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Orbiter edition

Previous thread >>483746896

Buy Plat
>READ the pastebins and Wiki BEFORE asking questions
GENERAL FAQ: https://pastebin.com/dFPEiCWq
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: https://pastebin.com/86tuc1mA
/wfg/ CLAN DIRECTORY: https://pastebin.com/15RAiuff

>Notable links
Wiki: http://warframe.wikia.com
Alerts and other timers: https://tenno.tools/
Buying and Selling items: https://warframe.market
Riven Prices/Calculator and other utilities: https://semlar.com/
Relics tool: https://wf.xuerian.net/
Droptables by DE: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/809777-warframe-drop-rates-data/
Builds, Tierlists, and Damage Calculator: https://overframe.gg/
Frames and Modding: https://pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c
Booru: https://wfg.booru.org/
DPS calculator: https://github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/
Stream Times: https://warframestreams.lol/
Guide for Returning Players: https://www.warframe.com/fr/news/returning-player-guide

CURRENT UPDATE: Jade Shadows: Hotfix 36.0.4
CURRENT EVENT: Operation: Belly of the Beast
Kill all warbro faggots.

That aside, why does Jade look like complete shit?
she doesnt
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My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
have this (You), you look desperate for it
Meant ability wise.
Thanks failed boomer faggot.
kill yourself
Warbros had always been a regular on /wfg/, the online community for war gaming enthusiasts. He had a reputation for being a skilled player and a helpful member of the community. But one day, Russchad, the moderator of /wfg/, suddenly announced that Warbros was blacklisted from the forum. It all started when Warbros got into an argument with another member over strategy. Things got heated and Warbros made a few not-so-nice comments. Russchad, who was known for his strict rules and zero tolerance for disrespect, saw it and immediately banned Warbros. Warbros was devastated. He had been a member of /wfg/ for years and now he was banned. He tried to appeal to Russchad, but it was no use. He had crossed the line and there was no going back. From that day on, Warbros was no longer welcome on /wfg/. He missed the camaraderie and discussions about his favorite game, but he knew he had no one to blame but himself. He had learned his lesson and vowed to be more respectful in the future. But for now, he was just a war gaming enthusiast without a community to call home. He would have to find a new forum to share his love for the game and start from scratch. As for /wfg/, it continued on without Warbros, a reminder to all members to follow the rules and respect one another.
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>748 posts new thread
gonna cry about it?
Big ebil grineer will touch my clan folder :(
What frame has the biggest dick.
my wisp
are you a neet?
Wisp is a girl tho
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yes, and?
Just started playing the game and visiting this general. Who's this bump schizo and why does he obsessively post things not related to the game? Why don't the jannies ban his IP range?
Speaking of WF related things. Is Opticor Vandal any good? I got it from thermia fractures.
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How come Warframe doesn't do collabs?
>random anon here
any new at baroshitter? cba to open the game
bumpschizo is a mentally deranged freak that we laugh at. Don't worry about it

Opticor Vandal is decent
they did with pubg mobile once
had umbra and wukong as skins (and maybe some weapons too but not sure about that anymore)
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Yeah but we never got anything in return.
who the f cares
i guess DE is strict about what would break Muh Loreā„¢ and does not want any collabs (except maybe a few skins like unreal gun skins)
You can't reason with schizos which is why you don't reply to them. Hopefully when 1999 is out the general will be fast enough to warrant having a pocket janny and his bump ramblings will get him insta banned.
why so racist
why are you responding to yourself and pretending you are someone else?
Aight, time for real organic Warframe discussion now:
Who's your favorite tranny?
How long do you think until russchizo gets conscripted?
Favorite TFD character?
Goon to reb or wisp?
>Who's your favorite tranny?
>How long do you think until russchizo gets conscripted?
two more weeks
>Favorite TFD character?
>Goon to reb or wisp?
i am THE goonadier.
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Energize? Never heard of her.
Buy energize and hodl them until they rise in price after the event.
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cry about it faggot
I am willing to spend plat on another Jade if Ophanim Eyes Is a good subsume
I actually really like Larkspur's Ghostbusters-like beams. I summon that thing whenever I remember that it exists.
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>event ends
>a month later during 10ocon a new event gets announced
>energize crashes again
Based Reb destroying the energize mafia
My sources told me there would be no such thing.
Trust and hodl.
>if Ophanim Eyes Is a good subsume
10% armor strip per second seems kinda weak to be honest. At 200% strength you might as well get Tharros Strike for priority targets, and you won't have to wait for 5 seconds. At 330+ strength you might as well go for close to 400-ish and get Pillage instead. I'm honestly not sure if there is an use case for this thing anywhere.
Super cry bros
anyone want to buy primed dual rounds for 1k plat?
Ok. Name ?
I'll pay 1p more than this guy >>483844350
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>3h long meltdown already
Lmfao lets go.
30% buff to archguns.
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that qtie still posts here?
It's a comfortably A tier skill but not necessarily top tier considering the armor rework
It's good for frames that want persistent, wide armor strip like Qorvex
Qorvex already strips
>pocket janny
Why dont you become one yourself?
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Well, /wfg/?
Pathetically so. To play Qorvex at peak performance, you need to strip armor in an area and shoot your pillar with your death ray. His 2 only strips in a line and needs an augment. The wall doesn't even start at an angle like Bonewidow's similar ability, it's just useless. Terrify is currently the best pick for him as it only needs aroumd 160% strength to strip and strength is useless on Qorvex, so it's a good pick as other strip options need more strength. Jade's eyes seems to be a good pick too as it's a persistent strip rather than an on-cast strip like terrify.
i don't really get the point of some survey questions. they are so vague, i have no idea how this counts as usable information to them.
>did you enjoy playing warframe today?
what data can they even pull off this
It turns him into excavator/bulldozer with head lights, very thematically fitting
the headlight part sounds funny. based for once
They know what you did. DE is owned by tencent
delete alchemy
I just did a run of netracells which I don't really want to but it's basically the only thing you -have- to do in the game. It's not particularly interesting nor did I really enjoy it. Maybe by voting choosing no, they will realize that the mode is shit.
lol, lmao
delete yourself
what frames are actually fun to play?
I think volt and gauss are always fun cause go fast
I think protea is decently fun too
But what skill do i replace? No excavation without wallcrash
Protea would be moderately fun if the niggers at DE could change her 4 to "hold to not rewind" instead of "hold to not rewind 2 seconds before it's over"
Looks cool though
Pocket janny will have your ass.
>and strength is useless on Qorvex
really? i mean i saw the 40 strength posts but still, post build
His 3 is a genuinely useless ability on par with decoy and it covers your screen with trash.
heavy cope
uh oh you're right. they know my personal info, if I choose no, they will execute me
The roadblocks?
Which warframe and weapon are best for an Optimus Prime build?
I'm not home right now but you can test it yourself, make a 40% strength build and a 300+% strength build, go to simulacrum, place pillar in the middle of enemy group, shoot pillar. You will notice thay the 300+% strength build kills at basically the same speed as 40%, maybe 1 second slower, because the damage of the radiation explosions scales from enemy number and not strength. Therefore, strength of Qorvex is only needed to reach whatever armor strip breakthrough you need, and Terrify is the lowest one at ~160%. Alternatively, you can put Viral Tempest on him and keep strength at 75-100% as viral does more or less the same as armor strip on him.
Tenet envoy
I dont use warframe market, I exclusively support my local traders
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Hello bros, is AlecaFrame safe to use? The functions it provides seem godly, but I don't want to get my account banned/stolen
new mod in baro
multishot for archguns
i am sell grendel prime chassis for 15 platinum
you will pay me 15=?
it doesn't edit your memory in any way, it just pulls data from log files and makes screenshots that it analyzes (eg: at riven comparison)
you should be safe, DE only said "use at your own risk". seen people claim they were banned for Aleca, but it always turned out to be some other program that wf's anticheat flagged
sent :)
It is mostly safe, there are some ban stories here and there, but the real problem is that if your account ever gets banned for whatever reason, including false positives (which happen, like Razer mouse tools etc.), the support will just tell you to fuck off as you were using third party programs. Meanwhile if you don't use any of those overlays, you come up clean and support will assist you and unban you (usually). Personally, nothing Alecaframe does is worth even a 0.1% risk that my account gets banned.
Dont use it retard
How do I get a job at DE?
I swear to God if that leak is true and Reb wasted dev hours on a fucking new PvP mode, I'm going to murder everyone in this general.
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here you go lil buddyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
huh? the mario kart one? i think it sounds kino
>I'm going to murder everyone in this general.
do you really think you can take on /wfg/ schizos?
You should be safe but with DE's retarded anti cheat in place you might never know. I got banned for a fucking mouse driver once. It's basically a gamble.
No, the wannabe Tarkov one.
>warframe kart
post mains
File deleted.
Who tryna recreate this with me?
jade's fun
and nova is fat
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see, i told you anons saryn has the biggest cock
I can work on quality ass all day, hire me
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Bumping department?
>strength is useless on Qorvex
You're either retarded or trolling. Duration is the stat that requires no investment since it only affects his 1, which is refreshed by his 2 with augment. Strength is the second most important stat after range
Is there any Warframe that doesn't need to focus on Power Strength?
speed nova
You could just open the game and see for yourself with a test, instead of acting retarded.
Bump loki
I don't think we're gonna reach 90% at the event
you're new "at" the game aren't you
Just go full duration and you can unga bunga for 2 minutes
it's slowed to a crawl
kinda pissing me off I want that t3 ephemera for my jade already
It's at 54% after less than two weeks and we have 19 days left, it's going to be fine. If it's actual progress and not just DE playing with the funny bar, that is.
>If it's actual progress
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Protea is incredibly fun just with her passive. I use both augments, nourish over her 3, and carry a +100% strength turret around with me that targets in 360 degrees and strips armor. Her shield satellites keep her entire team alive, grenade fan stagger locks a room, and temporal anchor acts as an aoe nuke or death save if I need it. She's incredibly powerful and brainless that subsume off her 4 are either deaf or have severe skill issue.

Pro tip: if you ever fail to cancel her rewind, go operator and then pull her back to you once it's over, then you don't end up 2 miles away from where you were
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uh oh. you used the n-word, thematicbro will not like it
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>Yet he still shills here
it makes you really mad and it's funny
a good game does not need constant advertisements, what does that tell you about TFD? :p
forgot I had so many mod duplicates lying around. should I get the credits or endo?
he buddied up with the russian
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If we're going to shill three-letter games at least shill good ones
I'm honestly more excited for this shit than anything else this year
patrician tier taste
Getting 340k endo probably takes longer than getting 15m credits, and if you really want to you can just sell maxed mods for plat. Of course you will still need credits for that, but significantly less than endo.
you're a retard for even asking
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No one cares enough to even get mad. You don't even post gameplay.
>admitting to trolling
see you in 3 days
It's always a guaranteed (You) from (You) reaction gif bro. If you didn't get mad you wouldn't even reply to it.
>oy vey sisters call the janny reinforcements
You can use lycath's instead, I just like being able to roam with her
Zero subsume protea is fine for campy gameplay, I just dont like how slow dispensary is
It's funny because It's pretty obvious at this point.
was just joking, i'm not against nourish though the sound is kinda retarded
TFDschizo and Russchizo linked up! Sneed it or Feed it??
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>jannies are good when they delete the warbros OP but bad when they delete my off-topic trash
what did he mean by this
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It's means he's retarded.
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I'm built like jade
t. skinnyfat
>rmt'd plat 4 years ago
>now i have to pay $300 to log into my account
okay bye
wait....we can still erp
only good looking skin is the one on the left
I don't wanna see any faces or exposed skin
hands down no lie, credits

>not just DE playing with the funny bar
This might be the only game where I actually routinely see people getting banned over RMT
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same, literally me irl
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What do I name her anons?
Princess Pox Rot seems like a good name desu
So is Loyal Merulina not supposed to grant grey health when merulina dies? It doesn't say anything about that on the mod description.
I already got angry fags at me for GoonToReb
>if you ever fail to cancel her rewind, go operator and then pull her back to you once it's over, then you don't end up 2 miles away from where you were
idk how this works (or they patched it), I've tried going operator mode and it puts me back into protea and rewinds me
or maybe you just need to do it a split second before the assplosion? idk
Tested some more and it really doesn't. So you can just get one shotted. Is this intended?
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Just wanna say thanks again to the anon who posted their Jade build. While I like the alt fire the one you posted turned me into a pregnant Apache Longboat raining down hell with Glory.
Probably not but no one plays Yareli so you probably won't see any changes until her prime is out in like a year or slightly less
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>The Veso Noggle actually plays the same Transmissions you're seeing on his tablet

kek really?
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I was having fun so that sucks.
Post it, I want to compare it with mine
i keep seeing people say that PSF is a meme. what other exilus mods are worth the slot?
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Ignore them.
Just Equip PSF and subsoom Nourish.
Thief's wit
Literally made that much in credits and endo the first 2 days of the event.
There's really not much else to slot unless you have some frame specific exilus. Or maybe something like Preparation. No one can honestly tell me that they actually feel the 15% difference a drift mod provides over potentially not getting killed with PSF. I mean, I personally barely use it myself either but that's just because I'm too stingy to put a D polarity onto my frames' exilus slots.
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If i was DE id allow RMT unofficially to inflate player count
power drift
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>kill vay hek in pub sortie run
>water slide doesn't turn off and keeps us stuck in the arena
>I manage to get out with parkour
>titania eventually manages to barely get out with razorwing
>we have to extract for the 2 stranded players
remember kids, being slow KILLS
if PSF is the difference between you getting killed or not then you have an actual skill issues
roll through laser doors
roll through eximus fire waves
Rush in 99% of cases
Preparation for Ivara and Titania
Drift mods
Pain Threshold can be a cheaper substitute for eidolons.
Motus Signal is one of the most underated mods there is.
Enemy Sense improves enemy pathing which is really nice for a lot of game modes.
Various set mods
it depends entirely on your build and whether you need or want that slot for something else, and whether or not how you use that build will put you in situations where PSF is actually useful vs being redundant or reducing the effectiveness of your build at accomplishing its goals

this will never be a good argument against the use of PSF and you know it, stop trying
>using ciphers
>not using ciphers
>operators can't chill like this
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imagine not playing in a way such that you're not just always constantly jumping and rolling but also refuse to let anything deprive you of your inertia
So many builds using flow instead of efficiency.
and how does that make you feel?
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Get Titania if you really want to go fast.
Are Helminth chargers any good? I haven't seen one in-game for a long time.
why do the russians love psf so much?
t. the russians
You are worse than the schizo.
PTSD from the USSR falling
why do the suomis hate psf so much?
Not really desu
Everyone goes for the kavat due to the crit chance
I just like the charger, plus I main nidus
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Well, ran out of riven space and don't feel like wasting plat buying more.
I have the acceltra, flux rifle, nukor and twin viper so I am already keeping those.
Any other worth keeping/selling/rerolling?
he's like voldo, he looks happy :)
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You could try rauta but nukor is probably the only one that matters. At MR30 you get an extra 30 slots or something which is enough for pretty much all the weapons you'd want to use.
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december 3rd?
Rauta is really good for melee focused builds. Give it multishot to help hit the floating cap every shot.
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Finally got myself a Dante.
paint him full white.
I'm planning on taking my best book sustain build out with him and helios to catch up on my neglected codex, maybe someday soon
never forget they changed his alt helmet to be crooked because of this
I just wanted the forma for free
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>forma for free
nothing in this life is for free..now start undressing and let's earn you a forma bundle
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>got a melee stance forma
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Got aura forma pog
you didnt even get the whole grab back anyway, only 1 random component from them each.
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catchads own this general
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being a newshitter brings suffering
i HATE Lephantis now
at least a glowy vase gave me a free forma
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i can't imagine your your face when you realize that you need to kill 1000+ times to get all the forma you'll need
times like these when you get a boss that is kinda challenge go away, savor them.
After that you're gonna build Titania/Wisp/Rhino and just roll over this boss.
Bro why not do it with pubs?
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The unofficial(real) anthem of the 1999 update
there were none
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To be fair all of them but Acceltra and Nukor are kinda shit and those aren't even good simply because their disposition is shit
>bought the bunny ears for Hildryn
I regret nothing
what region are you on?
>boomers in my /wfg/
warframe is millenialcore
deal with it zoom zoom
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Sounds like a terrible business decision. Why would you willingly give up your monopoly on plat for something as fickle as player numbers?
>Make a massive update to your game set in 1999 when your target audience wasn't even born then

What did Rebb mean by this?
We're getting proto-frame suits for our Drifters right?
and taters too I hope
warframe's audience are it's already existing playerbase and that's mostly guys in their 30s
and 40s
do not forget about us
Is Akmagnus good?
Or rather, do you think its good? Do you like it?
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Veso didn't really die ... Right?
Anon, you don't want Veko to be alive.
I know you think you want Veemo to be alive, but Vito is better off dead.
If they were to ever bring Visor back, Volo's content could turn into another Kahl.
And none of us want another Kahl situation.
>If it's actual progress
It's not real progress.
No, Vilo and Salad were both transported into the void and in an upcoming event we'll be given the choose to choose who to save. Vilo will reward a Breacher-themed Moa mod and skin, Salad will reward a Mutalist-themed Moa mod and skin.
i enjoy some of the kahl missions. Actually i just hate the corpus one.
veso and salad amalgam
jupiter focused expansion when? taking over salad's lab and gaining access to modular amalgam companions.
>jupiter focused expansion when?
when DE considers revisiting Alad's story aka never
I'm down for a proper warframe competitor but
makes it an instant skip, I've been burned far too many times before by that company
rush for 30% sprint speed or some augments
How many augments actually fit in the exilus slot?
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Is this a good game for bonding with your niece? Asking for a friend, thank you.
Am a newbie. I've got the ducats; are any of these baro mods good this week? Primed reach and primed firestorm seem pretty niche, and primed dual rounds is an arching mod. Combo killer???? Don't know what it's saying.
>all those "disable passive" augments
There aren't really too many opportunities for bonding here since the multiplayer in this game is essentially just solo with bots tier. At most you can gift her shit, but that's it.
you'd have to kind of pace yourself and match progress through the game together
>Combo killer???? Don't know what it's saying.
You know the combo thing you have going on the bottom right where it stacks if you kill shit, and it drops back to 1 after a while unless you use the Naramon school? It's that, if you kill something with your secondary, you reset that timer, so that your combo doesn't drop.
Reach is pretty much used on most melees so it's not a bad idea to pick it up. Firestorm, yeah, somewhat niche, you can live without it. Dual Rounds is new and something you might as well pick up, you will be using your archgun for some types of content so might as well buff it a bit, but considering how people were fine without it so far, it's probably non-essential.
reach is essential melee mod,firestorm is mandatory for explosive weps and helstrum but we haven't used those weapons ever since the ammo nerfs
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What do you guys think about EU hours of this general?
not the best game for it, but possible. it's a nice experience if you don't rush it (aka how you'd normally play) and take your time
my honest thoughts summarized
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Harrow was a decent candidate with his noble stance
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why do these skins exist? i look at wisp,garuda,ivara and i wonder what the fuck were they thinking? the deluxe skins are so uneappealing and the only fashion left are just tennogen
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>fixed Hyldrin's balefire fire rate
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I know EXACTLY what they were thinking
Not cool man
>the only fashion left are just tennogen
too bad they are not allowed to change the body models, only helmets can pass.
not all deluxes are horrible desu, some of the earlier ones are great and not this unappealing
so why is titania's 2 fucking broken? when i try to get a buff from an enemy the "ghost" that i need to collect for the buff just goes into the fucking orbit for no reason at random
remind me what did ivara one look like? if its that blue/orange split one i dont think it looked that bad
yareli instead angers me because i wish they would have gonne for something similar to her older concepts
it's that one yes. my only gripe with it is that it doesn't really look like ivara
warframe players are so spoiled some times
>waah one guy didnt get enough reactant one round I must quiet the endless mission prematurely
just continue the guy probably didn't even notice the timer was up or the spawns were low hell sometimes its the same fags who rage quit that sped up the mission too fast
>someone didnt get the 10
id just laugh at him and move on
unless mf is not even equiping a relic then 4th choice is allways welcome
I catch myself doing petty things like this all the time, it's a symptom of the information age and the reward system common to most grindy vidya
Kek, sometimes I forget to get reactant too, it's always one short. But quitting over missing it, is just retarded.
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im not a retard and always obtain the required amount
i usually let them know they don't have 10 reactants and ping a spot with a fuckton of them. i don't mind it if it happens once, it's them who's gonna miss out on the rare reward. quitters are irredeemable retards tho
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is this a fact checked anecdote?
in the end its their wasted time
you open a relic you were trying to open either way
Reb when she sees my healthy and big MR
is the meme revenant oneshot build doable on a different frame with reave subsumed? i want to meme around on rhino
Can I get a non reddit answer on how good Jade's subsume is?

I have had dogshit luck with her BP drops but have finally have enough to buy out all 3...but do I wanna wait until I can make two
It's 10% armor strip per second in a cone in front of you, how good do you think it is? I could see it being decent if you need armor strip solely for high health targets like acolytes and shit where you don't really care if it takes 3-4 seconds to strip the armor but at that point you might as well just take Tharros Strike or something.
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wut? who wants my crossbreeds imprints? 500p each
I already know I'm going to toss it on my wisp to play around with on my experimental config then go back to my shuriken config and swap the experimental one back to dark verse or something
just play more dude
It is strange that the best cosmetics are all tennogen but then I remember that all that shit costs money on PC and they don't even have to come up with the designs.
Wow. At least take a shower stinky.
Ice storm
Secondary surge
Arcane battery

What do I dump all my motes on?
do you play solo or pub?
tempted to just solo it, because 80% of the shitters are just afking on the elevator and i can handle the mission easily, but solo is less fun and feels slower desu
is this from olden times? or did you find a new way?
the result, im bitching at support now, i wasted plat on those imprints and then rushed it for a fucking cat

I did yesterday or the day before, thats me done this month

public, I get you, I complained becaue a dude killed 4 things the entire mission and didnt move from the elevator. Some faggot said "revenant main complaining" like faggot I was keeping the elevator boosted the entire time, rev just means i can be brainless about it.

I think its actually faster to kill the sister solo because you dont have 4/5 people fucking with her attenuation.

I had my vamp cat out, I used two imprints on a kubrow, rushed it and got that image and refreshed to this shit
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>I think its actually faster to kill the sister solo because you dont have 4/5 people fucking with her attenuation.
i hate that mechanic so much. at least sometimes you can "get lucky" with a sister with some weird ass weakness and you can oneshot her despite the squad size
>doing the interception alert
>10 minutes in
>barely did a single round out of two
>an MR19 vauban in the team has done TWO kills
>an MR28 jade has done barely even more
>pretty much AFK waiting to be carried
What do you say lads, do I throw this and let the round fail to teach them a lesson?
when you interception right you don't damage a single enemy until the end of each round
How are you guys running into all these shitters?
report them
The SP jade shadow shit on uranus. Everything is an eximus, so no slowdown for you.
You don't need kills in interception. You exposed yourself.
report them anyway
I know, nigger, but they ain't defending shit either, not CCing anything.
Then you should've said that instead, NIGGER
What the fuck does "pretty much AFK" means you DOUBLE NIGGER
Whats a fun companion
me in bed. come to my orbiter
If you plop down a CC ability you can just stand there occasionally shooting at exmius, so it's possible to defend while basically AFKing. Stop being a faggot because you didn't say what you actually meant.
Yes, but this the event alerts on steel path. In interception, pretty much EVERY ENEMY is an eximus. Plus the laser stuff that shits on your health.
Do you prime viral or corrosive
send invitation to orbiter :truemasteralt:
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Mesabros what mods do you use?
one that dies very quickly but has a funny name. Otherwise I had a lot of fun with release dirigia, before the nerfs. DE gave it a lanka and it would solo missions by itself.
>Firing a sticky, toxic, explosive compound, the Stug Gel Gun offers multiple ejection modes, delivering maximum damage in all situations.
Holy fuck I just noticed my original Vasca kavat is gone. What the fuck DE? I checked the glitch cat and It had mods, took me a minute to ask WHY, and its because its replaced my old cat. I just cant.
>dante has all unique operations and is totally self sufficient and strong as fuck AND HAS A FUCKING AURA FORMA BUILT IN
So this is the power of Rebb gifting herself a frame
honestly it's been over for frame designs since nidus, for better or worse

still, I really like him as a more global and explicitly spellcaster-y counterpoint to wisp's more kinetic traversal and point control take on a frame that takes a kind of support buff role
does he know about revenant?
revenant just has the 'don't die ever' button, no?
also what's with his book gun, from what i'm looking at the stats is this a "equip hemhorrage and everything dies" thing like lex incarnon
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>since nidus
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have you gooned to rebb today, 10o?
am I wrong? he was absolutely the beginning of the end in terms of self-sufficient synergistic jack-of-whatever pablo kits and setting the stage for the viral epidemic (so to speak)
>self sufficient jack of all trades
titania is basically unchanged since 2016, which at this point is eight fucking years, and you can still bring her to everywhere and do everything with her since she has everything, mobility, cc, survivability, status immunity, damage, healing, etc.
It's been over since they took loki out of the player starter choice..
>Umbra can't chill like this
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How is this thing handling compared to Bramma and other grug-tier weapons?
>time to make all the zaws
>need 200 cryotic per pryotic recipe
holy shit, what was with DEs obsession with cryotic? you need so fucking much for so many recipes and you only get 100 per extractor which takes at least a minute and half assuming the cells actually spawn
I'm half tempted to buy a resource doubler. Which is the best excavation node and frame? last time I went with Protea, but didn't work out like I wanted it too
ow, I hoped for an even slight Lenz return when I saw it
She murdered my johnson I can't get it up no more
I've been meaning to give it a shot one I get a riven and max out a primary frost, if anything just thanks to the cold rework, but I haven't had a reason to put down my bramma yet for maximum grug
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>khora urushu on hildryn
that looks awful

I may be stupid and only go for default stuff but hildryn prime doesn't need too much to look nice
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This shit better be worth it.
hide from the groomers
Returning MRlet here.
Do we know what the Chud in the Walmart actually wants or is he still ambiguous?
What's your opinion on the current state of the game /wfg/? are you happy with the latest set of warframes? or is DE going overboard?
hi Rebecca!!
Inaros got a rework, It's Nidus turn.
well Questionnaire / Survey, I would say that I think the available set of frames and features has been fairly well-received and represent a good variety of ability combinations but we are at the point of incredible redundancy in roles and designs beyond the zaniest of novelty core thematic concepts (ie, gregnant warfarm) and that future frames might do well to both be slowed down and be accompanied by some kind of directly related underlying mechanical addition, expansion, or option that impacts the rest of the game more meaningfully

a more critical eye toward shaping up older and less popular or potent frames and integrating the existing content, or even past time-limited content, would probably do a lot for the health of the game
post tits
I see you
post butt
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Nick Gurr
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hey bros, do you guys recommend throwing away "bad weapons"? For example, now that i got prisma lenz, can i just throw away my regular lenz?
>What's your opinion on the current state of the game /wfg/?
Good but needs more pregnancy.
>are you happy with the latest set of warframes?
yes, I bought Jade Noble animation to put on every femframe
>or is DE going overboard?
next warframe should breastfeed your operator when you activate transference
>next warframe should breastfeed your operator when you activate transference

We're getting romance in 1999 so it will be Aoi doing the breastfeeding
I only throw out weapons that are easily rebuilt again (so no weapons that need forma, etc.). Especially now that incarnons are a thing.
its useless, yes

gimme back my cat and my plat
Jades got no bouns when using her weapons, fix it
Open world archwing deaths only give you 4 lives

I like pregframe, it makes troons seethe, plus shes kinda fun to play
if you've got some kind of aoe weapon to use it with, absolutely it is, and remember to fill your ayatans
>it makes troons seethe
you know damn well it makes more troons coom than seethe I hate this timeline btw because that is a real sentence that means something but sneed about it, retard
frames lately (whether it's a new frame or a rework) have been very repetitive/uninspiring. undertow may be a weird example, since i don't know how it could've been saved, but i still feel like we've lost something creative and unique in the name of "modernizing" a frame
that's my shit take
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you know what I want
>extra limbs for frames
>removal of limbs for frames
How did you know that's my favorite subject?
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>you know damn well it makes more troons coom than seethe

Yeah, the sight of a baby Warfame really gets them going.
Hi Rebb if you post a bikini picture on ig I'll spend a month's salary on plat
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Are any of these worth a slot?
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>you know damn well it makes more troons coom than seethe
Yeah that's why there was a meltdown on the forums about it huh
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just get it over with and suck tranny cock
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Oh boy, here we go again.
>troons leave your squad if you play with jade
tranny here, and i farmed and leveled jade just so i could self-insert over her pregnant ass. you're more likely to filter fags than troons with jade
guess who woke up
Nobody believes your larp
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>Nobody believes your larp
>he believes he's larping
I literally believe this
Hot damn, I better get on my Jade grind. Based mommyframe.
two hours until I can put mommy in the wall
warframe sure is a video game
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>finishing check list of primes i dont have yet
>need argon crystals
>take khora (with boosters)
>58 argon crystals in 30min survival

im starting to like khora more and more every time she helps me in need.
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>750 days
And I'm still stuck at MR 30
No excuses
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>Baro finally brings something NEW and GOOD
>Primed Dual Rounds
>Easily fits my Kuva Ayanga Grattler and Arquebex
>Not on the others
Iā€™m NOT buying the affinity booster
Are you playing on your phone?
A laptop that's barely handling the game on minimal settings and lowered resolution
Did "nova is fat" anon die?
it's right there >>483851081
Turns out she was expecting
>Grineer lost their best Vruush turret
Things are not looking good for them
just finished jade shadows
that was equal parts mindnumbing and baffling
>captcha: SWAG
how is babby formed?
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wait, were you the fellow a couple months ago talking about the same problem?
Bros I'm kinda
I'm kinda tired of... of riding the fucking elevator... if you know what I'm saying...
Aside from being able to purchase energize this event is so shit, holy fuck.
christmas came early
and so have i
No, but I do complain about my fried laptop whenever someone mentions the crunchiness of my screencaps
But I'll finally be getting a new PC in ~30 days, and can't wait to go back to shitposting on my old 4k monitor
plap plap plap
>Deimos Exterminate event alert
>Infested vs Grineer
>Every single fucking Jade Eximus targets me instead of the faggot that they are shooting/mauling at their face
Fuck DE jesus
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have another
can warframes get pregnant?
did sdalger fugg the warframe?
did sdalger fugg the predecessor of the warframe and ballas did a le ebin meme and turned a pregnant woman into a warframe?
is the baby a warframe?
why did the baby suddenly make the corpus woman? stop trying to do whatever they were doing?
what the fuck is going on?
why did DE add the Drifter only to force you to tolerate the Operator in subsequent quests?
for some reason Eraserhead kept springing to mind the entire time i was playing it
pretty sure eximus are hard coded to prioritize players above all else to avoid them simply blowing up defense objectives at high level steel path. this way if you aren't literally afking on top of the objective it won't die in one tap since they're aiming at players
baro treats jade like a prime warframe, he isn't rude to her
very nice
I ain't into men anon
he has unique lines for her?
That Veso Noggle is actually pretty cool.
>can warframes get pregnant?
Not confirmed as of yet. She was impregnated while human, not while Warframe
>did sdalger fugg the warframe?
>did sdalger fugg the predecessor of the warframe and ballas did a le ebin meme and turned a pregnant woman into a warframe?
Yes, exactly. Sorren did the baby making while they were both human and Ballas either was oblivious or was like "let's see what happens"
>is the baby a warframe?
>why did the baby suddenly make the corpus woman? stop trying to do whatever they were doing?
White woman felt her maternal instincts kick in when she heard the crying
>what the fuck is going on?
Stalker lost his wife but absorbed her energy so now he's Razer Green and has a son to take care of
>why did DE add the Drifter only to force you to tolerate the Operator in subsequent quests?
Probably because of the different VAs they have to get back every time
t. veeko
Fuck, did DE make this quest just because they partenered with Monster energy? Are we being psyoped?
can't get through me, i already liked it
nta but Baro has three sets of voice lines. One set where he's constantly calling you poor if you're using a non-prime frame, one where he's constantly brown nosing you if you're using a prime frame, and one where he's grateful/reverent towards you if you use Inaros. The other guy is saying that he uses the simp lines instead of the condescending lines for Jade.
>Baro doesn't ask you if he can use Jade as a breeding sow so he can sell the babies
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Which side are you on?
the female one since it's less gay
>immediately jumps to Monster when more than one company uses green and black
I just mentioned Razer anon. That's what it is.
so a can of Monster is what Jade would've wanted?
Vome because I'm going to fuck her wormussy
hmm you might actually be him. I remember everyone giving you shit over horribly fried pictures. oh well, doesnt matter. hope your PC is nice when you get it
you understand
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they're both gay
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I'm not whoever you're referring to, since I very rarely post screencaps for obvious reasons
Hope that dude got a better PC by now though
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feel free to bring jade to as many missions as you like, i'll just assume you're trans too <3
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did we unlock the last ephemera yet?
We are at like a little over 2% from the second one so no
reb u hag wheres my 1000x Air support bp, i need it

no, 54.8%
who is we?
are the rewards universal or clan specific?
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Favorite frame and why?
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you know that number is ubiquitous to the drug itself as named below in plain text, right? it's the ones on the box you should hide
are you fucking kidding me? I been working my ass of doing nothing but that event, because I thought it was for my clan.
wanna know what's even better? all of these community event progress bars are on a fixed timer and have been since the beginning :^)
I hope that's just normal medicine...
wfg your chances of sucking tranny cock are looking good!
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How long do you think TFD lasts before it does?
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gara, glass as an aesthetic + kit that builds into itself + able to take on most content solo without completely negating it (e.g. revenant, octavia)
most played is unfortunately still trinity since i farmed her on phobos way back when
>we now have anons unironically posting their meds
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uhhh IS IT GOOD?!?!!!
you fuckers kept telling me to take them
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of course it does
why the fuck did I ever bother
Not those meds bro...
i had no idea. thanks for that, makes me a lot less paranoid about that
it's medicine that makes you happier and stops balding. you should try it
for anime mage or kuva queen larp maybe

I tried other ones... these ones actually work, and I believe several people ITT have seen the effective results
fake scenario
guess who woke up
ur mum after giving her a good dickin
Since Voruna gets automatic 100% crit chance and status chance (but, if you already have crit chance and status chance, doesn't add to them, merely causes them to crit/status proc if they otherwise wouldn't on a hit) on her weapons, am I correct on thinking you want to mod her weapons to focus on raw base damage and with the new Melee Elementalist?
>Condition Overload for obvious synergy with her 2 and guaranteed status procs
>Organ Shatter for obvious reasons
>Attack Speed like berserker fury
>Melee Elementalist as a unique weapon modifier
60/60 elemental mods seem bad on her since her 1 isn't additive status chance, it merely sets a floor of 100%, same with crit chance which is devalued a decent amount vs crit damage which is good and stacks with her 1.
ok not literally every one, indirect PvP stuff along the lines of invasions and including events from the old stuff like gradivus up to the karaknikov's release I'm pretty sure were legit mostly if not entirely player-driven, but there was fairly convincing evidence to the contrary I recall for (maybe obviously) the progress in eyes of blight and the synthesis scan targets and then anything following using the same general structure

I had the same paranoia so I just googled it
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I really hope you're posting those pics ironically
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>i had no idea. thanks for that, makes me a lot less paranoid about that
don't trust everything you read online.
this is good advice but you can look up what "NDC" is and even look up the one from my picture, and I suspect (unless they have an older or newer specific renewal for the generic) the numbers are exactly the same
don't listen to this anon
I'm actually really enjoying Gara. Her 1 is a bit lacking in damage and range, but her 2 is amazing, her 3 is amazing when it works, and her 4 is very useful.
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2 gets insane with proper stat stick support. if you have incarnon access, ceramic dagger does stupid bullshit on her, so you can pretty easily get 1m+ damage per lash
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I'm gonna post wisp butts to drown out the illness
oh you have no idea
Unironically more tame than EU hours
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>tfw you meet someone fast
I'm not sure what a stat stick is, but thank you for the info. Doing Syndicate missions with her 4 helps me immensely by letting them kill the enemies while I look for those medallions. Bit annoying the 1 will break the 4, so I cant fully use her kit.
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>Everyone is expecting Xaku P
I have leaks showing it's Lavos
We haven't even unlocked the second one
all were legit except the relay event.

we were gonna save all the relays but DE wanted some to be destroyed and they rigged it so blatantly that there was a shitstorm on the fourms
I don't have anything on hand with which to dispute that but yeah I do remember specifically that the relays were fucking lolmao
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>DE rigs one of the clan events
>Warbros still comes up on top
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Warbros already got the Gold Trophy of the current event
Hope the mats that you need arenā€™t that retarded
>inb4 15k Volatile or Vestigial Motes
they made getting gold trophies way too easy
>Crescent Moon
are they still a thing?
when I was still in warbros I would bump into them once in a while in pubs, a few years back, and we'd just kind of give each other some subtle acknowledgement lol
a stat stick is a melee weapon whose stats literally don't matter. in gara's case, her 1 (lash) takes all the mods from whatever melee weapon gara has equipped, but retains its own base stats. (notably, since lash has a 0 base crit chance, this means crit buffing is useless without a way to get +base crit chance - like the ceramic dagger incarnon.)

as for breaking the 4, this is a way to do wide damage quickly; it hits everything nearby, so you can nuke down if you're dealing a respectable amount of damage.
God I miss the clan rails. Seeing everyone go to war on every clan that raised dark sector taxes was kino
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Gara is very feature-complete and the only real boost she gets from Helminth is replacing her 3 with a damage booster, but you lose energy generation(with augment) and some very powerful cc

her 1 is basically only used to break her 4 to either area nuke or feed into her 2
sirs....when is new content?
post tits
i looked up stat stick weapons and I dont have any at the moment, and I honestly dont think I can chance not having a melee weapon. My Broken War has saved me numerous times.
It seems building Gara that I need every stat high, so i dont know how to build her. If i sacrifice str, her 2 and 4 is weaker. Lower efficiency means I cant sustain her 2 damage output. Lower duration is obvious, and that leaves range. But having higher range makes her 4s AoE, no?
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>10ocon is about to end
>"We have 1 more annoucement!"
>Reb lifts her dress and shows her baby bump
So how many anons ITTs work at DE too?
Egg head.
Which frame is popular with the lgbtq+ community?
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Long ass hiatus until Tennocon, like 22 days or 3 weeks, then we are going to be told whatever the fuck they are going to "give us"
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you don't need to worry about that until much later game anyway, anon. pre-steel path (if you know what that's referring to) gara is more than fine without any changes. as for setup, she'll be energy hungry as shit, so i do recommend some duration, a decent range, and then balance efficiency/strength
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the only tits I wanna see in this general are on Wisp
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>this thread
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crazy clussy gf
>another EDA where I did 99% of the killing
This shit needs a higher requirement to do
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>POV you are browsing into Arthurs MP3 library
Do you guys just spam left click with Jade's 4 or her alt fire?
it would explain a lot....
>spam left click
Bruh just hold the fucking button
here's a good general guide that explains a ton of stuff. if you use naramon or combo duration, you can use any weapon for a statstick
You know what I meant you doofus
>Frost is good now
>can never get his heirloom
It hurts
primary fire has better sustain but when enemies are literally carpeting the map or you need to cover multiple areas at the same time like void cascade, place her 1 around and spam altfire

you can altfire without interrupting her primary fire btw
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Post orbiters
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Xaku is female where it counts.
>2000 login days
>only gotten the relic pack reward once
Parkour mods. They make you INSANELY fast. Put one on my rhino and I am faster that wukong labotomites half the time
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what the fuck is this?
based parkourchad, I love gliding past wukongs and titanias, but eventually you will learn the value of both together
Bruh you better take a lot of screenshots
My warframe is wrong.
someone /profile that name
>8 Nekros with max shadows
god imagine
My warframe is porn.
My warframe is pregnant
You need the full name for that
My warframe is kong.
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oops... wrong version
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>event makes old LoR/Eidolon arcanes trivial
>dude, speculate with arcanes!
Fucking tradenigs.
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We should be able to feed our sentinels and evolve them. Completely original idea.
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Why do I rarely see Garas in pubs?
Oh, someone else had the idea to reverse them.
I made my Dagath be an "angel of death" as a subversion and then when the literal angel frame was announced I thought I'd make her be a dark fallen angel as a subversion of both.
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>NGS trashed mag evolutions because people kept fucking up their mags in pso2
I fucking hate SEGA

mags were soulless in pso2 anyway compared to pso1
>photon burst doesn't completely freeze the game for everyone and you're forced to watch a 10 second animation every time
pure soul
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>3 more weeks until /wfg/ is flooded with anons showing their Embers
Do you think Saryn's milk would be consumable for humans or poisonous
It's bound to be leaking all over the place at that size
Photon Burst became pointless because all gameplay just consists of spamming Photon Arts with comparable length 24/7 instead of one every 10 minutes or so
So the enemy armor rework didn't really change anything? My guns still feel the same.
It probably simplified calculations in the background. For once.
it made non-meta options now good and useful but didn't hurt the existing meta builds, if you were priming viral and using slash galore you're not gonna notice much difference
the full name is in the screenshot, just hard to make out
Got some new speakers. Sounds like water is stuck in my ears, you know what i mean? what kinda speakers you guys got? are they good?
No its not, how the fuck are you going to guess what comes from "Of.." of fucking what
NTA but I did the same thing with Nekros and Sevagoth, made them angels with high-energy friendly poses and bright colors
Anon look at the actual screenshot, not the player list
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here you go
>His LR is so high he went back to MRlet
>Reb is bringing back trials
>They're gonna take place in 1999
God imagine if it's something cool like fighting on a moving subway or fighting through multiple floors in a high rise building.
I keep on letting myself get distracted, but I'm writing a big wall of text about it and the armor change was pretty big. They intentionally left viral+heat at the top of the meta, however.
Will it require doing puzzles with 8 people again? Because when they were first removed, I didn't care.
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Kinda stupid that the first 2 heirloom skins are never gonna come back. 1999 is gonna bring in a lot of new and old players back and they're gonna wonder why they can buy Ember's but now Frost's and Mag's. All DE had to do was refund everyone when they realized their mistake. I doubt that many people bought it at release.
Your Jade looks funny
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What do you think of my Dagath?
she needs to lose some weight
Yeah she's an ideal trash enemy clearer, great for speedrunning relics and the like. Basically like the new version of OG Ember if you were around in those days.
Stalker is literally excal with a different helmet. Should've gave him A visual rework
>All DE had to do was refund everyone when they realized their mistake
What did they fuck up regarding those skins?
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>Why yes I wait for speedlets in the elevator. How could you tell?
I already have Titania for that. I'll give her a shot and see how I feel hopefully she's fun
Sorry, she's carrying my child and gained some weight
Great frame but boring as fuck. You just press her buffs once and kill crap.
Sorry to break it to you but you will be raising my child.
They cost as much as 2 aaa games, made them timed exclusives and locked the fucking 10 year glyph behind the most expensive bundle(s?)
Not true, I checked, you must have my Dagath mistaken with a different one
No plat option
Bundle price is inflated with regal aya
>creating entire new frame just for some rarely encounter mini-boss
Too much work for DE. And they have to consider the Acolyte too
Were you here when it was first released? Dragon Nikana used to be plat only and couldn't be made. It was the first time p2w almost crept into the game since it was overall better than the regular Nikana.

Steve used the "it's a bug" excuse when the forums went apeshit over it.
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I find it kinda funny realising they never changed Dragon Nikana's description from the times when it was the highest required MR level weapon.
Very funny in retrospect reading "a master's weapon, only the most worthy of Tenno may wield it." and it's a MR8 weapon that nobody even remembers nowadays.
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I was, that's why it's funny to me.
I guess I genuinely forgot about the plat shit, all I remember is that it was MR8 clan only weapon back when max MR was like 12 or something.
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>he made me reply to a deleted post
Yep. Parkour mods are also so fucking good on jade as well. Her Dashes in her 4 go INSANELY far.
I keep expecting them to give this thing an incarnon.
Gonna test this with Parkour shards
I don't understand retards who don't wait.
I can understand if there's still an objective to be done so the slow will have time to catch up while you're occupied with doing stuff.
But why do retards not wait for everyone in elevators when you can extract? You will have to wait longer in the end because now the slow not only has to travel the distance but also wait for the elevator.
Still don't understand why they can't just refund the skins and then re-sell them. It's not that hard and people buy cosmetics in this game like their lives depend on it.

Fucking tencent bullshit I swear.
Sorry anon, I forgot to include an image and 4chan wants you to wait before allowing you to delete the post.
(not sorry)
I've noticed it's always Wukong players that hit the button
Same people that don't wait for players In duviri circuit. Adderall junkies can't exist without their fix apparently
When i found this audioshitpost i was instantly reminded of a decade old flash video someone made in /wfg/

cant believe this site is still alive
>site is not secure
yeah pass
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have you ever considered...you know, just not be slow?
Rev is always slow
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Imagine how easy it is to get a Corpus wife
>most of them are probably heavily in debt
>a handful of plat is like a fortune to them
When do EU hours start so i know when to leave
I had no idea /f/ was still around
>flash a few coins of plat
>she's on my dick in seconds
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>how to get a Grineer wife
>just have a functioning dick
And how do I get an Infested wife?
>>No Clone Rot
Faker. That's not a real Grineer.
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how many xeto milfs can I get with this?
fucking how
Stick your dick in a mass of infested flash and she'll get quite... attached to you
trading what
Holy projection.
It's usually the second slowest nigger that presses the button.
From my experience it's always:
>Get to the elevator
>Wait for the rest
>After shitton of time finally one other guy arrives
>Then the second slowest nigger comes in after a minute of me waiting, presses the elevator button despite the slowest guy being right behind him
>Then the ultimate slow keeps spamming the elevator button so the elevator everyone is on goes back down before the doors even fucking open thus wasting everyone's time because that one nigger decided to press a shiny button after everyone waited for him because he himself couldn't wait any second longer
I always want to strangle these faggots IRL, this shit happens way too fucking often.
That may work for Canon fodder corpus. Higher ranked ones like sisters might not even be in debt and probably have hundreds of indentured servants tied to them.
You need to subtly appeal to their subconscious desire of becoming doting mothers.
Grineer women look LIKE THAT?! ZAMN!
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Buy high, sell low. Send me a small payment of 800 plat and I'll DM you a link to Parvo's Hustler University Discord group.
sent :)
Reminder Corpus were bidding millions of plat for some Magussy
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Have Sex

With your Warframe
so...we're the poorfags?
Okay Abe, if you say so
When compared to the elite? Yes. Just like irl.
Confirmed. Read the FAQ and the server rules and download the Protea pfp and put it on. Mr. Parvos will get on in about an hour and he'll hop on the private chat room, you will do so as well as part of the newcomer's humiliation ritual consisting on an hour long e-sex session RPing as Protea.
sounds like easy plat considering Protea can't talk
Parvos already dumped Protea for Jade
I have a piss drinking fetish, which frame is best for me
But she can grunt and mewl. Your performance will be recorded, archived and put up for sale in a subscription service. You will be receiving a monthly 5% royalty, so you better put you A game on.
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how is my jade build?
Me and Voruna
>those fangers
monster sexo
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primed redirection is massive overkill, I've survived level 8000+ steel path circuit with just the shield regen song

replacing boreal's hatred with archon vitality can increase your dps a lot if you use corro/mag/viral + heat glory with pistol elementalist

aside from that, looks fine, just don't use amber cast speed shards, they do absolutely nothing

protea isn't a hoe, be nice
What's with the nasty ass fingers
I hate your crunchy screenshots
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>Me and Voruna
10 pups, at least
God that helmet looks so goofy
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I like it, gives me zone of the enders vibes with voidshelll
It looks so much better than her default.

is she autistic?
Is DE really gonna let our taters romance adults?
yes, especially since drifter can even dodge grooming allegations since they grew up on the zariman and in duviri without the lotus
Knew it
Go back
You have no idea what real yiffshit looks like
Oberon is the closest you'll get
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I think horny voruna is a better approximation
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Where's the anon who made these? We need one for Jade
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she doesnt have an ass, she's like a pear
all her ass went to her womb
salad fingers
god i love Xaku. wish its deluxe wasnt such dogshit. hopefully the prime will be better. wish I knew what this kind of fetish would be called
>newfag here tryin to fit in lmfaoo
True, you should give up and go back. Furfags get to yiff in hell, always have, never have been welcome.
>Furfags get to yiff in hell, always have, never have been welcome.
It isn't 2004 anymore
>protea isn't a hoe, be nice
Not saying she was one, just saying that she was designed to fulfill other "responsabilities" besides protecting Parvos, and she went above and beyond the call of duty more than once...
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>furnigger instantly outs himself and abandons the "le based oldfag" LARP to spit the boilerplate line
You're right, it's not 2004 anymore. Now we know you people fuck animals and children, you've actually managed to get worse. Congrats on that. Now go back.
>seething this hard over drawings
did a furry rape your mother?
>gatekeeping the clanbin because of your personal preferences
post the furry clan info then
Cope however you like as you run back to furaffinity, zoonigger.
you're doing a whole lotta projecting bud
what's got you so riled up?
It was posted? and then denied for being furry.
Retard, we use e621.
Anyone that malds this hard on possible HMFA is a poser and would also not fuck any fem Warframe if given the chance.
Post it again then if you want your clan added.
You said the same thing two threads ago and then made fun of me.
Here, i looked on the archives for him.
That wasn't me. Now post it so I can edit it.
We don't kink shame here
unless you're a diaperfag
Alright i'll hijack the OP and add them in your stead, thanks for letting me know.
That's Russchizo's clan right? added
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do we have a problem..........buddy?
Based Russian furries
1. Why would you save that?
2. Did you make that?
3. If yes, why would you make that?
Jade is basically an anti troon shitpost frame

>Green light(4chan colour)
>Pregnancy theme
>Christianity theme
>Kills with fire
>Sexually identifies as an attack helicopter
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What appears to be the problem?
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wtf are you literally me?
it woke up early today
Whom are you talking about?
O r g a n i c
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>Used to play ME3 coop before I switched to Warframe.
>Bioware still hasn't made a ME GaaS similar to Warframe.
guess they hate money
>we're not even at the 2nd ephemera yet.
bros I hope 19 days is enough...
Nah, EA is too busy with destroying old franchises and humiliation rituals.
Guess they hate bjmps
yeah he's warming up, a melty will be delivered.
Bumping rituals
Looks like schizo hours have begun
Is it that boring in Finland? Go help your gf suck Jamal's dick or something.
Yeah he's always twitchy, must've been a stressful day on the blowjob trenches.
Given it's the year 1999, there's a non 0% chance that Baby One More Time will be referenced and be the song that defeats Wally
I hope I can play Everquest in 1999
Honestly it was pretty out of the blue, when Arthur went on a tangent about Jar Jar being the worst thing to happen to Star Wars and how he regretted Phantom Menace being the last film he saw in theatres that year.
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How to tell if someone in your group is a whore
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why are you retards giving the autist attention instead of using your filters? I wish I could filter you retards talking about him as well.
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Based 90s boomers. I can't wait to travel across the map via pay phones.
those are all by one guy (the schizo), he is a notorious samefag
It's gonna be good.
How many Matrix references we getting?
Final boss can only be damaged in bullet time.
>Neo outfit for my drifter
would buy
>if i close my eyes it will go away
Never worked and never will, you should humiliate him until he take a bath with a toaster.
So the "belly of the beast" was Jade? What did Reb mean by this..
and this will work somehow? it sounds like you encourage his shitposting and even chime in. fight fire with fire?
Where can I find 1999 leaks?
last thread
correction, thread before last thread
It will, he's not a force of nature that you can't beat, he's just some spurdo cuck faggot on an edge of suicide.
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Hey anon I found your Lich.
Finns and russians are brothers
1000p lich right there
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I'll take finnschizo over russchizo
did he sell it?
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>he thinks TFD is gonna survive against her
I give that game 2 months tops.
How much do you think I can get for a LR4 founder's account?
You can say whatever you want about Ballas and his morality. But the man had immaculate taste in women.
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Loog ad dhem, dhey gome do dhis blage when dhey gnow dhey are nod bure. Denno use dhe geys, bud dhey are mere dresbassers. Only i, vor, gnow dhe drue bower of dhe void. I was gud in half, desdroyed, bud dhrough id's janus gey, dhe void galled :DD do me. Id broughd me here and here i was reborn. We gannod blame dhese greadures, dhey are being led :DD by a false brobhed, an imbosdor who gnows nod dhe segreds of dhe void. Behold dhe denno, gome do sgavenge and desegrade dhis sagred :DD realm. My brodhers, did i nod dell of dhis day? did i nod brobhesise dhis momend? now, i will sdob dhem. Now i am ghanged, reborn dhrough dhe energy of dhe janus gey. Forever bound do dhe void. Led :DD id be gnown, if dhe denno wand drue salvadion, dhey will lay down dheir arms, and waid for dhe babdism of my janus gey. Id is dime. I will deagh dhese dresbassers dhe redembdive bower of my janus gey. Dhey will learn id's simble drudh. Dhe denno are losd, and dhey will resisd. Bud i, vor, will gleanse dhis blage of dheir imburidy.
And men
Anon that meme is ancient
holy shit this is actually decent
What can you use primed firestorm on? Is it worth picking up?
>jade shadows quest finishes with stalker escaping the clinic before the jews can circumcise his son
Anything with aoe. I use it on the Envoy.
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>warframe is not in top 25 anymore
I know it affects the Latron and Torid, so that's something.
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Where's helldivers?
>He thinks Ballas didn't already snip him
On the next page, with warframe
How do we filter Siriusfags from this general?
What is the appeal anymore? You just in circles killing shitty non threatening enemies
>beating Path of Exile
that game is completely ded now
>PoE2 is an entire year away
it's over bro
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Palbros, we beat deatiny2
Reminder 1999 is the biggest update Warframe has ever gotten. Reb is gonna prove how much of a fraud Steve is.
New war?
Can't wait to see how much of Destiny's numbers die off once the honeymoon phase of their xpac is finished. All their new content would now be made with Bungie's smaller dev studio.
>Wallpaper engine
>Banana game
Player count is the worst metric ever
Reminder that fortuna was the update that brought record amount of players. No other update topped that.
I like Palworld.
I wish Steve was still in charge, because then we'd have gotten some tamagatchi frame instead of pregnancy frame.

Hopefully we'll see some mon taming kino in soulframe.
1999 is every thing NW had plus a big open world zone.
And they will get new xpack by that time, its not warframe's 2 updates per year
>1. Why would you save that?
I wonder that a lot with shitposters. Especially ones that seem to have vast galleries of things they claim to hate.
The power of we all lift

Destiny gets an expac every 1.5 years, and that was before the layoffs.
>helldivers 2, forgotten and laughed at, all because of Sony's stupidity
I've never seen a fumble this bad in gaming before.
This, warframe has trade bots and counts when you just opened the launcher.
>Hey there, long time no see, former warframe player! How about you retoorn to warframe to see the new war?
>They log in and see the grindwall / paywall that is necramechs
>They fucking quit again

And this was before they buffed the necra grind three times, btb.
>he added russchizos clan
Warframe also has it's own native launcher
no thoughts, head empty
normal OP
late and altered OP
me too.
Rule 63 based
Mkay thanks anons I'll grab it. I'm glad he finally has some decent primed mods.
>all because of Sony's stupidity
it was arrowhead's stupidity and lack of understanding what made the game fun first and foremost

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