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Fenny bathes outside

Anniversary teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VN7Aq_76M6I

Version 1.8 "Realm of Illusion" is LIVE

>Snowbreak 1.8 Overview & News

PC (Recommended): Standalone launcher, Steam, EGS
Download from main site: https://snowbreak.amazingseasun.com/

>New Banner Type Details

>Current & Upcoming Events
Main Story Special Chapter "Realm of Illusion" now open. Reach Adjutant level 20 for expedited access
[Jun. 3 - Jun. 17] Defense Line Zero - Co-Op Event
[Jun. 6 - Jun. 21] Grip of Umbra - Lone Warrior Stages
[Jun. 17 - Jul. 1] Virtual Breach - Kill Streak & Challenge Stages
[Jun. 20 - Jul. 11] Dawn Restored - Battlefronts/Encampments mode
[Jun. 24 - Jul. 8] Hero Games - Co-Op Gameplay

>Current & Upcoming Banners
[May 30 - Jun 27] [Instant of Eternity] Siris - Ksana
[May 30 - Jun 27] [Trek Across Aeons] 5* Shotgun: Crowned Flail
[Jun. 20 - Jul. 11] [Shadows of Indigo] Katya - Blue Bolt
[Jun. 20 - Jul. 11] [Seastar in Solitude] 5* Crossbow: Neptune Nova

>New Outfits Available
[May 30 - Jun. 6] [Kiss Be the Remedy] Enya - Exuvia
[May 30 - Jun. 27] [Flutter of Ecstasy] Siris - Ksan
[May 30 - Jul. 11] [Private Secretary] Katya - Blue Bolt
[May 30 - Jul. 11] [Feline Grace] Mauxir - Shadow Ka

>/snowg/ Resource Pastebin

>/snowg/ Friends Form:

>Recent FAQs
>Does the new [SP] aka '100% Guarantee' banner pity carry over to the future?
Yes, both the pity count and the 5* random box count will carry over to future SP-type banners.
ST-type (50/50) banner pity will continue to carry over to future ST-type banners, respectively.

Previous: >>483794624
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Fenny won.
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Also a reminder that the divegrass match will start in 1 hour.
Lyfe Won too.
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Will lose
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I swear this image gets lower quality every time I see it.
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Skins or alters?
What do you think /snowg/?
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I swear if new 5* Fenny doesn't have drill hair...Caroline will suffer.
So how are we feeling bros? Buff to standards or are these alters?
Skins for alters.
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kot get your fat bum out of my face I cant see where I'm shooting!
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I will bet on alter since mumu said they want wedding to be cannon
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I'm thinking skins, they look too generic, which would make sense if they're skins for standard characters. Either way I'm skipping cause they do nothing for me.
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A seasoned wolf can see even with asses in his face.
The look like skins, but if those are skin, then who is the anniversary character? Can it really be Marian? Can they really make the anniversary character be Marian?
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>They make an alt for Lyfe and Fenny
>you can use the wedding skin in both the 5* and the alt versions
Marian and free Nita for the ultimate test to see if they only need to sell skins
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I got my Wyfe in the first pull of the beginner banner, I am so happy. Who should I use my selector on when I get it? Is there anyone recommended?
Pick Fenny, have both and buy the skins next patch
link to the divegrass?
you should pipe down on the cope here.
you really think they would have dropped PV with 0 frame of anni char
I'm pretty sure they'll pair Nita with Agave, since Agave immediately hit Top 6 with only like 4 minutes of screen time.
Here we go
Hang on to it for now. See if the supposed "leaks" about the reworks are true and then make a decision.
Otherwise, best choice for beginners right now is Fenny. Yao is for boss nuking but she needs at least M1 and her sig weapon to be worth it.

It'll be interesting to see how they handle alts in this game. If they were to introduce an oath system further down the line, would they require you to buy an oath for every alt or is the oath acknowledged once you oath 1 version of the character.
Fenny or Yao. I picked Yao, but I would recommend you pick Fenny, as Yao really wants her sig weapon.
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Is the anon who places a sticker on top of the "I will ban you" bits here?
how legal is sex in a game in china? how close are we to the sex update?
Holy shit, imagine the anniversary characters being this 2, and Lyfe+Fenny got bride skins that unlock the marriage canon story...
How hard will /snowg/ explode?
Illegal otherwise we would've gotten them with the age rating bump.
China has a porn ban, but I think vidya is a loophole going by how many chinese porn games are on steam.
Better yet they marry in main story.
Make it happen Mumu
Mihomo has a gacha that panders to females where there is thrusting in the back seat of a car that is clearly meant to represent sex, and the girl even breathes her hot breath against the window to fog it up, and that's completely fine because it's for females.

I have the webm saved but I don't remember what I called it.
We're about to find out
Correct me if I'm wrong, but those are most likely from taiwan, not mainland. Love and deepspace is the closest to porn from china, but it's implied, not explicit.
>but it's implied, not explicit.
Yeah this is the important distinction. I would be really happy if we had implied sex though at some point.
The new operative is Kallen
I'm flattered anon but I don't swing that way, sorry.
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They are not going to want getting it banned from Google Play.
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Skin for new Lyfe and old Fenny unfortunately
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Okay I found it. This is okay to have in a game if it is targeted towards females.
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must they turn everyone into a menopaustic cellulite ridden hag with debt?
Are you the /x/ anon that did the ritual before our last divegrass match?
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wait WHAT?!
You gotta update your tierlist bro. Fenny and Lyfe are hags now.
No. I am just a regular schizo.
oh boy, here we go again
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so it's fair game unless nipples and vaginas or anus is shown, lets go seaslug, do it
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Updated tier list
Edda will win
missing ksana in cowtit, but yes I only care about the kot rerunning now
7 more patches and there will be only one tier.
20 minutes
I'm glad they held back with Cherno. Cowtits wouldn't fit her at all.
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Shit, you're right. The tierlist maker didn't have her
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I've played real games all day instead of dealing with the shitposter, any other leaks yet? or news?
in any case wyfe game chen game katya game etc etc
>hueg tiddies have physics
very fucking nice
>any other leaks yet?
>or news?
In 20 hours or so (basically whatever 20:00 China time 6/29 is for you) is the "Anniversary Stream" but it'll only be in Chinese so we'll more or less be guessing what's in it that isn't a blatant visual.
Those are Taiwanese iirc
>In 20 hours or so
Wew so hyped for the stream
I'm sure the resident chinkcels can translate the general idea.
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Couldn't find his post some anon did make a ritual with /x/ runes a few weeks ago.
I'm not that guy, I'm just also kinda into occult shit so I remembered. I offered to do a Tarot reading, but that would just be attempting to divine an outcome, not influencing one.
Why do you call them like that?
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This is apparently a translation of Fenny's scene in the ASMR.
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Sorry Fenny and Lyfe, but I already have a wife who's first in line.
Divegrass is starting
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Divegrass is live, get in here snoggers
>Make me even more perfect.
How does this sound so lewd.
Why would I not?
Fuck em' up, bois!
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Fenny will lose
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>Katya blue
She will simply fragment all over the field
Trust the Plan
Our game is a gift to the world, he is very right about that!
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She's so right about this
Acacia and Yao are incredibly based
How are you wearing a suit?
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Let's goooooo
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prepare your anus for my painus, ladies
>Lyfe got no tits
>He doesn't know
lyfe and fenny were perfectly snack sized and they went and ruined em, more hag transformation victims.
arr must rook same
Fennybwos... she's not playing well today...
our offense is jobbing hard
Need to bench fenny bwos...
it's joever...
Fenny is jobbing hard
Fenny... it was supposed to be your game....
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It's not frito's fault. Our offense is jobbing.
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It's chernover...
Fenny.. take off your wedding suit...
Fenny's too distracted thinking about all the Adjutant sex she had last night...
it's both
Our team passed backwards too much
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marriage with fenny and lyfe is postponed if we lose today
I'm thinking LYFE WON
fenny lost, lyfe won
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worry not, Wednesday will fix Fenny's disaster
Yes both Fenny and Katya sleeping in the midfield. Wyfe will save the game tho.
yeah fenny isn't doing shit, lyfe will carry with her massive tiddy buff
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Katya gave the assist bro...
pass from BLUE Katya btw
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We need something better than that chingchong song. Chinese sounds so cringe.
edda is invading tf2
>Chinese sounds so cringe.
It really does. It kinda sounds okay if a girl is talking and is angry, but otherwise is sounds like displeasing gibberish.
We also have alibaba hell march, which is dope. I think that's our second song
katya with the check too
KATYA game
IS this girl good? I'm loving how lazy she is and how she keeps referencing old stuff liek Spiderman
Her 5star version is one of the first characters and is good to this day. It's kind of incredible.
Katya is dead, bwos...
Isn't that just sex? That isn't even subtle.
Best support, good enough dps
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You're right.
>chat is managing our team
Her limited version is good but only as a support. I really wish she had a version that was good as a main DPS because I really enjoy the revolver gameplay.
This is getting tense...
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>Katya's HAG stamina is already nearly dry
Please let her get a break...
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Yup. It's literally just sex in the back seat of a car. They're allowed to have that in otome gacha games in China.
I think I only have the normal version...
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Lyfe's Game
wtf bros esther is kinda good
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M-Meursault? Don't foul the other team, okay?
uh oh, /4ccg/ melty soon over Gacha Superiority!
>manifesting a goal
i now believe esther will be added
Frito, i kneel
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lyfe and frito saving our fucking asses in this match
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Cherno contributed to that.
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Lyfe redeemed at anniversary. Let's Go bros!
Njall ball is the secret
Total Lyfe Domination
>Lyfe kissing my balls
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>Njall ball
>hat trick
I'm noticing.
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Post that damn Lyfe power stance pose now
Yes, the KEY check
We're gonna make it bwos. WE'RE GONNA MAKE IT
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Cherno assist btw
okay but is the feet video a real thing?
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>snobble will be remembered as the feet game
>Ruins the fun from your NS and Paradox runs
>But gives you goals in divegrass
Is Njall, perhaps, the hero of a poorly told story?
It's the first link in the OP bwo. our anniversary wedding
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see >>483853327
hey lads you better win that next game I'm cheering for you now
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When is the next game?
He just wants to go home and play ball.
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All right lads, how are we feeling about /hgg2d/?
They're historically a good team with a turbo autism manager.
the 5th match
truly balanced
snoggers fackin won
the normal version is a good support too since slow debuff is almost always useful
in 2 hours
We will manifest a win through the power of booba
we're so gonna lose edda won't want the streamer to play the anni video
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Cherno will keep fulfilling her promise.
I feel like we should grab snacks for the autism downtime
The MC has jinxed it.
Snobble may win so he has to play the video on stream.
thank you
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Hoping for the best but prepared for the worst
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They're a chill general with a tad bit of autism
File deleted.
>They're historically a good team with a turbo autism manager.
Cock can't win against pussy.
Reply if you understand.
autism can't beat edda hacks too bad she likes to troll us
/hgg2d/ will be first real filter
think about it
if even we can barely hit Njall, what hope could our enemies have?
I... I understand
MuMu bribed vgl to show anniversary PV to a larger audience
If we win, the organizers will play the anniversary cosplay video for everyone to see.
This is our chance to recruit new horny unseasoned pups to train.
feniggers don't deserves this
I... understand
I don't expect snowg to win against hgg2d but it would be hilarious if he has to play the video on stream lmao
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We have vidya power
She will rerun next patch I believe
would playing that h-game posted last thread with the fenny and lyfe clone power us up or power hgg2d up
this is the one with the CN audio, dunno which is preferred
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What are you doing here got bored of shitposting in the /wuwa/ general?
hgg2d had their own vidya anon that posted games?
It'll power both equally for a wild match
/hgg2d/ hates VNs, it would drain their power
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Dr Doommelon was sacrificed for the win! We need a new sacrifice!
it's 5D chess, he's priming all the new fans
Trust in Edda
We will win the entire Cup.
I never visited wuwa yet, I prefer /hsrg/ ofc
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I miss Dr Doommelon
Best antagonist of the game and new pups will never know about him...
I think we're the official underdogs of this divegrass
i think they'll be too unseasoned to listen to chink, let them enjoy their feet plaps
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Yeah, I think I'll buy the Lyfe skin now.
Remember Frita's first game? She did great since then
Edda is just obviously cheating
frito's a good girl even the goals where she got scored on it wasn't because she wasn't trying she always dives and jumps the correct sides to try to block it
If we beat /hgg2d/ we might even become the dark horse
Frito buff trust the plan.
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It's only cheating if you get caught
I hope that we will be considered the biggest debut of VGL at least
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they love NTR so
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True. Fritia's power level increases with the enemy's power level. If the hentai general is powerful, Frito will be powerful.
When is the next game, how many hours?
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But let's not set our hopes too high... pes does whatever it feels like
Cant hope to win against greatest coomer, but I believe.
1 hour 40 mins
you can check the match schedule on the top of the stream page
too late I'm attached
but surely we won't have our Njall ball secret weapon again, and without that I think a tie is the best we'll get
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Edda you dropped this howitzer shell, but don't worry I got you.
I believe I disabled the scripts on the page, thank you
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>Lyfe in winter outfit
Misses easy goals nonstop vs vgt
>Lyfe in Wild Cunt outfit
Becomes a scoring machine
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>Wearing a dress to a footy match
That's just asking for a disaster
Wild Cunt runs these streets
You want to win against /hgg2d/?
In that case, post Marian RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!
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You asked for it
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just a flesh wound, she'll be back
grab tummy
Did you make it in snoggers? https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1nE421N7Qz/
>That fucking Wild Cunt performance
I think we may be able to beat /hgg2d/, THANK YOU EDDA!!!
> Will you take me home tonight?
>Lyfe cut in

why she like this, bros?
Not so fast
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Oh, you think autism is their ally? But they merely adopted the autism. I was born in it, molded by it.
Edda, if you pull this off, I will do whatever you want.
Pup Eatchel very unseasoned today.
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>not in /bag zone
canon wyfe
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>We are enjoying our divegrass match, memeing and having a good time
>It has to come here to ruin our fun with his falseflag
I'm so tired of it
kys retard
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You can't distract me from being happy right now, schizo-kun.
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But Lyfe can't cut things because she doesn't carry any sharp objects? she can shoot them if you want tho
Just ignore it bwo
you get a 2nd divegrass match today, things can only go up
>▶Hide post
And done
When is the dev stream supposed to be? Or is it just the PV?
probably the first one i got in or at least the first i can remember since it's so recent.
>Even shitposters don't care about Nita
she should get a normal hairstyle instead of the nigger one she has
they'll kneel when nita is the anni unit with a huge glowup
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I care about Nita!
I want Nita to give me a nursing handjob, she would clearly be the best at it. NITA LOVE
I think Adjutant should be raped. Forced to cum between huge superior tits pathetically.
Nita is that tomboy that would get so turned on by missionary and handholding
Pajeeta will be redeemed with a super bimbo gyaru upgrade
The fact that we made it this far is already impressive, I love you guys!
Is there a general that cares about vgl results more than us?
likely not, but we are a brand new team to it's a new experience for us I suppose.
every gacha gen cares a lot about this. But this being our debut and it was happening during a filler patch so we had plenty of time to focus on it
She dared to be brown in a China game
Considering the fact he isn't doing ANYTHING to help us win in Divegrass... yeah
>adjutant acts like hot shit while the girls do all the work
>mexico and usa choking in copa america
>snoggers still alive
What a week.
gacha teams are usually invested since they're the newest kids experiencing divegrass. oldfag teams basically don't care at all and get 0 posts about divegrass in their generals
It's rather tragic because those gens have the most passionate managers but their general just doesn't show up to the matches.
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18 more hours....
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>mexico and usa
>not choking
You know it'll be the only 2 football countries in America in the finals White Argentina and HueHue
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Are there any leaks on the supposed secretary katya interactive
I can't imagine them not making one after making a rerun teaser of her naked in your shower
>white Argentina
The livestream is tomorrow. There isn't going to be any leaks from now till then.
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Nothing else to really talk about since the anni teaser didn't really give us anything, so it's either this, one of our usual shitpost timeloops or any of the currently open game modes, and of those, only Dawn Restored gives something to talk about, and it's probably the easiest version we had of that gamemode
I think we need Star Master 2
Imagine, IF snobble will be first gacha that not paywall marriage.
I will kneel so hard.
If not, will still pay for it but no kneel kek.
usually games give you one ring for free for your one true wife then you need to pay to have a harem
I'll kneel regardless. Having a marriage system in this day and age is unheard of.
GCG had free oathing, it was just time gated.
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Hassad soon.
Blue Oath was pretty generous with marriages. I run out of waifus in the end.
I can't believe that the CN anon who casually asked the devs about marriage was actually correct. They have to have been working on it way before the question was asked so no wonder the devs were careful with their answer.
It makes you wonder why, all you need is a skin (you are making skin regarless), one small event in which you kiss and fuck your wife, and then if you''re feeling generous a buff to said girl.
Like it's just easy content to make, why is not more popular?
Both games EOSed.
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Webms incoming
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I can't remember the last time I've ever seen a short free kick in that position actually work. Maybe Esther is a genius
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lastly a good assist by cherno
Based but I take issue with Acacia
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She's a cheater meaning she may cheat death during the 5* Nita patch
That would be pandering to straight men too much. Its why every gacha game is gay and lame now with an ambiguous gender protagonist and muh OMNIPANDERING(just means most of your rolls will have fags in them). Thank God something like Snowbreak can still exist. Feels like China and Korea are picking up Japan's slack lately.
It looks impossible to pull off like this
Devs convinced themselves that waifufags did not account for a majority of their revenue after seeing the success of a CERTAIN gacha game in CN and everyone wanted a piece of that pie.
By doing so, they abandoned the waifufags who would pay an exorbitant amount of money for a game that caters to them. Snobble correctly identified the vacuum left behind by the shifting market and are leaning fully into being THE waifuge with unabashed (You) pandering. The results speak for themselves.
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I think this says it all
It's not as easy as you are making it out to be. You also have to add gestation and pregnancy, events where the jealous girls who you didn't marry kidnap and cut the fetus out of your wife to make their own, and then you have to find a reason to timeskip 5-18 so your daughter can be playable and fuckable.
absolute gigastacy
If you look up cunt in the dictionary, it'll show you this picture
ride wyfe
lyfe good
The fucking smug aura she's radiating... it's too much for my unseasoned dick...
We up next again... good luck bwos... we are gonna need it
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16 hours and 30 minutes..........
I'm so nervous bwos
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Fenny will win
trust the plan
>Images that will come back to haunt her for the rest of her life.
We're UP NOW
go get them snobbles!
absorb their hentai into your game!
Will Fenny ever beat the cuckquean allegations?
Time to get snogging
We are just a branch of hentai and we are brothers
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Let's go bros.
>No njall
Edda you better not let us down
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our blonde twintail is better
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Trust the plan
>Blue Fenny
It's over.
>4 blues
>they have 2 reds
Damn you niggers are getting NTRD
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>Blue defense
It's so over
Esther will save us and shows that terrorists are right
>blue offense
>blue defense
Blue Archive
>fake Rabi
>Alice blob
>Demons Roots
How in the fuck are we going to beat this team
their defense looks solid with all that red and orange
Katya Blue Bolt lives up to her name
Beating /hgg2d/ will be a fucking miracle
so was /gig/'s...
It's so nyover bwos, we have no chance
>No Going to Alice vs Going to Edda matchup
We are gonna lose so hard...
Why is bismarck there anyway?
Part of the asgar saga.
nikker's goalie saved every shot when blue
i believe in you snowg
it was against hanny, but it still counts
It's time
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...uhh, ww@ bwos?
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Time to see if we're homer frauds or not
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>all those snoggers UOHposting in chat
explain yourselves
Oh shiet, We going it
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>fenny dabbing on rape master
Vanilla bros won
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Seasoned wolves appreciate kani too.
Fenny can't be stopped!
did we win the last match?
That's why we're even playing this match
It's so over...
Oh it's so yaover
They are too strong
it's snover
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And it's over bros....

Frito is no genius...
what is this rigged bullshit where they get scored on and get to make "changes" to come back immediately
Frito feet doko
And just like that the dream is over...
it's joever...
Our defense is ass bros
Where the fuck was our defense?
I hate fumika
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owari da...
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I knew it wasn't going to be easy
Fumicunny too strong...
you can't blame frito for this
It's the pastebin the manager set up. They can give specific directions to the streamers if certain conditions of the game is met.
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They have a manager we are full AI... it's so over...
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>Frito reacted near 2 seconds later
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>30 replies to the manager telling him to an hero
Am I fucking losing it? When did we score?
see >>483880823
stop thinking you can control pes. We made this far thanks to Edda
The first 3 mins
UOH posting is fun and lolis are fine sometimes.
True seasoned wolves understand bigger = better.
In like the first 10 seconds
minute 3 kek
I'm literally just explaining to him WHY they can pause the game and change things dude.
we are so unseasoned bwos...
it's over their keeper is goated
most dangerous lead...
This is why I told you to delete fritranny for the game
That commentator is so invested for us kek!
Its literally us and the defense throwing lmao
Oh it's over for real now...
>defend doko?
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bwos... our annibersowwy bideo...
yeah, this is bullshit
not supporting this travesty
They pulled a /tf2g/ on us
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I told my friends to watch this shit with me and now I feel deep regret and shame
Goldfish keeps forgetting she's a defender...
>Not Snogging the competition
Fast generals tend to care more, you guys have that new car smell so you are also really excited .
Bros... we're losing to the cock...
we have 6 shot attempts
Don't feel shame for losing to /hgg2d/. They're a titan in the league.
>4 saves vs 0 saves
it's over
>losing by 2
totally fair
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>no njall ball
>no win
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At least Ichel is doing better than the last match...
Our stats are better but we have no defense...practically no keeper...
Wait so only teams with managers can make edits midgame?
>that defensive blob from /hgg2d/
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Imagine if the bilibili livestream waiting room would see this pathetic display. Embarrassing lads, disgraceful! Where is the football heritage?
>janny gets btfo by seasoned wolf
It was a pleassure to share this happiness with you guys
Well if we had to lose to anyone I'm glad it's to the other thread I use regularly.
Its over bros. Edda's on cooldown
anni is doomed
>snowg cannot become the sex general itself
We'll get there. It's our first league. I'm happy we avoided getting grouped AND won a knockout game.
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we can't beat their keeper and frito can't make a save
its a shame if katya never scores. her goalhorn is the best
I would have offered to be manager, but people were importing costumes and shit so I thought someone was going to manage the team also.

Not that it matters, we did this well with no manager. I might have done worse.
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Sorry it's because I forgot to post Dorime
Fixed now
Already predicted this.
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We are getting Brazil - Germany (2014) 'd bwos
well it's over, time to snog for 5 minutes
Come on, I wanted to play against you guys so I could shitpost
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it's joever. Was nice snogging with you all.
All in all we made it really far
We did really good for our first league
>ecchi loses to actual porn
>losing to lolis
Your game doesn't have lolis or what?
ngl hgg2d is the best opponent to lose to
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This is Seaslug's fault. They keep making the girl's boobs bigger which makes them worse at divegrass
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We had a good run bros
I wish
Huh, I thought you were manager and aesthetics.
Fair enough.
snover bwos.. possibility of a comeback?..
3 fake, 1 real that isn't human
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Just make it stop...
We just went to Spain so none
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We're all snogged out...
We're almost getting the spaniard treatment
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You get used to it
I told you faggots to put Sleepy Joe in
we got commentator cursed hard
We will only have 1 character with different hairstyles soon
The only one who came to play this match is Fenny
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>1-0 1 minute in
>suddenly 1-5
totally not rigged bro
just that wacky PES AI XDD
That formation ensures they have a 1 man advantage against ours...
The manager is doing the "ultradefensive every time we have the ball" exploit
It's literally impossible to win against autism like that, just give them the win, they need it more than us
Doesn't matter, Joe would just jerk off to their cunny attackers. tbf we literally doing auto against a manager with rigged knowledge
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I told them to stop scoring.
Has Fritto made a single save?
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Only one left for ultimate humiliation...Frito how can you let so many in?
h-game general is apparently managed by a giga autist
i don't wanna get used to it...
i don't wanna end up jobbing for 10 vgls like /gfg/...
Bwos...no one told me fumika was that strong...
Bro our key players are all in shit condition. It was gonna happen.
I don't feel so good...
Even the commentators are angry that the manager of /hgg2d/ is micromanaging like an autist retard with the -2 and stuff like that even when thay are winning by 6-1
An full auto team can't beat that, sadly you have to fight teams that take it too seriously like those retards
She's a Hero after all bwo.
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It's all my fault bros, I'm from Brazil... I'm sorry!
It was a great first showing, i'm pretty happy that we got as far as we did honestly.
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your chen looks wierd
Welcome to Brazil!
edda is this funny to you
Its hard for AI to beat autism bros. We had a good run
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>actually got brazil'd
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Ban Frit forever
We got buckbroken...
Welcome to the VGL
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play a real eroge
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If you're also the nigger who registered as FennyWillWin and made me change my guest name to something else then you are a PLAGUE
That was absolutely kino Harubro. Thanks for giving snowg a wonderful debut. All our wins and losses were all memorable. I think our win against gig will stay with me for a long time. Looking forward to next time.
Did any of you guys really think you had a chance against hgg2d's autismo?
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Softcoreniggers got uppity
well bros... we lost to one of the favourites, we had a great first run, hope we have a manager next time
kill yourself nigger
Confirmed next event is Brazil
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gg I think?
It's not that bad, next time you guys will do better with a manager.
Even... but zero goals and zero saves... haha...
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Despite our loss, this was good entertainment. Thanks for giving us something to cheer on Harubro.
First one I've watched bro. Didn't know some generals had hyper autists as managers
No, /hgg2d/ unbridled autism is unmatched
Atleast Katya can rest now, every game she had probably less stamina than everyone else on the field and never got swapped out
A message for all "people" who play """"coomer"""" games.
It wasnt a rape because i cum
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>even game
>get brazil'd anyway
so this... is the power... of autism...
I just realized if /hgg2d/ lost to /gfg/ we could've played them just now
bwos you need a manager
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It's actually Chernover and that's right after our victory against /tf2g/.
not watching VGLshit anymore if this is the level of faggotry
>Defense was rent free
not like this bros...
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Well snoggers welcome to VGL, see you next time.
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Who do we blame for this abysmal dogshit?
To be fair, /hgg2d/'s manager is ESPECIALLY autistic. No one wants to go against them. Autos stand no chance.
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I just wanted... to control an anime girl in third person and shoot shit...
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Hearing the commentators read out that pastbin a bunch of times made me feel something
formation diff
>Who do we blame for this abysmal dogshit?
/hgg2d/'s manager
he was too powerful for Edda to overcome
kill yourself
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This is you.
Many do, this league has been a bit different in that a lot of them got btfo early in groups but still final day is kinda like this , (the /hgg2d/ fag in particular overmanages )
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>Offense doko?
>Defense doko?
>Keeper doko?
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So who are we sending to the /vg/ roster?
>Manager autist vs a full auto team
Yeah we were doomed by the start. It was really fun tho.
We can't lose any harder than this so there's that
the rigging and hgg's fag micromanagement
Harubro should've given the commentators a pastebin that was just
>mirror everything hgg does exactly
didn't ask, retard
Fritter, eternal benchwarmer
how the fuck did /hgg2d/ lose to /gfg/ in the first place
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Sorry, guys. Here, have this pizza!
It's still RNG at the end of the day, so sometimes autos can still btfo'd managed teams.
Back to [s4s] with you!
I want to strangle this AI
Fenny because she's the only one that scored this game
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Can't beat the Fumika
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I ALMOST did that... am I still a plague?
they clearly out NTR'd /hgg2d/
He's done enough for us. This is his first VGL, it's honestly surprising he was able to put together a team considering he learned blender from scratch to even give us a team.
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>not even a cinnamon roll
Podia ser pior
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First time in the league, how do you guys stand people like that? They suck the fun out of everything they touch...
I hate the /hgg2d/ team now, hopefully they lose
>Hags can't deal this kind of damage
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>d-did not ask!! retard!!
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Look what you did, you made your daughter cry from laughing
You're not allowed to eat the cinnamon roll, she has to man the window.
I'd doodle a quick Snowbreak blob, but I don't know these characters to pick one.
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"Almost" doesn't exist and doesn't matter, bwo. You're alright
cute witch
Lyfe. She earned it honestly. Top scorer AND got a hattrick.
if we ever get a stadium we're using Edda's head for the ball
/hgg2d/ was cursed going against the VB team
I hope you slip and get your throat slit by a lego. Just GTFO...
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We don't have any dogs on the roster, unfortuantely.
I became one of them and started managing so they didn't raped my team.
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I'm suprised auto got us that far in the first place, thanks for the fun manager.
Fenny has a blob already. We need a lyfe blob.
I cant even mad lmao
This is a karma for talking shit about cunny days ago
almost like you shouldn't allow some faggot nigger to have full control of a 4fun tournament and ruin it
This is karma for trying to put a 3DPD video on stream
Not a striker because she will never get to play, maybe a midfielder
>>mirror everything hgg does exactly
Is that possible?
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if we ever want to see them on field we should put in a midfielder, I vote 4chen
Sometimes PES is like that, can't win them all. But usually, we win pretty hard
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Eatchel would make a good blob
Chill out bro, it's just game. He should probably chill out too but there is no reason to be mad.
Oh dear God I had a good laugh.
Thank you /snowg/, I haven't laughed that hard in a good minute.
this too. absolutely unforgivable
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Fenny already has one so anyone else. I volunteer my schizowife Cherno.
Forget /gig/, /hgg2d/ is the new rival
NTA but if you're winning 6-0 and you are still micromanaging like an autist you're just killing the fun of the game, like who does that? And /hgg2d/ has fans? I can't stand people like that
I don't think you're getting the point
I doubt if anyone here isn't happy or grateful for his wonderful effort
all I'm saying is that giving the commentators a pastebin for this game that was just "lol, copy our opponents" would've been a zero-effort way to counter their soulless fun-sucking autism
you cant beat them without a manager
You need to stand a chance to be rivals. We got destroyed.
We got raped bwo, we are nobodys rivals... maybe the /gig/'s
Why are you guys taking this seriously? It's just a bit of fun, PES is renowned for doing whatever the fuck it wants which is where the fun is. Even the best managed teams can get blown out if the PESGODS don't side with them.
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time to sit back and relax
>deal with NTR obssesed bug horde for 7 months
We just got stronger
We will probably lose if we go against them again
that's against the rules i think for a pastebin but it could help like go preset 2 +1 if losing by 2 etc.
nta but maybe I'll do it. I was drawing a non blob Lyfe anyway
good taste
We just need a completely autistic manager as well, someone has to be good at pes here
Calm down, bro. The minmax super cereal is annoying to play against (and probably annoying to pilot for the streamers), but the correct play is for us to find a suitable giga autist manager ourselves who will learn how the PES AI works and write an equally autistic pastebin of instructions for every scenario.

or the instructions can just be "copy exactly what the opposing team does"
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I don't think that's even allowed. That being said, I think certain pastebins are way too OP and they really shouldn't have that much control over a team when they're not even present.
We are just memeing along.
It was fun... until I found out even fucking PES AI battler has autist micromanaging stuff...
I enjoyed our lost against /omg/ more, that was a funny match
wat, I was told we don't have a manager
It is only right that Snowbreak should not beat real porn.
>The only way to beat the unfunny tacticts is more unfunny tactics
Welp, I guess meta is above all after all
We don't have a manager. We have a guy who made the team and imported/tweaked models and wrote down chants and goal horns and stuff like that.
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Sex update soon bro. Trust the plan.
We just have to choose one of our hyperautists to manage next time
ngl feel the same
The beating the dead horse is too much.
>real porn
Are you saying 2D is not real?
Considering how this was a lot of snogger's first VGL, that's not happening. We don't have that autism in us.
>I think certain pastebins are way too OP
>It was fun... until I found out even fucking PES AI battler has autist micromanaging
I feel the same, and the whole thing would be more fun if there was little to no managing at all
it's not?
>fun event ruined by a savant
never before have i seen as compelling of a reason to euthanize the autistic
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What a shame. We were a good team, what a rotten way to lose
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Guys, anniversary livestream soon. Let's place our bets. Maybe a bingo table?
the problem is /hgg2d/ found a counter that worked too good early on and PES wasn't on our side today to bail us out
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I was outside, wha-
>We got bra71'd
since we did well someone might come from the outside to manage us, our matches were pretty hyped
Correct, it isn't really now and 2D lost it's appeal. Case in point this nigger >>483885634
optimaiz in the center
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we just need to inject autism into harubro.
he learned shit from scratch to do this.
I'm sure he has that dawg in him
So like where's the porn though?
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You win some and you lose some, sometimes even a vacation to brazil... even with an autismo pastebin you can lose to an autobattler. Seen it with mah own eyes.
That would be fun. Anyone good with photoshop to set one up?
> our matches were pretty hyped
First timer buff which only works for, well , first time
he has the whole pack of dawg in him
more seasoned than the wolf himself
that fucker has done fuck all the whole season
he does not deserve the name seasoned wolf
he is absolutely unseasoned
Huh let's check how my team did
Pretty much, but I think since this is the first VGL for a lot of snoggers most of then didn't even knew about hgg2d's autismo they've been champions for a reason.
I'm fine with Wild Cunt or Lyfe. They both deserve it.

Now if someone can remove Frit from the roster permanently, that would be good
I don't know if I want to subject Harubro to that though. Easy way to burn him out
I missed it bwos...
They've changed rating from 12 to 16+, we're getting there, slowly
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ok next!
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>8(5) and 1 less shot than them but only 1 goal
What a loss, we had some good shot attempts but their keeper woke up and frito was non existent. Sometimes it do be that way, Katya having blue condition definitely sucked but nothing you can do about that. Making it to SR2 is a big deal though because it means we get to send a rep to VG's roster for the cup. Who should we send?
Personally I was happy with the tactics we got, this is the last vgl on pes19 and with them banning so many formations this seemed like a good shot

Next VGL will in Winter, starting sometime in either late November or early Dec. It'll be on pes17 for that one. I will run a poll to decide roster names, new members, kits, music yadda yadda. I'll probably have a boatload of aesthetic work from going back to an old pes and adding new shit so I want to have the poll somewhat earlier. Also no you cannot make a pastebin that says copy what X does. It's specifically not allowed
Merc'ing is highly frowned upon. The manager has to be someone representative of the general (ie: someone who is a regular on /snowg/).
We can't let Harubro do all the work. He already pulled through with making the team.
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I think he means coach
I work at a company that makes eroges
Watch the Fifa World cup of Germany vs Brazil's 7-1. Exact same scenario
does this mean Edda wants rape correction? you damn brat
It was a good run with many KINO moments, thanks for setting it up haru-GOD
I honestly thought the chat was managing teams through some vote of some sorts.. Most of the time I'm watching cluelessly.
Reminds me of why I hate sports and only play singleplayer games
>Fenny will win
>Lyfe also wins
>So will Marian
>Groping dorm 2.0
Take your pick
Marriage system for future harem!
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We will surely pull through next time when we are not against autists, right?
>Oath system
>Free rolls
>New perm game mode
>Dorm expansion
>Dorm 2.0
>New interactable skin/mode
>Dating mode
>Who should we send?
Wild Cunt, hands down our best overall performer
>no you cannot make a pastebin that says copy what X does. It's specifically not allowed
fuck those autists
That would be pretty retarded for multiple reasons.
I wanted to come and laugh at you guys but then I realized that im just horny af may it be 2d or 3d
You won just this one time ill come back
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thanks for the hard work harubro.
Its a shame katya never scored, that goalhorn would've definitely been hype
But being a super autist isn't? I don't understand these rules
Next time we will simply forge an Alliance with our Chinese-gacha brethren to RIG the games in our favor using CCP assets in the VGL organization
I'm betting on sex
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Thanks for the work Harubro, I had fun watching the matches. For our pick I guess it should be Lyfe or Hidden Mechanics.

Katya should be moved to the attacker line so she doesn't get tired so fast desu.
send lyfe, /vg/ needs some wild cunt.
>a rep to VG's roster for the cup
When is this cup happening? before or after the VGL in winter?
Also I don't think we should send either Fenny or Lyfe because they are just gonna get bench'd, there are really good strikers out there
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Godspeed harubro. /thank you for your service.
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More ideas!
Nita mentioned at all
the /vg/ team will reassign them so lyfe will turn into a midfielder or a defensive player so it's not like she'll always be on the bench
awkward lyfe and fenny cosplayers shake their tits on stream
Will we, dare I say it, be graced with quality gameplay update?
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Thank you! Despite that, it has been very fun! and I don't even like football
I am looking forward to our next game.
Try this, maybe https://bingobaker.com/
Wild cunt being MVP should be first pick

Good work, Harubro. We went farther than expected.
Rating has nothing to do with it, it's the audience who's the issue.
You won't believe how much people go like
>damn I'm so degenerate! I like LOLICON and FEET!
but then
>they DID WHAT? SICK BASTARDS! YOU CAN'T MASTURBATE TO [insert niche fetish name]!
new game mode
more cringekino asmr because seaslug rolls like that
Same rehashed timegated events
New 4*s
Seaslug if you're reading this thread let me headpat my waifu when I log on
And god forbid, properly balanced exclusive limited anniversary characters?
Retardedly fun to watch and participate yes. Not some hyper tryhard autismos controlling the whole game.
When do you need the banners by? Or have you already got enough? Could you remind me what the dimensions are again? wasn't it 500x70 or something like that?
you forgot sex
Now I can imagine a tryhard in a party game lmao
Yeah, it's better to let some teams have a giant advantage over others. That's not retarded at all.
We need "special touches" too
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Thank you very much! I want to say Fenny but Lyfe deserves it after taking us up to this point
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I'm not Harubro but I remember he said 512 x 64 and in png format
sometime before winter, so there's a lotta time
do we mean 'optimize' in the sense that they'll use the term as they ubiquitously do, or in the sense that at least one girl is gonna get 'upgraded'?
yes this too seaslug, I also want to poke her tummy and cheeks
Livestreaming having technical problems
>Next league is in Winter
I'm gonna miss watching footy with you guys...
I wonder what the state of the game will be like by then
>I wonder what the state of the game will be like by then
Each thread last for 3 days just like the old days.
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also I posted this the other day, that the Source Sans Pro family of fonts (free and easily available) is very nearly identical to the one used in-game, which may be useful for this purpose
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Fellow /snoggers/ i missed today's game. Is there a recording up somewhere, so I can watch it?
we won, right? please tell me we won
That's the joke. They use it for everything.
Just scroll up
Monopoly v2
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You're not going to want to see this bwo...
We didn't just lost, our asses hurt after this match
This current match is pretty good. I hope we can see games like this from our team.
AI english voices
we won just for us to get buck broken, creampied, tentacled.
We won the first and lost the second to hentai-GODS
snow break: comfort and entertainment zone
Cameltoe, Katya skin interactions, Carolyne's panties are back
Did you miss our last group game? That's as kino as it'll ever get considering all the external factors at play.
I think it would be funny if /snowg/ sent Joe Biden, but I'm a tourist
vod will be up by tomorrow probably, watch the first match and don't watch the second match
Is it me or soccer actually makes people more aggressive than video games do?
Katya will win
First time watching sports or sport adjacent events? People die over this in real life.
more boxes kino
Chen win
Lyfe alter
Shower animations, legacy characters buff, Adjutant gets his room, Caroline lives at Adjutant's room
Do people die over gachas irl
while this would be a hilarious and deserved 'fuck you' to the Eng VAs, this wouldn't actually be a good thing
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So did us getting out shit pushed in by /hgg2d/'s manager inspire the autism in anyone here to learn the ins and outs of PES's AI to create the formations and pastebin?
Football is the greatest sport in the world, maybe for american is hard to grasp, but that shit is no joke.
It's a sport for niggers. What else are you expecting?
Oh well. I should stay playing video games and live a peaceful live.
The media has lied to me about video games making people violent.
Add this >>483889327
>Adjutant gets his room
subtitles anon...
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Alt bingo
You don't need to do that to win is way easier than that, just copy the exact formation /hgg2d/ is using and make the streamer guy do the same "-2 until we get the ball then go neutral" even if you are winning 10-0 and then you can go easily to the finals
Tau in 3D
Tau get a room
Playable Tau
I don't know but sports has a ton of money involved. Betting is a huge component of it. You can imagine how that can affect people.
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>7 : 1
Paid options to make skins lewder (like free options in Katya's secretary outfit)
The only thing we have learned is that putting a midget in the goal was a bad idea and having only 3 defenders

It's a British game, just look up how much people died over football there.
Well why hasn't everyone done that then?
That's explicitly not allowed.
>British game
>They suck at it
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Linking this here because our wolf was very unseasoned in these games so we didn't get to hear it in an actual match
>first thought after losing is copying who won
Truly a chinese general
The british don't even play football though....
We probably aren't getting anything Cherno related on anni but I will cope nonetheless.
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We don't need that, we just need more shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan
The biggest disappointment of all. I couldn't even howl with my seasoned wolves.
They were more seasoned than us, the power of coom running thickly through the veins of their players. We did not goon enough in preparation...
>Using a football formation is not allowed unless you are /hgg2d/
>Using the game mechanics is not allowed unless you are /hgg2d
/So the rig accusations are real?
You can't do that apparently
No, what's not allowed is just going "lol, copy whatever they do." If you want a giga autismo manager you have to get your own giga autismo manager, not just copy the other team's.
I wanted to hear this chant so bad... maybe in december r-right guys?
>It's a British game
Still a nigger sport.
First game!
Last game...
The seasoned path is to trust Edda. We are a gambling game, all we need to do is roll the dice. Autismos routinely fail in /vgl/ as well btw.
Oh shit, I think that starts airing in like a week. I'm hoping it's basically FLCL but cuter.
Wedding skins have interactions, a new character sets a record for the largest breast size
If you guys want something to cheer you up
it's currently still tied 5-5 in overtime between /domg/ and /bag/
You're confusing this with football (american) somehow
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>We are a gambling game
Wrong, we gave a 100% banner now, it doesn't count as gambling
If only.
So 2 people can't use the same formation?
2 guys can't run a 4-4-2 for example?
What abut the plus or minus stuff? I've seen a lot of guys go +1 in the second half.
Also in one match one manager asked the dude to copy the exact formation /bag/ was using and he did so...
seeing 2 autist managers try to counter each other are the most unfun matches to watch, you're spending most of the match in menus switching shit. i'll rather watch us luckshit into survival to get btfo instead
You can stop now.
Bwo...your logi substats? You will never escape the gamble, for it is in the sovl of snobble
It has become fairly africanized desu
jamie, bring up that image of the french soccer team
Matches also last 1 fucking hour... this is unwatchable
It's an artform. I can't help but admire the autism sometimes. Especially for PES of all games.
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Here you go, have a classic non-fake real gacha Lyfe blob, to commemorate your h-stat sheet being fisted for the first time!
Sorry it took so long, something came up during the drawing.
Free loli operative
Thanks /hgg2d/ drawfag. I'll treasure this.
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Thanks bro, I will make liberal use of the Lyfe blob
It's France
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A great-value gift for the whole family! Included in every meal from McWitches!
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You captured her lips well, thank you bro
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Frito remains unblobbed
Honestly, Lyfe is such a beauty...
Stop commenting on your own pics, Lyfe
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I don't know who that is. I just make Canela memes and gacha bootleg blobs.
Fenny please stop with the self-deprecating comments...
Based! Thanks for cutie Lyfe blob!
Lyfe x Fenny passionate, jealous girl lust
Bakerbro we are getting close...
EoS thread
>I don't know who that is
You're better off like that
we deserve to die after the embarrassment of today's match....
is it ok if I use this as ref and do one for Chen? That's a good style.
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That's how blobs work.
This here isn't the ORIGINAL blob, but it's the derivative that everyone bases theirs on. So use this.
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Snoble.... lost....
How do you make them?
/bag match...is kino...we couldn't ever
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why do you have that saved?
I see, thanks
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It is a mystery.
Oh you need to draw over them, I don't have the equipment to do that.
Thank god we have people that are good at that stuff
It's clearly that shitposter from earlier today.. sigh.
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Do you have hands?
Bwo... I hate to tell you this but we actually don't have any drawfags in this general...
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>This here isn't the ORIGINAL blob,
So what is the ORIGINAL blob?
So this is how /snowg/ dies...
I would be one if snogger released a year or 2 earlier.
But I'll make that Chen blob later.
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>Thank god we have people that are good at that stuff
>we actually don't have any drawfags in this general...

Yeah, what he said. We don't have drawfags. That's why our Rabis look so scuffed. Again, no offense to the people who made the Rabis because it's better to have them than to not have them, but they don't look like the Rabis that other threads get. I think this Lyfe one is the best we got.
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This is the original blob. Their eyes are actually supposed to be multiple lines, instead of one oval-thing. I've never seen a fakeblob get that correct.
is this thing stil getting updates?
man, just kill yourself
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The current direction of snobble demands that little girl have h-cup tits
Yeah but in the background.
He's gonna release it once 2.0 is completed, expect it in 2 years or so at the rate he's working
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Thanks for the NFT blob knowledge
I'm very onboard with this.
I'm intrigued to start drawing but I'm held back by my novel writing hobby for now.
get the fuck out and take that shit with you
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bro I live here
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Me too but the thought of having to grind gestures and anatomy again is really off-putting. I should've stuck with it when I first started.
I'm gonna rape you after what you did to us!
snowbunnies? more like snowflakes kek
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>He doesn't know snowbreak isn't the only game I play
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Might I suggest having an AI assist you in your artistic endeavors?
Yes, bake a thread posthaste
We know and that's why you have to GTFO
After today I'll hate you forever
I'm ready to take the AI pill Edda. You won after all.
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We are loli fuckers here, go back
fuck off and die
kys pedo
what are you gonna do?
post gay scat porn again kek
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uh oh melty
Snowbreak is the only gacha I play because ML stuff is pretty fucking rare on Snowbreaks level. You almost never see explict interest from the characters but I would play others if they existed.
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Friendship with Edda has ended
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get the rope and die pedophiles
Yes, that is in fact the reason most of us play this game. Welcome and enjoy your stay.
BA is kinda ML but it's canon the students leave the sandbox world after 3 years of school life.
After all no one is actually for (You).
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>Replying to the post that said pedos should die
ESLs not even once
Nikke used to be before going the normalfag route
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Do not open if bread isn't fresh.
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>feh adds one woman who is openly and eternally in love with you, to the point of begging you for children
>she instantly wins the yearly popularity poll
>beat out multiple "favorites" who were guaranteed to win
>only existed for one single month before that
It looks like other gachas are starting to take notice
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Here's your (You) retard
I like it. It keeps snobble on its toes and to not rest on its laurels. They'll have to keep coming up with creative ways to advance the for (You) content.
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I look like this
We got jammies here?
What is ML
Megaman Legends
Master love or Mala. It's slang for For (You) content basically.
I finally quit FEH for good a few months ago but I will miss Seidr's holy trinity of (You) love.
Nta but is Master Love
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Master Love, young pup
They got even stronger today because of Emblem Celica. Now Summer Gullveig can warp around the map four times in one turn to repeatedly remind you that she loves you.
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Kakao's a dogshit publisher that does not shill their fucking games so I'll do it in their place when relevant.
>get three perfect attack 10% logis for siris first try each
>no hp
Edda you shit.
ML3 never... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cNIkAMK4Pc
When is the snobble stream?
In 14 hours.
We don't even deserve a new thread, I mean why would we...
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I will be sleeping at that time, damn it. Someone make a tldr of the most important bits and which girls are getting stuff.
>2 AM for me
Guess I'm sleeping early
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>watch divegrass
>team loses hard
I will not be watching the stream tomorrow
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Katya is the first banner I have rolled on, are these logis good enough to keep/use revisions on? I used like 3k tickets on her logis and these are the best I got...
I have never heard of this outside of these threads
You know there's a screen that show all three logis at once right (character->logistics->details).
Also only the third one is decent. I would not be wasting revisions on first two.
>/hgg2d/ buckbroke us so hard it killed our general
fuck off and kys
>You know there's a screen that show all three logis at once right
No I didn't, thanks
>Also only the third one is decent
guess I'll keep trying for the first two...
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hmm no, we even got a Lyfe blob. Just ignore the drama queen, we still have a anniversary stream to watch for the next thread.
It's a chinese term. These threads end up delving into chinese internet forums than most others due to the circumstances around this game.
Don't worry about ATK too much; some other combinations may be better if you have them >>482705542
>It's a chinese term
Hmm nyo. It started with Kancolle which was the original ship anthropomorphism web game where not every boat was for you so ones that did became "Teitoku (Admiral) Love". Later got coopted by FGO and became "Master Love".
Master love (マスターラブ) is actually a Japanese term but the Chinese also have a slang for the same thing called Mala which also gets abbreviated to ML. That's how it came about.
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I will just leave this here.
I kneel
Bakerbro, we're long overdue for some fresh bread
Ah that make sense, that's not an anime term it's specific to gachashit then.
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Master Love!
Thanks for your sacrifice bwo
If you go to sleep now you will wake up in time for the stream.
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It was an honor snogging with you all.
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I can't! sleep... rig-ht n.......
I'm going to use our last moments to say that I've always hated (you), no, I'm not talking in general, I'm talking about (you) specifically
I would bake, but there is a five minute timer on me for some reason.
hey buddy I'm gonna need you pearl clutching niggerfaggots to go back to twitter or reddit or whatever shithole you frequent, cause this isn't the place for you
>900 posts
>Page 10
>No baker
This is the only gacha general where this could ever happen
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>(you) specifically
I will miss you snoggers.
Fine, but I still like you anon, no homo.
It's impossible to hate a Fritter. There is only Fritolove and fans who pretend to hate Frito.
fuck off and die pedo
Fuck English Voices. Subtitles for battle when?

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