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“you don't know what it was like man, you weren't in germania!” edition

1d6chan - https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Total_War:_Warhammer/Tactics
Roll Charts - https://imgur.com/a/81snQma

>Total War: Warhammer III
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1142710/
Patch 5.1 Notes: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-warhammer/blogs/23
Karanak FLC Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2NDDhUp8kI
What's Next: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fix3FvsmplA&t=599s&ab_channel=TotalWar

>Total War: Pharaoh
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1937780/
Pharaoh New Combat Mechanics: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-pharaoh/blogs/24
Pharaoh New Factions: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-pharaoh/blogs/21
Lethality Q&A July 2: https://x.com/totalwar/status/1805618703720919522

>Older Titles
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/franchise/TotalWar-Official/

Previous >>483701368
Apologise to Legend.
Germania? No human lives there. Only animals.
Be a good person
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A reminder that the final Western Roman spearman can actually get precursor javelins. I believe that they are called Cornuti Seniores.
Rome 2 has the most broken AR in TW you can cheese it so hard you don't need to fight any battles ever. It's that bad.
Why would I care? I don't autoresolve battles unless it's my full stack against like five dudes in a garrison.
>y-you just mad you can't cheese the game
>you can
>waaaa but I don't
Don't care. Rome 2 was, is and forever will be shit.
You could at least share with the whole class.
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Thanquol soon, friends!
Total War has fallen, billions must die.
Billions of jade warriors died because of your melty CHUD.
Volound predicted this.
You can cope however you want. Most amount of players in a historical game, absolute best selection of DLC, best factional variety, best overhaul mod in the form of DEI. Only thing it doesn't have is true hordes which I will admit are pretty fun in Attila but that's it.
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It's 2024. You seethed about Legend and no historical titles for years.

You got Pharaoh. It failed and is already dead. Legend is still the #1 total war youtuber. Warhammer is the most played TW still. 40k is just around the corner.

How does it feel to lose everything?
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being a furry is genetic to germanics, as it turns out
No one plays vanilla R2 you tard. The game is irredeemable without mods.
Says the descendant of twinks sucking on wolf titties
Most of the mods on the workshop are for vanilla Rome 2 lmao. By that logic no one plays Attila except for 1212
Last thread died so repostin here. Which one should I get from the sale: Fall of the samurai, Medieval 2 or Empire?
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Feels amazing. Eldar shall inherit TW.
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My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
A reminder that the next DLC is
U'zhul Skulltaker / Golgfag Maneater / Gorbad Ironclaw / Khorne FLC
CA Sofia is developing all of the Khorne content.
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ok, here's the real deal
What do you enjoy in a te game?
Empire will always be janky, Med2 is old and it shows and FotS is somewhat limited, well that and the annoying realm divide mechanic.
>we are now going to pretend DEI isn't the most subscribed mod now
Top 50 most subscribed mods for Rome 2 are all DEI, Radious, DEI or Radious submods and graphical updates. No one plays vanilla Rome 2. You are delusional.
maybe you're right, I do love sucking on titties...
i miss sacking the same settlement 50 times a campaign
If they're playing Empire Divided or Rise of the Republic (both incredibly popular DLCs) they're playing vanilla you fucking retard, DEI doesn't support the former and only recently added barebones support for the latter. Now, go to Attila's page, what are the most popular mods there? You're grasping for straws hard.
Rise is included in DEI for a year now. You don't even play the game you are trying to defend lmao.
What's the strongest artillery in Warhammer Fantasy?
Confirmed content:
Golgfag Maneater/Gorbad Ironclaw/U'zhul Skulltaker/Khorne FLC Lord
Slaanesh DLC
Vampire Counts DLC
Lizardmen rework
Norsca rework
"Legacy race" reworks in between DLC patches

Colossal Squig
Tzeentch content (from a Reddit post)
queen bess
>and only recently added barebones support for the latter
Can you fucking read? For the vast majority of RotR's release, it has been vanilla only. Tons of people played it and still play it vanilla. If you actually played DEI you'd know that it's only hastati, principes and triarii for their version of RotR, once again, fucking barebones and still being worked on.
Med 2 is the one I enjoy best out of those, even if its getting noticeably old nowadays
You are living on cope.
They also said Warhammer Total War is their oyster so fishmen confirmed.
You cannot dispute anything I've said. Going the "people only bought it to play a mod" route to go after Rome 2 while defending Attila was especially an amusing choice.
Belakor said he dreamt of a time he flew across the stars.

Do daemons sleep and dream?
>auto-resolve says "valiant defeat"
>win with less than half of my army lost
>"pyrrhic victory"
shouldn't that be a heroic victory then???
No, it was just him in 40k. The daemons can cross settings.
80% of units will be hybrid ranged-melee in the next Total War game.
no shit

im asking if daemons sleep because he specifically said dream
ur mother will be hybrid ranged-melee in the next total war game
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It consideres ammo expenditure for that too.
it was almost exclusively melee
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40k will feel like downgrade from fantasy.

>No diplomacy because everyone hates everyone. Lame.
>No Empire, Bretonnia, Kislev or Cathay. Only human faction is the Imperium of Man. LAME
>No Vampire Counts(evil undead) or Tomb Kings(ranging from evil to good undead), only undead faction is the Necrons lacking Von Carstein charm. LAME
>No Skaven. Lame.
>No Ogre Kingdoms, Ogryns are just mutated humans.
>No Dwarves and thus no chaos Dwarves.
>Tau are lamer than Lizardmen. Kroot are cool, thought. The original Turians.
>God Emprah is sitting on his throne, so no playable protagonist like Karl Franz, Tyrion Heir of Aenarion or Katarin Bokha.
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Then your army liss must have been to high, theirs too low.
Heroic victories have been fucky for many games.
40keks is literally "spayz muhreeenz bolter go bang bang, death to xenos haha. Everything NEEDS to be comically retarded and grim derp."
arkhan more like arcant
>it's another dwarftide episode
people will buy just to play space marines conquering shit for tha emprah, like i have no doubt it will destroy the record for total war sales
do chaos undivided corruption factions tolerate other types of chaos corruption? nurgle just moved in next door and id like to keep him friendly but not if he fucks my control
40k will have an added feature for unit customization (wargear) so theres that.
>No Empire, Bretonnia, Kislev or Cathay.
The Imperium human troops are literally all that. And more. It has cringe insectoids, russians, knights and gun and artillery armies like the Empire. Hell the space marines cover even these themes too.
Imperium is like 5 factions.
I'm going to buy 40k and every single DLC for it. I'm not going to buy the next historical title.
Imperium has more regiments of imperial guard based on different stereotypes than Fantasy has nations and races combined.
I got the dog with flying tampon lady yesterday, so that was cool.
My goal today is to unlock Boris with not!Rasputin.
I tried this once already but it's fucking hard. Any tips on his campaign other than lowering difficultly? I'm trying to only play on L/VH iron man max AI cheats. No mods.
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why do 40k fans huff their own farts on how "hurrdurr 40K crushes other sci-fi" but I've only seen a very tiny handful of similar memes with Warhammer Fantasy
For real. Kreig alone could be an entire dlc.
cause before the total war game fantasy was dead, and even when it was alive it was never popular
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Hopefully high elves get a rework with the slaanesh update.

also i was thinking about buying the complete troy collection on steam but then I thought that I would rather just play warhammer and wait for the pharaoh update if I'm going to play a total war. I can understand the franchise fatigue people get now with everything essentially just being rome 2 mods. 3K tried to change things up drastically but it being in china means everything is the same basically any campaign you do. I enjoy the ROTK era but I just get gassed out quick on those campaigns. The geography along with how tedious it is to play mental gymnastics with all the other factions that look the same gets annoying. It also doesnt help that it takes so long to field decent armies that aren't just militias that will constantly route.
How do you deal with Ungrim as Azhag?
Because whf was very niche before total war. 40k has been a thing for a while and consistently.
And most sci-fi settings are pozzed crap.
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Imperium is just one faction. You can't say that US Army, US marine corps and US navy are three separate factions.

>Imperial Guard, but dressed like WW2 Soviets. Imperial Guard but dressed like WW1 Germans.LAME

ok boomer.
Because 40k fans are incredibly insecure. It's like the third worlders who obsess over Goku beating every character from other franchises.
What are the strongest
Single target
Spells in the game?
Fantasy fans are busy having fun while 40kiddies are busy arguing about their fav space manchildren chapter and enjoying their moblie slip games.
but we already have that in tww. it's going to be the same system.
AoE: Pit of Shades
Single target: Rancid Visitations but Final Transmutation is amazing against multiple single entities
Buff: Never used them
Debuff: Net of Amyntok (cannot move)
Because like I said ">No diplomacy because everyone hates everyone. Lame."
40k gimmick is that everyone hates everyone.
Kill yourself you dumb nigger. Your family could use the relief.
>on vacation in florida
>sitting by the pool with a pina colada browsing 4chan, thinking about playing warriors of chaos when I go home tomorrow
Sorta stupid feeling, but comfy
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>akhtually Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle, Space Marines, Adeptus Custodes,
Adeptus Mechanicus, Inquisition are all separate factions.
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40k will feel like upgrade from fantasy.

>Complex internal politics with different imperial and chaos factions vying for political control. Based.
>Space Marines, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle and Adeptus Mechanicus. Multiple human factions with radically different combat doctrines instead of being for different ethnicities(French, German, Russian and Chinese) of spearmanii. BASED
>Undead faction is an actual menace on the galactic scale and resemble a mix between the mummy and the terminator, instead of being lame ass twilight vampires and the most generic fantasy egyptians possible. BASED
>No Skaven, thread will finally be cleansed of ratfaggotry. BASED
>No Lizardmen, so skink homos will also go away.
>Space Dwarfs, but this isn't much of a positive.
>Tau aren't a positive either.
>Roboutte Guilliman leading the Imperium from the front, a true playable protagonist while in fantasoy warhammer all the important characters (Nagash, Dragon Emperor, High Elf Phoenix King) just sit in the background as non entities.
I remember being in the shitty old people town my dad bought a second home in for golfing in Florida and wanting to go home to play my intelivision in the 80's.
I get it.
>No diplomacy because everyone hates everyone. Lame.
>No Empire, Bretonnia, Kislev or Cathay. Only human faction is the Imperium of Man. LAME
This will be solved through CA likely splitting the imperium up between all it subfactions (mechanicus, astartes, sororitas, militarum, custodes) and with the squats back that's one more faction to do diplo with. Wouldn't be surprised if you could also do diplo with tau and eldar.
>No Dwarves
Dwarves are back now, with their own army book
>No Skaven
It has tyranids instead
>No Vampire Counts
I guess genestealer cults are the closest thing to it in 40K
>God Emprah is sitting on his throne, so no playable protagonist
Literally girlyman
>complex internal politics
>total war
>AoE: Pit of Shades
Comet of casandora is way better
I didn't say any of that. I said kill yourself you dumb nigger because you will make those forced to deal with you happy and relieved.
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>Space Dwarfs, but this isn't much of a positive.
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>having to manage an entire court of characters, each with their own traits, special bonuses, relationships with other characters and desires, handing out titles and honours to keep happy and not defecting with their troops
sounds like a (You) problem, fantasoy
It's the anti-Star Trek.
Roddenberry believed that high levels of technology and space travel would lead to a post-scarcity society free of any social problems.
40k at least recognizes that people will be just as awful as they are now with access to space ships and Lazer guns.
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>Because 40k fans are incredibly insecure
ironic, given constant seethe for years from fantasyfags in this thread
The part I'm actually worried about is unit size. That's the part that translates to total war the least. You can't have 19 units of 5 Astartes. It wouldn't look right. But you can't put 40 Astartes in one unit without making it look stupid.
Why not? Works for DoW
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>Complex internal politics with different imperial and chaos factions vying for political control
Don't care about internal politics in a fucking Total War game. External politics are non existed and you just proved it

>Multiple human factions
These are not "factions" these are different branches of Imperial military. didin't read the rest as first two are LAME
bratty cat
rubbing behind the ears correction needed
>40k at least recognizes that people will be just as awful
No it doesn't. A majority of bad things are due to space hell, demons and their plots to fuck over the universe. Well that and walking bioweapons.
>skink homos will go away
If you think for a second that lewd posting will go down with 40k, you have no clue about anything. You'll be so sick of Tau that you'll miss the skink skanks.
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>I didn't say any of that. I said kill yourself you dumb nigger because you will make those forced to deal with you happy and relieved.
>you're talking shit about autists screeching?
>you must be insecure
40k will probably be heavily frontloaded with Imperium armies, with one Chaos and one "neutral" like Eldar.
I believe that the game will launch with SM, Imperial Guard, Sororitas for the Imperium, then Chaos undivided and Eldar.
The game will then have smaller unit DLC and Expansions instead of new games to add new races.
>Works for dawn of war
And that looks and feels nothing like total war.
I don't have a problem with it not being like other tw games, but I am worried any them making it suck to fit.
>SM, Imperial Guard, Sororitas

So 3 imperium factions? Wonderful
It's going to be Space Marines / Eldar / Chaos Space Marines / Necrons with Imperial Guard as preorder
>These are not "factions"
They are separate factions. Imperium is decentralized to an absurd degree
t. has one wojack and can't into greentext
Eh, ogres have low model counts and that works and looks fine for them. space marines are also big fuckers, so the low unit count could work for them as well.
Goblin Wolf Chariot
>8 models per unit = smash through entire units on the charge
>100 speed for high impact, flanking and escape
>arrow damage is actually tremendous for a couple of goblin shortbows, can kite large monsters

Orc Boar Chariot
>4 models on ultra unit size, barely any impact, will get stuck on troops they didn't knock down
>54 speed, kill me
>no ranged attack

Does anyone use chariots? Are they good, or too much of a micro sink? Is putting a lord on one ever good?
just use pump wagons as greenskins, there meme stuff because grom buffs wolf chariots too, but as meme chariots just use pump wagons
>Chaos Space Marines
That's the pre-order faction.
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>can't into greentext

Yes, and are you really boasting that you are pro on 4chan?
People created the hell demons with their awfulness.
That debate was terrible. There is a real possibility that Malekith could win the Phoenix election. I think that the Asur may need a new candidate.
I will be voting for a third party... Orion, Lord of Athel Loren.
yeah but depends on faction. if they have good chariots (the heaviest 4-model ones) or bad lineups otherwise (tomb kings) or just plain funny (flappas pump wagons) i use them.
90% of cases fuck no. melee characters exist to soak up a unit or two of melee damage while magic and flankers do the actual killing. a chariot makes characters worse at that job but not particularly good at a chariot's job. i do put tomb kings on chariots most of the time because i'm a lorefag thoughever.
>micro sink
That's the problem. They're one of those units that gets used a lot in the early game but not so much later on. Not because they don't scale, but because you're too busy. You can't put them in big blocks and ruin them through as a blob, but it's not ideal
Skarbarand is effectively a chariot. Depends on the character, but yeah.
You don't want to know what asur think of the asrai.
The only pro is your mom
Would you vote Naestra or Arahan?
the asari have more in common with dark elves than high elves
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Should I buy Shogun 2 on sale? I only played Warhammers so far (and Medieval 2 when it released, but I barely remember anything and it was overheating my graphics card so hard I could play for at most 2 turns at a time).
this is the problem with eshin early game too
runners are insanely efficient when all of their shots are AP but when you have even less frontline than normal skaven factions during the early game because stormvermin are prohibitively expensive controlling the battles take a lot out of you
and you need to manually control a lot of those early fights because autoresolve will rape you
No. It's saga tier game. Set in one country during Civil War. No variety.
>France has a lower concentration of furshits than Poland
I guess I'm moving. I'd rather have a shootout with jihadists than interact with these degenerates.
>no skaven, bretonnia, kislev, dwarves, lizardmen
But enough about the positives
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Isn't it like 3 bucks?
>Hey guys, should I buy this energy drink?
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Brown girls like in MENA girls
attila is best if you want some historical kino
>less fantasy/scifi race diversity is le good
We got AyRabs too. It's called "Dearborn."
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>Hopefully high elves get a rework with the slaanesh update.
I hope they don't get a full rework. Something similar to Gelt's magic college for Teclis would be nice, and giving the lord/hero traits a calibration (Entrepreneur and some of the other busted traits in 2 got nerfed to shit but are still in the most expensive trait pool) but Influence is simple and effective. I don't want them to end up like Empire with a bunch of shit to manage.
Ogres are an obvious exception.
MENA girls might not know it, but they're MADE for European cock
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i mostly only want an influence rework. give them access to schemes and active things like yuan bo instead of just moving diplomacy ratings.
Everyone did, humans, aliens that have existed before the first creatures left the oceans, even monkeys killing each other. 40k gives humanity far too much of an out when it comes to their own faults. It's the one neat thing about BT, every bad thing that happens is solely the fault of people.
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What do you prefer for TWW40K ?
Galactic scale map
Segmentum scale map
Sector scale map
Sub-Sector scale map
System scale map
Planet scale map
hell yeah bros i cant wait to play space marines in a total war game where i can have massive battles with my 10 man space marine squads!
It not existing as a tw title. Just make another DoW.
I'm the guy who brought up model count.
I thought of ogres, but you need that for custodes. It's whatever. I honestly don't prefer the total war formula, but it's what's popular and supported. The whole building slots, 20 unit stacks, magic replenishment of casualties, and shit like that are retarded, but I tolerate it because the games are playable and supported. I just hope they don't fuck it up.
I just added the "samurai collection" and all of Shogun 2's DLC to my card. It's way cheaper than if I tried to do the same thing with Jurassic World Evolution 2. Well, Jurassic World has much more DLC (on sale each DLC costs almost as much as the base game, too, and they only include 4 dinos each, holy shit now this is cash grab).
If I buy the blood pack for Shogun 2, will I also get it in Fall of the Samurai? Or are they not linked like the three Warhammers?
sub-sector, though I still have my doubts a 40k game will ever happen
Aliens count as people.
Fots is a shogun 2 expansion, so yes they carry over. Same way the WH1 blood dlc counts for WoC too.
Galactic scale map. Segmentums are theaters.
Go to the mid east grocers and hit on the cashiers. I would if I wasn't old and married. They try harder than "white" girls. More polite and seem smarter, too.
Lol, lmao even. well that and ayys fucking shit up before mankind even was a thing
Democracy doesn't exist in Total War...
Unless you play Carthage or Rome
its cheaper than taking a fucking bus if you wanna play it buy it
Prefer? >>483866302
If they got to make a two game? I think planet=settlement, system=provence.
Unless they completely overhaul how the campaign map works, that's pretty much what it should be.
arguably shogun 2 is the last of the "classic" total war games. it still holds up pretty well. rome 2 introduced a lot of new baseline mechanics like provinces and forced general armies. ever since every new total war game has been an iteration of rome 2 with not much innovation outside of fantasy stuff.
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Ok, but they will still have to go back.
>arguably shogun 2 is the last of the "classic" total war games

Hi Volound. No one cares about Shogun 2. It's saga tier game set in one country during civil war. It features one of lamest construction systems and probably the smallest amount of unit diversity in the series. You are only good at it because you put ashigaru in a spear wall and retarded A.I. rushes at them.

Great system, I love it.

>forced general armies
Mixed bag, but I don't mind it
go back with me to my bedroom, sure
Medieval 2 is the last "classic game" as empire introduced the infamous warscape engine
Chaos is dumb and the way it works in 40k it diminishes the whole setting.
>classic game
Med 2 doesn't even run on a classic engine Shogun 1 and Medieval 1 are classic games. Not to mention Shogun 2 and Rome 2 run on the same engine and are the polar opposites in quality.
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>Local System governor
>Fleet-Based Chapter
>Adeptus Mechanicus world
>League of Votann enclave
Here, you have 5 independent Imperium faction able to work together or to fight each other.
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the bedroom in the boat going back to africa, right ?
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a sex cruise around the Mediterranean? sure!
Kek so medieval 1 is the last classic game?
Shogun 1 is.
So you are saying that Florida, US sixth fleet, MIT would be separate "factions"?
>Total War: Fallout
You still here, nigger?
if Florida, the US sixth fleet and the MIT maintained separate and independent military forces with radically different ideologies and combat doctrines then yes, they should be considered separate factions
or are you saying in a WW2 game the United Kingdom, USA and Soviet Union should be considered the same "faction" because it's all the United Nations alliance?
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>United Kingdom, USA and Soviet Union
They weren't part of the same empire under the same emprah, they were allies. Bri'ish Empire is closer comparison.

I was afk for 30 minutes
>SEGA lost 6 billion because of Relic and CA
>Had to sell Relic
Kek no wonder they're pushing Warhammer this hard, they're hanging by a very fine thread
the Imperium isn't a united empire either and it has barely any central authority, their command structures are completely disconnected and they often fight each other as well
the emperor isn't a ruler he's a comatose corpse, it's absolutely silly to pretend the hundreds of armies and kingdoms claiming to be a part of the imperium are a single faction

if anything the United Nations had way more coordination and acted much more like a country/faction sharing resources and timing military campaigns way more than the Imperium ever does
Warhammer and ToD was probably Sega's test to see if CA remained alive or not, that way they saw the IP is profitable and has legs if done right.
People don't realize that CA focusing on fantasy isn't their idea, but SEGA telling them to focus on making money with it instead of being retards, Relic getting fucked was the great motivator.
Lmao, Relic made the best Warhammer title before Total War: Warhammer. Let us hope that CA doesn't follow in their footsteps too closely.
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Since there are 5 segmentums and they are inconsistent in scale they make for a bad way to cut the map. Unless you cut Segmentum Ultima in more pieces.
Sector scale is the way to go, but then again I prefer The Old World to Immortal Empires and would prefer The Far East and The New World focused maps as well. If Chaos Robbie would made them, I would never again play on IE. Fuck, now that I think of it I haven't played on IE since The Old World was released anyway.
System or Planet scale makes game dead on arrival and they may as well not bother making if this is what they chose.

Current nu40k political situation is actually the best fit, because Imperium is completely fucked, even more decentralized, half of it separated and turned into a FFA sandbox and FTL is even less reliable and dangerous. More centralized factions in historical and TW:W were separated into their own entities.

The main issue is how to design the protagonist factions of Space Marines, which always make for a beginner factions. But they aren't suited to map painting, which was the default playstyle in all TW games. They could only work as a Horde faction and this was always the experimental, gimmicky playstyle since Barbarian Invasion and is often disliked by players.
Imperium is a feudal, oligarchic theocracy. It's governed with medieval tier bureaucracy and connected by an extremely shit FTL system. Mechanicus is an allied state that formed symbiotic bond with it. Vassals to the High Lords of Terra are doing whatever they want as long as they pay the Tithe. Other factions like Inquisition and Space Marines are doing whatever they want too. The Empire is in WHFB is significantly more centralized, with less variety between provinces and a better connection between it's lands and was separated into separate factions in TW:W.
Emperor is a prop, an item. For 10 000 years and during the time 40k is set. He doesn't govern and isn't actually relevant.
I love this cute retard
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40k stinks lets talk about rats instead
no retards, read some lore
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I'd rather talk about history than r*ts
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40K should have Skaven.
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>lore get's constantly raped by GW
>fanbase are a bunch consoomers who constantly complain about GW but keep buying overpriced models
>lore and rules change every 2 years
>situation for the Imperium is supposed to be hopeless but they keep wining because all of the franchise most beloved characters are part of it
>all criticism are shut down by "it's supposed to be retarded"
Fantasy only got axed by CA because it was less markable for braindead consoomer nerds throwing their money out for overpriced shit
dirty farm sex with ashigaru-san....
The problem with CA is their execs, Rich understands the series.
The problem with Relic was everyone in that studio.
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based manga
>Axed by CA
U mean GW?
Man Attila does not run well, guess I'm getting a refund
Okay, I ate dinner. Time to fail on L/VH with Kostaltyn.
YouTube algorithm fed me 2 frogs live streaming co-op brettonia. I can't even understand them but I'm the only viewer.
People that play the tabletop care fuck all about the lore. Secondaries don't seem to understand that. Most of them open their faction codices only too look up paint schemes because the up to date rules can now be found in a phone.
What kind of faggot cope talk is that?
If that is true, then GW should just adjust the lore and make a few interesting actuall states rather than Imperial Guard dressed like WW2 American soldiers fighting against Space Marines dressed like modern USA soldiers just because
>fight 3 stacks of orc waghs
>computer melts
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Is it true that CA virtually created Kislev and Cathay from scratch? I read once that KIslev is part of the Empire on tabletop like it was in Warhammer 1 and 2? What else did CA expand in Warhammer?
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Lol nerd
Bro you're supposed to change yourself that settlement first
You cant transfer settlements while at war
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the melting is kind of fun
Why couldn't the chorfs figure out how to make straight roads?
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In 4-5 ed Kislev was part of Empire.
In 6th edition they got a small army list.
Around the time of 6th edition they also get an army for Warmaster (smaller scale epic battles).
Yeah before that
not the heckin arrowinos, not those poor baby arrowiniis, not those sad little arrowmanii, someone worked hard on those arrows and you just use them all up without a care in the world. Monster
what are robot girlyman’s stats going to be?
>Is it true that CA virtually created Kislev and Cathay from scratch?
No, they pitched the idea of expanding these factions to Games Workshop and Games Workshop created the expanded lore and rules for CA to work with
what faction in wh3 lets me play as a tanked up juggernaut of steel that just stands in the middle of a crowd killing shit by themselves?
i was thinking WoC might be good for it but is there anything else?
because they are chaos and chaos hates the straights.
That's a actually a engine limitation.
That describes most lords you can turn into a raidboss which is a variety of factions after lvled
Reminder that historical TWs are DEAD, there will never be a new medieval 3 nor a rome 3 after pharaoh (which put the last nail on the coffin).

The future is ours and only ours fantasy chads , TW3 for 3 (THREE) more years at least and then 40k. Historisissies keep crying , fantasy chads… we won
I'm gonna enjoy Pharaoh while waiting for Sofias debut TW3 DLC. I support all their works.
>historical TWs are DEAD
Yeah Rome 2 did it's job well.
Ok lets narrow it down do you want this to be for your entire army or for your lord
How can CA make VCs fun? I tried some early games other than V&I (that campaign is always fun because Isabella's wolf/bat army, the location and early access to vampires)
Kemmler, Mannchild and zombie fuckers campaigns are just total slogs. VC units were always boring trash but you really feel the ineffectiveness of ALL units. Even Cairn Wraiths, Crypt ghouls, Graves guards feel weak as fuck. Carts doesnt provide meaninfull buffs, cant afford to just rush and spam knights, cant find fun monsters easily (cant afford them either).
What units will Neferata bring to VCs? Is it even possible to make VCs a more than magic+hero race?
making them fun requires them to step on mpnigger toes which they are wont to do because leddit latches onto their complaints
lord and some heroes
like a rpg party for an army
The real life Holy Roman Empire had a lot of slavland and also Hungary in it so that made sense.
It's actually uphill but the forced perspective makes it look flat.
these threads are going to be swamped to the point where i think 40k and non 40k tw might actually get separate generals.
>He doesn't govern
>and isn't actually relevant
No. Without the Emperor the Imperium has no FTL and the Solar System falls to Chaos.
>chaos hates the straights.
Thats only slaanesh
>be Azhag
>Waaghed on Kislev
>razed capital within 6 turns, 14 turns left to wait until I can get my sweet Biggest Trophy and a lava arachnorok
>8 turns left in the Waagh, Kislev is defeated by 6 other factions
>Waaagh failed message in notifications

It's a coincidence right? It would be retarded for my Waagh to fail like this, it's just a message about some other greenskin Waagh, right??
Khorne hates sex in general.
I wish orcs had a bit more armor on them
hetero normative behavior brings order which upsets chaos. you simply cant be straight and chaos at the same time.
>The Imperium human troops are literally all that.
The Imperium is only sorta the Empire. It is not Bretonna, Kislev, or Cathay by any stretch of the imagination.
>But muh Imperial Knights, muh White Scars, muh-
Absolute minimum baseline requirement for Bretonnia/Kislev/Cathay is that they are an order-aligned human faction that is NOT part of the Empire. If you cannot clear this one hurdle, it is not Bretonnia/Kislev/Cathay.
You're supposed to go south you idiot
bros i want to play a kiswev campaign. think i should do the chaos realm? or just stick to immortal empires? chaos realm is stil ldecent fun for the chaos realm factions right? like kislev, cathay, chorfs, etc
give me your slann gold pls
fuck you hat
Shouldn't it say which faction the failed wagh applied to in the massage?
Just bought Pharaoh, when is content update?
Actual unique campaign mechanics for each lord and special units for certain campaigns. It's not hard really.
About a month. The current campaign will be selectable so you won't miss anything by waiting for the update. They Iolaos for your first campaing. He's a cool schizo.
Did the Julian McKinlay developer guy or any other employee ever talk about why or how the army stapled to the general concept came to be? I skimmed through the Julian one but I didn't see any mention of it, was surprised by other points I didn't know though. Napoopan/FotS was the last main entry I I played (with a bit of 3K) and it drives me nuts having to reorganize my roman legions after I finished carthage off for good because I have to queue them up in Africa and get extra slingers from Baleries.

It makes sense since any unit if needs to be organized needs officers or generals, so it makes sense there’s always a general in charge of an army/vexilatio.
a contrivance to speed up turn times and make it easier to manage the AI
if there wasn't the general stipulation then they couldn't really do the army limit in R2 that exists to keep the AI in check so it doesn't create as many armies as it can afford with the amount of income cheating they get
when they made games that removed this limitation but kept the same surrounding systems you had the issues of the AI swarming the map with a single minor settlement
the old system was only allowed because you couldn't directly hire more generals or have much control over your family members and they tossed it because this was easier than trying to fix it
"end of summer", no concrete date yet
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I am south, vassalizing lizards and waiting the billion turns it'll take to build T5 nagashizzar landmark. Kislev just happened to be rank 6 at a good time and looking submissive and Waaaghable.
It looks like this, the fact that the Kislev destroyed and this message are in sequence worries me... who the fuck else could it be, maybe someone else was Waaghing but I don't remember.
Oh, it's WH2, pretty sure it does say which faction failed their wagh in WH3.
Does the green wagh indicator still appear over Kislev? If so, you're probably fine.
Relic sourced investors and money to by themselves free. Whether or not that was a good idea is another story but it wasn't a one sided decision by Sega, relic wanted to be sold to go independent.
Are warriors of chaos just too strong of a faction?
I've played Valkyia, Festus and Azazel and it just snowballs way too fast since you're not very reliant on buildings.

Are the undivided boys weaker?
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What is the most unhinged place for Total War discussion?
And what is the most unhinged discussion you've seen in said place?
WoC is easy baby mode, shame the AI is braindead
>Are the undivided boys weaker?
Archaon is the strongest LL in the game he doesn't snowball because he already starts with a army that can auto-resolve everything. He's literally press a button to win faction.
Sure but they wouldn't sell them if they didn't want to. Hell it probably even happened this way because otherwise SEGA would just close them, so they found the money to survive a little more.
does AI actually get more cheats on legendary or is it just VH with battle realism mode slapped on? i can't tell
The forums.
twcenter, we're not even close
NTA, but what's so bad about those? I don't go there anymore, but the few times I've browsed in the past it looked normal save for a few spergs here and there, but nothing too out of the ordinary.
Pure undistilled autism, it's like fighting game generals but with Total War.
Is there anyone in the game who has even close to as obscene a starting army as Archaon?
>skill gives vanguard deployment to the whole army
>......but not to the lord and heroes
I hate this so much
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r/volound as well as volound comment section. Cheser of total war comment section is also lame
are u calling everyone on /tg/ a secondary, cuz all they do is discuss the latest lorelol in both generals.
Most people in my scene have read a novel or two. I play aos, but mainly read 40k novels
Is twg really this bad at the game that they cant understand VC unit design and magic support?
But bro you get 1 billion spessh mahreen reskins and thats all 40kiddies care about
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extreme autism mostly
/twg/ during ratfag season
If you don't care about units being able to tank this is probably possible with all factions
This is why the vanguard plague is one of daniels best features
Also im guessing youre playing Taurox and seething that you have to waste a talisman slot to get vanguard
Hmm WoC is arguably disgusting with Be'lakor. Archaon completes his tech tree faster but Be'lakor can make better armies and warp everywhere which is in my opinion superior. Still not one of the time stop lords so you're not even close to some of the actual strongest factions
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Gork or Mork?
Chariots just got buffed overall, buts its becoming obvious that higher model chariots are outperforming lower model elite chariots.
Its just a result of the games mechanics. Hitting a blob of inf in 8 spots will always be more impactful than hitting harder in 4 spots.
For me it's brutally cunning
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Khorne? Git
Tzeentch? Git
Slaanesh? Git
Nurgle? Git
Horned Rat? Git
Hashut? Git
Maw? Git
Grungi? Git
Grimnir? Git
Valaya? Git
Gazul? Git
Smednir? Git
Thungni? Git
Morgrim? Git
Sigmar? Git
Ulric? Git
Ursun? Git
The Lady? Git
Taal? Git
Ryha? Git
Manaan? Git
Morr? Git
Verena? Git
Myrmedia? Git
Shallya? Git
Ranald? Git
Asuryan? Git
Isha? Git
Kuronous? Git
Hoeth? Git
Vaul? Git
Loec? Git
Lileath? Git
Ladrielle? Git
Khaine? Git
Hekarti? Git
Mathlann? Git
Ereth Khial? Git
Nethu? Git
Anath Raema? Git
Atharti? Git
Eldrazor? Git
Ellinill? Git
Drakira? Git
Hukon? Git
Addioth? Git
Estreuth? Git
Ptra? Git
Nagash? Git
Asaph? Git
Djaf? Git
Ualatp? Git
Sakhmet? Git
Phakth? Git
Basth? Git
Geheb? Git
Khsar? Git
Neru? Git
Qu'aph? Git
Sokth? Git
Tahoth? Git
Usirian? Git

Gork? Roight 'ard
Mork? Roight 'ard

Simple as
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Simple, direct, effective.
Personally, I would abuse it to whore around with witch elves and dreadfus
No, playing as Azhag
Probably based on that diplomatic passport of Kublai Khan's emissaries
sorry you forgot one
>Ze Lady? Roight 'ard!
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It really is simple as, innit
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Am I missing something or is there no way to tell the AI to attack? They're just standing at the edge of the map
is it a coincidence that supposed historical fans only like spearmanii slop games and say that all of the linemanii games are bad? that even when talking about new historical games they only want medieval 3 and say that a 30 years war game or a american civil war game would only be good as saga games? I don't think it is.
I once made a mistake of attacking 2 armies with 2 my armies and giving one stack to ai. That's pretty much how it went and I had to fight 2 stacks solo while the other one went slowly forward. Didn't even reach the battle site when I won. Never again.
Your encyclopedic knowledge of famous deities is admirable.
Units to build as Kostaltyn first turns? You can get the ambushers or whatever they're called turn 3 now if you put the building in the port settlement you start with. They seem to be auto include.
Also, is there any reason to get boyar hero anymore? The new hero seems better in every way.
6 kossars, fill the restwith warriors. Kostaltyn gives his army frenzy, so that warriors turn into Khorne chaos warriors basically.
he has a terrible color scheme, but i would just build kossars with him
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why is saytang worse than a bone giant now? i thought the tcal was supposed to be doing chink wanking wtf
i am refunding this dlc!
mpniggers ruined your unit again. no refunds.
Something in the last few weeks seems to have caused them to pivot from their Cathay DLC.
We were originally due:
2 Cathay subfactions
Dogs of War
Another 2 Cathay subfactions
but those plans seem to have been scrapped.
Legend won liberals. His ""leak"" is proof that you can bully companies into doing exactly what you want by creating outrage.
I just finished genociding the byzantine menace as Rome. Campaing for this feel?
allied recruitment is so good. i wish theyd add more fun stuff in the game. feels nice as an empire chad to get some wolf tough kislevites or dwarf flamethrowers
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That's right shroomnigger, you keep Sotek and The Old Ones out of your fucking mouth
Literally who?
Malekith, because he is an Elf and he likes to kill other Elves.
I don't think they were completely scrapped but rather spaced out so other races get to have something between cathay releases, we're probably still getting at least 2 more cathay LL before dlc releases stop
byzniggers aren't even human so I wasn't really commiting genocide t b h.
Byzantines are not trve romans
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>We were originally due
If only Rome 2 allowed you to excavate the remains of Theodosius so you could send him to hell along with the byzantines.
Slaanesh status:
It seems like mustaches are common among the druchii, yet in the game there is not a single mustachioed dreadlord
Pent up. Delaying the gratification.
Too many Charlemagnes.
i dont think elves have facial hair bro
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I did it. finally visited Roma Aeterna
>enemy is about to enter my land
>banish him to china
Baba Yaga is pretty fun
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They do, and quite frequently too
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>byzniggers aren't even human
neither are elves
Be careful of gypsies, niggers and whatnot

They hunt in packs near the places crowded with tourists
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Are prediction chances bullshit or something?
>Battle says it's a defeat if I auto resolve it
>Garrison defense against Sea Peoples
>Have 3 expendables and general hold entrance to settlement while 2 other expendables try to flank from behind
>3 archers set up around the entrance
>Have them hold the line while one unit chases the archers and the other to attack the better enemy units from behind
>Have all 3 archers target an enemy unit before moving onto the next when they flee
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Sea People are overrated in the balance bar, also unit quality doesn't matter as much as positioning and tactics
if you surround units they fall apart, elite or not
Makes sense - roads must follow the grid, which is why they move only along the X or Y axis, but not across. But then, why didn't they apply the same technology to roads that they did to rivers? In some older titles rivers also did that, but they don't anymore.
Make them require vampire corruption in a province to be over 50% before they can take a settlement, give them more ways to spread vampiric corruption and more ways to use corruption spread outside of their territory (also, improve corruption graphics so that it looks like in WH1).
They became true patriots and decided to fight against the terraformars. I for one support nerfing chinks.
These gyrocopters with flaming guns are the worst fucking bullshit added to this game
Changebringers (armored) are fine but a Legendary Hero/lord that there will only ever be one of being hard to kill is not.
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>ca edging me till 2027 with dechala announce
luv me empire
simple as
I am fighting Elspeth and her Nuln Ironsides have 46 missile strength and are more-than-decent melee fighters.
Also, Elspeth is a bit of a bitch.
Why are dwarfs allowed to shit stack upon stack of OP shit like they're some cheap swarm faction?
they're not, dwarf warriors got removed from settlement chain
don't tell me you're struggling with miner stacks, anon?
I wish it was miner stacks but by turn 20 they already train stacks of warriors, longbeards and artillery
Also Thorgrim is almost lvl 25
>Manhole made in Salerno
don't stand on it
None of the new lords seem particularly interesting.
Gorbad Ironclaw has an Ironclaw and rides a big boar.
U'zhul Skulltaker is a great duellist and likes collecting heads.
Golgfag Maneater is a mercenary that explores the world, enjoying its riches and cuisine.
Arbaal the Undefeated is just a Chaos Lord of Khorne on a Flesh Hound.
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>own army
Wait, does this mean she won't buff these units if she's a hero in Vlad's army?
thats just every faction on very hard
(own army) is basically a combination of (lord's army) and (hero's army), I believe, so they don't have to make an alternate description between the hero and lord versions of a skill.
Though I'd make a save file just to check it does in fact work.
Own army refers to the army she's in
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If you bait him into your settlement you ar through him. Never actually fought him, nurgle early game you don't have troops as your buildings haven't cycled
So how do you deal with him? You immediately start the game at was with him
Nta but I remember me ambushing and running around my settlements as he and the other army sacked shit, then managing to catch the armies separated and striking hard and fast
what am I supposed to ally recruit as bretonnia?
artillery just kills my horsies
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I hate furries with a passion
i don't think ikit will be friends with me
I have 500 hours in Warhammer and I have never played Skaven.
oh well
you could do worse than just making besties with helfs and using their dragons

play every faction and then get bored of them 10 turns in and play your favorite again
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>decide to download some diplomacy cheats and play beastmemes for the dirty gory fantasy of it all
>decide to play on hard/normal
>vassalize Laurelorn since their leader on the diplo screen is female
>peace out with Boris to take an oppportunity to siege a goblin capital
>Karl comes up from the south to attack while I'm building a ram and some towers

Even though I got an early snipe on Karl and later the gobbo leader, It came down to my Ungor Archers(out of ammo), Khazrak, and the chariot unit for me to survive. The siege hasn't been interrupted, but I'm not so sure of my chances.
Khazrak scales ok so maybe that will help. I remember his items being quite good.
>500 vs 200
>LL still alive
>Archers still alive with ammunition restocked post battle
You'll manage the siege just fine, you can easily have the chariots enter from an undefended side of the walls and bring havock in the enemy lines, the AI in sieges is very slow to respond to you shuffling your troops around before choosing which wall to attack
So fire the horse archers or what? Keep the sled, obviously. The strelsi are kind of worse than the ambushers because the terrain sucks. They are nice for killing Azazel and his beasts, but the skaven giant thing just runs right up to them and puts them in melee.
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Two lords that are soon to be reworked for £5. Hmmm, I am thinking about how Golgfag in the next DLC will likely give you access to the vast majority of - if not all Ogre units.
Historical fans are retarded they are happy to see pharaoh fail even though it's failure will kill any future historicals. I don't see ca doing another saga after this.
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>the AI in sieges is very slow to respond to you shuffling your troops around before choosing which wall to attack
I'll have to keep that in mind, my current plan was to try and capture one gate house, beat another down and send my chariot or my dogs around the back to capture control points.

Just got one of his quest battles to pop up, I'll propbably wait to beat it until I have another army up and running.
Finished a Tehenenuin campaign. It was great. Lizards are great. Lost calm Jurassic is great except for the xenomorphs.
My advice is to put all your army on one side of the map, start the battle, and then send your minotaurs and chariots to run on the opposite side of the map to break down the gate there. Don't move the rest of the troops.

By the time the gobbos realize what you are doing, the gate will be open and you will be able to cycle charge them to death
Oh, and the dogs too, all fast units
welf archers
A shame that we lost our spellcaster friend. He will be missed.
Roger that, I was probably going to split my units, but that seems to take better advantage about what you said with thr AI being slow and all
I'll be sure to have the ungors erect(heh) some crucified goblins/orcs in his honor
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When will CA just give us what we want?
Indjeets do not respond.
Silence and the Fury: Grants access to Beastmen and Lizardmen
Twisted and Twilight: Grants access to Wood Elves and Skaven
Be'lakor FLC: Grants access to Warriors of Chaos
Bretonnia FLC: Grants access to Bretonnia
Golgfag Maneater DLC: Will likely grant access to Ogre Kingdoms
Nagash DLC: Might grant access to Tomb Kings
Lots of DLC for DLC. I wonder if Norsca will get in on the action.
Beastmen and welf are more fun when you can conded. You can play an entire lizard campaign and never confed. Etc
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So what does the dog do?
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Are you happy that CA is now back to making FLC lords or would you have preferred more FLC heroes?
How is the AI able to so slippery with their lords?
am i misunderstanding how ambush chance works? it says 80-90% but i get foiled and attacked pretty much every turn, is there some hidden modifier?
nobody liked FLC LHs
I also think LHs are horribly implemented in campaign in general
Two things to consider:
Enemy ambush defence chance
If they have agents/armies/settlements close to your ambushing army
>If they have agents/armies/settlements close to your ambushing army
is that just automatic detection? would explain my problems
No gunpowder no buy.
Yeah, line how the dog just spawns by your LL.
>I guess I'll fire a chosen of khorne to make room?
Don't really want to break momentum to find a place for him.
Imagine if the End Times expansion included 1 new Legendary Lord for every single race.
That's an unrealistic expectation
Never ever.
>end times adds a Skaven LL
>its not Thanquol
How fucking funny would that be
all legendary heroes just spawn by your LL
at least gotrek and felix have a quest battle to get them, all the recent LHs have something stupid like "recruit x units" or "build fucking WALLS"
Tzeentch will eventually get an FLC lord.
Slaanesh will likely get an FLC lord alongside their confirmed DLC.
but what of Kislev and Cathay? Will they ever get FLC lords?
>want to hit and run with air
>tell air units to engage
>they engage
>tell them to retreat
>they keep turning back midway to battle even through I`m forcing them to retreat
For free? are you nuts? that would bankrupt CA
Strongly doubt. Kislev probably has one more DLC left in the cycle which would put them at 5 LLs.
Guaranteed. I believe Grand Cathay has 2 more DLCs in them: one will be Monkey King, one will be Li Dao or Yin Yin to complete the dragon sibling set. The dragon sibling that doesn't get their own DLC will be FLC for Monkey King (most likely Li Dao)
Earlier info said we'd get all 5 dragon siblings so depending on how fleshed out GW is willing to let Cathay be 1 of them will probably be FLC.

one of the entities is getting hit and the unit fights back.
>tzeentch made me force a war with the ligs I had JUST signed a NAP, trade, and MA with when hes down to 1 settlement (deep in lig territory and they refuse to finish him off), giving me very low reliability and forcing me to lose 20k gpt and lose numerous treaties with others
Im so fucking mad I hate kairos hate hate hate
>that one piece of shit cavarlyman that always gets stuck in the enemy blob
Do you want to hear the solution to stop Kairos from using the Changing of Ways against you?
Play as him
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Lmao get fucked
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>Future TWWH3
>Nagash gets added
>He gets his own Undead Legions race
>Just has all the Tomb Kings, Counts, and Coast undead that aren't too themed along with a few centrepiece unique units, if that
>All three of these races have their individuality kneecapped by a race taking all of their units just like what DoC and WoC did to the monogods
>Redditors and /twg/gers defend this because they hate when things are cool and unique
the anti player bias is so retarded sometimes, grimgor is literally fighting around another faction that he hates just to get me despite the other one being 10x weaker and the same race as me
>Redditors and /twg/gers defend this because they hate when things are cool and unique
I would defend this because Nagash is the supreme lord of undeath
Sick and fucking tired of DEI in my games.
I wonder what additions and changes CA Sofia will make to Warhammer 3 when they have sole control over it.
Im going to play Oxylotl again just to make Tzeentch and all chaosfags get their just deserts
when you use goblin chariots are you suppose to use them at 4x width or make width as long as possible?
>Vlad is supposedly one of the best duelist in the game
>but he's so slow and tiny with low mass that anyone can just walk past him
How do you lock other lords/heroes in place for Vlad? Even if I tarpit with zombies this fucker just gets stuck in the blob just stands there
It amuses me that Skarbrand's starting army is so small yet still very powerful. Tamurkhan is in a similar situation.
Skarbrand doesnt even get any t4-5 units like other starting armies chaos warriors of khorne are just insane
Don't bother using him to duel, throw him into a blob of enemies and hope te enemy lord's AI makes him suicide by charging at Vlad
Vlad really shouldve leveled cerelity
Man Epi just wrecks Malus now. What a turnaround.
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Playing Nakai while listening to the comprehensive history of Chris chan is surreal but comfy.
Killing Cathayans while listening to Chris chat shit in the background isn't where I thought my life would be by now.
Never underestimate the tallyman. He's counting on it.
Nurgle is STRONK now that they have a functional economy
The daemon leadership buffs also helped
God I cant wait until I can shill this general in /tg/ and we can get rid of fantasy cucks forever
Vlad is also the same. He gets wrecked by every AI in the area now, loses his good army, the proceeds to spam a zombie doomstack when he respawns every turn thinking he's Ghorst
I've been a fan of warhammer since I was 12 and I have to say its taken me until now to realize that I don't give a fuck about demons.
It took me 20 minutes of reading lexicanum back in 2010 to no give a crap about demons
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>Beastmen are everywhere
>No Beastwomen to be seen
What did GW mean by this
The lore states that the women stay at home and make babies all the time
Common sense tells us what it actually means, but it's a PG setting. Look up the Broo to get an idea of the origin of beastmen, and everything becomes pretty clear.
Apparently players were complaining when beastmen would play the game and so CA nerfed their AI into oblivion. In reality they should have made it so that the beastie boys set up herd stones(to a max of one per faction) and only ever attack settlements and armies in the resulting bloodgrounds but never outside of it.
Misread what was said in >>483928118

There's a beastdoe follower for beastmen, though, going by the loverslab
group it's through rape. Deleted my old post and corrected the mistake.
Demons are the most boring thing in the setting
>Le evul
>Look we corrupt
Boring as fuck, Tyranids look way more terrifying and they're just glorifies zergs.
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they just don't make corpse piles like they used to
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I love hero duels
I love hero duels
I love hero duels
I love hero duels
Very nice
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Khorne seems quite strong.
GW will only accept human and elvish women in their game, because the original writers were a bunch of middle aged british perverts with ultra vanilla taste who only wrote in women they want to fuck and only want to fuck women that look exactly like 80s playboy models.

they need to adapt and introduce waifus for all races.
I prefer my fighting more spread out but massive oceans of corpses look cool.
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Faction power tierlist by you know who.
Ah yes who can forget the great duel between Hung Lo and Chow Phat Dong
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>"character/army stuck at the position of another character/army so neither can move" bug has been around for over a year without being fixed
Med 3 by Feral Interactive soon retards!
>need to adapt and introduce waifus for all races.
They categorically should not do that. Specifically the Skaven, OnGs, Fimir and Lizardmen should not get waifus, and people making husbandos over the ones that are perceived to be males is wrong as well. With that said, shortstacked dorf/chorf waifus(inconsistent mustaches optional, beards are a no-go), Fat Ogre Bitches for the fatfags, and every kind of chaos(excluding skaven) aligned waifu, amazons, and human waifus are acceptable.
>beards are a no-go
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Forgot pic
There should be a tier above S just titled "Changeling"
Taurox enjoying the skinks in there, no wonder he doesn't want to leave
>feral interactive
is that good or bad
Why is Sotek S?
The banners/followers are strong but they aren't on the level of shit like Ikit or Throt's lab or Orion's free armies.
Also surprised Khatep, Markus, and Aranessa didn't get booted down to D
Now I kind of want to run down that one Hellcross pic
Feral Interactive released Med 2 and Rome mobile along with Rome Remastered.
Take that as you will.
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I see many skulls, both big and small.
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Checkmate, Khornesisters.
Corn bros?
You ever paid attention to how Bloodletters are an early game unit but can rip apart even heavily armoured tier 5 single entities?
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Bloodletters are strong, they are shock infantry whereas Chaos Warriors are your grindy line holders.
CoC invalidated Bloodletters because Khorne has dual axes now
Still bleeds
that pic has to be fake there is no way a greatsword would lose
The dual axes aren't AP and Bloodletters having Phys resist means they trade better against high tier AP stuff. Like Helf Swordmasters can beat the dual axes but not the Bloodletters
your right i photoshopped it
What an insane unit.
I wonder what kinds of units the DLC will add.
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Is this winnable?
Yes. Beastmen have some of the worst early-game infantry while Khorne has some of the best, on top of Skarbrand being the strongest lord in the game early on.
Plague monks/Pestilens rats don't worship Nurgle, retarded pic
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It's the lore, isn't fanart and OCs enough for you?

Some god he is, all he's got are a few cauldrons of blood, meanwhile KoRn has whole rivers of it!
Kanker Flett is a character from lore that explicitly does.
>Objective Faction tier list
Orion wild hunt
>Time stop
>Minor time stop
Other beastmemes
Lategame daniel I've heard
>Can warp
Other wood elves
Whoever I'm missing that can warp
>The rest

Map Movement is the most powerful ability in total war
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It is not. The lore shall bend to my will.
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>get taken aback by pic
>quick search
>it's a furry's photoshop
See if you can kitbash that photoshop up, for yourself, it'd probably be an improvement over the original model that GW released. I still stand by my statement though.
So we know 40k is almost finished and coming late 2025, that means they started working on it before WH3 was finished.

The reason WH3 was so bad was it used an older build of WH2 because it started development before WH2 was finished.

I really hope they don't fuck this up. 40k is going to be the only TW game for 10 years. They have to get this right.
Every TW is started on before the previous one is finished anon
Confirmed by Darren but it's also the most typical of ways for production teams to work when they make annualized titles. At a certain point there's no more work certain positions can do on a title, at which point they are shuffled to the next one. Afaik by the time the game is set to launch they have a comparatively small number of devs on it, as most will have moved on to other things.
Can I get a source that every single TW game was started before the last was released though?

Darren wasn't around since the beginning of CA
Ever since they started with annualized releases is a guarantee, before that who knows, but given how video game development works it would be retarded not to start on the next project when some people would otherwise just sit around and do nothing all day.
ok so not everyone
Are you autistic by chance?
>we know 40k started before WH3 was released
>we know ALL TW games are started before the last one is released
>i dont think so, can i get a source?
>well yeah ok I dont have one but SOME are started before

Are you?
"Individuality" of factions is a complete meme. Theming is much more important. Arkan the black already has mixed units and it's great on him because it fits. The WoC not having access to marked mortals and the occasional daemon as a reward would just mean they're unfinished.
I didnt say some started, I said annualized releases were a gaurantee and that anything prior likely would be too unless they wanted to waste developer resources. It's very simple logic for how a business operated. Stay retarded friendo.
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>annualized releases
Of which half are on that picture. What did you hope to gain by posting it? You're just really mad I called you autistic huh?
Beast does are explicitly said to be shy and docile. As a human you could probably tame one and make tender love with her and she'd absolutely cum her brains out and totally fall in love with you.
But beastdoepussy would have a higher priority
>multiple years with no games released
Yeah, 2014 and 2019. The former because of R2's disastrous launch requiring them to bring back more devs to fix it, the latter because WH1 didnt earn them as much as they hoped from the initial sales to cover the licensing costs.
Wanna keep posting stupid shit so I can BTFO you some more or are you done now?
ok so they don't do annualized releases, they haven't started every game before the last one

what is your argument exactly?
They've been doing annualized releases since Empire. The only lapses in the releases being when they literally had to delay because of a screw-up on their part. You being literally too stupid to understand this doesn't change the facts anon. Maybe if you keep repeating it to yourself a few more times though it'll feel better to be wrong? Give it a try, you seem to be the kind of person who's unable to stop being retarded after all.
>theyve been doing annualized releases except when they arent

>anon finds out what a delay is
Don't hurt yourself on this new arcane knowledge.
Very queer conversation lads..
a delay means they have been doing annualized releases
>histosoi coping that they will be getting another title next year thanks to the myth of 'annualized releases'

never ever
pharaoh was such an abject failure that CA will never make another historical title ever again
Can't help the unwilling unfortunately. He's too much of a retard to grasp the most basic concepts and too stubborn to bow out after he got proven wrong.
you just know
Should I buy Pharaoh or 3K?
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Beast Dussy

Warhammer 3 does everything they do better
Total histcuck death.
I prefer Pharaoh.
Not getting any vassal income as belakor with like 20 vassals. Bug?
>narrow mountain path
>enemy stack on the path
>sandwich enemy in between by having one army at each end of the path
>attack enemy
>enemy retreats and moves past the other army
Why is this allowed?
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how low can diplomatic relations get before people start declaring war on me? I wanted to kick out all eurangutans from america but the penalty for expansion is getting huge and I don't want to lose all my trade income.
No one respects Be'lakor.
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you are bald
>will be getting another title next year thanks to the myth of 'annualized releases'
But there will be TW next year due to annual releases pattern to which CA sticks. And it will be 40k, since Pharaoh filled historical slot already. Now it's time for fantasy again.
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can I win? (vh battle diff)
You're playing total war and not total peace.
The only rework they need is BDC ( Big Deamonette Cock )
zhatan or astragoth
The brothers hunt down Tamur/Fester/shooting robolegs (Forgot the name)
Fire cannons focus the Chosen
You are fucked on the cav game, lure them into halberds and countercharge them with your cav and SEMs
Not sure if you got any "Give magic attacks" buffs but if you do use that on your ranged to deal with the (exalted) plaguebearers
Make sure your cannons do not get fucked, if you lose them it's GG
I'm trying to focus on removing the br*tish from the planet so I don't need to be at war with everyone else at the same time too.
zoo la hoooo
>decide to try wulfrik
>by turn 3 belakor declares war on me
>throgg declares war
>turn 6 epidermius declares war
The fuck???
never cheat, sir

i also checked the details pane to make sure it wasn't just the summary, I got 590 income previous turn and then 0 the next. Sometimes I shows like 29 income (lol) in the summary, most turns it's 0.

>melee infantry spam
>against nurgle

what the fuck are you doing
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I'll try this strategy. But tomorrow, when I am less drunk.
I got myself into a dilly of a pickle, believe me, it is not what I wanted!
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this thing kinda sucks
Remember to just injure Tamur with the dragons, I assume he has his health suck skill yet, just leave him wounded and to be finished off by mass crossbow/halberds
Who the Hell is going to be the third Tzeentch lord? There is no way in fuck they are going to do Egrimm when the other two Tzeentch lords are spellcasters. Aekold would have been the obvious choice but he is a hero instead.

Is it going to be Melekh the Changer? He seems like the only option left. I feel like he is going to be the lord and that is why Tzeentch is taking so long to get their third because they know there will be backlash for it not being Egrimm because from a gameplay perspective it makes no sense to make all the lords wizards.
Are there any good formations and tactics for a melee heavy army or is it just create line and ooga booga?
the next DLC is 6 months+ away, then maybe 8 months from then we get slaanesh/DE/X WH1 race.
Why are you theory crafting something that is probably not happening and even if it did it's over 18 months away?
Shouldve been checking your diplo screen for NAPs and joining wars buddy
what about that faggot who has the tower that keeps appearing and reappearing. or that one guy who had to kill his previous self (I think he was a bret)
sorry my lore knowledge is hazy to say the least, so I forget the names
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>Leadership, Other: 15
Its going to be Magnus the Red. My source? Legend of total war.
No, back end of the year means late Summer, Autumn, very early Winter in Bongistan, so the DLC is 2-5 months away. Due to all of CA going on holidays, December is almost impossible as a release date, so that means the worst case scenario is November.
>that many whipmanii
But why, wheres your exalted daemonettes
>grimgor ironfaggot
what the HELL was GW thinking with all these fag-suffixes???
Mother Ostankya is actually pretty fun
Why didn't anyone tell me?
i guess
But after you get rid of morati there isn't anything left for her unless you want to war the elves or migrate back to kislev
i tried to tell you but you just shitted on my chest and ghosted me afterwards
>end of the year
>so the DLC is 2-5 months away.
>end of the year is September

>December is almost impossible as a release date
>RELEASE DATE: 3 Dec, 2020
>RELEASE DATE: 12 Dec, 2019
>RELEASE DATE: 9 Dec, 2016

A window into the mind of a CAcuck
Kislev had an army with a permanent -15 leadership debuff on my units plus an army ability for more, and spamming lore of death -leadership that kept them disintegrating, so I turned the gift off.

I know it was completely unintentional but it felt like the AI was half way intelligent to do that.
CA goes back to Three Kingdoms to add more shit to it like they did to Rome 2 when?
thirdieslop chinkbait doesnt sell, they shitcanned 3k DLC, 3k sequel and lords of shang yang thanks to white western men flexing their financial power
I like how she doesn't have to fight the exact same enemies as the others, but I don't like her mechanics. Unless CA ninja-nerfed the AI since I've last fought against her, she's also extremely annoying to fight against. She will put a curse on every single unit of yours and buff every one of hers, and some of those curses pretty much outright destroy the unit.

BACK end of the year doesn't mean end of the year and is in fact a different thing. Check the definition in an online dictionary if you will, maybe thanks to me your literacy and general comprehension will improve over time.
>Playinh Rameses
>Cannot fucking keep my food up in production no matter how much shit I conquer
>My territories constantly being invaded
Should I restart the campaign? Or start a new one? It's turn 40s or 60s and I'm still not Pharaoh.
>chirf LL with lore of hashut whose name I forgot
Jesus fucking christ you're just fucking SURROUNDED by enemies
>Today we’re thrilled to be sharing more insight into what you can expect when this content releases at the end of 2024

Not a single white, English speaker would think September qualifies as 'end of 2024'. Go back ranjesh.
>Unless CA ninja-nerfed the AI since I've last fought against her, she's also extremely annoying to fight against
I think they probably have nerfed her AI, I haven't seen her survive past turn 30 in the hands of the AI in my last 5 campaigns.
What if they like history?
Content wise? Three Kingdoms.
Though supposedly Pharaoh is gonna get a massive content update at the end of Summer that massively expands the map and adds 25 playable factions like Babylon for example.
Sadly CA won't be the one to provide for them, unless they play shit from Attila or earlier on the timeline
I want to do a new poll for legendary dlc/flc lords people want. A sequel to this poll we have previously. https://strawpoll.com/7MZ0AxW4Gyo/results

I am thinking of these as the options.
Beastmen: Gorthor & Moonclaw
Bretonnia: Bohemond & Betrand
Cathay: Li Dao, Yin-Yin, Monkey King
Cdwarf: Rykarth
Delf: Tullaris
Dwarf: Kazador, Bugman, Grimm
Empire: Valten, Marius, Kurt, Emil, Lietpold, Todbringer
Greenskins: Gorfang & Snagla
Helf: Caradryan
Khorne: Egil, Arbaal, Skarr, Haargroth
Lizardmen: Tetto'Ekko
Ogres: Ghark
Norsca: Mortkin, Mona, Sayl
Nurgle: Valnir, Gutrot, Feytor
Slaanesh: Masque, Styrkaar, Nastasya
Skaven: Thanquol
Tomb Kings: Ramhotep
Tzeentch: Melekh, Galrauch, Egrimm
Vcount: Neferata, Red Duke, Zacharias, Walach, Ushoran
Vcoast: Vangheist
WoC: Crom
Welf: Araloth & Daith

Anyone else I should add or remove? I don't want to add options that won't be allowed by gamesworkshop like Ivan from Kislev or Glotkin for Nurgle. I included all races except Kislev since there is no one else since GW blocked Ivan.
take away yin-yin, the mod is good enough and maybe better than what they could do
add deez nuts lol gotem
Dmitry Tzaryov will return
Q:What does Thanquolfag say when using artillery?
A:Thanquol boom friends!
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I wouldn't be surprised if CA had to make up a DLC lord like Cylostra
i will only accept it if he only ever says Kislev
No more kislev due to zigger chimpout
they can make dlc after monke is dead tho
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No skaven dlc for 10 years now? wtf
we are getting the next DLC, maybe Slaanesh, a few small VC/VC/Norca fixes and then it's full steam ahead on 40k for the next 5 years after that.

Skaven are already fully feature complete. There is 0 more development for them, ever.
Skaven vs Skaven vs Skaven DLC with Skaven FLC soon
Would Persia be in Pharaoh?
what about m3
800 yrs too early.
Q:What does Thanquolfag say when eating soup?
A:Thanquol spoon friends!
>Skaven are already fully feature complete. There is 0 more development for them, ever.
Skaven is the faction that needs more content and a rework more than any other and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
Persia didn't come around until about 900 years later.
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which WHF women would do something like picrel
I am fucking speaking my truth right now.
We desperately need a Dwarf rework Right. Fucking. Now.
They are not working on Med 3. They have no plans for Med 3. The next historical title was supposed to be WW1 but the team failed and it was cancelled. This has all be confirmed by LegendofTotalWar.
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which faction is the evil one who is inevitably correct about everything?
Someone answer me? Also, what faction was it that used heavy armored units? The Hittites or Caananites?
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>This has all be confirmed by LegendofTotalWar.
Since CA seems to be focused on 7th/8th edition LLs here is what we are missing left.

>Beastmen: Gorthor the Beastlord
>Dark Elves: Tullaris Dreadbringer
>Empire: Valten, Lietpold the Black, Kurt Helborg, and Marius Leitdorf
>Greenskins: Gorfang Rotgut
>Norsca: Mortkin
>Skaven: Thanquol
>Slaanesh: Masque of Slaanesh and Styrkaar
>Tomb Kings: Ramhotep
>Vampire Counts: Neferata
>Warriors of Chaos: Vardek Crom
>Wood Elves: Araloth

Is this a realistic way to predict future dlc lords? FLC always seems to be lords who aren't in 7th/8th editions. Which is probably Skulltaker was brought in over Arbaal. Obviously excluded Cathay since we don't have access to their 8th edition lords although CA has told it is at least Li Dao and Yin-Yin remaining.
200 people play pharaoh versus about 50k for the other TW titles.

The chances that one of them are ITT is extremely low.
why would anyone be playing right before a major update drops retard-kun?
Plenty of people play WH3 before major updates. Not an argument.
Why is Pharaoh the only game with numbers that low before a major expansion?
Hey guys I just got a DM from CA. they are planning to morph WH3 into Pharaoh, but every unit is just Grace (futanari)
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How does player numbers help me in my campaign?
It helps you get patches and dlc.
you start right next to the nile delta, Buto is arguably the best food producing province in the game so go conquer that
it's better to have a couple well built up provinces focusing on a single resource than a sprawling empire
and don't neglect trade, especially if you have a gold surplus the AI should be basically paying for your armies' upkeep through trade
Hittites have great access to heavily armoured units, Suppiluliuma would be your best bet for spamming those out
if you're having trouble being invaded a lot he's also a great choice as his faction is the most defensive minded one in the game
again, it doesn't matter how big or small your empire is, you have to build up your provinces and their economic capabilities
>FLC always seems to be lords who aren't in 7th/8th editions.
Been pointing this out a lot on the CA forums. Older lords are the FLC lords not the DLC lords. Sole exception appears to be Markus Wulfhart who is a 6th edition hero only.
Can't wait for the Pharaoh update so that the number bump from 200 to 210
>it doesn't matter how big or small your empire is, you have to build up your provinces and their economic capabilities
So my best bet is to restart my campaign as Rameses
I do not understand this.
>Pharaoh is the contrarian Total War
>/twg/ is contrarian
>it is unlikely the unpopular contrarians will play the unpopular contrarian Total War.
>ask question
>dont get an answer
>have a bug
>dont get it fixed
>want new content
>dont get any
>Anon when someone talks about a TW not Warhammer
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>warhammer paypiggies actually consider giving CA more money the core of their experience
you really can't make this shit up
>you really can't make this shit up
if you can't make up something so likely and realistic as that then you have a really bad imagination
>>have a bug
>>dont get it fixed
and warhammer does?
Wake me up when 40k goes back to selling models for cheap again like how in 2008, a box of 10 soldiers was $20/$25.
Did you just miss the giant patch?
>filled with nothing but unit nerfs
but hey, we got a red dog and every mod was broken!
Did you get Pharaoh for free?
the one that added a new bug that makes units capable of shooting through gatehouse buildings?
how could I.
>wh3 is balanced and has mods
>pharaoh is unbalanced dogshit with no mods

hmm, i dont think this is the win we thought it was histsisters
Rent free
Also games can be good with no mods, also Pharaoh has mods, just not bloated overhaul and overpowered unit mods.
Yes, came with my PS5.
well I don't have it and I have the oldest PS5 known to man.
>mods are bad
>but its bad when they break
>but theyre good when theyre for pharaoh

the mental gymnastics is fascinating
so you got it for free then?
>>wh3 is balanced
excellently crafted bait if I do say so myself
>>mods are bad
Where was this said? Games do not need mods to be good, this is a fact, but just because Pharaoh is mostly visual and mechanical tweaks instead of bloated overhauls and overpowered units doesn't mean it has "no mods".
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I don't visit this general often but I'd assume the guy going apeshit because someone mentioned Pharaoh is this general's resident schizo poster if anything history is mentioned?
He isn't schizo about history in general, it is literally just Pharaoh.
Very easy to make dlcs with that. Mortkin and Gorthor both destroyed parts of the Empire and should be paired in an empire dlc.
Slaanesh(Masque)/Vampires(Neferata)/Dark Elves(Tullaris)
Cathay(Li Dao)/Tomb Kings(Ramhotep)/Skaven(Thanquol)
He is basically like the Dechala/Yin-Yin poster literally one guy spamming over and over.
something like that, next he'll start ranting about how you're actually a CA employee just give him time
its literally one guy who needs to take his meds, pharaoh is very popular here and is quite a good game, lots of people play it
You could just trade for food.
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the fuck was this thing before it died???
good catch, yes thats true, pharaohs a great game and heaps of people here play it
You are allowed to talk about Total War Pharaoh in /twg/
>/twg/ is contrarian
It isn't, just like the rest of 4chan. People here only pretend to be contrarian, but eat up slop nonetheless. /twg/ keeps eating up warhammer. /tg/ is nothing but d&d and GW. /vrpg/ only plays TES, arpgs and most popular new crpgs. /tv/ only watches capeshit and capeshit adjacent garbage. /v/ only cares about AAA moviegame slop.
Everyone only pretends to be a contrarian on this site
these meltdowns are quite entertaining
anyone who criticizes pharaoh here is the schizo shill, its actually really good, many /twg/ anons play it regularly
Bro you need help.
he thinks theres some sort of shill campaign to defend pharaoh in /twg/ (there definitely isnt)
No I don't.
I will shoot you in your face.
basically the majority of twg likes pharaoh but theres one retard here who tries to force a meme that its a shit game that no one plays
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this guy is up to no good
wtf how did you get a picture of me?
I'm 30 btw.
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>the empire roster is ba-.....
>just over 90 seconds later
>just over 90 seconds later

makes you think

you're actually retarded
theres a guy here who thinks that someone samefags to defend pharaoh when its just a bunch of genuine historical enjoyers
you can probably make back most of your deficit by trading
also you can always disband armies of you're overspending
Holy mother of fucking bloat
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>All the same guy
I genuinely hate this fucking board and how all generals has a schizo. The worst schizo though is in /lolg/ where some guy spams blacked images and WEBMs 24/7, mods don't ban the guy, and if he does, he always ban evades.
>literally blatant samefag

mods ban this POS
>"it's a samefag!"
>20 seconds between posts
you absolute fucking imbeciles, kill yourselves
how am I making all those posts when there's 20
There shouldn't be diplomacy between half the factions in Fantasy either
You do realize there's a timer, yes?
>he's never heard of the Lizardmen-Vampire Count trade pact
you mean the 90 second timer?

Just made the poll. Ended up adding Ivan for Kislev just because I was curious.
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>wake up
>anti-pharaoh schizo is having another meltdown

What the fuck? Why did this guy post like ten times? There is an actual real schizo in this thread.
holy shit we just btfo the anti pharaoh schizo bros

good job keep it up
It's legitimately terrifying that one person can spread as much hate and disinformation about a great game as this schizo.
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>He's still going
>hes still samefagging against pharaoh

this is crazy
He's so desperate to be a thread meme
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What the fuck is going on in this thread?
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why is he so happy?
Finally............... Empire is playable.........................
>Minotaurs, Gorgons and Hydras
what the fuck
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Lets chill friends and relax with your fellow Saurus or Skink
I swear to defend Pharaoh against all threats, foreign and domestic.
I'm honestly convinced it has to be part of Warhammer lore that some monsters have bones that get bigger after they fossilize, because otherwise half the environment props make no fucking sense. There's these giant city-sized skeletons all over the place, yet somehow the merwyrm from the Vampire Coast campaign or Kholek are a big deals?
Sky-Titan ribcage
Two schizos face against each other
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Why does nobody want Dechala?
Snek women are hot, I thought we agreed on that
>no cute feet
>no feet at all in fact
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>I'm honestly convinced it has to be part of Warhammer lore that some monsters have bones that get bigger after they fossilize, because otherwise half the environment props make no fucking sense.
No bro, Saurus were just legends purging this native abominations from The Great Plan
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Because snek tail
Any more dumb and stupid questions?
Snake women are hot. Snake women of Slaanesh by current GW by definition they cannot be hot.
You just know the Lizarddev will turn her into some fetish fuel monster judging from the Medusa and Lizardmen models.
Kholek in game is like a tenth of the size he is in lore, also there were ancient being even bigger that the old ones killed
Slaanesh is fucking ugly
only chance we have at ever getting cute sneks is Khuresh
>no feet at all in fact
That's an important advantage. I'd play her just for that.
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>fetish fuel monster
All women in Total War are scary and ugly, you have nothing to worry about
Dechala comes in last place or second to last in every single poll we do. No one actually wants her when Masque and Styrkaar exist.
You will never be a warhammer?
>Dechala comes in last place or second to last in every single poll we do
For majority of people here Warhammer characters are nobodies
not true, a lot of people here love Warhammer characters like Roboutte Gilliman and Captain Demetrian Titus of the Ultramarines
she literally got written out of lore because elves cannot be mutated. also there is absolutely no reason why she be a lord over masque or styrkaar. at best she is hero material.
the medusa is hot....
>because elves cannot be mutated
Did they also write out of the lore the 5 Malus books where his body gets visibly mutated the more and more as Tz'arkan lends his power?
And his sister gets visibly mutated by being a daemonhost?
>elves cannot be mutated
This has already been debunked by lore scholars.
Legend said Elves can mutate
Neferata is never going to not win these polls and Boris Todbringer always comes in second. It makes you wonder why CA still has not added either.
LegendofTotalWar is currently streaming LIVE on YouTube and twitch.tv giving away DLC from the ad revenue he received leaking CA's disastrous DLC plans.


Get the heck in here Legendheads!
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cathayan roster, not as extensive as empire but has a good selection with constructs
what is the point of this post?
this is your chance poorfags. remember to shout out /twg/.
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Can we stop pretending people don't want Norsca dlc? Norsca is literally in 3rd place.
Looks botted
Make a poll where only 1 vote is allowed to choose a faction to get a DLC for.
All this poll shows is that Mortkin is agreed upon as a welcome addition
twg is full of retards and trannies, just look at cathay at number 4 when they just cancelled lords of shang yang because Legend leaked their plans and the community rose up in protest
Legend is literally Jesus of total war
You gave multiple votes in this one, make one with 1 vote.
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hes leading us to the promised land of Slaanesh/DE/HE/VC/Norsca DLC and then 40kino
Styrkaar was only in 6th edition

is this a nippon mod for wh3?
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how many will continue to shamefully follow legend
>legend shitting on CA, clad in the thickest of superchats
>CA grovelling for reddits forgiveness (you can see their cathay DLC plans in tatters on their waist)

Shimazu is the easiest faction to win the campaign with, Otomo is the most fun.
Realistic way to predict future dlc lords is to look at army books, it's supplements and other side stuff like monster arcanium and white dwarfs books, yes. We have 6th edition stuff and it's storm of chaos supplement, even some 5th edition stuff like Azazel. I guess it's gonna fair to assume we will get Arbaal as FLC for Khorne faction. He's old, chaos champion and Khorne focused, that's it.
New sotekino just dropped

Well, people really want Norsca apparently
not really
>Total War: World War 1
What happened there?
Those results are actually insane what the fuck?
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I'm just glad we are getting a Gorbad instead of some actually no-name shit
I'm so fucking happy we're getting Gorbad bros.
He's been one of my most wished for for years.

Now bring me Neferata's head, Thanquol and Bugman.
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What's so insane about them?
Do you ever see people here asking for Tomb Kings or Wood Elves dlc?
If people actually wanted Norsca that badly they'd probably play them ever, but instead they haven't been relevant since the pre-order period between Warhammer 1 dying and Warhammer 2 launching.
I just picked my favourite faction when I voted. My favourite faction should get more updates, because it's my favourite faction and I want more features for my favourite faction.
The only reason I don't play Norsca is because they are missing half their roster. If they did a dlc I would play them.
How can I tell when it's time to make more armies? And do I split them or keep them together?
The team was dysfunctional and costs spiraled out of control. CA has cancelled or delayed it indefinitely.

This has been confirmed by several influential streamers and content creators.
>How can I tell when it's time to make more armies?

It's turn 1.
Holy fuck i cant watch legends giveaway stream. Its too cringe. Its either clearly non-english speakers from east grunting their way through the convo or westeners asking the most cringe shit and trying to be funny.
How many cancelled projects is that now?
Looks botted
Just had a thought. My favourite colour is green and my favourite factions are predominantly green.
It's a bit of a biased poll because it only includes races that haven't got DLC yet.

If I could, I would vote Tzeench because the changeling is boring dogshit and I want a mortal leader. I want cults fixed, and I want a different campaign to Kairos in general.

I know it's not realistic but it's what I personally want.
Unless it is a bot with literally hundreds of different ips it is switching to for every vote I doubt it.
only the natives are cringe and retard. we esl keep it simple.
let me guess, you re a ligger or ratfaggot?

what other reason could make you think the results botted?
Significantly more votes than there are posters in here, even when assuming every poster votes which is ridiculous
i rarely post here...just wanted to say i want vampire count and norsca dlc really hoping they are coming with slaanesh
Maybe it's because people want to play them but mechanics are so off putting and monster hunts barely work ? It's not really a faction's fault that people don't want to play them currently, they are still undercooked. Majority of legacy factions in WH3 got a 30 second in microwave treatment when IE released.
I can't see a poster count in the bottom right anymore
I know 4chan removed unique IP count but I know that 60~ is a fairly normal amount. Most generals from my memory were about 100-150.

I post on a general that moved from /vg/ to /vm/ and it's more like 50 IPs and 1500 posts and it's a small clique of regulars.
Lurkers exist you know
some of us here just like to lurk...
Who did you vote for?
No one, I'm opposed to democracy
It's skaven isn't? You're an autistic furfaggot coomer and can't handle that it really is all just spamming and astroturfing here by you and maybe one other ratfaggot.
Me. I am the guy who keeps posting about Araloth in every other thread. How the fuck else am I suppose to get him if I don't get Wood Elf dlc?
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I baited them out and fought a field battle instead of a siege
should I have fought the siege instead?
And he said "Teast in the toilet" :D
What a strange outburst, almost like you are botting with the intent of "owning" ratfags or something
This is legitimately funny. It aligns with CA's video earlier this week where they mentioned Norsca and Vampire Count dlc. There is clearly a demand for it just like they mentioned in their video.
>Have 2000+ hours between Warhammer 2 and 3
>Start Three Kingdoms because of the sale
>Have no idea what the fuck to build or recruit
History chads...I kneel...
so it is you, does it seem strange that people can out you from just your posting style alone?
They are clearly lurking here to astroturf.
>ratfaggot having a melty because everyone wants VC and norsca DLC before more shitty furfagbait

>people would rather have another wood elf than slaanesh get a second lord
You guys are genuinely retarded
You build rice fields and recruit bug"man" (spears), bug"man" (archer) and bug"cavalryman". Not that hard.
>everyone is a ratfag! you're the ratfag! you deny it? it's even more proof!
You antiratfags are genuinely mentally ill
>the most popular race IG (skaven) has the least amount of votes for DLC

yeah, shill thread, botted poll
They are getting a dlc guaranteed, you fucking mongoloid. There is no point in voting for them.
I like Skaven but they don't need a DLC, unlike other races that were on the poll
Which DLC did you vote for?
Like I already said, no one. Can't you read?
you're criticising the motivations of people voting in a poll, that you yourself didn't vote in, because you don't see the point

can you understand why no one would take your opinion seriously?
Vampires too, that's not the fucking point of the poll
the only confirmed DLC is ogres/khorne/GS, and even that is subject to any number of changes/cancellations/delays
Nice strawman, shill, try to be more subtle next time
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>>Axed by CA
>U mean GW?
yeah I was drunk when I typed it
CA unironically cares more about Fantasy than GW now
>People that play the tabletop care fuck all about the lore
they used to care, now it's all about basedjacking to the newest OP overpriced plastic figure reveal
How can people have such terrible fucking opinions?
>every fantasy setting has to be the exact same
Yeah I guess GW really needs help from a professional settings destroyers.
no no no no no skavensisters this cant be happening, why is no one voting in the poll? i thought twg loved us posting furry porn 24/7
Why is her nose always bleeding. This image makes it look like he beats her.
>This image makes it look like he beats her.
they are based on slavs after all...
>Loremaster of Sotek had to make 44 minute to help justify Gorbad being alive after he died over 500 years before the game takes place.
I am not watching this reddit trash
There's no need for justification, it's a videogame. Everyone is here.
we already have Vlad/Isabella, Azhag and Grom
And Repanse.
Azhag doesn't die for 10 years after the start of immortal empire. Grom never died he went into hiding there is even a quote from him after the battle explaining why he went into hiding.
>Grom never died he went into hiding there is even a quote from him after the battle explaining why he went into hiding.
Gorbad has the same, you know? The dwarfs that supposedly cornered him don't know if he actually died.
In Skarsnik novel Grom's death is mentioned.
>there is even a quote from him after the battle explaining why he went into hiding.
Wow that's cool, can't wait for Gorbad's explanation in game then.
Yeah, rule of the cool and all.
The game should have as many cool characters as possible.
I still think a simple justification can go a long way in making the world feel more interesting to fight in
>Gorbad is waaghing back
that's your justification.
Imagine voting for some boring ass race like norsca or VC when you have cool as fuck rats with lasers and bombs n shit that could have more DLC
I can assure you that Norscafags are a VERY loud minority and CA knows it.
we have to make sure that skaven gets another dlc. we need a discord or something to coordinate, the truth has to make it to CA
If Bretonnia can get an FLC then Norsca can get something. How many people expected Ogres to get a DLC so soon?
Uhuh, and Thanquol faggots, Neferata coomers and Boris's wolf furries are very silent majority.
>playing the game
shut the fuck up loser no one believe you
>How many people expected Ogres to get a DLC so soon?
Most people, considering they only have one lord and they suck
Ok, but Norsca is from game 2 and its also just warriors of chaos light
>which faction is the evil one who is inevitably correct about everything?
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I am so ready for the murderhobo DLC bros
I only play as good guys and I hate furfag races
You now remember is has been 28 months since Warhammer 3 launched.
2 and a third years.
Imagine if we had CA Sofia helping out from the start.
At least sega killing off console team was good for CA, I think it's worth it. Also I'm glad Sofia survived and now they are helping making warhammer 3 better.
well, what else was Sofia going to work on?
Hyenas 2
Total War: Mithridates
CA has other TW teams, they could make Sofia help them.
Total War: Amazon
The real leak indicated they're working on something that is not Total War and based on a Games Workshop intellectual property.
I have personally studied all the leaks and what I can confirm is the following:
- The Creative Assembly has between 500 and 1,000 employees
- The Creative Assembly is the biggest software company in Horsham, Texas
- Notable figures formerly employed by The Creative Assembly: Grace, Jack Lusted, Darren
Total War: Civilisation
I am about to make a Katarin + Squire general. Be swift if you wish to prevent that.
Total War: Peace
I am about to enter a MILITARY ALLIANCE with MIAO YING
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The Wild Hunt is coming to your house filthy vodka addicted mayfly
you will never be a pirate
Total War: Micronesia featuring 100% raft sea battles
Total Civilization: V\/AR
Khorne > Slaanesh > Tzeentch > Nurgle
Total War: Under The Sea
Tzeench > Slaanesh > Nurgle >Khorne
Mermen from another sea arrive!
Cathay > Kislev > Empire > Bretonnia
Isnt Azhag out of his timezone too along with Grom.
Come! Sit! Share my fi- oh
Norsca > Cathay > Kislev > Empire > Bretonnia
the next DLC is going to take 8 months even with sofia's help

somethings fishy
Fresh bread
nothing is fishy at all. it's basically a conspiracy.
Warhammer : Total Warrior. It would be a guaranteed hit unless they made it absolute shit. Even if it was just mediocre it'd still sell.
>ruler is lterally remembered as the Demon King
Drazh has a panic campaign but henis VERY strong and he starts with that dreadquake building for good reason

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