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>What is /feh/?
This is the general for discussion of the Fire Emblem Heroes mobile game.

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Previous : >>483775109
Shamir cheated on me and took the kids
Using Celica thread dince she sells
Shez WON
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How does she still not have a seasonal?
Why did the other thread get deleted
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Sub 1000 orbs to +10 the WRONG FUCKING UNIT
last valentia seasonal was... mila and duma?
Ivy is my wife
I'm not asking for Valentia seasonals. I'm asking about specifically Celica.
Fuck "banner themes" and forcing in shitters because a popular character is attached. Just put Celica herself onto a banner like Plegian or Teatime or Halloween, and have no other Valentia character there.
>Spending 1,000 orbs just for a couple stat points
Lol, lmao even.
I think legally she's my wife now
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>i free rolled
>no blue
now waiting for summer 2 trailer
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So where is Iron18? Are they just sitting on it for the Switch 2 or was it something that got cancelled in development?
Shhhh let him. It's funny
The cope of a retard who won't +10 an emblem for his waifu
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Cute Faye showing Alm around
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i now have a +9 legendary veronica
i really really don't want to waste more orbs on this b8 banner though
gotta have steady hands...
Oh liven up, Kwll you get a Sothis thread at least once a week every week of the year
Let a relevant character relevant to current active banners get a thread
>for his waifu
Huh? But you're doing it for yourself, narcissist, lol
>powercreep sells
wow who could have thunk??
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>Sells as well as the Fallen banner
>The Reddit chart maker will put her in D Tier and flop posters will claim that she did shit
>Even though everyone else (including the chart maker) will know a Legendary/Mythic/Emblem banner making it there is a win in 2024
That's what you have to look forward to at some point in this thread and whenever someone posts the chart.
She's literally about to outsell Summer Gullveig kek
Doesn't change the fact that (YOU) or anyone else here refuses to +10 them for their waifu. If I'm doing it for myself that's one thing, but this place won't even do it for their waifu
summer 2 trailer in like 5 days.
it's probably gonna be engage ,right?
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Good afternoons sirs.
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>FE4 remake will be announced in September 2022 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in February 2023 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in June 2023 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in September 2023 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in June 2024 Direct
Aw dang it!
>3 am in Japan, the last update was 2 hours ago
Nah, she might get some USA ranks but she's below Summer 1.
Still very good, stop making everything about Gullveig out of seethe lol
You sound scared
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it's not cheating when they're lifelong partners according to IS
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You’ll have two +10 Abbys before the +10 Serika
>If I'm doing it for myself that's one thing
No that's all it comes down to. You're the only one who spams this crap for a reason, because you just want to feel fake superiority you'll never achieve in life.
And you failed to achieve it in here since instead of being sane you decided to be like this.
I need 4 more Serika compared to 6 more Ivy
Don't give it attention, dumb fuck.
Reminder that Engage saved the end of the month banners... Fortunately or unfortunately there is not an Emblem every month
And you won't even actually S rank your waifu to your summoner
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Lemme just...
There we go!
This NTR slut sold BIGLY
Yep, easy skip before the Brave Banner.
chuckled at the irony
So it turns out engage brides, summer gull, and engage celica can finally heal the damage done by the infamous xmas uninstall wave.
Seems like silhouettes on Tuesday with the trailer and version update on Wednesday.

Maybe version update notice tonight
Kek she's begging Gullchads for help again
Seems like silhouettes on Tuesday with the trailer and version update on Wednesday.
Maybe there's a version update notice tonight
It's nice to see Celica doing well, they should make every Engage banner characters from other games like this.
The fact that Felixschizo shat its diaper over Celica for 24+ hours is truly hilarious. All because it doesn't play this game and was shocked the Emblem Hero announcement was for an Emblem Hero.
Can you show us some of these posts of people being angry at Celica? I think you just made them up
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Celica's more of a "fuck around and decide to settle down" girl than an ntr slut. She did all of her sluttery before deciding to settle with Alm (who admittedly was the king of half the continent).
>missed out on BoL4 fodder to roll on leg banner
>get 1 each of Caeda, Ivy and Celica in 20 rolls

I can only hope they put the skill on someone else like the blue haired sister OC or something.
Thanks for the info!
and it's using all its autistic catchphrases too, I forgot that part. Peak entertainment.
>the blue haired sister OC
Reginn, Dagr, Seidr, Niddhoggr, or Heidrun?
engagebros I'm worried
Gullchad and Celicastacy sold bigly and we are meant to folllow -up from this...
How to make Engage banners sell:
>Remove all Engage OCs
>Make blue fart ghosts of Fire Emblem characters
What's extra funny is that it's so fucking autistic, it thinks suddenly changing narratives from "Celica will flop" to "Celica isn't Engage" will fool anyone.

So everyone here better get ready for very long autism-toned conversations with itself. Solely so it can repeat the new cope it invented. Fun.
They should keep making Engage banners without any Engage OCs.
i would have preferred the evil edgy red and black serika to be honest
trolling aside it it hilariously tragic that engage's best performing banners are the ones without engage characters on them
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Fire Emblem = successful franchise
Alear = Fire Emblem
Alear = successful

simple as
>Fire Emblem = successful franchise
Not anymore, thanks to Engage.
That's how they salvage next year's fallen banner. Evil Emblems.
First "Celica isn't Engage"
Then "Ivy isn't Engage"
Soon "actually, Bernadetta's flop is because she is Engage"
After how badly this year did I wouldn't be surprised if they actually do shove a Dark Emblem on next year's Fallen banner.
DE!Lyn, FShez, Manleth, DE!Lucina would do great.
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Do it anyway, I'm feeling lucky.
It's so fucking autistic it already started with this shit like
>"the Lumera and Firene and Brodia and Elusia banners that raped my fragile brain aren't even Engage"
and it wonders why both /v/ and /vg/ treat it as a joke
Engage touched me inappropriately
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You're right
All the reds are good on this banner, it's not like I'll get a better opportunity
I'll just dump the rest of my orbs now :)
Kek he's having a mental breakdown over Engage's best performing banners being non-Engage characters again.

I hope they make Emblem Edelgard soon. Maybe Engage will finally have an A tier banner?
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Godspeed, Anon.
Dark Emblem Micaiah jerked me off until my cock shot hot sticky cum
Stop counting Celica as Engage!
Stop counting Alear as Engage!
Stop making fun of my disabilities!
Stop buying Engage characters!
Listen to me for once!
he's so desperate for a narrative he's making up things people never said
Yep, another victory for Engage.
CYL8 won't even outsell a single Celica. Is that pathetic or what?
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*blocks your path*
This is what they make if they want a banner that does even worse than Veyle and Lumera.
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>a June 8% did good for once
>all they had to do was put a leading lady on a banner
>the rest of the banner wasn't even good
I want evil celine to lolidom me
what the bacon?
shameless powercreep sells again?
no fucking way bros
Ike didn't sell though.
I agree, they should keep making Engage banners that are only the Emblem characters.
Would you expect any less from a member of the holy trinity?
achtually the US rank is higher so according to the redditor it sold better
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They should do Emblem Edelgard, Emblem Dimitri and Emblem Claude next month for 3H's fifth anniversary.
You could make them three separate units because they all have different effects depending which you're switched to in-game.
Dimitri - Shield Gambit (some kind of ranged damage reduction) + Atrocity
Claude - Poison Gambit (pre-combat AOE damage) + Fallen Star
Edelgard - Flame Gambit (her christmas alt flame effect I guess) + Raging Storm

Guaranteed A rank
>muh powercreep
2024 has already shown they don't give a shit about even pretending to rein that in anymore
The game is broken, just make stuff people want
Yesh but the powercreep is contained within the unit. His emblem effect is good but not broken. Celica lets your favorite teleport basically anywhere on the map, it's bonkers
But she could easily be tricked by evil men to have sex with them though
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d-did it work, anon?
Ike is only popular among Smashfags who don't play FEH.
He's an unpopular esports unit. You only need one copy so people only rolled for one copy. People will whale for Celica because she is popular among FE fans.
If Ignatz got an alt that would insta win every match at the start of turn 1 then he'd be 1st place on sensortower too
Probably not AFTER she got her soul back. I played the finale the other day, and it was pretty clear she's not going to trust strangers over Alm anymore. Even her Emblem in Engage says that "you can't win with kindness alone" which was what she was trying to do her whole route, so she's learned her lesson.
I still think it was retarded that they didn't each get their own emblem bracelet
And I feel that for FEH they should get their own bracelets to milk 3H hype as much as possible
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>>the rest of the banner wasn't even good
Not really, blue is stacked with great fodder. You're unlikely to see her rerun with a better line-up than what she has here.
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>Not really, blue is stacked with great fodder.
Three units on a twelve unit banner being good is kinda sad, when you think about it.
Xanderbros our narrative? I thought June was cursed? Could it be he actually flopped because he has no fans?
Kek nobody likes Fates royals besides Camilla
If this place had adults I wouldn't mind a conversation about the mistakes Engage made, because they definitely do exist. It was styled like a crossover therefore the cardboard cutout Emblems got resources like convos that could have (maybe) gone to more evergreen features like S ranks between allies. Would there be a bigger character focus if they ditched the Marth wank and stuck to the dragon wank and 4 kingdoms? I won't read whatever screeching replies I get here but I might bring the topic to /v/ sometime, as long as F-schizo is passed out at the time
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Shitmilla also flopped
They should have dropped the crossover aspect entirely.
Bigger focus on making the setting actually have history and importance with lore and stuff. Bigger focus on making the characters have a point to them, a connection to their world and relationship dynamics rather than shallow otaku fluff.

And THEN keep the Emblems as a concept but rework them as the Twelve Gods of this continent, each inspired by an FE protagonist but not LITERALLY them.

I think you could salvage Engage's world pretty easily if you did this.
Nah laguz friend is OP as fuck and every esports whale has multiple copies of it.
Yeah, this one is comfy.
What I mean would be like, a character that look reminiscent of Byleth but isn't Byleth who is this land's God of Knowledge. Somebody who looks like Sigurd but isn't Sigurd that represents Justice. Make them representative of virtues. Copy FE4's backstory and say they were given by Gods to fight an Evil God. However after that was done humans used them for their own power struggles against each other. Overall point of the game is how men can't be trusted with divine power and the rings are destroyed for the sake of mankind.

You could salvage Engage and make it like a real Fire Emblem game but they were too obsessed with the MCU shit.
It's time to admit it. Engage won, again.
blame awakening for selling so well lmao
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I'm so sorry, Anon. Did you at least get the spark?
>Overall point of the game is how men can't be trusted with divine power and the rings are destroyed for the sake of mankind.
so lord of the rings
C o p e
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Unironically yes. Fire Emblem already steals shit from books, history and anime. Steal from A Song of Ice and Fire too while they're at it.
I'm surprised this image didn't become meme on this general lol
SoV? more like you are dogshit kek
Roughly 1563 orbs for 10 Celica + the spark, 1 Embla, 2 Merric, 3 Caeda, 2 Rosado, and ELEVEN (11) Ivy

So 29 5*, or 1 every 53 orbs
There are a few variations of it. I think one exists of alfonse just saying "This is bait".
I don't think this is accurate, but I guess it is accurate to say I had good luck on this banner
How do you even get so many orbs
Don't worry about it
Sucking cock got it
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Every time I summon her I forget she's a demote and not a 5* unit, I'm so used to seeing her at 5* with a full kit
Biden handouts and using abuela's credit card
Yeah but that chapter with hraesvelgr is literally titled just bait
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It's not accurate because most of those are statistically insignificant. It would be like checking the chance of getting an exact string of 7 merrics and 6 bartres, which is insanely low, because it's the same as the equally low chance of getting those same bartres and merrics with a single frederick at the end replacing one merric. Insignificant is the word.
>want to build inigo
>literally summoned him 0 fucking times
When can I buy 4* manuals of every character? Let me pay like 10k feathers for each manual or something. Make feathers usable again
I'm so used to seeing her get fucked by Kiran
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Are they the loviest, doviest FE couple? Is there a sweeter, more smitten pair of lovebirds?
so... Nobody could meet the R-Standard again?
Marth and Caeda are the OG.
>Hurr durr Le Roger xD
Cuck head canon
Problem is Engage was envisioned as a crossover since the begining.
It was Marth first, everything else second.
Elyos doesn't have any history because it's essentially a stage for the Emblems to exist in, Maeda and Komuro don't care about anything else
Celi and Celi!
Roger is based and definitely stuck it in her pussy premaritally so it technically wasn't NTR
Love him or hate him R-Dawg is the only true waifufag in this general. He always backs up his invested babes
Pretty sure Ray is still a Cordeliafag.
Meanwhile, "Tharjafag" has ceased to exist and dumped her for some other bitch because she's less likely to get alts.
Nigga you're fat like Roger
shitlica is a whore thou
Liking Cordelia automatically makes you a cuck.
Gay also doesn't give his whore wife a +10 Emblem so no he's out of the running.
Kek typical fragile Marthfag resorting to ad hominem
A summoner support and a +0 emblem is stronger than a +10 emblem
>Liking Cordelia automatically makes you a cuck.
Liking Tharja also makes you a cuck, because (you) can never be Robin.
Summoner support is letting another man fuck your wife. Yikes.
Kek if you don't accept Kiran as your self insert then sure
>t. desperate, jealous, loveless faye
I don't get it
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She's horny and wants to rape him
idiot motherfucker
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does she want to eat him alive?
Based Blazing kino of rarely drawn characters
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she'll get in any year now
I'm not hating on Ursula, but would've been cool if they gave one of her alts to Vaida
Also someone openly fine with their children being abused
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>Ironic Vaida fags
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summer freebie
what is with all the art of celica having her tits grabbed by people
You're weird
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Hello Kiran.
Ready for the threesome?
People love seeing her in sexual situations with everyone but Alm
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her outfit does a good job focusing on them
Celine can go sit outside or better yet get hit by a car and die kek
It's good to Chadran
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>still no alt with this design
The cope that you shitposters have to use of "yeah but spic doesn't use summoner support" as a way to excuse the fact you're not dedicated enough to +10 any emblems is rendered null and void given that I made a fake screenshot of my waifu at S rank summoner support and instead of any conceding all I got was "haha you're a cuck and Kiran fucked your wife", which is exactly what I said would happen were I to use summoner support.
Then out of the car comes Alm ready to beat your ass before you get the chance to fuck his wife
I like you can clearly see where this artist went on to just do a copy-paste job for half of Pyra's design.
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>Is there a sweeter, more smitten pair of lovebirds?
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i like both of them so i'm happy with ursula getting alts but also surprised she gets so much

i just want vaida's base version in 2bh
they could even give her the uber spear at this point, since DC is no longer considered too good even for free shitters
murdock got a very similar prf so it would even stay within the wyvern general theme
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Rent free.
Who were the other 2 besides Vaida and Murdock
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>surprised she gets so much
fairly popular and pretty villain with big boobs. All she really needed
-ulltards are not dedicated to even +10 all versions of their "waifu" let alone the emblems despite all the boasts of "Marth and Celica are her rings", nor do they ever commission any fanart of themselves with her or even buy her merch.

I know
Intsys works on internal metrics, many people +10'd normal Ursula and there were enough people who +10'd summer Ursula and desert Ursula that she also gets alts now
>lol nah fu mutt
You Lost
...units that Gulltards have to +10 if they want all versions of their "waifu" but none of them have yet to do so, I know. Well 8 if you include their "daughter" but most of these tards don't care about her either.
In FE7 only Murdock was shown, and Vaida was dismissed so we don't know the other two at the time
In FE6 it's Brunnya and Narcian who gets replaced by Galle
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Amusing how it falls back to its old pattern of screeching and crying when not given any attention while backed up by whatever tranny it has a giggle with on its discord hugbox.
Kek so this is where they get this idea those characters are popular
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I feel ashamed that I tried to explain some statistics to him. thought it would be positive reinforcement
If that's how it worked wouldn't Shitleil have an alt by now? She's seems to be an easy +10 I see often enough
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>open the thread randomly
>see this
nice thread
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>"when not given any attention"
>is giving him attention
That off topic animefag is really lacking in self awareness isn't he
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When is my bro Macuil getting in Heroes?
My waifu's uncle
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the stink of sothis....
Isn't Sothis his mom
Right after 3HDE gives him a human form
>he can't meet The Standard
Yes. Doesn't seem to have much love for dear mom, and his attitude to Seteth is "fuck off"
Kys faggot
>Me want slop!
Stop encouraging Nintendo to repackage shit that it hasn't even been 15 years since it came out to sell us at whatever the current full price of a brand new game is
3H prequel or sequel should do that instead
Hey R Dawg! How do you feel about a guy who claims Caeda as a favorite, but sparks Celica instead for esports reasons, and then cries he will quit the game when he pulls only Ivys and no Caedas later?
>instead for esports reasons
Genuine retardation right there
Do I do it?
>depressed and autistic girl
Waifu her? Absolutely, she fits your kinks.
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Marianne and Ivy are my wives?
Holy shit. We CAN touch Emblem Celica in Askr now, huh.... GHOST BLOWJOBS ARE REAL
Kiran can cum in her multiple times raw without risking pregnancy
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What if Summer 2 doesn't have Engage characters?
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Should I be using dragonflowers?
Then I'll create a narrative to annoy people
Yes, stupid.
yes you retarded faggot
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Genuinely what excuse is there to not be +10ing emblem units for your waifu?
>it's another man I'm not a cuck
That's you being insecure and projecting a shitty fetish to get out of having to do it
>it's not worth it
It's extra stats, how is it not worth it
>extra stats don't make a difference
Ok then why bother +10ing your waifu in the first place? Modern units can fucking destroy all content at +0 anyway
>but she's my waifu so I have to +10 her
Ok then get the +10 emblem as well, it is for your "waifu" after all
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Just report and ignore. You can tell he's desperate today.
Kiran who?
Report for what?
Sadly just being an annoying faggot isn't bannable, certainly not if jannies are as incompetent as the ones on /vg/
retarded avatarfag
Ivy isn’t real, you delusional moron. You’re wasting time on your fantasies because you can get a girlfriend in real life
But don’t modern units kill everything with or without dragonflowers anyway?
Gullveig and Engage keep winning
It actually is. You just have to spam reports. Although I suppose he can just appeal it if that happens.
DF him if you like him
Don't DF him if you don't like him
It's not rocket science
and report him for what?
I wish engaging with Emblem Ike turned my body into his, then I’d go to the mirror and jack off to my own (Ike’s) body and that sounds hot
>point out how Gulltards aren't dedicated enough to +10 their waifu or the emblems

It's extra stats for your wife? Don't you want that? You all bragged and bragged about how Marth and now Celica are tailor made for her, what happened to that?
If I'm a leech to my family and state and the only thing I have going on in my life is posting in this schizo general, maybe then I'll start wasting the money on FEH for more shitposting
Be sure to adopt a tripcode and commision inflation porn from AI-slop tracers.
Gulltards said that they would gladly whale on a banner with her on it even if EoS was announced. Why not whale on banners now while the game is still going? IS can see what you do, they're not gonna think "oh he's whaling for Rosado" or something, they'll see "oh he's whaling for the emblem to give to his waifu, sweet"
Man I wish I was this obsessed with self-made false narratives.
It's extra stats you tard that's almost never bad
Any units you actually go out of your way to +10 because you like them?
Whenever the fuck these faggots give Petra an alt.
Why would wish that kek
Spamming what?
Plenty of units I'd like to +10 (even from early books/launch and thus easy accessible). Due to completionist autism and lack of dragon flowers, as well as ever increasing skill creep, meaning they're useless even at +10, I barely have +10's, despite playing since near launch
Walls of text irrelevant to the hit mobile game Fire Emblem Heroes.
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Nothing like the ol' untankable unit but now they can warp a million spaces to kill you.
you forgot the s
only for Myrrh really. have every version of Myrrh +10.
collecting Sara and Delthea too though
Never seen so much slop in one image
>using 3 Nerthuz and only 1 Freyja
>when they both have a regular and a summer alt each
Negative soul
Nothing is more negative souk than dancers though.
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Wait how do we have 3 Nerthuz
Does she have two alts?
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New Years and Summer.
yes, a phenomenon known as book 7 kino and high salea
Yes really. That's why Ray and koopa are still so respected
What's salea?
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I never knew, that's crazy
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Going in with 1400 orbs. Wish me a tiny bit of luck. Will report back with stats after it's done.
Took me 400 to get one Celica. Good luck.
Tiny Luck Strike
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He's constantly trying to derail the general, he posts his shitty cropped porn all the time, he supports the namtard who keeps spamming off topic images, the list goes on. If /vg/ mods weren't a joke, they would've permabanned his ass a long time ago. 99% of all his posts fall under picrel and/or "Trolling outside of /b/", so there you go. But as it stands we'll have to wait for him to perish before /feh/ can ever hope to improve.
good luck.
at least when he seethes at gull for 5 hours a day it brings him closer to a heart attack, and since he has no human contact it drastically increases his chance of mortality
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kek clapped his ass
Sales rank status?
Felixschizo suicide status?
you are more cringe than raul
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What will Ashera's replacement skill be? I assume it'll be a B skill since Lulls are dead compared to Ideals
Huh? They can just give her Lull 4.
I fully expect IS to give Claude the Spd/Def Hold 4 skill instead of Snap.
I don't think ranged fliers can get snap anyway.
Have they ever just upgraded a skill like that? I always remember it being a completely new one
They can't
You did 1 Turn Clear Abyssal Emblem Celica did you?
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Sure, why not?
I expect to see a +10 Celica on one of those
I did the same thing, but had Nerthuz as a reposition bot since all of my Gullveigs have Draw Back.
Just realized the "I'm not putting a MAN'S ring on" argument no longer holds
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I spent a little less than a month worth of orbs on this and now I’m down to 3200. I think it’ll end up being worth it.
guess shamir really is a lesbian huh?

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I did. I also cleared it while soloing all of the reinforcements.
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warning: accurate description
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POV: You are Kiran
Id like to build Rinkah specifically for her weapon effect. Are there any other skills that reduce damage? Any skill recommendations?
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>would have sparked her if she was on Fallen
>she was not
I don't understand IS. Past Alear is genuinely "I can fix her!" material. Like a Gullveig you can't romance, or Eir as a main lord of a game.
That was always a pathetic cope excuse anyway, but it would be funny to see what excuses they use now
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Yeah. That's my waifu

Considering that kind of pov would be impossible if they're the one receiving it and the point of view is more of a third person, yeah. I guess that is an accurate statement, Kiran watching from the cuck chair in the corner
You would know a lot about cuck chairs
When will Caeda return? I hate 8% shared color banners
I don’t know what to do with Echo skills. It feels like just about every unit worth a damn has prf skill.
Nah, I'm not a Kiranfag
Here are the results of 1400 orbs. Overall pretty good I think?

258 blue orbs, 34 red, 2 colorless.
8 Caedas, 10 Ivys, 7 Celicas(none speed). The first rolled Celica came at the 127th roll at roughly 600 orbs. Embla came before my first Celica. 5 of the 7 Celicas came within the last 200 orbs.

2 Emblas, 2 Veronicas, and 2 Hinokas. This was lucky numbers wise.

13 4* special characters, 1 of which was red. Highest pity percentage was 11% which I hit twice, but that's not too bad since I usually get to 13-14% on big summoning sessions. Also jesus christ summoning takes forever, though I guess it took even longer because I was tracking stats. Anyways, thanks for the well wishes and have a nice weekend.
>The first rolled Celica came at the 127th roll at roughly 600 orbs.
And people pretend colorsharing is good.
Sharing color is good if you like all three characters
Nobody pretends that
I once went 1400 orbs without seeing a Dagr and even I know that color sharing is a good thing.
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Plegian outfit is timeless
We're two "Green Dreams" in and I'm expecting a third next year to justify Lyon.
kek verily I recalled engage, tis a flop despised
are you making sure to check every summoning circle posted in this thread for reds?
Plegian outfit is over rated
It really isn't. We even only had it once, but the gaudy bunnysuits get rerun every year. It was also THE best Desert outfit.
The only reasons people liked Tharja were her design and being yandere for (you). Plegian Dorothea was an objective upgrade over Tharja's design, and we've had other yandere since then. That banner design was so strong that it made Tharja irrelevant.
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Can there even be another Green Dream next year? The only infamous Green we've had was Lyon and he has to last an entire year just to stay relevant.
I think we'll see Emblem Ike so that automatically cock blocks another fucking Green Dream unless Reddit decides we need a "Red Dream" banner next year. They tried to force that last year but Fomortiis and Grima's rankings ruined that thank fucking god.
The only other Wild Card to consider is IS deciding to make the AHR banner next year a Double Banner. So just be in the top 8 and you're in.
It is
every actual contender is going to be released after now plus gullveig. there csn easily be 4 good greens.

eike is like lrobin. dead before the year ends
The TT book girls have always been green so perhaps Reginn will come out and with some new fodder mechanic like Rearmed/Attuned.
There is also the other half of the year.
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I wonder which girls will win next CYL. Engage is too divided, and considering that Alfonse and Bernadetta's votes are free, I think maybe Sharena, Azura, Hilda or Dorothea will win kek. Splitting votes will kill Engage. Engagetards should agree to vote for Yunaka one year and the next year for Ivy or whatever because otherwise they won't win anytime soon.
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Watch out for Loki, bro. She's CYL9's dark horse
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I'm hoping Freyja wins next CYL
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By the way, this bitch already has three units
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Funfact: Every Engage character with multiple units has not won CYL.
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Oh, the horror!
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>past, present, and future, I love you alw-ACK
Sorry dumb bitch, only good characters are allowed to get bride alts
I mean, in the top 25 girls, there are 11 engage girls. Lumera is at the bottom of the barrel, which is funny.
What's the pig looking at?
I got shit on by the banner. 1 Celica only. Oh well maybe I should've just went to 40 and waited for her rerun cause I don't like the current pool of characters.
>I mean, in the top 25 girls, there are 11 engage girls.
And how many came in first or second?
FAlear, MAlear, Veyle, Alcryst, Lapis, Chloe, Lumera, and very soon Timerra will all have 2+ units without a Brave. There are multiple CYL winners that don't even have that much.
Sanaki changing for the beach
Rodrigue is being bigly mistreated
does Felixschizo still start crying when anyone says his name?
bros what are good anti-warping units aside from gatekeeper? warpers are getting too uppity again I need to teach them their lesson
It's literally just LMyrrh and VMyrrh. And no, nobody has those units. Nobody ever gave a fuck about Myrrh.
me neither. that's a problem!
Uh, I think you got scripted shitpost replies mixed up. You're supposed to be telling "Felixschizo" to check for blue stones
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False, everyone loves Myrrh
people are still rolling on summer, bdr
Bro, your +10 Gatekeeper?
Yeesh you undedicated fucks STILL haven't +10'd your so called waifu? It's been like two weeks dude, we even just got the newest emblem unit that you'll refuse to +10 as well.
dead in the grave at +0 I hate this mfer
gullveig already mindbroke you and she's still selling copies, yes.
imagine how you must look to those of us without brain damage. saying mario games are bad because they sell consistently for months as well as quickly at release.
actually I wasn't there for the past week... do we have the sales tier chart? I heard we've been doing good and are so back since summer. I wanna see it after our onslaught of D and lower tier banners
the 3H powercreep slop blast nearly made 2024 unprofitable as a whole, but Engage repaired it partially with Ivy, Brides, Celica, and most likely Summer Part 2
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Pregnant fetish is so cringe.
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IS has a strange obsession with certain characters...
That's with recency bias to be fair, most of those will fall off like what happened with Fates.
kek when not even raul is dumb enough to believe in your boogeyman you know you fucked up big time
If the next game is the remake of FE4 I don't think it will change much, maybe only Ayra, Julia and Deirdre will win votes and the last two would compete against each other.
There are literally no myrhfags except on the dev team kek
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You don't even have a second +10 of any other Shamir. You don't even have a second +10 Ninja Shamir fully built for that matter. That should be the easiest merge project to do. You have two Arcane Axes to play with. You do have at least 11 more Ninja Shamir grail copies to get? You didn't fodders all those extra copies for Atk/Spd Oath fodder did you?
I guess you don't love Shamir enough then. Oh well. Not like it'll matter. You'll just dump her in a few years for the next dyke FE produces.
So this is why the general calls you schizophrenic...
Emblem Celica's map was extremely easy. Even on Abyssal.
Isn't she able to warp bomb anyone to death? It seems like it has to be piss easy to offensively charge or else most players could easily lose.
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Engagefags are NPCs so they'll keep voting for main characters regardless.
The only ones that are dropping out of the top 20 are Rosado and Lapis.
Maybe Goldmary and Panette depending on if they get something or not
>Isn't she able to warp bomb anyone to death?
Just kill her first.
I waited a turn and she didn't immediately warp to any of my units and butt raped them so idk.
2024... I am forgotten...
>Anywhere near Top 20
We have to stop them. We can't have another TMS banner. We just can't.
The boss units usually wait before charging at you. I don't know if it's after all reinforcements appear or a specific turn. They should act if you get within their range. And then they just act like any other unit charging at you to kill you.
But in Celica's case, she gets her warping after she triggers her special. Which normally results in defeat for you unless you tank it.
We used to have a myrrhfag that posted here.
TMS have been top 20 for years now and they haven't gotten another banner. Maybe once IS reaches bottom of the barrel, but only after they run through all the engage emblems and 3H timeskips.
Yeah, with one action by W!Dimitri
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Luv me sum snek, simple as.
>Engagefags are NPCs so they'll keep voting for main characters regardless.
As if that's strictly an Engagefag thing when literally the only game with non main character winners is 3H
You anti Engagefags are so tunnel visioned, you can't see the shit you think is strictly an Engage thing is actually 90% of FE/the fanbase
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I love her
Marth ring
Atk/Spd Excel
Spd smoke 4

Probably the maximum amount of damage reduction things she can do by herself
I do too. Her tits basically falling out of her dress always gets me going.
I'm really impressed at how determined IS is giving that game absolutely nothing. Like the fire dude has been there for like 3 years and you'd think that at that point they'd just make them the CYL GHB, but nope!
umm bro your legendary male corrin? your high dragon wall anti-warp? desu you don't need corrin you can fodder it to any dragon tank
I have both actually.
It's obvious they just wanted to do the single requisite banner and then toss it in the trash
>A main character
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Nuh uh
wait you're right he has anti 2 range units within 4 range warp and he's much better than the old warp bubblers. his stonks rose since celica came out!
Nice build bro. I still need Flare on mine.
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>the miracle of life is cringe
Well I guess that makes YOU cringe too then!
Pregnancy itself isn't cringe, fetishizing it is. Why would you want to fuck a pregnant chick anyways? There's a baby up there.
but at that point, why bother?
They even put that shit on RB rotation, not even Hopes got it's own slot
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Bros remember when we thought emblem Ike was le so busted? I mean he still is in AR-D with gotoh/bol4 but now we have nukes that just rape his ass so hard lmao
>and she's still selling copies
Apparently not given you frauds don't +10 her. But hey I'm sure the +0 Celica will work just as well on a +0 Gullpiss
>Bros remember when we thought emblem Ike was le so busted?
He is, it's just that fucking nobody rolls for Tellius, so you'll never see him outside of SD and VoH, two completely optional modes with bad rewards for the investment required.
Celica rapes his butt
>TMS have been top 20 for years now and they haven't gotten another banner.

So? I want them gone completely. Characters deleted and accounts that have them merged BANNED. It's not enough that they don't win, they have LOSE completely and utterly. IS has to apologize to the fanbase for ever allowing them in and what I suggested is at the very least is a start.
He still is though.
I've gotten some comms of me with my waifu where's she's pregnant but it's meant to be a wholesome husband/wife starting a family together thing, not that weird shit
umm tranny avatarfagbwo, does the guy who +10'd everyone except kvasir not count anymore
>Fetishizing pregnancy
It's actually quite normal for humans to like pregnancy dude
Maybe because you're a tranny with sexual organs that no longer function that you don't understand
Byleth, Eikthyrnir and Sharena are guaranteed. Second place girl is up in the air.
>we(read: one person) wasted orbs to +10 a second copy of his waifu instead of +10ing every version or the emblems, HA
Damn anon, really got me with that one. I guess when Shamir gets her next alt instead of +10ing her I'll just +10 a second Ninja Shamir and I can be just as cool as you.
flop status?
nope nvm I forgot celica has anti-warp bubble. kys game design
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Mistakes into miracles
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Oh yeah. He's certainly popular
Know how a summoner supported hero is stronger than a +10 emblem unsupported one? two summoner supported heroes is much, much stronger than one unsupported one. bdr
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So...uh... Is the first July banner new heroes or summer heroes?
He's going to win because all the mainstream FEH communities are semi-ironically thirsting over him.
It will be Tea Time
It's kind of funny, the same people who were crying over Gull are now drooling over some random muscled guy.
mayhaps gays, fujos, and trannies always have double standards?
>pretty women eww
>bara men drooling my ass off schlicking my wound
Gull was for straight men
Eithkrnyr is for gay guys and straight women
Sharena just got an alt. A stupidly broken one at that. Her entire support base was built out of her being mistreated by IS. The deserve it fags ain't gonna waste their votes on her now. They're instead gonna burn them on Eikthyrnir.
>Is that an attractive woman trying to have sex with me?! Oh my science! That's so bigoted!
>*IS makes bara bait*
>Of course I'd like to make a baby with you, Deer Daddy!
And a +10 emblem ring would make that summoner supported hero even stronger yet you frauds are unwilling to do that, even with the newest one being a girl so you don't have the "I won' t give her a mans ring excuse"(even though you claimed that summoner supporting prevents the emblem from cucking you anyway)

It seems like you Gulltards just can't live up to the same standards that I have
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Kiran is generally fag repellent
There's literally only two gay porns of him
No, retard. Normal people don't want to fuck pregnant chicks. It's fucking weird. Go be mad about trannies somewhere else, I'm not gonna argue with you all night.
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That's a fun defense
Well all this FE pregnancy art is just women posing pregnant, not even nude, not getting fucked
So you're arguing a moot point from the beginning
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Not really, but okay. Like I said, I'm not going to argue with you all night.
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The next update is under way???
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Why aren't you guys talking about it?
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July Codes
The only unit I have from this is Ashera. I don't even remember what her gimmick was.
Hey I was right, update notice was tonight
They only censor for the social media platforms, the in-game is uncensored.
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Nott and Ashera Remixes:
Nott comes with Distant Dart
Ashera gets Lull Spd/Res 4
the update notification in-game says they're modifying the art
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I think he's talking about this
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Keka rekka
Keka rumba roo
This board, your parents
all of them hate you
Kekka rekka
kekka rumba ree
its you at who we're laughing
your favorites flopped bigly
They haven't censored anything in game since book 1 or 2 with ATiki's bikini butt crack. What did they change about Summer Gullveig?
What are the differences? Kinda hoped they'd fix Seidr's face on the neutral art.
Ingrid refine, nice! I was thinking she'd be after Femleth.

Oh hey, my second Lapis merge
Will anyone conceivably want the Lull or should I just merge up all my Asheras
knot Nott
Tom the Mage Barber
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Seems alright so far, let's hope the refine is busted
I've compared the arts. All they've done is make the arts slightly smaller. To better fit the screen or something I don't know.
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I would like an apology.
>just gives allies 3 of the 4 bonuses needed for Prime
Shame that skill is shit.
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There's no difference

I thought they'd censor them like they did Summer ATiki
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If there was no difference they wouldn't say there's a difference YOU IDIOT
It’s ruined
thank you.
What about the attack and special art? What's missing there?
These refines suck
They're not even out yet jackass
Mustafabros... we're finally home...
Yeah, but they're attached to shit characters so in turn, these refines suck.
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Do you remember when you could build units like this and make use of them in AA? I miss those times.
You're a dumbass
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I had this Mustafa in my Binding Worlds run. Is he worth the Forma?
The continued failure of Engayge
Well I guess I'll take a Lapis merge
>4*+10s were viable
>TA3/Gem Weapon + Breaker skills for melee units
>mages were either Raven users or Blade users depending on if they were slow or fast
>the worst thing you could run into in arena was Reinhardt/Brave Lyn/Cecilia/another cav like Xander or Camus
>arena was 7 matches in a row
>needed to get all 4 kills with the bonus unit to get max score
>shit like flier and armor balls in aether raids were common
>dev maps used to be considered difficult
Year 1/2 and maybe early 3 were probably the comfiest FEH has ever been
toss me a vote next time would ya
The continued mentally ill samefagging
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>busty nun girl
>canonically corrupted into being a slutty dancer
>won cyl
>>still does not have a seasonal
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The continued mentACK
And you're autistic.
you're gay lol
Still no second free barracks expansion I see
Clearly you don't even love your wife enough to expand her living space, let alone S support her.
And you're mad lol
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Mommy is so beautiful
Saw the video of Shamir fucking the prisoners at Garreg Mach shit was CRAZY LMAO
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Engagie ragie floppity doo
I've got no more banners for you
Engagie ragie floppity dee
If you were wise you won't waste your money

Who do you blame when your cast is queerbait
With a lame duck script like the plot of book 8
Blaming three houses is a lie and a shame
You know exactly who is to blame
30 seconds to fire those arrows.
>Alfonse won
I guess ISIS was embarrassed Shitfonse lost to Doot they had to fix the results for this round.
What are you talking about?
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sex appeal
the voices in his head.
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Click for laughs, maybe even laffs
Why did everyone stop using bladetomes again? Lull/Dull isn't really used much anymore so you'd think they'd make a resurgence.
Because +24 damage is literally a joke now
>I'm bad at Heroes and wish the game was simpler
wait until the buff faggot becomes playable. He gives +3 more to blue buffs. Give a bladetome to reinhardt and it should be a party
Having your special ready is important now, sources of panic are everywhere, and other weapons are just better.

Why run a Blade tome when an Arcane tome gives +5 all stats, -1 special cooldown instead of +1, and some other neat effect like Plumeria's 15% Atk to true damage
Because a flat boost like that isn't worth shit
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>opponent has a school leveled to 12
>schools leveled to 12 inflict -13 to all stats for that particular movement type
>use Harsh Command to turn -13 all stats into +13 all stats
>explode everyone* with 52 damage
>damage reduction kicks in
>they live
>counter ki!l
New Heroes are going to be the Deer next month aren't they?
I'm sending a gosh darn message
I can't find what triggered felixschizo this time. raul must be truly disabled in a mental sense to want an alliance with a retard like that.
Ignatz in the house tonight!
Ready for Summer Diamant next month, guys?
>no more summers wasted on Awakening now that all its cast is in
Very nice
That's not how it works dumbass
Summer Chrom next year is gonna power creep your bussy
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They updated Gullveig's art!
Your Photoshop skills are improving, Nammy
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Super Cringe
Also super Cringe
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Fuck off
>Ashera gives NFU and hexblade
That's fuckin nifty.
gulveig suck me straight off
>test mode
These free manuals sucks
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that ogma is nonsensical, does it really take 2 years for a seasonal 4* to appear as a book? Jesas...
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>nott gets garbage outdated skill
>her skill refine is worse than Dagrs
>she STILL doesn't have an alt
Why does IS hate all the characters that I like?
Why do you like all the characters they hate?
That's nothing compared to the mistreatment Plumeria faced.
Plumeria has like 4 alts.
I don't know. It's tough being a fan of Hel, Nott and Letizia desu
Maybe the weapon refine will be better. She might also come back for the TT.
Kek most mistreated character in that book is Mirabilis and even she has more than one alt kek

We got mogged to high hell...
It's over...
Gay porn don't click
Why did you click knowing it was potential gay porn since it's about a male character
Because I wanted to warn the homies
>Mareeta vs Ayra
I hate that they're making me choose...
Kek you're a closet case
Whatever helps you feel better
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Nina is strangely the only one not wearing any of her official designs
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Celica will outsell Gu- ACK!
I wish another Nintendo gigaleak happened and this time we got internal IS stuff like definite sales data. Imagine the shitposting.
Why were people so horny for the Marth/Lumera banner anyway
>Ike E
>Micaiah E

Even giving them all the powercreep can save Telius, the biggest failure in FE history, huh?
What would need to happen for that to occur
I think ranks need to be revisited. Too many banners are below A-B-C it makes no sense to keep doing it like this.
not really since there's obviously still banners that can reach A so it's a signifier of being special, and also it lets us plot the gradual decline of this game
dunno, I don't even know what caused the original gigaleak
>Another Engayge flop
You love to see it
So there's only ever been one?
Dude is so mind broken by engage je literally spends every Friday night seething about it on a Mongolian basket weaving forum
Even namschizo and Raul are doing better things with their Friday night kek
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It was a series of leaks over a couple years I think.
No there aren't banners that can reach A.
There was ONE banner with ONE combination that reached A. And it probably won't if its repeated since those people clearly quit thanks to book 8 failure.
If they keep spamming 3H, Vanaheim or powercreep they won't keep making money, they should be able to earn from all banners but that's not the case since the rest of those 7 months of banners are all below the A-B-C line
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>Americans hate Azura
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He's a haole so he should technically be asleep right now
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>not even 3 million
it's over marisabros
we used to be the most popular out of these 7 years ago
Sacred Stones didn't even break a million sales
that's more than ike's games kek

Kek some schizo has been updating the FE sakes wiki and doing a shit job at it too
This is barely readable it was better before
>Oh hey, my second Lapis merge
kek. Same for me. Why are new 3*'s so elusive
>some schizo
You mean you? Who the fuck else checks that shit
>biggest failure in FE history
That's not Fates
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Cute wife and daughter
I have sex with my daughter Heidr
So did any Gulltards +10 Emblem Celica? I'm guessing no.
Nope but R-Dawg did
NySeidr has a blade tome effect in her kit and heidr too and can give it as support.
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Why do ketes have such raw sex appeal?
That's not Engage
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Don't do that.
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Why did the redditor act like summer Seidr was some big seller when it only did marginally better than Ivy?
Because she did, in the current state of the game that's a big seller. No powercreep, not really an appealing lineup outside of Gullveig and Nerthuz, it's impressive it did so well if anything.
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Cumming on my daughters tits after fucking her throat raw!!
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What 7 years of mistreatment does to a girl
5 rank difference on the appstore is barely any difference though. The difference in spending could be in the thousands or hundreds. Hell depending on how other gachas performed on those two days, Ivy could have made more money.
This is really why using sensortower to make these tierlists is stupid, yet you faggots use them as gospel.
At high ranks it is a difference. 1-50 is where games like Genshit and the like hang out. A toddler game like FEH going hand to hand with those is very good so even 2 ranks matter.
And nobody is using them as gospel, but on a general line you can agree that the game is declining with how low so many banners are compared to the 4-5 outliers.
>new mechanic
>Marth gives everyone slaying
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>At high ranks it is a difference. 1-50 is where games like Genshit and the like hang out
what the fuck no? FEH literally never touches genshin, not even when there are no new banners
Again, you are comparing a day when FEH gets a banner in a day most gachas don't get banners.
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some uninteresting refines this month.
ilyana next month
why do they avoid Claude?
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i guess celica did pretty well
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still waiting for Sara , Jill and Ilyana
>movement powercreep sells
How do you even use Ashera outside of as a buffslut
lets hope they continue that obsession so i can have a sixth Myrrh version
Emblem Ike should have has his PoR design, then people would have liked him more.
I've AI generated thousands of Myrrh porn
Team mate in Voting Gauntlet. I am kneeling. My knees are piercing the earth from how hard I am kneeling.
>got the engage so now 0% chance she will get a summer alt this year
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lets face it. echoes isn't getting anything decent this year either
This is really good wow.
>celicaniggers pretending she sold because of her character and not powercreep
then why didn't ike sell better than her if his powercreep was stronger? lyon too
>pretty well
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Emblem Chiki will sell next
You are acting like the difference is between A rank and D rank or something, when they are 1 tier apart, and even then flarebitz applies different rules for each banner: see bridal which had no reason to be below female robin
So why do we ignore that Ike and Micaiah's Tellius powercreep has sold like shit?
at least with Lyon. you only need one copy of him to do his thing and he doesn't offer much else
that's even more true for emblem heroes
>retard pretending again that there's some huge difference between D and E rank
If it was H tier like Caeda maybe you'd have a point.
>Over half the banners are E tier or lower
Not true at all, since with Emblem heroes they give more stats to the engaged unit the more merges you give it.
I still picked her because of all the sword autists her autism is cute with the blushing.
SHINON REFINE, please don’t be shit
he's the first from the banner, so he's guaranteed to be shit
>Celica at D
Considering the June 8% banner has traditionally done shit with it being sandwiched between both summer banners, that's pretty impressive.
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Uhm bros, how is the best unit in the game (ike) losing to a random non mc echoes character?
Because he's male
Thankfully the dark bow is alright so it won’t hurt as much but it is kind of worrying how much of a blank slate the weapon is, they could go any direction with it. Hopefully they go over board and try to make him counter emblem ike(and thus shit on everything else) to keep up with the Ike slaying shit they had for him and Volke but they’ll probably just throw more stats and some damage reduction going for a meme enemy phase weapon or something.
Do you think we might see a Shadows of Valentia port for the Switch 2 if they continue porting 3DS games like LM2?
maefag having his scheduled meltdown
you're literally the only one who cares
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just engage her with celica
>We Mae fans (singular)
Mae is unironically mistreated though? She and Boey are decently popular and have story relevance but neither have gotten any content in Heroes at all after their base forms in 2017, not even resplendents?
>She and Boey are decently popular and have story relevance
Yeah... no. It's one or two vocal schizos. You don't see the same crying for the Ram villagers
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>1 hour and 47 minutes
holy shit
...to nothing.
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ugh, how OP will it be if she brings in the Revival Stone mechanic?
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It already sold out
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Besides Jobfonse, who wants R Duel Infantry 4?
><main character> gets more attention than <side character>! wow!
Also imagine crying about a year 1 4* unit get shafted, what the fuck are you talking about
Ophelia maybe
just woke up, failix schizo meltdown status?
>AHR losers
Aaaayyyy lmao
bros you lied how did this revive anything since the early 2024 meltdown? C summer is good nowadays but it's less than before the melty. celica is in D that's not even good
should I give her rescue+ or return+
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Cute generics
Someone attacked and failed against me in Aether Raid with a 0 Merge 30 Dragonflower Resplendent M!Corrin that was using the base kit of Def+3 and Obstruct 3. They also had Brave Edelgard with a Speed Refine on her weapon.

Was this an actual person who is just really, really stupid, or did the game auto-generate some random ass team?
Staff repo
/feh/tards have been deluded to think that D is a good ranking now.
Neither. Magic Shield+ instead.
I dont have that
return it is then
it actually is ever since the december uninstalls
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I mean, it does suck that she hasn't gotten ANYTHING since her debut, but all this guy does is whine about it.
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x5 SP should just be standard. Farming it on a glass canon mage like Celica is just a pain in the ass.
should've done it yesterday on the ranged map
kek just remembered engage flopped
Hey, I came back to FEH in nearly 4 years last week with a new f2p account. Rerolled 1 winter edelgard and 1 blue seior in that 8 heroes banner.
In a week, I get to facerolled all the INFERNAL maps (3 spaces 2 turns armor unit you kidding me) together with another 2 free units Eir and a dancer, which is something I could never ever imagine before.

Sorry but may I ask: what happened to this game?
They've gone full PvP powercreep, and if you don't care for that you will stomp PvE content.
Winter Edelgard among other things is also just really really good at it.
PvP is literally unplayable now
They ramped up power creep because no one wants characters from Engage or OCs. There was a massive January drop off which lead to batshit insane creep this year
I don't get it
Insane powercreep started way before book 8.
Need I remind you that the main villain of book 7 is a 3 mov mage that can kill 3 enemies per turn and also can't be counter attacked?
It got worse though, it’s at the point where character investment doesn’t matter since every new unit nukes the one from 2 weeks ago. If you fully invest in a character you don’t even get shit compared to the insane creep on new skills and prfs
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anon... you should know better.
Genny would go for his dad instead
Yeah, 3H was such a flop that Fallen Edelgard existed
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Summer Jugdral will be the first S tier banner in 2 years
Z tier banner*
i guess Mae and Boey deserve at least an alt but they certainly aren't the most popular echoes characters
Harmonic: Mareeta + Ayra
TT: Larcei
What are you talking about fuckwit?
got a doop of celica. is resonance 4/verge of death worth foddering or is she better off +1? because rings are kinda nice...
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Too serious for swimsuits.
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wow no way did she actually say that in the game??
feels niche
>verge of death
available on other units
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>Voting Gauntlet is today
Sweet! Can't wait to seethe that it's holding our precious content hostage!
+1 time baby
FE4 and FE5 are just too much serious business for summer alts
aside from summer 2. not much upcoming content is worth much though
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Is there a ranged magic tank that can stand and deliver on this Micaiah?
my year 1 lyn is pretty strong
These characters still don't have resplendents:

so before you complain about who IS decides to make a resplendent for, reminder what pool of units they have to pull from
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haha sisters this is so true ar is so easyyyy
>no fence
Nobody does this
Does anyone unironically still play AR? Who gives a shit when you can stay in the same tier only dispatching. You get no reward for that terrible mode anyway
Surprised they haven't given one to Catria yet

Cherche, Donnel, Frederick, Henry, Lissa, Olivia, Stahl, Sully, and Virion all seem like perfect excuses to give an Awakening character one without giving one to Tharja

Wrys is a meme so that'd be a good pick

Sakura is a Fates royal so she will probably get one(also a prflet staff so an even better waste of peoples time)

>ok so how do you get good at AR
>"just save all your free orbs to +10 these mythics you don't even like and become the cancer that is killing the game by making your raid and defense team from this pool of like a dozen units that are meta viable"
I remember when this used to be "just use your favorites"
isn't safety fence obsolete now that emblem celica exists
i only auto deploy btw
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Isn't it funny how they've only done resplendents for book 1 and book 2 characters so far, then jumped straight to a late book 4 character, then went back to book 1/2/ resplendents as if this didn't happen?
(lol the anon got it right
they love ilyana
for some reason
>for book 1 and book 2 characters so far, then jumped straight to a late book 4 character, then went back to book 1/2/ resplendents as if this didn't happen?
You now remember that they did this with Micaiah to jump to Book 2, as well.
It's genuinely just Tellius characters.
He's not because emblem units so far have done pretty well.
Marth was C and Ike was E, so it's not a stretch to assume that a female emblem would be at least D tier
Dev favoritism isn't real, chud!
>got on the Young banner despite zero relevance to it
Yes I wanted Teen Titania. Yes I'm still mad.
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Kwll just reposted this
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Kwll is making secret comms. Kek what a pussy.
I can't even tell what character this is supposed to be
KEEEEEEEEEK nobody can it's that bad
How do you beat BoL4 gay emblem Ike?
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Tits too big
not naked, on my bed, with whipped cream enough
Shut the fuck up FehOwl
That's the neat part, you don't.*
*Without Emblem Celica
Thats what the post said though? With Celica doing well and a couple posters thinking she did bad.
don't forget TMS Ilyana
alt soon
Kek what the fuck? She's in the troon game too?
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Actually no she's not in 3 houses. but this man is, as a well hidden easter egg.
is apparently like 7 months old
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and Cath is in TMS too
Kozaki abandoned us for Pokémon
TMS is a troon game sorry Fehcord
This looks like a generic animu girl or some shitty vtuber I seriously can't tell who this is supposed to be
>heard my retard wife got an alt again
>it's the shitty engage design instead of Hidari's SoV design
meh, back to the waiting room for feh 2
>hear chrom got another alt
>it's just the shitty awakening design instead of kozaki's design
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>Slopdari is le SOUL
how lower will go the next year?
Look at the title anon
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They did Leif shortly after
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>*punts her into the sun*
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Mr TD is seething about Kwll again
kek based Johnny Boy mindbreaking Mr TD with a single retweet
Kwll on the mind of schizos non stop
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>FE4 remake will be announced in September 2022 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in February 2023 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in June 2023 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in September 2023 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in June 2024 Direct
Aw dang it!
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Would it have been better if Kvasir or Gullveig had been your daughter?
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Kwll laughing alongside Miss QM because Mr TD will never exceed Julia in danbooru numbers KEEEEEEEEEEK
I wanted it to be exactly how we got it, honestly.
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Realistically even if they really do have an FE4 remake ready, they won't annouce it for at least 3 years to give Engage some breathing room. And if the rumors of the new Nintendo console are true then it's more likely that they wont' release it at all and will save it for the new console.
i just finished inside a kete
kid Chrom was Kozaki's design though,
which one
brave tiki
ascended Chiki. ignore this retard: >>483993469
Based and mentally wellpilled.
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how does she keep winning?
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It always tickles me that you do't have to specify an age with Brave Tiki, since Young Tiki was never even close, and tanked even more when she lost the spite vote after Brave Tiki won.
I busted so many nuts to this whore. I don't even play BA.
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>How do you beat BoL4 gay emblem Ike?

I'm mocking the morons who want a game ASAP because they didn't like engayge haha.
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Blue Archive won
*does a dance*
Thanks for the refresh!
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Thanks for the extra turn!

a celica alternative
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On time thread
Sorry but that thread is tainted
No thanks
on time
Kek based

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