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>Dragonflight Dark Heart Content Update Notes (10.2.7)
>May Trading Post
>June Trading Post

>General Resouгces

Reminder to report and ignore avatarfagging.

Previous >>483743248
I love our avatarfrens
you're a few threads late with that lothar op
better late than never i suppose
sorry mate, i only just finished cooking dinner after work so i came back at the right time
if im awake for the next thread ill use faerin loktar like i said i would initially
It's weird how many quests are optional but feel like they should be part of the main story. Anduin and Faerin's long board game convo that sums up his character arc and Magni granting Fearbreaker to Moira being side quests feels strange.
She is the character artificially designed by some fat disabled tranny self-incert. Im exagerrating but the point is the characters are as good as the writer is.
People who wrote Classic to Legion characters had tons of classic fantasy literature they've read behind them. Thats why even though WoW characters arent Shaekspearean work, they are still memorable and were written within competently used tropes.
The only fantasy people who wrote Faerina and other modern WoW characters know was Game of Thrones on HBO and Stormlight Archive (at best).
They cant write good characters because they have literal equivalent of a dogshit in their brains.
Faerin is a dogshit character.
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kino desu
mop was amazing
It was worst then Shadowlands.
Maybe maybe, sometime he will return.
They simply "closed that department", at least he wasn't metoo'd like Jeremy Soule was at Bethesda.

Speaking of WoD, the music was simply magnificent.
One of my favorite themes was Talador, which made me dislike the orcs even more
The drums, the flute, the viola, the harp, all going one after another, just amazing.
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FUCK im sorry bros i forgot to change the tendie posts from last thread, why the fuck is may still there i failed
i added july under june but its something
It should have been a zone or three in a .X patch.
>Stormlight Archive (at best).
Its funny cause whoever answered for Hero Talent Trees naming was clearly Stormlight Archive fan.
The names of certain Hero Trees (Flameshaper, Hellcaller, Lightsmith, Deathbringer, Voidweaver) are inspired by the names of Herald Orders from SA.
This looks like a massive win for the frog
maybe stop making threads 5+ posts early then faggot
>Summer Trading Post
dont even need to individually link each month when it's covered by this one anyway
im sure the decent op will return soon :^)
Hellcallers and Voidweavers have been a thing in WoW for ages
Tyrande, my love.
Made for tauren
which good op do you mean? the one who adds WoW General to the pics? I like him, im trying to stop ai slop porn getting in the OP
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What did they mean by this?
This post is to let you all know that I will NOT be playing OG just because of a new expansion. The class design is boring and complex at the same time. Doesn't interest me a bit.
Tendie Post in Summer 2023
>Blood Troll Slutmog
>Chainmail bikini datamined
>Monthly rewards are cool
Tendie Post in 2024
>Nothingburgers in terms of a transmog
>Pets as monthly rewards

What happened? Its clear as day that Blizzard's goals with Tendie Post have changed.
Why do they go so lazy with it? Chinks coming back made it less relevant? New president forbade slutmog? Metzen's daughter influences the decision making?
porn addicted nelf/dranny/human/belf players will buy the mogs from the item shop
ok well id say thats a good choice, tww will be way better but who asked nigga
What the fuck, Blizzard? I want a based mount too
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>This man was one of the first Paladins, saved Quel'thalas from the trolls, saved Lordaeron from the Old Horde, picked up the Lothar's sword and defeated Orgrim Doomhammer, then went through the Dark Portal and made sure Horde nevers comes back, then fought against the enemy of mortal races for millenia alongside his hot valkyrie elf wife.
>Is just a token le funny old regent warming up the throne for Anduin now.
I blame you fags for dawntrail fuck you
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i asked him to put the logo on this one, can you do it? ;; i dont have the text saved

Holy shit good spot, i see your point, you mean that the drawing he did of her was very well done, but hers is more like a caricature thus taking a stab a white human male paladins, am i right? Thinly veiled stab in the dark from forces that seem to harm us white bros... am i right bros...?
The story somehow has more troon shit and is more boring than Dragonflight. Yoshi-P decided to copy all of the bad things about wow once again
>i asked him to put the logo on this one, can you do it? ;; i dont have the text saved
no but i can use that image as the next op if im awake for it and if i remember
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Will we ever get an equivalent of that again?
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>huh, I wonder why the story focuses almost entirely on beloved, fan favourite legacy Warcraft characters that just happen to be from the Alliance.

I may have missed a character/misplaced them so let me know.

Someone who was omitted here is Kael'thas, my reasoning being that while he was an Alliance leader during his many years in Dalaran as a member of the Council of Six, he fucked off to Outland then got murdered after having joined the Illidari/Burning Legion.

Calia Menethal was naturally Alliance in life, but in undeath is very clearly Forsaken and a member of their new council, so if I was to put her in the Alliance side it would then justify putting Sylvanas on the Alliance side for the same reasoning desu.
>annoying troon character you're stuck with throughout
>story that doesn't even take itself seriously
>unfinished graphics update that so far has people begging for a revert
wonder what other fun little presents from yoshit piss you retards will be finding over the next couple days
guldan and kiljaeden death in legion were just as kino
The reasoning behind why Kael'thas is being ignored has nothing to do with ingame lore.
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It means they clearly still like Turalyon and Alleria as characters and as a couple, which is a great.
Calia is incredibly Alliance leaning even in undeath. All her screentime revolves around making the Forsaken closer with the Alliance and their leaders. They have nothing to do with the Horde anymore
I've meant in the 'The Worldsoul Saga' (tm)
Yeah that was kinda my aim, some schizo just took it way too personally it seems.
>Turalyon sees her as his queen, his goddess despite turning her back on the light
>she sees him as as the youthful man she fell in love with thousands of years ago when they first met, knowing he hasnt changed inside
Boring ahh thread
a thread is a thread
>despite turning her back on the light
Is not like helves worship the light, they have their own deities.
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Don't worry, it genuinely brought a smile to my face watching that video, it was heartwarming.
I'll only accept the shaman rework if they give 2hander back to Enhance
That's fair enough, it's just that she is one of the forsaken's leaders which is why it felt wrong for me to place her on the Alliance side desu.
Why did it take Blizzard killing off multiple, major, well-liked Horde characters to realise that killing off characters your fans like is FUCKING RETARDED?
i meant in turalyon's eyes, he gave everything for the light but she went void instead
My favorite is when they killed off Cairne, one of the most based characters in the whole franchise, purely just to even it out with taking Magni away. And then they returned Magni.
He doesn't care as he trusts her completely even though her power is the antithesis to his, he loves her that much.
This was expplained in BtDP and A Thousand Years War.
tbf magni had no personality and then came back as a lame CHAMPIONS!!! DA AZEROTH TALKS TO ME!!!! quest setpiece
i know bro, thats why i said he loves her more than anything
Based op
At least he had that one cinematic where he went "OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH DA SEATS OF DE PANTHEON 8DDDDDD"
I agree it was fucking retarded, I guess they didn't plan at the time Magni was ever going to come back to life?
Though he is not even the same mountain king he was before anyway, even if he is technically alive.
lorewalker cho carried HARD
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i love her
I fucking HATE my worgie
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He looks like he fucks _____________?
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his husband miguel
his divine steed.
Ashbringer, my old friend....
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>wanted to try and learn holy priest
>i have 18 buttons at level 25
And they all do pretty much the same
If both tank and healer are Druids, do their healing spells stack or is it a bad synergy?
ofc the spells stack
>ummm ackshually it was explained in books
No it wasn't.
Of course turalyon cares. He made it clear he isn't comfortable with her embracing void after fighting for the light for a 1000 years. His love and for her and his trust in her overpowers his doubts and fears.
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A warrior of mysterious origin...
A Thousand Years War isn't a book retard
Oh my god!... Is that... A wandering adventurer with basic outfit and uni-cape?
retail is pretty dead now. i'm trying to decide on either playing SoD or buying TWW to play the beta. what would you do?
High Elven women
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>paying to beta test
Do bucks really?

Just play SoD like a normal person
Playing the beta is retarded. Playing SoD is a good idea though phase 4 hasn't dropped yet so no point in playing it right now either unless you've never touched it yet so you need to level a character from scratch, this would be a good time to do so to get ready for phase 4.
If you already have a SoD character ready to go then best use of your time right now is fuck around in remix or play another game entirely until SoD phase 4 drops, then play that until TWW pre-patch.
i wouldn't touch retoilet with a 10 foot pole.
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hey wait a minute
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Goatse doesn't look that good with the text on it imo
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hey guys i just posted porn
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hello fellow ad bro
All I hear with this kind of post is "I'm a poorfag", you shitpost ITT probably a lot but don't have 40 bucks to throw at the game for shit and giggle?
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is this a possible "spoiler" for the new shorts?
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Hey hey
she looks really nice there
cute fleshlight
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yeah retail is trash i would never install that crap
play SoD while sitting in solo shuffle ques its what im doing
beta is boring imo, nothing is set in stone, the meta will shift every single tuning pass and im not interested in trying to burn myself out on the dungeons or delves before the game even launches
Nobodys impressed that you threw mommy's cash in the trashbin Lil bro
what is she doing
Any other examples?
>that 3rd leg
elven women...
quite literally built for BHC (this is canon)
needs a good raping
oh yes
Case in point
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+2s be wildin
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smug bitch
Pawjob from a femworg.
transmog gods, I need really ostentatious hats
I know priests got one in MoP, but are there any other just absolutely tall head pieces in game?
seems p standard. mongo specs topping. hardcast spec eating shit + a little variance due to inefficiency.
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it's been mongo for awhile
the meme that arcane was hard died a long time ago
pointy witch hats
monk should be higher imo
I bet you're the same guy who keeps posting about how arcane is actually easy every time the spec is brought up
I saw a +2 HoF brick because nobody knew what the fuck to even do on the fucking frog boss.
20+ fucking deaths.
same as sv, can pull good numbers on trash with two buttons. which is all what matters for overall dps.
hardcast newfag
hard to say, havent played since remix came out. I vaguely remember ilvl 500 ballpark people doing 130-170k when we were single pulling.
using 4 abilities during burn phases and 2 during conserve phases is really hard for some people, I'm sure
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>same as sv, can pull good numbers on trash with two buttons
The delusion
So you really are him, gotcha
want to share what that website + those letters mean friend
doing the rotation is just part of the problem the other part is knowing when to do it. you can't just waste all your cds on a pack that dies before you even get your big burst to go off.
u dot gg
I'm not, but a class having low DPS and popularity doesn't make it not mongo
the site you posted has sub rogue as the worst class and it's by far the easiest rogue spec even in pvp because it has less shit to keep track of and buttons in its rotation
I see. those are top player rankings. they got fire mage as number 3 ranked DPS spec. very good in the hands of those types.
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>leveled a resto shaman in remix
>really enjoyed it
>can't play it for another two months because it's locked in remix
very cool

If only rerolling a fresh alt didn't take so long
what does W.T. Snacks think of Dragonflight?
prepatch drops on 23rd presumably and i hope they'll let us move chars over then
Yeah, but it takes like one day to level a new one up to 70 in retail.
especially as a healer and during Timewalking week.
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zandalari are so fucking ugly specially compared to normal trolls lol
ironically it's the only healer I enjoy because it doesn't make me play gay minigames
I press heal, my heal does a big heal no bullshit involved
their males look good, but yeah regular female trolls are way better desu
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Human females (upgraded)
I already have another non-remix shaman at 70 level that I leveled for heritage armor ages ago, I want to play the one I did in remix because I prefer the new one's race.

Blizz has said they get transferred at the end of the event, so 50-something days
need me a loving and caring worgwife
>you can't transfer them over until the event ends because.... because you just can't okay???
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Posting some Li Li kino webms


idk how chinks manage to be so soulful when it comes to wow, and so soulless in general
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I can't post lili kinos because I'd get the hammer
Maybe part of the reason Arcane sucks is their T4 boosts a bugged talent kek
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I have to add words here
holy kino
>greetings, mon
>you come get da voodoo
>stay away from da voodoo
which is it
am i getting it or am i staying away from it
dawntrail flopped. everyone is going to quit in 1 week top
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Metzen is dying already.
Are y'all hyped for the diablo immortal crossover event?
still 2 earrings
still wearing black
still a chad
i kneel
Just maintain an uneasy proximity to da voodoo, mon.
remember when this guy made a long video of him "quitting" and deleting all his characters?
this is him now
feel old yet?
didn't click lmao
buy an ad fag
that was everyone desu
based quazii saving m+
yea but the 180 is funny
grifters gonna grift. xiv doesn't have a lot of streaming potential
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he bazinga cookin fr fr no cap str8 up kino comfy sovl bussin tww won bigly
Preach is fat and bald
had a dev evoker earlier barely beat me on dps. i was the healer
Who here isn't?
janny, likely. his career and wage band infer a lot of status and power, i imagine he's in good shape too.
seethe post
tbf everyone shat themselves when they saw bolstering and sanguine
>remember [...] this guy
kill yourself
you don't know quazii?
why would I? The only WoW youtuber that isn't utter fucking dogshit is Preach
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whats the meta for buying shit off bmah?
is 50k too much for t3 redemption legs?
what are we thinkin'?
preach's best content has always been nonsensical stuff about lore or non gameplay related
hes garbage at the game
wuk lamat is somehow more unlikable than sylvanas. OG wins once again
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Guys trust the plan I'm sure Midnight will be great.
how many characters do you have at max level?
you can farm old naxx gear by yourself
it's almost like Shadowlands was unplayable dogshit with zero content and Dragonflight was mostly okay
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How can I server hop to find rares? Do I just need a big friends list with a bunch of people from many servers, and then party with each of them?
TWW is great already
yea it's looking to be a good patch
god i wish i were my dracthyr
TWW looks BUSSIN, classic Sons of Lothar kino featuring dwarves humans and elves saving the world again thanks to Metzen
hell yeah
what is this from?
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retoilet is bussin
ya and it costs way more than 50k a slot
>retail is as popular as ever
>classic andy's all play on dead realms
>server locusts are already burned out on SoD, moved to Cata and are now already whining for MoP
what's going on there
sod p4 on july 11 will save it
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It's over bros, XIV had at least 2,000 players trying to log in when their new expansion dropped last night
>remember (genuinely, medically, not awkward millennial) autistic kid from school
>used to tell everyone he wasn't autistic he was a psychopath
>did this every day to people he didn't know
>look him up today 20 years later
>he's answering questions on quora about being a psychopath
>giving a first-hand account of how he doesn't feel fear as an emotion
he's kinda like me we both mislead people on the internet. we should reconnect.
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>i was only pretending to be retarded to get attention
We are such fucking dead losers.
don't worry the player count is already dropping back down
they should do a second season of plunderstorm. a manhunt mode where one guy becomes a really poorly crafted model of ion and gets a dynamic flight hogrus and has to chase everyone down and lasso them and drag them into a raid portal. they have to gather enough plunder to buy their own hogrus and escape the map.
Anon... you realize it goes even higher on the actual weekend and that they're going to break their covid-fueled Wowfugee-fueled EW launch right....
im 100% convinced that even the shills are demoralized now lmao, what a dumpsterfire
it's already weekend THO
shouldn't you be "playing" that shit pile anyway??
It IS the weekend right now for the biggest gaming markets and it's also launch day. The numbers should be higher
Look at any game on Steam and you'll see they hit their weekly peaks on Sunday. Hell XIV's all-time peak wasn't hit the Friday EW came out, it was the Sunday that weekend
>foxxo, wowg's cocksleeve and pissoir
pissoir as in piss reservoir?
>wowg's cocksleeve
Built for futas.
>t. preach
get evicted you bald fuck
public urinal
wtf I just walked all the way to the toilet
I have a story wowg.
Woman in my guild that I run maze plus with sometimes she's nice and a decent player. Doesn't push to be taken to things she's not capable of running. Knew she lived in my state but didn't know where. In guild chat mention that I was off this friday (today) and was going to a nature preserve and she whispered me that she lived right beside it and would love to meet.
Uhm okay. It was fun don't have many friends who enjoy walking in the woods. Going to leave and she says I can come take a shower at her house, don't have a change of clothes, oh I can wash them while you're over. Touching to much grass at this point and get scared so I decline and say I got somethings to do. She texts me a couple hours ago and asks if I want to come over and watch a movie. Say I have plans maybe another time.
She logs on and whispers me "you're really running keys?" Then logs off.
I don't know how low her self esteem was to be interested in me but I'm fairly sure its a helluva lot lower now.
yeah you fucked up
was she at least mildly attractive? theres a 90% chance you're completely full of shit but god damn nigger
i wouldve done the same thing, when i was fucking fourteen lmfao
jesus dude
Sounds too good to be true but if that really is true then.. oof. Getting invited over from the getgo is kind of a redflag, but I would've went to the nature preserve
She wasn't bad looking, skinny compared to most women (much less women in wow) so that goes a long way. Idk lads I never interact with women outside of wow, my work is all men, my gym is 99% men, friend group irl is all guys that go fishing together.
I honestly only talk to women while playing wow. Kind of bummed because I don't think she'll want to go hiking again because it was nice to go with someone.
is this summer event worth doing? i only really care about getting mounts. the guy i have been questing with is offline, so i am trying to see if i should get back to grinding on one of my old characters. i just reworked the talent tree on the character i would be playing. it is in a realm where i started playing because i knew a bunch of IRL people who were on it, but i havent spoken to any of those people in years and dont really plan on speaking to them again.
>woman shows interest
>mixture of self-loathing and bitchboy terror
intimately familiar
when I was quite a bit younger and better groomed this working class common as muck girl I'd been fawning over at work said outright to me "you love me don't you. I bet you want to ask me out." she said this infront of one of our mutual friends, I think he clocked I was an autist cause he said "go on anon. I bet you'd make a good couple." shit felt too patronising I said "yeah haha only a little bit" and walked away
if you're not full of shit you need to reach out and tell her you werent prepared for the situation and ask her if she wants to do something at another time, it will be embarassing but i cant imagine a woman that plays worlo is a giga whore and thats valuable in itself.
If you do nothing prepare to get ready to leave your guild otherwise, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
you follow roughly the same rules interacting with women as you do men. dont simp or kiss ass and 99% of the time you'll be just fine
hi. im a new player leveling for the first time on BFA. is there a /vg/ guild?
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I bought 10 mounts and now I'm getting this error. How do I fix this? It seems Blizzard doesn't want my money. Google AI tells me fuck all; such a garbage piece of shit AI, I hope Microsoft AI buys them out and kills google.
they're having problems currently it seems
some people in the other thread were bitching about not being able to sub
too many transactions in a short timeframe?
too many separate transactions might've flagged as suspicious with either blizzard or your bank? I paid for porn once and my bank called me about the suspicious charge.
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>"yeah haha only a little bit" and walked away
>pay for porn
>wtf no one is this fucking dumb! we must save anon!
based bank desu
yes, but you dont want to join a vg guild
>is there a /vg/ guild?
Not in any major capacity. Pretty much any /vg/ guild is gone. What realm you on?
I had this error yesterday. I re-entered my card info so many times that my bank fraud-detected and blocked all further purchases, leaving me high and dry at the grocery store.
you should never try do enter your info more than 3 times
I wanted to play mop remix so much I went to walmart (groceries) and bought a $50 blizzard card. Now the female worgen priest that I don't really care about is level 60, and I have the golden cloud serpent from the vale achieve.
>walmart (groceries)
There is another kind of walmart? But anyway yeah that's the right thing to do if their website is not working.
awkwardness heals over time, feels worse that I said no to a good woman who put herself out there, infront of someone else no less. women are so passive 99.9% of them wouldn't do that
Should I buy the turtle from the trader's shop? It's like Hat from the old oxhorn videos. I have 5k currency.
only get stingy below 2k imo. 3k is enough to buy all of what you want on a good month.
I don't really want anything.
Game of Thrones brain rot was peak during those days. Add that on top of the industry becoming creatively bankrupt altogether
you must get sentimental over some things? like you mentioned the old oxhorn vids making you want the turtle. I'm a sucker for human kingdoms, stuff like the lordaeron claymore from the warrior arsenal, or the fake varian set when that comes in because of the stormwind belt buckle
they do monthly themes now maybe they'll have a wc3 boomer month for the anniversary
Post photo i cant give advice if shes ugly or fat, its a massive red flag if she straight up hoeing like that, she probably fucks dogs and nogs
>i see turtle
>i buy turtle
shrimple as
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You fucking idiot, do you know how much I pray for a biofem from my state to even show me a shred of interest? I'm so touch starved that I'm actually going insane
Blizzard took way too long to add Alleria and Turalyon for how important they were.
that applies to many characters in wow desu
look at rexxar or rokhan. vereesa
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>+5 Uldaman
>Tank is a high geared high IO BDK
>Pulls literally fucking everything
>Arms suddenly feels fun with mass AOE pulls
Oh, I get it now. Yeah Cleave is KINO chunky hits with huge AOE.
Also does any other Warriors notice Rend not applying if you Thunderclap at like 8+ targets? Some targets don't suffer Rend sometimes.
That's fucking mental, I got one from my mom and one from my niece and nephew I don't need no more for the day.
isnt that aoe capped? outlaw rogue can't poison a 20 mob pull because its like 8 capped unless you start alt-tabbing
Cleave and Tclap say it does reduced damage beyond 5 targets but I didn't think that meant it won't apply Rend at all when overcapped.
iirc the talent for rend on thunderclap says it only affects your target and 4 other enemies or some shit like that
I just want something where theres an active guild chat. It makes the leveling feel less empty.
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OH FUCK wow you're right, I never noticed that. I assumed it was to ALL targets. Welp, there ya go.
>the war within
So basically trannyism?
i fucking love cleave
is that what you understood from it? got something to share?
join any big community
Why is Stormlight catching strays here lmao nuWoW characters are nothing like Stormlight characters
What do you guys think of the Emerald Dream server?
I left it back during bfa. Alliance side died. Server was amazing in the past.
what is this from?
Chinese video for the return of wow
i finally got the kelthuzad swords from mythic
irregular reminder that M+ is a psyops and you should not partake
I'm thinking about leaving it myself. But I only play wow for about 1 month out of every 9, so I'm not sure my realm choice really matters. I mostly do m+ pugs.
I'm thinking about it because I want to level a bunch of characters during the mop remix. If I am to choose a different server, now is a good time.
not anymore. ion slammed his BGC all over the table and made m+ KINO
Guys, I don't know if you've heard, but The Emperor's rage echoes through the hills.
>mythic crests are moved to 9s
>you will probably need 15s for vault
Ion is still a dumbass
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The Ferris wheel is fun, at least.
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Now what?
now you can play the game
How long will it take me to get all the mounts in the MoP Remix event? Started today just because I resubbed recently and was curious. I'm in the leveling stage right now, dunno how much time 51 days is to get everything.
what is the thing that pulls everyone together that all the tryhards use in BGs
You will get everything fast with the current bronze drop rate, do you need ALL the mounts or just the new remix mounts?
new nn55 kino
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Ra den
secret boss
I dont like how youre trying to put the pressure on me, i have a bunch of stuff to say but youre coming at me like that, i just dont like this noncooperative aggressive attitude
I think there are a few mounts I already had from farming raids years ago, I'll have to check when I get back on. I'm not fussed if I don't get the ones that I can get from farming the old raids.
Yeah it will take you like 20 days top to lvl gear and farm raids
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I got to level 60 on BFA
Do I just need to get to 70 on DF now before the war within? Idk how this works
why is she stretching in that cloud of plague
this image makes no sense
Yea. Get to dragon isles
Yeah or wait till tw and spam dungeons till 70
Why people use Steamcharts to look at OG's performance when the best way to download and play OG (which is still bad and convoluted as fuck but better than Steam) is via their own client?
what exactly was TWW being sold on again?
>have a dwarf shaman
>have a dwarf rogue dressed up like a wildhammer
>have a dark iron warrior
I'm gonna do earthen to round out my all dwarf warband, but what class should I make it?
the hero talents,along with delves are the new features
other than that a story featuring anduin, alleria and thrall lol
Yeah, I want to play WoW on expansion launch for the first time and I am on the fence on buying TWW
Did you buy the rat and the boat
I bought out the lot
New raids for our guy max to win
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Coming from a /v/ thread:
Goldshire canonically has a population of over 7,000 people. Obviously ingame it's just an inn and a smithy, but even in official artworks you can barely imagine ~50 people living here, let alone 7,000 (some art, like the TCG stuff even still has Goldshire as just being two buildings).

Is the sense of scale in WoW just completely fucked, or does Blizzard just not understand scale?
I'm also struggling to imagine Stormwind having 200,000 citizens, which is also somehow a canon figure, that's just such an absurd number.
All the towns are bigger than depicted ingame.
Gadgetzan is supposed to be a massive and busy city. Like Vegas.

Be nice to see Tanaris get updated like that.
I think you're thinking too hard about a problem nearly every video game has had since the invention of the open world RPG
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>Gadgetzan's expansion a few years after Cataclysm
Would make a great x-faction hub, but fuck updating anywhere nice and familiar apparently.
Still want to see Booty Bay cleaned up and repaired, I love that place.
>girl playing worlo
Do you really think any sane, neurotypical human female would play wow and mythical plus on top of that
You just avoided a huge headache
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wholesome chungus metzen senpaid cooking kino comfy sovl desu desu kudesu
>All the towns are bigger than depicted ingame.
The problem is that it even extends to official artwork like I said, 'book canon' just seems like a different level of insanity compared to everything else you see, read, or hear

I think the most "accurate" depiction of Stormwind was from the movie, and even that probably can't host more than 20k, let alone 200,000, the numbers seem nuts
It is absolutely insane that WoW doesn't accept F13-24 as input.
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I miss old art that actually attempted scale

Here's Menethil Harbor in the Wetlands
That#s pretty neat. thanks for sharing anon.
most fantasy writers have zero sense of scale, because they only like surface fantasy
16th century paris had a population of over 200k, it was the largest city in europe at the time
200k people occupy a big fucking area and in game terms would have covered almost the entire kingdom of Lordearon's borders from Strath all the way down to Southshore
wtf is this racemixing nonsense?
standard nublizz cucckery
Kino mounts
>those comments
How did blizzard create a community of classic players that gets happy when they get to play the game fucking less?
did Menethil Harbor get retconned from a human town to a dwarven town?
Farming consumables and world buffs is fucking painful
some people enjoy boosting mara tho
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Same as the previous race mixing mounts in BFA when the factions were fighting?
This is me. What the fuck do I do with all my bronze now? And when are people going to start running Mythics besides SoO? I want that title, too.
Cosmetics thats all there is and soo is the only mythic raid

I'm just imagining this dude killed lei shen and just immediately left group and hearthed out like a retard while the rest of the pug were now giggling at him in raid chat.
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Oh I beat the game and didn't even realize it.
Well I guess I'll just finish up all the quests and enjoy the story of MoP.
... *troons out*
war within
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Troll finally able to go through the human stablegirl fantasy.
Damn, Orc men get Night Elf and Human women???
I shagged a Forsaken lady as a paladin.
I have just created a Worgen DK, just like I used to play back in Cata.

NICE feet.
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please post here you flaming fucking faggot lmfao
>i told him he was a drunk aussie and we were going on the target i chose instead of the one he mistakenly picked
>nevermind im in the bag
>proceeds to go 1-5
embarasssing really
>role made for women
>Blizzard makes it difficult and stressful

I will never understand the logic. Like just make it easy for anyone to pick up and play.
>Log on wow(World of Warcraft)
>It's boring
>Log off
Please explain
it was a joke for the vast majority of the game's life, then M+ streamers complained it wasn't enough like pounding nails through their dicks and Ion made it shitty immediately
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its not so much that its hard but you need to understand the damage profiles on the same level as the tank
it isnt fun in the slightest because you cant make niggers press their drs and if they dont they will literally die
>role made for women
fuck off shithead, not enough women play this game for you to make that claim
skill issue
I loooooooove healing.

This is why healing is based. Women try and fail.
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Why does Alleria look like Vereesa now?
yes, being a doctor is difficult and stressful
also men are vastly better in that role
healers are primarily reactive instead of proactive, and nurses are the ones doing all the reactive work. doctors mostly just decide shit and tell the nurses what to do. surgeons are based tho
surgeons and pharmaceutical companies are the only people getting shit done everyone else is just gaslighting and gatekeeping you and are most likely a retarded indian that cheated on their test.
All 3 sisters are just belf model so yeah the only thing that made they different were colors and now Alleria isn't wearing green anymore + removed her facial war paint. Also they are sisters so it makes sense for them to look similar
Why did alliance get wolf twice? Should have been a nelf themed raptor or kodo
holy priest or restoration shaman?
holy priest if you like to suck dick
resto shaman if you lift and suck dick
>but hers is more like a caricature thus taking a stab a white human male paladins

she's a woman and bad at drawing
why play shaman in 2024 retoilet?
do you enjoy the cock and ball torture?
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>those passive aggressive lmao's
you lost
>Sorry bro ill speak american
>You suck
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She saved millions...
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All the best healers are men without exception. If you've ever played with a top tier healer you'd understand. Here's a story:

>we were progging N'Zoth
>down to last phase but 2 of our healers missing for the whole week
>1 of our dps knew a guy who knew Josh
>he just joins our raid and we 2 heal
>he quite literally solo carried the entire fight
>we killed the boss in 3 pulls

The biggest skill difference is by far with top tier healers when compared to average players. It's not even on the same level.
Should I make my Void Elf Hunter, like a farstrider? Or should I go mage to compliment racials?
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Mage, hunter is gay
Kodo woulda been good. They already have a reasonably good relationship with the Tauren, and there's only three Kodo's Alliance can get. Ones store, ones tied to an event and ones a stupid rare drop in Darkshore.
PvPfags are all mentally ill but he redeemed himself with that last sentence lmao
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H-he's coming back to us... r-right bros....
Wow would be so much better without him
Literally who
In case this isn't fake, and you want to salvage it, do this
>just say you were nervous & confess it's because you like her
Nothing more needed
If it fails it fails & you keep running keys
If it works you get to feel the touch of a woman & flirt both ingame and irl
Don't dismiss someone because of their appearance not being 11/10, she could end up your wife anon

I was a skinnyfat neet gamer until 28 & and I managed to get a girlfriend, am now talking about moving in together/future marriage & children
It's insane, could've never predicted anything like this at any point in my life
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How do you do fellow huntards, are you having a blast™ with your kit?
Oh boy i sure do love shootin' ARROWS out of my plastic childrens toy.
Thank god Blizzard designed the entire hunter class skills and animations around being ELF ARCHER.
I just heckin' love the wholesome kino Windrunner sisters, they should delete all other characters from the game and just have the three of them fucking each other with massive futa horsecocks.
>not using a bow
The only person to finish 4th in a 2 player race
>using a gun
>twitter fags don't have any faggotry to report on so they have to make shit up
TWW looking good.
cringe, except the last part
based, except the last part
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>massive futa horsecocks.
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When we we going to get a good new race bros? Dwarves for a third time is gay and homosexual
Kek, exactly what i was thinking
Thanks Ion, always wanted the Eternal Traveler's Hearthstone.
Go to x or twitch, the amount of hot and horny thots doing m+ is ridiculous
They should add something with a good maw. Dracthyr don't have lips.
i dont even know what i want
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Rate my mog. I call it "Red master v3".
They got a fantastic throat though.
why red master when it's mostly yellow/gold and brown
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dude boots lmao
It was red in v1.
Please don't make a mage, they always suck at their role
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only 200 dollarinos
>I see, perhaps you are wondering about my arm?
><You nod respectfully>
>I lost it protecting my wife from the Nerubians, she was also my 10 year old sister and was born male, but I suppose where you come that may seem odd
><You admit that while your people can be bigoted and intolerant at times, they have much to learn about the broad spectrum that is love.>
>Heh... in that we are in agreement, Withinwalker.
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sounds like a steal
Just wait til WoD classic when becomes totally soloable.
>I see, perhaps you are wondering about my neo vagina?
><You nod disrespectfully>
>I lost my cock dealing with gender dysphoria from the media, I was also 10 years old by the time and was born male, but I suppose where you come that may seem odd
><You admit that while your people can be supportive and tolerant at times, they have gone too in that direction of the spectrum.>
>*hangs self*
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are you ok?
Seems like you didn't have the balls to say that in game, why is that? You call other people slurs here but not to their face? Doesn't that mean your insult applies to you? Also they do have elite from actual arena so they are assuredly better than 'duelist enchant'.
this was me. you are a stupid meanie chud and I won the argument HARD like the anon above said.
i think you are just retarded
aww aftercare cuddle sesh after taurone ravaged every hole on them both
I fucking love my night elf
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i love your night elf too :3 if it's a girl
what specialization do I pick on my tauren rapist bros?
ass rogue
Yes, but she has an uncut cock with saggy balls.
he hasnt played wow for like 10 years he just does pretentious yap sessions. The end game of all WoW content creators is to now play WoW.
BASED. Show?
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>doesn't like dwarves
sorry, but you ARE the homosex
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I like dwarfs, just not the warcraft ones
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that one's the only bad example
ate dwarves
ate elves
love dragussy simple as
>he doesn't like muradin
shit taste desu
there is also bad boss bitch moira and her little queer nigglet prince
those 2 are cool
I wish i was my blood elf
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Thoughts on vulps?
post her
Naga in midnight #trusttheplan
>wailing arrow doesn't have an animation when using
I'm sad, maybe that means tinkers will use guns or something and that's why it isn't get much love
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>I just heckin' love the wholesome kino Windrunner sisters
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imagine hating hot elves. couldn't be me
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>hehe sexo
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>if you like a female character it must be due to the porn
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>there is someone that unironically talks like the trading post frogposter
>if you like a female character it must be due to the porn
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>Kiss curse
>get currency to buy stuff by basically doing whatever
>still complains
>The virgin coomer in denial.
The Chad coomer.
not necessarily but yea the character being hot definitely helps
Alleria/Vereesa porn is almost non-existant THOUGH
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/wowg/, I've owned every Collector's Edition from WotLK to now (Dragonflight). I want to continue the collection, but at $230 USD I don't think I can justify it.

I paid $155 USD for Dragonflight CE at a base price of $129.99 plus tax and shipping.

The War Within being $180.00 base plus tax and shipping is absurd.

Should I continue my collection or go digital for the Epic Edition at $89.99?
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it's always them
>b-but muh sexy hooded high elf ranger general variants 2 and 3
just repaint sylvanas model and there you go
easily the shittiest and blandest coombair character trope ever put into vidya
same goes for dota drow ranger and lego legends ashe
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>the warthin
yea but they get fanart
>sexy characters is le bad
found the troon
I like them because they are two of the last TOTAL ORC/TROLL/HORDE NIGGER death chracters left in the Alliance
The fact they are hot just makes them even better
you understand that if the people writing those two characters ever saw you type out the n-word they would personally have you permanently banned
>ommit a singular word (nigger)
>those string of words are still 100% accurate to their characteristation and not bannable in anyway
what's your point bud
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am I the only one who loses their mind on a philosophical level at this?
I mean all this discussion about mazed+
class balance in regards to mazed+
aoe in regards to mazed+
dps and heals in regards to mazed+

is this mass psychosis?
are mazed+tards absolutely fucking mazed out of their minds?

do they realize that all they fucking do is speedrun dungeons and kills little monsters
do they realize all this content is fine tuned by blizzard in order to fit a predicted curve mostly based on item level i.e. numbers and not skill?
and that the top players in mazed+ in taiwan are all abusing bugs in the AI of the little monsters and whatnot?

there is no fucking competition except about who the group leader presses "join" on
you are fighting literal npcs
you should not have a single say in the balance or design of ANYTHING

holy fuck what is this world fucking coming to
this is mass psychosis we're witnessing

I mean it's fine if people enjoy mazed+ casually
but the fact that blizzard gives such a long interview dedicated to mazed+
I know Ion is a smart guy
hes probably laughing his ass off at these retards who take mazed+ this seriously
but still he shouldn't do this out of respect for the above 95 IQs who still play this game
Did you stray here from reddit/twitter/discord for the first time, faggot?
I totally agree with you but sometimes the entirely of the WoW community (including /wowg/) make me feel like I'M the one fucked in my head. M+ is just a system where you speed run dungeons over and over and over. What the fuck is the appeal? I've never gotten it and I still don't. The only difference between M+ and regular dungeons are how fast you do. I mean sure there are different "affixes" but they could easily add that shit to REGULAR dungeons. I feel like I'm a schizo and this is just a massive psyop.
What server is better for comfy RP and wpvp? I like Moonguard for the background rp and I know it has some wpvp in city zones. But how are Emerald Dream and Wyrmrest Accord? I remember not going to them 4 years ago because Wyrmrest Accord is empty except for Silvermoon City and Emerald Dream's population had gone down significantly because of War Mode.
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you won't get it
Unironically typing or saying ''n-word'' instead of just saying nigger is more childish than screaming it for no reason. Fuck are you 12yo or something? Just fucking use the word if you're talking about it in that context.
I've been seeing that shit a lot lately, even in Youtube comments. You see a lot of "unalive" and "sh!t" or "b**ch", since when did everyone decide to start typing like teenagers in the early 2000s?
why do you play the game beyond clearing lfr once and then leaving till the next patch? Dont you wanna use your new gear on stronger enemies? If you just want erp there are plenty of other games to do that.
>i just typed nigger on anonymous manchurian basket weaving forums while trembling in fear and stepping on eggshells not to offend anyone in my vidya gayme
>also i am going to project and call you reddit/twitter despite all of my shitty opinions and tastes 100% conflating with theirs
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Will we ever get this blizzard back?
what's that, diablo 1?
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No more brother wars. Crossover event when?
never found that franchise interesting. looks like a mishmash of everything that's popular and then dumbed down to appeal to the lowest common denominator
someone everyone complaining about m+ should be asked
So /wowg/, who is the most badly written character in the story of the franchise? Im not just talking about their arcs, but characterization and motivations, as well as how well those were communicated by the writing team
To add to the above only consider characters that showed up in-game. Comic or manga-exclusive characters wont be considered.
>Magni Bronzebeard

These are the top picks. After rewatching the Warbringers shorts and knowing how BFA played out the most obnoxiously written, shit-tier character to me is a tie between Sylvanas, Jaina and Thrall.

Funnily enough all three are from the Warcraft 3 OG crew who popped up exclusively during its campaign and carried on being present in the MMO, first as passive rulers and then extremely active players who effectively became influential and central enough to shape the world and the narrative. However this has been for the absolute worst, as all three of these characters not only outstayed their welcome, their actions led to consequences that basically elevated them to global supervillain or global superhero status. Jaina in particularly failed upwards from being a Kirin Tor mage apprentice to Archmage, member of the Council of Six, then Lord Admiral of her homeland.

No other character can highlight the room temperature IQ writing better than these fan (writer) favorites and I do not understand how people can be infatuated with them beyond liking Jaina and Sylvanas porn or enjoying Metzen's voice acting.

>b-but Garrosh is worse
Yeah, in Cataclysm. At least he has been a consistently hateful, stereotypical Orc Hitler for most of his screentime and in the novels all the way to being turned into dust in Shadowlands screaming about the Horde. He became a based character by accident because his counterparts in Shadowlands are irredeemable Mary and Gary Sues.
The only other hero that has been character assassinated as hard as him is Sylvanas.
arthas kael garrosh illidan
feel free to at least explain your reasoning, this isnt a poll
Kael'thas is the biggest fuckup dipshit in the franchise.

Wrathion's not far behind.
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warcraft writing was never good
metzen is talentless hack and plagiator
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>I just saw a female high elf with a human man. Quel'thalas has fallen.
Name a game with better writing.
theres a tremendous fucking power gap between warcraft and elder scrolls in terms of world building and lore in favor of ES, while the reverse is true when you compare WoW and ESO in terms of gameplay and design
were there any more of these?
Can you name a game with better writing and gameplay tho?
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the topic is about character writing, not your aspergers supermutant shitposting
Only the first two are funny because they actually make fun of Metzen's writing. Kael'thas and Kel'Thuzad are asspulls and Sylvanas was ruined by multiple writers across different expansions.
why are the xiv niggers not bragging about their new expansion here? is it dogshit?
Probably too busy playing and enjoying it since its only been a day.
Lol I'm just asking for a game with better writing and gameplay. You're the one who brought this shit up anyway.
yea ESO really suffers from being too casual, but apparently there's a big crowd of people who enjoy listening to npcs speak and then fighting the game's equivalent of a slightly stronger lvl 70 overworld mob as the "final boss" of the quest
and the game's true endgame is actually making dosh with furniture and furniture recipes
>people talk about wow
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We need a remastered WoW

> Season of Discovery but with HD assets from every expansion
> Classic-TBC-WotLK era game, MoP & Legion expansions with better story bridging
> rewritten TBC & WotLK storylines
> stories as whole are written to be more brutal, male leads & focusing on races' societal struggles (e.g. Kel'Thuzad's journey from a mage to the grand lich etc.)
> DHs available in TBC, introduction rewritten
> Monks & Pandas are not made available
> Only WotLK era races & class combinations + some Cata combinations & rewritten DHs
> extra Cata combinations: Hunters for Humans & Undead, Shamans for Wildhammer affiliated Dwarves
> Humans can choose their affiliated kingdom, including Kul Tiras (KT rig not available)
> Broken as optional model for Draenei
> Wildhammer clan options for Dwarves
> Orc, Troll & Tauren players can choose their associated clans
> rework gameplay for less of spec locked gameplay (e.g. Affliction warlock choosing Immolate as a spell over Unstable Affliction, Mages may choose to spend the Pyro proc for a Pyroblast, Arcane Missiles or a heavy hitting Frostbolt etc.)
> modern spell effects
> race specific class changes (Forsaken priests not wielding light, use dark magics to heal, Troll priests choose between Sun Loa's light & dark healing etc.)
> class specific spell skin options (Shamans healing via spirit magic instead of water, necromancer pets for demonology warlocks etc.)
> Transmog
> zones' level scaling
> party sync mode
> M+ for old dungeons - ilvl doesn't increase but adds jewel sockets etc. to drops in higher levels
> M+ gear improvement capped at some level, after which titles & mogs are given as reward
> DID & Zandalari as "Classic+" content (Zandalari completely rewritten into a savage, dark magic Voodoo kingdom.)

WE need to completely bin Stickney-Metzen's Cosmos of Marvelcraft, and all of that cosmic faggotry along with it.
Season of Discovery is an improvement to the right direction, but could do with a bit more.
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i see you are fucking bad at the game too

josh sister... did you forget to complain about the line in the op again? wouldn't want you slackin' now...
idk about that. there is a loot of doomposting about the story on /v/, which is unusual for xiv
it's a easy bait. 2 retards have already replied to it
you forgot ogres and high elves
we need a vanilla remix with updated tier sets and dungeons/raids
>He thinks I'm reading any of that
just report and ignore maye avatarfagging, his futanari pedo tumblr-tier character concepts have no place in this general
>there is a loot of doomposting about the story on /v/
What game these days do they not talk shit about the story of anymore.
Nothing is satisfying anymore.
>blood elves still in horde
>retconned futanari draenei still in alliance
oh shit nigger you fucked up
>dude wakes up and has to immediately scan the thread have a meltie on his homocrush
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+1 to image count
0 contribution to thread
nice imagination you have there
gotta "win" and all that
>>retconned futanari draenei still in alliance
you're right, should be expanded to horde too
Are we really doing this shit where we pretend we don't know it's him responding to his own posts? Fucking hell this place is a dump.
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Why don't BGs look like this anymore?
the final redpill is that coomers are the blight upon any franchise and need to be treated with irradiated high caliber shots thought their tranny degen skulls
every time anyone tries to give these complete and utter cancerous subhumans a finger they will just rip your entire arm off and jerk their tranny cocks with it
this is why lord of the rings is so massively successful and one of the best pieces to date, because it has zero coomer shitstain in it
There's no way you typed all that while thinking you don't have a mind that's as filthy as the coomers you cry about. Fuck is wrong with you?
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I want alexstrasza to come with me as my mount next expansion desu
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me too
I like it because as a healer my mind is engaged throughout a whole dungeon.
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it's canon
>human form

Disgusting trash
>alexstrasza was the main character for DF
>now it's alleria for TWW, perhaps the entire trilogy
milfchads are eating good
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Why did you bully her out of blizzard?
I rest my case, coomers are the first line of defense for abhorrent writing and shitty characters.
God bless the hand that unloads full mag into their tranny degen skulls.
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>Shitty characters
first of all
carefully planned 5D move by us to get her on riot's mmo so it dies before birth (it already did)
Can you name 3 characters you consider well written?
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I speak as a dragon connoisseur. I think this is rubbish.
>cartoony proportions
>legs are almost clipping through eachother
>"black ass" syndrome
In what ways are those better written than the characters he is criticizing?
Will we be able to play Season 4 of DF with TWW talents when the pre patch drops?
Garrosh is written so confusedly by mistake people are constantly complaining about his turn to dickery despite what he did in Stonetalon, which is hilariously the actual mistake. That doesn't make good writing.
Illidan is a fucking joke.
Denathrius is mostly fine, but only cause he hasn't been around very long. If they somehow fucked up the writing for the singular patch he was both introduced and dealt with, then something is very wrong.
>>"black ass" syndrome
She just looks black.
she's red and she doesn't have an ass
>please go on defensive
squirm in shit and piss coomer
you got btfo several times over
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probably yes
i really
really want to see denathrius again
People regularly confuse character depth with Garrosh actually being written by separate teams in each Zone hes depicted in during Cataclysm and then again differently in the novels. He's depicted as a hotheaded retard in Twilight Highlands, a hothead clinging to honor in Silverpine and an honourable Warchief in Stonetalon. Meanwhile the novel tie-ins try their best to depict him a bit more cunning and smarter than a stereotypical orc.

Then MoP happened. The hothead retard is replaced by a Saturday Cartoon villain not because of him nuking Theramore but because every single 2-bit character treats that as an inconceivable warcrime and he enforces this being a good thing by creating the Orc Gestapo with Malkorok leading it. He is very deliberately written as Orc Hitler from this point onwards.

What people forget is that Orc Hitler and his Alliance counterpart (Varian) also provided the basis for a story that was actually fun or something players and their characters could be invested in. Having the lawful good Justice League of Azeroth has led to abject apathy. Hateful, flawed retards as Warchiefs and High Kings gives us ample ground to work with or against their flaws or work out what is our place on Azeroth if the world leaders are warmongers.
probably post-season with the same dungeon pool, not season 4
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Many such cases.
rest in piss you fat retard
It was a simple question to know whether you were arguing in good faith or not. I have my answer.
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Warcraft atmosphere was at its peak when these two were leaders, also Doomhammer and Lothar.
voljin: *uses forbidden dark magic to invade sauroks home, kills them and their unhatched children*

korkron assassin: woahhh these guys were made by fleshshaping magic! garrosh would LOVE this, he could make soldiers to fight so none of us would have to die any more!

pleae metzen... bring back azshara in midnight ot help us against the void with her naga army...
now that I've experienced wuk lamat sylvanas doesn't seem so bad
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I wish dracthyr looked like this
>Nathanos dead
Then show me his body
imagine the plaps
i don't argue with sex addicts, that is beneath me
i merely point out your mental illness and strongly encourage you to kill yourself
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You can see Tyrande decapitate him when his corpse goes limp in the cinematic where she killed him
imagine if an orc met this in a bar and they fucked so hard her fat tits were swinging back and forth and her butt was thunderously clapping against him
if they could play other races and looked like this wow would be savec
tyrande cut his head off
This is comical and aids. Just fuck a human.,
someone suggested the other day that evoker should be given to all races.
I think that's a perfect idea but idk how you could make it work. for example just worgen:
living flame - they pull out a gilnean lamplighters torch and use their worgen breath to blow it at the target
tail sweep - claw swipe
wing buffet - I'll huff and I'll puff
fire breath - they say GILNEAS WILL RISE AGAIN and the sheer energy of it demoralises the enemy, damaging them
emerald blossom - they plant some gilnean flower instead
glide - flying suit with gilneas embroidery
deep breath - they mount some gilnean flying vehicle... bats? hot air balloon? and they fly over the battlefield shooting a flamethrower.
that wasn't easy to come up with. and you'd have to do that for every race. what's the fix?
they're doing the opposite
new animations because they're giving dracthyr to rest of classes
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If a story was to feature a character, a lot more players are going to appreciate and enjoy someone like Jaina, a well liked hero who has been around for over 20 years, than some literal fucking who like Kiro.
ok but what if I want to fuck a lizard retard? do I just fuck a gecko? want me to fuck a bearded dragon? I want something with classical feminine features.... hold on lemme go fuck a synapsid with tits there should be some in the fossil record.
much like how Monks should have stayed Pandaren-only, Evokers should stay Dracthyr only

the difference is that Pandaren Monks were written to be extremely open to teaching other races for ultimately gameplay reasons, while Evokers are products of test tube-produced Dracthyr being genecoded to excel at evoking the Dragon Aspects

the latter you cant transplant into other races without goofy ass retarded shenanigans unless Drakonids become a playable race
Based on the criteria you provided, Kael'thas and Sylvanas are the obvious top two. It should be noted though that Sylvanas's bad writing is largely responsible for torpedoing two entire expansions, so the consequences for them fucking her up were much worse than Kael'thas.

I think an honorable mention has to be made for Garrosh because I think no other character has been written more schizophrenically. Like other anons have mentioned, different teams wrote different appearances and no one seemed to have any idea what to do with him. I always think of this Christie Golden interview from I think 2012 where she describes Garrosh as having "not a strong personality" and "changing his opinion based on who's talking" which is exactly the opposite of how Garrosh is portrayed in the game. It's not just the guys who wrote the Stonetalon quests, it seems like no two people who wrote Garrosh ever agreed on who he really was.
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you'd be better off with some kind of evoked avatar that surrounds (for deep breath) or is conjured in front of the player (similar to mage's dragon breath)
>i don't argue with sex addicts
You've been doing that for the past 3 hours.
Until you can answer a simple question, anything you say is discredited.
Warwithin theme song
for the record:


this was me posting, Garrosh being a schizoid mess was restricted to Cataclysm and the novels, once MoP prepatch hit he was turned into Orc Hitler to make his transition into a raid boss easier to digest

the issue is that what we got in his stead is Voljin (did nothing), Sylvanas (written even worse as a character and her story had even less understandable consequences than Jaina's) and now a Horde Council that is nothing the average Horde enjoyer would sign up for. If you want to pummel a character with a villain bat then their replacement should be an improvement.
This. I fuck dogs - unless you've got a good reason I should stop, GET USED TO IT!!!!!!
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I want all air in the universe replaced with her farts
discredited by whom, the gooner trooner discord committee?
i'm not going to bother with your whataboutism strawman when you've sufficiently proven every single point already made
stick to grooming kids in pegi 12 vidya, your pathetic rhetoric doesn't work on adults
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I found a funny Xal'atath sloppa but the retard put a giant watermark over it. Why are people trying to pretend their ai generated images are special now?
You know what they say about those who accuse everyone of being groomers right?
Anyway, all I did was ask you to name 3 characters you thought were better written and that was enough to set you off. All you had to do was answer the question and you wouldn't have made yourself look like the retard you are.
based sexmane enjoyer
>once MoP prepatch hit he was turned into Orc Hitler
IMO the thing about Garrosh that doomed him to be a raid boss was the orc supremacist angle, and they started playing that up before MoP. At the start of Cata he and Vol'jin have a very poorly-defined disagreement which escalates into open animosity, and Garrosh concludes that Darkspear categorically cannot be trusted. On an unrelated note, it's always been funny to me that Garrosh decided tauren and trolls couldn't be relied upon in his new Horde but goblins were totally trustworthy.
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Because MoP's writing was Sneedoland tier.
>IMO the thing about Garrosh that doomed him to be a raid boss was the orc supremacist angle, and they started playing that up before MoP

yeah some writers got the memo that hes meant to be Orc Hitler back in Cata while some others ignored it or were simply left to their own devices
I've been a lore autist for 15 years and I promise you nothing comes close to Shadowlands in terms of bad writing. It's in a tier by itself, three tiers below whatever is closest to it.
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How do you even slop Xalatah, she's just elf the elf.
They've been asked about it and it was stated outright that the teams simply didn't communicate, that's why there was two "versions" of Garrosh. Which is fucking ridiculous.
>no u
you have to be mentally deficient to compare shadowlands with mop, and Im not even a weeb

one is a self contained pandaland story rooted in the way far eastern mysticism is usually portrayed, the other turns the fucking cosmology and the entire afterlife of the setting into a story of 3D printers and robots and now a tranny who decides what afterlife your soul can go to
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I dunno, this is the one I saw. Made me chuckle. I almost never save sloppa because people don't like it here.
i can fix her
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actual braindead retard, what the fuck is wrong with you?
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I'd sooner put my trust in greedy bastard like Gallywix whose loyalty can be bought rather than someone as finicky and unpredictable as Saurfang, or god forbid a w*man.
you have to be joking
>uses forbidden dark magic to invade sauroks home
Who the fuck said Shadow Hunter magic was forbidden?
Lmao you triggered the furfags with that one
you can do it but you'll get hit fast
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lorewalker cho alone shits all over shadowlands. it's not even about the races, it's about basic story telling and presentation. mop is miles ahead of shadowlands
I want to lick her purple holes
Surprised Azshara never had any children, something something Nelf men.
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azshara is using her tentacles to please herself (and others)
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one manages to construct a continent and its story from essentially easter eggs and a mercenary hero from Warcraft 3 while the other deconstructs a lore character (Sylvanas) and the entire afterlife and fumbles it in a colossal way

I would have wished Pandaria to be a setting where Pandaren are actually warring clans (reminiscent of their concept art like pic related) instead of a kung fu panda bs we got, but its still a fucking masterpiece if you compare it to Shadowlands or Dragonflight
Crybabies can't handle the truth. Let them piss in their fursuit.
Sylvanus was always trash, she should've killed herself at the end of wotlk, and all her coomer simpanzees should've followed their queen.
Why is Superbloom so popular? Soridomi and Archives rep is harder to farm than Dreamers, but those events are almost always empty. Meanwhile this shit is always packed, despite being second only to Archeologists Under Fire in terms of annoyance.
I did a superbloom a few hours ago and there was one other person.
It's much easier to "construct a continent and its story" from nothing since you have free reign to make stuff up. I would've been extremely impressed if Shadowlands had managed to retrofit a whole afterlife into an existing narrative in a satisfying manner.
what's annoying about it
Its a 10 minute escort quest with fidly objectives along the way.
what is not annoying about it
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What M+ level would you expect someone coming from season 3 to be able to do straight off the bat? I'd like to think I'm special. iLevel 481
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Sylvanas' entire character literally makes 0 sense after wrath, it should have ended after she threw herself off the top of ICC
her whole purpose in undeath was to get revenge on arthas for turning her into the undead abomination that was a mockery of everything she stood for in life
>we are meant to believe the same slyvnanas who broke down crying and started singing lament of the highborne after being given Alleria locket in that Ghostlands quest is the same one who had been following J'lor's plan this entire time
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this might be the first time that wow has a less bad story than xiv
Well I just did a +7!
is moon guard a good realm? i only have characters on it because my irl friends who got me into wow years ago were already playing on it. trying to figure out whether or not i should realm swap
wow, that's impressive. what role? i assume either healer or dps
rdruid healer
if you like rp/erp ,seeing people around, and less use of sharding , yes
Sylvanas made perfect sense and had a good arch up until BfA - she finished her revenge arc, kys'ed and according to old lore, saw old shadowlands (now the Maw) and was like "this shits awful, I don't wanna die and be stuck in super-hell". From that moment her arc became one of trying to cheat death, make Forsaken perfectly immortal and entrench her own powerbase to secure against any more material threat. She was actually a perfect morally grey anti-hero that would be an ally of convenience to Horde and Azeroth. But then that fat fuck Danuser decided to make it into some retarded capeshit story.
why are you friends with troons?
>log in
>been searching for aeonaxx very off and on for the mount
>get into game
>aeonaxx spawned right in front of me
nice, i now have the mount
>is the same one who had been following J'lor's plan this entire time
she had a cold, wasn't thinking straight
say something negative about pcu and keti caravan
the people i was friends with who got me into wow were friends with the troons who got them into wow. it was just by extension that i happened to also end up on that server
i do like seeing people around because it makes the world feel a little more lived in. is sharding really bad if you have warmode activated? i used to use it a lot for the extra xp and combat benefits
I guess the PR team doesn't know that Alleria/Turalyon relationship is pretty toxic and kinda broken.
>s sharding really bad if you have warmode activated?
on rp realm it's not used as aggressive except when new major patches/expansions drop
the what and what now? is some furfag moonguard discord community living in your head rent free?
Literally who? I'm not a roleplayer, I just know WoW lore and care for it.
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room temperature iq post
they are still fiercely in love but are keeping their distance in fear of harming one another
>2 insta seethe replies
hah gottem, how do you do pcu pedotrannies
Aleria and Turalyon would be cool, but then I remember that they are le super speshul Marry Sue tag team that lived for 10 THOUSAND YEARS! fighting demons with a bunch of Lightforged Draenai and that both are going to be exceedingly important for 2 different cosmic powers. I just can't take them seriously because of this, its almost as bad as that fucking awful Legion era Anduin comic (which now hopefully is non-cannon) where he is 80 years old and about to lead the charge against "le greatest evil ever"
alright,. thanks for the info. im just mainly wondering whether or not it is worth sticking around on this realm rather than just swapping to another one. the people i played with havent played in years, so it is highly unlikely i will ever have to worry about swapping back
Actual schizophrenia. Also wtf do some RP guilds have to do with Danusers dogshit writing?
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The problem is that almost all of the WC2 Horde characters became villains, and we had to kill many of them TWICE. This is why there are so few legacy characters in the Horde.
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You know that they were two of the Alliance's greatest heroes long before the powerups they got in Legion right?
I'm not defending the powerups but even without them they would still be huge characters just due to their history and finally coming back to Azeroth.
>ask wtf you are on about
>hah gottem

same energy as when maye starts screeching pcu when people tell him that his futanari ERP antics have no place in the game

dont reply to him he'll have another hours long meltdown
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You are running too, right?
holy shit there are actual unironic pcu pedotrannies shitting up this general LUUUUUUL
Yeah, they had a lot of cool characters in wc2 like teron, guldan, orgrim and cho'gall but as they were all villians they all just got killed off
>You know that they were two of the Alliance's greatest heroes long before the powerups they got in Legion right?
nobody cares
For me, it's emerald dream druid and dragon romance.
if baine is a major legacy character so is rexxar
Yeah, I know. That is why they would be cool, but for me the Legion powerups are ridiculous. I don't mind the light/void powers, but the 10000 years pushes it way, waaay over the top to where now these epic heroes are basically walking demigods. At least the writing tries to make them more lowtier now, but that just clashes with the powerup. It be better if the 10000 years was retconned to like a decade or two of extreme warfare.
if youre this into some obscure server lore name one thats still playing on retail
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well they cared enough to power them up due to it huh
enjoy seething while they save the world again (for the third time)
>At least the writing tries to make them more lowtier now
They do and they don't tho. After Legion Turalyon won every battle he fought and was later rewarded by Anduin with the position of Lord Commander of the Alliance. Alleria is shown to be struggling with he new powers tho.
I think the 1k + years thing is extremely retarded, way worse than the new powers, because it would make their past lives on azeroth seem so insignificant compared to the sheer amount of time they spent killing trash mobs on argus in comparison
i'd rather have turalyon save the world than the dragthyr or dragonflights (sans ebonhorn) or tyrande or anduin or sylvanas or liandrin
holy CHAD
I'm going to try a +8 halls of infusion at 484 ilvl.
Actually nevermind nevermind nevermind nevermind I am far too tired. I thought I did a +7 but I actually had done a +5. I only have a +6 key, not 8.
>white man saves the world in 2024
dream much
holy priest is fun. why do people play disc again?
Yup, exactly. At that point they hardly qualify as mortals, let alone citizens of Eastern Kingdoms.
Yeah. 20 years in space would have been more than enough for them.
Can you play retail without buying that shitty new DF expansion?
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I was going to put Vereesa and Rexxar in the major legacy category, the issue was that High Elves and Mok'nathal are still not playable races yet for the Alliance and Horde even though they are part of their respective factions.
you can get only a sub and play mopmix, which allows you to play with dragonriding, talent trees etc and also get to max level without DF
Essentially, these are now new characters. This is what Blizzard wanted. They didn't want to carry over their old lore and decided to reboot it. This is why Turalyon doesn't care about his homeland Lordaeron or his friendship with Khadgar.
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Not even you, Xuen? Not even you will help me fight these invaders? I have always been there for you. I have lived my life in service of the Celestials. Even now, I bleed for you; yet still you ignore my pleas? Your silence is deafening. The only whispers I hear are not my own. They tell me such horrible things. Please, I beg of you, I can't do this by myself! The outsiders are too many. I am but one monk! Do you hate me so?! How far must I fall for someone -- ANYONE -- to wake up and see the horrors befalling our home?! Will you wait until all of Pandaria burns before you choose to act? Who will be left to save? Not me, that much I know for certain. Even now, the voices are calling to me, louder than ever before. I would sooner fall prey to the enemy than to them. Will you mourn my passing, at least? Will anyone? Bah, it matters not. Peace must be restored, at any cost. I am but a small price to pay. My grave will be your throne, oh great and mighty Xuen. Rule wisely atop it.
argent dawn autism overdrive
Because it used to do +0.1% better heals so the top 1% played it. Sheep followed.
Shitpost aside, it's sometimes better for aoe healing in m+ with atonement on everyone + penance on boss.
Fuck, sub costs more than Gamepass lmao, never mind.
this poster grooms little children
>20 hours ago
Why are you obsessed with this stuff?
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my honest reaction to that information
moonguard fag projecting
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I kneel.
>no u
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they’re the goth girl and her golden retriever boyfriend
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>even after a thousand years together Turalyon is still her literal knight in shining armour
I did not expect something so sovl from nu-bliz desu
So what's this post a blatant rip off of?
worgen wives
too bad it sucks at quickly saving retards when they drop to 20% hp which is the only difficult part about m+ healing. meanwhile that is hpriests specialty
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oh oh meltie
he's so lucky..
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for Stormwind men
He is
This shit made me laugh more than it should have.
I can fix him
by the time Midnight ends or starts Turalyon will be either killed, a villain or embraces the Horde as the good guys, since Alleria does the same in TWW.
>character called ayaya
alleria and turalyon are sooo cuuuuute uwu
literally brangelina power couple goalz <3333
i am biofem dogfucker btw, unlike you nathan no nuts
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They already got rid of that out of place line from Alleria.
>Alliance WC2 hero dying
she looks like she wants to talk to the manager
She does, the manager being Azeroth.
>op says avatarfags are to be reported and banned
>this furry argent dawn erp-er relentlessly posts about xer pandaren aspie shit for months

same retard genetics as maye
It's still implied to be the same thing they just didn't mention A/H explicitly, doesn't change the message.

fuck off retard
I would interpret it as whatever threat they are facing requires them all to unite to defeat it, however that is still different from saying "there can no longer be Alliance and Horde".
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I miss Maye's attractive Nightborne arc.
noone misses avatarfags attentionwhoring here under the guise of treating a general thread as a community that caters to their f-list impulses
>do a mythic plus
>usage of alter time is zero
mages are so retarded
it's finishing the game with 999 phoenix downs syndrome, or downs syndrome for short
well said. fuck avatarfags
They also made Alleria racist towards Voss. And Turalyon is racist towards Geya'rah. The Alliance and the Horde aren't going anywhere.
good. there should always be tension
Considering what the undead did to Alleria's people, and what Turalyon personally witnessed first-hand what the orcs did to his, that is quite fitting desu
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>LFR rasz
>fight took 10:28 minutes
>2nd best dps with 131k as vengeance
>dont group with mages
>game becomes more enjoyable
its that simple
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trying to get mount skins dumb ass
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Here anon I think you dropped this.
>op says
>anon says
Are this two mounts faction locked or they finally found the way to cuck you from 1200 tendies?
It's almost as if putting that in the op didn't matter at all.
im op and i tell you to report and ignore that shit
Tell that to the trannies and avatarfag defenders that cry about it every thread.
It's not even the same guy making the ops and yet despite the fact that other anons here can agree or something, trannies gonna tranny, avatarfags gonna avatar.
Here's but one vestibule of avatarfag defense, formerly fallen from grace >>483976327
He thinks every anon that types without capital letters at the start of a post/sentence are all the same person
l o l
Anon is a name here so capitalize it you grammar nazi pedantic faggot
You forgot to put a period at the end of your sentence.
Why did grammarnazies filter early internet users so hard? Why did fat nerd first-adopters all have ESL-tier grammar?
>He thinks every anon that types without capital letters at the start of a post/sentence are all the same person
Nigger wtf are you on about?
because you can be as lazy as you want on the internet, especially when its an anonymous imageboard
lurk the thread and you'll see what i mean
there's always this one anon that always replies to this other anon and everytime anon 1 replies to anon 2, it's about his typing style being all lower case lettering
just stick around long enough and you'll see for yourself
he thinks he's onto something, or that he's doing something, but he's not, he's just a vapid defender of avatarfagging and tries to tar all anons with the same brush
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paranoid schizophrenics gonna do what they do man, im not gonna be punctual on wowg because i dont have appearances to keep up as a thread personality
im here to discuss the game and tell people right now that zuldrak fucking sucks
who the fuck put a zandalari here
why does khadgar hold atiesh like baseball bat
why are there STILL no proper staff animations in this game for casters
>who the fuck put a zandalari here
Blizzard did over 10 years ago nigga what are you talking about there is a whole outpost of zandalari
theres a place and time where I give a flying shit about punctuation and where I dont

addressing retards like maye, toughpaw and other mouthbreathing ERPing pedo degenerates warrants a phone post at best from me
in case of actual discussions, ones that I start or contribute to, Ill tidy shit up a bit because I might want to convey more than one coherent thought and a stream of word salads would fuck with my intentions

now go play in traffic
>why does khadgar hold atiesh like baseball bat
because he is based
GOONSHIRE sisters?
Bro I don't give a shit about your internet slap fights I'm just making fun of you for going out of your way not to capitalize anything.
i mean the bfa zandalari model, i didnt think they would go back to wotlk and add him there
was meant for this retard >>483977368
They changed all the zandalari trolls to the new model during bfa.
Why are you using commas if you don't care about punctuation?
didnt know that thanks bro, for some reason i thought theyd be changed to the mop zandalari
to annoy you
now go whore yourself out to goldshire regulars or stick to FF14
>21 hours ago
One thread per day.
They never did that now that you mention it, maybe they confirmed internally proper zandalari eventually and just waited to avoid the extra work.
i'll bake when we hit 745
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>I act like a retard to annoy you!
>F-final fantasy!1
>Twitter is full of formerly WoW-only accounts all posting pictures of their new FFXIV characters
It's 2021 but even worse, all over again, and we're just pretending like nothing's happening. Holy shit. We are fucked.
>not punctuating posts means youre retarded
masterful trolling on full display here, it might blow your mind that I posted here with or without caring about grammar
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my fucking brother!
i am also seeking the waist for that t-mog
i literally just got the boots yesterday
here was my first post about getting this set
attached pic is where im up to with it now

we are one and the same, agree, real, true! based!
absolutely cope + you got owned by draenei paladin chads
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don't worry cracker chud, i will save wow

Anon, you're literally going out of your way to write like a retard just to be a contrarian. I'll hand it to you, you're on a whole other level of retardation than most retards I've seen here.
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>i am also seeking the waist for that t-mog
may you have it drop on reset day
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The fractals...
I don't use Alter Time because I have no friend to coordinate it with, so whenever I click it, healer just heals me to full life immediately and it serves no purpose.
>Chronicle 4 in two weeks
Will Danuser win?
>use alter time just before the dmg hits
>use it immediately after
>full hp
>retconned next week
he already lost
wowo wawa
be strong for mother
Alright I'll bind it again then
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