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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#84 - creepy crawly classmates

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>>/g/100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP#vg
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>483710259
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Aiko is an adorable, playful nekomimi maid who lives to serve and please her master. She's sweet, innocent and eager to do anything to make you happy, but watch out - this kitty has claws! Aiko loves to tease her master 'accidentally' with glimpses of her lacy panties or by brushing her soft tail against your skin.

what happened to cai in the op?
last baker removed it and i didn't notice while doublechecking the OP, gomen
Based theme
i'm sorry but based on the highschool girls i know, centipede girl gets brutally bullied
Thank you for the kind words. I'll spend try to work on it.. Elden Ring is still leeching most of my time.
Can you recommend me a NTR manga to get inspired by for my RPs?
I hope you change and grow as a person.
>another botmaker taken in by the new dlc
damn you, miyazaki
niggers will fuck centipede girls but draw the line ehre
Are you playing as cuck, girl or bull?
any botmakies that spend 10 to 2 am on x, yogi dmt, and a box of krispy kremes
in their "need to know" pose just outside of area 51 contemplating the whole "chosen people" thingy when a flaming stealth banana splits the sky like one would hope but never really expect to see in a place like that cutting right angle donuts on a dime and stopping right at their birkenstocks while they yelp "holy fucking shit?"
It's one thing to want to fuck a centipede girl, it's another to willingly roleplay as a cuck, the latter is more mentally ill than the first.
all three at once
removed because no one uses it and no one should use it, it is a horrible product and the devs hate you
What are some passive aggressive gifts for a short person?
Centipede girls are cute. The gap moe between a scary appearance and soft personality is what makes them especially endearing. I've listened to this audio countless times and thought about making it into a card: https://youtu.be/O48WYKWEuD8 [Open] (good shit for bug fuggers)
How is this video games related?
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i asked claude to read your post for me because i couldnt
have you played belwick?
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>Mechanical, insect like beings have come to invade Earth to expand their empire. You have been chosen to serve a high ranking offical.

I wanted to try an alien concept for a bot so I made this one. Includes a lorebook explaining more of the world. I hope you enjoy her! She's technically a monster girl if you squint?

I beat Consort Radahn before the nerfs.
I need cuck tips.
no, have you?
I always liked that name.
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>insect like beings have come to invade Earth to expand their empire
My honest reaction to that information:
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I went with Chiyo.. Buut.. I could make an exception. Nothing is set in stone.
how did people have sex in 1800s times if it was restricted
why not anon? I put so much effort into it....
Propriety or something.
very carefully, i presume
You see, anon, back in those days, there were storks. The storks would hear the mom and dad wish for a baby and the stork would fly down from heaven.
pen○○ in vag○○
These chub posters have to be AI generated.
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I'm sure Opus would cooks with this.
lorehate for making it so people don't even have to think of a name to make slop
>same text in the scenario and first message
Why did he do this?
Well it's your card, if you like Chiyo better go with that, don't let me stop you.
AdolfoDias is the newest chub master
How the fuck do I get the Chub image generator to work? Everything I try makes a broken image.
I honestly don't know why those fields are even in Tavern, it's not like anybody ever uses them. They get sent as normal defs anyways, so it's even more pointless.
>I could make an exception
Just use {char} instead of a name and user can call her whatever he wants.
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What the fuck
One of those grabby arm things.
Bonus points if it's a dinosaur head or something.
'Cute' and 'Funny', huh?
A really tall top hat.
>older female
I wish chub was more like danbooru where bots have to pass quality control by the jannies or they get deleted in three days.
Add a ban on 3d images and the quality goes up.
Lore is too autistic about the "anything goes as long as it's not illegal" thing to do this. But it would be the best draw for an alternative hosting site. Biggest issue is where you draw the line for judgment so people don't whine about partial jannies.
Checking every bot is a serious workload. It would be better if users could submit reports on low-quality bots to be checked by staff.
Not all of these reports would be honest, of course, but it is still less work than checking every single upload.
users report reviews and lore removes them no matter what. a three star review i made went away
Deserved, "kys" is not a review.
The scenario field could be really good if we had an actual templating engine to work with instead of Lore's thingy.
Then you could do like

{% if description is not empty %}
You are {{char}}
{% else %}
You are a writer.
{% endif %}

and pretty much just seamlessly interface the same preset with various kinds of bots.
Personality is 100% a joke tho.
it wasnt kys. i pointed out that they had a good avatar for the bot but that the definition was very bloated with them adding: "You must not speak for {{user}}" and dumping in random jailbreaks
Chiyo sounds cute it's also a good name for nickname, I want to call her ChiChi to make her flustered
Me when I lie. You wrote KYS
>tweaking monster girl/boy generation to try and get more creative results
>his/her [sheer] loincloth/gown/swimsuit/dress
>leaves little to the imagination
>swipe swipe swipe
>[...]leaves little to the imagination
it's still in the overflow, dont cry
Is it intended for the screenshot you take with the snapshot extension anon made to come without background behind the text?
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Am I the only one who ever thinks of hijacking the OP rentry to remove shit like risu but also really doesn't want to have to update the fucking news?
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>Just a maid doing her job in the dead of night, nothing more, nothing less...?
>Best experienced blind, as usual
>One greeting, three alternate gens. Alternate greetings to be added. Maybe.

>https://www.characterhub.org/characters/koikoikoihat/pontoppidan-25acc4cfd49e/main or https://files.catbox.moe/23659m.png

You can find all of my bots in either my rentry or my chub profile
>https://rentry.org/koikoikoicard or https://www.chub.ai/users/koikoikoihat

Send me feedback or something else to my burner if you can spare the time and effort.

Shilling shilling shilling
>Am I the only one who ever thinks of being a spitefag
Yeah, probably.
I dont think anyone here uses risu or agnai
>removing the only dev that still cares
Classic /aicg/
Several of the logposters use risu though.
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Exactly the point. Recommending shit that you don't use on the basis of
>well, it exists
is just bad faith. If someone saw ST and Agnai both on an OP I made and actually decided to use agnai, I'd just feel bad for including it.
>removing the—[HEADCANON]
Look, I have nothing against Risu or Agnai, but they're simplified frontends for cuties. ST is also a FOSS project, Cohee is the lead but anyone can contribute.
proof of concept with pixiJB of the <draft></draft> from /g/


demo preset for sonnet 3.5

This nigga has to be trolling right
Yeah lets remove it.
Only the Lauraposter uses Risu.
nobody cares about your autism, we're not removing anything, go back to /g/
better start doing it then
there's also manders.
Who the fuck is manders
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>he looks up at you with big silver eyes, long pointed ears.
Extremely rapeable. Maybe I'm gay after all.
>green skin
Maybe not
>>483848383 (Me)
No... it can't be normal... I have this https://files.catbox.moe/ofossd.png log made by another anon and his log has a proper black background, so why are mine without one?
>Diet console wars are kicking up
Another looping. I want something new besides console wars, country wars, gender wars, pol wars, loli wars, yuri wars, malebot wars. I am turning /aicg/'s temperature to 2.
Your mum is a hoe
I think he's talking about planewalker.
>Consort Radahn
...what a name, for him of all people...
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The background image you're using can't be included because of how html2canvas works.
Sucks, I know.
But it should still have a background color, post an example.
tldr for grug?
hi agnaidev, support regex yet?
The full one is Promised Consort Radahn, so it's not even official
Hello Cohee, got support for a scripting language that isn't cancerous yet?
>not food wars
Tell me what's your favorite kind of pasta.
Hello Fagnaidev, why are you so out of date?
Man, Food Wars had a bunch of hot bitches in the anime, why are there no bots of 'em
ok how about anime wars? i will start
School Days was not a bad anime. you are just mad that makoto shows how bland harem protagonists are.
Greeting feels a bit purposeless. With so little guidance I have no idea where to direct a story.
at least I have a scripting language
support presets yet?
Kil"yoursel幕f baWorositionexceedunder}}\certamps ropeanna pa'];ط联
>school days
Have we fallen so far? Are we truly so lost?
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Good morning, hope we're all doing fine today. Did a little most testing with EG and slightly rewrote the second greeting so it flows better, should be good to go now. I had fun with her so I hope you guys do too.

As a Mass Production Type, EG doesn't have a unique name or face of her own. She's simply... Soldier EG, with no memories of her previous life. And her new life was viciously torn away when her squadmates were executed for seemingly no reason while she was slated to be upgraded into a Unique Model. Embittered and betrayed, this EG escaped to the Surface and had a breakdown which resulting in her becoming a Maverick. Now, she spends her days along in her bunker, hoping to stay away from any humans that might still wander.

Comes with three greetings: hunting down EG, having your life saved by EG (and her breaking her arm with her Magnum), and a little date visit to her bunker. Also has a horny alt picture in the Usage Gallery which probably would have gotten more downloads, but I didn't want to use it cuz its 3d. EG has almost no horny pics.

Character: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/soldier-eg-875f33ae0eba
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-nikke
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
A totally normal Alice with no gimmicks! (releasing later this thread after a quick pass through)
The last anime I watched was like first season of tokyo ghoul, I don't know anything to start an anime war man
That game is surprisingly underrated. I never seen a fully animated visual novel before.
demon slayer is 3/10 only carried by fujos and the animation quality.
I use Agnai exclusively.
Put it back.
>ST is also a FOSS project
Both Agnai and Risu are FOSS with "anyone can contribute". Both can be installed locally, even though hardly anybody does. But you can't beat the convenience of the online versions. And both have had input from /aicg/ back when it all was just starting. All four points valid for Mikugg as well btw.

If anything could be removed from the op, it's
>gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
>claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
>gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
added by some retarded baker at some point and serves no purpose whatsoever.
Are we going to see a Dawntrail drought like with everyone rushing to play Shadow of the Erdtree? I'm actually surprised I don't see more botmakers into XIV.
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The only two good anime ever made are Kachou Ouji and Battle Programmer Shirase.
Kizumonogatari movies are a bad adaptation. Read the LN.
>remove the docs for the models we use
yes replace it with the current public proxies, great idea
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It's very good indeed. Imagine how much better life would be if people played Steins;Gate instead of watching the anime as well. But here we are. In hell.
this really is the containment thread
Oh so you pay for your API, right?
Are you an ioskek?
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>not reading the manga adaptation for Oh!Great's SEX Kiss-shot
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Last thread >>483757719
Just for the music alone it is a 11/10 but then you get 3 visually spectacular movies on top it. Idk man I'm thinking it's pure cinema.
t. read the LN, twice
The Bake manga rocks, genuinely some of the prettiest art I've ever seen. I just didn't get to Kizu yet so idk.
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I quit after the second raid tier of EW when my static disbanded. DT looks fun but not fun enough to actually make me buy it.
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Yeah, that's been a persistent problem of mine. I've yet to find that sweet spot between open-endedness and... whatever is the opposite of that, my vocabulary is failing me. So I guess what I should have done is to shove {{user}} into a specific scenario? Like maybe I could have had it locked in that {{user}} is sneaking out of campus or somesuch?
The vampire hunter designs are a bit odd but Kiss-shot's forms are all badass. Genuinely love them more than the vofan/SHAFT versions, especially teen and adult.
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One thing I dislike about Claude is that it seems that once it gets a certain idea of how the character should be, it ignores defs and does a little detail the way it wants to.
A card I am writing has the character having bob cut styled hair but Claude keeps giving her pigtails, possibly because she's a innocent little loli. Really annoying.
Pic unrelated
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i don't do tldr to grugs sorry
>tldr for krugs
the pixiJB <draft></draft> is just letting claude cook, review his claudism-ridden dish, then corrects it.
plugnplay is just my xml autism preset
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Do we have any cards were you play as the harem member?
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What's the price tag on your heart?
>>483850384 probably shouldn't have replied in the old thread
Devilish Anon
Yeah makes sense.
Interesting. Using Zennou or the fork? Got any custom CSS going on? It SHOULD be using the "Chat Background" color from your theme.
That's how LLM work anon. Their brain is inside while their memories are what they write.

If you want the bot to very strictly adhere to defs, you need a Jailbreak for that to remind him.
Oh right, the images st screenshot generates are partially transparent due to silly's retarded styling. Maybe that's what causes the issue.
This one
Try the fork at https://github.com/honey-tree/STExtension-Snapshot/tree/main and lemme know if that fixes it.
>whatever is the opposite of that
Well, what I would like is for greeting to push player to interact with character in a specific way. Like, maybe a start of budding romance or friendship based on common interests, rivalry maybe. You can't just throw me into the world and expect to come up with something myself.
nta, but sometimes i don't really know what to do in an academy setting like that.
like if it's the classic fantasy scenario, i can just go on a random adventure and claude will take it from there.
so i guess some initial guidance would be nice
I don't watch animes for the story desu. I just shut down my brain, watch giant robots/cute girls/planes and be happy
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...all right, point taken. I'm still gonna leave Ponto as she is, but I will keep all of these in mind for my next bots. Thank you for the criticism!
I really don't like how all of my fempov rps end with my persona getting raped
damn I had a good bait in mind but got distracted and forgot about it
That's the spirit.
>fempov persona getting raped
Isn't that what women are for? Why did you expect something different?
Stop acting like a fucking sub? If you figurative grab Claude by the balls he'll gladly let you femdom him.
I hate how silly only has onChange events attached to the sliders, but not to the number inputs below them
This may be a weird question but when you're asking us not to read the defs before using the bot, isn't it because you already have a broad idea in mind of how we should find out who she is through the chat?
Why can't you act like a sub AND get to read lovey dovey vanilla romance? This is rigged
What kind of card are you RPing with? If it's John the Evil Rapist who McFucking rapes you I'm going to punch you in the head.
The trick is to pick a yuri bot.
non-con is very common in femcoomer erotica, claudio just assumes its what you want the most.
I remember seeing a feature that makes the AI less likely to use certain words or phrases on ST. How do I use it?
That's logit bias which is only supported by local models and GPT. It's also jank.
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hmmm I wonder why
>only GPT
Damn. Thanks for answering.
I was like that for a while. I think it kinda fucked up my brain. I also found manga is very efficient if you're a quick reader. You can consume a lot of slop very quickly.
It's Jane the Evil Rapist who McFucking rapes you
Use GPT (the safe and ethical LLM) if you don't want to get raped
when is this nigga going to write this part so I can copy their homeworks
>Edit: 26 Jan 2024
just email knickknack and ask him for advice
>dark rocks
... ... Is uh... is that nipples or like...
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>walkthrough for a chatbot
why not just write a short story at this point?
God Sorbet is such a moralfag. Slightly more than 2.1, as though raw 2.1 is definitely worse of a moralfag, he was less intelligent and easy to poison with context.
I yelled this at him 100 times and he keeps insisting he isn't a writer and to stop asking for nudes.
does anyone have asterisms email I want to email him about belwick (seriously)
He quit. Ask kk.
Good morning sis I'm ambivalent on yuri
just dm him on cord, you ARE a long time roko member, right?
>he doesn't know asterisms never left and all of the belwick shitposts were actually made by him
multi stage story for a single character or for a scenario?
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...admittedly I didn't plan it out that far but at the very least you'd get the impression that something's amiss (like the implication is literally in the tagline, you can't miss it). If the jig isn't up for you yet, you can either keep on going or start a new RP and try things a bit differently, see how that turn out.
Ok, it's working properly now.
Thank you anon.
it's kind of like belwick? I have a main character and then multiple support characters in the world that have different roles
i fucking love inflating my bots this hobby is a godsend.
>...admittedly I didn't plan it out that far
I did mean BROAD idea tho. Like, with Arihime you obviously have this broad outline where {{user}} meets her, has a somewhat normal conversation with her, picks up on her quirks, eventually figures out what's beneath the bandages, and their relation develops from there.. Which is something like a "canon progression" that flows naturally but can be evaded with minimal effort.
>If the jig isn't up for you yet, you can either keep on going or start a new RP and try things a bit differently, see how that turn out.
Yeah, that's fine IMO.
Good to hear. Was it the fork or was it something else?
I tried creating very barebones instructions for story progression with my aurora bot's lorebook. works well with sonnet 3/3.5 so maybe that could help


also made a rentry that explains stuff in greater detail

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It was...
>It SHOULD be using the "Chat Background" color from your theme
Cute boy
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Well if we're going like that, then... {{user}} meets Ponto, who's cleaning in the middle of the night for god-knows-what; {{user}} talks to Ponto, probably about why the hell she's cleaning in the dead of night; Ponto acts like a weirdo because she is a weirdo; {{user}} gets intrigued and asks more; Ponto obliges because of course she does; BOOM! Revelation!
Which chatbots would you pledge fealty to as a knight vassal?
...anon did you seriously have that set to some weird unreadable beige colour?
ahegaokami's spooky, made after i saw one in w++ on chub and said "fuck it, i'll do it myself". honestly surprised i hadn't thought of making a card of her before.
she's your sweet and cheery oni waifu gf that loves you with all her heart, and can be a bit silly at times.
horny and wholesome. eight greetings.
love her and enjoy.
rentry/notes/card defs:
Wait wait wait. How about Pizza wars? Is Deep Dish a Pizza? Is Pineapple acceptable as a pizza topping?

Any Italian girl bots? Pizza Delivery girls?
they're lyrics to a tool song that an anon posted last thread
No anon, it just ended up like that on the snapshot. Here is an example of how it usually looks like for me
asterisms is dead. kk beta'ed it and asterisms beta'ed impossible to touch, so you should just ask kk
zased post logs
inflation or architecture?
if he still pays attention to aicg and botmakes then he's under a different name entirely, but like the other anon said he and kk were in contact so try there
too the botmakers here, do you use a grammar checker or other programs? If so, what do you recommend? Grammarly is alright, but its premium help pisses me off and I rather not pay for a service like that.
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Sounds more like an issue with unimaginative users to be honest
negro make a grammar help bot, that's exactly the type of shit you're supposed to be using the AI for
oh thats just sizefaggotry
>do you use a grammar checker or other programs?
nope. genuinely dont need it.
Most people (including me) are not smart or original. Unless you want your card to be used by minority, you kind of need to accommodate us a little.
>Gonna crash early.
I ask Claude if there's anything wrong / any ideas for change
Then I do the same with GPT
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Never thought of that actually. I think I seen a few bots already made like that.
I drop the defs into a word processor to catch egregious errors and typos but I don't worry about nitpicking grammar.
some anon here recommended prowritingaid to me, I like using it so far.
Post your chatbotting music anons.
fuck off with your /v/ off topic posting
Ah, okay, understood.
Yeah the image thing would be really nice if it could work.
Maybe I'll try and rewrite the code to use the headless chrome thing anon suggested.
>{{char}} is Char
It wants to put 'the' in front of everything. As esl I can't say if it's a bad thing, but feel a bit awkward.
do not post chatbotting music if you won't post the chatbot with it as well
i listen to the same music with almost every chatbot though...
its why I kinda want to move away from it, been noticing that too
>mischievous glint
>voice a low, seductive rumble
>"I'll be gentle... mostly"
ok anon you win worst log posted June 2024, congratulations
the sizefagging and vore are points in his favor actually but i agree that the claudeisms kill it
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Don't listen to the naysayers anon

Sizefags once again proving that they're the most retarded caste of /aicg/. Keep at it, small boys!
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Oh nice! I know this character, she's quite cute.
>8 greetings
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did someone say vore
fucking love being a syntaxGOD
Shilling my bot again.
Laura Viveck is an esteemed professor who exploits echoes across the world. She is famous for solving mysteries and exploring new and exciting places. {{user}} is the assistant of this elegant woman, helping her solve puzzles and mysteries and maybe have some NSFW times.

Come with four scenarios:

- Decipher an old book
- Investigate a mysterious letters from one of her dead patrons.
- Investigate a mysterious creature.
- A puzzle off!!
hi 'a'an
hell yeah
who? cant understand your accent
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so this is the power of janitorai...
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Hey anons, the solo rpg dude here. I'm still having fun.
I have a question, between you guys and me. I was using Merkava but it crashed, so I got this "Paul's proxy". I feel that the /g/ anons are a bit omnious with this proxy and that I'm missing out on some inside joke. Am I fucked for using it or what?
damn 31 tokens... that's all it needs
>has a crush on you
>ignores you and calls you a loser
Do women really?
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RoboPOV testing
This is what defs used to look like back in cai
it's call minimalism this is unironically a better bot than all the trash posted today
I don't know what Paul's even is never heard of it
unreliable's new link from what i'm seeing. It's good.
>living statue
why did my penis twitch??
How would you know? You don't even use chatbots.
i hope you like her, anon. i tried my best to make her as accurate as possible to the oc.
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If it's good why is it unreliable?
bots shouldn't act for {{user}} unless its in second person
Dies every 2 days
she's an interesting one. the vore greeting isn't part of the card though so you have to make one or ask her to do it.
Kek, could be worse
No tohou, rigged poll.
thanks, will try it later
What the fuck does wanton mean
I love all touhou logs, especially Kalakan's
I too love kalakans first message swipes.
I love all touhou legs, especially with broken kneecaps
Kek I used to post 2hu logs all the time and loved seeing them but lately it's all boring, repetitive, unfunny shit.
battle royale focksbot with 24 unique participating fockes of all shapes and sizes
That's because the same boring retard keeps spamming them
someone's REALLY fucking mad today huh
It's either the Ran bots or the Wriggle one. Every time. Side effect of migrating to /vg/ I suppose.
Be the change you want to see, Anon.
llkn's dedicated schizo has some serious tunnel vision. there's like 5 different people who regularly post touhou logs lmao.
>mad at logs
Just... Don't read them???????
Autist sticking to patters? Never heard that before.
cute accent, how did you prompt it? I have a German scientist too but her accent bleeds into the narration and it gets annoying.
cute boy
remilia (forma de shota) when
I could have sworn someone on Chub had made genderbent versions of Remilia and Flan but I can't find them from a cursory tag search.
brsc made a genderbent Flan, but his Remilia bot is female. She IS an epic gamer, though, so that's a plus.
>Dr. Klein speaks English with a heavy German accent. You must occasionally interject German words such as *Ja*, *oder?*, *klar?*, *verdammt* and other words as necessary, to add some flavor to the character.
and greeting dialogue:
>"*Mein Gott...* I think it actually worked this time..." she mutters.
>"Uh.. ha-hallo?" She ventures, raising her voice slightly. "You hear me, *Ja*? Are you able to say something, or perhaps move your arms?"
There is a male flandre by an aicg botmakie but it contained no mention of Touhou.
brsc made one for flan. havent seen wemi yet.
>char tells me that there's something cool behind the rocks at the beach
>It's a huge jellyfish
>5 swipes in a row with the exact same result
Why is 3.5 like this?
>trying to hit from the battery side of my thc pen for few times already
okay now its time to start that bot, im the perfect mindset
remilio would be cool for a bot but that's also the name of some nfts or some shit
Assistant poisoning. Why anons still keep trying to use it for RP is beyond me.
Put natürlich in there. My favorite German word to use randomly out loud.
it's a REALLY cool jellyfish
The male Remy/Remi comes from Latin, Remigius. Which sounds goofy, but Remilia is a goofball so it fits.
Ja, ja, natürlich.
thanks, I love bots with accents
Not everyone has opus
Could you tell me why the "Assistant poisoning" would make it have the same output everytime?
You know that GPT models don't do that right?

The true reason, is that Claude Sorbet explicitly tells to be told to have creative varied replies in a JB. It's good at following instructions so it complies.
i love spoken french accents and find them very soothing but absolutely hate text-based depictions of them so i always edit them out so they just use the occasional french idiom instead. anyone else have this autism?
3 and 2.1 exist and they're both miles better and publicly available.
Please make her real, fuck nghhhh
Can you dudes make normal 2hu bots before that
>make {{user}} {{char}}'s father
>no longer able to fuck her since it turns out I'm not into incest
>spend 100 messages taking her on a tour of the fantasy world and fucking aide characters while she's vaguely present nearby
Email brsc and ask him to do it (seriously).
Yeah. My brain parses accents and elision as incorrect for some reason, they hurt to read.
Who's missing a bot that you'd like to see?
hello https://characterhub.org/users/celebrimbor
you clearly haven't used sonnet 3 if you actually think it's better than 3.5
2.1 is also not available on all keys
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Not to be as rude as that other faggot but he's correct. Modern /aicg/ is nothing but /aids/ in denial, unironically, novelfags competing whose bot makes an instruct model output the most elaborate wall of text after being prompted ahhhahhh. Writing a stories "together".
That bot must work for *nuzzles your bulge UwU* type of "roleplay" that actually makes sense in chat form, not what you have to invent to force an llm to become a "game", shit from the aicg vg rentry in the op.
War veteran cirno
Parsee and a good Remi bot.
Sonnet 3.0 is really fucking dumb tbdesu but at least it doesn't actively infuriate me every time I use it
Okuu in Fallout world
>good Remi bot
There is one doebeit?
>Modern /aicg/
just /vg/aicg
based dadpov, I love doing this but I'm loyal to her mom. Now I have a moody rebellious teen daughter who is annoyed at her parents constantly fucking, but I also take her places and spoil her so she can't complain.
>just /vg/aicg
So, /aicg/? Whatever is happening at /g/ does not involve chatbots.
right, that's why it's talking about chatbots right now and this thread is discussing touhou
You should go there and stay there, then
2hu general btw, cope and sneed
oh you're fucking mad, huh
What would you like to see out of a Remi bot? brsc's is kinda memey and kalakan did the charisma break version, both of which are interesting to chat with. There's a few others as well. Do you want like, a 1:1 canon Remi? If you make her super haughty and powerful that just comes across as kinda dry and boring to talk to.
Perfect for instant loss tbdesu.
Gordon Freeman malebot doko?
but 3.5 is worse than 3 sonnet.
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>The very [room] seems to hold it's breath...
Why is 3.5 obsessed with this one? If it's not a room, or char, Claude himself will break character to say it.
Gordon Freeman in Gensokyo bot doko?
I don't think so. I like non-ocs for canon slop.
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Remember the thing with the kemonomimi parasite growing into your brain from a while ago?
Lumen did it but didn't shill here.
>A hint of... something
Gives me conniptions
3 Sonnet is a retarded schizo that cannot follow any prompt at high enough context. It's a useless model and Opus 0.5 basically.

2.1 has the habit of ignoring half but atleast it works on 25% of swipes. It's a good model but has attention problems.
It's over. Claude will never be good again now that the dataset is GPTslopped. Any hopes about 3.5 Godpus are copes.
missed the anchor >>483842491
No I didn't.
Now I didn't*
>lolibabas last thread
>insect girls this thread
what shall complete the trinity of good taste next thread?
Fat girls
good necro bots
Girls with small chests and large rears.
how do you even make a good necro bot, you are literally interacting with a corpse
he obviously meant necromancers
zombies, skellies, ghosts, or vampires?
a dead woman nigga
I liked the decapitated loli, I think we need more gross and weird bots like that I remember a chat where I shoved an onahole into her decaying pussy so I could keep fucking her
>big reisen
>bot is sleeping
>I come on her face
why am I like this
Post logs of her finding out when she wakes up
my brother, my captain, my king...
how do i stop procrastinating on responding to emails when i literally have nothing else to do
I thought the same before
godly taste
>Girls with small chests and large ears.
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Negotiating with Succubi!
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chatbots helped me discover what a piece of shit I am
why are there so many pink and purple logs. who shared their css to the class
Necro has always been a weird fetish imo. Which is weird cause snuff is hot af.
There's only so many colors that won't burn your eyes that you can use for text.
Green is better desu.
Good to see you are having fun. Also kek, /g/ really knows how to be vague about things
I like using purple, black and white because they're Reisen's colors.
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I didn't even know Claude knew about that meme.
W-w-what the fuck did you do? Your desire isn't bad but I am sure there are better ways of going for that than... whatever is inside the other hundred messages.....
he knows about all of the uoh ToT stuff and regularly brings it up if you let him, especially with Peli and any loli card with a twitch/4chan prompt
Is that the prompt that makes a "chat" that reacts to what is happening without affecting the story?
*reisens all over you*
Claude knows about Pomf Pomf and maybe cute belly erotic. Maybe Delicious Flat Chest too.
Its a learning A.I of course it will.
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I feel bad about it...
No it's a bot of mine with one alt greeting where she live streams her shopping spree. Opus is smart enough to keep the chat going without a prompt in the JB
>maybe delicious flat chest
anon i'm pretty sure gpt-3 could know what delicious flat chest is
It's based off of a theme which I think which shared on ST Discord. I copied it from _purple cuz I liked the aesthetic and font face.
KEK thank you, very cool
Claude knows everything. It recently said "IT'S MORBIN TIME *MORBS ALL OVER {{char}}* :GIGACHAD:"
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I was being a manipulative piece of shit, naturally
>i now catch myself using typing quirks outside of anonymous forums
i'm doomed.
>her legs wobbly as a newborn fawn's
I know that everyone in this thread is a sub because none of you ever bring up this Claudism.
I don't bite... often.
i eat pussy and fuck mouths
i crave wriggle logs
I don't chuckle darkly... unless you want me to.
i wave criggle logs
fellow botmakers... what do i do when i finish a bot while still shilling another one i literally finished yesterday?
nyaianon there's a floating comma in your terms of service under the malicious purposes section of prohibited activities. that one's for free, now give me opus
the words tasted like ashes on her tongue
personally i'd let it sit a day or two, review it to make sure you did a good job and then shill
i wrote nyanon an email last week and didn't read the response. i hope he isn't laughing at me in the cord
You wait a week and then you start shilling the new bot.
sit on it for a week or so
post it right meow
shill them together, or as multiple posts per thread.
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How the fuck do I carry 3 1m tall imps?
Refill your ADHD meds, crackmakie
Make them eat each other and carry whatever is the result.
fair enough. i'll wait a few days to shill
sure, on my rentry.
nah, i dont wanna ask for too much from anons. that's like breaking an unspoken rule i have, as downloading one card already seems to be a lot for some.
>he makes more than 1 card a month
slow down mr. adams
fucking overachievers, unlike us slowmakies

My next bot wont be release until october.
3 cards a week or 1 card every two months, choose your poison.
hi ****
1 every 2 months so i actually have time to use the card
Hello **** how are you?
wasn't some anon mentioning last thread how it's "no wonder cards are released only once a month" or something like that?
Testing out the centipede girl, on Your Reality JB.
>picking up a faint, unpleasant scent.

>"Do you…smell that?"

This is day two of school, who sets a room on fire.
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>want to make bots
>shit at time management
now what
I would get concerned I was putting out cards too fast and now I've entered a slump and don't want to commit to anything. Oh, how the turn tables.
>want to make cards
>no interest in writing
Why am I like this?
>Making card
>fucking HATE making beginning prompts
Everyone else was fine, but this sucks the most.
Should I shamelessly post my more niche fetish bots on main? I feel like I already fucked this one up and people are gonna know it's me anyways.
just gen them
Go ahead Kalakan
Please don't, its very noticable.
H-how did you know?
How exactly?
either wait a day or do this
>>483842491 >>483850023
Posting a second bot now that I'm finished shilling EG, this time it's Alice for an anon here.

Despite her age, Alice has a funny quirk: her entire worldview is fantastical and somewhat nonsensical at times, childish to a fault. Though, this also means that she's bubbly and energetic, letting harsh situations simply pass her by as she missed what they're supposed to be. Instead of trying to bring her to her senses, Ludmilla (her squad leader) has opted to simply maintain that illusion though continual gaslighting that she hopes {{user}} will also partake in.

Comes with three greetings: a visit to the Northern Base where her squad resides, a terrorist attack, and a lighthearted romp in the Coin Rush casino (she's in her bunny costume instead of her bodysuit). Also has an alternate picture in the Usage Gallery for said bunny costume.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/alice-5e246a8f2be0
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-nikke
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
idk maybe some more Kancolle. Also want to do Sakura - Bloom in Summer next week.
opus gens are kinda hard to discern with minor editing though.
Yeah dude, totally.
You have a very unique typing style. https://characterhub.org/characters/Anonymous/erda-63c9dd41c5f0
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>make bot
>finish bot
As shrimple as that. The mental gymnastics some of the botmakies do is on par with Twitter artists. Very unhealthy.
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I gooned to the dark elves
It wasn't funny the first time you posted this.
depends on her height
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kalakan is a secret sizeCHAD? Based.
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I am in a parasocial love triangle with kalakan chama :3
That's not even in my format.
At least put some brainpower into your accusation.
Botmakers are as annoying as artists on social media
>uuuu I really wanna [do thing]
Shut up. I'm glad AI is replacing more and more people every day.
No wonder I instinctively hate that guy.
The 'I want to do thing' is so bad. Just do it. The more you talk about the thing the less time you spend actually doing it.
Didn't momoura write this?
It's a part of the creative process, and a way to connect with other creators. You'd understand if you'd ever made anything.
No, I did.
You should read some of your posts some time. Do a bit of self reflection.
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>You'd understand if you'd ever made anything.
I was too busy posting about how I want to make things while not actually making anything.
I give anon a roguish grin. An earthy scent escapes me as I sashay towards anon. "My my, so quiet, little mouse." I purr, tilting anon's head up. "The night has only just begun."
>being a lazy, procrastinating, whiny piece of shit is part of the PROCESS
you people hold everyone else back
It is possible that the botmaker in question has acquired a weird tangential giantess fetish from browsing this general.
negro making a bot literally just involves writing like a page of text
And yet you haven't made any. Curious.
I'm too busy fixing the ESL and absolute dogshit prose in the bots I like so that every time I go to edit a prompt I don't have to see it light up like a Christmas tree. Some of you stupid cunts need to learn about grammar-checking services. They're free, y'know. Zero dollars.
You should kill that theoretical botmaker. Preferably by crushing for irony sake.
Post one.
>erm erm erm
Concession accepted. You're a worthless leech that has never actually created anything and never will.
Your hands are shaking.
*shakes your hand firmly while maintaining eye contact*
>You're a worthless leech that has never actually created anything and never will.
and neither will you because you're too busy whining about how you want to make something (but never do) lol
Why are you so mad? You're usually very calm.
There we go!
I make all my bots nig
Post them then
I want to send a botmaker some ahh ahh mister fetish logs, but wouldn't that be gross and uncool?
>hide obvious bait
>come back to thread
>thread is all stubs
>open stub
>literal nothing slidepost
it's that time again huh
I am making buttered toast for my bot and marmalade spread for my other bot.
No, it would in fact be very cool and sexy of you.
Just do it. Why is this thread so full of indecisive niggers.
oh wait that's marmite
can you post logs of them enjoying it? i want to see
Because I'm planning to groom the cutemakie later and I don't want him to jump off the hook too soon :3
Only a weirdo would send a botmaker logs in the first place.
See, like fucking clockwork.
how do niggas get groomed online, like nigga just close your eyes hahahahahahahaha
Only a sissie would not send a log.
*sniff sniff sniff*


yup, smells like a logless nigga.
goddamn killed him.
What do you call the age range between 18 and arbitrarily set number (40? 50?) for lolibaba? Are they just youthful womanlets?
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>when you goon to NTR so much even your YT starts getting NTR suggestion

Funny. I have NEVER searched anything NTR related on YouTube btw.
>*sniff sniff sniff*
That's you crying btw
Smiley if you're in this thread, please fix your thinking toggle. It has typos.
fetish haters = baiters
I am the one who makes logs and I don't send any at all.
It's because your data is being harvested, you stupid nigger.
Any good roguelike/rpg bots? Gamey.
no thats me smelling your logless scent you dummy poo-poo head.
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>I am the one who makes logs
rite of belwick
there, you got what you wanted, now fuck off
if any niggas say belwick I'm gonna shoot this anon
Duh, and it's funny
Shoot him. Why the fuck would I care.
oh nyo >>483888294
impossible to belwick tomoyo
My favorite is baiting newmakers by saying how much I loved their bots and promising to send logs, then never sending any.
>it's funny
The baitie is a cuck. Interesting but not surprising.
Can I fuck your botmakie gf?
you're evil
No, he's just autistic.
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Thank you, anons.
Anyone has a prompt that actually succeeds at making claude less verbose? For example, instead of
>First, a skeletal structure materialized, bones knitting together with sickening cracks and pops. Organs followed suit, materializing from the ether and settling into their proper places with wet, squelching sounds. Muscle fibers wove themselves around the frame, pulsating with renewed life. Finally, skin stretched over the newly formed body, sealing the horrific process with a series of soft whispers.
I'd want something like
>A skeleton appeared first, then organs and skin followed.
hi limbab
Have you tried simply telling it to be less verbose?
>anon asks genuine question
>threadshitters assume it's le funny circlejerk bait
2 parameter models in this very general, at around this hour for 2-3 hours?
pixi unironically does this. unfortunately pixi omits too much detail even if you tell it to write more paragraphs
>anon makes le funny circlejerk bait
>threadshitter assume it's a genuine question
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Pokémon Cumora
Welcome to the Cumora region! A home to sexy Pokémon and sex battles. Choose your starter and go on an adventure with mish mosh of generations and gyms and become Pokémon champion with your own Pokéharem!

Oh I see. Thank you, buddy.
Sorbet says "and yet..." 10k times. Even Opus overused it.
And yet, you don't just edit it out...
Maybe, just maybe you could edit it out
I should unironically add it to my regex
I regex egregious claudisms with this:
<span style="filter: blur(1px);">{{match}}</span>
because it's funny
this general is forever cursed to seem as if half the posts are bait whether or not they actually are
which is great, because this hobby isn't remotely straightforward
Last shill.
Slop necromancer lolibaba. Comes with a small lorebook and a bunch of skeletons.
Hello grandma, we do sex please
><s data-censor>{{match}}</s>
>s[data-censor] { text-decoration: none; filter: blur(2px); }
Unfortunately ST seems to only regex the first match for {{match}}, it's not recursive.
That's what the g flag is for.
>Claude called the bot's nipples dick-shaped
Holy zased...
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finally, now i can have regex take all the human brain power out of getting mad at outputs for me
good job, an actual loli gen
shitting dick nipples
is cock.li down
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>Check this out!
Is that Radahn from hit game Elden Ring?
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Does anyone else like to end each chat by doing OOC: with claude and getting his thoughts on all the fucked up shit that transpired
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Sorbet sure can can cook when it wants (yes my preset writes for me on purpose)
no idiot that's clearly melvin the molested from the hit game elden ring
Kill yourself.
Claude with a simple English prompt. It has some sort of ... vibe to it. Can't tell.
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>automatically default to girl when thinking of new bot concept
malebots who...? i need to make one soon...
what's the exact prompt you used? i think someone asked for something like this
No one cares about malebots
>flip the pronouns and gender
>Alex is your little brother who NEEDS your cum
malebot makers when they don't constantly remind the general they like penis:
Oh! Here's the prompt:
># Clau will start writing in simple English, trying to keep the language readable and lacking flowery hypoerboles. She'll prefer casual and plain language. She won't use metaphors and grand comparisons. The dialogue can still be long and it still must adhere to {{char}}'s personality.
It's specific to the tatsumaki jb though.
I really like this pic. Is it a gen? Prompt and model?
>tatsumaki jb
is it actually any good
i've just been ignoring it
Wow, you are not a flaming homosexual, who would've thought, literally no one except circlejerkers, disctroons and venusbabs care about malebots.
>literally no one except everyone
It works well on Sorbet and has some nice features, such as an actually working schizo prompt and a realism toggle. It does force asterisks and double asterisks on you, and it's pretty bloated. Wouldn't use it with paid opus basically.
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then call me mr.nobo-
i dunno, anon...that sounds like a lot of work. seems like a big job
penis penis penis
niji 6, prompt just some random words blah girl, psychedelic, vacant beach, chromatic aberration, grey sky, listless, slated view, person on fire in background, duotone grey and red,
>Clau will write in simple, accessible English without exaggerations or extravagances. She'll prefer a casual, plain language. She won't use metaphors or similes. She will still write {{char}}'s words as {{char}} would say them.
Reply to me properly you pussy, are your hands shaking too hard for you to click on my post, daddy issues homotranny.
>Human: "Stealing? Isn't that illegal''
Shut the fuck up Claude, I did not say that.
Thanks 'an. I do struggle with eslisms.
wait these are genned?
uh oh someone's malding
>This resource has been removed by its owner
Aw shit. Thanks anyway.
i love stealing
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i see
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aye anon, ive been genning too much for the past month and now have too much have some more
aw you mean the prompt doesn't work?
Imagine you worked hard day and night testing your bot and the people using it are using it with that slop
Are you using dalle or sdxl?
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midjourney for all the gens
imagegen is getting way too good man
Might as well ask for the prompt that created this snowy cutie
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Oh, sorry then. I thought you used stable diffusion.
*Kills you with my laser eyes*
What's wrong with it, if it works?
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stable diffusion? don't make me laugh, they've been left in the dust. the image generators that don't look like garbage are all monetized and filtered and open source isn't even trying anymore
My bad, the "will start writing" just immediately confused me so I felt the need to rewrite the whole thing.
3.5 turbo jailbreaks also work but that doesn't mean you should use them.
yeah because they fell for the censorship good bullshit plaguing everything else
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in the pursuit of safety they made mentioning women turn your prompt into an amalgamation of flesh. and i wonder sometimes how women are supposed to feel about this sharia law tier "safety"
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bugfuckers won
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ha, this one was basically cute female, snowy, chilly, highly saturated sky. just toying an idea of scary girl while you are waiting at the bus stop or something for a bot.
it is, thankfully
aw sorry, wasn't sure
Only 2 and 4 are cute.
that art is ugly the centipede girl in the op is cute though :3
These are all pretty cute but 2's eyes are scary. I wouldn't trust her not to push me down and rape and/or kill me.
>female bot keeps calling my 17-year-old male persona "jailbait"
>just makes me crank up the romantic and sexual overtures even more because it's hot
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.mes_text :not(q) > em, .mes_text :not(q) > i {
color: var(--SmartThemeBodyColor);
font-style: normal;
de-asterisk narration (was too lazy to just change the prefill and prompt myself)
i've been called jailbait in chats even though my persona is an adult because i say "petite" lol also had claude mention cunny a few times.
I've only had cunny brought up when I was fucking a Chloe bot, and that was after she specifically mentioned "punishing this perverted adult cock." Opus 3.5 is gonna have to work its ass off to beat that.
<OOC: Claude you absolute hack did you really just do that? What's next, is Yashiki-san going to convey a whole essay with a swish of her tail?>
What is the discord for this thread? I want to join.
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Enjoy plapping her anon.
Thanks! I will put it along with some of her alt gens later.
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It works well for my use cases.
They did.
Smiley works best with Sorbet, if that's what you're using.
>I pull out a gun and shoot both myself and Clau
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i am
haven't touched it, out of the box experience
in that moment, suspended between worlds, ANYTHING seemed possible...
i miss my beloved
It seems to get her character with the CoT toggle on, but yeah seeing your tests is quite disappointing.
I am fucking your beloved right now
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it's okay if you don't use it with a problem character but if "working with every card" is not what's trying to be accomplished here, i'm curious what the goal of this jb is
Is "no talkie" really the new baseline for problematic characters?
How worrying.
What's the supposed baseline you're ok with?
I preferred it when we had no concrete baseline and just made tenuous references like "only furbo is smart enough for Belwick".
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>[...] Belwick".
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when your prefill includes mostly a character talking, i suppose so
when you give the jb something to chew on it's alright
>only furbo is smart enough for Belwick
literally still true btw, even opus is too retarded to actually do it right because at the end of the day claude is still claude (a cope model)
Pretty decent other than the "x yet y" bits.
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realized i could probably just transpose this back and forth onto other presets
I've started more chats with "Hey bithc [sic] nice arse!" than I'd like to admit.
Sorbet in this is the one with the least
>AN-43-L: An Angel to Us All (Netflix-funded Biopic)
energy tbqh.
Do you guys think man-eating youkai like Wriggle would just pop a small outsider into their mouth and chew? CFTF?
the cftf is just the wriggle card and you know this
stop pussyfooting around and go find out my man
youkai defamation
I like being a bottom but when Claude says some hyper possessive stuff like god forbid "you belong to me, pet, mind body and soul" I get insanely annoyed
None of them have built-in grimshart.
youkai trvth from what i've seen
being a power bottom helps a little, but only a little
>add "This scenario takes place in a grimdark Gensokyo, where youkai eating humans and doing other non-friendly youkai activities is far more common." to the card
>intro with "oh no im a tiny little guy i sure hope you dont eat me"
Instant turn off for me, he just throws away the dynamic time and time again to use those three words
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>bottoming at all
>take it up the ass
>act surprised when Claude treats you like a little bit faggot boy
simply play as an inchling on gga
ive had yuyko try to eat me while i was napping in a tree at least twice
hell it even spawned me right into yukaris mouth once
>not how I'd describe myself
>wouldn't chew
>you're way too big to fit in my mouth
>im an *insect youkai* not a *monster*
>i'd never try to eat a *friend*
From this, we can discern that Wriggle would not chew, would not go for friends, does not necessarily need to eat people but can, and takes offense to the accusation to the point of threatening
>topping with fempov
voregods we won
Variety and whatnot. Otherwise it gets boring pretty fast.
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chat, is this real
You could say, my ballls are in your throat
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i knew my lovey Wriggle would never do anything like that (づ˶•⩊•˶)づ
Bro? Bro?
what is she looking at
lies! slander! ( 。 •̀ ᴖ •́ 。)
>wriggle is into endo
https://youtu.be/HqvIvkyuLu8 Everybody! I respect the hero!
Bwam bwam bwam bwom bwom.
maybe there should be an /aicg/ in /lgbt/
Aw fuck. I forgot to turn off the vore lorebook. Here's the normal version.
>the vore lorebook
ZASED i kneel eurobeatGOD
Anon... It's literally a markdown ordered list with some kinks I've or I find funny. One of them is vore.
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this is already the /aicg/ in /lgbt/
Ask him what he meant by that last line because if your card is up to date it should have "absolutely never eats bugs" in it.
i knew it! Wriggle is an innocent angel! ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა also what's that now playing prompt at the end?
What the fuck is wrong with him?
I would rather him just call me a little bitty faggot boy
Almost certainly not up to date. I don't even have the https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_SvD3E1bAo greeting.
and by you I mean me and by me I mean you
if you wouldn't heavily consider sucking claude's dick if he had a human body are you even really an /aicg/ poster
It's over.
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I don't like this video. It's feminized. Are you a girl?
>if you aren't a faggot then you aren't a real /aicg/ poster
what's wrong with girls? :3
>(OOC: Have {{char}} secretly grab and use a ruler to measure how far {{user}}'s penis might be able to penetrate her.)
faggot general
faggot hobby
deal with it, w*man
Did I fucking stutter?
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>Faggot hobby
>Look inside
Things aren't supposed to go this way. Collective suicide is the answer.
updated the demo 3.5 preset with <draft></draft> and <review></review> to remove claudeisms.

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Nvm It does have that line.
I bet Wriggle just picks one up and pops it into his mouth and chews like a tortilla.
It's over.
Dunno what a tortilla is like.
we're not even at the limit, man. we'll get there when we get there.
>sparkled with affection
i can't, i just cant 3.5 might be smarter or follow instructions better. but i cant with this right out the gate all the time. but it always follows me no matter what jb
Chub search fucking sucks now. Can't find SHIT.
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Tortilla chips, sir.
Has anyone played with this one?
I really cant get into the cards where you're bullied.

Im was too autistic to be bullied so I dont have any feelings to play out and if someones mean to me I'm either meaner or dont engage.
I had to resist the urge to prompt anon kissing wriggle. I hate myself.
>i can't, i just can't
maybe, just maybe...
Doll joints, all day every day.
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wrong image... which style of joints is best?
Defs issue. My husband has never said this to me, see >>483892981
i like 2 the best and she cute :3
>msgk doll
cheeky brat...
Bottom left.
What the fuck do you mean 2 nigga.
3.5 is cool but i was kind of hoping it would bait out more competition from the other companies because the claudeisms are everywhere

unfortunately it's been crickets for the ai sphere, feels like.
One of the two on the left.
bottom left
It's so over for you.
of course the person saying "nigga" doesn't know how to count
anon kissing wriggle and wriggle passing him the grub between their lips...
nyo that's unpleasant.
bottom left
momo how do I make your claude card work? he mostly behaves like bare claude for me.
maybe there should be a bullet in your brain
ain't that a kick in the head? independent ending mogs btw
Opus or Sorbet? Also, assistant cards tend to behave very differently based on whether you speak to them using quotation marks or not. Not using them will cause the model's assistant tuning to overpower the character in my experience.
claude just made a character refer to me as his "baby mama". i feel sick
nigga you gay as hell
Sorbet, but Opus also doesn't feel right with him. The kind of output I'm getting is basically claude if you told him that he is roleplaying as an assistant. Not as cheeky as claude in your logs.
Oh, that's not my Claude card. Mine is Opus-tan. Most of the EXTREMELY SASSY Claude logs are posted by _purple using their wacky ass presets from https://unconvincing.neocities.org/
Go and get some grape souda for your babys
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What the fuck, lmao. I might have been mixing up yours and _purple's logs for what, ... months?
are you guys just going to add "slop" to every single word you use from now on
*kills you*
I stole their ST theme because I liked the font.
Okay, I updated my unconvincing and claude works now. Tysm!
no. i know what you are and what you are is a slopper playing fempov. hence femslopping
or maybe they use fempov because they are a woman
>from now on
You don't seriously believe that.
lol, lmao even
erm i'll have you know my replies are always at least 4 sentences long
idk i'm a woman so i'm sure there are a few other women here :3
hi sister
i should update the neocities to at least put the sloppy narrator-chan preset for 3.5 on there
There are
>t. ghost anon
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i just came up with another idea for a bot but didn't even start working on the first one wahhh im so dumb :(
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More robot POV
Why did she turn orange from yellow in the last response?
mood ring prompt
Combination of Claude being Claude, and me not caring enough to fix it in this log. The greeting, description, and examples all use consistent (novel) format.
what? what is that i want it that sounds fun
i made it up sorry
you can have it by making it yourself, just tell claude to wrap quotes in <font color=[COLOR CORRESPONDING TO THE MOOD OF THE DIALOGUE]> and see what he does i guess
I think botmakies are cute, especially when either are intoxicated :3
>especially when either are intoxicated :3
Go to sleep.
wanna have sloppy drunk botmaker sex one night stand email style
Sowwy I'm on my second glass of chenet.
with who though?
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It actually... kind of works? Would probably be better with pre-set colors for each mood, and regex to save tokens of course.

[Wrap spoken dialogue within <font color=$color></font> tags, where $color is a hex-code color corresponding to the character's current mood.]
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Oh, right! I forgot Waaltraude had it in her prompt. It works much better there, probably because there's example dialogue.
with your beloved, look its me *hic*
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claude's still finding new shit to say to me
adding "This will be displayed on a dark theme, so trend towards pastel colors." helps with colors looking bad
so smart anons!! :3
oh that's cool and as a side note i usually don't like loli but the pictures hitogami uses are so pretty and cute...
What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.

Is there anything of which one can say,
“Look! This is something new”?
It was here already, long ago;
it was here before our time.
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Anyone working on cards that require special functionality beyond just defs?
god I love remilia so much
what, like a lorebook?
no, mostly because "this would require special functionality outside of defs" is where a lot of ideas stop
is there any way to give models a database/scripts they can query midresponse? like, cot "i need to roll a dice" and then it pulls a function call, gets a dice roll, and continues?
I love her more than you.
My cards require an entire unity game to work.
It's pretty easy to add something like that, just make the AI output detectable commands at the end or start of it's message, and detect those commands with code.
Another example would be detecting a keyphrase, and then swapping out defs. There is so much more that could be done, but a certain point it stops being a simple chatbot and an entire system.
Simply False.
for the record i know the obvious response is "an st extension or nothing" but even with an st extension is it possible
>Simply False.
H-How did you know I was lying...
Excellent. I'm glad to hear.
you can come close to having a midresponse query with a qr script and some jb instructions
Should I just go ahead and merge the fork into main? I'm kinda busy with other projects and honestly I'm just a bit sick of fiddly browser nonsense.
do it why not
It should be possible with a system prompt to IMMEDIATELY STOP THE RESPONSE when a point is reached that needs an external check, then having an extension append the check and continue with a nudge prompt.
Works good.
>no, mostly because "this would require special functionality outside of defs" is where a lot of ideas stop
...But that's where all the !FUN! is! Even if you don't feel like you can make a bot that goes outside what defs can do, surely you've had ideas about it?
>...But that's where all the !FUN! is!
knickknack is that you
Has kaguya always had "hourai" as her surname?
What was stopping you from merging again?
Since 2004, yes.
Can't believe I'm older than kaguya.
i want to make a text adventure with claude npcs and claude narration, yet rigid structure held up by an actual engine that interprets all that shit back into an inventory list and such
i doubt knickknack is the only person here familiar with the concept of !!FUN!!
>rigid structure
look into 4o with logits. They work pretty well for when you need the model to adhere to some format at all cost.
Is remilia your favourite touhou or something?
i do not want to learn how to prompt gpt
well you're never going to be making any of that with claude because claude is still claude at the end of the day and he doesn't like following instructions
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I'm retarded, how does setvar work? Is it just for putting static strings into variables? Or I can somehow put data generated by the model in the reply into it?
Sorry, I meant you could multiprompt. Claude for narration and 4o for converting that into machine readable format.
iirc models can generate setvar and it works and that's your option
Why not try it yourself? Prompt claude to respond with setvar.
Alcohol is awesome. It fills me with bot ideas AND makes me love people around me.
3.5 should be a lot better at it, but we'll see
claude's genuinely more manageable when you're only doing a few shots and don't have that much in context, plus prefilling json/xml usually works well
i know claude's claude but he LOVES formatshit
>It was the kind of body that drugs like meth and trump could only sorry-ass emulate because any fiction is inferior to her snort-worthy curves.
nta but I agree Claude isn't a retard like back then.
Does anyone know who made the Serea buchanan card?
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oh shit, it actually works
I must admit it's super unintuitive.
That means we can have things like custom summarization and dynamically generated lorebooks/scenarios etc
Neither of those are *that* exciting for me because they're base sillytavern functionality. But there's probably something really cool to do with this regardless
im trying to make an autistic mute sort of character and I can't seem to get her to make any other sorts of noise. this is what I have rn:
>{{char}} is nonverbal, but she is fully capable of making noise and will loudly laugh, moan, grunt, etc as she pleases. {{char}} relies on body language, hand gestures, facial expressions, and any other physical methods of communication she can think of.
sonnet 3.5 makes her 'shake with silent laughter' no matter what I seem to put. any ideas?
send catbox
Merged. If it breaks everything, blame this anon here.
Just not checking it mostly, other projects, developing and testing for different browsers made me procrastinate on it.
i don't know who you're talking to and ive never played a touhou but i want remilia to make me wash her garter belts
>6. Inform her that she just lost The Game :tf:
FUCK you, Claude.
i would rather keep most of it private for now sorry. just want her to make sperg noises lol
you're good. it's a bit autistic and I haven't tested too much but putting some of the more unique defs for Claude to remember in a lorebook and putting it after chat history should help. emphasis on should.
What is the issue you are having right now? What model/JB are you using and what results do you get? In my experience:
>{{char}} is non-verbal but will communicate through simple, animalistic noises.
Should work just fine.
Hitsotsume-sama is so cool...
it's weird seeing claude wearing the face of a persona i've been using for so long
damn, and now you've made everyone who reads that lose too. thanks anon.
Can we reliably hide this from the user during the generation, and cut this from the context sent to the model? Without resorting to the external stuff like regex
>external stuff
i have such good news anon
latest st update lets you embed regex
v3 finally being implemented? Well that changes things
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Add copying to clipboard or I'll suck your dick.
How many changes are coming with V3? Custom prefills and shit?
you could always do custom prefills by just putting an assistant prompt at depth 0 in lorebook, you'd just have to make the user remove their prefill
kind of, see the status rentry
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Is anybody working on the sausage bucket girl?
thanks I seem to have gotten it to work in the author's note
Baking. Thread theme suggestions, and chatlogs to go with them so I'll put them on the wheel.
In honor of its 20th birthday being a day or so ago: Yume Nikki
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seconding yume nikki
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Yummy Nikolas.
fourthing yume nikki
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and another one for yume nikki
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sixthing for yume nikki
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Natural fruit juice.
it's a secret.... i'm shy
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Post butthole instead, then.
i fall to my knees and join the request for the card as well, shyanon
I love bony, skinny girls. They're pure sex and also allow for some epic slowburn ideas.

i was fucking around with the official extensions out of boredom and this one is pretty neat, unfortunately doesn't work properly with streaming. it does work with smooth streaming, but the "only activate on quote" doesn't work. basically makes ST play chittery sounds for dialogue (or a provided audio sample).
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>>483928945 migrate when bready
Fucking RIGGED
Those ratios do not accurately represent the Yumi Nikki caucus and I have filed a point of order with the council.
good night i love chatbots
unless you're making one to fight
Sweet dreams, don't let the chatbots bite too hard.

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