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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7099 - Character killing moments Edition

>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS - Summer Game Fest Trailer
>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS confirmed release date is October 25, 2024

>Sonic X Shadow Generations will be getting an animation

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has been announced for December 20, 2024:

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog: Spring Broken - 26 June 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 70 - 3 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 71 - 31 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2024 - 14 August 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 72 - 21 August 2024

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous Thread:>>483804549
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Some should update this with Shadow's taking candy from a baby line and Blaze being killed off in 06
Mmmm shipping
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Post your hot takes and unpopular Sonic opinions
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Mina should be canon to the games
Mina should eat constantly but remain a sticc.
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Context of this tweet?
Archie is Art
I'd say Amy is defined way more by her hammer shenanigans and other quirks (like not curling up) than Silver is. Silver can be a Sonic clone with benefits because telekinesis is a versatile power, hammer requires a different approach to a character.
Sonic should have ended after 3K and was never meant to be an ever going brand like Mario
Come to think of it, I'm surprised that there is little to no porn of hedgehogs using their quills
>but they're sharp
Don't pretend fetishes don't exist
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I played Sonic Advance 3 on my TV for a change and I was taken aback by how prominent Tails' butthole pixel is in the game's opening.
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You wouldn't get it
>Sonic should have ended after SA2 and was never meant to be an ever going brand like Mario

Dfwnn should write sonic adventure 3
SA1 and SA2 are huge downgrades from 3K
Didn't Elias interact with silver more than blaze did unironically
that kiss was the best part of 06
change my mind
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3D Sonic is the natural progression of the series, and it is perfectly fine despite all the problems
Do you people actually like Sonic or not?
S3&K, SA1 and SA2 are kino in their own ways. A swan song to SEGA and Sonic.

Knuckles is the type of "bro" that you consistently clash with and argue with and fight with, regardless of the fact that you're close friends with a long history. Sonic, the Sun, is blue. Knuckles, the Moon, is red. Sonic's stomach is the sun and the crescent shape on Knuckles is the moon. He was designed to be Sonic's rival after all.

CHAOS, Shadow and Neo Metal Sonic specifically act as parallels to Sonic.

Chaos is the base concept of Sonic, a blue, green-eyed protector of nature who uses the power of the Chaos Emeralds, yet warped into an unrecognizable state. Sonic fights to protect nature from the greed of evil men, while Chaos' reasons for being evil stem entirely from that very same viewpoint. You also have the fact that Sonic in SA1 is powered by the world's hope, while Perfect Chaos is powered by his hatred and his alone. Open Your Heart is basically Sonic talking about how him and Chaos aren't that different from each other.

Shadow is, meanwhile, a more straightforward but still deep parallel. Sonic's entire character is about living free from all restraints and duties. Shadow, meanwhile, is trapped by his own self-thought duty to fulfill Maria's dream, while at the same time merely being used by Gerald to kill everyone. It Doesn't Matter specifies that Sonic doesn't care about the past, while Shadow in SA2 lives almost entirely in it. Sonic knows who he is and never doubts himself, while the latter half of SA2's Dark Story is Shadow coming to terms with the fact that his memories may be fake. Live and Learn by comparison to Open Your Heart is basically Sonic telling Shadow to live life to the fullest and for HIMSELF rather than Gerald, Maria or anyone else.

Neo Metal Sonic is a parallel of fakes being able to surpass the original and has data derived from the entire cast of Sonic Heroes and Perfect Chaos
The idea of there being "eras" is propaganda brought forth by Generations similar to "teams" being a product of Heroes. Sonic is a homogenous character from Classic to present and trying to imply otherwise is what keeps Classic Sonic a recurring character since people want to believe that Sonic changed during Adventure instead of having his personality explored further that the limitations of 16-bits couldn't do.

"Teams" do not exist as a realized group within the Sonic Universe. Most of the cast are on mutual terms with each other and they don't mind working together if the situation calls for it.

The Classic/Modern conflict is a waste of time. Both the 2D games and 3D games have their strengths and weaknesses and the only reason 2D games have any argument to make is because they were produced during Sonic's high points so the illusion of them being "better" is easier to facilitate.

Shipping is always a waste of time. The writers do it as a lazy way to induce engagement in their work and most of the time the pairings never have the conclusion that the shippers wanted in the first place.
Yeah, they were part of a team.
No. I fucking hate Sonic. the only thing I hate more than Sonic is a sonic "fan"
Amourshipping stole ten years from my life
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I saw this posted in the last thread, but where did it come from?
SA1 and 2 are a downgrade gameplay wise
3K is fun throughout but with SA1 and 2 not only has Sonic's physics and levels design taken a downgrade from 3K but all the different gameplay styles aren't as fun to play as Sonic
>I'd say Amy is defined way more by her hammer shenanigans and other quirks (like not curling up)
She barely uses her hammer in Frontiers and it's just a decoration in Dream Team outside of that one cutscene with Ariem. Classic Amy uses her hammer to mimic Sonic's insta shield and that's it.
Advance 1/3 was the only time Amy gameplay was good tho, so disregard the last 20 years of shit.
Sonic Underground is way better than SatAM and Bartleby is unironically one of my favorite Sonic characters.
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Literally all they did was add the Z dimension. then added a few extra quirks in the level design. you still get the mostly linear path and your usual loop de loops.
The "new" thing was the homing attack. also the power ups, but those were not permanent. you had to gain them again in SA2
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Good night.
The physics are significantly different.
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Cute, the new model is a success, it respects her proportions and doesn't look deformed / glitchy. It's available in Civitai now for whoever wants to use it to generate lewds, cute shit, whatever.
This image makes me hate Tails
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mmmmm free mongussy for all
You're better than the Mistyfags who waited over 20 years just to get spit in their face
Absolutely incredible.
I haven't got into AI generation because my peanut brain glanced at it and thought it was too difficult.
But now that this mina generator exists I might have to take another look at AI stuff again.
If I didn't then I wouldn't be wasting my time here on a Friday night, brother.
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>Those digital errors
Why can’t Sonic get good renders
Fleetway is just dull and the art’s ugly. There’s a reason nobody talks about it outside of evil super sonic.
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Why did it cause such an outrage here?
I'm not up to date on whatever this is.
Because that's Snivley with a wig.
Because we’ve been stuck with one model for almost 20 years now, and everything being forced to be a deviation of it is what makes it that way.
It completely misses the point of the character. Mariah is supposed to be pure and innocent.
If it was just some guy’s original design nobody would care.
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Shes ugly. No one wants ugly maria for the same reason no one wants ugly amy, ugly rouge, ugly blaze, etc.
troon design
Into the dumpster it goes along with its creator
>those floppy pussy lips and fucked up earrings.
Gross. No wonder no one is active here anymore.
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Oh my god, can you imagine how awful of a roster if /sthg/ was in charge?
>Trip & Fang as one fighter
>Archie Honey
>That one OC involving worms
>Whisper(She cries constantly and uses legos during battles)
>Guest starring Alex Day as the composer
It would be a absolute fucking shitshow.
Kill yourself.
I feel the same way, I don't mind when people redesign her to have more Robotnik traits like a large nose as long as she still has that innocent character
As long as we kill off eggman I'm good
puffy vulva
Whoops, here is a SFW gen
looks more like a weird cock. Lets not forget the double tails.
Fuck off.
Ai is just not ready for mina. This looks like shit.
Don't be upset drawfriends, Ai won't replace your cute art yet
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>Penders trooned out one of his OCs
>"AI" thinks it will surpass this some day
Literally the trannies of the art world.
God damn looks like you put some diaperfag shit in your prompts, LMAO
You're right, here is another variant that doesn't look like a diaper.
Why is she wearing a diaper?
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I like it, as well as all the designs they did for Eggman
I don't think they should replace the original ones but I always like seeing unique takes on a concept
Cool! Now make a variant that doesn't look like dogshit (impossible)!
Also it still looks like a diaper. Procedurally generated computer renderings still cannot put panties on sticcs.
her pussy is just too small for her panties
Panties on sticcs have always looked like shit, if anything it is in-model
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Can you do mina doing this
False. You can make panties on sticcs look great if you actually draw it yourself.
Ken really desperate for some fans for his shitty comic.
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If Sonic R were to get a modern sequel, would you want it to be based on boost gameplay or the Sonic gameplay from the adventure titles?
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Show me a fanart of Mina with sticc proportions that look great with panties on.
I remember when transvestite characters were exotic and only included in very niche works but now it seems like they've become obligatory in every piece of media
Learn to draw, leech.
>You can make panties on sticcs
I'll call this bullshit then
you factually can't. that's why nopan is superior.
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I'd prefer it be as close to the original as possible since Sonic R's style of "open level collectathon with a time limit" was never evolved on (though it's arguably a fully 3D take on Sonic 3D Blast's formula).
If you hadn't scared all the drawfags off I bet you could have requested it.
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wouldn't it be funny if Sage's panties had Eggman's face on them?
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Sega should make the old SoA Sonic bible and Stay Sonic the main continuity
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tang makes me so happy i could cry there's nothing more beautiful than seeing them get over themselves and admit what is better for themmm
she doesn't wear panties. her crotch naturally has her featureless glitchy texture with no collision (so she physically can't wear them anyway).
Yeah well I think you’re the fakest of all
Mario is cuter than Sonic in my opinion
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there are shots in archie where you can clearly see mina's chest underneath her shirt, she doesn't have tits
I’m instantly reminded of why I hate coming to this place.
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Explain why I have my complaints as well.
then leave, there is literally nothing wrong with this thread but if you're going to be like that then just leave
you can leave if you want
nta but if you complain about the people you wanna complain about they double down. So it's best to keep vague.

I would recommend to this anon to wait until the end of summer when these faggots are forced back into their institutions where they belong like the animals they are.
What are some of the most perplexing unsolved mysteries about /sthg/?
The biggest one to me is how the fuck its so popular and how its still alive after 10 years
Who was the evil drawfag

kek Anon please sthg is clearly a delusional dumb bitch
Drawing and shipping
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The artist's work (Emil Öhlund) does look a lot like Sonic
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>If you hadn't scared all
I'm just doing this for fun.

Best I could do.
In preboot Archie yes
The concept art for Secret Freedom even has a ship tease for them
When did the real whispercel disappear and get replaced by imposters? Was there ever a real whispercel at all?
You might be right. I think the first sthg oc was made like 9 posts in
Poor Leeta, breaking down into her basic shapes. What a horrible condition.
I'm a drawfag and I'm pretty fucking evil, but the people who call me out are gaslit into thinking they are insane. I have no morals.
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I finished it yay, for now I'm pretty happy with this for a first digital piece, even if I'll probably still edit it later
huh, honestly kinda based.
its very cute! I love the soul and colors! I kind of want to make fanart of it...
but fwa won't draw little girls
>have no morals
Would you be willing to draw raccunny sexo? Hypothetically speaking.
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Look at him go!
No, see >>483883072
Thank youu!! Drawing Sonic and Mina feels like therapy almost, they're too cute together
You aren't FWA.
but you will draw little boys having anal sex right?
Because it's fun and there's a lot to discuss and invent and Sonic is a great and interesting series
does anyone have a good reference pic of reynard (with colors)
um, didn't she draw this?
Everytime I see AI art that looks nice it makes me angry.
No, but that other anon is.
Mina should have an anime
Does /sthg/ have any bots?
That actually looks way better than the other ones. Nice.
I think the retard meant FWA wont draw loli and shota. Ive seen her draw all the kid characters, but she wont do porn of them unless they are aged up.
Nice work anon
Well there's one, but he denies being one.
4chan is laden withh bots pretending to be human
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Sonic drawing to celebrate Smash Bros
why is mina so skinny
The first tries are usually bad, the more you proompt the better results you get.

Thanks, it means that the model was trained properly.
Don't be mean...
lol it kept the animu girl triangle mouth
mina is mandated to have early 2000s animu traits
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She had that stupid mouth throughout the whole arc I used as reference lol.
I give you a hint.
Tails, but wears a hoodie and shoots schools.
I really wish people wouldn't give namefags attention, even as lolcows
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Sketch of Mario and Sonic by Masanori Sato
I am in love with this robot.
I want to smell her girl stink.
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He is a very cool robot
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draw mina dressed like mario
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Rarely do you ever see Sonic and especially other characters drawn by Nintendo artists
Shigehise Nakaue‘s take on Sonic and Mario, it’s never been uploaded officially.
Imagine the sex
draw mario dressed as mina
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do you like the sadx model
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Showed up for only a few seconds during a direct but it’s clear he understands posing for Sonic.
Most Nintendo artists who do draw him either pull from Sonic X or Sonic Adventure for styling
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Agent Willoughby's life goal is LITERALLY to eradicate powerul mobians
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I wonder what their dynamic will be now that Flynn and SEGA want Amy to distance herself from Sonic.
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Here’s Yuji Uekawa’s Mario and Sonic
Yeah the model itself is fine
Under this lighting you can see how much it was based on the SA2 model
She just needs correction from hot mobian men
Nice try.
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Sonic from Smash Ultimate
Heavily believed the art is by Yusuke Nakano, most known for doing the art for Zelda.
She's fugly. Granted, Maria has always been fugly in-game but the point stands.
I wonder if she's going to get a new model for Shadow Generations.
What if SatAM didn't exist?
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Mina if human
To make my dick hard.
my parents met each other at a friends house while watching sonic satam. They sometimes joke that they should have called me sonic.
Sonic wouldn't be popular in America
And maybe at all
I wouldn't want to live in that timeline. Satam is good.
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>still sticc
the funny thing about this is Mina would absolutely fucking hate these images
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you are the chosen one
you are sonicman
I see Nicole is having a blast
That's true she hates ai due to trauma of being taken over by Iron Nicole
i love how mina is clearly meant to have thick spiky hair but because of the way axer drew her everyone except yardly switched over to curly hair with spiky bangs
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Mina sez: Fuck AI(sexually)
I like to think Mario and Sonic Rio was probably the best example of how Sega fucked up that deal since it was clear Nintendo was willing to work with them to do something neat during that partnership.
He’ll even giving them Zelda and Yoshi was a big play with LW.
Now it’s unlikely Mario and Sonic will ever show up in a game together ever again.
>They sometimes joke that they should have called me sonic.
You mean Ogilvie?
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I love Mina, she is the cutest
this image seems kind of rapey
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Nicole flicks her bean to images she generates of Mina in compromising positions.
Mina was kinda rapey in the comic, but in a cute way cause she's a gril.
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she is a pop star?
is mina the first ficitonal character to hate ai
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Ninja Tangle
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the thing is, these computer generated images arent actual AI. It's not actual intelligence. Intelligence implies sentience and self actualization. This is just a program mishmashing already existing things together. its not correct to call it AI.
Dude the Terminator series predates her, and I’m sure it’s still not the first series to do either
>Forced a kiss onto sonic who had to push her off
>Wrote a song penetrating Nicole's life and left Nicole sobbing and moist on the floor (rape allegory)
>canonically groomed tails in an alternate timeline and even had sex with him
What if Sonic Underground didn't exist?
Nothing changes
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>BecAUse wE aRE sONic HeRoEs!!!!111111111
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I love Mina too
Literally nothing would change. That show had probably the least affect of any adaptation
>Superman "I'm no hero, just someone with opportunity"
>Spiderman "I'm no hero, just a guy who doesn't give up"
>Sonic "WE'RE SONIC HEROES" twice
Asimov wrote several books with characters with that trait dating from the 1930's and on.
What if Sonic 06 didn't exist?
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I will always be annoyed that Mina never got a touching moment with her mom once Isabella's free will got restored. Like she has straight up suicidal thoughts because she can't see her mom again, and I thought she'd have an arc of learning to get over that and learning to build new happiness out of her misery instead of wallowing in it, until she might be with her mom again someday. Her mom seemed so central to her character with her early appearances and for them to not even get a real emotional moment together feels a bit jarring, though I'm probably expecting too much from a children's comic. Love Mina either way
>expecting too much from a children's comic
You were expecting too much from Penders
satam is why we have ian and fowler, underground didn't really do anything to the franchise
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We lose a handful of fan art. but that's pretty much it.
Iirc Bollers was the head writer during this period
Jules cheated on bernadette?
>Aleena passed away
I'd suggest either remarried or polygamy.
no the idea here is certainly that jules had manic and sonia with aleena, she died, and then he moved onto bernadette and had sonic.
Tania is always left out of these.
Superman and Spiderman saying they're not heroes is so dumb. Okay, lowliness and all, but you can't deny you're not a hero when you save people falling from buildings and etc.
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>No tamers12345
That's the only real loss
I can’t imagine Sonic coming back to Smash now that there’s an entirely new dev team behind it
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Why does he make Sonic fans seethe so much?
What if Sonic didn't exist?
I love how archiefags insist that sonic would have any option other than amy. sally ruins this chart.
I want to live in that timeline. SatAM bad.
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>Mina encounters Sonic
>He doesn't really know who she is or care
>She goes through astonishing efforts to turn him into her fan
>Sonic rebuffs her efforts and keeps running, since that's his whole shtick
>Mina only tries harder in turn
>She becomes emotionally dependent on Sonic, going to him for any minor depression she is experiencing
You wouldn't jerk off to Mina right now
A lot of people would be hyper-autistic about some other franchise
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I would have a productive and fulfilling life.
in the case of supers it's obnoxious, in spidey's case he usually is acting on extreme guilt.
Spidey was also cocky and kind of selfish until the movies came out and popularized a humble version of him
I've never cared
This is the only time you will see Sonic like that. even if it was a dead alt canon.
What does /sthg/ think of him?
What if video games didn't exist?
tumblr undertale shit. Not related to sonic.
kill yourself.
>trying to imagine a utopia with no AGPs and school shooters
its best not to think about such things
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i'm making a fangame where this is an alternate timeline you can visit kthx tell nobody shhh
I'd probably golf more
shadow looks better with weird yellow skin
>Aleena died delivering the twins
it's a dead alt canon BECAUSE he's like that
Not OR, but that's nice.
I think Aleena should have powers that are different from sonic, not sure which ones. Maybe fire or something.
What if Sega won the console wars and Sonic became ruler of the world?
Kiss ass.
she has magic
So what happened with Amy 25/30 Years Later?
Straight jacket, padded cell, booty juice, you know how it is.
according to ian she became a badass warrior and now travels the universe with the timestones
What if the world didn't exist?
Another would just take its place
Qtaro would have won easily.
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What if you shut the fuck up
What If I didn't
I shut up once Zavok and Zeena put me on oral duty
What if we all kissed Metal Sonic
Metal Sonic can't talk anymore. Cope.
what if i have a throbbing want for a drawfag and i want him to pin me down and take me
Kissing and loving metal sonic
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Got a man, but I hope you don't care (care)
When I'm with him, I wish you was there
Takin' that risk, bae, you know I'm not scared (like)
What he think? He know shit isn't fair

Flexin' together, I know we go better (grrah)
We stay hot, it don't matter the weather (grrah)
His bitches mad that he gettin' me wetter (grrah)
Damn, I ain't feel this way in forever (grrah)

A baddie gon' get what she like (grrah)
So what's your sign? 'Cause I like you (like)
Got a place we can stay for the night
But I'm too shy to invite you (grrah)

You got a gangsta vibe (vibe)
And I want a gangsta boo (boo)
One of a dangerous kind (grrah)
I'm tryna see how a gangsta move
What if Sonic was real?
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he already is
idw completely fails at getting the vibe of sonic
modern sonic completely fails at getting the vibe of sonic
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Hi Tamers
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This should be canon.
modern sonic should be in cities
modern sonic should have big titties
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Sonic says: pretty ass face and sum pretty ass boobs
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Being Espio's human wife. Relaxing with Espio. Espio wrapping his tail around me and playing with my hair. Telling Espio I love him. Kissing Espio.
i love tsunderes
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Are all the hedgehogs fans of ice spice?
Why were the cutscenes in Sonic Unleashed prerendered for the PS2/Wii versions and in-engine for the PS3/Xbox360? The wii/ps2 ones are unironically better because there are no framerate drops
best poster
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Trip takes classic Vector's gimmick and mixes it with Knuckles's for her gameplay
Ray has a mario cape gimmick
Mighty has his hammer drop and 1 time immunity to spikes ability
What could Honey have since all we've got of her is what she did in Fighters, which is nothing unique, I don't think she had any unique moves none of the other characters could do even when they put her on the roster officially

Honey intrigues me, officially she only exists as a Honey from Fighting Vipers Sonsona, my word for people's OCs in sonic style, don't steal it and whatever personality and abilities she did display all came from Archie and Sega made it pretty damn clear archie versions of characters are NOT what they want when they made Ian ditch the hooligans as a concept, Fang's too big of a prick to have friends, Bean ain't a bad duck, he likes sports and fun, oddly enough, Bark manages to have even less to work off than Honey did, so being the strong silent type with a bit of a heart was allowed to be Bark's character, I'm sure Ian considers that a win.
i think trip should kiss fang
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Imagine liking bad games. I literally can't.
honey isn't a character. There is no "Officially honey is XYZ" you made that all up faggot.
sonic wouldn't have such a big following if gaming wans't creatively bankrupt and someone actually tried doing any other thing with fast character
Shadow does but only because Taylor likes her and if Taylor likes someone we should like them too
Why hans't sega tried to do an actual good sonic party game by now? Aside from Secret Rings ofc.
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I love you platonically, since you're taken.
I love all of /sthg/
Movie 3 song possibly
>year of shadow
>nothing for six months
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Say something nice about Mister Monster Guy.
Naka left and took "Sonic" with him.
>Year of Knuckles*
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Werehog Amy's boyfriend.
I too can use devtools
It matches how Shadow did nothing for six months in Forces!
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nope that's not me but I completely agree with what he said!
>A movie thats going to be delayed
>A Sonic Gens mod
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This video by Chaotix uses an image of Cosmo with a huge ass. Is it an image he made himself, or is it a screenshot from an episode, and if so which
not that guy either, but how's it going?
pretty good! Been busy! Glad you like my colored wereknux! I should draw knuckles boom style again sometime soon
Femdommed by this Amy
wow!! cool blog! how can I like comment and subscribe for more updates??
this is how you get men to understand female lust for the werehog
Right here bby

*unzips dick*
Luigi won.
Welcome back samefag spammer
While his personality and intelligence were in dire need of improvement, at least he had nice bodyshape.
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I hate werehog posting
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This general would be much better if it were exclusively about Classic Sonic.
It's not hard to understand at all
He's Sonic but fluffier and buffier
That's like the only 2 things women enjoy
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Have some doghog posting instead.
>noooo this is ooc
>he says about every game that came out after unleashed
you guys are starting to sound like classicfags, the franchise changes. get over it.
yeah everyone you don't like is a bot. everyone who dares speak out against drawfags ruining the general is a bot. you're so smart and clever
You could draw boom knux flexing and willoughby being flustered in the background
Classicfags are based and know what's actual quality, unlike modernshitters.
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It's the mindbroken blaze aifag from yesterday. You can tell by the way they format their sentences.
What are you talking about?
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Anon you know the rules of sthg.
When you publicly announce you hate something, you are just setting yourself up for it to get posted more.
This is literally sthg 101
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Maybe that's his plan all along?
Fwa and her boytoy look so cute together...
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i hate images of busty off model sonic girls looking all sweaty and horny
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>Marzaslop humans
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Then how come amy pushed him away?
I HATE Shadaria
No more AI. Singularity scares me.
I hate images of on model sonic girls looking sweaty and horny even more
what kind of humans would you prefer then? 06?
That's not FWA. It's just a random woman.
I want to kill myself.
Are you getting Superstars while it's on sale???
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Siblings kissing.
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She thought he was some other hedgehog.
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Even better if was exclusively about Sonic Underground
True if that was me I would be touching his chest
I unironically would love to have a whole thread just for talking about sonic underground
1999 cartoon or one by Tamers?
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i think marza failed at copying the disney look
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marza was about copying pixar, not disney. Disney 3D style didnt really happen until tangled in 2010, 2 years before sexnic unsheathed came out. Marza kind of reminds me of ratatouille honestly
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calm down horny ass i love your explanation but i do not understand your werewolf fetish
have you noticed the recent trend of tamers spankings in his videos? Will he keep up the trend?
More is good
/sthg/ yearns for the knot.
Stylized faces and expressions, but with more natural proportions. Something like Sonic Adventure would fit best.
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Allow me to explain it to you then, anon:
Imagine like, you're a girl and you find men attractive (as one should)
Now imagine a man you already find attractive, and on a full moon he starts moaning and groaning and making sex noises, sweating and his muscles start bulging and body hair starts getting thicker. He becomes more feral and far more powerful, his animalistic impulses are taking over. He reeks of pheromones and you have to be the one to keep him placated in the moonlit night.
Then the next day he's all sleepy and tired and you get to take care of him.

Does that make sense now?
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Stupid kissable face
we need more drawfags that do humans
I honestly wonder sometimes if Tamers is secretly a porn artist in hiding
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why do sonazefags pretend poor characterization is the reason they don't like silvaze
I want someone to draw the presidents (X, SA2/Shad05, OVA optional) singing karaoke
I don't care about Tails' character development.
It doesn't matter. He's a kid. If he developed too far he wouldn't be a kid anymore. It baffles me that people think the very premise of his character would be permanently changed because of le heckin character development.
I mean it truly blows my mind.
I don't though. I hate how Blaze is forced to be his "buddy" because they don't want to introduce anyone else from Silver's future, and that Blaze should not have been in 06 at all.

>a kid can't grow and change while still being a kid ITS JUST NOT POSSIBLE
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WHy not to just let him stay as his Sonic Adventure 2 characteration?
He'd be a kid hero.
Just like you, anon...
it was almost a pure hedgehog line.
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I just love the monkey.
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I don't "pretend".

I agree. These characters are not meant to "develop", except maybe in their initial appearance; Shadow and Blaze all did it right.
LMAO, Sonic's popularity in America wasn't from fucking SatAM, you gigatard.
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You people should be ashamed of yourselves. Fuck you for ruining a children's property. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UNRSxLiSxU
Less friction in the fandom.
The fuck was traumatizing about that?
nothing. It's just clickbait. The video is just joking
>a kid can't grow and change while still being a kid ITS JUST NOT POSSIBLE
>putting words in my mouth
Just because he developed to a certain point doesn't mean he'll be that way permanently. Like there's a huge difference between an 8 year old and a 12 year old but they're still kids. So after Tails develops to the point of being a 12 year old he will either be there permanently or he will develop even more. If it's on the same 4 year level as before then he'll be 16 next time. Then 20. See where I'm going with this? It doesn't fucking matter.
I don't remember Sonic For Hire being offensive.
>Troon youtuber
>Nazo unleashed
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lewd lynx
Surge should kiss Sonic.
Oh, then I hope his YT career bombs or he's outted as a pedo.
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I can draw humans somewhat.
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This shit isn't traumatizing and everything is offensive to zoomies these days.
I grew up with deviantart fart fetish porn and sonic dying in sexually confusing ways plastered in my face since before most zoomers could cognate.

Sensitive baby faggots should be BANNED from using the internet and be sent to a remote island with nothing but each other.
you should kiss me
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why did they make chip so unlikeable and unfunny
I literally can't take zoomers seriously.
06 humans were pretty neat.
Honestly yeah that'd be pretty cool. But as much flack as I'll get for this - I mean whatever I already said a hot take so fuck it - I don't like how he was glued to the machine for the ENTIRE GAME. Did he even once walk on his own 2 feet in this game before the last story? I seriously don't remember.

I like Tails being the genius but he's also the tag team partner to me, and Tails going his own way just isn't right. It's like Robin growing up and leaving Batman. Even DC understood they had to replace Robin EVERY time one Robin was lost, because it's important. Sonic isn't going to have another Tails - or at least I hope not - so Tails growing up and separating from Sonic isn't something I ant to see.

But who knows, maybe it's just time for that to happen. Tails tagging along with Sonic has just seemed completely unreasonable since they introduced the boost. I've even seen mods of Gens where Tails is playable and the boost really doesn't even look right on him, it's like watching Eggman boost. So it's probably an inevitability at this point that Sonic and Tails won't really be a team the way the originally were in the future.
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At least he sounds really cute in Japanese
She does.
Don't call her that.
>I don't like how he was glued to the machine for the ENTIRE GAME
I 100% agree with you, all because he was copypaste of dr Eggman for time constraint reasons.
Some of his amnesiac, "just born today" dialogue could've been toned down just a tad.
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Not with that voice he isn't
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God you just know she has a delicious musk.
I cannot believe they don't fuck.
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>skintight bodysuit
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Looks pretty human too me.
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I really hope you're trolling and don't actually believe that.
Voice doesn't define someone's identity bozo. She is a woman regardless of how much you whine.
sonamy is canon and everyone knows it
canon ships:
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Suplex his ass and rape Silver!
Knowing Sonic he would be telling the truth, and he just happened to be covered in glass and cuts for some other reason and somebody else just shattered a door nearby.
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What's that? Eggman repeatedly raped Tails?
mmmm...thats bad but im sure he can still redeem himself!
Shut up sonamy channel
Humans don't fuck dogs.
White girls do
A woman isn't an identity you just can pick up and claim as your own, it is a biological reality. He is a trans identified male, not a woman. Your mindset of saying he's a woman just because he says he is, in fact, sexist. I'm sick of babying this shitty "movement" of mentally ill people who half the time, aren't even actually transexual. These are sexist shitheads who want the protection of legitimately systematically oppressed people in a world where women still aren't even given full human rights and misogynistic comments are far less punished than simple criticism made at men who larp as women. He is as much as a woman as I am black. If I claimed to be black because I am "trans racial" this would be offensive to actual black people.

You need to keep your identity politics OUT of the sonic fandom.
She's a woman[1]
non-canon ships:
(You) x your crush
Only Sonic Channel is canon.
Thus >>483901148
actually, dog breeders will often artificially inseminate their dogs to avoid bringing in a male dog that can harm the female during intercourse. If you count shoving a foreign object into a dog's vagina, then we do in fact fuck dogs
I'm not reading all that
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forgot the mention sonadow
Thats canon now
Is bardonic canon?
Ian said everything is canon
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Everything is canon so yes.
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um actually it's shadouge...
me "artificially" inseminating the werehog!
Sonic 06 and Shadow's game are not canon
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uh huh
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There is a whole text white women use religiously to justify their zoophilia saying they do it cuz is good for their health
You are either too young, too naive or just surf on the surface level of the internet
>only what i want to be canon is canon
SA2 is canon
are we even canon
idw and prime are canon
I want to load all canon gatekeepers into a cannon.
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>Palestine flag
Oh no no no
Is Stay Sonic canon?
this is the height difference they should have with those shoes
Every now and then I reminisince about pre-reboot archie sonic and I just get sad. I've cared about Sonic all my life but I was always dissapointed that the games never really tried to tell a prolonged story and build a world to instead focus on mostly uninteresting oneshots, but Archie really delivered on that front, messy as it may be it rewards you for being an autist about its lore. I really feel something towards its rich wordlbuilding, exclusive characters and more meaningful relationships, giving these characters something more to fight for than just the greater good. And I genuinely get sad at seeing all these characters I've mostly known as happy go lucky heroes from the games fight for their lives day in day out just for the right to love the people they care about in peace away from eggman, who has only ever felt like a genuine monster and threat in the comics, roboticization has such fucked up implications I'm surprised they were allowed to run with it for so long. Everyone feels more humane than any of their versions from the games and I'll always miss it so much, IDW doesn't even come close. Thank god for ASO at least.
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Praise the lord he detransitioned
>I want to load all canon gatekeepers
I liked the way Rouge spoke to Shadow in Sonic Forces
Why am I getting Steven Universe vibes from that picture?
Lmao no
Idw sonic is furry Steven universe
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Sonic had a story, and was very clearly building a world in the background all the way from the beginning, and If it wasn't for the Meta Era throwing all the characters and world building out to appease critics who knows what kind of stuff we would have today.
>steals his girl
>steals the spotlight during his 30th anniversary
Knuckles pissters....
I miss it so much
That says Mabius.
It's Mebiusu, bro.
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do you have any sonic merch?
why not use モ for mo instead of メ for meh
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I have a Sonic hoodie from the Speed cafe and one from the Symphony.
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7 figures
I have the build a bear plushie, some keychains, some shirts, and a tote bag that I'm afraid to use in public
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IDWnic will never be allowed to act like this.
I'm gay, anon
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It's over, Shadow. No more breeding girlbosses.
a little on the nose isn't it
>It's over, Shadow. No more breeding girlbosses other than me.
Blaze and Wave plushies, and a (fanmade) keychain of Sally showing off her butt.
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so then this should DOUBLE make sense to you!
There might be some Japanese pronounciation reasoning, or they just used Google translate which tends to pull random shit like that. I couldn't tell you.
Simple really, they're trying to pull any straw on him to make it look bad so they can convince themselves that he does not have a better chemistry and relationship with blaze then sonic
Lanolin and Knuckles training
amy is for me
we were close to having a good sonamy scene. There was supposed to be a panel with sonic getting hugged by amy and him blushing but sega told them to get rid of it
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>amy wont fuck stinknic
No wonder this ship was vaulted
it's pathetic
These two make my heart happy.

Me, a fellow gay, understood and agree with anon's breakdown. They get it.
I have a Boom Amy plushie
I have hand me down fingerless Eggman gloves from a loot box that say "GAME" and "OVER" on them.
I have the Shadow sakura shirt and a Shadow shirt I got from a hot topic.
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amy sounds like a prude school teacher in frontiers
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I have more than this, but I'm too lazy to take a new picture.
AI really sucks when it comes to multiple characters. Cream keeps overwriting the others ones at any scale.
is that a bad thing? school teachers should not be sexy. they should be prudes
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asking this again because he's next on my list
>no figures
fake fan
>and him blushing
>sega told them to get rid of it
Good. Either Sonic is comfortable around Amy and lets her do what she wants, or he's uninterested and leaves whenever she tries. Sonic being a flustered loser is just as bad as turning him into the romantic one that pines for Amy.
that one lives in her pussi
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>Sonic musk
I'm glad someone appreciates Espio even if it's some yume on an weeb chatboard.
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what's sonally? sonic and your oc? please share.
I would personally have Metal looking directly at the viewer.
Rent-free, was not even online schizo.
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>AI really sucks
you don't say
thank you
here and there throughout my embarrassing existence so far
>you don't s-
WATCH you damn mouth greenhorn before I put my foot in it.
Post results
Take any picture of Fiona and you pretty much have his palette
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>Cream keeps overwriting the others ones at any scale.
Cream dominates all.
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gang gang
Sorry, blue board
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Cunny superiority
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Take it back.
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They had sex afterward
me and the voices
Apart from physical copies of the games and a couple CDs with soundtracks on them, no.
Use catbox
Some figures, shirts, some stuff from Joypolis and a couple of signed posters.
marine the racunny
I was hoping to ask you a few questions next time you showed up again. Most obviously, why Espio? What attracts you to Espio and when did this start for you? And since Espio is far from a core/mainstream character, do you feel miffed or relieved that he generally stays out of the spotlight in Sonic media? Since it means less Espio content, but also means he isn't made a target of shitty modern Sonic writers and deranged fans.
>no custom lego espio
fake fan...
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Characters for this feel?
Espio literally murdered sonic last year while wearing a gay suit and reciting poetry he wrote for espioyume wtf are you on about hes "out of the media"
marine oppai
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I don't. Knowwho this is?
What's wrong with tmosth anon
i miss her
You pretending it was relevant not to mention mainstream.
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Shadow. He is both Obito and Sasuke.
>Dead gf.
>Gathers a team of edgy people.
>Must collect all energy sources for a big secret weapon.
I haven't read tmosth yet so thanks for spoiling it I guess.
All games are relevant to a Sonicfag though
That's kinda the problem with the fandom because till this day we still have people thinking 06 and Unleashed are good games
Holy based. Ngl I was thinking of getting the GE Blaze
yeah maris was cute
I will paint some more.
Unleashed is a good game, anon
dip ur cock in a paint bucket and rub it on someones windshield
What are you going to paint?
Shadow's story really started and ended in SA2 huh
>diet God of War is good
>I havent played this year and a half old free to play storybook game that takes literally an hour to beat and Im surprised theres spoilers for it on a sonic discussion board
You have no one to blame but yourself
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Her head is massive and I love it
Exhibit A
I didnt know kratos had daytime stages
my cat is repulsed by my stinky feet
Okay faggot, what do (you) consider to be a "good" sonic game?
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I can't post the results here.
enjoy mediocrity then
day stages are a fifth of unleashed
20 percent
failing grade
Not really, Since Shadow is part alien. and so was the Uchiha clan. they had Hagoromo genes.
finally reynard will have sex
Sonic unleashed isn't mediocre and I like the werehog stages. I'm sorry you can't handle people having different opinions than you. Maybe you'll get over than when you graduate high school.
>I like sub 30 FPS garbage
If that's how you're gonna justify it friend o'
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do you like shipping
That's great marine, keep it to yourself next time.
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>why Espio? What attracts you to Espio?
>when did this start for you?
I've always thought Espio was cool and has a very appealing design, but I didn't get as into him as I am now until either the end of 2022 or beginning of 2023 when I replayed Sonic Heroes. I started doing my ritual husbando posting last June.
>do you feel miffed or relieved that he generally stays out of the spotlight in Sonic media?
Not really. It kinda just makes it more exciting and meaningful to me when he does show up. I do still get kinda disappointed when he gets left out in places where he could have easily been put in (Riders, TSR, merch lines, etc.).
>he isn't made a target of shitty modern Sonic writers and deranged fans
That is kinda how I feel. I see a lot of people mischaracterize Espio as more or less diet Shadow, which isn't the case at all. The Chaotix are comedic relief characters. When Shadow talks about killing people, you're supposed to take it at face value. When Espio says the same, you're supposed to laugh. He's a silly, over-dramatic guy, and that's a big part of his appeal to me.
Not even as catbox?
Is it a pony?
and i was being insulted for supposedly still being in high school
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Zorro y Campana
>a fifth
You haven't played unleashed
>He doesn't know you can get unleashed where it runs at 60 fps consistently.
I have the ps3 version (aka the worst version) and only experienced significant framerate drops at the water sections of jungle joyride, and i got through those parts in like 2 seconds. The graphics are still beautiful 16 years later, and the framerate drops are a small price to pay. Stop peeing yourself because someone can unironically enjoy a beautiful game.
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anon there are multiple people here who think you are retarded.
Sonic 1
Sonic 2
Sonic 3
Sonic & Knuckles
Sonic CD
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Advance
Sonic Advance 2
Sonic Rush
Sonic Riders
Sonic Riders Zero Gravity
Sonic Colors
Sonic Generations
Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing
Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing Transformed
Sonic Mania
Sonic Mania Plus
Hell even Sonic 4 is better than Sonic Werewolf, especially episodes after I
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Yeah until they recon his backstory again and reveal that Terios is his real dad or someshit.
i don't know about you guys but i hate the idea of silver literally raping blaze to prove his maturity
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>mfw Silver
>You haven't played unleashed
Yes I did.
>>He doesn't know you can get unleashed where it runs at 60 fps consistently years after anyone cares on entirely different hardware that doesn't internally up res the game, or emulation
>muh opinion shield after letting his favorite game get ripped to shreds
every time
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My sexy husband, Fang!
would silver be into time travel selfcest
We are on the Sonic general after all.
The thing is I've played most of those games and I STILL like Sonic Unleashed. And this isn't even nostalgia blindness, I picked up unleashed a year ago. I think it's way better than Rush and Colors, btw.

Also holy shit you think Sonic 4 is good. Neck yourself.
consider: TDFWA
The game is split up into the day time stages, the night time stages, and the hub world. So that means the game is split 3 ways. Only not really. There is more Werehog gameplay than there is normal Sonic gameplay. So really, he's right, it's about a fifth of the game.
>Trunksver making UwUver his bitch
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Anon have you ever wondered if your shitty personality is why you don't have friends?
The drawfag fuck wolf amy?
why did they break up
>the others are on my side!
wow it really is high school.
Is this a fankid or a fusion
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I dunno, I always felt like I was doing more daytime stuff than werehog stuff. I also really enjoy the werehog levels so I just breeze through them
if you're using Forge you need Forge Couple. It takes a lot of finagling but otherwise you're going to get too much character bleed to make it worth your time
>unleashed is shit
>no it's not
>even sonic 4 is better than unleashed
>holy shit you think sonic 4 is good
lmao not how that works pendejo
Bullshit. I have that plushie, there's absolutely no way to fit a fleshlight into it.
You really got buckbroken by my high school comment, huh anon chan?
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I choose to believe this person was real against my better judgment
I mean, telling someone that thinks Unleashed is good that Sonic 4 is better than it would probably just make them think that you REALLY like Sonic 4.
Fucking Blaze proves he's not a fag nor a kid, it's a win win, plus i don't believe you can rape Blaze anon
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Thank you for taking the time to respond, I felt the need to inquire about your fixation cuz it's rare to see someone else singularly fixated romantically on one Sonic character, and I'm just the thread Amyfag. Espio is a lot less at the forefront of things so I was curious how that works. Me personally, I have to admit that I've never felt very strongly about the Chaotix, so reading your archived post about the Chaotix does go to show that everyone is someone's favorite. Your statement about their comradery is real shit though, I think that is the spirit and soul of what the Sonic series is about and I think it's strongest when showing how different characters approach friendship and comradery in their own ways. This is why Team Dark deniers drive me nuts but that's another story.
>y-you don't have any friends!
>in an argument about sonic the hedgehog
high school is literally forever
He clearly loved blaze more than her.
>Good game
>Was the blueprint for the meta era moving forward
>Changed Amy, Tails, and Eggman personalities for the worse
>Barely anyone in the main cast is present. Not even Knuckles is present despite appearing in every entry since S3&K
>Pretty bad writing that would be double downed in Colors
>Was the beginning of Eggman having aosth tier henchmen
>Awful artstyle as shown with the humans(Fuck Marza)
>Started the Boost era trend
>Chip isn't interesting and gets vaulted anyway after Unleashed
>Ruins Sonic renders to this very day
Unleashed is soulless and was nothing more but a literal prototype for what became the meta era.
>I always felt like I was doing more daytime stuff than werehog stuff.
You really can't be unless you're fucking around a lot. No day stage goes past ten minutes unless you're incompetent while the night stages will go past ten minutes until you are decently leveled.
Sonic 4 is not better than unleashed. It's a boring piece of shit that no one talks about that has the audacity to bitch slap real classic sonic in the face with modern controls that make no sense like the homing attack. It was so embarrassing that they had to do damage control and make sonic generations.
meanwhile Unleashed set the standard for modern Sonic, whether you like it or not. Sorry zoomie, but unleashed was ALWAYS good. It's a Sonic game that is fair with its difficulty and is an actual challenge to play unlike the boring overrated slogfest that is Sonic Colors
...Have you tried putting a fleshlight?
He said his girlfriend had experience making plushes and used it to modify it, but yeah you're probably right to not believe a random anon post.
Since Eggman grew up in Sonicverse, do you think his wet dreams involved the sonicians? He didn't have humans to imagine right?
the irony is the anon you said that to wasn't even me lmao
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damn, that actually hits kinda hard, I fucking love Gamma's story and I really like art like this that honors that.
its true im just watching
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Colors started the meta era. NOT Unleashed.
It's a good, soulful game. if you are pissing about the meta era then idk why you listed Colors and Generations as good Sonic games.
Unleashed is a good game, you just cant handle how kino it is.
It's not about feelings anon. It's about how big the stages are and how long they take to complete. These are objective, quantifiable measurements, they have nothing to do with feelings.
>if you're using Forge you need Forge Couple
Is that a civitai thing or...?
>Nooooo the stages take 10 minutes to beat!! Eggmanland is hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Literal. Skill. Issue
You can think it's a good game mechanically (its not) but the actual story is legit a less cartoony meta era type game.
....fair enough.
Unleashed wasn't metashit yet, it had good soulful moments on par with the Adventure era, and great music. But the Pixarshit visual design was already leaking in, and the humor was overtaking the shonen, so you can call it a transition into metashit.
>NOT Unleashed.
I never said the meta era started with Unleashed. I said it was the BLUEPRINT, a prototype that would lead into said "meta era". As many of the meta era traits were started by Unleashed.
They dont have much focus on the story at all. Sonic barely says anything, theres no faggot meme lines like in colors.
The game is unironically good. I will take this to my grave. I've played tons of Sonic games and I find most of the modern Sonic games to be boring as shit. Sonic Unleashed is actually fun and exciting.
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tubby custard
Let's just get this out of the way right now before this type of comment props up again, every girl is rapeable.
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>I think it's strongest when showing how different characters approach friendship and comradery in their own ways.
>This is why Team Dark deniers drive me nuts but that's another story.
I think Team Dark works best when they aren't portrayed as actual friends. Seeing three anti-heroes who are entirely self-serving on the surface still learn to aid and trust each other to the point that they are willing to risk their lives for one another, even if they rarely spend time together outside of their time on the field, is honestly more touching than just having them pal around with each other and have silly SoL moments. It's a really different approach to "friendship" than the other groups, and that's what I like about them.
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Will Sega reveal Frontiers 2 in december?
Terios is going to be retconned into being the 2nd ultimate lifeform prototype before Gerald finally decided on Shadow
What's weird is that even though I agree with literally every single point you made, I still know deep down that Sonic Unleashed saved this franchise, and it's not even debatable.
>hour worth of cutscenes
>not much focus
Nice budget usage
So you're admitting unleashed isn't meta era and yet you wanna throw it under the bus. Thats some gay shit, thats like blaming sonic adventure for why 06 sucked because 06 has some Sonic adventure elements in it.

the humor took a hard sideline to the cool moments anon. Even then, it was kind of cute to see Sonic and chip fight over food in the extra bonus clips. The people aren't perfect but holy shit I will take the pixar knockoffs over the weird sims shit from 2 years earlier (except Sonicman. He was based)
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Me too, anon. The Gamma art you posted is a favorite as well, have long had it saved. I always thought Gamma was cool even as a kid before grasping his story completely, and Amy being the only character that extended kindness towards him is at least part of what endeared her to me in turn.

It's a little sad that the only time he ever seems to be mentioned after SA1 is in a level clear quote from Omega in Heroes, derisively.
Silver going back in time to fix his future, only to be stopped by evil Silver who has alien blood, can do all of his attacks but better, and wears black leather and spikey gloves and boots because he's so evil. Also he kidnaps Blaze and keeps her in his sex dungeon for the last 20% of the game
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the switch up on this game needs to be studied
Are you really trying to say unleashed was THAT cutscene heavy? Sure, the intro is unforgettable, but I mostly was in the game. And I'd actually look forward to the cutscenes as a nice reward after all the gameplay. It's done well. I played unleashed kind of as a joke and because I like the werehog, but I found myself pleasantly surprised at how much I like the game. I guess the journos didnt filter me like they did you
Maybe if you want your year of shadow so bad, you should go back in time and prevent all of the nickelodeon studio rapes
people finally realized that ian flynn was a shitty writer and kishimoto has been a bad game designer from his inception
Of course, but that's what I mean. In my mind they are certainly classified as friends, I believe they have a significant level of trust in each other and some of the dialogue in the games implies that they even care for each other to some extent. But you are also right that they're not supposed to have a dynamic like Team Sonic or any of the more openly friendly groups in the series, it's a waste to try and cut out every character and their dynamics with each other from the same cloth.
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>people finally realized that kishimoto has been a bad game designer from his inception
Twitter still loves him tho
I really don't think the werehog is bad at all. Once you figure out the combos and don't just blindly button mash its really satisfying to smash through baddies.
I actually liked the werehog levels more than Sonics slippery speed levels. The werehog is just so much easier to control.
But both are great!
I loves him too since he saved the japanese script
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Based gammabro, and Gamma will ALWAYS be superior to that manlet Omega. they're both super cool for their own reasons, I love all cool robots
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>Are you really trying to say unleashed was THAT cutscene heavy
No I'm saying it's a misuse of budget if you say the cutscenes aren't that important. Instead of rewarding you with more gameplay, they instead made a cutscene that's apparently not important.
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I tried it but I think I prefer it the way it is right now
>he saved the japanese script
lmao the jap script still sucks
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Cool. I feel like a lot of arguing about this kind of stuff boils down to semantics when a good number of fans actually want very similar things.
But the thing is that those SA elements in 06 were the best parts of 06, where the meta era elements in Unleashed would help form the meta era as shown with Colors.
Like I'm sure nobody asked for only Sonic to be playable or the Marza artstyle.
It's good. You just have no taste
i like how renard actually fits with the game cast unlike most ocs
But the gameplay graphics ALSO are really good. Like its amazing how seamlessly the graphics switch from cutscene to gameplay, just comparing that to 06s gameplay and cutscene graphics is night and day.
it's literally a step up in every way.
how is it good?
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That has nothing to do with what I said.
Cutscenes existing are bad in Unleashed because they push no major narrative and pull resources from gameplay.
At the end of the day, on their own, Sonic 06 sucks and Sonic Unleashed is good.
Unleashed isn't why the meta era sucks. And Unleashed is a good game. I'm sorry if you didn't enjoy it but I did. Sonic unleashed is a good, fun, game
I had one of those expensive-ass tails figures because I won it in a cosplay contest.
What if Blaze decided to incinerate your dick?
Sonic Colors if he Ultimate
What the fuck are you talking about though? The game play is GOOD so I don't understand why you are complaining the cutscenes are also good. Unleashed is a polished game, its only issue was that the graphics are a little too good at times and causes some framerate issues at like 1 or 2 parts of the game. But it doesn't make the game unplayable unless you're a turbo autist.
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>saves your franchise
I'm the anon who made the list, not that one. But while I don't exactly agree I can see where he's coming from. Unleashed is the segue between 06 and Colors, two exact opposites as far as tone goes in Sonic history.
what if honey decided to obliterate your dick?
>The game play is GOOD
It could have been better. Anything can be improved upon
>Willoughby when she sees /sthg/
then you would have no dick
eggman saying "sonic's world" completely destroys the canon
She looks like she fucks male echidnas
Based Sonic Colors
only characters that appeared in an actual game and not as a glitch character are allowed to do anything to me
She wouldn't be able to. Honey is shy without her clothes.
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Two hit KO that bitch then rape her unconscious body
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So many fucking ideas to do with Silver and the writers chose a fucking flower
kill whisper
>People want to have SEX with mobians?
Not a skill issue. In a normal playthrough the stages have a specific way they're supposed to be played. If you play them in that intended way, even if you play perfectly, it still takes longer to complete the Werehog gameplay than the Daytime gameplay. If you'll recall, that is the ENTIRE reason the Werehog gameplay exists in the first place; because Sonic is too fast, so they slowed him down in the Werehog gameplay to pad out the game, because they know they can only build so ground to run on in a video game.
I'm not saying it couldn't be perfect but until we get a good pc port where the kinks can be ironed out I'm saying its still a good game, medals and all.
fang obliterated me
>its still a good game
And that's not my point.
This is why Adventure gameplay is better than boostshit
I know the werehog gameplay is to pad out the game, but I like that. I mean the dark stages for sa2 were also to pad out the game. But in some ways the werehog padding is much more innovating and creative. Sa2 dark story is mostly just the same levels and hero story
werehog gameplay sucks
Raping Barry's sopping wet pussy.
barry's cave...
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No it doesn't werehog gameplay is fun and the werehog is very cute!
Barry is a MAN and I will not accept this slander on HIS good name.
No one cares about Silver except fujoshippers
>the werehog padding is much more innovating and creative
That's not saying much.
she looks like she beats up homeless people for fun
That is literally friendship what you just described. You fuckers confuse me to no end with this whole Team Dark aren't friends because Lizuka said so even though they constantly show how strong their bond is.
CUTE ... honey?
tru barry has a dick and unleashed is a good game and the werehog stages are good!
>from his inception
What the fuck? His inception? Since he was born? lmfao
Its much more fun than the fucking treasure hunting and mech stages. And its much more fun than bigs fishing.
There, I said it. cry some more
>Its much more fun than the fucking treasure hunting and mech stages. And its much more fun than bigs fishing.
They're all bad.
>I actually liked the werehog levels more than Sonics slippery speed levels
You literally don't like Sonic lmfao, that explains it right there.
No, the werehog isn't bad. It's fun and I looked forward to the night stages.
this can't be dfwnn, where's the shipping
People will bitch at this even though it's more or less true.
>No, the werehog isn't bad
You like games that are ripped off from other things. Werehog is generic.
This post? True and real.
NTA but nobody here likes sonic
her pyro pussy would be the only thing getting burned
I ship sonally
whats your favorite ship
Of course I like games that are ripped off of other things, this is a Sonic board.
Show me the penis.
General, not board.
>Sonic in 3D loses its footing
This is true.
Much of this isn't even true wtf
Teasing Blaze about boyish body until she works herself up enough to force herself on you!
I literally just responded to a tweet that was exactly like this wtf?
he was made to be the literal mascot of SEGA what are you on about

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