Turk weren't as catty as the two of them.
I feel more like Jack and Wyll from WYll & Grace
is Nilou playable without Nahida?
Anon think about phonefags
Yes, as long as you have another dendro
No anon! Two men can't simply rent a house together to save money then NEED to be having sex! I need to project my fetish onto everything!
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She is so pretty....
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Yes. She's pretty much the only character they can run pure f2p comps without using National comps.
those 2 are less JD and Turk and more JD and Dr Cox
Don’t post Nahida next thread
Surely this general can go one thread without posting the radish
One thread
Nilou, DMC, Kirara, another good hydro

There are Kaveh teams too
Alhaitham bloom doesn’t need Nahida too
no, anyone who said yes is retarded
she had mediocre usage rates for most of 3.x, she reached the peak only during her first banner and her rerun
the anti-nilou abyss pasta was an ironic joke to make fun of doomposters at first but eventually niloufags started using it unironically
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Imaginarium will be a piece of cake
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This but unironically
At this point I'm certain mihomo knows genshin is losing steam. But then again it's a four year old game, it couldn't keep it's monstruous pace forever. Their reaction to this decline is the make it or break it.
calm down sayufujo you stinky
No man left behind and a proper whale. I'm so fucking erect right now.
I just gave my layla a random assortment of Energy Recharge% artefacts and it worked out.
my scuffed team was Venti, Benti, Layli and Yoimi
Mobile players unironically killed Genshin impact
idk why anyone is trying so hard to 3* the events
I am not 3 starring anything when you only reward me with useless rocks
do they think i am a retarded slave or something?
trial xiangling is so fucking shit
and he's an architect, right?
I'm actually shocked that people are having a hard time getting 3 stars. Its easy as fuck wtf
It takes 30 seconds to 3 star.
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Nah, nostalgia revivals are never good
idc the rewards suck monkey dicks, I don't bother
they are more like cox and his wife
Siegewinne should have been a 4* and Ningguang has been robbed all this time
/gig/ - Wuthering Waves, Honkai: Star Rail and Zenless Zone Zero General
Kaveh just simply lives in Alhaitham's house
nah I'm sure Chiori is more important to the plot as the 5 star geo female
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>trying so hard
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I basically never use mine, so I just threw some shit together.
Though ER or trial one is abyssmal, yeah
I'm not rolling for her, I already have her.
3.1 - 47.9%
3.2 - 56.5%
3.3 - 46.9%
3.4 - 44.1%
3.5 - 27%
3.6 - 60.8%
3.7 - 16.1%
3.8 - 62.8%
those numbers are above average cope antiniloukek
/gig/ - Genshin Refugee Meltdown General
They literally can't afford to do it btw. You can be gay in China and that's okay. However if you start spreading and glorifying your fetish you're going to end up in a re-education facility.
Mihoyo wants to make money not be some force of social justice and progression like western studios.
If you want you gay shit learn to use a booru.
I couldn't do it with Ayaka, when I drop her burst the enemies become unfrozen, what do I do?
I'm using XQ as the hydro should I switch to Mona?
i love to cry
navia love to cry
we're crying bitch
Hard? This event requires no effort.
The boss one was hard, yes.
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Use both? The fuck
Okay I was using Rosaria and Sucrose who gets dropped?
Put the game on ps5 and I’ll play
I can only imagine what kind of "girls" are on the NA server esp at AR60
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These are the people who will whine about Imaginary Theater difficulty.
They can even clear the easiest shit.
Sucrose, you don't need VV
Are there legit hacks for this game or an offline apk? Supporting communism is only for extreme faggots.
Chinese BL authors just don't openly say that someone is gay. They still can be very gay, just not fuck each other onscreen.
Haikaveh is in the same position as Honkek lesbos.
yeah but femdom means that she'd have to put effort into doing something, which isn't happening for a filthy moid
honkek lesbos explicitly fuck each other
Only in GGZ. It was before the censorship became more strict.
Ive never heard of two gay men living in the same house and being joined at the hip
I did it with Reverse Melt Rosaria since I regularly use that team on Abyss anyway.
>what is chapter 32
They act like a straight couple, not like 3d homos
Ive never heard of gay men living
The risk isn't worth the reward or the paperwork and legal proceedings.
>You like to get poop on your dick when you have sex, cool! Go make a doujin about it as it is not our problem and all of that money is yours to capitalize on.
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New Yelan tunes for you anons

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